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Report of the Secretary-General.

UN Document Symbol A/34/158/Add.1
Convention Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Document Type Report of the Secretary-General
Session 34th
Type Document

43 p., including annexes.

Subjects Persons with Disabilities

Extracted Text



General Assembly Distr
A/34/158/Add.l 21 November 1979
Thirty-fourth session Agenda items 79 and 98
Report of the Secretary-General
1. In paragraph 13 of his report on the International Year for Disabled Persons (A/32/288), submitted to the General Assembly at its thirty-second session, the Secretary-General provided a provisional outline of the estimated costs for the 1980-1981 biennium relating to the celebration of the Year. In paragraph 8 of the related statement of administrative and financial implications on that subject (A/C.5/32/89), it was indicated that these estimates would be reviewed at a later stage of the preparatory process for the Year and that more precise estimates of the costs would be included in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 1980-1981 as a non-recurrent item related to the celebration of the Year.
2. At the time of the preparation of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 1980-1981, the Advisory Committee for the International Year for Disabled Persons, established by the General Assembly in its resolution 32/133 of
16 December 1977 to consider the draft programme for the Year, had just met (from 19 to 23 March 1979) and adopted a draft programme. The programme contained numerous recommendations which required careful study; hence, it was not possible to provide a detailed statement of financial implications to the Advisory Committee; instead, a provisional estimate of likely requirements totalling $2,550,000, was provided orally to the Committee. For the same reason, it was not possible to include these proposals within the context of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 1980-1981. They are now being provided as an addendum to the report of the Advisory Committee for the International Year for Disabled Persons (A/34/158 and Corr.l, annex).
79-31712 5648E (E)

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3. As set out in paragraph 9 of the report of the Secretary-General on the International Year for Disabled Persons (A/32/288), which was approved by the General Assembly in its resolution 32/133, the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs was designated as the unit responsible for providing secretariat support for the Year. The secretariat for the International Year for Disabled Persons, IYDP, continues, as an integral part of the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, to carry out the preparatory work for the Year. It was initially headed by the senior officer responsible for rehabilitation activities in the Centre. All substantive and administrative co-ordination of the activities for the Year will be provided from Vienna where, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 33/181 of 21 December 1978, the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs has been relocated. Proposals regarding the staffing of the IYDP secretariat during 1980-1981 are discussed in paragraphs 25 to 31 of the present report.
4. The recommendations of the Advisory Committee are contained in paragraphs 57 to 76 of its report (A/34/158 and Corr.l, annex). A number of these recommendations would, if adopted by the General Assembly, have administrative and financial implications for the biennium 1980-1981. These are discussed below in respect of requirements for meetings, secretariat support and public information activities.
A. Requirements in respect of meetings recommended by the Advisory Committee
Regional technical meetings and seminars
5. In paragraph 70 of its report, the Advisory Committee recommended that "regional commissions, other regional intergovernmental organizations and/or interested Governments should be invited to convene regional or subregional meetings or seminars with a view to considering the best possible ways of implementing, within their particular regions, the objectives of the Year and the principles of the Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons, and to making proposals concerning a draft long-term programme of action". In paragraph 71, it recommended that "the regional commissions for Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and Western Asia should be urged to convene regional meetings of the officers responsible for national programmes on the prevention of disability and on rehabilitation, with a view of exchanging experiences and considering the most effective ways to implement and follow up the objectives of the Year for the benefit of the entire population, including that in rural areas".
6. In the opinion of the Secretary-General, the subjects of the meetings proposed in paragraphs 70 and 71 are so closely related that the meetings should be held one immediately following the other, with the technical meetings of officers responsible for national programmes being convened first in order that the implementation of the objectives of the Year at the regional level and the

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proposals of a draft long-term programme of action may be derived from national experiences.
7. It is therefore envisaged that one meeting of officials responsible for national programmes (technical meetings) would be held in each of the four regions mentioned above for a period of four days and would be followed by a regional seminar, the duration of which would be five days.
8. The working document for the technical meetings would include national reports on programmes and experiences in the prevention of disability and on rehabilitation. For the seminars the working document would consist of regional surveys of existing basic conditions and requirements for achieving the objectives of the Year. In this connexion, staff would be required to travel in certain countries in each region to obtain the necessary material for the preparation of the surveys. As a measure of economy, the same IYDP secretariat staff, while travelling in those countries, would also collect material for the survey required for the international symposium of experts mentioned in paragraph 12 (a) below.
9. Estimated costs of convening the regional technical meetings and seminars in the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA), the Economic Commission for Western Asia (ECWA) and the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) regions are provided below, based on the following assumptions:

(a) Interpretation and other conference services would be provided in Arabic and English for the ECWA technical meeting and seminar; in English, French and Spanish for the ECLA and ECA technical meetings and seminars; and in English and French for the ESCAP technical meeting and seminar;
(b) Costs of travel and subsistence of participants at the technical meetings and seminars would be met by their Governments;
(c) The technical meetings, which would last four days, and the seminars, which would last five days, would be held at the seat of the regional commission concerned:
(d) Travel and subsistence would be required for two staff members of the IYDP secretariat to provide substantive support to the technical meetings and seminars.

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IYDP staff travel IYDP staff travel IYDP staff
and subsistence to and subsistence to subsistence Conference-
collect material service the tech- to service servicing
for the surveys nical meetings the seminars costs Total
(United States dollars)

ECA region 3,700 3,100 500 103,000 110,300
ECLA region 3,500 5,700 900 91,100 101,200
ECWA region 1,800 3,100 1,300 71,000 77,200
ESCAP region 3,000 4,200 800 81,900 89,900
12,000 16,100 3,500 347,000 378,600
10. With respect to the Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), plans are being made for a European seminar on an IYDP-related subject. It is intended to organize the seminar with extrabudgetary funds. Travel and subsistence in the amount of $3,100 would, however, be required to enable the attendance of two IYDP staff members.
11. With regard to the timing of the technical meetings and seminars, it is expected that they will take place in the latter half of 1980 in order to allow adequate time for the collection of the necessary material for the survey and in order that the proposals concerning the draft long-term programme of action may be submitted to the Advisory Committee at its second session, the convening of which is discussed below. A table illustrating the sequence of proposed meetings and other activities recommended by the Advisory Committee is to be found in annex I to the present report.
International symposium of experts
12. In paragraph 74 (b) of its report, the Advisory Committee recommended that the
Secretary-General, in co-operation with the United Nations Development Programme,
should organize an action-oriented international symposium of experts from
developing and some developed countries on technical co-operation among developing
countries and technical assistance for disabled persons; the symposium would be
held in one of the developing countries in 1981, for a period of 10 days, and have
the following aims:
(a) To survey the pressing needs of developing countries in the field of services for disabled persons;
(b) To evaluate the present technical assistance by the organizations of the United Nations system and to submit proposals for future programmes in this field, particularly with regard to the concrete plan for international assistance - by United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations and through bilateral channels - for the education and rehabilitation of disabled people in developing

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countries and for encouraging research in these countries aimed at the fabrication of prototypes and the mass production of equipment by utilizing indigenous resources and expertise;
(c) To work out specific approaches and strategies for the education and rehabilitation of disabled people in rural settings;
(d) To consider possibilities and submit proposals for increased technical co-operation among developing countries in the field of production of equipment and organization of services for disabled persons.
13. Bearing in mind the need to ensure the representation of experts with varied
experience, while at the same time keeping the symposium down to a reasonable size
so as to enable a thorough discussion of the issues, it is envisaged that
40 experts will be invited to participate in the symposium.
14. Staff travel required to collect the material for the survey mentioned in paragraph 12 (a) has been discussed under paragraph 8 above.
15. Six work-months of consultant services would be required to carry out the evaluation of the present technical assistance mentioned in paragraph 12 (b) and the preparation of the proposals for increased technical co-operation among developing countries described under paragraph 12 (d) above. The cost of these consultant services, including travel, is estimated at $5,000 per month, totalling $30,000, and it will be assumed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) as its contribution to the holding of the symposium.
16. Estimated costs of convening the symposium are provided below on the following assumptions:

(a) Documentation, interpretation and other conference services would be provided in English, French and Spanish;
(b) The cost of travel and subsistence of 40 experts would be met by the United Nations;
(c) The symposium would be held at the seat of ESCAP in Bangkok;
(d) Three IYDP staff members would attend the symposium in order to provide substantive support.

