Commission on Human Rights : report on the 43rd session, 2 February-13 March 1987 : corrigendum.
UN Document Symbol | E/1987/18/Corr.1 |
Alternate ID | E/CN.4/1987/60/Corr.1 |
Convention | Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) |
Document Type | Annual/Sessional Report |
Session | 43rd |
Type | Document |
Description |
1 p. |
Subjects | Rights of The Child |
Extracted Text
CORRIGENDUM UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL Supplement No.2 (E/1987A8) (E/CN.4/1987/60) OFFICIAL RECORDS 1987 20 May 1987 NEW YORK COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS REPORT OF THE FORTY-THIRD SESSION (2 February-13 March 1987) Corrigendum 1. Table of contents (page iv) After draft decision 14 add 15. Organization of the work of the Commission 2. Chapter I At the end of section B (Draft decisions) add 15. Organization of the work of the Commission The Economic and Social Council, noting Commission on Human Rights decision 1987/109 of 11 March 1987, decides to authorize, if possible within existing financial resources, 20 fully serviced additional meetings, including summary records, in accordance with rules 29 ana 31 of the rules of procedure of the functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council, for the Commission's forty-fourth session. The Council takes note of the Commission's decision to request its Chairman at the forty-fourth session to make every effort to organize the work of the session within the time normally allotted, the additional meetings that the Economic and Social Council might authorize to be utilized only if such meetings prove to be absolutely necessary. [See chap. II, sect. B, decision 1987/109, and chap. I11] E/1987/18/Corr.l E/CN.4/1987/60/Corr.l 87-12815 6609f (E)