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Letter dated 93/08/04 from the Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General.

Extracted Text



General Assembly Security Council


5 August 19 93
Forty-eighth session Forty-eighth year
Items 15, 16, 28, 30, 33, 40, 50, 56,
59, 61, 63, 71, 81, 87, 92, 93, 94,
95, 96, 100, 108, 110, 113, 115, 121,
142 and 150 of the provisional agenda* ELECTIONS TO FILL VACANCIES IN
A/48/150 .

93-43762 (E) 180893 190893 230893

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Letter dated 4 August 1993 from the Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General
I have the honour to transmit to you herewith the final document of the third Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government, which was held in Salvador, Brazil, on 15 and 16 July 1993, with the participation of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Uruguay and Venezuela (see annex).

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I should be grateful if you would have this letter and its annex distributed as a document of the General Assembly under items 15, 16, 28, 30, 33, 40, 50, 56, 59, 61, 63, 71, 81, 87, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 100, 108, 110, 113, 115, 121, 142 and 150 of the provisional agenda, and of the Security Council.
(Signed) Ronaldo Mota SARDENBERG Ambassador Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United Nations

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Final document of the third Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government, held in Salvador, Brazil, on 15 and 16 July 1993
An agenda for development, with the emphasis on social development
1. We, the Ibero-American Heads of State and Government, meeting in Salvador, Brazil, on 15 and 16 July 1993, have devoted our third summit to the consideration of the question of development, with the emphasis on social development.
2. We take this opportunity to reaffirm our full commitment to representative democracy, and to respecting, upholding and promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms. In this connection, we reaffirm the principles of sovereignty, non-intervention, and territorial integrity, and recognize each people's right to build freely, in peace, stability and justice, its political system and institutions. These are basic objectives of the community of nations gathered here and integral parts of any cooperation policy. We strongly reaffirm all the provisions contained in the Guadalajara Declaration of
19 July 1991 and in the document of 24 July 1992 containing the conclusions of the Madrid Summit, which represent the standards and principles that should guide our relations.
3. In Madrid, we recognized that economic and social development was one of the main objectives which must be pursued as a priority in all international forums, particularly the United Nations. We also declared our readiness to cooperate fully in enabling the United Nations to find its appropriate role in the new era of international relations, with regard to peace and security as well as economic and social development.
4. The Ibero-American Conference represents on our political scene a cooperation forum with specific characteristics of its own. Its raison d’être lies in the recognition of our common cultural tradition, the wealth of our origins and their pluralistic expression. It offers an opportunity for consultation and reflection on questions of interest to its members. The spirit that inspires it provides an open forum for cooperation and solidarity.
5. At this third summit, our distinguishing characteristics prompted a wide-ranging exchange of ideas on the subject of development. Our aim is to contribute through our discussions to the debate which we hope will be conducted by the international community in the political forums of the United Nations, the Organization of American States (OAS) and all specialized forums where an agenda for development is being discussed.
6. The current international situation offers a unique opportunity for multilateral action to achieve the objectives of the international community, both in resolving economic and social problems and maintaining peace and
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security. In the first place, the end of the cold war has created new opportunities for stability, as well as fresh risks of conflict, disputes and tensions which could be resolved more effectively at a multilateral level. Secondly, the disappearance of East-West ideological confrontation should contribute to the emergence of a new spirit in North-South relations and the establishment of a realistic and constructive dialogue on the problems of development. Finally, widespread awareness of the problems generated by the rise in poverty, the growing threat to the environment, and population growth, which could generate an increase in migratory pressures, will encourage a readiness to take international initiatives to meet these challenges.
7. The new international conditions have fostered progress in the field of international peace and security. However, we agree with the Secretary-General of the United Nations that the Organization's political and security commitments should not be pursued at the expense of its responsibilities in the field of development. Similarly, actions under the agenda for development should take into account the importance of social questions. Our reflections must sponsor a new dialogue on the problem of development, within the framework of General Assembly resolution 47/181. This dialogue should be based on the premise that favorable economic and social conditions help to strengthen peace and on the conviction that the United Nations is the ideal forum for addressing and resolving global problems through an integrated approach that addresses their political, socio-economic and humanitarian dimensions. We therefore hope that our views on the subject will help to identify the criteria to be established by the Secretary-General for carrying out this task.
8. The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development showed that a wide-ranging North-South dialogue is possible. We believe that the spirit of solidarity that guided the deliberations of that Conference can also prevail in establishing an agenda for development. A constructive dialogue should be promoted in order to identify and explore new forms of joint cooperation to promote development. This renewed dialogue must preserve the responsibilities of the specialized forums, particularly the Bretton Woods institutions, in promoting international development cooperation.
9. Given that the welfare of the people is a vital component of the decisions taken by the State, particularly in the economic field, we believe that the social and environmental costs involved in the processes of industrialization and adjustment make it essential for States to act vigorously to promote the structural changes needed to achieve more equitable societies and eradicate poverty.
10. Under existing conditions, it is not possible to devise a uniform and universal development strategy. We reaffirm the view that individual strategies must take account of the cultural heritage and dynamic forces of each society. Nevertheless, higher priority has generally been given to certain aspects of these individual strategies, such as meeting the basic needs of the population, developing human resources and integrating scientific and technological knowledge, as well as strengthening the market, promoting transparent and effective administration and pursuing macroeconomic stability. We therefore urge the international community to help create a climate conducive to the economic and social development of our peoples.