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United States dollars
Conference-servicing costs 109,600
Travel and subsistence of 40 experts 91,500
Consultant services (to be assumed by UNDP as its
contribution to the holding of the symposium) 30,000
Travel and subsistence of three IYDP staff members
to service the symposium 7,500

17. The Secretary-General has noted that the Advisory Committee in recommending
that the venue of the proposed symposium be in a developing country makes no
reference as to which particular developing country was envisaged as a venue nor as
to how the additional costs of the symposium, as a result of this change of venue
from Vienna, the seat of the IYDP secretariat, should be met. For the purpose of
preparing the present statement of financial implications and in the absence of a
formal invitation from a developing country to act as host to the symposium, the
assumption has been made that the symposium would meet in Bangkok. It has also
been assumed that the additional costs involved in meeting in Bangkok as opposed to
Vienna would be met by the regular budget should the General Assembly approve the
proposed venue as an exception to established practice and to the principle
established in General Assembly resolution 2609 (XXIV) and reaffirmed in
resolution 31/140. The costs of holding the symposium in Vienna are estimated at
$75,300 for conference servicing, and the additional costs which would arise should
Bangkok be the venue would be $41,800.
Further meetings of the Advisory Committee
18. In paragraph 74 (i) of its report, the Advisory Committee recommended that the "Secretary-General should organize further meetings of the Advisory Committee to evaluate progress in the implementation of the programme for the Year, to ensure an adequate follow-up to the Year, and to draft a report on the observance of the Year by Member States, the organs, organizations and bodies within the United Nations system, and the international non-governmental organizations concerned".
19. It is estimated, in the light of this recommendation, and bearing in mind the recommendations contained in paragraphs 68 (b) and 74 (c) of the report of the Advisory Committee, that two further sessions of the Advisory Committee would be required - one to evaluate progress made in the implementation of the programme for the Year, to ensure an adequate follow-up to the Year and to consider a draft long-term programme of action that would be submitted to the General Assembly at its thirty-sixth session through the Commission for Social Development and the Economic and Social Council; and another to draft a report on the observance of the Year.

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20. The first of these sessions (which would, in fact, be the second session of the Committee), would need to be held in January 1981 so that the draft long-term programme could be submitted to the Commission for Social Development, which is due to meet in February 1981.
21. Estimated costs for convening this second session are provided below, based on the following assumptions:

(a) The session would be held in Vienna for a duration of eight days;
(b) Documentation, interpretation and other conference services would be provided in English, French, Russian and Spanish;
(c) The cost of travel and subsistence of members of the Committee would be borne by their respective Governments;
(d) There would be 64 pages of pre-session and in-session documentation and 32 pages of post-session documentation;
(e) Travel and subsistence would be required for one staff member of the Office of Secretariat Services for Economic and Social Matters (OSSECS) to attend and service the Committee as its Secretary.
United States dollars
Conference-servicing costs 94,700
Travel and subsistence of one OSSECS staff member 2,000
22. The third session of the Committee would need to be held in July 1982 in order
to allow for the processing and analysis of national reports on the measures taken
in the observance of the Year which the recommendation contained in
paragraph 68 (bb) of the report of the Advisory Committee invited the Member States to submit by 31 March 1982.
23. Estimated costs for convening the third session are provided below, 1/ based
on the following assumptions:
(a) The session would be held in Vienna for a duration of five days;
(b) Interpretation and other conference services would be provided in English, French, Russian and Spanish;
1/ As the session is proposed for 1982, provision would be requested in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 1982-1983.

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(c) The cost of travel and subsistence of members of the Committee would be borne by their respective Governments*
(d) There would be 32 pages of pre-session documentation, and 40 pages of in-session documentation in English, French, Russian and Spanish and 32 pages of post-session documentation in all languages (national reports will be made available in their language of submission);
(e) Travel and subsistence would be required for one OSSECS staff member to attend and service the Committee as its secretary.
United States dollars
Conference-servicing costs 138,900
Travel and subsistence of one OSSECS staff member 1,600

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Table 1
Summary of requirements in respect of meetings recommended by the Advisory Committee
(United States dollars)

Meeting a Section 6: Department of ernational Economic and Social Affairs Section 8;
Office of Secretariat
Services for Economic
and Social Hatters Section 29: Department of
Conference Services a/ United Nations
Programme Total Paragraph reference
ECA technical meeting 3 100 - 63 000 66 100 9
ECA Seminar 4 200 - 40 000 44 200 9
ECIA Technical meeting 5 700 - 52 900 58 600 9
ECIA Seminar 4 400 - 38 200 42 600 9
ECWA Technical meeting 3 100 - 43 800 46 900 9
ECWA Seminar 3 100 - 27 200 30 300 9
ESCAP Technical meeting 4 200 - S3 400 57 GOO 9
ESCAP Seminar 3 800 - 29 500 32 300 9
ECE Seminar 3 100 - - 3 100 10
Symposium 99 000 - 109 600 30 000 23 8 600 16
Second session of the Advisory Committee 2 000 94 700 96 700 21 (e)
Third session OF the Advisory Committee 133 1 600 3 600 139 900 140 857 500 b/ 500 23 (e)

690 200 30 000

a/ Full-cost estimates of these requirements ace itemized in annex II.
b/ In respect of the biennium 1982-1983.

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B. Role of the Advisory Committee in support for the IYDP
24. It will be recalled that the General Assembly, in establishing the Advisory
Committee, had decided that the "task of the Advisory Committee shall be to
consider, and to consult with Member States and specialized agencies on, the draft
programme for the International Year for Disabled Persons prepared by the
Secretary-General" (resolution 32/133, para. 5). The Secretary-General believes
that, in addition to the meetings envisaged for the evaluation of progress made in
the implementation of the programme for the Year, ensuring an adequate follow-up to
the Year and considering a draft long-term programme of action, the Advisory
Committee could play an important role in promoting the observance of the Year and
the activities related thereto. More specifically, the presence and participation
of the Chairman or of a designated representative of the Advisory Committee at the
various regional seminars and meetings, the symposium and the major international
congresses envisaged, as well as participation in other major events at the
international, regional or national levels, would give added emphasis to these
activities and contribute to the success of the Year. For this purpose, a
provision of $15,000 in 1980 and $15,000 in 1981 for the attendance of the Chairman
or a designated representative of the Committee would be required.
C. Secretariat support requirements for implementation of the substantive programme proposed by the Advisory Committee
Staff of the IYDP secretariat
25. The tasks to be undertaken by the IYDP secretariat during the biennium
1980-1981 may be summarized as follows:
(a) Preparation of proposals for a draft long-term programme of action;
(b) Co-ordination and co-operation in IYDP-related matters with regional commissions and the specialized agencies concerned;
(c) Liaison with non-governmental organizations and voluntary and special interest groups concerned with the prevention of disability and the rehabilitation of disabled persons;
(d) Provision of substantive support to general public information activities of the Division for Economic and Social Information of the Department of Public Information;
(e) Organizing and providing substantive support to the four regional seminars, the four regional technical meetings, the international symposium of experts and the second session of the Advisory Committee;
(f) Preparation of surveys of basic conditions and requirements for achieving the objectives of the Year (for the four regional seminars), and of the pressing needs of developing countries in the field of services for disabled persons (for the symposium);

