Report of the 3rd Committee (part 1).
UN Document Symbol | A/49/605 |
Convention | Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities |
Document Type | Report of the 3rd Committee |
Session | 49th |
Type | Document |
Description |
18 p. |
Subjects | Youth, Youth Organizations, Persons with Disabilities, Equal Opportunity, Cooperative Movements, Women's Status, Human Settlements, Business Enterprises, Commercial Law, Law Reform |
Extracted Text
General Assembly
23 November 1994
Forty-ninth session
Agenda item 95
Report of the Third Committee (Part I)*
Rapporteur: Mr. Nikolai N. LEPESHKO (Belarus)
1. At its 3rd plenary meeting, on 23 September 1994, the General Assembly, on
the recommendation of the General Committee, decided to include in the agenda of
its forty-ninth session the item entitled "Social development, including
questions relating to the world social situation and to youth, ageing, disabled
persons and the family" and to allocate it to the Third Committee.
2. The Committee considered the item at its 9th to 11th, 13th to 15th, 17th,
22nd, 24th and 35th meetings, on 19, 20 and 31 October and on 1, 2, 8, 9 and
17 November 1994. An account of the Committeeâs discussion of the item is
contained in the relevant summary records (A/C.3/49/SR.9-11, 13-15, 17, 22, 24
and 35).
3. For its consideration of the item, the Committee had before it the
following documents:
(a) Report of the Preparatory Committee for the World Summit for Social
Development on its first and second sessions (A/49/24 and Add.1); 1/
* The report of the Committee on this item will be issued in two parts
(see also A/49/605/Add.1).
1/ To be issued in final form as Official Records of the General
Assembly, Forty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 24 (A/49/24/Rev.1).
94-46548 (E) 061294 /...
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(b) Report of the Secretary-General on the status and role of cooperatives
in the light of new economic and social trends (A/49/213);
(c) Report of the Secretary-General on policies and programmes involving
youth (A/49/434);
(d) Report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the long-term
Strategy of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons
(e) Letter dated 27 June 1994 from the Permanent Representative of Algeria
to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (A/49/204-E/1994/90);
(f) Letter dated 27 June 1994 from the Permanent Representative of Algeria
to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (A/49/205-E/1994/91);
(g) Letter dated 25 June 1994 from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of
Egypt to the Secretary-General transmitting the texts of the documents adopted
by the Eleventh Ministerial Conference of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries,
held at Cairo from 31 May to 3 June 1994 (A/49/287-S/1994/894 and Corr.1);
(h) Letter dated 1 August 1994 from the Chargé dâaffaires a.i. of the
Permanent Mission of Yugoslavia to the United Nations addressed to the
Secretary-General (A/49/294);
(i) Letter dated 8 August 1994 from the Permanent Representative of
Germany to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (A/49/307-
(j) Letter dated 5 September 1994 from the Chargé dâaffaires a.i. of the
Permanent Mission of Australia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-
General transmitting the text of the communiqué of the Twenty-fifth South
Pacific Forum, held at Brisbane, Australia, from 31 July to 2 August 1994
(k) Letter dated 15 September 1994 from the Permanent Representative of
Brazil to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General transmitting the
text of the documents adopted at the eighth annual summit of the Rio Group, held
at Rio de Janeiro on 9 and 10 September 1994 (A/49/422-S/1994/1086);
(l) Letter dated 3 October 1994 from the Permanent Representative of
Algeria to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (A/49/462 and
(m) Letter dated 23 September 1994 from the Permanent Representative of
Panama to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General transmitting the
text of the final report of the XX regular meeting of the Latin American
Council, held at Mexico City from 30 May to 3 June 1994 (A/49/486);
(n) Letter dated 11 October 1994 from the Permanent Representative of
Bangladesh to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (A/49/506);
Page 3
(o) Letter dated 17 October 1994 from the Permanent Representative of
Indonesia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (A/49/532-
(p) Note verbale dated 25 October 1994 from the Permanent Representative
of Denmark to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General (A/49/591);
(q) Note by the Secretariat on the provisional rules of procedure of the
World Summit for Social Development (A/C.3/49/4/Rev.1 and Corr.1).
4. At the 9th meeting, on 19 October, the Director of the Division for Social
Policy and Development and Coordinator of the Secretariat of the World Summit
for Social Development of the Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable
Development made an introductory statement.
A. Draft resolution A/C.3/49/L.9 and Rev.1
5. At its 22nd meeting, on 8 November 1994, the representative of Indonesia,
on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the
Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, introduced a draft resolution entitled
"International Youth Year" (A/C.3/49/L.9), which read as follows:
"The General Assembly,
"Recalling its resolutions 45/103 of 14 December 1990 and 47/85 of
16 December 1992 and its other relevant resolutions,
"Noting that the year 1995 will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the
Charter of the United Nations, the fiftieth anniversary of the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the tenth
anniversary of International Youth Year, as well as the holding of the
World Summit for Social Development and the Fourth World Conference on
Women: Action for Equality, Development and Peace,
"Bearing in mind that the preparation for and observance in 1995 of
the tenth anniversary of International Youth Year offer a special
opportunity to refocus attention on the needs and aspirations of youth, to
increase cooperation at all levels in dealing with youth matters and to
take concrete action in favour of youth,
"1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General, 2/ and the
recommendations contained therein;
"2. Requests the Commission for Social Development at its thirtyfourth
session to consider further the draft world youth programme of
action for youth towards the year 2000 and beyond as a matter of priority
2/ A/49/434.
Page 4
and to submit it through the Economic and Social Council to the General
Assembly at its fiftieth session;
"3. Decides to devote two of its plenary meetings at its fiftieth
session to mark the tenth anniversary of International Youth Year and to
adopt the world youth programme of action towards the year 2000 and beyond;
"4. Invites Member States to participate in the two plenary meetings
at a high political level and requests the Secretariat to schedule these
meetings as close as possible to 24 October 1995 to facilitate such
"5. Decides to mark the tenth anniversary of International Youth Year
by designating in 1995 an international youth day at the fiftieth session
of the General Assembly;
"6. Invites the Governments to consider the inclusion of youth
representatives in their national delegations to both the thirty-fourth
session of the Commission for Social Development and the fiftieth session
of the General Assembly;
"7. Urges the Secretary-General to give special attention to
implementing the World Programme of Action for Youth towards the Year 2000
and Beyond and for this purpose to give all possible support, in the form
of both regular and extrabudgetary resources, to the Programme;
"8. Recommends that the Secretary-General incorporate a youth
component in the programmes of the appropriate United Nations agencies and
bodies within the context of the World Programme of Action for Youth
towards the Year 2000 and Beyond.
6. In introducing the draft resolution, the representative of Indonesia orally
revised it as follows:
(a) In operative paragraph 3, the word "two" was replaced with the word
(b) In operative paragraph 4, the word "two" was replaced with the word
(c) A new operative paragraph 6 was added, which read:
"6. Encourages Member States to ensure that youth and youth
organizations are given appropriate opportunity to be involved in and to
contribute to discussions at the national level leading to the celebration
of the tenth anniversary of the International Youth Year"
and the subsequent paragraphs were renumbered accordingly.
(d) In former operative paragraph 6, after the word "Governments", the
word "consider" was replaced with the words "to give particular consideration
Page 5
7. At its 35th meeting, on 17 November, the Committee had before it a revised
draft resolution (A/C.3/49/L.9/Rev.1) submitted by the same sponsors, joined by
Andorra, China, the Netherlands and the Russian Federation. The representative
of Indonesia made oral revisions to the revised draft resolution, as follows:
(a) In operative paragraph 3, after the word "devote", the words "up to"
were inserted, and the words "to adopt" were replaced with the words "to
consider, with a view to adopting";
(b) In operative paragraph 4, the word "four" was deleted.
8. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution
A/C.3/49/L.9/Rev.1, as orally revised, without a vote (see para. 20, draft
resolution I).
