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UN Human Rights Treaties

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United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons.

UN Document Symbol E/RES/1983/19
Convention Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Document Type Resolution
Session Non-Applicable
Type Document

1 p.

Subjects Persons with Disabilities

Extracted Text

Referring to General Assembly resolutions 32/75 of 12 December 1977, 35/141 of 12 December 1980 and 37/70 of 9 December 1982 on the economic and social consequences of the armaments race and its extremely harmful effects on world peace and security,
Recalling General Assembly resolution 37/189 of 18 De-cember 1982 on human rights and scientific and technological developments, in which the Assembly expressed the firm conviction that all peoples and all individuals have an inherent right to life and that the safeguarding of this foremost right is an essential condition for the enjoyment of the entire range of economic, social and cultural, as well as civil and political, rights,
Recalling also its resolution 1981/19 of 6 May 1981, in which it requested the Secretary-General to pay full attention in his reports on the world social situation to emerging social issues of international concern in connection with the changes in the world situation, giving special attention to the relationship between disarmament and development,
Deeply concerned that the arms race, particularly in nuclear armaments, and military expenditures continue to increase at an alarming speed, constituting a grave danger to world peace and security,
Recalling further the conclusions of the Final Documents of the tenth™ and twelfth*1 special sessions of the General Assembly, devoted to disarmament, to the effect that the vastly increased military budgets have also contributed to current economic problems in certain States and that existing and planned military programmes constitute a colossal waste of precious resources which might otherwise be used to elevate living standards of all peoples and solve the problems confronting developing countries in achieving economic and social development,
Noting with concern the worsening of social conditions in many countries of the world, a situation which represents a threat to the attainment of the goals and tasks of the Declaration on Social Progress and Development and of the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade,
1. Requests the Secretary-General to submit, every three years, through the Commission for Social Development and in the framework of his report on the world social situation, a section on the adverse effects of the arms race on social progress and development in the world;
2. Further requests the Secretary-General to pay full attention in his reports on the world social situation to a redistribution of resources released as a result of implementation of disarmament measures for the purpose of economic and social development of all countries, including developing countries, and to contribute to the bridging of the economic gap between developed and developing countries;
3. Calls upon States, when preparing their national programmes of social and economic development, to take measures for reallocating the resources which are being spent for military purposes, in the interest of ensuring social progress;
4. Requests the Commission for Social Development, at its thirtieth session, to consider the question of the adverse effects of the arms race on social progress.
14th plenary meeting 26 May 1983
30 General Assembly resolution S 10/2..
31 A/S-12/32.

1983/19. United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons
The Economic and Social Council,
Taking into consideration General Assembly resolutions 37/52 of 3 December 1982, by which the Assembly adopted the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons,32, and 37/53 of 3 December 1982 on the implementation of the World Programme of Action, in which the Assembly proclaimed the period 1983-1992 United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons,
Taking note with appreciation of the reports of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons33 and on the prevention of disability and on activities concerning disabled persons'4 and of the conclusions reached in those reports,
Concerned with the necessity of keeping alive the momentum generated by the International Year of Disabled Persons in order to ensure the continuous implementation of the Year's main theme of "Full participation and equality",35
1. Requests the Secretary-General to submit a progress report containing national experiences in the implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons and the related activities of the United Nations and other international organizations, to be submitted to the Economic and Social Council through the Commission for Social Development at its twenty-ninth session;
2. Requests that that report should integrate in one document all other documentation on the subject, such as that requested by the General Assembly in its resolution 31/82 of 13 December 1976 on the implementation of the Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons, and by the Economic and Social Council in resolution 1979/14 of 9 May 1979, on prevention of disability, and that it should include a brief account of the progress achieved in developing criteria for monitoring the World Programme of Action;
3. Calls upon all governmental and non-governmental organizations interested in disabled persons to take action to implement the objectives of the World Programme of Action and the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons, and invites full and direct participation of disabled persons themselves;
4. Requests the Secretary-General to promote these activities, paying special attention to the situation of disabled persons in the developing countries, in accordance with the recommendations of the Vienna Affirmative Action Plan36 adopted by the World Symposium of Experts on Technical Co-operation among Developing Countries and Technical Assistance in Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation, held a! Vienna from 12 to 23 October 1981;
5. Requests the Secretary-General to monitor and support the implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons by enlisting extra-budgetary resources.
!4th plenary meeting
26 May 1983
**: See A/37/351/Add.) and Corr.l. annex, sect. VIII.
1** E CN.5/1983/13.
14 E/CN.5/1983/14.
15' See General Assembly resolution 34/154.
16 IYDP SYMP L.2 R ** 1.