Report of the Economic and Social Council for the year 1989
UN Document Symbol | A/44/3 |
Convention | Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) |
Document Type | Annual/Sessional Report |
Session | 44th |
Type | Document |
Description |
322 p. |
Subjects | Desertification, Drought, Industrial Development, Emergency Relief, Civil and Political Rights, Narcotic Drugs, AIDS, Natural Resources, Transnational Corporations, Food Problems, Agriculture, Population, Human Settlements, Environment, Dangerous Goods Transport, Women in Development, Women's Status, Women's Advancement, Disaster Relief, Racial Discrimination, Drug Demand, Drug Control, Decolonization, Rights of The Child, Capital Punishment, Disaster Prevention, Refugee Assistance, Ageing Persons |
Extracted Text
Annex I AGENDA OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL SESSION FOR 1989 AND THE FIRST AND SECOND REGULAR SESSIONS OF 1989 Agenda of the organizational session for 1989 Adopted fry the Council at its 2nd meeting on 9 February 1989 1. Election of the Bureau. 2. Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters. 3. Basic programme of work of the Council for 1989 and 1990. 4. Elections to subsidiary bodies of the Council and confirmation of representatives on the functional commissions. 5. Provisional agenda for the first regular session of 1989 and related organizational matters. Agenda of the first regular session of 1989 1. Adopted by the Council at its . 5th meeting on 2 May 1989 Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters. 2. Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Second Decade. to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination. 3. Non-governmental organizations. 4. United Nations University. 5. Public administration and finance. 6. Statistical and cartographic questions: (a) Statistics; (b) Cartography. 7. Natural resources. 8. Transnational corporations. 9. Human rights questions: (a) International Covenants on Human Rights; (b) Human rights. 10. Women: (a) Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: (b) Advancement of women. 11. Social development: (a) World social situation; (b) Social policy and social development. 12. Narcotic drugs. 13. Elections and nominations. 14. Consideration of the provisional agenda for the second regular session of 1989 Adopted by the Council at its 17th meeting, on 5 July 1989 1. Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters. 2. General discussion of international economic and social policy, including regional and sectoral developments. 3. Special session of the General Assembly devoted to international economic co-operation, in particular to the revitalization of the economic growth and development of the developing countries. 4. Revitalization of the Economic and Social Council. 5. Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories. 6. Regional co-operation. 7. Development and international economic co-operation: (a) Trade and development; (b) Food and agriculture; (c) Preparation of the international development strategy for the fourth United Nations development decade; (d) Population; (e) Human settlements (f) Environment; (g) Desertification and drought; (h) Transport of dangerous goods; (i) Effective mobilization and integration of women in development. 8. Operational activities for development: (a) Triennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities of the United Nations system; (b) Reports of governing bodies; (c) Human resources development and the activities of the United Nations system in that field. 9. Co-ordination questions: (a) Reports of the Committee for Programme and Co-ordination and the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination; (b) World Decade for Cultural Development; (c) Prevention and control of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS); (d) World Tourism Organization: (e) Economic and technical aspects of marine affairs; (f) Co-operation in the field of informatics. 10. Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations. 11. Programme and related questions: (a) Proposed programme budget for the biennium 1990-1991; (b) Calendar of conferences and meetings for 1990 and 1991. 12. 12. Co-operation for natural disaster reduction: (a) International decade for natural disaster reduction; (b) International strategy for the fight against the locust and grasshopper infestation, particularly in Africa-Special 13. economic and humanitarian assistants: (a) Special programmes of economic assistance; (b) Humanitarian assistance. 14. Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. 15, Elections and nominations. COMPOSITION OF THE COUNCIL AND ITS SUBSIDIARY AND RELATED BODIES A. Economic and Social Council (54 members) Term empires on Membership in 1989 Membership in 1990 a/ 31 December Bahamas Bahamas 1991 Belize Brazil 1991 Bolivia Cameroon 1991 Brazil Colombia 1990 Bulgaria Cuba 1990 Cameroon Czechoslovakia 1991 Canada France 1990 China Germany, Federal Republic of 1990 Colombia Ghana 1990 Cuba Greece 1990 Czechoslovakia Guinea 1990 Denmark India 1990 France Indonesia 1991 Germany, Federal Republic of Iraq 1991 Ghana Ireland . 