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UN Human Rights Treaties

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Question of involuntary or enforced disappearances.

UN Document Symbol A/RES/35/193
Convention International Convention on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance
Document Type Resolution
Session 35th
Type Document

2 p.

Subjects Disappearance of Persons

Extracted Text

General Assembly—Thirty-fifth Session creasing of resources for education and training, the efforts of the developing countries in the education and training of national personnel needed in industry, agriculture and' other economic and social sectors; 6. Expresses its thanks to the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization for the report on the right to education prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 34/170;121 7. Invites the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to include in the consultation he will be holding with Member States and specialized agencies prior to the establishment of the draft medium-term plan for 1984-1989 such points as will enable him to meet the desires expressed by the General Assembly in paragraph 3 (b) and (c) of its resolution 34/170; 8. Invites the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, in the light of resolution 34/170, and of the experience of that organization in this field, to submit to the General Assembly at its thirty-sixth session a report on the most appropriate measures to be taken by Member States, at the national and international levels, for the effective implementation of the right to education in the application of the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade. 96th plenary meeting 15 December 1980 35/192. Situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in EI Salvador The General Assembly, Guided by the principles embodied in the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,122 Conscious of its responsibility to promote and encourage respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, Noting that all Governments have an obligation to respect and promote human rights in accordance with the responsibilities they have undertaken under various international instruments, Bearing in mind resolution 19 adopted on 30 July 1980 by the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women,123 Dismayed by reports of human rights violations in El Salvador and especially by the death of thousands of persons and the climate of repression and insecurity prevailing in the country, which favors terrorism by paramilitary groups and enables it to be engaged in with impunity, Deeply shocked by the vile assassination of Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero, a prestigious personality, outstanding for his defence of the human rights of the Salvadorian people, and by the persecution of Sal-vadorian figures such as Monsignor Arturo Rivera Damas, Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of San Salvador, 121 A/35/148, annex. 122 Resolution 217 A (III). 123 See Report of the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace, Copenhagen, 14-30 July 1980 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.80.IV.3 and corrigendum), chap. I, sect. B. Gravely concerned about the unknown fate of many persons detained by the authorities, Profoundly indignant at the assassination of Mr. Enrique Alvarez Cordova, President of the Revolutionary Democratic Front of El Salvador, as well as of five other members of the Executive Committee of that Front, perpetrated on 27 November 1980 in San Salvador, Considering that the supply of arms and other military assistance will serve to aggravate the situation in that country, 1. Expresses its deep concern at the grave violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms in El Salvador; 2. Deplores the murders, disappearances and other violations of human rights reported in El Salvador and requests the Salvadorian authorities to take prompt action to curb the reprehensible activities of paramilitary groups; 3. Urges the Government of El Salvador to take the necessary steps to ensure full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in that country and to guarantee the safety of Monsignor Arturo Rivera Damas, Apostolic Administrator of the Archdiocese of San Salvador, whose life is in danger; 4. Appeals for a cessation of violence and for the establishment of full respect for human rights in El Salvador; 5. Calls upon Governments to refrain from the supply of arms and other military assistance in the current circumstances; 6. Requests the Commission on Human Rights to examine, at its thirty-seventh session, the situation of human rights in El Salvador. 96 th plenary meeting 15 December 1980 35/193. Question of involuntary or enforced disappearances The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 33/173 of 20 December 1978, entitled "Disappeared persons", Bearing in mind Commission on Human Rights resolution 20 (XXXVI) of 29 February 1980,124 Economic and Social Council resolution 1979/38 of 10 May 1979 and resolution 23 adopted on 30 July 1980 by the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women,12' Convinced of the need to take appropriate action, in consultation with the Governments concerned, to. promote the implementation of the provisions of General Assembly resolution 33/173 and other United Nations resolutions relevant to the plight of missing or disappeared persons, Expressing again its emotion at the anguish and sorrow of the families of victims of involuntary or enforced disappearances, 1. Welcomes the establishment by the Commission on Human Rights of the working group which has been asked to examine questions relevant to involuntary or enforced disappearances of persons and to submit to the Commission at its thirty-seventh session a report on its 124 See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council. 