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Report of the Economic and Social Council on the work of its organizational session for 1977, of its 3rd special session and of its 62nd and 63rd sessions

UN Document Symbol A/32/3
Convention Convention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Document Type Annual/Sessional Report
Session 32nd
Type Document

viii, 137 p. : tables

Subjects Development Policy

Extracted Text

of its organizational session for 1977, of its third special session
of its sixty-second and sixty-third sessions


of its organizational session for 1977, of its third special session and of its sixty-second and sixty-third sessions
New York, 1977
Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document.
[Original: English] [29 August 1977]
EDITORIAL NOTE          vi
FOREWORD        vii
I.   Matters calling for action by the General Assembly or brought to its
attention       ,           1
II.    General discussion of international economic and social policy, including
regional and sectoral developments         16
III.    Questions considered without reference to a sessional committee
A.    Assistance to the drought-stricken areas of Ethiopia        21
B.    Assistance to Mozambique        22
C.    Assistance to Zambia        23
D.    Assistance to Botswana         24
E.    Assistance to Lesotho        25
F.    Assistance in emergency situations        26
G.    Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination a    27
H.    Regional co-operation and development        32
I.    Regional cartographic conferences         36
J.   Agreement between the United Nations and the International Fund
for Agricultural Development b         38
K.   Restructuring of the economic and social sectors of the United
Nations system c           38
L.    Reports brought to the attention of the Council         39
IV.    Questions considered by the Economic Committee
A.    Assessment of the progress made in the implementation of General
Assembly resolutions 2626 (XXV) entitled "International Devel-opment Strategy for the Second United Nations Development
Decade", 3202 (S-VI) entitled "Programmer of Action on the
Establishment of a New International Economic Order", 3281
(XXIX) entitled "Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of
States" and 3362 (S-VII) entitled "Development and international
economic co-operation"           40
B.    Transport questions           45
C.    Population questions        47
D.    Statistical questions    ÖÖÖ.48
E.    International co-operation on the environment        49
F.    Industrial development co-operation         49
G.    Science and technology         50
H.    United Nations Special Fund         53
I.   Natural resources          53
J.    Transnational corporations         56
K.   Food problems          57
a For consideration of other human rights questions, see chap. VI, sect. C.
b See also chap. VII, sect. 4.
c To be considered further at the resumed sixty-third session, when the Council will have before it the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Restructuring of the Economic and Social Sectors of the United Nations System.
V.   Questions considered by the Ad Hoc Sectional Committee
Developments in human settlements and follow-up to Habitat        59
VI.   Questions considered by the Social Committee
A.    Social development questions         64
B.    Activities for the advancement of women; United Nations Decade
for Women: Equality, Development and Peace         68
C.    Human rights questions          74
D.    Narcotic drugs        77
E.    Non-governmental organizations         78
VII.   Questions considered by the Policy and Programmer Co-ordination Committee
A.    International co-operation and co-ordination within the United
Nations system          80
B.    Policy review of operational activities for development         85
C.    Work programmer and budget for 1978-1979          87
D.    Marine questions           89
E.    Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies
and the international institutions associated with the United Nations    90
F.    Assistance in cases of natural disaster and other disaster situations    93
G.    Consideration of the economic and social situation in the Sudano-Sahelian region stricken by drought and measures to be taken for
the benefit of that region          94
H.   Agreements between the United Nations and intergovernmental
Organizations d            95
I.   Calendar of conferences         96
VIII.    Organizational and other matters
A.    Bureau of the Council          99
B.    Programmer of work and agenda           99
C.    Arrangements for meetings of the Committee on Negotiations with
Intergovernmental Agencies        100
D.    Elections to subsidiary bodies of the Council and confirmation of
representatives on the functional commissions       100
E.    Changes in the calendar of conferences and meetings for. 1977 ..   101
F.    Participation of intergovernmental organizations in the work of
the Council    ,       101
G.    Programmer budget implications of actions by the Council       101
I.   Agenda for the organizational session for 1977, the third special session, the sixty-second session and the sixty-third session of the Council ....   103
II.   Composition of the Council and its subsidiary and related bodies       105
III.    Calendar of conferences and meetings for 1978 and 1979         114
IV.    Intergovernmental organizations designated by the Council under rule 79 for participation in the deliberations of the Council on questions within
the scope of their activities       132
V.   Draft agreement between the United Nations and the International Fund
for Agricultural Development       133
VI.   Draft agreement on Co-operation and Relationships between the United
Nations and the World Tourism Organization        136
d See also chap. III, sect. J.
Administrative Committee on Co-ordination
Committee for Programmer and Co-ordination
Economic Commission for Africa
Economic Commission for Europe
Economic Commission for Latin America
Economic Commission for Western Asia
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
International Atomic Energy Agency
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
International Civil Aviation Organization
International Development Association
International Fund for Agricultural Development
International Finance Corporation
International Labour Organization
Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization
International Monetary Fund
International Telecommunication Union
United Nations Capital Development Fund
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
United Nations Development Programmer
United Nations Environment Programmer
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
United Nations Fund for Population Activities
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Children's Fund
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Universal Postal Union
World Health Organization
World Intellectual Property Organization
World Meteorological Organization
This report covers the work of the Council at its organizational session for 1977, its third special session and its sixty-second and sixty-third sessions. An addendum will be issued covering the work of the resumed sixty-third session to be held later in 1977.
The present report contains a reportorial summary of procedural steps and records of voting, and of the actions taken by the Council under each agenda item and, in cases where an item was referred to a sectional committee, the full report of the-committee concerned. It also contains in chapter II a summary of the general discussion on international economic and social policy, including regional and sectoral developments.
Organizational session for 1977, third special session and sixty-second sessions
The summary records of the meetings are issued in Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Organizational Session for 1977, Third Special Session and. Sixty-second Session, Plenary Meetings. The summary records of the meetings of the Economic Committee are contained in documents E/AC6/SR.783-787, and those of the meetings of the Social Committee in documents E/AC.7/SR.788-815.
The resolutions and decisions of the Council and the reports of its commissions and standing committees are issued as supplements to the Official Records of the Council. The list of the supplements to the Official Records of the sixty-second session is given below:
Supplement    Document
No.    symbol
1.    Resolutions and decisions    E/5988
2.    Report of the Statistical Commission on     E/5910
its nineteenth session
3.    Report of the Commission on the Status     E/5909
of Women, on its twenty-sixth and resumed twenty-sixth sessions
4.    Report of the Population Commission     E/5913
on its nineteenth session
5.    Report of the Commission for Social     E/5915
Development on its twenty-fifty sessions
6.    Report of the Commission on Human     E/5927
Rights on its thirty-third session
7.    Report of the Commission on Narcotic     E/5933
Drugs on its twenty-seventh session
Sixty-third sessions
The summary records of the meetings are issued in Official Records of the Economic and Social Council,
Sixty-third Session, Plenary Meetings. The summary records of the meetings of the Economic Committee are contained in documents E/AC.6/SR.788-807, and those of the meetings of the Policy and Programmer Co-ordination Committee in documents E/AC.24/ SR.605-629.
The list of the supplements to the Official Records of the sixty-third session is given below:
Document symbol
E/6020 E/5907
Supplement No.
1.    Resolutions  and decisions
2.    Report  of  the  Committee  on
Natural Resources on its second special session
2A. Report of the Committee on Natural Resources on its fifth session
3.    Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programmer on its twenty-third session
3 A. Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programmer on its twenty-fourth session
E/5939 and Corr.1 (English only)
4.    Report of the Committee for
Development planning on its thirteenth session
5.    Report of the Commission on
Transnational Corporations on its resumed second session and on its third session
E/5941 E/5943
E/5944 E/5969 E/5945 E/6014
6.    Report of the Committee on
Review and Appraisal on its fourth session
7.    Report of the Economic Com-
mission for Africa
8.    Report of the Economic and
Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
9.    Report of the Economic Com-
mission for Europe
10.    Report of the Economic Com-
Mission for Western Asia
11.    Report of the Economic Com-
Mission for Latin America
12.    Report of the Executive Board
of the United Nations Children's Fund
The Economic and Social Council met this year at a time of reflection in the history of the United Nations. After a period of intensive negotiations on the establishment of a New International Economic Order, the international community is getting ready for a stocktaking by the General Assembly, starting its resumed thirty-first session. Much has happened during the past few years in the evolution of ideas to strengthen the bonds of peace and progress throughout the world, and particularly in the developing countries whose complex problems warrant attention and action by all members of the international community.
In the context of their evolution of ideas a number of delegations have spoken of the contribution that a sustained policy of detente could make not only to the normalization of economic relations among industri-alized countries but also to an improvement in the economic and trading position of the developing countries. It is beyond doubt that the application of this policy, coupled with scrupulous respect for national sovereignty, would greatly enhance the international political climate.
I am confident of echoing the sentiments of the entire membership of the Council when I say that our fundamental concern is the removal of poverty and injustice throughout the world. Many countries are striving valiantly by their own efforts to secure greater equity and a healthier existence for their populations; these efforts need still to be buttressed by further unselfish help from those who are better endowed. In 1970, a coherent programmer of individual and joint action by nations in the cause of development was put forward in the International Development Strategy. Subsequently, as demanded by the march of events, the world community injected new elements of dynamism. Evidence of this fresh momentum is seen in the Assembly's Declaration and Programmer of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order and in its adoption of the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States. As the Secretary-General reminded us in his thought-provoking address to the Council at the opening of the current session, the international community has assumed a historic commitment to tackle resolutely the task of bringing about the structural changes that are the very essence of a new international order. In this complex and far-reaching process, surely the United Nations must play its destined role as an instrument of change.
Now I would like to say a few words about the Council in particular. By virtue of the functions vested in it by the Charter, the Council is expected to deal with a vast and complex variety of subjects. Its debates and the reports it receives from subsidiary and related bodies touch on virtually every aspect of human existence: the position of the individual in society, the relationship between the citizen and the State, inter-State and interregional relations in the economic and social fields.
The Council has not been oblivious of certain evils from which large sectors of mankind are still suffering
grievously. It is constantly reminded of the continued existence of discrimination by reason of race, sex and other criteria. As the process of decolonization continues apace, it is to be fervently hoped that the mani-festations of apartheid will soon be a thing of the past.
    It is not surprising that conditions in Africa should have been in the forefront of the thoughts of many delegations, both of countries in that continent and of other countries. It is in Africa that the effect of racist policies and practices are most pernicious. This Council has added its voice to the appeals addressed to the world community by the Security Council and other United Nations bodies to come to the aid of the countries that are victims of these policies, and I trust that the resolutions we have adopted on the subject, in particular those concerning Botswana and Lesotho, will not go unheeded. The plight of Mozambique and Zambia in their present situation, which was described so eloquently by the representatives of the Secretary-General who have special responsibilities for assistance activities for these countries and by the representatives of Governments, deserves to be relieved by generous offers of material, financial and technical aid.
Over the years, elaborate machinery has been built up for considering specified topics or sectors, and the ideas, recommendations or proposals submitted by the components of this machinery come before the Council for consideration and action. In addition, the Council has to dispose annually of a number of what might be called "housekeeping" matters. It is hardly surprising, in view of the multifarious domains within the Council's competence, that there should have been a move towards the restructuring of the economic and social sectors of the United Nations system, with the object of streamlining the policy-making process and making it more effective. The work on restructuring the sectors concerned has been going on for two years and is still not finishedóan indication of the complexity of the task. But surely the work has to be brought to successful completion, and the Council needs to make its meaningful contribution in this regard.
In the Council's debates we see evidence of the immense range of its interests. It is no more than natural that some delegations should stress some particular events that affect their countries closely, while others place different interpretations on what has happened on the international scene. During this session of the Council a large number of delegations have spoken of the troubles besetting their countries or whole groups of countries, and I think that the pleas of the developing countries have been listened to with deeper understanding. We all know what ravages are wrought in the under-endowed regions of the world by unemployment, under-employment, inflation, poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and disease. The Governments of some of the countries of the "third world" suffering from the repercussions of the recent economic recession are in a quandary: they need to make plans for the betterment of the economic and social conditions under
which their populations live, and for this purpose they have to be able to draw on financial resources that to a large extent are obtainable only by borrowing in the developed countries, but they know full well that such borrowings will swell their already large debt, which they have difficulty even in servicing. Little wonder that we should have heard insistent calls from the representatives of developing countries for assistance on liberal terms to enable their countries to extricate themselves from the serious difficulties facing their economies. The representatives of many countries have expressed disappointment with the outcome of recent efforts by international gatheringsósome convened under the auspices of the United Nations, others of a more restricted natureóto grapple with the truly formidable problems of international trade in manufactured products and commodities, the international monetary system, the exchange and transfer of technology, the production and consumption of energy, to mention only some of the matters preoccupying those responsible for the well-being of their people. The Council heard with interest the Secretary-General's proposal for the establishment of an energy institute which, he said, should be considered in the wider framework of the over-all development process.
The representatives of other countries and spokesmen of groupings have cited the actions taken by their Governments and authorities in order to succor the less fortunate parts of the world. Not a few have
pointed out that the economic crisis did not spare even the most highly industrialized regions, many of which are heavily dependent on imports of raw materials and not least of fuel, and that nevertheless they had made or offered generous contributions to bilateral and multilateral development assistance programmers for the benefit of the less advantaged. Others emphasized that, in the context of an environment of peace and cordial international relations, their Governments were pursuing a consistent policy of according assistance of all kinds to the developing countries.
As we look to the future, it is clear that the discussion and negotiations must go on. Solutions to serious problems must be found. Much will depend on the deliberations of the General Assembly that will be held later this year. We must all do our utmost to ensure their successful outcome.
Chapter I
1. At its organizational session for 1977, at its third special session and at its sixty-second and sixty-third sessions, the Council adopted resolutions and decisions which call for action by the General Assembly or which should be brought to its attention. The resolutions and decisions in question are listed below under the cor-responding headings of chapters or sections of the report.
Resolution brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Assistance to the drought-stricken areas of Ethiopia (chap. III, sect. A)
By resolution 2047 (LXII), after noting with concern that in four regions of the drought-sensitive areas of Ethiopia crop failures have been reported and that a crisis could result before the next harvest in October 1977, and noting the measures taken by the Government of Ethiopia for dealing with emergency relief and rehabilitation, as well as the generous assistance offered by Governments of Member States, organizations and voluntary agencies, the Council requested the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator, the Administrator of UNDP, UNICEF and other United Nations organizations and specialized agencies to continue and intensify their assistance to Ethiopia and to implement the relevant provisions of past resolutions of the Assembly and the Council on this subject. The Council appealed to Member States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and all voluntary agencies to continue and increase their assistance to the Government of Ethiopia and decided to keep the matter under review.
Resolution brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Assistance to Mozambique (chap. III, sect. B)
In resolution 2094 (LXIII), the Council referred to its own and to the Security Council's earlier resolutions concerning the effects on Mozambique of the application of sanctions against, and of acts of aggression by, Southern Rhodesia and to past appeals by the General Assembly and by both Councils for international assistance to Mozambique. After taking note of the Secretary-General's report describing that country's needs and the response of the international community, the Council expressed appreciation for the Secretary-General's review of the situation, concurred with his conclusions and acknowledged the assistance provided by various countries and organizations, but expressed concern about the insufficiency of the international aid so far accorded to Mozambique and about the loss of life and damage sustained by Mozambique through acts of aggression committed by Southern Rhodesia. Accordingly, the Council called upon Member States and regional and interregional organizations to respond to the appeals of the General Assembly and the Security Council to help Mozambique, and requested the Secretary- General to submit to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session the report of the mission sent to Mozambique under Security Council resolution 411 (1977), in order that the international community may consider further the measures needed to assist Mozambique. It welcomed the arrangements made by the Secretary-General and by the Government of Mozambique for co-coordinating its assistance programmer; requested the appropriate organizations and agencies of the United Nations system to assist Mozambique in carrying out its development projects and to report regularly to the Secretary-General on what they have done to assist Mozambique; and requested the Secretary-General to continue efforts to mobilize resources for an effective programmer of assistance for Mozambique, to ensure the provision of adequate resources for this purpose and to arrange for a review of the economic situation in time for the matter to be considered by the General Assembly at its thirty-second session.
Resolution brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Assistance to Zambia (chap. III, sect. C)
In resolution 2093 (LXIII), the Council referred to resolutions of the Security Council concerning the question of Southern Rhodesia, to the sacrifices made by the Government and people of Zambia in implementing that Council's decisions regarding mandatory sanctions against Southern Rhodesia and to the appeals addressed to all States for assistance to Zambia. It expressed appreciation for assistance received from certain Member States and the United Nations systems, and noted with satisfaction the measures taken by the Secretary-General to organize an international assistance programmer for Zambia. After having heard statements made on behalf of the Secretary-General and by the representative of Zambia, and having noted data of the costs incurred by Zambia in applying the sanctions policy, the Council strongly endorsed the Security Council's appeal to the international community for bilateral and multilateral assistance to Zambia; requested the United Nations Special Fund to give special consideration to that country's needs; requested die Secretary-General to continue the co-operation with Zambia pending the final resolution of the situation with regard to Southern Rhodesia; and further requested him to keep the situation under review and to report at the sixty-fourth session.

Resolution brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Assistance to Botswana (chap. III, sect. D)

In resolution 2095 (LXIII),. the Council, after recalling Security Council resolutions 403 (1977), 232 (1966) and 253 (1968), expressing deep concern at the loss of life and damage caused by the acts committed by Southern Rhodesia against Botswana, and noting with appreciation Botswana's policy of according asylum to political refugees from Southern Rhodesia, expressed full support for the Government of Botswana in its effort to safeguard its sovereignty and to protect its people against attacks and acts of provocation by the illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia. It took cognizance of the special economic hardship facing Botswana as a consequence of the existing situation, fully endorsed the assessment and recommendations of the mission to Botswana appointed by the Secretary-General to assess Botswana's needs and strongly endorsed the appeal addressed by the Secretary-General and the Security Council to all States and intergovernmental organizations to provide generous assistance to that country. It further requested the appropriate organizations of the United Nations system to provide, in co-operation with the Secretary-General, assistance to Botswana in carrying out its development projects without interruption and to report regularly to the Secretary-General on the steps they have taken and the resources they have made available to assist Botswana. After welcoming the arrangements made by the Secretary-General and the Government of Botswana for co-coordinating the international programmer of assistance for Botswana, the Council requested the Secretary-General to continue his efforts to mobilize resources necessary for that programmer, to make adequate financial and budgetary arrangements for this purpose and to arrange for a review of the programmer of assistance to be conducted in time for the matter to be considered by the General Assembly at its thirty-second session.
Resolution brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Assistance to Lesotho (chap. III, sect. E)
In resolution 2096 (LXIII), the Council .recalling Security Council resolution 402 (1976) and mindful of the decision of the Government of Lesotho not to recognize the Transkei Bantustan in conformity with General Assembly resolution 31/6 Aóa decision which has imposed a special economic burden on Lesotho and after having examined the report of the mission to Lesotho appointed by the Secretary-General   expressed full understanding of the problems faced by Lesotho as a result of that decision; concurred with the recommendations of the said mission; expressed its appreciation to the Secretary-General for measures he has taken to organize an effective international programmer of assistance to Lesotho; strongly endorsed and reiterated the appeal. Addressed by the Security Council to all States and intergovernmental organization   and appropriate agencies of the United Nations system to contribute generously to the international assistance programmer for Lesotho; and requested the appropriate organizations and agencies of the United Nations system, in close co-operation with the Secretary General, to assist Lesotho in carrying out its development projects without interruption and to report to the Secretary-General regularly on the steps taken and on resources made available by them to assist that country. After welcoming the arrangements made by the Secretary-General and by the Government of Lesotho for co-coordinating the assistance programmer, the Council requested the Secretary-General to continue his efforts to mobilize resources for the assistance programmer for Lesotho, to make adequate financial and budgetary provision for this purpose and to arrange for a review of the economic situation in time for the matter to be considered by the General Assembly at its thirty-second session.
Decision brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Assistance in emergency situations (chap. III, sect. F) By decision 252 (LXIII) the Council took note of the statements made on this subject on behalf of the Secretary-General and of the observations made regarding Angola, Cape Verde, the Comoros and Sao Tome and Principe in paragraphs 82 and 83 of the report       of the Committee  for Development Planning on its       thirteenth session, and recommended that the Secretary-General should continue his efforts to mobilize further       assistance from Member States and the United Nations system for these four countries, in compliance with General Assembly resolutions 31/17, 31/42, 31/187 and 31/188.

Resolutions calling for action by the General Assembly
Implementation of the Programmer for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination (chap. III, sect. G.I)
In resolution 2056 (LXII), the Council recommended to the General Assembly the adoption of a draft resolution dealing with the implementation of the Programmer.
World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination (chap. III, sect. G.II) By resolution 2057 (LXII) the Council inter alia approved the draft provisional agenda and the draft provisional rules of procedure for the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination. It requested the Secretary-General to appoint, at the earliest possible time, after consultation with regional groups, a Secretary-General of the Conference. The Council also made recommendations to the General Assembly with regard to invitations to participate in the Conference to be extended to States, the United Nations Council for Namibia, national liberation movements and intergovernmental organizations; the inclusion of Arabic as a language of the Conference; documentation; and the date and place of the Conference. In addition, it decided that it would make a recommendation to the General Assembly concerning invitations to be extended to non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Council. These recommendations were incorporated mutatis mutandis in a draft resolution which the Council recommended for adoption by the General Assembly.
Resolutions brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Infringements of trade union rights in southern Africa (chap. III, sect. G.III)
By resolution 2086 (LXII) the Council, after taking note of the report of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on southern Africa, expressed grave concern over the increased use of arrests and bandings to sup-press legitimate trade union activities in southern Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe, called, inter alia, for the im-mediate release of all trade unionists under detention in southern Africa and for the lifting of banning orders imposed on persons engaged in trade union activities and demanded full recognition of all trade union rights of African workers in South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe.
World Conference for Action against Apartheid (chap. III, sect. G.III)
By resolution 2087 (LXII) the Council, recalling previous General Assembly and Council resolutions against apartheid, welcomed the offer by the Government of Nigeria to act as host to the World Conference for Action against Apartheid at Lagos from 22 to 26 August 1977 and urged all Member States, specialized agencies and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations concerned to ensure the success of the Conference.
The Council invited the Special Committee against Apartheid to submit the report and documents of that Conference to the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination.
Resolution calling for action by the General Assembly
Transport and Communications Decade in Africa (chap. III, sect. H.VI)
By resolution 2097 (LXIII) the Council recommended to the General Assembly the adoption of a draft resolution envisaging the proclamation of a Transport and Communications Decade in Africa and proposing certain preparatory and administrative measures for this purpose.
Resolutions and decisions brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Admission of the Arab Republic of Egypt to membership of the Economic Commission for Western Asia (chap. III, sect. H.II)
By resolution 2088 (LXIII) the Council, having considered resolution 37 (IV) of ECWA, decided to admit the Arab Republic of Egypt as a member of the Commission and requested the Executive Secretary to take the necessary measures for the, early implementation of Council resolution 2088 (LXIII). Annual report of the Economic Commission for Western Asia (chap. III, sect. H.III)
By resolution 2089 (LXIII) the Council, recalling its resolution 2026 (LXI), considering that the full participation of the Palestine Liberation Organization in ECWA would contribute to the purposes of the Commission, and taking into consideration the Commission's resolution 36 (IV), decided to amend paragraph 2 of the Commission's terms of reference to read: "2. The members of the Commission shall consist of the States Members of the United Nations sit-
unaided in Western Asia which used to call on the services of the United Nations Economic and Social Office in Beirut and of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Future applications for membership by Member States shall be decided on by the Council upon recommendation of the Commission."
The Council requested the Executive Secretary of the Commission to take the necessary measures for the early implementation of Council resolution 2089 (LXIII).
Examination of long-term trends in the economic development of world regions (chap. III, sect. H.IV)
By resolution 2090 (LXIII) the Council, considering that the United Nations activities initiated by General Assembly resolution 3508 (XXX) should contribute to providing an adequate basis for international economic negotiations relating to international trade, primary commodity and food problems, industrialization, monetary problems and other issues affecting world-wide economic and social development, and noting with satisfaction the Secretary-General's report on long-term trends in the economic development of various regions, recommended that the regional commissions should continue and expand their studies of long-term economic trends in their respective regions with a view to reaching practical conclusions regarding the expansion of regional and international economic cooperation. The Council affirmed the need to bear in mind long-term prospects for regional economic development during the elaboration of the new international development strategies, and requested the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Committee for Development Planning, the Secretary-General of UNCTAD and the heads of other interested bodies of the United Nations system, to report to the Council at the sixty-fifth session on action taken to implement the resolution.
Amendment of the terms of reference of the Economic Commission for Africa (chap. III, sect. H.V)
By resolution 2091 (LXIII) the Council, noting that Angola and Seychelles had become Members of the United Nations, decided to add these two countries to the list of member countries in paragraph 5 of the Commission's terms of reference.
Amendment of the terms of reference of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (chap. III, sect. H.V)
By resolution 2092 (LXIII) the Council, noting that Papua New Guinea had become a member of the Eco-nomic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific under paragraph 3 of its terms of reference, decided to amend paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Commission's terms of reference accordingly.
Invitation to the Holy See to attend sessions of the regional commissions (chap. III, sect. H.I) By decision 244 (LXIII) the Council recommended that the regional commissions which did not already do so should invite the Holy See to attend their sessions on a basis similar to that provided for in their terms of reference for States Members of the United Nations not members of the commissions.
Report on the strengthening of the regional commissions for regional and interregional co-operation (chap. III, sect. H.V)
By decision 251 (LXIII), the Council decided to take note of the Secretary-General's report entitled
"Strengthening of the regional commissions for regional and interregional co-operation" (E/5998), which was submitted to the Council pursuant to paragraph 7 of its resolution 2043 (LXI) on that subject.
Resolution calling for action by the General Assembly
Agreement between the United Nations and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (chap. III, sect. J, and VII, sect. H) By resolution 2104 (LXIII) the Council, after recalling General Assembly resolution 3503 (XXX), recommended to the Assembly that it should approve at its thirty-second session the text of the draft agreement which appears in the annex to the Council's resolution.
Decision brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Revision of the rules of procedure of the functional commissions of the Council (chap. III, sect. K) By decision 216 (LXII) the Council, having reviewed the draft revised text of the rules of procedure of its functional commissions proposed by the Secretariat, adopted the revised rules of procedure for those commissions (E/5975).1
Decision brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees (chap. III, sect. L)
By decision 276 (LXIII) the Council decided to transmit to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.2
Resolutions and decision calling for action by the General Assembly
Assessment of the progress made in the implementation of General Assembly resolutions 2626 (XXV) entitled "International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade", 3202 (S-VI) entitled "Programmer of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order", 3281 (XXIX) entitled "Charter of Economic
1 United Nations publication, Sales No. E.77.I.10. 2 Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-second Session, Supplement No. 12 (A/32/12).
Rights and Duties of States" and 3362 (S-VII) entitled "Development and international economic co-operation" (chap. IV, sect. A)
In resolution 2125 (LXIII), the Council, believing in the crucial need for concerted national and international measures for the accelerated economic and social progress of all countries, in particular developing countries, noting with concern the slow pace of progress in the search for solutions to the issues concerning the establishment of the New International Economic Order and in particular the accelerated development of the developing countries, recognizing the urgency of invigorating policy action in the time remaining of the Second Development Decade, and recalling General Assembly resolutions 3486 (XXX), 31/178 and 31/182, inter alia, urged all countries, in particular the developed countries, to intensify their efforts through dialogues and negotiations in various forums of the United Nations system in order to bring about speedy results in the establishment of the New International Economic Order, took note with interest of statements made by representatives of States on the Secretary-General's reports on the implementation of the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, and requested him to submit those reports to the General Assembly for consideration at the .thirty-second session. After taking note of the report of the Committee on Review and Appraisal, the Council decided to transmit the report to the General Assembly for consideration and action at the thirty-second session, urged all countries to renew their efforts to help offset the shortfall recorded so far in achieving the goals and objectives of the International Development Strategy and urged in particular the developed countries to adopt policies in favor of developing countries consistent with decisions taken by the General Assembly in the period 1970-1976 in the context of the Second United Nations Development Decade. It affirmed that the new international development strategy should be directed towards the objective of the establishment of the New International Economic Order and within this framework should encompass results achieved at major United Nations meetings and conferences held during the Second United Nations Development Decade on world economic and social problems, and requested the Secretary-General, in co-operation with the concerned bodies and organizations of the United Nations system, to ensure that the technical work for a new international development strategy will be completed before the end of 1978. The Council further requested the Committee for Development Planning to consider and identify possible elements for a new international development strategy and to submit its recommendations to the appropriate intergovernmental machinery which is to be determined by the General Assembly at its thirty-second session.
Specific action in favors of developing island countries (chap. IV, sect. A)
By resolution 2126 (LXIII) the Council, regretting that insufficient time was available at the sixty-third session for consideration of the progress report on specific action in favor of developing island countries (A/32/126), recommended that the General Assembly at its thirty-second session give full consideration to that report with a view to stimulating further attention to the need for specific action in favor of those countries, both by the organizations concerned within the United Nations system and by all Governments particularly those of developed countries.
Role of the public sector in promoting the economy
development of developing countries (chap. IV sect. A)    
By decision 274 (LXIII) the Council, having considered the report of the Secretary-General entitled 'The role of the public sector in promoting the economic development of developing countries", recommended that the General Assembly should give further consideration to the matter at its thirty-second session and provide for the continued study of the subject.
Resolutions and decision brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Special measures in favors of  the  least developed among the developing countries (chap. IV, sect. A) By resolution 2124 (LXIII), reaffirming the recommendations in UNCTAD resolutions 62 (III) and 98 (IV) regarding assistance to the least developed among the developing countries and General Assembly resolution 3214 (XXIX) and a resolution by an UNCTAD intergovernmental  group  on  the  same  subject,  the Council requested the developed countries and all international organizations and financial institutions to increase the flow of financial and technical assistance to the least developed countries and to adopt special measures in favour of those countries; invited the Governing Council of UNDP to provide increased resources to meet the special needs of these countries; and urged the specialized agencies, the regional commissions and other United Nations bodies to strengthen their programmer further in favour of the least developed countries. The Council requested the Secretary-General of UNCTAD to convene at the earliest possible opportunity the special meeting (called for by UNCTAD resolution 98 (TV)) at which multilateral and bilateral financial and technical assistance institutions can carry out, together with representatives of least developed countries, a general review and assessment of their requirements and progress, and requested the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Secretary-General of UNCTAD, Member States, the specialized agencies, the regional commissions and other United Nations bodies, to submit to the General Assembly at its thirty-third session, through the Council, a progress report on the implementation of UNCTAD resolutions   62   (III)   and  98   (TV),   other relevant United Nations resolutions and the present resolution. Special measures related to the particular needs of the land-locked developing countries (chap. IV, sect. A) By resolution 2127 (LXIII), the Council, inter alia, recalling previous UNCTAD and General Assembly resolutions on the subject and being aware of the slow progress in the implementation of specific measures related to the needs of the land-locked developing countries, reaffirmed the right of these countries to free access to and from the sea and their right of freedom of transit and urged the developed countries as well as all international organizations and financial institutions to adopt special measures in favor of the land-locked developing countries as called for in UNCTAD resolutions 63 (III) and 98 (IV). It called upon Member States and the entire international community to give attention to the trade requirements of these countries, including transit facilities, in order that they may derive equitable benefits from international
measures on behalf of all developing countries and urged the developed countries to make generous contribution to the United Nations Special Fund for Landlocked Developing Countries in order to make it operational. The Council invited the Governing Council of UNDP to provide adequate and increased resources to meet the technical assistance needs of the landlocked developing countries and requested the Secre-tary-General of UNCTAD, Member States, the specialized agencies, the regional commissions and other United Nations bodies, to submit to the General Assembly at its thirty-third session, through the Economic and Social Council, a progress report on the implementation of UNCTAD resolutions 63 (III) and 98 (IV) and other relevant United Nations resolutions.
Review at the organizational session for 1978 of the implications of Council resolution 2079 (LX1I) (chap. IV, sect. A)
 By decision 273 (LXIII) the Council decided that its resolution 2079 (LXII) entitled "Reinforcing the social development sector within the United Nations" should not be put into effect until the Council has reviewed its implications at its organizational session for 1978 in the light of the outcome of the work on the restructuring of the economic and social sectors of the United Nations system.
Resolution calling for action by the General Assembly
Action by the United Nations to implement the recommendations of the World Population Plan of Action (chap. IV, sect. C)
By resolution 2051 (LXII) the Council, recalling inter alia General Assembly resolution 31/182 in which the Assembly decided to consider at its thirty-second session appropriate action for the preparations for a new international development strategy, requested the Secretary-General to take account of the World Population Plan of Action in the gathering of data and information relevant to. the formulation of a new international development strategy and recommended that, when the General Assembly considers the question of such a new strategy, the role of population and the importance of population policies and activities in their relationship to the establishment of a new international economic order should be given due weight and should be duly integrated in any new strategy.
Resolution brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Work programme in the field of population (chap IV sect. C)    
By resolution 2053 (LXII) the Council, aware of the need to take steps for the implementation of the World Population Plan of Action and to strengthen 'the monitoring, review and appraisal functions of the Secretariat, took note with satisfaction of the progress of work, the work programme and the medium-term plan for 1978-1981 and drew the attention of the General Assembly to the need to strengthen the work of the Secretariat, including the regional commissions, arising from the World Population Conference taking note of General Assembly resolution 31/93. The Council, inter alia, requested the Secretary-General to take certain specific actions and measures to that end.
INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION ON THE ENVIRONMENT Resolution calling for action by the General Assembly Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its fifth session (chap. IV, sect. E)
By resolution 2112 (LXIII), the Council, having considered the report of the Governing Council of UNEP on its fifth session and the recommendations contained therein, including those relating to the Governing Council's function as the preparatory body for the United Nations Conference on Desertification, noted with satisfaction that report and the Executive Director's statement thereon and invited the General Assembly to approve the report.
Decision brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Specific measures to meet the need for a decent living environment for the most vulnerable groups of society (chap. IV, sect. E)
By decision 264 (LXIII) the Council took note of the request made by the Secretary-General in paragraph 5 of his note on this subject and recommended that the report called for under General Assembly resolution 31/113 be submitted to the Assembly at its thirty-third session through the Council at its sixty-fifth session.
INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION Resolution calling for action by the General Assembly Convening of the conference of plenipotentiaries on the constitution of the United Nations Industrial Development  Organization  as  a  specialized  agency (chap. IV, sect. F)
By resolution 2113 (LXIII), after recalling General Assembly resolution 31/161, taking into account the importance of the role of UNIDO in industrial development within the United Nations system, noting the Secretary-General's proposal that the conference of plenipotentiaries on the establishment of that organization as a specialized agency should be held at United Nations Headquarters from 29 August to 12 September 1977, expressing its concern that everything possible should be done to facilitate adequate preparation and full participation by Governments in that conference and considering that at least three weeks would be necessary for negotiating and drafting the text of the proposed Constitution, the Council expressed the view that the dates proposed by the Secretary-General would not be practicable and recommended that the General Assembly consider this matter at its thirty-second session, setting appropriate dates for the convening of the conference of plenipotentiaries in New York in the early part of 1978.
Decision brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Report of the Industrial Development Board (chap. IV, sect. F)
By decision 265 (LXIII) the Council noted will satisfaction, and transmitted to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session, the report of the Industrial Development Board on its eleventh session, and in particular that Board's decisions IV (XI) and V (XI) and the report of the Executive Director of UNIDC entitled "Strengthening of operational activities in the field of industrial development", as well as his report, annexed thereto, on the reorganization of the Organization's secretariat.
Resolution calling for action by the General Assembly
Preparatory period for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development (chap. IV, sect. G)
By resolution 2123   (LXIII)   the Council,  after recalling General Assembly resolutions 3201 (S-VI), 3202   (S-VI),   3281   (XXIX),   3362   (S-WI)   and 31/184, its own resolutions 2028 (LXI)  and 2034 (LXI), UNCTAD resolution 87 (IV) and the Lima Declaration and Plan of Action, reaffirming the need for  effective  co-ordination at  all levels  during the preparatory period for the Conference and,  taking note of the report of the Preparatory Committee for the Conference on its first session, strongly affirmed that the Conference and its preparatory period should be aimed at the development, inter alia, of the independent scientific and technological capacity of developing countries, in order to facilitate the solution of their  economic  and social problems; urged the Secretary-General and the executive heads of agencies concerned to ensure the speedy adoption and implementation of practical measures aimed at co-coordinating the preparatory activities for the Conference; invited interested delegations to join with the Bureau of the Preparatory Committee in consulting with the Secretary-General of the Conference between sessions of the Committee and the Council; called on the Secretary-General of the United Nations to submit to the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions at the earliest possible time a request for the resources necessary in 1977 for the early implementation of paragraphs 5 and 6 of resolution 2035 (LXI), together with his most up-to-date assessment of resources required to assist Governments with the preparation of national papers; recommended that for the biennium 1978-1979 sufficient resources be provided to the Conference secretariat, specialized agencies and other concerned bodies of the United Nations system, in order to ensure the appropriate preparation of the Conference; called upon the Secretary-General to make proposals to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session for adequate personnel for the Conference secretariat and urged that due regard be given to the principle of equitable geographic distribution when making appointments at the level of senior officer. These proposals should take fully into account the work programme for the preparatory period and the specific responsibilities of various components of the United Nations system.  In addition to making other recommendations regarding preparations for the Conference at the national, sub regional and regional levels,  the Council further requested the Secretary-General to include in his report on the preparatory work of the Conference, to be submitted to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session, a section on the implementation of this resolution.
Decision brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Various reports on matters related to the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development (chap. IV, sect. G) By decision 272 (LXIII), the Council took note of
The  following reports: (a) the progress report of the Secretary-General on the preparatory work for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development (E/6000); (b) the report of the Secretary-General on the work of an interagency task force on feasibility studies undertaken by organizations in the United Nations system, including the regional commissions, on the establishment of sectoral and re-gional information banks and for other viable information systems (E/6002 and Corr.1); and (c) the report of the Executive Director of UNIDO concerning the establishment of an industrial technological information bank (A/32/116).
Decision brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Report of the Board of Governors of the United Nations Special Fund (chap. IV, sect. H)
By decision 266 (LXIII) the Council took note of the report of the Board of Governors of the United Nations Special Fund on its fourth session and transmitted it to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session.
Resolution calling for action by the General Assembly
Report of   the   United Nations   Water   Conference (chap. IV, sect. I)
By resolution 2121 (LXIII), after recalling General Assembly resolutions 3513 (XXX), 3201 (S-VI), 3202 (S-VI), 3281 (XXIX) and 3362 (S-VII) and noting decisions taken by the United Nations Water Conference, the Council, considering that the decisions reached at that Conference call for urgent action and taking into account its own resolution 2115 (LXIII), inter alia approved the report of the Conference, recommended that the General Assembly approve the Mar del Plata Action Plan and the other decisions reached at the Conference and give due priority to the measures needed to implement them; invited the Committee on Natural Resources at its special session in 1978 to review national and regional plans related to the Mar del Plata Action Plan; approved the subjects suggested by the Secretary-General in part III of his note (E/6015) and requested him to formulate proposals in respect of steps required to enable the Council, the Committee on Natural Resources and the regional commissions to play the central role in promoting intergovernmental co-operation in the matter of water development, and also asked him to take certain other measures in this connation.
In addition, the Council recommended that the UNEP Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on Natural Resources Shared by Two or More States should expedite its work on draft principles of conduct, and drew the attention of the International Law Commission to a recommendation by the United Nations Water Conference regarding the codification of the law of non-navigational uses of international water courses. The Council requested the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its thirty-third session on the result of the special session of the Committee on Natural Resources.
Resolutions brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Follow-up to the Mar del Plata Action Plan on integrated .water resources development and management adopted by the United Nations Water Conference (chap. IV, sect. I)
By resolution 2115 (LXIII) the Council, bearing in mind resolution VIII of the United Nations Water Conference, recognizing the need for progress in the investigation and development of water resources and recognizing further the central role of the Committee on Natural Resources and the regional commissions in promoting intergovernmental co-operation in the follow-up to the Action Plan, called upon the regional commissions to convene regional meetings to obtain the views of Member States on responses to the Con-ference, and the opportunities, needs and problems with respect to carrying out the recommendations of the Conference at the regional level; called upon both ACC and the Environment Co-ordination Board to develop in greater detail the administrative and financial aspects of the proposals contained in their report; decided to convene a special session of the Committee on Natural Resources in order to decide on further steps to secure the implementation of the Action Plan on integrated water resources development; and called upon that Committee to provide for continued intergovernmental review and oversight of the follow-up to the United Nations Water Conference by the international organizations concerned.
New and renewable energy resources (chap. IV, sect. I)
By resolution 2119 (LXIII) the Council inter alia considering the vital role renewable forms of energy could play in the living conditions of all the peoples of the developing countries and deeply concerned by the prevailing world energy situation as well as by the possibility of the early depletion of non-renewable sources of energy, requested the Secretary-General, in co-operation with the specialized agencies, regional commissions and other United Nations bodies concerned, to submit a report to the Council at its sixty-fifth session on the feasibility of holding an international conference on new and renewable sources of energy, bearing in mind the particular situation of developing countries.
Resolution brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Corrupt practices, particularly illicit payments, in international commercial transactions (chap. IV, sect. J)
By resolution 2122 (LXIII), the Council, recalling General Assembly resolution 3514 (XXX) and its own resolution 2041 (LXI) and noting the report of the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working Group on the Problem of Corrupt Practices, reaffirmed that the formulation of a code of conduct by the Commission on Transnational Corporations should be given the highest priority and that the conclusion of an international agreement on illicit payments should in no way interfere with or delay that priority; urged all States to use their best efforts to expedite the formulation of the code of conduct; requested the Secretary-General to make adequate provision for the necessary meetings of the Intergovernmental Working Group on a Code of Conduct; decided to continue the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working Group, to expand its member-
ship, and to authorize it to meet as necessary in 1978 to complete its task. In addition, the Council decided that the Ad Hoc Working Group should draft an international agreement on illicit payments, called upon it to report at the sixty-fifth session and also to submit a report to the Commission on Transnational Corporations at its fourth session for consideration and comment. The Council recommended that the General Assembly decide, when it deems it appropriate, to convene a conference of plenipotentiaries in order to conclude an international agreement on illicit payments.
Resolution and decision calling for action by the General Assembly
Manila CommuniquÈ of the World Food Council: A Programme of Action to Eradicate Hunger and Mal-nutrition (chap. IV, sect, K) By resolution 2114 (LXIII), having considered the report of the World Food Council on its Third Ministerial session and heard the report of the President of the World Food Council, the Council noted that report with satisfaction and submitted it to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session; endorsed the Manila CommuniquÈ commended the World Food Council for its initiatives in contributing to the solution of food problems; recommended that the General Assembly should adopt the "Programme of Action to Eradicate Hunger and Malnutrition" contained in the Manila CommuniquÈ and urged all Governments, specialized agencies and other bodies of the United Nations system to implement the Programme fully.
Transmittal of the second annual report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes containing a draft resolution on the target for World Food Programme pledges for the period 1979-1980 (chap. IV, sect. K)
By decision 268 (LXIII), the Council took note of the second annual report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes, transmitted it to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session and recommended that the Assembly approve the draft resolution contained in the annex to the report.
Decision calling for action by the General Assembly
Institutional arrangements for international co-operation in the field of human settlements (chap. V) By decision 262 (LXIII) the Council, without prejudging the final position that Member States may take on the matter, transmitted to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session the draft text on institutional arrangements for international co-operation in the field of human settlements which is annexed to the decision, as a text for further negotiation.
Decision brought to the attention of the General Assembly
    Report of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination on activities of the United Nations system in human settlements (chap. V) By decision 263 (LXIII), the Council took note of the report of ACC on activities of the United Nations system in human settlements (E/AC.51/83 and Add.1).
Resolutions calling for action by the General Assembly Implementation of the Declaration on Social Progress and Development (chap. VI, sect. A)
In resolution 2069 (LXII) the Council recommended to the General Assembly for adoption a draft resolution dealing with the implementation of the Declaration on Social Progress and Development.
Distribution of national income (chap. VI, sect. A)
By resolution 2074 (LXII), the Council, inter alia, requested the Commission for Social Development to continue its activities on issues related to the distribution of national income, in particular on income tax reforms and other tax reforms, the role of trade unions and the effects of inflation on low-income groups. It requested the Secretary-General to prepare a note for the Commission at its twenty-sixth session containing all available information about the effects of inflation on low-income groups and to submit, through the Council, to the General Assembly at its thirty-third session, a report on the findings of various specialized agencies and organs of the United Nations system, relating to the distribution of national income. The Council requested the General Assembly to include in the agenda of its thirty-third session an item entitled "Importance of equitable distribution of national income for economic and social development".
Report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control on its fourth session (chap. VI, sect. A)
By resolution 2075 (LXII), the Council submitted to the General Assembly for adoption draft resolutions I, II and III of the Committee, which are annexed to Council resolution 2075 (LXII), and endorsed the recommendations made by the Committee in its report under the heading "Human rights in the administration of justice". The Council also recommended that, in the formulation of future work programmes of the United Nations, the Secretary-General should give urgent consideration to certain recommendations made by that Committee in its report under the heading "Role and function of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control".
Youth in the contemporary world (chap. VI, sect. A)
By resolution 2078 (LXII) the Council, after noting inter alia the views on the subject of youth expressed in the report of the Commission on Social Development on its twenty-fifth session, requested that, in the course of preparing the reports and documents called for in General Assembly resolutions 31/129 and 31/130, the Secretary-General, through the Commission at its twenty-sixth session, should submit to the Council proposals for action-oriented guidelines which would help to identify the particular policies and actions required at national and international levels to bring about more effective and widespread youth participation in the achievement of the objectives of the Charter. The Council (a) requested that the Secretary-General consider increasing the proportion of staff members in the Professional category of the United Nations Secretariat under the age of thirty, without prejudice to the principle of equitable geographical distribution; (6) decided to bring to the attention of the Commission on Human Rights at its thirty-fourth session the reports of  the   Secretary-General   on   popular   participation,
women, youth and children and on problems facing youth, and (c) recommended to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session the adoption of the guidelines for the improvement of the channels of communication between the United Nations and youth and youth organizations contained in the annex to resolution 2078 (LXII).
Resolutions brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Unified approach to development analysis and planning (chap. VI, sect. A)
By resolution 2071 (LXII) the Council, inter alia, taking note of the Secretary-General's report on the application by Governments of a unified approach to development analysis and planning, urged Member States to continue periodic evaluations of the social results of their planning and also to inform the Secretary-General, especially in connation with the review of the International Development Strategy, of the progress made in the implementation of the social aspects of. their national development plans, in particular of measures taken and results achieved or expected
Co-ordination of the results of the world conferences
m the field of social development in the 1970s (chap
VI, sect. A)    '
By resolution 2072 (LXII), the Council, mindful of the importance of a unified approach to development analysis and planning, requested the Secretary-General to bring to the attention of the Committee for Development Planning and of the intergovernmental bodies responsible for formulating a new international development strategy, the declarations, recommendations and resolutions on the establishment of the new international economic order of the General Assembly and of world conferences dealing with economic and social questions It further requested the Secretary-General to continue to identify and consolidate the common elements of those declarations, recommendations and resolutions, seen in the context of social development and the formulation of a new international development strategy and to submit the results of his analysis to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session in the report to be submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 31/182.
Social and institutional reform as a means of increasing domestic food production and distributing it equitably among the population (chap. VI, sect; A)
By resolution 2073 (LXII), the Council, mindful that the problem of balancing food demand and supply can be solved by, inter alia, raising production levels in the development countries, and that for this purpose it will be necessary to bring about certain social and institutional changes, recommended certain specific measures to Member States. It requested the Secretary-General, the ILO, FAO and the World Bank to assist Governments, upon their request, in preparing and implementing the appropriate strategies, policies and measures, and decided to bring to the attention of the General Assembly at its thirty-second session the joint report of the secretariats of the United Nations and of those organizations on social and institutional reforms as a means of increasing food production and distributing it equitably among the population.
Extension of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners to persons arrested or imprisoned without charge (chap. VI, sect. A)
By resolution 2076 (LXII) the Council, referring inter alia to General Assembly resolutions 3144 B (XXVIII) and 3452 (XXX), and aware that, despite the increase in the influence of the Standard Minimum Rules, violations of the rules occur frequently, recalled its request to the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control in resolution 1993 (LX) to formulate a set of procedures for implementing the Rules. Having considered the report of the Committee on its fourth session and the report of the Commission for Social Development on its twenty-fifth session, the Council decided to add a new section to the Rules extending them to persons arrested or imprisoned without charge. The elderly: progress report on the implementation of General Assembly resolution 3137 (XXVIII) of 14 December 1973 (chap. VI, sect. A)
By resolution 2077 (LXII) the Council approved the progress report of the Secretary-General on the question of the elderly and the aged and requested him to expand and consolidate his work in this field.
Reinforcing the social development sector within the United Nations (chap. VI, sect, A)
By resolution 2079 (LXII) the Council, inter alia desiring to ensure that the social development sector within the United Nations will be accorded on a continuing basis, the high priority it deserves, recommended that the President of the Council appoint an ad hoc working group of ten experts from Member States to study and to make appropriate recommendations with regard to the operational effectiveness of social development activities in the United Nations, the effective nests of United Nations co-ordination machinery and the future role of the social development component
within the United Nations. It further recommended that the Secretary-General transmit the working group's report to the members of the Commission for Social Development for comments and that the report, together with those comments, be submitted to the Council at its sixty-fourth session, taking into account the General Assembly's decisions at its thirty-second session regarding preparations for a new international development strategy.    
Subsequently, by decision 273 (LXIII) the Council decided that its resolution 2079 (LXII) should not be put into effect until it had reviewed its implications at the organizational session for 1978   (see chap   IV sect. A).    
Resolution calling for action by the General Assembly
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (chap. VI, sect. B)
By resolution 2058 (LXII), the Council, recalling General Assembly resolutions 3521 (XXX) and 31/ 136, and convinced that the early adoption by the General Assembly of a Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and its entry into force would contribute to the speedy realization of the principles of equality between women and men, took note with appreciation of the draft Convention com-
Dieted by the Commission on the Status of Women at its twenty-sixth session. It invited States Members of the United Nations and the specialized agencies concerned to present to the General Assembly, through the Secretary-General, their comments on the draft Convention before 15 July 1977; submitted the draft Convention to the General Assembly; and recommended that the General Assembly consider the draft Convention, in the light of the comments received, as a matter of urgency at the outset of its thirty-second session, with a view to the adoption of the draft Convention at that session.
Resolutions brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Training of women for the preparation and implementation of project proposals (chap,. VI, sect. B)
        By resolution 2059 (LXII), the Council, expressing its concern that women may continue to be denied participation in development planning on an equal basis with men unless they have the necessary skills and recalling General Assembly resolution 31/134, invited the Administrator of UNDP and the executive heads of specialized agencies, in co-ordination with appropriate international and regional training and research insti-tutes and the regional commissions, to organize, at the request of the interested Governments, training pro-grammes for women related to the planning, evaluation and management of development projects. The Council, inter alia, recommended that Member States should promote equal opportunities for the participation of women in training programmes related to such projects and requested the Secretary-General to report on the implementation of the resolution to the Commission on the Status of Women in 1978 and to the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women, 1980.
Review and appraisal of progress made under the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade and in the implementation of the World Plan of Action for the _ Implementation of the Objectives of the International ' Women's Year (chap. VI, sect. B) By resolution 2060 (LXII), after referring to General Assembly resolutions  3490  (XXX)  and 3520 (XXX), the Council recognized that within the time-limit laid down few Governments had been able to report on national measures taken to implement the World Plan of Action and that it was therefore difficult to adopt findings and conclusions on major trends and policies with regard to the status of women; noted with interest a number of developments reported during the period under review; and, on the basis of reports submitted, enumerated certain areas in which action was urgently needed in order to meet the minimum targets set forth in paragraph 46 of the World Plan of Action. In addition the Council, inter alia, requested the Committee on Review and Appraisal to pay special attention to the question of the status of women and requested the Secretary-General to make certain arrangements for the next review of the implementation of the World Plan of Action. , ,
Preparatory work for the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women, 1980 (chap. VI, sect. B)
By resolution 2062 (LXII) the Council   after referring to General Assembly resolution 3520 (XXX)
and to its own resolution 1999 (LX), inter alia, requested the Commission on the Status of Women at its twenty-seventh session to give the highest priority to preparatory work for the World Conference to be held in 1980 and decided to establish, not later than June 1978, a preparatory committee for the World Conference. In this connation, the regional commissions were invited to consider ways and means of contributing effectively to the Conference and to report thereon to the Council at its sixty-fourth session.
Resolutions and decision calling for action by the General Assembly
Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on ïsouthern Africa (chap. VI, sect. C) By resolution 2082 A (LXII) the Council, inter alia   (a)  approved the decision taken by the Commission on Human Rights to extend the mandate of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts, (b) decided that the Working Group, in conjunction with the Special Committee against Apartheid, should examine the treatment of prisoners in South Africa, Namibia and Zimbabwe including the deaths of a number of detainees, as well as police brutality during peaceful demonstrations against apartheid in South Africa since the Soweto massacre of 16 June 1976, with a view to submitting a report, (c) decided that the reports of the Ad Hoc Working Group should be brought to the attention of the General Assembly without delay and (d) requested the Secretary-General to give all due publicity to the reports of the Group and to furnish all necessary assistance to the Group to enable it to fulfill its mandate.
By resolution 2082 B (LXII), the Council, noting with deep anxiety and indignation that the South African racist regime has continued to use violence and massive repression against the black people and opponents of apartheid, in defiance of the resolutions of the General Assembly, recommended that the General Assembly declare 1978 International Anti-apartheid Year.
By resolution 2082 C (LXII) the Council suggested that the General Assembly should consider the ap-plicability to United Nations organs of the solemn obligation of the administering Powers to promote the political economic, social and educational advancement of the inhabitants of the Territories under their administration and to protect the human and natural resources of those Territories against abuses, which was reaffirmed by the Assembly in its resolution 31/7, and the desirability of exercising fully its powers in its capacity -recognized by the International Court of Justice in
1971-as Administering Authority for Namibia, either directly or through the United Nations Council for Namibia.
Study of reported violations of human rights in Chile, with particular reference to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (chap. VI, sect. C)
By decision 233 (LXII) the Council approved the decision of the Commission on Human Rights in its resolution 9 (XXXIII), adopted in response to General Assembly resolution 31/124, to extend the mandate of the Ad Hoc Working. Group to inquire into the situation of human rights in Chile within the terms of the Commission's resolution, and requested the General Assembly to make arrangements for the provision of adequate financial resources and staff for the implementation of that resolution.

Resolutions and decision brought to the attention
of the General Assembly

Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers (chap. VI, sect. C)

By resolution 2083 (LXII) the Council, after recliner , alia the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination and its resolutions 1749 (LIV) and 1926 (LVIII), and emphasizing the serious concern expressed by the General Assembly at the de facto discrimination suffered by alien workers in some countries, recommended that the Commission on Human Rights at its thirty-fourth session should make a complete and thorough study of the questions mentioned in Assembly resolution 31/127, in collaboration with the ILO and other interested organizations. In carrying out this study, the Commission is to take into account any recommendations which the General Assembly may transmit to it on the subject at its thirty-second session. The Council decided to study this question at its sixty-fourth session in the context of its consideration of the report of the Commission.

Question of the violation by Israel of human rights in the occupied Arab territories (chap. VI, sect. C)

By resolution 2085 (LXII), the Council, having considered the report of the Commission on Human Rights on its thirty-third session and having taken note of the Commission's action concerning the question of the violation by Israel of human rights in the occupied Arab territories, commended the Commission for its action and requested it to pursue its efforts for the protection of human rights in the occupied Arab territories and to continue to take appropriate measures in this respect.

Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on southern Africa (chap. VI, sect. C)
    By decision 232 (LXII), the Council, endorsing ,the recommendation of the Commission on Human Rights in its resolution 6 (XXXIII), drew the attention of the General Assembly and the Security Council to the desirability of adopting specific measures, including those provided for in Chapter VII of the Charter, with a view to putting an end to the illegal occupation of Namibia by South Africa.

Resolution calling for action by the General assembly Resources for international drug control (chap." VI,
sect. D)
    By resolution 2081 (LXII) the Council, recalling discussions at the twenty-sixth session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and General Assembly resolutions 3445 (XXX) on adequate priority for narcotics control and 31/125 on accession to and implementation of, the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances, observed that the arguments previously put forward were still valid and had become more cogent in view of the recent entry into force of that Convention. The Council recommended that CPC and the General Assembly should ensure that the necessary resources are allocated under the regular United Nations budget for international drug control.

Resolutions brought to the attention of the
General Assembly

Special attention to be devoted to African countries in preventing and combating abuse of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances {chap. VI, sect. D)

By resolution 2065 (LXII) the Council, recognizing that many African countries, particularly those south of the Sahara, lack the resources enabling them to fulfil their obligations under the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the 1972 Protocol, and under the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances invited the Secretary-General to ensure that the United Nations system will devote special attention to those countries and assign to them some priority in programmes designed to combat narcotic drug abuse. The Council requested the Secretary-General to report to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs at its twenty-eighth session on measures taken or planned in this respect.

Co-ordination of technical and financial assistance in areas of illicit production of narcotic raw materials
(chap. VI, sect. D)

By resolution 2066 (LXII), the Council, recognizing inter alia the importance of economic and social measures in the struggle against drug abuse, urged the Governments concerned with crop replacement projects to take into account the. desirability of including related projects for replacing illicit cultivation of narcotic raw materials as components of their development programmes when applying for financial and technical assistance from multilateral institutions for the realization of those projects. The Council requested the Secretary-General to transmit this resolution to all Governments, to the executive heads of United Nations bodies and agencies concerned as well as 'to the World Bank and other international or multilateral financial institutions engaged in development assistance.


Decision brought to the attention of the
General Assembly

Non-governmental organizations (chap. VI, sect. E)

By decision 227 (LXII), inter alia, after taking note of that part of the report of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations which deals with the review of non-governmental organizations, the Council requested non-governmental organizations in consultative status to submit to that Committee before 30 October 1977 a report on their activities covering the past four years and urged the Committee to carry out the mandate laid down in paragraphs 35, 36 and 40 of
Council resolutions 1296 (XLIV) and 1919 (LVIII) and to report to the Council at its sixty-fourth session, or immediately after the Committee's next session, on the extent to which those organizations have complied with the conditions governing their status (see also chap. VII, sect. I, decision 278 (LXIII)).


Resolution and decision calling for action
by the General Assembly

International Year of the Child (chap. VII, sect. A.I)

By resolution 2105 (LXIII), having considered the progress report of the Executive Director of UNICEF on preparations for the International Year of the Child, 1979, prepared in response to General Assembly resolution 31/169, convinced that with the support of Governments and others concerned the Year could contribute to the improvement of the lot of the world's children, bearing in mind that the Year could fruitier promote the principles adopted by the General Assembly in resolution 1386 (XIV) and after noting that the Executive Board of the Fund has reviewed estimates of costs for the secretariat of the Year, to be financed from voluntary contributions of Governments, the Council expressed its appreciation to the Executive Board for having committed $3 million from the Fund's general resources to assist developing countries with preparations for the Year and, inter alia, commended the Executive Director of 'he Fund for his efforts in preparing for the Year, appealed to Governments that have not already done so to make pledges towards the cost of the Year as soon as possible, transmitted the Executive Director's report to the General Assembly for consideration at its thirty-second session and recommended that the General Assembly should respond favourably to the Executive Board's request that at both the thirty-third and thirty-fourth sessions of the Assembly a special discussion should be devoted to the Year.
Immediate needs resulting from economic emergency situations (chap. VII, sect. A.VI)
By decision 257 (LXIII) the Council took note of the report of the Secretary-General on immediate needs resulting from economic emergency situations (E/5989) and decided to transmit it to the General Assembly, for its consideration at its thirty-second session, together with the draft resolution entitled "Assistance in economic emergency situations" annexed to the decision.
Resolution and decision brought to the attention of the General Assembly
International Year for Science and Technology for Development (chap. VII, sect. A.V)
By resolution 2108 (LXIII) the Council, after taking note of resolution 2.112 adopted by the General Con-ference of UNESCO at its nineteenth session, recalling its own resolution 1800 (LV), recognizing the vital role of science and technology in the development of developing countries and having considered the stage reached in preparations for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development to be held in 1979 pursuant to General Assembly resolution 31/184, invited the General Conference of UNESCO to take fully into account the objectives of the 1979 Conference in order to make recommendations for consideration by the Council, and by the General Assembly at its thirty-third session, concerning an "International Year for Science and Technology for Development".
Fifth replenishment of the International Development Association (chap. VII, sect. A.III)
By decision 255 (LXIII), the Council took note of the statement made by the representative of the World Bank in pursuance or General Assembly resolution 3387 (XXX) on the results of the negotiations undertaken for the fifth replenishment of IDA.