1990 Greece Italy 1991 Guinea Japan 1990 India Jordan 1991 Indonesia Kenya 1991 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Lesotho 1990 Iraq Liberia 1990 Ireland Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 1990 Italy Netherlands 1991 Japan New Zealand 1991 Jordan Nicaragua 1991 Kenya Niger 1991 Lesotho Portugal 1990 Liberia Saudi Arabia 1990 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Thailand 1991 Netherlands Trinidad and Tobago 1990 New Zealand Tunisia 1991 Nicaragua Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Niger Republic 1991 Norway United States of America 1991 Oman Venezuela 1990 Poland Yugoslavia 1990 Portugal Zambia 1991 a/ The remaining 18 seats are to be filled by the General Assembly at its forty-fourth session. Term expires on Membership in 1989 Membership in 1990 a/ Rwanda Saudi Arabia Somalia Sri Lanka Sudan Thailand Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United States of America Uruguay Venezuela Yugoslavia Zaire Zambia B. Commission of the Council COMMITTEE FOR PROGRAMME AND CO-ORDINATION (34 members) Membership in 1989 Membership in 1990 b/ Term expires on 31 December Austria Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Benin Brazil Burkina Faso Cameroon Canada China Colombia Cote d'lvoire Cuba France Germany, Federal Republic of Austria Bahamas Bahrain . Bangladesh Benin Canada Colombia Cote d'Ivoire Cuba France Germany, Federal Republic of India Kenya Mexico Pakistan 1990 1991 1990 1990 1991 1990 1990 1990 1990 1991 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 b/ The remaining seven seats are to be filled by the General Assembly at its forty-fourth session. Membership in 1969 Membership in 1990 b/ 31 December India Poland 1990 Indonesia Romania 1990 Japan Rwanda 1990 Kenya Sweden 1990 Mexico Trinidad and Tobago 1990 Pakistan Uganda 1990 Poland Union of Soviet Socialist Romania Republics 1991 Rwanda United Kingdom of Great Britain Sweden and Northern Ireland 1990 Trinidad and Tobago United States of America 1991 Tunisia Venezuela 1991 Uganda Yugoslavia 1990 Union Of Soviet Socialist Zambia 1991 Republics United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United States of America Venezuela Yugoslavia Zambia COMMISSION ON HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (58 members) Term expires on Membership of 1989 and 1990 31 December Argentina 1990 Bangladesh 1991 Bolivia 1992 Botswana 1991 Brazil 1990 Bulgaria 1990 Burundi 1991 Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic 1991 Cameroon 1990 Canada 1992 China 1992 Colombia 1990 Cyprus 1991 Denmark 1991 Ecuador 1990 Egypt 1991 Finland 1990 Fiance 1992 Gabon 1990 German Democratic Republic 1991 Germany, Federal Republic of 1991 Greece 1991 Guatemala ..,........,, 1992 Membership in 1989 and 1990 Term expires on 31 December Hungary India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kenya Lesotho Madagascar Malawi Mexico Netherlands Norway Pakistan Paraguay Peru Philippines Sierra Leone Somalia Sri Lanka Swaziland Sweden Syrian Arab Republic Togo Tunisia Turkey Uganda Union of Soviet Socialist Republics United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Yugoslavia COMMITTEE ON NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS (19 members) 1992 1991 1992 1990 1992 1992 1991 1990 1991 1991 1992 1990 1992 1991 1992 1991 1990 1992 1991 1990 1990 1992 1991 1992 1992 1992 1990 1992 1990 1990 1990 1990 1991 1990 1992 Member elected for a four-years term beginning 1987 Bulgaria Burundi Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Cyprus France Greece Kenya lalawi Nicaragua Oman Pakistan Rwanda Sao Tome and Principe Sri Lanka Sweden Union of Soviet Socialist Republics United States of America COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES (54 members) Term expires on Membership in 1989 and 1990 c/ 31 December Bolivia 1990 Botswana 1992 Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic 1990 Chile 1992 China 1992 Cote d'Ivoire 1990 Cuba 1900 Ecuador 1992 El Salvador 1992 Finland 199C France 1990 Gabon 1992 German Democratic Republic 1990 Germany, Federal Republic of 1990 Guatemala 1992 Guinea-Bissau 1992 Haiti 1992 Honduras 1992 Hungary 1990 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1990 Japan 1992 Nigeria 1990 Pakistan 1990 Paraguay 1992 Philippines 1990 Poland 1990 Sudan 1992 Swaziland 1990 Sweden 1990 Thailand 1990 Togo 1990 Tunisia 1992 C/ At its 36th meeting, on 27 July 1989, the Council postponed until a future session the election of: (a) Three members from African States for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1992; (b) Five members from Asian States: three for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1992 and two for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1990; (c) Seven members from Western European and other States: four for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1992 and three for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1990. Term expires on Membership in 1989 and 1990 C/ 31 December Turkey 1990 Uganda . 