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UN Human Rights Treaties

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A/39/3, I

Part One of the Report of the Economic and Social Council for the year 1984.

Extracted Text

UNITED NATIONS General Assembly Distr. GENERAL A/39/3 (Part I)* 31 July 1984 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH Thirty-ninth session REPORT OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL * The present document is a mimeographed version of those parts of the report of the Economic and Social Council relating to the organizational session for 1984 and to the first regular session of 1984. Document A/39/3 (Part II) will contain the parts of the report relating to the second regular session of 1984. The full report will be issued as Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 3 (A/39/3). 84-18355 5068f (E) Note The mimeographed text of the resolutions and decisions adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its organizational session for 1984 and its first regular session of 1964 will be found in documents E/1984/INF.2 and Add.1 and E/1984/INF.4, respectively. The printed version of those resolutions and decisions will be issued as Official Records of the Economic and Social Council. .1.984,. Supplement NO. 1 (E/1984/94). CONTENDS Chapter paragraphs Page FOREWORD* I. Matters calling tor action by the General Assembly or Drought to its attention* XI. General discussion of international economic and social policy, including regional and sectoral developments* III. Questions considered without reference to a sessional committee 1-71 6 A. Second Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination 1 - 14 6 B. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 15-23 8 C. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights . 24-29 9 D. Population questions 30-45 10 E. Non-governmental organizations 46 - 58 13 F. Cartography 59-66 15 G. International co-operation in tax matters 67 - 71 16 IV. Questions considered by the First (economic) Committee* V. Questions considered by the Second (Social) Committee .... 1 - 229 17 A. Human rights 1 - 108 17 B. Social development 109 - 161 35 C. Activities for the advancement of women United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace 162 - 210 43 D. Narcotic drugs 211 - 229 50 VI. Questions considered by the third (Programme and Co-ordination) Committee* * Will be issued in A/39/3 (Part II). CONTENTS (continued) Chapter Paragraphs Page VII. Question considered by the Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1-14 53 VIII. Elections and appointments to subsidiary and related bodies of the Council, confirmation of representatives on the functional commissions and on the Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and nominations** 1 - 14 56 IX. Organizational and other natters** 1-74 60 A. Bureau of the Council 3 - 6 60 B. Programme of work and agenda 7-26 60 C. ••view of the functioning of the Joint Meetings of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination and the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination 27-28 64 D. Preparatory Committee for the International Conference on Population, 1984 29 65 E. Seventh Meeting of Experts on the united Nations Programme in Public Administration and Penance 30 65 P. Review of the cycle of meetings of subsidiary bodies of the Economic and social Council 31 65 G. Third united Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas 32 - 34 65 H. Election of members of the Committee on Candidatures for election to the international Narcotics Control Board , 35 - 37 66 1. Special session of the Committee of the Whole of the Economic Commission for Latin America 38 66 J. Special economic assistance programme for Swaziland .. 39-42 66 X. Measures to be taken following the cyclones and floods in Madagascar . 43-47 67 ** For further action by the Council during its second regular session of 1984, see A/39/3 (Part II), to be issued. CONTENTS (continued) Chapter Paragraph L. Emergency assistance to the drought victims In Ethiopia 48 - 53 M. Emergency assistance to the drought victims in Djibouti 54 -58 21. Emergency assistance to the- drought victims in Somalia . 59 -62 0. Change of date of the twentieth session of the Committee for Development Planning 63 P. Application for hearings by non-governmental organizations 64 Q. Reconvened special session of the Commission on Transnational Corporations and question of the participation of expert advisers in the reconvened special session 65 - 74 Annexes I. Agenda of the organizational session for 1964 , XI. Agenda of the first regular session of 1964 , III. Provisional agenda tor the second regular session of 1984 Chapter. III QUESTIONS CONSIDERED WITHOUT FEPEMENCB TO A SESSIONAL COMMITTEE A. Second Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination 1. The Council considered the question of the Second Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination at its first regular session of 1984 under agenda item 2. For its consideration of the item, the Council had before it the following documents: (a) Report of the Secretary-General on a draft plan of activities for the period 1985-1989 in accordance with General Assembly resolution 38/14 (A/39/167-E1984/33 and Add.1); (b) Report of the Secretary-General prepared in accordance with paragraph 16 (e) of the Programme for the Decade (E/1984/34 and Add.1)j; (e) Report of the Secretary-General prepared in accordance with paragraph 18 (f) of the Programme for the first Decade and with paragraph 7 of General Assembly resolution 38/14 (E/1984/56 and Add.1). 3. The Council considered the item at its 8th to 11th, 13th, 17th and 20th meeting, from 7 to 9 May and on 11, 14, 22 and 24 May 1984. An Account of the discussion is contained in the relevant summary records (E/1984/NR.8-11, 13* 17 and 20). 4. At its 8th meeting, on 7 May, the Council heard an Introductory statement by the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights (see E/1984/SR.8). The Vice-Chairman of the Special Committee against Apartheid also made a statement at the 9th meeting, on 8 May (see E/1984/SR.9). 5. During the general discussion of the item, the Council heard statements by the representatives of Algeria, Argentina* Austria* Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada* China* Ecuador, France (on behalf of the States member a of the European Economic Community), the German Democratic Republic, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Romania* Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Uganda, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Venezuela and Yugoslavia, as well as by the observers for Australia, the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Cuba, Egypt, Iraq, Nicaragua* Norway (on behalf also of Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden) and Zambia (see E/1984/SR.8-11 and 13). The Council also heard a statement by the observer for the Palestine Liberation Organization (see E/1984/8R.13) At the 17th meeting, on 22 May, the Secretary of the Council made a statement In response to a question raised by the observer for Zambia at the 13th meeting, on 14 May (see E/1984/SR.17). ACTION BY THE COUNCIL Second Decade to Combat Racism and Facial. Discrimination 7. At the 17th meeting, on 22 May, the observer for Zambia, 1/ on behalf also of Algeria, Benin, Botswana, the Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, 1/ the Gambia, 1/ Liberia, Hall, Morocco, 1/ Nigeria, 1/ Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Swaziland, Tunisia, Uganda and Zaire, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Second Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination" (E/1984/L.29). 8. At the 20th meeting, on 24 May, after hearing a statement by the observer for Zambia, the representative of Finland requested that a separate vote be taken on the words "and the relevant resolutions and recommendations, including the Programme for the Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination and the programme of activities to be undertaken during the second half of that Decade, as contained in, respectively. General Assembly resolutions 3057 (XXVIII) of 2 November 1973, particularly paragraphs 18 (b) and 18 (e) thereof, and 34/24 of 15 November 1979" in operative paragraph 3 of the draft resolution. 9. Statements were made by the representatives of Canada, Germany, Federal Republic of, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as well as by the observer for Iraq (see E/1984/SR.20). 10. The Council, by a recorded vote of 34 to 7, with 7 abstentions, retained the wording of operative paragraph 3 of the draft resolution. The result of the voting was as follows: In favour: Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Congo, Djibouti, Ecuador, German Democratic Republic, Indonesia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Pakistan, Poland, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Venezuela, Yugoslavia and Zaire. Against; Canada, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Abstaining: Austria, Costa Pica, Finland, Greece, Japan, Portugal, Sweden. 11. At the same meeting, the Council, by a recorded vote of 43 to 5, with 2 abstentions, adopted the draft resolution (E/1984/L.29) as a whole. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/43. The result of the voting was as follows: 1/ In accordance with rule 72 of the rules of procedure of the Economic and Social Council. In favour: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Benin/ Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Djibouti, Ecuador, Finland, German Democratic Republic, Greece/ Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalis, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Zaire. Against: Canada, Germany, Federal Republic of, Luxembourg, Netherlands, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Abstaining,. France, New Zealand. 12. After the adoption of the draft resolution, statements were made by the representatives of Argentina, Austria, Costa Rica, Finland, France. Greece, Japan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, the union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United state of America, as well as by the observer for Israel (see E/1984/SR.20). 13. The representative of Algeria also made a statement (see E/1984/SR.20). Reports of the Secretary-General relating to the Second Decade to Combat Recife* and Racial Discrimination 14. At its 20th meeting, on 24 May, the Council, on the proposed of the President, took note of the reports of the Secretary-General relating to the Second Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination (E/1984/34 and Add.1 and e/1984/56 and Add.1) submitted in accordance with paragraphs 16 (e) and (f) of the Programme for the Decade and with paragraph 7 of General Assembly resolution 38/14 of 22 November 1983 (see E/1984/SR.20). For the final text, see Council decision 1984/151. B. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 15. The Council considered the question of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women at its first regular session of 1984 under agenda item 4. 16. For its consideration of the item, the Council had before it the following documents; (a) Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women on its second and third sessions; 2/ (b) Letter dated 17 April 1984 from the Permanent Representative of Democratic Kampuchea to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (A/39/185). 2/ Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 45 (A/39/45), vols. I and II. 17. The council considered the item at its 7th, 8th, 16th and 17th meetings, on 4, 7, 21 and 22 May 1984. An account of the Jiscussion is contained in the relevant summary records {E/1984/SR.7, 8, 16 and 17) . 18. At its 7th meeting, on 4 May, the Council heard an introductory statement by the Assistant Secretary-General for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs (see E/1984/SR.7). 19. During the General discussion of the item, the Council heard statement by the representatives of Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, China, the German Democratic Republic, Greece, Rwanda, Sweden, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Yugoslavia, as well as by the observers for the Byelorussian soviet socialist Republic, China and Nicaragua (see E/1984/SR.7 and 8). 20. At the 7th meeting, the Secretary of the Council responded to a question raised by the representative of Sweden (see F/1984/SR.7). ACTION BY THE COUNCIL Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 21. At the 16th meeting, on 21 May, the representative of Canada, on behalf also of Austria, Bulgaria, Colombia, Greece, Mongolia, 3/ Portugal, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Sri Lanka and Sweden, introduced a revised draft resolution entitled "Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women" (E/1984/L.22/Rev.l). Consequently, a draft decision on the subject (E/1984/L.23), which had been submitted by Bulgaria, Cuba 3/ and the German Democratic Republic, was withdrawn. A statement submitted by the Secretary-General on the programme budget implications of the revised draft resolution was before the Council in document E/1984/L.28. 22. At the '7th meeting, the Council adopted the revised draft resolution (E/1984/L.22/Rev.1) by 48 votes to 1. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/8. 23. Statements were made by the representatives of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America before the adoption of the revised draft resolution. After adoption the representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland made a statement (see E/1984/SR.17). C. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 24. The Council considered the question of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights at its first regular session of 1984 under agenda item 5. 3/ In accordance with rule 72 of the rules of procedure of the Economic and Social Council. 25. In paragraph 5 {g) of its decision 1984/101 of 10 February 1984, the Council had decided, inter alls, to transmit the report of the Human Rights Committee for 1964 directly to the General Assembly at its thirty-ninth session for consideration, on the understanding that the Council would again consider the rescheduling of the meetings of the Human Rights Committee requested in paragraph 2 (i) of Council decision 1983/101 of 4 February 1983. The Council accordingly considered the matter at its 7th and 9th meetings, on 4 and 8 May 1984. An account of the discussion is contained in the relevant summary records (E/1984/SR.7 and 9). 26. At the 7th meeting, on 4 May, the President of the Council made a statement on the consultations he had held with the Chairman of the Human Rights Committee on the rescheduling of the meetings of the Committee (see E/1984/SR.7). 27. During the general discussion of the item, the Council heard statements by the representatives of Austria and Finland, of well as by the observer for Egypt (see E/1984/SR.7 and 9). ACTION BY THE COUNCIL Scheduling of the sessions of the Human Rights Committee established under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 28. At its 9th meeting, on 8 May, on the proposal of the President, the Council adopted a draft resolution entitled "Scheduling of the sessions of the Human Rights Committee established under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights", by which the Council decided to request its President to continue his consultations with the Chairman of the Human Rights Committee end to report thereon to the Council at its organizational session for 1985. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/2. 29. After the adoption of the draft resolution, the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights made a statement (see E/1984/SR.9) . D. Population questions 30. The Council considered population questions at its first regular session of 1984 under agenda item 6. 31. For its consideration of the item, the Council had before it the following documents: (a) Report of the Population Commission on its twenty-second session) 4/ (b) Report of the Secretary-General on the world population situation in 1984 (A/39/128-E/1984/35) | 4/ Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 1984, Supplement No. 2 (E/1984/12) (c) Report of the Preparatory Committee for the International Conference on Population, 1984 (E/1984/28 and Add.1); (d) Statement submitted by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, a non-governmental organization in consultative status, category II (E/1984/NGO/1). 32. The Council considered the item at its 12th to 14th and 17th meetings, on 14, 16 and 22 Hay 1984. An account of the discussion is contained in the relevant summary records (E/1984/SR.12-14 and 17). 33. At its 12th meeting, on 14 Hay, the Council heard introductory statements by the Secretary-General of the International Conference on population, 1984 and by the Acting Director of the Population Division (see E/1984/SR.12). 34. During the general discussion of the item, the Council heard statements by the representatives of Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Bulgaria, China, France, the German Democratic Republic, Germany, Federal Republic of, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Saint Lucia, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America, as well as by the observers for Australia, Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Norway (on behalf also of Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden), the Republic of Korea and Switzerland (see E/19C4/SR.12 and 13). ACTION BY THE COUNCIL 1. Recommendations contained in chapter I of the report of the Population Commission on Its twenty-second session 35. Chapter I Of the report of the Population Commission on its twenty-second session contained one draft resolution and one draft decision recommended for adoption by the Council. 36. The Council considered the draft resolution and draft decision at Its 14th meeting, on 16 May. Work programme in the field of population 37. At its 14th meeting, the Council adopted the draft resolution entitled "Work programme in the field of population". For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/4. Provisional agenda and documentation for the twenty-third session of the Population Commission 38. At the same meeting, the Council approved the draft decision containing the provisional agenda and documentation for the twenty-third session of the Population Commission. For the final text of the decision, see Council decision 1984/115. 2. Report of the Preparatory committee for the International Conference on Population, 1904 39. At the 17 meeting, on 22 May, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics submitted an amendment (E/1984/L.27) to recommendation 5 of the Preparatory Committee tor the International Conference on Population, 1984 (E/1984/26, chap I sect. A), whereby the existing text of paragraph (e) would be replaced by the following : "(e) In view of the constraints of time, it is desirable that statements in the general debate on item 4 be Halted to seven minutes for the representatives of each State and three minutes for other participants". 40. At the same meeting, the Council adopted the amendment (E/1984/L.27). For the final text of the decision, see Council decision 1984/118, paragraph (a). Before the adoption of the amendment, the secretary of the Council made a statement {E/1984/6R.17). 41. At the same meeting, the representative of Mexico, on the basis of informal consultations held with the regional groups, orally proposed the following text as rule 6 of the provisional rules of procedure for the International Conference on Population, 1984; "She Conference shall elect the following officers; a President, two Vice-Presidents for co-ordination, 26 other Vice-Presidents, a Rapporteur-General and a Presiding Officer for the Main Committee established in accordance with rule 45." The representative of Mexico also proposed the following distribution of posts; Presidents Latin American States Two Vice-Presidents tor co-ordination, a Rapporteur-General and a Presiding Officer for the Main Committee; one from each of the four regional groups Eight Vice-presidents; African States Seven Vice-Presidents: Asian states Two Vice-Presidents: Eastern European States Four Vice-Presidents: Latin American States Five Vice-Presidents: Western European and other States. He further proceed that the following footnote should be added to the aforementioned texts "It is the understanding of the Council that the composition and distribution of posts among the regional groups set out above shall not constitute a precedent for other conferences or international meetings." 