Terms of reference for a technical review of the draft : [Convention on the Rights of the Child] : proposal / submitted by Australia.
UN Document Symbol | E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.20 |
Convention | Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) |
Document Type | Proposal |
Session | 44th |
Type | Document |
Description |
2 p. |
Subjects | Rights of The Child |
Extracted Text
F./CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.20 29 January 198R Original: ENGLISH COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS Forty-fourth session Pre-Sessional open-ended Working Group on the Question of a Convention on the Rights of the Child 25-29 January 1988 TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR A TECHNICAL REVIEW OF THE DRAFT Proposal submitted by AUSTRALIA In accordance with the request from the Chairman, the following are proposed guidelines which the body or person charged with the responsibility for carrying out a technical review of the Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child after the first reading has been completed, should adhere to. Those charged with the technical review of the Draft Convention should produce a report which: 1. Identifies overlap and repetition between and within draft articles and makes recommendations on any consequential consolidation and/or relocation of such articles, particularly provisions with general application in the Convention; 2. Reviews the standard of protection given children and the responsibilities required of States in the various articles of the Convention with a view to: - checking their internal consistency - identifying whether they meet, as a minimum the requirements of other widely accepted instruments of international human rights and humanitarian law GE.88-10384/2296G E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.20 page 2 - noting whether they are such as to be realistically attainable immediately by all States in the light of the limited resources available to poorer countries. 3. Makes other suggestions for technical improvements in the text including: - the elimination of sexist language in the text - consistent use of key cerms in all Darts of the draft.