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Summary record of the 32nd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 31 October 1986, New York, General Assembly, 41st session.

Extracted Text

United Nations
Official Records*

32nd meeting
held on
Friday, 31 October 1986
at 3 p.m.
New York

Chairman: Mr. Hamer (Netherlands)

Distr. GENERAL A/C.3/41/SR.32 4 November 1986
ORIGINAL: ENGLISH 86-57149 6067S (E)

A/C.3/41/SR.32 English
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The meeting was called to order at 3.05 p.m.
AGENDA ITEM 100: INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN AGAINST TRAFFIC IN DRUGS: REPORTS OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL (continued) (A/41/326-S/18049, A/41/354, A/41/408, A/41/473, A/41/494, A/41/527, A/41/528, A/41/558, A/41/559, A/41/637 and Corr.l, A/41/665 and Add.1, A/41/713, A/41/772) A/C.3/41/2, A/C.3/41/5, A/C.3/41/7)
AGENDA ITEM 12: REPORT OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (continued) (A/41/3, chap. V, sect. E)
1. Mr. HEPBURN (Bahamas) said that international criminal organizations had made the illicit traffic in narcotic drugs one of the world's most lucrative industries. It was becoming increasingly evident that effective drug control required the collective resources of the international community, as well as determined political will on the part of Governments. The Bahamas urged all Governments to give early consideration to the draft comprehensive multidisciplinary outline of future activities relevant to the problems of drug abuse and illicit trafficking. That would contribute to the success of the International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking by ensuring that it adopt a final document which was meaningful and which could be implemented. Furthermore, the Bahamas believed that the substantive support generated for the Conference by the various preparatory meetings should advance its multidisciplinary approach.
2. Given the present financial crisis of the United Nations, the intersystem co-ordination and co-operation outlined in the Secretary-General's report was a realistic approach. International drug control would improve considerably, if after the Conference, the various organs of the United Nations system continued to strengthen the drug components of their programmes.
3. In view of time constraints, the Bahamas considered it expedient to designate a standing national drug body as the focal point for the Conference. Such bodies generally had non-governmental organization representation and their programmes were vital to any international drug control effort. Further designation of a standing drug body would give Impetus to its programmes and would enhance continuity and follow-up of Conference recommendations.
4. The international drug control treaties had had commendable successes in limiting and regulating illicit drug activities. The Bahamas Itself had presented a bill on drug trafficking to Parliament which provided new powers for tracing and freezing the proceeds of drug trafficking and for the imposition of a confiscation order on persons convicted of a drug offence. The Bahamas believed that confidentiality in financial matters should not be used to veil criminal narcotic activities. The Bahamas was a transit State which produced no narcotic raw materials. It therefore hoped that the provisions of the draft Convention on the special problems of transit States would be instrumental in solving that problem.
5. The Bahamas regarded law enforcement as an important line of defense against illicit drug trafficking. Private transport, in particular by air, accounted for

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(Mr. Hepburn, Bahamas)
the considerable proportion of the illicit traffic into and through the Bahamas. If implemented, the recommendations of the first Interregional Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies (A/41/559) should enhance the capacity of developing countries to combat drug trafficking and to benefit from new developments in international drug control.
6. The Caribbean Community's interest and action in drug control had heightened due to the increasing exploitation of the Caribbean sub region for the trans-shipment of illicit narcotic drugs to North America and Europe. As a result, the countries of the subregion had issued wide-ranging recommendations for drug control. The heightened political commitment and enthusiasm In the Americas also augured well for the success of Latin American and Caribbean drug control efforts.
7. While there was growing political commitment to drug control, the current drug control system remained drastically under-funded and out of proportion to the resources of drug-trafficking organizations. In developing countries, the resources necessary for drug control could not be generated at the national level. The Bahamas therefore urged Increased monetary support for the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control to make it a dependable source of aid to drug control programmes in developing countries. The Bahamas regarded the work of the International Narcotic Control Board and the Commission on Narcotic Drugs as vital and, in that regard, had submitted its candidature for the Commission at elections that would be held during the spring 1987 session of the Economic and Social Council.
8. Mr. TOBAR-ZALDUMBIDE (Ecuador) said that his delegation wished to reiterate its firm condemnation of drug trafficking in all its forms which, because of its serious consequences, should be declared a crime against humanity. Member States and non-governmental organizations should participate actively In the forthcoming Conference in order to ensure the greatest possible international co-operation in the fight against drug trafficking. With respect to the draft Convention, his delegation welcomed the adoption by consensus of resolution 1 (8-IX) of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs which reflected the attitude of compromise adopted by its members. Ecuador hoped that that new instrument would be available at an early date in order to supplement the provisions of other conventions on that subject.

