Disability statistics compendium
UN Document Symbol | ST/ESA/STAT/SER.Y/4 |
Convention | Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities |
Document Type | Other |
Session | Non-Applicable |
Type | Document |
Description |
x, 350 p. : graphs, tables. |
Subjects | Persons with Disabilities, Disability Statistics |
Extracted Text
Department of International Economic and Social Affairs Statistical Office
Statistics on
Special Population Groups
Series Y No. 4
Statistics Compendium
United Nations New York, 1990
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
The term "country" and "area" as used in the text of this publication also refer, as appropriate, to territories, cities or areas.
Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures.
This publication has been prepared by the Statistical Office, Department of International Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, with financial assistance from the United Nations Voluntary Fund for the Decade of Disabled Persons.
Sales No. E.90.XVII.17
Inquiries should be directed to: PUBLISHING DIVISION
The World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons1 was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly by its resolution 37/52 of 3 December 1982. In paragraph 198 of the World Programme the Statistical Office, Department of International Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, together with other units of the Secretariat, the specialized agencies and regional commissions, were urged to co-operate with the developing countries in evolving a realistic and practical system of data collection based either on total enumeration or on representative samples, as may be appropriate, in regard to various disabilities, and in particular, to prepare technical manuals/documents on how to use household surveys for the collection of such statistics, to be used as essential tools and frames of reference for launching action programmes to ameliorate the condition of disabled persons.
The United Nations was also requested in the World Programme to develop in the years following the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) suitable systems for the regular collection and dissemination of information on disability for programme evaluation at all levels (paras. 194 and 195). In response to this request, the Statistical Office completed in 1988 a microcomputer data base called "United Nations Disability Statistics Data Base" (DISTAT, Version 1). DISTAT contains disability statistics from national household surveys, population censuses, and population or civil registration systems of 55 countries. It is the first international data base of its kind.
Based upon the national statistics available in DISTAT, the Statistical Office has prepared the present document, which is the first international compendium of disability statistics. It provides detailed national data on 12 major topics about disabled persons, including age, sex, residence, educational attainment, economic activity, marital status, household characteristics, causes of impairment and special aids used. A draft of a preliminary version of the Disability Statistics Compendium was presented to the Global Meeting of Experts to Review the Implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons at the Mid-Point of the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons, held at Stockholm from 17 to 22 August 1987. At that meeting it was recommended that the draft be expanded and published as a contribution to the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons. The comments of the experts at the Stockholm meeting have been taken into account in preparing the Compendium. The Statistical Office has collaborated with the United Nations Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations Office at Vienna and the World Health Organization on the development of the conceptual framework for the Compendium. Some financial support for the Compendium was provided by the Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons (previously the International Year of Disabled Persons Trust Fund).
1 A/37/351/Add.1 and Add.1/Corr.1, annex, sect. VIII, recommendation, (IV).
In addition to the compilation and dissemination of disability statistics, a major goal of this volume is to establish international statistical standards which reveal the commonalities of national work on disability while also pointing out their differences. Another goal is to identify the substantive and methodological links between the various disciplines which produce disability statistics and to work towards a common framework for their further development. This has not been a simple task. There are few guidelines or recommendations at this time for production and compilation of disability statistics. Much of the work has been exploratory. Nevertheless, The Compendium provides valuable information on various methodologies for the further production of disability statistics which may lead to increased comparability and broader use of the findings by policy makers, planners and researchers.
The statistics presented in The Compendium are compiled from a subset of national statistical reports contained in DISTAT. DISTAT consolidates the available census and survey statistics on disability through the use of spreadsheets on microcomputers. Users of The Compendium who are interested in having access to DISTAT may use forms given in annex II of the present publication to order copies of the of the DISTAT Technical Manual,2 which provides documentation and illustrations of the data base structure. Governments, organizations and researchers obtaining copies of the data base will automatically receive a copy of the Technical Manual. All registered DISTAT users will be kept informed of new work on disability statistics and any changes and updates to the data base that may be made by the Statistical Office in the coming few years. Comments and suggestions concerning either the present Disability Statistics Compendium or DISTAT are welcome. They should be addressed to the Director, Statistical Office, United Nations, New York 10017.
2 United Nations Disability Statistics Data Base, 1975-1986: Technical Manual Statistical Papers, Series Y, No3 (United Nations publication, Sales N0.E.88.XVII).
Explanatory notes.
A. United Nations programme on global monitoring of
disablement 1
B. General socio-economic and demographic framework....... 8
C. International Disability Statistics Data Base (DISTAT) 13
A. Data collection strategies 15
1. Three types of data collection programmes 19
(a) Population and housing censuses 19
(b) Sample surveys 19
(c) Administrative reporting systems. 20
2. Identifying disabled persons: screening techniques 21
(a) Example of a disability (D code) survey screen 21
(b) Example of an impairment screen 23
3. Survey estimates of disability 25
(a) Percentage of disabled 25
(b) Choosing between I codes or D codes for identifying
disabled groups 28
(c) Consequences of screening techniques 28
B. Illustrative examples ... 32
1. Demographic characteristics. 32
(a) Population aging and disablement 32
(b) Geographical area, residence and disability.. 43
2. Socio-economic assessment of disablement 47
(a) Educational attainment and school attendance 47
(b) Labour force participation and employment
opportunities . 47
(c) Marital status and family formation; living
arrangements. , 50
3. Disability description 50
(a) Causes of impairment or reasons for disability... 54
(b) Special aids used 54
C. Conclusion 59
A. Arrangement of tables 61
B. Source of data.... 61
C. Geographical aspects 61
1. Coverage 61
2. Territorial composition 62
3. Nomenclature.... 62
4. Total populations 62
5. Sources of variation in the data 63
(a) Variations in disabled population 63
(b) Urban/rural classification 63
(c) Collection and compilation of age data 64
(d) Errors in age data..... 64
6. Quality of published statistics 65
7. Disability statistics 65
(a) Statistical definitions .. 65
(b) Disability: incidence versus prevalence..... 66
(c) Variations in the percentage of disabled.. 66
No. Page
1. Population, disabled persons, disabilities reported and prevalence
of disability, by age and sex 70
2. Disabled persons per 100,000 population, by age and sex and by
selected intellectual, other psychological, language and aural
impairments 116
Statistical definitions
Mental impairments (MI.I) 116
Intellectual (1) 116
Other psychological (2).... 118
Language (3) 118
Severe impairment of communication (30).. 118
Aural (4).... ............................................ 118
Total or profound hearing (40)............ 118
Speech and hearing (M40.1) 118
Disabled persons per 100,000 population, by age and sex and by
selected ocular, visceral and skeletal impairments 147
Statistical definitions
Ocular impairments (5)... 150
Total visual: both eyes (51.0)...... 150
Profound visual: one eye (54) 150
Unspecified other: paralysis of limb (73.9).... 150
Unspecified other: motor, or limb (74.9) . 150
Transverse deficiency (75)... 151
Disabled persons per 100,000 population, by age and sex and
selected disabilities....... 180
Statistical definitions
Behaviour (1) ................ 182
Occupational role (18)......... 182
Communication (2)....... 182
Listening to speech (23).. 182
Detailed visual tasks (26) 182
Personal care (3) 182
Clothing (35)............. ... 182
Making food ready (37.3) 182
Other feeding, chewing (38.2).. 182
Locomotor (mobility) (4)... .. 182
Walking (40) 182
Climbing stairs (42)....... 182
Standing transfer (46.2).......... 182
Other transfer (46.8) ... 182
Lifting (48) 183
Other locomotor (49) 183
Body disposition (5) 183
Retrieval (52)................ ..... 183
Dexterity (6) 183
Situational (7).................. .......... ...... 183
Other situational (78) 183
Other activity restrictions (9)..... 183
No. Page
5. Population, disabled persons and disabilities by type of impairment
or disability, and prevalence rate by age, sex and urban/rural
residence . 186
6. Educational characteristics of disabled persons, by age, sex and
type of impairment or disability. 224
7. Employment characteristics of disabled persons, by age, sex and
type of impairment or disability 248
5. Marital status of disabled persons, by age, sex and type of
impairment or disability . 276
9. Family characteristics of disabled persons, by age, sex and type
of impairment or disability 283
10. Housing characteristics of disabled persons, by age, sex and type of
impairment or disability 288
11. Causes of impairments of disabled persons by age, sex and type of
impairment or disability 308
12. Aids used for reducing disabilities of disabled persons, by age,
sex and type of impairment or disability 337
