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United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture : draft resolution / Australia, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Iceland, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and United States of America.

UN Document Symbol A/C.3/39/L.75
Convention Convention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Document Type Draft Resolution
Session 39th
Type Document

2 p.

Subjects Torture and Other Cruel Treatment

Extracted Text

General Assembly    
4   December   1984
Thirty-ninth session
THIRD COMMITTEE Agenda  item 12
Australia,   Bolivia, Costa Rica,  Cyprus,  Denmark,   Finland,   France, Germany,   Federal   Republic of,  Greece,   Iceland,  Mexico,   Netherlands, Norway,    Sweden   and   United   States   of  America;      draft   resolution
United Nations Voluntary  Fund  for  Victims of Torture
The  General   Assembly,
Recalling article 5 of the Universal  Declaration of  Human Rights,   which proclaims that  no one shall ha  subjected  to torture or  to cruel,   inhuman or degrading treatment or  punishment,
Recalling also the Declaration on the  Protection of all  Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other  Cruel,   inhuman or  Degrading Treatment or   Punishment,
Recalling  further   its resolution  36/151  of  16  December   1981   in which  it  noted with deep concern  that acts of torture took  place  in various countries,   recognized the need to provide assistance  to the victims of  torture  in a purely humanitarian spirit  and established  the United Nations voluntary  Fund  for  Victims of  Torture,
Convinced  that   the  struggle   to eliminate   torture   includes  providing   assistance
in a humanitarian spirit to the victims and Their family members,
Taking   note  of  the   report  of   the  Secretary-General  on  the   United  Nations voluntary Fund  for  Victims of  Torture,
1.     Expresses  its gratitude and appreciation  to those Governments, organizations and  individuals  that  have already contributed  to the  United  Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture )
2.       Calls upon all Governments,  organizations and  individuals  in a position to do so to respond   favorably  to requests   for   initial as well  as further contribution to the  Fund
84-31204     16462   (E)

English Page 2
3.    Expresses  its appreciation  to the Board of  Trustees of   the  Fund  for   the work carried out
4.    Expresses  its appreciation  to the Secretary-General for   the support give to the Board of Trustees
5.    Requests the Secretary-General  to make use of all existing  possibility s to assist  the Board of Trustees of  the fund,   inter alia,  through the  preparation, production and dissemination of  information materials,   in its efforts to make the Fund and  its humanitarian work  better known and in  its appeal   for contributions.