Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by India.
UN Document Symbol | E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.13 |
Convention | Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) |
Document Type | Proposal |
Session | 44th |
Type | Document |
Description |
1 p. |
Subjects | Rights of The Child |
Extracted Text
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.13 28 January 1988 Original: ENGLISH COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS Forty-fourth session Pre-sessional open-ended Working Group on the Question of a Convention on the Rights of the Child 25-29 January 1988 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY INDIA Article 1 bis, (or 2 his) The States Parties to the present Convention undertake to create an environment, within their capacities and constitutional processes, which ensures to the maximum extent possible, the survival and healthy development of the child. GE.88-10332/2257G