1990 Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic 1992 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1992 United States of America 1990 Uruguay 1992 Zaire 1990 COMMISSION ON TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS (48 members) Term expires on Membership in 1989 Membership in 1990 D/ 31 December Brazil Brazil 1991 Burundi Burundi 1990 Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic Republic 1990 Cameroon Cameroon 1990 Canada Canada 1990 China China 1992 Colombia Costa Rica 1991 Costa Rica Cuba 1991 Cuba Cyprus 1991 Cyprus Czechoslovakia 1992 Czechoslovakia Egypt 1992 Egypt France 1992 Fiji Gabon 1991 France German Democratic Republic 1992 Gabon Germany, Federal Republic of 1992 German Democratic Republic Ghana 1990 Germany, Federal Republic of India 1990 Ghana Indonesia 1991 India Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1992 d/ At its 36th meeting, on 17 July 1989, the Council postponed until a future session the election of: (a) One member from African States for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1991; (b) Two members from Asian States: one for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1991 and one for a three-year term beginning on 1 January 1990; (c) One member from Latin America and Caribbean States for a three-year term beginning on 1 January 1990. Term expires on Membership in 1989 Membership an 1990 d/ 31 December Indonesia Iraq 1990 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Italy 1990 Iraq Jamaica 1990 Italy Japan 1992 Jamaica Mexico 1991 Japan Netherlands 1991 Mexico Norway 1991 Netherlands Peru 1992 Norway Philippines 1990 Peru Poland 1990 Philippines Republic of Korea 1990 Poland Sierra Leone 1992 Republic of Korea Swaziland 1991 Sierra Leone Switzerland 1992 Suriname Trinidad and Tobago 1990 Swaziland Tunisia 1992 Switzerland Turkey 1990 Trinidad and Tobago Uganda 1990 Tunisia Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1951 Turkey United Kingdom of Great Britain and Uganda Northern Ireland 1991 Union of Soviet Socialist United States of America 1991 Republics Uruguay 1992 United Kingdom of Great Venezuela 1990 Britain and Northern Zaire 1991 Ireland Zimbabwe 1992 United States of America Venezuela INTERGOVERNMENTAL WORKING GROUP OF EXPERTS ON INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS OF ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING (34 members) Term expires on Membership in 1989 and 1990 e/ 31 December Argentina 1991 Brazil 1990 Canada 1990 Chile 1991 China 1990 Cyprus 1991 Czechoslovakia 1991 France 1990 Germany, Federal Republic of .., 1991 India 1991 Italy 1991 Japan - 1991 Jordan 1991 Kenya - - 1990 Malawi 1991 Netherlands 1991 Nigeria 1991 Norway 1990 Peru 1991 Spain 1990 Swaziland 1990 Switzerland 1990 Uganda 1991 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1990 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1991 Zaire 1990 e/ At its 36th meeting, on 27 July 1989, the Council postponed until a future session the election of: (a) Three members from African States: two for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1990 and one for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1991; (b) Two members from Asian States for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1990; (c) One member from Eastern European States for a term beginning on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1991; (d) Two members from Latin American and Caribbean States for a term begin ling on the date of election and expiring on 31 December 1990. c. Expert bodies COMMITTEE FOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Members appointed by the Economic and Social Council, on the nomination of the Secretary-General, for a term beginning on the date of appointment f/ and expiring on 31 December 1990 Abdlatif y. Al-Hamad (Kuwait) Nicolas Ardito-Barletta (Panama) Gerasimos D. Arsenis (Greece) Edmar Bacha (Brazil) Bernard Chidzero (Zimbabwe) Prithvi Nath Dhar (India) Adama Diallo (Senegal) Just Faaland (Norway) Keith Breadwell Griffin (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Patrick Guillaumont (France) Mahbub ul Haq (Pakistan) Gerald K. Helleiner (Canada) Huan Xiang (China) Helen Hughes (Australia) Shinichi Ichimura (Japan) Solita C. Monsod (Philippines) g/ Henry Nau (United States of America) G. 0. Nwankwo (Nigeria) Jozef Pajestka (Poland) Mihaly Simai (Hungary) Udo Ernst Simonis (Federal Republic of Germany) g/ Hernando de Soto (Peru) Igor Sysoyev (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) Ferdinand Van Dam (Netherlands) COMMITTEE ON CRIME PREVENTION AND CONTROL 31 expires on December 1990 1990 1990 1992 1992 Membership in 1989 and 1990 Cheng Weiqui (China) Roger S. Clark (New Zealand) Dusan Cotic (Yugoslavia) Ramon de la Cruz Ochoa (Cuba) Trevor Percival Frank De Silva (Sri Lanka) David Faulkner (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1992 V 6 February 1987 (decision 1987/103). g/ Appointed by the Council at its 4th meeting, on 5 February 1988, to fill the vacancies created by the resignation of Sumitro Djojohadikusumo (Indonesia) and the death of Armin Gutowski (Federal Republic of Germany). Term expires on Membership in 1989 and 1990 31 December Hedi Fessi (Tunisia) 1990 Eugene Jules Henri Frencken (Belgium) 1990 Ronald L. Gainer (United States of America) 1992 Vasily P. Ignatov (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) h/ 1990 Nour El-Deen Khair (Jordan) 1992 Jacek Kubiak (Poland) 1992 Hama Mamoudou (Niger) 1992 Albert Llewelyn Olawole Metzger (Sierra Leone) 1990 Benjamin Miguel-Harb (Bolivia) i/ 1990 Jorge Arturo Montero Castro (Costa Rica) 1990 Farouk A. Murad (Saudi Arabia) 1992 Abdul Karim Nasution (Indonesia) 1900 Salah Nour (Algeria) 1992 Bertin Pandi (Central African Republic) 1902 Gioacchino Polimeni (Italy) 1992 Victor Ramanitra (Madagascar) 1990 Simone Andree Rozes (France) 1990 Miguel A. Sanchez Mendez (Colombia) 1992 Abdel Aziz Abdallad Shiddo (Sudan) 1992 Minoru Shikita (Japan) 1900 Adolfo Luis Tamini (Argentina) 1990 COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS Term expires on Membership in 1989 and 1990 31 December Philip Alston (Australia) 1990 Juan Alvarez Vita (Peru) 1992 Ibrahim Ali Badawi El-Sheikh (Egypt) 1990 Mohamed Lamine Fofana (Guinea) 1992 Sami Glaiel (Syrian Arab Republic) j/ 1990 Maria de los Angeles Jimenez Butragueno (Spain) 1992 Samba Cor Konate (Senegal) 1992 Valeri I. Kouznetsov (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) k/ 1990 Jaime Alberto Marchan Romero (Ecuador) 1990 h/ Elected at the 4th meeting, on 5 February 1988, to complete the term of Aleksei Y. Kudryavtsev (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), who had resigned. i/ Elected at the 14th meeting, on 26 May 1988, to complete the term of Manuel Lopez-Rey y Arrojo (Bolivia), deceased. j/ Elected at the 40th meeting, or. 28 July 1988, to complete the term of Adib Daoudy (Syrian Arab Republic), who had resigned. k/ Elected at the 14th meeting, on 26 May 1988, to complete the term of Eduard P. Sviridov (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), who had resigned. Term expires on Membership in 1989 and 1990 31 December Vassil Mrachkov (Bulgaria) 1992 Alexandre Muterahejuru (Rwanda) 1990 Wladyslaw Neneman (Poland) 1992 Kenneth Osborne Rattray (Jamaica) 1992 Bruno Simma (Federal Republic of Germany) 1990 Mikis Demetriou Sparsis (Cyprus) 1992 Chikako Taya (Japan) 1990 Philippe Texier (France) 1992 Javier Wimer Zambrano (Mexico) 1990 D. Functional commissions and sub-commissions STATISTICAL COMMISSION (24 members) Term expires on Membership in 1989 Membership in 1990 31 December Argentina Argentina 1993 Brazil Brazil 1992 Bulgaria Bulgaria 1991 Canada Canada 1992 China China 1991 Czechoslovakia Czechoslovakia 1991 Egypt France 1993 France Germany, Federal Republic of 1993 Germany, Federal Republic of Ghana 1991 Ghana Hungary 1992 Hungary Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1992 Iran (Islamic Republic of) Japan 1992 Japan Kenya 1993 Mexico Mexico 1992 Morocco Morocco 1991 Norway Netherlands 1993 Pakistan Norway 1992 Panama Pakistan 1991 Spain Panama 1991 Togo Togo 1993 Union of Soviet Socialist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Republics 1993 United Kingdom of Great Britain United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland 1992 United States of America United States of America 1991 Zambia Zambia 1993 POPULATION COMMISSION (27 members) Membership in 1989 Bangladesh Belgium Bolivia Brazil Burundi China Colombia Cuba Egypt France Germany, Federal Republic of Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Japan Malawi Mexico Nigeria Poland Rwanda Sweden Togo Turkey Uganda Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United States of America Membership in 1990 1/ Bangladesh Belgium Bolivia Botswana Brazil China Colombia Egypt France Germany, Federal Republic of Iran (Islamic Republic of) .... Iraq Japan Mexico Nigeria Panama Poland Rwanda Sweden Togo Turkey Uganda Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United States of America ...... Term expires on 31 December 1992 1992 1991 1993 1992 1993 1992 1992 1991 1992 1993 1991 1991 1993 1991 1993 1991 1991 1991 1991 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 COMMISSION FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (32 members) Membership in 1989 and 1990 Argentina Austria Bangladesh Burundi Cameroon Chile ... Term expires on 31 December 1990 1990 1990 1992 1992 1992 1/ At its 36th meeting, on 27 July 1989, the Council postponed until a future session the election of one member from African States for a four-year term beginning on 1 January 1990. Tern expires on Membership in 19B9 and 1990 31 December China 1992 Cyprus 1990 Dominican Republic 1990 Ecuador 1992 Finland 1992 France 1991 German Democratic Republic 1990 Germany, Federal Republic of 1991 Ghana 1990 Guatemala 1991 Haiti 1991 Iraq 1991 Liberia 1990 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya - 1990 Malta 1992 Norway 199C Pakistan 1991 Philippines 1992 Poland 1992 Romania 1991 Spain 1992 Sudan 1991 Togo 1990 Uganda 1991 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1991 United States of America 1991 COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS (43 members) Term expires on Membership in 1989 Membership in 1990 31 December Argentina Argentina 1990 Bangladesh Bangladesh 1991 Belgium Belgium 1991 Botswana Botswana 1990 Brazil Brazil 1992 Bulgaria Bulgaria 1990 Canada Canada 1991 China China 1990 Colombia Colombia 1991 Cuba Cuba 1991 Cyprus Cyprus 1991 Ethiopia Ethiopia 1991 France France 1992 Gambia Gambia 1990 German Democratic Republic Germany, Federal Republic of .... 1990 Germany, Federal Republic of Ghana 1992 India Hungary 1992 Term expires Membership in 1989 Membership in 1990 31 December Iraq India 1991 Italy Iraq 1992 Japan Italy 1992 Mexico Japan 1990 Morocco Madagascar 1992 Nigeria Mexico 1992 Pakistan Morocco 1991 Panama Nigeria - 1990 Peru Pakistan 1992 Philippines Panama 1991 Portugal Peru 1990 Rwanda Philippines 1992 Sao Tome and Principe Portugal 1990 Senegal Sao Tome and Principe 1990 Somalia Senegal 1992 Spain Somalia 1992 Sri Lanka Spain 1990 Swaziland Sri Lanka 1990 Sweden Swaziland 1991 Togo Sweden 1991 Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic Republic 1991 Union of Soviet Socialist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Republics 1991 United Kingdom of Great Britain United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland -990 United States of America United States of America 1992 Venezuela Venezuela 1990 Yugoslavia Yugoslavia 1992 SUB-COMMISSION ON PREVENTION OF DISCRIMINATION AND PROTECTION OF MINORITIES Membership for a two-year term m/ Yawo Agboyibor (Togo) Alternate: Abdou Assouma (Togo) Awn S. Al Khasawneh (Jordan) Alternate: Waleed M. Sadi (Jordan) Judith Sefi Attah (Nigeria) Alternate: Christy Ezim Mbonu (Nigeria) Murlidhar C. Bhandare (India) Stanislav Valentinovich Chernichenko (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) Alternate: Teimuraz Otarovich Ramishvili (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) Erica-Irene A. Daes (Greece) Leandro Despouy (Argentina) Alternate: Maria Teresa Flores (Argentina) Louis Joinet (France) Alternate: Alain Pellet (France) Fatma Zohra Ksentini (Algeria) Alternate; Boudjemaa Delmi (Algeria) Claire Palley (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Alejandro Sobarzo Loaiza (Mexico) Alternate: Hector Fix Zamudio (Mexico) Tian Jin (China) Alternate: Shao Jin (China) Luis Varela Quiros (Costa Rica) Alternate: Jorge Rehnan Seguar (Costa Rica) m/ Elected on 29 February 1988 by the Commission on Human Rights at its forty-fourth session. Membership for a four-year term Mary Concepcion Boutista (Philippines) Alternate: Haydee Yorac (Philippines) Theodoor Cornells van Boven (Netherlands) Alternate; Cornelis Flinterman (Netherlands) Ion Diaconu (Romania) Alternate: Ioan Maxim (Romania) Asbjorn Eide (Norway) Alternate: Jan Helgesen (Norway) Ribot Hatano (Japan) Alternate; Yozo Yokota (Japan) Aidid Abdillahi Ilkahanaf (Somalia) Alternate: Mohamed Isa Turunji (Somalia) Ahmad Khalifa (Egypt) Miguel Alfonso Martinez (Cuba) Alternate: Julio Heredia Perez (Cuba) Rafael Rivas Posada (Colombia) Alternate: Eduardo Suescun Monroy (Colombia) William W. Treat (United States of America) Alternate: John Carey (United States of America) Danilo Turk (Yugoslavia) Alternate: Lidija R. Basta (Yugoslavia) Halima Embarek Warzazi (Morocco) Alternate: Mohamed Laghmari (Morocco) Fisseha Yimer (Ethiopia) COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN (32 members) fl/ Membership in 1989 and 1990 Australia 1990 Austria 1992 Bangladesh 1990 Brazil 1992 Burkina Faso 1991 Canada 1992 China 1991 Colombia 1992 Costa Rica 1991 Cote d'lvoire 1990 Cuba 1991 Czechoslovakia 1990 France , , 1992 Gabon 1990 German Democratic Republic 1991 Guatemala 1991 Italy 1990 Japan 1992 Lesotho 1991 Mexico 1990 Morocco 1992 Pakistan 1991 Philippines , 1990 Poland , 1992 Sudan 1992 Sweden , 1991 Thailand 1992 Turkey 1991 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics , 1990 United Republic of Tanzania 1992 United States of America 1990 Zaire 1990 a/ By its resolution 1989/45, the Council decided that the membership of the Commission should be increased to 45 on the basis of the principle of equitable geographical distribution set out in that resolution. The Council also decided that the expansion of the Commission should take effect from the beginning of 1990 and that the additional seats resulting from the increase in the membership of the Commission should be filled during the organizational session of the Council in 1990. COMMISSION ON NARCOTIC DRUGS (40 members) Term expires on Membership in 1989 Membership in 1990 31 December Argentina Australia 1993 Australia Bahamas 1993 Belgium Belgium 1993 Bolivia Bolivia 1991 Brazil Brazil 1991 Bulgaria Bulgaria 1993 Canada Canada , 1991 China China 1993 Cote d'lvoire Colombia 1993 Denmark Cote d'lvoire 1991 Ecuador Denmark 1991 Egypt Ecuador 1993 France Egypt 1991 Germany, Federal Republic of France 1991 Hungary Gambia 1993 India Germany, Federal Republic of .... 1991 Indonesia Ghana 1993 Italy Hungary 1993 Japan India 1991 Lebanon Indonesia 1993 Madagascar Italy 1991 Malaysia Japan 1993 Mali Lebanon 1991 Mexico Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 1993 Netherlands Madagascar 1991 Nigeria Malaysia 1993 Pakistan Mexico 1993 Peru Netherlands 1991 Poland Pakistan 1991 Senegal Peru 1991 Spain Poland 1991 Switzerland Senegal 1993 Thailand Spain 1993 Turkey Sweden 1993 Union of Soviet Socialist Swit2erland 1991 Republics Thailand 1991 United Kingdom of Great Union of Soviet Socialist Britain and Northern Ireland Republics 1993 United States of America United Kingdom of Great Venezuela Britain and Northern Ireland .. 