42. At the same meeting, the Council decided to recommend the text proposed by the representative of Mexico as rule 6 of the provisional rules of procedure for the International Conference on Population, 1984. For the final text of the decision, see Council decision 1984/118, paragraph (b). 43. After the adoption of the craft decision, the representative of Mexico made a statement on behalf of the Latin American States (see E/1984/SR.17). 44. At the same meeting, on the proposal of the President, the Council took note of the report of the Preparatory Committee for the International Conference on Population, 1984 (E/1984/28 and Add.1) and of the recommendations contained therein, as revised, and decided to transmit them to the Conference. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/118, paragraph (c). 3. Report of the Secretary-General on the world population situation in 1984 4S. Also at its 17th meeting, the Council, on the proposal of the President, took note of the report of the Secretary-General on the world population situation in 1984 (A/39/128-3/1964/35; and decided to transmit it to the General Assembly at its thirty-ninth session. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/119. E. Non-governmental organizations 46. The Council considered the question of non-governmental organizations at its first regular session of 1984 under agenda item 7. 47. For its consideration of the item, the Council had before it the report of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations on its special session held at United Nations Headquarters from 30 January to 3 February 1984 (E/1984/29) . 48. The Council considered the item at its 5th to 7th and 10th to 11th meetings, on 1, 2, 4, 9 and 11 May 1984. An account of the discussion is contained in the relevant summary records (E/1984/SR.5-7, and 10 and 11). 49. During the general discussion of the item, the Council heard statements by the representatives of Algeria, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mali, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, Sweden (on behalf also of Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway), Thailand, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America and Yugoslavia, as well as by the observers for Cuba, Cyprus, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Nicaragua, Nigeria and Zambia (see E/1984/SR.5 and 6). ACTION BY THE COUNCIL 1. Report of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations on its special session 50. At the 7th meeting, on 4 May, the observer for Nigeria, 5/ on behalf also of Algeria, Bolivia, 5/ Congo, Cuba, 5/ Cyprus, Ecuador, Guyana, 5/ Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Nicaragua, 5/ Saint Lucia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Yugoslavia and Zaire, 5/ In accordance with rule 72 of the rules of procedure of the Economic and Social Council. introduced a draft decision entitled "Report of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations on its special session" {E/1984/L.20). 51- At the 10th meeting, on 9 May, the observer for Nigeria, on behalf of the sponsors, now joined by Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand, Uganda, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Zambia, 5/ orally revised the draft decision by; (a) Inserting the word "current" between the words "reconsider the" and "status" in paragraph (c) and by replacing the words "with the eventual objective of suspending or expelling it from the Roster" by the words "bearing in mind Council resolution 1982/16"; (b) inserting the word "current1" between the words "consider further the" and "status" in paragraph (d). Subsequently, Algeria and the Gambia 5/ joined in sponsoring the draft decision. 52. At the same meeting, the Council adopted the draft decision (E/1984/L.20) , as orally revised, by a roll-call vote of 45 to 1, with 4 abstentions. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/113, section I. The result of the voting was as follows; 6/ In favour: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Djibouti, Ecuador, Finland, German Democratic Republic, Greece, Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon, Liberia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics., Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Zaire. Against United States of America. Abstaining France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Portugal, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 53. Before the adoption of the draft decision, the representative of the United States of America made a statement. After adoption statements were made by the representatives of Canada, Finland, Fiancé, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (see E/1984/SR.10). 6/ At the 11th meeting, on 11 May, the representatives of Benin and Qatar stated that had they been present, their delegations would have voted in favour of the draft decision as orally revised. 2. Recommendations contained in chapter. I. of the report, of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations on its special session 54. Chapter I of the report of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations on its special session contrived two draft decisions recommended for adoption by the Council. 55. The Council considered those decisions at its 10th meeting, on 9 May. Applications, for consultative status and requests for reclassification received from non-governmental organizations 56. At the 10th meeting, in view of the adoption of Council decision 1984/113, section I (see paras. 50-53 above), the Prescient of the Council proposed a revision to draft decision I, entitled "Applications for consultative status and requests for reclassification receded from non-governmental organizations", whereby the name "the International Police Association", would be deleted in paragraph (b). 57. At the same meeting, the Council adopted the draft decision, as orally revised by the President. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/113, section II. Suspension of non-governmental organizations in consultative Status with the Council 58. At the same meeting, the Council adopted draft decision II, entitled Suspension of non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Council". For the final text, see Council decision 1984/113, section III. F. Cartography 59. The Council considered the question of cartography at its first regular session of 1984 under agenda item 8. 60. For its consideration of the item, the Council had before it the following documents % (a) Report of the Secretary-General on United Nations interregional cartographic conferences (E/1984/36); (b) Note verbale dated 4 April 1984 addressed to the Secretary-General from the Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations (E/1984/63) . 61. The Council considered the item at its 6th and 7th meetings, on 2 and 4 May 1984. An account of the discussion is contained in the relevant Summary records (E/1984/SR.6 and 7). 62. At its 6th meeting, on 2 May, the Council heard an introductory statement by the representative of the Department of 'Technical Co-operation for Development (see E/19P4/SR.6). 63. During the general discussion of the item, the Council heard statements by the representative of Sweden, as well as by the observers for Australia, Cyprus and Turkey (see E/1984/SR.6 and 7). ACTION BY THE COUNCIL Report of the, Secretary-General, on United Nations interregional cartographic conferences 64. At its 7th meeting, on 4 May, on the proposal of the President, the Council took note of the report of the Secretary-General on United Nations interregional cartographic conferences (E/1984/36), prepared in pursuance of Council resolution 1981/6 of 4 Hay 1981. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/111. Eleventh United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific 65. At the same meeting, also on the proposal of the President, the Council took note of the offer made by the Government of Turkey to act as host to the Eleventh United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific, to be held in 1987 (see E/1984/63) and decided to revert to the matter at Its first regular session of 1985 For the final text, see Council decision 1984/112. 66. Before the adoption of the draft decision, statements were made by the representative of Greece and by the observers for Cyprus and Turkey (see E/1984/SR.7) . G. International co-operation in tax matters 67. The Council considered the question of international co-operation in tax matters at its first regular session of 1984 under agenda item 9. 68. For its consideration of the item, the Council had before it the report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Ad Hoc Group of Experts on International Co-operation in Tax Matters (E/1984/37). 69. The Council considered the item at its 14th meeting, on 16 May 1984. An account of the discussion is contained in the relevant summary record (E/1984/SR.10). 70. At its 14th meeting, the Council heard an introductory statement by the Chief of the Fiscal and Financial Branch of the Department of International Economic and Social Affairs (see E/1984/SR.14). 71. At the same meeting, on the proposal of the President, the Council took note of the report of the Decretory-General on the work of the Ad Hoc Group of Experts on International Co-operation in Tax Matters (E/1984/J7) and approved the recommendations contained therein. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/114. Chapter V QUESTIONS CONSIDERED BY THE SECOND (SOCIAL) COMMITTEE A. Human rights The Council considered human rights questions at its first regular session of 1984 under agenda item 10, For its consideration of the item, the Council had before it the following documents: Report of the Commission on Human Rights on its fortieth session} 1/ Letter dated 17 April 1984 from the Permanent Representative of Democratic Kampuchea to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (A/39/185); Report of the Secretary-General on measures to be taken against Nazi, Fascist and neo-Fascist activities and all other forms of totalitarian ideologies and practices based on racial intolerance, hatred and terror (A/39/168-E/1984/39 and Add.1); Report of the Secretary-General on regional arrangements for the promotion and protection of human rights (A/39/174-E/1984/38) ; (e) Note by the Secretary-General on allegations regarding infringements of trade union rights (E/1984/32); Note by the Secretariat on allegations regarding infringements of trade union rights (E/1984/85); Note by the Secretary-General prepared in accordance with Economic and Social Council decision 1983/155 (E/1984/88); (h) Letter dated 15 April 1984 from the Permanent Representative of Equatorial Guinea to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (E/1984/C.2/l); (i) Statement submitted by Disabled people * international, a non-governmental organization in consultative status, category II (E/1984/NGO/3); (j) Statement submitted by the Baha’i International Community, a non-governmental organization in consultative status, category II (E/1984/NGO/5). 3- The Council, at its 5th meeting, on 1 May, allocated agenda item 10 to the Second (Social) Committee, which considered the item at its 8th and 10th to 16th meetings, on 10, 11 and 15 to 17 May 1984. 1/ Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 1984, Supplement No. 4 (E/1984/14). ACTION BY THE SECOND (SOCIAL) COMMITTEE 4. At the 8th meeting, on 10 May, the Deputy Director of the Centre for Human Rights made an introductory statement. 5. During the general discussion on the item, the Committee heard statements by the representatives of Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, the Congo, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Finland, France (on behalf of States members of the European Economic Community), the German, economic Republic, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, Venezuela and Yugoslavia, as well as by the observers for Australia, the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Cuba, Democratic Kampuchea, Denmark, Equatorial Guinea, the Gambia, Ireland, Italy, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Norway and Viet Nam. 6. The Committee also heard a statement by the representative of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, a non-governmental organization in consultative status, category I, with the Economic and Social Council. 1. Recommendations contained in chapter. I, of the report of the Commission on Human Rights on its fortieth session 7. Chapter I of the report of the Commission on Human Rights on its fortieth session contained 16 draft resolutions and 19 draft decisions recommended by the Commission fox adoption by the Council. The administrative and programme budget implications of the draft resolutions and draft decisions recommended by the Commission were contained in annex III to its report. 8. At its 15th and I6th meetings, on 17 May, the Committee considered draft resolutions I to XVI and draft decisions I to XIX contained in the report of the Commission on Human Rights. 9. At the 15th meeting, the representative of the United States of America made a statement. The representative of the Budget Division also made a statement. Measures to combat racism and racial discrimination 10. At its 15th meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution I, entitled "Measures to combat racism and racial discrimination", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 65, draft resolution I). For action by the Council, see paragraph 67 below. Question of a convention on the rights of the child 11. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution II, entitled Question of a convention on the rights of the child", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 65, draft resolution II). For action by the Council, see paragraph 68 below. Human rights violations and disabled persons 12. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution III, entitled "Human rights violations and disabled persons", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 65, draft .resolution III). For action by the Council, see paragraph 69 below. Conscientious objection .to military service 13. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution IV, entitled "Conscientious objection to military service", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91) para. 65, draft resolution IV). For action by the Council, see paragraph 70 below. Exploitation off child labour 14. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution V, entitled Exploitation of child labour", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 65, draft resolution V). For action by the Council, see paragraph 71 below. Study off discrimination in respect of the right of everyone to leave any country, including his own and to return to his country 15. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution VI, entitled Violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms - Study of Discrimination in Respect of the Fight of Everyone to Leave any Country, Including His Own and to return to His Country", by 43 votes to none, with 7 abstentions (E/1984/91, para. 65, draft resolution VI). For action by the Council, see paragraph 72 below. Report on the exploitation of labour through illicit and clandestine trafficking 16. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution VI I, entitled "Report on the exploitation of labour through illicit and clandestine trafficking", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 65, draft resolution VII). For action by the Council, see paragraph 73 blow. The status of the individual and contemporary international law 17. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution VIII, entitled "The status of the individual and contemporary international law", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 65, draft resolution VIII). For action by the Council, see paragraph 74 below. Advisory services in the field of Human Rights assistance to the Government of Bolivia 18. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution IX, entitled Advisory services in the field of human rights - Assistance to the Government of Bolivia", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 65, draft resolution IK). For action by the Council, see paragraph 75 below. Principles guidelines and guarantees for the protection of persona detained on grounds, of mental ill-health or suffering from mental disorder 19. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution X, entitled "Human rights and scientific and technological developments - Principles, guidelines and guarantees for the protection of persons detained on grounds of mental ill-health or suffering from mental disorder", and submitted it to the Council (E/1934/91, para. 65, draft resolution X). For action by the Council, see paragraph 76 below. Question of slavery and the slave trade in all their practices and manifestations 20. At its 16th meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution XI, entitled "Question of slavery and the slave trade in all their practices and manifestations", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 65, draft resolution XI). For action by the Council, see paragraph 77 below. Summary or arbitrary executions 21. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution XII, entitled "Summary or arbitrary executions", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 65, draft resolution XII). For action by the Council, see paragraph 78 below. Situation of human rights in Equatorial Guinea 22. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution XIII, entitled "Situation in Equatorial Guinea", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para, 65, draft resolution XIII). For action by the Council, see paragraph 79 below. Situation of human rights In Afghanistan At the same meeting, following a statement by the observer for Afghanistan, the representative of the German Democratic Republic proposed, in accordance with rule 67, paragraph 2, of the rules of procedure of the Economic and Social Council, that no decision should be taken on draft resolution XIV, entitled "Question of the violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms - Situation in Afghanistan". After hearing statements by the representatives of Bulgaria, Canada, Costa Rica, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland, the Committee voted on the proposal made by the representative of the German Democratic Republic. It was rejected by a roll-call vote of 34 to 6, with 8 abstentions. The result of the voting was as follows: In favour: Algeria, Bulgaria, German Democratic Republic, Liberia, Poland, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Against: Argentine, Austria, Benin, Botswana, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Djibouti, Ecuador, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Japan, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Portugal, Qatar, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Thailand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and v Northern Ireland, United States of America, Venezuela. Abstentions: Brazil, Congo, Finland, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Uganda, Yugoslavia, Zaire. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution XIV by 33 votes to 4, with 11 abstentions (E/1984/91, para. 65, draft resolution XIV) . For action by the council, see paragraph 80 below. Statements were made by the representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (on behalf also of Bulgaria, the German Democratic Republic and Poland) before the adoption of the draft resolution and by the representatives of Sri Lanka and Tunisia after adoption. Draft body of principles and guidelines on the right and responsibility of individuals,, groups and organs of society to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms 27. At the 16th meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution XV, entitled "Draft body of principles and guidelines on the right and responsibility of individuals, groups and organs of society to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 65, draft resolution XV). For action by the Council, see paragraph 81 below. Implementation of the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of discrimination Based on Religion or Belief 28. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution XVI, entitled Implementation of the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 65 below, draft resolution XVI). For action by the Council, see paragraph 82 below. 29. The Deputy Director of the Centre for Human Rights made a statement before the adoption of the draft resolution. Violations of human rights in southern Africa: report of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts 30, At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 1, entitled "Violations of human rights in southern Africa: report of the Ad Hoc working Group of Experts", by 49 votes to none, with 1 abstention and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft resolution I), For action by the Council, see paragraph 86 below. Adverse consequences for the enjoyments of human rights of political, military, economic and other forms of assistance given to colonial and racist regimes in southern Africa 31. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 2, entitled "The adverse consequences for the enjoyment of human rights of political, military, economic and other forms of assistance given to colonial and racist regimes in southern Africa" by 36 votes to 6, with 7 abstentions, and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision II). For action by the Council, see paragraph 87 below. Popular participation in its various forms as an important factor In development and In the full realization of all human rights At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 3, entitled "popular participation in Its various forms as an important factor in development and in the full realization of all human rights", by 47 votes to 1, and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision III]. For action by the Council, see paragraph 88 below. The representatives of the United States of America and Yugoslavia made statements before the adoption of the draft decision. Question of the realization In all countries of the economic, social and cultural rights contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and study of special problems which the developing countries, face in .their efforts to achieve these human rights At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 4, entitled "Question of the realization in all countries of the economic, social and cultural rights contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and study of special problems which the developing, countries face In their efforts to achieve these human rights", by 48 votes to none, with 2 abstentions, and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision IV). For action by the Council, see paragraph 89 below. The representative of the Netherlands made a statement before the adoption of the draft decision. The new international economic order and the promotion of human rights 36. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 5, entitled "The new international economic order and the promotion of human rights", by 47 votes to 1, with 3 abstentions, and submitted It to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision V). For action by the Council, see paragraph 90 below. Draft convention aquarist torture and other cruel, inhume or degrading treatment or punishment 37. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 6, entitled "Draft convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision VI). For action by the Council, see paragraph 91 below. Question of enforced or involuntary disappearances 38. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 7, entitled "Question of enforced or involuntary disappearances", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 667 draft decision VII). For action by the Council, see paragraph 92 below. Situation of human rights In El Salvador 39. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 8, entitled "Situation of human rights in El Salvador", by a recorded vote of 33 to 3, with 12 abstentions (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision VIII), and submitted it to the Council. The result of the voting was as follows: In favour: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Benin, Botswana, Bulgaria, Canada, Congo, Finland, France, German Democratic Republic, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Tunisia, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Venezuela, Yugoslavia. Against: Brazil, Saint Lucia, united states of America. Abstentions: China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Lebanon, Liberia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Romania, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Zaire. For action by the Council, see paragraph 93 below. Situation of human rights in Guatemala 40. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 9, entitled "Situation of human rights in Guatemala", by 30 votes to 1, with 13 abstentions, and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision IX). For action by the Council, see paragraph 94 below. Hunan rights situation In the Islamic Republic of Iran 41. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 10, entitled "Human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran", by 28 votes to 2, with 13 abstentions, and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision X). For action by the Council, see paragraph 95 below. 42. The representative of Qatar made a statement before the adoption of the draft decision. Review of the work of the Sup-Commission on. Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities 43. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 11, entitled "Review of the work of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities", by 49 votes to 1, and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision XI). For action by the Council, see paragraph 96 below. Question of human rights in Chile 44. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 12, entitled "Question of human rights in Chile", by a recorded vote of 33 to 3, with 10 abstentions, and submitted It to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision XII). The result of the voting was as follows: In favour: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Benin, Bulgaria, Canada, Congo, Costa Rica, Finland, France, German Democratic Republic, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Tunisia, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Venezuela, Yugoslavia. Against: Brazil, Pakistan, United states of America. Abstentions; China, Colombia, Ecuador, Japan, Lebanon, Liberia, Malaysia, Saint Lucia, Thailand, Zaire. For action by the Council, see paragraph 97 below. Measures to combat racism and racial discrimination 45. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 13, entitled "Measures to combat racism and racial discrimination", and submitted It to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision XIII). For action by the Council, see paragraph 98 below. Principles, guidelines and guarantees for the protection of par cons. detained on grounds of mental, ill-health or Buffering frog mental disorder 46. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 14, entitled "Human rights and scientific and technological developments - Principles, guidelines and guarantees for the protection of persons detained on grounds of mental ill-health or suffering from mental disorder", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para- 66, draft decision XIV). For action by the Council, see paragraph 99 below. Study of situations which appear to reveal a consistent pattern of gross violations, of human rights as provided. in Commission on Hunan Rights resolution 8 (XXIII) and Economic -and Social" Council resolutions 1235 (XLII) and 1503 (XLVIII) 47. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 15, entitled "Study of situations which appear to reveal a consistent pattern of gross violations of human rights as provided in Commission resolution 6 (XXXIX) and Economic and Social Council resolutions 1235 (XLII) and 1503 (XLVIII)", by 42 votes to 1, with 4 abstentions, and submitted It to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision XV) . For action by the Council, see paragraph 100 below. Organization of the work of the Commission on Human Rights 48. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 16, entitled "Organization of the work of the Commission", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision XVI). For action by the Council, see paragraph 101 below. General decision concerning the establishment of a working, group of the Commission on Hunan Rights to examine situations referred to the Commission under Economic and Social Council resolution 1503 (XLVIII) and those situations of which .the. Commission is seized 49. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 17, entitled "General decision concerning the establishment of a working group of the Commission to examine situations referred to the Commission under Economic and Social Council resolution 1503 (XLVIII) and those situations of which the Commission is seized", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision XVII). For action by the Council, see paragraph 10 2 below. Report of the Sub-Commission' on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities on its thirty-sixth session 50. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 18, entitled "Report of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities on its thirty-sixth session", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision XVIII) . For action by the Council, see paragraph 103 below. Report of the Commission on Human Rights 51. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision 19, entitled "Report of the admission on Human Rights", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision XIX). For action by the Council, see paragraph 104 below. 52. The representative of Venezuela mace a statement. 2. Other recommendations Right of peoples to self-determination and its application to peoples Unger colonial or alien domination or foreign occupation 53. At the 11th meeting, on 15 May, the representative of Malaysia, on behalf also of Bangladesh, 2/ Belgium, 2/ Canada, Cost,?. Rica, Fiji, 2/ Gambia, 2/ Germany, Federal Republic of, Italy, 2/ Japan, Liberia, Luxembourg, Nepal, 2/ Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, 2/ Saint Lucia, Samoa, 2/ Singapore, 2/ Solomon islands, 2/ Somalia, Sudan, 2/ Swaziland, Thailand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Uruguay, 2/ and Zaire, introduced a draft decision entitled "Right of peoples to self-determination and its application to peoples under colonial or alien domination or foreign occupation" (E/1984/C.2/L.2). 54. A statement on the programme, financial and administrative implications of the draft decision was submitted by the Secretary-General (E/1984/C.2/L.7). 55. At its 16th meeting, on 1? May, the Commission adopted the draft decision by a recorded vote of 39 to 5, with 5 abstentions, and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision XX) . The result of the voting was as follows: In favour: Argentina, Austria, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Djibouti, Ecuador, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Indonesia, Japan, Liberia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, Qatar, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Venezuela, Yugoslavia.- Zaire. Against: Bulgaria, Congo, German Democratic Republic, Poland, union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Abstentions: Algeria, Finland, Lebanon, Mexico, Uganda. For action by the Council, see paragraph 105 below. 2/ In accordance with rule 7 2 of the rules of procedure of the Economic and Social Council. 56. Statements were made by the representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (on behalf also of Bulgaria, the German Democratic Republic and Poland) before the adoption of the draft decision and by the representative of Sweden after adoption. Regional arrangements for the promotion and protection of human rights 57. At the 14th meeting, on 16 May, the representative of Sri Lanka, on behalf also of Australia, 2/ Bangladesh, 2/ Bhutan, 2/ India, 2/ Nepal, 2/ Pakistan and Papua New Guinea, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Regional arrangements for the promotion and protection of human rights" (E/1984/C.2/L.4). Subsequently, Costa Rica and New Zealand joined in sponsoring the draft resolution. 58. At its 16th meeting, on 17 May, the Committee adopted the draft resolution and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 65, draft resolution XVII) . For action by the Council, see paragraph 83 below. Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers and their families 59. At the 14th meeting, on 16 May, the representative of Mexico, on behalf also of Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, 2/ Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, 2/ Prance, Greece, Morocco, 2/ Pakistan, Portugal, Sweden and Yugoslavia, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers and their families" (E/1984/C.2/L.5). Subsequently, Costa Rica, Finland and Italy 2/ joined in sponsoring the draft resolution. 60. At its 16th meeting, on 17 May, the Committee adopted the draft resolution and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 65, draft resolution XVIII) . For action by the Council, see paragraph 84 below. Report of the Ad Hoc working Group of Experts of the Commission on Human Rights on allegations of infringements. of trade union rights in the Republic of South Africa 61. At the 14th meeting, on 16 May, the observer for Zambia, 2/ on behalf also of Cuba, 2/ Egypt, 2/ Gambia, 2/ Somalia and Uganda, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts of the Commission on Human Rights on allegations of infringements of trade union rights in the Republic of South Africa" (E/1984/C.2A-6). Subsequently, Djibouti joined in sponsoring the draft resolution. 62. At its 16th meeting, on 17 May, the Committee adopted the draft resolution and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 65, draft resolution XIX). For action by the Council, see paragraph 85 below. Report of the Secretary-General. on measures to be taken against Nazi, Fascist and neo-Fascist activities and all other forms of totalitarian ideologies and practices based on racial Intolerance, hatred and terror 63. At its 16th meeting, on 17 May, on the proposal of the Chairman, the Committee adopted a draft decision entitled "Report of the Secretary-General on measures to be taken against Nazi, Fascist and neo-Fascist activities and all other forms of totalitarian ideologies and practices based on racial intolerance, hatred and terror", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision XXI)- For action by the Council, see paragraph 106 below. Note by the Secretary-General on allegations regarding infringements of trade union rights 64. At the same meeting, on the proposal of the Chairman, the Committee adopted a draft decision entitled "Note by the Secretary-General on allegations regarding infringements of trade union rights" and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/91, para. 66, draft decision XXII). For action by the Council, see paragraph 107 below. ACTION BY THE COUNCIL 65. At its 20th meeting, on 24 May 1984, the Council considered the draft resolutions and decisions recommended by the Committee in its report (E/1984/91, paras. 65 and 66). 66. Before the consideration of the draft recommendations contained in the report of the Second (Social) Committee, the representative of the United States of America made a statement to which the representative of the Budget Division of the Office of "financial Services responded (see E/1984/SR.20). 67. Draft resolution I, entitled "Measures to combat racism and racial discrimination", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/24. The representative of the United States of America made a statement after the adoption of the draft resolution (see E/1984/SR.20) . 68. Draft resolution II, entitled "Question of a convention on the rights of the child", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/25. 69. Draft resolution III, entitled "Human rights violations and disabled persons", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/26. The representative of the union of Soviet Socialist Republics made a statement after the adoption of the draft resolution (see E/1984/SR.20). 70. Draft resolution IV, entitled "Conscientious objection to military service", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/27. The representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics made a statement after the adoption of the draft resolution (see E/1984/SR.20). 71. Draft resolution V, entitled "Exploitation of child labour", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/28. 72. Draft resolution VI, entitled "Study of discrimination in respect of the right of everyone to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country"# was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/79. The representatives of Canada and the Union of Soviet Social st Republic made statements before the adoption of the draft resolution The representatives of France and Germany, Federal Republic of made statements after adoption 'see E/1984/SR.20). 73. Draft resolution VII, entitled "Report. on the exploitation of labour through illicit and clandestine trafficking", was adopted. For the final text' sea Council resolution 1984/30. 74. Draft resolution V7II, entitled "The status of the individual and contemporary international law", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/31. 75. Draft resolution IX, entitled "Advisory services in the field of human rights assistance to the Government of Bolivia", was adopted. For the final text. council resolution 1984/32. 76. Draft resolution x, entitled "Principles, Guidelines and guarantees for the protection of persons detained on grounds of mental ill-health or suffering from mental disorder", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/33. 77. Draft resolution XI, entitled "Question of slavery and the slave trade in all their practices and manifestations", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/34. The representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics made a statement after the adoption of the draft resolution (see E/1984/SR.20). 78. Draft resolution XII, entitled "Summary or arbitrary executions" was adopted. For the final text. See Council resolution 1984/35. 79. Draft resolution XIII, entitled "Situation of human rights in Equatorial Guinea", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/36. 80. Draft resolution XIV, entitled "Situation of human rights in Afghanistan", was adopted by a recorded vote of 35 to 4, with 12 abstentions. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/37. The result of the voting was as follows: In favour; Argentina, Austria, Botswana, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Djibouti, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Japan, Lebanon, Liberia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, Qatar, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Thailand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Venezuela. Against: Bulgaria, German Democratic Republic, "Poland. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Abstaining: Algeria, Benin, Brazil, Congo, Ecuador, Finland, Mali, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Uganda, Yugoslavia, Zaire. The representative of the Union of soviet Socialist Republics (also on behalf of Bulgaria, the German Democratic Republic and Poland) and the observer for Afghanistan made statements before the adoption of the draft resolution. Statements were made by the representatives of Brazil and Tunisia after adoption (see E/1934/SR.20) - 81. Draft resolution XV, entitled "Draft body of principles and guidelines on the rights and responsibility of individuals, groups and organs of society to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms'', was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/38. 82. Draft resolution XVI, entitled "Implementation of the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/39. The Deputy Director of the Centre for Human Rights made a statement (see E/1984/SR.20). 83. Draft resolution XVII, entitled "Regional arrangements for the promotion and protection of human rights", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/40. 84. Draft resolution XVIII, entitled "Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers and their families", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/41, The representative of the Federal Republic of Germany made a statement after the adoption of the draft resolution (see E/1984/SR.20). 85. Draft resolution XIX, entitled "Report of the Ad Hoc working Group of Experts of the Commission on Human Rights on allegations of infringements of trade union rights in the Republic of South Africa", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/42. 86. Draft decision I, entitled "Violations of human rights in southern Africa: report of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts", was adopted by a recorded vote of 52 to none, with 1 abstention. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/129. The result of the voting was as follows; In favour: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Pica, Djibouti, Ecuador, Finland, France, German Democratic Republic, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon, Liberia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Zaire. Against: None. Abstaining: United States of America. 87. Draft decision II, entitled "Adverse consequences for the enjoyment of human riqht6 of political, military, economic and other forms of assistance given to colonial and racist regimes in southern Africa", was adopted by a recorded vote of 39 to 7, with 7 abstentions. For the final text see Council decision 1984/130. The result of the voting was as follows: In favour: Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Djibouti, Ecuador, German Democratic Republic, Indonesia, Lebanon, Liberia, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, Union of soviet Socialist Republics, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Zaire. against: Canada, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Luxembourg, Netherlands, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, united States of America. Abstaining; Austria, Finland, Greece, Japan, New Zealand, Portugal, Sweden. 88. Draft decision III, entitled "Popular participation in its various forms as an important factor in development and in the full realization of all human rights", was adopted by a recorded vote of 51 to 1. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/131. The result of the voting was as follows: In favour; Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Djibouti, Ecuador, Finland, France, German Democratic Republic, Germany, Federal Republic of Greece, Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon, Liberia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Zaire. Against: United States of America. Abstaining: None. The representative of the United States of America made a statement before the adoption of the draft decision (see E/1984/SR.20). 89. Draft decision IV, entitled "Question of the realization in all countries of the economic, social and cultural rights contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and study of special problems which the developing countries face in their efforts to achieve these human rights", was adopted by a recorded vote of 52 to none, with 1 abstention. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/132. The result of the voting was as follows: In favour: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Djibouti, Ecuador, Finland, France, German Democratic Republic, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon, Liberia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Zaire. Against: None. Abstaining: United States of America. 90. Draft decision V, entitled "The new international economic order and the promotion of human rights", was adopted by a recorded vote of 49 to 1, with 3 abstentions. For the final text see Council decision 1984/133. The result of the voting was as follows: In favour: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Djibouti, Ecuador, Finland, France, German Democratic Republic, Greece, Indonesia, Lebanon, Liberia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Zaire. Against: United States of America. Abstaining: Germany, Federal Republic of, Japan, united Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 91. Draft decision VI, entitled "Draft convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/134. 92. Draft decision VII, entitled "Question of enforced or involuntary disappearances", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/135. 93. Draft decision VIII, entitled "Situation of human rights in El Salvador", was adopted by a recorded vote of 33 to 3, with 14 abstentions. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/136. The result of the voting was as follows: 3/ .In favour: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Benin, Botswana, Bulgaria, Canada, Congo, Finland, France, German Democratic Republic, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Japan, Luxembourg, Mali, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Sierra Leone, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Tunisia, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Venezuela, Yugoslavia. 3/ The representative of Qatar stated that his delegation had abstained in the vote, but that the voting machine had recorded his vote as being in favour. Against: Brazil, Saint Lucia, United States of America. Abstaining: China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Lebanon, Liberia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Romania, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Zaire. The representative of the United States of America made a statement before the adoption of the draft decision (see E/1984/SR.20). 94. Draft decision IX, entitled "Situation of human rights in Guatemala", was adopted by 34 votes to 1, with 15 abstentions. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/137. 95. Draft decision X, entitled "Human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran", was adopted by a recorded vote of 29 to 2, with 14 abstentions, For the final text, see Council decision 1984/138. The result of the voting was as follows; In favour: Argentina, Austria, Botswana, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Finland, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Venezuela, Zaire. Against: Algeria, Pakistan. Abstaining: Benin, Brazil, China, Congo, Ecuador, German Democratic Republic, Japan, Liberia, Malaysia, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, Yugoslavia. 96. Draft decision XI, entitled "Review of the work of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/139. The representative of the United States of America made a statement before the adoption of the draft decision (see E/1984/SR.20). 97. Draft decision XII, entitled "Question of human rights in Chile", was adopted by a recorded vote of 35 to 3, with 12 abstentions. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/140. The result of the voting was as follows; In favour: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Benin, Botswana, Bulgaria, Canada, Congo, Costa Rica, Finland, France, German Democratic Republic, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Luxembourg, Mali, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Tunisia, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Venezuela, Yugoslavia. Against: Brazil, Pakistan, United States of America. Abstaining: China, Colombia, Ecuador, Japan, Lebanon, Liberia, Malaysia, Qatar, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Zaire. 98. Draft decision XIII, entitled "Measures to combat racism and racial discrimination", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/141. 99. Draft decision XIV, entitled "Principles, guidelines and guarantees for the protection of persona detained on grounds of mental ill-health or suffering from mental disorder", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/142. After the adoption of the draft decision, the representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics made a statement (see E/1984/SR.20). 100. Draft decision XV, entitled "Study of situations which appear to reveal a consistent pattern of gross violations of human rights as provided in Commission on Human Rights resolution 8 (XXIII) and Economic and Social Council resolution 1235 (XLII) and 1503 (XLVIII)", was adopted by a recorded vote of 45 to 2, with 3 abstentions. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/143. The result of the voting was as follows: In favour: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Benin, Botswana, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Finland, France, German Democratic Republic, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Japan, Lebanon, Liberia, Luxembourg, Mali, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Venezuela, Yugoslavia. Against: Saint Lucia, United States of America. Abstaining : Brazil, Malaysia, Zaire. The representative of Brazil made a statement after the adoption of the draft decision (see E/1984/SR.20). 101. Draft decision XVI, entitled "Organization of the work of the Commission on Human Rights", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/144. 102. Draft decision XVII, entitled "General decision concerning the establishment of a working group of the Commission on Human Rights to examine situations referred to the Commission under Council resolution 1503 (XLVIII) and those situations of which the Commission is seized", was adopted. ?or the final text, see Council decision 1984/145. 103. Draft decision XVIII entitled "Report of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities on its thirty-sixth session", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/146. 104 Draft decision XIX, entitled "Report of the Commission on Human Rights", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/147. The observer for Israel made a statement before the adoption of the draft decision, and the observer for Morocco made a statement after adoption (see E/1984/SR.20). 105. Draft decision XX, entitled "Right of peoples to self-determination and its application to peoples under colonial or alien domination or foreign occupation", adopted by a recorded vote of 40 to 6, with 6 abstentions. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/146. The result of the voting was as follows : In favour : Argentina, Austria, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Djibouti, Ecuador, France, Germany, of, Greece, Indonesia, Japan, Liberia, Luxembourg Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Qatar, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nosier Ireland, United States of America, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Zaire. Against: Benin, Bulgaria, Congo, German Democratic Republic, Poland, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Abstaining, Algeria, Finland, Lebanon, Mali, Mexico, Uganda. The representatives of the Congo, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (also on behalf of Bulgaria, the German Democratic Republic and Poland) and Benin, as well as the observers for the Lao People's Democratic Republic and Viet Nam, made statements before the adoption of the draft decision. The representative of Sweden and the observer for Democratic Kampuchea made statements after adoption (see E/1984/SR.20). 106. Draft decision XXI, entitled "Report of the Secretary-General on measures to be taken against Nazi, Fascist and neo-Fascist activities and all other forms of totalitarian ideologies and practices based on racial intolerance, hatred and terror,, was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/149. 107 Draft decision XXII, entitled "Note by the Secretary-General on allegations regarding infringements of trade union rights", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/150. 108. At the same meeting, the Council heard statements by the representatives of the United States of America and Venezuela (see E/1984/SR.20). B. Social development The Council considered social development questions at its first regular session of 1984 under agenda item 11. For its consideration of the item, the Council had before it the following documents: (a) Report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control on its eighth session} 4/ 4/ Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 1984.Supplement No. 6 (E/1964/16). (b) Programme budget Implications of draft resolution II contained in chapter l of the report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control on its eighth session (E/1984/16/Add.1); (C) Report of the Secretary-General on co-ordination and information in the field of youth (E/1984/40 and Corr.1); (d) Note by the Secretariat on the financial arrangements between the United Nations and the Committee for the Promotion of Aid to Co-operatives (E/1984/65) ; (e) Note verbale dated 27 April 1984 from the Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (E/1984/74) • 111. The Council, at its 5th meeting, on 1 May, allocated agenda item 11 to the Second (Social) Committee, which considered the item at its 17th to 20th meetings, from 18 to 21 and 23 May 1984. ACTION BY THE SECOND (SOCIAL) COMMITTEE 112. At the 4th meeting, on 11 May, the Assistant Secretary-General for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs made an introductory statement. 113. During the general discussion on the item, the Committee heard statements by the representatives of Algeria, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Costa Rica, France, the German Democratic Republic, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, Romania, Sweden (on behalf also of Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as well as by the observers for Italy and Iraq. 114. The representative of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization made a statement. 115. The Committee also heard a statement by the representative of Soroptimist It international, a non-governmental organization in consultative status with the Council, category I. 1. Recommendations contained in_ chapter I of the report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control. on its eighth session 116. Chapter I of the report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control on its eighth session contained eight draft resolutions and one draft decision recommended by the Committee for adoption by the Council, as well as five decisions of the Committee calling for action by the Council. 117. At Its 19th and 20th meetings, on 21 and 23 May, the Committee considered the draft resolutions, draft decision and other recommendations contained in the report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control. Provisional rules. of. Procedure for United Nations congresses on the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders 118. At its 20th meeting, on the proposal of the Chairman, the Committee decided to recommend the Council to defer consideration of draft resolution I, entitled "Provisional rules of procedure for United Nations congresses on the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders*, until its first regular session of 1985 (E/1984/92, para- 38, draft decision I). For action by the Council, see paragraph 157 below. 119. The representatives of Algeria and the union of Soviet Socialist Republics made statements before the adoption of the draft decision. Continuation of preparations for the Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of crime and the Treatment of offenders 120. At its 19th meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution II, entitled "Continuation of preparations for the Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders" by a recorded vote of 39 to 1, with 4 abstentions, and submitted It to the council (E/1984/92, para. 37, draft resolution II) . For action by the Council, see paragraph 148 below. The result of the voting was as follows: In favour: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Benin, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Congo, Costa Pica, Djibouti, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Indonesia, Japan, Liberia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Zaire. Against: United States of America. Abstaining: Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 121. The representatives of Algeria, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America made statements before the adoption of the draft resolution, and the representatives of China and Pakistan made statements after adoption. Alternatives to imprisonment 122. At its 20th meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution III, entitled "Alternatives to imprisonment", and submitted It to the Council (F./1984/92, para. 37, draft resolution III). For action by the Council, see paragraph 149 below. 123. The representatives of Romania, Sweden and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics made statements before the adoption of the draft resolution. Procedures, for the effective Implementation of .the standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners 124. At its 20th meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution IV, entitled "Procedures for the effective implementation of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/92, para. 37, draft resolution IV). For action by the Council, see paragraph 150 below. Crime prevention and criminal justice in the context of development 125. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution V, entitled "Crime prevention and criminal justice in the context of development", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/92, para. 37, draft resolution V). For action by the Council, see paragraph 151 below. Fair treatment of women by the criminal justice system 126. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution VI, entitled "Fair treatment of women by the criminal justice system", and submitted it to the Council (5/1984/92, para. 37, draft resolution VI). for action by the Council, see paragraph 152 below. Safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty 127. At the 18th meeting, the representative Of the Netherlands, on behalf of Austria, Costa Rica, Italy, 5/ the Netherlands and Sweden, introduced amendments (E/1984/C.2/L.8) to draft resolution VII, entitled "Safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty". Subsequently, Uruguay joined in sponsoring the amendments. 128. The amendments were the following: (a) in operative paragraph 3, the replacement of the words "on the understanding that they shall not be interpreted as affecting the consideration of the question of the abolition or retention of capital punishment" by the words "on the understanding that they shall not be invoked to delay or to prevent the abolition of capital punishment" (b) in paragraph 1 of the annex, the insertion of the words "In countries which have not abolished the death penalty," at the beginning of the paragraph: (c) in paragraph 8 of the annex, the addition of the words "and in any case not until a minimum period of three months has elapsed after judgement has become final" at the end of the paragraph. 5/ in accordance with rule 72 of the rules of procedure of the Economic and social Council* 129. At the 20th meeting, the representative of the Netherlands, on behalf of the sponsors and on the basis of consultations, orally revised the amendments by deleting that contained in paragraph 128 (c) above. 130. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted the amendment contained in paragraph 128 (a) above by 29 votes to 1, with 17 abstentions. The Committee then adopted the amendment contained in paragraph 128 (b) above. 131. The representative of the United States of America made a statement before the adoption of the amendments. 132. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution VII as a whole, as amended, and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/92, para. 37, draft resolution VII). For action by the Council, see paragraphs 153-155 below. Technical co-operation. In crime prevention and, criminal justice 133. At its 20th meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution VIII, entitled "Technical co-operation in crime prevention and criminal justice", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/92, para. 37, draft resolution VIII). For action by the Council, see paragraph 156 below. Decisions of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control calling for action by the Council 134. At the same meeting, the Committee considered the five decisions contained in chapter I of the report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control on its eighth session which called for action by the Economic and Social Council; decision 8/1 (Guiding principles for crime prevention and criminal justice in the context of development and the new international economic order)i decision 8/2 (Model agreement on the transfer of foreign prisoners); decision 8/3 (Draft guidelines on the Independence of the judiciary); decision 8/4 (Standard minimum rules for the administration of juvenile justice) and decision 8/5 (Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials). 135. At the same meeting, the representative of Yugoslavia orally proposed an amendment to paragraph (a) of decision 8/3, calling for the replacement of the words "To endorse the draft guidelines on the independence of the judiciary annexed to the present decision" by the words "To take note of the draft guidelines on the independence of the judiciary annexed to the present decision". The amendment was approved by the Committee. 136. Also at the same meeting, the Committee approved the recommendations contained in decisions 8/1, 8/2, 8/3, as amended, 8/4 and 8/5 of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control (see paras. 137 and 138 below). Report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control on its eighth session and provisional agenda and documentation for the ninth session of the Committee 137. At the same meeting, the Committee considered the draft decision entitled "Report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control on its eighth session and provisional agenda and documentation for the ninth session of the Committee", On the proposal of the Chairman, the Committee decided to insert in the text of the draft decision, after paragraph (a), a new paragraph reading as follows: (b) to approve the recommendations made by the Committee in its decisions 8/1, 8/2, 8/3, as amended, 8/4 and 8/5". 138. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted the draft decision, as amended, and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/92, para. 38, draft decision II). For action by the Council, see paragraph 158 below. 2. Other recommendations Seventh United Nations Congress on the prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders 139. At the 18th meeting, on 21 May, the representative of Costa Rica, on behalf also of Japan and Sri Lanka, introduced a draft decision entitled "Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of offenders" (E/1984/C.2/I..9). 140. At the 20th meeting, on 23 May, the Secretary of the Committee made a statement on the financial implications of the draft decision. 141. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted the draft decision and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/92, para. 38, draft decision III). For action by the Council, see paragraph 159 below. Financial arrangements between the United Nations and the Committee for the Promotion of Aid to Co-operatives 142. At its 20th meeting, on the proposal of the Chairman, the Committee decided to recommend the Council to take note of the note by the Secretariat on financial arrangements between the United Nations and the committee for the Promotion of Aid to Co-operatives (E/1984/65) and of the conclusions on the convergence of the specific objectives of the Committee and the activities of the United Nations contained on the report of the Secretary-General on the guest ion (A/C.5/39/3, sect. IV), to take note of the recommendation of the Secretary-General that the United Nations should remain a member of the Committee (ibid., para. 32) (E/1984/92, para. 38, draft decision IV). For action by the Council, see paragraph 160 below. 143. The representatives of Bulgaria, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America made statements before the adoption of the draft decision. Co-ordination and information in the field of youth 144. At the 17th meeting, on 18 May, the representative of Romania, on behalf also of Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, 5/ Benin, Botswana, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba 5/ Djibouti, Ecuador, Egypt, 5/ France, the Gambia, 5/ Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, India, 5/ Indonesia, Liberia, Mexico, Morocco, 5/ the Netherlands, Nigeria, 5/ Pakistan, the Philippines, 5/ Qatar, Rwanda, saint Lucia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, the United States of America, Venezuela, Viet Nam, 5/ Yugoslavia and Zaire, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Co-ordination and information in the field of youth" (E/1984/C.2/L.3). Subsequently, the Congo joined in sponsoring the draft resolution. 145. At its 18th meeting, on 21 May, the Committee adopted the draft resolution (E/1984/92, para. 37, draft resolution I). For action by the Council, see paragraph 147 below. ACTION BY THE COUNCIL 146. At its 21st meeting, on 25 May 1984, the Council considered the draft resolutions and decisions recommended by the Committee in its report (E/1984/92, paras. 37 and 38). 147. Draft resolution I,, entitled "Co-ordination and information in the field of youth", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/44. The representative of the United States of America made a statement before the adoption of the draft resolution. The representatives of Bulgaria and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics made statements after adoption (see E/1984/SR.21). 148. Draft resolution II, entitled "Continuation of preparations for the Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders*, was adopted by a recorded vote of 41 to 1, with 5 abstentions. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/45. The result of the voting was as follows: 6/ In favour: Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Indonesia, Japan, Lebanon, Liberia, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Venezuela, Yugoslavia and Zaire. Against: United States of America. Abstaining: Bulgaria, German Democratic Republic, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 6/ The representatives of Djibouti and Luxembourg stated that had they been present at the time of the vote, their delegation would have voted in favour of the draft resolution) the representative of Poland stated that had he been present, his delegation would have abstained) and the representative of Romania stated that his delegation had abstained, but the voting machine had recorded his vote as being in favour (see E/1984/SR.21). The representative of the Congo stated that had he been present at the time of the vote, his delegation would have voted in favour of the draft resolution (see E/1984/SR.22). The representatives of China, Mexico, Pakistan, Romania and Saudi Arabia made statements before the adoption of the draft resolution. The representatives of Bulgaria, Canada, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United states of America made statements after adoption (see E/1984/SR.21). 149. Draft resolution III, entitled "Alternatives to imprisonment", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/46. 150 Draft resolution IV, entitled "Procedures for the effective implementation of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/47. The representative of Mexico made a statement after the adoption of the draft resolution (see E/1984/SR.21)• 151. Draft resolution V, entitled "Crime prevention and criminal justice in the context of development", was adopted* For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/48. 152. Draft resolution VI, entitled "Fair treatment of women by the criminal justice system", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/49. 153. In connection with draft resolution VII, entitled "Safeguards guaranteeing protection of the rights of those facing the death penalty", the representative of the United states of America orally proposed that the words "on the understanding that they shall not be invoked to delay or to prevent the abolition of capital punishment", in operative paragraph 3 of the draft resolution, should be replaced by the words "on the understanding that they shall not be interpreted as affecting the consideration of the question of the abolition or retention of capital punishment". The representatives of Austria and the Netherlands made statements (see E/1984/SR.21)• 154. The Council then rejected the amendment proposed by the United States of America by 23 votes to 6, with 16 abstentions. The representatives of Qatar and the United States made statement (see E/1984/SR.21). A statement was also subsequently made by the representative of the Congo (see E/1984/SR.22). 155. The Council then adopted the draft resolution, as a whole. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/50. 156. Draft resolution VIII, entitled "Technical co-operation on crime prevention and criminal justice", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/51. 157. Draft decision I, entitled "Provisional rules of procedure for United Nations congresses on the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/152. 158. Draft decision II, entitled "Report of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control on its eighth session and provisional agenda and documentation for the ninth session of the Committee", was adopted. For the fin.- text, see Council decision 1984/153. The representative of Mexico made a statement before the adoption of the draft decision (see E/1984/SR.21). 159. Draft decision ill, entitled "Seventh united Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/154. The Secretary of the Council made a statement before the adoption of the draft decision (see E/1984/SR.21). 160. Draft decision IV, entitled "Financial arrangements between the United Nations and the Committee for the Promotion of Aid to Co-operatives", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/155. The representatives of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America made statements after the adoption of the draft decision (see E/1984/SR.21). 161. At the same meeting, the representative of Bulgaria also made a statement (see E/1984/SR.21). C. Activities for the advancement of women, United Nations Decade for women; Equality., Development and Peace 162. The Council considered the question of activities for the advancement of worsen; Decade for Women: Equality, development and Peace, at its first regular session of 1984 under agenda item 12. 163. For its consideration of the item, the Council had before it the following documents (a) Report of the Commission on the status of Women on its thirtieth session) 7/ (b) Report of the Commission on the status of Women Acting as the Preparatory Body for the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for women: Equality, Development and Peace on its second session (A/CONF.116/PC/19 and Corr.l); (c) Note by the Secretary-General on the programme, financial and administrative implications of the recommendations of the Commission on the Status of Women Acting as the Preparatory Body for the world Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace on its second session (A/CONF.ll6/PC/19/Add.1 and Corr.l); (d) Note by the Secretary-General on the situation of women in rural areas (A/39/58- E/1984/5); (e) Letter dated 17 April 1984 from the Permanent Representative of Democratic Kampuchea to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (A/39/185-S/16486) : (f) Report of the Board of Trustees of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of women on its fourth session (E/1984/41). 7/ Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 1984, Supplement 164. The Council, at its 5th meeting, on 1 May, allocated agenda item 12 to the Second (Social) Committee, which considered the item at its 4th to 9th and 15th meeting, from 4 to 10 and 17 May 1984. ACTION BY THE SECOND (SOCIAL) COMMITTEE 165. At the 4th meeting, on 4 May, the Assistant Secretary-General for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs and the Director of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women made introductory statements. 166. During the general discussion on the item, the Committee heard statements by the representatives of Algeria, Argentina, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Congo, France, the German Democratic Republic, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Poland, Tunisia, Uganda, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, Yugoslavia and Zaire, as well as by the observers for Australia, Bangladesh, Cuba, Denmark (also on behalf of Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Nicaragua, the Republic of Korea and the Sudan. 167. The Committee also heard statements by the representatives of the World Health Organization, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 168. A statement was also made by the observer for the Palestine Liberation Organization. 169. The Committee also heard a statement by the observer for the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, a non-governmental organization in consultative status with the Council, category I. 1. Recommendations contained in .chapter I of the report of the Commission on the Status of Women on its thirtieth session 170. Chapter I of the report of the Commission on the Status of women on its thirtieth session contained 11 draft resolutions and one draft decision recommended for adoption by the Council. 171. At its 9th meeting, on 10 May, the Committee considered draft resolutions I to XI and the draft decision contained in the report of the Commission on the Status of women. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 17 2. At its 9th reeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution I, entitled "Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/93, para. 34- draft resolution I). For action by the Council, see paragraph 196 below. Equal opportunity for women employed in the United Nations system 173. At the same meeting, the Committee accepted a correction proposed by the Secretariat to draft resolution II, entitled "Equal opportunity for women in the United Nations system", whereby the word "biennial" would be deleted before the weed "reports" in operative paragraph 3- The Committee then adopted draft resolution II, as corrected, and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/93,j, para, 34, draft resolution II), For action by the Council, see paragraph 197 below. Concerns of women within the United Nations system 174. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution III, entitled "Concerns of women within the United Nations system", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/93, para. 34, draft resolution III) . For action by the Council, see paragraph 19 8 below. Question of elderly women 175. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution IV, entitled "Question of elderly women", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/93, para. 34, draft resolution IV). For action by the Council, see paragraph 199 below. Violence In the family 176. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution V, entitled "Violence in the family", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/93, para. 34, draft resolution V) . For action by the Council, see paragraph 200 below. Promotion of opportunities for young women 177. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution VI, entitled "Promotion of opportunities for young women", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/93, para. 34, draft resolution VI). For action by the Council, see paragraph 201 below. Implementation of the objectives. of the United Nations Decade for Women; Equality,. Development and Peace 178. At the same meeting, representatives of Algeria, Mexico and Yugoslavia submitted an amendment (E/1984/C.2/L-1 to draft resolution VII entitled "Implementation of the objectives of the United Nations Decade for women: Equality, Development and Peace". The amendment called for the insertion of the Following text after the fifth preambular paragraph: * Stressing that the objectives, strategies and measures to improve the socio-economic conditions of women should be an integral part of national development plans, as well as of international development strategies, including the efforts for the establishment of the new international economic order", 179. At the same meeting, the Committee, having adopted the amendment contained in document E/1984/C.2/L.1, adopted draft resolution VII, as amended, and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/93, para. 34, draft resolution VII). For action by the Council, see paragraph 202 below. women, under, apartheid 180. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution V.:il, entitled "Women under apartheid", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/93, para. 34, draft resolution VIII) . For action by the Council, see paragraph 203 below. Situation of Palestinian women within and outside the occupied Arab territories 181. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution IX, entitled "Situation of Palestinian women within and outside the occupied Arab territories", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/93, para. 34, draft resolution IX. For action by the Council, see paragraph 204 below. physical violence against detained women that is specific to their sex 182. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution X, entitled "Physical violence against detained women that is specific to their sex", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/93, para. 34, draft resolution X). For action by the Council, see paragraph 205 below. Future work or the Commission on the Status of women 183. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution XI, entitled "Future work of the Commission on the Status of Women", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/93, para. 34, draft resolution XI). For action by the Council, see paragraph 206 below. provisional agenda and documentation for the thirty-first session of the Commission on the Status of Women 184. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted the draft decision entitled "Provisional agenda and documentation for the thirty-first session of the Commission on the Status of Women" and submitted it to the Council (E/1964/93, para. 35, draft decision I). For action by the Council, see paragraph 207 below. 2. Other recommendations Report of the Commission on the status of women 185. At its 15th meeting, on 17 May, the Committee, on the proposal of the Chairman, adopted a draft decision whereby the Economic and Social Council would take note of the report of the Commission on the Status of Women on its thirtieth session 8/ and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/93, para. 35, draft decision IV). For action by the Council, see paragraph 210 below. 