A/C.3/35/SR.60 |
General Assembly |
35th |
25 November 1980 |
Summary record of the 60th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 18 November 1980, New York, General Assembly, 35th session. |
A-C_3-35-SR_60.pdf |
A/C.3/35/13 |
General Assembly |
35th |
25 November 1980 |
Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers : report of the open Working Group |
A-C_3-35-13.docx, A-C_3-35-13.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.73 |
General Assembly |
35th |
04 December 1980 |
Summary record of the 73rd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 28 November 1980, New York, General Assembly, 35th session. |
A-C_3-35-SR_73.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.68 |
General Assembly |
35th |
05 December 1980 |
Summary record of the 68th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 25 November 1980, New York, General Assembly, 35th session. |
A-C_3-35-SR_68.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.64 |
General Assembly |
35th |
08 December 1980 |
Summary record of the 64th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 21 November 1980, New York, General Assembly, 35th session. |
A-C_3-35-SR_64.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.67 |
General Assembly |
35th |
08 December 1980 |
Summary record of the 67th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 25 November 1980, New York, General Assembly, 35th session. |
A-C_3-35-SR_67.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.74 |
General Assembly |
35th |
08 December 1980 |
Summary record of the 74th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 1 December 1980, New York, General Assembly, 35th session. |
A-C_3-35-SR_74.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.65 |
General Assembly |
35th |
09 December 1980 |
Summary record of the 65th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 24 November 1980, New York, General Assembly, 35th session. |
A-C_3-35_SR_65.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.72 |
General Assembly |
35th |
10 December 1980 |
Summary record of the 72nd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 28 November 1980, New York, General Assembly, 35th session. |
A-C_3-35-SR_72.pdf |
A/36/378 |
General Assembly |
36th |
21 September 1981 |
Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers : report of the open Working Group |
A-36-378, incl. Annex XII.pdf |
A/36/383 |
General Assembly |
36th |
22 September 1981 |
Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers : note / by the Secretary-General. |
A-36-383.pdf, A-36-383.rtf |
A/C.3/36/L.68 |
General Assembly |
36th |
20 November 1981 |
Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers : draft resolution |
A-C_3-36-L_68.pdf |
A/C.3/36/10 |
General Assembly |
36th |
23 November 1981 |
Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers : report of the open Working Group |
A-C_3-36-10.docx, A-C_3-36-10.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.57 |
General Assembly |
36th |
01 December 1981 |
Summary record of the 57th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 19 November 1981, New York, General Assembly, 36th session. |
A-C_3-36-SR_57.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.60 |
General Assembly |
36th |
01 December 1981 |
Summary record of the 60th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 24 November 1981, New York, General Assembly, 36th session. |
A-C_3-36-SR_60.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.62 |
General Assembly |
36th |
03 December 1981 |
Summary record of the 62nd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 25 November 1981, New York, General Assembly, 36th session. |
A-C_3-36-SR_62.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.56 |
General Assembly |
36th |
08 December 1981 |
Summary record of the 56th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 19 November 1981, New York, General Assembly, 36th session. |
A-C_3-36-SR_56.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.63 |
General Assembly |
36th |
10 December 1981 |
Summary record of the 63rd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 27 November 1981, New York, General Assembly, 36th session. |
A-C_3-36-SR_63.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.66 |
General Assembly |
36th |
10 December 1981 |
Summary record of the 66th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 30 November 1981, New York, General Assembly, 36th session. |
A-C_3-36-SR_66.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.61 |
