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Review and appraisal of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons : report of the Secretary-General

UN Document Symbol A/58/61
Alternate ID E/2003/5
Convention Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Document Type Report of the Secretary-General
Session 58th
Type Document

20 p.

Subjects Persons with Disabilities, Disability

Extracted Text

United Nations A/58/61–E/2003/5
General Assembly
Economic and Social Council
Distr.: General
26 December 2002
Original: English
02-75915 (E) 230103
General Assembly
Fifty-eighth session
Agenda item 98
Social development, including questions relating to the
world social situation and to youth, ageing, disabled
persons and the family
Economic and Social Council
Substantive session of 2003
Social and human rights questions:
social development
Review and appraisal of the World Programme of Action
concerning Disabled Persons*
Report of the Secretary-General
The present report, submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolutions 56/115
of 19 December 2001 and 52/82 of 12 December 1997, presents the results of the
fourth five-year review and appraisal of the World Programme of Action concerning
Disabled Persons. The report has three objectives: (a) to report on progress in
implementation of Assembly resolution 56/115, (b) to review and assess trends in
policies and programmes from the disability perspective since the last review, which
was considered by the Assembly at its fifty-second session, and (c) to submit
recommendations for the further implementation of the goals of the World
Programme of Action: full participation of persons with disabilities in social life and
development, and equality. A basic conclusion of the review is the strong
commitment of Governments to the equalization of opportunities and to the rights of
persons with disabilities in the context of development. Differences in emphasis and
approach are reported, but commitment is widespread. The advancement of persons
with disabilities in a broad human rights framework will require fresh thinking and
approaches based on “next” practices that contribute to purposeful action and
* The report is being submitted after the deadline established for consideration at the forty-first
session of the Commission for Social Development due to the fact that part of its content responds
to resolution 57/229, which was adopted by the General Assembly on 18 December 2002. It also
contains responses from States as at 12 December 2002, the deadline set in the note verbale on the
subject dated 13 September 2002.

concrete results in the equalization of opportunities. Recommendations are submitted
on (a) policy options to promote the rights of persons with disabilities in the context
of development, (b) substantive aspects of mainstream approaches to the equalization
of opportunities and (c) improved coordination of activities of the United Nations
system to promote the advancement of persons with disabilities in the context of
Paragraphs Page
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2 3
II. Progress in implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–14 3
A. Strategic framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4
B. Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–14 6
Overview of recent policy and programme activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

I. Introduction
1. The present report presents the results of the fourth five-year review and
appraisal of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons
(A/37/351/Add.1 and Add.1/Corr.1, annex, section VIII, recommendation I (IV)),
adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 37/52 of 3 December 1982. The
report is submitted pursuant to Assembly resolutions 56/115 of 19 December 2001
and 52/82 of 12 December 1997, by which the Assembly decided that the next
review and appraisal, in 2002, should consider key social and economic policy
issues related to equalization of opportunities, in particular (a) accessibility, (b)
social services and safety nets and (c) employment and sustainable livelihoods.
2. The current review has three objectives: (a) to report on progress in
implementing General Assembly resolution 56/115, (b) to review and assess trends
in policies and programmes from the disability perspective since the last review and
(c) to submit recommendations to further implement the goals of the World
Programme of Action: full participation of persons with disabilities in social life and
development, and equality. The report presents conclusions and recommendations
for action for consideration by the Assembly. The annex to the report provides an
overview of recent policy and programme activities of Governments, international
organizations, the United Nations system and the non-governmental community to
promote the full participation and equality of persons with disabilities.
II. Progress in implementation
3. Available data suggest widespread support for the goals and objectives of the
World Programme of Action and for the guidance provided by the Standard Rules on
the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities1 for disabilitysensitive
policy design, planning, evaluation and drafting of national legislation.
However, Governments have yet to pronounce themselves on the proposed
supplement to the Standard Rules, contained in the annex to the third monitoring
report of the Special Rapporteur on Disability of the Commission for Social
Development (see E/CN.5/2002/4). In accordance with Economic and Social
Council resolution 2002/26 of 24 July 2002, views of Governments on the proposed
supplement will be considered at the forty-second session of the Commission for
Social Development, in 2004.
4. The present report considers progress in terms of instruments, structures and
capacities that are in place to further the equalization of opportunities by, for and
with persons with disabilities. An important development during the period under
review is the proposal made by Mexico to the General Assembly at its fifty-sixth
session for a comprehensive and integral convention on the rights of persons with
disabilities. The quantitative basis for the evaluation of progress has improved
during the period under review in terms of methods and availability of data on
disability, but variations still exist with regard to concepts and terminology of
disability, so that cross-country comparisons are not possible. The monitoring
reports submitted by the Special Rapporteur on Disability (see A/52/56,
E/CN.5/2000/3 and E/CN.5/2002/4) have been recognized as important and valuable
contributions to policy dialogue. The Special Rapporteur also submitted proposals
for better correspondence between the monitoring of the Standard Rules, normally at

three-year intervals, and the quinquennial reviews of progress in implementing the
World Programme.
A. Strategic framework
5. The overall conclusion of the present review and appraisal is the strong
commitment by Governments to equalization of opportunities and to the rights and
dignity of persons with disabilities in the context of development. Differences in
emphasis and approach are inevitable, but the basic commitment is widespread. This
does not suggest that such a continuation of efforts is a sufficient response. The
challenges of development indicate the need to address the advancement of persons
with disabilities in a broad human rights framework in terms of “next” — not
best — practices: positive action and concrete results are the operational
imperatives. Recommendations for further action are developed with reference to
the following strategic framework:
(a) The disability perspective is an essential prerequisite for the successful
design and implementation of sustainable, rights-based approaches to development.
The large and increasing number of persons with disabilities in society makes the
issue a key component of programme design, implementation and monitoring. If
development programmes do not consider how all persons in society will access
their structural components, they are most likely doomed to failure. Human rights
for all cannot be advanced without consideration of individual needs and interests
from a disability or functional perspective.
(b) The disability perspective requires consideration of policies and
programmes based on the inclusive principles embodied in universal design. A key
component of universal design is to embrace and honour diversity. By considering
the needs of all and promoting the positive functioning of all people, universally
designed policies and programmes produce benefits that not only exceed the
functional needs of persons traditionally classified as disabled but also extend those
benefits to society as a whole. However, the promotion of universally designed
policy options and programmes should not undermine efforts to provide reasonable
accommodation where it is not practical to redesign elements of society for the
positive functioning of all. Nor does the promotion of universal design deny that
differences exist between people, which should be recognized and accommodated.
(c) Application of the disability perspective also requires reconsideration of
the population to be served so that it includes the various domains of the new
universe of disability. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and
Health2 has taken a universal approach to describing phenomena related to
disability. Disablement is viewed as a dynamic interaction between health conditions
and other personal factors (age, sex, level of education) as well as social and
physical environmental factors. The new usage of disability as an umbrella term
reflects growing recognition that the search for a comprehensive definition for
disability to identify a truly disabled population is probably fruitless. In a narrow
sense, the concept of the new universe of disability expands the population with
disabilities to include persons with various conditions such as HIV/AIDS and
attention deficit disorder. In a broader sense, the concept recognizes the applicability
of disability concerns to persons marginalized on the basis of gender, race, poverty,

aboriginal status or a variety of other factors. Equalization of opportunity becomes,
thus, a goal for all people.
(d) The successful formulation and implementation of universally designed
policies and programmes for all persons requires a systematic, specific consideration
of accessibility issues. As the disability perspective with a universal design is a
prerequisite for human rights and development, systematic consideration of
accessibility is an essential prerequisite for achieving the goals and objectives of the
World Programme of Action and the target areas for equal participation of the
Standard Rules.3 Systematic appraisal of access to societal institutions directs
special attention to both conditions and circumstances by which all people exercise
their human rights. Such an appraisal would contribute to sustainable and equitable
economic and social development for all.
(e) To ensure environmental accessibility, institutions, services and
development activities must be focused on where people live. In many countries the
majority of the population continues to reside in rural areas, where services for all
are often scarce. A large part of the rural population consists of older persons, many
of whom are older women who live alone as the surviving head of a household.
Consideration of rural issues is of critical importance for persons with disabilities.
Of special importance is the association between poverty and disability, which needs
to be addressed with reference to a territorial development framework. Moreover,
efficiency considerations suggest that the time required to plan and implement
public programmes and services is better used by incorporating accessibility
considerations as a key design parameter at the outset of the planning process rather
than as a subsequent accommodation. Approaches to the provision of services based
on expedient solutions are rarely sustainable or cost-effective, or contribute to
balanced national development. The successful promotion of sustainable livelihoods
for people with disabilities involves their full and effective participation and
increased access to social and economic opportunities.
(f) A holistic approach is required to relate disability to human rights and
dignity, technological advances and development initiatives. Certain of the building
blocks of this holistic approach are based on the parts of the Standard Rules in
which the focus is on moving from accessibility (rule 5) to education (rule 6) and
employment (rule 7), using universally designed policies and programmes.
Enhancing educational and employment opportunities for all through environmental
accessibility provides a basis for sustained and equitable social and economic
development. That is the logic underlying the proposition that disability is not an
isolated state but an experience that all may experience as part of the normal life
experience. This represents an important shift in the disability paradigm.
Technology has an important role to play in the process of social and economic
development. In particular, technologies associated with genetics and biomedical
developments raise policy, legislative and ethical questions. Views have been
expressed on the need to monitor genetic and biomedical developments to ensure
that technological and scientific advances do not undermine the human rights of the
individual. In a general sense, the monitoring of global policies and programmes
related to the advancement of persons with disabilities that focus on participation,
functioning and accessibility would lead to better targeting of resources to further
the World Programme of Action goals of full participation and equality.

B. Recommendations
6. With the adoption of the Standard Rules by the General Assembly in resolution
48/96 of 20 December 1993, the initial frame of reference for policies and
programmes was equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities. As the
disability paradigm has evolved, attention has focused on the contribution of the
Standard Rules in promoting equalization of opportunities for all persons, based on
the principle of universality. There is growing recognition that the empowered
participation of persons with disabilities is required to bring about the World
Programme of Action goals of full participation and equality. Empowerment
requires that persons with disabilities not merely be members of advisory bodies and
committees but be able to exercise control over decisions that have an impact on
their lives and contribute to public dialogue on policies and programmes that are
affected by those decisions. Equalization of opportunities by persons with
disabilities requires that people with disabilities have access to, and opportunities to
be placed in, positions to set and implement disability-sensitive policy. Equalization
of opportunities with persons with disabilities requires that people with disabilities
be recognized as partners in the formulation and implementation of development
policies and programmes in a broad human rights framework. These are aspirations
of all persons and have influenced the formulation of this set of recommendations on
equalization of opportunities.
7. Recommendations are submitted on actions related to policy options to
promote the rights of persons with disabilities in the context of development;
substantive aspects of mainstream approaches to equalization of opportunities; and
improved coordination of activities of the United Nations system.
1. Progress on the elaboration of a comprehensive and integrated international
instrument on the rights of persons with disabilities in the context
of development
8. The initiative of Mexico on the elaboration of a comprehensive and integral
convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, endorsed by the General
Assembly in its resolution 56/168 of 19 December 2001, was presented in the
context of the global development agenda to ensure that all citizens have
opportunities to be stakeholders in the creation and distribution of development.
9. Because of the link to global development, the proposed comprehensive and
integral convention differs from other international human rights instruments. A
major issue in the elaboration of the convention on the rights of persons with
disabilities would be to identify options to bring the disability perspective into
international development instruments, such as the Millennium development
goals, that do not address specifically the situation of persons with disabilities,
and to provide thereby a normative basis for the advancement of current and
future generations of persons with disabilities in the context of development.
10. Since disability is a condition that can affect all and can be influenced by a
range of environmental variables, the aim of a comprehensive and integral
convention is to provide a framework of options to address the condition of
disability, its consequences and actions to promote and protect the rights of persons
with a disability. These conditions are not covered in a comprehensive and
integrated manner in the existing international instruments. Elaboration of the

convention should be framed with reference to the global development ethics
and standards, such as the determination stated in the Preamble to the Charter
of the United Nations “to promote social progress and better standards of life
in larger freedom”. The convention process would also need to consider an
appropriate definition of disability, which would include members of the new
universe of disability, thereby promoting and protecting the rights of all
persons with a disability.
2. Policy priorities for action on equalization of opportunities in the context
of development
11. At its fifty-second session, in paragraph 4 of its resolution 52/82 of 12
December 1997, the General Assembly identified three priorities for action to
further the equalization of opportunities: accessibility, social services and safety
nets, and employment and livelihoods. Available data suggest the continued
relevance of these priorities to further the equalization of opportunities for persons
with disabilities. The Ad Hoc Committee established pursuant to Assembly
resolution 56/168 may, in this regard, wish to include consideration of these
priorities in its work.
(a) Accessibility. The first session of the Ad Hoc Committee directed special
emphasis to the question of accessibility, with reasonable accommodation, to
facilities and documentation of the United Nations. The Ad Hoc Committee may
wish to consider the dimension of environmental accessibility in its work. The
rapid pace of technological change makes environmental accessibility a
complex question, and an area in which analyses may result in the
identification of technology issues for which there is little or no appropriate
policy, legislative or ethical guidance. The Ad Hoc Committee may wish to
invite interested parties and experts from countries to provide relevant input.
(b) Social services and safety nets. Several of the Millennium development
goals are relevant to the promotion of social services and safety nets to further the
equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities, especially in connection
with the Standard Rules, such as in relation to the priority goal of poverty
eradication; the goal of promoting universal primary education; the goals of
reducing child mortality and improving maternal health status and the goal of
combating HIV/AIDS, which is part of the new universe of disability. The Ad Hoc
Committee may wish to consider possible ways in which the situation of
persons with disabilities can benefit from various support measures identified
for the implementation of the Millennium development goals by 2015 on the
basis of equality with non-disabled populations.
(c) Employment and sustainable livelihoods. Employment is a key
component of the World Programme of Action and the Standard Rules. Employment
policies and programmes should be disability-sensitive and promote equalization of
opportunities with reference to the non-disabled, to skills development training, to
technical and extension services, to market information and to development
incentives and capital markets. There is, moreover, a complementary relationship
between progress in the equalization of opportunities in social services, education in
particular, and sustainable livelihoods. Monitoring the implementation of equal
protection provisions in these areas will be of critical importance. The Ad Hoc
Committee may wish to invite interested parties and experts to provide input

related to progress in the development of international agreements on
employment and livelihood indicators, such as labour force participation and
unemployment rates for persons with disabilities. Data for these efforts would
derive from monitoring both the implementation of International Labour
Organization Convention 159 concerning Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment (Disabled Persons) and progress in implementing such global
development instruments as the Monterrey Consensus of the International
Conference on Financing for Development and the Doha Development Agenda.
The Ad Hoc Committee may also wish to obtain input on progress made by the
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in the
implementation of the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action and
the Dakar Framework for Action, as well as its technical work on educational
indicators, such as school enrolment, educational attainment and literacy rates
for persons with disabilities and the non-disabled population. Information on
new directions in school-to-work transition programmes would useful.
3. Progress in reinforcing the disability perspective in technical cooperation activities
12. Building national capacities is a main objective of technical cooperation
activities of the United Nations system for development. The role of technical
cooperation activities of the United Nations system, including the Bretton Woods
institutions, in building national capacities for equalization of opportunities has been
frequently cited in General Assembly resolutions concerning persons with
disabilities, most recently in resolution 56/115. Mainstreaming the disability
perspective in technical cooperation activities of the United Nations system remains,
however, the exception. To promote greater coherence, efficiency and
sustainability in activities of the United Nations system aimed at building
national capacities, the General Assembly may wish to consider identifying
policy options and target areas that could be used by United Nations funds and
programmes to incorporate the disability perspective in their activities, and to
provide input to the Ad Hoc Committee.
4. Progress in data and statistics on disability in mainstream development
13. There has been major progress in the development of concepts and methods of
statistics on disability and in the compilation of data on disability, as defined by
national statistical bodies or similar organizations. However, after 20 years of
international cooperation to further the goals and objectives of the World
Programme of Action, it still is not possible to present comparative data and
statistics on the prevalence of disability globally, or on social and economic trends
for persons with disabilities and the non-disabled. This is due to variations in
“screens” employed to collect and organize data on disability from diverse national
data collection sources. To address the challenge of greater comparability in national
data on disability, the Statistics Division of the United Nations Secretariat prepared
guidelines on the collection of data on disability as a recommended new topic for
the round of population and housing censuses in 20004. The recommendations noted
that, owing to limitations of space in a census, focus should be on the disability
dimension of the World Health Organization’s International Classification of
Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps,5 with the impairment and handicap
dimensions to be covered by household survey data. The Statistics Division recently
published Guidelines and Principles for the Development of Disability Statistics,6

which focuses on technical guidance for collecting, compiling and disseminating
statistics on persons with disabilities. With the World Health Assembly’s adoption in
2001 of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, the
recommendations on the next series of population and housing censuses, scheduled
to commence in 2005, will have an expanded conceptual and substantive basis. The
General Assembly may wish to provide guidance on the importance of urgent
action to improve data and statistics on persons with disabilities so that they
can be compared internationally for purposes of policy design, planning and
evaluation from the disability perspective. The Assembly may wish to note, in
this connection, the important contributions of the Washington Group on
Disability Measurement of the Statistical Commission (see E/CN.3/2002/7). The
Assembly may also wish to recommend options to incorporate national
capacity-building to improve national census and household survey data from
the disability perspective as a mainstream consideration in technical
cooperation activities of the United Nations system. With regard to equalization
of opportunities and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities in the
context of development, the Assembly may wish to consider identifying priorities
for action related to statistics and indicators, with top priority accorded to
indicators for education and employment.
5. Progress in improved planning and coordination of activities of the United
Nations system to promote equalization of opportunities
14. The Special Rapporteur on Disability of the Commission for Social
Development has highlighted the importance of systematic exchanges of experiences
and ideas between bodies and organizations of the United Nations and programmes
in the disability field in each of his monitoring reports (see A/52/56, E/CN.5/2000/3
and E/CN.5/2002/4). He has recommended that the Programme on Disability of the
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, as the focal point on disability of the
United Nations Secretariat, use accessible Internet-based technologies, an area in
which the Programme on Disability has undertaken a number of pilot efforts in
countries, and establish a virtual inter-agency consultation mechanism. In response
to that recommendation, the Division for Social Policy and Development of the
Department of Economic and Social Affairs has established a “United Nations
system and persons with disabilities” home page (http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/
enable/rights/unandpwd.htm) to provide in accessible format links to selected
resources of the United Nations on global disability policies and programmes, and a
companion “United Nations resources on disability available on-line” (http://
www.un.org/esa/socdev/enable/rights/unpwdresources.htm#UNOtherResources) as a
guide to resources among selected members of the United Nations system. Further
progress to improve planning and coordination of activities of the United Nations
system to promote equalization of opportunities would involve, at the technical
level, a commitment to establish, on a pilot basis, a portal to promote an open
dialogue among concerned members of the United Nations system as well as civil
society. The Assembly may wish to express its views with regard to options and
priorities presented to strengthen joint planning and evaluation of outcomes of
the activities of the system to promote the advancement of persons with
disabilities in the context of development.

1 Resolution 48/96, annex.
2 Geneva, World Health Organization, 2001.
3 Rules 5-12 deal, respectively, with accessibility; education; employment; income maintenance
and social security; family life and personal integrity; culture; recreation and sports; and
4 United Nations Secretariat, Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing
Censuses (ST/ESA/SER.M/67/Rev.1), paras. 2.258-2.277.
5 Geneva, World Health Organization, 1980; this classification was used prior to the adoption by
the World Health Assembly in 2001 of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability
and Health.
6 ST/ESA/STAT/SER.Y/10 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.01.XVII.15).

Overview of recent policy and programme activities
I. Introduction
1. General Assembly resolution 56/115 of 19 December 2001 called upon
Governments and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to
promote international norms and standards relating to persons with disabilities,
undertake public information campaigns and direct special attention to specific
populations of persons with disabilities, including children with disabilities, girls
and women with disabilities and people with developmental and psychiatric
disabilities. Thirty-two Governments and several intergovernmental and United
Nations system organizations submitted reports on action taken to implement
Assembly resolution 56/115.a
II. Activities of Governments
2. Operative paragraph 4 of resolution 56/115 encourages Governments to take
concrete measures to further the equalization of opportunities for persons with
disabilities “by focusing on accessibility, health, education, social services, ... safety
nets, employment and sustainable livelihoods”.
A. Accessibility
3. Many Governments reported that the removal of physical barriers and the
creation of non-handicapping environments is a major element of national plans,
policies and legislation. Several Governments enacted legislation and adopted
technical standards on accessibility to buildings, public facilities and transportation
services. These include China, which established a design code and technical
standards on accessibility; Cyprus, which amended its Street and Building
Regulations Law to remove physical barriers in public roads and facilities; Finland,
which issued in 2001 national land-use guidelines and an Act on Passenger
Transport; Greece, which uses its general construction regulation to improve
accessibility to public transport; Malta and the Netherlands, which use their
respective equal opportunity acts to promote accessibility for all; Mexico, which
adopted in 2001 the Institutional Programme for Accessibility of Public Buildings
and Infrastructure, which includes recommendations on accessibility and barrier-free
facilities, as does the Accessibility Law of the Philippines; Maldives, which includes
references to accessibility and persons with disabilities in building codes and
regulations; Senegal, which is incorporating disability and accessibility
considerations in revisions to urban planning codes; and the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which extended the right to public transport in
its Disability Discrimination Act, 1995 (Chapter 50).
4. Some Governments use the budget to promote accessible environments. The
2000 budget law of Italy provides financing for non-profit organizations to plan
buildings for persons with disabilities. Other Governments prepare plans and targets
to promote accessibility: Hungary targeted improving accessibility in public

buildings, with emphasis on health care, education and training, and social services;
Norway set targets for the period 2005-2012 to provide total access to buildings and
public spaces, information and communication services, and public transport;
technical requirements in Slovakia and the National Action Plan for disability policy
in Sweden aim to increase accessibility in public buildings and spaces. Several
Governments organized public information campaigns: Kenya used information
campaigns combined with regulation to promote disability-friendly buildings and
public facilities; Pakistan directs special attention to the design of accessible
buildings and spaces in the public and private sectors; and in Switzerland a popular
initiative on equal rights for disabled persons and a governmental bill now in
process aim to guarantee access to buildings, public transportation and housing.
5. Efforts to promote accessible information and communication technologies
involve training national personnel, financial support, enacting legislation and
drafting technical standards. Action to promote accessibility in alternative
communications by Hungary includes support for the provision and training of signlanguage
interpreters. Trinidad and Tobago includes sign-language interpretation in
daily news telecasts, and Portugal initiated Teletext services for people with visual
impairments. In Spain, Public Laws 15 and 34 of July 2001 include measures to
eliminate barriers in audio-visual products and the Internet. In connection with
programmes established by Poland to support higher education, the Pegasus
Programme makes it possible for persons with disabilities to obtain interest-free
loans to purchase, inter alia, computer equipment. Thailand established an
Information Technology Subcommittee for Persons with Disabilities in 1999 and is
collaborating with the Government of Japan to establish in Bangkok the Asia-Pacific
Development Centre on Disability, scheduled to open in 2004.
B. Health and social services
6. Governments reported on a range of health and social services, with special
emphasis on preventing disabling conditions, promoting inclusive education,
rehabilitation and initiatives to support independent living for persons with
disabilities. Government policy in Cyprus, Jordan and the Philippines focuses on the
provision of social and medical rehabilitation and care; the focus in Hungary is on
medical treatment and research in support of rehabilitation, prevention and the
social integration of persons with disabilities. The Primary Health Care Act of
Finland focuses on preventive measures, including health education and medical and
vocational rehabilitation. The National Programme of Health 2001-2006 of Mexico
focuses on the development of prevention and rehabilitation and initiated a national
disability registry. Senegal is developing a national programme on community-based
rehabilitation. Pakistan provides medical care for persons with disabilities and
initiated action to eradicate polio. In the United States of America, Supreme Court
decision Olmstead vs. L.C. (98-536) found that the unnecessary segregation of
individuals with disabilities in institutions may constitute discrimination based on
disability, and ruled that the Americans with Disabilities Act (PL 101-336) may
require government agencies to provide community-based services for individuals
with disabilities rather than place them in institutions.
7. Many Governments provided information on measures to prevent disabling
conditions. Cambodia incorporated prevention strategies into its primary health
policies and programmes and is developing rehabilitation services in collaboration

with the non-governmental community. Prevention and treatment of persons with
mental disabilities are being addressed in 551 counties in China. Policies of both
Italy and Norway focus on the prevention of disabling conditions, diagnosis and
education; Italy provides support for families with severely disabled members.
Maldives is conducting a public awareness programme on iodine deficiency and has
initiated programmes to provide vitamin A supplements to children. Prevention
measures in Thailand include the establishment of community health-care centres
and programmes of immunization against polio, rubella (German measles), tetanus
and meningitis.
8. Many Governments reported on measures to provide services to enable persons
with disabilities to live as independently as possible in their communities; these
include policy initiatives on income maintenance and safety nets, and specific
programmes and institutions. Switzerland revised federal legislation on disability
insurance to improve opportunities for independent living for persons with
disabilities; the disability pension programme in Sweden will be changed in January
2003 to promote the independence of persons with disabilities; and monthly pension
plans in Brazil provide benefits to persons with disabilities who are unable to work
or are living in poverty. Rehabilitation services in Spain are based on a
constitutional mandate and include medical rehabilitation, health and social services,
and ancillary benefits for persons with disabilities. Finland initiated an assistive
technology project to improve staff training and develop new models of health and
social services. The Centres for Recovery and Physical and Social Rehabilitation of
Greece provide rehabilitation services and promote social inclusion and independent
living for persons with disabilities. Assisted living services in Malta have moved
from large-scale institutions to small-scale day centres for persons with intellectual
disabilities. The Republic of Moldova established the National Scientific-Practical
Centre of Neurology and Neurosurgery in 2001 to support independent living for
persons with disabilities. Maldives provides assistive devices and financial support
for financially disadvantaged persons with disabilities. Since 1999, Slovakia has
been providing social care and financial assistance for citizens with serious
C. Employment and sustainable livelihoods
9. A basic trend among reporting Governments is the integration of persons with
disabilities into regular labour markets, which is implemented through vocational
training and quotas on the supply side, and the provision of financial and tax
incentives to employers of persons with disabilities on the demand side. Brazil, the
Republic of Moldova and Pakistan established quotas of 2 to 5 per cent for
employment of persons with disabilities in regular labour markets. National
legislation in Cyprus (Law on Disabled Persons (2000)), Italy (Law 68 of 1999) and
Greece (Law 2643/98) promote the employment of and provide protection for
persons with disabilities in labour markets. Hungary enacted provisions to protect
persons with disabilities from discrimination and to remove obstacles to their
employment; Malta encourages employers to provide placements for employees who
become disabled; and the Netherlands Parliament adopted legislation in 2002 on the
employment of persons with disabilities. Mexico is increasing environmental
accessibility, identifying employment opportunities and promoting the integration of
persons with disabilities into regular labour markets. Vocational rehabilitation

policies in Norway are combined with measures to promote equal opportunities for
employment for persons with disabilities, including supported placements and work
at home.
10. Several Governments discussed the role of financial assistance and incentives
in promoting the employment of persons with disabilities. China adopted policies to
reduce taxes for enterprises that employ persons with disabilities. Portugal, Spain
and Thailand enacted policies, legislation and programmes to promote the
integration of persons with disabilities into the workforce through financial
incentives for employers. Starting in 2003 Sweden will provide financial benefits for
improvements in rehabilitation and employment opportunities for persons with
disabilities. By 2004 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
plans to extend coverage under the Disability Discrimination Act, 1995 (Chapter 50)
to small-sized firms, law enforcement and other areas where employment
opportunities have traditionally been limited for persons with disabilities. In Poland
the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons provides financing to targeted
programmes addressed to persons with disabilities and employers, organizations and
institutions working on their behalf.
11. To enable persons with disabilities to obtain gainful employment and exercise
their human rights, the Governments of Cambodia, China, Hungary, Kenya,
Pakistan, the Philippines and Thailand have established training and rehabilitation
centres or employment-related programmes. Both Finland and Hungary promote
regular employment through rehabilitation and vocational training. The Worker
Training Scholarship Programme of Mexico supports training for persons with
disabilities who are unemployed through incentive-oriented quotas or reserved
employment. Local non-governmental organizations in Maldives conduct training in
basic computer skills for persons with disabilities. In 2000 the Philippines began a
programme for people with disabilities to gain access to regular employment and
training opportunities, from which an estimated 18,500 persons have benefited to
date. Thailand established in 1998 an independent living training programme at the
Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Centre and observed in 2002 the Year of
Employment Opportunity for Persons with Disabilities.
D. Promoting inclusive societies
12. Governmental efforts to promote inclusive societies take such forms as the
creation of national plans or programmes having a strong governmental
involvement, the commissioning of independent studies and the establishment of
centralized bodies or coordinating mechanisms. Many commented on the
contribution of the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons
with Disabilities in the formulation and evaluation of policies and plans. Cyprus
established the Rehabilitation Council in the Ministry of Labour and Social
Insurance, the central body for disability issues. Disability policy and legislation in
Finland focus on promoting independent living and equal opportunities for persons
with disabilities; the State Council on Disability is an advisory body for ministries
and public institutions. Hungary established a consultative body of Government
pursuant to Act XXVI of 1998, on the rights of and equal opportunities for disabled
persons. The National Council for Protection of Persons with Disabilities of Jordan,
established under the Special Law for Disability Protection (Law 12 of 1993),
provides protection and training programmes for persons with disabilities and

supports private-sector and non-governmental organizations. In 2001 Mexico
created, in the President’s Office, the Cabinet-level Office for the Promotion and
Social Integration of Persons with Disabilities and established the Consultative
Council for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities to mainstream decisionmaking
and coordinate public policies on disability. Norway provides follow-up on
disability policies and aims to strengthen inter-ministerial cooperation on the
Government’s Plan of Action for people with disabilities. In Trinidad and Tobago
the National Coordinating Committee on Disability advises the Government on
matters related to disability. In 1999, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland established the Independent Disability Rights Task Force, which
published “From exclusion to inclusion”, a basis for policy and programme
13. Non-discrimination and the promotion of equal opportunities are the principal
focus in legislative initiatives reported by Governments, including the equal
opportunity acts adopted by Malta and Trinidad and Tobago, which protect persons
from discrimination on the basis of disability; an amendment to the Constitution of
Switzerland eliminates discrimination on the basis of disability. Kenya is reviewing
its Constitution to ensure that disability issues are presented appropriately; and
general legislation is being drafted by Senegal on medical rehabilitation, education,
training and employment for the disabled. The 1997 Constitution of Thailand
includes specific provisions for persons with disabilities and eliminated restrictions
on the exercise of their rights. The Americans with Disabilities Act (PL 101-336) of
the United States of America aims to eliminate barriers to the participation of
persons with disabilities in social and economic life; the New Freedom Initiative
(2001) of the United States is part of nationwide efforts to remove barriers to
community living for people with disabilities.
14. Other efforts involving strategies, plans and programmes to further social
integration include, in Lithuania, the National Programme on the Social Integration
of Persons with Disabilities for 2003-2012; in Portugal, the National Plan for
Equality; in the Republic of Moldova, the National Programme of Rehabilitation and
Social Protection for and Integration of the Disabled, 2000-2005; in the Philippines,
the Plan of Action, 1993-2002; and in Spain, the Plan of Action for Persons with
Disabilities (1997-2002). Brazil has introduced laws and programmes on social
inclusion over the past three years, focusing on (a) integration into the public sector
(Federal Edict No. 3298/1999; Multi-year Plan 2000-2003) and (b) establishing
norms for the promotion and protection of the fundamental human rights of all
Brazilians (National Programme for Human Rights). Programmes in Thailand
incorporate the disability perspective. with emphasis on education, employment,
rehabilitation and medical services. The Russian Federation targeted the following
areas for policy development: strengthening the role of the State in medical and
social services; supporting the production of technical devices for rehabilitation and
upgrading disability analysis and information systems at the State level; and
supporting organizations of persons with disabilities, including support for the
formation of unions at all levels of society. In 2001, Slovakia approved a systemoriented
approach to improving the living conditions of persons with disabilities. In
2000, to promote social inclusion, Sweden ratified the bills on a national action plan
for disability policy, and on the Social Services Act and the Education Act.
15. Both China and Maldives formulated national strategies to target persons with
disabilities who have special needs. Under its Ninth (1996-2000) and Tenth (2001-

2005) Five-Year Plans, China promoted work for persons with disabilities in line
with national economic and social development planning.
E. Public information campaigns
16. Governments reported that public awareness activities range from a single
day’s observance, such as 3 December, the International Day of Disabled Persons, to
the proclamation of a special year or a decade. Italy and Mexico launched in 2002
an awareness-raising campaign on the rights of persons with disabilities and
obligations related to employment. Poland plans to organize a series of national
events during the 2003 observance of the European Year of People with Disabilities.
Observance of the Day in Thailand included recognition of the efforts of companies
to promote employment for persons with disabilities. Theme-specific campaigns
include public information activities in Cambodia focusing on accessibility, while
Portugal and Slovakia focus on equal rights, employability and the social integration
of persons with disabilities. The non-governmental community cooperated with
information campaigns in Cambodia, Pakistan and Maldives. In Norway,
information policies aimed at ensuring access for every resident and enterprise to
information on public sector activities and participation in the democratic process.
F. Education
17. Government reports indicate the trend towards equalization of opportunities
for persons with disabilities in mainstream educational systems. Governments
reporting on specific legislation on integrating children with disabilities into
mainstream education include Cyprus (Law 113(I) 99 on Special Education),
Finland (Basic Education Act), Hungary (Act on Equal Opportunities), Slovakia
(New University Act (2001)) and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland (Special Education Needs and Disability Act 2001). In Malta, the Ministerial
Committee addressed children’s special educational needs, which resulted in the
establishment of a system for including parental views. Both Mexico and Norway
have reported on policy-level commitments to integrate children and youth with
disabilities into the educational mainstream. China directs special attention to
integrating students with visual or auditory impairments and strengthening the
management of special education schools. Kenya established educational assessment
centres in each district to ensure the placement of children with disabilities in an
appropriate educational institution. The National Institute of Special Education in
Pakistan has developed a uniform policy on admission, placement, curriculum
development and evaluation. The Russian Federation has taken specific actions to
provide formal education and to integrate children with disabilities into the general
school system. The Year of Education for Persons with Disabilities in Thailand in
1999 prompted general schools to provide facilities for persons with disabilities.
18. The accommodation of students with special needs in mainstream education
may involve training special education instructors and orientation for students with
disabilities. Hungary provides special education mainly through the National
Institute of Vocational Training, which trains teachers and vocational trainers. The
Ministry of Culture and Development of Jordan provides schools for children with
visual, hearing and physical disabilities with education and training specialists; both
governmental and private-sector centres have developed resources to train and

educate persons with mental disabilities. Pakistan developed a programme to train
special education teachers. In Spain, practical training in the private sector and
programmes of transition are promoting the social integration of persons with
19. Some Governments reported on the role of financial assistance in supporting
education for persons with disabilities. In Italy Law 69 of March 2000 increased
financial allocations to the School Integration Fund for 2000 and 2001. Senegal
introduced a bill to provide scholarships and reduced administrative fees for
students with disabilities who are in need. The National Education Act (1999) of
Thailand entitles students with disabilities to 12 years of basic education at no
20. To accommodate the alternative communication needs of deaf persons,
Governments reported on efforts to promote a national sign language. Brazil’s
Public Law No. 10.436 of 2002 made Brazilian sign language an official language.
The Constitution of Portugal protects and validates Portuguese sign language as a
form of cultural expression and an educational instrument for persons with
disabilities. A Thai national sign language was adopted.
G. Activities of intergovernmental organizations, other entities and
the United Nations system
21. Regional intergovernmental organizations and the regional commissions of the
United Nations undertook a number of actions to promote awareness and build
capacities for the full participation and equality of persons with disabilities. Member
States of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the
Pacific (ESCAP) proclaimed in May 2002 the Second Asian and Pacific Decade of
Disabled Persons.b The African Union proclaimed 2000-2009 the African Decade of
Persons with Disabilities to promote the full participation, equality and
empowerment of people with disabilities in Africa. The Arab Decade of Disabled
Persons, 2003-2012, has commenced following decisions taken at the twenty-first
session of the Council of Arab Ministers for Social Affairs of the League of Arab
States. The Council of the European Union proclaimed 2003 the European Year of
People with Disabilities to highlight the barriers and discrimination that persons
with disabilities face and to improve the lives of those who have a disability.
22. The International Committee of the Red Cross will focus during the period
2000-2005 on (a) developing project guidelines for treatment of amputees, (b)
defining a standard level of training and developing a training package for national
personnel and (c) improving and standardizing affordable raw materials, including
prosthetic components.
23. Activities of the United Nations system to promote the equalization of
opportunities for persons with disabilities included action to build national
capacities; further development of methodologies for the collection, analysis and
dissemination of data on disability; support to improve the educational outcomes of
persons with disabilities; promoting accessible information and communication
technologies; training persons with disabilities for regular employment and
sustainable livelihoods; and promoting strategies, policies and programmes to
eliminate barriers to the participation of persons with disabilities in the mainstream.
The Statistics Division of the United Nations Secretariat continued the development

of a web site to disseminate data and statistics on disability
(http://unstats.un.org/unsd/disability/), published Guidelines and Principles for the
Development of Disability Statisticsc and organized regional training workshops on
disability statistics. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights (OHCHR), in cooperation with the Special Rapporteur on Disability
of the Commission for Social Development, examined measures to strengthen the
protection and monitoring of the human rights of persons with disabilities. OHCHR
drafted a long-term plan for integrating the disability perspective into the activities
of treaty monitoring bodies. Accessibility to the United Nations Secretariat is
addressed in the report of the Secretary-General on the capital master plan
(A/57/285); interim renovations focus on wheelchair accessibility and signage and
lighting for restrooms, elevators and public areas; the public tour route at
Headquarters is now accessible to persons with disabilities. The Department of
Public Information and its network of United Nations information centres and
information services provided media outreach on work of the United Nations related
to persons with disabilities. The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin
America and the Caribbean collaborated with countries on the design of the round of
population and housing censuses for 2000, which included recommendations on the
collection of data on disability. The Economic and Social Commission for Western
Asia (ESCWA) focused on promoting self-reliance and employment of persons with
disabilities, directing special attention to Braille computer training and communitybased
rehabilitation. The expert meeting on disability measurement for ESCWA
countries (Cairo, 1-5 June 2002) noted the need to improve the quality of regional
disability data, making appropriate use of the World Health Organization (WHO)
International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Healthd and building on
substantive contributions of the Washington Group on Disability Measurement.
ESCAP directed special attention to self-help initiatives of persons with disabilities,
relating to, inter alia, accessible environments, public transport and services, and
strengthening the capacities of self-help organizations and organizations of women
with disabilities. ESCAP supports the development of national disability legislation
and awareness-raising measures, with special emphasis on the digital divide
affecting persons with disabilities. The high-level intergovernmental meeting that
marked the conclusion of the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons, 1993-
2002 (Otsu, Shiga, Japan, 25-28 October 2002) adopted the Biwako Millennium
Framework for Action Disability to guide action towards an inclusive, barrier-free,
rights-based society for persons with disabilities in Asia and the Pacific.
24. The question of children with disabilities is identified as priority in General
Assembly resolution 56/115. Actions of the United Nations Children’s Fund to
prevent childhood disability include addressing vitamin A and iodine deficiency
disorders, providing polio vaccinations, preventing measles and eliminating guinea
worm. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR) focuses on the integration of refugee children and adolescents with
disabilities into mainstream society through inclusive education and communitybased
rehabilitation. UNHCR issued guidelines on disability and produced an
“Action for the rights of children” resource pack. The United Nations Relief and
Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) promotes the
human rights of Palestinian refugees with disabilities through skills development
and integration into the community. UNRWA staff training includes improving
curriculum, school buildings and equipment and educational outcomes of children
with disabilities.

25. The International Labour Organization (ILO) contributed to the equalization of
opportunities in the areas of vocational training and employment promotion, and
translated the ILO Code of Practice on Managing Disability in the Workplace (2001)
into 10 languages. Activities of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations focus on improving income-generating capacities, providing emergency
assistance to reintegrate war-disabled persons and other persons with disabilities and
continued development of the web site for its database on the rural disabled
(http://www.fao.org/sd/ppdirect/rurald/). The United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization strengthened capacities for inclusive education in terms
of the production of technical materials for training staff and educational
professionals, literacy training using Braille, developing national sign languages and
related systems for alternative communication, and organizing subregional
workshops for teacher training in special education. Activities of WHO focus on
preventing causes of disability, supporting community-based rehabilitation, and
promoting social inclusion and equalization of opportunities for persons with
disabilities. In 2001 WHO published the International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health. The observance of World Health Day (7 April) in 2001
focused on promoting and protecting the rights of people with mental disabilities.
The World Bank addresses disability issues in its lending operations to support the
development of inclusive community-based programmes, provide social investment
funds and support research on policies and strategies for the education and social
integration of persons with disabilities. The International Civil Aviation
Organization developed international Standards and Recommended Practices on
access to air services and airport facilities for elderly persons and persons with
disabilities; the latest recommended practice is included in the tenth edition of
annex 9 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. The International
Telecommunication Union aims to ensure that people with disabilities have access to
innovative new technologies and is currently investigating improvements to achieve
greater accessibility.
H. Activities of non-governmental organizations
26. General Assembly resolution 56/115 envisages the active participation of the
non-governmental community, in cooperation with Governments, to further the
equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities. The International
Disability Alliance is a network of seven international non-governmental disability
organizations: Disabled People’s International, Inclusion International,
Rehabilitation International, the World Blind Union, the World Federation of the
Deaf, the World Federation of the Deaf-Blind and the World Network of Users and
Survivors of Psychiatry. Activities of the Alliance include (a) lobbying United
Nations bodies and agencies on common issues and concerns and (b) strengthening
the voices of persons with disabilities in international forums and networks of
disability organizations. The Sixth World Assembly of Disabled People’s
International (Sapporo, Japan, 15-18 October 2002) adopted the Sapporo
Declaration and Sapporo Platform on the rights of persons with disabilities.
Inclusion International is an advocate for equal rights for persons with intellectual
disabilities. In Romania, Inclusion International and its members contributed to the
drafting of the National Disability Policy, drawing upon the Standard Rules.
Rehabilitation International, a worldwide network of people with disabilities,
service providers and governmental agencies working to improve quality of life for

disabled people and their families, collaborated with regional initiatives including
the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons and the African Decade of
Disabled Persons, and promoted the implementation of the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities of the
Organization of American States. The World Blind Union, which works to achieve
the full participation of blind and partially sighted persons, cooperated with the
International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness and the “Vision 2020: the right
to sight” initiative of WHO, and with ILO in determining the unemployment rate
among blind and partially sighted people. Its work also dealt with the protection of
the rights of the blind in armed conflicts; education; and the right to Braille as a
written language. The World Federation of the Deaf participated in a number of
recent United Nations activities concerning the rights of children with disabilities
and their education, as well as activities to support the Asian and African Decades.
National and regional secretariats of the World Federation coordinated and attended
a number of seminars, such as the first South American Regional Interpreter
Training Seminar (Uruguay, November 2001), the first Latin American Deaf
Women’s Seminar (Cuba, May 2002) and the African Sign Language Seminar
(United Republic of Tanzania). Issues of concern for the World Network of Users
and Survivors of Psychiatry include the right to rehabilitation; legal reforms
addressing self-determination and autonomy; legal protection and international
instruments; poverty and social exclusion; lack of financial and other support;
housing; involuntary confinement or detention; and the use of punitive and
restrictive law instead of treatment.
a Brazil, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Lithuania,
Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal,
Maldives, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, Senegal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland and the United States of America submitted replies to note verbale DESA/DIS02/3 of 24
September 2004.
b See ESCAP resolution 58/4 of 22 May 2002, “Promoting an inclusive, barrier-free and rightsbased
society for people with disabilities in the Asian and Pacific region in the twenty-first
c ST/ESA/STAT/SER.Y/10 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.01.XVII.15).
d Geneva, World Health Organization, 2001.