3- Recommendation contained, in chapter I of the report of the Board of Trustees of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of women on its fourth session 186. Chapter I of the report of the Board of Trustees of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women on its fourth session (E/1984/41) contained one draft decision recommended for adoption by the Council. Statute of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women 187. At its 9th meeting, the Committee considered the draft decision contained in chapter I of the report of the Board of Trustees of the Institute, entitled "Statute of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women". The draft decision read as follows: "The Economic and Social Council approves the statute of the International Research and Training, Institute for the Advancement of Women adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Institute at its fourth session and transmits it to the General Assembly for endorsement". 188. At the same meeting, the representative of Argentina orally proposed an amendment to the draft decision, whereby it would be revised to read as follows: "The Economic and Social Council, having considered the report of the Board of Trustees of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women on its fourth session (E/1984/41), approves the Statute of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of women contained in that report, and transmits it to the General Assembly for its endorsement-" 189. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted the draft decision, as orally amended, and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/93, para. 34, draft decision II). For action by the Council, see paragraph 208 below. 3. Recommendations contained in chapter I of the report of the Commission on the Status of women Acting as the Preparatory Body for the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for women Equality., development and Peace on its second session 190. Chapter I of the report of the Commission on the status of Women Acting as the Preparatory Body for the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements 8/ Ibid. of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace on its second session (A/CONF.116/PC/19 and Corr.l) contained five draft decisions recommended for adoption by the Council. The programme budget implications of recommendations II, III and IV were contained in a note by the Secretary-General (A/CONF.ll6/PC/19/Add.1) . Report of the Commission on the Status, of Women. Acting as the Preparatory Body for the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements, of the United Nations Decade for Women on its second session 191. At its 9th and 15th meetings, on 10 and 17 May, the Committee considered the five recommendations contained in chapter I of the report of the Commission, recommendation I (Preparatory work on basic documentation to be submitted to the World Conference); recommendation II (Preparatory work on basic documentation to be submitted to the World Conferences Women and children living in the occupied Arab territories and other occupied territories); recommendation III (Preparatory work on basic documentation to be submitted to the World Conference); recommendation IV (Outstanding questions on the organizational aspects of the Conference); and recommendation v (Provisional agenda for the third session of the Preparatory Body). 192. At its 15th meeting, on 17 May, the Committee decided, on the proposal of the Chairman, to recommend the Council to take note of the report, approve the recommendations contained therein and transmit the report to the General Assembly at its thirty-ninth session (E/1984/93, para. 35, draft decision III). For action by the Council, see paragraph 209 below. 193. Statements were made by the representatives of Greece, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America. 194. The attention of the Council is drawn to the following statement made at the 15th meeting by the Chairman of the Committee with regard to recommendation IV; "I should like to inform the Committee that the Planning Mission for the Conference undertook its first visit to the Conference site in Nairobi and found the facilities adequate. However, one of the conference rooms for the proposed two main committees would allow for the seating of one delegate only per delegation at table. There are no adviser seats behind the delegates. A few overflow seats not at table are available in the conference room, in all, 200 seats are available at table, and 50 seats, separately, and not at table. "It is my understanding that members of the Committee have, through informal consultations, agreed that these arrangements are acceptable." ACTION BY THE COUNCIL 195. At its 19th meeting, on 24 May 1984, the Council considered the draft resolutions and decisions recommended by the Committee in its report (E/1984/93, paras. 34 and 35). 196. Draft resolution I, entitled "Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/10. 197. Draft resolution II, entitled "Equal opportunity for women employed in the United Nations system", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/11. 198. Draft resolution III, entitled "Concerns of women within the United Nations system", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/12. 199. Draft resolution IV, entitled "Question of elderly women", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/13. 200. Draft resolution V, entitled "Violence in the family", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/14. 201. Draft resolution VI, entitled "Promotion of opportunities for young women", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/15, 202. Draft resolution VII, entitled "implementation of the objectives of the united Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/16. 203 Draft resolution VIII, entitled "Women under apartheid", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/17. 204. Draft resolution IX, entitled "Situation of Palestinian women within and outside the occupied Arab territories", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/18. 205. Draft resolution X, entitled "Physical violence against detained women that is specific to their sex", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/19. 206. Draft resolution XI, entitled "Future work of the Commission on the Status of Women", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/20. 207 Draft decision I, entitled "Provisional agenda and documentation for the thirty-first session of the Commission on the Status of women", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/123. 208. Draft decision II, entitled "Statute of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/\24. 209. Draft decision III, entitled "Report: of the Commission on the Status of Women Acting as the Preparatory Body for the World Conference to Review and Appraise the Achievements of the United Nations Decade for Women on its second session", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/12 5. The representative of Greece made a statement before the adoption of the draft decision. The representatives of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America made statements after adoption (see E/1984/SR.19). 210. Draft decision IV, entitled "Report of the Commission on the Status of Women", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/126. The representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics made a statement after the adoption of the draft decision (see E/1984/SR.19). D. Narcotic drugs 211. The Council considered the questions of narcotic drugs at its first regular session of 1984 under agenda item 13. 212. For Its consideration of the Item, the Council had before it the following documents : (a) Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs on its eighth special session; 9/ (b) Summary of the report of the International Narcotics Control Board for 1983 (E/1984/11). 213. The Council, at its 5th meeting, on 1 May, allocated agenda item 13 to the Second (Social) Committee, which considered the item at its 1st to 3rd meetings, from 1 to 3 May 1984. ACTION BY THE SECOND (SOCIAL) COMMITTEE 214. At the let meeting, on 1 May, the Deputy Director of the Division of Narcotic Drugs made an Introductory statement. The Executive Director of the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control also made a statement. At the 2nd meeting, on 2 May, the President of the International Narcotics Control Board also made a statement. 215. During the general discussion on the item, the Committee heard statements by the representatives of Austria, Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Finland (on behalf also of Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden), the German Democratic Republic, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, the United states of America and Yugoslavia, as well as by the observers for the Bahamas, Egypt and Italy. 216. The Committee also heard a statement by the representative of the World Health Organization. Recommendation contained in Chapter I of the report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs on its eighth special session 217. Chapter I of the report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs on its eighth special session contained three draft resolutions and two draft decisions recommended by the Commission for adoption by the Council. 218. At its 3rd meeting, on 3 May, the Committee considered draft resolutions I to XIZ and draft decisions I and II contained in the report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs. Demand and supply of opiates for medical and scientific needs 219. At its 3rd meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution I, entitled "Demand and supply of opiates for medical and scientific needs", and submitted it to the Council (E/1964/86, para. 14, draft resolution I). For action by the Council, see paragraph 225 below. The cannabis problem 220. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution II, entitled "The cannabis problem", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/86, para. 14, draft resolution II). For action by the Council, see paragraph 226 below. Review tor scheduling: _of the amphetamine-like drugs 221. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution III, entitled "Review for scheduling of the amphetamine-like drugs", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/86, para. 14, draft resolution III). For action by the Council, see paragraph 227 below. Report of the International Narcotics Control Board 222. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision I, entitled "Report of the International Narcotics Control Board", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/86, para. 15, draft decision I) . For action by the Council, see paragraph 228 below. Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs 223. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft decision II, entitled "Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs", and submitted it to the Council (E/1984/86, para. 15, draft decision II). For action by the Council, see paragraph 229 below. ACTION BY THE COUNCIL 224. At its 19th meeting, on 24 Hay 1964, the council considered the draft resolutions and decisions recommended by the Committee in its report (E/1984/86, paras. 14 and 15). 225. Draft resolution I, entitled "Demand and supply of opiates for medical and scientific neeas", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/21. 226. Draft resolution II, entitled "The cannabis problem", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/22. 227. Draft resolution III, entitled "Review for scheduling of the amphetamine-like drugs", was adopted. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/23. 228. Draft decision I, entitled "Report of the International Narcotics Control Board" we adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/127. 229. Draft decision IX, entitled "Report of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs", was adopted. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/128. The representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics made a statement after the adoption of the draft decision (see E/1984/SR.19). Chapter VII QUESTION CONSIDERED BY THE SESSIONAL WORKING GROUP OF GOVERNMENTAL EXPERTS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS 1. The Council considered the question of the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at its first regular session of 1984 under agenda item 3. 2. For its consideration of the item, the Council had before it the following reports submitted by States parties to the Covenant concerning rights covered by articles 6 to 9, 10 to 12 and 13 to 15 of the Covenant: (a) Reports submitted in accordance with Council resolution 1988 (LX) by States parties to the Covenant concerning rights covered by articles 6 to 9: (i) Initial reports: Venezuela (E/1984/6/Add.l and Corr.l); Mexico (Md.2) ; 1/ Iraq (Add.3)! 1/ Rwanda (Add.4); Peru (Add.5); Japan (Add.6 and Corr.1); (ii) Second periodic reports; Chile (E/1984/7/Add.1); Spain (Add.2); German Democratic Republic (Add.3) , 1/ Philippines (Add.4) ; Sweden (Add. 5); Mongolia (Add.6)i Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Add.7); Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic (Add.8); Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (Aad.9) ; Yugoslavia (Add.10); Denmark (Add. 11) ; Ecuador (Add2); Cyprus (Add. 13) ; Finland (Add.14); Hungary (Add.15)] Norway (Add.16); Romania (Ado.17)* 1/ and Bulgaria (Add.18) ; 1/ (b) Reports submitted in accordance with Council resolution 1988 (LX) by States parties to the Covenant concerning rights covers by articles 10 to 12: Italy (E/1930/6/Add.31 and 36) ; Canada (Add.32); Netherlands (Add.33); India (Add.34 and Corr.l); and Portugal (Add.35) . 1/ (c) Reports submitted in accordance with Council resolution 1988 (LX) by States parties to the Covenant concerning rights covered by articles 13 to 15; Guyana (E/1982/3/Add. 5 and 29); Iraq (Add.26); 1/ Portugal (Ada.27); 1/ and Finland (Add.28) . 3. Also for its consideration of the item, the Council had before it the following documents; (a) Notes by the Secretary-General on reports submitted by States parties to the Covenant concerning rights covered by articles 6 to 9 (E/1984/6 and E/1984/7); (b) Note by the Secretary-General on States parties to the Covenant and status of the submission of reports, in accordance with the programme established by Economic and Social Council resolution 1988 (LX) (E/1984/47) ; 1/ Report to be considered by the Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts in 1985. (c) Note by the Secretary-General transmitting an extract from the report or the International Labour Organisation Committee or Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations on its tatty-fourth session (E/1984/55). 4. The Council, at its organizational session for 1984, allocated agenda item 3 to the Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which had been established by the Council in resolutions 1938 (LX) of 11 May 1976 and 1982/33 or 6 hay 1982 and decisions 1978/10 of 3 May 1978 and 1981/102 of 6 February 1981. The membership of the sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts in 1984 was as follows; Bulgaria, Denmark, Ecuador, France, German Democratic Republic, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Peru, Spain, Tunisia and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 2/ The Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights held 24 meetings, from 16 April to 4 May 1984. An account of the deliberations of the Group of Experts is contained in the relevant, summary records (E/1984/WG.1/SR.1-24) . A number of informal consultations and one Informal meeting were also held during the session. ACTION BY THE SESSIONAL WORKING GROUP OF GOVERNMENTAL EXPERTS Provisional agenda tor 1985 of the Sessional Working Group Of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Bureau for 1985 of the Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts on the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 7. At its 24th meeting, on 4 May, the Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts adopted its report to the Economic and Social Council on the work carried out during the session (E/1984/83) and recommended two draft decisions tor adoption by the Council (see E/1984/83, para. 33), entitled "Provisional agenda for 1985 of the Sessional working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" (draft decision I) and "Bureau for 1985 of the Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" (draft decision II). For action by the Council, see paragraphs 8-11 below. 2/ There was a vacancy for one member from Asian States for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1985, and one for a member from Latin American States for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1986. ACTION BY THE COUNCIL 8. The Council considered the item at its 16th, 17th end 19th meetings, on 21, 22 and 24 May 1984. An account of the discussion is contained in the relevant summary records (F/1984/SR.16, 17 and 19). 9. During the general discussion of the item, the Council heard statements by the representatives of Austria, Bulgaria, France* the German Democratic Republic, Germany, Federal Republic of, Japan and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (see E/1984/SR.16 and 17). 10. At its 19th meeting, on 24 May, the Council adopted draft decision I, entitled "Provisional agenda for 1985 of the Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights", recommended by the Group of Experts in its report (E/1984/83, para. 33) . For the final text, see Council decision 1984/121. 11. At the same meeting, the Council adopted draft decision II, entitled "Pnreau for 1985 of the Sessional working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights", recommended by the Group of Experts in its report (E/1984/83, para. 33). For the final text, see Council decision 1984/122. Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights At the 19th meeting, the representative of the Federal Republic of Germany, on behalf also of Austria, Denmark, 3/ Finland, France, Japan, Netherlands and Sweden, introduced a revised draft resolution entitled "Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (E/1984/L.30/Rev.l) . At the same meeting, the Council adopted the revised draft resolution. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/9. After the adoption of the revised draft resolution, statements were made by the representatives of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America (see E/1984/SR.19). 3/ In accordance with rule 72 of the rules of procedure of the Economic and Social Council. Chapter VIII ELECTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS TO SUBSIDIARY AND RELATED BODIES OF THE COUNCIL, CONFIRMATION OF REPRESENTATIVES ON THE FUNCTIONAL COMMISSIONS AND ON THE SESSIONAL WORKING GROUP OF GOVERNMENTAL EXPERTS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS AND NOMINATIONS 1/ CONSIDERATION AT THE ORGANIZATIONAL SESSION FOR 1984 1.The Council considered the question of elections and appointments to subsidiary and related bodies of the Council and confirmation of representatives on the functional commissions and on the Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights at its organizational session for 1984 under agenda item 5. 2.For its consideration of the item, the Council had before it the following documents! (a) Note by the Secretary-General on the appointment of members of the Committee for Development Planning (E/1984/10); (b) Note by the Secretary-General on elections to subsidiary bodies of the Council and confirmation of representatives on the functional commissions and on the Sessional Working Group of governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (E/1984/8 and Corr.1-2 and Add.1-2). 3. The Council considered the item at its 2nd and 4th meetings, on 10 and 16 February 1984. An account of the proceedings is contained in the relevant summary records (E/1984/SR.2 and 4) . For the results of the elections and nominations, see Council decision 1984/108. Membership of subsidiary bodies of the Council; elections, appointments and confirmations 4. At its 2nd meeting, on 10 February, the Council decided to postpone until a later session elections to till vacancies in the Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Committee on Natural Resources and the Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting. 5. At the same meeting, the Council confirmed the appointment of representatives on the Statistical Commission, the Population Commission, the Commission for Social 1/ For further action by the Council at its second regular session of 1984 under item 25 of the provisional agenda (E/1984/100), see A/39/3 (Part II), chap. VIII, to be issued. Development, the Commission on Human Rights and the Commission on the Status of Women. 