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Summary record of the 18th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 24 October 1988, New York, General Assembly, 43rd session

UN Document Symbol A/C.3/43/SR.18
Convention Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Document Type Summary Record
Session 43rd
Type Document

13 p.

Subjects Ageing Persons, Persons with Disabilities, Youth, Crime Prevention, Criminal Justice

Extracted Text

United Nations

18th Meeting
Held on
Monday, 24 October 1908
At 3 p.m.
New York

Chairman: Mr. ABULHASAN (Kuwait)

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Distr. GENERAL A/C.3/43/SR.18 27 October 1988

88-56507 0487S (E)

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The meeting was called to order at 3.05 p.m.
AGENDA ITEM 89: QUESTION OF AGING (Continued) (A/43/583>
AGENDA ITEM 93: CRIME PREVENTION AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE (continued) (A/43/3, A/43/354 and Corr.l, A/43/370, A/43/572)
1. Ma. LAFORTUNE (Canada) commanded the work of the United Nations Office at Vienna/Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs (UNOV/CSDHA) on social policies and practical strategies in priority areas. Activities such as the interregional preparatory meetings of experts convened in preparation for the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, and the reports of the Secretary-General on the cluster of items under discussion reflected a new approach to the crucial study of social problems. Her delegation supported that approach as described by the Director-General of UNOV and, specifically, the letter's request concerning the strengthening of the Centre's staff. The reported interaction of units within UNOV/CSDHA and co-operation with other bodies in order to offset staff reductions was a sensible measure at a time of financial difficulties.
2. Canada attached great importance to the question of aging and had adopted a number of measures in that field, including the establishment in 1987 of the post of Minister Responsible for Seniors, the adoption of anti-discriminatory legislation and numerous programmes for the active involvement of elderly people, especially the more vulnerable among them, in society.
3. In the implementation of the International Plan of Action on Aging, co-operation at various levels seemed to be resulting in the establishment of the necessary machineries. Emphasis should be placed on consolidating policies and programmes at the national level and involving all sectors of the population, including the media, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and the

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(Ms. Lafortune, Canada)
Elderly themselves, in activities undertaken by Governments. UNOV/CSDHA should therefore continue its co-ordinating activities and institute the system-wide approach devised at the March 1988 inter-agency meeting at Vienna.
4. With regard to item 90. her delegation underscored the importance of improved education and vocational training systems and Information on employment opportunities and health, environmental and social protection issues in order to meet the challenge posed by the marginalization of young people, respond to their aspirations and restore their confidence in the future. UNOV/CSDHA should pursue its co-ordinating role in youth activities and Governments should take account of young people's needs when preparing new social legislation.
5. The report of the Secretary-General on item 92 (A/43/834), together with document E/1988/32, provided a particularly useful review of programme implementation mid-way through the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons. Since the International Year of Disabled Persons/ significant progress had been made on behalf of disabled persons in Canada, including the incorporation in the Constitution of their right to equal treatment, which had made public services more accessible to the disabled, and the holding of the first National Week for the Integration of Disabled Persons. In view of the importance of setting clear-cut priorities for the rest of the Decade, her delegation believed that UNOV/CSDHA should organize meetings involving both disabled persons and international aid and development bodies to review the involvement of the disabled is various programmes and projects and to encourage the adoption of measures on their behalf. Furthermore, it should be recognized that the status of disabled persons had not only social but also economic implications. Further information on that subject was urgently needed through the publication of periodic reports on the application of policies and programmes for equality and employment. Her delegation recommended the preparation of an annual report by the Office of Human Resources Management on the application of its proposed plan for the employment of disabled persons.
6. Direct participation by disabled persons in discussions and decisions concerning them both nationally and internationally, which Canada had long favored, meant that attitudes must be irreversibly changed. That called for the adoption of concrete measures within the United Nations system, for instance with regard to the practical accessibility of meeting rooms and appropriate recruitment practices, AS well as by Member States. Her delegation hoped that the Secretary-General would be able to promote and co-ordinate those recommendations of the World Programme of Action that were regarded as priorities by the majority of Member States.
7. Turning to item 93, she said that the proceedings and recommendations of the interregional preparatory meetings of experts provided a found background for the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders. The report of the Secretary-General (A/43/572) provided a useful overview of the question. Canada supported any initiative aimed at ensuring the effective application of the Milan Plan of Action and would co-operate in ensuring that the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control focused on problems of direct