Decisions calling for action by the General Assembly
Enlargement of the membership of the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund (chap. VII, sect. B) By decision 258 (LXIII) the Council recommended
that at its thirty-second session the General Assembly should consider the question of enlarging the member-ship of the Executive Board of UNICEF.
United Nations Capital Development Fund (chap. VII, sect. B)
By decision 259 (LXIII), the Council recommended to the General Assembly that the administrative ex-penses of the Capital Development Fund should be met from voluntary contributions made to the Fund, in accordance with the request made by the Governing Council of UNDP at its twenty-fourth session.
Resolutions and decision brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Report of the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund (chap. VII, sect. B)
By resolution 2109 (LXIII), after having considered the report of the Executive Board of UNICEF on its Manila session, recalling General Assembly resolution 31/167, noting with appreciation that the basic services approach has become a unifying theme for the Fund's work and noting with approval the measures taken to improve the management of the Fund, the Council noted with satisfaction that the basic services approach is being applied increasingly in developing countries, urged those developing countries that have not already done so to adopt this approach, urged developed countries and others in a position to do so to increase their voluntary contributions to the Fund (to be announced at the Pledging Conference on 3 November 1977), and thanked the Government of the Philippines for acting as host to the Executive Board at its session in May/June 1977.
Role and activities of the United Nations Development Programme (chap. VII, sect. B)
By resolution 2110 (LXIII) the Council, having considered the reports of the Governing Council of UNDP on its twenty-third and twenty-fourth sessions, noting with appreciation the action taken to restore the financial position of the Programme, sharing the concern of the Governing Council that the resources for programme purposes should reach at least the target for the second programming cycle 1977-1981, recalling its resolution 2024 (LXI), endorsed the decision taken by the Governing Council at its twenty-fourth session on the role and activities of the Programme; decided to bring the Governing Council's decision reproduced in the annex to resolution 2110 (LXIII) to the attention of the General Assembly for consideration at its thirty-second session and invited the organizations of the United Nations system also to give it due consideration; and appealed to all Governments to increase their voluntary contributions to the maximum with a view to achieving and, if possible, exceeding the 14 per cent growth rate target on which indicative planning figures for the second programming cycle are predicated.
Reports of the Joint Inspection Unit (chap. VII, sect. B)
By decision 261 (LXIII), the Council took note, inter alia, of the report of the Joint Inspection Unit on fellowships in the United Nations system (see A/31/ 101) and comments thereon by ACC (E/AC.51/87); the report of the Joint Inspection Unit on Latin American integration: technical co-operation provided by the United Nations system (see E/5890) and comments thereon (E/5890/Add.l-4); and the report of the Joint Inspection Unit on technical co-operation provided by the United Nations system to the regional and sub-regional integration and co-operation movements- Asia and the Pacific (see E/5959) and comments thereon
Resolution calling for action by the General Assembly
Programming and co-ordination in the United Nations system (chap. VII, sect. C)
By resolution 2098 (LXIII), having considered the report of CPC on its seventeenth session and the rec-ommendations of the Joint Meetings of that Committee and ACC regarding co-ordination in the United Nations system, noting with satisfaction that CPC had considered the programme budget for 1978-1979 and that the Joint Meetings recommend a programme-sector-by-sector approach to co-ordination, and being convinced of the desirability of further harmonization of programme budgets and medium-term planning in the United Nations system, the Council inter alia endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of CPC, commended them to the organs and institutions of the United Nations system and recommended that the General Assembly should act on them in adopting the 1978-1979 programme budget, taking into account the relevant discussion at the sixty-third session of the Council.
. In addition, the council after taking certain decisions regarding the consideration of the reports of specialized agencies, invited ACC to submit annually to CPC information relevant for the selection of programme sectors to be reviewed in depth on a system-wide basis. By the same resolution the Council inter alia requested ACC and the Secretary-General as its Chairman to take certain measures designed to harmonize further the programme budgets of agencies and organizations in the United Nations system and to make proposals in this respect to the Council at its sixty-fifth session.
Resolutions brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Assistance to the Palestinian people (chap. VII, sect. E)
By resolution 2100 (LXIII) the Council, recalling General Assembly resolutions 3210 (XXIX) 3236 (XXIX) and 3237 (XXIX) and its own resolutions 1978 (LIX) and 2026 (LXI), taking into consideration the relevant report of the Secretary-General and bearing in mind the views expressed during the sixty-third session, can't on UNDP, the specialized agencies and other organizations in the United Nations system to continue and intensify, in co-operation with ECWA
their efforts in identifying the social and economic needs of the Palestinian people, urged those agencies and organizations to consult and co-operate closely with the .Palestine Liberation Organization with a view to improving the social and economic conditions of the Palestinian people, called upon those among them that had not taken action under resolution 2026 (LXI) to do so as a matter of priority, urged their executive heads to make proposals to their governing bodies for giving effect to paragraphs 1 and 2 of resolution 2100 (LXIII), and requested the Secretary-General to report annually to the Council on action taken by the agencies and organizations concerned and the results achieved. Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations (chap VII sect. E)
By resolution 2101  (LXIII), having examined the relevant reports of the Secretary-General, the President of the Council and ACC, recalling General Assembly resolutions 1514 (XV) and 31/30 and its own resolution 2015 (LXI), taking into account the 1977 Maputo Declaration in support of the peoples of Zimbabwe and Namibia, and convinced that the struggle of these peoples for self-determination and independence has entered its final stage and needs increased support from the international community and from the specialized agencies and other organizations of the United Nations system, the Council inter alia took note of the report of its President; reaffirmed that the recognition by the General Assembly, the  Security  Council and other United Nations organs of the legitimacy of the struggle of colonial peoples to exercise their right to self-determination and independence entails the extension by the United Nations system of all necessary moral and material assistance to these peoples and their liberation movements; endorsed the appeal made in the Maputo Declaration; expressed appreciation to the agencies and organizations of the United Nations system which have continued to co-operate with the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity in the implementation of General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) and other relevant resolutions of United Nations bodies and urged all of them to accelerate the implementation of the relevant provisions of those resolutions; expressed concern about the inadequacy of the assistance so far extended to colonial peoples and their liberation movements by the United Nations system; urged the organi-zations concerned to increase their assistance to the peoples of Zimbabwe and Namibia and their liberation movements and to include an appropriate item in the agenda of the regular meetings of their governing bodies-requested the specialized agencies and other organizations of the United Nations system to withhold all support to the Government of South Africa and the illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia until they restore to the peoples of Zimbabwe arid Namibia their right to self-determination and independence; recommended that all Governments should intensify their efforts in the organizations of the United Nations system of which they are members to ensure the full implementation of the  relevant  resolutions   of United  Nations  bodies-urged the executive heads of the specialized agencies' and other organizations of the United Nations 'system to prepare, for action, proposals for assisting the peoples in the colonial Territories and their liberation movements; drew the attention of the Special Committee to the present resolution and to discussion at the Council's
sixty-third session; requested the President of the Council to continue consultations on this matter with the Chairman of the Special Committee and to report thereon to the Council; and decided to keep the question under continuous review.
Resolution brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Measures to expedite international relief (chap. VII, sect. F)
By resolution 2102 (LX1II), after recalling General Assembly resolution 2816 (XXVI) and particular pro-visions thereof and noting that a report by the Secretary-General referred to obstacles and impediments to the delivery of international relief and the movement of relief personnel, the Council commended the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator for his efforts on behalf of victims of disasters, requested him to continue these efforts and, in co-operation with Governments, United Nations bodies and appropriate intergovernmental organizations and voluntary agencies, particularly the International Red Cross, to pay special attention to promoting measures  for the removal of obstacles and for expediting international relief and to report progress to the Council at its sixty-fifth session, called upon Governments and the intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations concerned to give due consideration to implementation of the recommendations in annex II to the Secretary-General's report, and transmitted the report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session.
Resolution brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Implementation of the medium-term and long-term recovery and rehabilitation programme in the Sudano-Sahelian region (chap. VII, sect. G) By resolution 2103 (LXIII), considering that the recovery efforts of the countries of the Sudano-Sahelian region continue to need the support of the international community and noting with appreciation the contribution made by the United Nations Sahelian Office to the implementation of the recovery programme of the region the Council inter alia took note with satisfaction of the relevant report of the Secretary-General, thanked the Governments, United Nations bodies, intergovernmental and private organizations and individuals that have contributed to the implementation of the recovery programme for the region, urged them to continue to respond favourably to requests for assistance in the matter of drought control in the region, urged Member States to support efforts for speeding up the delivery of relief consignments to the drought-affected countries in the region, requested the United Nations Sahelian Office to continue its close co-operation with the Permanent Inter-State Committee on Drought Control in the Sahel and to co-ordinate the assistance programmes of the United Nations bodies concerned, and requested the Secretary-General to continue to report to the
General Assembly through the Governing Council of UNDP and through the Council on the implementation of the recovery programme in the region.
Decision calling for action by the General Assembly Draft Agreement on Co-operation and Relationship be-tween the United Nations and the ,World Tourism Organization (chap. VII, sect. H) By decision 254 (LXIII) the Council, having considered the Secretary-General's note on the draft Agreement between  the  United Nations  and  the  World Tourism Organization prepared pursuant to General Assembly  resolution  2802   (XXVI),  approved  and transmitted to the Assembly for final approval at its thirty-second session the draft Agreement contained in the annex to the decision.
Resolution brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies: draft annex relating to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) (chap. VII, sect. H)
By resolution 2106 (LXIII), after taking note of General Assembly resolution 179 (II) A and noting that the Agreement between the United Nations and the WIPO had been approved by the Assembly in resolution 3346 (XXIX), the Council recommended to that Organization a draft text (cited in resolution 2106 (LXIII)) concerning the operation of the standard clauses of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies, and requested the Secretary-General to transmit the recommendation to WIPO.
Decision calling for action by the General Assembly Calendar of conferences and meetings for 1978 and
1979 (chap. VII, sect. I)
By decision 281 (LXIII) the Council, inter alia, approved its calendar of conferences and meetings for 1978 and 1979 and adopted, on a regular basis, a biennial cycle of meetings which would correspond to the programme budget cycle. The Council took note with satisfaction of the recommendation made by the Governing Council of UNDP that the General Assembly should authorize a change in the basic pattern of sessions of that Council.
Decisions brought to the attention of the General Assembly
Arrangements for the review of non-governmental organizations in accordance with decision 227 (LXII) chap. VII, sect. I)
By decision 278 (LXIII) the Council decided that, as a matter of exceptional priority, the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations should implement at its next session in January 1978 the mandate established in Council decision 227 (LXII) regarding the review of non-governmental organizations, and should report
3 See chap. III, sect. J below, for recommendation concerning an agreement with the International Fund for Agricultural Development.
thereon to the Council at its sixty-fourth session. The Council requested these organizations, through the Secretary-General, to submit their reports in pursuance of resolution 1296 (XLIV), paragraph 30(b), in as many of the official languages of the United Nations as possible. It requested the Secretary-General to invite interested Member States to provide any relevant information concerning compliance by those organizations with the principles governing consultative status in accordance with the provisions of resolution 1296 (XLIV), paragraphs 35, 36 and 40, and of resolution 1919 (LVIII). The Council also decided that in order to carry out the review the Committee should meet at New York from 16 to 27 January 1978.
Procedure for dealing with proposals for changes in the pattern of sessions of subsidiary bodies of the Council (chap. VII, sect. I)
By decision 279 (LXIII), the Council requested its subsidiary bodies to seek the advice of the Committee on Conferences, through the Bureau of the Council, which shall make recommendations concerning the timing and co-ordination of- proposals for changes in the established pattern of their sessions, before submitting them to the Council for its consideration
Decisions calling for action by the General Assembly Nomination of seven Member States for election to
membership of the Committee for Programme and
Co-ordination (chap. VIII, sect. D)
By decision 243 (LXII) the Council inter alia nominated, under the procedure instituted in decision 139 (ORG-76), the following seven Member States for election by the General Assembly at its thirty-second session as members of CPC for a term of three years: Brazil, Burundi, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Japan and Kenya.
Elections to the Board of Governors of the United Nations Special Fund for Land-locked Developing Countries (chap. VIII, sect. D) By decision 243 (LXII) the Council decided not to hold elections to the Board of Governors of the United Nations Special Fund for Land-locked Developing Countries4 and to refer the matter to the General Assembly at its resumed thirty-first session, in conformity with Assembly decision 31/429 B of 22 December 1976.
4 Established pursuant to General Assembly resolution 3504
Chapter II
(Item 3 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
2.    The Economic and Social Council held a wide-ranging general discussion on major development problems and policies at its sixty-third session. The discussion dealt not only with recent trends in the world economy and the outlook for the next few months, but also with a number of issues of great importance for future progress throughout the world, and particularly in the developing countries. The general discussion, which referred also to matters related to agenda items 4 and 11, was held at the 2061st to 2074th plenary meetings of the Council.
3.    As background material for the general discussion, the Council had before it World Economic Survey, 1976 (E/5995)1 "Summary of the economic conditions in Europe, 1976" (E/5977), "Summary of the economic and social survey in Asia and the Pacific, 1976" (E/5980), "Summary of the economic situation in Latin America, 1976" (E/5978), "Summary of the economic conditions in Africa, 1976" (E/5976)', "Summary of economic conditions in the ECWA region, 1976" (E/5979), report of the Secretary-General on long-term trends in the economic development of the various regions of the world (E/5937 and Corr.1 and Add.1 and Corr.1 and 2, Add.2 and 3 and Add.4 and Corr.1), a report of the secretariat of ECLA on long-term trends and projections of Latin American economic development (E/CEPAL/1027) and a report of ACC on activities of the United Nations system on consumer protection (E/5996) a statement submitted by the Women's International Democratic Federation, a non-governmental organization in consultative status, category I (E/NGO/66), and a statement submitted by the International Organization of Consumer Unions, a non-governmental organization in consultative status, category I (E/NGO/68). In addition, the Council drew upon the report of the Secretary-General entitled Economic and Social Progress in the Second Development Decade2 and the report of the Committee for Development Planning on its thirteenth session.3
Opening statements
4.    Declaring the session open (see E/SR.2061) the President of the Council said that the Council's central concern was to achieve greater understanding of the relationships that should evolve between the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade, the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States and the principles and objectives of the New International Economic Order. For most countries, the efforts they had been making since the adoption of the International Development Strategy
1    To be issued as a United Nations publication.
2    United Nations publication, Sales No. E.77.II.A.11.
3    Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session; Supplement No. 4 (E/5939 and Corr.1).
to improve the general welfare of their peoples through socio-economic development had been characterized by debilitating frustrations and deep disappointment.
5.    In the President's opinion, the attempts of the international community to improve the lot of mankind could succeed only if they were based on co-operation rather than confrontation. Failure to take into account legitimate interests and aspirations could only lead to further frustration. In assessing the state of international development co-operation, the Council should also appraise the degree to which the United Nations system as a whole had co-ordinated efforts and fostered collective action.
6.    In an opening statement (ibid.), the Secretary-General stated that the main guidelines of the International Development Strategy and the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order remained valid in a context in which thoughts and actions were taking new directions and moving more directly towards the eradication of mass poverty. If the objectives originally set were to be revised in the light of new aspirations, they would certainly not be revised downwards. The opportunity offered by the upswing in the world economy as it emerged from the recent recession, he said, should be seized in order to promote progress towards a reform of world economic structures. A massive effort on behalf of the poorest countries would act as a powerful stimulus for economic recovery in other countries.
7.    The Secretary-General pointed out that, owing to the pressure of population growth, the food problem was becoming increasingly worrying every day. The world was getting dangerously close to a threshold of physical and social tolerance, and if that threshold were crossed the outcome might be grave. The inadequate level of food production was directly linked to other problems of the developing countries: endemic unem-ployment and under-employment, together with the obstacles to rapid industrialization caused by the slow development of a domestic market. However, a good beginning had been made as a result of the decisions taken in 1974 at. the World Food Conference. There also appeared to have been a genuine change in the priorities and policies of the developing countries. But it was not yet possible to predict climatic variations, except in the very short term, and elementary prudence suggested that precautions should be taken against the disasters from which so many countries had suffered in recent years and from which some had barely recovered.
8.    Expressing the belief that energy was a resource that should play a vital part in a new international economic order, the Secretary-General stated that it was not too soon to take notice of the danger of disruption of development policies as a result of shortages
of energy. The knowledge acquired by the few Powers that possessed the technological capacity in that respect was not being shared sufficiently with the rest of the world. The training programmes required to put the energy resources and the new technology to use were not organized on a large enough scale. Prospecting for new resources and investment were not following any rational plan. That is why he had recently proposed the establishment of a new institution whose functions would be (a) to encourage a complete and rational utilization of all available sources of energy, both conventional and new, and to promote regional co-operation projects to that end; (b) to disseminate knowledge of the whole range of possibilities offered by modern technology for the development of new sources of energy; (c) to facilitate the transfer and adaptation of energy technology; and (d) to undertake intensive training programmes. Such an institution could be conceived only within the framework of the United Nations, in which it could take its natural place as part of a vast effort to promote development.
9.    The new order that the world was seeking had not only an economic aspect but also a human dimension. Nobody should lose sight of the fact that, while three quarters of mankind lived in the developing world, almost one half was desperately poor. Poverty demeaned not only those whom it affected but also those by whom it was tolerated. The international community, through the United Nations system, had assumed a historic commitment to tackle resolutely in concert a task that was essentially global. Nothing must be allowed, the Secretary-General concluded, to diminish or divert its determination to promote those structural changes in international relations that were the very essence of a
new order.
Debate in the Council
10.    In the ensuing discussion (see E/SR.2062-2074), representatives emphasized that an important evolution of ideas had been taking place since 1970 as a result of the deliberations on development issues and policies in the forums of the United Nations. The International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade, adopted by the General Assembly in 1970 as resolution 2626 (XXV), had marked the beginning of a major effort to accelerate the progress of the developing countries. Subsequently, taking into account the changing circumstances, the General Assembly had given a new momentum to the effort when it adopted, as resolution 3202 (S-VI), the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order. The Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, adopted as resolution 3281 (XXIX), and resolution 3362 (S-VII) entitled "Development and international economic cooperation" had provided additional guidelines. Those landmark decisions of the General Assembly had been supplemented in important ways by decisions taken at United Nations conferences held since 1970 to deal with a wide variety of subjects.
11.    The evolution of ideas, it was said, had led to the realization that the interdependence of the developed and the developing countries was a reality. Dialogues on problems of mutual interest were now being conducted in a spirit of co-operation. On the fundamental purpose, namely, the achievement of economic justice for nations and for people, there was no dispute. It was recognized that economic activity was a means
to improve the well-being of people and that a separation between economic and social aspects of develop-ment was untenable.
12.    While the evolution of ideas, concepts and principles regarding the establishment of a new international economic order was considered welcome, many representatives expressed concern that the progress in im-plementing the landmark decisions of General Assembly had been slow and, disappointing. The developed countries, it was stated, had not adopted policies consistent with their responsibilities for development co-operation. There had been improvement in some directions, and some welcome changes of style and attitude had taken place; but it was necessary to reiterate the basic position that the existing system, which tended to protect the interests of only a few countries, ought to be replaced by a new system that would take account of the interests of all countries and people. While the main responsibility for development clearly rested with the developing countries themselves, the measures adopted by those countries at the national level would not prove fully effective without appropriate international support.
13.    It was noted in that context that the Conference on International Economic Co-operation, which had ended in Paris shortly before the Council session, had kindled expectations among the developing countries; but many representatives were of the opinion that the results of the Conference had not matched those expectations and had not made a significant contribution towards the establishment of a new international eco-nomic order. One view was that the Conference had proved that world economic problems could not be dealt with in a limited forum in which many countries had not participated. Several representatives said that, despite the lack of agreement on a number of specific issues, the Conference had been useful in enhancing awareness or understanding of some development issues of extreme complexity, and in improving the climate of the dialogue between the developed and the developing nations. The discussion of global issues of development and international co-operation would now return to the forum best suited to respond to the problems of an interdependent world, namely the General Assembly, where all countries could voice their concern, propose solutions and join in common action. The results of the Conference, it was added, should be considered as points of departure rather than as conclusions, and the dialogue should be continued in the United Nations, and political will should be mobilized to resolve problems.
14.    Given the interdependence of economies, it was said, there was a heed for all countries to contribute to a sustained recovery of international economic activity. The world economic situation was still precarious. There had been economic recovery in 1976 in the. countries with developed market economies, but the outlook remained uncertain. Many of those countries were still faced with problems of unemployment, inflation and balance-of-payments deficits. Policies were needed to promote economic growth without inflation in those countries and to foster an expansion of world trade.
15.    The economic situation in developing countries remained a source of serious concern. The average an-nual rate of economic growth of those countries as a group during the current Development Decade had fallen short of the target of 6 per cent specified in the
International Development Strategy. Particularly disturbing was the fact that the economies of the low-income developing countries were expanding at a very slow pace. In fact, output per inhabitant in the low-income developing countries had expanded annually by less than 1 per cent, and had even declined in some developing countries. Economic disparity had widened not only between the developed and the developing countries but also among the developing countries. Social conditions in many developing countries still left a great deal to be desired.
16.    The inadequate pace of expansion of agricultural production, it was emphasized, posed a serious problem for developing countries. It was said that a new international economic order would be attained only after decisive progress had been made in invigorating agriculture. Particular attention needed to be given to increasing food output not only to meet immediate needs but also, through adequate food reserves, to cope with future emergencies. Hopes were expressed that the International Fund for Agricultural Development would soon be in operation and would contribute significantly to agricultural progress in developing countries.
17.    Structural changes were needed, it was stated, not only in agriculture but also in industry and in other forms of production. Such changes should seek to diminish inequities between the rich and the poor countries. To help usher in the required changes in structures of production, support should be provided by appropriate international arrangements for monetary and trade matters and by adequate resource flows to developing countries.

18.    Expansion of production needed to be geared to meeting basic human needs. The emerging emphasis on meeting basic needs, it was argued, represented a new dimension to a broader strategy of development. It was important to make an attack on mass poverty and involve the poor people in the development process. It had to be remembered, however, that economic growth and social welfare went hand in hand; programmes for social welfare could be sustained only by means of the resources yielded by economic growth. The question of "basic needs", moreover, could not be separated from that of establishing a new international economic order based on a restructuring of the global economic system.
19.    A restructuring of international economic relations, however, had to be linked with a series of interrelated internal reforms or with what might be called a new national economic order. In that context, a number of representatives suggested that countries should introduce the institutional reforms that could help to increase production and productivity and to raise standards of living. One comment was. to the effect that a strengthened public sector of the economy could be an important instrument in the rational utilization of natural resources and in boosting production.
20. Several representatives expressed the opinion that the time remaining of the Second United Nations Development Decade should be used to redress the current situation and to catch up as much as possible with the goals and objectives agreed upon for the Decade. Special efforts should be made in that regard. The international community should display the necessary political will and fulfill its commitments, which was the ultimate test of their value.

21.    The need for a vigorous expansion of international trade was strongly emphasized. The success of plans of developing countries for economic and social progress, it was said, was crucially dependent on an adequate and orderly growth of the export earnings of those countries. Many representatives voiced regret and concern that the multilateral trade negotiations had not so far yielded significant results, that protectionist forces seemed to be growing, and that efforts to establish an integrated programme for commodities and a common fund in the framework of that programme had not yet led to a tangible agreement. A number of other representatives, however, were of the opinion that improvements were discernible, although the progress had been slow because of the complexity of the issues involved. There was general agreement that protectionist tendencies should be avoided.
22.    Several representatives stressed the importance of granting proper treatment to international trade in primary commodities on which large numbers of people depended for their livelihood. Hopes were expressed that the negotiating conference to be held in November 1977 for the establishment of a common fund in the framework of the UNCTAD Integrated Programme for Commodities would be successful.
23.    The importance of enlarging access to the markets of the developed countries for exports of manufactures and semi-manufactures was also emphasized. It was said that the target established by the Second General Conference of UNIDO, held at Lima in 1975, to increase the share of developing countries in world industrial production would have little meaning without access to external markets for the products of their industries. It was important, therefore, to enlarge the coverage of the generalized schemes of preferences of the developed countries for the manufactured and semi-manufactured goods exported by the developing countries. Both tariff and non-tariff barriers erected by the developed countries on imports of such goods from the developing countries should be removed.
24.    It was appreciated that petroleum-exporting developing countries had provided development assist-ance well in excess of the target indicated in the International Development Strategy for development assist-ance from the developed countries. Appreciation was also expressed for the efforts of those few developed countries that had met or exceeded the target for official development assistance. However, many representatives noted with concern that, because of the shortfalls in assistance from larger developed countries, the net aggregate flow of official development assistance from the developed countries with market economies had amounted to only about half of the target figure specified in the International Development Strategy. Action was therefore urgently needed to accelerate the flow of financial resources to the developing countries, particularly to the low-income developing countries whose needs were especially great. Some representatives, on the other hand, thought that it would not be proper to concentrate international efforts of assistance on the most disadvantaged countries, because all developing countries were vulnerable to external economic fluctuations and hence in need of external support.
25. It was stated that the burden of the external debt incurred by the developing countries had become alarming. In the face of mounting deficits in the balance of payments on current account and shortfalls in the flow of external assistance, developing countries had been increasingly compelled to seek loans from international markets for private capital on hard commercial terms. That had exacerbated the problem of indebtedness. The debt service was currently absorbing a large proportion of the export earnings of many developing countries. Solutions were urgently needed for the critical debt problems.
26.    A number of representatives drew attention to the important contribution that foreign private initiative could make to the economic and social progress of developing countries through the transfer of finance, skills and technology. A number of other representatives, on the other hand, voiced apprehension about the illicit practices of foreign concerns. Hopes were expressed that a code of conduct that was being prepared by the Commission on Transnational Corporations would prove to be an effective instrument for regulating the activities of foreign companies.
27.    The need to harness science and technology in the cause of accelerated development was widely emphasized. To help establish a new international economic order and to strengthen the technological capacity of developing countries, it was said, national and international endeavours should aim at redressing existing disparities or imbalances and building up a scientific and technological infrastructure in developing countries in order to speed up the expansion and modernization of their economies. The United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development, scheduled to be held in 1979, was expected to play a major role in that regard. The need for adequate preparatory work for that Conference was stressed by several representatives.
28.    The growing emphasis put by the developing countries on economic co-operation among themselves was welcomed. Particular importance was attached to economic co-operation or integration activities at the regional and sub regional levels. Regional integration activities would be more successful than in the past, it was said, if pragmatic and flexible approaches were followed. Economic co-operation among developing countries should go hand in hand with economic cooperation between developed and developing countries. Representatives looked forward to the successful outcome of the United Nations Conference on Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries, which was scheduled to be held in 1978. It was suggested that international organizations should foster activities relating to technical co-operation among developing coun-tries, especially by promoting the use of goods and services from those countries in their own technical co-operation activities.
29.    Commenting on the Secretary-General's proposals concerning energy questions, many representatives stated that there was an urgent need to use the available sources of energy rationally and to conduct a methodical search for new sources. Efforts must also be made to prevent nuclear proliferation. It was the view of many representatives that, since it was not possible to establish an order of priority in matters of equal significance, these proposals should be considered within the context of all other problems of development, in the framework of a new international economic order. It was also stated that a number of bodies of the United Nations were already involved in energy questions and that a careful assessment should be made
of the existing machinery. It was urged that the Secretary-General's proposals should be considered by the General Assembly.
30 The question of consumer protection was also raised during the general discussion. It was said that not enough attention had been given to protecting people against deficiencies in the goods and services used by them. There was merit, therefore, in involving the United Nations system in activities relating to consumer protection.
31.    There was a consensus that the time had come to start the preparation of a new international development strategy for the decade of the 1980s. Preparations for a new strategy, however, could be successful only if the decisions previously adopted by the United Nations were fully implemented. In that connation, the reasons for the existing shortcomings in implementation should be clearly identified and appropriate lessons drawn for the future. A new international development strategy should be defined in the framework of the Declaration and the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order. The differing circumstances and needs of countries should be borne in mind, and generalized solutions should give way to responses tailored to specific circumstances and needs. More binding commitments should be included in a new strategy than had been the case in the past. The new development strategy, it was stated, would be no more successful than its predecessor if Governments did not make such a consensus morally, if not legally, binding. The work carried out in the United Nations system and elsewhere on long-term projections would be a valuable aid in the formulation of development strategies and policies.
32.    There was general agreement that it was necessary to break away from procedures and structures that impeded the effectiveness of international organizations as instruments for economic and social change. The need for strengthening the role of the United Nations system as the framework for constructive dialogues and negotiations on vital development issues was emphasized. Reference was also made to the central role of the Economic and Social Council in giving impetus to the cause of development. Hopes were expressed that the Ad Hoc Committee on the Restructuring of the Economic and Social Sectors of the United Nations System would soon be able to complete its work so as to enable the General Assembly to take appropriate decisions at its thirty-second session.
33.    Economic and social progress, it was stated, was closely linked with the broader issue of harmonious international relations, racial harmony and the preservation of peace throughout the world. Efforts should be continued to curtail outlays on armaments and to use the resulting savings for the constructive tasks of de-velopment. The United Nations had a vital function to perform in all those areas.
34.    At the 2084th meeting, on 3 August 1977, after the general debate had been concluded, the rep-resentative of Portugal, on behalf of Austria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Greece, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, the Philippines, Portugal, the United States of America and Venezuela, introduced, in connexion with agenda item 3, a draft resolution entitled "Consumer protection" (E/L.1787). Subsequently, Uganda joined in sponsoring the draft resolution, which read:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling General Assembly resolutions 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974 containing the Declaration and the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order, 3281 (XXIX) of 12 December 1974 containing the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, and 3362 (S-VII) of 16 September 1975 on development and international economic co-operation,
"Recognizing that the benefits of ï development measures aimed at raising the standard of living and improving the quality of life of the peoples of -the world would be enhanced if they were accompanied by adequate measures for the protection of individual consumers, particularly those of the developing coun-tries,
"Recalling its decision 204 (ORG-77) of 14 January 1977 to request the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination to prepare a brief report on the activities of the United Nations system on consumer protection for consideration at the Council's sixty-third session,
"Aware of the need for the establishment throughout the world of appropriate minimum standards of, inter alia, health, safety, quality performance and liability,
"Aware of the need to assist interested States, at their request, in establishing or further improving their legislation aimed at protecting their population from the production, import or use of products which do not comply with such standards,
"Recognizing the importance, in this context, of the work being done in the field of consumer protection by the Commission on Transnational Corporations,
"Recalling decision 85 (V) of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme, in particular paragraph 3 thereof, requesting the Executive Director of the Programme to assist developing countries in developing and strengthening their capabilities for evaluating chemicals, foods, drugs and cosmetics being distributed within their countries,
"Realizing that the protection of individual consumers requires the development of a coordinated approach and that the work of the United Nations system in this field is limited,
"1. Takes note of the report of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination entitled 'Activities of the United Nations system related to consumer protection' (E/5996);
"2. Decides to request the Secretary-General to prepare, in consultation with the agencies and organi-zations concerned within the United Nations system, and also bearing in mind the studies already made
and particularly taking into account the circumstances of developing countries, and to submit to the Council at its sixty-fifth session, a report on possible measures to improve individual consumer protection, with recommendations on, inter alia, the strengthening of international co-operation in this area; the feasibility of establishing model guidelines on consumer protection, especially for consumers in developing countries; an exchange of information including available information on technical developments affecting the quality of consumer products; the provision, upon the request of interested countries, of technical assistance in formulating national legislation and standards; and measures to strengthen coordination within the United Nations system in the field of individual consumer protection."
35.    At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977 the representative of Portugal, on behalf of Austria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Greece, India, Kenya, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, the Philippines, Portugal, Uganda and the United States of America, later joined by Zaire, introduced a revised text of the draft resolution (E/L.1787/Rev.1). The revision incorporated the following changes:
(a)    The addition of the words "which do not have the capabilities required for such protection" at the end of the second preambles paragraph;
(b)    The deletion of the fourth and fifth preambles paragraphs;
(c)    The rewording of the eighth preambles paragraph to read:
"Realizing the need to co-ordinate the work of the United Nations system in respect of the protection of individual consumers";
(d)    The replacement of operative paragraph 2 by the following text:
"2. Requests the Secretary-General to prepare, and to submit to the Council at its sixty-fifm session a survey illustrative of the range of institutional and legal arrangements existing in the field of individual consumer protection at the national level, with a view to identifying needs for co-operation and assistance in this field that may be provided at their request to the countries concerned, particularly developing countries, and to prepare this survey within existing resources and in doing so to consult the agencies, organizations and bodies concerned within the United Nations system and to bear in mind the studies already made and under preparation."
36.    At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977, the Council adopted the revised draft resolution (E/L. 1787/Rev.1) without a vote. For the final text, see Council resolution 2111 (LXIII).
37.    Statements were made by the representatives of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Japan, the Federal Republic of Germany, Argentina and Pakistan (see E/SR.2085).
Chapter III
A.    Assistance to the drought-stricken areas of Ethiopia (Item 2 of the agenda for the sixty-second session)
38.    The Council considered this item at the 2054th meeting, on 5 May 1977. It had before it a report of the Secretary-General (E/5919), prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 31/172 of 21 December 1976, on the progress made in the implementation of that and other relevant resolutions regarding assistance to the drought-stricken areas of Ethiopia.
39.    The Council heard statements by the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator and the Assistant Administrator and Regional Director for Africa of UNDP. It also heard a statement by the representative of Ethiopia, Commissioner for Relief and Rehabilitation of Ethiopia.
40.    The representative of Kenya, on behalf of Afghanistan, Argentina, Bangladesh, Kenya, Malaysia, Nigeria, the Philippines, Rwanda, the Upper Volta and Yugoslavia, introduced a draft resolution on the item (E/L.1763). Subsequently, Cuba, Jamaica and Mauritania joined in sponsoring the draft resolution, the text of which read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Having examined the report of the Secretary-General (E/5919) submitted to the Council pursuant to General Assembly resolution 31/172 of 21 December 1976 on the progress made in the implementation of all relevant resolutions regarding assistance to the drought-stricken areas of Ethiopia,
. "Noting with concern that in four regions of the drought-sensitive areas of the country crop failures have been reported, and that a crisis could result before the next harvest in October,
"Having heard the statement of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator (see E/SR.2054) outlining substantial "grain import requirements for the year 1977 as well as the urgent need for transport vehicles and associated equipment for the distribution of relief grain,
"Taking note of the measures taken by the Government of Ethiopia to deal with emergency relief and rehabilitation in the drought-stricken areas of the country,
"Recalling its resolutions 1833 (LVI) of 8 May 1974, 1876 (LVII) of 16 July 1974, 1971 (LLX) of 30 July 1975 and 1986 (LX) of 6 May 1976, in which the Council, inter alia, called upon the Secretary-General to take the necessary action to respond to the requests of the Government of Ethiopia with regard to the immediate, medium-term and
long-term needs of the drought-stricken areas, and appealed to the Governments of all Member States, international organizations and voluntary agencies to continue giving their fullest support and assistance in the Government's effort towards rehabilitation and recovery,
"Further noting that, despite the generous assistance offered to the Government of Ethiopia by the Governments of Member States, organizations of the United Nations system and voluntary agencies, enor-mous difficulties of rehabilitation and recovery still persist,
"1. Requests the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator, the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Children's Fund and the other United Nations organizations and specialized agencies to continue and intensify their assistance to Ethiopia in its relief and rehabilitation effort in their respective areas of competence and implement promptly the relevant provisions of General Assembly resolutions 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974, 3441 (XXX) of 9 December 1975, 31/172 and Economic and Social Council resolutions 1833 (LVI), 1876 (LVII), 1971 (LIX) and 1986 (LX);
"2. Appeals to Governments of Member States and to intergovernmental and non-governmental or-ganizations and all voluntary agencies to continue and, increase their assistance to the Government of Ethiopia for relief, rehabilitation and recovery of the drought-stricken areas;
"3. Decides to keep the matter under review."
41.    When introducing the draft resolution, the representative of Kenya, on behalf of the sponsors, added
the following new paragraph after the fourth preambular paragraph:
"Having also heard the report of the Assistant Administrator and Regional Director for Africa of the United Nations Development Programme (see E/ SR.2054) on" assistance being provided by the Programme to the Government of Ethiopia in relation to its relief and rehabilitation programmes in the drought-stricken areas of the country".
42.    At the 2054th meeting, on 5 May 1977, the Council adopted without a vote the draft resolution contained in E/L.1763, as orally revised. For the final text, see Council resolution 2047 (LXH).
B.    Assistance to Mozambique (Item 6 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
43.    The Council considered this item -at its 2081st to 2083rd meetings, on 27, 28 and 29 July 1977.
44.    In pursuance of Security Council resolution 386 (1976) the Economic and Social Council has considered periodically the question of economic assistance to Mozambique (see Council resolutions 1987 (LX) and 2020 (LXI)).

45.    For its consideration of the item, the Council had before it a report of the Secretary-General sub-mitted in pursuance of paragraph 10(d.- of General Assembly resolution 31/43 of 1 December 1976 (A/32/96); and a note by .the Secretary-General (E/L.1773) transmitting the text of Security Council resolution 411 (1977) on assistance to Mozambique.
46.    At the 2081st' meeting, the Council heard statements made on behalf of the Secretary-General by the Assistant Secretary-General for Special Political Questions and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
47.    At the 2082nd meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of 'the States members of the Economic and Social Council which are members of the Group of 77, introduced and orally revised are draft resolution (E/L.1783) entitled "Assistance to Mozambique". The draft resolution, as orally revised, read:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling the decision of the Government of Mozambique to implement mandatory sanctions against Southern Rhodesia in accordance with Security Council resolution 253 (1968) of 29 May 1968,
"Fully aware of the substantial economic sacrifices made by the Government and the people of Mozambique as a consequence of the closure of the border with Southern Rhodesia,
"Recalling Security Council resolution 386 (1976) of 17 March 1976, in which that Council appealed to all States to provide immediate financial, technical and material assistance to Mozambique and requested the Secretary-General, in collaboration with the appropriate organizations of the United Nations system, to organize with immediate effect all forms of financial, technical and material assistance to enable Mozambique to carry out its policy of economic independence from the racist regime of Southern Rhodesia and to enhance its capacity to implement fully the United Nations mandatory sanctions,
"Recalling its own resolutions 1987 (LX) of 11 May 1976 and 2020 (LXI) of 3 August 1976 and General Assembly resolution 31/43 of 1 December 1976, endorsing the appeal of the Security Council to the international community to provide immediate financial, technical and material assistance to Mo-zambique,
"Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General on assistance to Mozambique (A/32/96), which gives an assessment of Mozambique's specific food and material requirements for 1977 and describes the country's special needs resulting from floods and from the influx of refugees from Southern Rhodesia,
"Recognizing the plight of the refugees and the additional burden imposed upon Mozambique by their continuing influx,
"Noting further the status of the international assistance accorded to Mozambique by February 1977 (ibid., chap. III),
"Recalling Security Council resolution 411 (1977) of 30 June 1977 concerning inter alia losses suffered by Mozambique as a result of acts of aggression committed by the illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia, by which that Council requested the international community to provide financial, technical and material assistance to enable Mozambique to overcome the severe economic loss and destruction of property brought about by those acts of aggression,
"1. Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary-General for the report reviewing the situation in Mozambique and concurs with its conclusions (ibid., chap. V);
"2. Deeply appreciates the assistance so far provided to Mozambique by various countries and inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations;
"3. Expresses concern, however, that the international assistance received to date falls short of the amount required to enable Mozambique to deal with the special economic problems arising from its im-plementation of Security Council resolution 253 (1968);
"4. Further concerned by recent acts of aggression committed against Mozambique by the illegal regime of Southern Rhodesia, in particular the infliction of heavy casualties among the civilian population and widespread destruction of private and public property;
"5. Calls upon all States and regional and interregional organizations to respond to the appeals of the Security Council and the General Assembly for assistance on a generous scale to enable Mozambique to bear the great cost arising from the implementation of sanctions and from the aggressive actions of the illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia;
"6. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session the report of the mission which was dispatched to Mozambique pursuant to Security Council resolution 411 (1977), so that the international community may consider further the measures needed to assist Mozambique in overcoming the social and economic losses resulting from the acts of aggression committed by the illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia;
"7. Requests the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to strengthen further his humanitarian assistance programmes on behalf of refugees and urges the international community to provide him speedily with the necessary means to carry out these programmes;
"8. Welcomes the arrangements made by the Secretary-General and by the Government of Mozambique for the co-ordination of the programme of assistance, and the establishment of a special account at United Nations Headquarters by the Secretary-General to receive contributions to the programme;
"9. Requests the appropriate organizations and specialized agencies of the United Nations system, in particular the United Nations Development Programme, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Monetary Fund, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the World Food Programme, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to assist Mozambique in carrying out its planned development projects without interruption and to co-operate closely with the Secretary-General in organizing an effective international programme of assistance;
"10. Further requests the appropriate organizations and programmes of the United Nations system to report regularly to the Secretary-General on the steps they have taken and the resources they have made available to assist Mozambique;
"11.   Requests the Secretary-General:
"(a) To continue his efforts to mobilize the resources necessary for an effective programme of financial, technical and material assistance to Mozambique;
"(b) To ensure that adequate financial and budgetary arrangements are made to continue the mobili-zation of resources and to co-ordinate the international programme of assistance to Mozambique;
"(c) To arrange for a review of the economic situation of Mozambique in time for the matter to be considered by the General Assembly at its thirty-second session."
48. At the 2083rd meeting, the Council adopted draft resolution E/L.1783, as orally revised, without a vote. For the final text, see Council resolution 2094 (LXIII).
C.     Assistance to Zambia (Item 7 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
49.    The Council considered this item at its 2079th and 2080th meetings, on 25 and 26 July 1977.
50.    In pursuance of Security Council resolution 329 (1973), the Economic and Social Council has considered periodically the question of assistance to Zambia (see Council resolutions 1798 (LV), 1832 (LVI), 1875 (LVII), 1951 (LIX) and 2012 (LXI)).
51.    At the 2079th meeting, the Council heard a statement made on behalf of the Secretary-General by the Coordinator of United Nations Assistance to Zambia, subsequently circulated as document E/6050. At the same meeting, the observer for Zambia made a statement under rule 72 of the rules of procedure.
"52. At the 2080th meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of the States members of the Council which are members of the Group of 77, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Assistance to Zambia" (E/L.1781), which read:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling Security Council resolutions on the question of Southern Rhodesia, in particular resolution 232 (1966) of 16 December 1966 declaring that the situation in Southern Rhodesia constituted a threat to international peace and security, and resolution 253 (1968) of 29 May 1968 imposing mandatory sanctions against the illegal racist minority regime in Southern Rhodesia,
"Commending the decision of the Government of Zambia in 1968 to implement progressively United Nations mandatory sanctions against Southern Rhodesia in accordance with Security Council resolution 253 (1968), culminating in the closure of the border with Southern Rhodesia in 1973,
"Appreciating the very substantial sacrifices made by the Government and the people of Zambia in terms of the opportunities forgone for the economic and social development of the" country since the unilateral declaration of independence by Southern Rhodesia in November 1965,
"Recalling Security Council resolution 277 (1970) of 18 March 1970 requesting, inter alia, Member States and the United Nations system to increase their assistance to Zambia as a matter of priority,
"Recalling further Security Council resolution 329 (1973) of 10 March 1973, appealing to all States for immediate technical, financial and material assistance to Zambia to enable it to enhance its capacity to implement fully the mandatory sanctions policy and requesting the Secretary-General, in collaboration with the appropriate organizations of the United Nations system, to organize with immediate effect all forms of financial, technical and material assistance to enable Zambia to carry out its policy of economic independence from the racist regime of Southern Rhodesia,
"Appreciating the assistance received until now from certain Member States and the United Nations system,
"Noting with satisfaction the measures taken so far by the Secretary-General to organize an effective programme of international assistance to Zambia,
"Having heard the statement made on behalf of the Secretary-General and that of the representative of Zambia (see E/SR.2079 and E/6050),
"Noting that:
"(a) The real cost to Zambia includes not only the direct cost of applying sanctions and the cost of the contingency measures necessitated by them, but also heavy recurrent expenditure, and the diversion of limited financial and human resources from the country's national development,
"(b) The direct cost to Zambia of applying sanctions is estimated at approximately US $744 million over the past eleven years, of which approximately $544 million has been incurred during the period 1973-1977,
"(c) The Government of Zambia has already undertaken a number of longer-term developments
Projects designed to counter the adverse effects of sanctions,
"(d) The Government of Zambia wishes to continue the programme of co-operation between Zambia and the United Nations until the situation in relation to the minority racist regime of Southern Rhodesia is resolved satisfactorily,
"Bearing in mind the provisions of Articles 49 and 50 of the Charter of the United Nations,
"Recognizing that Zambia is confronted with special economic problems arising from the implementation of the measures decided upon in Security Council resolution 253 (1968), and especially in the context of the increasing momentum and pressure of political developments in southern Africa,
"1. Strongly endorses the appeal of the Security Council to the international community to provide financial, technical and material assistance to Zambia;
"2. Calls upon all Member States to continue to provide Zambia with ample and appropriate assistance, bilaterally and multilaterally, whenever possible in the form of grants, to enable Zambia to bear the great cost arising from the implementation of sanctions and to carry out its normal development programme;
"3. Requests the United Nations and all its organizations and specialized agencies to make every effort to assist Zambia;
"4. Requests the United Nations Special Fund to give special consideration to the needs of Zambia;
"5. Requests the Secretary-General to continue the programme of co-operation between Zambia and the United Nations until the situation in relation to the minority racist regime of Southern Rhodesia is resolved satisfactorily;
"6. Further  requests the Secretary-General to keep the situation under constant review, to hold consultations, as appropriate, with representatives of Governments of all interested Member States, re-gional organizations, intergovernmental agencies, regional and international financial institutions, and specialized agencies of the United Nations system, and to report thereon to the Economic and Social Council at its sixty-fourth session."
53.    A statement submitted by the Secretary-General on the programme budget implications of the draft
resolution was circulated to the Council in document E/L.1782.
54.    At the 2080th meeting, the Council adopted
the draft resolution without a vote. For the final text,
see Council resolution 2093 (LXIII).
D.    Assistance to Botswana (Item 28 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
55.    The Council considered this item at its 2081st to 2083rd meetings, on 27, 28 and 29 July 1977. It had before it a note by the Secretary-General (E/ L.1772) transmitting the text of Security Council resolution 406 (1977) on assistance to Botswana. In paragraph 7 of that resolution, the Security Council requested the United Nations and its organizations and programmes concerned, including the Economic and Social Council, FAO, IFAD, UNHCR, UNESCO, UNCTAD, UNDP and WHO to assist Botswana in the fields identified in the report of the mission to Botswana.   '
56.    At the 2081st meeting, on 27 July 1977, the Council heard statements, made on behalf of the Secre-tary-General by the Assistant Secretary-General for Special Political Questions and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. At the same meeting, the observer for Botswana made a statement under rule 72 of the rules of procedure.
57.    At the 2082nd meeting, on 28 July 1977, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of the States members of the Economic and Social Council which are members of the Group of 77, introduced and orally revised a draft resolution entitled "Assistance to Botswana" (E/L.1784). The draft resolution, as orally revised, read:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling Security Council resolutions 403 (1977) of 14 January 1977 and 406 (1977) of 25 May 1977 concerning the complaint by the Government of Botswana of acts of aggression committed against its territory by the illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia,
"Recalling also Security Council resolutions 232 (1966) of 16 December 1966 and 253 (1968) of 29 May 1968, which determined and reaffirmed, respectively, that the situation in Southern Rhodesia constituted a threat to international peace and security and that sanctions should be imposed against the illegal regime in that territory,
"Deeply concerned at the loss of human life and damage to property caused by the acts of the illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia against Botswana,
"Noting with appreciation Botswana's policy of according asylum to political refugees fleeing from Southern Rhodesia,
"Realizing the need for Botswana to strengthen its security in order to safeguard its sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence,
"Recognizing the plight of the refugees and the additional burden imposed upon Botswana by their continuing influx,
"1. Expresses full support for the Government of Botswana in its effort to safeguard its sovereignty and to afford protection to its people against attacks and acts of provocation by the illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia;
"2. Takes cognizance of the special economic hardship confronting Botswana because it has to divert funds from current and planned development projects to hitherto unplanned and unbudgeted security arrangements, owing to the country's urgent need to defend itself effectively against attacks and threats by the illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia;
"3. Fully endorses the assessment and recommendations of the mission to Botswana (S/12307) appointed by the Secretary-General to assess the needs of Botswana in carrying out its development projects in the present circumstances;
"4. Strongly endorses the appeal of the Security Council and of the Secretary-General to all States and intergovernmental organizations to provide generous assistance to Botswana, within the framework of the mission's recommendations, in order that Botswana may be able to carry out its planned development projects at their original level and without delay;
"5. Calls upon all States, regional and interregional organizations, and other governmental and non-governmental bodies to respond to the appeals of the Security Council to provide assistance on a generous scale to Botswana;
"6. Requests the appropriate organizations and programmes of the United Nations system, in particular the United Nations Development Programme, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Monetary Fund, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the World Food Programme, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to maintain and increase their current and future programmes of assistance to Botswana in carrying out its planned development projects without interruption and to co-operate closely with the Secretary-General in organizing an effective international pro-gramme of assistance;
"7. Requests the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to strengthen further his humani-tarian assistance programmes on behalf of refugees and urges the international community to provide him speedily with the necessary means to carry out these programmes;
"8. Further requests the appropriate organizations and specialized agencies of the United Nations system to report regularly to the Secretary-General on the steps they have taken and the resources they have made available to assist Botswana;
"9. Welcomes the arrangements made by the Secretary-General and by the Government of Botswana for the co-ordination of the programme of assistance, and the establishment of a special account at United Nations Headquarters by the Secretary-General to receive contributions to the programme;
"10.    Requests the Secretary-General:
"(a) To continue his efforts to mobilize the resources necessary for an effective international pro-gramme of assistance to Botswana;
"(b) To ensure that adequate financial and budgetary arrangements are made to continue the mobili-zation of resources and to co-ordinate an international programme of assistance to Botswana;
"(c) To arrange for a review of the programme of assistance to Botswana to be conducted in time for the matter to be considered at the thirty-second session of the General Assembly."
58. At the 2083rd meeting, on 29 July 1977, the Council adopted the draft resolution (E/L.1784), as orally revised, without a vote. For the final text, see Council resolution 2095 (LXIII).
E.     Assistance to Lesotho (Item 29 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
59: The Council considered this item at its 2081st to 2083rd meetings, on 27, 28 and 29 July 1977. It had before it a note by the Secretary-General (E/L.1772) transmitting the text of Security Council resolution 407 (1977) on assistance to Lesotho. In paragraph 7 of that resolution, the Security Council requested the United Nations and the organizations and programmes concerned, including the Economic and Social Council, FAO, IFAD, UNHCR, UNESCO, UNCTAD, UNDP and WHO to assist Lesotho in the fields identified in the report of the Mission to Lesotho.
60.    At the 2081st meeting, the Council heard statements made on behalf of the Secretary-General by the Assistant Secretary-General for Special Political Questions and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. At the same meeting, the observer for Lesotho, Minister for Information and Broadcasting of Lesotho, made a statement under rule 72 of the rules of procedure.
61.    At the 2082nd meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of the States members of the Economic and Social Council which are members of the Group of 77, introduced ï and orally revised a draft resolution entitled "Assistance to Lesotho" (E/ L.1785). The draft resolution, as orally revised, read:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling Security Council resolution 402 (1976) of 22 December 1976 concerning the serious situation created by South Africa's closure of certain border posts between South Africa and Lesotho aimed at coercing Lesotho into according recognition to the Bantustan Transkei,
"Further recalling the condemnation by the Security Council of any action by South Africa to coerce Lesotho into according recognition to the Bantustan Transkei,
"Mindful of the decision of the Government of Lesotho not to recognize the Transkei Bantustan, in conformity with General Assembly resolution 31/6 A of 26 October 1976,
"Fully aware that the decision of the Government of Lesotho not to recognize the Transkei has imposed a special economic burden upon Lesotho,
"Having examined the report of the Mission to Lesotho appointed by the Secretary-General in accordance with Security Council resolution 402 (1976) (S/12315),
"Recognizing the plight of refugees and the additional burden imposed upon Lesotho by their continuing influx,
"1. Expresses full understanding of the problems faced by Lesotho as a result of its decision not to recognize the so-called independent Transkei;
"2. Concurs fully with the assessment and recommendations contained in the report of the Mission to Lesotho;
"3. Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary-General for the measures he has taken to organize an effective international programme of assistance to Lesotho and, in consultation with the Government of Lesotho, the mobilization of the necessary resources required to deal with the economic problems brought about by the closure of the border posts;
"4. Strongly endorses the appeal made by the Security Council to all States, regional and inter-governmental organizations .and the appropriate agencies of the United Nations system to contribute generously to the international programme of assistance to Lesotho in order that it may carry out its economic development programmes and enhance its capacity to implement fully United Nations resolutions on apartheid and Bantustans;
"5. Calls upon all States, regional and interregional organizations, and other governmental and non-governmental organizations to respond to the appeals of the Security Council to provide assistance on a generous scale to Lesotho;
"6. Requests the appropriate organizations and specialized agencies of the United Nations system, in particular the United Nations Development Programme, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Monetary Fund, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Fund for Agricultural Development, the World Food Programme, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Edu-cational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to maintain and increase their current and future programmes of assistance to Lesotho in carrying out
its planned development projects without interruption and to co-operate closely with the Secretary-General in organizing an effective international programme of assistance;
'7. Further requests the appropriate organizations and specialized agencies of the United Nations system to report regularly to the Secretary-General on the steps they have taken and the resources they have made available to .assist Lesotho;
"8. Requests the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to strengthen further his humanitarian assistance programmes on behalf of refugees and urges the international community to provide him speedily with the necessary means to carry out these programmes;
"9. Welcomes the arrangements made by the Secretary-General and by the Government of Lesotho for the co-ordination of the programme of assistance, and the establishment of a special account at United Nations Headquarters by the Secretary-General to receive contributions to the programme;
"10.    Requests the Secretary-General:
"(a) To continue his efforts to mobilize the resources necessary for an effective programme of financial, technical and material assistance to Lesotho;
"(b) To ensure that adequate financial and budgetary arrangements are made to continue the mobili-zation of resources and to co-ordinate the international programme of assistance to Lesotho;
"(c) To arrange for a review of the economic situation of Lesotho in time for the matter to be considered by the General Assembly at its thirty-second session."
62. At the 2083rd meeting, the Council adopted draft resolution E/L.1785, as orally revised, without a vote. For the final text, see Council resolution 2096 (LXIII).
F.     Assistance in emergency situations (Item 5 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
63.    The Council considered this item at its 2081st to 2083rd meetings, on 27, 28 and 29 July 1977.
64.    In resolutions 31/17, 31/42, 31/187 and 31/ 188 the General Assembly had appealed to Member States and to the specialized agencies and other organizations in the United Nations system to assist the Governments of Cape Verde, the Comoros, Sao Tome and Principe and Angola, respectively, in an effective and continuous manner, so as to enable those Governments to face the economic difficulties experienced by their countries. It had also requested the Secretary-General to mobilize financial, technical and economic assistance from the international community, particularly from the developed countries and the appropriate organizations of the United Nations system, with a view to meeting the short-term and the long-term development needs of those countries. It had further requested the Committee for Development Planning at its thirteenth session, as a matter of priority, to give favorable consideration to the question of the inclusion of the above countries in the list of the least developed countries and to submit its conclusions to the Economic and Social Council at its sixty-third session.

