Summary record of the 17th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 24 October 1988, New York, General Assembly, 43rd session.
UN Document Symbol | A/C.3/43/SR.17 |
Convention | Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities |
Document Type | Summary Record |
Session | 43rd |
Type | Document |
Description |
14 p. |
Subjects | Ageing Persons, Youth, Persons with Disabilities, Crime Prevention, Criminal Justice |
Extracted Text
United Nations
17th meeting
held on
Monday, 24 October 1988
at 10 a.m.
Now York
Chairman Mr. ABULHASAN (Kuwait)
Distr. GENERAL A/C.3/43/SR.17 3 November 1988 ENGLISH ORIGINAL FRENCH
88-56501 0591S (E)
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The meeting was called to order at 10.10 a.m.
Draft resolution A/C.3/43/L.10/Rev.l
1. Mr. RICHTER (German Democratic Republic) introduced draft resolution A/C.3/43/L.10/Rev.l on behalf of the sponsors. On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the sponsors deemed it necessary to recall that the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid constituted an important international instrument in the field of human rights. Universal ratification of the Convention would effectively contribute to the attainment of the objectives of the Declaration and to the eradication of the crime of apartheid. In the current text, as in previous Third Committee draft resolutions on the subject, the policy of apartheid had been identified as the root-cause of the conflict in southern Africa, and the policy pursued by the Pretoria regime had been characterized as a gross violation of human rights and a crime against humanity, seriously threatening international peace and security. In common with the vast majority of Member States, the sponsors considered that the Security Council should take further action in accordance with Chapter VII of the Charter. They had relied on the findings contained in the report of the Group of Three (E/CN.4/1988/32) for a number of formulations used in the operative part, particularly with regard to the need to have transnational corporations cease their operations in South Africa and Namibia, and the adoption of a number of other measures by Member States, the specialized agencies, non-governmental organizations and the Secretary-General,
2. The sponsors of draft resolution A/C.3/43/L.10/Rev.l hoped that it would find widespread support in the Third Committee.
AGENDA ITEM 93: CRIME PREVENTION AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE (A/43/3, A/43/354 and Corr.l, A/43/370, A/43/572)
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3. My. OSNATCH, (Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic), referring to agenda item 89, said that the few years remaining before the observance in 1992 of the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the International Plan of Action on Aging should be used to give fresh impetus to policies and programmes for the elderly. As pointed out by the Secretary-General in his report (A/43/583), social action undertaken by Governments in that area should be supported by international co-operation for development. The success of the measures adopted would depend on the attainment of the objectives laid down in such instruments as the Declaration on 8ocial Progress and Development, the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade and the Declaration on the Right to Development. Under the requirements of social justice, States and society had a duty to meet the needs of those who could not work normally. Accordingly, the disabled and the elderly should be able, to the extent permitted by their physical and mental capabilities, to hold a job, participate in social life and feel useful to society.
4. The development of social consumer funds in the Ukrainian SSR made it possible for the elderly and the disabled to enjoy a whole range of services and benefits, and lead a normal life. In particular, any retired person who so desired (as was the case with one third of the retired population) had an opportunity to perform a job suited to his or her physical capability and professional qualifications. Special working conditions were arranged for persons with disabilities. There was a list of occupations and jobs reserved on a priority basis for the retired and the disabled. There were so many applicants that they could not all be accepted. The ongoing reduction of the administrative staff of ministries and public agencies
(reaching 40 to 50 per cent of the staffing table in some cases) posed special problems in that regard.
5. During the past year, a wide-ranging survey had been conducted in the
Ukrainian SSR with a view to improving living conditions and recreational
facilities for war veterans and retired persons. The survey, lasting six months,
had covered 8.3 of the 10 million retired persons in the Republic. It showed that
for the most part they received the benefits to which they were entitled, but
identified certain operational shortcomings among some of the regional and federal
agencies in charge. During the period, over 1.5 million proposals and requests of
various kinds had been made. More than half of the requests, concerning,
inter alia, improvements in housing conditions, improvements in the supply of fuel to rural areas, other supply problems, and medical problems, had been satisfied. That exercise had stimulated activities by social establishments and organisations serving the retired. It had been realized that such activities must be on a
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(Mr. snatch. Ukrainian SSR)
long-term basis. Accordingly, the executive committees of a number of local Soviets had adopted comprehensive programmes of assistance to the disabled and to persons living alone.