9. After the adoption of the draft resolution, statements were made by the
representatives of Germany (on behalf of the European Union), Japan and the
United States of America (see A/C.3/49/SR.35).
B. Draft resolution A/C.3/49/L.10 and Rev.1
10. At the 17th meeting, on 2 November, the representative of the Philippines,
on behalf of Afghanistan, Armenia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Canada, Chile,
China, Costa Rica, Côte dâIvoire, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, Finland,
Guinea, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kuwait, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mongolia,
Morocco, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, the Philippines,
Poland, the Republic of Korea, Senegal, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey and the
United States of America, introduced a draft resolution entitled "Towards full
integration of persons with disabilities in society: implementation of the
Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with
Disabilities, and of the Long-term Strategy to Implement the World Programme of
Action concerning Disabled Persons to the Year 2000 and Beyond" (A/C.3/49/L.10,
which read as follows:
"The General Assembly,
"Recalling its resolution 48/96 of 20 December 1993, by which it
adopted the Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for
Persons with Disabilities,
"Also recalling its resolution 37/52 of 3 December 1982, by which it
adopted the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, 3/
"Further recalling all its relevant resolutions, including resolutions
37/53 of 3 December 1982, 46/96 of 16 December 1991, 47/88 of
16 December 1992 and 48/95 and 48/99 of 20 December 1993,
3/ A/37/351/Add.1 and Add.1/Corr.1, annex, sect. VIII,
recommendation I (iv).
Page 6
"Welcoming the unreserved reaffirmation in the Vienna Declaration on
Human Rights 4/ of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons
with disabilities, and the recognition in the programme of action of the
International Conference on Population and Development 5/ of a pressing
need, among others, for the realization of the goals of full participation
and equality for persons with disabilities,
"Reaffirming the continuing validity and value of the World Programme
of Action concerning Disabled Persons, which provides a firm and innovative
framework for disability-related issues,
"Reiterating the responsibility of Governments for removing or
facilitating the removal of barriers and obstacles to the full integration
and participation of persons with disabilities into society, and supporting
their efforts in developing national policies to reach specific objectives,
"Recognizing the contribution of non-governmental organizations,
especially organizations of persons with disabilities, in the global effort
to bring about full participation and equality for persons with
"Aware of the major obstacles to the implementation of the World
Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, foremost among these being
an inadequate allocation of resources,
"Having due regard to the preconditions set out under section I of the
Standard Rules for equal participation, including national action to raise
awareness in society about persons with disabilities, their rights, their
needs, their potential and the need to realize these, and their
contributions, to provide effective medical care, including mental health
care, to ensure rehabilitative services, to establish and maintain support
services, including assistive devices, for persons with disabilities and to
assist them to increase their level of independence in their daily living
and to exercise their rights,
"Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for
Persons with Disabilities
"1. Urges all Governments and organizations to implement fully the
Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with
Disabilities, set out in the annex to General Assembly resolution 48/96;
"2. Invites Member States, in cooperation with organizations of
persons with disabilities, to develop disability programmes, both on a
4/ Report of the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna,
14-25 June 1993 (A/CONF.157/24 (Part I)), chap. III.
5/ A/CONF.171/13, chap. I, resolution I, annex.