9. Ecuador, like all Latin American countries and those in other regions, had striven to combat the scourge of drugs within the broad framework of the international campaign. Thus, despite a dearth of resources, it had endeavoured to destroy plantations and clandestine laboratories and had imposed sanctions on drug traffickers. Ecuador had also established a national centre for the 1987 International Conference to co-ordinate the substantive preparations at the national level.
10. The current crisis being experienced by the United Nations had led its Members to rationalize procedures and avoid unnecessary duplication of work and the consequent waste of resources. More important, however, was for Members to present to world public opinion a united front and common understanding regarding the activities which, through international co-operation, the United Nations was carrying out to solve such acute problems as drug trafficking.

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11. Mrs. SANTHOSO (Indonesia) said that when the draft Convention against Illicit
traffic In narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances was completed, not only would
bilateral and multilateral efforts to combat trafficking be enhanced, but
International co-operation and co-ordination would be Improved. Her delegation
commended the Interregional Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement
Agencies for the Important recommendations it had made for provisions of the new
invention. Indonesia was particularly gratified to **te the inclusion of transit countries and their related problems as an element to be considered. Indonesia's geographical situation had led to Its use as a transit country for illicit narcotics trafficking and had exposed its population to the hazards of drug abuse and addiction. She therefore hoped that the recommendations of the Meeting would be reflected in the draft Convention.
12. in an effort to make maximum use of the results achieved thus far in fighting drug abuse and illicit trafficking, well-planned periodic anti-drug campaigns should be held simultaneously in several regions. Indeed, concerted efforts at the regional and international levels were the most effective means of combating drug abuse and trafficking.
13. Her delegation was most appreciative of the work of the first session of the preparatory body for the International Conference because it had satisfactorily fulfilled the tasks conferred upon it within the limited time-frame. In that connection, Indonesia hoped that when completed the draft comprehensive
multidisciplinary outline of future activities would, inter alia, give equal attention to the suppression to both the demand for and the supply of narcotic drugs. Indonesia attached great Importance to the training of drug enforcement personnel and in that connection was grateful for the support it was receiving from bilateral and multilateral sources.
14. The Government had initiated a crash programme in which $2 million had been allocated for anti-drug abuse activities for the budget year 1985-1986. Efforts were under way to expand rehabilitation services to the most needy regions throughout the country. By reinforcing traditional values and ethlcs and by addressing the problems of young people which led them to drug abuse, Indonesia hoped to reduce the demand for drugs and improve conditions in the society. Drug abuse was not merely a social problem confined to a few countries. The International Conference should serve to increase the political and social awareness of the world of the danger faced from rising drug abuse, and thereby provide the impetus for increased international co-operation and renewed initiative to achieve a lasting solution.
15. Mr. AKYOL (Turkey) said that his country hat. made drug control not just a Government policy but a policy of State, and on* which had yielded remarkable results. National efforts, however, must be supplemented by international ones, and he welcomed the useful work being done by the Division of Narcotic Drugs in co-ordinating international efforts to combat drugs, efforts that -must take precedence over economic and commercial interests.

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(Mr. Akyol, Turkey)
16. Turkey fully supported current efforts to prepare a draft Convention against Illicit Traffic In Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances to supplement the effective Instruments already available. The Convention should deal comprehensively with Illicit traffic and stress Its close ties to international terrorism.
17. Her delegation commended the Commission on Narcotic Drugs for Its work in preparing the International Conference called for in General Assembly resolution 41/122 and noted in that connection the need for a comprehensive review of the drug problem} a balanced approach) an assessment of previous activities as a basis for future guidelines in the area of drug control| greater regional co-operation to answer the specific needs of individual countries; the need for adequate financial resources, especially by the United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control and the strengthening of national and international machinery to stamp out drug-related crime and International terrorism.
18. Lastly, his delegation welcomed the recommendations of the interregional misting referred to In paragraph 4 of document A/41/559, which should bo submitted to the Conference, and hoped that the Commission on Narcotic Drugs would determine what Measures were needed to implement them.
19. Mr. MAORISAN (Panama) said that, given the universal dimensions the drug problem had acquired, the United Nations wan a unique forum for co-ordinating action, through such important global Initiatives as the forthcoming International Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. The Latin American countries accorded the highest Importance to the Conference, and had unanimously nominated the Foreign Minister of Bolivia to preside over It.
20. Panama had received with great interest the draft Convention against Illicit Traffic In Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (E/CN.7/1986/2). His delegation hoped that the result would be a universally acceptable and applicable Convention, commensurate with the ramifications of the problem.
21. Panama wished to underscore the importance also of the recommendations contained in the report of the Interregional Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, held in Vienna in Julv-August 1986, especially with regard to Intensifying bilateral and multilateral efforts, making enforcement machinery more effective, and Improving legislation, administrative practices, exchange of information and international co-ordination.
22. Aware of the magnitude of the drug problem in their rival sphere, all the Latin American countries were taking the initiative in dealing with it. Hence the extreme importance of the Inter-American Conference on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking held under the auspices of the Organisation of American States in Brezil In April 1986, which had adopted an Inter-American Programme of Action defining goals and areas of co-ordinated action designed to combat and reduce the consumption, production and sale of illicit drugs and psychotropic substances.