1993 Yugoslavia United States of America 1991 Zambia Yugoslavia 1991 SUB-COMMISSION ON ILLICIT DRUG TRAFFIC AND RELATED MATTERS IN THE NEAR AND MIDDLE EAST o/ Members Afghanistan: Ghulam Jelani Shamel Egypt: India: Iran (Islamic Republic of): S. H, Fakhr Jordan: Kuwait: Lebanon: Oman: Pakistan: Dilshad Najmuddin Saudi Arabia: Sweden: Lars Hulstrand Turkey: Erdem Erner United Arab Emirates: Yemen: o/ By decision 1989/120, the Council approved the membership of Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. E. Regional commissions ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Members Albania Austria Belgium Bulgaria Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic Canada Cyprus Czechoslovakia Denmark Finland France German Democratic Republic Germany, Federal Republic of Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United States of America Yugoslavia Non-member participating countries San Marino, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Holy See participate in the work of the Commission in accordance with Commission decisions K (XXX) of 15 April 1975, M (XXXI) of 30 March 1976 and N (XXXI) of 5 April 1976, respectively ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMISSION FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC Members Afghanistan Australia Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei Darussalam China Democratic Kampuchea Fiji France India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Japan Lao People's Democratic Republic Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Myanmar Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Pakistan Papua New Guinea Philippines Republic of Korea Samoa Singapore Solomon Islands Sri Lanka Thailand Tonga Tuvalu Union of Soviet Socialist Republics United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United States of America Vanuatu Viet Nam Associate members p/ American Samoa Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Cook Islands Federated States of Micronesia Guam Hong Kong Kiribati Niue Republic of the Marshall Islands Republic of Palau Switzerland participates in a consultative capacity in the work of the Commission by virtue of Council resolution 860 (XXXII) of 21 December 1961. ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN Members Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Bahamas Barbados Belize Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador France Grenada Guatemala Guyana Haiti Honduras Jamaica Mexico Netherlands Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Portugal Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Spain Suriname Trinidad and Tobago United Kingdom of Great Britain Northern Ireland United States of America Uruguay Venezuela p/ By decision 1988/70, the Council amended paragraph 4 of the terms of reference of the Commission to take account of the admission of the Territory of American Samoa as an associate member of the Commission. Associate members British Virgin Islands Montserrat Netherlands Antilles United States Virgin Islands The Federal Republic of Germany and Switzerland participate in a consultative capacity in the work of the Commission by virtue of Council resolutions 632 (XXII) of 19 December 1956 and 861 (XXXII) of 21 December 1961, respectively. ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA Members Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Central African Republic Chad Comoros Congo Cote d'lvoire Djibouti Egypt Equatorial Guinea Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Morocco Mozambique Niger Nigeria Rwanda Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa g/ Sudan Swaziland Togo Tunisia Uganda United Republic of Tanzania Zaire Zambia Zimbabwe g/ By resolution 974 D IV (XXXVI) of 30 July 1963, the Council decided that South Africa should not take part in the work of the Commission until the Council, on the recommendation of the Commission, should find that conditions for constructive co-operation had been restored by a change in its racial policy. Associate members The Non-Self-Governing Territories in Africa (including African islands) Switzerland participates in a consultative capacity in the work of the Commission by virtue of Council resolution 925 (XXXIV) of 6 July 1962. Bahrain Democratic Yemen Egypt Iraq Jordan Kuwait Lebanon ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMISSION FOR WESTERN ASIA Members Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia Syrian Arab Republic United Arab Emirates Yemen Palestine F. Related bodies EXECUTIVE BOARD OF THE UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (41 members) Membership until Term expires on 31 July 1989 Membership from 1 August 1990 31 July Australia Australia 1990 Bangladesh Bangladesh 1991 Belgium Barbados 1992 Benin Belgium 1990 Bolivia Benin 1990 Byelorussian Soviet Bolivia 1991 Socialist Republic Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Cameroon Republic 1991 Canada Cameroon 1991 China Canada 1992 Colombia China 1992 Egypt Egypt 1991 France Finland 1992 Germany, Federal Republic of France 1991 Guyana Germany, Federal Republic of .... 1992 India India 1990 Indonesia Indonesia 1990 Italy Italy 1991 Japan Japan 1991 Lesotho Liberia 1990 Liberia Mexico 1991 Mexico Netherlands 1992 Nicaragua Nicaragua 1991 Nigeria Nigeria 1991 Norway Oman 1991 Oman Pakistan 1991 Pakistan Philippines 1990 Philippines Peru 1992 Poland Poland 1992 Republic of Korea Republic of Korea 1991 Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe 1991 Sudan Sudan 1991 Sweden Sweden 1991 Switzerland Switzerland 1990 Thailand Thailand 1992 Turkey Uganda 1991 Uganda Union of Soviet Socialist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1991 Republics United Kingdom of Great Britain.. 