65.    For consideration of the item, the Council had before it chapter III of the report of the Committee for Development Planning on its thirteenth session.1
66.    At the 2081st meeting, the Council heard statements made on behalf of the Secretary-General by the Assistant Secretary-General for Special Political Questions, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and the Coordinator of United Nations Assistance to Cape Verde, Indo-China and Zambia.
67.    At the 2083rd meeting, the Council had before it document E/L.1786 containing a draft decision pro-posed by the President, which read:
"The Economic and Social Council decides (a) to take note of the statements made on this subject on behalf of the Secretary-General at its 2081st meeting on 27 July 1977; (b) to take note of the observations made regarding Angola, Cape Verde, the Comoros and Sao Tome and Principe in chapter HI,
1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 4 (E/5939 and Corr.1).
paragraphs 82 and 83, of the report of the Committee for Development Planning on its thirteenth session, and (c) to recommend that the Secretary-General continue his efforts to mobilize further assistance from Member States and the United Nations system for the four countries mentioned, in compliance with General Assembly resolutions 31/17 of 24 November 1976, 31/42 of 1 December 1976,
31/187 of 21 December 1976 and 31/188 of 21 December 1976."
68. At the same meeting, the Council adopted the draft decision proposed by the President (E/L.1786) without a vote. For the final text, see Council decision 252 (LXIII).
G.     Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination
(Item 2 of the agenda for the organizational session for 1977) (Item 3 of the agenda for the third special session) (Item 3 of the agenda for the sixty-second session)
Membership of the preparatory sub-committee for the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination
69.    At the 2044th meeting, on 14 January 1977, in connation with the item relating to organizational matters, the Council had before it a draft decision (E/L.1745) submitted by the President on the basis of his consultations with the chairmen of the regional groups, by which the Council, recalling resolution 1990 (LX) of 11 May 1976, would decide (a) to enlarge the membership of the preparatory sub-committee for the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination from 16 to 23 members; (b) to authorize the President of the Council to appoint the members of the sub-committee in accordance with resolution 1990 (LX); and (c) to authorize the sub-committee to hold its first session at Geneva from 14 to 25 March 1977.
70.    When introducing the draft decision, the President informed the Council that a number of delegations had asked that the sub-committee should hold its first session at United Nations Headquarters rather than at Geneva, as originally proposed.
71.    A statement in that connation was made by the Secretariat, after which the representative of the Sudan, supported by the representatives of Algeria and Somalia, recommended that arrangements should be made by the Secretariat, and the Committee on Conferences for the sub-committee to meet at United Nations Headquarters from 14 to 25 March 1977.
72.    The Council adopted without a vote the draft decision in document E/L.1745, as orally amended. For the final text, see Council decision 206 (ORG-77).
73.    At the 2045th meeting, on 23 February 1977, the Council had before it (a) a communication dated 4 February 1977 from-the Government of Ghana to the Secretary-General (E/5911) regarding the venue of the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination; and (b) a draft resolution submitted by the President on the basis of his consultations with the chairmen of the regional groups, entitled "World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination: membership and terms of reference of the Pre-paratory Sub-Committee" (E/L..1754), the text Of
which read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Having reviewed the provisions of its resolution 1990 (LX) of 11 May 1976 as amended by its decision 206 (ORG-77) of 14 January 1977 regarding the membership of the Preparatory Sub-Committee for the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination,
"Taking note of the communication dated 4 February 1977 from the Government of Ghana to the Secretary-General (E/5911) regarding the venue of the said Conference,
"Decides to replace the introductory phrase of paragraph 4 and subparagraph 4 (a) of resolution 1990 (LX) by the following text:
" '4. Authorizes the President of the Economic and Social Council, in consultation with regional groups, to appoint a committee of twenty-three States Members of the United Nations, which, acting as the preparatory sub-committee of the Council:
"'(a) shall complete, in consultation with the Secretary-General, the preparations for the Conference, in particular the provisional agenda, rules of procedure, timing, costs, representation at the Conference and documentation;'."
74.    The Council adopted the draft resolution in
document E/L. 1754 without a vote. For the final text,
see Council resolution 2046 (S-III).
Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination
75.    The Council considered the item entitled "Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discredit nation" at the 2047th to 2052nd, 2058th and 2060th meetings, held between 19 April and 13 May 1977. It had before it a report of the Secretary-General prepared in accordance with paragraph 18 (f) of the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination (E/5920); a report of the Secretary-General prepared in accordance with paragraph 18 (e) of the Programme for the Decade (E/5921); the report of the preparatory sub-committee of the Council for the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination (E/5922); and a statement submitted by the World Federation of Trade Unions, an organization in category I consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (E/NGO/62).
76.    At the 2052nd meeting, a statement was made
by the Deputy Director of the Division of Human
77.    At the 2058th meeting, the representative of Nigeria, on behalf of Algeria, Egypt,2 Ethiopia, Gabon,
Kenya, Mauritania, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, the Sudan, Tunisia, Uganda, the Upper Volta and Zaire,
introduced a draft resolution entitled "Implementation of the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat
Racism and Racial Discrimination" (E/L.1759), the text of which read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council, "Recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution: " 'The General Assembly, " 'Reaffirming its . resolve  to  achieve  the  total elimination  of  racism,   racial   discrimination   and apartheid,
" 'Recalling that in its resolution 3057 (XXVIII) of 2 November 1973 and in the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination annexed thereto it called for a continuing effort by all peoples, Governments and institutions to eradicate racism, racial discrimination and apartheid,
"'Noting that, despite the support given to the Programme for the Decade by the international community, intolerable conditions continue to prevail in southern Africa and elsewhere, including the denial of the right to self-determination and the inhuman and odious application of apartheid and racial discrimination,
"'Reiterating its conviction that a serious threat is posed to international peace and security by the continued defiance by the racist regimes in South Africa and Southern Rhodesia of the resolutions of the General Assembly and of various organs and bodies of the United Nations relating to the policies of apartheid, racial discrimination and the illegal occupation of Namibia,
"'1. Reaffirms its resolution 31/77 of 13 December 1976 regarding the implementation of the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination and draws the attention of Member States, international organizations, specialized agencies and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to the need to respect and implement the provisions of that resolution;
"'2. Condemns once again the policies of apartheid, racism and racial discrimination which prevail in southern Africa and elsewhere, including the denial of the right to self-determination and the inhuman and odious application of apartheid and racial discrimination;
"'3. Renews its strong support for oppressed peoples struggling to liberate themselves from racism, racial discrimination, apartheid, colonialism and alien domination;
"'4. Appeals to all States to continue to cooperate with the Secretary-General by submitting their reports, when due, in compliance with the pro-
2 In accordance with Me 72 of the rules of procedure of the Economic and Social Council.
visions of paragraph 18 (e) of the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;
"'5. Calls once again upon all Governments which have not yet done so to take legislative, administrative or other measures in respect of their nationals and the bodies corporate under their jurisdiction that own and operate enterprises in southern Africa, in order to put an end to such enterprises;
"'6. Urges United Nations organs, specialized agencies and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to strengthen and enlarge the scope of their activities in support of the objectives of the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, in particular by: " '(a) Intensifying their educational and informational campaigns;
"'(b) Increasing their material and moral support to the national liberation movements and the victims of racism, racial discrimination and apartheid;
"'(c) Offering all assistance to and co-operating with the Secretary-General to ensure the success of the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;
'"7. Requests the Secretary-General to do his utmost to give the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination the fullest publicity, having regard to the need to focus international attention on the struggle against racism, racial discrimination and apartheid;
"'8. Renews its call for adequate resources to be made available to the Secretary-General to enable him to undertake the activities entrusted to him under paragraph 18 (g) of the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;
"'9. Appeals once again to Governments and private organizations to make voluntary contributions in support of the activities envisaged in the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;
'"10. Decides to consider at its thirty-third session, as a matter of high priority, an item entitled "Implementation of the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination".' "
78.    For action by the Council, see paragraph 87
79.    At the 2058th meeting, the representative of Nigeria, on behalf of Algeria, Egypt,2 Gabon, Kenya,
Mauritania, Nigeria, Rwanda, Somalia, the Sudan, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda and the Upper Volta, introduced
a draft resolution entitled "World Conference to Com bat Racism and Racial Discrimination" (E/L.1765),
the text of which read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling General Assembly resolution 3057 (XXVIII) of 2 November 1973 and its own resolution 1990 (LX) of 11 May 1976,
"Recalling also its decision 206 (ORG-77) of 14 January 1977 and its resolution 2046 (S-III) of 23 February 1977,
"Having considered the report of its Preparatory Sub-Committee for the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination (E/5922),
"1. Approves the draft provisional agenda and the draft provisional rules of procedure of the Conference (ibid., annexes I and II);
"2. Requests the Secretary-General to appoint, at the earliest possible time, after consultation with regional groups, a Secretary-General of the Conference and further requests that such appointment be made at the level of Assistant Secretary-General, in order to ensure the appropriate capacity for co-ordination and interaction with Member States and within the United Nations organs, specialized agencies and inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations;
"3. Recommends to the General Assembly that invitations to participate in the Conference ï be extended to:
"(a)    All States;
"(b) The United Nations Council for Namibia in accordance with resolution 31/149 of 20 December 1976;
"4. Recommends to the General Assembly that the following be invited to participate as observers:
"(a) Representatives of national liberation movements recognized in its region by the Organization of African Unity, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 3280 (XXIX) of 10 December 1974;
"(b) Representatives of organizations that have received a standing invitation from the General Assembly to participate in the sessions of the work of all international conferences convened under its auspices in accordance with General Assembly resolution 3237 (XXIX) of 22 November 1974;
"(c) The specialized agencies concerned as well as interested organs and bodies of the United Nations;
"(d)    Interested intergovernmental organizations;
"(e)    The Special Committee against Apartheid;
"(f) The Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples;
"(g) The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination;
"(h)    The Commission on Human Rights;
"(i) Other interested committees of the United Nations;
"(j) Non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council on the basis of a recommendation to be made by the Council to the General Assembly;
"5. Recommends to the General Assembly to include Arabic as a language of the Conference;
"6. Decides that the documentation for the Conference shall include pre-session and in-session docu-ments as indicated in the annex to the present resolution;
"7. Requests the Secretary-General of the United Nations to take appropriate steps for the timely preparation of all the necessary documentation and to make the same available at least six weeks before the commencement of the Conference;
"8. Recommends that the Conference be held in Geneva or New York or any other place which may be suggested by, and accepted from, any Government that may subsequently offer 'to act as host to it;
"9. Recommends further that the duration of the Conference be two weeks from 14 to 25 August 1978; this date being subject to adjustment if an offer is received and accepted from a Government to act as host to the Conference;
"10. Recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:
"'Recalling its relevant resolutions, in particular resolutions 3057 (XXVIII) of 2 November 1973 and 31/78 of 13 December 1976 in which it affirmed its total abhorrence of racism, racial discrimination and apartheid and resolved to achieve their total elimination,
"'Taking note of Economic and Social Council resolution    (LXII), including the annex thereto
in relation to the preparation of the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination,
" 'Taking note of the communication dated 4 February 1977 from the Government of Ghana to the Secretary-General,
'"1. Endorses Economic and Social Council resolution    (LXII), including the annex thereto;
"'2. Regrets the circumstances which led to the withdrawal by the Government of Ghana of its offer to act as host to the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination and expresses its appreciation to Ghana for its co-operation;
"'3. Decides to convene the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination in
    from 14 to 25 August 1978;
"'4. Requests the Secretary-General to invite as participants in the Conference:
"'(a)    All States;
"'(b) The United Nations Council for Namibia in accordance with resolution 31/149 of 20 December 1976;
"'5. Requests the Secretary-General to invite as observers:
"'(a) Representatives of national liberation movements recognized in its region by the Organization of African Unity, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 3280 (XXIX) of 10 December 1974;
"'(b) Representatives of organizations that have received a standing invitation from the General Assembly to participate in the sessions of the work of all international conferences convened under its auspices in accordance with General Assembly resolution 3237 (XXIX) of 22 November 1974;
"'(c) The specialized agencies concerned as well as interested organs and bodies of the United Nations to be represented as observers;
"'(d) Interested intergovernmental organizations in the capacity of observers;
"'(e)    The Special Committee against Apartheid;
"'(f) The Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples;
"'(g) The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination;
"'(h)    The Commission on Human Rights;
"'(i) other interested committees of the United Nations;
"'(j) Non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, as indicated in the annex to the present resolution;
"'6. Authorizes the allocation from the regular budget of the United Nations of the costs involved in holding the Conference;
"'7. Decides to include Arabic as a language of the Conference;
'' '8. Requests the Secretary-General, as part of the preparatory process, to take adequate steps to ensure that maximum publicity shall be given to the Conference and, to that end, to allocate the necessary resources from the regular budget;
"'9. Calls upon all States to contribute to the success of the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, in particular by their active participation in the Conference;
'"10. Urges all States to co-operate with the Secretary-General of the Conference in the preparation of the Conference;
"'11. Requests the Secretary-General to report to it at its thirty-third session on the work of the Conference;
'"12. Decides to consider at its thirty-third session as a matter of high priority an item entitled "World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination".
" 1i To be submitted at a later stage.' ""Annex "I.    Pre-session documents
"1.    Baric documents:
"(a) Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination;
"(b) International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination;
"(c) International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid.
"2.   National reports:
"Each Government invited, would be requested to prepare a report of not more than 15 pages, under its own responsibility, analysing some of the problems of racial discrimination that might be found in its own country or in territories under its jurisdiction, and indicating how those problems had been dealt with. The reports should be in one of the official languages of the Conference and would be circulated in their original language. "3.   Reports and studies:
"(a)    Relevant   reports  and   studies   conducted   by   the organs and bodies of the United Nations;
"(b)    Relevant reports of seminars and symposia held under the auspices of the United Nations. "4.    Introductory -papers: "(a)    General introductory paper; "(b)    The provisional agenda with the appropriate annotations; "(c)    The draft provisional rules of procedure.
"11.   In-session documents
"1. There would be no summary records, but the report of each committee would contain a concise summary of the discussions of various questions in that committee.
"2. In the absence of summary records, special attention should be given to the preparation of press releases and other informational material.
"3. A final document on the proceedings and results of the Conference would be prepared, containing the reports and recommendations of the main committees and all the decisions and declarations adopted by the Conference."
80.    The representative of Nigeria, when introducing the draft resolution (E/L.1765), notd that the end of paragraph 4 (b) of the draft resolution itself and paragraph 5 (b) of the draft resolution recommended to the General Assembly for adoption should read: "to participate in the sessions and the work of all international conferences convened under its auspices in accordance with General Assembly resolutions 3237 (XXIX) of 22 November 1974 and 31/152 of 20 December 1976".
81.    A statement by the Secretary-General on the programme budget implications of the draft resolution was before the Council in document E/L.1767.
82.    At the 2058th meeting, the Under-Secretary-General for Political and General Assembly Affairs made a statement on the draft resolution.
83.    For action by the Council, see paragraph 90 below.
84.    At the 2058th meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of Algeria, the Philippines,
Uganda and Yugoslavia, introduced a draft resolution entitled "World Conference for Action against
Apartheid" (E/L.1764). In the course of his statement he orally revised the draft text by adding a new paragraph
after the second preambular paragraph. The revised
draft text read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council, "Recalling  General   Assembly   resolution   3057 (XXVIII) of 2 November 1973 and its own resolution 1990 (LX) of 11 May 1976,
"Recalling further that the General Assembly, in its resolution "31/6 G, of 9 November 1976, authorized the Special Committee against Apartheid to organize a World Conference for Action against Apartheid in 1977,
"Recalling further its resolution     (LXII) in
which it recommended that the General Assembly should declare 1978 International Anti-Apartheid Year,
"Conscious of the imperative need for effective international action against apartheid during the Dec-ade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination,
"1. Welcomes the generous offer made by the Government of Nigeria to act as host to the World Conference for Action against Apartheid at Lagos from 22 to 26 August 1977;
"2. Urges all Member States, specialized agencies and other bodies of the United Nations concerned, and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, to lend their maximum co-operation to ensure the success of the Conference;
"3. Invites the Special Committee against Apartheid to present the report and documents of the
World Conference for Action against Apartheid to the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination."
85.    For action by the Council, see paragraph 93
86.    At its 2050th meeting on 22 April 1977 the Council, after having been informed of the budgetary
implications of the recommendation of its Preparatory Sub-Committee for the World Conference to Combat
Racism and Racial Discrimination that a member of the Division of Human Rights should attend the Inter
national Conference in Support of the Peoples of Zimbabwe and Namibia, to be held from 16 to 21
May 1977 at Maputo, Mozambique, approved that recommendation (see Council decision 215 (LXII) ).
87.    At the 2058th meeting, the Council adopted by a roll-call vote of 47 to none, with 5 abstentions,
the draft resolution contained in document E/L.1759. The voting was as follows:
In favour. Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Gabon, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Upper Volta, Venezuela, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zaire.
Against: None.
Abstaining: France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
88.    Statements in explanation of vote before the vote were made by the representatives of the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands (see E/SR.2058).
89.    For the final text, see Council resolution 2056 (LXII).
90.    At the same meeting, the Council adopted without a vote the draft resolution contained in document E/L.1765, as orally revised. For the final text, see Council resolution 2057 (LXII).
91.    After the draft resolution had been adopted, the Secretary of the Council made a statement with regard to paragraph 4 (i) (see E/SR.2058).
92.    Statements, some of them in explanation of vote, were then made on one or both resolutions by the representatives of Japan, the United Kingdom (on behalf of those members of the European Economic Community which were represented on the Council and on behalf of the observers for Belgium, Ireland and Luxembourg), Greece, Portugal, Austria, Canada, Norway, the United States of America, Iraq, the Syrian Arab Republic, Denmark, New Zealand, Algeria, Mexico, Somalia, Cuba, Mauritania and Nigeria (ibid.).
93.    At the 2060th meeting, the Council adopted without a vote the draft resolution contained in document E/L.1764, as orally revised. For the final text, see Council resolution 2087 (LXII).
94.    At the 2059th meeting, on 13 May 1977, the representative of Nigeria, on behalf of Algeria, Jamaica
and Nigeria, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Infringements of trade union rights in southern Africa"
(E/L.1768). Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Mexico, Uganda and Yugoslavia subsequently joined in sponsoring the
draft resolution, the text of which read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling its resolution 1997 (LX) of 12 May
"Gravely concerned at the increased use of arrests and banning to suppress legitimate trade union activities among African workers in South Africa,
"Commending the widespread manifestations of trade union solidarity with South African workers,
"1. Condemns the continued gross infringements of trade union rights in South Africa;
"2. Calls for the immediate release of all trade unionists at present under detention in South Africa and for the lifting of all banning orders imposed on persons engaged in trade union activities;
"3. Demands full recognition of all trade union rights of African workers in South Africa."
95.    At the 2060th meeting, on 13 May 1977, the
representative of Nigeria, on behalf of the sponsors,
orally revised the draft resolution by:
(a)    Inserting the following new paragraph after
the first preambular paragraph:
"Taking note of the report of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on southern Africa (E/CN.4/1222 and Corr.1)";
(b)    Adding the words "Namibia and Zimbabwe" at the end of the original second preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 1 and 3;
(c)    Replacing the words "South African workers" in the original third preambular paragraph by the words "the struggle of African workers in southern Africa".
(d)    Replacing the words "in South Africa" by the words "in southern Africa" in operative paragraph 2, after the words "under detention".

96.    At the 2060th meeting, the draft resolution, as orally revised, was adopted without a vote. For the final text, see Council resolution 2086 (LXII).
97.    Statements were made at that meeting by the representatives of Yemen, the Federal Republic of Germany, Brazil, Japan, Canada, Argentina, Peru, Bolivia and Pakistan.
H.    Regional co-operation and development (Item 4 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
98.    At the 2071st and 2072nd meetings, on 14 July 1977, in the context of the general discussion under agenda item 3, the Council heard introductory statements by the executive secretaries of the regional com-missions made during the general discussion of international, economic and social policy, including regional and sectoral developments.
99.    The Council considered this item at its 2075th to 2079th meetings, from 19 to 25 July 1977, and at its 2083rd meeting, on 29 July. It had before it the annual reports of ECE,3 ESCAP,4 ECLA,"' ECA, and ECWA;7 a report of the Secretary-General on the meetings of the executive secretaries of the regional commissions (E/5997); a report of the Secretary-General on the strengthening of the regional commissions for regional and interregional co-operation (E/5998); a report of the Secretary-General on long-term trends in the economic development of the regions of the world (E/5937 and Corr.1 and Add.1 and Add.1/Corr.1 and 2, Add.2 and 3 and Add.4 and Corr.1); chapter II of the report of the Committee for Development Planning on its thirteenth session;8 a letter dated 21 June 1977 addressed to the Secretary-General by the Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations (E/6021); and a report by ECLA on long-term trends and prospects for the economic development of Latin America (E/CEPAL/1027).
100.    Statements submitted by the Secretary-General reviewing the programme budget implications of the
resolutions contained in the annual reports of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Economic Commission for Africa were circulated in
documents E/6031, E/6032 and E/6033.
101.    At the 2077th meeting, on 21 July 1977, the representative of Colombia, on behalf of Argentina,
Austria, Colombia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, the Philippines and Togo, introduced a draft decision entitled "Invita-tion to the Holy See to attend sessions of the regional commissions" (E/L.1775) which read:
"The Economic and Social Council requests the Secretary-General to authorize the executive secretaries of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, the Economic Commission for Latin America, the Economic Commission for Africa and the Economic Commission for Western Asia to invite the Holy See to attend sessions of these commissions on a basis similar to that provided for in the relevant terms of reference for States Members of the United Nations not members of the commissions."
102.    At the 2078th meeting, on 22 July 1977, the
representative of Colombia, on behalf of the sponsors,
orally revised the draft decision by replacing the words
"requests the Secretary-General to authorize the executive secretaries of by the words "recommends to".
3 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 9 (E/5944).
4 Ibid., Supplement No. 8 (E/5943).,
5 Ibid., Supplement No. 11 (E/5945).
6 Ibid., Supplements Nos. 7 and 7A (E/5941 and Add.1).
7 Ibid., Supplements Nos. 10 and 10A (E/5969 and Add.1).
8 Ibid., Supplement No. 4 (E/5939 and Corr.1).
103.    At the 2078th meeting, the Council adopted
draft decision E/L.1775, as orally revised, without a
vote. For the final text, see Council decision 244
104.    At the 2077th meeting, the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic, on behalf of Afghanistan,
Algeria, Bangladesh, Iraq, Malaysia, Mauritania, Pakistan, the Philippines, Somalia, the Sudan, the Syrian
Arab Republic, Tunisia, Uganda, Yemen, Yugoslavia
and Zaire, subsequently joined by Greece, introduced
a draft resolution entitled "Admission of the Arab Re
public of Egypt to membership of the Economic Com
mission for Western Asia" (E/L.1777), the text of
which read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Having considered resolution 37 (IV) of the Economic Commission for Western Asia1 concerning the application of the Arab Republic of Egypt for admission to membership of that Commission,
"Bearing in mind paragraph 2 of the Commission's terms of reference as contained in Economic and Social Council resolution 1818 (LV) of 9 August 1973,
"1. Decides to admit the Arab Republic of Egypt as a member of the Economic Commission for Western Asia;
"2. Requests the Executive Secretary of the Commission to take the necessary measures for the early implementation of the present resolution.
"1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (E/5969), chap. III."
105.    At the 2078th meeting, on 22 July 1977, the
Council adopted draft resolution E/L.1777 without a
vote. For the final text, see Council resolution 2088
106.    At the 2077th meeting, the representative of
Pakistan, on behalf of Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh,
Cuba, Egypt,9 Iraq, Kuwait," Lebanon, Malaysia, Mauritania, Pakistan, Somalia, the Sudan, the Syrian Arab
Republic, Tunisia, Uganda, Yemen and Yugoslavia,
introduced a draft resolution entitled "Annual report
of the Economic Commission for Western Asia" (E/
L.1778), the text of which read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling its resolution 2026 (LXI) of 4 August 1976,
"Considering that the full participation of the Palestine Liberation Organization in the Economic Commission for Western Asia would contribute to the purposes and aims of the Commission,
9 In accordance with rule 72 of the rules of procedure of the Council.
"Taking into consideration resolution 36 (IV) of the Economic Commission for Western Asia,
"1. Decides to amend paragraph 2 of the terms of reference of the Economic Commission for Western Asia as contained in Council resolution 1818 (LV) of 9 August 1973 to read:
"'2. The members of the Commission shall consist of the States Members of the United Nations situated in Western Asia, which used to call on the services of the United Nations Economic and Social Office in Beirut, and of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Future applications for membership by Member States shall be decided on by the Council upon the recommendation of the Commission,'
"2.Requests the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Western Asia to take the necessary measures for the early implementation, of the present resolution.'
"1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 10 (E/5969), chap. HI."
107.    At the 2078th meeting, statements made before the vote on draft resolution E/L.1778 by the rep-resentatives of Denmark (speaking on behalf of the members of the European Economic Community), Greece, the United States of America and Togo.
108.    At the request of the representative of Pakistan, a roll-call vote was taken on the draft resolution, which was adopted by 27 votes to 11, with 12 abstentions. The voting was as follows:
In favour: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Iraq, Jamaica, Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Somalia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zaire.
Against: Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America.
Abstaining:   Bolivia,. Brazil,   Colombia,   Ecuador, Ethiopia, Iran, Japan, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Venezuela. For the final text, see Council resolution 2089 (LXIII).
109.    After the draft resolution had been adopted,
statements were made by the representatives of Ethiopia,
Japan, Peru, the Philippines, Iran and Canada (see
110.    At the 2078th meeting, the representative of
Poland, on behalf of Algeria, Bangladesh, Colombia,
Cuba, Ecuador, Greece, Iraq, Peru, the Philippines,
Poland, Portugal, the Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, the
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Venezuela and
Yugoslavia, subsequently joined by Mexico, introduced
a draft resolution entitled "Examination of long-term
trends in the economic development of world regions"
(E/L.1780), the text of which read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling General Assembly resolutions 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974 containing the Declaration and the - Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order, General Assembly resolution 3281
(XXIX)    of 12 December 1974 containing the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, as well
as General Assembly resolution 3362 (S-VII) of
16 September 1975 on development and international
economic co-operation,
"Considering that the United Nations, activities initiated   by   General   Assembly   resolution   3508
(XXX)    of 15 December 1975 entitled "Examination
of long-term trends in the economic development of
the regions of the world" should contribute to pro
viding an adequate basis for international economic
negotiations relating to international trade, primary
commodity and food problems, industrialization,
monetary problems and other issues of primordial
importance for economic and social development on
the global scale,
"1. Notes with satisfaction the report of the Secretary-General on long-term trends in the economic development of the various regions of the world and their mutual relationship (E/5937 and Corr.1 and Add.1 and Corr.1 and 2, Add.2 and 3 and Add.4 and Corr.1), prepared in accordance with paragraph 3 of General Assembly resolution 3508 (XXX);
"2. Recommends that the regional commissions should continue and further expand their studies of long-term economic trends in their respective regions designed to produce practical conclusions regarding the expansion of economic co-operation both on a regional and on an international scale;
"3. Affirms the need to bear in mind the long-term prospects for the economic development of the regions of the world during the elaboration of the new international development strategy;
"4. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Committee for Development Planning, .to start, on the basis of the regional studies, the preparations for the over-all socio-economic perspective of the development of the world economy up to the year 2000, with special emphasis on the years up to 1990, taking due account of social and economic factors of projected development, interregional economic relationships, sectoral forecasts and methodological guidelines for the further examination of long-term economic trends in the regions;
"5. Further requests the Secretary-General to submit to the Council at its sixty-fifth session a progress report on the action taken to implement the provisions of the present-resolution."
111.    At the same meeting, the representative of Pakistan proposed an amendment to operative paragraph 4, which would add the words "the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the heads of other interested bodies of the United Nations system" after the words "the Committee for Development Planning".
112.    At the 2079th meeting, the representative of Poland introduced a revised text (E/L.1780/Rev.1) of the draft resolution, now also sponsored by Uganda, in which the word "produce" in operative paragraph 2 was replaced by the word "reach" and operative paragraph 4 was replaced by the following text, which incorporated the amendment proposed by Pakistan:
"Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Committee for Development Planning, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the heads of other interested bodies of the United Nations system, to
start, on the basis of the regional studies under way, preparations for the elaboration of an over-all socio-economic perspective of the development of the world economy up to the year 2000, with special emphasis on the years up to 1990, taking due account of social and economic factors within development projections, interregional economic relationships, sectoral forecasts and including methodological guidelines appropriate for the further examination of long-term economic trends".
113.    At the same meeting, the Secretary of the
Council made a statement on the programme budget
implications of the revised draft resolution.
114.    At the 2079th meeting, on 25 July 1977, the Council adopted the revised draft resolution (E/ L.1780/Rev.l) without a vote. For the final text, see Council resolution 2090 (LXIII).
115.    A statement was made by the representative of China (see E/SR.2079).
116.    At the 2078th meeting, the Council had before it document E/L.1779, containing two draft resolutions and seven draft decisions proposed by the President.
117.    Draft resolution I was entitled "Amendment of the terms of reference of the Economic Commission for Africa" and read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Noting that Angola and Seychelles have become Members of the United Nations since the .Economic Commission for Africa last submitted its annual report to the Council,1
"Decides to add Angola and Seychelles to the list of member countries contained in paragraph 5 of the terms of reference of the Economic Commission for Africa.2
"1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-first Session, Supplement No. 11 (E/5783)."2 Ibid, annex III."
118.    Draft resolution II, entitled "Amendment of
the terms of reference of the Economic and Social
Commission for Asia and the Pacific", read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Noting that Papua New Guinea has become a member of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific in accordance with paragraph 3 of the terms of reference of the Commission,
"Decides to amend paragraphs 3 and 4 of the terms of reference of the Commission1 accordingly.
"1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 8 (E/5943), annex III."
119.    Draft decision I, entitled "Annual report of
the Economic Commission for Europe", read:
"The Economic and Social Council decides to take note of the report of the Economic Commission for Europe for the period 10 April 1976 to 30 April 1977,1 of the views expressed during the discussions in the Commission, of the resolutions and other decisions adopted by the Commission at its thirty-second session contained in parts III and IV of that report and of the Commission's programme of work contained in part V thereof.
"1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 9 (E/5944)."
120.    Draft decision II, which was entitled "Annual
report of the Economic and Social Commission for
Asia and the Pacific", read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council decides to take note of the report of the Economic and Social Com-mission for Asia and the Pacific for the period 3 April 1976 to 30 April 1977, of the recommendations and resolutions contained in chapters II and HI of the report and of the Commission's programme of work contained in chapter IV thereof.
"1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 8 (E/5943)."
121.    Draft decision III, entitled "Annual report of
the Economic Commission for Latin America", read:
"The Economic and Social Council decides: "(a) To take note of the annual report of the Economic Commission for Latin America covering the period 7 May 1976 to 5 May 1977,1 of the recommendations and resolutions therein and also of the Commission's programme of work contained in volume II thereof;
"(b) To note with satisfaction the work done by the secretariat in fulfilment of the mandates received at the Commission's sixteenth session.
"1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 11 (E/5945)."
122.    Draft decision IV, entitled "Annual report of
the Economic Commission for Western Asia", read:
"The Economic and Social Council decides to take note of the report of the Economic Commission for Western Asia on its fourth session,1 of resolutions 41 (IV) and 42 (IV) relating to its work programme2 as well as of the Commission's programme of work contained in volume II of the report.
"1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplements Nos. 10 and 10A (E/5969) and Add.1.
"2 Ibid., Supplement No. 10 (E/5969), chap. XXX."
123.    Draft decision V, entitled "Annual report of
the Economic Commission for Africa", read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council decides to take note of the report of the Economic Commission for Africa for the period 1 March 1976 to 3 March 1977,1 of the recommendations and resolutions contained in parts II and III of that report, and of the Commission's programme of work contained in part IV thereof.
1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplements Nos. 7 and 7A (E/6941 and Add.1)."
124.    Draft decision VI was entitled "Report on the
meetings of the executive secretaries of the regional
commissions" and read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council decides to take note of the annual report of the Secretary-General on the meetings of the executive secretaries of the regional commissions (E/5997)."
125.    Draft decision VII, entitled "Report on the
strengthening of the regional commissions for regional
and interregional co-operation", read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council decides to take note of the Secretary-General's report entitled 'Strengthening of the regional commissions for regional and interregional co-operation' (E/5998) submitted to the Council pursuant to paragraph 7 of its resolution 2043 (LXI) on that subject."
126.    At the 2078th meeting, on 22 July 1977, the
representative of Greece proposed that the words "with
satisfaction" should be added after the words "take
note" in draft decisions I to V; this proposal was accepted.
127.    At the 2079th meeting, on 25 July 1977, the
Council took the following action on the draft proposals
contained in document E/L.1779:
(a)    It adopted draft resolutions I and II without a vote; for the final texts, see Council resolutions 2091 (LXIII) and 2092 (LXIII);
(b)    It adopted draft decisions I to V, as orally amended by the representative of Greece without a vote; for the final texts, see Council decisions 245 (LXIII) to 249 (LXIII);
(c)    It adopted draft decisions VI and VII without a vote; for the final texts, see Council decisions 250 (LXIII) and 251 (LXIII).
128.    At the 2077th meeting, the representative of
Kenya introduced a draft resolution submitted by Yugoslavia on behalf of the States members of the Council
which are members of the Group of 77, entitled "Trans
port and Communications Decade in Africa" (E/
L.1776), the text of which read:
"The Economic and Social Council
"Recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:
"'The General Assembly,
"'Recalling its resolutions 2626 (XXV) of 24 October 1970 on the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade, 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974 on the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order, and 3362 (S-VII) of 16 September 1975 on development and international economic co-operation, and in particular the need to narrow "the gap between the industrialized and the developing countries,
"'Recognizing the urgent need to improve substantially the transport and communications infrastructure in Africa in particular,
" 'Noting with satisfaction the initiative of the Organization of African Unity and the Economic Commission for Africa in the establishment of an integrated African road network and the rationalization of Africa's railway systems and other transport systems in order to facilitate the promotion of multinational economic co-operation in Africa, inter-African trade and the political and social integration of Africa,
" 'Commending resolution 291 (XIII) of the Economic Commission for Africa entitled "Transport and Communications Decade in Africa", adopted at the thirteenth session of the Commission (fourth meeting of the Conference of Ministers),1
"'Convinced that effective support is required from the international community in order to promote the principle of collective self-reliance for the purpose of solving African problems in these sectors,
"'Convinced further of the need to adopt an integrated approach in the formulation of a global
strategy for the development of transport and communications in Africa, taking into account all the problem-: facing the continent in this field,
"'Noting further with appreciation the progress made in the development of a Pan-African telecom-munication network, which is jointly sponsored by the Organization of African Unity, the International Telecommunication Union and the Economic Commission for Africa,
" 'Welcoming the continuing interest of the specialized agencies in the application of communications technologies and services, in particular that of the International Telecommunication Union, which, as the lead agency, has the responsibility for the regulation, co-ordination and harmonization of activities in this field,
" '1. Endorses the recommendation made in paragraph 1 of resolution 291 (XIII) of the Economic Commission for Africa adopted at the thirteenth session (fourth meeting of the Conference of Ministers) and proclaims a Transport and Communications Decade in Africa during the years 1978-1988 in order to:
'"(a) Give active support to the global strategy for the development of transport and communications in Africa and to the application of that strategy for the purpose of solving the problems of the continent in this field;
"'(b) Mobilize the technical and financial resources required for this purpose;
"'2. Requests the Secretary-General to provide all necessary assistance to the African States with a view to enabling them to prepare a detailed plan of action for the Decade;
"'3. Further requests the Secretary-General, in co-operation with the executive heads of the agencies concerned, to mobilize the technical and financial resources required to make the Decade a success;
"'4. Requests also the Member States, in particular the developed countries, to participate effectively in the implementation of programmes for achieving the objectives of the Decade;
"'5. Invites the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union to propose for consideration as appropriate one year during the Decade as the World Communications Year in view of the importance of transport and communication to other regions of the world and to submit a report to the Economic and Social Council at its sixty-fifth session on a detailed programme of measures and activities to be carried out during the World Communications Year;
" '6. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its thirty-third session, through the Economic and Social Council at its sixty-fifth session, a detailed progress report on the implementation of the present resolution and to submit thereafter annual progress reports.
"1l See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 7 (E/5941) part III.'"
129. The programme budget implications of the draft resolution were indicated in paragraphs 2 to 5 of the statement submitted by the Secretary-General
on the programme budget implications of resolutions adopted by EGA at its thirteenth session.
130. At the 2083rd meeting, on 28 July 1977, the representative of Kenya, on behalf of the sponsors, introduced a revised text of the draft resolution (E/ L.1776/Rev.1), which he revised further in the course of his statement. The revised draft incorporated the following changes:
(a) In the third preambular paragraph, the words "and economic" were inserted between the words "social" and "integration";
(6) A new fifth preambular paragraph was added, which read as follows:
"Noting section III, subsection D, of the annex to the report of the Conference on International Economic Co-operation (see E/L.1774) on infrastructure, and in particular paragraph 8 of that subsection dealing with Africa";,
(c) Operative paragraphs 1 and 2 were reworded to read:
"1. Endorses the recommendation made in paragraph 1 of resolution 291 (XIII) of the Economic Commission for Africa adopted at its thirteenth session (fourth meeting of the Conference of Ministers) and proclaims a Transport .and Communications Decade in Africa during the years 1978-1988, with a view to:
"(a) Giving active support to the preparation and implementation of a global strategy for the development of transport and communications in Africa for the purpose of solving the problems of the continent in this field;
"(b) Mobilizing the technical and financial resources required for this purpose;
"2. Requests the Secretary-General, in co-operation with the executive heads of the agencies concerned, to provide all possible assistance to the African States in the preparation of a detailed plan
of action for the Decade and to co-ordinate the mobilization of the necessary technical and financial resources required to make the Decade a success".
(d)    Operative paragraph 3 was deleted;
(e)    In the former operative paragraph 4, renumbered as paragraph 3, the words "Requests also" were replaced by the words "Calls upon all" and the words "and others in a position to do so" were added after the words "developed countries";
(f) The former operative paragraph 5, now paragraph 4, was reworded to read:
"Request the Secretary-General, in consultation with the International Telecommunication Union and other specialized agencies concerned, to propose for consideration as appropriate one year during the Decade as a World Communications Year in view of the importance of transport and communication to other regions of the world and to submit a report to the Economic and Social Council at its sixty-fifth session containing a detailed programme of measures and activities to be carried out during such a Year";
(g) The former operative paragraph 6, now paragraph 5, the word Further" was added before the word "Requests".
131.    At the 2083rd meeting, on 29 July 1977, the representative of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, also on behalf of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland and the USSR, made a statement before the vote on draft resolution E/L.1776/Rev.1.
132.    At the same meeting, the Council adopted the draft resolution, as orally revised, by 40 votes to none, with 5 abstentions. For the final text, see Council resolution 2097 (LXIII).
133.    Statements were made by the representatives of the United States of America, Uganda and Iraq (see E/SR.2083).
I.     Regional cartographic conferences (Item 5 of the agenda for the sixty-second session)
134.    The Council considered this item at the 2054th meeting, on 5 May 1977. It had before it a report of the Secretary-General (E/5918) on the Eighth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East, which had been held at Bangkok from 17 to 28 January 1977 in accordance with Council resolution 1838 (LVI) of 15 May 1974 and decision 189 (LXI) of 5 August 1976; and a report of the Secretary-General (E/5906) on the First United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas, which had been held at Panama from 8 to 19 March 1976 in accordance with Council resolution 1839 (LVI) of 15 May 1974.
135.    At the 2054th meeting, the representative of Ecuador, on behalf of Argentina, Bolivia, Canada, Co-lombia. Cuba, Ecuador, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, the United States of America and Venezuela, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Convening of a Second United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas" (E/L.1758), the text of which read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the First United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas (E/5906), which was held at Panama from 8 to 19 March 1976,
"Expressing its appreciation for the valuable contribution made by the Conference in furthering cartographic work in the countries of the region for their economic and social development projects,
"Noting the recommendation of the Conference that a Second United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas should be convened at Mexico City in the first half of 1979,
"Noting also with appreciation that the Government of Mexico has offered to act as host to the Conference to be held at Mexico City for two weeks during the first half of 1979 and to extend its full co-operation in this regard,
"1. Requests the Secretary-General to make the necessary arrangements, in accordance with General
Assembly resolution 2609 (XXIV) of 16 December 1969, to convene the Second United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas at Mexico City for two weeks during the first half of 1979, in-cluding the sending of invitations to Governments of States Members of the United Nations or members of specialized agencies and to the specialized agencies concerned and other interested international organi-zations;
"2. Further requests the Secretary-General, as appropriate, to take practical measures to implement the recommendations of the First United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas, taking fully into account the views on the recommendations expressed at the sixty-second session of the Council and to submit a progress report on the measures undertaken in this respect to the Council at its sixty-fourth session."
136.    When introducing the draft resolution, the representative of Ecuador orally revised operative para-graph 1 by replacing the reference to General Assembly resolution 2609 (XXIV) of 16 December 1969 by a reference to resolution 31/140 of 17 December 1976.
137.    A statement by the Secretary-General on the programme budget implications of the draft resolution was before the Council in document E/L.1761.
138.    For action by the Council, see paragraph 143 (a) below.
139.    'At the same meeting, the representative of New Zealand, on behalf of Bangladesh, Canada, Iran, Malaysia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Convening of the Ninth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific" (E/L.1760). Subsequently, Japan joined in sponsoring the draft resolution, the text of which read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
."Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the Eighth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East (E/5918), which was held in Bangkok from 17 to 28 January 1977,
"Expressing its appreciation for the valuable contribution made by the Conference in furthering car-tographic work in the countries of the region for their economic and social development programmes,
"Noting the recommendation that a ninth conference should be convened in February 1980,
"Noting also with appreciation that the Government of New Zealand has offered to act as host to the conference during February. 1980 and to extend its full co-operation in this regard,
"Recalling its resolution 1895 (LVII) of 1 August 1974 concerning the new name of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific,
"1. 'Approves the recommendation of the Eighth Conference that future regional conferences in surveying and mapping for this region should be named United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific;
"2. Requests the Secretary-General to make the necessary arrangements, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 2609 (XXIV) of 16 December 1969, to convene the Ninth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific in New Zealand in February 1980, including the sending of invitations to the Governments of States Members of the United Nations or members of specialized agencies and to the specialized agencies concerned and other interested international organizations;.
"3. Further requests the Secretary-General, as appropriate, to take practical measures:
"(a) To implement the recommendations of the Eighth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East, including those on cadastral surveying and mapping, thematic mapping, hydrographic surveying and nautical charting, remote sensing from satellites and aircraft, and training and education in the various cartographic disciplines;
"(b) To convene, in accordance with the recommendation of the Conference, a meeting of the Group of Experts on Hydrographic Surveying and Nautical Charting to be held at United Nations Headquarters not later than March 1978."
140.    When introducing the draft resolution, the representatives of New Zealand orally revised operative paragraph 2 by replacing the reference to General Assembly resolution 2609 (XXIX) of 16 December 1969 by a reference to resolution 31/140 of 17 December 1976.
141.    A statement-by the Secretary-General on the programme budget implications of the draft resolution was before the Council in document E/L.1762.
142.    For action by the Council, see paragraph 143 (b) below.
143.    At the 2054th meeting, the Council took the
following action:
(a)    It adopted without a vote the draft resolution contained in E/L.1758, as orally revised; for the final text, see Council resolution 2048 (LXII);
(b)    It adopted without a vote the draft resolution contained in E/L.1760, as orally revised; for the final text, see Council resolution 2049 (LXII).
J.    Agreement between the United Nations and the International Fund for Agricultural Development10
(Item 6 of the agenda for the sixty-second session)
144.    At the 2060th meeting, on 13 May 1977, the Council considered the report of the Committee on Negotiations with Intergovernmental Agencies (E/ 5924), which contained the text of the draft relationship agreement between the United Nations and IFAD. The report was introduced by Mr. Abdalla Mahgoub (Sudan), Chairman of the Committee.
145.    After an exchange of views in which the representatives of Algeria, Argentina, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Canada, Iran, Norway, the United States of America, the Upper Volta, the Netherlands, Ecuador, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, the Syrian Arab
10 This question was discussed further at the sixty-third session, under agenda item 6, entitled "Agreements between the United Nations and intergovernmental organizations (see chap. VII, sect. H. below).
Republic, Mexico, Japan, the United Kingdom and Iran took part, the Council adopted without a vote the draft decision proposed by the representative of Argentina and orally revised by the President in the light of the discussion, whereby the Council took note with appreciation of the report of the Committee on Negotiations with Intergovernmental Agencies (E/5924) and decided to transmit to IFAD: (a) for its approval, the draft relationship agreement proposed by the Committee; and (b) the summary record of the Council's discussion of the matter. For the final text, see Council decision 241 (LXII).
146. The representative of the USSR made a statement after the decision had been adopted (see E/SR.2060).
K.     Restructuring of the economic and social sectors of the United Nations system"
(Item 6 of the agenda for the organizational session for 1977)
147.    In connation with item 6, entitled "Rules of procedure of the functional commissions of the Council", the Council had before it a note by the Secretariat containing the text of the proposed draft revised rules of procedure of the functional commissions of the Council (E/5899).
148.    At the 2041st meeting, on 13 January 1977, the Council decided to review the rules of procedure at the sixty-second session in the context of an agenda item entitled "Restructuring of the economic and social sectors of the United Nations system" and to set 15 March 1977 as the deadline for the submission of corrections or formal amendments to the draft revised provisional rules of procedure of the functional com-missions as proposed in document E/5899, without prejudice to the right of delegations to make further proposals during the discussion of the question (see Council decision 209 (ORG-77)).
149.    At the 2042nd meeting, on the same date, on a motion by the representative of France, supported by the representative of Greece, the Council decided that the Secretariat should be requested to undertake a review of the methods in use for the confirmation of representatives on functional commissions and to report to the Council at its sixty-second session under the corresponding item for that session (see Council decision 210 (ORG-77)).
"The item will be considered further at the resumed sixty-third session, when the Council will have before it the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Restructuring of the Economic and Social Sectors of the United Nations System.
(Item 4 of the agenda for the sixty-second session)
150.    At the sixty-second session, the Council considered this item at its 2053rd meeting, on 26 April
1977. It had before it the following documents:
(a)    A note by the Secretariat on the review of the terms of reference, of the subsidiary bodies of the Council (E/5433/Rev.1 and Add.1 and 2 and Rev.1/ Amend.1);
(b)    A report of the Secretary-General concerning the review of the agreements between the United Na-tions and the specialized agencies, IAEA and GATT (E/5524 and Add. 1-3, Add.4 and Corr.1 and Add.5);
(c)    A note by the Secretary-General transmitting the views of the executive heads of the specialized agencies, IAEA and GATT on the review of agreements (E/5476 and Add.1 and 2, Add.3 and Corr.1 and Add.4-13);
(d)    The interim report of the Policy and Programme Co-ordination Committee on the review of the agreements between the United Nations and the specialized agencies, IAEA and GATT (E/5633);
(e)    A note by the Secretariat on the review of the rules of procedure of the functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council, containing the proposed text of the draft revised rules of procedure for the commissions (see E/5899); and
(f) A note by the Secretariat on the review of the methods in use for the confirmation of representatives on the functional commissions (E/5923) submitted pursuant to Council decision 210 (ORG-77).
151.    The Secretary of the Council made an intro
doctor statement (see E/SR.2053), in the course of
which he proposed the following changes in the draft revised rules of procedure of the functional commis-sions of the Council (see E/5899):
(a)    The deletion of the words "which the commission considers to be" in rule 69, paragraph 1, and of the words "which it considers to be" in rule 69, paragraph 2;
(b)    The deletion of the words "by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting", which were in square brackets in rule 55, with the consequent deletion of the reference to rule 55 appearing in square brackets in rule 58.
152. The representative of France informed the Council at the 2053rd meeting that her delegation had decided to withdraw the request that had led to the preparation of the note by the Secretariat on the
review of the methods in use for the confirmation of representatives on the functional commissions (E/ 5923).
ACTION BY THE COUNCIL 153.   At the 2053rd meeting, the Council:
(a)    Adopted the draft revised rules of procedure of its functional commissions (see E/5899), as orally revised (see Council decision 216 (LXII));
(b)    Agreed to take a decision at its organizational session for 1978 on the timing of the review of (i) the agreements between the United Nations and the specialized agencies and IAEA; and (ii) the terms of reference of the subsidiary bodies of the Council. For the text, see Council decision 217 (LXII).
L.     Reports brought to the attention of the Council
Progress report of the Secretary-General on research within the United Nations system on the role and position of women in development and on ways and means to organize and finance further research
154.    At the sixty-second session the attention of
the Council was drawn to a progress report of the
Secretary-General entitled "Research within the United
Nations system on the role and position of women in
development and on ways and means to organize and
finance further research" (E/5914). At the 2060th
meeting, on 13 May 1977, the Council adopted a decision taking note of the report. For the text, see Council
decision 240 (LXII).
Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
155.    At the sixty-third session the Council had before it the report of the United Nations High Com-missioner for Refugees covering the period 1 April 1976 to 31 March 1977.12
156.    In conformity with paragraph 11 of the Statute of the Office of the United Nations High Commis-sioner for Refugees (General Assembly resolution 428 (V) the High Commissioner reports annually to the General Assembly through the Council. At its resumed forty-seventh session the Council decided that the High Commissioner's annual report would be transmitted to
12 Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-second Session, Supplement No. 12 (A/32/12).
the Assembly without debate unless the Council decided otherwise at the request of one or more members, or of the High Commissioner, at the time of the adoption of the agenda.
157.    At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977, in the absence of a request for a debate on the report, the Council decided to transmit the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees12 to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session (see Council decision 276 (LXIII)).
158.    The representative of Mauritania made a statement formulating reservations regarding paragraphs 89 to 94 of the High Commissioner's report (see E/SR.2085).
Report of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination on expenditures of the United Nations system in relation to programmes
159.    Also at the sixty-third session, the Council
had before it the report of ACC on expenditures of the
United Nations system in relation to programmes
160.    At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977,
the Council took note of the report in document
E/6012 (see Council decision 277 (LXIII)).
Chapter IV
A. Assessment of the progress made in the implementation of General Assembly resolutions 2626 (XXV) entitled "International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade", 3202 (S-VI) entitled "Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order", 3281 (XXIX) entitled "Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States" and 3362 (S-VII) entitled "Development and international economic co-operation"
(Item 11 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
161.    The Economic Committee considered this item at its 795th, 803rd and 808th meetings, on 20 and 28 July and on 3 August 1977.
162.    The Committee had before it the following documents:

(a)    A report of the Secretary-General entitled Economic and Social Progress in the Second Development Decade;1
(b)    A note by the Secretary-General on the report of the Conference on International Economic Co-operation (A/31/478);
(c)    The report of the Committee on Review and Appraisal on its fourth session;2
(d)    Chapters I and IV of the report of the Committee for Development Planning on its thirteenth session;3
(e) A report of the Secretary-General on the role of the public sector in promoting the economic devel-opment of developing countries (E/5985 and Corr.1);.
. (f) A report of Jibe Secretary-General-on projects on the practical application of a unified approach to development analysis and planning (E/5974);
(g) A report of the Secretary-General on managing public finance for planned development (E/5942);
(h) A report of the Secretary-General on progress achieved by Governments in the implementation of the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States (E/5999);
(i) A report of the Secretary-General on activities conducted in connation with the dissemination of the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States (E/5992);
(j) A report of the Secretary-General on progress achieved by selected United Nations bodies, specialized agencies and regional commissions in the implementation of the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States in their respective fields of competence (E/5991 and Corr.1);
(k) The armful report of ACC for 1976/77 (E/5973);
1    United Nations publication, Sales No. E.77.II.A.11.
2    Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 6 (E/5994).
3Ibid., Supplement No. 4 (E/5939 and Corr.1).
(l) A special report of the ILO on the implementation of the Programme of Action adopted by the Tripartite World Conference on Employment, Income Distribution, Social Progress and the International Division of Labor (E/6001);
(m) A report of the Secretary-General on coordination of the activities of the United Nations system in the implementation of the Programme of Action adopted by the Tripartite World Conference on Employment, Income Distribution, Social Progress and the International Division of Labor (E/5970);
(n) A report of the Secretary-General on progress in the implementation of specific action in favour of developing island countries (A/32/126);
(o) A statement on mobilization of domestic savings and the role of savings banks submitted by the International Savings Bank Institute, a non-governmental organization in consultative status with the Council (E/NGO/64); and
(p) A statement on the integration of women in development submitted by the International Federation of University Women, a non-governmental organization in consultative status with the Council (E/NGO/73).
163.    At the 8Q3rd meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of the States members of the
Economic and Social Council which are members of the Group of 77, introduced a draft decision (E/AC.6/
L.600), which, after he had orally revised it at the 808th meeting, read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council decides that its resolution 2079 (LXII) of 13 May 1977, entitled 'Reinforcing the social development sector within the United Nations', shall not be put into effect until such time as the Council has reviewed its implications at its organizational session for 1978 in the light of the outcome of the work on the restructuring of the economic and social sectors of the United Nations system."
164.    At the 808th meeting, the draft decision, as revised, was adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft decision A. For action by the Council, see paragraph 181 (c) below.
165.    At the 803rd meeting, the representative of Afghanistan, on behalf of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Iraq, Somalia, the Sudan and Uganda, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Special measures
in favour of the least developed among the developing countries" (E/AC.6/L.602), the text of which read?
"The Economic and Social Council, "Reaffirming the decisions and recommendations concerning special measures in favour of the least developed among the developing countries adopted by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in this resolutions 62 (III) of 19 May 1972' and 98 (IV) of 31 May 1976,2
"Recognizing that, in accordance with the above-mentioned resolutions, assistance to the least developed among the developing countries should be supplementary to the general measures applicable to all developing countries,
,"Recalling general Assembly resolution 3214 (XXIX) of 6 November 1974 in which the Assembly, inter alia, urges Member States and organizations of the United Nations system to intensify urgently their efforts in favour of the least developed among the developing countries, including those in the field of trade,
"Recalling further resolution 2 of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Inter-governmental Group on the Least Developed Countries- concerning special measures in favour of the least developed among the developing countries,
"1. Requests the developed countries and all international organizations and financial institutions to increase the flow of financial and technical assistance to the least developed countries;
"2. Invites the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme to provide increased resources to meet the special needs of the least developed among the developing countries;
"3. Urges the developed countries and all international organizations and financial institutions to adopt special measures in favour of the least developed among the developing countries as called fo-in United Nations Conference on Trade and Development resolutions 62 (III) and 98 (IV) and other relevant United Nations resolutions;
"4. Urges the specialized agencies, the regional commissions and other United Nations bodies to strengthen their programmes further in favour of the least developed countries;
"5. Requests the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development to convene at the earliest possible opportunity the special meeting at which multilateral and bilateral financial and technical assistance institutions can carry out, together with representatives of the least developed countries, a general review and assessment of their requirements and progress as called for in paragraph 35 of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development resolution 98 (IV);
"6. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Member States, the specialized agencies, the regional commissions and other United Nations bodies to submit, through the Economic and Social Council a progress report on the implementation of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development resolutions 62 (III) and 98 (IV), other relevant United
Nations resolutions and the present resolution to the General Assembly at its thirty-third session."
"1 See Proceedings of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Third Session, vol. I, Report and Annexes   (United   Nations   publication,   Sales   No.   E73 II.D.4), annex I. A.I.
 Trade and development Third Session, vol. I, Report and Annexes
(United Nations publication, Sales No. E.76.1I.D.10) part
one, A.1.    " v
ïïï' See Official Records of the  Trade and Development

166.    At its 808th meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution E/AC.6/L.602 without a vote and submitted it to the Council as draft resolution I For action by the Council, see paragraph 181  (a) below.
167.    After the adoption of the draft resolution the representative of the United States of America made a statement.
168.    At the 803rd meeting, the representative of Afghanistan introduced a draft resolution entitled "Special measures related to the particular needs of the land-locked developing countries" (E/AC.6/L.603) which he orally revised at the 808th meeting, and of which the representative of Uganda became a sponsor. The text of the draft resolution, as revised, read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Reaffirming the decisions and recommendations concerning special measures related to the needs of the land-locked developing countries adopted by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development in its resolutions 63 (III) of 19 May 19721 and 98 (IV) of 31 May 1976,2
 "Recalling Trade and Development Board resolution 109 (XIV) of 12 September 1974,3 in which the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development was requested to take appropriate and positive action on the relevant recommendations of the Group of Experts on the Transport Infrastructure for Land-locked Developing Countries,4
    "Recalling further General Assembly resolution 31/157 of 21 December 1976, in paragraph 1 of which the Assembly requests the Secretary-General in consultation with the Secretary-General of the
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the land-locked countries and the specialized
agencies, to find ways and means of improving the economic situation of the land-locked developing countries through the urgent implementation of resolutions 63 (III) and 98 (IV) of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,
"Noting, General Assembly resolution 31/177 of 21 December 1976 by which the Assembly approved the Statute United Nations Special Fund for Land-locked Developing Countries and requested the Secretary-General to convene a pledging conference for the Fund,
    "Recalling the Provisions of General Assembly resolution on 31/157 and other relevant United Nations
resolutions with respect to the exercise of the S of the land-locked countries to free access to and from the sea and their right of freedom of transit
'Aware of the slow progress in the implementation
of specific measures related to the needs of the land
locked developing countries,
"1. Reaffirms the right of free access to and from the sea of the developing land-locked countries and their right of freedom of transit;
"2. Urges the developed countries and all international organizations and financial institutions to adopt special measures in favour of the land-locked developing countries as called for in resolutions 63 (III) and 98 (IV) of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development;
"3. Calls upon Member States and the entire international community to give attention to the trade requirements of the land-locked developing countries, including transit facilities, in order that they may derive equitable benefits from international measures on behalf of all developing countries;
"4. Urges the developed countries to make generous contribution to the United Nations Special Fund for Land-locked. Developing Countries in order to make it operational;
"5. Invites the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme to provide adequate and increased resources to meet the technical assistance needs of the land-locked developing countries;
"6. Requests the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Member States, the specialized agencies, the regional commissions and other United Nations bodies, to submit to the General Assembly at its thirty-third session, through the Economic and Social Council, a progress report on the implementation of resolutions 63 (III) and 98 (IV) of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and other relevant United Nations resolutions.
"1 See Proceedings of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Third Session, vol. I, Report and Annexes (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.73.II.D.4), annex I, A 1.
"2IbidÑ Fourth Session, vol. I, Report and Annexes (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.76.II.D.10), part one, A.1.
"3 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Twenty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 15 (A/9615/Rev.l), annex I.
"4 For the report of the Group of Experts, see A Transport Strategy for Land-Locked Developing Countries (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.74.II.D.5)."
169.    The representative of Kenya requested a separate vote on operative paragraph 1 of the draft reso-lution, which the Committee adopted by 16 votes to 3, with 22 abstentions. The draft resolution as a whole was adopted by 24 votes to none, with 16 abstentions and submitted to the Council as draft resolution II. For action by the Council, see paragraph 181 (b) below.
170.    Statements in explanation of vote were made by the representatives of Kenya, Iraq, Iran, Tunisia, Japan, China, Algeria, Canada, Pakistan, Nigeria. Denmark (also on behalf of members of the European Economic Community), the United States of America, Austria, Malaysia, Yugoslavia, the USSR, Brazil, Ja-maica, Bolivia, Zaire, Greece, Argentina and the Sudan.
171.    At the 803rd meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of the States members of the Economic and Social Council which are members of the Group of 77, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Assessment of the progress made in the implementation of General Assembly resolutions 2626 (XXV) en-
titled 'International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade', 3202 (S-VI) entitled 'Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order', 3281 (XXIX) entitled 'Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States' and 3362 (S-VII) entitled 'Development and in-ternational economic co-operation'" (E/AC.6/L.604), the text of which read as- follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Aware of the importance of the challenging tasks stemming from the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade (General Assembly resolution 2626 (XXV) of 24 October 1970), the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order (General Assembly resolution 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974), the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States (General Assembly resolution 3281 XXIX) of 12 December 1974), and General Assembly resolution 3362 (S-VII) of 16 September 1975 on development and international economic co-operation,
"Believing in the crucial need for concerted national and international measures for the accelerated economic and social progress of all countries, in particular for the developing countries,
"Noting with concern the lack of progress in the search for solutions to the issues concerning the es-tablishment of the New International Economic Order and in particular the accelerated development of the developing countries,
"Recognizing the urgency of invigorating policy action in the remaining time of the Second United Nations Development Decade,
"Recalling General Assembly resolution 3486 (XXX) of 12 December 1975, by which the General Assembly decided to entrust the Economic and Social Council with the task of reviewing the implementation of the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, and recalling also article 34 of that Charter, by which the General Assembly decided to undertake its systematic and comprehensive consideration,
"Recalling further General Assembly resolution 31/182 of 21 December 1976 on preparations for a new international development strategy, and the role of the Committee for Development Planning and other organs and organizations of the United Nations concerned therein,
"Recalling General Assembly resolution 31/178 of 21 December 1976 on the implementation of General Assembly resolutions 2626 (XXV) entitled 'International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade', 3202 (S-VI) entitled 'Programme of Action on the establishment of a New International Economic Order', 3281 (XXIX) entitled 'Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States' and 3362 (S-VII) entitled development and international economic co-operation', in section II of which the Assembly decided, inter alia, to undertake during the course of its thirty-second session a detailed assessment of the progress made in the implementation of the above-mentioned resolutions,
"1. Expresses deep concern at the lack of progress in the implementation of General Assembly
resolutions 2626 (XXV) entitled 'International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade', 3202 (S-VI) entitled 'Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order', 3281 (XXIX) entitled 'Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States' and 3362 (S-VII) entitled 'Development and international economic co-operation', as well as at the failure of the Conference on International Economic Co-operation to reach agreements on most of the proposals for structural changes in the international economic system;
"2. Urges all countries, in particular the developed countries, to intensify their efforts through dialogues and negotiations in various forums of the United Nations system, in order to bring about speedy results in the establishment of the New International Economic Order;
"3. Takes note with interest of the statements made by representatives of States at the Council's sixty-third session and of the reports by the Secretary-General on the implementation of the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States and requests the Secretary-General to submit those reports to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session for its consideration.
"1. Takes note of the report of the Committee on Review and Appraisal on its fourth session1 and transmits it to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session for consideration and action;
"2. Urges all countries to renew their efforts to help to offset the shortfalls recorded so far in achieving the goals and objectives of the International Development Strategy, taking fully into account the aims of the sixth and seventh special sessions of the General Assembly;
"3, Urges in particular the developed countries to adopt policies in favour of the developing countries that are fully in accord with the decisions taken by the General Assembly during the period 1970-
"1. Welcomes the-decision of the Committee tor Development Planning to direct its work at and for its fourteenth session to subjects that are relevant to the preparation of a new international development strategy;2
"2. Affirms that the new international strategy should be directed towards the establishment of the New International Economic Order;
"3. Requests the Secretary-General, in co-operation with the organizations concerned within the United Nations system, to ensure that the technical work for a new international development strategy is completed before the end of 1978;
"4. Requests the Committee for Development Planning to consider and identify possible elements for a new international development strategy, taking into account General Assembly resolution 31/182, paragraph 1, and paragraph 3 above, and to submit its recommendations to the intergovernmental machinery mentioned in paragraph 5 below.
"5. Recommends the General Assembly to establish at its thirty-second session the appropriate
intergovernmental machinery for the formulation of a new international development strategy.
"1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 6 (E/5994). IV"2lbid. Supplement No. 4 (E/5939 and Corr.1), chap.
172. At the 808th meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of the sponsors, withdrew draft resolution E/AC.6/L.604 in the light of the consensus reached on draft resolution E/AC.6/L.609 on the same subject, which was submitted by the representative of Pakistan in his capacity as Vice-Chairman of the Com-mittee and Chairman of the informal consultations. The text of draft resolution E/AC.6/L.609 read:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Aware of the importance of the challenging tasks stemming from the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade, the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order,2 the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States3 and General Assembly resolution 3362 (S-VII) of 16 September 1975 on development and international economic co-operation,
"Believing in the crucial need for concerted national and international measures for the accelerated economic and social progress of all countries, in particular the developing countries,
"Noting with concern the slow pace of the progress made in the search for solutions to the issues concerning the establishment of the New International Economic Order and in particular the accelerated development of the developing countries,
"Recognizing the urgency of invigorating policy action in the remaining time of the Second United Nations Development Decade,
* "Recalling General Assembly resolution 3486 (XXX) of 12 December 1975, by which the General Assembly decided to entrust the Economic and Social Council with the task of reviewing the implementation of the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, and recalling also article 34 of that Charter by which the General Assembly decided to undertake its systematic and comprehensive consideration,
"Recalling further General Assembly resolution 31/182 of 21 December 1976 on preparation for a new international development strategy, and the role of the Committee for Development' Planning and other organs and organizations of the United Nations concerned therein,
"Recalling General Assembly resolution 31/178 of 21 December 1976 on the implementation of General Assembly resolutions 2626 (XXV) entitled "International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade", 3202 (S-VI) entitled "Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order", 3281 (XXIX) entitled "Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States" and 3362 (S-VII) entitled "Development and international economic co-operation" in section II of which the Assembly decided, inter aha, to undertake during the course of its thirty-second session a detailed assessment of the progress made in the implementation of the above-mentioned resolutions,