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(Mr. Mndrlsan, Panama)
23. The recent meeting in Mexico of Ministers and Attorneys-General of Belize,
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costs Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama,
Peru, the United States and Venezuela had been a further expression of the region's
will to take strong action against drug crimes endangering public health and
a stability. The meeting had opened up encouraging prospects for collaboration, and Panama had offered to host the next such meeting.
24. Panama agreed with the assertion by the United Kingdom at the previous meeting
that the solution to drug abuse must start with action by every nation within its
own borders, and extend to multilateral co-operation. Consumer countries on the
one hand must try to reduce Addiction through preventive, educational and
rehabilitation programmes, and producer countries must eliminate drug sources by
crop-replacement and crop-eradication programmes) and that two-pronged attack must
be buttressed by an effective control of drug trafficking by the transit countries
1ike Panama.
25. Without being either a producer or a consumer country, Panama had been hard hit by the drug traffic because of its geographical position, and it had responded with a frontal attack. Its police and courts had co-ordinate with each other and with educational institutions, the media, health Institutions and civic organizations to fight drugs and create the necessary public awareness. A publicity campaign recently organized by civic groups was showing signs of success, especially among the young, as evidenced by the continuing very low level of addiction in the country.
26. Joint action had, moreover, been taken with neighboring countries, since no nation could fight drugs alone, and International action was indispensable. His delegation had made available to the members of the Committee a government publication detailing all aspects of Panama's actions against drugs. Panama stood ready to continue working with Governments in all parts of the world in the common commitment to combat the scourge of drug abuse.
27. Mrs. OPPENHEIMER (Assistant Secretary-General and Officer-in-Charge, Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs), said that she had noted with interest the Committee's deliberations on discrimination against women and that she would bring to the attention of the relevant bodies the comments made by delegation"-
28. The Centre also welcomed the Committee's guidance In such areas as youth, aging, the disabled, crime prevention and criminal justice, and would give careful consideration to all the suggestions put forward.
29. It would pay particular attention to the strengthening of technical assistance
programmes in the field of aging and to the concerns expressed about trust funds.
She attached special importance to the inclusion of experts from every region to
participate in United Nations activities to help disabled persons and noted the
Importance a number of delegations bad attached to the role of national
co-ordinating committees in reviewing the situation of youth, as well as to the
need for technical co-operation in the field of crime prevention and criminal
just Ice.

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(Mr. Oppenheimer)
10. The Centre would take due account of all the views expressed and would also pay special attention to helping non-governmental organizations in carrying out their Important role in all areas under its purview.
AGENDA ITEM 85x QUESTION OK AGING: REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL (continued) (A/C.3/41/L.16/Rev.l and I,.20/Rev.2)
31. Mr. RWAMBUYA (Budget. Division) recalled that the representative of the Federal Republic of Germany had asked how funds could be established by the Secretary-General, as in the case of the trust fund to promote the establishment of a United Nations programme on aging. Under the terms of financial regulation 6.6, trust funds, reserve and special accounts could be established by the Secretary-General. Other trust funds could be established by the General Assembly, as had been the cane with the Trust Fund for Aging.
32. As for the trust fund in question, the Secretary-General had received a letter from the first lady of the Dominican Republic requesting the Secretary-General to use an enclosed contribution of $7,000 to establish a voluntary fund to Implement programmes deriving from the International Plan of Action on Aging. A review of the matter by the Secretary-General revealed three optional a new trust fund could be established under the authority of the Secretary-General, the cheque could be accepted as a contribution to the existing fund, or the matter could be referred to the General Assembly with a view to establishing a new trust fund. He drew attention to the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 35/129 and 37/51, and said that, considering the scope of the new proposal and the wishes of the donor, and the fact that the establishment of a new trust fund by the Secretary-General was not inconsistent with the financial rules and regulations, the Secretary-General had agreed to establish a separate trust fund for the purpose specified by the donor, on the understanding that its continuation beyond 31 December 1987 would be subject to review, including any decision by the General Assembly.
33. Mr. BRAUN (Federal Republic of Germany) said that he wondered what regulations the Secretary-General had invoked in order to establish a second trust fund on the same item. It was his understanding that the contribution had been made for the exist lug one.