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(Ms. Lafortune. Canada)
Interest to Member States and contributed to the preparation and application of more effective crime prevention and criminal justice strategies. She expressed concern at the magnitude of the task compared with the resources allocated to the programme in that field.
8. Mr. ARNOUSS (Syrian Arab Republic) said that youth was an important element in the development process that the Charter sought to promote, and it was therefore necessary to see to it that young people were brought up in a manner conducive to the establishment of the new international economic order and the implementation of the development strategy for the forthcoming development decade.
9. Youth was one of the prime concerns of his country, which was seeking to raise a new, self-reliant generation that strove to achieve progress, prosperity and peace. The goals of the Revolutionary Youth Union included the productive use of free time) the development of intellectual abilities and of firm commitment; participation in sports; preparation for technological progress and professional and public life, and opposition to racial discrimination in all its forms and resistance to Zionism and its schemes.
10. The issue of youth was discussed at the highest policy-making levels in his country and was of great concern to those responsible for planning. Youth organizations were represented in bodies responsible for political, economic and social decision-making. School curricula included courses on the activities of the United Nations and on international covenants and conventions.
11. Opposition to racism was a fundamental principle of his country and young people were instructed in humanitarian values and principles and encouraged to co-operate among themselves and with international youth, organizations. Because of the danger posed by racism, including Zionism and apartheid' to international peace and understanding among peoples, the struggle against racism and occupation and the deterrence of aggression were seen as the most important principles.
12. Zionism had adopted racism and imperialism as a means of aggression against the peoples of the world and waged a constant war against the liberation and national revival movements of oppressed peoples. The Zionist ideology and the Ideology of the Pretoria Government endangered international peace and security and youth should therefore be made fully aware of their dangers and be motivated to eliminate all racist ideas.
13. Arab youth in the occupied territories, who had begun their uprising in order to reject occupation and assert their basic human rights to life and self-determination, had been subjected to the most barbarous practices.
14. The international community must intensify its efforts for the elimination of strongholds of chauvinistic and racist ideas and should strive to achieve get goal with due dispatch.

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15. Mrs. BANQOURA (Guinea), speaking on item 92, said that her country attached particular importance to the question of disabled persons. Guinea was committed to the implementation of the relevant United Nations resolutions and recommendations, the World Programme of Action, concerning Disabled Persons and all activities under the Decade. Its policy in that area was based on rehabilitation and integration or re-integration into society. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment was endeavoring to provide special facilities and education for young disabled parsons. Such facilities included a school for young people with hearing and speech impairments, a home for disabled adults and children and a home for the mentally handicapped. Those facilities were inadequate to meet needs, however, and the Ministry was taking action, within the limits of available resources, to improve the situation of disabled persons. That action included stepping up construction work on new classrooms, purchasing appropriate equipment for hearing impaired children, renovating and reactivating the national orthopedic centre and building an "SOS village" with workshops and a vocational training centre for disabled persons.
10. A number of non-governmental organizations were working closely with the Ministry to improve the status of disabled persons in Guinea. What was needed, however, was sustained assistance from the international community. Her delegation hoped that the Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons would continue to receive contributions. In 1988, Guinea had benefited from technical co-operation with UNOV/CSDHA; a consultative mission had been conducted with a view to setting up a specialized national centre in Guinea to train local personnel and organize the transfer of appropriate technologies for the treatment of disability. Guinea wanted for its disabled the kind of assistance that would help them to do without assistance, in other words, that would set in motion a comprehensive strategy to enable all disabled persons to play a full role in society.
17. Mr. MORA GQDOY (Cuba) stressed the importance of the intrinsic social aspects of the development process. The social consequences of the critical world economic situation highlighted the need for the United Nations to focus on economic and social development as a priority issue.
18. Since the 1982 World Assembly on Aging, a national committee had been set up in Cuba under the authority of the Ministry of Health which, in conjunction with other national bodies and non-governmental organizations, was responsible for implementing the International Plan of Action on Aging. Emphasis was being placed on exchanges of information and technical co-operation with third world countries. His delegation supported the Secretary-General’s suggestions in his report (A/43/583) concerning the usefulness of national, regional and international co-ordinating machineries, but was concerned at the lack of resources of the United Nations Trust Fund for Aging.
19. His delegation noted with satisfaction the efforts being made by the United Nations to co-ordinate activities to enable young people to enjoy the benefits of social development. In Cuba, young people played an active part in economic and social development and enjoyed unlimited opportunities. Their participation helped guarantee the success of the revolution and their own future.

