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Draft report of the Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities on its 5th session

UN Document Symbol A/AC.265/2005/L.2
Convention Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Document Type Draft Report
Session 5th
Type Document

5 p.

Subjects Persons with Disabilities, Disability

Extracted Text

United Nations A/AC.265/2005/L.2
General Assembly Distr.: Limited
1 February 2005
Original: English
05-22609 (E) 020205
Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and
Integral International Convention on the Protection
and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons
with Disabilities
New York, 24 January-4 February 2005
Draft report of the Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive
and Integral International Convention on the Protection
and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with
Disabilities on its fifth session
I. Introduction
1. In its resolution 56/168 of 19 December 2001, the General Assembly decided
to establish the Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International
Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons
with Disabilities, based on the holistic approach in the work done in the fields of
social development, human rights and non-discrimination and taking into account
the recommendations of the Commission on Human Rights and the Commission for
Social Development.
2. In its resolution 59/198 of 20 December 2004, the General Assembly decided
that the Ad Hoc Committee should hold, within existing resources, prior to the
sixtieth session of the General Assembly, two sessions in 2005, of 10 working days
each, to be held, respectively, from 24 January to 4 February and in July/August.
II. Organizational matters
A. Opening and duration of the fifth session
3. The Ad Hoc Committee held its fifth session at United Nations Headquarters
from 24 January to 4 February 2005. In the course of its session, the Ad Hoc
Committee held 20 meetings.
4. The Division for Social Policy and Development of the Department of
Economic and Social Affairs acted as the substantive secretariat, while the
Disarmament and Decolonization Affairs Branch of the Department for General

Assembly and Conference Management served as secretariat of the Ad Hoc
5. The fifth session of the Ad Hoc Committee was opened by the Chairman of the
Committee, Luis Gallegos Chiriboga, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of
Ecuador to the United Nations.
B. Officers
6. The following officers continued to serve on the Bureau of the Committee:
Luis Gallegos Chiriboga (Ecuador)
Ivana Grollovà (Czech Republic)
Leslie Gatan (Philippines)
Jeanette Ndhlovu (South Africa)
Carina Mårtensson (Sweden)
C. Agenda
7. At its 1st meeting, on 24 January 2005, the Ad Hoc Committee adopted its
provisional agenda, as contained in document A/AC.265/2005/L.1, as follows:
1. Opening of the session.
2. Adoption of the agenda.
3. Organization of work.
4. Consideration of the proposed revisions and amendments to the draft text
of the Working Group as contained in the reports of the Ad Hoc
Committee on its third session (A/AC.265/2004/5, annex II) and fourth
session (A/59/360, annex IV), and in proposals received by the
Secretariat from the fourth sessiona
5. Conclusions of the Ad Hoc Committee at its fifth session.
6. Adoption of the report of the Ad Hoc Committee on its fifth session.
D. Documentation
8. The Ad Hoc Committee had before it the following documents:
(a) Provisional agenda (A/AC.265/2005/L.1);
(b) Proposed programme of work of the fifth session (A/AC.265/2005/CRP.1);
(c) Report of the Working Group to the Ad Hoc Committee
a In accordance with the provisions contained in annex III of the report of the Committee on its
fourth session (A/59/360); the work schedule of the fifth session may be adjusted to the progress
of the Committee in its consideration of the draft articles.

(d) Report of the third session of the Ad Hoc Committee (A/AC.265/2004/5
and Corr.1 and 2);
(e) List of participants (A/AC.265/2005/INF/1);
(f) Monitoring implementation of the international human rights
instruments: an overview of the current treaty body system (background conference
document prepared by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights) (A/AC.265/2005/CRP.2).
III. Organization of work
9. During its fifth session, the Ad Hoc Committee conducted informal
discussions on articles 7.5 to 15 of the draft convention [and reviewed draft articles
16 to 25] and proposed additional articles in accordance with the programme of
work adopted at its first meeting, on 24 January 2005. On 4 February, at its 20th
meeting, the Ad Hoc Committee heard the report of the Coordinator on the progress
of informal discussions on draft articles 7.5 to 15 (see annex II). The Committee
decided to continue to review the draft convention at its next session.
IV. Recommendations
10. The Ad Hoc Committee recommends that it continue its work at its sixth
session, to be held from 1 to 12 August 2005.
11. The Ad Hoc Committee invites members of its Bureau to hold intersessional
meetings regarding the preparation and organization of its sixth session, including
the preparation of the provisional agenda, to be issued at least four weeks prior to
the sixth session.
12. With regard to accessibility and in accordance with General Assembly
resolutions 58/246 of 23 December 2003 and 59/198 and decision 56/474 of 23 July
2002, the Committee reiterated the need for additional efforts to ensure accessibility
at the United Nations, with reasonable accommodation regarding facilities and
documentation, for all persons with disabilities.
V. Adoption of the report of the Ad Hoc Committee
13. At its 20th meeting, on 4 February 2005, the Committee adopted the draft
report on its fifth session (A/AC.265/2005/L.2), [as orally amended].

Annex I
Additional list of non-governmental organizations
accredited to the Ad Hoc Committee
Adaptive Environments (United States of America)
Association of University Centers on Disabilities (United States of America)
Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education (United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland)
Corporación Ciudadanía Real de Sordos de Chile
Fédération guinéenne des associations de personnes handicapées
Japan Disability Forum
Mental Disability Advocacy Centre (Hungary)
Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre (India)

Annex II
Report of the Coordinator to the fifth session of the
Ad Hoc Committee