"1. Expresses deep concern at the slow pace of the progress made in achieving the aims and objectives of General Assembly resolutions 2626 (XXV) entitled "International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade", 3202 (S-VI) entitled "Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order", 3281 (XXIX) entitled "Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States" and 3362 (S-VII) entitled "Development and international economic cooperation";
"2. Urges all countries, in particular the developed countries, to intensify their efforts through dialogues and negotiations in various forums of the United Nations system in order to bring about speedy results for the establishment of the New International Economic Order;
"3. Takes note with interest of the statements made by the representatives of States at the Council's sixty-third session on the reports by the Secretary-General on the implementation of the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States (E/5991 and Corr.1, E/5992 and E/5999) and requests the Secretary-General to submit those reports to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session for its consideration.
"1. Takes note of the report of the Committee on Review and Appraisal on its fourth session4 and transmits it to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session for consideration and action;
"2. Urges all countries to renew their efforts to help to offset the shortfalls recorded so far in achieving the goals and objectives of the International Development Strategy, taking fully into account the aims of the sixth and seventh special sessions of the General Assembly;
"3. Urges in particular the developed countries to "adopt policies in favour of the developing countries that are fully in accord with the aims and objectives of the decisions of the General Assembly in the context of the Second United Nations Development Decade during the period 1970-1976.
"1. Welcomes the decision of the Committee for Development Planning at its thirteenth session to direct its work for and at its fourteenth session to subjects that are relevant to the preparation of a new international development strategy;5
"2. Affirms that the new international development strategy should be directed towards the objective of the establishment of the New International Economic Order and within this framework should encompass results achieved at major United Nations meetings and conferences held during the Second United Nations Development Decade on world economic and social problems;
"3. Requests the Secretary-General, in co-operation with the bodies and organizations of the United Nations system concerned, to ensure that the technical work for a new international development strategy is completed before the end of 1978;
"4. Requests the Committee for Development Planning to consider and identify possible elements for a new international development strategy, taking into account General Assembly resolution 31/182, paragraph 1, and paragraph 3 of this section above, and to submit its recommendations to the intergov-ernmental machinery mentioned in paragraph 5 below.
"5. Recommends the General Assembly to determine at its thirty-second session the appropriate intergovernmental machinery for the formulation of a new international development strategy, which would report to the General Assembly through the Economic and Social Council.
"1 General Assembly resolution 2626 (XXV) of 24 October 1970.
"2 General Assembly resolution 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974.
"3 General Assembly resolution 3281 (XXIX) of 12 December 1974.    
"4 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No.  6 (E/5994).
"5 Ibid., Supplement No. 4 (E/5939 and Corr.1), chapter IV."
173.    The draft resolution was adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft resolution III. For action by the Council, see paragraph 181 (a) below.
174.    After the adoption of the draft resolution, statements were made by the representatives of Yugo-slavia (on behalf of the Group of 77), Denmark (on behalf of members of the European Economic Com-munity), Japan, Canada, the Ukrainian SSR (also on behalf of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland and USSR), the United States of America and the Netherlands.
175.    At the 8081st meeting, the representative of the Philippines, on behalf of Madagascar, Malta, New Zealand and the Philippines, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Specific action in favour of developing island countries" (E/AC.6/L.607), the text of which read:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling General Assembly resolution 31/156 of 21 December 1976, in paragraph 3 of which the Assembly called upon the Secretary-General to submit to it, through the Economic and Social Council, a progress report on the implementation of specific action in favour of developing island countries,
"Regretting that insufficient time was available to the Economic and Social Council at its sixty-third session for consideration of that progress report (A/32/126),
"Recommends that the General Assembly at its thirty-second session give full consideration to the progress report with a view to the stimulation of further attention to the need for specific action in favour of developing island countries, both by the organizations concerned within the United Nations system, and by all Governments, particularly those of developed countries."
176.    The draft resolution was adopted without a
vote and submitted to the Council as draft resolution IV. For action by the Council, see paragraph
181 (a) below.
177. At the same meeting, the representative of Pakistan, in his capacity as Vice-Chairman of the Com-mittee, orally introduced a draft decision submitted on the basis of informal consultations, which was entitled "The role of the public sector in promoting the economic development of developing countries". The text read as lows:
"The Economic and Social Council, having considered the report of the Secretary-General entitled The role of the public sector in promoting the economic development of developing countries', prepared in pursuance of the General Assembly resolution 3488 (XXX) of 12 December 1975, decides to recommend to the General Assembly that it should give further consideration to the matter at its thirty-second session and provide for the continued study of the subject."
178.    The draft decision was adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft decision B. For action by the Council, see paragraph 181 (c) below.
179.    Also at the 808th meeting, the Committee adopted a decision whereby the Council would take note of the following reports:

(a)    The report of the Secretary-General on the assessment of progress made in the implementation of the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade, the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order, the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States and development and international economic co-operation;4
(b)    The special report of the International Labour Organization on the implementation of the Programme of Action adopted by the Tripartite World Conference on Employment, Income Distribution, Social Progress and the International Division of Labour (E/6001);
(c)    The report of the Secretary-General on coordination of the activities of the United Nations sys-
4 Economic and Social Progress in the Second Development Decade (United Nations Publication, Sales No. E.77.II.A.11).
tern in the implementation of the Programme of Action adopted by the Tripartite World Conference on Em-ployment, Income Distribution, Social Progress and the International Division of Labour (E/5970);
(d) The report of. the Secretary-General on projects on the practical application of a unified approach to development analysis and planning (E/5974);
. (e).The Report of the Secretary-General on managing public finance for planned development (E/5942).
180.    The text was submitted to the Council as draft
decision C. For action by the Council, see paragraph
181 (c) below.    
181.    At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977 the Council considered the draft resolutions and draft
decisions recommended by the Economic Committee in its report (E/6047, para. 14), and took the following
action on them:    
, (a) Draft resolutions I, III and IV were adopted without a vote; for the final texts, see Council resolutions 2124 (LXIII), 2125 (LXIII) and 2126 (LXIII);
(b)    By a separate vote operative paragraph 1 of draft resolution II, was adopted by 19 votes to 3, with 24 abstentions; draft resolution II as a whole was adopted by 31 votes to none, with 15 abstentions; for the final text, see Council resolution 2127 (LXIII);
(c)    Draft decisions A, B and C were adopted with-
out a vote; for the final text, see Council decisions 273 (LXIII;, 274 (LXIII) and 275 (LXIII).
182Statments were made by the representatives of the Ukrainian SSR (also on behalf of Bulgaria Cechoslovakia, Poland and the USSR), Mauritania' the United States of America, Kenya, Denmark (also on behalf of members of the European Economic Community), Zaire, China, the Philippines, Canada, Somalia Japan Iran, Yugoslavia, Greece, Iraq, the USSR and Bolivia (see E/SR.2085).
B. Transport questions (Item 7 of the agenda for the sixty second session)
183. The Economic Committee considered this item at the 783rd meeting on 19 April 1977 and at the 785th to 787th meetings on 19, 21 and 22 April. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the report of the Secretary-General on the transport of dangerous goods (E./59I6), the report of the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on Container Standards for International Multimodal Transport (TD/B/ AC.20/6) and a statement submitted by the International Organization for Standardization, a non-governmental organization in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council in category I (E/NGO/ 55).
184. At the 785th meeting, the representative of the United Kingdom introduced two draft resolutions. The first, entitled "Work of the Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods" (E/AC.6/ L.591), read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling its resolutions 645 G (XXIII) of 26 April 1957, 724 C (XXVIII) of 7 July 1959 871 (XXXIII) of 10 April 1962, 994 (XXXVI) of 16 December 1963, 1110 (XL) of 7 March 1966 488 (XLVIII) of 22 May 1970, 1744 (LIV) of 4 May 1973 and resolutions 1973 (LIX) and 1974 (LIX) of 30 July 1975,
"Noting with satisfaction the work of the Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods,
"Noting in the Particular the programme of work for 1977-1978 proposed by the Committee of Experts
in paragraphs 43-45 of its report on its ninth session (ST/SG/AG.10/2),
"1.    Commends the experts and rapporteurs for their excellent work;
"2.    Takes note of the recommendations contained in the report of the Committee of Experts on
the Transport of Dangerous Goods on its ninth session (ibid.);
"3. Requests the Secretary-General, -in the light of the contents of the report of the Committee of Experts:
"(a) To incorporate in the recommendations of the Committee of Experts1 the amendments set forth in the report of the Committee on its ninth session;
"(b)    To publish the amendments so adopted;
"(c) To circulate the recommendations as soon as possible to Governments of Member States, to the specialized agencies, to the International Atomic Energy Agency and to the other international organizations concerned;
"(d) "To convene sufficient meetings of the Committee of Experts and its subsidiary bodies to enable satisfactory progress .to be made on outstanding tasks, taking into account, on the one hand, the programme of work proposed by the Committee and, on the other, the calendar of conferences and availability of resources to service meetings;
"4. Invites Governments of Member States, the specialized agencies, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the other international organizations concerned to transmit to the Secretary-General such comments as they may wish to make on the amended recommendations and to indicate to what extent they will be applied.
"1 See Transport of Dangerous Goods (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.76.VIII.2)."
185. The second draft resolution entitled "Study of an international convention on the transport of dan-gerous goods by all means of transport" (E/AC.6/ L.592) read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling its resolution 1973 (LIX) of 30 July 1975,
"Noting the views of the Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (ST/SG/ AC. 10/2, subpara. 12 (a)) on the desirability of the study of an international convention on the transport of dangerous goods by all means of transport,
"Noting also that the technical aspects of such a convention relate to matters which are already dealt with by the Committee and its Group of Rapporteurs,
"Noting further that the resources available for ïthe functioning of the Committee and its subsidiary bodies are not sufficient for such a task (ibid., subpara. 12 (c)),
"1. Invites the Committee to continue, in cooperation with the other international organizations concerned with its study of an international convention on the transport of dangerous goods for all modes of transport to report to the Council;
"2.    Requests the Secretary-General:
"(a) To convene in 1978 and 1979 additional meetings of the Group of Rapporteurs, consisting of a total f 20 working days, in preparation for the Group's report to the Committee at its eleventh session, to be held in 1980;
"(b) To make available, the additional staff necessary for such work."
186. At the 787th meeting, after informal consultations, the representative of the United Kingdom in-troduced a revised draft resolution (E/AC.6 L.591/ Rev.1), incorporating elements of both texts, and withdrew draft resolution E/AC.6/L.592. Draft resolution E/AC.6/L.591/Rev.1, as further orally revised at the meeting, read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling its resolutions 645 G (XXIII) of 26 April 1957, 724 C (XXVIII) of 7 July 1959, 871 (XXXIII) of 10 April 1962, 994 (XXXVI) of 16 December 1963, 1110 (XL) of 7 March 1966, 1488 (XLVIII) of 22 May 1970, 1744 (LIV) of 4 May 1973 and its resolutions 1973 (LIX) and 1974 (LIX) of 30 July 1975,
"Noting the programme of work for 1977-1978 proposed by the Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, in paragraphs 143 to 145 of its report on its ninth session (ST/SG/AC.10/2);
"Noting also the views of the Committee of Experts on a study of an international convention on the transport of dangerous goods by all modes of transport as set out in the report of the Secretary-General (E/5916, para. 7),
"1. Takes note with satisfaction of the work of the Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods;
"2. Takes note of the recommendations contained in the report of the Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods on its ninth session;
"3. Requests the Secretary-General, in the light of the contents of the report of the Committee of Experts:
"(a) To incorporate in the recommendations prepared by the Committee of Experts1 the amendments set forth in the report of the Committee on its ninth session (see ST/SG/AC.10/2, annexes 1-13);
"(b)    To publish the amendments so adopted;
"(c) To circulate the recommendations as soon as possible to Governments of Member States, to the specialized agencies, to the International Atomic Energy Agency and to the other international organizations concerned;
"4. Invites Governments of Member States, the specialized agencies, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the other international organizations concerned to transmit to the Secretary-General such comments as they may wish to make on the amended recommendations and to indicate to what extent they will be applied, and requests the Secretary-General to transmit these observations to the Committee of Exports for consideration at its tenth session;
"5. Invites the Committee of Experts, in consultation with other bodies concerned, particularly the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the International Air Transport Association and the regional commissions, to continue its study of an international convention on the transport of dangerous goods by all modes of transport, taking into account the special problems, if

C.     Population questions (Item 8 of the agenda for the sixty-second session)
any, of developing countries, and to report thereon to the Economic and Social Council;
"6. Requests the Secretary-General to convene sufficient meetings of the Committee of Experts and Us subsidiary bodies to permit satisfactory progress to be made on outstanding tasks and to this end requests the Secretary-General to convene in 1979 additional meetings of the Group of Rapporteurs consisting of a total of ten working days in preparation for the Group's report to the Committee at its eleventh session to be held in 1980;
"7. Decides that any member of the Committee of Experts may participate and vote in the work of that Committee's subsidiary bodies, if he notifies the Secretariat of his intention to do so.
"'See Transport of Dangerous Goods (United Nations publication, Sates No. K.76.VIH.2)."    (United Nations
187.    At the same meeting, the Secretary of the Committee made a statement on the programme budget
implications of the revised draft resolution; a document on the subject was subsequently circulated as an addendum (E/5962/Add.1) to the report of the Economic
188.    The representative of the Federal Republic of Germany made a statement on the revised draft resolution.
189.    At the same meeting the Committee adopted revised draft resolution E/AC.6/L.591/Rcv.1, as orally revised, without a vote. For action by the Council, see paragraph 193 (a) below.
190.    After the adoption of the revised draft resolution, the representatives of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Algeria made statements.
191.    At the same meeting, the Committee adopted the recommendation contained in the report of the Secretary-General on the transport of dangerous goods (E/5916, para. 21), whereby the Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods would hold its  next session  in  November   1978,  the  Group of
Experts on Explosives would meet for one week in 1977 and for one week in 1978 and the Group of Rapporteurs would meet three times, once in 1977 for two weeks and twice in 1978 for two weeks and one week respectively.  The recommendation was submitted to the Council as draft decision A, entitled Calendar of meetings of the Committee of Experts on the transport of Goods and its subsidiary bodies". The Committee also submitted to the Council draft decision B, entitled "Report of the Secretary-General on the transport of dangerous goods", whereby the Council would take note of that report. For action by the Council, see paragraph 193 (b) below.
192. At the 786th meeting, the Committee adopted the recommendation contained in the report of the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on Container Standards for International Multimodal Transport (TD/H/ AC.20/6, para. 81), whereby the report would be transmuted to the Trade and Development Hoard at its seventeenth session so that the Hoard could consider appropriate arrangements for further action and at the 787th meeting the Committee took note of the report-both actions were reflected in draft decision C, entitled' Report of the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on Container Standards for International Multimodal transport , which was submitted to the Council. For action by the Council, see paragraph 193 (b) below.
193 At the 2054th meeting, on 5 May 1977, the Council considered the draft resolution and draft decisions recommended by the Economic Committee in paragraph 11 of its report (E5962 and Add.1) and took action as follows:
(a) The draft resolution was adopted without a vote; for the final text, see Council resolution 2050 (LXII);
(b) Draft decisions A, B and C were adopted without a vote for the final texts see Council decision 123 (LXII)Paragraph 2 and decisions 218 (LXII) and 219 (LXII).

194.    The Economic Committee considered this item at its 784th, 785th and 787th meetings, on 20 and 22 April 1977. It had before it the report of the population Commission on its nineteenth session," held at Headquarters from 10 to 21 January 1977. Chapter I of the report contained three draft resolutions which required action by the Council and a decision for the Council's consideration.
195.    At the 785th meeting, on 20 April 1977, the representative of Yugoslavia proposed that in operative paragraph 2 of the first draft resolution, entitled "Action by the United Nations to implement the recommenda-tions of the World Population Plan of Action", the words "in their relationship to the establishment of the New International Economic Order" should be inserted between the words "activities" and "should be", and the words "and targets" should be inserted between the words "measures" and "to be". The amendment was subsequently circulated in document E/AC.6/L.593.
5 Official  Records  of  the   Economic and Social Council. Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 4 (K/5913).
196. At the same meeting, the representative of Algeria proposed a new preambular paragraph to be inserted between the third and fourth preambular paragraphs, which would read as follows:
"Recalling General   Assembly resolutions 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974".
The amendment was subsequently circulated in document E/AC6/L 594
197.    At the 787th meeting, on 22 April 1977, the representative of Yugoslavia, following informal consolation, orally proposed a modification to the amendment submitted by Algeria (E/AC.6/L.594), whereby the  new forth Preambular paragraph would read as follows:
" Recalling  General Assembly resolutions 2626 (XXV) of 24 OctObel' 1970 on the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade, 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974 on the Declaration and the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New
International Economic Order, 3281 (XXIX) of 12 December 1974 containing the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, and 3362 (S-VII) of 16 September 1975 on Development and International Economic Co-operation,"
In addition, he revised the amendment proposed by his delegation in document E/AC.6/L.593 (see para. 195 above) by replacing the word "the" by the word "a" immediately before the words "New International Economic Order".
198.    At the same meeting, the Committee adopted the above amendments to the draft resolution, as revised, without a vote.
199.    The draft resolution, as amended, was adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft resolution 1. For action by the Council, see paragraph 206 (a) below.
200.    After the draft resolution had been adopted, the representatives of the USSR, Japan, Yugoslavia, the United States of America, Argentina, Algeria and Poland made statements.
201.    At the 785th meeting, on 20 April 1977, the Committee adopted without a vote the second draft resolution recommended by the Population Commission, entitled "Population Information System (POPINS)" and submitted it to the Council as draft resolution II. For action by the Council, see paragraph 206 (a) below.
202.    At the same meeting, the Committee also adopted without a vote the third draft resolution recom-mended by the Population Commission, entitled "Work programme in the field of population", and submitted it to the Council as draft resolution HI. For action by the Council, see paragraph 206 (a) below..

203.    After the adoption of draft resolutions II and 111, statements were made by the representatives of the USSR and China.
204.    At the same meeting, the Committee took note of the decision of the Population Commission on arrangements for review and appraisal of the World Population Plan of Action, contained in chapter I, paragraph 3, of the report of the Commission,5 and submitted it to the Council as draft decision A. A statement on the programme budget implications of the decision was made by the Secretary of the Committee. For action by the Council, see paragraph 206 (b) below.
205.    At the 787th meeting, on 22 April 1977, on a proposal by the Chairman, the Committee took note of the report of the Population Commission on its nineteenth session, as well as the appendix thereto, and submitted the text of that decision as draft decision B, entitled "Report of the Population Commission". For action by the Council, see paragraph 206 (b) below.
206.    At the 2054th meeting, on 5 May 1977, the Council considered the draft resolutions and draft
decisions recommended by the Economic Committee in its report (E/5961, para. 14), and took action on
them as follows:
(a)    Draft resolutions I, II and III were adopted without a vote; for the final texts, see Council resolutions 2053 (LXII) to 2053 (LXII);
(b)    Draft decisions A and B were adopted without a vote; for the final texts, see Council decisions 221 (LXII) and 222 (LXII).
D.     Statistical questions (Item 9 of the agenda for the sixty-second session)
207.    The Economic Committee considered this item at its' 786th meeting, on 21 April 1977. The Committee had before it the report of the Statistical Commission on its nineteenth session," held at New Delhi from 8 to 19 November 1976. Chapter I of the report contained two draft resolutions, numbered I and II, a draft decision and two recommendations requiring action by the Council.
208.    In connation with draft resolution I, entitled "Financing of training of statisticians, especially through the regional funds of the United Nations Development Programme", the representative of New Zealand pro-posed that the words "subject to the priorities of developing countries for the application of regional and country-programme funds" be inserted between the words "and" and "to increase" in the operative paragraph of the draft resolution.
209.    The representative of Afghanistan proposed (a) that the words "particularly the least developed," should be inserted between the, words "developing countries" and "are unable" in the seventh preambular paragraph; and (b) that the words "with priority being given to the requirements of the least developed among the developing countries" should be added at the end of the existing operative paragraph.
''ïIbid. Supplement No. 2 (E/5910).

210.    The representative of Brazil proposed that the word "many" should be inserted between the words "personnel resources" and "developing countries" in the seventh preambular paragraph.
211.    The Committee adopted without a vote the amendments proposed orally by the representatives of New Zealand, Afghanistan and Brazil. The draft resolution, as amended, was then adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft resolution I. For action by the Council, see paragraph 220 (a) below.
212.    In connation with draft resolution II, entitled "National Household Survey Capability Programme", an oral amendment by the representative of Mexico proposing that the word "additional" be inserted between the words "using" and "funds" in operative paragraph 220 (a) below.
' 213. The draft resolution, as amended, was a adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft resolution II. For action by the Council, see paragraph 220(´) below.
214.    After the draft resolution, had been adopted the representative of the USSR made a statement.
215.    The draft decision by which the Council would take note of the report of the Commission on its nine-teenth session" and approve the objectives and work
programme recommended by the Commission in its report, was adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft decision A. For action by the Council, see paragraph 220 below.
216.    After the adoption of the draft decision, the representative of the USSR made a further statement.
217.    The Committee then took action on the two recommendations made by the Commission in its report.
218.    It agreed to propose that the Council should take note of recommendation A, concerning the schedul-ing of the twentieth session of the Commission, and should defer consideration of that matter to the Council's sixty-third session in the context of its approval of the biennial calendar of conferences.
219.    Recommendation B, proposing that the seventh session of the Statistical Commission's Working Group on International Statistical Programmes and Co-
ordination should be held at Geneva on 23 and 24 June 1977, was adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft decision B. For action by the Council, see paragraph 220 (b) below.
220. At the 2054th meeting, on 5 May 1977, the Council considered the draft resolutions and draft decisions recommended by the Economic Committee in its report (E/5960 and Corr.1, para. 13) and took action on them as follows:
(a)    Draft resolutions I and II were adopted without a vote; for the final texts, see Council resolutions 2054 (LXII) and 2055 (LXII);
(b)    Draft decisions A and B were adopted without a vote; for the final texts, see Council decision 220 (LXII) and decision 213 (LXII), paragraph 1 (e).
E.     International co-operation on the environment (Item 12 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
221.    The Economic Committee considered this item at its 788th, 789th and 793rd meetings, on 11, 12 and 19 July 1977. It had before it the report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its fifth session the held at Nairobi from 9 to 25 May 1977, and a note by the Secretary-General on specific measures to meet the need for a decent living environment for the most vulnerable groups of society (E/6017) submitted in response to General Assembly resolution 31/113 of 16 December 1976.
222.    At the 793 rd meeting, the representative of Poland, on behalf of Italy, Kenya, Poland, Somalia, the Sudan, Tunisia, Venezuela and Yugoslavia, subsequently joined by the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Mexico, Portugal and Togo, introduced a draft resolution (E/AC.6/L.595) entitled "Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its fifth session". The text of the draft resolution read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Having considered, the report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on the work of its fifth session and the recommendations contained therein, including those submitted by the Governing Council in its capacity as the intergovernmental preparatory body for the United Nations Conference on Desertification,
" 1. Notes with satisfaction the report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its fifth session and also notes with satisfaction the statement made thereon by the Executive Director of the Programme at the sixty-third
7 See Official Records of the General Assembly,   Thirty-second Session, Supplement No.  25 (A/32/25).
session of the Economic and Social Council (see E/AC.6/SR.788);
"2. Invites the General Assembly to approve the report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its fifth session."
223.    At the same meeting, the draft resolution was adopted without a vote. For action by the Council, see paragraph 226 below.
224.    Also at that meeting, the Chairman submitted a draft decision entitled "Specific measures to meet the need for a decent living environment for the most vulnerable groups of society", the text of which read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council takes note of the request contained in paragraph 4 of the note , by the Secretary-General on specific measures to meet the need for a decent living environment for the most vulnerable groups of society (E/6017) and recommends that the report called for in paragraph 2 of General Assembly resolution 31/113 be submitted to the Assembly at its thirty-third session through the Council at its sixty-fifth session."
225.    The Committee adopted the draft decision without a vote. For action by the Council, see para
graph 226 below.
226.    At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977, the Council adopted without a vote the draft resolution
and draft decision recommended by the Economic Committee in its report (E/6030, para. 5). For the
final texts, see Council resolution 2112 (LXIII) and Council decision 264 (LXIII).
F.     Industrial development co-operation (Item 13 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
227.    The Economic Committee considered this item at its 797th to 799th and 801st meetings, on 22, 25, 26 and 27 July 1977.
228.    The Committee had before it the report of the Industrial Development Board on its eleventh session and the report of the Executive Director of the UNIDO on the strengthening of operational activities in the field of industrial development (A/32/118).
8Ibid., Supplement No. 16 (A/32116).
229.    At the 797th meeting, the Executive Director of the United Nations Industrial Development Organiza-tion made an introductory statement.
230.    At the 799th meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of the States members of the Economic and Social Council which are members of the Group of 77, introduced a draft resolution, entitled "Convening of the conference of plenipotentiaries on the constitution of the United Nations Industrial De-velopment Organization as a specialized agency" (E/ AC.6/L.599), the text of which read:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling General Assembly resolution 31/161 of 21 December 1976,
"Taking into account the importance of the role of the United Nations Industrial Development Organ-ization in industrial development within the United Nations system and especially its role in increasing the industrial capacity of the. Developing countries,
"Noting paragraph 184 of the report of the Industrial Development Board on its eleventh session, which refers to the convening of a conference of plenipotentiaries on the establishment of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization as a specialized agency,
"Noting also the proposal of the Secretary-General that the conference of plenipotentiaries should be held at United Nations Headquarters from 29 August to 12 September 1977,
"Taking into account the preparatory work necessary for the resumed thirty-first session of the General Assembly commencing 13 September 1977 and the importance of this work for both the resumed thirty-first and the regular thirty-second session of the General Assembly in 1977,
"Concerned that everything possible should be done to facilitate adequate preparation and full par-ticipation by Governments in the conference of plenipotentiaries,
"Considering that a minimum period of three weeks would be necessary for negotiating and drafting a constitution for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization taking into account the nature of the problems still outstanding,
"1. Expresses the view that in the present circumstances the dates proposed by the Secretary-General would not be practical;
"2. Recommends that the General Assembly should give due consideration to this matter at its thirty-second session and fix the appropriate dates for convening the conference of plenipotentiaries at United Nations Headquarters in the early part of 1978."
231.    At the same meeting, the Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. For action by the Council, see paragraph 234 below.
232.    At the same meeting, the Chairman orally proposed a draft decision on the report of the Industrial Development Board and the report of the Executive Director of UNIDO, the text of which read:
"The Economic and Social Council:
(a)    Takes note with satisfaction of the report of the Industrial Development Board on its eleventh session, and in particular of its decisions IV (XI) concerning a co-operative programme of action on appropriate industrial technology and V (XI) on the establishment of an industrial and technological in-formation bank;
(b)    Takes note with satisfaction of the report of the Executive Director of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization on the strengthening of operational activities in the field of industrial development and on the reorganization of the Organization's secretariat (A/32/118);
(c)    Transmits these reports to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session."
233.    At the 801st meeting, the draft decision pro
posed by the Chairman was adopted without a vote.
For action by the Council, see paragraph 234 below.
234.    At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977,
the Council adopted without a vote the draft resolution
and draft decision recommended by the Economic Committee in its report (E/6046, para. 8). For the final
text, see Council resolution 2113 (LXIII) and Council
decision 265 (LXIII).
G.    Science and technology (Item 14 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
235.    The Economic Committee considered this item at its 790th, 791st, 792nd, 796th, 807th and 808th meetings on 13, 14, 15 and 21 July and 3 August 1977.
236.    The Committee had before it the report of the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development,9 the progress report of the Secretary-General on the state of preparations for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development (E/6000), the report of the Secretary-General on the work of an interagency task force on feasibility studies undertaken by organizations in the United Nations system, including the regional commissions, on the establishment of sectoral and regional technological information banks and/or other viable information systems (E/6002 and Corr.1) and the report of the
8.Ibid., Supplement No. 43 (A/32/43 and Corr.1).
Executive Director of UNIDO concerning the establishment of an industrial technological information bank (A/32/116). It also had before it a statement submitted by the World Federation of Trade Unions, a non-governmental organization in consultative status, category I (E/NGO/63).
237.    At the 790th meeting, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Science and Tech-nology for Development made an introductory statement.
238.    At the 796th meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of the States members of the Economic and Social Council which are members of the Group of 77, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Preparatory period for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology" (E/AC.6/L.597). A statement of the programme budget implications of the draft resolution was submitted in document E/AC.6/L.601.
239.    The Committee requested the representative of Canada, in his capacity as Vice-Chairman, to organize informal consultations on the draft resolution. At the 807th meeting, he introduced a revised draft resolution (E/AC.6/L.597/Rev.1), which he further orally revised by inserting the words "as well as resolution 87 (IV) of the United Nations Conference, on Trade and Development" between the words "resolution 2034 (LXI)" and "on strengthening" in the second preambular paragraph; deleting the phrase beginning with the words "as well as paragraph 5 ... (LXI)", in operative paragraph 4; and adding a new operative paragraph 8.
240.    The draft resolution, as thus revised, read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling General Assembly resolutions 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974 on the Declaration and the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order, of 12 December 1974, General Assembly resolution 3281 (XXIX) on the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, and General Assembly resolution 3362 (S-VII) of 16 September 1975 on development and international economic co-operation, which laid the foundations for the establishment of a New International Economic Order,
"Recalling also Council resolution 2034 (LXI) of. 4 August 1976 and resolution 87 (IV) of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development1 on the strengthening of the technological capacity of developing countries,
"Recalling further the Lima Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrial Development and Co-operation,2
"Recalling further Council resolution 2028 (LXI) of 4 August 1976 on the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development, particularly section II of paragraph 3, which stresses the importance and purpose of the preparatory period for the Conference at the national and regional levels,
"Recalling further General Assembly resolution 31/184 of 21 December 1976, on the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development, paragraph 6 of which requests the Preparatory Committee for the Conference, taking into account the time needed for the regional and interregional preparatory meetings, to submit its proposals to the Economic and Social Council at its sixty-third session,
"Reaffirming the need for effective co-ordination at all levels during the preparatory period for the Conference,
"Taking note of the report of the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development on its first session,
"1. Strongly affirms, bearing in mind Council resolution 2028 (LXI), that the Conference on Science and Technology for Development and its preparatory period should be aimed at, inter alia, the development, through enhanced international cooperation in science and technology, of the independent scientific and technological capacity of developing countries in order to facilitate the solution of their economic and social problems, in particular by the development of technological innovation circuits understood as denoting the continuous process of production, distribution and absorption of technologies, and that the preparatory period should be fully utilized to those ends;
"2. Urges the Secretary-General and the executive heads of agencies and organizations concerned to ensure the speedy adoption and implementation of practical measures aimed at co-coordinating the preparatory activities for the Conference, within the framework of existing machinery and in accordance with General Assembly resolution 31/184;
"3. Invites interested delegations to join with the Bureau of the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development in consultations with the Secretary-General of the Conference between the sessions of the Preparatory Committee and the Economic and Social Council, in order to facilitate the exchange of views and information about progress in the preparatory process;
"4. Calls on the Secretary-General, in accordance with the terms of General Assembly resolution 3540 (XXX) of 17 December 1975 to submit to the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions at the earliest possible time a request for the resources necessary in 1977 in order to ensure the earliest possible implementation of paragraphs 5 and 6 of Council resolution 2035 (LXI) of 4 August 1976, together with his most up-to-date assessment of the resources required to assist Governments with the preparation of their national papers, taking into account paragraph 47 of the report of the Preparatory Committee and the provisions of Council resolution 2035 (LXI);
"5. Recommends further that for the biennium 1978-1979 sufficient resources be allocated to the Conference secretariat, the specialized agencies and other bodies of the United Nations system concerned, in order to ensure the appropriate preparation of the Conference;
"6. Calls upon the Secretary-General to make proposals to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session for the provision of adequate personnel for the Conference secretariat, and urges him to have due regard to the principle of equitable geographic distribution when making appointments at the level of senior officer; these proposals should take fully into account the work programme for the preparatory period and should include a delineation of the specific responsibilities of the Office of Science and Technology, as well as the responsibilities of the additional personnel seconded from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization and other bodies and organizations of the United Nations system;
"7. Calls upon the Secretary-General, in connation with the above, to make the necessary arrangements to facilitate the secondment of officials of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization to the secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development and to ensure, through arrangements with other bodies and organizations of the United Nations system, the provision of the required personnel from these organizations;
"8. Stresses the necessity of providing the regional commissions with adequate funds to carry out satisfactorily the responsibilities assigned to them in paragraphs 5 and 6 of decision 1 (I) of the Preparatory Committee,4 in which regard due account should be taken of the peculiar circumstances of each region;
"9. Requests the regional commission to take fully into account, in preparing the regional papers, the decisions of sub regional or regional meetings convened by Governments in other forums for regional co-operation;
"10. Requests Governments to expedite their arrangements for the preparation of national papers in accordance with the guidelines for the preparation of national papers as adopted by the Preparatory Committee in its decision 2 (I),5 so that the deadlines indicated in section G of its decision 1 (I), entitled 'Chronology of preparatory activities for the Conference', may be respected;
"11. Requests further that, with respect to the Latin American region, the Economic Commission for Latin America should co-ordinate all the activities pertaining to the preparations for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development with the Latin American Economic System:
"12. Requests the Secretary-General to include in his report on the preparatory work for the Conference, to be submitted to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session, a section on the implementation of the present resolution.
"1 See Proceedings of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Fourth Session, vol. I, Report and Annexes (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.76.II.D.10), part one, A.l.
"2 United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Lima Declaration and Plan of Action on Industrial Development and Co-operation (Vienna, 1975) (publication PI/38).
"3 Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-second Session, Supplement No. 43 (A/32/43).
"4Ibid, annex II.
"5 Ibid."
241.    The Vice-Chairman stated that he would be associated with the revised draft resolution in his ca-pacity as Vice-Chairman only if it were to be adopted by consensus.
242.    At the same meeting, the representative of the USSR, on behalf of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the USSR, proposed that the revised draft resolution be transmitted to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session. This proposal was subsequently withdrawn by the representative of the USSR.
243.    In view of a lack of consensus in the Committee, the representative of Mexico requested delegations which wished to sponsor the revised draft resolution to so indicate. The sponsors were Argentina, Austria, Bolivia, Canada, Ecuador, Finland, Jamaica, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, the Philippines, the
Sudan, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, the United States of America, Venezuela and Zaire.
244. At the request of the representative of Mexico supported by the representative of Venezuela, a roll call vote was taken on the revised draft resolution. this voting was as follows:
In favour: Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Austria Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, China, Cuba, Den mark, Ecuador, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Jamaica, Japan Kenya, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Netherlands New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philip-pines, Portugal, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo Tunisia, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Venezuela Yugoslavia and Zaire.
Against: None.
Abstaining: None.
245.    The draft resolution, as orally revised, was adopted by 43 votes to none. For action by the Council see paragraph 249 (a) below.
246.    The representative of the USSR, also on behalf of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland and the Ukrainian SSR, made a statement after the draft resolution had been adopted.
247.    At the 808th meeting, the Committee adopted a draft decision proposed orally by the Chairman the text of which read:    '
"The Economic and Social Council takes note of (a) the report of the Secretary-General on the state of preparations for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development (E/ 6000); (b) the report of the Secretary-General entitled 'Institutional arrangements in the field of the transfer of technology: establishment of a network for the exchange of technological information (E/ 6002 and Corr.1), describing the work carried out by the Inter-Agency Task Force established pursuant to General Assembly resolution 3507 (XXX) of 15 December 1975, and feasibility studies undertaken by organizations in the United Nations system, including the regional commissions, on the establishment of sectoral and regional technological information banks and/or other viable information systems; and (c) the report of the Executive Director of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization on the establishment of an industrial technological information bank (A/32/116)."
248. For action by the Council, see paragraph 249 (6) below.
249.    At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977 the Council considered the draft resolution and draft
decision recommended by the Economic Committee in its report (E/6044, para. 12) and took the following
action on them:
(a)    The draft resolution was adopted by 46 votes to none; for the final text, see Council resolution 2123 (LXIII);
(b)    The draft decision was adopted without a vote-for the final text, see Council decision 272 (LXIII).'
250.    After the vote, a statement was made by the representative of the USSR, also on behalf of Bulgaria
Czechoslovakia, Poland and the Ukrainian SSR    
H.    United Nations Special Fund (Item 15 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
251.    The Economic Committee considered this item at its 789th meeting on 12 July 1977. It had before it the report of the Board of Governors of the United Nations Special Fund on its fourth session10 which was introduced by the President of the Board.
252.    The Committee adopted, without a vote, a draft decision proposed by its Chairman, entitled "Report of the Board of Governors of the United Nations Special Fund", the text of which read:
10 ibid Supplement No. 21 and corrigendum (A/32/21 and Corr.1).
"The Economic and Social Council takes note of the report of the Board of Governors of the United Nations Special Fund on its fourth session and transmits it to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session." For action by the Council, see paragraph 253 below.
253. At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977, the Council adopted without a vote the draft decision rec-ommended by the Economic Committee in its report (E/6027, para. 4). For the final text, see Council decision 266 (LXIII).
I.    Natural resources
(Item 4 of the agenda for the organizational session for 1977)"
(Item 16 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
254.    At its 2041st plenary meeting, on 13 January 1977, in the course of its organizational session, the Council had had before it chapter I of the report of the Committee on Natural Resources on its second special session,12 which had been convened in pursuance of Council resolution 1979 (LIX) to carry out preparatory work for the United Nations Water Conference.
255.    At that meeting, the Council had adopted decision 207 (ORG-77), approving the recommendations made by the Committee in chapter I, paragraph 1, of its report, subparagraphs (a) to (c) of which concerned, respectively, the provisional rules of procedure, the revised provisional agenda and the organization of work for the Conference; subparagraph (d), which had been orally revised by the Secretary of the Council at the meeting, referred to documentation submitted to the Conference. The Council had also decided to take note of the decisions in chapter I, paragraph 1, subparagraph (c) (i) to (iv), and in paragraph 2, subparagraphs (a) to (c), concerning the "Consolidated action recommendations" (E/C.7/L.52 and Add.1), the provisional agenda -and the organization of work, taking fully into account the comments made thereon.
256.    At the 2048th plenary meeting during the sixty-second session, the Council took note of the fact that the provisional agenda for the fifth session of the Committee on Natural Resources would include an item on the United Nations Water Conference and that under that item the Secretary-General of the Conference would inform the Committee of the results of the Conference (see Council decision 214 (LXII)).
257.    At the sixty-third session, the Economic Committee considered item 16 at its 788th, 799th and 802nd to 805th meetings, between 11 July and 1 August 1977. The Committee had before it the report of the United Nations Water Conference,13 the report
" This item, entitled "Report of the Committee on Natural Resources on its second special session", was considered in
12    Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 2 (E/5907).
13    United Nations publication, Sales No. E.77.II.A.12.
of the Committee on Natural Resources on its fifth session, the report of the Secretary-General on permanent sovereignty over natural resources (E/C.7/ 66) and the note by the Secretary-General on recommendations of the United Nations Water Conference and follow-up action (E/6015).
258.    The Secretary-General of the United Nations Water Conference and the Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources at its fifth session made introductory statements (see E/E/AC.6/SR.788 and 799).
259.    At the 804th meeting, the Committee considered the report of the Committee on Natural Resources on its fifth session.13
260.    At the request of the representative of the USSR, the first draft resolution contained in chapter I, section A, of the report of the Committee on Natural Resources and entitled "Follow-up to the Mar del Plata Action Plan on integrated water resources development and management adopted by the United Nations Water Conference", was put to the vote. It was adopted by 22 votes to none, with 5 abstentions and submitted to the Council as draft resolution I. A statement concerning the programme budget implications of the draft resolution was circulated in document E/6004/Add.1. For action by the Council see paragraph 275 (a) below.
261.    The representatives of the USSR and Bulgaria made statements after the adoption of the draft resolution.
262.    The Committee adopted without a vote the second, third and fourth draft resolutions in chapter I, section A, of the same report, entitled, respectively, "Co-ordination of programmes within the United Nations system in the field of natural resources development", "Evaluation of prospects for the development of chromium ores", and "Study development and use of coal resources", and submitted them to the Council as draft resolutions II, III and IV. For action by the Council, see paragraph 275 (b) below.
14 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 2 A (E/6004 and Add.1).

263.    At the 804th meeting, the representative of Kenya orally proposed that in the fifth draft resolution recommended by the Committee on Natural Resources entitled New and renewable energy resources" the words sixty-fourth" in the operative paragraph should be replaced by the world "sixty-fifth". Earlier, at the 800th meeting, he had proposed that the word "and" after the word "biogas" in the fifth line of the same paragraph should be placed after the word "tidal".
264.    The oral amendments were adopted without a vote The draft resolution as a whole, as orally amended, was adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft resolution V. For action by the Council, sec paragraph 275 (b) below.
265.    Also at the 804th meeting, at the request of the representative of the United States of America, the sixth draft resolution recommended by the Committee on Natural Resources, entitled "Permanent sovereignty over natural resources" was put to the vote.
266.    The draft resolution was adopted by 24 votes to 1, with 11 abstentions, and submitted to the Council as draft resolution VI. For action by the Council see paragraph 275 (c) below.
267. The representatives of Japan, Denmark (also on behalf of members of the European Economic Com-munity), the United States of America. Mauritania Nigeria and Greece made statements after the adoption of the draft resolution.
268. At The 804th meeting, the Chairman proposed a draft decision concerning the report of the Committee on Natural Resources on its fifth session. In the light of statement read by the representatives of Iraq, the USSR, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Nigeria, the Chairman revised his draft decision to read:
"The Economic and Social Council takes note of the report of the Committee on Natural Resources on its fifth session and of the resolutions and decisions contained in chapter I, section B, of that report.
269. The Committee adopted the revised draft decision without a vote. For action by the Council, see paragraph 275 (e) below.
270. At the 802nd meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of the States members of the Economic and Social Council which are members of the Group of 77, introduced a draft resolution entitled
"Report of the United Nations  Water Conference" (E/AC.6/L.605/Rev.1), the text of which read:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"recalling general Assembly resolution 3513 (XXX) of15 December 1975 and Council resolution 1979 (LIX) of 31  July 1975,
" Recalling farther general Assembly resolutions 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974. containing the Declaration and the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order, 3281 (XXIX) of 12 December 1974 containing the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States and 3362 (S-VII) of 16 September 1975 on development and international economic cooperation,
"Noting that the United Nations Water Conference held at Mar del Plata, Argentina, from 14 to
25 March 1977 took far-reaching decisions on the entire spectrum of the management and development of water resources, covering such aspects as the assessment of water resources, use and efficiency in different aspects, environment, health and pollution control, planning, management and institutional aspects. education, training and research, and regional and international co-operation,
"Considering that. the decisions reached at the Conference, call for urgent action,
(7)Approves the report  of the United Nations Water Conference" containing the Mar del Plata Action Plan2 and the other agreements reached at the Conference;
"2. Expresses its gratitude to the Government and people of Argentina for making possible the holding of the Conference and for their generous hospitality;
"3. Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary-General of the Conference for the efficient preparation and organization of the Conference;
"4 Urges Member States and all organizations of the United Nations system to take intensified and sustained action for the implementation of the decisions reached at the Conference;
"5. Recommends to the General Assembly that it should approve the Mar del Plata Action Plan of the Conference and the other decisions reached at the Conference, and to give due priority to the measures needed to implement them;
"6. Recommends that Governments should consider, where necessary, the desirability of designating national water committees or other suitable organizations to co-ordinate and monitor the implementation of the Conference's recommendations at the national level on the basis of detailed national action programmes, encompassing areas specified in the note by the Secretary-General on recommendations of the United Nations Water Conference and follow-up action (E/6015), and recommends more popular involvement in the process of planning and decision making towards the formulation of a national policy;
"7 Approves the proposal of the Committee on Natural Resources that it should be convened in special session, in order to review plans and programmes prepared at national and regional levels to decide on any further steps necessary to secure the implementation of the Mar del Plata Action Plan;
"8. Approves also the subjects suggested by the Secretary-General in section III of the note referred to in paragraph 6 above for discussion in regional meetings and at the special session of the Committee on Natural Resources;
"9. Requests the Secretary-General: "(a) To formulate, in accordance with the decisions reached at the United Nations Water Conference, proposals in respect of steps required (i) to enable the Council and the Committee on Natural Resources and the regional commissions to play the central role in the promotion of intergovernmental co-operation, and (ii) to intensify the co-ordination of activities of the United Nations system at the country level under the leadership of the resident representatives of the United Nations Development Programme;
"(b) To make the necessary arrangements for an in-depth study of the implications of Conference resolution II on community water supply,3 and the launching of the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade recommended in paragraph 15 of the Mar del Plata Action Plan;4
"(c) To arrange for the preparation of an in-depth study, in co-operation with the appropriate organizations of the United Nations system and in consultation with Governments, of the most effective and flexible mechanism for increasing the flow of financial resources specifically for water development and management covering the elements outlined in the note by the Secretary-General referred to in paragraph 6 above;
"(d) To present the result of the special studies called for in subparagraphs (b) and (c) above to the Committee on Natural Resources at its special session;
"(e) To make appropriate arrangements for organizing meetings of representatives of existing international river commissions with a view to developing a dialogue between the different organizations on potential ways of promoting the exchange of their experience;
"10. Requests the regional commissions to strengthen and intensify their responsibilities in the water sector and, to this end, to assign specific responsibilities to an existing intergovernmental committee within the regional commissions, or if necessary create a new one in accordance with the recommendations of the Conference and with resolution 1 (V) of the Committee on Natural Resources,5 and to formulate whatever additional resources may be necessary for this purpose;
"11.   Further requests the Secretary-General:
"(a) To make the necessary arrangements for the coordinated preparation and servicing .of the special session of the Committee on Natural Resources, which will deal with a wide spectrum of water-related activities and complex studies, and to 'urge the organizations and agencies of the United Nations system concerned with water resources development to participate effectively and substantively in the preparation process;
"(b) To transmit the relevant decisions of the United Nations Water Conference to the secretariat of the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development for further action to ensure that water management problems and the problems of appropriate technologies be given priority attention in the preliminary national and regional analysis undertaken in the preparation process for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development, as well as by the Conference itself;
"(c) To transmit the relevant recommendations and resolutions of the United Nations Water Conference to the United Nations Conference on Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries and to the competent organizations dealing with the preparatory process for that Conference with a view to future action and specific objectives in this area being defined.
"12. Recommends that the Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on Natural Resources
Shared by Two or More States, of the United Nations Environment Programme, should expedite its work on draft principles of conduct in the field of the environment for the guidance of States in the conservation and harmonious exploitation of natural resources shared by two or more States;
"13. Draws the attention of the International Law Commission, with reference to Council resolution 1955 (LIX) of 25 July 1975, to the recommendation of the United Nations Water Conference requesting the International Law Commission to give a higher priority in its work programme to the codification of the law of the non-navigational uses of international watercourses and to co-ordinate its work with activities of other international bodies dealing with the development of the international law of waters with a view to the early conclusion of an international convention;6
"14. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its thirty-third session, through the Economic and Social Council, on the result of the special session of the Committee on Natural Resources.
"1 Report of the United Nations Water Conference, Mar del Plata, 14-25 March 1977 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.77.II.A.12).
"2Ibid., chap. I.
"3Ibid., p. 66.
"4 Ibid., D. 14.
"5 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 2 A (E/6004), p. 6.
"6 Report of the United Nations Water Conference, Mar del Plata, 14-25 March 1977 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.77.II.A.12), para. 93(a)."
271.    At the 804th meeting, the representative of Poland proposed that in the third preambular paragraph of the draft resolution the words "water legislation" should be inserted between the words "institutional aspects " and "education".
272.    At the 805th meeting the sponsors of the draft resolution orally proposed, through the Chairman, the insertion of the words "their requirement for" between the words "to formulate" and "whatever" in operative paragraph 10.
273.    At the same meeting, at the request of the representative of the USSR, the draft resolution contained in document E/AC.6/L.605/Rev.1, incorporating the amendment of the representative of Poland and as revised by the sponsors, was put to the vote. It was adopted by 33 votes to none, with 3 abstentions and submitted to the Council as draft resolution VII. For action by the Council, see paragraph 275 (d) below.
274.    After the adoption of the draft resolution, the representatives of Brazil, Canada, Afghanistan and the USSR made statements.
275.    At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977,
the Council considered the draft resolutions and draft
decision recommended by the Economic Committee in
its report (E/6043, para. 20) and took the following
action on them:
(a)    Draft resolution I was adopted by 41 votes to none, with 5 abstentions; for the final text, see Council resolution 2115 (LXIII);
(b)    Draft resolutions II to V were adopted without a vote; for the final texts, see Council resolutions 2116 (LXIII) to 2119 (LXIII);
(c) Draft resolution VI was adopted by 38 votes to 1, with 11 abstentions; for the final text, see Council resolution 2120 (LXIII);
(d) In connation with draft resolution. VII, the Secretary of the Council suggested, in view of the provisions of resolution 2115 (LXIII), which had just been adopted, (i) the addition of the words "and taking into account the provisions of Council resolution 2115 (LXIII)" at the end of the last preambular paragraph; and (ii) the replacement of the words "Approves the proposal of the Committee on Natural Resources that it should be convened in special session,
in order", in operative paragraph 7, by the words "Invites the Committee on Natural Resources at its special session convened in accordance with Council resolution 2115 (LXIII)"; draft resolution VII, amended as suggested by the Secretary, was adopted by 43 votes to none, with 4 abstentions; for the final text, see Council resolution 2121 (LXIII).
(e) The draft decision was adopted without a vote; for the final text, see Council decision 270 (LXIII).
276. Statements were made by the representatives of Italy, Bolivia, Brazil and Afghanistan.
J.    Transnational corporations (Item, 17 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
277.    The Economic Committee considered this item at its 801st, 802nd, '803rd, 806th and 807th meetings on 27, 28 July and 1 and 3 August 1977. It had before it the report of the Commission on Transnational Corporations on its resumed second session and its third session,15 the report of the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working Group on the Problem of Corrupt Practices on its first, second, third and resumed third sessions (E/6006). It also had before it statements submitted by the Women's International Democratic Federation and by the World Federation of Trade Unions, non-governmental organizations in category I consultative status (E/NGO/67 and E/ NGO/71).
278.    The Chairman of the third session of the Commission on Transnational Corporations and the Rapporteur of the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working Group on the Problem of Corrupt Practices, made introductory statements on the report of these bodies.
279.    At die 803rd meeting the Committee adopted without a vote a draft decision proposed orally by the Chairman, the text of which read:
"The Economic and Social Council takes note of the report of the Commission on Transnational Cor-porations on its resumed second session and its third session."
For action by the Council, see paragraph 286 below.
280.    In the course of the debate it was urged that the next session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on a Code of Conduct for Transnational Corporations, a subsidiary body of the Commission on Transnational Corporations, should be held from 6 to 17 February 1978 and that the Working Group should not meet from 29 August to 2 September 1977 as scheduled (see E/L.1771).
281.    At the 806th meeting, the representative of Canada in his capacity as Vice-Chairman of the Committee and Chairman of the informal consultations on this item, introduced a draft resolution entitled: "Corrupt practices, particularly illicit payments, in international commercial transactions"  (E/AC.6/L.606).
282.    At the same meeting he orally revised the draft resolution by replacing the words "interested Member States", in .operative paragraph 4 (6), by the words "interested States". The draft resolution, as thus revised, read as follows:'
15bid., Supplement No. 5 (E/5986).
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling General   Assembly   resolution   3514 (XXX) of 15 December 1975 which, inter alia,' condemned all corrupt practices, included bribery, by transnational and other corporations, their intermediaries and other involved,
"Recalling further Council resolution 2041 (LXI) of 5 August 1976, in which the Council established an Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working Group to conduct an examination of the problem of corrupt practices, in particular bribery, in international commercial transactions by transnational and other corporations, their intermediaries and others involved, to elaborate in detail the scope and content of an international agreement to prevent and eliminate illicit payments, in whatever form, in connation with international commercial transactions as defined by the Working Group, and to submit a report to the Economic and Social Council at its sixty-third session,
"Noting the report of the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working Group on the Problem of Corrupt Practices on its first, second, third and resumed third
.sessions (E/6006), submitted to the Economic and
'Social Council at its sixty-third session,
"1. Reaffirms that the formulation of a code of conduct by the Commission on Transnational Corporations should be given the highest priority and that the conclusion of an international agreement on illicit payments should in no way interfere with or delay that priority;
"2. urges all States to use their best efforts to expedite the formulation of the code of conduct;
"3. Requests the Secretary-General, to make adequate provisions for the necessary meetings of the Intergovernmental Working Group on a Code of Conduct;
"4.   Decides:
"(a) To continue the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working Group on the Problem of Corrupt Practices so that it may complete its task;
"(b) To expand the membership of the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working Group to include all interested States provided mat the Working Group shall meet only if a quorum of four States from each interested geographical group is represented;
"(c) That the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working Group shall meet as necessary- in 1977 and 1978, if at all possible at United Nations Headquarters in New York, in order to complete its task in accordance with its original mandate as contained in Council resolution 2041 (LXI);
"5. Decides that the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working Group should draft an international agreement on illicit payments and, in this regard, consider all the issues defined in its report;
"6. Calls on the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working Group to report to the Economic and Social Council at its sixty-fifth session and also to submit a report to the Commission on Transnational Corporations at its fourth session for its consideration and comments;
"7. Recommend that the General Assembly decide, when it is deemed appropriate, to convene a conference of plenipotentiaries in order to conclude an international agreement on illicit payments."
283. At the. 807th meeting, the representatives of the Ukrainian SSR (also on behalf of Bulgaria, Czech-oslovakia, Poland and the USSR), Algeria, Yugoslavia (on behalf of the States members of the Group of 77), the Syrian Arab Republic (on behalf of the Arab States members of the Council)   and Uganda
made statements before the adoption of the draft resolution.
284.    A statement by the Secretariat concerning the programme budget implications of the draft resolution was circulated in document E/AC.6/L.608. The draft resolution, as orally revised, was adopted without a vote. For action by the Council, see paragraph 286 below.
285.    After the adoption of the draft resolution, statements were made by the representatives of France, the United States of America, Yugoslavia (also on behalf of States members of the Group of 77) and Cuba.
286.    At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977, the Council adopted without a vote the draft resolution and draft decision recommended by the Economic Committee in its report (E/6048, para. 11). For the final texts, see Council resolution 2122 (LXIII) and Council decision 271 (LXIII).
287.    Statements were made by the representatives of the Ukrainian SSR (also on behalf of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland and the USSR), the Syrian Arab Republic, Italy, Peru and Uganda.
K.     Food problems (Item 18 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
288.    The Economic Committee considered this item at its 794th, 795th, 796th and 798th meetings on 20, 21 and 25 July 1977. It had before it the report of the World Food Council on its third session (E/6025), the second annual report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (E/6008), the report by the Secretary-General and the President of the World Food Council on the progress achieved in dealing with food problems (E/6029) and the progress report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of resolution 2038 (LXI) on co-operation between the African Inter-Ministerial Committee for Food and relevant United Nations organizations and specialized agencies (E/6007 and Corr.1).
289.    The President of the World Food Council and the representative of the World Food Programme made introductory statements at the 794th meeting.
290.    At the 796th meeting, on 21 July, the Committee had before it three draft decisions proposed orally by the Chairman.
291.    In the first of these, the Council would take note of the report of the Secretary-General and the President of the World Food Council on progress achieved in dealing with food problems (E/6029).
292.    The second draft decision read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council, taking note of the second annual report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (E/6008), decides (a) to transmit the report to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session and (b) to recommend to the General Assembly for its approval the draft resolution on the target for World Food
Programme pledges for the period 1979-1980, contained in the annex to the report."
293.    In the third draft decision the Council would take note of the report of the Secretary-General on co-operation between the African Inter-Ministerial Committee for Food and relevant United Nations or-ganizations and specialized agencies (E/6007 and Corr.1).
294.    The draft decisions were adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft decisions A, B and C. For action by the Council, see paragraph 298 below.
295.    At the 798th meeting, on 25 July, the representative of the Philippines, on behalf of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, Jamaica, Mauritania, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, the Philippines and the United States of America, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Manila CommuniquÈ of the World Food Council: A Programme of Action to Eradicate Hunger and Malnutrition" (E/AC.6/L.598/Rev.1). The sponsors were joined by the representative of Canada. The text of the draft resolution read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Having considered the report of the World Food ï Council on its Third Ministerial session, held at Manila from 20 to 24 June 1977,1
"Having heard the report of the President of the World Food Council (see E/AC.6/SR.794), made in accordance with paragraph 4 of Economic and Social Council resolution 2037 (LXI) of 5 August 1976,
"1. Notes with satisfaction the report of the World Food Council and submits it to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session, in accordance with paragraph 7 of General Assembly resolution 3348 (XXIX) of 17 December 1974;
"2- Endorses the 'Manila CommuniquÈ of the World Food Council: A Programme of Action to Eradicate Hunger and Malnutrition',3
"3. Commends the World Food Council for the important initiatives it has taken, as embodied in the Manila CommuniquÈ, inter alia, for increasing food production in the developing countries, improving and ensuring world food security, expanding and improving food aid programmes, improving human nutrition and liberalizing and improving food trade;
"4. Recommends that the General Assembly adopt the 'Programme of Action b Eradicate Hunger and Malnutrition' contained in the Manila CommuniquÈ   and urge   all- Governments,   specialized
agencies and other bodies of the United Nations system to implement the Programme fully.
"1 Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-second Session, Supplement No. 19 (A/32/19)
"2 Ibid., chap. 1."
296.    At the same meeting, the draft resolution was adopted without a vote. After its adoption, statements were made by the representatives of the USSR and Poland (see E/AC.6/SR.798).
297.    For action by the Council, see paragraph 298 below.
298.    At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977 the Council adopted without a vote the draft resolution and draft decisions A to C recommended by the Economic Committee in its report (E/6045, para.8). Tor the final texts, see Council resolution 2114 (LXIII) and Council decisions 267 (LXIII) to 269 (LXIII), respectively.
Chapter V
Developments in human settlements and follow-up to Habitat (Item 10 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
299.    This item was allocated to an Ad Hoc Sessional Committee, which considered it at its 1st and 2nd meetings, on 7 and 8 July 1977, at informal meetings on 8,11, 12, 13, 14, 18 and 29 July and 2 August, and at its 3rd meeting on 2 August.
300.    It had before it the following documents and, as appropriate, relevant parts of the reports mentioned below:
(a)    The annual report of ECA;
(b)    The annual report of ECE;
(c)    The annual report of ESCAP;
(d)    A note by the Secretary-General on the United Nations International Institute for Documentation on Housing, Building and Planning, New Delhi (E/6011);
(e)    The report of the Governing Council of UNEP on its fifth session;4
(f) The report of ACC on activities of the United Nations system in human settlements (E/AC.51/83 and Add.1);
(g) The report of the Second Committee on UNEP (A/31/415);
(h) The report of the Latin American Regional Meeting on Human Settlements: note by the Secretary-General (A/C.2/31/5); and
(i) A statement on international institutional arrangements for human settlements action and co-ordination submitted by the International Union of Local Authorities and the United Towns Organization, non-governmental organizations in consultative states, category I; the Commonwealth Human Ecology Council, the International Council of Scientific Unions, the International Federation for Housing and Planning, the International Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centres, the International Union of Architects and the World Leisure and Recreation Association, non-governmental organizations in consultative status, category II; Friends of the Earth, the International Humanist and Ethical Union and the International Institute for Environment and Development, non-governmental organizations on the roster (E/NGO/65 and Corr.1);
(j) A statement containing proposals for progress and action in the field of human ecology submitted by the Commonwealth Human Ecology Council (E/NGO/ 69);
' Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 7 (E/5941).
"2lbid. Supplement No. 9 (E/5944).
3i Ibid, Supplement No. 8 (E/5943).
4 Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-second Session, Supplement No. 25 (A/31/25).
(k) A statement submitted by the World Federation of Trade Unions, a non-governmental organization in consultative status, category I (E/NGO/72);
(l) The report of the Regional Conference on Human Settlements for the ESCAP region (E/ESCAP/ IHT/RCHS/5).
301. At its 2nd meeting, the Committee decided to hold informal consultations on the question of insti-tutional arrangements on human settlements. As a result of these informal consultations, the Committee had before it, at its 3rd meeting, a draft decision submitted by the Chairman of the informal consultations (E/ AC.66/L.2) and orally revised in the course of the discussions, the text of which read:
"The Economic and Social Council decides, without prejudging the final position that Member States may take on the matter, to transmit the annexed draft resolution on institutional arrangements for international co-operation in the field of human settlements to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session as a text for further negotiation.
"Recalling relevant resolutions, in particular its resolutions 2718 (XXV) of 15 December 1970, 3001 (XXVII) of 15 December 1972 and 3327 (XXIX) of 16 December 1974,
"Convinced of the need for urgent action to improve the quality of life of all people in human settlements,
"Recognizing that such action is primarily the responsibility of Governments,
"Conscious that human settlements problems represent a primary field of action in international co-operation, which should be strengthened in order that adequate solutions may be found based on equity, justice and solidarity, especially among developing countries,
"Recognizing that the international community should provide, both at the global and regional levels, encouragement and support to Governments determined to take effective action to ameliorate conditions, especially for the least advantaged, in rural and urban human settlements,
"Recognizing that human settlements and the steps to be taken to improve them should be considered an essential component of socio-economic development,
"Recalling the decisions of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, as well as the recommendations of the World Population Conference, the World Food Conference, the Second General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the World Conference of the International Women's Year, the Declaration and the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order adopted by the
General Assembly at its sixth special session and the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, that establish the basis of the New International Economic Order,
"Aware of the sectoral responsibilities of the organizations of the United Nations system,
''Conscious of the need to achieve greater coherence and effectiveness in human settlements activities within the United Nations system,
"Recognizing that new priorities should be identified and activities developed to reflect comprehensive and integrated approaches to the solution of human settlements problems,
"Convinced that it is necessary to consolidate and strengthen promptly the capacity of the United Nations system in the field of human settlements,
"Recognizing that urgent steps should be taken to ensure a better mobilization of financial resources at all levels, with a view to improving human settlements,
"Believing that:
"(a) The current level of resources available for development purposes, particularly for human settlements, is clearly inadequate;
"(b) The effective development of human settlements has been hindered by great disparities in socio-economic development within and between countries;
"(c) The establishment of a just and equitable world economic order through necessary changes in areas of international trade, monetary systems, industrialization, the transfer of resources, the transfer of technology and the consumption of world resources, is essential for socio-economic development and for the improvement of human settlements, particularly in developing countries;
"I.    International co-operation in the field of human settlements
"1.   Considers that:
"(a) International co-operation in the field of human settlements should be viewed as an instrument of socioeconomic development;
"(b) The fundamental object of international co-operation for development is to support national action and therefore programmes for such co-operation in the field of human settlements should be based on the policies and priorities established in the recommendations for national action of Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements;
"(c) In seeking co-operation for development, countries should give due priority to human settlements;
"(d) Requests for development assistance should not be subject to discrimination on the part of the institutions to which these requests are addressed;
"(e) Technical co-operation should be made available to countries requesting assistance in policy formulation, management and institutional improvement relating to human settlements;
"(/) Technical co-operation should be made available to developing countries requesting assistance in education and training and applied research relating to human settlements;
"(g) Financial and technical co-operation for development should be accorded to countries requesting assistance for, inter alia, projects in self-help and co-operative housing, integrated rural development, water and transportation;
"(h) All Governments should give serious consideration to making contributions as soon as possible to the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation established by virtue ,of General Assembly resolution 3327 (XXIX) in order to expedite action programmes in the field of human settlements;
"(i) Emerging concepts and priorities regarding human settlements in developing countries present new challenges
to the policies and capability of development assistance agencies in donor countries and to international bodies, and therefore multilateral and bilateral development assistance agencies should respond effectively to requests for assistance in the field of human settlements; special attention should be paid to the needs of the least advantaged countries, particularly in the provision of long-term low-interest mortgages and loans to facilitate the implementation of human settlements activities in the least developed countries that cannot fulfill existing terms and conditions;
"(i) Information systems should be strengthened, where necessary, and better co-ordinated, and stronger links established at the regional level between human settlements and research institutions in different countries;
"(A) Many international organizations carry out activities related to human settlements, and specialized agencies and other appropriate bodies, in particular the United Nations Children's Fund, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, the International Labour Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Food Programme, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,, the World Bank and ,the World Health Organization should consider seriously the recommendations of Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, with a view to their implementation in their respective fields of competence;
"II.    Commission on Human Settlements
"2. Decides that the Economic and Social Council should establish an intergovernmental Commission on Human Settlements, which will have 58 members to be elected for three-year terms on the following basis:
"(a)    ... seats for African States;
"(b)    ... seats for Asian States;
"(c)    ...- seats for Latin American States;
"(d)    ... seats for Eastern European States;
"(e)    ... seats for Western European and other States;
"3. Decides that the Commission on Human Settlements will discharge inter alia the responsibilities at present exercised by the Committee on Housing, Building and Planning;
"4. Decides that the Commission on Human Settlements will have the following main objectives:
"(a) To assist countries and regions in increasing and improving their own efforts to solve human settlements problems;
"(b) To promote greater international co-operation in order to increase the availability of resources of developing countries and regions;
"(c) To promote the integral concept of human settlements and a comprehensive approach to human settlements problems in all countries;
"(d) To strengthen co-operation and co-participation in this domain among all countries and regions;
"5. Decides that the Commission on Human Settlements will have the following main functions and responsibilities:
"(a) To develop and promote policy objectives, priorities and guidelines regarding existing and planned programmes of work in the field of human settlements, as formulated in the recommendations of Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements and subsequently endorsed by the General Assembly;
"(b) To follow closely the activities of the United Nations system and other international organizations in the field of human settlements and to propose, when appropriate, ways and means by which the ever-all policy objectives and goals in the field of human settlements within the United Nations system might best be achieved;
"(c) To study, in the context of the said Conference's recommendations for national action, new issues, problems
and especially solutions in the field of human settlements, particularly those of a regional of international character;
"(d) To give over-all policy guidance and carry out supervision of the operations of the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation;
"(e) To review and approve periodically the utilization of funds at its disposal for carrying out human settlements activities at the global, regional and subregional levels;
"(f) To provide over-all direction to the secretariat of the Centre referred to in section III below;
"(g) To review and provide guidance on the programme of the United Nations Audio-Visual Information Centre on Human Settlements established by virtue of General Assembly resolution 31/115 of 16 December 1976;
"6. Decides that the first session of the Commission on Human Settlements be held in the first half of 1978;
"7. Decides that the Commission on Human Settlements will report to the General Assembly through the Economic and Social Council;
"III.    Habitat, the Centre on Human Settlements
"8.. Decides that a small and effective secretariat shall be established in the United Nations to service the Commission on Human Settlements and to serve as a focal point for human settlements action and the co-ordination of activities within the United Nations system, to be named "Habitat, the Centre for Human Settlements" hereinafter referred to as "the Centre";
"9. Decides that the Centre shall be headed by an Executive Director, who shall report to the Secretary-General;
"10. Decides that the Executive Director shall be responsible for the management of the Centre, which shall comprise the posts and budgetary resources of the following:
"(a) The Centre for Housing, Building and Planning of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs;
"(b) The appropriate section of the Division of Economic and Social Programmes of the United Nations Environment Programme directly concerned with human settlements, with the exception of the posts required by that Programme to exercise its responsibilities for the environmental aspects and consequences of human settlements planning;
 "(c)    The United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation;
"(d) As appropriate, selected posts and associated resources from relevant parts of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs:
"11. Decides that the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation shall be administered by the Executive Director referred to in paragraph 9 above and shall have the terms of reference set out in the annex to General Assembly resolution 3327 (XXIX), with appropriate amendments to reflect the new relationship to the Commission on Human Settlements and its secretariat;
"12. Decides that the Centre, under the leadership of its Executive Director, shall be entrusted with the following responsibilities, among others:
"(a) To ensure the harmonization at the inter-secretariat level of human settlements programmes planned and carried out by the United Nations system;
"(b) To assist the Commission on Human Settlements in co-coordinating human settlements activities in the United Nations system, to keep them under review and to assess their effectiveness;
"(c)   To execute human settlements projects;
"(d) To provide the focal point for a global exchange of information about human settlements;
"(e) To provide substantive support to the Commission on Human Settlements;
"(f) To deal with interregional human settlements matters;
"(g) To supplement the resources of the regions in formulating and implementing human settlements projects when so required;
"(h) To promote collaboration with, and the involvement of, the world scientific community concerned with human settlements;
"(i) To establish and maintain a global directory of consultants and advisers to supplement the skills available within the system and to assist in the recruitment of experts at the global level, including those available in developing countries;
"(j) To initiate public information activities on human settlements in co-operation with the Office of Public Information;
"(k) To promote the further and continued use of audio-visual material relating to human settlements;
"(l) To carry out the mandate and responsibilities previously assigned by the appropriate legislative bodies to the secretariat units to be absorbed in the central staff;
"(m) To implement programmes until they are transferred to the regional organizations;
"13. Decides that the Director of the United Nations Audio-Visual Information Centre on Human Settlements should report to the Executive Director;
"14. Decides that there should be close links between the Centre and the United Nations Environment Programme, and that for this reason the location of the Centre should be at Nairobi;
"15. Decides that during the period 1978-1980 a significant portion of all posts in the Centre will be assigned to the regions for work on regional human settlements questions;
"IV.   Organization at the regional level
"16. Recommends that the regional commissions should consider the establishment of regional intergovernmental committees on human settlements, comprising all members, in cases where such committees do not already exist;
"17. Recommends that such regional committees should be established as soon as possible and then co-ordinate their activities with those of the Commission on Human Settlements and report to it through the appropriate regional commissions;
"18. Recommends further that the responsibility for implementing regional and sub regional programmes should be gradually transferred to regional organizations;
"19. Recommends that each regional committee should be served by a unit of the? secretariat of the parent regional commission under an executive officer; these units should preferably be established as soon as possible and should be provided with the necessary resources for their operations;
"20. Decides that the regional committees should be responsible for the formulation of regional and sub regional policies and programmes and for their implementation;
"21. Recommends further that the budgetary and personnel resources available to each regional secretariat unit should consist of those available from the regular budgetary resources and those redeployed from the aggregate posts available to the central secretariat, voluntary contributions, including those made to the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation, as well as selected resources currently available to each region;
"22. Recommends that the principal functions of the regional secretariat units should be:
"(a) To serve the regional committees referred to in paragraph 16 above;
"(b) To review progress in the implementation of programmes within the regions;
"(c) To promote the active collaboration of governmental representatives in activities related to human settlements;
"(d) To assist Governments of countries in the region in the formulation of their requests for assistance from the appropriate bilateral and multilateral bodies;
"(e) To establish close links with the appropriate financial institutions at the regional and global levels and with regional units of the specialized agencies;
"(f) To formulate, implement and supervise regional and sub regional programmes and projects, especially regional training programmes;
"(g)   To execute regional human settlements projects;
"23. Recommends that the regional secretariat units, with the approval of the regional committees, should identify those national and regional institutions which are best able to provide services, training and assistance in research relating to human settlements;
"V.    Terms of reference
"24. Decides that human settlements activities and programmes at both the global and regional levels should deal in particular with the following subject areas:
"(a)    Settlement policies and strategies
"(b)    Settlement planning
"(c)    Institutions and management
"(d)    Shelter, infrastructure and services
"(e)    Land
"(f)    Public participation;
"25. Decides that the formulation of global programme priorities within these broad subject areas shall be undertaken by the Commission on Human Settlements and that of regional programme priorities by the -regional committees, on the basis of the needs and problems of the region and of the countries within the region;
"26. Recommends that the following functions be considered on a priority basis, in relation to the subject areas mentied in paragraph 24 above:
"(a) Identification of the problems and possible solutions;
"(b)   The formulation and implementation of policies;
"(c)    Education and training;
"(d) The identification, development and use of appropriate technology, as well as limitation of hazardous technology;
"(e) Exchange of information, including audio-visual information;
"(f)    Implementation machinery;
"(g) Assistance in the mobilization of resources at the national and international level;
"VI.    Concerted action and co-ordination
"27. Urges in particular that the Executive Director of The Centre and the Bureau of the Commission on Human Settlements should meet bi-annually with the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme and the Bureau of its Governing Council to review together their respective priorities and programmes for improving human settlements and to strengthen and extend co-operation between the two organizations;
"28. Urges also that the Executive Director of the Centre and the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme should participate in and address the annual meetings of their governing bodies;
"VII.    Working relations with financial institutions
"29. Recommends that the Centre and the secretariats of the regional commissions should establish working relations, as regards the question of human settlements, with the principal financial institutions at the regional and global levels;
"30. Recommends that special co-operation should exist at the global, regional and national levels between the United Nations Development Programme and the Centre;
"VIII.,   Co-operation with organizations outside the United Nations system
"31. Recommends that, at the global and regional levels, co-operation should be sought with universities, research and scientific institutes, non-governmental organizations and voluntary groups in order to make full use of their knowledge and experience in the field of human settlements; at the intergovernmental level this co-operation should be formalized and at the secretariat level it should be brought about by the establishment of appropriate working relations."
302.    At the same meeting, the draft decision, as 'rally revised, was adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft decision A. For action y the Council, see paragraph 306 below.
303.    At the same meeting, the Committee took p consideration of a draft resolution entitled "Co-operation in the field of human settlements with or-animations outside the United Nations system" (E/ C.66/L.1), submitted on 14 July by the representatives of Austria, Colombia, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway and Portugal, reading as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council
"Recommends to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session the adoption of the following draft resolution:
"'The General Assembly
" 'Recalling the report of Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements,1 in particular Conference resolution 1, annex, section IX, on cooperation with organizations outside the United Nations system,
"'Recalling also General Assembly resolution 31/ 114 of 16 December 1976 entitled "Collaboration between the United Nations and non-governmental organizations with regard to world-wide intercommoned cooperation",
"'Recognizing the valuable contribution that interested non-governmental organizations, universities and research and scientific institutes can make on the basis of their experience and knowledge to the planning and implementation of programmes and action in the field of human settlements,
"'Recognizing also the important role of nongovernmental organizations as a channel of communication between policy-makers and the general public,
" '1. Welcomes the increasing collaboration between the Centre for Housing, Building and Planning, the United Nations Habitat and Human Settlements Foundation and non-governmental organizations concerned with human settlements;
" '2. Requests the Secretary-General to establish a small, effective Non-Governmental Advisory Group on Human Settlements, whose members would be drawn from interested non-governmental organizations, universities and scientific and research institutes and selected on the basis of equitable geographical distribution for the purpose of:
" '(i) Proposing subjects and activities which would lend themselves to fruitful co-operation between the United Nations and universities, scientific and research institutes, non-governmental organizations and other voluntary groups concerned with human settlements;
"(ii) Formulating recommendations regarding the conditions and procedures for collaborative programmes in the field of human settlements;
" '3. Further requests the Secretary-General to schedule the work of the Non-Governmental Advisory Group on Human Settlements in such a way that its comments on the draft programmes of United Nations activities in the field of human settlements will be made available to the future intergovernmental body for human settlements at the time when it discusses these programmes;
" '4. Recommends that the regional commissions consider the establishment of regional Non-Govern-mental Advisory Groups on Human Settlements in their respective regions at their annual meetings;
'"5. Further requests the Secretary-General to report on the implementation of this resolution to the General Assembly at its thirty-third session.'
"'! United Nations publication, Sales No. E.76.IV.7.'"
304.    At the same meeting, the draft resolution was withdrawn by the representative of the Netherlands, on behalf of the sponsors.
305.    At the 3rd meeting, the Committee decided to recommend to the Council that it should take note of the report of ACC on activities of the United Nations system in human settlements (E/AC.51/83) and submitted its decision to the Council as draft decision B. For action by the Council, see paragraph 306 below.
306.    At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977, the Council adopted without a vote draft decisions A and B recommended by the Ad Hoc Sessional Committee in its report (E/6049, para. 8). For the final text, see Council decisions 262 (LXIII) and 263 (LXIII).
307.    The representatives of Canada, the USSR and Cuba made statements (see E/SR.2085).
Chapter VI
A.     Social development questions (Item 10 of the agenda for the sixty-second session)
308.    The Social Committee considered this item at its 797th to 799th and 803rd to 805th meetings, held between 21 and 29 April 1977.
309.    For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the report of the Commission for Social Development on its twenty-fifth session,1 as well as the following documents: the report of the Secretary-General on the problems confronting youth and the manner in which these problems are being treated by the organs and executive bodies of the United Nations system (E/CN.5/534); a progress report of the Secre-tary-General on the establishment of a co-operative arrangement among youth research and information centres (E/CN.5/527 and Corr.1); and the reports of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control on its third and fourth sessions (E/CN.5/516 and E/CN.5/536). In addition, the Committee received three statements submitted by non-governmental organizations: one by the International Council on Social Welfare, the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Federation of Social Workers (E/NGO/56); one by the International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations, the World Federation of Democratic Youth, Pax Romana, the World Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, the Boy Scouts World Bureau, the World Student Christian Federation, the World University Service and the World Young Women's Christian Association (E/NGO/61); and one by the World Federation of Trade Unions (E/NGO/62).
Report of the Commission for Social Development
310.    Chapter I of the report of the Commission for Social Development1 contained 12 draft resolutions, numbered I to XII, and a draft decision, which were recommended by the Commission for adoption by the Council. The programme budget implications of draft resolutions X and XII were summarized in paragraphs 165 and 182, respectively, of the report.
311.    The Committee considered the draft resolutions contained in the report of the Commission for Social Development at its 803rd to 805th meetings.
Draft resolutions I, II and HI
312.    At its 803rd meeting, the first, second and third draft resolutions submitted by the Commission,
entitled "Implementation of the Declaration on Social Progress and Development", "Mobilization of national
resources" and "Unified approach to development analysis and planning", were adopted without a vote
1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 5 -(E/5915).
and submitted to the Council as draft resolutions I, II and III. For action by the Council, see paragraph 351 (a) below.
Draft resolution IV
313. At the 803rd meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf also of Algeria and Nigeria, introduced four amendments (E/AC.7/L.724) to draft resolution IV, entitled "Co-ordination of the results of the world conferences in the field of social development in the 1970s". Jamaica, Mauritania, Mexico and Vene-zuela subsequently became sponsors of the amendments, which called for:
(a)    The replacement of the sixth preambular
paragraph by the following:
"Mindful of the need to consider the social aspects of development in the formulation of a new international development strategy in a broader context of the establishment of the New International Economic Order"";
(b)    The insertion of the words "on the establishment of the New International Economic Order and" after the words "recommendations and resolutions" in operative paragraph 1;
(c)    The replacement of the words "prepare a report which systematically analyses" in operative paragraph 2 by the words "continue to analyses"; and
(d) The replacement of operative paragraph 3 by
the following:        
"Requests the Secretary-General to submit the results of such work to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session in the context of the information to be submitted in pursuance of Assembly resolution 31/182 of 21 December 1976," The latter amendment was afterwards orally revised, the words "context of the information" being replaced by "report".
314.    The representative of Mexico had submitted amendments (E/AC.7/L.721) to the draft resolution, which he withdrew when he became a sponsor of the amendments in document E/AC.7/L.724.
315.    At the 804th meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of the sponsors, orally revised the first and fourth amendment in document E/AC.7/ L.724. The first amendment was revised to take account of a proposal by the representative of Brazil to add the word "also" after the word "Mindful", and another by the representative of the Netherlands to replace the word "consider" by "incorporate". As a result of those changes, the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution would read as follows:
"Mindful also of the need to incorporate the social aspects of development in the formulation of a hew
international development strategy, taking fully into account the resolutions on the establishment of the New International Economic Order".
316.    The fourth amendment, as revised, would re
place operative paragraph 3 of the draft resolution by
the following text:
"Requests the Secretary-General to submit the results of such work to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session in the report to be submitted in pursuance of General Assembly resolution 31/182 of 21 December 1976".
317.    The representative of Yugoslavia further stated that the sponsors of the amendments (E/AC.7/L.724),
as revised, were willing to maintain the original sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution provided
that an oral amendment by the representative of New Zealand which would delete the phrase "in the formulation of a new international development strategy", was acceptable to the Committee. In that event, the para
graph beginning "Mindful also" would become a new seventh preambular paragraph.
318.    In addition, the representative of Yugoslavia agreed, on behalf of the sponsors, to incorporate in the amendment to operative paragraph 1 a proposal by Afghanistan to insert the words "of the General Assembly" after the words "New International Economic Order" at the end of that amendment and to include a reference to the Second General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization in the paragraph. The sponsors of the amendment also agreed to a proposal by the representative of Argentina to include a reference to the United Nations Water Conference in the same paragraph.
319.    At the same meeting the Committee adopted without a vote the oral amendment by the representative of New Zealand to the sixth preambular paragraph, as well as the amendments in document E/AC.7/ L.724, as orally revised by the sponsors. The draft resolution, as amended, was also adopted without a Vote, and was submitted to the Council as draft resolution IV. For action by the Council, see paragraph 351 (a) below.
Draft resolution V
320.    At the 804th meeting, the representative of the Ukrainian SSR introduced two amendments (E/ AC.7/L.722) to draft resolution V, entitled "Social and institutional reform as a means of increasing domestic food production and distributing it equitably among the population". The first amendment called for the addition of the words "including democratic agrarian reform, as recommended in the Declaration on Social Progress and Development, contained in resolution 2542 (XXIV), and in other relevant resolutions of the General Assembly" at the end of the last preambular paragraph. At the same meeting, the Ukrainian representative orally proposed that the words "and the Economic and Social Council" be added at the end of the paragraph. The second amendment would add the words "increase agricultural production, ensure an adequate food supply and its equitable distribution among the population, and" immediately after the words "in order to" in operative paragraph 2 (c).
321.    At the same meeting,-the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of Algeria, Nigeria and her own delegation, subsequently joined by Jamaica, Mauritania,
Mexico and Venezuela, introduced three amendments (E/AC.7/L.723). The first amendment called for the replacement of the phrase "Recalling General Assembly resolution 3362 (S-VII) of 16 September 1975", in the first preambular paragraph, by the following text:
"Recalling the Declaration and the Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order contained in General Assembly resolution 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974 as well as General Assembly resolution 3362 (S-VII) of 16 September 1975".
322.    The second amendment called for the replacement of the fourth preambular paragraph by the fol-lowing:
"Mindful that the problem of balancing food demands and needs can be solved by, inter alia, raising production levels in the developing countries, finding more equitable ways of distributing food and fully implementing various decisions on this subject adopted by the World Food Conference".
The amendment was orally revised at the meeting, the word "decisions" being replaced by "resolutions".
323.    The third amendment provided for the insertion at the end of operative paragraph 2 of a new sub
paragraph reading:
"(i) To undertake immediate action for the implementation of all decisions adopted by the World Food Conference and thus assist the developing countries in their efforts to increase food production".
324.    The sponsors of the amendments in document E/AC.7/L.723 agreed to a proposal by the represen-tative of Mexico to add in their amendment to the first preambular paragraph a reference to the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States contained in General Assembly resolution 3281 (XXIX) of 12 December 1974. They also accepted a proposal by the representative of Austria to replace the words "demands and needs" by "demand and supply" in their amendment to the fourth preambular paragraph.
325.    A proposal by the representative of the United States of America to delete the word "fully" in the amendment to the same paragraph was agreed to by the sponsors, who did not, however, accept the proposal to replace the word "resolutions" by "recommendations" in that paragraph. The sponsors of the amendments in document E/AC.7/L.723 agreed to a proposal by the representative of Denmark to replace the word "all" by the word "the" in the amendment to operative paragraph 2.
326.    At the same meeting, the Committee adopted without a vote a motion by the representative of Iran to delete the second preambular paragraph and operative paragraph 1. In adopting that motion, the Committee noted that it had done so only because it had been unable to study the joint report (E/CN.5/537) referred to therein.
327.    The Committee also adopted without a vote an oral amendment by the representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to former operative paragraph 5, whereby the words "of the secretariats of the United Nations, the International Labour Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Bank on social and institutional reforms as a means of increasing food production"
would be inserted after the words "joint report". In addition, it adopted without a vote the amendments in documents E/AC.7/L.722 and E/AC.7/L.723, as orally revised.
328.    The draft resolution, as amended, was adopted without a vote, and submitted to the Council as draft resolution V. For action by the Council, see paragraph 351 (a) below.
Draft resolution VI
329.    At the 804th meeting, the Committee adopted without a vote the draft resolution entitled "Distribution
of national income", and submitted it to the Council as draft resolution VI. For action by the Council, see
paragraph 351 (a) below.
Draft resolution VII
330.    At the same meeting, two draft resolutions were submitted in connation with draft resolution VII
of the Commission for Social Development. The first entitled "Report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control on its fourth session" (E/AC.7/ L.726), was sponsored by Greece and read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Having considered the report of the Commission for Social Development on its twenty-fifth session,1 as well as the report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control on its fourth session (E/ CN.5/536),
"1. Recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of draft resolutions I, II and III of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control, reproduced in the annex to the present resolution;2
"2. Endorses the recommendations made by the Committee on Crime Prevention-and Control in its report under the heading 'Human rights in the administration of justice' (ibid., chap. I, sect. B);
"3. Recommends that the Secretary-General, in the formulation of future work programmes of the United Nations, should give urgent consideration to subitems (a), (b) and (d) of the recommendations made by the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control in its report under the heading 'Role and function of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control' (ibid);
"4. Further requests the Secretary-General to take the necessary measures for the preparation of the Sixth Congress, especially through the commissioning of consultant reports by experts from all regions and the organization of regional preparatory meetings, pursuant to past practice, for Africa, Asia and Latin America, to which all Governments of the regions may send experts, and to which the Secretary-General shall invite expert consultants from the region.
"1. Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 5  (E/5915).
"2 It has been agreed that if the draft resolution is adopted by the Council, draft resolutions I, II and III of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control will be reproduced as annexes, h II and III to the resolution itself, the 'Draft code of conduct for law enforcement officials' will be incorporated as an appendix to annex I, and appropriate cross references to the report of the Fifth Congress on the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders and the report entitled 'Methods and ways likely to be most effective in preventing crime and improving the treatment of offenders' will be inserted in annexes II and III."

