Report of the Preparatory Committee for the World Summit for Social Development.
UN Document Symbol | A/48/24 |
Convention | Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities |
Document Type | Other |
Session | 48th |
Type | Document |
Description |
iii, 20 p. |
Subjects | Social Development |
Extracted Text
[Original: English]
[5 May 1993]
Paragraphs Page
COMMITTEE ................................................ 1 - 8 1
II. ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS ................................... 9 - 36 3
A. Opening and duration of the session .................. 9 - 11 3
B. Attendance ........................................... 12 - 16 3
C. Election of officers ................................. 17 - 19 4
D. Adoption of the agenda ............................... 20 5
E. Preparations for the World Summit for Social
Development .......................................... 21 - 31 5
F. Arrangements for future sessions ..................... 32 - 33 6
G. Provisional agenda for the first session of the
Preparatory Committee ................................ 34 - 35 7
H. Documentation ........................................ 36 7
ITS ORGANIZATIONAL SESSION ............................... 37 8
I. Message from the Secretary-General addressed to the Preparatory
Committee for the World Summit for Social Development at its
organizational session ............................................. 9
II. Decisions adopted by the Preparatory Committee at its
organizational session ............................................. 10
III. Chairmanâs statement on agreed dates of the Summit made at the
5th meeting, on 16 April 1993 ...................................... 19
IV. Documents before the Preparatory Committee at its
organizational session ............................................. 20
1. In his introductory remarks, the Chairman pointed to the challenge facing
the Preparatory Committee. The quality of the outcome of the World Summit for
Social Development would depend in large measure on its work. There was no
doubt that interest in the Summit was growing with each day.
2. The Preparatory Committeeâs mandate was to see to it that the objectives of
the Summit were achieved by defining and agreeing on specific activities
relating to the three core issues.
3. Basically, the task was to identify what needed to be done. What was
possible? What was practicable? Which were the successful experiments that
could be of use to all? How could national responsibility be combined with
international cooperation? What special attention had to be given to the least
developed countries? What consensuses existed with regard to ways of responding
to the most urgent needs of the people?
4. The Summit had to reach agreements that would effectively make for the
reduction of poverty, an increase in productive employment and enhanced social
integration. What was involved was clearly to attempt to be realistic and at
the same time effective. Greater awareness and more action with regard to
social problems were needed.
5. Work was not starting from scratch. In all the countries represented
tremendous efforts had been made to resolve social problems. The international
community had, through its specialized agencies and programmes, set ambitious
objectives with respect to health, education, housing, population, the status of
women, children, the handicapped and many other issues. The Summit provided an
opportunity to evaluate what had been achieved and to identify what remained to
be done, to evaluate progress and failure and to identify the reasons for them.
6. At the heart of the Summit was the major issue of human security. In
todayâs world, personal insecurity and uncertainty about the future had been
increasing social tensions to dangerous levels. Examples of social explosions
abounded in the developing and the developed world alike. The eradication of
poverty and social integration were factors affecting national development. The
world, and especially the poorest countries, needed the active input of that
part of mankind which today did not have the means to make a contribution to or
to benefit from development. They represented a resource that could not be
wasted. Consequently overcoming poverty and involving the disadvantaged gave
everyone a chance to be part of development, and through personal effort to
achieve a decent standard of living and to contribute to the common good.
7. At the end of the twentieth century, people were part of a global village,
seeing themselves as citizens of the planet, each one with an individual
identity, a culture and personal realities. Democracy was expanding as a
political system, fostering a free and responsible citizenry. The market
economy generated a growing consensus as an efficient mechanism for allocating
resources for economic progress. The Summit offered an opportunity to build a
social consensus as the third major consensus.
8. One of the objectives for the Summit was to address, in creative ways, the
interaction between the social function of the State, market responses to social
demands and the imperatives of sustainable development. That was a good summary
of the challenges facing the Preparatory Committee. Like any major undertaking,
it required passion and reason. Passion to overcome the obstacles that would
doubtless be encountered and reason to keep the activities within the realm of
the possible.
A. Opening and duration of the session
9. The Preparatory Committee for the World Summit for Social Development held
its organizational session at United Nations Headquarters from 12 to
16 April 1993. The Preparatory Committee held five meetings and a number of
informal meetings.
10. The session was opened by the Under-Secretary-General for Policy
Coordination and Sustainable Development, who read a message to the Preparatory
Committee from the Secretary-General (see annex I).
11. At the 1st meeting, on 12 April, the Chairman made an introductory
statement (see sect. I above).
B. Attendance
12. The following States were represented:
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic
Costa Rica
Côte dâIvoire
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Holy See
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Lao Peopleâs Democratic Republic
Marshall Islands
New Zealand
Republic of Korea
Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Sri Lanka
Trinidad and Tobago
United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland
United Republic of Tanzania
United States of America
Viet Nam
13. Palestine was represented by an observer.
14. The United Nations Development Programme and the World Food Programme were
15. The following specialized agencies were represented: International Labour
Organisation, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, World Health
Organization and World Bank/International Fund for Agricultural Development.
16. The following intergovernmental organizations were represented:
Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee and Latin American Economic System.
C. Election of officers
17. At its 1st meeting, on 12 April, the Preparatory Committee elected
Mr. Juan Somavia (Chile) Chairman of the Committee by acclamation.
18. At its 4th meeting, on 14 April, the Preparatory Committee decided that the
Bureau of the Committee would comprise a Chairman and nine Vice-Chairmen, one of
whom would serve as Rapporteur. The Preparatory Committee also decided that
Denmark would serve as ex officio member of the Bureau in the capacity of
Vice-Chairman. At the same meeting the Committee elected by acclamation
Cameroon and Zimbabwe from the African States, India and Indonesia from the
Asian States, Poland from the Eastern European States, the Netherlands and
Australia from the Western European and other States, and Mexico from the Latin
American and Caribbean States.
19. At its 5th meeting, on 16 April, the Preparatory Committee elected by
acclamation Latvia from the Eastern European States.
D. Adoption of the agenda
20. At its 1st meeting, on 12 April, the Preparatory Committee adopted the
provisional agenda as contained in document A/CONF.166/PC/1, which read as
1. Election of officers.
2. Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters.
3. Preparations for the World Summit for Social Development.
4. Arrangements for future sessions of the Preparatory Committee.
5. Provisional agenda for the first session of the Preparatory Committee.
E. Preparations for the World Summit for Social Development
21. The Preparatory Committee considered agenda item 3 at its 2nd to
5th meetings, from 13 to 16 April.
22. The Preparatory Committee held a general discussion of the item at its
2nd to 4th meetings, on 13 and 14 April.
23. At its 2nd to 4th meetings, on 13 and 14 April, the Preparatory Committee
heard statements by the representatives of Denmark (on behalf of the European
Economic Community and its member States), Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico,
the Philippines, Bangladesh, the Russian Federation, Peru, India, Chile,
Cameroon, Canada, Australia, Austria, Pakistan, Indonesia, New Zealand, Cuba,
China, Côte dâIvoire and Sri Lanka.
24. Statements were also made by the representatives of the International
Labour Organisation (ILO), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
25. A statement was made by the representative of the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP).
26. The representative of the Latin American Economic System (SELA) also made a
27. At the 5th meeting, on 16 April, the Chairman introduced document
A/CONF.166/PC/L.4, which contained six draft decisions submitted by the Bureau
on the basis of informal consultations.
28. At the same meeting, the Preparatory Committee adopted draft decision 2,
entitled "Inter-sessional meetings of the Bureau", draft decision 3, entitled
"Non-governmental organizations", draft decision 4, entitled "National
contributions" and draft decision 7, entitled "Mobilization of voluntary
resources" (see annex II, decisions 1-4, respectively). After the adoption of
draft decision 7, a statement was made by the representative of Colombia (on
behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group
of 77 and China). The Preparatory Committee then adopted draft decision 8,
entitled "Public information" (see annex II, decision 5).
29. Also at the same meeting, the Chairman made a statement regarding draft
decision 10, entitled "Organizational matters", which read as follows:
"The Preparatory Committee for the World Summit for Social Development
recommends to the General Assembly for its consideration and appropriate
action the following draft decision:
"Organizational matters
"The General Assembly decides that the Preparatory Committee for the
World Summit for Social Development should:
"(a) Convene its three substantive sessions in plenary;
"(b) Establish, during the first substantive session, a working group
of the whole to meet in parallel with the plenary for the duration of one
"(c) Establish, during the second substantive session, a working group
of the whole to meet in parallel with the plenary for the duration of two
"(d) Establish, during the third substantive session, two working
groups to meet in parallel with the plenary for the duration of two weeks."
After statements were made by the representatives of the United States of
America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the
Russian Federation, the Committee decided to withdraw draft decision 10 (see
annex II, decision 6).
30. At the same meeting, the Chairman orally introduced draft decision 6,
entitled "Organization of work", submitted by the Bureau on the basis of
informal consultations. Statements were made by the representatives of Benin,
Switzerland and Bolivia. The Committee then adopted the draft decision (see
annex II, decision 7).
31. Also at the same meeting, the Chairman orally introduced draft decision 9,
entitled "Expert meetings", submitted by the Bureau on the basis of informal
consultations. The Secretary of the Committee read out amendments to the draft
decision. The representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland made a statement. The Committee then adopted the draft
decision, as orally amended (see annex II, decision 8).
F. Arrangements for future sessions
32. The Preparatory Committee considered agenda item 4 at its 5th meeting, on
16 April.
33. At the 5th meeting, the Chairman orally introduced and amended draft
decision 1, entitled "Dates for the World Summit for Social Development",
submitted by the Bureau on the basis of informal consultations. The Preparatory
Committee then adopted the draft decision, as orally amended (see annex II,
decision 9). After the adoption of the draft decision the representative of
Bulgaria made a statement. The Chairman read out a statement regarding the
dates of the Summit (see annex III).
G. Provisional agenda for the first session
of the Preparatory Committee
34. The Preparatory Committee considered agenda item 5 at its 5th meeting, on
16 April.
35. The Chairman introduced draft decision 5, entitled "Provisional agenda for
the first session of the Preparatory Committee", as contained in document
A/CONF.166/PC/L.3. Statements were made and oral amendments were introduced by
the representatives of Cuba, Mexico, Benin, the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland, Ecuador, Australia, the United States of America and
Senegal. The Preparatory Committee then adopted the draft decision, as orally
amended (see annex II, decision 10).
H. Documentation
36. A list of documents before the Preparatory Committee at its organizational
session is contained in annex IV to the present report.
37. At its 5th meeting, on 16 April, the Preparatory Committee decided to
entrust the Bureau with the task of finalizing its report in the light of the
comments made and the decisions taken at its final meeting.
Message from the Secretary-General addressed to the Preparatory
Committee for the World Summit for Social Development at its
organizational session
I send you my greetings and best wishes for your work.
This meeting is an important milestone in the process leading to the World
Summit on Social Development in 1995. The Summit, coinciding with the fiftieth
anniversary of the United Nations, will lay the foundations of the work of the
United Nations in the social development sphere for generations to come. It
will be the culmination of a process of rethinking that began with the collapse
of bipolarity.
The task before you is not an easy one. We are beginning to develop new
interpretations of social policy and development. The new approach must be
inclusive, must encompass all aspects of social, economic and environmental
life, and must seek to promote a society in which each and every individual has
the potential and the opportunity to become involved in development. We are
abandoning the fragmented, compartmentalized approach of the past, which failed
to concentrate on the dynamics of whole societies. We are now beginning to see
the interrelationships that exist between social, economic and political life.
To move from these general propositions to practical guidelines for
international action and cooperation will not be straightforward. A great deal
of discussion and negotiation will be required. Old notions and old methods of
working will need to be revised and some entirely new approaches must be
You have vital work ahead of you. In years to come this session may mark
the start of a global process. This knowledge, and the knowledge that the
outcome of your work is eagerly awaited, should be your inspiration.
I wish you every success.
Decisions adopted by the Preparatory Committee
at its organizational session
1. Inter-sessional meetings of the Bureau
At its 5th meeting, on 16 April 1993, the Preparatory Committee for the
World Summit for Social Development noted with appreciation the intention of the
Bureau to meet inter-sessionally to review the progress of the Preparatory
Committee and to make recommendations for furthering such progress.
2. Non-governmental organizations
At its 5th meeting, on 16 April 1993, the Preparatory Committee for the
World Summit for Social Development:
(a) Adopted the modalities for participation in and contribution to the
World Summit for Social Development and its preparatory process of
non-governmental organizations, as set forth in the annex to the present
(b) Recognized the importance of the participation of non-governmental
organizations in the preparatory process and in the Summit itself, and requested
all possible aid to ensure full participation of representatives of
non-governmental organizations from developing countries.
