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UN Human Rights Treaties

Travaux Préparatoires


Poland: draft resolution

UN Document Symbol E/CN.4/L.1573
Convention Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
Document Type Draft Resolution
Session 37th
Type Document

1 p.

Subjects Rights of The Child

Extracted Text

UNITED; NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL E/CN.4/L.1573 2 March 1981 Original: ENGLISH C0MMISSI0N ON HUMAN RIGHTS Thirty-seventh session Agenda item 14 QUESTION OP A COMENTION ON THE RIGHTS OP TEE CHILD Poland; draft resolution The Commission on Human Rights., Having in mind the draft convention on the rights of the child submitted by Poland on 7 February 1978 and the amended version of the draft submitted on 5 October 1979, Recalling General Assembly resolutions 53/166 of 20 December 1978 and 34/4 of 18 October 1979. as well as resolution 35/131 of 11 December 1980, toy which the Assembly requested the Commission on Human Rights to continue to give high priority to the question of completing the draft convention on the rights of the child, Recalling also its resolutions 20 (XXXIV) of 8 March 1978, 19 (XXXV) of 14 March 1979 and 36 (XXXVI) of 12 March 1980, as well as Economic and Social Council resolutions 1978/18 of 5 May 1978 and 1978/40 of 1 August 1978 and Council decision 1980/138 of 2 May 1980, Noting with satisfaction the considerable progress made by the open-ended working group during its one week of negotiations prior to the thirty-seventh session of the Commission, Noting also a widespread interest in working out a truly comprehensive international convention on the rights of the child, displayed so far by the representatives of numerous countries and international organizations, 1. Decides to continue at its thirty-eighth session, as a matter of priority, its work on a draft convention on the rights of the child with a view to completing the elaboration of the convention at that session for transmission to the General Assembly through the Economic and Social Council, 2. Requests the Economic and Social Council to authorise a one-week session of an open-ended working group prior to the thirty-eighth session of the Commission on Human Rights to facilitate completion of the work on a draft invention on the rights of the child. GE.81-10675