6. The Ukrainian SSRS shared the conviction expressed by the General Assembly in resolution 42/51 that the elderly must be considered an important and necessary element in the development process. It proposed to give fresh impetus to activities aimed at implementing the recommendations of the International Plan of Action on Aging. It felt that there was a need to strengthen the co-ordinating role of the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs at Vienna, with regard to the activities of the United Nations system in the field of aging.
7. Mrs. MUTHUSAMY (Malaysia), speaking on agenda items 89, 90 and 92, said that for a developing country like Malaysia the invaluable resources of youth, the experience of the elderly, the social and intellectual contributions of the disabled and the cohesiveness of families were important ingredients for success. Drug abuse, malaise among young people, neglect of the aged and the disabled or a change in family values could have disastrous consequences. Not only the Government, but also the people as a whole, were under an obligation to ensure that those issues received the attention they deserved.
8. Malaysia still had a relatively young population, and the Government therefore had to implement many programmes involving young people. Malaysia subscribed to the objectives of the International Youth Year and her delegation noted with interest the report of the Secretary-General (A/43/601), which mentioned the encouraging follow-up activities to the Year as well as a number of obstacles which had hindered progress in that regard. In Malaysia young people, who constituted the majority of the population, played a vital role in the process of economic and social development and nation-building. The Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Malaysian Youth Council had the primary responsibility in that regard and provided moral and financial support so that young people could participate not only in national socio-economic development but also in regional and international co-operation activities. Young people were also politically active. Malaysia had taken many steps to strengthen the programmes and policies mentioned in paragraphs 18 to 36 of the Secretary-General's report (A/43/601). It was proud of its policy, which recognized the important role played by young people in national development.
9. One major area of concern involving young people was drug abuse and illicit trafficking, which had become a world-wide danger that could not be over-emphasized. In that regard, the Government was applying strict repressive measures and implementing rehabilitation and awareness programmes to deter children and young people from taking drugs. It was a question to which all Governments should pay attention.
10. As stated in the Secretary-General's report (A/43/583), the majority of the world's population aged 60 and over currently lived in the developing countries, and that proportion would continue to increase. In Malaysia and other countries of
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(Mrs. Muahusamy. Malaysia)
the region the proportion of the population in that category was relatively small, but was projected to increase at an accelerating rate in the first two decades of the twenty-first century. Her delegation agreed with the Secretary-General that priorities needed to be identified and resources pooled to tackle the consequences of that phenomenon. It supported the Secretary-General's recommendation that a world-wide round of activities should be launched on the tenth anniversary of the World Assembly on Aging in 1992. Malaysia welcomed the establishment of the International Institute on Aging in Malta pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolution 1987/41.
11. In Malaysia, the question of aging fell within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Welfare Services. It was being given emphasis in the Government's social policies and programmes, and was also being taken into account in the formulation of a new welfare policy which was expected to be completed early in 1989. Fully aware of the need to promote the issues relating to the aging in the development process, her delegation noted with interest the part of the report (A/43/583) concerning the second review and appraisal of the implementation of the International Plan of Action on Aging to be undertaken by the Commission for Social Development in 1989.
12. The question of the implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons and the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons deserved greater emphasis, not only by the Third Committee but also by States Members of the United Nations. Like the Secretary-General, her delegation regretted that only 31 Governments had submitted observations on the recommendations of the Global Meeting of Experts to Review the implementation of the World Programme of Action at the mid-point of the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons. Although her delegation was aware that the recommendations of the Global Meetings of Experts had not been unanimously supported, it nevertheless urged Governments to respond to the Secretary-General's appeal and express their views on those recommendations.
13. Malaysia had taken action to implement one of the main themes of the World Programme of Action by promoting the development: of organizations for and of disabled persons. The Government provided greats, operated programmes and supplied services and a number of organizations and associations supplemented its actions. The Ministry of Welfare Services had a division dealing solely with the rehabilitation of the disabled and also encouraged public participation by promoting new services and facilities for the disabled at the national, state and district levels. An inter-Ministry committee co-ordinated all governmental measures for the disabled. The disabled were given various types of assistance and grants to help them buy artificial aids and find employment, a..d plans were being made to help disabled persons to participate in land development schemes. It should be noted that disabled women were given equal opportunities in all sectors. Local government authorities and public transport agencies took steps to enable disabled persons to move about easily.