331.    The draft resolution was revised by the sponsor in the course of his introductory statement; the words "as well as" in the preambular paragraph being replaced by the words "in so far as it concerns", the word "recommends" in operative paragraph 1 being replaced by the word "submits" and the words "adoption of" in the same paragraph being deleted; the whole of operative paragraph 4 was also deleted.
332.    The second draft resolution, entitled "Extension of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners to persons arrested or imprisoned without charge" (E/AC.7/L.727), was sponsored by Portugal and read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling its resolution 663 C (XXIV) of 31 July 1957 and General Assembly resolution 3144 B
(XXVIII)    of 14 December 1973,
"Recalling also General Assembly resolution 3218 (XXIX)    of 6 November 1974 and the Declaration
on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or De
grading Treatment or Punishment annexed to General Assembly resolution 3452 (XXX) of 9 December 1975,
"Aware that, despite the increase in the influence of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, violations of the Rules are frequently occurring,
"Recalling that, by paragraph 6 of its resolution 1993 (LX) of 12 May 1976, the Economic and Social Council requested the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control to study the range of application of the Standard Minimum Rules and to formulate a set of implementing procedures for these Rules,
"Having considered the report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control on its fourth session (E/CN.5/536) as well as the report of the Commission for Social Development on its twenty-'fifth session,
"1. Decides that a new section E, entitled 'Persons arrested or imprisoned without charge' should be added to part* II of the Rules, reading as follows:
"'Rule 95
 'Persons arrested or imprisoned without charge shall be accorded the same protection as that accorded under part II, section C. Relevant provisions of part II, section A, shall likewise be applicable where their application may conduce to the benefit of this special group of persons in custody, provided that no measures shall be taken implying that reeducation or rehabilitation are in any way appropriate to persons not convicted of any criminal offence;'
"2. Urges that the procedures for the effective implementation of the Standard Minimum Rules con-tained in annex VI to the report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control on its fourth session (ibid), be fully applied."
333. The draft resolution was orally revised by the sponsor, the words "Without prejudice to the provisions of article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" being added at the beginning of rule 95 as reproduced in operative paragraph 1, while the
words "part I and" were inserted after the word "under" in the same sentence; operative paragraph 2 was deleted altogether.
334.    Draft resolutions E/AC.7/L.726 and E/AC.7/ L.727, as revised, were adopted without a vote and
submitted to the Council as draft resolutions VII and VIII. For action by the Council, see paragraph 351 (a)
335.    As a result of the adoption of the above draft
resolutions, no action was necessary on draft resolution VII recommended by the Commission for Social
Draft resolutions VIII and IX
336.    At the 804th meeting, the Committee adopted without a vote the eighth and ninth draft resolutions
recommended by the Commission, entitled "The elderly: progress report on the implementation of General Assembly resolution 3137 (XXVIII) of 14 December 1973"'and "Youth in the contemporary world"; the draft resolutions were submitted to the Council as draft resolutions IX and X. For action by the Council,
see paragraph 351 (a) and (b) below.
Draft resolution X
337.    The representative of the United States of America, at the 799th meeting, introduced amendments
(E/AC7/L.720) to the tenth draft resolution, entitled "Reinforcing the social development sector within the
United Nations". The amendments provided for:
(a) The replacement of the introductory phrase of operative paragraph 1 by the following:
"1. Recommends that the Secretary-General should appoint a small working group composed of experts from Member States to study, taking into account the work under way on restructuring of the economic and social sectors of the United Nations system, and to make appropriate recommendations for improvement, inter alia, with regard to:";
Lb) The replacement of "resumed sixty-third session" by "sixty-fourth session" and of "thirty-second session" by "thirty-third session" in operative paragraph 2; and
(c) The replacement' of "resumed sixty-third session" by "sixty-fourth session" in operative paragraph 3.
338.    The representatives of the United States and the Netherlands informed the Committee at the 799th meeting that their Governments were prepared, if necessary, to provide $25,000 each towards the cost of im-plementing the recommendation in the introductory phrase of operative paragraph 1 should it prove impossible to defray out of the regular budget of the United Nations the costs arising out of the draft resolution, as summarized in paragraph 165 of the report of the Commission for Social Development.1
339.    At the 803rd meeting, the representative of Mexico introduced an amendment to the draft resolution (E/AC.7/1.721), proposing the addition of an operative paragraph which would read as follows:
"5. Decides to transmit the report of the working group to the Ad Hoc Committee on Restructuring so that it may consider the report in its work."
The amendment was subsequently withdrawn by the sponsor.
340.    At the 805th meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of Algeria, Jamaica, Mauritania,
Mexico, Nigeria, Venezuela and Yugoslavia, introduced amendments (E/AC.7/L.725) to the draft resolution,
providing for:
(a)    The addition of a new fourth preambular para graph reading:
"Recalling General Assembly resolution 31/182 of 21 December 1976 on the preparation of a new international development strategy";
(b)    The addition of a new fifth preambular para graph reading:
"Mindful of the need to consider the social aspects of development in the formulation of a new interna-tional development strategy in a broader context of establishment of a New International Economic Order,"
which was orally revised by the sponsors to replace "in a broader context of establishment of a" by "taking fully into account the resolutions on the establishment of the";
(c)    The replacement at the end of operative para
graph 2 of the phrase "at its resumed sixty-third session and to the General Assembly at its thirty-second
session" by the following text:
"and to the General Assembly at- a time to be decided upon by the Assembly at its thirty-second session in the context of the decision on the restructuring of the United Nations system and the preparations for a new international development strategy",
which was then orally revised to read:
"at its sixty-fourth session, taking into account the decision of the General Assembly at its thirty-second ï session on the subject of preparations for a. new international development strategy"; and
('d)    The deletion of operative paragraph 3.
341.    The representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of the sponsors of the amendments in document E/ AC.7/L.725, agreed to an oral proposal by the representative of the Netherlands to replace the word "consider" by the word "incorporate" in the amendment to the fifth preambular paragraph.
342.    At the same meeting, the Committee adopted without a vote the first two amendments in document E/AC.7/L.725, as orally revised.
343.    The representative of the Ukrainian SSR proposed the insertion of the words "ad hoc" before the words "working group" in the United States amendment (see E/AC.7/L.720) to the introductory phrase of operative paragraph 1. In addition, the representative of the USSR submitted the following amendments to the United States amendment to operative paragraph 1: the replacement of "Secretary-General" by "President of the Economic and Social Council"; the deletion of the word "small" before the words "working group"; and the insertion of the word "ten" before the word "experts". The representative of Yugoslavia proposed the insertion after the words "Member States" of: "taking into account the principle of equitable geographical distribution". The Committee adopted all the above sub amendments without a vote, and then adopted the amendment of the United States to operative paragraph 1 (E/AC.7/L.720), as amended, without a vote.
344.    In connation with operative paragraph 2 of the draft resolution, the Committee adopted without a vote oral amendments by the representative of the USSR to delete the words "that the working group should be appointed as soon as possible and" and to replace the word "findings" by the word "report''. It also adopted without a vote the revised amendment to operative paragraph 2 in document E/AC.7/L.725. As a result of the adoption of the last amendment, the amendment by the United States to operative paragraph 2 (see E/AC.7/L.720) was not put to the vote.
345.    The Committee adopted without a vote the amendment in document E/AC."7L.725 to delete operative paragraph 3, as well as an oral amendment by the representative of the USSR to replace, in operative paragraph 4. the word "findings" by the word "report".
346.    The draft resolution, as amended, was adopted with a vote and submitted to the Council as draft reso-lution XI. For action by the Council, see paragraph 351 (c) below.
Draft resolution XI
347.    Also at the 805th meeting, the Committee adopted without a vote the eleventh draft resolution
submitted by the Commission, entitled "Training for social development", and submitted it to the Council
as draft resolution XII. For action by the Council, see
paragraph 351 (c) below.
Draft resolution XII
348.    The Committee took no action on the twelfth draft resolution submitted by the Commission, entitled
"Special session of the Commission for Social Development", because it had been superseded by the Com
mission's tenth draft resolution, as" amended, which had been adopted at the 805th meeting (see paras. 337-
346 above).
Draft decision
349.    The Committee adopted without a vote the draft decision proposed by the Commission, entitled
"Confirmation of seven members of the Board of the United Nations Research Institute for Social Development", and submitted it to the Council as draft decision A. For action by the Council, see paragraph 351 (d) below.
350.    On a proposal by the Chairman, the Committee also adopted a decision whereby the Council
would take note of the report of the Commission for Social Development on its twenty-fifth session1 and
submitted it to the Council as draft decision B. For action by the Council, see paragraph 351 (d) below.
351.    At the 2059th meeting, on 13 May 1977,the Council considered the draft resolutions and draft
decisions recommended by the Social Committee in its report (E/5964 and Corr.1, para. 42) and took the
following action on them:
(a)    Draft resolutions I to IX were adopted without a vote; for the final texts, see Council resolutions 2069 (LXII) to 2077 (LXII);
(b)    In draft resolution X, operative paragraph 4, the words "thirty-third session" were replaced by the words "thirty-fourth session"; draft resolution X, as thus revised, was adopted without a vote; for the final text, see Council resolution 2078 (LXII);
(f) Draft resolutions XI and XII were adopted without a vote; for the final texts, see Council resolutions 2079 .(LXII)2 and 2080 (LXII);
(d) Draft decisions A and B were adopted without a vote; for the final texts, see Council decisions 226 (LXII) and 225 (LXII).
352.    A statement was made by the representative
of the United Kingdom (see E/SR.2059).
2 At the sixty-third session, in decision 273 (LXIII), the Council agreed that resolution 2079 (LXII) should not be put into effect until such time as the Council had reviewed the implications of the resolution at its organizational session for 1978 in the light of the outcome of the work on the restructuring of the economic and social sectors of the United Nations system (see chap. IV, sect. A, above).
B.     Activities for the advancement of women; United Nations Decade for Women:
Equality, Development and Peace
(Item 11 of the agenda for the sixty-second session)
353.    The Social Committee considered this item at its 789th to 798th and 800th to 802nd meetings, held between 14 and 27 April 1977.
354.    For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the report of the Commission on the Status of Women on its twenty-sixth and resumed twenty-sixth sessions,3 as well as the following documents: the report of the Secretary-General on proposals and suggestions for implementing the World Plan of Action and related resolutions of the World Conference of the International Women's Year (E/5925); and the report of the Secretary-General on the progress achieved towards the establishment of an international Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women and of a research programme on the position and role of women in development (E/5926). The Committee also had before it a communication dated 15 March
3.lbid. Supplement No. 3 (E/5909).
1977 from the Director-General of the International Labour Organization addressed to the Secretary-General (E/5938). The Committee received three statements submitted by non-governmental organizations: one by the International Movement for Fraternal Union among Races and Peoples and the World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations (E/NGO/57); one by Rehabilitation International (E/NGO/58); and one by the Women's International Democratic Federation (E/NGO/59).
355. At the 796th meeting, the representative of Austria, on behalf of Argentina, Austria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Denmark,. Iran, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, the Syrian Arab Republic, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, introduced a draft resolution concerning the draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (E/ AC.7/L.704). Jamaica and Togo subsequently joined in sponsoring the draft resolution, the text of which read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council, "Recalling General Assembly resolution 3521 (XXX) of 15 December 1975, in which the Assembly requested the Commission on the Status of Women to complete, in 1976, the elaboration of the draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women,
"Commending the Commission on the Status of Women for its work in drafting such a Convention, "Recalling, furthermore, General Assembly resolution 31/136 of 16 December 1976, in which the Assembly, inter alia, approved the Programme for the United Nations Decade for Women (E/5894) which calls for the adoption of such a Convention by the Assembly and its entry into force in the first half of the Decade, 1976 to 1980.
"Convinced that the early adoption of such a Convention by the General Assembly and its entry into force would contribute to the speedy realization of the principles of equality between women and men, "1. Takes note with appreciation of the draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women completed by the Commission on the Status of Women at its twenty-sixth session;1
"2. Invites Member States of the United Nations and the specialized agencies concerned to present their comments on the draft Convention as soon as possible, by 15 July 1977, so that they could be transmitted by the Secretary-General to the General Assembly well in advance of its thirty-second session; "3. Submits the draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women to the General Assembly;
"4. Recommends that the General Assembly take up consideration of the draft Convention, in the light of comments received, as a matter of urgency at the outset of its thirty-second session, with a view to the adoption of the draft Convention at that session.
"' See Official Records of the Economic and social Council. Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 3 (E/5909), chap. I, para. 1."
356.    At the same meeting, the Committee adopted
the draft resolution without a vote and submitted it
to the Council as draft resolution I. For action by the
Council, see paragraph 407 (a) below.
Report of the Commission on the Status of Women
357.    Chapter I of the report of the Commission on
the Status of Women3 contained 10 draft resolutions,
numbered I to X, recommended by the Commission for
adoption by the Council. A statement of the programme
budget implications of draft resolutions 1, VIII and IX
was contained in annex III "to the report.
Draft resolution I
358 At the 797th meeting, the Committee decided not to consider draft resolution I, entitled "Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women", because it had been superseded by the draft resolution on the same subject (E/AC.7/L.704) adopted at the 796th´meeting (see paras. 355 and 356 above).
Draft resolution II
359.    At the same meeting, the Committee decided
not to consider draft resolution II, entitled "National
mechanisms to oversee the implementation of the Programme for the United Nations Decade for Women
and the future Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women", since the substance of
that draft resolution had been embodied in General
Assembly resolution 31/136 of 16 December 1976.
Draft resolution III
360.    At the 798th meeting, the representative of
Argentina, on behalf also of the Ukrainian SSR, introduced three amendments (E/AC.7/L.713) to draft
resolution III, entitled "Training for the preparation
and implementation of project proposals". The amendments provided for:
(a)    The addition of a fifth preambular paragraph
reading as follows:
"Recalling General Assembly resolution 31/134, of 16 December 1976, entitled 'Improvement of the status and role of women in education', which recognized the need for women to have rights, opportunities and obligations equal to those of men, particularly in the fields of education and professional and vocational training, so as to permit their full participation in the process of development";
(b)    The replacement of operative paragraph 1 by
the following:
"1. Invites the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme and the executive heads of the specialized agencies, wherever possible, and in co-ordination with the appropriate training and research institutes concerned and the regional commissions, to organize, at the request of the interested Governments, training programmes for women related to the planning, evaluation and management of development projects"; and
(c)    The replacement of operative paragraph 3 by
the following:
"Recommends that Member States promote equal opportunities for the participation of women in training programmes related to the planning, evaluation and management of development projects, requesting such assistance from the organizations of the United Nations system as they deem necessary for that purpose".
361.    At the same meeting, the representative of Cuba introduced two amendments (E/AC.7/L.714) to the draft resolution, the first of which provided for the replacement of operative paragraph 7 by the following: "Invites international agencies to allocate to women an equitable number of responsible posts in their respective structures, and particularly in the departments  entrusted  with the  implementation of the present resolution". The second amendment called for the reversal of the order of operative paragraphs 6 and 7, so that paragraph 6 would become the last paragraph and paragraph 7, amended as proposed above, would become paragraph 6.
362.    At the 800th meeting, the representative of Cuba revised her amendment to operative paragraph 7 by inserting the words "on the basis of the principle of equitable geographical distribution" after the words "to allocate to women".
363.    At the same meeting, the representative of Argentina, on behalf also of the Ukrainian SSR, agreed to a proposal by the representative of Jamaica to insert the words "international and regional" between the words "appropriate" and "training" to the amendment to operative paragraph 1 contained in document E/AC.7/L.713.
364.    At the same meeting the Committee adopted without a vote the amendments by Argentina and the Ukrainian SSR (E/AC.7/713) to the preamble and operative paragraph 3 of the draft resolution. It adopted by 36 votes to none, with 10 abstentions, the amendment by Argentina and the Ukrainian SSR to operative paragraph 1, as orally revised,
365.    The amendments by Cuba (E/AC.7/L.714), as orally revised, were adopted without a vote.
366.    The Committee adopted without a vote an oral amendment to the introductory phrase in operative par-agraph 5 proposed by the representatives of the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR, whereby the word "concerned" would be inserted after the words "international agencies". An oral amendment by the representative of Iran calling for the deletion, in former operative paragraph 6, of the words "submit a progress" after the words "Requests the Secretary-General to", was also adopted without a vote.
367.    The draft resolution, as amended, was adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft resolution II. For action by the Council, see paragraph 407 (a) below.
Draft resolution IV
368.    At the 798th meeting, the representative of Cuba introduced two amendments (E/AC.7/L.715) to draft resolution IV, entitled "Review and appraisal of progress made under the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade and in the implementation of the World Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Women's Year". The amendments provided (a) for the replacement in the first preambular paragraph of the words "Establishment of a New International Economic Order" by the words "Establishment of the New International Economic Order"; and (b) in operative paragraph 2 (a) the addition of the words "particularly legislation designed to guarantee to women equal pay for equal work" after the words "non-discrimination on grounds of sex".
369.    At the same meeting the representative of Japan introduced an amendment to draft resolution IV (see E/AC.7/L.707), which provided for the insertion between the words "questionnaire" and "for consideration" in operative paragraph 5 (b), of the following words: "taking into account information received subsequent to the preparation of the report of the Secretary-General (E/CN.6/598 and Add.1 and 2)".
370.    At the 800th meeting, the representative of Cuba withdrew her amendment to the first preambular paragraph (E/AC.7/L.715) on the understanding that the Spanish text of the original paragraph would be corrected to conform to the English text.

371.    At the same meeting, the Committee adopted without a vote the amendment of Cuba to operative paragraph 2 (a) (E/AC.7/L.715) and the amendment by Japan to operative paragraph 5 (6) (E/AC.7/L.707). It also adopted without a vote an oral amendment by the representative of Iran to delete the word "early" before the words "in 1977" in operative paragraph 5 (a).
372.    The draft resolution, as amended, was adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft resolution III. For action by the Council, see paragraph 407 {b) below.
Draft resolution V
373.    As a result of the adoption of the Japanese
amendment to the fourth draft resolution submitted by
the Commission (see paras. 369 and 371 above), no
action was required on draft resolution V, entitled "Supplementary report on the implementation of the World
Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Women's Year".
Draft resolution VI
374.    At the 798th meeting, the representative of
Argentina introduced two amendments (E/AC.7/L.719)
to draft resolution VI, entitled "Improvement of the
data base for measuring the implementation of the
World Plan of Action for the Implementation of the
Objectives of the International Women's Year". The
first amendment provided for the inclusion of the following as the fourth preambular paragraph:
"Noting the action initiated by the Statistical Commission at its nineteenth session in November 1976 in planning for the 1980 World Population and Housing Census Programme1 and efforts under way to encourage needed revisions in the basic concepts used for the collection and compilation of economic, demographic and social statistics so as to free them from sex-based stereotypes.
"1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 2 (E/5910), paras. 48 and 54 (a)."
The second amendment called for the replacement of the word "initiate" by the word "continue" in operative paragraph 1.
375.    At the same meeting, the representative of Cuba introduced the following amendments (E/AC.7/ L.716) to the draft resolution: (a) in the opening phrase of operative paragraph 1, the word "vital" should be deleted; and (b) in operative paragraph 1 (a) the word "sub regional" should be inserted between the words "national" and "and regional levels".
376.    At the 800th meeting, the Committee adopted without a vote the amendments by Argentina (E/AC.7/ L.719) and Cuba (E/AC.7/L.716). It also adopted without a vote an oral amendment by the representative of Jamaica to add the words "including training of the necessary personnel" after, the words "Improved methods" at the beginning of operative paragraph 1 (a).
377.    At the same meeting, the draft resolution, as amended, was adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft resolution IV. For action by the Council, see paragraph 407 (c) below.
Draft resolution VII
378.    The representative of Austria, at the 798th
meeting, introduced five amendments (E/AC.7/L.708)
to draft resolution VII, entitled "Involvement of nongovernmental organizations in the implementation of the World Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Women's Year and the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women". The amendments called for:
(a)    The deletion in the title of the words "and the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women";
(b)    The replacement of the first and second preambular paragraphs by the following single paragraph:
"Considering that many non-governmental organizations, through their experience, have been able to make valuable contributions to the work of the United Nations and the specialized agencies, particularly in implementing the Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women";
(c)    The replacement of the words "Requests all Governments and intergovernmental organizations to" in operative paragraph 1 by "Recommends that the Governments and intergovernmental organizations con-cerned";
(d)    The. replacement of operative paragraph 2 by the following:
"Expresses the view that, in organizing training and retraining programmes, the United Nations, as well as specialized agencies and regional intergovernmental organizations concerned with the implementation of the World Plan of Action, should profit from the knowledge and experience of non-governmental organizations to the greatest extent possible"; and
(e)    The deletion of operative paragraph 3.
379.    At the same meeting, the representative of Austria agreed to oral proposals by the representative of Iran to delete the word "particularly" in amendment (b) and to replace the words "profit from" by "take into account" in amendment (d).
380.    At the same meeting, the representative- of Yugoslavia, on behalf of Algeria, Argentina, Cuba, Iraq, the Syrian Arab Republic and Yugoslavia, introduced a draft decision (E/AC.7/L.712) entitled "Report of the Commission on the Status of Women", relating to draft resolutions VII and X, which she revised in the course of her statement. The revised draft decision read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council, having considered draft resolutions VII, entitled 'Involvement of non-governmental organizations in the implementation of the World Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Women's Year and the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women' and X, entitled 'Communications concerning the status of women', contained in the report of the Commission on the Status of Women on its twenty-sixth and resumed twenty-sixth sessions,1 decides to defer action on those draft resolutions, taking into account,
in particular, its resolution    (LXII), by which
the Council decided to submit to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session, for consideration and approval, the draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.
"1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 3 (E/5909)." Ethiopia and Yemen subsequently joined in sponsoring the draft decision.
381.    At the 800th meeting, the representative of
Yugoslavia moved that in the voting the draft decision
in document E/AC.7/L.712 be accorded priority over
draft resolution VII and the Austrian amendment
thereto (E/AC.7/L.708). The Committee adopted the
Yugoslav motion by 24 votes to 14, with 9 abstentions,
after which it adopted the draft decision (E/AC.7/
L.712), as orally revised, by 24 votes to 17, with 5
abstentions, and submitted it to the Council as draft
decision A. For action by the Council, see paragraph
407 (d) below.
Draft resolution VIII
382.    At the 798th meeting, the representative of
the United Kingdom introduced an amendment (E/
AC.7/L.709) replacing operative paragraph 1 of draft
resolution VIII, entitled "Preparatory work for the
World Conference of the United Nations Decade for
Women, 1980", by the following text:
"Requests the Commission on the Status of Women at its twenty-seventh session to give the highest priority to the consideration of the item 'Preparatory work for the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women, 1980' and to the study of proposals concerning the substantive and organizational arrangements for the Conference, taking into account all the relevant reports relating to the review and appraisal of the implementation of the World Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Women's Year,1 as well as the discussions of the Commission and the documents submitted to it at its twenty-sixth session, and to report to the Economic and Social Council at its sixty-fourth session so that all necessary measures, including the establishment of a preparatory committee, may be taken for the effective preparation of the Conference.
"1 Report of the World Conference of the International Women's Year, Mexico City, 19 June-2 July 1975 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.76.IV.1), chap. II, sect. A."
383.    At the same meeting, the representative of
Nigeria introduced three amendments, the first of which
she revised in the course of her statement. The first
amendment (see E/AC.7/L.706), as revised, called
for the replacement of the last part of operative para
graph 1, after the words "United Nations Decade for
Women, 1980, to establish" by the following text:
"a preparatory committee of 23 representatives of States Members of the United Nations, 10 of which should be members of the Commission on the Status of Women. This preparatory committee should meet after the twenty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women, in 1979 and in 1980. It should submit to the Council progress reports on proposals concerning the substantive and organizational arrangements for the Conference, together with the comments of the Commission on the Status of Women thereon".
The second amendment (ibid.) called for the replacement of the words "Ad Hoc Committee" in operative paragraph 2 by the words "Preparatory Committee". The third amendment (E/AC.7/L.718) proposed the addition of the following text after operative paragraph 1:
"2. Requests the Secretary-General to appoint as soon as possible and in any case not later than June 1978, in consultation with the regional groups.
a Secretary-General of the Conference, and further requests that the appointment should be made at the level of Assistant Secretary-General, in order to ensure the appropriate capacity for co-ordination and interaction with Member States, United Nations bodies, specialized agencies, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations".
384.    At the same meeting, the representative of
Iran introduced an amendment (E/AC.7/L.705) to
the draft resolution, which she revised at the 800th
meeting. The revised amendment provided for the in
section of the following paragraph between operative
paragraphs 1 and 2:
"2. Invites the regional commissions to consider at the earliest opportunity ways and means of contributing effectively to the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women, including the possibility of holding before 1980 regional seminars or meetings on the themes of the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women. and of reporting thereon to the Economic and Social Council at its sixty-fourth session".
385.    Also at the 798th meeting, the representative of Japan introduced an amendment to operative para-graph 1 (see E/AC.7/L.707), which provided for the deletion of the words "if possible" after the words "the Ad Hoc Committee will meet".
386.    At the 800th meeting, a representative of the Secretariat made a statement on the programme budget implications of the amendments submitted by Nigeria (E/AC.7/L.706 and E/AC.7/L.718).
387.    At the 801st meeting, the representative of the United Kingdom orally revised his amendment (E/ AC.7/L.709) to operative paragraph 1" by deleting the last part of the sentence, beginning with the words "so that all necessary measures". He also proposed replacing the words "the Ad Hoc Committee" in operative paragraph 2 by "the Commission on the Status of Women at its twenty-seventh session" and adding a new paragraph which would read as follows:
"Decides to establish, not later than June 1978, a preparatory committee composed of not more than 23 Member States designated by the President of the Council after consultation with regional groups, on the basis of equitable geographical distribution, to make recommendations for the substantive and organizational arrangements for the World Conference".
388.    The Committee, at the same meeting, adopted without a vote the United Kingdom amendment (E/ AC.7/L.709), as orally revised. As a result, the amendments by Nigeria (E/AC.7/L.706) and Japan (E/ AC.7/L.707) were not put to the vote. The Committee also adopted without a vote the amendment by Iran, which had been further orally revised to make the new operative paragraph 2 operative paragraph 4.
389.    The Committee adopted without a vote a motion by the United Kingdom, in accordance with rule 67, paragraph 2, of the rules of procedure, to take no action on the Nigerian amendment in document E/ AC.7/L.718 and related oral proposals. The draft resolution, as amended, was then adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft resolution V. For action by the Council, see paragraph 407 (c) below.
Draft resolution IX
390.    At the 798th meeting, the representative of Japan introduced an amendment (see (E/AC.7/L.707) to draft resolution IX, entitled 'influence of the mass communication media on attitudes towards the roles of women and men in present-day society", proposing that the second preambular paragraph of the draft resolution should be deleted or, alternatively, the phrase "in many instances" should be amended so as to read "in some instances". At the 801st meeting, she revised the amendment to provide simply for the replacement of "in many instances" by "in some instances". The amendment was subsequently withdrawn by the sponsor.
391.    At the 798th meeting, the representative of Cuba introduced six amendments (E/AC.7/L.717) to the draft resolution, calling for:

(a)    The insertion of the words "economic and" before the words "social change" in the third preambular paragraph;
(b)    The replacement of the words "to advance" by the words "for admission and advancement" in opera-tive paragraph 1 (a);
(c)    The replacement of the existing text of operative paragraph 1 (b), by the following:
"Publication of more news and editorials about women, particularly about progress and short-comings in the economic, legal, social and political fields, such news to be given the place and the importance it deserves in the light of its subject-matter and not all of it to be placed in sections reserved for women;"
(d)    The replacement of the existing text of operative paragraph 5 by the following:
''Requests the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, with a view to rendering assistance to developing countries which request it, and with the advice of specialists of those countries, to prepare educational films for primary schools and functional programmes which are concerned with the improvement of the image of women and doing away with stereotyped sex roles;"
(e)    The insertion of the words "the competent"
before the word "non-governmental" in operative para
graph 7; and
(f) The replacement of the beginning of the existing text of operative paragraph 8 by the following:
"Decides to appoint a special rapporteur, taking into account the close relationship between the economic and social aspects of development and the necessity of the full integration of women in the development process, to prepare a study on the influence (and impact) of the mass communication media on the achievement of full equality of men and women".
The rest of the paragraph, beginning with the words "including action taken", would remain unchanged.
392.    The representative of Cuba, at the 800th meeting, withdrew her amendment to operative paragraph 8.
393.    At the same meeting, the representative of Poland introduced three amendments (E/AC.7/ L.710), calling for:
(a) The addition of the words "professional work" after the word "development" in operative para-: graph 1 (c);
(b)    The replacement of the words "Decides to appoint a special rapporteur" in operative paragraph 8 by the following: "Requests the Secretary-General, in co-operation with the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization"; and
(c)    The replacement of the words "the special rapporteur" in operative paragraph 9 by the words "the Secretary-General".

394.    The representative of Yugoslavia submitted two amendments (E/AC.7/L.711) to operative paragraph 8, providing (a) for the deletion of the word "and" and the insertion of the appropriate comma after the word "economic" and the addition of the words "and cultural" after the word "social"; and (b) for the insertion of the words "in particular those of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization" before the semicolon at the end of the paragraph.
395.    At the 802nd meeting, the Committee voted on draft resolution IX and the amendments thereto.
396.    It adopted without a vote the Cuban amendments (E/AC.7/L.717) to the third preambular paragraph, operative paragraph 1 (a) and (b), and operative paragraph 7. It also adopted without a vote an oral amendment by the representative of Jamaica to the Cuban amendment to operative paragraph 5, which replaced the last part of the paragraph, beginning with the words "to prepare educational films" by the following: "to organize seminars which can help countries in improving the image of women and removing stereotyped sex roles in their teaching materials, and to prepare educational materials, with the same objectives, including films and other visual aids for primary schools and literacy programmes". It then adopted without a vote the Cuban amendment, as amended by Jamaica.
397.    The Committee adopted without a vote the amendment by Poland (see E/AC7/L.710) to operative paragraph 1 (c). It rejected by 14 votes to 13, with 5 abstentions, the Polish amendment (ibid.) to operative paragraph 8.
398.    The Committee also adopted without a vote an oral amendment by the representative of New Zealand to delete at the end of operative paragraph 8 the phrase "This information is to be drawn, inter alia, from studies on this subject to be undertaken by relevant research institutes, from seminars to be organized for the purpose, as well as from other studies which may be under way".
399.    The first amendment by Yugoslavia (E/ AC.7/L.711) to operative paragraph 8 was adopted without a vote.
400.    The second amendment by Yugoslavia to operative paragraph 8 (E/AC.7/L.711) and the amendment by Poland to operative paragraph 9 (E/AC.7/ L.710) were not put to the vote since they were no longer applicable.
401.    An oral amendment by the representative of the USRR to delete operative paragraph 10 was adopted without a vote.
402.    The draft resolution, as amended, was adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft
resolution VI. For action by the Council, see paragraph 407 (e) below.
Draft resolution X
403.    At the 798th meeting, the representative of Japan submitted an amendment (E/AC.7/L.707) to draft resolution X, entitled "Communications concerning the status of women", which called for the insertion after the words "Decides to retain", in operative paragraph 1, of the phrase "pending the final decision by the General Assembly at its thirty-second session on the draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women". The representative of Austria at the 800th meeting proposed that the words "and its entry into force" be added at the end of the Japanese amendment.
404.    At the same meeting, the representative of Japan revised her amendment by adding a provision to delete operative paragraph 2 of the draft resolution.
405.    As a consequence of the adoption at the 800th meeting of the draft decision in document E/ AC.7/L.712 (see paras. 380 and 381 above), no action was taken on draft resolution X and the amendments thereto.
406.    On the proposal of the Chairman at the 802nd
meeting the Committee adopted without a vote a draft
decision taking note of the report of the Commission
on the Status of Women on its twenty-sixth and resumed
twenty-sixth sessions. The text was submitted to the
Council as draft decision B. For action by the Council,
see paragraph 407 (e) below.
407.    At the 2058th meeting, on 12 May 1977,
the Council considered the draft resolutions and draft
decisions recommended by the Social Committee in
its report (E/5963, para. 56), and took action on
them as follows:
(a)    Draft resolutions I and II were adopted without a vote; for the final texts, see Council resolutions 2058 (LXII) and 2059 (LXII);
(b)    In draft resolution III, operative paragraphs 3 and 4, the reference to the Committee on Development Planning was deleted; draft resolution III, as orally revised, was adopted without a vote; for the final text, see Council resolution 2060 (LXII).
(c)    Draft resolutions IV, V and VI were adopted without a vote; for the final texts, see Council resolutions 2061 (LXII) to 2063 (LXII);
(d)    Draft decision A was adopted by 30 votes to 13, with 4 abstentions; for the final text, see Council decision 223 (LXII), paragraph 1;
(e)    Draft decision B was adopted without a vote; for the final text, see Council decision 223 (LXII), paragraph 2.
C.    Human rights questions (Item 12 of the agenda for the sixty-second session)
408.    The Social Committee considered this item at its 809th to 815th meetings, held between 3 and 6 May 1977.
409.    For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the report of the Commission on Human Rights on its thirty-third session,4 as well as the following documents: report of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts of the Commission on Human Rights (E/CN.4/1222 and Corr.1); a note by the Secretary-General transmitting a communication containing allegations of infringements of trade union rights in the Bahamas (E/5928)'; a note by the Secretary-General transmitting communications containing allegations of infringements of trade union rights in South Africa (E/5930); and a note by the Secretary-General transmitting a communication containing allegations of infringements of trade union rights in Bahrain as well as communications concerning those allegations (E/5932 and Add.1). In addition a statement was submitted by the World Federation of Trade Unions (E/NGO/62).
Report of the Commission on Human Rights
410.    Chapter I of the report of the Commission
on Human Rights4 contained three draft resolutions,
numbered I A, I B and II, and eight draft decisions,
numbered 1 to 8, recommended by the Commission
for adoption by the Council. The financial implications of draft resolution I A and draft decisions 4 and 6
were contained in annex HI to the report of the
Draft resolutions IA and B
411    The Committee considered draft resolutions I A and B, entitled "Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on southern Africa", at the 814th and 815th meetings.
412    At the 814th meeting, the representative of Nigeria, on behalf also of the Philippines, introduced two amendments (E/AC.7/L.734) to draft resolution I A; Togo subsequently became a sponsor of the amendments. The first amendment provided for the replacement of the last part of operative paragraph 3, after the words "and Zimbabwe", by the following text:
"including the deaths of a number of detainees, as well as police brutality against peaceful demonstrations against apartheid in South Africa since the Soweto massacre of 16 June 1976, with a view to submitting a report". The second  amendment called for the deletion of operative paragraph 6 and the introduction of the following text as a separate draft resolution: "The Economic and Social Council, "Taking note of resolution 6 (XXXIII) of the Commission on Human Rights,
"Gravely concerned about the situation in South Africa and southern Africa as a whole,
4 Ibid., Supplement No. 6 (E/5927).
"Noting with deep anxiety and indignation that the South African racist regime has continued to employ violence and massive repression against the black people and all opponents of apartheid in defiance of the resolutions of the General Assembly,
"Recommends that the General Assembly should declare 1978 International Anti-apartheid Year."
413.    The Secretary of the Committee made a statement regarding the financial implications of draft resolution I A.
414.    At the 815th meeting, the two amendments proposed by Nigeria, the Philippines and Togo in document E/AC.77/L.734 were adopted without a vote. Draft resolution I A, as amended, was also adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft resolutions I A and B. For action by the Council, see paragraph 437 (a) below.
415.    At the same meeting, draft resolution I B was adopted by 28 votes to none, with 5 abstentions, and submitted to the Council as draft resolution I C. For action by the Council, see paragraph 437 (a) below.
416.    At the 815th meeting the Committee considered draft decisions 1 to 7 recommended by the Commission on Human Rights.
417.    Draft decision 1, entitled "Further promotion and encouragement of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the question of the programme and methods of work of the Commission", draft decision 2, entitled "Question of the realization of the economic, social and cultural rights contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and study of special problems relating to human rights in developing countries", draft decision 3, entitled "Question of the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in any part of the world, with particular reference to colonial and other dependent countries and territories" and draft decision 4, entitled "Study of situations which reveal a consistent pattern of gross violations of human rights as provided in Commission on Human Rights resolution 8 (XXXIII) and Economic and Social Council resolutions 1235 (XLII) and 1503 (XLVIII)" were adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft decisions A to D. For action by the Council, see paragraph 437 (d) below.
418.    On a roll-call vote requested by the representative of Cuba, draft decision 5, entitled "Report of
the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on southern
Africa", was adopted by 36 votes to 1, with 5 abstentions. The voting was as follows:
In favour: Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Ecuador, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Mauritania, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zea-land, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Rwanda, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Venezuela, Yugoslavia.
Against: United States of America.