General Assembly |
36th |
10 December 1981 |
Summary record of the 61st meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 25 November 1981, New York, General Assembly, 36th session. |
A-C_3-36-SR_61.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.58 |
General Assembly |
36th |
11 December 1981 |
Summary record of the 58th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 23 November 1981, New York, General Assembly, 36th session. |
A-C_3-36-SR_58.pdf |
A/C.3/37/1 |
General Assembly |
37th |
11 June 1982 |
Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers : report of the open Working Group |
A-C_3-37-1.docx, A-C_3-37-1.pdf |
A/C.3/37/7 |
General Assembly |
37th |
19 November 1982 |
Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers : report of the open Working Group |
A-C_3-37-7.docx, A-C_3-37-7.pdf |
A/C.3/37/SR.58 |
General Assembly |
37th |
09 December 1982 |
Summary record of the 58th meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 30 November 1982, New York. |
A-C_3-37-SR_58.pdf |
A/C.3/37/SR.61 |
General Assembly |
37th |
10 December 1982 |
Summary record of the 61st meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 2 December 1982, New York. |
A-C_3-37-SR_61.pdf |
A/C.3/38/WG.1/CRP.1 |
General Assembly |
38th |
31 May 1983 |
Draft International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families : proposals for articles 46 and 47 |
A-C_3-38-WG_1-CRP_1.pdf |
A/C.3/38/WG.1/CRP.3 |
General Assembly |
38th |
06 June 1983 |
Proposal by India for inclusion of the following articles into Part V |
A-C_3-38-WG_1-CRP_3.pdf |
A/C.3/38/WG.1/CRP.4 |
General Assembly |
38th |
07 June 1983 |
Draft Report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention of the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-38-WG_1-CRP_4.pdf |
A/C.3/38/1 |
General Assembly |
38th |
16 June 1983 |
Report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-38-1.docx, A-C_3-38-1.pdf |
A/C.3/38/WG.1/CRP.2/Rev.1 |
General Assembly |
38th |
09 September 1983 |
Text of the Preamble and Articles of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families to Which the Working Group Provisionally Agreed During the First Reading |
A-C_3-38-WG_1-CRP_2-Rev_1.pdf |
A/C.3/38/WG.1/CRP.6 |
General Assembly |
38th |
26 September 1983 |
Suggestions submitted by Finland, Greece, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden relating to proposals presented in document A/C.3/35/WG.l/CRP.15 and Corr.l and 2 |
A-C_3-38-WG_1-CRP_6.pdf |
A/C.3/38/WG.1/CRP.5 |
General Assembly |
38th |
26 September 1983 |
Suggestions submitted by Finland, Greece, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden: revised proposals for articles 2 and 4 and part IV of the draft International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-38-WG_1-CRP_5.pdf |
A/C.3/38/WG.1/CRP.7 |
General Assembly |
38th |
29 September 1983 |
Draft International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families: Provisionally agreed text |
A-C_3-38-WG_1-CRP_7.pdf |
A/C.3/38/WG.1/CRP.8 |
General Assembly |
38th |
29 September 1983 |
Working paper submitted by Finland, Greece, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden: further suggestions relating to proposals presented in document A/C.3/35/WG.l/CRP.15 and Corr.l and 2 |
A-C_3-38-WG_1-CRP_8.pdf |
A/C.3/38/5 |
General Assembly |
38th |
11 October 1983 |
Report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-38-5.docx, A-C_3-38-5.pdf |
A/C.3/38/L.36 |
General Assembly |
38th |
25 November 1983 |
Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers : draft resolution |
A-C_3-38-L_36.pdf |
A/C.3/38/SR.57 |
General Assembly |
38th |
08 December 1983 |
Summary record of the 57th meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 30 November 1983, New York. |
A-C_3-38-SR_57.pdf |
A/C.3/39/WG.1/CRP.2 |
General Assembly |
38th |
04 June 1984 |
Draft Report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-39-WG_1-CRP_2.pdf |
A/C.3/39/1 |
General Assembly |
39th |
14 June 1984 |
Report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-39-1.docx, A-C_3-39-1.pdf |
A/C.3/39/WG.1/CRP.3 |
General Assembly |
39th |
17 September 1984 |
Text of the pending articles of the draft International Convention on the Protection of the Ri9hts of All Migrant Workers and Their Families together with the proposals relating thereto |
A-C_3-39-WG_1-CRP_3.pdf |
A/C.3/39/WG.1/CRP.4 |
General Assembly |
39th |
18 September 1984 |
