Note verbale dated 2005/02/01 from the Permanent Mission of Burkina Faso to the United Nations addressed to the Secretariat
UN Document Symbol | A/AC.265/2005/1 |
Convention | Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities |
Document Type | Note Verbale |
Session | 5th |
Type | Document |
Description |
3 p. |
Subjects | Persons with Disabilities, Disability, Capacity Building |
Extracted Text
United Nations A/AC.265/2005/1
General Assembly Distr.: General
2 February 2005
Original: French
05-22770 (E) 030205 030205
Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral
International Convention on Protection and Promotion
of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities
Fifth session
New York, 24 January-3 February 2005
Note verbale dated 1 February 2005 from the Permanent Mission
of Burkina Faso to the United Nations addressed to the Secretariat
The Permanent Mission of Burkina Faso presents its compliments to the
United Nations Secretariat and has the honour to transmit to it herewith the
summary proceedings of the subregional consultation on the draft convention on
protection and promotion of the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities, held
at Ouagadougou from 27 to 29 October 2004, and requests that this letter and its
annex be circulated as a document of the Ad Hoc Committee (see annex).
Annex to the letter dated 1 February 2005 from the Permanent
Mission of Burkina Faso to the United Nations addressed to
the Secretariat
Summary proceedings of the subregional consultation on the draft
convention on protection and promotion of the rights and dignity
of persons with disabilities, held at Ouagadougou from 27 to
29 October 2004
The subregional consultation on the draft international convention on
protection and promotion of the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities, held
in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso from 27 to 29 October 2004, had three major goals:
(i) to share information on the ongoing negotiations, and the content, challenges and
discussions of the draft convention; (ii) to start a dialogue that should enable the
countries of the subregion to update their priorities with respect to the future
convention; (iii) to launch the principle of a partnership project with a view to
establishing an information centre on disabilities in West Africa for all parties
The major problems of the subregion involving the situation of persons with
disabilities have been identified, as follows: (i) negative prejudices against persons
with disabilities; (ii) very high levels of illiteracy stemming from poverty and the
shortage of social, education and health services as well as lack of physical access
to such services and to information in general; (iii) a strong mentality of dependency
and passivity among persons with disabilities resulting not only from past policies
but also from social and cultural prejudices and psychological blocks.
All the participants expressed satisfaction that the convention would clearly
recognize the legal personality of persons with disabilities. It was commonly held
that ratification of the convention by countries of the subregion should not pose any
problem. However, implementation of the convention was likely to encounter a
number of difficulties in the light of the level of political and economic
development of West African countries and their lack of resources. The need to
strengthen the capacities of organizations of and for persons with disabilities
particularly organizations of women with disabilities and their role in the
implementation of the convention should be affirmed clearly. Priority should be
given to the establishment of monitoring mechanisms and the systematic approval of
the convention by all the agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations
system. Working groups were set up and drafted specific recommendations on the
following articles: article 7 (equality and non-discrimination), article 15 (living
independently and being included in the community), article 17 (education),
article 19 (accessibility) and article 21 (right to health and rehabilitation).
The question of the establishment of a subregional information network for
partners with disabilities was extensively debated. The network will have the
following goals: (i) to exchange, share, disseminate and coordinate information
within the framework of negotiation on and implementation of the future
convention; (ii) to build and strengthen the capacity of actors; (iii) to enhance
awareness of organizations of and for persons with disabilities and to foster and
strengthen their capacities; and (iv) to create and enhance synergies. With respect to
the creation of a network, five priorities were identified: (i) establishment of
national networks and drafting of a document relating thereto; (ii) creation of a focal
point (outreach centre) in each country; (iii) provision of the necessary resources to
all actors concerned; (iv) establishment of a management structure for the
independent network of existing organizations and institutions; (v) commitment of
the actors to create the network; and (vi) strengthening of the operation of the West
African Federation of Disabled Persons no consensus was reached on this final
At the close of the meeting the participants identified five priorities:
1. Conduct a multisectoral study on the characteristics, social and economic
situation and living conditions of persons with disabilities;
2. Strengthening of capacities for intervention and partnerships among the
actors dealing with disabilities (Governments, organizations of and for persons with
disabilities and professionals);
3. Promotion of integrated education and literacy training so as to foster
equal opportunities and combat discrimination;
4. Inclusion in all curricula of the need to raise awareness and provide
information on disability issues;
5. Development of social and economic integration programmes for persons
with disabilities within the framework of promotion of income-generating activities.
The participants called on the United Nations to:
1. Assist countries in implementing the future convention by providing
material, technical and financial support;
2. Establish an information, education and communication network starting
at the local level and going onto the national, subregional and international levels,
taking advantage of modern technologies and also traditional methods;
3. Help countries that integrate disability issues into their development
programmes and poverty-reduction strategies to make their case to donors.