Abstaining: France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The text was submitted to the Council as draft decision E. For action by the Council, see paragraph 437 (e) below.
419.    Draft decision 6, entitled "Study of reported violations of human rights in Chile, with particular reference to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment", was adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft decision F. For action by the Council, see paragraph 437 (/) below.
420.    At the 815th meeting the representative of Algeria, on behalf also of Colombia, Jamaica, Mexico, Rwanda, Tunisia and Yugoslavia, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers" (E/AC.7/L.735). The Federal Republic of Germany joined in sponsoring the draft resolution, the text of which read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (General Assembly resolution 217 A (III)) and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (General Assembly resolution 2106 A (XX)),
"Recalling the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly concerning migrant workers and Council resolution 1749 (LIV) of 16 May 1973, in which the Council affirmed the need for the United Nations to consider the situation of migrant workers in an interrelated manner and in relation with general factors which have a bearing on human rights and human dignity,
"Aware that the situation of migrant workers is of major importance to many countries and is becoming increasingly serious in certain regions, and that the Commission on Human Rights and other relevant organs of the United Nations should take immediate measures to ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers,
"Bearing in mind General Assembly resolution 31/127 of 16 December 1976, in which the Assembly recommended that the Commission on Human Rights and the Economic and Social Council should consider the question at their forthcoming sessions,
"Emphasizing the serious concern expressed by the General Assembly at the de facto discrimination suffered by alien workers in some countries despite the legislative and other efforts exerted to prevent and punish it,
"Aware of the work done in the field of migrant workers by the specialized agencies, particularly the International Labour Organization, and by other organizations of the United Nations system,
"Having taken note of the work of the Commission on Human Rights at its thirty-third session on this question,1
"1. Recommends to the Commission on Human Rights that at its thirty-fourth session, in collaboration with the International Labour Organization and other interested organizations of the United Nations
system, and in the light of any recommendations which the General Assembly may transmit to it on the subject at its thirty-second session, it should make a complete and thorough study of the questions men-tioned in General Assembly resolution 31/127 under an agenda item entitled 'Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers';
"2. Decides to study this question at its sixty-fourth session in the context of its consideration of the report of the Commission on Human Rights.
"1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 6 (E/5927), chap. XIII."
421.    The representative of Italy proposed replacing the words "resolution 1749 (LIV) of 16 May 1973" in the second preambular paragraph by the words "resolutions 1749 (LIV) of 16 May 1973 and 1926 (LVIII) of 6 May 1975". The proposal was agreed to by the representative of Algeria on behalf of the sponsors.
422.    Draft resolution E/AC.7/L.735, as orally revised, was adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as draft resolution II. For action by the Council, see paragraph 437 (b) below.
423.    In view of the adoption of the draft resolution in document E/AC.7/L.735, no action was taken on draft decision 7, entitled "Exploitation of labour through illicit and clandestine trafficking".
424.    At the 814th meeting, the representative of Italy introduced a draft decision (E/AC.7/L.732) entitled "Study of discrimination against persons born out of wedlock and the draft general principles on equality and non-discrimination in respect of such persons". The draft decision read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council welcomes the work done by the Commission on Human Rights at its thirty-third session on the question of discrimination against persons born out of wedlock and the draft general principles on equality and non-discrimination against such persons and, owing to lack of time, decides to further consider these principles with priority at its sixty-fourth session, with a view to their final approval."
425.    At the 815th meeting, the representative of Italy agreed to a proposal by the representative of the United States to add after the words "decides to" the words "request the Secretary-General to transmit the draft general principles to Governments for comments and to". She also accepted proposals by the representative of Cuba to replace the word "welcomes" by "takes note of" and by the representative of Algeria to delete the word "final" before the word "approval". The words "owing to lack of time" were also deleted.
426.    The Committee adopted without a vote the draft decision proposed by Italy (E/AC.7/L.732), as orally revised by the sponsor, and submitted it to the Council as draft decision G. For action by the Council, see paragraph 437 (/) below.
427.    In view of the adoption of the draft decision, no action was taken on draft decision 8, entitled "Study of discrimination against persons born out of wedlock and the draft general principles on equality and non-discrimination in respect of such persons".
428.    At the 815th meeting, the Committee adopted the second draft resolution recommended by the Com-
mission on Human Rights, entitled "Report of the Commission on Human Rights on its thirty-third session", and submitted it to the Council as draft resolution III. For action by the Council, see paragraph 427 (6) below.
429. At the 814th meeting, the representative of the Netherlands, on behalf of Greece, the Netherlands and Norway, introduced a draft decision (E/AC.7/ L.731) and announced that Colombia and Rwanda had joined the sponsors. The draft decision read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council authorizes the Chairman of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities to appoint a group of five of its members, to analyses for not more than five days prior to each of its sessions óin the light of the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishmentóthe documentary material received in connation with the human rights of persons subjected to any form of detention or imprisonment, for the Sub-Commission's annual review of developments in this field."
The Secretary of the Committee made a statement regarding the programme budget implications of the draft decision.
430.. The representative of Mauritania proposed the addition of the words "taking into account the principle of equitable geographical distribution" after the words "a group of five of its members".
431.    The representative of the Netherlands, speaking on behalf of the sponsors, stated at the 815th meeting that he would not press the draft decision to a vote.
432.    At the 814th meeting, the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic, on behalf also of Egypt5 and Jordan, introduced a draft resolution (E/AC.7/
L.733) entitled "Question of the violation by Israel
of human rights in the occupied Arab territories". The
draft resolution read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Having considered the report of the Commission on Human Rights on its thirty-third session,1
"Taking note of the action of the Commission concerning the question of the violation by Israel of human rights in the occupied Arab territories (see resolution 1 (XXXIII)),
"1. Commends the Commission on Human Rights for its vigilance and for the action taken in connation with the protection of human rights in the occupied Arab territories;
"2. Requests the Commission to pursue its efforts for the protection of human rights in the occupied Arab territories, and to continue to take the appropriate measures in this respect.
"1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 6 (E/5927)."
At the same meeting the draft resolution was orally revised by deleting the reference to resolution 1 (XXXIII)
5 In accordance with rule 72 of the rules of procedure of the Council.
of the Commission on Human Rights in the second preambular paragraph.
433.    At the 815th meeting, on a roll-call vote re
quested by the representative of Cuba, the Committee
adopted operative paragraph 1 of the draft resolution
(E/AC.7/L.733), by 34 votes to 3, with 11 abstentions. The voting was as follows:
In favour: Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Ecuador, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Rwanda, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Venezuela, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zaire.
Against: Canada, Denmark, United States of America.
Abstaining: Austria, Bolivia, Colombia, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
434.    At the request of the representative of the
Syrian Arab Republic, the Committee took a roll-call
vote on the draft resolution as a whole (E/AC.7/
L.733), as orally revised. The draft resolution was
adopted by 34 votes to 2, with 12 abstentions. The
voting was as follows:
In favour: Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Ecuador, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Rwanda, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Venezuela, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zaire.
Against: Canada, United States of America.
Abstaining: Austria, Bolivia, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The draft resolution was submitted to the Council as draft resolution IV. For action by the Council, see paragraph 437 (c) below.
Allegations regarding infringements of trade union rights
435.    At the 815th meeting, the Committee adopted without a vote four draft decisions proposed by the Chairman concerning allegations regarding infringements of trade union rights in the Bahamas (E/5928), in South Africa (E/5930) and in Bahrain (E/5932 and Add.1) and submitted them to the Council as draft decisions H to K. For action by the Council, see paragraph 437 (f) below.
436.    After the Social Committee had concluded its consideration of agenda item 12, a draft resolution entitled "Infringements of trade union rights in southern Africa" (E/L.1768) was submitted to the Council at its 2059th plenary meeting. For the sponsors and text of the draft resolution and for action taken on it, see chapter III, paragraphs 84 and 85, above.
437.    At the 2060th meeting, on 13 May 1977, the Council considered the draft resolutions and draft
decisions before it in connation with this item. It took the following action on the draft resolutions recommended by the Social Committee in its report (E/5967, para. 29):
(a)    Draft resolutions I A and B were adopted with out a vote and draft resolution I C was adopted by
36 votes to none, with 5 abstentions; for the final texts, see Council resolutions 2082 A, B and C (LXII);
(b)    Draft resolutions II and III were adopted without a vote; for the final texts, see Council resolutions 2083 (LXII) and 2084 (LXII);
(c)    Draft resolution IV was adopted by 35 votes to 2, with 11 abstentions; for the final text, see Council resolution 2085 (LXII);
(d)    Draft decisions A, B, C and D were adopted without a vote; for the final texts, see Council decisions 228 (LXII) to 231 (LXII);
(e)    Draft decision E was adopted by a roll-call vote of 43 to 1, with 5 abstentions; for the final text, see decision 232 (LXII); the voting was as follows:
In favour: Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Gabon, Greece, Iran,' Iraq, Jamaica, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Rwanda, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Upper Volta, Venezuela, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zaire.
Against: United States of America.
Abstaining: Canada, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
(f) Draft decisions F, G, H, I, J and K were adopted without a vote; for the final texts, see Council decisions 233 (LXII) to 238 (LXII).
D.     Narcotic drugs (Item 13 of the agenda for the sixty-second session)
438.    The Social Committee considered this item at its 806th to 808th meetings, held on 2 and 3 May 1977.
439.    For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs on its twenty-seventh session6 as well as the summary of the report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1976 (E/5912).
Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
440. Chapter I of the report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs contained four draft resolutions, numbered I to IV, and one draft decision, which were recommended by the Commission for adoption by the Council.
441, At the 808th meeting, the Committee took action on the four draft resolutions and the draft decision. At the request of the representative of the USSR, a vote was taken on each of the draft resolutions.
442.    The first draft resolution, entitled "Reduction of illicit demand for narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances" was adopted by 30 votes to none, with 6 abstentions, and submitted to the Council as draft resolution I. For action by the Council, see paragraph 452 (a) below.
443.    In connation with draft resolution II, entitled "Above-average priority for international drug control", the representative of the USSR proposed the deletion of the second part of operative paragraph 2, beginning with the words "and to ensure that". By 19 votes to 8, with 10 abstentions, the Committee decided that the words should be retained. The draft resolution as a whole was adopted by 38 votes to none, with 2 abstentions, and submitted to the Council as draft resolution II. For action by the Council, see paragraph 452 (g) below.
444.    The third draft resolution, entitled "Special attention to be devoted to African countries in prevent-
6 Official  Records  of  the  Economic  and  Social Council, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 7 (E/5933).
ing and combating abuse of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances", was adopted by 35 votes to none, with 5 abstentions, and submitted to the Council as draft resolution III. For action by the Council, see paragraph 452 (b) below.
445.    The Committee also adopted the fourth draft resolution, entitled "Co-ordination of technical and fi-nancial assistance in areas of illicit production of narcotic raw materials" by 36 votes to none, with 5 absten-tions, and submitted it to the Council as draft resolution IV. For action by the Council, see paragraph 452 (c) below.
446.    On the proposal of the Chairman, the Committee adopted without a vote a draft decision whereby the Council would take note of the report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs on its twenty-seventh session.6 For action by the Council, see paragraph 452 (/) below.
447. At the 806th meeting, the representative of
Canada, on behalf also of Mexico and Yugoslavia, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Restriction of the
cultivation of the poppy" (E/AC.7/L.729). Norway
subsequently joined in sponsoring the draft resolution,
the text of which read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling recommendation 1 (XXVII) on restriction of the cultivation of the poppy, adopted by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs at its twenty-seventh session,
"1. Endorses recommendation 1 (XXVII) of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs;
"2. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit to all Governments the opinions and proposals submitted during the debate on these issues during the twenty-seven session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the sixty-second session of the Economic and Social Council;
"3. Invites Member States to submit, through the Secretary-General, comments on this issue to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs at its next session and to the International Narcotics  Control Board.
"1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-second Session, Supplement No. 7 (E/5933), chap. XVI, sect. C."
448.    The Committee adopted the draft resolution
at its 808th meeting by 36 votes to none, with 5 abstentions, and submitted it to the Council as draft resolution
V. For action by the Council, see paragraph 452 (d)
449.    With regard to the draft decision entitled
"Calendar of conferences for 1978 and 1979", recommended by the Commission in chapter I, section B,
of its report,6 the Committee agreed that, since it concerned the biennial calendar that the Economic and
Social Council would be considering at its sixty-third
session, the Council should defer consideration of the
draft decision until the sixty-third session.
Report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1976
450. At the 808th meeting, the Committee received a draft resolution entitled "Report of the International Narcotics Control Board" submitted by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland E/AC.7/L.730), the text of which read as follows:
'"The Economic and Social Council,
"Having considered the report of the International Narcotics Control Board on its work in 1976,
"Recalling its resolution 2000 (LX) of 12 May 1976,
"1. Expresses its appreciation to the members of the International Narcotics Control Board, for their distinguished service in international drug control;
"2. Expresses in particular its appreciation of the service of those members whose terms of office expired during 1977, and of the outstanding contribution rendered by M. J. Dittert, who has retired after forty years' service to the Board, the past ten years as its Secretary;
"3. Commends the Board for its comprehensive and valuable report on its work in 1976;
"4. Recommends that report to the urgent attention of all Member States.
"1E/1NCB/33   (United Nations publication,  Sales No. E.77.XI.2)."
451.    The draft resolution was adopted without a
vote and submitted to the Council as draft resolution VI. For action by the Council, see paragraph 452
(e) below.
452.    At the 2059th meeting, on 13 May 1977, the
Council considered the draft resolutions and the draft
decision recommended by the Social Committee in its
report (E/5966, para. 14), and took action on them
as follows:
(a)    Draft resolution I was adopted by 42 votes to none, with 5 abstentions; for the final text, see Council resolution 2064 (LXII);
(b)    Draft resolution III was adopted by 41 votes to none, with 5 abstentions; for the final text, see Council resolution 2065 (LXII);
(c)    Draft resolution IV was adopted by 44 votes to none, with 5 abstentions; for the final text, see Council resolution 2066 (LXII);
(d)    Draft resolution V was adopted by 45 votes to none, with 5 abstentions; for the final text, see Council resolution 2067 (LXII);
(e)    Draft resolution VI was adopted without a vote; for the final text, see Council resolution 2068 (LXII);
(f) The draft decision was adopted without a vote; for the final text, see Council decision 224 (LXII);
(g) In connation with draft resolution II, a statement was made by a representative of the Secretariat on operative paragraph 2, after which statements or suggestions for amendments to operative paragraph 2 were made by the representatives of the USSR,, the Federal Republic of Germany, Pakistan, Portugal, Argentina, Nigeria, Greece, the United States of America, France, Mexico, Brazil and the United Kingdom. After consultations among interested delegations, the following text for operative paragraph 2 was introduced by the representative of Greece:
"Recommends that the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination and the General Assembly should ensure that the necessary resources shall be allocated under the regular budget of the United Nations for international drug control, bearing in mind the importance of this programme."
The title of the draft resolution was also corrected to read "Resources for international drug control". Draft resolution II, as orally amended, was adopted without a vote. For the final text, see Council resolution 2081 (LXII).
E.    Non-governmental organizations (Item 14 of the agenda for the sixty-second session)
453.    The Social Committee considered this item at its 805th to 808th meetings, held from 29 April to 3 May 1977.
454.    For its consideration of the item the Committee had before it the report of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations on its sessions held in February and April 1977 (E/5934). Chapter I of the report contained recommendations regarding applications and reapplications for consultative status and requests for reclassifications received from non-governmental organizations. It also contained a recommendation regarding the Committee's meetings.
455. At the 805th meeting, the representative of Argentina introduced a draft decision (E/AC.7/L.728) concerning the report. Under subparagraph (a) of the draft decision, the Council would place eight non-
governmental organizations in category II and ten others on the Roster and under subparagraph (6) it would reclassify two non-governmental organizations from category II to category I and three others from the Roster to category II. Subparagraphs (c) and (d) read as follows:
"(c) To take note of the part of the report of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations regarding the review of the organizations, bearing in mind the recommendation made at its forty-sixth session that all non-governmental organizations in consultative status that have not submitted the necessary information concerning themselves within the prescribed time-limit shall cease to have consultative status in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1296 (XLIV) of 23 May 1968;
"(d) To urge the Committee to carry out the mandate laid down in paragraphs 35, 36 and 40 of the aforesaid resolution and to report to the Council at its sixty-fourth session on the conclusions of its review."
456.    At the 806th meeting, the representative of the United States of America proposed that in sub-paragraph (c) of the draft decision the words "cease to have" should be replaced by the following text: "be subject to procedures leading to the suspension or withdrawal of"..
457.    At the same meeting, the representative of the USSR proposed that a reference to Council resolution 1919 (LVIII) should be included in both subparagraphs (c) and (d) of the draft decision.
458.    At the 807th meeting, the representative of Argentina agreed to the revised wording of subparagraph (c) proposed by the representative of the United States of America, as well as the addition to subparagraphs (c) and (d) proposed by the representative of the USSR. She introduced a revised text of subparagraph (d), which read as follows:
"To urge the Committee to carry out the mandate laid down in paragraphs 35, 36 and 40 of resolution 1296 (XLIV) and resolution 1919 (LVIII) and to report to the Council at its sixty-fourth session on the extent to which non-governmental organizations in consultative status have complied with the
principles governing their consultative status and how their activities have contributed towards the work of the United Nations".
459.    At the 808th meeting, the representative of the USSR proposed that subparagraph (d) of the draft decision should begin as follows: "To request nongovernmental organizations in consultative status to submit to the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations, before 30 October 1977, a report on their activities covering the past four years".
460.    The representative of Argentina agreed to the proposal by the USSR. She also accepted a proposal by the representative of Brazil calling for the insertion of the words "or immediately after the Committee's next meeting" after the words "sixty-fourth session" in subparagraph (d).
461.    In addition, she inserted the words "as a matter of priority" after the words "resolution 1919 (LVIII)" in the same subparagraph.
462.    The Committee adopted without a vote subparagraphs (c) and (d), as revised by the sponsor. The draft decision as a whole, as amended, was also adopted without a vote. For action by the Council, see paragraph 465 below.
463.    The Social Committee agreed that the Economic and Social Council should defer action on the
recommendation of the Committee on Non-Govern
mental Organizations regarding its future meetings until
the sixty-third session, when the Council would consider the calendar of meetings for 1978 and 1979.
464.    At the 2059th meeting, on 13 May 1977, the Council considered the draft decision recommended by the Social Committee in its report (E/5965, para. 14).
465.    Statements were made by the Secretary of the Council and the representatives of Argentina and the United Kingdom, after which the Council adopted the draft decision without a vote. For the final text, see Council decision 227 (LXII).
Chapter VII
A.    International co-operation and co-ordination
Within the United Nations system
(Item 5 of the agenda for the organizational session for 1977 )*
(Item 19 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
466.    At the 2040th plenary meeting, on 12 January 1977, in the course of its organizational session for 1977, the Council, pursuant to decision 199 (LXI) of 15 November 1976, had resumed its consideration of the report of the Chairman of CPC and the Chairman of ACC on the Joint Meetings of CPC and ACC (E/5892); and having taken fully into account the comments made on the report, had taken note of the conclusions contained therein (see Council decision 208 (ORG-77).
467.    At the sixty-third session, the Policy and Programme Co-ordination Committee considered agenda item 19, entitled "International co-operation and coordination within the United Nations system", at its 606th', 609th to 617th, 619th, 620th, 622nd, 624th and 627th meetings, between 11 July and 1 August 1977.
468.    The Committee had before it the analytical summaries of the reports of the specialized agencies and IAEA; (E/5948, E/5949 and Corr.1, E/5950-E/5958) with reports of the ILO (E/5948) and UNESCO (E/5950) for in-depth study; chapter IV of the report of CPC on its seventeenth session, held at Headquarters on 9 May and from 23 May to 17 June 19772; the annual report of ACC for 1976/77 (E/5973); a later report of the Chairman of CPC and the Chairman of ACC on the Joint Meetings of the two Committees (E/6009 and Corr.1); statements by ACC on institutional arrangements relating to nutrition (E/5805 and E/5968); a report of the Secretary-General on immediate needs resulting from economic emergency situations (E/5989); a progress report of the Executive Director of UNICEF on preparations for the International Year of the Child 1979 (E/6010); a note by the Secretary-General submitting the draft annex, relating to WIPO, to the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies (E/5993); and a note by the Secretary-General on international years and anniversaries (E/5905).
469.    At the 612th meeting, the representative of the Philippines, on behalf of Afghanistan, Colombia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and the Philippines, introduced a draft resolution (E/ AC.24/L.543) entitled "International Year of the Child". Subsequently, Austria, Bangladesh, the Federal Republic of Germany, Iran, Poland, Uganda and the
1 This item, entitled "Report on the Joint Meetings of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination and the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination", was discussed in plenary.
2 Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-second Session, Supplement No. 38 (A/32/38).
United States of America joined in sponsoring the draft resolution, the text of which read:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Having considered the progress report of the Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund on preparations for the International Year of the Child, 1979 (E/6010) prepared in response to paragraph 9 of General Assembly resolution 31/169 of 21 December 1976,
"Convinced that, with adequate support from Governments and others concerned, the International Year of the Child could make a significant contribution to improving the lot of the children of the world, in particular those in developing countries,
"Aware that the attainment of the objectives of the International Year of the Child would be further promoted by the establishment of a New International Economic Order, bearing in mind General Assembly resolutions 3201 (S-VI) and 3202 (S-VI) of 1 May 1974, the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States contained in General Assembly resolution 3281 (XXIX) of 12 December 1974 and General Assembly resolution 3362 (S-VII) of 16 September 1975 on development and international economic co-operation,
"Noting that .the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund has reviewed estimates of costs for the secretariat of the Year and for information activities, during the period of approximately three years of preparation for and observance of the Year, to be financed from voluntary contributions of Governments,
"1. Expresses its appreciation to the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund for its commitment of $3 million from the Fund's general resources (E/6010, para. 18) to assist developing countries with preparatory activities designed to improve services benefiting children in connation with their observance of the International Year of the Child;
"2. Commends the Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund for his efforts in the preparatory activities for the Year;
"3. Affirms the need for intensified national and international action in preparation for the Year, as well as supporting action at the regional level;
"4. Appeals to Governments that have not already announced pledges for the cost of the Year
and are in a position to do so to make their pledges as soon as possible;
"5. Transmits the report of the Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund to the General Assembly (E/6010) for consideration at its thirty-second session;
"6. Recommends that the General Assembly respond favourably to the request of the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund contained in the Board's report on its session held from 23 May to 3 June 1977, and cited in paragraph 27 of the report of the Executive Director to the effect that the General Assembly devote a special discussion on the International Year of the Child at both its thirty-third session in 1978 and its thirty-fourth session in 1979.
"1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 12 (E/6014), para. 186
470.    At the 615th meeting, the observer for Mongolia, in accordance with rule 72 of the Council's rules
of procedure, introduced an amendment (E/AC24/
L.546) to the draft resolution, calling for the insertion
of a new third preambular paragraph reading as follows:
"Bearing in mind that the International Year of the Child could contribute to the attainment of the objectives set form in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 1386 (XIV) of 20 November 1959".
471.    At the 616th meeting, the sponsors of the draft resolution agreed to a revised text of the amendment proposed by Mongolia, which called for the replacement of the words "contribute to the attainment of the objectives set forth," by the words "further promote the principles".
472.    At the same meeting, the Committee adopted the draft resolution (E/AC.6/L.543), as orally revised, without a vote and submitted it to the Council as draft resolution I. For action by the Council, see paragraph 498 (a) below.
473.    At the 612th meeting, the Committee considered a note by the Secretary-General (E/5993)
paragraph 7 of which contained a draft resolution suggested by the Secretary-General, embodying a draft
annex relating to WIPO for consideration by the Council. The text of the draft resolution read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Taking note of General Assembly resolution 179 A (II) of 21 November 1947, by which the General Assembly approved the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies1 and proposed it for acceptance by the specialized agencies and for accession by all Members of the United Nations and by any other State member of a specialized agency,
"Noting that the Agreement between the United Nations and the World Intellectual Property Organization, by which the World Intellectual Property Organization was recognized as a specialized agency of the United Nations, was approved by the General Assembly in its resolution 3346 (XXIX) of 17 December 1974,
"Noting also that section 35 of the Convention2 provides that the Secretary-General shall transmit to any specialized agency not mentioned by name in the Convention a draft annex recommended by the Economic and Social Council,
"1. Recommends to the World Intellectual Property Organization the following draft annex:
" 'Draft annex
"'In their application to the World Intellectual Property Organization (hereinafter called "the Organization"), the standard clauses shall operate subject to the following modifications:
"'1. The privileges, immunities, exemptions and facilities referred to in article VI, section 21, of the standard clauses shall also be accorded to the Deputy Directors General of the Organization.
"'(a) Experts (other than officials coming within the scope of article VI) serving on committees of, or performing missions for, the Organization shall, regardless of their nationality, be accorded such facilities, privileges and immunities as are necessary for the effective exercise of their functions, including the time spent on journeys in connation with service on such committees or missions, in particular:
"(i)    Immunity from personal arrest or seizure of their personal baggage;
"'(ii) In respect of words spoken or written or acts done by them in the performance of their official functions, immunity from legal process of every kind, such immunity to continue notwithstanding that the persons concerned are no longer serving on committees of, or employed on missions for, the Organization;
"'(iii) The same facilities in respect of currency and exchange restrictions and in respect of their personal baggage as are accorded to officials of foreign Governments on temporary official missions;
"'(iv) Inviolability for all papers and documents relating to the work on which they are engaged for the Organization;
" '(v) For their communications with the Organization, the right to use codes and to receive documents and correspondence by courier or in sealed dispatch bags.
In connation with (iv) and (v) above, the principle contained in the last sentence of section 12 of the standard clauses shall be applicable.
"'(b) Privileges and immunities are granted to the experts referred to in paragraph (a) above in the interests of the Organization and not for the personal benefit of the individuals themselves. The Organization shall have the right and duty to waive the immunity of any expert in any case where, in its opinion, the immunity would impede the course of justice and it can be waived without prejudice to the interests of the Organization.'
"2. Requests the Secretary-General to transmit the recommendation in paragraph 1 above to the World Intellectual Property Organization.
"1 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 33, p. 262.
474. The representative of Iraq proposed that the words "regardless of their nationality" be deleted from paragraph 2(a) of the draft annex. After an exchange of views, the Chairman at the 615th meeting, on 19 July, suggested a revised text to paragraph 2(a) of the draft annex, to read:
"2(a)    Experts (other than officials coming within
the scope of article VI) serving on committees of, or performing missions for, the Organization shall be accorded the following privileges and immunities so far as is necessary for the effective exercise of their functions, including the time spent on journeys in connation with service on such committees or missions:".
475.    At the 616th meeting, on 20 July, the Committee adopted without a vote the draft resolution contained in paragraph 7 of document E/5993, as orally revised, and submitted it to the Council as draft resolution II. For action by the Council, see paragraph 498(a) below.
476.    In resolution 3387 (XXX) of 13 November 1975, the General Assembly considered it essential, in
order to avoid disruption of. the operations of IDA at the end of the fourth replenishment period, to ensure
that negotiations for the fifth replenishment were completed as soon as possible, preferably by the middle of
1976 with a view to enabling IDA to commence making commitments against the substantially increased re
sources from July 1977; and invited the President of the World Bank to inform the Economic and Social
Council of the results of the negotiations when they were completed. Accordingly, the necessary negotiations
having been undertaken, the representative of the World Bank, at the 619th meeting, on 22 July 1977, made a
statement on the results achieved to that end.
477    On the proposal of the Chairman, the Committee decided to recommend that the Council take note
of the statement made by the representative of the World Bank. The text of the draft decision was sub
mitted to the Council as draft decision A. For action by the Council, see paragraph 498(6) below.
478    At the 620th meeting, the representative of
Denmark, on behalf of Denmark, Finland,3 Jamaica,
New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, the Philippines, Sweden 3 and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland, subsequently joined by Portugal introduced a draft resolution (E/AC.24/L.553) entitled
"Institutional arrangements relating to nutrition , reading as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Taking note of the supplementary statement by the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination (E/ 5968),
"Recognizing that policy decisions in the field of nutrition are a prerogative of Governments,
"Considering that coordinated action in the field of nutrition in the United Nations system is of vital importance,
"Believing that coordinated action by the secretariats of the system would contribute to this end,
"Recognizing that independent expertise could also be valuable,
"Requests the Administrative Committee on Coordination:
3 In accordance with rule 72 of the rules of procedure of the Council.
"(a) To implement the proposals contained in its supplementary statement (E/5966, paras. 1-14) in the light of the discussion of this issue at the sixty-third session of the Economic and Social Council and the clarifications made by the Under-Secretary-General for Inter-Agency Affairs and Co-ordination during the debate, bearing in mind that the new arrangements have no additional financial implications and that the World Food Council and other organizations concerned should take an active part in these arrangements;
"(b) To ensure that important substantive studies and recommendations in the field of nutrition are made available to Member States and to report to the Economic and Social Council at its sixty-seventh session on the progress achieved in this field under the new arrangements."
479.    At the 622nd meeting, the Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote and submitted it to the Council as draft resolution III. For action by the Council, see paragraph 498 (a) below.
480.    After the adoption of the draft resolution, statements were made by the representatives of France and Italy.
481.    At the 620th meeting, the representative of New Zealand, on behalf also of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, introduced a draft resolution (E/AC.24/L.554) entitled "International years and anniversaries", operative paragraph 3 of which he orally revised by: (a) inserting the words "Director-General of the" before the words "United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organiza-tion"; and (b) by replacing the word "Conference by the words "United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development".
482.    The draft resolution, as orally revised, read
as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling its resolution 1800 (LV) of 7 August 1973 in which it requested intergovernmental organi-zations within the United Nations system to proclaim international years only on the most important occasions, and to notify the Council of proposals to this end at least two years before a final decision is taken,
"Noting the letter addressed to the Secretary-General by the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization on the subject of an International Year for Science and Technology (E/5905, annex) and the discussions thereon at the Council's sixty-third session,
"Noting that the United Nations system is at an advanced stage in its preparation for the important United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development, which is likely to be held in the year 1979,
"Conscious that 1979 has been proclaimed the International Year of the Child (General Assembly resolution 31/169 of 21 December 1976) and that 1981 has been proclaimed the International Year for Disabled Persons (General Assembly resolution 31/ 123 of 16 December 1976),
"Desirous of ensuring that both these Years obtain the impact they so richly deserve,
"1. Decides that in the circumstances it would not be appropriate to authorize the designation of an International Year for Science and Technology at this stage;
"2. Affirms that the objectives underlying the initiative of the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the relevant resolution adopted by that Organization's General Conference at its nineteenth session would contribute to focusing attention on the objectives of the proposed United Nations Conference on Science and Technology, inter alia by an international publicity programme;
"3. Decides to invite the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, in consultation with the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development to prepare an intensified programme of international publicity and other measures over the period spanning preparations for the Conference and the dissemination of its conclusions to the international community;
"4. Recommends that the question be kept under review."
483.    At the 622nd meeting, the representative of Cuba orally proposed the deletion of the word "likely" in the third preambular paragraph.
484.    At the same meeting, the representative of Uganda orally also proposed an amendment to the third preambular paragraph which called for the replacement of the words "that the United Nations system is at an advanced stage in its preparation" by the words "the efforts of the United Nations system in making prepara-tions".
485.    The sponsors of the draft resolution accepted both of these amendments.
486.    At the 624th meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of the States members of the Council which are members of the Group of 77, introduced a draft decision (E/AC.24/L.557) entitled "In-ternational Year for Science and Technology for Development", which he orally revised by inserting the words "through the Economic and Social Council" between the words "recommend" and "to the General Assembly". The draft decision, as orally revised, read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council decides:
"(a) To take note with satisfaction of resolution 2.112 concerning an 'International Year for Science and Technology', adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization at its nineteenth session;
"(b) To invite the General Conference of that Organization at its twentieth session to recommend through the Economic and Social Council to the General Assembly at its thirty-third session a year to be designated as the 'International Year for Science and Technology for Development';
"(c) To recommend that the Year be geared in particular to the special problems of developing countries in the field of science and technology."
487.    At the 627th meeting, the Committee resumed
consideration of the draft resolution contained in E/
AC.24/L.554, as orally revised, and of the draft decision contained in E/AC.24/L.557, as orally revised.
488.    In connation with the above proposals, the
Committee, had before it a draft resolution proposed
by the Chairman (E/AC.24/L.562), entitled "Inter
national Year for Science and Technology for Development", the text of which read:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Taking note of resolution 2.112 concerning an 'International Year for Science and Technology' adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization at its nineteenth session,1
"Recalling its own resolution 1899 (LV) of 7 August 1973 by which it requested intergovernmental organizations within the United Nations system to proclaim international years only on the most important occasions and invited them to notify the Council of proposals to this end at least two years before a final decision is taken,
"Recognizing the vital role of science and technology in the development of developing countries,
"Having considered the stage reached in preparations for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development to be held in 1979 pursuant to General Assembly resolution 31/184 of 21 December 1976,
"Invites the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to take fully into account the objectives of the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development in order to make recommendations for consideration by the Economic and Social Council and by the General Assembly at its thirty-third session concerning the designation of an 'International Year for Science and Technology for Development' geared to the special interests of developing countries in the field of science and technology.
"1 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Records of the General Conference, Nineteenth Session, vol. I, Resolutions, p. 36."
489.    At the same meeting the representatives of New Zealand and Yugoslavia respectively withdrew on behalf of the sponsors the draft resolution contained in E/AC.24/L.554, as orally revised, and the draft decision contained in E/AC.24/L.557, as orally revised,
490.    The Committee then adopted the draft resolution proposed by the Chairman (E/AC.24/L.562) without a vote, and submitted it to the Council as draft resolution IV. For action by the Council, see paragraph 498 (a) below.
491.    After the adoption of the draft resolution, the representative of the USSR made a statement.
492.    At the 624th meeting, the representative of the Netherlands, on behalf of Austria, Kenya, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan and the Philippines, subsequently joined by Bangladesh and Mauritania, introduced a draft resolution containing the text of a draft resolution to be recommended by the Council for adoption by the General Assembly (E/AC.24/ L.550) entitled "Assistance in economic emergency-situations", the text of which read:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling General Assembly resolution 3510 (XXX) of 15 December 1975 and Council decision 177 (LXI) of 5 August 1976, endorsed by General Assembly decision 31/422C of 21 December 1976,
"Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on immediate needs resulting from economic emergency situations (E/5989),
"Recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following draft resolution:
" 'The General Assembly,
" 'Recalling its resolution 3510 (XXX) of 15 December 1975 and Economic and Social Council decision 177 (LXI) of 5 August 1976 endorsed by General Assembly decision 31/422 C of 21 December 1976,
" 'Recognizing that the international community should respond promptly and effectively to emergency situations during which serious disruptions of planned development occur or seem inevitable, with harmful economic and social effects especially on the poorest strata of the population and which have arisen through circumstances beyond the control of the countries concerned,
" 'Reaffirming that the United Nations and its specialized agencies should act in such emergencies in a flexible, comprehensive and coordinated manner and convinced of the need to improve and systematize the procedures for dealing with emergencies so that immediate action is taken to offset their consequences,
"'Convinced also of the need to strengthen the capacity of the United Nations system, to provide, at the country level, early warning of impending emergencies,
" 'Recognizing also the various existing mechanisms including the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator, for the provision of assistance rendered by the United Nations system in emergency situations,
" 'Recognizing further that arrangements are necessary to bring to bear in a coordinated manner the combined resources of the United Nations and its specialized agencies, taking into account the efforts of donor countries and voluntary agencies in assisting Government at a time of emergency,
'"1. Takes note with appreciation of the report of the Secretary-General on immediate needs resulting from economic emergency situations (E/5989);
" '2. Invites the specialized agencies, the resident representatives of the United Nations Development Programme and other organizations in co-operation with Governments to co-operate in providing infor-mation concerning relevant developments in their respective fields of competence and to assist as necessary in the assessment of requirements and in the implementation of measures of remedial action requested by the Governments concerned;
" '3. Urges the United Nations Development Programme to ensure that, at the country level, the resident representatives, in co-operation with Governments, collect, co-ordinate and channel all information made available to them about impending or
existing emergency situations and assist in the application of relief measures;
" 4. Requests the Secretary-General to make, as necessary, administrative arrangements at United Nations Headquarters for the effective carrying out of the following functions:
"'(a) The compilation and evaluation of data provided by the monitoring system referred to in operative paragraphs 2 and 3 above, the assessment, in co-operation with the appropriate specialized agencies, of the assistance required in economic emergency situations and the provision of advance warning of potential emergencies to the Government or Governments concerned;
"'(b) The initiation of measures for the provision by the United Nations system of assistance to the Government or Governments concerned in an economic emergency situation in co-operation with the appropriate specialized agencies;
" '(c) The establishment, through the designation of a lead agency or organization as appropriate in the circumstances, of flexible and effective ad hoc mechanisms for coordinating the measures of remedial action to be taken by the United Nations and the appropriate specialized agencies in consultation with the Government or Governments concerned in response to their requests for emergency assistance;
" '(d) The provision of assistance in the mobilization of voluntary contributions from potential donor countries and voluntary agencies and the coordination of such aid with that provided by the United Nations and its specialized agencies;
" '(e) The provision of assistance, where necessary, in the co-ordination of the programmes of special emergency assistance which might be decided upon by the Economic and Social Council in the event of a proclamation of a state of emergency as envisaged in operative paragraph 5 below;
" '5. Decides that, if the characteristics of an emergency so warrant in the light of the activities foreseen under operative paragraph 4, subparagraphs (a) and (d) above, the Economic and Social Council may, at the request of the Government concerned, proclaim a state of emergency, if necessary in a special session convened in accordance with the Council's rules of procedure, and adopt a programme of special assistance commensurate with the magnitude of the emergency which has prompted such a decision;
" '6. Requests the Secretary-General to report to the Economic and Social Council at its sixty-fifth session on the measures taken to set in motion the arrangements outlined in this resolution;
'7. Requests the Economic and Social Council to keep under review, on a regular basis, the activities undertaken by the United Nations and its specialized agencies in accordance with this resolution.'"
493.    In connation with this draft resolution, the Committee had before it a statement of programme budget implications (E/AC.24/L.561) submitted by the Secretary-General in accordance with rule 31 of the rules of procedure.
494.    At the 627th meeting, the representative of the Netherlands, referring to a revised draft resolution (E/AC.24/L.550/Rev.1) which had been sponsored
by Austria, Bangladesh, Kenya, Mauritania, the Netherlands, New Zealand and the Philippines, stated that the sponsors wished to withdraw it. They proposed instead that the Committee adopt a draft decision worded as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on immediate needs resulting from economic emergency situations (E/5989) and transmits it, together with the draft resolution contained in document E/AC.24/L.550 entitled 'Assistance in economic emergency situations' [see para. 492 above] to the General Assembly for its consideration at its thirty-second session."
495.    The draft decision was adopted by a vote of 15 to 6, with 17 abstentions, and submitted to the Council as draft decision B. For action by the Council, see paragraph 498 (c) below.
496.    After the adoption of the draft decision, statements were made by the representatives of the United States of America and the USSR.
497.    At the same meeting, on the proposal of the Chairman, the Committee adopted a decision recommending the Council to take note of the analytical summaries of the reports of the specialized agencies and IAEA (E/5948, E/5949 and Corr.1 and E/5950-E/5958) as well as of the annual report of ACC for 1976/77 '(E/5973), and submitted it to the Council as draft decision C. For action by the Council, see paragraph 498 (b) below.
498. At the 2084th meeting, on 3 August 1977, the Council considered the draft resolutions and draft decision recommended by the Policy and Programme Co-ordination Committee in its report (E/6036 (Part I), para. 11 and E/6036 (Part II), para 22) and took the following action on them:
(a) Draft resolutions I to IV were adopted without a vote; for the final texts, see Council resolutions 2105 (LXIII) to 2108 (LXIII);
(b) Draft decisions A and C were adopted without a vote; for the final texts, see Council decisions 255 (LXIII) and 256 (LXIII);
(c) Draft decision B was adopted by 16 votes to 5, with 16 abstentions; for the final text, see Council decision 257 (LXIII).
B.     Policy review of operational activities for development (Item 20 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
499.    The Policy and Programme Co-ordination Committee considered this item at its 623rd to 627th meetings, from 26 July to 1 August 1977.
500.    The Committee had before it the following documents:

(a)    Reports of the Governing Council of UNDP on its twenty-third and twenty-fourth sessions;4
(b)    The second annual report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (see E/6008);
(c)    The report of the Executive Board of UNICEF oh its session held at Manila from 23 May to 3 June 1977;5
(d)    The relevant sections of the report of CPC on its seventeenth session, held at Headquarters on 9 May and from 23 May to 17 June 1977;8
(e)    The report of the Administrator of UNDP on the United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration (DP/249);
(f) A note by the Secretary-General transmitting to the General Assembly the report of the Joint Inspection Unit on fellowships in the United Nations system (see A/31/101) and comments thereon by ACC (E/ AC.51/87);
(g) A note by the Secretary-General transmitting to the Council the reports of the Joint Inspection Unit entitled "Latin American integration: technical cooperation provided by the United Nations system". (E/5890) and comments thereon (E/5890/Add.l-4);
. 4 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplements Nos. 3 and 3 A (E/5940 and E/6013/Rev.l).
5 lbid., Supplement No. 12 (E/6014).
6 Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-second Session, Supplement No. 38 (A/32/38).
(h) A note by the Secretary-General transmitting to the Council the report of the Joint Inspection Unit on the technical co-operation provided by the United Nations system to the regional and sub regional integration and co-operation movements: Asia and the Pacific (E/5959) and comments thereon (see E/5959/Add.l-3); and
(i) The relevant chapter of the report of the Committee on Natural Resources on its fifth session.7
501.    At the 623rd meeting, the President of the Governing Council of UNDP, the Chairman of the Executive Board of UNICEF and the Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Fund for Population Activities made introductory statements.
502.    At the same meeting, the representative of Colombia, on behalf of Bolivia, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, Japan, Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, subsequently joined by Sweden,8 the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America introduced a draft resolution (E/AC.24/L.552) entitled "Report of the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund" which he orally revised by replacing the word "link" in the second preambular paragraph, by the word "aspect", and by deleting the words "in the stage of transition to that approach" in the third preambular paragraph. The text of the draft resolution as thus revised read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Having considered the report of the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund on its session held at Manila from 23 May to 3 June 1977,
7    Official  Records  of   the  Economic  and  Social  Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 2 A (E/6004).
8    In accordance with rule 72 of the rules of procedure of the Council.
"Recalling General Assembly resolution 31/167 of 21 December 1976, in which the Assembly, inter alia, recognizes that the provision of basic services for children constitutes an important aspect of the development process and expresses the conviction that the basic services concept and strategy provide guidelines for future action by the United Nations Children's Fund which are equally appropriate for adoption by other agencies and authorities concerned with the promotion of programmes for human development in developing countries,
"Noting with appreciation that the basic services approach has become a unifying theme for the Fund's work, without more traditional assistance programmes being neglected, and that the Executive Board is giving close attention to the action required in the implementation of that approach through its consideration of such subjects as community involvement in primary health care,
"Noting with approval the other actions of the Executive Board as recorded in its report, especially its careful review of the programmes assisted by the Fund and its assessment of steps taken to improve continually the management of the Fund, including appropriate co-ordination with other organizations of the United Nations system concerned,
"1. Notes with satisfaction that the basic services concept and approach is being increasingly applied in varying degrees in a number of developing countries and urges those data have not already done so to incorporate, as appropriate, this concept and approach in their national development plans and strategies;
"2. Urges developed countries and others in a position to do so to increase their voluntary contributions to the United Nations Children's Fund so that it may reach the current target of $200 million in annual revenue from all sources as soon as possible, and in this connation draws attention to the Pledging Conference for the Fund scheduled for 3 November 1977;
"3. Expresses its appreciation to the Government of the Philippines for its generous hospitality in serving as host to the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund at its session in May/June 1977."
503.    At the 627th meeting, the Committee adopted the draft resolution (E/AC.24/L.552), as orally revised, without a vote, and submitted it to the Council as draft resolution I. For action by the Council, see paragraph 515 below.
504.    After the adoption of the draft resolution, the representative of the USSR made a. statement.
505.    At the 624th meeting, the representative of Argentina, on behalf of Argentina, Kenya, the Nether-lands, Pakistan and Poland, subsequently joined by Brazil and Greece, introduced a draft resolution (E/ AC.24/L.559) entitled "Role and activities of the United Nations Development Programme".
506.    At the same meeting, the representative of the Federal Republic of Germany orally proposed the insertion of the words "of fourteen per cent" between the words "growth rate" and "on which" in operative paragraph 4 of the draft resolution (E/AC.24/L.559).
This proposal was agreed to by the sponsors. The text of the draft resolution, as thus revised, read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Having considered the reports of the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme on its twenty-third1 and twenty-fourth sessions,2
"Noting with appreciation the action taken by the Governing Council and the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, in full consultation with the Governments and the participating and executing agencies, to restore the financial position of the Programme,
"Sharing the continued concern of the Governing Council for the need to ensure that the resources for programme purposes reach at least the target set forth for the second programming cycle, 1977-1981,
"Recalling its resolution 2024 (LXI) of 4 August 1976, in which it requested in particular all international organizations participating in the United Nations development system to strengthen their mutual co-ordination, both between headquarters and in the recipient countries, with a view to improving the integration of technical assistance at the country level in keeping with the Consensus contained in title annex to General Assembly resolution 2688 (XXV) of 11 December 1970,
"Noting with approval the comprehensive consideration given by the Governing Council to the role and activities of the United Nations Development Programme,
"1. Endorses the decision taken by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Pro-gramme at its twenty-fourth session on the role and activities of the Programme;8
"2. Decides to bring this decision, reproduced in the annex to the present resolution, to the attention of the General Assembly for consideration at its thirty-second session and invites the organizations and programmes of the United Nations system to give it also due consideration;
"3. Looks forward to the further examination by the Governing Council of the role and activities of the United Nations Development Programme on the basis of the report which is to be prepared by the Administrator;
"4. Appeals to all Governments to increase their voluntary contributions to the maximum with a view to achieving and, if possible, exceeding the over-all growth rate of 14 per cent on which indicative planning figures for the second programming cycle, 1977-1981, are predicated,
"[On the adoption of the draft resolution, the text of the Governing Council's decision contained in paragraph 139 of document E/6013 will be reproduced here.]
"1 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 3 (E/5940) "2 Ibid. Supplement No. 3 A (E/6013/Rev.l)."3slbid., para. 139."
507. At the 627th meeting, the Committee adopted the draft resolution (E/AC.24/L.559), as orally revised, without a vote and submitted it to the Council as draft resolution II. For action by the Council, see paragraph 515 below.
508.    After the adoption of the draft resolution, the representative of the USSR made a statement.
509.    At the 624th meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of the States members of the Economic and Social Council which are members of the Group of 77, introduced a draft decision (E/ AC.24/L.558), entitled "Enlargement of the membership of the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund", the text of which read as follows:
 "The Economic and Social Council recommends that the General Assembly at its thirty-second session consider the question of enlarging the membership of the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund."
510.    At the 627th meeting, the Committee adopted the draft decision without a vote and submitted it to the Council as draft decision A. For action by the Council, see paragraph 515 below.
511.    After the draft decision has been adopted, statements were made by the representatives of the USSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the Federal Republic of Germany, and the United States of America.
512.    The Committee then adopted a draft decision proposed by the Chairman, by which the Council would recommend to the General Assembly that the administrative expenses of the United Nations Capital Devel-opment Fund be met from voluntary contributions made to that Fund, in accordance with the request made by the Governing Council of UNDP at its twenty-fourth session (E/6013, para. 413 (r)). The text was submitted to the Council as draft decision B. For action by the Council, see paragraph 515 below.
513.    Further, on the proposal of the Chairman, the Committee decided to recommend the Council to take note of the following reports:

(a)    The second annual report of the Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (E/6008);
(b)    The report of the Joint Inspection Unit on fellowships, in the United Nations system (see A/31/ 101) and the note by the Secretary-General containing comments thereon by ACC (E/AC.51/87);
(c)    The report of the Joint Inspection Unit entitled "Latin American integration: report on the technical co-operation provided by the United Nations system" (see E/5890) and comments thereon (E/5890/ Add. 1-4);
(d)    The report of the Joint Inspection Unit entitled "Asia and the Pacific: a report on the technical co-operation provided by the United Nations system to the regional and sub regional integration and co-operation movements" (see E/5959) and comments thereon (E/5959/Add.l-3).
514. The text was submitted to the Council as draft decision C. For action by the Council, see paragraph 515 below.
575. At the 2084th meeting, on 3 August 1977, the Council adopted without a vote the draft resolutions and draft decisions recommended by the Policy and Programme Co-ordination Committee in its report (E/6039, para. 16). For the final texts, see Council resolutions 2109 (LXIII) and 2110 (LXIII) and Council decisions 258 (LXIII) to 261 (LXXIII).
516. Statements were made by the representative of the USSR and the Federal Republic of Germany (see E/SR.2084).
C.    Work programme and budget for 1978-1979 (Item 21 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
517. The Policy and Programme Co-ordination Committee considered this item at its 621st to 625th meetings, from 25 to 28 July 1977. It had before it the following documents:
(a)    Sections 4, 5A, 5B, 6 to 10, 11A, 11B and 12 to 18 of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 1978-1979;9
(b)    A report of the Secretary-General on programme evaluation for the biennium 1974-1975 (E/ AC.51/80 and Add.1, Add.3 and Corr.1 and Add.4);
(c)    A report of the Secretary-General entitled "Comprehensive analysis of the activities of the. United Nations system in the field of transport" (E/5947);
(d)    The report of CPC on its seventeenth session;10
(e)    Comments received from the specialized agencies and IAEA on the proposed programme budget for the biennium 1978-1979 (E/AC.51/88/Add.l-4 and Add.4/Corr.1); and
(f) A statement submitted by the World Federation of United Nations Associations, a non-govern-
9 Official Records of the General Assembly Thirty-second Session, Supplement No. 6 (A/32/6). 10 bid. Supplement No. 38 (A/32/38).
mental organization in consultative status, category I (E/NGO/70).
518.    At the 621st meeting, the Chairman of CPC made an introductory statement on that Committee's report.
519.    At the 624th meeting, on 27 July, the representative of Canada introduced, on behalf of Argentina, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Japan, Kenya, Mauritania, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines and Yugoslavia, a draft resolution (E/AC.24/L.560) entitled "Programming and co-ordination in the United Nations system", which read:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Having considered the report of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination on the work of its seventeenth session1 and the recommendations of the Joint Meetings of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination and the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination (see E/6009 and Corr.1) regarding co-ordination in the United Nations system,
"Noting with satisfaction that the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination has considered the proposed   programme   budget   for   the   biennium
1978-1979, as well as the evaluation reports on selected programme areas,
"Noting the recommendation of the Joint Meetings in favour of a programme-sector-by-programme-sector approach to co-ordination as envisaged in the terms of reference of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination (Council resolution 2008 (LX), annex),
"Convinced that the further harmonization of programme budgets and medium-term planning in the United Nations system is desirable,
"1. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations of the Committee for Programme and Coordination and commends them to the organs and institutions of the United Nations system that are concerned;
"2. Invites the General Assembly to act upon the conclusions and recommendations of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination in adopting the programme budget for the biennium 1978-1979, taking into account the discussion at the sixty-third session of the Council (see E/AC.24/SR.621-625);
"1. Decides to discontinue the submission of analytical summaries of the reports of the specialized agencies requested in its resolution 1458 (XLVII) of 8 August 1969 and preceding resolutions;
"2. Endorses the recommendations of the Joint Meetings of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination and the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination concerning in-depth studies on the basis of the programme-sector-by-programmer-sector approach to co-ordination;
"3. Invites the Administrative Committee on Coordination to submit annually to the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination the relevant elements and selected information for the selection of pro-gramme sectors to be reviewed in depth on a United Nations system-wide basis;
"4. Invites the specialized agencies to co-operate actively through the machinery of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination in the preparation and timely submission of reports on United Nations sys-tem-wide programme sectors for consideration by the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination;
"1. Requests the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination to specify obstacles involved in further harmonizing programme budgets and medium-term plans and to make proposals for overcoming them to the Council, at its sixty-fifth session, through the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination, with a view to deriving the maximum benefits from such harmonization;
"2. Requests the Secretary-General in his capacity as Chairman of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination to provide the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination at its eighteenth session with a compendium of introductions to the most recent programme budgets of agencies and organizations within the United Nations system;
"3. Requests the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination to consider the compendium's potential utility, together with that of the annual report of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination on expenditures in relation to programmes, with a view to developing for Member States instruments for promoting United Nations system-wide harmonization of programme budgets and medium-term planning, as well as for providing a concise and informative survey of programmes and policy objectives pursued by the United Nations system;
"4. Requests the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination to give its views on the compendium for the purposes stated in paragraph 3 of this section and on the way in which its value to Member States can be enhanced.
"1 Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-second Session, Supplement No. 38 (A/32/38)."
520.    At the same meeting, the representative of
France proposed amending the draft resolution by
(a)    combining paragraphs 1 and 2 in section I and
(b)    adding, at the end of section III, paragraph 1, the words "taking into account the special nature of each agency".

521.    At the same meeting, the representative of the Netherlands suggested the replacement of the words "preceding resolutions" in section II, paragraph 1, of the draft resolution by the words "related resolutions". He further suggested that in section II, paragraph 3, the words "the relevant elements and selected information" be replaced by the word "suggestions".
522.    At the 625th meeting, the representative of Canada, on behalf of the sponsors, revised the draft resolution by:
(a)    Replacing section I, paragraphs 1 and 2, by
the following new revised paragraph 1:
"1. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations of the Committee for Programme and Coordination and commends them to the organs and institutions of the United Nations system concerned, and recommends that the General Assembly act upon the conclusions and recommendations of the Committee in adopting the programme budget for the biennium 1978-1979, taking into account the discussion at the sixty-third session of the Council"; and
(b)    Replacing the word "preceding" in section II,
paragraph 1, by the word "related".
523.    At the same meeting the representatives of France and the Netherlands stated that their delegations would not insist on the other amendments proposed, which had not been accepted by the sponsors.
524.    At the same meeting, the Committee adopted the draft resolution (E/AC.24/L.560), as orally re-vised, without a vote. For action by the Council, see paragraph 527 below.
525.    After the adoption of the draft resolution, the representative of the USSR made a statement.
526.    At the same meeting, on the proposal of the representative of the USSR the Committee decided, without a vote, to include in its report the following excerpt from the statement made by the Chairman of CPC at the 623rd meeting, concerning paragraph 14 of that Committee's conclusions and recommendations relating to the question of transport:
"The allocation of over-all transport functions at the system level described in paragraph 14 (2) should be seen in the context of the division of work among agencies and organizations in the transport field as a whole, as well as in the light of existing legislation in such fields as multimodal transport and containerization. This recognized the special competence of modal transport specialist organizations like ICAO and IMCO as well as the broad competence of the regional commissions. The allocation of primary responsibility to certain organizations or units was a designation of 'lead agency' roles in the areas mentioned in 14 (2)(a-e). It recognized the de facto evolution in the division of work in these areas but did not involve any transfer of competence from modal specialist organization or limitation in
the scope of responsibilities of regional commissions."
527.    At the 2084th meeting, on 3 August 1977, the Council adopted without a vote the draft resolution recommended by the Policy and Programme Coordination Committee in its report (E/6041, para. 11). For the final text, see Council resolution 2098 (LXIII).
528.    The representative of the Netherlands made a statement (see E/SR.2084).
529.    At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977, a statement was made by the representative of Poland, also on behalf of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, the Ukrainian SSR and the USSR.
D.    Marine questions (Item 22 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
530 The Policy and Programme Co-ordination Committee considered this item at its 618th to 620th and 622nd meetings, on 21, 22, 25 and 26 July 1977. It had before it a note by the Secretary-General on uses of the sea (E/5972); a progress report of the Secretary-General on coastal area development and management and marine and coastal technology (E/5971); and the relevant chapter of the report of the Committee on Natural Resources11 containing a summary of its discussion on new developments in the field of marine mineral resources beyond the continental shelf.
531.   At the 620th meeting, the representative of Canada, on behalf of his own delegation, Kenya, Norway and Portugal, introduced a draft resolution (E/ AC.24/L.551) and revised its title to read "Co-operation in coastal area development" instead of "Cooperation in the marine environment". As a consequential change, at the 622nd meeting he also revised the words "marine affairs" in the last preambular paragraph to read  "coastal area  development".   Subsequently, Argentina joined in sponsoring the draft resolution, the revised text of which read: "The Economic and Social Council, "Recalling its resolutions 1802 (LV) of 7 August 1973 on marine co-operation and 1970 (LIX) of 30 July 1975 on uses of the sea and coastal area development;
"Reaffirming that the rational use of marine resources and coastal areas is an essential component of national economic development and that the wider and more effective application of technological ca-pabilities in developing countries is a prerequisite to this end,
"Considering that the programme in this field proposed by the Secretary-General in his progress report on coastal area development and management and marine and coastal technology (E/5971) is complementary to and will be integrated, as required, with related activities carried out by other organizations of the United Nations system,
"Noting from the annual report of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination for 1976/77 (E/5973, para. 102) that the Aquatic Sciences and
11 Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Sixty-third Session, Supplement No. 2 A (E/6004).
Fisheries Information System being developed jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission could be made fully responsive to system-wide needs in the field of coastal area development,
"1. Requests the Secretary-General to co-operate with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and other competent United Nations organizations in the development of the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System, to take full account of the requirement that identified information needs not at present dealt with by other information services within the United Nations system be met, in particular the need for an information referral service regarding coastal area development;
"2. Invites the Secretary-General and the executive heads of the competent organizations of the United Nations system to take or support such other measures as may be required to assist Governments in developing coastal areas and, in this connation, to encourage more effective interaction between producers and users of marine and coastal technologies and to promote closer co-operation among developing countries in this field;
"3. Requests the Secretary-General, using the co-ordination machinery of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination, to report to the Council, as appropriate, on progress made in implementing the present resolution."
532.    At the 622nd meeting, the Committee adopted without a vote the draft resolution (E/AC.24/L.551)
as orally revised. For action by the Council, see para graph 533 below.
533.    At the 2084th meeting, on 3 August 1977, the Council adopted without a vote the draft resolution recommended by the Policy and Programme Co-ordination Committee in its report (E/6040, para. 5). For the final text, see Council resolution 2099 (LXIII).
534.    The representative of Afghanistan made a statement (see E/SR.2084).
E. Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations
(Item 23 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
535.    The Policy and Programme Co-ordination Committee considered this item at its 607th to 610th and 615th to 617th meetings, held from 11 to 14 July and from 19 to 21 July 1977.
536.    The Committee had before it the report of the President of the Council on consultations held with the Chairman of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (E/6018 and Corr.1); the report of the Secretary-General on assistance to the Palestinian people (E/6005 and Add.1); and the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations (A/32/87 and Add.1).
537.    At the 607th meeting, the Chairman of the Special Committee made a statement.
538.    The Committee considered two draft resolutions under this item.
539.    At the 615th meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of States members of the Economic and Social Council which are members of the Group of 77, introduced and orally revised a draft resolution (E/AC.24/L.544) entitled "Assistance to the Palestinian people". The oral revision replaced the words "on proposals formulated" in operative paragraph 5 by the words "on actions undertaken". The draft resolution, as thus orally revised, read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling General Assembly resolutions 3210 (XXIX) of 14 October 1974, 3236 (XXIX) and 3237 (XXIX) of 22 November 1974 and its own resolutions 1978 (LXI) of 31 July 1975 and 2026 (LXI) of 4 August 1976,
"Taking into consideration the report of the Secretary-General on assistance to the Palestinian people (E/6005 and Add.1),
"Bearing in mind the views expressed during the sixty-third session of the Council,
"1. Calls once more upon the United Nations Development Programme, the specialized agencies and other organizations within the United Nations system to continue and to intensify, as a matter of urgency and in co-ordination with the Economic Commission for Western Asia, their efforts in identifying the social and economic needs of the Palestinian people;
"2. Urges these agencies and organizations to consult and co-operate closely with the Palestine Liberation Organization, the representative of the Palestinian people, with a view to establishing and fully implementing concrete projects to ensure the improvement of the social and economic conditions of the Palestinian people;
"3. Calls upon agencies and organizations within the United Nations system that have not taken the
necessary action in conformity with Council resolution 2026 (LXI) to do so as a matter of priority;
"4. Urges the executive heads of the organizations and agencies concerned to formulate and submit to their respective governing and/or legislative bodies concrete proposals for ensuring, in cooperation with the Palestine Liberation Organization, the effective implementation of the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 above;
"5. Requests the Secretary-General to submit annual reports to the Council on the actions taken by the agencies and organizations concerned and their practical implementation thereof."
540.    At the same meeting, the representative of Iraq, on behalf of the sponsors, further orally revised
operative paragraph 5 by replacing the words "and their practical implementation thereof" by the words
"and the results achieved". Accordingly, the revised operative paragraph 5 read as follows:
"5. Requests the Secretary-General to submit annual reports to the Council on actions undertaken by the agencies and organizations concerned and the results achieved".
541.    At the 617th meeting, the Committee at the request of the representative of the United States of America voted on the draft resolution as orally revised. At the request of the representative of Iraq, the vote was taken by roll-call.
542.    At the same meeting, the Committee adopted the draft resolution, as orally revised, by 31 votes to 1, with 11 abstentions. The voting was as follows:
In favour: Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Cuba, Czech-oslovakia, Ethiopia, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Nigeria, Poland, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Venezuela, Yugoslavia and Zaire.
Against: United States of America.
Abstaining: Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
543.    After the adoption of the draft resolution, statements were made by the representatives of the United States of America, Japan, the Syrian Arab Republic and Iraq. The observer for the Palestine Liberation Organization also made a statement. After the conclusion of the consideration of the item, the representatives of Ecuador, Peru and Pakistan made statements at the 618th, 619th and 620th meetings, respectively, to the effect that, had they been present at the time of the vote, they would have voted in favour of the draft resolution.
544.    The Committee submitted the draft resolution to the Council as draft resolution I. For action by the Council, see paragraph 549 (a) below.
545 At the 615th meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia, on behalf of the States members of the Economic and Social Council which are members, of the Group of 77, introduced a draft resolution (E/AC.24/ L 545) entitled "Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations", which read as follows:
'"The Economic and Social Council, "Having examined the report of the Secretary-General (A/32/87 and Add. 1) the report of the President of the Economic and Social Council (E/ 6018 and Corel) and the annual report of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination for 1976/77 (E/5973) concerning the item entitled 'Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations,
"Recalling General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, containing the Decla-ration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, and all other resolutions adopted by United Nations bodies on this subject, including in particular General Assembly resolution 31/30 of 29 November 1976 and Council resolution 2015 (LXI) of 3 August 1976,
"Taking into account the Maputo Declaration in Support of the Peoples of Zimbabwe and Namibia and Programme of Action for the Liberation of Zimbabwe and Namibia (see A/32/109/Rev.1-S/ 12344/Rev.1)  adopted by the International Conference in Support of the Peoples of Zimbabwe and Namibia, held at Maputo from 16 to 21 May 1977, "Convinced that the struggle of the peoples of Zimbabwe and Namibia for self-determination and independence has entered its final and most crucial stage and that it is therefore incumbent upon the entire international community to undertake concerted international action in support of the peoples *of Zimbabwe and Namibia and their national liberation movements for the attainment of this goal,
"Deeply conscious of the critical need of the peoples of Zimbabwe and Namibia and of other colonial territories for concrete assistance from the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations in their struggle for liberation from colonial rule and in their efforts to consolidate their national independence.
"Reaffirming the responsibility of the specialized agencies and other organizations within the United Nations system to take all effective measures, within their respective spheres of competence, to ensure the full and speedy implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples and other relevant resolutions of United Nations bodies, particularly in the provision of moral and material assistance, on a priority basis, to the peoples of the colonial Territories and their national liberation movements,
"Noting with concern that, although progress has been maintained in the extension of assistance to refugees from the colonial Territories in Africa, the action taken hitherto by the" organizations and agencies concerned in the provision of assistance to the
peoples of the territories through their national liberation movements still remains inadequate to meet the urgent and growing needs of those peoples,
"Hopeful that closer contacts and consultations between the specialized agencies and United Nations institutions and the Organization of African Unity and the national liberation movements of the colonial Territories will contribute to overcoming procedural and other difficulties which have impeded or delayed the implementation of some assistance programmes, "Expressing its appreciation to the General Secre-tariat of the Organization of African Unity for the continued co-operation and assistance extended by it to the organizations within the United Nations system in connation with the implementation of the relevant resolutions of United Nations bodies,
"1 Takes note of the report of the President of the Economic and Social Council and endorses the observations and suggestions contained therein;
"2 Reaffirms that the recognition by the General Assembly, the Security Council and other United Nations organs of the legitimacy of the struggle of colonial peoples to exercise their right to self-deter-mination and independence entails, as a corollary, the extension by the United Nations system of or-ganizations of all the necessary moral and material assistance to the peoples of the colonial Territories and their national liberation movements;
"3 Endorses the appeal to the international community contained in the Maputo Declaration in Support of the Peoples of Zimbabwe and Namibia to redouble its assistance to the peoples of Zimbabwe and Namibia and their national liberation movements during this crucial phase in their struggle for freedom and independence;
"4 Expresses its appreciation to those specialized agencies and organizations within the United Nations system which have continued to co-operate in varying degrees with the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity in the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples and other relevant resolutions of United Nations bodies, and urges all the specialized agencies and other organizations within the United Nations system to accelerate the full and speedy implementation of the relevant provisions of those resolutions;
"5 Expresses its concern that the assistance extended so far by the specialized agencies and other organizations within the United Nations system to the colonial peoples, particularly those of Zimbabwe and Namibia, and to their national liberation movements, is still far from adequate in relation to the actual' needs of the peoples concerned;
"6 Urges the specialized agencies and other organizations within the United Nations system in the light of the intensification of the liberation struggle in Zimbabwe and Namibia, to do everything possible as a matter of urgency to render increased assistance to the peoples of those Territories and their national liberation movements in then: struggle for liberation; and in particular, in consultation with the Organization of African Unity, to work out and implement as expeditiously as possible concrete pro-grammes of assistance within their fields of competence, with the active collaboration of the national liberation movements concerned;
"7. Urges further those specialized agencies and organizations within the United Nations system which have not already done so to include in the agenda of the regular meetings of their governing bodies a separate item on the progress made by those organizations in their implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples and the other relevant United Nations resolutions;
"8. Requests the specialized agencies and other organizations within the United Nations system, in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council, and bearing in mind the provisions of the Maputo Declaration, to continue to take all necessary measures to withhold any financial, economic, technical or other assistance from the Government of South Africa and the illegal regime in Southern' Rhodesia, to discontinue all support to them until they restore to the peoples of Zimbabwe and Namibia their inalienable right to self-determination and independence, and to refrain from taking any action which might imply recognition of, or support for, the illegal domination of the Territories by those regimes;
"9. Notes with satisfaction the arrangements made by several specialized agencies and United Nations institutions which enable representatives of the national liberation movements recognized by the Or-ganization of African Unity to participate fully as observers in the proceedings relating to matters concerning their respective countries, and calls upon those international institutions which have not yet done so to follow this example and make the necessary .arrangements without delay;
"10. Recommends that all Governments should intensify their efforts in the specialized agencies and other organizations within the United Nations system of which they are members to ensure the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples and other relevant resolutions of United Nations bodies and, in that connation, should accord priority to the question of providing assistance on an emergency basis to peoples in the colonial Territories and to their national liberation movements;
"11. Urges the executive heads of the specialized agencies and other organizations within the United Nations system, having regard to the recommendations contained in paragraph 6 above, to formulate with the active co-operation of the Organization of African Unity and to submit, as a mattery of priority, to their governing and legislative organs concrete proposals for the full implementation of the relevant United Nations decisions, in particular specific programmes of assistance to the peoples in the colonial Territories and their national liberation movements;
"12. Draws the attention of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples to the present resolution and to the discussions on the subject at the sixty-third session of the Council;
"13. Requests the President of the Economic and Social Council to continue consultations on this matter with the Chairman of the Special Committee and to report thereon to the Council;
"14. Decides to keep this question under continuous review."
546.    At the 617th meeting, the Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote.
547.    After the draft resolution had been adopted, statements were made by the representatives of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany, Canada and France. The representatives of Ecuador, Peru and Pakistan also made statements at the 618th, 619th and 620th meetings, respectively, after the conclusion of consideration of the item, to the effect that, had they been present, they would have joined the consensus on the draft resolution.
548.    The Committee submitted the draft resolution to the Council as draft resolution II. For action by the Council, see paragraph 549 (6) below.
549.    At the 2084th meeting, on 3 August 1977,
the Council considered the draft resolutions recommended by the Policy and Programme Co-ordination
Committee in its report (E/6034, para. 13) and took
the following action on them:
(a)    A roll-call vote was taken on draft resolution I, which was adopted by 34 votes to 1, with 11 abstentions;12 for the final text, see Council resolution 2100 (LXIII); the voting was as follows:
In favour: Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philip-pines, Poland, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Rep lic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Venezuela, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zaire.
Against: United States of America.
Abstaining: Austria, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
(b)    Draft resolution II was adopted without a vote; for the final text, see Council resolution 2101
550.    Statements were made by the representatives of Mexico, France, the United States of America, the
Federal Republic of Germany, the United Kingdom and Canada (see E/SR.2084).
12 At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977, the representative of Cuba stated that, had he been present, he would have voted in favour of the draft resolution.
F.    Assistance in cases of natural disaster and other disaster situations (Item 24 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
551.    The Policy and Programme Co-ordination Committee considered this item at its 613th, 615th, 616th and 618th meetings, from 18 to 21 July 1977. The Committee had before it the report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator (A/32/64 and Corr.1).
552.    At the 616th meeting, on 20 July, the representative of Norway, on behalf of Denmark, Finland,18 Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Sweden,13 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America and Zaire, introduced a draft resolution (E/AC.24/L.547) entitled "Measures to expedite international relief", the text of which read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council, "Recalling General Assembly resolution 2816 (XXVI) on assistance in cases of natural disaster and other disaster situations, of 14 December 1971, in which the Assembly established the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator and, inter alia, recognized the need to ensure prompt, effective and efficient responses in times of natural and other disaster situations that would bring to bear the resources of the United Nations system, prospective donor countries and voluntary agencies,
"Recalling further paragraph 1 (a) of Assembly resolution 2816 (XXVI), in which the Assembly authorized the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator, on behalf of the Secretary-General, to establish and maintain the closest co-operation with all organizations concerned and to make all feasible advance arrangements with them for the purpose of ensuring the most effective assistance,
"Recalling in particular paragraph 8 of the same resolution, in which the Assembly invited recipient Governments, inter alia, to appoint a single national 'disaster relief coordinator to facilitate the receipt of international aid in times of emergency and to consider appropriate legislative or other measures to facilitate the receipt of aid, including over flight and landing rights,
"Aware that obstacles and impediments to the speedy delivery of international relief assistance continue to come to the attention of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator and of the League of Red Cross, Red Crescent and Red Lion and Sun Societies and other relief agencies,
"Noting with satisfaction the annual report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator (A/ 32/64 and Corr.1) and the oral statement made by the Coordinator to the Council at its sixty-third session (E/AC.24/SR.613),
"Nothing in particular annex II to the report of the Secretary-General, containing a survey prepared jointly by the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator and the League of Red Cross, Red Crescent and Red Lion and Sun Societies of obstacles and impediments to the delivery of inter-
13 in accordance with rule 72 of the rules of procedure of the Council.
national relief and the movement of relief personnel, based on the accumulated experience of a number of Governments and intergovernmental and voluntary agencies concerned with relief activities,
"Noting further the recommendations made in that annex regarding measures for surmounting such obstacles and impediments, and the suggestions for further measures to expedite relief and the movement of relief personnel,
"1. Commends the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator for his efforts on behalf of the victims of disasters;
"2. Requests the Coordinator to continue these efforts and, in co-operation with Governments, United Nations bodies and appropriate intergovernmental organizations and voluntary agencies, and particularly the International Red Cross, to pay special attention to the promotion of measures designed to remove obstacles and to expedite international relief assistance, and to report on the progress made in this regard to the Council at its sixty-fifth session;
"3. Calls upon Governments, intergovernmental agencies and non-governmental organizations concerned with relief operations to give favourable consideration to the implementation of the recommendations contained in annex II to the annual report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator with a view to the adoption of appropriate legislative, administrative or operational measures for the purpose of removing obstacles and expediting international relief assistance to the victims of disasters;
"4. Transmits the annual report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session."
553.    At the same meeting, the representative of France orally proposed an amendment to the draft
resolution, subsequently issued in document E/AC.24/L.548, calling for the insertion of a new operative
paragraph 3 to read as follows:
"3. Notes with satisfaction that the Coordinator has already concluded co-operation agreements with a number of specialized agencies and requests him to continue his efforts with a view to arriving rapidly at the conclusion of such arrangements with the whole of the United Nations system, placing emphasis on the prevention aspect, and to report thereon, through the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination, to the Council at its sixty-fifth session, in order to achieve greater cohesion in the matter".
554.    At the 618th meeting, the representative of France stated that, after informal consultations, she proposed to submit the text of the amendment as a separate draft decision (see paras. 560 and 561 below).
555.    At the same meeting, the representative of Norway, on behalf of the sponsors, orally revised operative paragraph 3 of the draft resolution by replacing the word "favourable" by the word "due".
556.    The representative of Venezuela then orally
proposed an amendment to the draft resolution (E/
AC.24/L.547) calling for the addition of a new operative paragraph 3 as follows:
"Requests the Secretary-General, in his capacity as Chairman of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination, to prepare a study on the role played by existing organizations within the United Nations system in the prevention of natural disasters and preparations and advance warnings for natural disasters, to be presented to the Economic and Social Council at its sixty-fifth session through the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination at its eighteenth session".
557.    After an exchange of views, the representative of Venezuela stated that her, delegation would not press its amendment to a vote.
558.    The Committee then adopted the draft resolution (E/AC.24/L.547), as orally revised, without a vote. For action by the Council, see paragraph 563 below.
559.    After the adoption of the draft resolution, the representative of China made a statement.
560.    At the 618th meeting, the representative of France orally revised the text of the draft decision
Which she and earlier submitted as an amendment (E/AC.24/L.548) to the draft resolution contained in document E/AC.24/L.547 (see paras. 553 and 554 above), by replacing the word "whole" by the words "competent organizations".
561.At the suggestion of the representative of the United States of America, the representative of France further orally revised the text of the draft decision by (a) replacing the words "competent organizations" by the words 'all other relevant organizations"; and (b) replacing the words "placing emphasis on the prevention aspect" by the words "particularly with regard to disaster prevention".
562.    The Committee then adopted the draft decision (E/AC.24/L.548), as orally revised, without a
vote. For action by the Council, see paragraph 563
563.    At the 2084th meeting, on 3 August 1977 the Council adopted without a vote the draft resolution and draft decision recommended by the Policy and programmer Co-ordination Committee in its report
(E/6035, para. 13). For the final texts, see Council resolution 2012  (LXIII)  and Council decision 253

G.     Consideration of the economic and social situation in the Sudano-Sahelian region
stricken by drought and measures to be taken for the benefit of that region
(Item 25 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
564.    The Policy and Programme - Co-ordination Committee considered this item at its 617th, 618th, 620th and 622nd meetings on 21, 25 and 26 July 1977. It had before it the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the medium-term and long-term recovery and rehabilitation programme in the Sudano-Sahelian region (DP/252).
565.    At the 617th meeting, the Director of the United Nations Sahelian Office made an introductory statement.    y
566.    At the 620th meeting, the representative of Mauritania, on behalf of France, Mauritania, the Neth-erlands, Nigeria and Senegal,14 introduced a draft resolution (E/AC.24/L.555) entitled "Implementation of the medium-term and long-term recovery and rehabilitation programme in the Sudano-Sahelian region", the text of which read:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council, particularly General Assembly resolutions 3253 (XXIX) of 4 December 1974, 3512 (XXX) of 15 December 1975 and 31/180 of 21 December 1976 and Council resolution 1918 (LVIII) of 5 May
"Considering that the nature and scope of the needs of the countries of the Sudano-Sahelian region make it necessary for the international community to continue and to strengthen its action of
"14 In accordance with rule 72 of the rules of procedure of the Council.
solidarity in support of the recovery efforts and economic development of those countries,
"Noting with appreciation the role played by the United Nations Sahelian Office in helping to combat the effects of the drought and to implement the medium-term and long-term recovery and rehabilitation programme adopted by the States members of the Permanent Inter-State Committee on Drought Control in the Sahel- and to mobilize the necessary resources to finance priority projects,
"Having examined the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the medium-term and long-term recovery and rehabilitation programme in the Sudano-Sahelian region (DP/252 and Corr.1),
"1. Takes note with satisfaction of the report of the Secretary-General which gives an account of the efforts made to implement the medium-term and long-term recovery and rehabilitation programme in the Sudano-Sahelian region;
"2. Congratulates the Secretary-General on the accomplishments of the United Nations Sahelian Office and commends its work methods;
"3. Commends the United Nations Sahelian Office for its accomplishments and its work methods;
"4. Expresses its gratitude to the Governments, United Nations bodies, intergovernmental organizations, private organizations and individuals that have contributed to the implementation of the medium-term and long-term recovery and rehabilitation programme drawn up by the States members of the
Permanent Inter-State Committee on Drought Control in the Sahel;
"5. Urges all Governments, United Nations bodies, intergovernmental organizations, private organizations and individuals to continue to respond favourably and on a continuing basis, either bilaterally or through the United Nations Sahelian Office or any other intermediary, to the requests made by the Permanent Inter-State Committee on Drought Control in the Sahel and by the Governments of the Sudano-Sahelian countries;
"6. Urges also Member States, particularly developed countries and those in a position to do so, to consider giving urgent financial and technical support to the current efforts in the evacuation of international relief materials from the port of Douala to the land-locked and drought-affected countries of the Sudano-Sahelian region;
"7. Requests the United Nations Sahelian Office to continue its close co-operation with the Permanent Inter-State Committee on Drought Control in the Sahel and its efforts to ensure co-operation and co-ordination between the United Nations programmes and bodies with a view to the implementation of medium-term and long-term assistance programmes;
"8 Also requests the Secretary-General to continue to report to the General Assembly through the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme and the Economic and Social Council on the implementation of the medium-term and long-term recovery and rehabilitation programme in the Sudano-Sahelian region."
567.    In introducing the draft resolution, the representative of Mauritania orally revised operative para
graphs 2 and 3 by combining them into one paragraph
as follows:
"2. Expresses its appreciation for the methods of work adopted by the United Nations Sahelian Office and for the results achieved".
The remaining operative paragraphs were renumbered
568.    At the 622nd meeting, Canada, Tunisia and Uganda joined in sponsoring the draft resolution, as orally revised.
569.    At the same meeting, the draft resolution (E/AC.24/L.555), as orally revised, was adopted without a vote. For action by the Council, see paragraph 570 below.
570.    At the 2084th meeting, on 3 August 1977, the Council adopted without a vote the draft resolution recommended by the Policy and Programme Co-ordination Committee in its report (E/6038, para. 6). For the final text, see Council resolution 2103 (LXIII).
H.    Agreements between the United Nations and intergovernmental organizations
(Item 26 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
571. The Policy and Programme Co-ordination Committee considered the item at its 618th and 619th meetings, held on 21 and 22 July 1977.
572 The Committee had before it a letter dated 13 July 1977 addressed to the Secretary-General by the Chairman of the Preparatory Commission for IFAD (E/6028), annex III to which contained the text of the draft agreement prepared by the Committee on Negotiations with Intergovernmental Agencies and the Chairman, with the assistance of the two Vice-Chairmen, of the Preparatory Commission for IFAD during the negotiating session held at United Nations Headquarters, New York. The Committee had also before it a note by the Secretary-General entitled "Draft agreement between the United Nations and the World Tourism Organization" (E/5984), annexed to which was the text of a draft agreement on co-operation and relationships between the United Nations and the World Tourism Organization submitted to the Council for approval and for transmittal to the General Assembly for final approval.
573. At the 619th meeting, the representative of the Sudan, on behalf of Argentina, Jamaica and his own delegation, introduced a draft resolution (E/ AC.24/L.549) concerning the draft relationship agreement between the United Nations and IFAD, which had been transmitted to IFAD in pursuance of Council decision 241 (LXII) (see chap. III, sect. J, above), and which had since been approved by the Preparatory Commission for IFAD. The text of the draft resolution read:
"The Economic and Social Council,
"Recalling General Assembly resolution 3503 (XXX) of 15 December 1975, Council resolution 2006 (LX) of 13 May 1976 and Council decision 241 (LXII) of 13 May 1977,
"Having considered the text of the draft agreement prepared by the Committee on Negotiations with Intergovernmental Agencies and the Preparatory Commission for the International Fund for Agricultural Development for the purpose of bringing the Fund into relationship with the United Nations (E/6028, annex III),
"Recommends to the General Assembly that it should approve at its thirty-second session the text of the draft agreement [15] set out in the annex to the present resolution."
574.    The draft resolution was adopted without a vote. For action by the Council, see paragraph 577 below.
575.    At the same meeting, the Committee had before it a draft decision proposed orally by the Chairman, concerning the draft Agreement on Co-operation and Relationships between the United Nations and the World Tourism Organization, which, it was recalled, had been approved by the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization on 31 May 1977. The text of the draft decision read as follows:
15 For the text of the draft agreement between the United Nations and IFAD, see annex V to the present report.
"The Economic and Social Council, having considered the note by the Secretary-General on the draft agreement on co-operation and relationships between the United Nations and the World Tourism Organization (E/5984, annex), prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 2802 (XXVI) of 14 December 1971, decides to approve and transmit to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session for final approval the draft agreement [16] set out in the annex to the present decision."
16 For the text of the draft agreement between the United Nations and the World Tourism Organization, see annex VI to the present report.
576.    The Committee adopted the draft decision. For action by the Council, see paragraph 577 below.
577.    At the 2084th meeting, on 3 August 1977, the Council adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution and draft decision recommended by the Policy and Programme Co-ordination Committee in its report (E/ 6037, paras. 6 and 7). For the final texts, see Council resolution 2104 (LXIII) and Council decision 254 (LXIII).
578.    The representative of Mexico made a statement (see E/SR.2084).
I.    Calendar of conferences (Item 27 of the agenda for the sixty-third session)
579.    The Policy and Programme Co-ordination Committee considered this agenda item at its 627th to 629th meetings, on 1 and 2 August 1977. It had before it a note containing the provisional calendar of conferences and meetings for 1978 and 1979 (E/ L.1769 and Corr.1). It also had before it notes by the Secretariat on the scheduling of meetings of the working groups of the Committee for Development Planning (E/L.1770) and of the Intergovernmental Working Group on a Code of Conduct for Transnational Corporations (E/L.1771). The Secretary of the Council made a statement introducing these documents at the 627th meeting.
580.    At the 629th meeting, in the light of the comments made during the discussion of the item, the Committee approved, subject to pending recommendations of the Economic Committee on items still under consideration, .the provisional calendar of conferences and meetings for 1978 and 1979 (E/L.1769 and Corr.1), as orally revised.
581.    At the 627th meeting, the representative of Argentina introduced a draft decision (E/AC.24/ L.556) concerning arrangements for the review of nongovernmental organizations to be carried out in accordance with Council decision 227 (LXII). He orally revised the draft decision by changing the dates in subparagraph (b) (iv) from "3 to 6 January 1978" to "16 to 27 January 1978". The text of the draft decision, as thus revised, read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council:
"(a) Takes note of paragraph 6 of the note by the Secretariat concerning the provisional calendar of conferences and meetings for 1978 and 1979 (E/L.1769 and Corr.1) and with regard to subparagraph (b) of that paragraph decides that, as a matter of exceptional priority, the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations should implement at its next series of sessions in January 1978 the mandate established in Council decision 227 (LXII) of 13 May 1977 and resolutions 1296 (XLIV) of 23 May 1968 and 1919 (LVIII) of 5 May 1975, and should report thereon to the Council at its sixty-fourth session;
"(b) In order to facilitate the task of the Committee, also decides:
"(i) To request non-governmental organizations, through the Secretary-General, to submit their reports in pursuance of para-
graph 40 (b) of the arrangements for consultation with non-governmental organizations set out in Council resolution 1296 (XLIV), in as many of the official languages of the United Nations as possible;
"(ii) To request the Secretary-General to invite interested Member States to provide any relevant information concerning compliance by non-governmental organizations with the principles governing consultative status in accordance with the provisions of the arrangements set out in resolution 1296 (XLIV) (paragraphs 35, 36 and 40) and the provisions of resolution 1919 (LVIII);
"(iii) To increase the number of meetings of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations scheduled for January 1978;
"(iv) To amend, for that purpose, the dates appearing in the provisional calendar of conferences (E/L.1769 and Corr.1) so that those meetings of the Committee would take place in New York from 16 to 27 January 1978."
582.    At the 628th meeting, the Committee adopted the draft decision, as orally revised, by 29 votes to none, with 14 abstentions and submitted it to the Council as draft decision A. For action by the Council, see paragraph 598 (a) below.
583.    In connation with the adoption of this draft decision, it was understood that, in order to enable the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations to carry out the review provided for in Council decision 227 (LXII) at its session scheduled to be held from 16 to 27 January 1978, the Secretariat would be authorized, as an exceptional measure, to circulate the reports received from the non-governmental organizations for the purpose of such a review in the official languages in which they were submitted and to make them available only to the members of the Committee. The application of rule 13, paragraph 4, of the rules of procedure concerning the circulation of documents six weeks before a session was accordingly deemed to be suspended. It was further understood that a consolidated document containing all the reports of the organization would be issued in all the official languages in due course.
584.    At the 628th meeting, the representative of
Canada orally proposed a draft decision (the text of
which was subsequently circulated in document E/
AC.24/L.564) reading as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council requests its subsidiary bodies to seek the concurrence of the Committee on Conferences, through the Bureau of the Council, in proposals for changes in the basic pattern of their sessions before submitting them to the Council for its consideration."
585.    At the 629th meeting, the representative of
the Philippines orally proposed that in the draft decision the words "which shall make recommendations
concerning timing and co-ordination of" should be inserted after the words "Bureau of the Council and
that the word "in" before the word "proposals should
be deleted. These amendments were accepted by the
586.    The representative of Canada also accepted
a suggestion made by the representative of Algeria
that the word "concurrence" be replaced by the word
587.    The revised draft decision would read:
"The Economic and Social Council requests its
subsidiary bodies, before they submit proposals for changes in the established pattern of their sessions to the Council for its consideration, to seek the advice of the Committee on Conferences, through the Bureau of the Council, which shall make recommendations concerning the timing and co-ordination of the proposals."
588    At the same meeting, the Committee adopted the draft decision (E/AC.24/L.564), as orally revised by 26 votes to 4, with 5 abstentions and submitted it to the Council as draft decision B. For action by the Council, see paragraph 598 (b) below.
589. After the vote, the representative of the Federal Republic of Germany made a statement.
590 At the 629th meeting, the Chairman submitted" a draft decision (E/AC.24/L.563) reading as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council decides that, pursuant to the recommendation communicated to the Secretariat by the Bureau of the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries, the second session of the Preparatory Committee should be held from 19 to 23 September 1977 instead of from 12 to 16 September 1977. The draft decision was adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council as subparagraph (a) of draft decision C. For action by the Council, see paragraph ,   598 (c) below.
591    At the 628th meeting, the representative of Uganda, referring to the Secretariat's suggestion to postpone the tenth session of the Committee on Housing Building and Planning, scheduled to be held at Geneva from 10 to 21 October 1977, expressed the view that that session should be held as scheduled.
592    After an exchange of views, the representative of Uganda stated that he would agree to the postponement of the tenth session of the Committee on Housing, Building and Planning on the understanding that the matter would be reviewed by the Council at its organizational session for 1978 in the light of the decisions of the General Assembly on the question of institutional arrangements for international co-operation in the field of human settlements.
593. At the 629th meeting, the Committee decided to make a recommendation to the Council along these lines, which was submitted to the Council as draft decision C, subparagraph (b). For action by the Council, see paragraph 598 (c) below.
594 At the same meeting, the Chairman introduced a draft decision (E/AC.24/L.565), the text of which read as follows:
"The Economic and Social Council decides: "(a)    To approve the provisional calendar of conferences and meetings for 1978 and 1979 (E/ L.1769 and Corr.1);
"(b) To adopt, on a regular basis, a biennial cycle of meetings which would coincide with the programme budget cycle;
"(c) To authorize the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations, in exceptional circumstances and when required on an ad hoc basis and without prejudice to the biennial cycle of meetings, to hold brief meetingsówhich would be additional to the Committee's regularly scheduled meetingsó during sessions of the Council, in years when the Committee would not normally be meeting, using the meetings facilities allocated to the Council;
"(d) To take note with satisfaction of the change in the scheduling of future sessions of the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme proposed by the Governing Council at its twenty-fourth session."
595.    In the course of his statement, the Chairman
orally revised the draft decision by adding the words
"in the light of the discussions held at the sixty-third
session of the Council" in subparagraph (a) and re
wording subparagraph (d) to read:
"To take note with satisfaction of the recommendation made by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme at its twenty-fourth session that the General Assembly should authorize a change in the basic pattern of sessions of the Governing Council."
596.    On the proposal of the representative of Mexico, as revised in the course of the discussion, the Com-mittee agreed that in subparagraph (b) the words
"coincide with" should be replaced by the words correspond to" and the words "for better administrative
control" should be added at the end of the subpara
597.    The draft decision, as orally revised, was
adopted without a vote and submitted to the Council
as draft decision D. For action by the Council, see
paragraph 598 (g) below.
598.    At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977
the Council considered the report of the Policy and
Programme Co-ordination Committee (E/6042) and
took the following action on it:
(a)    Draft decision A was adopted by 32 votes to none, with 15 abstentions; for the final text, see Council decision 278 (LXIII);
(b)    Draft decision B was adopted by 33 votes to 5 with 6 abstentions; for the final text, see Council decision 279 (LXIII);
(c) Draft decision C was adopted without a vote; for the final text, see Council decision 280 (LXIII);
(d) After an exchange of views in which the representatives of Uganda, Algeria, Iraq, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, the United States of America, Italy, Japan and Venezuela took part, the Council decided that the sessions of the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working Group on the Problem of Corrupt Practices would be held from 23 to 27 January 1978 and from 3 to 14 April 1978;
(e) Pursuant to the recommendation made by the Economic Committee in the course of its discussion on agenda item 17 (see chap. IV, sect. J above) the Council decided that the Intergovernmental Working Group on a Code of Conduct for Transnational Corporations should not meet from 29 August to 2 September 1977 and that its next sessions would be held from 6 to 17 February 1978' and from 20 to 31 March
1978; this decision was incorporated in Council decision 280 (LXIII) as subparagraph (c);
(f) Pursuant to a recommendation submitted by the Economic Committee in its report on agenda item 11 (see chap. IV, sect. A above, and decision 273 (LXIII)), the Council decided to review at its organizational session for 1978, in the light of the outcome of the Ad Hoc Committee on Restructuring, the scheduling of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on the Social Development Sector within the United Nations, tentatively scheduled to be held from 16 to 20 January 1978;
(g) Draft decision D was adopted without a vote; for the final text, see Council decision 281 (LXIII). The calendar of conferences and meetings for 1978 and 1979 is reproduced in annex III below.
599. Statements were made by die representatives of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and France (see E/SR.2083).
Chapter VIII
600. The Council held its organizational session for 1977 from 11 to 14 January 1977, its third special session on 23 February 1977 and its sixty-second session from 12 April to 13 May 1977, all at United Nations Headquarters. The sixty-third session was held at the Office of the United Nations at Geneva from 6 July to 4 August 1977.
A.     Bureau of the Council
601.    At the 2039th meeting, on 11 January 1977, Mr. Ladislav Smid (Czechoslovakia) was elected by acclamation President of the Council for 1977. At the 2040th meeting, on 12 January 1977, Mr. Rafael Rivas (Colombia), Mr. Ole Algard (Norway), Mr. Mehdi Ehsassi (Iran) and Mr. Abdalla Mahgoub (Sudan) were elected Vice-Presidents. At the 2045th meeting, on 23 February 1977, the Council elected Mr. Donald O. Mills (Jamaica) Vice-President in place of Mr. Rivas, who had resigned.
602.    Mr. Donald O. Mills (Jamaica) served as Chairman of the Economic Committee at the sixty-second and sixty-third sessions and Mr. Ole Algard (Norway) as Chairman of the Social Committee at the sixty-second session. Mr. Mehdi Ehsassi (Iran) served as Chairman of the Policy and Programme Coordination Committee at the sixty-third session. Mr. Abdalla Mahgoub (Sudan) served as Chairman of the
Ad Hoc Sessional Committee on item 10 of the agenda of the sixty-third session (Developments in human set-tlements and follow-up to Habitat) and as Chairman of the Committee on Negotiations with Intergovernmental Agencies which met during the sixty-second session.
603.    At the sixty-second session, Mr. Vladimir N. Martynenko (Ukrainian SSR) and Miss Habiba A. Balogun (Nigeria) were elected Vice-Chairmen of the Social Committee, (see E/AC.7/SR.788 and 789) and Mr. Mian Qadrud-Din (Pakistan) and Mr. J. K. B. Kinsman (Canada) were elected Vice-Chairmen of the Economic Committee (see E/AC.6/SR.783 and 785).
604.    At the sixty-third session, Mr. Hans-Otto Neuhoff (Federal Republic of Germany) and Mr. Mohamed Benhocine (Algeria) were elected Vice-Chairmen of the Policy and Programme Co-ordination Committee (see E/AC.24/SR.610).
B.    Programme of work and agenda
,605. At the 2039th meeting, on 11 January 1977, the Council considered and adopted the agenda for the organizational session for 1977 (E/5901). The agenda as adopted is reproduced in annex I to the present report.
606.    At the 2039th and 2044th meetings, on 11 and 14 January 1977, the Council considered its basic programme of work for 1977 (E/5900). It also had before it a letter dated 29 November 1976 from the Director-General of UNESCO (E/5905, annex), informing it under the terms of resolution 1800 (LV) of a resolution adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO at its nineteenth session concerning an in-ternational year for science and technology.
607.    At the 2044th meeting, the President submitted a draft decision (E/L.1743) entitled "Basic programme of work of the Council for 1977", based on the results of informal consultations held during the organizational session and including proposals for action to be taken by the Council pursuant to certain resolutions adopted by the General Assembly at its thirty-first session.
608.    In that connation, the representative of Iran requested a separate vote on the words "31/33 on adverse consequences for the enjoyment of human rights of political, military, economic and other forms
of assistance given to colonial and racist regimes in southern Africa" in subparagraph 4 (e) of the draft decision, which read as follows:
"(e) To refer to the Commission on Human Rights at its thirty-third session resolutions 31/138 on elimination of all forms of intolerance and discrimination based on religion or belief, 31/127 on measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers, 31/85 on torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment in relation to detention and imprisonment, 31/33 on adverse consequences for the enjoyment of human rights of political, military, economic and other forms of assistance given to colonial and racist regimes in southern Africa, 31/128 on human rights and scientific and technological developments and 31/124 on protection of human rights in Chile".
It was decided, by a roll-call vote of 33 to 8, with 10 abstentions, to retain the words in question. The voting was as follows:
In favour: Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Iraq, Jamaica, Malaysia, Mauritania, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Togo,
Tunisia, Uganda, Upper Volta, Venezuela, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zaire.
Against: Denmark, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America.
Abstaining: Austria, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Iran, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
609.    Statements in explanation of vote were made by the representatives of the USSR, Poland, the Upper Volta, Bulgaria, Nigeria, Pakistan, Mexico and the United Kingdom (see E/SR.2044).
610.    The Council then adopted without a vote the draft decision as a whole. In so doing, it approved the basic programme of work for 1977 and also decided that, of the items of the basic programme of work to be dealt with at the sixty-second session, items 1,

2,    3, 4 and 5 would be considered in plenary, items 6, 7 and 8 in the Economic Committee, and items 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 in the Social Committee. It further decided that, of the items of the programme of work to be dealt with at the sixty-third session, items 1, 2,
3,    4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 would be considered in plenary, item 11 in an ad hoc sectional committee, items 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 in the Economic Committee, and items 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 in the Policy and Programme Coordination Committee. For the final text, see Council decision 204 (ORG-77).
611.    At the 2045th meeting, on 23 February 1977, the Council adopted the agenda for its third special
session (E/5935). For the agenda, see .annex I to the present report.

612.    At the 2046th meeting, on 12 April 1977, the Council considered and adopted the provisional agenda for the sixty-second session (E/5917). For the agenda as adopted (E/5931), see annex I to the present report.
613.    At the 2060th meeting, on 13 May 1977, the Council approved the draft provisional agenda for the sixty-third session (E/L.1757), with the following modifications: (a) an item entitled "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: report of the Human Rights Committee" was added to the agenda and would be considered at the resumed sixty-third session; (b) item 26, entitled "Agreement between the United Nations and the World Tourism Organization", was reworded to read "Agreements between the United Nations and intergovernmental organizations"; and (c) item 9, entitled "United Nations University", would be considered at the resumed sixty-third session. In addition, the Council approved the arrangements for the sixty-third session and the time-table of work for the session as set out in document E/L.1766, it being understood that each committee would decide on the organization of its own work at the outset of the session. For the final text, see Council decision 242 (LXII).
614.    At the 2061st meeting, on 6 July 1977, the Council had before it a note by the Secretary-General (E/L.1772) transmitting the texts of Security Council resolutions 406 (1977) and 407 (1977) and proposing, under rule 12 of the Council's rules of procedure, that two supplementary items, entitled "Assistance to Botswana" and "Assistance to Lesotho", be included in the agenda for the sixty-third session. The Council agreed to the addition of these two items. For the agenda for the sixty-third session, as adopted (E/6024), see annex I to the present report.
C.     Arrangements for meetings of the Committee on Negotiations with Intergovernmental Agencies
615. At the 2044th meeting, on 14 January 1977, the Council considered a draft decision proposed by the President regarding arrangements for meetings of the Committee on Negotiations with Intergovernmental Agencies (E/L.1744), whereby the Council, recalling its resolution 2006 (LX) of 13 May 1976, would extend to 15 February 1977 the time-limit by which States members of the Council would notify the Secretary-General of their intention to become members of the Committee for negotiating an agreement between the United Nations and the International Fund for Agricultural Development and to convene the meeting of that Committee during the Council's sixty-second session (see chap. III, sect. J, above), under the chairmanship of Mr. Rafael Rivas (Colombia), a Vice-President of the Council.
616.    The Council adopted without a vote the draft decision in document E/L.1744. For the final text, see Council decision 205 (ORG-77).
617.    Subsequently, at the 2045th meeting, on 23 February 1977, the Council having been informed of the resignation of Mr. Rivas, designated Mr. Abdalla Mahgoub (Sudan) to act as Chairman of the Committee (see para. 602 above). At the same meeting, the time-limit of 15 February 1977 specified in the decision was further extended to 15 March 1977. For the composition of the Committee, see annex II to the present report.
D.     Elections to subsidiary bodies of the Council and confirmation of representatives on the functional commissions
(Item 7 of the agenda for the organizational session for 1977) (Item 15 of the agenda for the sixty-second session')
Election to subsidiary and related bodies of the Council and confirmation of representatives on the functional commissions 618.    Vacancies had arisen in the membership of
the under mentioned subsidiary and related bodies of
the Council: Statistical Commission, Population Commission, Commission on Human Rights, Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Committee on Natural Resources, Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations, Com-mittee on Housing, Building and Planning, Committee

on Review and Appraisal, Commission on Transnational Corporations, Committee on Science and Technology for Development, Executive Board of UNICEF, Governing Council of UNDP, Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes and Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working group on the Problem of Corrupt Practices. Some of these vacancies were filled at the 2042nd meeting, on 13 January 1977, and others at the 2055th to 2057th meetings, on 11 and 12 May 1977. For the results of the elections and for the confirmation of representatives on the functional commissions of the Council, see Council decisions 212 (ORG-77) and 243 (LXII).1
619.   At the 2056th meeting, on 11 May 1977, the Council, taking into account General Assembly decision
1 For the composition of the Council and its subsidiary and related bodies, see annex II to the present report.
31/429 of 22 December 1976, decided not to hold elections to the Board of Governors of the United Nations Special Fund for Land-locked Developing Countries at {hat time, and referred the matter to the General Assembly at its resumed thirty-first session (see Council decision 243 (LXII)).
Nomination of members of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination
620. At the 2055th meeting, on 11 May 1977, in accordance with the procedure instituted by decision 139 (ORG-76), the Council nominated the following seven Member States for election by the General Assembly at its thirty-second session, for a term of three years: Brazil, Burundi, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Japan and Kenya.
E.    Changes in the calendar of conferences and meetings for 197 7
621.    By decision 125 (LIX) of 31 July 1975, the Council had approved the provisional calendar of con-ferences and meetings for 1976 and 1977. The calendar was subsequently amended at the Council's resumed fifty-ninth session, at the organizational session for 1976 and at the sixtieth and sixty-first sessions.
622.    At the 2044th meeting, on 14 January 1977, the Council adopted a decision approving the following changes in the calendar of conferences and meetings for the remainder of 1977:2
(a) The fifth session of the Committee on Natural Resources would be convened at Geneva from 9 to
2 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-first Session, Supplement No. 3 (A/31/3), annex III, as amended by Council decision 195 (LXI).
20 May (instead of at Headquarters) or elsewhere on dates to be determined should the Council accept an offer by a Member State to act as host to the Committee; and
(b) The second session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on a Code of Conduct for Transnational Corporations would be convened at Headquarters from 18 to 22 April 1977 (instead of 21 February to 4 March). For the final text, see Council decision 211 (ORG-77).
623. In addition, at its sixty-third session the Council approved certain changes in the calendar for the remainder of 1977. For particulars of these changes, see chapter VII, section I, above and Council decision 280 (LXIII).
F.    Participation of intergovernmental organizations in the work of the Council
624 At the 2060th meeting, on 13 May 1977, the Council had before it a note by the Bureau (E/5983) recommending that the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences should be designated, under the terms of rule 79 of the rules of procedure, to participate on an ad hoc basis in the deliberations of the Council on questions within the scope of the activities of the organization.
625. The Council decided to approve the recommendation (see Council decision 239 (LXII)).8
3 For a list of intergovernmental organizations whose representatives may participate under rule 79 of the rules of procedure, see annex VI to the present report.
G.    Programme budget implications of actions by the Council
Statements on programme budget implications of proposals for new activities
626. At the Council's 2067th meeting on 12 July 1977, the Secretary of the Council drew the Council's attention to General Assembly resolution 31/93 of 14 December 1976, paragraph 6 of which read:
"6. Urges those [i.e. the sectoral, functional and regional programme-formulating] organs to refrain from undertaking new activities not programmed in the medium-term plan and the subsequent programme budget unless a pressing need of an unfired-
seeable nature arises as determined by the General Assembly".
627. The Secretary of the Council also referred to the report of CPC on its seventeenth session, in which it was stated,4 inter alia, that there might be a number of proposals originating from various legislative bodies for programmes supplementary to those included in the plan or budget in question as a result of resolutions of
4See Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-second Session, Supplement No. 38 (A/32/38), paras. 233-236.
subsidiary bodies adopted after the plan or budget had been formulated.
628. In view of the terms of the General Assembly resolution cited and of the comments made by CPC in its report, the Secretary of the Council stated that it was the Secretary-General's understanding that, in cases where a report by a subsidiary body or a draft decision or resolution under consideration by the Council proposed supplementary activities, the Council would, where applicable, indicate in the relevant decision or resolution which it adopted that the activities envisaged arose from "a pressing need of an unforeseeable nature", as prescribed in General Assembly resolution 31/93. Such an indication, which would be subject to confirmation by the General, Assembly, would give the Secretary-General the necessary legislative authority to make provision for these activities in revised
estimates to be submitted to the Assembly's Fifth Committee.
629.    In accordance with rule 31 of the rules of procedure, the Council during its sixty-second and sixty-third sessions received separate statements concerning the programme budget implications of draft resolutions and draft decisions involving expenditure, before adaption of the resolutions and decisions concerned. The Council also received a report of the Sec-retary-General (E/6051) containing a summary of the programme budget implications of the resolutions and decisions adopted at the sixty-second and sixty-third sessions, as well as of the implications of the proposals then under consideration.
630.    At the 2085th meeting, on 4 August 1977, the Council took note of the report of the Secretary-General in document E/6051 (see Council decision 282 (LXIII)).
Annex I
Agenda for the organizational session for 1977
1.    Election of the Bureau
2.    Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters
3.    Basic programme of work of the Council for 1977
4.    Report of the Committee on Natural Resources on its second special session
5.    Report on the joint meetings of the Committee. for Programme and Co-ordination and the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination
6.    Rules of procedure of the functional commissions of the Council
7.    Elections to subsidiary bodies of the Council and confirmation of representatives on the functional commissions
8.    Provisional agenda for the sixty-second session
Agenda for the third special session
1.    Adoption of the agenda
2.    Election of a Vice-President of the Council
3.    World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination:
(a)    Membership of the Preparatory Sub-Committee for the Conference
(b)   Venue of the Conference
Agenda for the sixty-second session
1.    Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters
2.    Assistance to the drought-stricken areas of Ethiopia
3.    Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination
4. Restructuring of the economic and social sectors of the United Nations system
5.    Regional cartographic conferences
6.    Agreement between the United Nations and the International Fund for Agricultural Development
7.    Transport questions
8.    Population questions
9.    Statistical questions

10.    Social development questions
11.    Activities for the advancement of women; United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace
12.    Human rights questions

13.    Narcotic drugs
14.    Non-governmental organizations
15.    Elections
16.    Consideration of the provisional agenda for the sixty-third session
Reports brought to the attention of the Council:
Question of the elderly and the aged
Research within the United Nations system on the role and position of women in development and on ways and means to organize and finance further research
Agenda for the sixty-third session
1.    Opening of the session
2.    Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters
3.    General discussion of international economic and social policy, including regional and sectoral developments
4.    Regional co-operation and development
5.    Assistance in emergency situations
6.    Assistance to Mozambique
7.    Assistance to Zambia
8.    Restructuring of the economic and social sectors of the United Nations system
9.    United Nations University
10.    Developments in human settlements and follow-up to
11.    Assessment of the progress made in the implementation of General Assembly resolutions 2626 (XXV) entitled "International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade", 3202 (S-VI) entitled "Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order", 3281 (XXIX) entitled "Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States'' and 3362 (S-VII) entitled "Development and international economic co-operation"
12.    International co-operation on the environment
13.    Industrial development co-operation
14.    Science and technology
15.    United Nations Special Fund
16.    Natural resources
17.    Transnational corporations
18.    Food problems
19.    International co-operation and co-ordination within the United Nations system
20.    Policy review of operational activities for development
21.    Work programme and budget for 1978-1979
22.    Marine questions
23.    Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations
24.    Assistance in cases of natural disaster and other disaster situations
25.    Consideration of the economic and social situation in the Sudano-Sahelian region stricken by drought and measures to be taken for the benefit of that region
26.    Agreements between the United Nations and intergovernmental organizations
27.    Calendar of conferences
28.    Assistance to Botswana
29.    Assistance to Lesotho
30.    Technical co-operation among developing countries
31.    Trade and development
32.    Preparations for a new international development strategy
33.    United Nations Conference on Desertification
34.    Nomination of members of the World Food Council
35.    International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: report of the Human Rights Committee
*    *
Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
*    *
Report brought to the attention of the Council: Expenditures of the United Nations system in relation to programmes
Annex II

A.    Economic and Social Council
Term expires
Membership in 1977    on 31 December
Afghanistan        1978
Algeria           1977
Argentina*           1978
Austria           1978
Bangladesh           1978
Bolivia           1978
Brazil           1978
Bulgaria*            1977
Canada*           1977
China*           1977
Colombia           1979
Cuba           1978
Czechoslovakia*            1977
Denmark*            1977
Ecuador*        1977
Ethiopia*            1977
France            1977
Gabon*            1977
Germany, Federal Republic of         1978
Greece           1978
Iran           1979
Iraq           1979
Italy            1979
Jamaica           1979
Japan*            1977
Kenya*           1977
Malaysia            1978
Mauritania           1979
Mexico           1979
Netherlands           1979
New Zealand          1979
Nigeria           1978
Norway*            1977
Pakistan*        1977
Peru*            1977
Philippines        1979
Poland         1979
Portugal           1978
Rwanda         1979
Somalia          1979
Sudan           1979
Syrian Arab Republic         1979
Togo.        J978
Tunisia           1978
Uganda           1978
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic         1979
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics*               1977
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland*        1977
United   States of America             1979
Upper Volta            1979
Venezuela                1978
Yemen*             1977
Yugoslavia               1978
Zaire*               1977

* Retiring member.
a Further information concerning the terms of reference of the subsidiary and related bodies of the Council is contained in document E/5453/Rev.1 and Add.1 and Amend.1.

B.    Committees of the Council
Term expires on 31 December
1979 1978 1977 1978 1978 1978 1979 1978 1979 1977 1977 1977 1977 1978 1979 1979 1979
Membership in 1977
Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic     
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics     
1978 1977 1979 1977
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
United Republic of Tanzania    
United States of America    
By its resolution 2008 (LX) of 14 May 1976, the Council inter alia approved consolidated terms of reference for the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination, and decided that the Committee should function as a main subsidiary organ of the Council and the General Assembly and that its members should be nominated by the Council and elected by the General Assembly for a term of three years.
At its 2055th meeting, on 11 May 1977, the Council nominated the following seven Member States for election by the General Assembly at its thirty-second session to fill the vacancies in the Committee which will occur at the end of 1977: Brazil, Burundi, Ghana, India, Indonesia Japan and Kenya.
Term expires on 31 December
1979 1981
1981 1980 1979 1981 1980 1979
1981 1980 1979
Membership in 1977
El Salvador
Membership in 1978 and 1979
Central African Em
Czechoslovakia   ...
El Salvador    
German Democratic

embership in 1977    Membership In 1978    Term expires
Membership in 1977    and 1979    on 31 December
Japan    Iran         1980
Malawi    Iraq         1981
Morocco    Jamaica        1981
Portugal    Japan        1979
Syrian Arab Republic    Malawi          1980
Thailand    Portugal           1980
Trinidad and    Sweden          1981
Tobago    Syrian Arab Repub-
Uganda    lic        1980
Union of Soviet    Thailand          1981
Socialist Republics    Trinidad and Tobago    1979
United Kingdom of    Union of Soviet       1980
Great Britain and    Union of Soviet So-
Great Britain and    cialist
Republics,       1979
Northern Ire and    United King~om of
United Republic of    Great Britain and
Lanzania Northern Ireland.                              1979
United States of    United Republic of
America    Tanzania           1979
Venezuela    United    States    of
America            1980
(The membership of this Committee varies according to the tasks assigned to it)
For the purposes of negotiation with the Preparatory Commission for the Intentional Fund for Agricultural Development, the Committee on Negotiations with Intergovernmental Agencies was composed of the representatives of the States members of the Council which had notified the Secretary-General of their intention to become members of the Committee. These were: Algeria, Argentina, Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Iran, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Somalia and United States of America. Mr. Abdalla Mahgoub (Sudan), a Vice-President of the Council, was appointed Chairman of the Committee.
Members elected for a four-year term ending on 31 December 1978

Chile    Sweden
Cuba    Tunisia
Czechoslovakia    Union of Soviet Socialist
France    Republics
Ghana    United Kingdom of Great
Iraq    Britain and Northern
Japan    Ireland
Kenya    United States of America
 At the 2042nd meeting, on 13 January 1977, the Council was informed of the withdrawal of the Netherlands from membership in the Committee. The Council thereupon elected Sweden for a term of office beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1978.     .
Membership in 1977
Central African Empire
Membership in 1978"
Algeria .
Argentina .
Australia .
Bangladesh .
Brazil .
Burundi .
Canada .
Central African Empire
Membership in 1977
German Democratic
Republic Germany, Federal
Republic of Greece Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Italy Jamaica Japan Kenya Kuwait Malaysia Mexico Netherlands Nigeria Norway Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru
Philippines Poland Romania Sierra Leone Sudan Swaziland Sweden Trinidad and
Tobago Turkey Ukrainian Soviet
Socialist Republic Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics United Kingdom of
Great Britain and
Northern Ireland United States of
America Upper Volta Venezuela Yugoslavia Zaire Zambia
Term expires Membership in 1978"        on 31 December
Colombia           1980
Egypt        1978
France        1978
Gabon            1978
German Democratic
Republic           1978
Germany,     Federal
Republic of        1980
Greece           1980
Iceland           1978
India          1980
Indonesia           1978
Iran         1978
Iraq          1978
Italy           1978
Jamaica            1980
Japan        1980
Kenya           1978
Kuwait           1978
Malaysia           1980
Mexico           1980
Netherlands           1978
Nigeria           1978
Norway         1978
Pakistan           1978
Panama        1980
Paraguay        1980
Peru        1980
Philippines           1980
Poland        1978
Romania          1980
Sierra Leone        1980
Sudan           1978
Swaziland          1980
Sweden           1978
Trinidad and Tobago    1978
Turkey           1978
Ukrainian Soviet So
cialist Republic  .    1978
Union of Soviet So
cialist Republics .    1980
United Kingdom of
Great Britain and
Northern Ireland.    1980
United    States    of
America           1978
Upper Volta        1978
Venezuela          1980
Yugoslavia           1978
Zaire           1980
Zambia           1980
"At the 2055th meeting, on  11  May 1977, the Council decided to postpone until a future session the election of:
(a)    One member from African States for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1980; and
(b)    One member from Asian States for a term beginning
on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1978.

Membership in 1977
Central African Empire
Membership in 1978Term expires
Membership in 1978"    on 31 December
Algeria           1980
Argentina           1978
Australia         1978
Bangladesh          1980
Brazil           1980
Burundi         1980
Canada         1980
Central African Empire           1980
Membership in 1977 Algeria Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Bulgaria
Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic
,,    .     ...   1978 d    on 31 December
Membership in 1978d    Term expires
Algeria           1980
Argentina           1980
Australia            1980
Austria           1979
Belgium           1980
Brazil           1978
Bulgaria           1978
Byelorussian   Soviet
Sc    list  Republic    1978

Term expires on 31 December
1979 1981
1979 1981 1979
e At the 2055th meeting, on 11 May 1977, the Council decided to postpone to a future session the election of:
(a) Four members from African States and five members from Asian States for a four-year term beginning on 1 January(6) One member from African States and two members from Asian States for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1979.
Members appointed by the Economic and Social Council on the nomination of the Secretary-General, for a term ending on 31 December 1977
Pierre Victor Auger (France)
Bruce H. Billings (United States of America)
Alfred Boettcher (Federal Republic of Germany)
Hendrik Brugt Gerhard Casimir (Netherlands)
Carlos Chagas (Brazil)    ,
Wilbert K. Chagula (United Republic of Tanzania)
Guy B. Gresford (Australia)
Jermen Mikhailovich Gvishiani (Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics) Z. A. Hashmi (Pakistan) Howe Yoon Chong (Singapore)
f Appointed at the 1978th meeting, on 30 July 1975.
Term expires
Membership in 1977    Membership in 1978*        on 31 December
Canada    Canada          1979
Central African Empire    Central African Em
pire           1979
Chad    Chad          1978
Cuba    Cuba         1980
Dominican Republic    Dominican Republic    1979
Egypt    Egypt           979
France    Francs        1978
Germany, Federal    Germany,     Federal
Republic of    Republic of....    1980
Ghana    Ghana         1979
Greece    Greece..        1979
Guatemala    Guatemala           1978
India.    India       
Indonesia    Indonesia           1979
K,    Italt................    1978
Tamaica    Jamaica        1980
Jamaica    Japan           1980
Jordan    Jordan        1979
Kenya    Kenya           1980
Madagascar    Madagascar           1980
Mauritania    Mauritania           1979
Mexico           1980
Mongolia    Mongolia           1979
Mongolia    Mongolia          1979
morocco    Netherlands           1979
Netherlands            1979
Nigeria    Pakistan           1978
Pakistan    Peru           1978
Philippines    Philippines           1979
Philippines    Poland        1978
Poland,    Portugal           1980
Portugal    Romania          1978
Romania    Senegal           1980
Senegal    Sierra Leone           1980
Sierra Leone    Spain         1979
Spain    Sudan           1980
Thailand    Thailand          1979
Trinidad and Tobago    Trinidad and Tobago    1978
Tunisia    Tunisia        1978
Bunion of Soviet    Union of Soviet So-
Socialist Republics    Unaided Kingdom of.    1980
Sort land    Northern Leland    1978
United States of    United satas    1978
America    America           1978
Venezuela    Venezuela          1980
Yugoslavia    Yugoslavia           1980
At the 2055th meeting, on 11  May 1977, the Council postponed until a Mure session the election of two members
from Asian States, one    for a term beginning on the date of
election and expiring on 31 December 1978 and one for a
Membership in 1978    Term expires
and 1979'                           on 31 December
Algeria           1981
Argentina           1981
Austria           1981
Belgium        1981
Benin           1981
Brazil        1979
Canada           1981
Colombia           1981
Czechoslovakia        1979
Dominican Republic       1979
Ecuador           1981
Egypt        1981
Membership in 1977
Dominican Republic
term beginning on the    date of election and expiring on 31
December 1979.
Membership in 1977
German Democratic
Republic Germany, Federal
Republic of Guatemala Guinea Honduras Hungary India Iran Italy
Ivory Coast Japan Jordan Kenya Liberia Madagascar Malaysia Mexico Netherlands Nigeria Norway Pakistan Peru Senegal Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Trinidad and
Tobago Tunisia Uganda Ukrainian Soviet
Socialist Republic Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics United Kingdom of
Great Britain and
Northern Ireland United States of
America Venezuela Yugoslavia Zaire
Membership in 1978 and 1979
German Democratic
Germany,     Federal
Republic of    
Sri Lanka     
Trinidad and Tobago
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
United Kingdom of
Great Britain and
Northern Ireland.
United Republic of
United    States     of
Kenneth S. Julien (Trinidad and Tobago)
Naji Abdul Kadir (Iraq)
Leszek Kasprzyk (Poland)
Alexander Keynan (Israel)
Mohamed Liassine (Algeria)
M. G. K. Menon (India)
Takashi Mukaibo (Japan)
Mukendi Mbuyi Tshingoma (Zaire)
Tiberiu Muresan (Romania)
Marcel Roche (Venezuela)
Hassan Saab (Lebanon)
K. M. Sape (Ghana)
Victor Luis Urquidi (Mexico)
Mohammed Yeganeh (Iran)
Members appointed by the Economic and Social Councils on the nomination of the Secretary-General, for a three-year term ending on 31 December 1977
Chedly Ayari (Tunisia)
H. C. Boss (Netherlands)
Ester Bose up (Denmark)
Neural Islam (Bangladesh)
Saab Jaroudi (Lebanon)
Paul Kaya (Congo)
V. N. Kirichenko (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
Janos Kornai (Hungary)
Julio A. Lacarte (Uruguay)
John P. Lewis (United States of America)
Alister Mclntyre (Grenada)
J. H. Mensah (Ghana)
Saburo Okita (Japan)
H. M. A. Onitri (Nigeria)
Jozef Pajestka (Poland)
Giuseppe Parenti (Italy)
K. N. Raj (India)
Jean Ripert (France)
Germanico Salgado (Ecuador)
Leopoldo Solis (Mexico)
Widjojo Nitisastro (Indonesia)
g One vacancy remains unfilled and two vacancies have occurred as a result of the resignation of Mr. Y. Z. Kyesimira (Uganda) and Mr. Ian M. D. Little (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).
Members appointed by the Economic and Social Council, on the recommendation of the Secretary-General, for a four-year term ending on 31 December 1978
Tolani Asuni (Nigeria)
Nils Christie (Norway)
Mustafa El-Augi (Lebanon)
Marcel Ette Bogui (Ivory Coast)
Sergio Garcia Ramirez (Mexico)
Giuseppe di Gennaro (Italy)
Said Hekmat (Iran)
Wojciech Michalski (Poland)
Jorge Arturo Montero Castro (Costa Rica)
Sir Arthur Peterson, K.C.B., M.V.O.  (United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Simone Andree Rozes (France)" Ramananda Prasad Singh (Nepal) Richard W. Velde (United States of America) Boris Alekseevich  Viktorov  (Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics) Yip Yat-Hoong (Malaysia)
  Appointed by the Council at the 2042nd meeting, on 13 January 1977 to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Maurice Aydalot (France), who had resigned.
Term expires
Membership in 1977    Membership II 197S    on 31 December
Algeria                                 Algeria           1978
Argentina                             Argei ana           1980
Australia                              Benin        1980
Bangladesh                           Brazil           1979
Brazil                                   Canada           1978
Bulgaria                               Colombia           1980
Canada                                Cuba          1979
Colombia                             France        1980
Cuba                                    Gabon         1978
Democratic Yemen    German Democratic
Ecuador                                   Republic           1980
France    Germany,     Federal
Gabon                                     Republic of        1980
German Democratic           Ghana         1980
Republic                          India          1978
Germany, Federal               Indonesia        1979
Republic of                     Iran          1978
Guinea                                 Iraq         1978
India                                    Italy        1978
Indonesia                              Ivory Coast        1978
Iran                                      Jamaica        1978
Iraq                                      Japan           1980
Italy                                     Kenya          1979
Ivory Coast                          Kuwait           1979
Jamaica                                Madagascar           1979
Japan                                   Mexico           1979
Kenya                                  Netherlands           1979
Kuwait                                 Nigeria           1978
Madagascar                         Pakistan        1978
Mexico                                   Panama        1979
Netherlands                           Peru            1978
Nigeria                                 Romania         1980
Pakistan                               Spain         1978
Panama                                Surinam           1980
Peru                                     Sweden           1979
Philippines                           Switzerland         1980
Sierra Leone                        Thailand          1979
Spain                                    Tunisia           1980
Sweden                                 Uganda          1979
Thailand    Ukrainian Soviet So-
Tunisia    cialist Republic   .    1978
Uganda    Union of Soviet So-
Ukrainian Soviet    cialist Republics     1979
Socialist Republic    United Kingdom of
Union of Soviet    Great Britain and
Socialist Republics Northern Ireland.    1979
United Kingdom of       *     United     States     of
Great Britain and               America           1979
Northern Ireland            Venezuela         1978
United States of                   Yugoslavia           1978
America                          Zaire           1979
Venezuela                              Zambia           1980
j At the 2055th meeting, on 11 May 1977, the Council postponed until a later session the election of three members from Asian States for a three-year term beginning on 1 January 1978.
C.    Functional commissions and sub-commissions
Membership In 1978    Term expires
Membership In 1977    and 1979    on 31 December
Argentina    Argentina           1979
Brazil    Brazil           1980
Canada    Canada           1981
Czechoslovakia    Czechoslovakia        1979
France    Ethiopia           1981
Gabon    France           1980
Ghana    Ghana         1979
India    India           1979
Membership In 1978    Term expires
Membership In 1977                      and 1979                         on    31 December
Iraq                                      Iraq          1979
Ireland                                Ireland           1979
Japan                                  Jamaica           1981
Kenya                                 Japan        1980
Malaysia                             Kenya          1979
New Zealand                        Malaysia          1980
Panama                                Panama        1980
Romania                               Romania         1980
Sierra Leone                        Spain         1981
Sweden                                 Sweden           1980
Tunisia                                  Tunisia           1981
Ukrainian Soviet                  Ukrainian Soviet So-
Socialist Republic               cialist Republic  .    1979
Union of Soviet                   Union of Soviet So-
Socialist Republics              cialist Republics .    1981
United Kingdom of             United Kingdom of
Great Britain and               Great Britain and
Northern Ireland                 Northern Ireland.    1980
United States of                  United    States     of
America                               America           1981
J At the 2055th meeting, on 11 May 1977, the Council postponed until a later session the election of one member
from African States for a four-year term beginning    on 1 Janu
any 1978.
Membership In 1978    Term expires
Membership In 1977                      and 1979                          on 31 December
Brazil                                    Barbados        1981
Dominican Republic           Brazil           1980
Ecuador                                Dominican Republic    1980
Finland                               Egypt        1981
France                                  Finland           1979
Ghana                                   France        1979
Hungary                               Ghana         1979
India                                     Hungary           1980
Indonesia                              India           1981
japan                                    Indonesia           1979
Mauritania                            Japan        1981
Mexico                                 Malawi           1981
Netherlands                          Mexico           1979
Norway                                Netherlands        1980
Panama                                Norway         1980
Philippines                            Panama        1981
Rwanda                                Philippines           1979
Sierra Leone                       Rwanda           1980
Spain                                     Sierra Leone           1979
Thahand                               Spain         1980
Tunisia                                 Thailand          1980
Uganda                                 Uganda          1979
Ukrainian Soviet                  Ukrainian Soviet So-
Socialist Republic               cialist Republic.    1979
Union of Soviet                   Union of Soviet So-
Socialist Republics              cialist Republics .    1981
United Kingdom of             United Kingdom of
Great Britain and               Great Britain and
Northern Ireland                Northern Ireland.    1981
United States of                  United    States     of
America                               America           1981
Zaire                                     Zaire           1980
Term expires
Membership In 1977 and 1978    on 31 December
Chile           1980
Costa   Rica           1978
Cyprus        1978
Denmark         1980
Dominican Republic          1979
Ecuador        1980
Egypt         1978
Term expires
Membership in 1977 and 1978    on 31 December
Finland           1978
France         1979
Gabon      '        1978
Grenada           1979
Guinea        J980
Hungary           1979
Indonesia    :::::::::::::::::::    1979
Iraq        1980
Japan         1978
Lesotho           1979
Madagascar            1980
Mali            1978
Mexico            1978
Mongolia        1979
Netherlands        1979
Philippines           1980
Poland         1980
Romania           1978
Sierra Leone         1979
Turkey           1980
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics         1979
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland            1978
United States of America        1979
Zaire           1978
Term expires
Membership In 1977    Membership in 1978         on 31 December
Austria    Australia         1980
Bulgaria    Austria           1979
Byelorussian Soviet    Brazil        1980
Socialist Republic    Bulgaria           1978
Canada    Canada          1978
Costa Rica    Colombia        1980
Cuba    Cuba          1978
Cyprus    Cyprus           1979
Ecuador    Egypt           1980
Egypt    France            1980
Germany, Federal    India          1979
Republic of    Iran          1980
India    Ivory Coast          1980
Iran    Jordan        1978
Italy    Lesotho         1978
Jordan    Libyan Arab Jama-
Lesotho                                    hiriya        1978
Libyan Arab    Nigeria           1979
Jamahiriya    Pakistan           1979
Nigeria    Panama        1979
Pakistan    Peru           1979
Panama    Poland            1980
Peru    Rwanda        1978
Rwanda    Senegal           1980
Senegal    Sweden           1979
Sweden    Syrian Arab Repub-
Syrian Arab Republic    lie           1979
Turkey    Turkey           1978
Uganda    Uganda          1979
Union of Soviet    Union of Soviet So-
Socialist Republics    cialist Republics     1979
United Kingdom of    United Kingdom of
Great Britain and    Great Britain and
Northern Ireland    Northern Ireland.    1978
United States of    United    States    of
America    America           1980
Upper Volta    Uruguay           1978
Uruguay    Yugoslavia           1980