Workinq paper submitted by Finland, Greece, Italy, Norway, Portuqal, Spain and Sweden concerninq the definitions of ''miqrant workers", contained in the revised proposal for part I, articles 2 and 4, and part IV, presented in document A/C.3/38/WG.l/CRP.5 |
A-C_3-39-WG_1-CRP_4.pdf |
A/C.3/39/4 |
General Assembly |
39th |
11 October 1984 |
Draft report of the open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-39-4.docx, A-C_3-39-4.pdf |
A/C.3/39/WG.1/WP.1 |
General Assembly |
39th |
26 October 1984 |
Text of the Preamble and Articles of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families Provisionally Agreed Upon by the Working Group During the First Reading |
A-C_3-39-WG_1-WP_1.pdf |
A/C.3/39/L.56 |
General Assembly |
39th |
29 November 1984 |
Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers : draft resolution |
A-C_3-39-L_56.pdf |
A/C.3/39/SR.51 |
General Assembly |
39th |
30 November 1984 |
Summary record of the 51st meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 27 November 1984, New York, General Assembly, 39th session. |
A-C_3-39-SR_51.pdf |
E/CN.5/1985/8 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission for Social Development |
29th |
06 December 1984 |
The social situation of migrant workers and their families : report of the Secretary-General |
E-CN_5-1985-8.pdf |
A/C.3/40/WG.1/CRP.1 |
General Assembly |
40th |
06 May 1985 |
Observations by the International Labour Orrice (ILO) on the text provisionally agreed upon during the first reading (A/C.3/39/WG.l/WP.l) |
A-C_3-40-WG_1-CRP_1.pdf |
A/C.3/40/WG.1/CRP.3 |
General Assembly |
40th |
03 June 1985 |
Cross-references in the draft International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-40-WG_1-CRP_3.pdf |
A/C.3/40/1 |
General Assembly |
40th |
20 June 1985 |
Report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-40-1.docx, A-C_3-40-1.pdf |
A/C.3/40/WG.1/CRP.6 |
General Assembly |
40th |
16 September 1985 |
Working paper concerning self-employed migrant workers submitted by Finland, Greece, India, Italy, Norway, Spain and Sweden |
A-C_3-40-WG_1-CRP_6.pdf |
A/C.3/40/WG.1/CRP.7 |
General Assembly |
40th |
23 September 1985 |
Letter dated 21 August 1985 from the Vice-Chairman of the Open-Ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families addressed to the Chairman of the Working Group |
A-C_3-40-WG_1-CRP_7.pdf |
A/C.3/40/WG.1/CRP.8 |
General Assembly |
40th |
23 September 1985 |
Working paper submitted by the United States: a proposal relating to article 2 of the draft International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-40-WG_1-CRP_8.pdf |
A/C.3/40/WG.1/CRP.9 |
General Assembly |
40th |
24 September 1985 |
Proposal by Australia for new sub-paragraph of article 2.2 |
A-C_3-40-WG_1-CRP_9.pdf |
A/C.3/40/6 |
General Assembly |
40th |
15 October 1985 |
Report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-40-6.docx, A-C_3-40-6.pdf |
A/C.3/40/L.70 |
General Assembly |
40th |
27 November 1985 |
Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers : draft resolution |
A-C_3-40-L_70.pdf |
A/C.3/40/SR.60 |
General Assembly |
40th |
12 December 1985 |
Summary record of the 60th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 2 December 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session. |
A-C_3-40-SR_60.pdf |
A/C.3/41/3 |
General Assembly |
41st |
10 October 1986 |
Report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-41-3.docx, A-C_3-41-3.pdf |
A/C.3/41/L.79 |
General Assembly |
41st |
20 November 1986 |
Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers : draft resolution |
A-C_3-41-L_79.pdf |
A/C.3/41/SR.61 |
General Assembly |
41st |
05 December 1986 |
Summary record of the 61st meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 28 November 1986, New York, General Assembly, 41st session. |
A-C_3-41-SR_61.pdf, A-C_3-41-SR_61.rtf |
A/C.3/42/1 |
General Assembly |
42nd |
22 June 1987 |
Report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-42-1.docx, A-C_3-42-1.pdf |
A/C.3/42/6 |
General Assembly |
42nd |
09 October 1987 |
Report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-42-6.docx, A-C_3-42-6.pdf |
A/C.3/42/L.76 |
General Assembly |
42nd |
19 November 1987 |
Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers : draft resolution |
A-C_3-42-L_76.pdf |
A/C.3/42/SR.61 |
General Assembly |
42nd |
05 December 1987 |
Summary record of the 61st meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 27 November 1987, New York, General Assembly, 42nd session. |
A-C_3-42-SR_61.pdf |
A/C.3/43/1 |
General Assembly |
43rd |
20 June 1988 |
Report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-43-1.docx, A-C_3-43-1.pdf |
A/C.3/43/7 |
General Assembly |
43rd |
17 October 1988 |
Report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-43-7.docx, A-C_3-43-7.pdf |
A/C.3/43/L.69 |
General Assembly |
43rd |
22 November 1988 |
Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers : draft resolution |
A-C_3-43-L_69.pdf |
A/C.3/43/SR.56 |
General Assembly |
43rd |
02 December 1988 |
Summary record of the 56th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 29 November 1988, New York, General Assembly, 43rd session. |
A-C_3-43-SR_56.pdf |
A/C.3/44/WG.1/WP.1 |
General Assembly |
44th |
08 May 1989 |
Text of the preamble and articles of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families adopted on 2nd reading by the Working Group. |
A-C_3-44-WG_1-WP_1.pdf |
A/C.3/44/WG.1/CRP.1 |
General Assembly |
44th |
22 May 1989 |
Pending articles and parts of articles still in brackets on second reading |
A-C_3-44-WG_1-CRP_1.pdf |
A/C.3/44/WG.1/CRP.1/Rev.1 |
General Assembly |
44th |
01 June 1989 |
Pending articles and parts of articles still in brackets on second reading |
A-C_3-44-WG_1-CRP_1-Rev_1.pdf |
A/C.3/44/WG.1/CRP.4 |
General Assembly |
44th |
06 June 1989 |
Proposals for article 50 |
A-C_3-44-WG_1-CRP_4.pdf |
A/C.3/44/WG.1/CRP.6/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
44th |
08 June 1989 |
Pending articles and parts of articles still in brackets on second reading |
A-C_3-44-WG_1-CRP_6-Add_1.pdf |
A/C.3/44/1 |
General Assembly |
44th |
19 June 1989 |
Report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-44-1.docx, A-C_3-44-1.pdf |
A/C.3/44/WG.1/CRP.5/Rev.1 |
General Assembly |
44th |
14 September 1989 |
Working paper submitted by Japan containing proposals relating to articles 50. 56. 62. 70 and 74 and a new article of the draft Convention still pending on second reading |
A-C_3-44-WG_1-CRP_5-Rev_1.pdf |
A/C.3/44/WG.1/CRP.6/Add.2 |
General Assembly |
44th |
14 September 1989 |
Pending articles and parts of articles still in brackets on second reading |
A-C_3-44-WG_1-CRP_6-Add_2.pdf |
A/C.3/44/WG.1/WP.1/Rev.1 |
General Assembly |
44th |
14 September 1989 |
Text of the preamble and articles of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families / adopted on 2nd reading by the Working Group. |
A-C_3-44-WG_1-WP_1-Rev_1.pdf |
A/C.3/44/4 |
General Assembly |
44th |
17 October 1989 |
Report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-44-4.docx, A-C_3-44-4.pdf |
A/C.3/44/L.74 |
General Assembly |
44th |
24 November 1989 |
Measures to improve the situation and ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers : draft resolution |
A-C_3-44-L_74.pdf |
A/C.3/44/SR.60 |
General Assembly |
44th |
07 December 1989 |
Summary record of the 60th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 29 November 1989, New York, General Assembly, 44th session. |
A-C_3-44-SR_60.pdf |
A/C.3/45/WG.1/WP.1 |
General Assembly |
45th |
15 December 1989 |
Text of the preamble and articles of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families / adopted on 2nd reading by the Working Group. |
A-C_3-45-WG_1-WP_1.pdf |
A/C.3/45/WG.1/WP.1/Rev.1 |
General Assembly |
45th |
16 May 1990 |
Text of the preamble and articles of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families adopted on 2nd reading by the Working Group : Working Group I, 3rd Committee, General Assembly, 45th session. |
A-C_3-45-WG_1-WP_1-Rev_1.pdf |
A/C.3/45/WG.1/WP.1/Rev.1/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
45th |
21 May 1990 |
Technical review of the text of the preamble and articles of the draft International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families (A/C.3/45/WG,l/WP.1): comments and suggestions |
A-C_3-45-WG_1-WP_1-Rev_1-Add_1.pdf |
A/C.3/45/1 |
General Assembly |
45th |
21 June 1990 |
Report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Elaboration of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families |
A-C_3-45-1.docx, A-C_3-45-1.pdf |
A/C.3/45/L.62 |
General Assembly |
45th |
20 November 1990 |
Adoption of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families : draft decision |
A-C_3-45-L_62.pdf |
A/C.3/45/L.77 |
General Assembly |
45th |
23 November 1990 |
Draft International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families : draft resolution |
A-C_3-45-L_77.pdf |
A/C.3/45/SR.58 |
General Assembly |
45th |
12 December 1990 |
Summary record of the 58th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 30 November 1990, New York, General Assembly, 45th session. |
A-C_3-45-SR_58.pdf |