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34. Mr. RWAMBUYA (Budget Division) said that the Secretary-General could establish a trust fund if as objectives were not inconsistent with the rules and regulations of the United Nations. The new fund Might overlap in some ways, but it was different in others, and the Secretary-General had therefore decided to establish it provisionally, pending support from Member States and action by the General Assembly.
35. Mr. BRAUN (Federal Republic of Germany) said that the Secretary-General had solicited the views of Governments concerning the new trust fund and that 28 or 29 had been against It.
36. The CHAIRMAN Invited the Committee to consider draft resolution A/C.3/41/L.16/Rev.1.
37. Mr. HACKETT (Department of International economic and Social Affairs) said that the current programme budget contained no provision for the preparation of the report referred to in paragraph 11 but that it would be prepared with existing resources.
38. Mrs. LA FORTUNE (Canada), speaking In explanation of the vote, said that the International Plan of Action on Againg should be implemented through co-ordination with national development plans and the use of existing machinery to implement its vital objectives. In view of their Importance, he regretted the absence of consensus en those objectives but still hoped that action would be intensified within the existing machinery.
39. Draft resolution A/C.3/41/L.16/Rev.1 was adopted without a vote.
40. The CHAIRMAN Invited the Committee to consider draft resolution A/C. 3/41/L.20/Rev.2.
41. Mrs., de ALVARE1 (Dominican Republic) proposed that because of the persistence of some regrettable divergences of views among the sponsors concerning the draft resolution. Its consideration should be postponed.
42. The CHAIRMAN said that if he heard no objection he would take it that the Committee agreed to postpone consideration of draft resolution A/C.3/ 1/L.20/Rev.2.
43. it was to decided.
44. The CHAIRMAN invited the Committee to consider draft resolution A/C.3/41/L.15.
45. Ms. KAMAL (Secretary of the Committee) said that Bulgaria, Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Cameroon, Colombia, Cote d'lvoire, Egypt, Gabon, Guinea-Biassu, Guyana, Poland, Saint Lucia, Sao Tome and Principe, Thailand, and Uruguay had become sponsors of the draft resolution.

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47. The CHAIRMAN invited the Committee to consider draft resolution A/C.3/41L.19/Rev.1.
48. Mrs. BROSNAKOVA (Czechoslovakia) said that the drafting changes in the draft resolution were relatively minor and she therefore hoped that it could be adopted by consensus.
49. Draft resolution A/C.3/41/L.19/Rev.1 was adopted without a vote.
50. The CHAIRMAN invited the Committee to consider draft resolution A/C.3/41/L.26.
51. Ms. KAMAL (Secretary of the Committee) said that Botswana and Spain had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution.
52. Draft resolution A/c.3/41/L.26 was adopted without a yote.
53. The CHAIRMAN invited the Committee to consider the following draft decision, which could contribute to the streamlining of the agenda of the forty-second session of the General Assembly:
"The General Assembly,
Having adopted resolution A/C.3/41/L.15, entitled 'Policies and programmes involving young peoples Participation, Development, Peace' and resolution A/C.3/41/L.26 entitled 'Channels of communication between the United Nations and youth and youth organizations’ decides to examine during the forty-second session under the item entitled 'Policies and programmes involving youth' the following subjects:
(a) Implementation of the guidelines for further planning and suitable follow-up in the field of youth)
(b) Channels of communication between the United Nations and youth and youth organizations."

54. If he heard no objection he would take it that the Committee wished to approve the draft decision without a vote.
55. It was so decided.
56. The CHAIRMAN invited the Committee to consider draft resolution A/C.3/41/L.25.
57. Ms. KAMAL (Secretary of the Committee) said that Canada, Oman, and Senegal had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution.
58. Mr. TROUVEROY (Belgium) welcomed the decision of the delegation of the United States of America to withdraw its proposed amendment to the draft resolution under consideration, it was fitting that a draft resolution concerning disabled persons should be adopted by consensus.
59. Draft resolution A/C.3/41A.2S was adopted without a vote.

