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Views submitted by Governments, intergovernmental organizations and United Nations bodies concerning a comprehensive and integral international convention on the protection and promotion of the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities : addendum

UN Document Symbol A/AC.265/2003/4/Add.1
Convention Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Document Type Other
Session 2nd
Type Document

2 p.

Subjects Disability, Persons with Disabilities

Extracted Text

United Nations A/AC.265/2003/4/Add.1
General Assembly Distr.: General
13 June 2003
Original: English
03-39642 (E) 160603
Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and
Integral International Convention on the
Protection and Promotion of the Rights and
Dignity of Persons with Disabilities
Second session
New York, 16-27 June 2003
Views submitted by Governments, intergovernmental
organizations and United Nations bodies concerning a
comprehensive and integral international convention on the
protection and promotion of the rights and dignity of
persons with disabilities
Additional submissions: Morocco, Oman and the Libyan
Arab Jamahiriya, and the Committee against Torture
I. Views of Governments
1. The Government of Morocco was of the view that the implementation of the
new convention would require the establishment of international, regional and
national bodies for the coordination of strategies and the definition of goals and
tools for its implementation. Morocco stated that in addition to those coordination
mechanisms, the United Nations should create international mechanisms which
would monitor the implementation of the convention through the analysis of
statistical and other data, inquiries and country visits.
2. The Government of Oman was of the view that the convention should promote
the rights of persons with disabilities through the establishment of national councils,
institutions or associations, as well as regional and international bodies and
committees for persons with disabilities. Oman stated that representation of persons
with disabilities should be guaranteed in parliamentary and representative councils

at all levels. Oman also stated that continuous and integrated services for persons
with disabilities should be guaranteed in the areas of health, education, training and
rehabilitation, and employment, as well as accessibility to housing, transport and
facilities, sports and leisure activities. Special attention should be accorded to
women with disabilities, media awareness and globalization and poverty.
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
3. The Government of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya provided the following
definition of disability: “A disabled person is anyone who suffers from permanent
disability, which totally or partially hampers his or her work and other ordinary
activities, irrespective of the nature of disability (mental, psychological or physical)
or its origin (birth or acquired)”. The Government also stated that the convention
should be instrumental in establishing an international organization on disability and
prevention, using new communication technologies for increased awareness-raising
in all societies and standardizing sign languages.
II. Contributions by the United Nations system
4. The Committee against Torture expressed its view that the protection of the
rights of persons with disabilities might not be best served by a new convention,
which would focus exclusively on that issue, and that the possibility of streamlining
existing mechanisms in the field of social development and human rights should be
considered first.