6. At its 4th meeting, on 16 February, the Council, on the nomination of the Secretary-General, appointed 23 members of the Committee tor Development Planning and postponed the appointment of one member of the Committee (see para. 10 below) . CONSIDERATION AT THE FIRST REGULAR SESSION OF 1984 7. The Economic and Social Council considered the question of elections and appointments to subsidiary and related bodies of the Council and nominations at its first regular session of 1984 under agenda item 14. 8. For its consideration of the item, the Council had before it the following documents; (a) Note by the Secretary-General on the appointment of a member of the Committee for Development Planning (E/1984/10/Add.1); (b) Provisional annotated agenda (E/1984/30); (c) Note by the Secretary-General on the election of members of the International Narcotics Control Boara, in accordance with the provisions of article 9, paragraph 1(b), of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the 1972 Protocol (E/1984/42) ; Note by the Secretary-General on the election of members of the International Narcotics Control Boaro, in accordance with the provisions of article 9, paragraph 1(a), of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the 1972 Protocol (E/1984/43); Report of the Committee on Candidatures for election to the International Narcotics Control Board (E/1984/44) ; Note by the Secretary-General on nominations to the Board of Trustees of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (E/1984/48 and Add.1-3); Note by the Secretariat on the election of members of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control (E/1984/57 and Corr.1 and Add.1-5); (h) Note by the Secretary-General on the election of members of the functional commissions of the Council (E/1984/L.1); (i) Note by the Secretary-General on the election of 19 members of the Commission on Human Settlements (E/1984/L. 2) ; (j) Note by the Secretary-General on the election of 16 members of the Commission on Transnational Corporations (E/1984/L.3); (k) Note by the Secretary-General on the election or 31 members of the Committee on Natural Resources (E/1984/L.4); (1) Note by the Secretary-General on the election of 10 members of the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund (E/1984/L. 5); (m) Note by the Secretary-General on the election of 16 members of the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme (E/1984/L. 6) ; (n) Note by the Secretary-General on the election of 5 members of the Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (E/1984/L-7); (o) Note by the Secretariat on the election of 21 members of the Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting (E/1984/L.8) ; (p) Note by the Secretary-General on nominations of 7 members of the Committee tor Programme ana Co-ordination (E/1984/L.9); (a) Note by the Secretary-General on the nomination of 12 members of the World Food Council tE/1984/L.10); (r) Note by the Secretary-General on the election of 5 members of the Committee on Food Aid Policies ana Programmes (E/1984/L.11). 9. The Council considered the item at its 6th and 18th meetings, on 2 and 23 May 1984. An account of the proceedings is contained in the relevant summary records (E/1984/SR.6 jn3 18) . For the results of the elections, nominations and appointments, see Council decision 1984/156. Elections, appointments and nominations to subsidiary and related bodies of the Council If. At its 6th meeting, on 2 May, the Council appointed one member of the Committee for Development Planning, thus completing the membership of the Committee (see para. 6 above) . 11. At its 18tn meeting, on 23 May, the Council appointed members of the Board of Trustees of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women. 12 At its 18th meeting, the Council held elections to fill vacancies in five of its functional commissions; Statistical Commission, Population Commission, Commission for Social Development, Commission on Human Rights and Commission on the Status of Women. It also held elections to fill vacancies in the following bogies: Commission on Human Settlements, Commission on Transnational Corporations, Committee on Crime Prevention and Control, Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes, Committee on tural Resources, Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund, Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme, International Narcotics Control Board, Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting, and Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 13. The Council postponed until a later session elections to fill the regaining vacancies in the Commission for Social Development, the Commission on Human Settlements, the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control, the Committer on Natural Resources, the Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting and the Sessional working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 14. At its 18th meeting the Council nominated Member States for election by the General Assembly to the Committee for Programme and co-ordination and the world Food Council. The Council postponed to a later session the nomination of two members of the Committee to programmes and Co-ordination. Chapter IX ORGANIZATIONAL AND OTHER MATTERS 1. The Council held its organizational session for 1984 from 7 to 10 and 21 February and on 16 March 1984 and its first regular session of 1984 from 1 to 25 May 1984, both at United Nations Headquarters. 2. The Secretary-General of the United Nations opened the organizational session for 1984 and addressed the Council. The President of the Council also made a Statement (see E/1984/SR.1). A. Bureau of the Council 3. At its 1st meeting, on 7 February, on the nomination of the observer for Italy (on behalf of the Western European and ether States) the Council elected, by acclamation, Mr. Karl Fischer (Austria) President of the Council for 1984. The Council also elected, by acclamation, Mr. Mohamed Bouyoucef (Algeria), Mr. Tomohiko Kobayasbi (Japan), Mr. Wlodzimierz Natorf (Poland) and Mr. Donatus St. Aimee (Saint Lucia) Vice-Presidents of the Council (see E/1984/SR.1) . 4. At its 2nd meeting, on 10 February, on the proposal of the President, the Council agreed that Mr. Tomohiko Kobayasbi (Japan) would serve as Chairman of the First (Economic) Committee, Mr. Mohamed Bouyoucef (Algeria) as Chairman of the Second (Social) Committee and Mr. Wlodzimierz Natorf (Poland) as Chairman of the Third (Programme and Co-ordination) Committee. It agreed that Mr. Donatus St. Aimee (Saint Lucia) would perform other functions, as required by the Council, and would co-ordinate the informal consultations (see E/1984/SR.2). 5. The Second (Social) Committee, at its it’s meeting, on 1 May, elected Mrs. Sbireen Moiz (Pakistan) and Mrs. Fanny Umana (Colombia) Vice-Chairmen of the Committee. 6. Mr. Michael Urban Bendix (Denmark) was elected Chairman of the Sessional working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Mr. -Sharif G. Alkalbash (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya), Mr. Farouk Sarrawi (Jordan) and Mr. Kalin Mitrev (Bulgaria) were elected Vice-chairmen. Mr. Carlos Jativa (Ecuador) was elected Rapporteur (see E/l984/WG.l/SR.l and 2). B. programme of worn and agenda Agenda of the organizational session for 1984 1/ 7. At its l6t meeting, on 7 February, the Council considered and adopted the agenda for the organizational session for 1984 (E/1984/2). 1/ For the agenda, as adopted, see annex I below. Basic programme of work of the Economic and Social Council for 1984 and 1985 8. At its 1st and 2nd meetings, on 7 and 10 February, the Council considered its draft basic programme of work for 1984-1985 (E/1984/1 and Add.1) {see E/1984/SR.1 and 2). 9. At the 1st meeting, on 7 February, statements in connection with the draft basic programme of work of the Council were made by the representatives of the German Democratic Republic and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (see E/1984/SR.1). 10. At its 2nd meeting, on 10 February, the Council had before it a draft decision on the basic programmer of work of the Council for 1984-1985 (E/1984/L.14 and Corr.1), submitted by the President on behalf of the Bureau of the Council on the basis of informal consultations. The President of the Council and Mr. Mohamed Bouyoucef (Algeria) and Mr. Donatus St. Aimee (St. Lucia), Vice-Presidents of the Council, made statements (see E/1964/SR.2). Statements in connection with the draft decision submitted by the President were made by the representatives of Canada, France (on behalf also of the States members of the European Economic Community) , Mexico (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations which are members of the Group of 77), Sierra Leone, Sweden, Tunisia, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America, as well as by the observers tor Bangladesh and Egypt (see E/1984/SR. 2) . At the same meeting, on the basis of the draft decision (E/1984/L.14 and Corr.l), the Council decided: To give priority consideration, at its second regular session of 1984, to the critical economic situation in Africa; To consider, at its first regular session of 1984, the question of the second priority issue for consideration at the second regular session of 1984, bearing in mind the text of the proposal made by the Chairman of the informal working group on priority items during the organizational session for 1984; That an informal sessional working group of the whole, under the chairmanship of one of the Vice-Presidents of the Council, should review, during the first regular session of 1984, the draft guidelines on consumer protection (see E/1983/71) and that the Vice-President should submit a report thereon to the Council at its second regular session of 1984 under the item entitled "International co-operation and co-ordination within the United Nations system", with a view to the adoption of the draft guidelines by the General Assembly at its thirty-ninth session; (O) To consider in detail, under the item entitled "Regional co-operation", in pursuance of paragraph 1 (b) of Council resolution 1982/50 of 28 July 1982 and taking into account the joint recommendations made by the executive secretaries of the regional commissions pursuant to Council decision 1982/174 of 30 July 1982, progress in the implementation of its resolution 1983/66 of 29 July 1983 on the promotion of interregional economic and technical co-operation among developing countries; (e) Nat to consider draft proposals under the items entitled "Industrial development co-operation" "Development and utilization of new and renewable sources of energy" and "Operational activities for development", except for specific proposals requiring action by the council contained in the reports of the intergovernmental bodies concerned; reports submitted to the General Assembly through the Economic and Social Council under these items shall be transmitted directly to the Assembly; (f) To welcome the positive response of the Council of the United Nations University, pursuant to Council decisions 1983/101 of 4 February 1983 and 1983/184 of 29 July 1983, in changing its annual reporting period in order to submit its report to the Economic and Social Council at its second regular session beginning in 1985; (g) To request the Secretary-General to transmit directly to the General Assembly at its thirty-ninth session, for consideration, the annual reports of the Trade and Development Board, the Human Rights Committee and the Council of the United Nations university; the Council will again consider in 1984, under the relevant agenda items, the rescheduling of the meetings of the Trade and Development Board and the Human Rights Committee requested in paragraph 2 (i) of its decision 1983/101; (h) To review, within the context of its consideration of the items of the agenda of its regular sessions, in accordance with paragraph (i) of Council resolution 1982/50 of 28 July 1983 and General Assembly resolution 38/32 E of 25 November 1983# all its recurrent and other documentation requested under an existing legislative authority, including publications, in order to determine whether any document has become redundant, has lost its usefulness or could be issued at less frequent intervals; (i) to request its subsidiary organs responsible tor recurrent publications to review them with the objective of identifying and discontinuing those which no longer serve a useful purpose, bearing in mind the criteria set out in paragraph 17 of General Assembly resolution 38/32 E, and to report thereon to the Council; (j) To direct all it6 subsidiary bodies to take into consideration and, as required, act on the relevant resolutions and decisions adopted by the General Assembly at its thirty-eighth session, For the final text of the decision, see Council decision 1984/101, paragraph 5. 13. At the same meeting, the Council took note of the questions for inclusion in the programme of work of the Council tor 1985. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/101, paragraph 6. 14. The Council also decided, in accordance with paragraph 1 (f) of its resolution 1982/50 of 28 July 1982 and Its resolution 1983/78 of 29 July 1983, to review, on a cross-organizational basis, during its first regular session of 1985, the question of women and development, and during its second regular session, the activities of the United Nations system in economic and technical co-operation among developing countries. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/101, paragraph 7. Agenda of the first regular session of 1984 2/ 15. At its 2nd meeting, on 10 February, the Council considered and approved the provisional agenda for its first regular session of 1984 (E/1984/L.14 and Corr.1). For the final text of the decision, see Council decision 1984/101, paragraph 1. 16. At its 5th meeting, on 1 May, on the proposal of the President, the Council decided to refer the note by the Secretariat on the financial arrangements between the United Nations and the Committee for the Promotion of Aid to Co-operatives (E/1984/65) to the Second (Social) Committee for consideration under item 11 of the provisional agenda for its first regular session of 1984 (Social development). Also on the proposal of the President, the Council decided to consider the question of the special economic assistance programme for Swaziland at its second regular session of 1984 under item 18 of the provisional agenda (Special economic, humanitarian and disaster relief assistance) rather than at its first regular session of 1984 under item 1 of the provisional agenda (Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters) (see E/1984/SR.5 and paras. 38-41 below). 17. At the same meeting, the Council adopted the provisional agenda for its first regular session of 1984 (E/1984/30) taking into account the proposals made by the President. After hearing a statement by the President, the Council approved the note by the Bureau on the organization of the work of the session (E/1984/L. 17), as orally revised by the President (see E/1984/SR.5). She agenda of the first regular session of 1984, as adopted, together with the proposed organization of work for the session, was circulated In document E/1984/73. The Council also had before it a note by the Secretariat on the state of preparedness of documentation for the session (E/1984/L.16/Rev.l). Agenda of the second regular session of 1984 3/ 18. At its 5th meeting, on 1 May, the Council revised the list of aocunent6 to be submitted under item 4 of the provisional agenda tor the second regular session, entitled "Critical situation in Africa" (see E/1984/SR.5). 19. At its 22nd meeting, on 25 May, the Council considered a note by the Bureau containing the provisional agenda tor the second regular session of 1984, as well as the suggested organization of work for the session (E/1984/L. 31) . 20. At the same meeting, Mr. Mohamed Bouyoucef (Algeria), Vice-President of the Council, made the following statement concerning the outcome of his consultations on the question of the second priority issue for consideration at the second regular session of 1984; "During the discussion regarding priority issues, the importance of planning and public administration was emphasized. It was agreed that the Council would revert, at its organizational session for 1985, to the question of planning and public administration with a view to further defining its 2/ For the agenda, as adopted, see annex II below. 3/ For the provisional agenda, as approved, see annex III below. scope and making it a priority issue tor consideration by the Council, bearing in mind that the question of public administration and finance is included in the programme of work of the Council tor 1985." 21. At the same meeting, the Council heard statements by the representatives of China, Mexico (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations which are members of the Group of 77) , Tunisia, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the United States of America (see E/1984/SR.22). 22. At the same meeting, on the proposal of the President, the Council agreed to take up the letter dated 6 February 1984 from the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization to the Secretary-General (E/1984/53) and the letter dated 17 April 1984 from the President of the Trade and Development Board addressed to the President of the Economic and Social Council (E/1984/76) under item 20 (International co-operation and co-ordination within the United Nations system) and item 23 (Trade and development), respectively, of the provisional agenda for its second regular session of 1984. 23. At the same meeting, the Council, also on the proposal of the President, decided to include an additional item, entitled "Elections and nominations", in the provisional agenda for its second regular session of 1984. 24. After hearing statements by the representatives of Austria, Brazil, Finland, Pakistan, Qatar, Sweden and Tunisia, the Council approved the provisional agenda, as orally revised, and the organization of work proposed for its second regular session of 1984, as contained in document E/1984/L. 31 and orally revised. For the final text of the decision, see Council decision 1984/157. The suggested organization of work of the second regular session of 1984, is contained in the annex to the annotated provisional agenda (E/1984/100). 25. After approval of the provisional agenda and organization of work, statements were made by the representatives of Austria, Brazil, Canada, Djibouti, Germany, Federal Republic of, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (see E/1984/SR.22). 26. At the same meeting, the Council took note of the statement made by the Chairman of the Committee on the Review and Appraisal of the Implementation of the International Development Strategy for the Third united Nations Development Decade (see E/1984/SR.22). C. Review of the functioning of the Joint Meetings of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination and the administrative Committee on Co-ordination 27. At its 2nd meeting, on 10 February, the Council considered the draft resolution entitled "Review of the functioning of the Joint Meetings of the Committee tor programme and Co-ordination and the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination", submitted by the President of the Council on behalf of the Bureau and contained in document E/1984/L.14 and Corr.1. The Secretary of the Council stated that, as a result of informal consultations, operative paragraph 5 of the draft resolution should be reworded as follows; "5. Decides to recommend to the General Assembly the continuation of the current application of paragraph 12 of Assembly resolution 31/93*. 28. At the same meeting, the council adopted the draft resolution, as orally revised. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/1. D. Preparatory Committee for the International Conference on Emulation, 1984 29. At the same meeting, the Council, having considered a draft decision submitted by the President of the Council on behalf of the Bureau (E/1984/L.14 and Corr.l, para. 6) , decided to authorize the Preparatory Committee to hold a resumed session at United Nations Headquarters from 12 to 16 March 1984, and to report to the Council at its first regular session of 1984. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/102. E. Seventh Meeting of Exerts_ on the_ United Nations Programme in Public Administration and Finance 30. At the same meeting, the Council, having considered a draft decision submitted by the President of the Council on behalf of the Bureau (E/1984/L.14 and Corr.l, para. 7) decided that the Seventh Meeting of Experts on the United Nations Programme in Public Administration and Finance would be held at Geneva from 17 to 26 October 1984 instead of at United Nations Headquarters from 16 to 25 May 1984. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/103. F. Review of the cycle of meetings of subsidiary bogies of the Economic and Social Council 31. At the same meeting, the Council, having considered the draft decision entitled "Review or the cycle of meetings of subsidiary bodies of the Economic and Social Council", submitted by the President of the Council on behalf of the Bureau and contained in document E/1984/L.14 and Corr.l, decided, pursuant to General Assembly decision 38/429 of 19 December 1983 and Council resolution 1768 (LIV) of 18 May 1983, to request its subsidiary bodies that currently meet on an annual basis to consider adopting, on an experimental basis, a biennial cycle of meetings, and to report thereon to the Council in 1984. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/104. G. Third United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas 32. At the same meeting, the Council, having considered the letter dated 8 February 1984 from the Permanent representative of Argentina to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Council (E/1984/27), decided that the Third United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas should be held at Buenos Aires during the first quarter of 1985 instead of from 3 to 14 September 1984. For the final text, see Council decision 1964/105. 33. After the adoption of the draft decision, the representative of Argentina made a statement (see E/1984/SR.2). 34. At the 16th meeting, on 21 May, the President of the Council stated that the Permanent representative of Argentina to the united Nations had informed the Secretary-General that the Government of Argentina was not in a position to act as boat for the Conference (see E/1984/SR.16). The Council the decided that the Conference would be held at United Nations Headquarters from 19 February to 1 March 1985. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/117. H. Election of members of the Committee on Candidatures for election to the International Narcotics Control Board 35. At its 1st meeting, on 7 February, the Council considered a note by the Secretary-General (E/1984/4) on the election of members of the international Narcotics Control Board under the provisions of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the 1972 Protocol. The Council also had before it a statement (E/1984/4/Add.1) , submitted by the Secretary-General on the programme budget implications of document E/1984/4. 36. At the same meeting, the Council, as provided in its resolution 1106 (XL) of 4 March 1966, established a Committee on Candidatures to review candidatures for vacancies that would occur on the International Narcotics Control Board. 37. At its 2nd meeting, on 10 February, the Council elected the following States to the Committee: Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Greece, India, Morocco, Pakistan, Peru, Thailand, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, united Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and united States of America. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/107. I. Special session of the Committee of the Whole of the Economic Commission for Latin America 38. At its 16tb meeting, on 21 May, the Council, in pursuance of a request made by the Economic Commission for Latin America at its twentieth session, decided to approve the convening of a one-day special meeting of the Committee of the whole of the Commission at United Nations Headquarters on 28 June 1984, In order to approve the conclusions and recommendations submitted to it by the Caribbean Development and Co-operation Committee. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/116. J. Special Economic assistance programme for Swaziland 39. At Its 2nd meeting, on 10 February, the Council considered a letter dated 9 February 1984 from the Permanent representative of Swaziland to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Council (E/1984/31) concerning the critical situation in Swaziland and requesting the Council to recommend a special economic assistance programme for that country* 40. At the same meeting, on the proposal of the President, the Council decided to request the Secretary-General to send, as soon as possible and within existing resources, an inter-agency mission to Swaziland to assess that country's priority needs in the light of the cyclone of January 1984 and its medium-term and long-term implications for the economy, and to consider the matter at its first regular session of 1964, should the report of the mission be available at that time. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/106. 41. After the adoption of the draft decision, statements were made by the representatives of Swaziland and Tunisia (on behalf of the African Group) (see E/1984/SR.4). 42. At its 5th meeting, on 1 May, the Council, having been informed that the report of the Secretary-General on the special economic assistance programme tor Swaziland would not be available in time for consideration by the Council at its first regular session of 1984, decided to consider that report at its second regular session of 1984 under item 18 of the provisional agenda (Special economic, humanitarian and disaster relief assistance) (see E/1984/SR.5 and para. 16 above). K. Measures to be taken following the cyclones and floods in Madagascar 43. At its 5th meeting, on 1 May, the Council decided to include a question entitled "Measures to be taken following the cyclones and floods in Madagascar" under item 1 of the agenda of the first regular session of 1984; in pursuance of a letter dated 20 April 1984 from the Permanent Representative of Madagascar to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (E/1984/67). 44. At its 11th meeting, on 11 May, the Council heard statements by the observer for Madagascar and the representative of the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator (see E/1984/SR.1). 45. At the same meeting, the representative of Algeria, on behalf also of Argentina, Bangladesh, 4/ Benin, Botswana, Congo, Cuba, 4/ Cyprus, 4/ Djibouti, Ecuador, Ethiopia, 4/ Liberia, Malawi, 4/ Mali, Mexico, Nigeria, 4/ Pakistan, Romania, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Suriname, Swaziland, Tunisia, Uganda, Viet Nam, 4/ and Zaire, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Measures to be taken following the cyclone and floods in Madagascar" (E/1984/L.21), which he orally revised by (a) deleting the words "the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly" in operative paragraph 5 (b); and (b) replacing the words "report to" by the word "apprise" and inserting the words "report to" between the words "to" and "the General Assembly" in operative paragraph 6. Colombia and France subsequently joined in sponsoring the draft resolution. 46. At the same meeting, the Council adopted the draft resolution (E/1984/L.21), as orally revised. For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/3. 47. Before the adoption of the draft resolution, statements were made by the representatives of Pakistan and the United States of America. The observer for Madagascar made a statement after adoption (see E/1984/SR.11). 4/ In accordance with rule 72 of the rules of procedure of the Economic and Social Council, L. Emergenc Assistance to the drought victims in Ethiopia 48. At its 5th meeting, on 1 May, the Council deiced to include a question entitled "Emergency assistance to the drought victims in Ethiopia" under item 1 of the agenda of the first regular session of 19 84, in pursuance of a note verbale dated 24 April 1964 from the Permanent Mission of Ethiopia to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Economic and Social Council (E/1984/64) . 49.At its 11th meeting, on 11 May, the Council heard a statement by the Commissioner tor Relief and Rehabilitation of Ethiopia (see E/1984/SR.11). 50. At the same meeting, the representative of Algeria, on behalf also of Cuba, 4/ Cyprus, 4/ Djibouti, Egypt, 4/ Ethiopia, 4/ Gambia, 4/ Lesotho, 4/ Liberia, Madagascar 4/ Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Tunisia, Uganda, Viet Nam, 4/ Yugoslavia and Zimbabwe, 4/ introduced a draft resolution entitled "Emergency assistance to the drought victims in Ethiopia" (E/1984/L.24). India 4/ and Rwanda subsequently joined in sponsoring the draft resolution. 51. At the same meeting, statements were made by the representatives of Somalia and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as well as by the observer for Ethiopia (see E/1984/SR.11). 52. At its 15th meeting, on 17 May, the Council adopted the draft resolution (E/1984/L.24), For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/5. 53. The observer tor Ethiopia made a statement after the adoption of the draft resolution (see E/1984/SR.15). M. Emergency assistance to the drought victims in Djibouti 54. At its 11th meeting, on 11 May, the Council had before it a note verbale dated 10 May 1984 from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Djibouti to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Economic and Social Council (E/1984/90) . 55. At the same meeting, after hearing statements by the representatives of Djibouti and the United States of America, the Council decided to include a question entitled "Emergency assistance to the drought victims in Djibouti'1 under item 1 of the agenda of the first regular session of 1984 (see E/1984/SR.11) . 56. At the 15th meeting, on 17 May, the representative of Algeria, on behalf also of Austria, Bangladesh, 4/ Benin, Botswana, China, Cuba, 4/ Cyprus, 4/ Djibouti, Egypt 4/ Ethiopia, 4/ France, Gambia, 4/ Greece, India, 4/ Italy, 4/ Japan, Kenya. 4/ Lebanon, Liberia, Madagascar, 4/ Malawi, 4/ Mali, Mexico, Morocco, 4/ Pakistan, Qatar, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic, 4/ Thailand:, Tunisia, Uganda, Yugoslavia, Zaire and Zambia 4/, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Emergency assistance to the drought victims in Djibouti" (E/1984/L.25) . 57. At the same meeting, the Council adopted the draft resolution (E/1984/L.25). For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/6. 58. After the adoption of the draft resolution, the representative of Djibouti made a statement (see E/1984/SR.15). N. Emergency assistance to the drought victims in Somalia 59. At the 14th meeting, on 16 May, the Council decided to include a question entitled "Emergency assistance to all the victims of drought and famine in Somalia" under item 1 of the agenda of the first regular session of 1984, in pursuance of a note verbale dated 11 Hay 1984 from the Permanent Mission of the Somali Democratic Republic to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Economic and Social Council (E/1984/95). 60. At the 15th meeting, on 17 May, the representative of Algeria, on behalf also of Bangladesh, 4/ China, Cyprus, 4/ Djibouti, Egypt, 4/ Gambia, 4/ Greece, India, 4/ Italy, 4/ Japan, Lebanon, Madagascar, 4/ Morocco, 4/ Pakistan, Qatar, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, 4/ Somalia, Suriname, Swaziland, Thailand, Tunisia, Yugoslavia, Zaire, and Zambia, 4/ introduced a draft resolution entitled "Emergency assistance to the drought victims in Somalia" (E/1984/L.26) . 61. At the same meeting, the Council adopted the draft resolution (E/1984/L.26). For the final text, see Council resolution 1984/7. 62. After the adoption of the draft resolution, the representatives of Capon and Somalia made statements (see E/1934/SR.15)- O. Change of gate of the twentieth session of the Committee for Development Planning 63. At its 6th meeting, on 2 May, the Council, having considered a note by the Secretariat (E/1984/L.18) , decided that the twentieth session of the Committee for Development planning would be held at United Nations Headquarters from 17 to 21 May 1984 instead of from 4 to 13 April 1984. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/110. P. Application tor bearings by non-governmental organizations 64. At its 8th and 11th meetings, on 7 and 11 May, the Council, on the recommendation of the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations, approved the application tor hearings by non-governmental organizations on various items of the agenda of the Council's first regular session of 1984, as listed in the report of the Committee (E/1984/80 and Add.1). Q. Reconvened special session of the Commission on Transnational Corporations and question of the participation of expert advisers in the reconvened special session 65. At its 2nd, 3rd and 11th meetings, on 10 and 21 February and 11 May, the Council considered the questions of the reconvened special session of the Commission on Transnational Corporations and the participation of expert advisers in the reconvened special session {see E/1984/SR.2, 3 and 11). 66. For its consideration of the item at the organizational session for 1984, the Council had before it the report of the Commission on Transnational Corporations on its reconvened special session (E/1984/9 and Add.1) . 67. At its 2nd meeting, on 10 February, the Council considered a draft decision on this matter submitted by the President of the Council on behalf of the Bureau on the basis of informal consultations and contained in document E/1984/L. 14 and Corr.1. 68. At the same meeting, Mr. Donatus St. Aimee (Saint Lucia), Vice-President of the Council, stated that although agreement had been reached on the dates for the reconvened special session, as indicated in document E/1984/L.14 and Corr.1, the question of the participation of the expert advisers remained undecided. He suggested two alternative proposals made in the course of the informal consultations. In this connection, statements were made by the representatives of France, Sweden and the Union of Soviet .Socialist Republics (see E/1984/SR.2) . 69. At its 3rd meeting, on 21 February, the Council resumed its consideration of the draft decision contained in document E/1984/L. 14 and Corr.1, which was reproduced in document E/1984/L.15 and entitled "Reconvened special session of the Commission on Transnational Corporations". The Secretary of the Council announced that informal consultations had led to an agreement to add a second paragraph to the draft decision, which would read as follows.- "Decides further that the matter of the participation of experts in the reconvened special session should be dealt with at the next regular session of the Commission on Transnational Corporations, to be held in April, taking into account the proposal made by the delegation of Mexico on behalf of the Group of 77. The recommendation of the Commission will be considered by the Council at its first regular session of 1984." 70. At the same meeting, after hearing statements by the representatives of Austria, France, Pakistan, Sweden and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as well as by Mr. St. Aimee, Vice-President of the Council, the text of the second paragraph was orally revised to read as follows; "Decides further that the matter of the participation of expert advisers in the reconvened special session will be dealt with at the next regular session of the Commission on Transnational Corporations, to be held in April, taking into account the proposal made by the delegation of Mexico on behalf of the Group of 77. The recommendations made by the Commission on Transnational Corporations will be considered for appropriate action by the Council at its first regular session of 1984." 71. At the same meeting, the Council adopted the draft decision (E/1984/L.15), as orally revised. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/109. 72. After the adoption of the draft decision, the observer for Switzerland made a statement (see E/1984/SR.3). Question of the participation of expert advisers in the reconvened special session of the Commission on Transnational Corporations 73. At its 11th meeting, on 11 May, the Council heard a statement by the Executive Director of the Centre on Transnational Corporations (see E/1984/SR.11). 74. At the same meeting, the Council considered a note by the Secretary-General on the subject (E/1984/L.19) and decided to invite expert advisers to participate in the work of the reconvened special session of the Commission on Transnational Operations, to be held from 11 to 29 June 1984, during the last three days of the second week of the session, within existing resources. For the final text, see Council decision 1984/120- ANNEX I Agenda of the organizational session tor 1984 1. Election of the Bureau. 2. Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters. 3. Basic programme of work of the Council tor 1984-1985. 4. Reconvened special session of the Commission on Transnational Corporations. 5. Elections to subsidiary bodies of the Council and confirmation of representatives on the functional commissions and on the Sessional Working Group of Governmental Experts on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 6. Provisional agenda for the first regular session of 1984 and other organizational matters. ANNEX IX Agenda of the first regular session for 1984 1. Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters. 2. Second Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination. 3. Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 4. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. 5. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 6. Population questions. 7. Non-governmental organizations. 8. Cartography. 9. International co-operation in tax matters. 10. Human rights. 11. Social development. 12. Activities for the advancement of women; United Nations Decade for Women; Equality, Development and Peace. 13. Narcotic drugs. 14. Elections and nominations. 15. Consideration of the provisional agenda for the second regular session of 1964 ANNEX III Provisions! agenda for the second regular session of 1984 1. Opening of the session. 2. Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters. 3. General discussion of international economic and social policy, including regional and sectoral developments. 4. Critical economic situation in Africa. 5. Review and appraisal of the implementation of the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade. 6. Restructuring of the economic and social sectors of the United Nations system, including revitalization of the Economic and Social Council. 7. Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. 8. Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories. 9. Regional co-operation. 10. Transnational corporations. 11. Food problems. 12. Review and analysis of agrarian reform and rural development. 13. Industrial development co-operation. 14. International co-operation on the environment. 15. International co-operation in the field of human settlements. 16. Science and technology tor development. 17. Development and utilization of new and renewable sources of energy. 18. Special economic, humanitarian and disaster relief assistance. 19. Operational activities tor development. 20. International co-operation and co-ordination within the United Nations system. 21. Proposed revisions to the medium-term plan for the period 1984-1989. 22. Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations. 23. Trade and development, 24. United nations University. 25. Elections and nominations.