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11. In this connection, we are aware of the link between consolidating democracy and promoting development. Political stability makes it easier to carry out economic and social programmes. Conversely, when there are no prospects for growth with social justice, it is harder to consolidate democracy and preserve human rights. while it is unacceptable in this day and age to make the observance of civil and political rights conditional on the prior achievement of full development, it is equally implausible to imagine that the full achievement of human rights can be seen in isolation from the economic and social conditions of the peoples involved.
12. We are aware, above all, that the ultimate goal of development is to ensure the full dignity of mankind. Now that the international community has shown itself capable of reducing the threat of nuclear destruction, it should strive to eliminate the scourges of poverty, hunger and illiteracy. In order to tackle these terrible evils, the active participation of all social agents is required, particularly those directly affected. It is also crucial to invest in human resources, which will require coordinated action by Governments and the private sector in every country.
13. The substantive issues forming part of a development agenda should include, in particular, the questions of trade, finance and technology, external debt, sustainable development cooperation, promotion of social development and the questions of population and migratory flows.
14. Without prejudice to the spheres of competence of specialized international forums, the United Nations General Assembly should focus its international development cooperation policy on securing greater access for developing countries to world markets, adequate forms of finance and modern technology. This will make it possible to overcome the obstacles to development and, while benefiting the developing countries, will also open up economic opportunities for the industrialized countries, thereby easing the migratory pressures exerted on them by those legitimately seeking ways to improve their standard of living.
15. We believe that a satisfactory conclusion of the Uruguay Round can no longer be delayed. A restructured multilateral trade system must be based on fairer and more equitable rules, gradual elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers and, above all, the avoidance of unfair competition, unilateral restrictions and protectionist measures. A balanced and comprehensive settlement will allow greater access to international markets, thereby consolidating progress towards modernization and openness.
16. The need to improve the international institutional framework so as to alleviate the adverse effects of the instability of world financial markets on industrialized countries and developing countries is assuming fresh importance. We stress that the funding needs of the developing countries cannot be met solely by market mechanisms. Development efforts will be inadequate unless they are supplemented by the provision of resources on favorable and even soft terms.
17. With regard to access to technology for economic and social development, including sensitive technology, we detect encouraging signs for the North-South dialogue. The aim of the dialogue is to achieve progress towards wide-ranging and balanced objectives relating to all aspects of the non-proliferation of

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weapons of mass destruction and to promote the transfer of advanced technology for peaceful purposes. Cooperation in this field should be strengthened through a firm commitment to uniting efforts to secure the elimination and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and to prevent advanced technology transfers for peaceful purposes being diverted to military ends. This cooperation should be based on clearly defined and balanced rights and obligations, appropriate measures to ensure transparency, verification, equity and justice, and on the anticipation of incentives and benefits.
18. The dialogue that was reopened at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio offers a conceptual and instrumental basis for long-term cooperation to achieve sustainable development. It linked this new vision to the need to transfer new and additional financial resources to the developing countries and give those countries access to technology on favorable and, where appropriate, special terms. The international community can advance with security on these new foundations.
19. The objective of meeting the basic needs in the countries severely affected by the growth of poverty must be a high priority for government action. State policies to achieve social development and, in particular, to combat poverty, should not be confined to sectoral initiatives. To achieve this goal, it is vital that all social agents work together, with the full participation of society as a whole. We also recognize the need for an effort similar to that made at the Rio Conference, which led to the mobilization and common administration of international resources to strengthen national programmes. Social development includes measures designed to improve income distribution, eradicate poverty and increase and give priority to social spending on basic needs in the fields of health, education and social security. It is particularly important to target resources on the needs of vulnerable groups of the population, such as children, young people, the unemployed, pregnant women, new-born babies and old people. Accordingly, we trust that the World Summit for Social Development to be held in 1995 will see practical and effective progress towards a solution of the problems of poverty, unemployment and social integration. The Ibero-American countries agree to take steps to submit to the Summit a report on the progress and results achieved in these areas.
20. We consider that the significant increase in international migratory flows caused by poverty or violence shows the need for both North and South to find solutions to the social and economic problems faced by developing countries, and to ensure respect for the human rights of immigrants.
21. We firmly believe that maximum priority must be given to resolving the problems of development. We endorse the objectives and agreements established in the field of development in the context of the United Nations. We agree with the Secretary-General that political progress and economic and social development are inseparable and must be pursued simultaneously.
22. We reaffirm the importance attached by the international community, particularly the Ibero-American countries, to the report of an agenda for development to be prepared by the Secretary-General of the United Nations. This should be the product of a universal, integrated, transparent and constructive dialogue that faithfully reflects the principles set forth in the Charter of the

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United Nations and confirms the rights of each nation to choose its development strategy in accordance with its own priorities and needs.
PART TWO Cooperation among the countries of the region
23. We, the Ibero-American Heads of State and Government, in accordance with our Guadalajara and Madrid Declarations, reaffirm the need to develop effective forms of cooperation which can help to bridge the gap between the developed and the developing countries. We also reaffirm the importance of establishing new operative instruments to give concrete form to the culture of cooperation, which we see as the cornerstone of our dialogue.
24. The continuation of that dialogue through the successive and periodic meetings of our Ministers for Foreign Affairs, the efforts of the coordinating group of five countries and the meetings of our Ambassadors and Permanent Representatives to the United Nations have, for the first time, enabled the
21 countries participating in the Ibero-American Conference to put understanding into practice and to adopt decisions regarding political issues of common interest to the region, thus strengthening our own political identity and promoting harmonious cooperation. In that context, the following should be emphasized:
(a) The consultations among the Ministries of Foreign Affairs in
situations of particular urgency and relevance, as provided for in paragraph 14
of the document containing the conclusions of the Madrid Summit were reflected
in support for regimes emanating from the popular will. We also express our
total support for the re-establishment of constitutional norms in Guatemala,
following the disruption of constitutional and democratic institutions on
25 May 1993, and we welcome the efforts made by the Guatemalan people and Government to strengthen democracy and the rule of law in their country. We further express our appreciation to the international community, especially the OAS, for its support of those efforts;
(b) Pursuant to paragraph 9 of the conclusions of the Madrid Summit, a joint decision was adopted to ask the United Nations General Assembly at its forty-seventh session to request an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice at The Hague concerning the principle of rejecting the extraterritorial application of the laws of one country to another. The General Assembly welcomed the request made by the Ibero-American Conference and decided that the new item should remain on the provisional agenda of its forty-eighth session;
(c) Support for the candidatures of Brazil and Spain for election as non-permanent members of the Security Council for the period 1993-1994. Both countries were elected and have been functioning in that capacity since
1 January 1993. In this connection, we agree to consider the candidatures of Ibero-American countries which are put forward within the United Nations system and other international bodies, with a view to supporting them, provided that they reflect the common interests of our countries and that the relevant agreements so permit;

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(d) The launching of the programmes approved at the second Summit, especially in the fields of education, health, and science and technology.
25. We are especially pleased at the launching of the Fund for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean. The establishment of a board of directors and a technical secretariat, the receipt of funds from the Inter-American Development Bank, the ratifications which ensured the entry into force of the Constitutive Agreement and the signing of a headquarters agreement will enable the Fund, which represents a model initiative emanating from the Ibero-American Summits, to start operating. We invite those Ibero-American States which have not yet ratified the Constitutive Agreement for the Fund to do so, if possible before the end of 1993, the International Year for the World's Indigenous Peoples.
26. With a view to intensifying concerted efforts among our countries and broadening the scope of the decisions taken at Madrid, we agree to hold informal consultations among the Ibero-American countries prior to major international meetings, especially the sessions of the United Nations General Assembly.
27. In view of their importance to the central theme of this Summit, we decide to single out, among all the questions discussed at the sectoral meetings, those relating to "Poverty alleviation" and "Development finance".
Poverty alleviation
28. We take note of the holding, in Rio de Janeiro, of the seminar on assessing
the experience with regard to poverty-alleviating initiatives in Latin America,
which met at the same time as the seminar on development finance. We reaffirm
that the persistence of poverty is morally unacceptable and constitutes a
potential threat to the future of our countries. We endorse the proposals made
at the meeting (appendix 2), especially with regard to: (a) ensuring that the
elimination of extreme poverty receives the highest priority in terms of
governmental efforts and resource allocation; (b) developing and implementing
ongoing national programmes to eliminate poverty; (c) ensuring efficiency and
transparency in the use of resources earmarked for programmes to eliminate
poverty; (d) seeking cooperation from regional and international credit and
development promotion organizations for national programmes to eliminate
poverty; and (e) supporting the initiative aimed at establishing a cooperation
network, approved by the countries participating in the second workshop on the
exchange of experience with regard to eliminating poverty, held in October 1992
in La Serena, Chile.
Financing of development
29. We take note of the conclusions of the seminar on the financing of development held in Rio de Janeiro from 28 to 30 June 1993, which identified four major challenges: (a) incorporation of the informal economic sectors, particularly low-income groups, into the formal economy, by broadening their access to employment and consumption; (b) overcoming the regional disparities within each country; (c) adoption of macro-economic and sectoral policies that promote increased competitiveness in the context of the process of the

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globalization of the international economy; and (d) promotion of sustainable development. We support the programmes of action and the proposals contained in the final document of the meeting (appendix 3), prominent among which is the search, in cooperation with multilateral and bilateral financial institutions, for greater access to the resources offered by developed economies, preferably on favorable terms and giving priority to social development activities.
Education, culture, health, science and technology as instruments of development, joint solutions and instruments issues
Health and development: AIDS, a social and economic issue
30. The Conference of Ibero-American Ministers of Health, held in Brasilia from 24 to 27 May 1993, recognized the urgency of devising and applying, in the Ibero-American context, a comprehensive policy to control acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). We, the Heads of State and Government approve and endorse the conclusions and recommendations of that Conference (appendix 4). We emphasize, in particular, the importance of dedicating greater financial and human resources to activities to combat HIV/AIDS and of promoting the transfer of technology and the dissemination of scientific and technical information. We support the proposal to ensure that HIV/AIDS prevention and control programmes and initiatives for review, updating and expediting of legal norms promoting the proper implementation of the means of HIV/AIDS prevention are based on respect for human rights and protection of public health.
31. We also express our satisfaction with the progress achieved in the execution of the Regional Plan for Investments in the Environment and Health, bearing in mind the resolutions adopted at the Guadalajara and Madrid summits. We reaffirm our support for the implementation of the Plan; we state our belief that the establishment of a multilateral pre-investment fund, with specific components in each country, would represent a fundamental tool for the promotion of investment in the environment and health; we urge member states of the Conference to participate in the fund. We request the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to continue its efforts in support of its implementation and to report on the progress achieved to the fourth summit. We note with satisfaction the holding of the Conference on Sanitation, Environment and Health in Brasilia from 26 to 28 May 1993, for the purpose of presenting to the competent Brazilian authorities the Regional Plan for Investments in the Environment and Health for Latin America and the Caribbean and evaluating their suggestions.
32. We note the conclusions of the meeting of Ministers of Education of the
Ibero-American Countries (appendix 5) held in Salvador on 7 and 8 July. We
endorse the recommendations of the meeting, in particular: (a) to support and
expand the development of programmes for integral training of children and
adolescents for the jobs of the future; (b) to make technical education and
vocational training more flexible; (c) to increase the introduction of new
educational technologies in schools and training centres and implement open
learning and distance education systems; and (d) develop these policies through

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international technical and financial cooperation, taking into account existing subregional integration processes and giving priority to the five proposals for action listed in the final document of the meeting.
Cooperation programmes in the field of education
33. We have been informed of the initiation of cooperation programmes in the educational field approved at the Madrid Summit. The desire for closer cooperation in areas such as education, which benefits from the cultural ties among our countries, is thus beginning to become a reality.
(a) Ibero-American Educational Television Programme. The transmission of Ibero-American Educational Television by means of the HISPASAT satellite began on 5 July. In this initial phase, a demonstration period will last through the first trimester of 1994. At the same time, negotiations are under way with television channels in various Ibero-American countries for the re-broadcast of the signal over the land-based network. Its content will focus on adult education, with emphasis on the environment, health education and the Ibero-American social context, as well as technical and vocational training and teacher training. A team of specialists from several member countries of the Association of Users is working on the production of the programmes; last year, with the addition of new members, the total number of users reached 164.
(b) MUTIS Programme for postgraduate exchange. With the advice of the Consultative Commission, the identification of the disciplines selected as relating most closely to the development challenges facing our countries was begun. As a function of these disciplines, Spain prepared the first round of applications for scholarships, which began on 15 June. A limited number of centres were included, without prejudice to the inclusion of others in the coming years. Out of a total of 400 scholarships offered by Spain, 200 will be for studies in Spanish centres, with the remaining 200 for studies in other Ibero-American countries. Mexico also offered 400 scholarships and recently began to announce its programme, which will focus on studies for masters, diplomas, short courses, specializations and research projects in various areas of knowledge in academic centres of recognized excellence. Argentina and Brazil, which have pledged their contribution to the MUTIS Programme, will make their announcements in accordance with their respective academic calendars.
(c) Literacy programmes and basic education programmes for adults. Following the first study missions, the first programme for El Salvador was designed, focusing on the Cabanas region, one of the regions most severely affected by the war which, fortunately, has now ended. In June, the cooperation agreement between the Spanish and Salvadorian authorities and the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) was signed. This agreement envisions the active participation of 1500 Salvadorian educators, who will begin their literacy activities at the end of this year, after conducting activities including a preliminary literacy census, designing teaching materials, and training teachers. In addition, the first work sessions were begun in Santo Domingo in May with a view to launching a new programme adapted to the needs of the Dominican Republic during the second half of this year.

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Establishment of a Standing Forum on Public Administration and Problems of Government for Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal
34. We welcome with interest the project of the Brazilian School of Public
Administration (EBAP) of the Getulio Vargas Foundation, with the support of the
Institute for the Investigation of International Relations (IPRI), linked to the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, for the establishment of a Standing Forum
on Public Administration and Problems of Government for Latin America, the
Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. The purpose of this forum will be to gather
information, promote studies and encourage training courses and workshops on
public administration and government in various capitals of the Ibero-American
region, with participation by modules, in accordance with the interest of the
specific course or workshop to the countries as a whole or groups of countries.
It should be conceived as a coordinating body between the countries for
activities involving a network of Ibero-American governmental, non-governmental
and academic institutions, with its planning centre located at EBAP in
Rio de Janeiro. Financial support is being requested from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to ensure the project's viability, without prejudice to the exploration of other funding sources such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) or the World Bank. The Heads of State and Government recommend that the IDB should give favorable consideration to this request. Bearing in mind the stipulations of item 33 of the final document of the second Ibero-American summit held in Madrid in 1992, which relates to the area of projects for the modernization of the State, we express our support for the programmes of the Latin American Centre for Development Administration (CLAD), an international, intergovernmental organization composed of the majority of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean and Spain. Its mission is to guide the process of transformation of the State and the administrative modernization of the public sector.
Public administration data management programme
35. We support the proposed project of the Federal Data Processing Center of
Brazil (SERPRO) to organize the public administration data management programme
in such a way as to focus on data managers and technicians working in government
institutions in the Ibero-American countries.
36. We note the conclusions and recommendations of the Meeting of Ministers and
Culture Officials of the Ibero-American countries held in Salvador on 9 and
10 July (appendix 6), which stressed the vital role of culture in overcoming the problems confronting our societies. We reaffirm that the Ibero-American nations constitute a distinctive cultural space, enriched by their national and regional diversity and sharing the same linguistic and historical values and a common conception of mankind and its future. In this regard, we commit ourselves to the preservation and projection of our cultural space. We therefore support initiatives in such fields as cultural industries, cinematographic production, use of the communications media for cultural purposes, the Inter-American book market, archives and libraries, the harmonization of legislation, conservation and development of the national patrimony, cooperation in the arts and language development. We therefore recognize the need to allocate the human, financial and institutional resources required for the promotion of culture.

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Summit of reflection
37. We note with interest the holding in the city of Antigua, Guatemala, from
26 to 29 April 1993, of the Summit of Reflection: Vision of Ibero-America to
the Year 2000, whose conclusions are contained in appendix 7. We stress the
importance for the future of Ibero-America of initiatives such as the Summit of
Reflection, which examined the role of democracy, human rights, education,
culture, science and technology in the building of developed societies. We
support the set of proposals contained in the final document and attach
particular importance to those proposals aimed at guaranteeing the right to
development, such as the expansion of compensatory education programmes, aimed
at correcting the social inequalities resulting from differences in income
levels, and the adoption of measures to increase the number of researchers in
science and technology.
Large cities
38. We have been informed of the conclusions of the first Conference of Cities
for the Twenty-first Century, held in Rio de Janeiro from 3 to 5 June 1993
(appendix 8), which considered the urban and environmental problems that affect
large Latin American cities in particular. The Conference placed special
emphasis on the importance of extensive and systematic exchanges of experiences
in this area and on the need for international development and reconstruction
agencies to take due note of the efforts and initiatives being undertaken by the
local Ibero-American communities. The Conference of Cities supported the
initiative to establish the Ibero-American Centre for Strategic Urban
Development (CIDEU), in Barcelona.
Children on the agenda of development and democracy
39. We share the conclusions and proposals of the representatives of
Ibero-American Governments participating in the Seminar on Children on the
Agenda of Development and Democracy (appendix 9), which was held at Fortaleza,
Ceara, from 7 to 9 June 1993. We feel very strongly that priority should be
given to the allocation of resources for the implementation of National Plans of
Action (NPAs); we are resolved to fully integrate NPAs into national development
strategies; and we share the view that our national policies should promote the
welfare of children. We welcome such projects as the project on social reform
and poverty, which create favorable expectations for the status of families and
children in Ibero-America, and we urge international and bilateral cooperation
agencies and organizations to give priority to the granting of the financial and
technical resources necessary for the implementation of NPAs.
Agriculture and natural resources
40. We take note of the report prepared by the Inter-American Institute for
Agricultural Sciences on the Seminar entitled "Agriculture and natural
resources: source of competitiveness and wealth in Ibero-America", which was
held at San Jose de Costa Rica, on 24 and 25 June 1993. We stress the
importance of the development and expansion of agriculture for overcoming hunger
and poverty, which are the chief obstacles to sustainable development in the
Latin American countries. We draw attention to the urgent need to strengthen
international cooperation in agriculture, through programmes that include

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additional financial resources, technology transfers and measures to liberalize trade in agricultural products.
Science, technology and technical cooperation
41. We note the results of the Conference on Science and Technology for
Sustainable Development, which was held in Salvador from 4 to 7 July. In
keeping with the document containing the summary and the recommendations of the
meeting (appendix 10), we recognize the need to build a new relationship between
sustainable development and current scientific and technological models, aimed
at the development of creative and innovative capacities for the struggle for
democratization and the improvement of the quality of life and against poverty.
We affirm the importance of implementing the recommendations and honouring the
commitments entered into at the United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development, particularly with regard to the realization of joint studies and
projects to promote greater understanding of biological diversity to facilitate
its conservation and use by each country. We support scientific research and
the development and dissemination of technology as basic factors in sustainable
development, which requires the allocation of resources compatible with that
task. Within this framework, international cooperation in science and
technology assumes increasing importance, making it necessary to strengthen
national capacities and to improve coordination with universities, research and
development centres and enterprises. We urge the scientific and technological
community of Ibero-America to assume its growing social responsibility, and
thereby help to link research to the productive sector and to sustainable
development. We consider that scientific and technological cooperation in
Ibero-America is a strategic activity for achieving the objectives of
integration, cohesion and sustainable development. In this connection, we must:
(a) promote regional initiatives in science and technology, such as the common
market of information, the Ibero-American Programme of Science and Technology for Development (CYTED), the Bolivar Plan, the Latin American Technological Data Network (RITLA), the Latin American Commission on Science and Technology (COLCYT), and the Framework Agreement of the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI), as suitable instruments for developing a space for reflection in Ibero-America on the application of science and technology to sustainable development; (b) urgently develop methods for the management of cooperation, by seeking to perfect a new concept of cooperation; (c) undertake more in-depth studies of the idea of establishing an open Ibero-American university of science and technology for sustainable development. We will support joint actions in the United Nations Commission on Science and Technology for Development, and we support, in particular, its work on substantive questions relating to the globalization of technologies to meet the basic needs of low-income populations, the new role of women in technological development and the harnessing of science and technology for sustainable development.
42. We noted with interest the proposal of the Rio Branco Institute of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil to organize a refresher course for
diplomats, at a date to be announced in due course. There will be 25 places
available and the Institute will award 18 fellowships with resources from UNDP.

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Social security
43. In fulfillment of the mandate contained in the document of conclusions of
the Madrid Summit, work has begun on the elaboration of an Ibero-American social
security code. This project, which has the technical support of the
Ibero-American Social Security Organization, will be submitted for the
consideration of the Heads of States and Government at the fourth Ibero-American
Non-governmental meetings and initiatives
44. We express our gratitude for the conclusions of the first Ibero-American
meeting of journalists on the theme of the role of the communications media in
integration, which was held in Salvador from 8 to 10 July. We also note with
satisfaction the results of the meeting of the presidents of enterprises, which
was held in Salvador from 12 to 16 July, to consider questions such as the
modernization of the economy and the responsibility of entrepreneurs for
occupational training and basic education. We also welcome the contribution of
the trade union representatives who met in Salvador from 12 to 14 July with the
objective of deepening exchanges between Ibero-American trade unions and
formulating proposals for the trade union movement. Among the latter, we note
with interest, the suggestion made by the Latin American Central of Workers
(CLAT) to convene a Latin American social summit, in preparation for the world summit for social development.
Other initiatives of interest
45. We note with interest the other events and initiatives which are described
in appendix 1.
PART THREE Matters of interest
46. We express our firm support for the World Summit for Social Development which will take place on the occasion of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations. We reiterate the decision of our countries to participate actively in the preparations and, at the highest level, in the Conference itself, which will be held in Copenhagen in 1995. We also welcome the International Conference on Population and Development (Egypt, 1994), the Fourth World Conference on Women (China, 1995) and the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Turkey, 1996). We also recall the importance of the special session of the OAS General Assembly which will be held in Mexico in 1994 with the aim of working out cooperation machinery for alleviating poverty.
47. We wish to instruct the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) and its seventh Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth, which will be held in Montevideo in April 1994, to draw up a regional programme of action for the development of youth in Latin America. This proposal will envisage a whole series of actions in the fields of education, employment, health, legislation, culture, recreation and all the spheres which tend to improve the quality of life of our young people.

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48. We express our hopes for the success of the eleventh Ibero-American Indigenous Congress to be held soon in Nicaragua and trust that its results will favour the full respect for human rights and the development of indigenous peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean.
49. We recognize the importance of the entry into force on 1 February 1993 of the Central American Integration System (SICA) under the Tegucigalpa Protocol, whose main objective is to establish Central America as a region of democracy, development, peace and freedom, based principally on the respect, safeguard and promotion of human rights. We exhort the States and organizations involved to cooperate effectively so that SICA promotes and strengthens the subregional integration of Central America and achieves its basic aim.
50. We support the objective of modernizing public administrations and improving the efficiency of States. To this end, we shall follow with interest the work of the Rio Group, which will shortly organize a workshop in Quito to discuss the modernization of the public administrations of the countries in that group.
51. We have decided to support the candidature of the Argentine Republic for the Security Council for the period 1994-1995 in the elections to be held at the forty-eighth session of the General Assembly to fill the vacancy corresponding to the countries of the Latin American and Caribbean Group.
52. As part of the understanding reached about the candidatures of the Ibero-American countries, we have decided to support Mr. Rafael Moreno for the post of Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for the period 1994-1999 in the elections to be held during the twenty-seventh FAO Conference in November 1993.
53. We express our support for the Ibero-American Congress of Political Science which will be held in Santiago between 27 and 29 September next and the First International Congress of the Spanish Language which will be held in Mexico City in June 1994.
54. We welcome the results achieved by the Ibero-American Intergovernmental Conference on Policies for Elderly Persons and Persons with Disabilities, held at Cartagena de Indias, in October 1992, and we declare our intention of supporting wholeheartedly the programmes of cooperation derived from this event.
55. We consider that the successful peace process in El Salvador constitutes a vivid proof before the other countries of the world of that country's desire for peace. We support with all the means at our command the implementation of the cultural peace programme for El Salvador sponsored by UNESCO. We also support the holding of an international cultural peace forum in that country at the beginning of 1994 and we are sure that such an educational experience, in addition to helping to reestablish Salvadorian society on a permanent basis, will act as a positive influence on the development of the peace processes in other countries.
56. The serious problem of drug production, traffic and illicit consumption must be considered as a whole and as a shared responsibility. We reiterate our firm support for the principles and objectives announced at the Guadalajara and

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Madrid Summits, aimed at launching a frontal attack against drug traffic and its consequences.
57. We reiterate our strong condemnation of terrorism because of its disregard for the life, freedom and dignity of the human person and because of its link, in some cases, with the traffic in narcotic drugs. We reaffirm our resolve to cooperate with each other in order to eradicate this scourge and we express our solidarity with its victims throughout the world.
58. We feel it is essential to analyse the world phenomenon of corruption because of its negative impact on the democracies.
59. We are pleased to note the progress made towards the full entry into force of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean and especially the adoption of resolution 290 (VII) by the Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean at its seventh special session. We also note with satisfaction that nearly all the countries of Ibero-America have signed the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction.
60. We repeat that we are firmly opposed to any form of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. We also support the efforts of the United Nations to compile the register of conventional weapons and the annual report on military expenditure.
61. We recognize how important it is for our countries to establish clear links between the different levels of State action, according to the constitutional arrangements of each country. To this end, we attribute especial significance to the promotion and development of local administration with full respect for autonomy and democracy. We understand that cooperation between the State and the different social sectors brings the citizen closer to the decision-making bodies and hence has a beneficial effect on the strengthening of democracy and on the economic and social development of the Ibero-American countries.
62. We welcome the progress we have made in mutual cooperation and in the integration of our region as we advance towards the harmonious development of our nations. Our closeness, the complementarily of the needs and objectives of our development, and the joint utilization of our capacities are, inter alia, striking examples of our modern physical links which are inspiring new and important agreements between the Ibero-American countries.
63. We hope that we shall be successful in our efforts to cooperate in the conservation and management of fishing resources. This is the subject of the United Nations Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks which began on 12 July in New York.
64. Our countries have striven to abolish all types of discrimination based on race, religion, origin and other forms of intolerance. We join in the universal concern at the growing manifestations of xenophobia and racism which are occurring in different parts of the world and we support the way in which the United Nations is handling this problem. We recognize that it has roots that are both economic and social and therefore we must encourage international

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cooperation which brings with it greater and better employment opportunities and which makes it possible to reduce the differences between nationals and aliens.
65. Bearing in mind the importance of the training and further development of human resources for the economic and social development of our peoples, we have decided to establish a working group on the harmonization of our education systems, standardization of study programmes and recognition of diplomas among the Ibero-American countries.
66. Bearing in mind the need to avoid technical barriers to exports, we have decided to hold consultations, through the bodies responsible, on existing industrial standardization systems and the possibility of making them compatible.
67. We note with satisfaction the results of the World Conference on Human Rights held in Vienna from 14 to 25 June 1993, the final document of which consolidates and strengthens cooperation and international action in this sphere, both in terms of ideas and practical recommendations for the work of the United Nations.
68. We note the resolutions recently adopted in international forums on the need to eliminate the unilateral application of economic and trade measures by one State against another for political purposes.
69. We emphasize once again the contribution made by the Ibero-American countries to maintaining world peace, notably through their participation in various United Nations operations.
70. We express the hope that the Secretary-General of the United Nations will cooperate in seeking to achieve a solution to the question of East Timor in keeping with the standards and principles of international law.
71. We intend to encourage the restructuring and revitalization of the operational activities of the United Nations in the economic and social sector, by jointly advocating broad and equitable participation by the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in its governing bodies.
72. We agree on the need to adapt the United Nations Security Council to the new international situation. We agree on the need to reform its composition and working methods so as to enable it to fulfill its functions more effectively.
The basic principles on which this reform should be based include greater representativeness, greater transparency in its actions and greater efficiency. In order to make the Security Council more geographically representative, further consideration should be given to an equitable increase in the number of permanent and non-permanent members, on the basis of a general consensus and with full respect for the principle of the sovereign equality of States.
73. We express our gratitude to His Excellency, Mr. Itamar Franco, President of
the Federative Republic of Brazil, and to the Brazilian people, for the
hospitality extended to us in Salvador. We also appreciate the efficient
organization of this Conference by the Brazilian authorities. We congratulate
the Government of Brazil, which provided the pro tempore secretariat for the

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third Summit, for its decisive contribution to the success of this meeting and we agree to convene the fourth Ibero-American Conference in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
Salvador, 16 July 1993

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1. Other events of interest
We take note with interest of the conclusions of the meeting of the Ibero-American Association of Chambers of Commerce (AICO) held in Guayaquil, Republic of Ecuador, from 30 May to 2 June 1993.
We note with satisfaction that the Ibero-American Federation of Civil Engineering is to hold its second meeting of Ibero-American Civil Engineers in Sao Paolo, in spring 1994.
We note the agreement reached between the Brazilian Association of Social Pioneers and IDB for the development of a project to establish an activity centre for locomotive rehabilitation treatment, which will be open for Ibero-American cooperation in this field.
2. Declaracion Final del Seminario "Evaluacion de las experiencias con iniciativas de combate a la pobreza en America Latina (IBERO/CC/S/6).
3. Declaracion Final del Seminario "Financiamento del desarrollo" (IBERO/CC/S/7).
4. Conclusiones y recommendations de la Conferencia de Ministros de la Salud (IBERO/CC/S/1).
5. Declaracion de los Ministros de la Education Iberoamericanos en Salvador (IBERO/CC/S/10).
6. Conclusiones de la Reunion de los Ministros y Responsible de Cultura de los Paises Iberoamericanos y recommendations a la Tercera Cumbre de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno (IBERO/CC/S/11).
7. "Relato Geral da Cupula do Pensamento: Visao Ibero-Americana 2000" (IBERO/CC/S/3/Rev.1).
8. Conferencia de Ciudades Para el Siglo XXI. Rio/93. Resume de los Resulted (IBERO/CC/S/8).
9. Conclusiones del Seminario "La Niiiez en la Agenda del Desarrollo y la Democracia" (IBERO/CC/S/2).
10. Conferencia Cientifica: Ciencia y Tecnologia Para el Desarrollo Sostenible de Iberoamerica (IBERO/CC/S/9).
Appendices 2 to 10 are not included in this document.

Appendices 2 to 10 are not included in this document.