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14. Mr. ZHANG (China), referring to agenda item 89, observed that since the adoption of the International Plan of Action on Aging in 1982, the United Nations had consistently undertaken many activities in that area which, despite limited resources and reduced staff, had produced appreciable results. Those efforts should be strengthened and the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs should continue to play a co-ordinating role in that regard.
15. Owing to the aging of its population, China had set itself a number of practical objectives and had taken measures adapted to the specific conditions prevailing in the country. Currently, 90 per cent of the provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions had set up committees on aging. The number of association* for the elderly (art and sport associations, book clubs) was continually increasing and there were special radio and television programmes devoted to the elderly. His Government was creating conditions whereby the elderly could participate in development by providing advisory services or helping, for example, to educate young people. Since China was a developing country, the human and financial resources it could allocate to that sector were still very limited. Since the question of aging was a relatively new issue for China, it would like to strengthen its co-operation with the United Nations and other Member States.
16. Turning to agenda item 90, he welcomed the action taken by the United Nations in that regard, and especially its assistance to developing countries.
17. There were currently 300 million young people in China, 200 million of whom lived in rural areas. In order to enable them to play an effective role in development, the Chinese Government had conducted extensive practical skill training programmes in those areas. In more than 90 per cent of the counties in China, 40 million young people had followed those courses and applied the skills acquired to agricultural production and he management of township enterprises. The Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) had taken an interest in those activities and in September 1988 had co-sponsored with the All-China Youth Federation a meeting of experts on skill training in rural areas held at Beijing in September 1988.
18. Tinning to agenda item 92, he said that the Global Meeting of Experts to review the implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons at the Mid-Point of the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons, held at Stockholm in August 1987, had put forward a number of valuable recommendations, advocating in particular the establishment of a co-ordinating body and an information centre at the international level, the strengthening of communication and co-operation between regional committees and relevant national organisations, and the promotion of technical co-operation end personnel training. The Programme was an important instrument, and its guiding principles should be widely disseminated. China had recently drawn up a five-year work programme for disabled persons (1988-1992), which set up goals and concrete measures in employment,
edducation, rehabilitation and legislation.
19. With regard to agenda item 93, his delegation stressed that crime prevention
was an essential factor in social stability. Governments must exchange information
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(Mr. Zhang. China)
and views and strengthen international co-operation in that area. The United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, held every five years, had a positive role to play in that area, and Chinese representatives and experts had participated in the preparatory work for the Eighth Congress, to be held in 1990.
20. His Government believed that economic and social development were closely interrelated, and it therefore attached increased importance to co-ordinating efforts to resolve social issues. As a member of the Commission for Social Development, China wished to learn from the experience of other Member States and to strengthen multilateral and bilateral co-operation in resolving those issues.
21. Mr. AUREL (Romania)/ speaking to agenda item 90, said that the preparation and observance of the International Youth Year had given the United Nations and Member States numerous opportunities to address the problems of that social group, which had not always reveived sufficient attention and whose specific identity was now recognized. A large number of initiatives had been taken at national, regional and international levels with a view to seeking appropriate solutions.
22. The International Youth Year should not, however, be considered as an end in itself. Most of the problems affecting young people had still not been solved, which made it all the more necessary to continue the efforts of the international community and the United Nations beyond the framework of the Year.
23. In many countries, young people were still suffering from illiteracy, unemployment, terrorism, violence and drug abuse. Juvenile delinquency had reached disquieting proportions in a number of countries, and drug and alcohol abuse had been increasing both in the developed and the developing countries.
24. It was therefore necessary to establish youth-oriented programmes to guarantee the rights of young people to education, work, culture, information and participation in decision-making. The younger generation must also be able to take part in national development efforts and to consider and help settle such vital international issues as the halting of the arms race and the adoption of disarmament measures, the preserving and strengthening of world peace, the democratization of relations between States and the establishment of a new international economic and political order. Other problems affecting young people would be considered under agenda item 144.