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(Mr. Mora Godoy, Cuba)
20. His delegation concurred with the conclusion drawn by the Secretary-General in his report on crime prevention and criminal justice (A/43/572) that international action was urgently required in that sphere Joint action by Government and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations was the basis for co-operation in combating crime. It was obvious that there was a direct link between criminality and poverty and unemployment, particularly in developing countries, with the result that improved international co-operation in the economic and social fields, through the application of development strategies and the establishment of the new international economic order would contribute to crime prevention. It was to be hoped that the financial difficulties faced by the United Nations would not undermine its activities in that field or affect preparations for the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders. It was gratifying to note that the financial situation of the Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offender and the African Regional Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders had improved. However, new approaches must be found to enable those important regional institutes to function on a stable basis, and his delegation recommended that the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) take their needs into account.
21. Ha reiterated his delegation's support for the idea of setting up a world information network on crime prevention and criminal justice and urged the Secretary-General to pursue his efforts in that direction. Positive results had been achieved in recent years in the computerization of data in that field. The Cuban Ministry of Justice was organizing a Latin American seminar on the planning and implementation of computerization in the administration of justice, to be held in November 1986, for the purpose of fostering co-operation and exchanges of information. Measures adopted by the Cuban Government, which attached high priority to crime prevention and criminal justice and was committed to implementing the Milan Plan of Action, had included a comprehensive review and modification of the Penal Code in the light of that Plan. The new Code had entered into force in April 1988.
22. His Government's invitation to host the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offender had met with a positive response and his country would be honored to contribute to its successful outcome.
23. Mr. MARCOULLIS (Cyprus), speaking on agenda item 89, said that Cyprus expected a marked increase in the proportion of old people in its population in the next
25 to 30 years; the expected impact on the allocation of social expenditures had been anticipated in an earnings-related social insurance scheme introduced in 1980. Welfare services for the aged had been expanded to fill the vacuum created by changes in the traditional role of the family and the disruption of the family structure caused by the forcible displacement of 40 per cent of the country's population and concomitant social and economic changes. Priority was being given to improved health and welfare services for the aged and to strengthening the family and included measures to cover special needs, such as providing caretakers and day care centers.

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(Mr. Marcoullis, Cyprus)
24. Concerning agenda item 90, a special body on youth affairs, consisting of representatives of political, labor and youth organizations, had been established in Cyprus to devise and help implement youth policies and programmes aimed at promoting the welfare of young people by providing them with opportunities to participate actively in the overall development of the community, with productive sntsrtainmant and with help in dealing with their problems.
25. Concerning agenda item 92, a Committee of Ministers had been established in Cyprus to deal with all problems relating to disabled parsons. Administrative services had also been established to deal with problems in such areas as health, education, vocational and social rehabilitation and income security. Mora favorable legislation had been enacted, improvements in vocational rehabilitation were under consideration and a fund had been set up to help meet any needs of individual disabled persons that wore not covered by other laws or administrative arrangements.
26. His Government attached great importance to the role of the family in promoting the well-being of its members and in strengthening the fabric of society. In view of the important impact on society as a whole of the serious changes that were currently affecting the family as a social institution, his Government strongly favored the proclamation of a year of the family in the belief that it would promote measures to strengthen the position of the family for the benefit of social progress and development.
27. Mm. ASHTON (Bolivia) said that it was essential to strengthen the activities of the United Nations Office at Vienna and the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs in order to reactivate the social development of the developing countries.
28. Concerning agenda item 93, her Government accorded the highest priority to preparatory activities for the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders. The United Nations had an important role to play in the prevention of crime, which had reached alarming proportions in both developed and developing countries. The establishment of a sub-committee to assess the most efficient means of stimulating practical international action would be of great benefit to all Member States. More must be done to prevent drug-related crimes in particular.
29. Concerning agenda item 89, problems of aging had to be considered in their economic, cultural and social context and from the standpoint that most old people were not socially dependent. In Bolivia, social assistance to the elderly was channelled through a number of high-level public and private bodies which oo-ordinated their activities closely in order to maximize human and material resources. Public and private services worked to improve the situation of the elderly despite the limited resources available as a result of the country's current severe economic crisis. The Government had also established a Department on Aging to investigate the social and economic conditions of the elderly, promote inter-agency co-otdination and systematize all experience and data obtained in the