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(g) Preparation of a background paper on identification of approaches and strategies for the education and rehabilitation of disabled persons in rural settings (for the symposium);
(h) Preparation of other working documents for the meetings mentioned under subparagraph (e) above;
(i) Provision of substantive support to regional events that are expected to be organized by regional intergovernmental bodies, interested Governments and non-governmental organizations in accordance with the recommendations of the Advisory Committee;
(j) Preparation of a plan for the review of the achievements of IYDP objectives;
(k) Preparation of five manuals on architectural barriers in co-operation with the Centre for Human Settlements and with the assistance of consultants;
(1) Following up IYDP-related activities at the national level, including the keeping of a register of them.
26. The tasks described under subparagraphs (a) to (d) above are continuations of
1978-1979 activities, while the tasks under subparagraphs (e) to (1) are additional
ones resulting from the recommendations of the Advisory Committee. In this context
it will be recalled that, in the original outline of estimated requirements
provided in the report of the Secretary-General on IYDP to the General Assembly at
its thirty-second session (A/32/288, para. 13, and annex II), it was expected that
the implementation of phase II (1980-1981) of IYDP activities would require a total
of 66 work-months of Professional time and 48 work-months of General Service time
in addition to using an existing P-5 post and a G-4 established post assigned to
the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs. However, in view of
the additional tasks outlined in subparagraphs (e) to (1) above, it is now
estimated that a further provision of 30 work-months of Professional time and
24 work-months of General Service time would be required over and above the provision originally envisaged.
27. As envisaged in his earlier report (A/32/288) and taking into account the discussions in the Advisory Committee, the Secretary-General considers it desirable to have an official at a very senior level to head the IYDP secretariat in phase II of its work. He intends to appoint the Director of the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs as Executive Secretary of the Year for the period 1980-1981. The Executive Secretary, as head of the IYDP secretariat, will provide over-all substantive and administrative guidance for the execution of activities related to the Year.
28. It is estimated that the following staff would be required to work under the supervision and direction of the Executive Secretary and assist her in carrying out the tasks enumerated under (a) to (1) above:

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(a) One P-5: To be responsible for the day-to-day work within the IYDP secretariat and to assist in the implementation of the approved IYDP programme for 1980-1981 and in co-ordination of and co-operation in IYDP-related matters within the United Nations, including the regional commissions, and with the specialized agencies concerned;
(b) One P-4.* To prepare a draft for the proposed IYDP long-term programme of action as well as other documents and reports that may be required in connexion with the IYDP programme, and to draft a plan for the review of the achievements of IYDP objectives,-
(c) One P-3; To undertake the preparatory work for the regional seminars and the regional technical meetings, prepare the surveys required for these meetings and provide substantive support, as required, to other regional events that are expected to be organized by interested Governments and regional bodies and organizations;
(d) One P-3; To undertake the preparations for the symposium and the background paper on identification of approaches and strategies for the education and rehabilitation of disabled persons in rural settings and to follow up activities at the national level, including the keeping of a register of such activities;
(e) One P-3; To assist in the preparation of the five manuals on architectural barriers and carry on liaison with non-governmental organizations and special interest groups concerned with the prevention of disability and the rehabilitation of disabled persons and to provide substantive support to general public information activities of the Department of Public Information;
(f) General Service staff: One research assistant (G-7, Principal level (Vienna)) to provide general administrative and research assistance, and four staff members (G-6, Vienna) to provide secretarial services.
29. For the biennium 1978-1979, the staff of the IYDP secretariat consists of two
Professional (one P-5 and one P-4) and two General Service (one Principal level and one other level) posts. Of these, the P-5 and the General Service (other level) post (secretary) are established posts in the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs. Staff at the P-4 level and the Principal level of the General Service category were recruited under temporary assistance following the adoption of General Assembly resolution 32/133 which approved proposals of the Secretary-General for preparatory work in the period 1978-1979.
30. For the biennium 1980-1981, four established posts (one D-2, one P-5 and two
G-6 (Vienna)) would be made available to the IYDP secretariat. Consequently,
temporary assistance, consisting of one P-4, three P-3, one G-7 (Vienna) and two
G-6 (Vienna) posts, would be required during the biennium. At present, it is
envisaged that such duties and tasks as remain to be completed in 1982, in
connexion with drafting a report on the observance of the Year and providing
associated substantive servicing to the third session of the Advisory Committee,
could be undertaken within the established staffing structure of the Centre for

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Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs. On the basis of this, the Secretary-General does not expect the proposed temporary assistance staffing for the IYDP secretariat to be required beyond the end of 1981.
31. Salaries and common staff costs for temporary assistance for the biennium 1980-1981 are estimated at $571,300, as follows.-

1980 1981 Total
(United States dollars)
(a) Professional staff a/
One P-4 57,800 61,700 119,500
Three P-3 143,400 153,300 296,700
(b) General Service staff a/
One G-7 (Vienna) 34,200 36,300 70,500
Two G-6 (Vienna) 41,200 43,400 84,600

276,600 294,700 571,300
a/ The secretariat staff would also include four established posts (one D-2, one P-5 and two G-6 (Vienna) in the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs),
Common service costs
32. Common service costs for the biennium 1980-1981 are estimated at $19,200, as follows:

1980 1981 Total (United States dollars)
Alterations Maintenance services 3,300 700 700 3,300 1,400
Furniture and equipment Office machine rental (pho Office supplies Communications itocop ies) 6,400 600 850
2,600 600 850
2,600 6,400 1,200 1,700 5,200

14,450 4,750 19,200

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Staff travel to attend international congresses
33. In paragraph 74 (q) of its report, the Advisory Committee recommended that the United Nations should encourage: the activities of the organizations of and for disabled persons to contribute to the promotion of world peace and peaceful relations among States and peoples, disabled persons all over the world to organize themselves to ensure their participation in the activities of the Year, and the participation of other relevant international non-governmental organizations in the activities of the Year; and that in drawing up the draft long-term programme of action, the United Nations should ensure that it is informed of the activities of these groups.
34. In order to carry out the tasks described above, staff members would need to travel during 1980-1981 to participate in major international congresses on rehabilitation and address them on specific substantive matters concerning the implementation of IYDP objectives. Attendance at the following international congresses during 1980-1981 is envisaged:

(a) World Planning Group of Rehabilitation International for the Charter for the 80s, end of February 1980 in Tunisia;
(b) Third International Congress on Physically Handicapped Individuals Who Use Assistive Devices, 27 April to 2 Hay 1980 at Houston, United States of America;
(c) Eighth International Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 26 to 30 May 1980 at Stockholm, Sweden;
(d) Fourteenth World Congress of Rehabilitation International, 22 to 27 June 1980 at Winnipeg, Canada;
(e) Third International Conference of the European Association of Special Education, 4 to 8 August 1980 at Espoo, Finland;
(f) Ninth Latin American Rehabilitation Congress, November 1981 (location to be determined).
The cost of staff travel and subsistence of participants in the above congresses is estimated at $9,800.
35. Attendance by IYDP staff is also anticipated at a number of congresses and
seminars yet to be announced. Experience has demonstrated that participation in
meetings organized in response to a United Nations programme of activities in the
same sphere, is an important element in ensuring the success and wide impact of the
United Nations activity. It is estimated that there will be two congresses in each
of the EGA, ECLA, ECWA and ESCAP regions and in North America. The cost of staff
travel and subsistence in connexion with these congresses and seminars is estimated
at $18,600, bringing the total estimate of this expenditure to $28,400 for the
biennium 1980-1981.

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Manuals on architectural barriers
36. in paragraph 74 (n) of its report, the Advisory Committee recommended that a
series of manuals should be prepared covering:
(a) Modification of architectural and other man-made barriers, to be carried out by the people themselves within community development programmes and co-operatives of disabled persons;
(b) Model projects for the organization of residential and other physical facilities for disabled persons)
(c) Systems and methods in development aid projects to eliminate existing barriers and to avoid the creation of new ones;
(d) Criteria for training national and local rehabilitation personnel in order that they may identify architectural and man-made barriers that could be eliminated or altered as part of general community improvement programmes;
(e) Development of a series of indicators for assessing the level or degree of accessibility of existing buildings and facilities intended for general use.
37. It is estimated that each of the five manuals would have approximately
20 pages of text and 15 pages of graphic presentation (such as plans of buildings or drawings of access areas, size 6x9 inches), and would be published in English, French and Spanish. These manuals would be printed in type-set in 2,000 copies each. The cost of printing is estimated at $9,700 for each manual, totalling $48,500 for the five. The manuals would be prepared by IYDP staff in co-operation with the staff concerned in the Centre for Human Settlements. In addition, in view of the highly technical aspects of the subjects to be treated in the manuals, the assistance of consultants would be required, amounting to a total of five work-months for the five manuals, at an estimated cost of $25,000.

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Table 2
Summary of requirements arising in respect of secretariat requirements for implementation of the substantive programme proposed by the Advisory Committee
(United States dollars)

Item Dl
and Section; apartment OF national Economic
Social Affairs Section 281
Management and
General Services Section 31: a/ Staff assessment Total Paragraph reference
Temporary assistance 436 100 - - 436 100 31
Common staff costs 135 200 - - 135 200 31
Staff assessment - - 112 BOO 112 800 31
Travel 58 400 b/ - - 5B 400 b/ 35
Common services - 19 200 - 19 200 32
Manuals 73 500 19 200 - 73 500 37
703 200
112 800 835 200

a/ This requirement would be offset by an equal amount from income from staff assessment, income section 1.
b/ Includes $30 000 for the Chairman or a designated representative of the Advisory Committee-

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D. Public information requirements based on the needs arising in respect of the programme of meetings and substantive activities recommended by the Advisory Committee
38. In resolution 32/133, the General Assembly asked the Secretary-General to
undertake the measures required to implement "the necessary information activities
prior to and during the International Year for Disabled Persons". In resolution
33/170, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General "to ensure that the
necessary information activities for the International Year for Disabled Persons
are initiated". In reporting the financial implications for the Year (A/32/288),
the Secretary-General stated that the Department of Public Information (DPI) and
the Division for Economic and Social Information (DESI) were expected "to give
particular attention to the promotion of the rights of disabled persons and
objectives of the International Year throughout 1981". The General Assembly was
informed that information describing the roles of the Office of Public Information
(now DPI) and the Centre for Economic and Social Information (now DESI) and
financial implications were to be issued later. Following the elaboration of a
detailed programme of work for IYDP at the first session of the Advisory Committee
(19-23 March 1979), the Department of Public Information has elaborated the public
information component to that programme.
39. The Advisory Committee made specific requests to the Department of Public Information which were incorporated into its report {A/34/158 and Corr.l, annex). The Committee also requested the Secretary-General "to continue to make every effort to promote campaigns to disseminate information on the objectives of the Year, to enlighten the public and heighten its awareness of the rights of disabled persons to participate in and contribute to the economic, social and political life of their, societies and to raise community consciousness of the potential of disabled persons to do so". 2/
40. The following programme of information activities is based on the above requests in the light of the programme of events as outlined in the recommendations of the Advisory Committee for the Year. It is intended as an attempt to spark and sustain more intensive information campaigns at the national level.
IYDP logo
41. The Advisory Committee, in paragraph 75 (b) of its report, recommended that an
emblem should be designed in 1979 for use on posters, brochures and pamphlets. As
this has not been possible, it is proposed that, in January 1980, an international
2/ Furthermore, the Committee to Review United Nations Public Information Policies and Activities will be asked to report to the General Assembly at its thirty-fifth session "on the policies and activities of the public information services of the United Nations system regarding the Year, starting from 1 January 1979".

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competition to design it should be launched, at a cost of $5,000. The cost would be as follows:

United States dollars
First prize 1,500
Second prize 750
Third prize 250
Cost of postage to the artist 250
Translation, type-setting in six languages,
printed colour proofs 2,000
Promotional brochure for the Year
42. During the first half of 1980, a promotional brochure for the Year would be
produced - answering the basic questions of why, what, when, who and how. It will
describe briefly the background and objectives of the Year and relevant Economic
and Social Council and General Assembly resolutions, and urge interested persons to
participate in the activities of the Year. The brochure, which will be type-set
and consist of about 8 to 12 pages (3 3/4 x 8 1/2 inches) in multiple colours, will
be produced in the following languages and quantities; Arabic (5,000),
English (15,000), French (7,500) and Spanish (7,500).
43. Preparation of the brochure is estimated to require about one work-month at
P-4 level. Other costs include:

United States dollars
Translation 700
Type-setting and printing 10,000
44. The brochure will be distributed mainly through the United Nations information
45. As preparatory activities for the Year are undertaken in various places, there
will be a need for a newsletter through which organizers in one place can learn of
events and activities taking place in other places. The newsletter will thus

English Page 19
become an information link for all events and activities of the Year. During 1980, there might not be as much information as in 1981. Thus, it is proposed to issue 4 newsletters in 1980 and 12 (monthly) in 1981.
46. The newsletter will consist of 8 pages (8 1/2 x 11 inches) photo-offset from
typewritten copy (except for headlines). The front page will have a special
masthead with the logo for the Year. Each edition will be produced in
the following languages and quantities: Arabic (1,000), English (5,000), French (2,000) and Spanish (2,000).
47. it is estimated that the information-gathering, sifting of pertinent
information, correspondence, editing and layout will require 24 work-months at
P-2 level and the assistance of a secretary at G-2/3 level. The production costs
involved for each newsletter will be:

United States dollars
Translation 2,000
Printing (outside) 4,000
Collating and stuffing 250

Therefore, the total cost for 16 newsletters (4 in 1980 and 12 in 1981) will be $100,000.
Accessibility guides
48. The Advisory Committee has also called on the United Nations and its agencies to publish, as part of the public information programme for the Year, accessibility guides for disabled persons. The guides would be published in all the official languages (and also in Braille) and be used in facilitating access by disable persons to the headquarters of the United Nations, regional commissions and all specialized agencies. The participation of specialized agencies in this project will be brought up at the next meeting of the Joint United Nations Information Committee (JUNIC).
49. Within the United Nations Secretariat, therefore, a guide is envisaged, in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish, initially in the following quantities: 10,000; 10,000; 50,000; 30,000; 10,000 and 10,000. Thus the total print-run will be 120,000 at an estimated cost of $0.27 per copy for a total cost of $32,000.
Press kit
50. Information materials for a press kit on the Year for Disabled Persons will be
prepared and assembled and distributed to the media, non-governmental organization