25. Romanian youth was directly involved in the decision-making process in a variety of fields of activity and played an active role in implementing economic and social development programmes. At the international level, Romania's young people had long been developing contacts with other youth organisations throughout the world, energetically working for peace, disarmament and the building of a prosperous future. Among other international activities, mention should be made of the periodic meetings with young parliamentarians of the Balkan region, round-tables on the implications of science and technology for youth training and employment, as well as various events (chess tournaments and music and dance
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(Mr. Aurel. Romania)
festivals), which had made Romanian youth real messengers of peace. For its part, his Government had taken a number of measures to provide better training and educational, housing and employment opportunities for all young people of working age.
26. His delegation welcomed the conclusions reached by the Secretary-General in his report (A/43/601). As in previous years, Romania, together with other delegations, would submit a draft resolution under agenda item 90 calling upon all States, all United Nations bodies and specialized agencies and the intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations concerned, particularly youth organisations, to exert every effort to implement the guidelines for further planning and su****ble follow-up in the field of youth. Romania was ready to co-operate with delegations in preparing a draft resolution on other youth issues and to discuss with all interested representatives ways to implement United Nations recommendations concerning youth.
27. Mr. FXW2Y (Egypt) speaking to agenda item 90, said that peace must be an emanation of the human spirit, and his delegation therefore stressed the vital role that young people must play in working towards that goal. His Government encouraged young people to participate in development programmes in Egyptian society and to fight against problems affecting youth, the most important of which was illiteracy. At the international level, Egypt promoted contacts between its young people and foreign youth organisations for purposes of exchanging information and working towards strengthening peace in the world. As a general rule, his Government sought to raise the political consciousness of Egypt's young people and to instill in them religious and moral values. Egypt welcomed United Nations youth activities and recognized the importance of the Organizations role in that area and the need for international co-operation. It had submitted a draft resolution co-sponsored by Austria, the Netherlands and Czechoslovakian on policies and programmes involving youth (A/C.3/43/L.13).
28. Turning to agenda item 92, he said that his Government had set up a rehabilitation programme for disabled persons and had created centers specializing in vocational training, as well as sports and other associations, to enable the handicapped to become full-fledged members of society. Egypt asked those countries that had acquired experience in the area, particularly in the developed countries, to let the developing countries benefit from their experience.
29. With regard to agenda item 93, his delegation said that Egypt was modernizing its judicial investigation procedures. Vocational training centres had been established in prisons to facilitate the social reintegration of prisoners. It was important to strengthen the role played by the United Nations in crime prevention and the fight against juvenile delinquency at the highest level because that would, in turn, strengthen the policies of Member States in that area. Egypt was prepared to co-operate fully to make the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders a success.
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(Mr. Fawsy. Egypt)
30. Speaking to agenda item 107, he said that for the Egyptian Government, the family was the core and the foundation of all social life. Family ties must be drawn tighter, and the family must participate in the development of a healthy and dynamic society.
31. Mr. SJURSEN (Denmark)/ taking the floor on agenda item 90 as representative of the youth organisations of his country, said that for more than 20 years, Denmark had not missed an opportunity to involve young people in United Nations youth activities so that they could impart the pertinent information to their peers at home. The areas of importance to young people (housing, education, employment and social conditions) warranted attention by the United Nations and the specialized agencies concerned. Young people must have the chance to play a role at all levels of society. To that end, the democratic system must develop innovative methods of decision-making if new standards and social structures were to be created.
32. In recent years, a growing number of development projects had been initiated in Denmark with a view to improving the conditions of young people and involving them in decision-making. The youth of Denmark was looking forward to new initiatives in that field.
33. The ecology was of concern to all members of the society and it was only natural that young people were concerned about creating a better environment. One could see them mobilizing to protect the natural environment and to stop pollution; there too youth organisations could quite usefully contribute to the dissemination of information. However, the solution to the problems of the environment could not be disassociated from the overall development of society. It was therefore necessary to rethink the planning of infrastructure and industrialization and to take the ecology into account in all economic and political matters.