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(Mrs. Ashton, Bolivia)
Course of working with the elderly in order to formulate policies and programmes appropriate to their needs.
30. Her Government'• action was guided by the following principles! family ties must be strengthened in order to keep the elderly within the family structure and the elderly must be given opportunities to continue to contribute to the life of the community in accordance with their physical and mental capacities; the activities of public and private institutions must be regulated to ensure that the care they offered to the elderly was up to modern standards; and maximum resources must be channeled to social welfare activities.
31. Bolivia's Department on Aging was studying the social and economic conditions of old people throughout the country in order to formulate and implement appropriate policies, strategies and programmes. It also assisted the country's many activities centers set up to promote the social and emotional well-being of the elderly and prevent them from feeling lonely and frustrated. Lastly, a volunteer programme had been organized to help provide more individualized care in old people’s homes.
32. Mrs. SAELZLER (Gorman Democratic Republic), speaking on agenda item 107, said that protection of the family was essential to the welfare of society itself. Her country's family policy was a comprehensive one which took into account the development and education of children and adults, the special needs of the disabled and the importance of caring for the elderly. That integrated approach had resulted in a continuous improvement in living standards for everyone. Infant mortality was declining steadily, median life expectancy was increasing, young married couples received wide-ranging benefits, material assistance enabled parents to combine employment with parenthood, educational opportunities and programmes had been updated, housing conditions had improved and the living standards of the elderly had been raised. Those accomplishments were the result not only of economic performance but also of awareness of people's social needs, and of population structure and demographic development. Planning in her country was accordingly based on appropriate research which, with its emphasis on industrial changes involving women, had contributed to an increase in the number of working women as a result of the provision of child-care facilities.
33. In her country, the Government protected the family but also understood the importance of solving individual problems in an individual way. Special account was also taken of problems peculiar to specific groups. In order to strike a balance between social needs and the resources required to satisfy them, a social welfare network had been established to ensure full health-care and material well-being for all on the basis of the steady economic growth required to ensure full enjoyment of the benefits provided.
34. Mr. MARA (Fiji) said that in an age of cultural change and upheaval immediate action must be taken to safeguard the future by preparing youth to face the challenges ahead and to avoid such pitfalls as crime and drug abuse, which could lead to its disillusionment and ultimate self-destruction. Fiji clearly recognized

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(Mr. Mara, Fiji)
The importance of youth for the future, and its youth programme were designed to improve young people's opportunities for finding productive employment and leading constructive and satisfying lives. Those programmes also sought to make young people self-sufficient as soon as possible, so as not to prolong their dependence on the country's scarce resources. Youth policy measures should be small-scale, self-supporting and integrated with the local community.
35. There was a danger in teaching youth a narrow range of skills, which might
prove unmarketable. Fiji therefore endeavored to give its young people a broad
education adaptable to a number of jobs and to instill discipline and self-reliance
ii them so as to relieve the extended family of a major burden. In his country,
cultural, educational and recreation programmes for youth were being promoted in urban and rural areas, vocational skills and leadership training were being provided and close co-operation was being established between governmental and non-governmental organizations engaged in youth programmes. Schools were being made responsible for tasks that previously had been the sole function of parents, and a number of institutions were trying to set minimum standards for the welfare and upbringing of the young. Further measures were required to supplement formal education, however.
36. Progress in youth development had been impeded by resource constraints, the voluntary nature of youth programmes, and moral permissiveness, but those obstacles were being tackled with a due sense of priority. His principles of discipline and self-reliance must be inculcated in youth during its years of greatest vulnerability and impressionability, and the Government and the community must join forces to deal with the formidable problems confronting contemporary youth.
37. Mr. CASUAL (Guinea-Bissau) said that the report of the Secretary-General on policies and programmes involving youth (A/43/601) was encouraging and demonstrated the benefits resulting from the proclamation of the International Youth Year. That initiative had undoubtedly contributed to a better understanding of the problems of youth and to modifying public opinion and national and international policies in that area. Hone the less, it must be recognized that serious constraints had been placed on follow-up activities to the International Youth Year owing to the financial problems of the United Nations and to the current international economic environment.
38. The view that youth was an active element in the development process seemed to be exerting a growing influence in the implementation of social policies at the national level. Partial credit for that development belonged to the United Nations, in particular the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs, which had achieved encouraging results in its activities related to youth. In that connection, his delegation praised the Centre's efforts to enhance national capacities for devising comprehensive youth policies and programmes.
39. His delegation considered the integration of youth in national planning efforts to be a priority. There were numerous obstacles to the implementation of that task, however, as the Secretary-General's report showed. Furthermore, the