Page 7
national and local level, for the implementation of the Standard Rules and
to include disability components in all planning, policy and development
"3. Also invites Member States, in developing disability programmes,
to set time limits for the accomplishment of specific goals or targets,
where appropriate;
"4. Encourages Governments to take legal and administrative measures,
as appropriate, to implement fully the Standard Rules;
"5. Also encourages the consideration during major forthcoming
events, including the 1995 World Summit for Social Development and the
Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development and
Peace, of disability issues relevant to the subject matter of those events;
"6. Welcomes the appointment of a Special Rapporteur on Disability to
monitor the implementation of the Standard Rules and to submit reports to
the Commission on Social Development at its thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth
"7. Also welcomes the establishment of a panel of experts as referred
to in section IV, paragraph 3, of the Standard Rules;
"8. Encourages the Secretary-General and United Nations agencies
concerned to finalize the development of a global disability indicator, and
the Special Rapporteur to make full use of it, where appropriate, in his
future work;
"9. Notes, with appreciation, that a number of Member States have
made, or have indicated their intention to make, contributions to support
the work of the Special Rapporteur;
"10. Invites Governments and the private sector to provide meaningful
assistance to the United Nations Voluntary Fund on Disability, with the
view to providing additional support to the implementation of the Standard
Rules, within the context of the World Programme of Action concerning
Disabled Persons;
"11. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the effective monitoring
by the Special Rapporteur of the Standard Rules by providing adequate
funding through extrabudgetary sources;
"12. Also requests the Secretary-General to report to the General
Assembly at its fifty-second session on the implementation of the present
Page 8
"Long-term Strategy to Implement the World Programme of Action
concerning Disabled Persons to the Year 2000 and Beyond
"1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the
implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled
Persons; 6/
"2. Calls upon Governments, when implementing the Programme, to take
into account the elements suggested in the Long-term Strategy to Implement
the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons to the Year 2000
and Beyond, as set out in the annex to the report of the Secretary-General;
"3. Notes with interest the various activities and contributions made
by United Nations offices and agencies in the disability field;
"4. Requests the regional organizations to facilitate the adaptation
and transfer of global approaches, standards and technology to the specific
needs of the region;
"5. Urges global organizations to support regional and national
"6. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure appropriate support for
the effective functioning of the Long-term Strategy;
"7. Also requests the Secretary-General to report to the General
Assembly at its fifty-second session on the implementation of the Long-term
11. In introducing the draft resolution, the representative of the Philippines
orally revised it as follows:
(a) In Part I, operative paragraph 1, the words "and organizations" were
deleted, and the words "with the cooperation and assistance of organizations"
were inserted after the word "fully";
(b) In Part I, operative paragraph 2, the words "or their representatives"
were inserted after the words "persons with disabilities";
(c) In Part II, operative paragraph 2, the word "Programme" was replaced
with the words "World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons", and the
words "above-mentioned" were inserted after the words "annex to the";
(d) In Part II, operative paragraph 3, the word "offices" was replaced
with the word "programmes";
6/ A/49/435.
Page 9
(e) In Part II, operative paragraph 4, the words "commissions and other
regional" were inserted after the word "regional", and the words "disabilityrelated"
were inserted after the words "standards and";
(f) In Part II, operative paragraph 5, the word "global" was replaced with
the word "International".
12. At its 35th meeting, on 17 November, the Committee had before it a revised
draft resolution (A/C.3/49/L.10/Rev.1) submitted on behalf of the same sponsors,
and Australia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Malta, Romania
and Ukraine. Subsequently, Andorra, Azerbaijan, Ethiopia, Greece, Guinea-Bissau
and the Russian Federation joined in sponsoring the draft resolution.
13. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution
A/C.3/49/L.10/Rev.1 without a vote (see para. 20, draft resolution II.
C. Draft resolution A/C.3/49/L.11
14. At the 22nd meeting, on 8 November, the representative of the Netherlands,
on behalf of Austria, the Czech Republic, Egypt, the Netherlands and Romania,
introduced a draft resolution entitled "Policies and programmes involving youth"
(A/C.3/49/L.11). Subsequently, Andorra, Armenia, Denmark, Guinea-Bissau,
Indonesia, Malta, Morocco, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, the Philippines,
Senegal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Turkey and the Russian Federation joined in
sponsoring the draft resolution.
15. At its 35th meeting, on 17 November, the Committee adopted draft resolution
A/C.3/49/L.11 without a vote (see para. 20, draft resolution III).
