Petition from Ruben Um Um (T/PET.5/466).
UN Document Symbol | T/RES/1453(XVII) |
Convention | International Convention on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance |
Document Type | Other |
Session | 17th |
Type | Document |
Description |
1 p. |
Subjects | Disappearance of Persons |
Extracted Text
(c) The Administering Authority is at present studying ways and means of assisting the school; 2. Recommends that the Administering Authority continue to take all necessary measures for broadening the possibilities for the indigenous population to receive professional training; 3. Expresses the hope that the Administering Authority will be able to arrange for the reopening of the school on a basis acceptable to it and to the association concerned; 4. Requests the Administering Authority to provide information on this matter to the Trusteeship Council at its nineteenth session. 692nd meeting, 22 March 1956. c) L' Autorite administrate etudie actuellement les moyens d'aider l'ecole; 2. Recommande a l'Autorite administrante de con-tinuer a prendre toutes les mesures necessaires en vue de rendre l'enseignement professionnel plus accessible a la population autochtone; 3. Exprime I'espoir que l'Autorite administrante pourra organiser la reouverture de l'ecole sur une base qui soit acceptable et pour elle et pour l'association interessee; 4. Invite l'Autorite administrante a fournir au Con-seil de tutelle, a sa dix-neuvieme session, des rensei-gnements sur cette question. 692 erne seance, 22 mars 1956. 1453 (XVII). Petition from Mr. Ruben Urn Um (T/PET.5/466) The Trusteeship Council, Having examined the petition from Mr. Ruben Um Um concerning the Cameroons under French administration in consultation with France as the Administering Authority concerned (T/PET.5/466, T/OBS.5/72, T/L.636), Draws the attention of the petitioner to the observations of the Administering Authority and to the statement of its Special Representative, in particular that there is no record that the disappearance of the petitioner's brother was reported to the competent authorities at the time of its occurrence in 1941. 698th meeting, 4 April 1956. 1453 (XVII). Petition de M. Ruben Um Um (T/PET.5/466) Le Conseil de tutelle, Ayant examine la petition de M. Ruben Um Um con-cernant le Cameroun sous administration franchise, en consultation avec la France, Autorite administrante interessee (T/PET.5/466, T/OBS.5/72, T/L.636), Appelle Vattention du petitionnaire sur les observations de l'Autorite administrante et sur la declaration de son representant special, d'ou il ressort notamment que l'on n'a trouve aucune trace, dans les dossiers, de demarches tendant a signaler la disparition du frere du petitionnaire aux autorites competentes a l'epoque, en 1941. 698 eme seance, 4 avril 1956. 1454 (XVII). Petition from the population of Mvog-Mbi (T/PET.5/469) The Trusteeship Council, Having examined the petition from the population of Mvog-Mbi concerning the Cameroons under the French administration in consultation with France as the Administering Authority concerned (T/PET.5/469, T/ OBS.5/73, T/L.655), Draws the attention of the petitioners to the observations of the Administering Authority and to the statement of its Special Representative that Mr. Belibi's claim for recognition of title of ownership will be dealt with in accordance with the normal procedure. 699th meeting, 5 April 1956. 1454 (XVII). Petition de la population de Mvog-Mbi (T/PET.5/469) Le Conseil de tutelle, Ayant examine la petition de la population de Mvog-Mbi concernant le Cameroun sous administration franchise, en consultation avec la France, Autorite administrante interessee (T/PET.5/469, T/OBS.5/73, T/ L.655), Attire I'attention des petitionnaires sur les observations de l'Autorite administrante et la declaration de son representant special, d'ou il ressort que la demande de reconnaissance de droits fonciers deposee par M. Belibi sera reglee selon la procedure normale. 699 eme seance, 5 avril 1956. 1455 (XVII). Petition from Mr. Abraham Mbock (T/PET.5/471) The Trusteeship Council, Having examined the petition from Mr. Abraham Mbock concerning the Cameroons under French administration in consultation with France as the Administering Authority concerned (T/PET.5/471, T/ OBS.5/73, T/L.636), Draws the attention of the petitioner to the observations of the Administering Authority and to the statement of its Special Representative, in particular that: 1455 (XVII). Petition de M. Abraham Mbock (T/PET.5/471) Le Conseil de tutelle, Ayant examine la petition de M. Abraham Mbock concernant le Cameroun sous administration franchise, en consultation avec la France, Autorite administrante interessee (T/PET.5/471, T/OBS.5/73, T/L.636), Appelle I'attention du petitionnaire sur les observations de l'Autorite administrante et sur la declaration de son representant special, d'ou il ressort notamment que: