General Assembly official records, 56th session : 109th plenary meeting, Tuesday, 23 July 2002, New York
UN Document Symbol | A/56/PV.109 |
Convention | Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities |
Document Type | Verbatim Record of Meeting |
Session | 56th |
Type | Document |
Description |
6 p. |
Subjects | Persons with Disabilities, Non-Governmental Organizations |
Extracted Text
United Nations A/56/PV.109
General Assembly
Fifty-sixth session
109th plenary meeting
Tuesday, 23 July 2002, 3 p.m.
New York
Official Records
This record contains the text of speeches delivered in English and of the interpretation of
speeches delivered in the other languages. Corrections should be submitted to the original
languages only. They should be incorporated in a copy of the record and sent under the signature
of a member of the delegation concerned to the Chief of the Verbatim Reporting Service, room
C-178. Corrections will be issued after the end of the session in a consolidated corrigendum.
02-48994 (E)
President: Mr. Han Seung-soo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Republic of Korea)
In the absence of the President, Mr. Loizaga
(Paraguay), Vice-President, took the Chair.
The meeting was called to order at 3.05 p.m.
Agenda item 17 (continued)
Appointments to fill vacancies in subsidiary organs
and other appointments
(i) Approval of the appointment of the United
Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Note by the Secretary-General (A/56/109)
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): By its
resolution 48/141 of 20 December 1993, the General
Assembly decided to create the post of United Nations
High Commissioner for Human Rights.
The Secretary-General proposes, in the light of
the provisions of resolution 48/141 set out in his note,
to appoint Mr. Sergio Vieira de Mello of Brazil as
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
for a term of office of four years beginning on 12
September 2002 and ending on 11 September 2006.
May I take it that it is the wish of the General
Assembly to approve the proposal of the Secretary-
General contained in document A/56/109?
It was so decided.
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): By
acclamation of the General Assembly, the proposal of
the Secretary-General to appoint Mr. Sergio Vieira de
Mello as United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights has been approved.
I now give the floor to the representative of
Mr. Moura (Brazil): The appointment of Mr.
Sergio Vieira de Mello as High Commissioner for
Human Rights augurs well for the continuation of the
outstanding work of the United Nations in the
promotion and protection of human rights. For Brazil,
it is an honour and a source of great satisfaction that
one of its nationals should be assigned such an
important responsibility.
Sergio Vieira de Mello needs no introduction. His
important achievements in East Timor and at the helm
of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs are only the latest examples of a
long career devoted to the realization of the values
enshrined in the United Nations Charter. Mr. Vieira de
Mello is rightly recognized as an efficient
administrator, a skilful negotiator and a committed
individual. He is also known for his high moral stature
and for being identified with humanitarian causes.
There is no doubt that he will put all those qualities at
the service of the promotion and protection of human
rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to
We wish Mr. Sergio Vieira de Mello every
success in his new position, and we assure him of
Brazils support and cooperation in the discharge of his
important mandate.
My delegation would also like to express its deep
appreciation for the invaluable work that Mrs. Mary
Robinson has done as High Commissioner for Human
Rights. During her five years in office, Mrs. Robinson
contributed to heightening the level of attention paid to
the plight of victims of abuses and human rights
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I now
give the floor to the representative of Denmark, who
will speak on behalf of the European Union.
Ms. Løj (Denmark): I have the honour to speak
on behalf of the European Union with respect to the
approval of the appointment of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Human Rights. The Central
and Eastern European countries associated with the
European Union Bulgaria, the Czech Republic,
Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey the associated
countries Cyprus and Malta, and the European Free
Trade Association country belonging to the European
Economic Area Iceland, align themselves with this
The European Union warmly welcomes the
appointment of Mr. Sergio Vieira de Mello to succeed
Mrs. Mary Robinson as High Commissioner for Human
Rights. Mr. Vieira de Mello has an impressive record as
an outstanding United Nations diplomat. He has
demonstrated a deep and genuine commitment to
human rights. The European Union is confident that the
worldwide promotion and protection of human rights
will be further advanced under his able leadership.
Ensuring respect for human rights in cooperation
with other global and regional human rights
mechanisms is indeed a challenging task. Let me
ensure the Assembly that Mr. Vieira de Mello has the
full support of the European Union in that endeavour.
At this juncture, allow me also to pay tribute to
the outgoing High Commissioner, Mrs. Robinson.
During her five years in office impressive results have
been obtained. The personal and professional integrity,
combined with hard work, with which Mrs. Robinson
has constantly fought for human rights all over the
world is a model for all of us. We wish her all the best
in the future, and we sincerely hope to be able to
continue to benefit from her experience and her many
talents in the future.
Mr. Siv (United States of America): On behalf of
the United States, I would like to offer our sincere
congratulations to Sergio Vieira de Mello on his
selection by the Secretary-General to be the next
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
We look forward to working closely with him and with
the High Commissioners Office.
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): May I
take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to
conclude its consideration of sub-item (i) of agenda
item 17?
It was so decided.
Agenda item 8 (continued)
Adoption of the agenda and organization of work
Note by the Secretary-General (A/56/111)
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish):
Members will recall that at its 3rd plenary meeting,
held on 19 September 2001, the General Assembly
decided to allocate agenda item 102 to the Second
Committee. Members will also recall that the item
remains open for consideration during the fifty-sixth
As mentioned in the footnote to document
A/56/111, in order for the General Assembly to take the
required action, the Assembly will have to decide to
consider the item directly in plenary meeting.
May I take it that the Assembly wishes to
consider agenda item 102 directly in plenary meeting?
It was so decided.
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): May I
further take it that the Assembly agrees to proceed
immediately to the consideration of agenda item 102?
It was so decided.
Agenda item 102 (continued)
Implementation of the Habitat Agenda and outcome
of the special session of the General Assembly on this
Election of the Executive Director of the United
Nations Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
Note by the Secretary-General (A/56/111)
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): In his
note, the Secretary-General recalls for members that, in
its resolution 56/206 of 21 December 2001, the General
Assembly decided to transform the United Nations
Centre for Human Settlements into the United Nations
Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).
The Assembly also decided, in the same
resolution, that the UN-Habitat secretariat should be
headed by an Executive Director at the level of Under-
Secretary-General, to be elected by the General
Assembly for a term of four years upon nomination by
the Secretary-General after consultation with Member
In the light of the provisions of General
Assembly resolution 56/206, the Secretary-General
nominates Ms. Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka of the United
Republic of Tanzania for election by the General
Assembly as Executive Director of UN-Habitat, at the
Under-Secretary-General level, for a term of office of
four years beginning on 1 September 2002 and ending
on 31 August 2006.
Accordingly, may I take it that the General
Assembly wishes to elect Ms. Anna Kajumulo
Tibaijuka as Executive Director of the United Nations
Human Settlements Programme for a four-year term of
office beginning on 1 September 2002 and ending on
31 August 2006?
It was so decided.
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I call
on the representative of the United Republic of
Mr. Yussuf (United Republic of Tanzania): We
would like to take this opportunity to express our
sincere thanks to the General Assembly for electing
Ms. Anna Kajumulo Tibaijuka as the Executive
Director of the United Nations Human Settlements
Programme (UN-Habitat), at the level of Under-
Secretary-General for a term of four years beginning
on 1 September 2002.
It is our ardent hope that the General Assembly
will continue to provide Ms. Kajumulo Tibaijuka with
every assistance and support possible to ensure the
effective implementation of all the mandated
programmes and activities of the United Nations
Habitat Programme.
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I call
on the representative of Kenya.
Mr. Kahende (Kenya): The delegation of Kenya
is also taking the floor to congratulate Ms. Anna
Kajumulo Tibaijuka on her election as Executive
Director of the United Nations Human Settlements
Programme (UN-Habitat).
Kenya, as the host of UN-Habitat, has noted the
excellent manner in which Ms. Kajumulo Tibaijuka has
been handling her work. The recent elevation of UNHabitat
to the status of programme is proof both of Ms.
Kajumulo Tibaijukas ability and of the importance
attached to the work of UN-Habitat. My delegation
takes this opportunity as the host of that organization to
pledge continuing support both to UN-Habitat and to
Ms. Kajumulo Tibaijuka.
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): We
have thus concluded this stage of our consideration of
agenda item 102.
Agenda item 8 (continued)
Adoption of the agenda and organization of work
(a) Draft resolution (A/56/L.82)
(b) Draft decision (A/56/L.83)
The President (spoke in Spanish): Members will
recall at its 3rd plenary meeting, held on 19 September
2001, the General Assembly decided to allocate subitem
(b) of agenda item 119 to the Third Committee.
Members will also recall that the sub-item remains
open for consideration during the fifty-sixth session.
As mentioned in the footnotes to documents
A/56/L.82 and A/56/L.83, in order for the General
Assembly to take action on the proposals contained in
those documents, the Assembly will have to decided to
consider the sub-item directly in plenary meeting.
May I take it that the Assembly wishes to
consider sub-item (b) of agenda item 119 directly in
plenary meeting?
It was so decided.
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): May I
further take it that the Assembly agrees to proceed
immediately to the consideration of sub-item (b) of
agenda item 119?
It was so decided.
Agenda item 119 (continued)
Human rights questions
(b) Human rights questions, including alternative
approaches for improving the effective
enjoyment of human rights and fundamental
Draft resolution (A/56/L.82)
Draft decision (A/56/L.83)
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I now
give the floor to the representative of Denmark to
introduce draft resolution A/56/L.82.
Ms. Løj (Denmark): On behalf of the European
Union, I have the honour to introduce the draft
resolution sponsored by the European Union and
Mexico, entitled Accreditation and participation of
non-governmental organizations in the Ad Hoc
Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral
International Convention on Protection and Promotion
of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities.
The draft resolution is contained in document
I am pleased to inform the Assembly that, in
addition to the countries mentioned in the document,
Canada, Croatia, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, and
Suriname would also like to join the list of sponsors.
The draft resolution before us reflects the
outcome of constructive open-ended consultations with
all delegations. I would like to express my gratitude to
all those delegations that took an active part in the
shaping of this draft resolution.
The sponsors would like to underline the
importance and necessity of the participation of nongovernmental
organizations in the Ad Hoc Committee.
It is the hope of the sponsors that this draft resolution
can facilitate the accreditation process and
participation of the non-governmental organizations in
the future sessions of this Ad Hoc Committee.
It is the hope of the sponsors of this draft
resolution that the present text will be adopted by
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I now
give the floor to the Deputy Minister for Foreign
Affairs of Mexico.
Ms. Olamendi Torres (Mexico) (spoke in
Spanish): We are very pleased to be joining the
European Union in sponsoring draft resolution
A/56/L.82, which has also been sponsored by a number
of other countries. I wish to say that, for Mexico, the
accreditation and participation of non-governmental
organizations in the Ad Hoc Committee on a
Comprehensive and Integral International Convention
on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity
of Persons with Disabilities will without doubt be a
great achievement of the Assembly. As we have
stressed, the draft resolution now before the Assembly
is very important because it confirms that nongovernmental
organizations enjoying consultative
status with the Economic and Social Council have a
right to participate in the work of the Ad Hoc
Committee. The draft resolution also facilitates
participation by other organizations.
Also, the draft resolution urges relevant United
Nations bodies to provide financial assistance to those
organizations that lack the resources necessary to
participate, in particular those from developing
countries, on the basis of the establishment of criteria
for transparency and equality in the allocation of such
As well, the Secretary-General is requested to
disseminate to non-governmental organizations
information on accreditation procedures. The Assembly
would also decide that the specific modalities of this
participation will be decided by the Ad Hoc Committee
during the first week of its session.
Non-governmental organizations working in
favour of rights and equal opportunities for persons
with disabilities and organizations composed of
persons with disabilities have played an essential role
in promoting and creating awareness on this important
issue. Through their local, national, regional and global
networks, they have made very valuable contributions
to the international community in many areas related to
the defence and promotion of the rights of persons with
disabilities. Their contribution is indispensable,
because we want the convention to provide viable
responses to meet the situation and the needs of
persons with various kinds of disabilities, whose
circumstances may vary from country to country or
region to region.
For that reason, and because the convention
should have a comprehensive and integral approach,
and pursuant to General Assembly resolution 56/168,
the Ad Hoc Committee must have as many views of the
issue as possible.
Accordingly, my country would invite all General
Assembly members to adopt the draft resolution before
us. We believe that the process that will begin in a few
days to prepare a convention will be further enriched.
Above all, we will be able to include those actors who
ultimately are the ones who will benefit most from
what will, no doubt, be the successful outcome of the
Ad Hoc Committees work.
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I give
the floor to the representative of the United States to
introduce draft decision A/56/L.83.
Mr. Rabby (United States of America): In
response to a generous request by Mexico and Canada,
the United States, as an additional main sponsor of
draft decision A/56/L.83, is pleased to introduce that
draft decision, entitled Participation of persons with
disabilities in the Ad Hoc Committee on a
Comprehensive and Integral International Convention
on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity
of Persons with Disabilities. By this draft decision,
the General Assembly would request the Secretary-
General to make reasonable efforts, within existing
resources, to facilitate the full and equal participation
in the deliberations of the Ad Hoc Committee by
persons with disabilities and would suggest various
ways by which people with disabilities might be
accommodated during the sessions of the Committee.
The Ad Hoc Committee will be considering
proposals for an international convention to protect and
promote the rights and dignity of persons with
disabilities. It is important to recognize that talk of
equal rights and opportunities for the disabled and their
full participation in society is meaningless unless the
international community is willing, at the same time, to
adopt a flexible approach to its normal practices and
to make the reasonable accommodations necessary to
enable people with disabilities to actually play their
part and make their contribution. Many people with
disabilities either require very little, if anything, in the
way of accommodation, or make whatever special
arrangements they need themselves. However, some
severely disabled persons may require special
arrangements and, in their case, we should do our
utmost to be as receptive and inclusive as possible so
that they may be full and equal partners in our work.
Therefore, although this draft decision may at
first glance seem procedural in nature, it is in a very
real sense substantive and particularly germane to the
work of the Ad Hoc Committee. It is our hope that
whatever reasonable efforts are made to accommodate
persons with disabilities in the meetings of the Ad Hoc
Committee will soon be adopted routinely at all United
Nations meetings.
The United States is grateful to Mexico and
Canada for sponsoring this draft decision and for
having immediately embraced its objectives and
approach. Since the submission of the draft decision to
the Secretariat, the following States have added their
names to the list of sponsors: Austria, Belgium,
Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,
Portugal, Spain, the Sudan, Sweden the United
Kingdom and my own country, the United States.
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): We
shall now proceed to consider draft resolution
A/56/L.82 and draft decision A/56/L.83.
I now give the floor to the representative of the
Ms. Kam: I should like to inform members of the
Assembly that the adoption of draft decision A/56/L.83
will have no programme budget implications, on the
understanding that persons with disabilities wishing to
participate in the Ad Hoc Committee on a
Comprehensive and Integral International Convention
on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity
of Persons with Disabilities inform the Secretariat of
their intention to participate sufficiently well in
advance so as to enable the Secretariat to inform those
participants of the special services that are currently
available and that could be provided to them during the
meetings of the Ad Hoc Committee.
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I give
the floor to the representative of Egypt.
Mr. Roshdy (Egypt): My delegation joined others
in the informal consultations leading to the current
formulation of draft resolution A/56/L.82. We were
keen to attend as many meetings as possible since the
process began, because we attach great importance to
the issue of disability and the rights of people living
with disabilities.
My delegation, as well as many others, presented
many amendments to the draft resolution that is before
us for consideration. Unfortunately, most of them were
not reflected in the draft resolution. I would hesitate to
say that they were ignored, but that is a fact. And I
would like to register our strongest objection to the
process that led to the formulation of this draft
We now have two options between which to
choose: either to accept it as it is and have this repeated
as a precedent in the future; or to put it to the vote. It
would not be a very good omen to start the process by
taking a vote. We are very committed to and supportive
of this process.
Not everybody in this building who is trying to
regulate non-governmental organization (NGO)
participation is against NGO participation in the work
of the United Nations. Not everybody who is proposing
a framework or trying to make clear what NGOs are
coming here to do is against NGOs. Even if some
parties would like to label it that way, it is not our
concern, because we know that we are not against
NGO participation.
But we will not block consensus on the draft
resolution. Those are the instructions that I have in the
light of the friendly relations between my country and
Mexico, a friendly country that has devoted a lot of
time and energy to this process for the past year. To
show appreciation for the Mexican efforts, we will join
consensus on draft resolution A/56/L.82. However, we
would like this statement to be recorded in the official
records of the meeting. The process can now begin. We
will see in the course of action who was really attached
to the process and who was not, and who wanted to
destroy it procedurally.
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The
Assembly will first take a decision on draft resolution
A/56/L.82, entitled Accreditation and participation of
non-governmental organizations in the Ad Hoc
Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral
International Convention on Protection and Promotion
of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities.
May I take it that the Assembly wishes to adopt
the draft resolution?
Draft resolution A/56/L.82 was adopted
(resolution 56/510).
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The
Assembly will now take a decision on draft decision
A/56/L.83, entitled Participation of persons with
disabilities in the Ad Hoc Committee on a
Comprehensive and Integral International Convention
on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity
of Persons with Disabilities.
May I take it that the Assembly wishes to adopt
the draft decision?
The draft decision was adopted.
The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): We
have thus concluded this stage of our consideration of
sub-item (b) of agenda item 119.
The meeting rose at 3.50 p.m.