Written statement submitted by International Council of Women, et al.
UN Document Symbol | E/CN.4/NGO/225 |
Convention | Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) |
Document Type | Statement by Non-Governmental Organization |
Session | 34th |
Type | Document |
Description |
1 p. |
Subjects | Rights of The Child |
Extracted Text
UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL Distr. GENERAL E/CN.4/NGO/2 5 23 February 1978 Original: ENGLISH/FRENCH C0mmISSI0N ON HUMAN RIGHTS Thirty-fourth session Agenda item 22 QUESTION OF A CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OP THIS CHILD Written statement submitted by the following non-governmental organizations in consultative status; International Council of Women, International Planned Parenthood Federation (category I). All India Women's Conference, Anti-Slavery Society, International Child Bureau. International Council of Jewish Women, International Federation for Human Rights. International Federation of Business and Professional Women. International Federation of Women in Legal Careers, International Federation of Women Lawyers. International Social Service, International Union for Child welfare, International Union of Family Organizations. St. Joan's International Alliance, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. World Jewish Congress,. World Movement of Mothers, World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations. World Union of Organizations for the Safeguard of Youth, World Young Women's Christian Association (category II), International Federation for Parent Education (Rooter) The Secretary-General has received the following statement, which is circulated in accordance with paragraphs 29 and 30 of Economic and Social Council resolution 1296 (XLIV). [23 February 1976] The non-governmental organizations mentioned above appreciate the proposal for the elaboration of a draft convention on the rights of the child (E/CN.4/L.1366/Rev.l), which would bring a new and complementary contribution to the promotion of the well being of the child. The International Year of the Child is in effect an occasion well-suited to creating among governments and the general public a greater awareness of the urgent needs of children and of the necessity to take action to meet those needs. However, several studies, surveys and programmes concerning the rights of the child and more specifically concerning the implementation of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the application of other existing international pronouncements, are already planned or in progress in governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental sectors. the value of a Convention on the rights of the child would be that much greater and richer if it could take into account the results of this work. This is why the non-governmental organizations listed above suggest that the debate on such a draft convention commence only when the results of these studios are known, i.e., in the course of the thirty-sixth session of the commission on Human Rights in 1980 cE.78-3314