Suggested New Version of Article 21
UN Document Symbol | E/CN.6/L.715 |
Convention | Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) |
Document Type | Other |
Session | Resumed 26th |
Type | Document |
Description |
2 p. |
Subjects | Women |
Extracted Text
AND E/CN.6/L.715
13 December 1976
Ramped twenty-sixth session Agenda item 3 (a)
Suggested law Version of Article 21
1. States Parties undertake to adopt measures at the national level, including the establishment of machinery and procedures simed at achieving the full realization of the rights recognized in the present Convention.
2. (a) Every two years following the entry into force of the Convention,
States Parties undertake to submit to the . Secretary-General reports on the legislative, Judicial, administrative or other measures which they have adopted and on the progress made in implementing the provisions of the present Convention. Reports may indicate factors and difficulties affecting the degree of fulfillment of obligations under the present Convention.
(b) In preparing their reports States Parties shall make use of national machinery established to promote the advancement of women and of national non-governmental organizations, including women's organization.
(c) States Parties shall furnish their reports in stages, in accordance with a programme to be established after consultation with the States Parties and the specialized agencies concerned.
3. For the purpose of considering the process made in the Implementation of the
Convention by the States Parties the Commission on the Status of women shall establish
an ad hoc Group consisting of 10 to 15 peranons. The Group shall be elected by the
Commission from among its own members who are States Parties to the Convention and
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from an additional list of persons nominated by States Partita who are not members of the Commission, consideration being given to the principle of equitable geographical distribution and representation of differing legal systems. The members of the Group shall serve in their personal capacity and shall be elected every two years. 4. The ad hoe Group shall normally meet for a period of not more than two weeks before the opening of the regular session of the Commission on the Statue® of Women, to consider the reports submitted in accordance with para. 2 above and submit it® report to the Commission on the Status of Women for its consideration. 5. The ad hoc Group shall report to the Commission on the Status of Women on it® activities and may make general recommendations based on the examination of the reports from the States Parties. The Commission shall transmit the report of the Group together with its own comments, to the Economic and Social Council.
6. Specialized agencies shall be entitled to be represented at the consideration of the implementation of such provision of this Convention as fall within the scope of their activities. They shall be entitled to submit reports on the implementation of relevant instruments adopted by them or under their auspices.
7. The Economic and Social Council may submit from time to time to the
General Assembly reports with recommendations of a general nature and a summary of the information received from the States Parties to the present Convention and the specialized agencies on the measures taken and the progress made in achieving general observance of the rights recognized in the present Convention.
8. The Economic and Social Council may bring to the attention of other organs of the
United Nations, their subsidiary organs and specialized agencies concerned with
furnishing technical assistance any matters arising cut of the reports referred to in
this part of the present Convention which may assist such bodies in deciding* each within
its field of competence, on the advisability of international measures likely to
contribute to the effective progressive implementation of the present Convention.