1991 United Kingdom of Great and Northern Ireland Britain and Northern Ireland United States of America 1991 United States of America Uruguay 1990 Uruguay Yugoslavia 1990 Yugoslavia Zimbabwe 1992 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE PROGRAMME OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES Algeria Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada China Colombia Denmark Finland France Germany, Federal Republic of Greece Holy See Iran (Islamic Republic of) Israel Italy Japan Lebanon Lesotho Madagascar (43 members) Morocco Namibia (United Nations Council for) Netherlands Nicaragua Nigeria Norway Pakistan Somalia Sudan Sweden Switzerland Thailand Tunisia Turkey Uganda United Kingworm of Great Britain. and Northern Ireland United Republic of Tanzania United Stater of America Venezuela Yugoslavia Zaire GOVERNING COUNCIL OF THE UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (48 members) Term expires on the day preceding the organizational session of the Governing Council Membership in 1989 Membership in 1990 in February Argentina Australia 1992 Australia Austria 1991 Austria Belgium 1992 Belgium Brazil 1992 Brazil Bulgaria 1993 Burkina Faso Canada 1992 Canada China 1991 China Cuba 1991 Colombia Cyprus 1992 Cuba Denmark 1993 Cyprus Djibouti 1993 Ecuador France 1992 Fiji Germany, Federal Republic of .. 1993 Finland Ghana 1991 France Guatemala 1991 German Democratic Republic Guinea-Bissau 1992 Germany, Federal Republic of Guyana 1993 Ghana India 1993 Guatemala Italy 1991 Guinea-Bissau Japan 1991 India Kenya 1992 Italy Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 1991 Japan Malaysia 1993 Kenya Mauritania 1993 Liberia Mozambique 1992 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Netherlands 1993 Mozambique Nigeria 1993 Netherlands Norway 1991 Norway Pakistan 1992 Pakistan Peru 1991 Peru Philippines 1992 Philippines Poland 1993 Poland Portugal 1993 Romania Romania 1992 Sao Tome and Principe Sao Tome and Principe 1992 Spain Spain 1992 Sudan Sri Lanka 1993 Sweden Sweden 1992 Switzerland Switzerland 1993 Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic 1991 Thailand Union of Soviet Socialist Turkey Republics 1991 Union of Soviet Socialist United Kingdom of Great Republics Britain and Northern Ireland 1991 Term expires cm the day preceding the organizational session Of the Governing Council Membership in 1989 Membership in 1990 in February United Kingdom of Great United States of America 1991 Britain and Northern Uruguay « 1993 Ireland Venezuela 1993 United States of America Yugoslavia 1991 Yugoslavia Zaire 1992 Zaire Zimbabwe 1991 Zimbabwe COMMITTEE ON FOOD AID POLICIES AND PROGRAMMES (30 members) Membership in 1989 Members elected by the Economic and Social Council Belgium Colombia Cuba Denmark Hungary India ............. Italy Japan Kenya Niger Norway Pakistan Sweden Tunisia United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Term expires on 31 December 1990 1991 1991 1991 1989 1989 1989 1990 1990 1991 1990 1990 1989 1989 1991 Members elected by the FAQ Council Australia Bangladesh Brazil Cameroon Canada China Congo France Germany, Federal Republic of Madagascar Mexico Netherlands Saudi Arabia ...... United States of America Zambia Term expires on 31 December 1989 1989 i90 1990 1989 1990 1991 1991 1991 1990 1991 1990 1989 1989 1991 Membership in 1990 Members elected by the Economic and Social Council Belgium Colombia Cuba Denmark Finland Hungary India Italy Japan Kenya Niger Norway ............ Pakistan Sudan United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Term expires on 31 December 1990 1991 1991 1991 1992 1992 1992 1992 1990 1990 1991 1990 1990 1992 1991 Members elected fry the FAO Council r/ Brazil Cameroon China Congo France Germany, Federal Republic of Madagascar Mexico Netherlands Zambia Term expires on 31 December 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1991 1990 1991 1990 1991 r/ The five remaining seats are to be filled by the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations at its session to be held in the fourth quarter of 1989. INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS CONTROL BOARD Members elected by the Economic and Social Council to serve on the Board as constituted under the 1972 Protocol Amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 Term expires on Membership from 2 March 1987 1 March Sahibzada Rauf All (Pakistan) 1990 Sirad Atmodjo (Indonesia) 1992 Nikolai K. Barkov (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) 1992 Cai Zhi-Ji (China) 1990 Abdullahi S. Elmi (Somalia) 1992 Diego Garces-Giraldo (Colombia) 1990 Betty C. Gough (United States of America) . 1992 Ben Huyghe (Belgium) 1990 S. Oguz Kayaalp (Turkey) 1992 Mohsen Kchouk (Tunisia) 1990 M. Quijano Narezo (Mexico) s/ 1990 Paul Reuter (France) 1992 Tulio Velasquez Quevedo (Peru) 1992 Membership from 2 March 1990 Sirad Atmodjo (Indonesia) 1992 Nikolai K. Barkov (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) 1992 Cai Zhi-Ji (China) 1995 Abdullahi S. Elmi (Somalia) 1992 Betty C. Gough (United States of America) 1992 H. Cajias Kauffmann (Bolivia) 199S S. Oguz Kayaalp (Turkey) 1992 Mohsen Kchouk (Tunisia) 1995 A. M. Mansour (Egypt) 1995 M. V. N. Rao (India) 1995 Paul Reuter (France) 1992 0. Schroder (Germany, Federal Republic of) 1992 Tulio Velasquez Quevedo (Peru) 1992 s/ At its 13th meeting, on 23 May 1989, the Council elected M. Quijano Narezo (Mexico) to fill the vacancy created by the death of John C. Ebie (Nigeria), WORLD FOOD COUNCIL t/ (36 members) Term expires on Membership in 1989 Membership in 1990 31 Deember Argentina Australia 1991 Australia Bulgaria 1990 Bulgaria Canada 1990 Burundi Cape Verde 1991 Canada China . 