34. There should also be concern about AIDS, a disease which threatened all mankind, without omitting the ethical dimension. Efforts in that field should be based on the following principles: consent, anonymity, frank, direct and honest information, security and an absence of discrimination. The case of some African and Latin American countries especially threatened by that disease was of great concern.
35. Human rights, which were for young Danes an ideal for humanity, meant to them the right to a life in which they could influence their own adolescence and the society of which they were pare. Unfortunately, human rights were constantly being violated throughout the world. Danish youth condemned those violations wherever they took place and could not accept that young people were being persecuted for wishing to express their opinion or to create what they considered a better society. Racism and xenophobia directly threatened many young people. Refugees and immigrants risked being victims of discrimination.
36. In 1988, the Danish Youth Council had organized a campaign of friendship and tolerance between young Danes, refugees and immigrants under the motto "A stranger is a friend you haven't met".
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(Mr. sjursen. Denmark)
37. In that connection, Danish youth regretted that the condemnations by the United Nations of the abhorrent system of apartheid in 8outh Africa had not lad to the adoption against that country of comprehensives and mandatory sanctions which was a necessary step towards creating a democratic South Africa with equal rights for all, regardless of race. Danish youth were particularly worried about the ban on political activities particularly of the South African Youth Congress (SAYCO) and the United Democratic Front, but above all the intensified persecutions of, among other things, the leaderships of SAYCO, whose activities showed how young Africans could help establish a country based on respect for human rights for all. They were dseply affected by the detention of hundreds of activists of that movement, by systematic imprisonments, particularly of Patrick Flusk, who had several times mat with representatives of Danish youth, and by the imminent execution of four innceant members of SAYCO.
38. The United Nations working group entrusted with preparing the Conventions on the Rights of the Child would meet in November to take up the second reading of the draft article. Danish youth draw attention to the articles dealing with recruitment into the armed forces and urgently requested that the provisions of those articles be reviewed so as to offer children and young people the best possible protection against involvement in hostilities. Bow could children who were not otherwise recognized as responsible citisens be sent to the battlefields? The Conventions should in that connection specify a mandatory age limit of 18 years.
39. Danish youth regretted that the last draft Convention did not contain provisions reaffirming the rights of the unborn child. It was essential to safeguard against unethical experiments with the human embryo. There should be rules concerning the use of modern reproduction and genetic techniques, since human life began at the moment of conception. It was in that spirit that the Danish Parliament had decided to establish an ethics council entrusted with regulating biomedical experiments.
40. Fortunately, the international political climate was currently very positive, especially with respect to Beat-Nest relatione. Efforts should not, however, cease and it was necessary to pursue negotiations with a view to achieving a more secure world. Danish youth hoped that the future session at Vienna of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe would lead to closer Bast-Wast co-operation, particularly among youth organisations. They believed that contacts should be based on the free movement between countries and hoped for increased youth movement across borders. The extension, for example, of the Interracial System to the Eastern European countries could facilitate such contacts.
41. Aware of the importance of measures to be adopted in the years to coma so that future generations could live in a world without injustices, without danger and without pollution, his delegation would work towards that goal.
42. Mrs. HELKE (United Kingdom), speaking on agenda item 93, said that many countries, including the United Kingdom, had been very active since the last United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders. The United Kingdom had adopted new legislation aimed at strengthening the
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(Mrs. Helke. United Kingdom)
administration of justice by modernizing extradition procedures, broadening the scope for the confiscation of the proceeds of crime and improving measures for the compensation of victims. It had also undertaken a programme aimed at reducing crime in urban areas, and had established a national voluntary organisation to promote and co-ordinate the best crime prevention practices, A major publicity campaign provided guidance to individual,, lamilies and businesses on how to protect themselves and encouraged citizens to participate in voluntary activities aimed at reducing crime, especially among young people. The Government had published proposals for involving the private sector more closely in the building and operation of preventive detention establishments and in providing prison escort services. Systems for the electronic monitoring of defendants on bail were being studied and a report would be published soon about the reform of the parole system. There were similar examples in many other countries and that development had been helped by international contacts with the countries of Western Europe and North America. It was in that field that the United Nations had a clear role to play by stimulating exchanges of experience and ideas, by formulating principles and guidelines and by providing technical assistance, especially to developing countries.