A/34/158/Add.l English Page 20
groups and delegations. The kit will consist of a two-colour cover, with a full text on the situation of the world's disabled persons, together with features, charts, graphics and photographs. There will be 3,500 kits in four languages -Arabic, English, French and Spanish.
51. It is envisaged that the press kit will be produced by an outside contractor and that the costs involved would be as follows:

United States dollars
Salaries, translation, type-setting,
design, authors, artists and
photographers 28,000
Printing and collation 18,000
Postage and distribution 12,000

Photo-exhibit and photo-wallsheet
52. A photo-exhibit is planned, to be shown at United Nations Headquarters
(New York and Geneva). The exhibit will focus on various forms of disability and corresponding rehabilitation and integration programmes available or proposed.
53. The exhibit will consist of selected photographs (properly captioned) mounted on portable panels. These photographs will be available, on request, for use on other relevant occasions.
54. The cost of the two exhibits (New York and Geneva) is estimated at $10,000, but attempts will be made to absorb the cost within existing resources.
55. In addition, a photo-wallsheet containing some photographs used in the exhibit will be prepared. It will be distributed through the United Nations information centres. The wallsheet, in black and white, will have the following print-run: English (7,000), French (2,000), Spanish (1,500), and blanks (5,000).

United States dollars
Type-setting 5,000
Printing costs for the wallsheet 7,500
Translation 300
As in the case of the photo-exhibit, attempts will be made to absorb the costs within existing resources.

A/34/158/Add.l English Page 21
Radio programmes
56. The Department of Public Information (Radio Service) plans to provide radio stations and networks with a continuous flow of feature materials on the Year during 1981. There will be interviews, featurettes and actualites produced in a variety of languages. In addition, there would be a monthly 15-minute magazine programme produced in English and adapted into Arabic, French and Spanish. These would be sent to broadcasting organizations all over the world. The cost is estimated as follows:

United States dollars
Fees for one writer/producer 37,600
Fees for one production assistant 23,900
3 part-time contractors for adap-tation into French, Spanish and Arabic 2,500
Travel for collection of materials 5,000
Engineering costs 6,000
Cost of tapes for distribution to some 130 countries 15,000
Documentary films
57. The Department of Public Information (Visual Service) intends to produce two
half-hour documentary films for distribution before and during 1981. In addition,
it hopes to make a series of six short films showing how handicapped people in
different countries and cultures are able to exist in their own societies. The
short films will be produced from existing resources.
Interagency activities
58. The organizations of the United Nations system will be encouraged to undertake
other projects on an interagency basis in addition to publishing accessibility
guides for disabled persons. Interest is expected from the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the World Health
Organization (WHO), the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the
International Labour Organisation (ILO), the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United
Nations Children's Fund (UNICEP), Participation by the United Nations in
interagency projects will require a fund estimated at 320,000. The actual
interagency projects will be identified following a meeting of JUNIC in
February 1980.

A/34/158/Add.l English Page 22
Information activities at the national level
59. At the national level, the United Nations information centres will be asked to
give wide publicity to the activities of the Year. In several instances
information materials will have to be adapted, translated and printed locally. An
amount of $50,000 is requested for relevant information activities at the national
level - at an average of about $650 per centre.
Mailing list
60. A special mailing list will be compiled based on official government contacts concerned with the Year, interested non-governmental organizations, organizations of disabled persons, academic institutions dealing with various aspects of disability, individual requests, organizations in the United Nations system participating in the preparations for the Year, and delegations to relevant United Nations bodies. The mailing list will require constant additions, deletions and revision.
61. It is estimated that the compilation and maintenance of a mailing list will require three work-months at the G-5 level, for a total cost of $5,700.
Other activities
62. The information activities outlined above will be in addition to routine
information work such as press releases, features, fact sheets, interviews, press
briefings and conferences, and responses to media and non-governmental organization
inquiries for information material. Fact sheets, features and press releases will,
in most cases, be produced in English, French and Spanish. DPI will also continue
to give coverage to the meetings of the Advisory Committee.
Staff requirements
63. in 1978, the Division of Economic and Social Information was restructured so
that it retained only the necessary core staff to carry out the regular work for
the Division. Any additional workload to DESI was to be accompanied by a personnel
component for the duration of the new assignment. The temporary additional staff
would be reinforced by the small permanent staff and would use the existing
facilities wherever appropriate. The additional workload arising from the
programme outlined above is estimated at 24 work-months at the P-4 level,
24 work-months at the P-3 level, 48 work-months at the P-2 level, plus corresponding secretarial assistance. (For purposes of comparison, the International Year of the Child had the following information staff: one D-l, two P-4, three P-3 and five General Service.)
64. Only the following temporary posts would be required on the understanding that
DPI could count on greater national efforts for publicizing the Year and that some
of the increased workload might be absorbed. The salaries and common staff costs
would be as follows:

A/34/158/Add.l English Page 23

1980 1981 1980-1981
(United States dollars)
Professional category and above;
One P-3 (New York) 35,500 37,600 73,100
One P-2 (Vienna) 36,300 38,800 75,100
General Service;
One Principal level (New York) 22,700 23,900 46,600
One other level (Vienna) 20,600 21,700 42,300
115,100 122,000 237,100
Staff assessment requirements in respect of this proposed staffing are estimated at $56,800, which would be offset in full by an equivalent amount under Income Section 1.
Common service costs
65. Common service costs related to the proposed staffing above are estimated at $24,000 and would consist oft

(United States dollars)
Office space (New York only) 9,400
Alterations 2,600
Maintenance services 800
Furniture and equipment 6,400
Supplies and materials 800
Office machines 800
Communications 3,200

A/34/158/Add.l English Page 24
Staff (Information) travel costs
66. The Advisory Committee has recommended the convening of an international symposium of experts to be held in a developing country in June/July 1981 for 10 days (see para. 12 above). Travel costs of one information officer (to cover and give wide publicity to the proceedings of the symposium) are estimated at $2,500.
67. In addition to the symposium, the secretariat for the Year plans to participate in several of the international meetings and events on disabled persons listed in paragraph 34 above. While it might not be necessary to have a coverage officer or feature writer at each of these gatherings, it is expected that at least three will require such service. A lump sum of $7,500 is therefore requested to cover travel and subsistence in 1980 for this purpose.
68. Total estimated travel costs for coverage of the symposium and international meetings will therefore be $10,000.
Additional public information activities which would be subject to the availability of extrabudgetary funds
69. Bearing in mind the general nature of the Advisory Committee's recommendations
in respect of information activities, the exact extent of requirements necessary to
respond fully to the recommendations of the Committee involves a difficult exercise
of discretion. The activities outlined above represent, in the view of the
Secretary-General, a minimum programme of information activities to ensure a
successful celebration of the International Year for Disabled Persons. However, a
number of additional information activities would, it is believed, substantially
increase the impact of the Year should extrabudgetary funding become available. In
this context, it will, he recalled that in paragraph 7 of resolution 32/133 the
General Assembly appealed to Member States to make in due time generous voluntary
contributions for the International Year for Disabled Persons. On this basis, and
noting that the Advisory Committee did not have the benefit of reviewing a detailed
information programme, the following information activity proposals are presented
for implementation subject to availability of extrabudgetary funds.
Development Forum supplement
70. A special supplement in Development Forum on the Year is an easy way to reach
over 80,000 persons, with a potential multiplier effect. Development Forum would
publish the supplement in English, French and Spanish at a flat rate of $33,000 or
approximately $0.42 per copy.
Journalists' study tours
71. A group of countries will be identified where commendable efforts have been
made to integrate disabled persons in their respective societies. About
40 journalists from developing countries (10 from each region) will be given an opportunity to tour at least one selected country:

A/34/158/Add.l English Page 25
(a) To observe the formulation of national policy for disabled persons;
(b) To observe rehabilitation programmes and facilities for disabled persons;
(c) To assess the contribution of disabled persons to development.
The journalists who participate in the study tours are expected to provide informed continuing publicity for the Year in their respective media.
72. The tours will be organized in four groups of about 10 persons each, with a United Nations organizer accompanying the group. The estimated cost for each group is as follows:

United States dollars
Travel and subsistence costs for 10 journalists for two weeks 23,200
Accompanying staff: travel and subsistence 2,800
Miscellaneous organizational costs 500

Therefore the cost of the four study tours is estimated at $106,000. Two documentary films
73, One of the two half-hour documentaries would be an update of a 1967 film,
"Umbrella Man", dealing with an ILO project involving the employment of the
disabled in Ethiopia. The project is an outstanding success and ILO strongly
supports updating the film.
74. The Department of Public Information (Visual Service) proposes to seek out a
potential co-producer, ideally a major television network, and offer a partnership in the production of a documentary film on the theme of mankind's approach to the
disabled. The film will amount to an argument against the reduction of social services from which the disabled benefit - such cuts are threatened in the present climate of recession.

A/34/158/Add.l English Page 26
75. The resources required for the production (or co-production) of the two documentaries, plus versions in Arabic, English, French and Spanish are as follows;

United States dollars
1 full-time production assistant
Special service agreements (writers/ adaptations/narrators, etc.) 12,000 3,100
Travel 32,000
Supplies and services 26,000
Field expenditure 15,000
Transport of equipment 11,000

Regional information activities
76. The information services of the regional commissions will be encouraged to
publicize the activities of the Year which are undertaken at the regional level.
On the basis of the planned regional activities for the Year, the United Nations
Information Service will be asked to plan corresponding information activities.
For this purpose, a fund of 346,000 is sought; $10,000 each for ECA, ESCAP, ECHA
and ECLA, and $6,000 for ECE.
Radio programmes
77. Should sufficient extrabudgetary resources be available, it is proposed that
radio programmes would commence in 1980 on the same lines as those outlined in
paragraph 56 above. On that basis, the annual costs would be estimated at $86,700.

A/34/158/Add.l English Page 27
Table 3
Summary requirements for public information proposals made in respect of the recommendations of the Advisory Committee
(United States dollars)

Item Section 27: Public in-formation Section 28: Administra-tion, Man-agement and General Services Section 31: Staff Assess¬ment Extra-budget¬ary To be ab¬sorbed a/ Total Para-graph refer-ence
Logo 5 000 - - 5 000 41
Brochures 10 700 - - - 10 700 43
Newsletter 100 000 - - - 100 000 47
Accessibility guides 32 000 - - - 32 000 48
Press kits 58 000 - - - 58 000 51
Photo-exhibit - - - 10 000 10 000 54
Wallsheet - - - 12 800 12 800 55
Radio programmes 90 000 — 86 700 — 176 700 56 and 77
Interagency activities 20 000 - - - 20 000 58
National activities 50 000 - - - 50 000 59
Mailing list 5 700 - - - 5 700 61
Staff requirements 237 100 - 56 800 - - 293 900 64
Common service requirements - 24 000 _ _ 24 000 65
Travel of staff 10 000 - - - 10 000 66
Development Forum - - 33 000 - 33 000 70
Study tours - - 106 000 - 106 000 71
2 films - - 99 100 - 99 100 75
Regional information - - 46 000 - 46 000 76
TOTAL 618 500 24 000 56 800 370 800 22 800 1 092 900 -
a/ Excludes absorbed staff costs.

A/34/158/Add.1 English Page 28
E. Summary of estimated requirements
78. Estimated costs of the activities of 1YDP as outlined in the text above and detailed in tables 1, 2 and 3 are summarized in table 4.
79. Attention is drawn to the fact that provision ($140,500) for the proposed third session of the Advisory Committee would not be required until 1982; hence requirements in the biennium 1980-1981 would be limited to $2,645,100.
80. Attention is also drawn to the fact that, as an amount of $400,800 of the estimates relates to activities proposed for financing by extrabudgetary sources and an amount of $22,800 is for activities to be absorbed within existing resources, the additional requirements estimated in respect of the regular budget for 1980-1981 would be $2,221,500. Within this total, a requirement of $169,600 has been included for staff assessment which would be offset by an equal amount from income from staff assessment, income section 1.
81. All the requirements mentioned above would be of a strictly non-recurrent nature.
82. The estimated conference-servicing costs included above have been calculated on a full-cost basis pending a review of actual requirements in the consolidated statement of total conference-servicing costs to be submitted towards the end of the current General Assembly session. Details of the estimated conference-servicing costs are provided in annex II.
83. Should the General Assembly adopt the report of the Advisory Committee and decide to undertake the activities outlined in that document, the following additional appropriations would be required in the regular budget for the biennium 1980-1981,:

A/34/158/Add.l English Page 29

United States dollars
Section 6; Department of International Economic
and Social Affairs 836,900
Section 8: Office of Secretariat Services for Economic
and Social Matters 2,000
Section 27: Public Information 618,500
Section 28; Administration, Management and
General Services 43,200
Section 31: Staff assessment a/ 169,600

a/ To be offset by an increase of the same amount under income section 1.
84. As indicated in paragraph 82 above, requirements in respect of conferences services under section 29 will be determined within the context of the consolidated statement of total conference-servicing costs.

A/34/158/Add.1 English Page 30
Table 4
Summary of total requirements by activity and source of funds
(United States dollars)

Source Section 6: Depart¬ment of Interna-tional Economic
and Social Affairs Section 8: Office of secretariat Services
Matters Section
27: Public Inform-ation Section 28:
Adminis-tration, Manage¬ment and General Services Section 29:
services Section 31:
staff assess-ment Absorbed a/ UNDP Other Extra-budget¬ary b/ Total

Meetings 133 700 3 COO - - 690 200 - - 30 000 - 857 500
Secretariat costs 703 200 - - 19 200 - 112 800 - - - 835 200
Information costs - 618 500 24 000 - 56 800 22 800 370 800 1 092 900
TOTAL 836 900 3 £00 618 500 43 200 690 200 169 600 22 800 30 000 370 800 2 785 600
a/ Excludes absorbed staff costs.
b/ These activities subject to availability of funds.