D. Draft resolution A/C.3/49/L.12
16. At the 24th meeting, on 9 November, the representative of Mongolia, on
behalf of Costa Rica, Côte dâIvoire, Guinea, Honduras, Indonesia, Mongolia,
Morocco, Myanmar, Togo and Viet Nam introduced a draft resolution entitled "The
role of cooperatives in the light of new economic and social trends"
(A/C.3/49/L.12). Subsequently, Benin, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Estonia,
Guinea-Bissau, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), the Lao Peopleâs Democratic
Republic, Kenya, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Papua New Guinea, the
Philippines, Poland, the Russian Federation, Rwanda, Senegal, the Sudan,
Turkmenistan, the United Republic of Tanzania and Zambia joined in sponsoring
the draft resolution.
17. At the 35th meeting, on 17 November, the representative of Mongolia orally
revised the draft resolution, as follows:
(a) In operative paragraph 2, the word "Decides" was replaced with the
words "Invites Governments, relevant international organizations, specialized
agencies and national and international cooperative organizations";
Page 10
(b) In operative paragraph 7, the words "to maintain and increase the
support provided by the United Nations" were replaced with the words "to
continue to provide support".
18. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted draft resolution A/C.3/49/L.12,
as orally revised, without a vote (see para. 20, draft resolution IV).
E. Draft decision
19. At its 35th meeting, on 17 November, on the proposal of the Chairman, the
Committee adopted a draft decision by which the General Assembly would take note
of documents considered under the item (see para. 21).
20. The Third Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the
following draft resolutions:
International Youth Year
The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolutions 45/103 of 14 December 1990 and 47/85 of
16 December 1992 and its other relevant resolutions,
Noting that the year 1995 will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Charter
of the United Nations, the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the tenth anniversary of
the International Youth Year, as well as the holding of the World Summit for
Social Development and the Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for
Equality, Development and Peace,
Bearing in mind that the preparation for an observance in 1995 of the tenth
anniversary of the International Youth Year offer a special opportunity to
refocus attention on the needs and aspirations of youth, to increase cooperation
at all levels in dealing with youth matters and to take concrete action in
favour of youth,
1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General, 7/ and the
recommendations contained therein;
2. Requests the Commission for Social Development at its thirty-fourth
session to consider further the draft World Programme of Action for Youth
towards the Year 2000 and Beyond as a matter of priority and to submit it,
7/ A/49/434.
Page 11
through the Economic and Social Council, to the General Assembly at its fiftieth
3. Decides to devote up to four plenary meetings at its fiftieth session
to mark the tenth anniversary of the International Youth Year and to consider,
with a view to adopting the World Programme of Action for Youth towards the Year
2000 and Beyond;
4. Invites Member States to participate in the plenary meetings at a high
political level and requests the Secretariat to schedule those meetings as close
as possible to 24 October 1995 to facilitate such participation;
5. Decides to mark the tenth anniversary of the International Youth Year
by designating in 1995 an international youth day at the fiftieth session of the
General Assembly;
6. Encourages Member States to ensure that youth and youth organizations
are given appropriate opportunity to be involved in and to contribute to
discussions at the national level leading to the celebration of the tenth
anniversary of the International Youth Year;
7. Invites Governments to give particular consideration to the inclusion
of youth representatives in their national delegations to both the thirty-fourth
session of the Commission for Social Development and the fiftieth session of the
General Assembly;
8. Urges the Secretary-General to give special attention to implementing
the World Programme of Action for Youth towards the Year 2000 and Beyond and,
for that purpose, to give to the programme regular budget support, within
existing resources, and also to encourage the provision of extrabudgetary
9. Requests the Secretary-General to incorporate a youth component in the
programmes of the appropriate United Nations organizations and bodies in the
context of the World Programme of Action for Youth towards the Year 2000 and
Towards full integration of persons with disabilities in society:
implementation of the Standard Rules on the Equalization of
Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, and of the Long-Term
Strategy to Implement the World Programme of Action concerning
Disabled Persons to the Year 2000 and Beyond
The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolution 48/96 of 20 December 1993, by which it adopted the
Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with
Page 12
Recalling also its resolution 37/52 of 3 December 1982, by which it adopted
the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, 8/
Recalling further all its relevant resolutions, including resolutions 37/53
of 3 December 1982, 46/96 of 16 December 1991, 47/88 of 16 December 1992 and
48/95 and 48/99 of 20 December 1993,
Welcoming the unreserved reaffirmation in the Vienna Declaration on Human
Rights 9/ of the human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons with
disabilities, and the recognition in the programme of action of the
International Conference on Population and Development 10/ of a pressing
need, among others, for the realization of the goals of full participation and
equality for persons with disabilities,
Reaffirming the continuing validity and value of the World Programme of
Action concerning Disabled Persons, which provides a firm and innovative
framework for disability-related issues,
Reiterating the responsibility of Governments for removing or facilitating
the removal of barriers and obstacles to the full integration and participation
of persons with disabilities into society, and supporting their efforts to
develop national policies to reach specific objectives,
Recognizing the contribution of non-governmental organizations, especially
organizations of persons with disabilities, in the global effort to bring about
full participation and equality for persons with disabilities,
Aware of the major obstacles to the implementation of the World Programme
of Action concerning Disabled Persons, foremost among these being an inadequate
allocation of resources,
Having due regard to the preconditions set out under section I of the
Standard Rules for equal participation, including national action to raise
awareness in society about persons with disabilities, their rights, their needs,
their potential and the need to realize these, and their contributions, to
provide effective medical care, including mental health care, to ensure
rehabilitative services, to establish and maintain support services, including
devices to assist persons with disabilities and to help them to increase their
level of independence in their daily living and to exercise their rights,
8/ A/37/351/Add.1 and Add.1/Corr.1, annex, sect. VIII,
recommendation I (iv).
9/ Report of the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna,
14-25 June 1993 (A/CONF.157/24 (Part I)), chap. III.
10/ A/CONF.171/13, chap. I, resolution I, annex.
Page 13
Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities
for Persons with Disabilities
1. Urges all Governments to implement, with the cooperation and
assistance of organizations, the Standard Rules on the Equalization of
Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, set out in the annex to General
Assembly resolution 48/96;
2. Invites Member States, in cooperation with organizations of persons
with disabilities or their representatives, to develop disability programmes,
both on a national and local level, for the implementation of the Standard Rules
and to include disability components in all planning, policy and development
3. Also invites Member States, in developing disability programmes, to
set time limits for the accomplishment of specific goals or targets, where
4. Encourages Governments to take legal and administrative measures, as
appropriate, to implement fully the Standard Rules;
5. Also encourages the consideration during major forthcoming events,
including the 1995 World Summit for Social Development and the Fourth World
Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development and Peace, of disability
issues relevant to the subject-matter of those events;
6. Welcomes the appointment of a Special Rapporteur on Disability to
monitor the implementation of the Standard Rules and to submit reports to the
Commission on Social Development at its thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth sessions;
7. Also welcomes the establishment of a panel of experts as referred to
in section IV, paragraph 3, of the Standard Rules;
8. Encourages the Secretary-General and the United Nations agencies
concerned to finalize, in consultation with Member States, the development of a
global disability indicator, and also encourages the Special Rapporteur to make
use of it, where appropriate, in his future work;
9. Notes with appreciation that a number of Member States have made, or
have indicated their intention to make, contributions to support the work of the
Special Rapporteur;
10. Invites Governments and the private sector to provide meaningful
assistance to the United Nations Voluntary Fund on Disability, with a view to
providing additional support to the implementation of the Standard Rules, within
the context of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons;
11. Requests the Secretary-General to support the effective monitoring by
the Special Rapporteur of the Standard Rules, and invites voluntary
contributions to fund the Special Rapporteurâs work in this regard;
Page 14
12. Also requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly
at its fifty-second session on the implementation of the present resolution;
Long-term Strategy to Implement the World Programme of Action
concerning Disabled Persons to the Year 2000 and Beyond
1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the
implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled
Persons; 11/
2. Calls upon Governments, when implementing the World Programme of
Action concerning Disabled Persons, to take into account the elements suggested
in the Long-term Strategy to Implement the World Programme of Action concerning
Disabled Persons to the Year 2000 and Beyond, as set out in the annex to the
above-mentioned report of the Secretary-General;
3. Notes with interest the various activities and contributions made by
United Nations programmes and agencies in the disability field;
4. Requests the regional commissions and other regional organizations to
facilitate the adaptation and transfer of global approaches, standards and
disability-related technology to the specific needs of the region;
5. Urges international organizations to support regional and national
6. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure appropriate support for the
effective functioning of the Long-term Strategy;
7. Also requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly
at its fifty-second session on the implementation of the Long-term Strategy.