Membership for a three-year term*
Wisam Al-Zahawi (Iraq)
Bali Ram Bhagat (India)
Abdelwahab Bouhdiba (Tunisia)
Beverly Carter, Jr. (United States of America)
Antonio Cassese (Italy)1
Aureliu Cristescu (Romania)
I. D. J. Durlong (Nigeria)
Manouchehr Ganji (Iran)
Branimir M. Jankovic (Yugoslavia)
Renu Jotidilok (Thailand)
Mohamed Ahmed Khalifa (Egypt)
Kezia Nyeri Egeria Kinyanjui (Kenya)
Antonio Martinez Baez (Mexico)
Jose Ricardo Martinez Cobo (Ecuador)
Ernesto Navarro Richardson (Nicaragua)
Erik Nettel (Austria)    
Gonzalo Ortiz Martin (Costa Rica) Turkia Ould Daddah (Mauritania) Jose Joaquin Caicedo Perdomo (Colombia) Sharifuddin Pirzada (Pakistan) Nicole Questiaux (France) Marc Schreiber (Belgium)1 Kofi Sekyiamah (Ghana) Freddie A. Short (Sierra Leone)
Sergey N. Smirnov (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) Benjamin Charles George Whitaker (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
 Elected at the 1332nd meeting of the Commission on Human Rights, on 6 March 1975.
l Elected at the 1425th meeting of the Commission on Human Rights, on 10 March 1977.
Term expires
Membership in 1977 and 1978    on 31 December
Belgium         1980
Bulgaria        1980
Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic          1978
Cuba           1979
Denmark         1979
Dominican Republic          1978
Ethiopia           1979
France         1979
Gabon          1978
German Democratic Republic         1979
Germany, Federal Republic of         1980
India        1980
Indonesia           1978
Iran           1979
Japan         1980
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya          1980
Madagascar        1980
Mexico                            1979
New Zealand          1980
Niger    s        1980
Pakistan           1979
Peru            1980
Senegal           1978
Sweden        1978
Thailand        1978
Togo           1979
Trinidad and Tobago        1980
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics          1978
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland                1978
United States of America         1978
Venezuela           1979
Zaire           1978
Membership in 1978    Term expires
Membership in 1977                      and 1979                          on 31 December
Argentina                            Algeria           1981
Australia                               Argentina           1979
Brazil                                  Australia         1981
Canada                                  Belgium           1981
Chile                                     Brazil           1981
Colombia                              Canada          1979
Egypt                                    Colombia           1979
France                                  France            1979
Germany, Federal    German Democratic
Republic of                          Republic          1981
Hungary    Germany,     Federal
India                                         Republic of        1979
Indonesia                              Hungary        1979
Iran                                       India           1979
Italy                                      Indonesia           1981
Jamaica                                 Iran          1981
Japan                                    Italy           1979
Kenya                                 Japan        1981
Madagascar                          Kenya          1979
Mexico                                  Madagascar           1979
Morocco                               Mexico           1981
Pakistan                                Pakistan           1979
Romania                               Panama        1981
Swedan                                  Sweden           1979
Thailand                               Thailand         1979
Thailand                               Togo           1981
Togo                                     Tunisia           1981
Turkey                                Turky           1981
Union of Soviet United of Soviet of.
Socialist Republics              cialist Republics     1981
United Kingdom of    United Kingdom of
Great Britain and    Great Britain and
Northern Ireland Northern Ireland.    1981
United States of America     United    States    of
Yugoslavia                                America           1979
Yugoslavia           1979
Afghanistan: Mohammad Yahya Maaroofim Iran: Behrouz Shahandehn Pakistan: Sahibzada Raoof Alio Sweden: Sten Stromholmn Turkey: Ercument Yavuzalp"
"Confirmed by the Council at its 1889th meeting, on 9 January 1974.
 Confirmed by the Council at its 2042nd meeting, on 13 January 1977.
o Confirmed by the Council at its 1983rd meeting, on 15 January 1976.
D.    Regional commissions
Albania    Greece
Austria    Hungary
Belgium    Iceland
Bulgaria    Ireland
Byelorussian Soviet    Italy
Socialist Republic    Luxembourg
Canada    Malta
Cyprus    Netherlands
Czechoslovakia    Norway
Denmark    Poland
Finland    Portugal
France    Romania
German Democratic Republic     Spain
Germany, Federal Republic of    Sweden

Anguiila, St. Lucia and St. Vincent snd the Territory of
Montserrat (collective as a single member)
The Federal Republic of Germany and Switzerland participate in a consultative capacity in the work of the Commission by virtue of Council resolutions 632 (XXII) of 19 December 1956 and 861 (XXXII) of 21 December 1961, respectively.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United States of America
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist
Republic Union of Soviet Socialist
Non-member participating countries
San Marino, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Holy See participate in the work of the Commission, in accordance with decisions K (XXX) of 15 April 1975, M (XXXI) of 30 March 1976 and N (XXXI) of 5 April 1976 of the Commission, respectively.
Democratic Kampuchea
Lao People's Democratic
Republic Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Nauru Nepal
New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Republic of Korea
Socialist Republic of
Viet Nam Sri Lanka Thailand Tonga Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern
Ireland United States of America Western Samoa
Cape Verde
Central African Empire
Equatorial Guinea
Ivory Coast
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Sao Tome and Principe
Sierra Leone
South AfricaP
United Republic of Cameroon
United Republic of Tanzania
Upper Volta


Associate members
Solomon Islands
Trust Territory of the Pacific
Islands Tuvalu
Cook Islands Fiji
Gilbert Islands Hong Kong
Switzerland participates in a consultative capacity in the work of the Commission by virtue of Council resolution 860 (XXXII) of 21 December 1961.
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Trinidad and Tobago
United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern
Ireland United States of America Uruguay Venezuela
Associate members
The Associated States of Antigua, Dominica, St. Kitts-Nevis-
P The Council decided by resolution 974 D IV (XXXVI) of 30 July 1963 that the Republic of South Africa should not take part in the work of the Commission until the Council, on the recommendation of the Commission, should find that conditions for constructive co-operation had been restored by a change in its racial policy.
Associate members
The Non-Self-Governing Territories in Africa (including African islands)
States   responsible   for   international   relations   of  Non-Self-Governing Territories in Africa (including African islands)*
Switzerland participates in a consultative capacity _ in the work of the Commission by virtue of Council resolution 925 (XXXIV) of 6 July 1962.
* France and the United Kingdom attended the thirteenth session of the Economic Commission for Africa (February-March 1977) in the capacity of associate members.
Democratic Yemen
Saudi Arabia Syrian Arab Republic United Arab Emirates Yemen
Palestine Liberation Organization

Members elected by
the Economic and      Term expires
Social Council        on 31 December
Term expires
Membership In 1978    on 31 December
Argentina           1980
Australia        1979
Austria           1978
Belgium           1979
Brazil           1979
Burundi           1979
1979 1979
E.    Other related bodies
Membership until    Membership from             Term expires
31 July 1977    1 August 1977    on 31 July
Benin    Afghanistan           1980
Bolivia    Barbados        1980
Brazil    Benin        1978
Bulgaria    Bolivia           1978
Canada    Brazil        1979
Colombia    Bulgaria           1978
Cuba    Canada          1980
Finland    Chile          1980
France    France           1979
Germany, Federal    Germany,     Federal
Republic of    Republic of          1980
Guinea    Guinea           1978
India    Indonesia           1978
Indonesia    Italy   ïïïïï        1979
Italy    Japan        1979
Japan    Jordan           1980
Morocco    Morocco          1979
Netherlands    Netherlands           1978
Pakistan    Norway        1980
Philippines    Pakistan           1980
Poland    Philippines           1978
Sweden    Poland           1979
Switzerland    Sweden, ïï        1978
Thailand    SwiterkmdI....  ...    1978
Uganda    Union of Soviet So-
Union of Soviet Socialist    cialist Republics    1979
Republics    United Kingdom of
Unaited kingdom of    Great Britain and
Umted Kingdom of  Northern Ireland.    1978
Great Britain and    United Republic of
Northern Ireland    Cameroon        1979
Umted Republic of    Unaited Republic of
Cameroon    Tanzania        1979
United Republic of    United    States     of
Tanzania    America   . v        1979
United States of America     Yugoslavia   ..".....    1980
Yugoslavia    Zambia           1980
Germany, Federal Republic of
Holy See
United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern
Ireland United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Venezuela Yugoslavia
Membership In 1977
Membership in 1977
Germany, Federal
Republic of Guinea Guyana India Indonesia Iran Italy Japan Kuwait Madagascar Malawi Mali Malta Mexico Netherlands Niger Norway Pakistan Peru Poland Romania Sierra Leone Sri Lanka Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Thailand Tunisia Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics United Kingdom of
Great Britain and
Northern Ireland United States of America Yemen
1979 1978 1978 1978 1979 1977 1979 1978 1977 1978 1977 1977 1977
Guatemala   ...
Mauritania   ...
Philippines   ...
United King
dom of Great
Britain and
Northern Ire
Term expires Membership in 197S        on 31 December
Canada          1979
Colombia           1978
Congo          1979
Cuba         1978
Czechoslovakia        1980
Democratic Yemen.    1980
Denmark        1978
Ecuador        1980
Finland          1980
France           1979
Germany,     Federal
Republic of        1980
Guinea           1979
India          1978
Indonesia           1980
Iran         1978
Italy        1978
Ivory Coast        1980
Japan        1978
Jordan        1980
Kenya          1980
Kuwait           1979
Madagascar        1979
Mali        1978
Mexico           1978
Netherlands           1980
Norway         1979
Pakistan           1979
Poland           1980
Romania          1979
Senegal          1980
Sierra Leone           1978
Spain         1980
Swaziland          1979
Sweden           1979
Switzerland        1980
Thailand          1979
Trinidad and Tobago    1980
Tunisia           1978
Union of Soviet So
cialist Republics .    1978
United Kingdom of
Great Britain and
Northern Ireland.    1978
United    States    of
America           1978
Yemen           1978
Members elected by   Term expires the FAO Council    on 31 December
1977 1978 1977 1978 1979 1979
Australia   ....
1979 1979 1977 1978 1978 1977
1979 1978
Germany, Fed
eral Republic
Saudi Arabia.
Trinidad and
United States of America...


Membership in 1978
At the 2055th meeting, on 11 May 1977, the Council postponed until a future session the election of one member
from Asian States for a three-year term beginning on 1 January 1978.
The five remaining seats are to be filled by the FAD Council at its session to be held in the fourth quarter of 1977.
Members elected by
the Economic and      Term expires
Social Council*       on 31 December
1979 1978 1978 1978 1980 1979 1980 1979 1978 1980 1978 1980
Guatemala   ...
United King

dom of Great
Britain and
Northern Ire
Members elected by   Term expires the FAO Council"    on 31 December
1978 1978 1979 1979
1979 1979 1978 1978
1979 1978
Germany, Fed
eral Republic
Trinidad and
Membership from 2 March 1977
Members elected by the Economic and Social Council to serve on the Board as constituted under the 1972 Protocol Amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961*
Term expires on 1 March*
Nikolai K. Barkov (Union of Soviet Socialist Re
publics)            1982
Daniel  Bovet   (Italy)            1982
Tadeusz L.  Chrusciel   (Poland)           1982
Ramon de la Fuente Muniz (Mexico)        1980
Helmut Ehrhardt (Federal Republic of Germany).    1980
Diego Garces-Giraldo   (Colombia)           1980
Betty C. Gough (United States of America)   ...    1982
Siikrii Kaymakcalan  (Turkey)           1982
Mohsen Kchouk (Tunisia)           1980
Paul Reuter (France)           1982
Ahmed W.  Sadek   (Egypt)           1980
Jehan S. Saleh (Iran)           1982
Tsutomu   Shimomura   (Japan)            1980
"See E/SR.2002 and 2003.
'The term is five years. However, pursuant to the transitional provisions of article 20 of the 1972 Protocol, the Council, at its 2003rd meeting, on 13 May 1976, determined by drawing lots that the terms of six members shall expire at the end of three years and the terms of the other seven members shall expire at the end of five years.
Dates (1978)
3-13 January
New York
9-19 January    Geneva-
9-27 January    Geneva
9-27 January    Geneva
10-13 January    New York
10-16 January    New York
12 or 13 January      New York (1 day)
To be determined     New York
16-27 January    New York
16-27 January    Geneva
Economic and Social Council programme
Commission on Human RightsóAd Hoc Working Group on the Situation of Human Rights in Chile (Council decision 233   (LXII))
Economic and Social Coun-cilóorganizational session for 1978 (Council resolution 1949 (LVIII), an-
. nex)
Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on the Social De-velopment Sector within the United Nations (Council resolution 2079 (LXII)) a
Committee on Non Governmental Organizations (Council decision 227 (LXII))
Commission on Human RightsóAd Hoc Working Group of Experts established under Commission resolution 2 (XXIII) (Council resolution 2082 (LXII))
Meetings of related bodies
United Nations Special Fund Board of Governors (second session)
UNCTADóTechnical Com-mittee of the Joint Advisory Group on the International Trade Centre UNCTAD/GATT (seventh session)
Human   Rights   Committee (third session)
Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (third session)
States Parties to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
Conferences and meetings
of governing bodies of
specialized agencies and IAEA
* Column A of the calendar gives particulars of the Economic and Social Council programme, as approved by Council
decision 281 (LXIII) of 4 August 1977, and indicates the legislative authority. Columns B and C indicate, respectively, the
meetings of related bodies concerned with economic, social and human rights questions, and the meetings of the governing
bodies of specialized agencies and IAEA and certain meetings convened under the auspices of these organizations. The dates
of a number of these meetings are tentative and subject to change by the governing bodies concerned. Meetings of groups of
experts, seminars and the like convened by the Secretary-General in the context of the programme of work entrusted to him
are not mentioned in the calendar.    him
a By decision 273 (LXIII) the Council decided that its resolution 2079 (LXII) should not be put into effect until such
time as the Council has reviewed its implications at its organizational session for 1978 in the light of the outcome of the
work on the restructuring: of the economic and social sectors of the United Nations system. The Ad Hoc Working Group
was originally scheduled for 16-20 January 1978.    g Group
Economic and Social Council    Meetings of related bodies    Conferences and meetings
Dates    programme    of governing bodies of
(1978)    Place    specialized agencies and IAEA.
January (3-5 days)
23-27 January
New York
UNDPóGoverning Council and Intergovernmental Working Group on Overhead Costsb
Second session of the Pre-paratory Committee for the United Nations Con-ference on Science and Technology for Develop-ment (second special session of CSTD) d

23-27 January
23 January-10 February
30 January-3 February
30 January-3 February
New York
New York
Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working Group on the Problem of Corrupt Practices (fourth session) (Council resolution 2041 (LXI))
Commission of the Status of Women, twenty-seventh session (Council resolutions 11 (II) and 1147 XLI))
Commission on Human Rights ó Working Group on Situations which Re-veal a Consistent Pattern of Gross Violations of Human Rights (Council decision 231 (LXII))
Commission on Human RightsóGroup of Three under the International Convention on the Sup-pression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (Commission resolution 13 (XXXIII) and article IX of the International Con-vention on the Suppres-sion and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid)


30 January-10 February    Geneva
30 January-10 February    Geneva0
January (3 days)    To be determined
January    Geneva
January (1 day)    New York
Committee on Science and Technology for Development, fourth session (Council resolutions 1621 (LI) and 1715 (LIII))
Meetings of the Executive Secretaries of the regional commissions (Council resolution 1817-(LV))
UNCTADósubsidiary organ
Pledging Conference of the World Food Programme
WHOóExecutive Board (61st session)
b In accordance with a recommendation of the Governing Council of UNDP at its twenty-fourth session, that the General Assembly should authorize the Governing Council of UNDP to hold from 1978 onwards, on an experimental basis, one annual session; and on a provisional basis, that it should hold a three-day meeting in January 1978 devoted to country programmes (see E/6013, para. 549).
c Views were expressed for and against holding these sessions in New York. The Secretariat undertook to explore the possibility of holding the sessions in New York and to inform the General Assembly of the results of the inquiry.
d The name "Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development" is used when the Committee on Science and Technology for Development is acting in its role as the preparatory body for the Conference. During the preparatory period for the Conference, therefore, the sessions of the Preparatory Committee correspond to the special sessions of the Committee on Science and Technology for Development, and the scheduling of the sessions is decided upon by the Economic and Social Council when considering its calendar of meetings.
Dates (1978)
Economic and Social Council programme
Meetings of related bodies
Conferences and meetings
of governing bodies of
speclallted agenctes and IAEA

New York
6-17 February
6 February-10 March
13-23 February       New York
13-24 February        Geneva
Commission on Transnational CorporationsóIn-tergovernmental Working Group on a Code of Conduct for Transnational Cor-porations (Council resolution 1913 (LVII) and Council decision 189 (LXI))
Commission on Human Rights, thirty-fourth session (Council resolution 9 (ID)
Committee on Natural Re-sources (third special session)
Commission on Narcotic Drugs, fifth special session (Council resolution 2001 (LX))

13 February-
3 March 21-24 February 27 February-
10 March
27 February-23 March
February (4 days)
6-10 March
6-10 March
6-17 March
20-31 March
20-31 March
20 March-7 April
Vienna Geneva
Montreal Addis Ababa
Geneva New York
New York
New York
Geneva New York
Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous GoodsóGroup of Rap-porteurs (twenty-first session) (Council resolution 1488 (XLVIIII) and Council decision 213 (LXII))
ECAóExecutive Committee (Council   resolution   671 * (XXV))
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Develop-mentóAd Hoc Working Group I (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI))
Committee for Development Planning, fourteenth session (Council resolutions 1035 (XXXVII) and 1625 (LI))
Commission on Transna-tional CorporationsóIn-tergovernmental Working Group on a Code of Conduct for Transna-tional Corporations (Council resolution 1913 (LVII) and Council decision 189 (LXI))
UNCTADóJoint Advisory Group on the International Trade Centre, UNCTAD/GATT (elev-enth session)
International Narcotics Control Board
Committee on the Elimina-tion of Racial Discrimina-tion (seventeenth session)
ILOóGoverning Body
(205th session) IAEAóBoard of Governors
ICAOóCouncil (93rd ses-sion)
The third special session of the Committee is to be preceded by regional meetings. The dates of the session will be reviewed at the Council's organizational session for 1978.
Dates (1978)
Economic and Social Council programme
Meetings of related bodies
Conferences and meetings
of governing bodies of
specialized agencies and IAEA

27 March-7 April
Buenos Aires
United Nations Conference on Technical Co-operation among Developing Coun-tries

First quarter
3-14 April
To be determined
New York
ECLAóCommittee of High-Level Government Experts on Industrialization (Com-mission resolution 310 (XIV))
Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Working Group on the Problem of Corrupt Practices (fifth session) (Council resolution 2041 (LXI))

9-25 May
Governing Council of UNEP (sixth session)

March (10 days)    To be
determined    ESCAP (thirty-fourth session) (Council resolutions 37 (IV), 69 (V), 414 C.I (XIII) and 723 B.II (XXV in))
March/April (31/2 weeks)    London    ACC and its Preparatory Committee (Council reso-lution 13 (III))
Spring    Rome    
11-22 April    Geneva    ECE (thirty-third session) (Council resolution 36 (IV))
11 April-12 May    New York    Economic and Social Council (sixty-fourth session) (Council resolution 1949 (LVIII), annex)
17-21 April    To be determined    ECWA (fifth session) (Council resolution 1818 (LV))
17 April-12 May    Geneva    
25 April (5-6 weeks)    Paris    
April (2 weeks)    Vienna    
April/May (2-3 weeks)
April/May    Geneva Vienna    
8 May-16 June    New York    CPC (eighteenth session) (Council resolutions 2008 (LX)   and 2019  (LXI))
11-26 May    Geneva    
15-26 May    New York    
15-26 May    New York    Commission    on    Transna-
tional Corporations fourth session) (Economic and Social Council resolution 1913  (LVII))
Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (fifth session)
United Nations Conference on an International Code of Conduct on Transfer of Technology
UNIDOóPermanent Committee of the Industrial Development Board (elev-enth session)
UNIDOó-Industrial Development Board (twelfth session)
International Narcotics Control Board
UNICEFóExecutive Board, Committee on Administration and Finance, and Programme Committee
UNESCOóExecutive Board (104th session)
ITUóInternational Radio Consultative Committee Plenary Assembly
Dates (1978)    Place    A
Economic and Social Council programme    B
Meetings of related bodies
16-26 May    Geneva                UNCTADóMain Commit-tee
29 May-3 June    Geneva                
29 May-9 June    Geneva                UNCTADóMain Commit-tee
May (1 week)    Rome                World Food Council (pre-paratory meetings for the fourth session)
May    Berne                
(3 weeks)    Geneva                
(1 week)    London                
May-June    Geneva                
5-16 June    New York    Committee  on  Crime  Prevention and Control (fifth session) (General Assembly   resolution   415   (V) and    Council    resolution 1584 (L))    
Vienna Geneva
New York
5-30 June
6-9 June
7 June (3 weeks)
14-30 June 19-30 June
Preparatory Committee for the World Conference of the United Nations Dec-ade for Women, 1980 (Council resolution 2062 (LXII))
Conferences and meetings
of governing bodies of
specialized agencies and IAEA
JJLOóGoverning Body (206th session)
UPUóExecutive Council
WHOóWorld Health Assembly (31st session) and Executive Board (62nd session)
IMCOóCouncil (40th session)
WMOóExecutive Committee (30th session)
ICAOóCouncil (94th session)
IAEAóBoard of Governors
ILOóGeneral Conference
IMCOóConference on Search and Rescue


26-30 June    Vienna      r
26 June-7 July    Geneva         
27-30 June    Geneva
June (4 weeks)    To be
June (4 weeks)    To be
June (1 week)
To be
Meetings of the Executive Secretaries of the regional commissions (Council resolution 1817 (LV))
Council of the United Nations University (tenth session)
UNCTADóMain Committee
UNDPóGoverning Council twenty-fifth session)g
UNDPóGoverning Council Budgetary and Finance Committee; Committee on Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries and Intergovernmental Working Group on Overhead Costs
World Food Council (fourth session)
 The Governins Council of UNDP at its twenty-fourth session recommended that the venue of the session of the Council in 1978 be if possible, New York and then alternately Geneva and New York unless the Council decides to accept the invitation of a development country offering to host the Council's session (see subpara. (f) of the decision contemned in para. 549 of document E/6013).
8 To be held concurrently.
Dales (1978)
Economic and Social Council programme
B Meetings of related bodies
Conferences and meetings
of governing bodies of
specialized agencies and IAEA

(3 weeks)
June/July (5 days)
June/July (5 days)
June/July (5 days)
June/July (5 days)
June/July (5 days)
First/second "quarter
First/second quarter (3 days)
First/second quarter (3 days)
First/second quarter (3 days)
To be
To be
To be
To be
To be
To be
Addis Ababa
ECLAóCaribbean Develop-ment Co-operation Com-mittee (Commission reso-lution 358 (XVI))
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Develop-ment ó Regional Group of ECE Countries (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI))
Advisory Committee on the Application ï of Science and Technology to De-velopment ó Regional Group of ECA Countries (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033   (LXI))
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Develop-mentóRegional Group for ESCAP Countries (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI))
United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Developmentóregion-al meeting of experts from ECA countries (decision 1 (I) of the Preparatory Committee for the Con-ference)
United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Developmentóregion-al meeting of experts from ECE countries (decision 1 (I) of the Preparatory Committee for the Con-ference)
United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Developmentóregion-al meeting of experts from ECLA countries (decision 1 (I) of the Preparatory Committee for the Con-ference)
United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Developmentóregion-al meeting of experts from ECWA countries (decision 1 (I) of the Preparatory Committee for the Con-ference)
United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Developmentóregion-al meeting of experts from ESCAP countries (decision 1 (I) of the Preparatory Committee for the Conference)
ITUóAdministrative Council (33rd session)
Date (1978)
Economic and Social Council programme
Meetings of related bodies
Conferences and meet
of governing bodies
specialized agencies and

First/second quarter (3 days)
First/second quarter (3 days)
Second quarter
3-4 July
To be  determined
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Develop-mentóRegional Group for ECLA Countries (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI))
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Develop-mentóRegional Group for ECWA Countries (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI))
ECLAóCommittee of High-Level Government Experts on Human Settle-ments (Commission reso-lution 310 (XIV))
Joint Meetings of OPC and ACC (Council resolutions 1090 G (XXXIX), 1171 (XLI), 1487 (XLVIII) and 2008 (LX))

5 July-    Geneva    Economic and Social Council
4 August        (sixty-fifth   session) (Council resolution  1949 (LVIII), annex)
10-28 July    New York    
31 July-    Geneva    Commission    on     Human
3 August        RightsóAd   Hoc   Work-ing Group of Experts es-tablished under Commission resolution 2 (XXIII) (Council resolution 2082 (LXII))
31 July-    Geneva    Advisory Committee on the
11 August        Application of Science and Technology for Development (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI))
31 July-    New York    
18 August        
7-11 August    Geneva    Committee   of  Experts  on
the Transport of Dan-gerous GoodsóGroup of Reporters (twenty-sec-ond session) (Council resolution 1488 (XLVIII) and Council decision 213 (LXII))
Human   Rights   Committee (fourth session)
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (eighteenth session)

7-18 August
Commission on Human Rights ó Sub-Commission on Prevention of Dis-crimination and Protection of Minorities ó Working Group on Communications (Council resolution 1503 (XLVIII))
(1978)    Place
Economic and Social Council programme
Meetings of related bodies
Conferences and meetings
of governing bodies of
specialized agencies and IAEA

14-18 August    Geneva
Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous GoodsóGroup of Experts on Explosives (eighteenth session) (Council resolution 1488 (XLVIII) and decision 213  (LXII))

14-25 August
16-18 August
21-25 August
21 August-8 September
Geneva New York or elsewhere
New York
Commission on Human Rights ó Sub-Commission on Prevention of Dis-crimination and Protection of MinoritiesóGroup of Five on Slavery (Council decision 16 (LVI))
Intergovernmental Oceano-graphic Commission ó Working Group (Council resolution  1893   (LVII))
Commission on Human Rights ó Sub-Commission on Prevention of Dis-crimination and Protection of Minorities, thirty-first session (Council resolution 9 (II))
World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discriminationh

29 August-    Geneva
15 September
4-8 September    Geneva
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to DevelopmentóAd Hoc Working Group III (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI))
UNCTADóTrade and De-velopment Board (eight-eenth session, first part)

5-15 September        New York
Third session of the Prepa-ratory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development (third special session of CSTD) d,

6-12 September
15 September
Alma Ata (USSR)
New York
States Parties to the Cove-nant on Civil and Political Rights
WHOóInternational Conference on Primary Health Care

15-25 September    Vienna
Mid-September    Paris
(3 weeks)
25-29 September    Washington
25 September-    Geneva
2 October
IAEAóBoard of Governors and General Conference
UNESCOóExecutive Board (105th session)
Board of Governors
WTPOóGoverning Bodies
h The Council, in resolution 2057 (LXII), recommended to the General Assembly that the World Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination be held in Geneva or New York or any other place which may be suggested by and accepted from any Government that may subsequently offer to act as host to it. It also recommended that the Conference be held from 14 to 25 August 1978, the dates being subject to adjustment if an offer is received from a Government to act as host to the Conference.
Dates (1978)
Economic and Social Council programme
B Meetings of related bodies
Conferences and meetings
of governing bodies of
specialized agencies and IAEA.

Third quarter (5 days)
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Develop-mentóAd Hoc Working Group II (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI))

Autumn (2 weeks)    Rome
9-20 October    Geneva
9-October-3 November    Geneva
23 October-3 November    Geneva
October (3 weeks)    New York
October (1 day)    New York
October (10 days)    Geneva
October (1 week)    London
October (4 days)    Addis Ababa
October/ November (Few days)    New York
October/ November    Paris
6-17 November    Geneva
8 November-1 December (4 weeks)    London
13 November-20 December    Montreal
20 November-1 December    Geneva
ACC and its Preparatory Committee (Council resolution 13 (III))
ECAóExecutive Committee (Council resolution 671 (XXV))
Economic and Social Council    (resumed    sixty-fifth session)   (Council resolution   1949   (LVIII),   annex)
Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (tenth session) (Council resolution 1488 (XLVIII) and Council decision 213 (LXII))
Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes sixth session)
UNCTADóMain Committee
International Narcotics Control Board
UNCTADóSubsidiary organ
UNDP/UNCDF ó Pledging Conference
UNHCRóExecutive   Committee
IMCOóCouncil   (41st session)
UNESCOóGeneral Conference (twentieth session)
ILOóGoverning Body (207th session)
IMCOóConference on Training
ICAOóCouncil   (95th session)


November (1 day)    New York
November (1day)    New York
November (2 weeks)    Rome
November/ December (1 week)    Vienna
4-8 December    Tokyo
UN IDOóPledging   Confer-ence
UNICEFóPledging Confer-
UNIDOóPermanent Com
mittee of the Industrial
Development    Board
(Twelfth session)
Council of the United Nations University (eleventh session)
FAO Council (74th session)
Economic and Social Council    Meetings of related bodies    Conferences and meetings
Dates    programme    of governing bodies of
(1978)    Place    specialized agencies and IAEA

To be    Geneva    
(4 weeks)        
To be    A capital in    Commission    on    Narcotic
determined    the region    DrugsóFifth meeting of Operational Heads of National Narcotics Law Enforcement Agencies, Far East region (Council resolution 1845 (LVI))
To be    A capital in    Commission    on    Narcotic
determined    the region    Drugs ó Sub-Commission on Illicit Drug Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and Middle East (Council resolution 1776 (LIV))
To be    New York    Committee for Development
determined        PlanningóWorking Group I (Council resolutions 1035 (XXXVII) and 1625 (LI))
To be    Geneva    Committee for Development
determined        PlanningóWorking Group II (Council resolutions 1035 (XXXVII) and 1625 (LI))
To be    New York    Committee for Development
determined        PlanningóWorking Group III (Council resolutions 1035 (XXXVII) and 1625 (LI))
To be    To be    
determined    determined    

To be determined (4 weeks)    New York or Geneva
As required up to 40 weeks    Geneva
As required (1 week)    Geneva
Dates not yet specified    
To be determined    To be
United Nations Conference on a Convention on International Multimodal Transport
United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for DevelopmentóMeeting of Experts on Science and Technology and the Future
Conference of Plenipotentiaries to Conclude a Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea
UNCTAD ó Commodity meetings, (Integrated Programme and other commodity conferences)
UNCTADósubsidiary organ
Board of Governors of the United Nations Special Fund for Land-locked Developing Countries
WIPOóDiplomatic Conference for the Revision of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
Dates (1979)
Economic and Social Council programme
Meetings of related bodies
Conferences and meetings
of governing bodies of
specialized agencies and IAEA

8-19 January

8-26 January    Geneva    
9-12 January    New York    Economic and Social Councilóorganizational session for 1979 (Council resolution   1949   (LVIII),   annex)
9-19 January    Geneva     Commission     on     Human RightsóAd   Hoc   Working Group of Experts established under Commis-sion resolution 2 (XXIII) (Council     decision     78 (LVIII) and Council resolution 2082 (LXII))
15-26 January    New York    Statistical Commission (twentieth    session)    (Council resolutions 8 (I), 8 (II) and 1566 (L))
January (3-5 days)    New York    
15 January-2 February
20 February-9 March    Vienna or New York    Commission for Social De-velopment     (twenty-sixth session)   (Council resolutions 10 (II), 1139 (XLI) and 1147 (XLI))
22 January-2 February    Geneva    Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and
Technology to Develop-ment (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI))
New York
29 January-9 February
12 January
New York
Population Commission (twentieth session) (Council resolutions 150 (VII) and 1147 (XLI))
January (3 days)
To be
Meetings of the Executive Secretaries of the regional commissions (Council reso-lution 1817 (LV))
5-9 February
Commission on Human RightsóGroup of Three under the International Convention on the Sup-pression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (article IX of the International Covention on the Suppression and Pun-ishment of the Crime of Apartheid)
UNCTADóTechnical Committee of the Joint Advisory Group on the International Trade Centre, UNCTAD/GATT (eighth session)
Human Rights Committee (fifth session)
UNDPóGoverning Council and Intergovernmental Working Group on Overhead Costs
Board of Governors of the United Nations Special Fund
WHOóExecutive Board (63rd session)
 It is expected that the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs will be moved to Vienna late in 1978 should the Centre not move to Vienna in time, the session of the Commission will be held in New York on the dates specified!
Date (1979)
Economic and Social Council programme
Meetings of related bodies
Conferences and meetings
of governing louits of
specialized agencies and IAEA

5-9 February
Commission on Human RightsóAd Hoc Committee on Periodic Reports (Council resolution 1074C (XXXIX))

5-16 February    New York
Fourth session of the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Develop-ment (fourth special session of CSTD)*

12-23 February        Geneva
12-23 February        New York

20-23 February    Vienna
12 February-2 March    Geneva
12 February-16 March    Geneva
26 February-2 March    New York
6 February-
2 March    Geneva
26 February-30 March    Montreal
February (2 weeks)    Mexico
February (1 week)    Rabat
February (3 days)    Rabat
February (1 week)    Rabat
February or March    Berne
5-16 March    New York
Commission on Narcotic Drugs (twenty-eighth session) (Council resolution 9 (I))
Committee on Natural Resources (sixth session) (Council resolutions 1535 (XLIX) and 1621 A (LI))
Commission on Human Rights (thirty-fifth session) (Council resolution 9 (II))
Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (Council resolutions 3 (II) and 1296 (XLIV))
Second United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas (Council resolution 2048 (LXII))
ECAóTechnical Committee of Experts (Council resolution 671 (XXV))
ECAóExecutive Committee (Council resolution 671 (XXV))
ECAóConference of Ministers (fourteenth session) (Council resolution 671 (XXV))
Eighth session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (Council resolutions 715 A (XXVII) and 1314 (XLIV) and Council decision adopted at its 1854th meeting on 4 May 1973 at the fifty-fourth session)
UNCTADóJoint Advisory Group on the International Trade Centre UNCTAD/ GATT (twelfth session)
IAEAóBoard of Governors
ILOóGoverning Body (208th session)
ICAOóCouncil (96th session)
UPUóExecutive Council
 At its fifth session, the Committee on Natural Resources took note with appreciation of an offer of the Government of Turkey to act as host to the sixth session of the Committee in 1979.

Dates (1979)    Place
12-23 March    New York
26 March-13 April    New York
26 March-6 April    New York
27 March-6 April    Geneva
April (2 weeks)    Vienna
March (2 weeks)    Geneva
March/April (2 weeks)    To be determined
April/May (2 weeks)    Vienna
March/April (3 weeks)    Geneva
10 April-11 May      New York
16-20 April
23 April-4 May        Geneva
To be determined

April/May (5-6 weeks)    Paris
April/May (1 day)    Geneva
April/May    Geneva
April/May (2 weeks)    London
April/May (8-9 days)    To be determined
7 May-1 June    New York
14-25 May    New York
Economic and Social Council programme
Commission on Transnational Corporations (fifth session) (Council resolution 1913 (LVII))
Committee for Development Planning (fifteenth session) (Council resolutions 1035 (XXXVII) and 1625 (LI))
ECE (thirty-fourth session) (Council resolution 36 (IV))
ESCAP (thirty-fifth session) (Council resolutions 37 (IV), 69 (V), 414 CI (XIII) and 723 B.II (XXVIII))
ACC and its Preparatory Committee (Council resolution 13 (III))
Economic and Social Council    (sixty-sixth    session)
(Council resolution 1949
(LVIII), annex)
ECWA (sixth session) (Council resolution 1818 (LV))
ECLA (eighteenth session) (Council resolutions 106 (VI), 234 B (IX), 414 CI (XIII) and 723 C (XXVIII))
CPC (nineteenth session) (Council resolutions 2008 (LX)   and 2019 (LXI))
Meetings of related bodies
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (nineteenth session)
UNIDOóPermanent Committee of the Industrial Development Board
International Narcotics Control Board

UNIDOóIndustrial Development Board
UNCTADóTrade and De-velopment Board (tenth special session)
Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes (sixth session)
UNCTADóTrade and De-velopment Board (eighteenth session, second part)
UNICEFóExecutive Board, Committee on Administration and Finance, and Programme Committee
Conferences and meetings
of governing bodies of
specialized agencies and IAEA
UNESCOóExecutive Board (106th session)
WMOóEighth World Me-teorological Congress
IMCOóLegal Conference
Dates (1979)
Economic and Social Council programme
Meetings of related bodies
Conferences and meetings
of governing bodies of
specialized agencies and IAEA

Geneva New York
14 May-1 June        New York
28 May-2 June
To be determined
(3 weeks)
Committee on Review and Appraisal (fifth session) (Council resolution 1621C (LI))
Human   Rights   Committee (sixth session)
ILO-óGoverning Body
WHOóWorld Health As-sembly (32nd session) and Executive Board (64th ses-sion)
WMOóExecutive Committee (31st session)


May    Nairobi
May/June (2 14 weeks)    Geneva
May/June (1 week)    London
4-29 June    Montreal
6 June    Geneva
(approx. 3 weeks)    
12-15 June    Vienna
18-29 June    Geneva
25-29 J-me    Tokyo
28 June-2 July    Geneva
June    Geneva
(3 weeks)    
June    Rome
(2 weeks)    
June6 (3 weeks)    To be determined
June    Rome
2-3 July    Geneva
2-4 July
4 July-3 August
16-27 July
23-27 July
New York
Meeting of the Executive Secretaries of the regional commissions (Council resolution 1817 (LV))
Joint Meetings of CPC and ACC (Council resolutions 1090 G (XXXIX), 1171 (XLI),    1487    (XLVIII) and 2008 (LX)) Statistical     Commission ó Working Group on International   Statistical   Pro-grammes and Co-ordination   (Council   resolution 1306 (XLIV)) Economic and Social Council (sixty-seventh session) (Council resolution  1949 (LVIII), annex) Preparatory Committee for the World Conference of the United Nations Decade   for   Women,    1980 (Council resolution  2062 (LXII))
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission ó Working Group (Council resolution   1893   (LVII))
Governing Council of UNEP
International Narcotics Control Board
UNCTADóMain Committee
Council of the United Nations University (twelfth session)
UNDPóGoverning Council (twenty-sixth session) World Food Council
IMCOóCouncil (42nd session)
ICAOóCouncil   (97th session)
ILOóGeneral Conference
IAEAóBoard of Governors
ITUóAdministrative Council FAO Council (75th session)

Dates (1979)    Place
30 July-17 August    New York
July (6 days)    
6-17 August    Geneva
15-17 August
20 August-7 September
Economic and Social Council programme
Commission on Human Rights ó Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities ó Working Group on Communications (Council resolution 1503 (XLVIII))
Commission on Human Rights ó Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of MinoritiesóGroup of Five on Slavery (Council decision 16 (LVI))
Commission on Human Rights ó Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (thirty-second session) (Council resolution 9 (II))
Meetings of related bodies
Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (twentieth session)
Conferences and meetings
of governing bodtes of
specialized agencies and IAEA
FAOóWorld Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development

28 August-14 September    Geneva
August/ September (2 weeks)    To be determined
Mid September (3 weeks)    Paris
21 September-1 October    Vienna
26 September-3 October    Geneva
Autumn    Rio de Janeiro
October/ November (2 weeks)    Rome
8-19 October    Geneva
Committee on Housing, Building and Planning (eleventh session) (Council resolutions 903 C (XXXIV) and 1147 (XLI))
UNCTADóTrade and De-velopment Board (nineteenth session)
United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development
Committee   on .Food   Aid Policies and Programmes
UNESCOóExecutive Board (107th session)
IAEAóBoard of Governors General Conference
WIPOóGoverning Bodies UPUóXVJU Congress

10 October-    Geneva    
2 November        
October    New York    ACC   and   its   Preparatory
(2 1/2i weeks)        Committee (Council reso-lution 13 (III))
October    Geneva    
(10 days)        
October/    New York    
(1 day)        
10-21 November    Geneva    
12 November-    Montreal    
14 December        
International Narcotics Control Board
UNHCRóExecutive   Committee
UNDP/UNCDF/Pledging Conference
ILOóGoverning Body ICAO Council (98th session)
k Subject to review in the light of decisions of the General Assembly on the question of institutional arrangements for
international co-operation in the field of human settlements.
To be
To be

Dates (1979)    Place
November (1 day)    New York
November (1 day)    New York
November (approx. 1 week)    Rome
November (1-2 days)    Rome
November (2 weeks)    London
November (1 day)    London
November (3 weeks)    Rome
November/ December (2 weeks)    Vienna
3-7 December    To be determined
10-21 December    New York
New York
To be
To be
New York
To be
To be
determined (5 days)
To be
determined (5 days)
To be
determined (5 days)
Economic and Social Council programme
Expert Group on Tax Treaties between Developed and Developing Countries (Council resolutions 1273 (XLIII) and 1765 (LIV))
Committee for Development PlanningóWorking Group
I    (Council resolutions
1035 (XXXVII) and 1625
Committee for Development PlanningóWorking Group
II    (Council resolutions
1035 (XXXVII) and 1625
Committee for Development PlanningóWorking Group
III    (Council resolutions
1035 (XXXVII) and 1625
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to DevelopmentóAd Hoc Working Group I (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI))
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to DevelopmentóAd Hoc Working Group II (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI))
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to DevelopmentóAd Hoc Working Group III (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI))
Meetings of related bodies
UNIDOóPledging Conference
UNICEFóPledging Conference
UNIDOóPermanent Committee of the Industrial Development Board
Council of the United Nations University (thirteenth session)
Conferences and meetings
of governing bodies of
specialized agencies and IAEA
FAO Council (76th session)
FAO Council (77th session) IMCOóEleventh Assembly
IMCOóCouncil (43rd session)
FAOóConference (20th session)
Dates (1979)
To be determined (3 days)
To be determined (3 days)
To be
determined (3 days)
To be
determined (3 days)
To be determined (3 days)
To be
Addis Ababa
To be determined
A capital in the region
Economic and Social Council programme
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Develop-mentóRegional Group of ECE Countries (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI)
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Develop-mentóRegional Group for ECLA Countries (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI))
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Develop-mentóRegional Group for ESCAP Countries (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI))
Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Develop-mentóRegional Group for ECA Countries (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI))
Advisory Committee on the _ /Application of Science and Technology to Develop-mentóRegional Group for ECWA Countries (Council resolutions 980 A (XXXVI), 1621 B (LI) and 2033 (LXI))
Commission on Narcotic DrugsóSixth Meeting of Operational Heads of Na-tional Narcotics Law En-forcement Agencies, Far East Region (Council resolution 1845 (LVI))
Meetings of related bodies
Conferences and meetings
of governing bodies of
specialized agencies and IAEA

To be
determined (4 weeks)
To be determined
To be
determined (1 week)
To be
To be determined1
To be determined
A capital in the region
Commission on Narcotic Drugs ó Sub-Commission on Illicit Drug Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and Middle East (Council resolution 1776 (LIV))
UNCTADóUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Development   (fifth
UNCTADósubsidiary organ
Board of Governors
to the Conference to hold its fifth session at Manila. The budget implications of that session will be prepared in accord~nce
with General Assembly resolution 31/140.g    implications of that session will be prepared in accordance
Dates (1979)
Economic and Social Council programme
Meetings of related bodies
Conferences and meetings
of governing bodies of
specialized agencies and IAEA


To be
determined    To be determined    
2 weeks    Geneva    Committee of Experts on the Transport  of  Dangerous GoodsóGroup   of  Reporters (twenty-third session) (Council resolution 2050 (LXII))
If required (2 weeks)    Geneva    
If required (2 weeks)    Geneva    
If required (2 weeks)    Geneva    
If required (1 week)    Geneva    
Board of Governors of the United Nations Special Fund for Land-locked Developing Countries
TJNCTADóMain    Commit
UNCTADóMain    Commit
UNCTADóMain    Commit
UNCTADósubsidiary organ
Annex IV
Participation on a continuing basis
Organizations accorded permanent observer status   by   the General Assembly
Commonwealth   Secretariat   (General   Assembly   resolution
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (General Assembly resolution 3209 (XXIX)-)
European Economic Community (General Assembly resolution 3208 (XXIX))
Islamic   Conference    (General   Assembly   resolution   3369 (XXX))
League of Arab States (General Assembly resolution 477 (V))
Organization of African Unity (General Assembly resolution 2011 (XX))
a The text of rule 79, entitled "Participation of other intergovernmental organizations", reads: "Representatives of in-tergovernmental organizations accorded permanent observer status by the General Assembly and of other intergovernmental organizations designated on an ad hoc or a continuing basis by the Council on the recommendation of the Bureau, may participate, without the right to vote, in the deliberations of the Council on questions within the scope of the activities of the organizations."
Organization of American States (General Assembly resolution 253 (in))
Organizations designated under Council decision 109 (LIX) Council of Arab Economic Unity Council of Europe
International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Regional Co-operation for Development World Tourism Organization
Participation on an ad hoc basis Organizations designated under Council decision 109 (LIX) International Civil Defense Organization International Secretariat for Volunteer Service Organization designated under decision 190 (LXI) Agency de cooperation culturally et technique Organization designated under decision 239 (LXI!) Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences
Annex V
In accordance with the provisions of Articles 57 and 63 of the Charter of the United Nations and of section 1 of article 8 of the Agreement Establishing the International Fund for Agricultural Development (hereinafter called the "Agreement"), the United Nations and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (hereinafter called the "Fund") agree as follows:
Article I
The United Nations recognizes the Fund as a specialized agency, operating in accordance with the Agreement concluded among its member States with the objective of mobilizing additional resources to be made available on concessional terms for agricultural development in developing member States.
1.    Representatives of the United Nations shall be:
(a)    Entitled to attend, and to participate without vote in, meetings of the Governing Council of the Fund;
(b)    Invited to participate without vote in broad policymaking meetings of other organs and committees of the Fund.
2.    Representatives of the Fund shall be:
(a)    Entitled to attend meetings of the General Assembly of the United Nations for purposes of consultations;
(b)    Entitled to attend, and to participate without vote in, meetings of the Main Committees and other organs of the General Assembly, in particular the World Food Council, as well as meetings of the Economic and Social Council and of the Trusteeship Council and of their respective subsidiary bodies dealing with matters in which the Fund has an interest.
3.    Sufficient advance notice of these meetings and their
agendas shall be given so that, in consultation, arrangements
can be made for adequate representation.
4.    Written statements presented by either organization to
the other shall be distributed by the secretariat of the latter
to the members of the appropriate bodies in accordance with
their rules of procedure.
Article III
Subject to such preliminary consultation as may be necessary, the Fund shall include in the provisional agenda of the appropriate organ of the Fund items proposed by the United Nations. Similarly, the Economic and Social Council and the World Food Council and their subsidiary bodies, as appropriate, shall include in their provisional agendas items proposed by the Fund.
Article IV
1. In view of the coordinating role and global responsibilities of the United Nations in promoting economic and social development and the need for positive and effective co-operation between the United Nations and the Fund, the Fund agrees to co-operate closely with the United Nations in making co-ordination of the policies and activities of the United Nations and those of the organs and agencies within the United Nations system fully effective. The Fund agrees further to participate in the work of the United Nations aimed at enhancing such co-operation and co-ordination, in particular through membership in the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination, and as appropriate, in the work of such other United Nations bodies that have been established or may be established for that purpose.
2. In its financing operations, the Fund shall exercise its own independent judgment in accordance with the Agreement, taking fully into account the over-all policy guidelines established by the United Nations in the field of economic and social, and particularly agricultural development.
1.    The Fund, having regard to the obligations of the United Nations to promote the objectives set forth in Article 55 of the Charter and the functions and powers of the United Nations and its appropriate organs, in particular to make recommendations for the co-ordination of the policies and activities of the specialized agencies, agrees to arrange for the consideration as soon as possible, by the appropriate organ of the Fund, of all formal recommendations which the United Nations may make to it.
2.    The Fund agrees to enter into consultation with the United Nations upon request with respect to such recommendations, and in due course to report to the United Nations on the action taken by the Fund to give effect to such recommendations, or on the other results of their consideration.
Article VI
1.    Subject to such arrangements as may be necessary between the United Nations and the Fund for the safeguarding of confidential material furnished to them by their members or other sources, full and prompt exchange of information and documents shall be made between the United Nations and the Fund.
2.    Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article:

(a)    The Fund agrees to transmit to the United Nations regular reports on the activities of the Fund;
(b)    To the fullest extent practicable, the Fund agrees to furnish on request to the United Nations any special reports, studies, or information;
(c)    The United Nations shall, upon request, furnish to the Fund such information as may be of special interest to the Fund.
Article VII
1. The Fund recognizes the desirability of establishing close budgetary and financial co-operation in administrative matters with the United Nations, in order that the administrative operations of the United Nations and the agencies within the United Nations system shall be carried out in the most efficient and economical manner possible, and that the maximum measure of co-ordination and uniformity with respect to these operations shall be secured.
2.    Any financial and budgetary arrangement entered into between the United Nations and the Fund shall be subject to the approval of the General Assembly of the United Nations and the Governing Council of the Fund.
3.    The Fund shall transmit its administrative budget to the United Nations so as to enable the General Assembly to (...amine it and make recommendations, in accordance with Article 17, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations.
Article VIII
1.    The United Nations and the Fund recognize the desirability, in the interest of administrative and technical uniformity and of the most efficient use of personnel and resources, of avoiding, whenever. possible, the establishment and operation of competitive or overlapping facilities and services among the United Nations and the specialized agencies.
2.    Accordingly, the United Nations and the Fund shall consult together concerning the establishment and use of common administrative and technical services and facilities, in addition to those referred to in articles IV, V, DC, X and XII of the present agreement in so far as the establishment and use of such services may from time to time be found practicable and appropriate.
3.    The consultations referred to in this article shall be utilized to establish the most equitable manner for financing any special services or assistance furnished, on request, by the Fund to the United Nations or by the United Nations to the Fund.
1.    The Fund agrees to co-operate with the International
Civil Service Commission on matters concerning the regulation and co-ordination of the conditions of service of staff.
2.    The United Nations and the Fund agree:
(a)    To consult together concerning matters of mutual interest relating to the employment of staff, with a view to securing as much uniformity in these matters as may be feasible;
(b)    To co-operate in the interchange of staff when desirable, on a temporary or permanent basis;
(c)    That the Fund may participate in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund in accordance with the Regulations of the Pension Fund.
3.    The terms and conditions on which any facilities or
services of the United Nations or the Fund in connation with
the matters referred to in this article are to be extended to
the other shall, where necessary, be the subject of subsidiary
agreements concluded for this purpose.
Article X
1.    The Fund recognizes the United Nations as the central agency for the collection, analysis, publication, standardization and improvement of statistics serving the general purposes of international organizations, without prejudice to the right of the Fund to concern itself with any statistics so far as they may be essential for its own purposes.
2.    The United Nations and the Fund agree to strive for the maximum co-operation, the elimination of all undesirable duplication between them and the most efficient use of their technical personnel in their respective processes of collection,
analysis, publication and dissemination of statistical information. They shall combine their efforts to secure the greatest possible usefulness and utilization of statistical information and to minimize the burden placed upon Governments and on other organizations from which such information may be collected.
3.    The United Nations and the Fund agree to furnish each other promptly with all appropriate non-confidential statistical information.
4.    The United Nations shall, in consultation with the Fund and other agencies within the United Nations system, continue to develop administrative instruments and procedures through which effective statistical co-operation may be secured among all these organizations.
Within the field of its competence and based upon its Agreement, the Fund shall co-operate with and render such assistance to the United Nations as the latter may request under its Charter, particularly for the accomplishment of the principles and purposes set forth in Article 55 thereof.
1.    The United Nations and the Fund shall co-operate in the provision of technical assistance for agricultural development, shall avoid undesirable duplication of activities and services relating to such technical assistance and shall take such action as may be necessary to achieve the effective coordination of their technical assistance activities, within the framework of co-ordination machinery in the field of technical assistance.
2.    Within the field of its competence, and based upon its relevant instruments, the Fund agrees to co-operate with the United Nations and its organs, as well as the agencies within the United Nations system, in promoting and facilitating the transfer of technology for food and agricultural development from developed to developing countries, the development of indigenous technology, and technical co-operation among developing countries in such a manner as to assist these countries in attaining their objectives in these fields.
1.    The Fund shall furnish any information that may be requested by the International Court of Justice pursuant to Article 34 of the Statute of the Court.
2.    The General Assembly of the United Nations authorizes the Fund to request advisory opinions of the International Court of Justice on legal questions arising within the scope of the Fund's activities, other than questions concerning the mutual relationships of the Fund and the United Nations or other specialized agencies. Such requests may be addressed to the Court by the Governing Council of the Fund, or by its Executive Board acting pursuant to an authorization by the Governing Council. The Fund shall inform the Economic and Social Council of any such request it addresses to the Court.
The Fund shall inform the Economic and Social Council of any formal agreement which the Fund shall enter into with any specialized agency, and in particular agrees to inform the Council of the nature and scope of any such agreement before it is concluded.
Article XV
The officials of the Fund shall be entitled to use the laissez-passer of the United Nations in accordance with such special arrangements as may be concluded between the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the President of the Fund.
Article XVI
The Secretary-General of the United Nations and the President of the Fund may enter into such supplementary arrangements for the implementation of the present agreement as may be found desirable.
Article XVII
The present agreement may be amended or revised by agreement between the United Nations and the Fund and any such amendment or revision shall come into force on approval by the General Assembly of the United Nations and the Governing Council of the Fund.
Article XVIII
The present agreement shall enter into force on its approval by the General Assembly of the United Nations and the Governing Council of the Fund.
Annex VI
The General Assembly of the United Nations, in its resolution 2529 (XXIV) of 5 December 1969, decided, enter alia, that an agreement should be concluded which would establish close co-operation and relationships between the United Nations and the future World Tourism Organization, define the modalities of such co-operation and relationships and recognize the decisive and central role that the World Tourism Organization is to play in the field of world tourism in co-operation with the existing machinery within the United Nations system.
Article 3, paragraph 3, of the Statutes of the World Tourism Organization provides that the World Tourism Organization, in order to establish its central role in the field of tourism, shall establish and maintain effective collaboration with the appropriate organs of the United Nations and its specialized agencies.
Therefore, the United Nations and the World Tourism Organization agree as follows:
1.    The United Nations recognizes the World Tourism Organization as being responsible for taking such action as may be appropriate under its Statutes for the accomplishment of the purposes set forth therein, with due regard to the competence and responsibilities of the United Nations and its organs and of the agencies within the United Nations system.
2.    The United Nations takes note that the World Tourism Organization, in pursuing its aims, is concerned to pay particular attention to the interests of the developing countries in the field of tourism.
Article II
The World Tourism Organization, having regard to the obligations of the United Nations to promote the objectives set forth in Article 55 of the Charter of the United Nations, agrees to arrange for the submission as soon as possible to its General Assembly or its Executive Council, as appropriate, of all formal recommendations that the United Nations may make to it and, in due course, to report to the United Nations on the action taken by it or its members in order to give effect to such recommendations or on the other results of their consideration.
Article III
1.    The United Nations and the World Tourism Organization agree Co strive for the maximum co-operation and the elimination of unnecessary duplication between them in their respective activities related to tourism.
2.    The United Nations and the World Tourism Organization agree that the activities of the World Tourism Organization and the activities in respect of or related to tourism of the United Nations and other organizations within the United Nations system shall be coordinated by the Economic and Social Council through consultations and recommendations. Intersecretariat coordination shall be ensured through the machinery of the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination, in the operation of which the World Tourism Organization shall participate in respect of matters of common  interest.
3. The World Tourism Organization will seek separate arrangements for co-operation with individual agencies within the United Nations system engaged in tourism or tourism-related activities.
Article IV
1.    The United Nations shall be invited to send representatives to attend in an observer capacity the meetings of the General Assembly and the Executive Council of the World Tourism Organization and any subsidiary bodies which may be established by the World Tourism Organization, as well as such conferences as the World Tourism Organization may convene, and to participate, with the approval of the body concerned and without the right to vote, in debates on questions of concern to the United Nations.
2.    The World Tourism Organization shall be invited to send representatives to attend in an observer capacity meetings of the Economic and Social Council or its subsidiary organs, conferences convened by it and meetings of the other United Nations bodies which deal with matters of common interest and to participate, with the approval of the body concerned and without the right to vote, in debates on questions of concern to the World Tourism Organization.
Article V
The United Nations may submit written statements to meetings of bodies of the World Tourism Organization and other meetings organized by it on matters of common interest which are relevant to the work of those bodies. The World Tourism Organization may submit written statements to the Economic and Social Council, to its subsidiary organs and to conferences convened by it, and also to the subsidiary organs of the General Assembly of the United Nations, on matters of common interest which are relevant to the work of those bodies.
Article VI
Subject to such preliminary consultations as may be necessary, the secretariat of the World Tourism Organization may include in the provisional agenda of the General Assembly and the Executive Council of the World Tourism Organization items proposed to it by the United Nations. The Secretariat of the United Nations may include in the provisional agenda of the Economic and Social Council items proposed by the World Tourism Organization. In this connation, the World Tourism Organization may make recommendations and proposals relating to international agreements to be drawn up in the field of tourism.
Article VII
Subject to such arrangements as may be necessary for the safeguarding of confidential material, a full and prompt exchange of information and documents on matters concerning tourism shall be made between the United Nations and the World Tourism Organization. The World Tourism Organization agrees to transmit to the Economic and Social Council reports on its activities and programmes.
Article VIII
1. The World Tourism Organization takes note that the United Nations is the central agency for the collection, analysis, publication, standardization and improvement of statistics on tourism as part of the statistics in respect of international travel, national accounting and other general statistical information.
2    The United Nations recognizes the World Tourism Organization as the appropriate organization for the collection, analysis, publication, standardization and improvement of statistics within the sphere of the World Tourism Organization, without prejudice to the right of the United Nations to concern itself with such statistics in so far as they may be essential for its own purposes or for the improvement of statistics throughout the world.
3    The United Nations and the World Tourism Organization agree to combine their efforts to secure the greatest Possible usefulness and utilization of such statistical information and to minimize the burden placed upon national Governments and other organizations from which the information may be collected.
The Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization may enter into such supplementary arrangements for the implementation of this Agreement as may be found desirable.
Article X
1.    This Agreement shall come into force upon its approval by the General Assembly of the United Nations and the Gen-eral Assembly of the World Tourism Organization.
2.    The Agreement may be amended or revised by agreement between the United Nations and the World Tourism Organization, and such amendment or revision shall come into force upon approval by the General Assembly of the United Nations and the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization.