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Accreditation and participation of non-governmental organizations in the Ad-Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities : resolution

UN Document Symbol A/RES/56/510
Convention Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Document Type Resolution
Session 56th
Type Document

2 p.

Subjects Persons with Disabilities, Non-Governmental Organizations

Extracted Text

United Nations A/RES/56/510
General Assembly Distr.: General
26 July 2002
Fifty-sixth session
Agenda items 8 and 119 (b)
02 49575
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
[without reference to a Main Committee (A/56/L.82 and Add.1)]
56/510. Accreditation and participation of non-governmental
organizations in the Ad Hoc Committee on a
Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on
Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of
Persons with Disabilities
The General Assembly,
Bearing in mind its resolution 56/168 of 19 December 2001, in which it
invited, inter alia, non-governmental organizations with an interest in the matter to
make contributions to the work of the Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and
Integral International Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Rights and
Dignity of Persons with Disabilities,
Welcoming the fact that the Commission on Human Rights in its resolution
2002/61 of 25 April 20021 encouraged the Ad Hoc Committee to adopt working
methods that would allow for full participation by relevant non-governmental
organizations in its deliberations,
1. Decides that accreditation of non-governmental organizations to the
Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on
Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities
shall be granted to all non-governmental organizations enjoying consultative status
with the Economic and Social Council;
2. Also decides that other non-governmental organizations, not accredited
previously to the Ad Hoc Committee, may apply to the Secretariat for such
accreditation, and that the applications should contain all the information on the
competence of the organization and the relevance of its activities to the work of the
Committee specified in paragraph 44 of Economic and Social Council resolution
1996/31 of 25 July 1996; regarding those applications, it further decides that:
(a) The Secretariat shall circulate to all States members of the Ad Hoc
Committee a list of new applications for accreditation received from nongovernmental
organizations no less than four weeks prior to each session of the
1 See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 2002, Supplement No. 3 (E/2002/23), chap. II,
sect. A.

Committee, except for its first session, for which the Committee will consider
applications received up to the beginning of and during the session;
(b) Accreditation shall be granted in advance of the session in accordance
with the procedures and time limits set out in paragraph 46 of resolution 1996/31,
on a non-objection basis, except for the first session of the Ad Hoc Committee, for
which the time limit for the raising of an objection by a State member of the Ad Hoc
Committee shall be no later than seven days from receipt of each list;
(c) The Ad Hoc Committee, at the beginning of each of its sessions, shall
consider and take decisions on new applications against which a State member of
the Ad Hoc Committee has raised an objection;
3. Urges relevant United Nations bodies, in recognition of the importance
of the equitable geographical participation of non-governmental organizations in the
work of the Ad Hoc Committee, to assist those non-governmental organizations that
lack resources, in particular non-governmental organizations interested in the matter
from developing countries and countries with economies in transition, in
participating in the work of the Committee;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to disseminate widely to the community
of non-governmental organizations all available information on accreditation
procedures as well as information on supportive measures for participation in the Ad
Hoc Committee;
5. Decides that representatives from non-governmental organizations
accredited to the Ad Hoc Committee may participate in the work of the Committee
and that the modalities of this participation will be decided by the Committee during
the first week of its first session;
6. Also decides that the above arrangements shall in no way create a
precedent for other ad hoc committees of the General Assembly.
109th plenary meeting
23 July 2002