43. However, while the United Nations had done good work in that field, its crime prevention programme was very precarious: the preparation of the Eighth Congress, the implementation of a viable programme of information and technical assistance would stretch the resources of the Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Branch. There was a danger that it would not be able to maintain the required standard of work. In order to avoid any dispersion of efforts and resources, it was essential to have a clear sense of priorities and a commitment to observing them. As the United Kingdom expert had indicated at the August 1938 meeting of the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control, the next Congress should give priority to international co-operation against serious crime, especially mutual legal assistance and extradition, and measures to improve the management of criminal justice systems and reduce resort to imprisonment. Generally speaking, the United Nations programme should give priority to the international crime survey and the proposed information network; the strengthening of regional institutes; better focused and more effective technical assistance to developing countries.
44. The United Kingdom hoped that Member States would support those priorities as it itself had done for some years by contributing unreservedly to the work of the United Nations crime prevention programme, both within its Home Office and in NGOs, and it would continue its efforts in that regard.
45. Mr. SHAUKAT (Pakistan) noted with satisfaction that despite the financial constraints facing the Organisation, social development continued to receive the attention it merited; national development of the social sectors and promotion of international co-operation were essential to ensure the full enjoyment of fundamental freedoms and rights. It was for that reason that there should be a rapid and integrated implementation of the International Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade. Aware that, with growing industrialization, the problems of urbanization were compounded, and that illiteracy and unemployment
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(Mr. Shaukat, Pakistani
aggravated even further the social situation in developing countries, the Government of Pakistan had taken comprehensive measures to remedy the situation.
46. Turning to agenda item 89, he said that his delegation supported the International Plan of Action on Aging and would continue to implement its recommendations. A national committee on aging had been formed, comprising representatives of the federal ministries and provincial welfare departments, and had prepared a national plan of action aimed at enabling the elderly to enjoy a life of fulfilment in health and security. The plan was being implemented by his Government in collaboration with non-governmental organisations. Social assistance was being provided to lower-income families, and the media had been entrusted with educating the younger generation to give physical and psychological support to the elderly. A grant scheme for voluntary social welfare agencies had been launched to strengthen their programmes and to provide essential services to the aging. Out of concern about the financial decline in technical co-operation and other United Nations activities in the field of aging, his delegation endorsed the recommendations contained in the Secretary-General's report (A/43/583).
47. With regard to agenda item 00, he said that a national co-ordination committee had been created to organise various events on the theme "Participation, Development and Peace" with the full participation of youth organisations. A sizeable proportion of the budget had been allocated for youth welfare projects; emphasis was being placed on vocational training centres for young men and women, and more sports facilities were being built. His delegation supported the conclusions contained in the Secretary-General's report (A/43/601) concerning activities to follow up the International Youth Year.
48. Turning to agenda item 92, he said that Pakistan was working on a number of projects for employment and rehabilitation of the handicapped. The recommendations of the United Nations World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons had been incorporated in the Government's national plan of action and were duly reflected in the sixth five-year development plan. Pakistan had declared the years 1982-1001 the Decade for Disabled Persons. The budgetary allocations of the federal and provincial governments for the welfare and rehabilitation of disabled persons had been increased, and a national trust fund for the welfare and rehabilitation of mentally retarded and physically disabled persons had been instituted by the federal Government.
49. Since Pakistan was concerned about the problem of disability and attributed considerable importance to the Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons as an instrument for attaining the objectives of the Programme of Action, Pakistan was concerned about the decline in the level of contributions to the Fund and urged Member States to make contributions commensurate with their means. For its part, Pakistan had pledged $US 10,000 to the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Promotion of the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons. His Allegation hoped that the technical co-operation and assistance programmes of the United Nations and the specialized agencies would be strengthened.
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(Mr. Shaukat. Pakistan)
50. With regard to agenda item 93, Pakistan favoured increased co-operation in the area of crime prevention and treatment of offenders. There was a need to address the socio-economic injustices which were often the underlying causes of or contributing factors in crime. Developing countries must be assisted in their economic and social development programmes, but they also needed help in improving their national machinery for crime prevention and control, particularly through personnel-training and modern equipment. The political, economic, social and cultural diversity and the moral, religious and ethical values of each society must also be borne in mind when formulating standards of criminal justice. His delegation supported the conclusions contained in the Secretary-General's report on crime prevention and criminal justice (A/43/572). In particular, the United Nations should undertake studies on new forms and dimensions of crime, especially transnational criminal organizations, and should extend technical co-operation to the developing countries to help them improve their administrative and law enforcement agencies.