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(Mr. Cabral, Guines-Blasau)
Constraints imposed on the United Nations system in developing technical co-operation activities in the field of youth prevented the Organization from providing appropriate assistance to eliminate such obstacles.
40. The suggestions in the report concerning a broadening of the framework of activities in the field of youth at all levels seemed to offer a viable basis for action by Governments, national co-ordinating bodies, non-governmental organization and the various agencies of the United Nations systems. In addition, the activities of the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs in coming year would supplement and reinforce efforts to strengthen co-operation between Governments, non-governmental organizations and the United Nations system and increase communication between the latter and youth and youth organizations. His delegation supported the idea of including the Youth Fund among the activities included in the annual Pledging Conference.
41. It was difficult to imagine a future of peace and well-being without the adequate integration of youth in all areas of economic and social life and without its participation in the decision-making process. At issue was the capacity of Governments to develop educational policies and teaching programmes capable of promoting such a trend based, in particular, on a greater correspondence between education and the real demands of socio-economic development and on enhancing youth's awareness of its place in society and its various responsibilities.
42. The issue of youth was a delicate and complex one requiring an interdisciplinary approach on the part of both the United Nations system and individual Governments. Such an approach must take into account the fact that there were significant differences in the problem of youth both between and within different societies. Those differences required different approaches and solutions. That was the lesson learned from the activities of Jaunesse Africana Amiiear Cabral. His country's national youth organization. That organization had also demonstrated the usefulness of activities promoting contacts between rural and urban youth through, inter alia, regional and national conferences. The result had been a better understanding of such problems as the exodus of youth to the cities, unemployment, housing problems, and lack or proper training and rational utilization of human resources. That, In turn, had led to increasing Government attention to those problems and more rational identification of measures to solve them.
43. The place accorded to youth by UNE8CO in its forthcoming medium-term plan was encouraging in the light of the growing difficulties facing developing countries, particularly in their efforts to promote social wall-being. Structural adjustment programmes often did not devote adequate attention to the social sector. In that connection, it was encouraging that the social dimension was being given greater attention in such institutions as UNDP, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Furthermore, his delegation supported the view taken by the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna in highlighting the strategic contribution which the United Nations could make to solve the current world crisis.

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(Mr. Cabral, Guinea-Bissau)
44. Youth was the catalyst for change and by giving that population group a chance to play its role fully in the social, economic and political fields, the international community was building a solid bridge to the future The United Nations was particularly suited pursuing such a process world-wide and ha welcomed the emerging consensus in the Committee concerning the question of youth.
45. Mr. AMARO-VICTORIA (Guatemala) said that that excellent introduction given by the representatives of the Centre for social Development and Humanitarian Affairs illustrated the current obstacles to social development policies. There was a discrepancy between the goals of organs of the United Nations system and the resources assigned to the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV). Those goals warranted fuller analysis by the Third Committee/ and his delegation was in favor of providing increased resources to UNOV.
46. Many Governments excluded social development from their economic priorities. That kind of economic vision identified social programmes with government spending, with the result that economic adjustment programmes automatically resulted in reduced per capita social spending. His Government did not agree with that logic; its position was illustrated by its National Youth Plan, implemented during the period 1987-1988. That Plan, which had been supported by UNDP, had laid the bases for a national youth policy embracing the social, economic, cultural and political development spheres.
47. Following the guidelines of the International Youth Year, the Youth Plan had been organized in three areas: participation, development and peace. In the first area, programmes had included organizing students to promote events and programmes in schools and strengthening the board of the Latin American and Caribbean Centre for Youth. In the area of development, programmes had included the involvement of 35,000 youth volunteers in promoting national immunization days; the creation of
40 small businesses run by youth and benefiting over a thousand people in impoverished areas; and the training and organization of students as academic tutors. Programmes in the area of peace had included youth-oriented seminars and workshops on the democratic process; training seminars on social problems; and Central American youth conferences for peace.
48. The incorporation of young people in the tasks of development and peace showed that it- was fallacious to claim that a choice must be made between rational and productive use of resources and social spending. In most of the activities he had described, participants had contributed their time and efforts freely and voluntarily. It had to be understood that the real problem of development was not a lack of roads, schools or bridges, but a lack of human beings capable of providing them.
49. Emphasizing the social aspects of development did not mean that countries could do without the minimum resources needed to organize and train the population and without technical and financial assistance. Such actions would trigger the process of sustainable development to which all aspired. To that end, his country had adopted three pieces of legislation which were transforming social development

