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UN Human Rights Treaties

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Draft international covenants on human rights.

UN Document Symbol A/RES/833(IX)
Convention International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
Document Type Resolution
Session 9th
Type Document
Subjects Human Rights

Extracted Text

General Assembly — Ninth Session

4. Requests the Economic and Social Council, not later than its nineteenth session and in the light of proposals to be submitted to it by the High Commis¬sioner upon the advice of his Advisory Committee, either to establish an Executive Committee responsible for giving directives to the High Commissioner in carrying out his programme and for exercising the necessary controls in the use of funds allotted to the Office of the High Commissioner or to revise the terms of reference and composition of the Advisory Com¬mittee in order to enable it to carry out the same duties;
5. Requests the High Commissioner to prepare, for presentation to the inter-governmental body mentioned in paragraph 4 above, detailed proposals for projects designed to achieve permanent solutions, including plans for adequate financial or other contributions from sources within the countries of residence;
6. Requests the Governments concerned, in the nego¬tiation of agreements with the High Commissioner for the projects for permanent solutions under this pro¬gramme, to give assurances that they will assume full financial responsibility should any of the refugees within the scope of the programme still require as-sistance at the end of the stipulated period;
7. Urges Member and non-member States to co¬operate with the High Commissioner to the fullest extent in this programme;
8. Requests the High Commissioner to include in his annual report a statement on the measures which he has taken under the terms of the present resolution.
495th plenary meeting, 21 October 1954.
833 (IX). Draft international covenants on human rights
The General Assembly,
Taking note of the draft international covenants on human rights* prepared by the Commission on Human Rights and transmitted4 by the Economic and Social Council and expressing its gratitude to that Commission for the work accomplished,
Having considered these draft international cove¬nants on human rights at its ninth session,
Reaffirming that it is important that these draft international covenants should be adopted in their final form as soon as possible,
Considering that it is desirable to give Governments of States Members and non-members of the United Nations and the specialized agencies time to make a full study of these draft international covenants and to submit, if they so desire, amendments or additions thereto, or further observations thereon,
Considering that it is desirable for each Government to be informed in good time of the views of other Governments and of the specialized agencies concerning the provisions to be included in the draft international covenants on human rights so that it may take due account of these views in determining its own attitude,
Considering that it is desirable that public opinion should continue to express itself freely on the draft international covenants on human rights,
3 See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council,
Eighteenth Session, Supplement No. 7, annexes I, II and III.
4 See Economic and Social Council, resolution 545 B

1. Invites:
(a) Governments of States Members and non-mem¬bers of the United Nations to communicate to the Secretary-General, within six months after the end of the present session of the General Assembly, any amendments or additions to the draft international cove¬nants on human rights or any observations thereon;
(b) The specialized agencies to communicate to the Secretary-General, within six months after the end of the present session, any observations they may wish to make with regard to the draft international covenants on human rights;
(c) The non-governmental organizations concerned with the promotion of human rights, including those in the Non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories, to stimulate public interest in the draft international cove¬nants on human rights by all possible means in their respective countries;
2. Requests the Secretary-General:
(a) To prepare and distribute to Governments, as early as possible, a concise annotation of the text of the draft international covenants on human rights, taking account of the observations made before and during the ninth session of the General Assembly, including those made in the Economic and Social Coun¬cil and in the Commission on Human Rights;
(b) To distribute to Governments, as soon as they are received, the communications which may be made by Governments and by the specialized agencies during the next six months;
(c) To prepare as a working paper a compilation of all the amendments and proposed new articles which may be submitted by Governments during that period;

3. Requests the Secretary-General to give the draft international covenants on human rights the widest possible publicity through all the media of information available to him, and within the limits of his budget;
4. Recommends that, during the tenth session of the General Assembly, the Third Committee give priority and devote itself mainly to the discussion, article by article, in an agreed order, of the draft international covenants on human rights with a view to their adoption at the earliest possible date. The discussion shall also cover any new articles which may be proposed.
504th plenary meeting, 4 December 1954.
834 (IX). United Nations Narcotics Laboratory
The General Assembly,
Noting Economic and Social Council resolution 548 D (XVIII) of 12 July 1954 on the subject of the estab¬lishment of a United Nations Narcotics Laboratory,
Having considered the Secretary-General's note5 of 15 October 1954 which sets out the comparative cost of setting up such a laboratory at Headquarters and at Geneva,
Noting the statement by the Secretary-General in the above note that he "would regard it as important that the laboratory should be situated in the same place, and preferably in the same building, as the Division of Narcotic Drugs as a whole",
6 See Official Records of the General Assembly, Ninth Ses¬sion, Annexes, agenda item 12, document A/C.3/573.