Participation of non-governmental organizations in the World
Summit for Social Development and its preparatory process
Non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and
Social Council that express the wish to attend the World Summit for Social
Development and the meetings of its Preparatory Committee will be accredited for
participation. Others wishing to be accredited may apply to the Summit
secretariat for this purpose in accordance with the following requirements:
(a) The secretariat of the World Summit for Social Development will be
responsible for the receipt and preliminary evaluation, in accordance with the
provisions given below of requests from non-governmental organizations for
accreditation to the Summit and its preparatory process;
(b) All such applications must be accompanied by information on the
competence of the organizations and on its relevance to the work of the
Preparatory Committee, indicating the particular areas of the Summit
preparations to which such competence and relevance pertain, and should include,
inter alia, the following:
(i) Purposes of the organization;
(ii) Information on its programmes and activities in areas relevant to the
Summit and its preparatory process and on the country or countries in
which those programmes and activities are carried out;
(iii) Confirmation of its activities at the national and/or the
international level;
(iv) Copies of its annual reports with financial statements, and a list of
members of the governing body and their country of nationality;
(v) A description of its membership, indicating the total number of
members and their geographical distribution;
(c) In the evaluation of the relevance of non-governmental organizations
applying for accreditation to the Summit and its preparatory process, it is
agreed that the background of those organizations and their involvement in
social development issues, including core issues as defined in paragraph 6 of
General Assembly resolution 47/92 of 16 December 1992, will determine such
(d) Non-governmental organizations seeking accreditation will be asked to
confirm their interest in the goals and objectives of the Summit;
(e) In cases where the Summit secretariat believes, on the basis of the
information provided in accordance with the present document, that an
organization has established its competence and relevance to the work of the
Preparatory Committee, it will recommend to the Preparatory Committee that the
organization be accredited. In cases where the Summit secretariat does not
recommend the granting of accreditation, it will make available to the
Preparatory Committee its reasons for so acting. The Summit secretariat should
ensure that its recommendations are available to members of the Preparatory
Committee at least one week prior to the start of each session;
(f) The Preparatory Committee will decide on all proposals for
accreditation within 24 hours of the Summit secretariatâs recommendationsâ
having been taken up by the Preparatory Committee in plenary meeting. Should a
decision not be taken within that period, interim accreditation will be accorded
until such time as a decision is taken;
(g) A non-governmental organization that has been granted accreditation to
attend one session of the Preparatory Committee may attend all future sessions,
as well as the Summit itself;
(h) In recognition of the intergovernmental nature of the World Summit for
Social Development, non-governmental organizations will have no negotiating role
in the work of the Summit and its preparatory process;
(i) Relevant non-governmental organizations in consultative status with
the Economic and Social Council may be given an opportunity to briefly address
the Preparatory Committee in plenary meeting and its subsidiary bodies. Other
relevant non-governmental organizations may also ask to speak briefly at such
meetings. If the number of requests is too large, the Preparatory Committee
will request that the non-governmental organizations form themselves into
constituencies, with each constituency speaking through one spokesperson. Any
oral intervention by a non-governmental organization should, in accordance with
normal United Nations practice, be made at the discretion of the Chairman and
with the consent of the Preparatory Committee;
(j) Relevant non-governmental organizations may, at their own expense,
make written presentations in the official languages of the United Nations
during the preparatory process, as they deem appropriate. Those written
presentations will not be issued as official documents unless they are in
accordance with United Nations rules of procedure.
* * *
3. National contributions
At its 5th meeting, on 16 April 1993, the Preparatory Committee for the
World Summit for Social Development, emphasizing the desirability of promoting
national preparations for the World Summit for Social Development:
(a) Decided that such preparations could include:
(i) The establishment of national committees or other arrangements at the
national level to bring together concerned official agencies and
non-governmental bodies;
(ii) The convening of meetings for public discussion of the core issues;
(iii) The preparation of national reports to identify constraints and the
measures required to remove them with regard to the alleviation and
reduction of poverty, the expansion of productive employment and the
enhancement of social integration, particularly of the more
disadvantaged and marginalized groups;
(b) Requested the Secretary-General to bring to the attention of Member
States the contents of the present decision.
4. Mobilization of voluntary resources
At its 5th meeting, on 16 April 1993, the Preparatory Committee for the
World Summit for Social Development:
(a) Welcomed the establishment by the Secretary-General of the Trust Fund
for the World Summit for Social Development and reaffirmed the decision of the
General Assembly, as set forth in paragraph 20 of its resolution 47/92 of
16 December 1992, that the resources of the Fund should be utilized to finance
the participation of the least developed countries in the Summit and the
preparatory process;
(b) Also welcomed the proposals of the Secretary-General on mobilization
of voluntary resources for the Fund as outlined in document A/CONF.166/PC/4,
annexed to the present decision;
(c) Requested the Secretary-General to bring the Fund to the attention of
Member States, and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, as well
as foundations, private enterprises and concerned individuals, and to report to
the Committee at its first substantive session on the operations of the Fund.
1. In its resolution 47/92 of 16 December 1992, the General Assembly,
inter alia, invited the Secretary-General to establish a trust fund and to
mobilize voluntary contributions from public and private sources for the
financing of the additional activities required by the preparation and holding
of the World Summit for Social Development. In response to that request, the
Secretary-General has established the Trust Fund for the World Summit for Social
2. In order to mobilize contributions to this Fund, a number of fund-raising
activities are envisaged. As a first step, the Secretary-General will inform
all Member States of the existence of the Fund and will urge those countries in
a position to do so to contribute generously to it. He also will publicize the
establishment of the Fund, its purpose and terms of reference to interested
intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations as well as to foundations,
private enterprises and concerned individuals.
3. In addition, experience has shown that donors are often willing to
contribute resources to voluntary funds when the specific purpose to be achieved
with those resources - for example, the financing of the participation of least
developed countries, the convening of seminars or regional meetings, and the
support of national activities - is known. Consequently, once the activities of
the preparatory process are determined, the Secretary-General will inform
interested parties on a regular basis of such plans and seek their support.
4. The Secretary-General also intends to mobilize the United Nations system as
a whole to contribute to the preparatory process. Agencies, funds and
programmes will be encouraged to include in their programme budgets specific
allocations for activities that could contribute to the process.
5. Mobilization of support for the World Summit for Social Development will be
an ongoing process. It will be essential to create awareness at the local,
national, regional and international levels of the Summitâs core issues and
objectives. The Department of Public Information of the United Nations
Secretariat will launch an information campaign for this purpose, and it is
anticipated that the increase of such awareness will have a multiplier effect
resulting in increased resources for the preparatory process and for the Summit
6. The Secretary-General will continue to inform the Preparatory Committee of
the activities being carried out for this purpose.
* * *
5. Public information
At its 5th meeting, on 16 April 1993, the Preparatory Committee for the
World Summit on Social Development, noting the intention of the Department of
Public Information of the United Nations Secretariat, as indicated in the note
by the Secretary-General on mobilization of voluntary resources for the World
Summit for Social Development, 1/ to launch an information campaign for the
purpose of creating awareness at the local, national, regional and international
levels of the core issues of the World Summit for Social Development as well as
of its objectives, requested the Secretary-General to develop and launch, on a
priority basis, in cooperation with relevant specialized agencies, funds and
programmes, a specific programme of public information on the core issues and
objectives of the Summit.
1/ A/CONF.166/PC.4.
6. Organizational matters
At its 5th meeting, on 16 April 1993, the Preparatory Committee for the
World Summit for Social Development decided to withdraw draft decision 10,
entitled "Organizational matters", contained in the draft decisions submitted by
the Bureau on the basis of informal consultations. 2/
7. Organization of work
At its 5th meeting, on 16 April 1993, the Preparatory Committee for the
World Summit for Social Development:
(a) Decided that the task of the Preparatory Committee is to analyse in
depth the core issues to be addressed by the Summit and to agree on policy
measures to be submitted for decision by the Summit in order to achieve its
objectives in accordance with General Assembly resolution 47/92 of
16 December 1992;
(b) Also decided that the Preparatory Committee will consider a report of
the Secretary-General and reports on matters relating to the Summit submitted in
accordance with resolution 47/92 by the organs, organizations and programmes of
the United Nations system. These reports could also include a survey of policy
measures currently undertaken by them related to the issues listed in
paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 of the annex to resolution 33/1 of 17 February 1993 of the
Commission for Social Development. The Preparatory Committee will also receive
contributions from Member States and observers, intergovernmental bodies, as
appropriate, and non-governmental organizations in accordance with the
provisions of its decision 2 and will be informed of the results of other
meetings, including expert meetings on matters directly related to the Summit
submitted in accordance with established practice;
(c) Requested the Secretariat and the specialized agencies and programmes
of the United Nations system to give substantive and operational support to the
Bureau of the Preparatory Committee and to the Preparatory Committee itself in
the discharge of their responsibilities;
(d) Decided that the representatives at the Preparatory Committee should
be at the level of personal representatives of heads of State or Government or
other appropriate high-level representatives specifically designated by
Governments as indicated in paragraph 8 of resolution 47/92;
(e) Further decided to include as an annex to the present resolution an
indicative timetable and process of work of the Preparatory Committee of the
World Summit for Social Development.
2/ A/CONF.166/PC/L.4.
1. Indicative timetable
April Organizational session of the Preparatory Committee.
April-November The Secretary-General prepares all reports for the
first substantive session of the Preparatory Committee.
June-July High-level segment of the Economic and Social Council
(to give substantive guidance).
October-December General Assembly - Third Committee.
31 January-11 February First session of the Preparatory Committee.
July Possible comments from the Economic and Social Council.
22 August-2 September Second session of the Preparatory Committee.
October-December General Assembly - Third Committee.
16-27 January Third session of the Preparatory Committee.
6-10 March Meeting of personal representatives of heads of State
or Government or other appropriate high-level
representatives specifically designated by Governments.
11 and 12 March World Summit for Social Development.
Commission for Social Development (34th session).
2. Indicative process of work of the sessions of
the Preparatory Committee of the World Summit
for Social Development
Prepare documents on the basis of a variety of inputs.
First substantive session - 31 January-11 February 1994
(a) Input
All preparatory documentation on substance to be available:
(i) Statement of problems/situation/policy measures;
(ii) Actions under way/planned by the United Nations system;
(iii) Ideas for policy options for the future and for what they final
output of the Summit can be.
(b) Output
Elements for inclusion in the draft declaration and plan of action.
Guidance to the Secretary-General on documentation needs for the
second session.
Second substantive session - 22 August-2 September 1994
(a) Input
Draft negotiating text for final document/declaration/plan of the
Draft agenda for the Summit for review.
Any other requested by the first substantive session.
(b) Output
First draft of the final text of the declaration and plan of action of
the Summit.
Draft agenda for the Summit.
Third substantive session - 16-27 January 1995
(a) Input
Final drafts for approval/adjustment by the Preparatory Committee:
(i) Provisional agenda for the Summit;
(ii) Draft final declaration and plan of action for the Summit;
(iii) Any other decisions to be reviewed before the Summit.
(b) Output
Final provisional agenda.
Final provisional declaration.
Final provisional plan of action and other decisions.
(All to be adopted formally by the Summit.)
* * *
8. Expert meetings
At its 5th meeting, on 16 April 1993, the Preparatory Committee for the
World Summit for Social Development, noting the suggestion made by the
Commission for Social Development in paragraph 8 of the annex to its resolution
33/1 of 17 February 1993, that the preparatory process include input from
experts in the field of social development, focused on the core issues of the
Summit, specified in paragraph 6 of General Assembly resolution 47/92 of
16 December 1992:
(a) Decided that the purpose of the input is to provide expert opinion on
contemporary, relevant research data on the respective core issues, both in the
field of problem analysis and that of (possible) policy measures. To further
this objective the meetings should be forums for scholarly exchange and should
use the provisions of resolution 47/92 as terms of reference for their work.
They should also take into consideration resolution 33/1 of the Commission for
Social Development and other relevant material;
(b) Requested the Secretary-General to organize, as part of the
preparatory process, expert meetings focused on the core issues of the Summit
financed by voluntary contributions;
(c) Accepted with appreciation the offer of the Governments of the
Netherlands and Sweden to host and finance one such expert meeting each;
(d) Requested the Secretary-General, with respect to these two meetings
and after appropriate consultations:
(i) To elaborate the specific focus of each expert meeting;
(ii) To appoint internationally acknowledged experts, in their personal
capacities, representing current knowledge and research in their
respective fields, and recommended that the Secretary-General consult
with the relevant agencies of the United Nations system, as specified
in paragraph 15 of resolution 47/92, in their selection in the
respective areas of competence;
(iii) To compose each expert group of 10 experts, 2 per region, and ensure
the participation of all the experts within the funds made available
by the host Governments;
(iv) To schedule each expert meeting well in advance of the first
substantive session of the Preparatory Committee in 1994, and to
forward the results of the expert meetings to the Preparatory
Committee for consideration, as appropriate, at that session.
9. Dates for the World Summit for Social Development
At its 5th meeting, on 16 April 1993, the Preparatory Committee for the
World Summit for Social Development, recalling General Assembly resolution 47/92
of 16 December 1992, in which the Assembly decided to convene the World Summit
for Social Development early in 1995 and accepted with deep appreciation the
generous offer of the Government of Denmark to act as host to the Summit, and
having considered possible dates for the Summit,
(a) Decided that the World Summit for Social Development shall be convened
on 11 and 12 March 1995 at Copenhagen, preceded by a meeting of personal
representatives of heads of State or Government or other appropriate high-level
representatives specifically designated by Governments, from 6 to 10 March 1995,
the agenda for that meeting to be decided upon by the Preparatory Committee at
its final session;
(b) Also decided that the first session of the Preparatory Committee for
the World Summit for Social Development shall be held from 31 January to
11 February 1994, the second shall be convened from 22 August to
2 September 1994 and, considering the exact dates of the Summit, that the third
session shall take place from 16 to 27 January 1995, instead of in 1994 as
originally envisaged in resolution 47/92;
(c) Recommended that the Economic and Social Council postpone the thirtyfourth
session of the Commission for Social Development until after the
conclusion of the Summit.
10. Provisional agenda for the first session of the
Preparatory Committee
At its 5th meeting, on 16 April 1993, the Preparatory Committee for the
World Summit for Social Development decided to adopt the following agenda for
its first session:
1. Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters.
2. Accreditation in accordance with the rules of participation set out in
decision 2 on non-governmental organizations.
3. Status of the preparations for the World Summit for Social
4. Analysis of the core issues to be addressed by the Summit and policy
measures to attain its objectives in accordance with General Assembly
resolution 47/92.
5. Draft provisional rules of procedure of the Summit.
6. Arrangements for and provisional agenda of the second session of the
Preparatory Committee.
7. Adoption of the report of the Preparatory Committee.
Chairmanâs statement on agreed dates of the Summit
made at the 5th meeting, on 16 April 1993
In the process of consultations on this very difficult matter, two
important issues have been clarified. One is that the Islamic countries have
made it clear to the Preparatory Committee that the dates agreed upon, after the
Id al-Fitr, do not prevent leaders of that group of countries from participating
fully in the Summit. The other issue we agree upon is that we now have a
decision on the dates of the Summit and that we all understand that we cannot,
at a later stage, revert to the issue of dates. In view of the importance of
these questions, the present statement will be annexed to the report of the
organizational session of the Preparatory Committee.
Documents before the Preparatory Committee at its
organizational session
Symbol Agenda item Title or description
A/CONF.166/PC/1 2 Provisional agenda
A/CONF.166/PC/2 3 Note by the Secretariat on the
consideration by the Commission for
Social Development of the World Summit
for Social Development and its
preparatory process
A/CONF.166/PC/3 3 Note by the Secretariat on suggested
guidelines concerning the appropriate
contribution of organs, organizations
and programmes of the United Nations
system, other intergovernmental
organizations, non-governmental
organizations and others to the
preparations for the Summit
A/CONF.166/PC/4 3 Note by the Secretary-General on the
mobilization of voluntary resources
for the World Summit for Social
A/CONF.166/PC/L.1 5 Provisional agenda for the first
session of the Preparatory Committee
A/CONF.166/PC/L.2 Draft report of the Preparatory
Committee for the World Summit for
Social Development
A/CONF.166/PC/L.3 5 Draft decision 5: Provisional agenda
for the first session of the
Preparatory Committee
A/CONF.166/PC/L.4 3 Draft decisions submitted by the
Bureau on the basis of informal
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