Policies and programmes involving youth
The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolutions 32/135 of 16 December 1977 and 36/17 of
9 November 1981, by which it adopted guidelines for the improvement of the
channels of communication between the United Nations and youth and youth
organizations, resolution 40/14 of 18 November 1985, entitled "International
Youth Year: Participation, Development, Peace", and resolution 45/103 of
14 December 1990, in which it decided to devote a plenary meeting at its
fiftieth session to youth questions,
11/ A/49/435.
Page 15
Noting that the year 1995 will mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Charter
of the United Nations and the tenth anniversary of International Youth Year,
Recognizing that, in implementing the guidelines, priority should be given
to the enjoyment by youth of human rights, including the right to education and
to work, and to the resolution of other urgent problems faced by young people in
the present-day world, such as hunger, the deterioration of the environment,
drug abuse, disability and disease, including acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Recalling the Convention on the Rights of the Child, 12/ which entered
into force on 2 September 1990, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of
Action, 13/ adopted by the World Conference on Human Rights, held from 14 to
25 June 1993, the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development
of Children and the Plan of Action for Implementing the World Declaration on the
Survival, Protection and Development of Children in the 1990s, adopted by the
World Summit for Children on 30 September 1990, 14/
Noting the holding of the Youth Forum of the United Nations System, at
Vienna from 27 to 29 May 1991, stressing the importance of the role of
non-governmental organizations devoted to questions of youth in the contribution
to United Nations policies in the field of youth, and welcoming the increasing
activities of the youth employment programme HOPE â87 and its close
collaboration with the United Nations in bringing about employment opportunities
for young people, especially in developing countries,
1. Encourages all States, all United Nations bodies, in particular the
Economic and Social Council through the Commission for Social Development, the
specialized agencies and the intergovernmental and non-governmental
organizations concerned, in particular youth organizations, to continue to exert
all possible efforts for the implementation of the guidelines for further
planning and suitable follow-up in the field of youth; 15/
2. Calls upon Member States to enable young people to obtain a
comprehensive education, including in such subjects as human rights,
environmental questions and cross-cultural issues, with a view to fostering
mutual understanding and tolerance;
3. Requests the Secretary-General, in close cooperation with Member
States and youth organizations, to evaluate youth programmes that were developed
during the follow-up of International Youth Year and to report to the General
Assembly at its fifty-second session, with a view to ensuring effective
12/ Resolution 44/25, annex.
13/ Report of the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 14-
25 June 1993 (A/CONF.157/24 (Part I), chap. III.
14/ A/45/625, annex.
15/ See A/40/256, annex.
Page 16
implementation of a world youth programme of action to the year 2000 and
beyond; 16/
4. Encourages the preparation by Member States that have not yet done so,
of a national youth policy, based on an analytical national evaluation of the
situation and needs of youth;
5. Calls once again upon Member States, United Nations bodies and
non-governmental organizations to implement fully the guidelines for the
improvement of the channels of communication between the United Nations and
youth and youth organizations, adopted by the General Assembly in its
resolutions 32/135 and 36/17, and in particular to facilitate, in accordance
with these resolutions, the activities of youth mechanisms that have been set up
by youth and youth organizations;
6. Calls upon the regional commissions that have not yet done so,
together with regional youth and youth-serving organizations, to finalize the
comprehensive review of the progress achieved and the obstacles encountered in
the regions since 1985 and to propose draft regional youth programmes of action
to the year 2000 and beyond;
7. Invites once again Member States to include, whenever possible, youth
representatives in their national delegations to the General Assembly and other
relevant United Nations meetings, with particular emphasis on the fiftieth
session of the General Assembly, in order to mark the tenth anniversary of
International Youth Year, thus enhancing and strengthening the channels of
communication through the discussion of youth-related issues, with a view to
finding solutions to the problems confronting youth in the contemporary world;
8. Requests the Secretary-General to make recommendations on the need for
specific programmes aimed at encouraging school attendance through various
means, in particular by the provision of lessons free of charge and, where
appropriate, free food in schools, in close coordination with the United Nations
Childrenâs Fund, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and
the multilateral financial institutions, bearing in mind the fundamental
importance to youth of increasing literacy rates as set out in the draft world
youth programme of action to the year 2000 and beyond;
9. Decides to consider the question of policies and programmes involving
youth under the item entitled "Social development" at its fifty-second session
based upon a report to be submitted by the Secretary-General on the
implementation of the present resolution.
16/ For the text of the draft world youth programme of action to the year
2000 and beyond, see E/CN.5/1993/10, as amended in E/CN.5/1993/L.11, annex.
Page 17
The role of cooperatives in the light of new economic
and social trends
The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolution 47/90 of 16 December 1992, in particular
paragraph 2 thereof, in which it proclaimed the first Saturday of July 1995 to
be International Day of Cooperatives,
Welcoming the report of the Secretary-General on the status and role of
cooperatives in the light of new economic and social trends, 17/ especially
the important recommendations contained in section II of the report aimed at
ensuring the best possible means of dealing with the issue of cooperatives,
taking into account their broad significance in contributing to the solution of
major economic and social problems,
Recognizing the cooperatives in their various forms are becoming an
indispensable factor of economic and social development of all countries
promoting the fullest possible participation in the development process of all
population groups, including women, youth, disabled persons and the elderly,
Recognizing also the important contribution and potential of all forms of
cooperatives to the preparations and follow-up of the World Summit for Social
Development and the Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for Equality,
Development and Peace, to be held in 1995 and the United Nations Conference on
Human Settlements (Habitat II) to be held in 1996,
1. Takes note with appreciation of the report of the Secretary-General on
the status and role of cooperatives in the light of new economic and social
2. Invites Governments, relevant international organizations, specialized
agencies and national and international cooperative organizations to observe
annually the International Day of Cooperatives on the first Saturday of July
starting from 1995, as proclaimed by the General Assembly in its resolution
3. Encourages Governments to consider fully the potential of cooperatives
for contributing to the solution of economic, social and environmental problems
in formulating national development strategies;
4. Also encourages Governments to consider reviewing legal and
administrative constraints on the activities of cooperatives with a view to
eliminating those constraints that are not applied to other businesses and
5. Invites government agencies, in collaboration with cooperatives and
other relevant organizations, to develop programmes aimed at improving
17/ A/49/213.
Page 18
statistics on the contribution of cooperatives to national economies and
facilitating dissemination of information on cooperatives;
6. Invites the World Summit for Social Development, the Fourth World
Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development and Peace and the United
Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II), in formulating respective
strategies and actions, to give due consideration to the role and contribution
of cooperatives;
7. Requests the Secretary-General, within existing resources, to continue
to provide support to the programmes and objectives of the international
cooperative movement and to submit to the General Assembly at its fifty-first
session a report on the implementation of the present resolution.
* * *
21. The Third Committee also recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of
the following draft decision:
Document considered by the General Assembly in connection with
the question of social development, including questions
relating to the world social situation and to youth, ageing,
disabled persons and the family
The General Assembly takes note of the report of the Preparatory Committee
for the World Summit for Social Development on its first and second sessions
(A/49/24 and Add.1). 18/
18/ To be issued in final form as Official Records of the General
Assembly, Forty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 24 (A/49/24/Rev.1).