1990 Cape Verde Cote d'lvoire 1990 China Cyprus 1991 Colombia Ecuador 1991 Cote d'lvoire German Democratic Republic 1991 Cyprus Germany. Federal Republic of ..... 1991 Ecuador Guatemala 1991 France Indonesia 1990 German Democratic Republic Madagascar 1990 Germany. Federal Mexico 1990 Republic of Niger 1991 Guatemala Paraguay 1991 Hungary Syrian Arab Republic 1991 India Thailand 1990 Indonesia Turkey 1990 Italy Union of Soviet Socialist Japan Republics 1991 Madagascar United States of America 1990 Mexico Uruguay 1990 Niger Zambia 1990 Pakistan Zimbabwe 1991 Paraguay Rwanda Sweden Syrian Arab Republic Thailand Tunisia Turkey Union of Soviet Socialist Republics United States of America Uruguay Zambia Zimbabwe t/ The remaining 12 seats are to be filled by the General Assembly at its forty-fourth session. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING INSTITUTE FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF WOMEN (11 members) Term expires on Membership from 1 July 1988 30 June Ines Alberdi (Spain) 1989 Daniela Colombo (Italy) 1990 Fabiola Cuvi Ortiz (Ecuador) 1991 Awa Diallo (Mali) 1991 Tawhida 0. Hadra (Sudan) 1990 Elena Atanassova Lagadinova (Bulgaria) 1991 Achie Sudiarti Luhulima (Indonesia) 1990 Gule Afruz Mahbub (Bangladesh) 1991 Siga Seye (Senegal) 1989 Kristin Tornes (Norway) 1991 Berta Torrijos de Arosemena (Panama) 1989 Term expires on Membership from 1 July 1989 30 June Daniela Colombo (Italy) 1990 Fabiola Cuvi Ortiz (Ecuador) 1991 Awa Diallo (Mali) 1991 Penelope Ruth Fenwick (New Zealand) 1992 Tawhida 0. Hadra (Sudan) 1990 Elena Atanassova Lagadinova (Bulgaria) .. 1991 Achie Sudiarti Luhulima (Indonesia) 1990 Gule Afruz Mahbub (Bangladesh) 1991 Victoria N. Okobi (Nigeria) 1992 Virginia Olivio de Celli (Venezuela) 1992 Kristin Tornes (Norway) 1991 COMMITTEE FOR THE UNITED NATIONS POPULATION AWARD Members elected for a three-year term beginning on 1 January 1989 u/ Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic Mexico Ecuador Pakistan India Rwanda Japan Togo Mauritius Turkey y/ For the regulations governing the Award, see General Assembly resolution 36/201 and decision 41/445. Annex. III INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNCIL UNDER RULE 7 9 OF THE RULES OF PROCEDURE a/ FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE DELIBERATIONS OF THE COUNCIL ON QUESTIONS WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THEIR ACTIVITIES Participation on a continuing basis Organizations accorded permanent observer status by the General Assembly African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States {General Assembly resolution 36/4) African. Development Bank (General Assembly resolution 42/10) Agency for Cultural and Technical Co-operation (General Assembly resolution 33/18) Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (General Assembly resolution 43/6) Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee (General Assembly resolution 35/2) Commonwealth Secretariat (General Assembly resolution 31/3) Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (General Assembly resolution 3209 (XXIX)) European Economic Community (General Assembly resolution 3208 (XXIX)) Latin American Economic System (SELA) (General Assembly resolution 35/3) League of Arab States (General Assembly resolution 477 (V)) Organization of African Unity (General Assembly resolution 2011 (XX)) Organization of American States (General Assembly resolution 253 (III)) Organization of the Islamic Conference (General Assembly resolution 3369 (XXX)) a/ The text of rule 79, entitled "Participation of other intergovernmental organizations", reads: "Representatives of intergovernmental organizations accorded permanent observer status by the General Assembly and of other intergovernmental organizations designated on an ad hoc or a continuing basis by the Council on the recommendation of the Bureau may participate, without the right to vote, in the deliberations of the Council on questions within the scope of the activities of the organizations." Organizations designated under Council decision 109 (LIX) Council of Arab Economic Unity Council of Europe International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Regional Co-operation for Development World Tourism Organization Organizations designated under Council decision 1980/114 Asian Productivity Organization (APO) International Center for Public Enterprises in Developing Countries (ICPE) Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE) Organization designated under Council decision 1980/151 African Regional Centre for Technology Organization designated under Council decision 1986/156 Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture Participation on an ad hoc basis Organization designated under Council decision 109 (LIX) International Civil Defence Organization Organization designated under Council decision 239 (LXII) Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences Organization designated under Council decision 1979/10. Intergovernmental Committee for Migration (ICM) b/ b/ Formerly the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration (ICEM). Organizations designated under Council decision 1987/161 African Accounting Council African Cultural Institute Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior International Bauxite Association Organizations designated under Council decision 1989/165 Arab Security Studies and Training Center Customs Co-operation Council