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(Mr. Amaro-Victoria, Guatemala)
a regionalization law; a law creating a national system of urban and rural development; and the 1985 Constitution, which channeled 8 per cent of the national budget directly to municipalities.
50. An integrated approach to development meant a balance between three key concept)., economic growth, distribution and participation. In the past, exclusive emphasis on economic growth had often heightened social inequalities. On the other hand, exclusive emphasis on distribution of resources had led many societies to distribute poverty instead of wealth. Again, allowing the population only symbolic participation had engendered frustration, particularly among young people. Current social realities required a comprehensive approach which took account of the impact of economic adjustment measures on the poorest sectors of the population. Separate social programmes had to be linked together. Particular attention had to be paid to the different types of funds available which, when consolidated, could provide a rapid response to the needs of the poorest sectors. The creation of emergency funds could have a similar effect. In that connection, his Government supported the Austrian HOPE '87 project which provided assistance to youth in the areas of vocational training and employment.
51. Although he had used terms such as crisis and structural adjustment, his Government did not take a pessimistic view of the current development process. After periods of both excessive optimism and excessive pessimism, the current attitude seemed to be one of pragmatism and realism and it was in that context that the international community had a responsibility to build the future.
52. Mr. RXLEBITSQ (Lesotho) said that the development of youth policies and programmes was one of the most important issues facing the international community. It was essential to provide young people with appropriate tools in terms of education and social and employment opportunities in order to enhance their potential as useful and effective citizens. In that regard, he commended the Secretary-General for his comprehensive report (A/43/601) and the representatives of the Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs for their valuable introduction.
53. Among the youth policies adopted by his Government, emphasis had been placed on education, both formal and vocational. In that connection, seven vocational youth training centers had been established between 1969 and 1981. His Government was grateful for the material and technical assistance thus far provided to those centers by a number of international and non-governmental organizations. At the same time, a follow-up mechanism was necessary and the Ministry of Youth and Women's Affairs had been established as a focal point to that end. His Government hoped that, with the assistance of UNICEF and interested non-governmental organizations, it would be possible to further strengthen that Ministry.
54. His delegation was in full agreement with the report of the Secretary-General on policies and programmes involving youth (A/43/601) and, in particular, with paragraph 13 thereof. The representative of UNESCO has said in his statement to the Third Committee that many young people, particularly in developing countries,

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(Mr. Ralebitso, Lesotho)
Had great difficulty in situating themselves socially and culturally. If such difficulties were adequately addressed, a marked improvement could be achieved in the field of youth.
55. With respect to crime prevention and criminal justice, his Government had introduced a number of educational programmes for prisoners aimed at their rehabilitation and reintegration into society once they left prison. Although in its early stages, that programme had already produced some positive results and was being further improved. A Juvenile Prison Centre had also been in operation since 1969, which dealt with all aspects of juvenile delinquency. His country accorded high priority to that problem, and allocated large sums of money and significant human resources to combating it. His Government was determined to spare no effort in tackling the social and crime issues facing the international community.
56. There was growing concern about social problems linked to the social welfare of disabled persons. The report of the Secretary-General (A/43/634) was clear and concise and his delegation wished to note specifically the recommendations for activities at the regional and national levels contained in paragraphs 8 (a)
to (g) and 9 (a) to (e) of the report. It was up to Member States to submit accurate data in order for the United Nations system and individual Governments to undertake activities to improve the living conditions of disabled persons.
The meeting rose at 5 p.m.