51. Mrs. WARZAZI (Morocco), speaking to agenda item 90, said that although the General Assembly had recognized since 1965 that young people could make a contribution to promoting the ideals of peace and understanding among peoples, not until later had it become truly interested in that age group, whose numbers were expected to total 1 billion at the end of the twentieth century. Youth had its own particular problems and needs and cultural characteristics in different parts of the world. As to young people in the developing countries, it was understandable that, faced with poverty, unemployment, illness and even famine, resignation sometimes was replaced by rebellion. The situation of young people brought a realization of the immensity of the tasks before Governments if they were to fulfil the objectives fixed by the International Youth Year. Although the Year had awakened an awareness in the international community of the problems of young people and had led to a mobilization of sorts nationally, regionally and internationally, the diminishing resource base at all levels had been the main obstacle to progress.
52. Political decisions could and should be taken at the national levels Governments must put an end to their paternalistic attitude towards young people and stop treating them as a negligible factor. It had become evident the full participation of all groups was essential and that all human resources must be harnessed to make the most of natural resources, energy, abilities and enthusiasm. Numerous studies had demonstrated the need to involve young people in the developing process at all levels.
53. However, many countries did not yet fully understand all the advantages of a national youth policy, despite the fact that young people were an important source of labour in third world countries. Although they contributed to economic development, their participation could be greater. The economic contribution of young people was often "invisible", which explained why they were never included, valued or recognized. That being the case, it was difficult truly to integrate their efforts in economic development, and development strategies and programmes geared to the specific situation and needs of youths were rare, a situation which must be remedied.
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(Mrs. Warsasi. Morocco)
54. Attention had focused lately on the newborn and young children to the detriment of older children and adolescents. Development experts must therefore gather all the statistical information and data needed to evaluate objectively the situation of children in the latter category and set up the necessary programmes.
55. Morocco recognized the importance of the contribution made by the NGOs to implementing the guidelines for a follow-up to the International Youth Year. In the absence of the requisites personnel and financial resources, however, the effective implementation of those guidelines had become problematical at the national, regional and even international levels. That was particularly regrettable in view of the fact that in 1987, military expenditure for the entire world had reached approximately $US 1,000 billion and, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute two thirds of all conventional weapons exports in 1987 (amounting to $US 24.7 billion) had gone to third world countries, whose resources could have been used more effectively for economic and social development.
56. The young people of the developed countries should take a greater interest in the fate of youth in the third world and realize that their own problems were minor compared to the miserable conditions in which third world youth lived. If young people in the developed countries were more aware and motivated and showed greater solidarity, they would be less likely to fall victim to alcohol, drugs or alienation. Universities in the developed countries should co-operate with those in developing countries to promote the welfare of youth. Governments should encourage voluntary activities by broadening their scope. Non-governmental youth associations and organisations in developed countries might usefully assist their counterparts in the third world by urging their leaders to support the activities ' planned for the International Youth Year.
57. Despite the difficulties created by the international economic situation, in 1986 Morocco had established an international co-operation agency to forge co-operation ties with friendly countries and sister countries or to strengthen those already in existence. In 1987, the agency had hosted more than 6,000 students and trainees, including more than 3,000 on fellowships with all expenses paid, including medical expenses. In 1988, it had approved a project to build an Africa House for Africans studying in Morocco.
58. The financial situation of the United Nations Youth Fund was such that it clearly could not fulfil its mandato. In 1987, only one Member State had paid a contribution to the Fund. Her delegation supported the proposal to include the Fund in the Annual Pledging Conference in order to facilitate the resource mobilization efforts undertaken by the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna. Her Government called upon countries capable of making contributions to be generous. To reactivate the momentum of the International Youth Year, an international day should be declared, together with national activities to highlight the need of young people around the world to grow up and prosper in progress, justice and peace.
The meeting rose at 1,1.55 a.m.