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Draft report : Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities, New York, 1-12 August 2005

UN Document Symbol A/AC.265/2005/L.4
Convention Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Document Type Draft Report
Session 6th
Type Document

6 p.

Subjects Disability, Persons with Disabilities

Extracted Text

United Nations A/AC.265/2005/L.4
General Assembly Distr.: Limited
9 August 2005
Original: English
05-45545 (E) 100805
Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and
Integral International Convention on the Protection
and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons
with Disabilities
New York, 1-12 August 2005
Draft report
I. Introduction
1. In its resolution 56/168, the General Assembly decided to establish the Ad Hoc
Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on the
Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities,
based on a holistic approach in the work done in the fields of social development,
human rights and non-discrimination and taking into account the recommendations
of the Commission on Human Rights and the Commission for Social Development.
2. In its resolution 59/198, the Assembly decided that the Committee should
hold, within existing resources, prior to the sixtieth session of the Assembly, two
sessions in 2005, of 10 working days each, to be held, respectively, from 24 January
to 4 February and in July/August.
II. Organizational matters
A. Opening and duration of the sixth session
3. The Committee held its sixth session at United Nations Headquarters from 1 to
12 August 2005; it held 20 meetings.
4. The Division for Social Policy and Development, Department of Economic
and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, acted as the substantive
secretariat, while the Disarmament and Decolonization Affairs Branch, Department
for General Assembly and Conference Management of the United Nations
Secretariat, served as the secretariat of the Committee.
5. The sixth session of the Committee was opened by its Chairman, Don
MacKay, Permanent Representative of New Zealand to the United Nations.

B. Officers
6. On 13 April 2005, the Committee held its organizational meeting, at which the
following officers were elected to serve on its Bureau:
Don MacKay (New Zealand)
Jorge Ballestero (Costa Rica)
Ivana Grollovà (Czech Republic)
Mu’taz Hyassat (Jordan)
Laoura Lazouras (South Africa)1
C. Agenda
7. At its 1st meeting, on 1 August 2005, the Committee adopted the provisional
agenda for its sixth session, as contained in document A/AC.265/2005/L.3, as
1. Opening of the session.
2. Election of officers.
3. Adoption of the agenda.
4. Organization of work.
5. Continuation of consideration of the proposed revisions and amendments
to the draft text of the Working Group as contained in the reports of the
Ad Hoc Committee on its third session (A/AC.265/2004/5, annex II),
fourth session (A/59/360, annex IV) and fifth session (A/AC.265/2005/2,
annexes II and III).
6. Conclusion of the Ad Hoc Committee at its sixth session.
7. Adoption of the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on its sixth session.
D. Documentation
8. The Committee had before it the following documents:
(a) Report of the Committee on its fifth session (A/AC.265/2005/2);
(b) Note verbale dated 18 July 2005 from the Permanent Mission of
Morocco to the United Nations addressed to the Secretariat (A/AC.265/2005/3);
(c) Provisional agenda for the sixth session of the Committee
(d) List of participants (A/AC.265/2005/INF/2);
(e) Proposed programme of work for the sixth session of the Committee
1 Elected on 1 August 2005.

(f) The concept of “special” measures in international human rights law:
background document prepared by the Office of the United Nations High
Commissioner for Human Rights (A/AC.265/2005/CRP.4);
(g) Legal capacity: background document prepared by the Office of the
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (A/AC.265/2005/CRP.5);
(h) Report of the Committee on its third session (A/AC.265/2004/5 and
(i) Report of the Working Group (A/AC.265/2004/WG.1);
(j) Report of the Committee on its fourth session (A/59/360).
III. Organization of work
9. At its sixth session, the Committee conducted informal discussions on articles
15, 15 bis and 24 bis, followed by articles 16 to the end of the text of the draft
convention [and proposed additional articles], in accordance with the programme of
work adopted at its first meeting, on 1 August 2005. At its 20th meeting, on
12 August, the Committee heard the report of the Chairman on the progress made in
the informal discussions held on the aforementioned draft articles (see annex II).
The Committee decided to continue to review the draft convention at its seventh
IV. Recommendations
10. The Committee recommends that it continue its work in 2006 and that it hold,
within existing resources, prior to the sixty-first session of the General Assembly,
__ sessions in 2006, of __ working days each, to be held, respectively, in January
and August.
11. The Committee invites the members of its Bureau to hold intersessional
meetings in regard to the preparation and organization of its seventh session,
including the preparation of the provisional agenda, which should be issued at least
four weeks before the seventh session.
12. With regard to accessibility and in accordance with General Assembly
resolutions 58/246 and 59/198 and decision 56/474, the Committee reiterated the
need for additional efforts to be made to ensure accessibility at the United Nations,
with reasonable accommodation as regards facilities and documentation, for all
persons with disabilities.
13. In this regard, the Committee requests the Secretary-General to explore and
implement innovative measures, within existing resources and in consultation with
organizations of persons with disabilities and the Bureau, for the provision of
selected documents in Braille. The Committee requests the Secretary-General to
report to it at its seventh session on the implementation of this recommendation.
14. The Committee calls upon the organizations and bodies of the United Nations
system, including the World Bank, to intensify their cooperation in support of the
work of the Committee, as well as in anticipation of the implementation of the draft
convention, and invites the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the

United Nations Secretariat, in close collaboration with the Office of the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, to take the necessary steps to secure
this inter-agency collaboration.
V. Adoption of the report
15. At its 20th meeting, on 12 August, the Committee adopted the draft report on
its sixth session (A/AC.265/2005/L.4) [as orally amended].

Annex I
Additional non-governmental organizations accredited to
the sixth session of the Committee
Action on Disability and Development
Afghan Disabled Union
Autisme Europe
British Council of Disabled People
Consiglio Nazionale sulla Disabilità
Consortium Humanitarian Agencies
Federation of and for People with Disabilities
Friends of Peace and Development Organization
Gambia Future Hands on Disable People
Instituto Paradigma
International Stuttering Association
Iraqi Handicapped and Survivors Society
Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union
Leonard Cheshire International
Mine and Weapon Victims Association
Peace and the Tolerance International Organization
Persons With Pain International
Society for Mental Health Care
Sudan Association for Combating Landmines
Union des personnes handicapées du Burundi

Annex II
Report of the Chairman
[To be completed.]