A/34/58/Add.l English Annex I Page 1
Sequence of proposed meetings and other activities recommended by the Advisory Committee
Meetings and other activities Date
1. Staff travel to collect material for: (a) the surveys First half of 1980
of existing basic conditions and requirements for
achieving the objectives of the Year (for the four regional seminars): and (b) the survey of the pressing needs of developing countries in the field of services for disabled persons (for the symposium)
2. Completion of the reports on the surveys of existing First half of 1980
basic conditions and requirements for achieving the
objectives of the Year (for the four regional seminars)
3. Regional technical meetings and seminars: to prepare Second half of 1980
proposals concerning the draft long-term programme of (to allow time for
action, to be submitted to the Advisory Committee at its the completion of
second session the surveys
mentioned under 2 above)
4. Second session of the Advisory Committee; to prepare a January 1981
draft long-term programme of action, on the basis of the
proposals made by the regional seminars, to be submitted to the Commission for Social Development at its twenty-seventh session in February 1981
5. Commission for Social Development, twenty-seventh session: February 1981
consideration of the draft long-term programme of action
submitted to it by the Advisory Committee and submission of the draft programme to the Economic and Social Council
€. Completion of the report on the survey of the pressing January-May 1981 needs of developing countries in the field of services for disabled persons and the paper on identification of approaches and strategies for the education and rehabilitation of disabled people in rural settings (for the symposium)

A/34/158/Add.1 English Annex I Page 2
Meetings and other activities Date
7. Completion of background papers for the symposium on January-May 1981
evaluation of the present technical assistance by
organizations in the United Nations system and on proposals for future programmes in the field of the disabled and for increased technical co-operation among developing countries in the field of production of equipment and organization of services for disabled persons
8. International symposium of experts June-July 1981
9. Economic and Social Council; consideration of the April 1981 draft long-term programme of action submitted to it
by the Commission for Social Development and submission of the draft programme to the General Assembly at its thirty-sixth session
10. Thirty-sixth session of the General Assembly: September-
consideration of the draft long-term programme of December 1981
action submitted to it by the Economic and Social
11. National reports on the measures taken in the By 31 March 1982
observance of the Year to be submitted by Member
States to the Secretary-General
12. Processing and analysis of national reports on the April-May 1982 measures taken in the observance of the Year
13. Third session of the Advisory Committee, to draft a July 1982 report on the observance of the Year on the basis
of the reports submitted by Member Governments, the organizations within the United Nations system and non-governmental organizations

A/34/158/Add.l English Annex II Page 1
A. Regional technical meeting to be held at Addis Ababa for 4 days in 1960

Number of staff Number of days Rate Amount

(United States Subtotal dollars) Total
Interpretation (E,F,S)
Salaries 9 8 206 14 832
Travel 9 - 1 700 15 300
Per diem 9 8 36 2 592 32 724
Pre-session: 35 pages
Translation - 14 171 2 394
Revision - 5 190 950
Typing - 17.5 69 1 207 4 551
In-session: 20 pages
Translation - - - -
Revision 3 8 190 4 560
Typing 4 8 69 2 208
Travel of above staff 7 - 1 700 11 900
Per diem of above staff 7 8 36 2 016 20 684
Post-session: 25 pages
Translation - 10 171 1 710
Revision - 3.5 190 665
Typing — 12.5 69 862 3 237
Reproduction - 18 45 810 810
Distribution - 13 45 585 585
Other conference staff
Meeting room attendants 1 4 45 180
Technician - interpretation 1 4 45 180 360
Salaries 31 143
Travel 27 200
Per diem 4 608 62 951

A/34/158/Add.1 English Annex II
Page 2
B. Regional seminar to be held at Addis Ababa for 5 days in 1980 Immediately following a regional technical meeting

Number of staff Number of days Rate Amount

(United States Subtotal dollars) Total
Interpretation (E,F,S)
Salaries 9 7 206 12 978
Per diem 9 7 36 2 268 15 246
Pre-session: 50 pages a/
Translation - 8 171 1 368
Revision - 3 190 570
Typing - 10 69 690 2 628
In-session: 30 pages
Translation 2 9 171 3 078
Revision 3 7 190 3 990
Typing 4 7 69 1 932
Travel of above staff 2 - 1 700 3 400
Per diem of above staff - 67 36 2 412 14 812
Post-session: 30 pages
Translation - 12 171 2 052
Revision - 4 190 760
Typing - 15 69 1 035 3 847
Reproduction - 52 45 2 340 2 340
Distribution - 16 45 720 720
Other conference staff
Meeting room attendants 1 5 45 225
Technician - interpretation 1 5 45 225 450
Salaries 34 231
Travel 3 400
Per diem 2 412 40 043
'a/ Includes working paper of 30 pages already prepared for technical meeting.

A/34/158/Add.l English Annex II Page 3
C. Regional technical meeting to be held at Bangkok for 4 days in 1980

Number Number Amount

(United States dollars)
of staff of days Rate Subtotal Total
Interpretation (E,F)
Salaries 6 9 206 11 124
Travel 6 - 2 400 14 400
Per diem 6 9 46 2 484 28 008
Pre-session: 35 pages
Translation - 7 171 1 197
Revision - 2.5 190 475
Typing - 10.5 69 724 2 396
In-session: 20 pages
Translation - - - -
'Revision 2 9 190 3 420
Typing 3 9 69 1 863
Travel of above staff 5 - 2 400 12 000
Per diem of above staff 5 9 46 2 070 19 353
Post-session: 25 pages
Translation - 5 171 855
Revision - 2 190 380
Typing - 7.5 69 517 1 752
Reproduction - 21 45 945 945
Distribution - 12 45 540 540
Other conference staff
Meeting room attendants 1 4 45 180
Technician - interpretation 1 4 45 180 360
Salaries 22 400
Travel 26 400
Per diem 4 554 53 354

A/34/158/Add.l English Annex II Page 4
D. Regional seminar to be held at Bangkok for 5 days in 1980 immediately following a regional technical meeting

Number of staff Number of days Rate Amount

(United States Subtotal dollars) Total
Interpretation (E,F)
Salaries 6 8 206 9 888
Per diem 6 8 46 2 208 12 096
Pre-session: 50 pagea a/
Translation - 4 171 684
Revision - 1.5 190 285
Typing - 6 69 414 1 383
In-session: 30 pages
Translation 1 11 171 1 881
Revision 2 8 190 3 040
Typing 3 8 69 1 656
Travel of above staff 1 - 2 400 2 400
Per diem of above staff - 51 46 2 346 11 323
Post-session: 30 paces
Translation - 6 171 1 206
Revision - 2 190 380
Typing - 9 69 621 2 207
Reproduction - 14 45 630 630
Distribution - 14 45 630 630
Other conference staff
Meeting room attendants _ 5 45 225
Technicians - interpretation - 5 45 225 450
Salaries 21 585
Travel 2 400
Per diem 4 554 28 539
a/ Includes working paper of 30 pages already prepared for technical meeting.