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60. The CHAIRMAN invited the Committee to consider draft resolution A/C.3/41/L.27.
€1. Ms. KAMAL (Secretary of the Committee) said that Yemen was not a co-sponsor of the draft resolution. Its inclusion in the list of co-sponsors had been a technical error. Bolivia, Indonesia, Jamaica, Nepal, Philippines, Uruguay, Venezuela and Zambia had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution.
62. Mr. BUSACCA (Italy), on behalf of the sponsors, proposed the following
amendments to the draft resolution. Paragraph 2 should be amended to read:
"2. Urges Member States and the Secretary-General to make every effort to translate into action, as appropriate, the respective recommendations, policies and conclusions stemming from the Milan Plan of Action and other relevant resolutions and recommendations adopted unanimously by the Seventh . Congress, and to ensure adequate follow-up."
He proposed the deletion of the words "organizational and substantive" from paragraph 5 and the inclusion in paragraph 6 of the words "in the performance of his duties" after the words "the Secretary-General", as well as the deletion of the word "serious" before the words "forms of crime".
63. The CHAIRMAN said that, if he heard no objection he would take it that the Committee wished to adopt, without a vote, the draft resolution as orally amended.
64. It was so decided.
65. Miss BYRNE (United States of America) said that, but for the language of paragraph 8 of draft resolution A/C.4/41/L.16/Rev.l, her delegation would have sponsored the resolution rather than simply joining the consensus on it. The United States continued to support the merging of the two Trust Funds on aging, preferably under UNDP administration, so as to increase the likelihood of greater voluntary support for activities on aging and to bring them within the mainstream of United Nations technical co-operation programmes. Under the United States proposal, the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs would remain the central co-ordinating point for United Nations activities on aging, carrying on its customary functions of reporting to governmental bodies, conducting periodic reviews of the implementation of the Plan of Action, undertaking research and policy analysis and promoting the exchange of information.
66. In the interest of achieving consensus, her delegation had withdrawn its earlier amendment to draft resolution A/C.3/41/L.25. The United States still believed, however, that alternative administrative arrangements for the Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade for Disabled Persons would strengthen the Fund. Experience with other social issue Funds had shown that voluntary funds which directly provided resources for technical assistance projects, as was the case of the Voluntary Fund for the Disabled, were best serviced by UNDP because of its management experience and access to resource. Such an arrangement would in no way detract from the programming mandate of the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs. Given the vital interest of assisting the disabled of the world, her delegation still believed that there should be a serious study to determine the best way of administering the limited resources of the Voluntary Fund.

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67. Mrs. de BARISH (Costa Rica) an id that draft resolution A/C.3/41/L.20/Rev.2 represented a new and radical approach to the problems of aging and sought to encourage Member States and non-governmental organizations to contribute to the United Nations International Fund for Aging. All efforts in that area should be motivated solely by the interest of aged persons.
68. Mr. CERMAK (Austria) said that the establishment on 16 July 1986 of the new Trust Fund represented an unusual procedure, since the Secretary-General had not observed the request contained in General Assembly resolution 40/30 to await the comments of Member States before establishing the Fund. He hoped that those comments would be taken into account during the forty-second session of the General Assembly and that the problem would be resolved in a spirit of co-operation.
69. Ms. UMANA (Colombia) said that, while her delegation regretted the postponement of consideration of draft resolution A/C.3/41/L.20/Rev.2, Member States had thus been given more time to reflect calmly on the benefits of the proper management of the Fund, which would promote the confidence of Member States in the Fund and encourage further contributions for the benefit of programmes on aging.
70. Mr. BORG (Malta) welcomed the adoption of draft resolution
A/C.3/41/L.16/Rev.l. The consensus on that draft resolution showed the interest of Member States in the problems and needs of all senior citizens.
71. The CHAIRMAN invited the Committee to consider draft resolution A/C.3/41/L.10/Rev.l.
72. Ms. KAMAL (Secretary of the Committee) said that India had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution.
73. Mrs. ILIC (Yugoslavia), speaking on behalf of the sponsors, proposed the insertion of the words "and within available resources" after the words "if necessary" in paragragh 5 (d) of the draft resolution. The sponsors had made every effort to propose a practical solution to the problems faced by the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and hoped that the draft resolution would be adopted by consensus.
74. The CHAIRMAN observed that, with the amendments just proposed by the delegation of Yugoslavia, draft resolution A/C.3/41/L.10/Rev.1 had no financial implications.
75. Draft resolution A/C.3/41/L.10/Rev.1, as orally revised, was adopted.
76. Miss YOUNG (United ngdom), speaking on behalf of the 12 members of the
European Economic Community, welcomed the fact that long discussions with the
sponsors of draft resolution A/C.3/41/L.10/Rev.1 had produced a consensus
resolution in which the EEC States had been pleased to join since it provided a
good basic for future consideration of an important question.