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UN Human Rights Treaties

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Human rights and disability : draft resolution / Algeria, et al.

UN Document Symbol E/CN.4/1993/L.65
Convention Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Document Type Draft Resolution
Session 49th
Type Document

2 p.

Subjects Persons with Disabilities, Equal Opportunity, Social Integration

Extracted Text

4 March 1993
Original: ENGLISH
Forty-ninth session
Agenda item 19
Algeria*, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
Denmark*, Finland, Germany, Greece*, Iran (Islamic Republic of),
Nigeria, Norway*, Russian Federation, Senegal*, Sweden*, Turkey*,
United States of America and United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland: draft resolution
1993/... Human rights and disability
The Commission on Human Rights,
Recalling its resolution 1992/48 of 3 March 1992, Economic and Social
Council decision 1992/276 of 30 July 1992 and General Assembly
resolutions 47/3 of 14 October 1992 and 47/88 of 16 December 1992,
Mindful of the need for persons with disabilities to achieve full and
equal enjoyment of human rights and participation in all fields of society,
Recalling the plenary sessions of the General Assembly, held on
12 and 13 October 1992, to mark the conclusion of the United Nations Decade of
Disabled Persons,
Mindful of the need for a long-term strategy to implement the World
Programme of Action to the year 2000 and beyond, resulting from the meeting of
experts held at Vancouver, Canada, in April 1992,
* In accordance with rule 69, paragraph 3, of the rules of procedure
of the functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council.
GE.93-11578 (E)
page 2
Mindful also of the responsibility of Governments in removing or
facilitating the removal of barriers and obstacles to the full integration in
society of persons with disabilities,
Welcoming the initiative of the Government of Canada in convening the
International Conference of Ministers Responsible for the Status of Persons
with Disabilities, held at Montreal, Canada, on 8 and 9 October 1992,
1. Supports the efforts of Governments in developing national policies
to reach specific objectives, taking into account the recommendations of the
General Assembly contained in its resolution 47/88 of 16 December 1992
entitled "Towards the full integration of persons with disabilities in
society: a continuing world programme of action";
2. Expresses its appreciation to the Centre for Social Development and
Humanitarian Affairs of the Secretariat for its efforts to coordinate and
supervise the implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning
Disabled Persons;
3. Appeals to Member States to highlight the observance of the
International Day of Disabled Persons on 3 December every year with a view to
the achievement of the full and equal enjoyment of human rights and
participation in society by persons with disabilities;
4. Welcomes the establishment of a Ministers' Working Group and the
decision taken as the result of its initial meeting, held in Paris on
19 January 1993, to create an international mechanism for ministers to promote
cooperation and international exchange with respect to the status of persons
with disabilities;
5. Also welcomes the adoption by the Commission on Social Development
at its thirty-third session of the standard rules on the equalization of
opportunities for disabled persons;
6. Encourages States to implement the standard rules on the
equalization of opportunities for disabled persons as an essential element in
the full integration into society of persons with disabilities;
7. Reiterates the invitation to the human rights treaty bodies,
notably the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Human
Rights Committee, to monitor the compliance of States with their commitments
under the relevant human rights instruments in order to ensure the full
enjoyment of those rights by disabled persons.