A/34/158/Add.l English Annex II Page 5
E. Regional technical meeting to be held at Baghdad for 4 days in 1980

Number Number Amount

(United States dollars)
of staff of days Rate Subtotal Total
Interpretation (A,E)
Salaries 7 8 206 11 536
Travel 7 - 1 400 9 800
Pec diem 7 8 54 3 024 24 360
Pre-session: 35 pages
Translation - 7 171 1 197
Revision - 2.5 190 475
Typing - 10 69 690 2 362
In-session: 20 pages
Translation - - - -
Revision 2 8 190 3 040
Typing 3 8 #9 1 656
Travel of above staff 5 - 1 400 7 000
Per diem of above staff 8 54 46 2 160 13 856
Post-session: . 25 pages
Translation - 5 171 855
Revision - 2 190 380
Typing - 7.5 69 517 1 752
Reproduction - 13 45 585 585
Distribution - 11 45 495 495
Other conference staff
Meeting room attendants 1 4 45 180
Technician - interpretation 1 4 45 180 360
Salaries 21 786
Travel 16 800
Per diem 5 184 43 770

A/34/158/Add.l English Annex II Page 6
P. Regional seminar to be held at Baghdad for 5 days in 1960 1—ediately following a regional technical meeting

Number Number Amount

(United States dollars)
of staff of days Rate Subtotal Total
Interpretation (A,E)
Salaries 7 7 206 10 094
Per diem 7 7 S4 2 646 12 740
Pre-session: 50 pages a/
Translation - 4 171 664
Revision - 1.5 190 285
Typing - 6 69 414 1 303
In-session: 30 pages
Translation 1 9 171 1 539
Revision 2 7 190 2 660
Typing 3 7 69 1 449
Travel of above staff 1 - 1 400 1 400
Per diem of above staff - 44 54 2 376 9 424
Post-session: 30 pages
Translation - 6 171 1 026
Revision _ 2 190 380
Typing - 9 69 621 2 027
Reproduction - 14 45 630 630
Distribution - 13 45 585 585
Other conference staff
Meeting room attendants 1 5 45 225
Technician - interpretation 1 5 45 225 450
Salaries 20 817
Travel 1 400
Per diem 5 022 27 239
a/ Includes working paper of 30 pages already prepared for technical meeting.

A/34/158/Add.l English Annex II Page 7
G. Regional technical meeting to be held at Santiago for 4 days in 1980

Number Number Amount

(United States dollars)
of staff of days Rate Subtotal Total
Interpretation (E,F,S)
Salaries 9 8 211 15 192
Travel 9 - 1 076 9 684
Subsistence 9 8 52 3 744 28 620
Pre-session: 35 pages
Translation - 14 163 2 282
Revision - 5 174 870
Typing - 17.5 48 840 3 992
In-session: 20 pages
Translation - - - -
Revision 3 8 174 4 176
Typing 4 8 48 1 536
Travel of above staff 7 - 1 076 7 532
Per diem of above staff 7 8 52 2 912 16 156
Post-session; 25 pages
Translation - 10 163 1 630
Revision - 3.5 174 609
Typing - 12.5 48 600 2 839
Reproduction - 18 30 540 540
Distribution - 18 30 540 540
Other conference staff
Meeting room attendants 1 4 30 120
Technician - interpretation 1 4 30 120 240
Salaries 29 055
Travel 17 216
Per diem 6 656 52 927

A/34/158/Add.1 English Annex II Page 8
H. Regional seminar to be held at Santiago for 5 days in 1980 immediately following a regional technical meeting

Number of staff Number of days Rate Amount

(United States dollars) Subtotal Total
Interpretation (E,F,S)
Salaries 9 7 211 13 293
Subsistence 9 7 52 3 276 16 569
Pre-session: 50 pages
Translation - 8 163 1 304
Revision - 3 174 522
Typing - 10 48 480 2 306
In-session: 30 pages
Translation 2 9 163 2 934
Revision 3 7 174 3 654
Typing 4 7 48 1 344
Travel of above staff 2 - 1 076 2 152
Per diem of above staff - 67 52 3 484 13 568
Post-session: 30 pages
Translation - 12 163 1 956
Revision - 4 174 696
Typing - 15 48 720 3 372
Reproduction - 52 30 1 560 1 560
Distribution - 16 30 480 480
Other conference staff
Meeting room attendants 1 5 30 150
Technician - interpretation 1 5 30 150 300
Salaries 29 243
Travel 2 152
Per diem 6 760 38 155

A/34/153/Add.l English Annex II Page 9
I. Symposium of experts on technical co-operation in rehabilitation to be held at Bangkok for 10 days in 1981

Number Amount

(United States dollars)
of staff of days Rate Subtotal Total
Interpretation (E,F,S)
Salaries 9 16 206 29 664
Travel 9 - 2 400 21 600
Per diem 9 16 46 6 624 57 888
Pre-session: 30 pages
Translation 12 171 2 052
Revision 4 190 760
Typing 15 69 1 035 3 847
In-session: 40 pages
Translation - - -
Revision 3 16 190 9 120
Typing 4 16 69 4 416
Travel of above staff 7 - 2 400 16 800
Per diem of above staff 7 16 46 5 152 35 488
Post-session: 50 pages
Translation 20 171 3 420
Revision 7 190 1 330
Typing 25 69 1 725 6 475
Reproduction 49 45 2 205 2 20 5
Distribution 27 45 1 215 1 215
Other conference staff
Meeting room attendants 1 10 45 450
Technicians - interpretation 1 10 45 450
sound recording I 10 45 450 1 350
GRAND TOTAL at current rates:
Salaries 58 292
Travel 33 400
Per diem 11 776 108 468
Adjustment for inflation to 1981 Grand total at 1981 rates at 1% 1 085 109 553

A/34/158/Add.l English Annex II Page 10
J. Second session of the Advisory Committee for the International Year for Disabled Persons to be held at Vienna for eight days in 19S1

Number Number Amount (United States dollars)
of staff of days Rate Subtotal Total
Interpretation (E,F,R,S)
Salaries 12 12 206 29 664
Travel 12 - 600 7 200
Per diem 12 12 63 9 072 45 936
Pre-session: 40 pages
Translation 24 171 4 104
Revision - 8 190 1 520
Typing 28 69 1 932 7 556
In-session: 24 pages
Translation - - -
Revision 4 12 190 9 120
Typing 6 12 69 4 968
Travel of above staff 10 - 600 6 000
Per diem of above staff 10 10 63 6 300 26 388
Post-session: 32 pages
(A,C,E,F,R S)
Translation 32 171 5 472
Revision - 10.5 190 1 995
Typing 35 69 2 415 9 882
Reproduction 35 45 1 575 1 575
Distribution 29 45 1 305 1 30 5
Other conference staff
Meeting room attendants 1 8 45 360
Technicians - interpretation 1 8 45 360
sound recording 1 8 45 360 1 080
GRAND TOTAL at current rates:
Salaries 65 150
Travel 13 200
Per diem 15 372 93 722
Adjustment for inflation ion to 1981 at 1% 937
Grand total at 1981 rates ates 94 659

A/34/158/Add.l English Annex II Page 11
K. Third session of the Advisory Committee for the International Year for Disabled Persons to be held at Vienna for 5 days in 1982

Number Amount

(United States dollars)
of staff of days Rate Subtotal Total
Interpretation (E,F,R,S)
Salaries 12 7 206 17 304
Travel 12 - 600 7 200
Pec diem 12 5 63 3 780 28 2B4
Pre-session: 32 pages a/
Translation 219 171 37 449
Revision - 6.5 190 1 140
Typing 300 69 20 700 59 289
In-session: 40 pages
Translation - - -
Revision 8 7 190 10 640
Typing 11 7 69 5 313
Travel of above staff 19 - 600 11 400
Per diem of above staff 19 7 63 8 379 35 732
Post-session: 32 pages
Translation 32 171 5 472
Revision 10.5 190 1 995
Typing 35 69 2 415 9 882
Reproduction 34 45 1 530 1 530
Distribution 17 45 765 765
Other conference staff
Meeting room attendants 1 5 45 225
Technicians - interpretation 1 5 45 225
sound recording 1 5 45 225 675
GRAND TOTAL at current rates:
Salaries .105 398
Travel 18 600
Per diem 12 159 136 157
Adjustment for inflation to 1981 at 2% 2 723
Grand total at 1982 ra tes 138 880

a/ Provision has also been included for translation (1,000 pages) of the national reports into one of the official languages for purposes of preparation of the summaries to the Advisory Committee. The national reports will be issued in their language of submission only.