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Statement / submitted by the Center for International Rehabilitation, a non-governmental organization in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council

UN Document Symbol E/2004/NGO/6
Convention Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Document Type Statement by Non-Governmental Organization
Session Substantive session of 2004
Type Document

6 p.

Subjects Persons with Disabilities, Disability Benefits

Extracted Text

United Nations
Economic and Social Council
Distr.: General
27 April 2004
Original: English
Substantive session of 2004
New York, 28 June-23 July 2004
Item 2 of the provisional agenda*
Resources mobilization and enabling environment for
poverty eradication in the context of the implementation
of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed
Countries for the Decade 2001-2010
Statement submitted by the Center for International
Rehabilitation, a non-governmental organization in special
consultative status with the Economic and Social Council
The Secretary-General has received the following statement, which is being
circulated in accordance with paragraphs 30 and 31 of Economic and Social Council
resolution 1996/31.
* * *
* E/2004/100.
04-32576 (E) 270504

Contributions to the General Voluntary Trust Fund (GVTF) may be made by governments,
organizations, or individuals and addressed to a specific country or project. NGO involvement in the
enhancement of the GVTF is vital in the development of a proper diagnosis of the situation, the
formulation and execution of projects that address the situation, and in securing necessary resources,
with technical assistance from the UN-NGO IRENE in all stages of this process.
Developing and enhancing the GVTF requires the development of strategies that aim at different
The project
Fundraising and donors:
In order to alleviate poverty and achieve sustainable development it is important to increase
the amount of committed financial and other resources. An extensive educational program
should be implemented to increase awareness of different issues related to the Millennium
Goals. For example, emphasis should be placed on the importance of supporting programs that
aim at the achievement of these goals, and especially those that are assumed by NGOs.
The more effectively an organization can demonstrate that its concerns are the concerns of the
wider society, the more influence it will have on the media, officials, politicians and donors.
Developing a base of support constituted of local people and businesses is a very powerful
means to demonstrate the relevance of an organization’s work. By articulating its efforts to the
wider society and persuading people to lend support through their time and money, and
organization establishes an important accountability mechanism. Achieving local support and
investment suggests that the work being done is deemed necessary and can secure an audience
of individuals in positions of influence.
NGOs work across sectors and across regions and in doing so complement government efforts
to serve citizens or fill gaps in areas that have not been addressed by government. Some argue
that governments should therefore be required to fund NGOs as “subcontractors” of services
that complement government efforts.
Individuals targeted in fundraising are usually wealthy individuals who wish to leave a legacy
or raise their social profile. However, in this arena, there is a benevolent spirit in individuals of
all areas of social causes. Raising money from individuals may also be carried out by direct
mail and collections.
Private companies may become donors if it is in their interest to support the NGO’s activities.
It may be expedient to offer publicity for the company (media coverage, etc.). To a
corporation, the reputation of the NGO and the project assessment are crucial. An NGO needs
the same amount of time to assess a prospective corporate donor’s interests and values as it
does to assess an individual donor. NGOs should devise their corporate requests based on a
solid understanding of these factors and present the proposed program or activity as beneficial
to all actors, including the corporation, the NGO, and the community. Typically, corporate
organizations seek to associate themselves with initiatives that are high profile and highly
visible, yield results quickly, and affect a considerable impact not only on the community but
on the company’s reputation with its clients and the general public. When writing an
application is imperative to secure long term support from companies.
The purpose of a foundation is the securing and maintenance of grants, for which effective
applications and follow up are critical. Existing data bases can be referred to in the creation of
a list of foundations and their characteristics. Recent research in Tanzania shows that among
26 organizations studied, the proportion of income originating from local sources was
growing. Income earned through fees, commercial activity, and individual donations were the
most significant sources. These are trends which should be documented and publicized in
order to encourage others.
Organizations like Rotary Clubs may be good supporters.
Fundraising and NGOs
Due to the fierce competition for funds, fundraising is very difficult, and an NGO must be
efficient and must plan, build relationships and maintain communication in order to conduct a
successful fundraiser.
Having a full time member of the staff available for fundraising is a very good base.
The organization must budget for specific fundraising costs.
Responding to relevant incidents and contacting the media when starting a new project or
celebrating a milestone can gain publicity for an organization.
Events can be good venues to raise money and increase awareness.
The Board of Directors of a NGO can be very important in the procurement of funds, and in
well developed NGOs board members should work to ensure adequate resources. It is
important that members, as an organization’s natural representatives, understand and
communicate the NGO’s mission. The effectiveness of the Board relies on their compliance
with internal rules and the establishment of different committees. Committees should have a
clear purpose and an active membership, meet regularly, and have adequate representation on
