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UN Human Rights Treaties

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Summary record of the 64th meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 6 December 1984, New York, General Assembly, 39th session.

UN Document Symbol A/C.3/39/SR.64
Convention Convention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Document Type Summary Record
Session 39th
Type Document

4 p.

Subjects Torture and Other Cruel Treatment

Extracted Text

United Nations
Official Records'
64th meeting
held on
Thursday 6  December  1984
at 6 p.m.
New York
SUMMARY  RECORD OF THE  64th  MEETING Chairman    M  .  MADAR   (Soma lia)
Distr. GENERAL A/C.3/39/SR.64 11 December   1984

A/C.3/39/SR.64 English Page  2
The meeting was called to order at 6.50 p.m.
AGENDA  ITEM  12:     REPORT OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL   (continued)    (A/38/3, (Pacts  1  and  II),   A/39/81,   A/39/128,   A/39/168  and  Add.1  and  2,  A/39/174  and Add.1, A/39/180  and Corr.1,   A/39/185,   A/39/193,   A/39/407,   A/39/414,   A/39/443,   A/39/444, A/39/445,  A/39/446,   A/39/447,  A/39/477,  A/39/496,  A/39/568,  A/39/570,   A/39/581  and Corr.1,   A/19/590,   A/39/631,  A/39/635,   A/39/636,   A/39/694;   A/C.3/39/1,   A/C.3/39/4 and Corr.1,   A/C.3/39/9  and Corr.1   (English only);   A/C.3/39/11)   A/C.3/39/WG.1/WP.1; A/C.3/39/L.43/Rev.2,   L.54,   L.71,   L.72,   L.73,   L.74,   L.75,   L.76,   L.78,   L.61,   L.83, L.84,   L.85)
1.       Mrs.  BOCCECIAMPS DE CROVATI   (Venezuela)   introduced draft  resolution A/C.3/39/L.71 on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms  in El Salvador and expressed  the hope that the Coiunittee would  support  it.
2.    With regard  to document A/C.3/39/L.83 containing amendments proposed  to draft resolution A/C.3/39/L.43/Rev.l,  she said that  for greater clarity,   the proposed amendment to paragraph  should read "Requests all States  to refrain from any military  intrusion  in El Salvador so as to allow ...".
3.    Mrs.   BELLORINI DE PARRALES  (Nicaragua)   introduced document A/C.3/39/L.84 containing  amendments to the draft  resolution contained  in document A/C.3/39/L.71. If  no agreement could be reached on draft resolution A/C.3/39/L.43/Rev.2,   it was hoped that document A/C.3/39/L.84 could serve as the basin  for   reaching a consensus on draft resolution A/C.3/39/L.71.
4.      Mrs.   FLOKEZ  PR1DA   (Cuba)   introduced document A/C.3/39/L.85,  which contained amendments  to draft  resolution A/C.3/39/L.71.     Her  delegation  had considered it necessary  to propose  those amendments because  the  sponsors of draft resolutions A/C.3/19/L.43/Rev.2 and A/C.3/39/L.71 had not  been able to reach agreement on a compromise  text.     Furthermore,  the proposed amendments to document A/C.3/39/L.71 did not adequately reflect the situation in El Salvador and were not entirely balanced.    Her delegation was prepared to participate  in consultations aimed at reaching  agreement on the basis of  the draft  resolutions under  consideration.
5.       Lastly,  with  regard to the statement made by  the  representative of   the  fascist
junta of  Chile,   she expressed the belief  that  the Chilean people would  ultimately regain their   freedom.
6.       Mr.  MORAGA   (Chile),  speaking  in exercise of  the right of  reply,  drew the attention of   the representative of Cuba to the eloquent  statement  recently made by the Ambassador  of Chile on  the question to which she  had referred.
7.      Mr.   MONTANO  (Mexico),  speaking  in exercise of   the right of   reply,  said  that the representative of Chile had been unable to refute any of  the statements made  in the  report of  the Economic and Social Council on the protection of  human  rights  in Chile   (A/39/631).     If the so-called building of democracy  in Chile was to be done at  the cost of  the mass arrests which had occurred  since  the declaration of   the state of   siege  in that country,  Mexico could only reject tuch solutions.
A/C.3/39/SR.64 English
Page 3

8.    The CHAIRMAN invited  the Committee to decide on a number of draft resolutions
under agenda  item 12 on which no vote had been requested.
Draft  resolution A/C.3/39/L.54
9.    Mrs.  DOWNING  (Secretary of  the committee)   said that Zimbabwe and the Congo had joined the sponsors of draft resolution A/C.3/39/L.54.
10.    Pratt resolution A/C.3/39/L.54 was adopted without a vote. Draft  resolution A/C.3/39/L.72
11.    Mrs.   DOWNING  (Secretary of  the Committee)   said that Botswana and Nicaragua had joined the  sponsors of draft resolution A/C.3/39/L.72.
12.    Draft resolution A/C.3/39/L.72 was adopted without a  vote. Draft   resolution A/C.3/39/L. 73
13.    Mrs.   BELLORINI  DE PARRALES  (Nicaragua)   said that her delegation wished to join the sponsors of draft  resolution A/C.3/39/L.73.
14.    Mrs.   DOWNING  (Secretary of the Committee)   said  that the United Kingdom had also joined the sponsors of draft resolution A/C.3/39/L.73.
15.    Draft  resolution A/C.3/39/L.73 was adopted without a vote. Draft  resolution A/C.3/39/L.74
16.    Mr.   PERUGINI   (Italy)   said  that Togo,  Zambia and the Sudan had  joined  the sponsors of  draft resolution A/C.3/39/L.74.    With regard to paragraph 6 of  that draft resolution,  he wished to make  it clear  that only Governments would participate fully in  the Congress.    All other participants would have the status of observers and,   as such,  would not have the right  to vote.
17.    Mrs.   LUANGHY   (Zaire)   said  that her delegation wished to join the sponsors of A/C.3/39/L.74.

18.    Draft  resolution A/c.3/39/L.74 was adopted without a  vote-Draft  resolution A/C.3/39/L.75
19.    Mrs.   DOWNING  (Secretary of  the Committee)   said  that Kenya had  joined the sponsors  of   draft  resolution A/C.3/39/L.75.
20.    Draft  resolution A/C.3/39/L.75 was adopted without a vote.
A/C3/39/SR.64 English Page 4
Draft resolution A/C.3/39/L.76
21.    Mrs.  DOWNING   (Secretary of  the Committee)   said that Angola and Mongolia had joined the sponsors of A/C.3/39/L.76.
22.    Draft resolustion A/C.3/39/L.76 was adopted without a vote. Draft resolution A/C.3/39/L.78
23.    Draft   resolution A/C.3/39/L.78  was  adopted without  a  vote. Draft  resolution A/C.3/39/L.81
24.    Mrs.   DOWNING (Secretary of the Committee)   said that New Zealand had joined the sponsors of draft resolution A/C.3/39/L.81.
25.      Draft  resolution A/C.3/39/L.81  was  adopted without  a   vote.
26.    Mr. HOUFFANE  (Djibouti)  expressed appreciation  to the sponsors of draft resolution A/C3/39/L.42 on humanitarian assistance to refugees  in Dji***ti for their  support.
The meeting  rose at  7.30 p.m.