1980, Supplement No. 3 (E/1980/13 and Corr.1), chap. XXVI, sect. A. VI. Resolutions adopted on the reports of the Third Committee activities, together with its conclusions and recommendations; 2. Requests the Commission on Human Rights to continue to study this question as a matter of priority and to take any step it may deem necessary to the pursuit of its work on the question of involuntary or enforced disappearances when it considers the report to be submitted to it by the working group at its thirty-seventh session; 3. Appeals to all Governments to co-operate with the working group and the Commission on Human Rights and to enable them to perform their task effectively and in a humanitarian spirit; 4. Requests the Secretary-General to draw the concerns expressed in the present resolution to the attention of all Governments, regional and interregional organizations and specialized agencies. 96 th plenary meeting 15 December 1980 35/194. Report of the Economic and Social Council: services of the Secretariat concerned with human rights The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 34/47 of 23 November 1979, Recalling Commission on Human Rights resolution 22 (XXXVI) of 28 February 1980,124 Recalling also Economic and Social Council decision 1980/132 of 2 May 1980, Having considered the report of the Secretary-General,125 Noting that in his annual report on the work of the Organization, submitted to the General Assembly at its thirty-fourth session, the Secretary-General stated that he was prepared to consider all useful suggestions for strengthening the contribution of the Secretariat in a field which is of fundamental importance to the future development of our society,'2'' Also noting that the Secretary-General states in his report125 that while the Division of Human Rights meets the technical criteria for a Centre, as set forth in his report on organizational nomenclature in the Secretariat,127 he believes that further consideration of the matter is required, Requests the Secretary-General to keep this question under consideration with a view to redesignating the Division of Human Rights as a Centre for Human Rights when he deems it appropriate, taking into account the views expressed by Member States at the thirty-fifth session of the General Assembly. 96th plenary meeting 15 December 1980 35/195. International co-operation in drug abuse control The General Assembly, Recalling once more the resolutions on the problem of drug abuse control adopted in recent years by the 125 A/35/607. 126 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-fourth Session, Supplement No. I (A/34/1), sect. VII. 127 A/C.5/32/17. General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the World Health Organization and other relevant organizations, Recalling, in particular, its resolution 34/177 of 17 December 1979, in which it pointed out the importance of international co-operation in drug abuse control, Recognizing the growing threat caused by the spread of drug abuse, its serious impact on human health, its adverse effects on social development (social disintegration. increasing criminality), economic advancement and national security in a number of countries, A ware that illicit traffic in drugs and the profits accruing there from to traffickers and criminal organizations pose a threat to the socio-economic well-being of many countries, Referring to the relevant provisions of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961,l28 of that Convention as amended by the 1972 Protocol Amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961,l29 and of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971,"" which form the basis of all international drug abuse control efforts, Noting with satisfaction the positive results that have been attained in a number of countries in the fight against drug abuse and in the control of drug trafficking, Concerned that none the less many of the objectives of drug abuse control set out in international conventions on narcotic drugs and in the resolutions and documents of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and other international bodies concerned with this question have not yet been achieved, Realizing the necessity of further concerted efforts by the international community, particularly by the United Nations, in addition to national measures, to resolve the problem of drug abuse, in particular by the reduction of the illicit supply, demand and traffic, Conscious of the need for a five-year, continuously updated international programme of action in drug abuse control, as called for in General Assembly resolution 32/124 of 16 December 1977 and Commission on Narcotic Drugs resolutions 8 (XXVIII) of 23 February 1979131 and 5 (S-VI) of 20 February 1980,132 which should be supplemented by a long-term strategy or programme, Noting the report of the Economic and Social Council on narcotic drugs,133 1. Takes note of the resolutions and decisions adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its first regular session of 1980 on the subject of narcotic drugs, elaborated on the basis of the report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs on its sixth special session, and urges all agencies and organizations concerned with the implementation of the resolutions referred to in the preamble, as well as all States and organizations whose assistance has been requested, to take the necessary measures so that the contemplated programme for practical and dynamic drug abuse control can be completed and implemented at the earliest possible date; 128 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 520, No. 7515, p. 151. 129 United Nations publication, Sales No. E.77.XI.3, p. 13. 130 United Nations publication, Sales No. E.78.XI.3, p. 7. 131 See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 1979, Supplement No. 5 (E/1979/35), chap. XIV, sect. A. 132 Ibid., 1980, Supplement No. 4 (E/1980/14), chap. XII, sect. A. 133 Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 3 (A/15/3/Rev.1), chap. XXIII.