the board. At least one committee should pursue fundraising goals, though others can
contribute through their respective activities. The Fundraising Committee should oversee
development and implementation of a fundraising plan, identify and solicit funds from
external sources of support, and work with the Development Officer if possible. Other
committees that can be helpful include a marketing committee, a public relations committee,
and a product and services committee. Among its board members an organization should have
business persons, individuals related to the mission of the organization or who may be able
influence decision makers, and individuals with wealth. Board member commitment to
support the organization and to participative discussions are other means to achieve successful
fundraising. From this perspective, some of their goals may be:
1) To make their own financial contributions to the extent of their capacity. Some
board members can only give $5; others may be able to give $5 million. Each board
member should make a "stretch" gift every year, regardless of specific amount.
2) To seek contributions from friends, relatives and colleagues. The solicitor is the
most important factor in a person's contribution to a nonprofit organization.
3) To recruit new members to the Board of Directors who possess the "clout" and
connections that will ensure the success of the fundraising effort. Volunteers other than
board members also play valuable fundraising roles. The fundraising committee of the
board of directors should be made up of board members and non-board members, with
the latter possibly offering a particular kind of expertise to the committee but
uninterested (at least at this time) in serving on the board. Nonprofits must avoid
including only board members on board committees. There is a world of enthusiasm
and experience available and waiting to be approached! A number of nonprofits have
done well with fundraising entities separate from the Board of Directors. These groups
are usually comprised of men and women who are not interested in board membership
but are excited about adopting the non-profit as their "pet charity," or lending their
name to the development effort.
Fundraising and the Project
Fundraising involves a lot more than money. Money does play an important part, but it is the
end result of a process which is fundamentally about persuading people to share your vision of
a better world. It is about galvanizing something in an individual, be it their sense of hope,
humanity, or conscience. Each of us has the ability to empathize with others, and most people
when made aware of something unjust, want to do something in response.
A good project gets fundraising, and UN-NGO IRENE technical assistance is fundamental for
the different stages of managing and implementing a good project.
Proposal: The Center for International Rehabilitation (CIR) and the UN NGO Informal
Regional Network (UN-NGO-IRENE) Initiative for the Promotion and Monitoring of Human
Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2004-2005
1. Title
The Center for International Rehabilitation (CIR) and the UN NGO Informal Regional Network (UNNGO-
IRENE) Initiative for the Promotion and Monitoring of Human Rights of Persons with
Disabilities 2004-2005
2. Geographic Scope
The project encompasses the following least developed countries (LDCs): United Republic of
Tanzania, Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda, and Zambia.
3. Project Goal
To build the advocacy and monitoring capacity of those organizations within civil society devoted to
promoting and protecting the human rights of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and ensuring their
full participation in society
4. Issues the Project will address
The initiative will sponsor training in advocacy, policy, and human rights for organizations within the
disability communities of selected LDCs through workshops and distance learning. The training will
provide the necessary preparation for participation in monitoring activities documenting the level of
human rights protection provided to people with disabilities.
5. Programmatic Objectives and Activities
Objective (1)
1. To raise awareness of the human rights issues of concern to people with disabilities among the
disability community and NGOs in the selected countries.
Activities (1)
1. The UN-NGO-IRENE and the CIR will organize a regional workshop for NGOs on disability rights
in the selected LDCs. The UN-NGO-IRENE will provide technical assistance in facilitating the
Objective (2)
2. To monitor the situation of people with disabilities in selected LDCs through a disability advocacy
network composed of organizations active in civil society.
Activities (2)
2.1 The UN-NGO-IRENE will provide its technical assistance in facilitating the creation of a network
of disability organizations. The CIR will identify disability organizations and select individuals to
constitute a disability advocacy network.
2.2 The UN-NGO-IRENE and the CIR will provide training regarding human rights, international and
national law and the monitoring process to disability organizations, individuals participating in the
disability advocacy network, and other NGOs where appropriate. The UN-NGO-IRENE will provide
technical assistance in disability statistics, UN programming and general capacity building. The CIR
will provide specific training in disability rights research and methodology, which will be used by
participants to generate independent reports identifying the status of disability rights within the
Objective (3)
3. To provide advocacy training, enabling the network to use their monitoring activities to promote
disability action.
Activities (3)
3. The UN-NGO-IRENE and the CIR will design and realize workshops to train and inform the
ongoing network in human rights and disability awareness and action. The
UN-NGO-IRENE will provide technical assistance in general capacity building. The CIR will provide
specific training in disability rights and action, especially on the use of the research findings as an
advocacy tool.
6. Outcomes
The monitoring activities of the civil-society organizations will be compiled in a regional shadow
report to be published through the International Disability Rights Monitor (IDRM) project of CIR.