I. National references. 343
II. Conditions of use and order forms for the United Nations Disability
Statistics Data Base on microcomputer diskettes (DISTAT) 349
List of tables
No. Page
I.1 Topics covered in national publications and reports concerning
disability by type of data collection programme 3
II.1 Percentage disabled by sex, year and type of data collection
programme 16
II.2 Population surveyed, and disabled persons by age group 33
II.3 Geographical disaggregation available in censuses and surveys
covering disabled persons, selected countries and areas 44
II.4 Rural/Urban differences in disability prevalence rates 45
List of Figures
Figure Page
III Percentage disabled, by country or area and year of data
collection . 26
II.2 Percentage disabled by country or area, year of data
collection and type of screen.... 29
II.3 Sex ratio of percentage disabled .. 31
II.4 Percentage aged 60+ of total population and disabled population.... 36
II.5 Age specific prevalence rates per 100,000 population. 38
II.6 Illustrative prevalence rates per 100,000 population, by age
and sex 40
II.7 Ratio of rural/urban disability 46
II.8 Persons having no schooling, by age group, total and disabled
population: Hong Kong, 1981 48
II.9 Employment status: Australia, 1981 49
II.10 Rate of disability, by family cycle and marital status:
Sweden, 1980..... 51
II.11 Institutionalized disabled persons, by age group and type of
institution: Australia, 1981... 53
II.12 Causes of disability: India, urban and rural.... 55
II.13 Special aids used: Australia, 1981 57
Explanatory notes
Reference to "dollars" ($) indicates United States dollars, unless otherwise stated.
The term "billion" signifies a thousand million.
A hyphen (-) between years, e.g., 1984-1985, indicates the full period involved, including the beginning and end years; a slash-.(/) indicates a financial year, school year or crop year, e.g., 1984/85.
A point (.) is used to indicate decimals.
The following symbols have been used in the tables:
Two dots (..) indicate that data are not available or are not separately reported.
A dash (--) indicates that the amount is nil or negligible.
A hyphen (-) indicates that the term is not applicable.
A minus sign (-) before a number indicates a deficit or decrease, except as indicated.
Details and percentages in tables do not necessarily add to totals because of rounding.
A. United Nations programme on global monitoring of disablement
The present publication is a compendium of national disability statistics available for monitoring the implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, pursuant to paragraphs 194-195 and 198 of that Programme.1 It is based upon the national statistical work that has been compiled in the newly produced United Nations Disability Statistics Data Base (DISTAT), Version 1.2
Disability description is confounded by divergent use of terminology by Governments, professionals, legislators, by disabled persons and their representative groups. In this Compendium, the words "disability", "disabled persons", and "dis-ablement" are used to describe the generic situation of being "disabled", implying that one is part of a special population group of persons broadly referred to in the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons. All references to impairments, disabilities and handicaps specifically use the definitions and codes applied to these terms in the International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps (ICIDH) issued by the World Health Organization.3 Briefly, using ICIDH terminology, these three concepts are defined below:
(a) Impairment: "any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological, or anatomical structure or function"; Impairments are disturbances at the level of the organ which include defects or loss of limb, organ or other body structure, as well as defects or loss of mental function. Examples of impairments that have been asked about in censuses or surveys include: blindness; deafness; loss of sight in an eye; paralysis of limb; amputations of limb; mental retardation; partial sight; loss of speech; mutism.
(b) Disability: a "restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being"; It describes a functional limitation or activity restriction caused by an impairment. Disabilities are descriptions of disturbances in function at the level of the person. Examples of disabilities that have been asked about in censuses or surveys include: difficulty seeing; speaking; hearing; moving; climbing stairs; grasping; reaching; bathing; eating; toileting.
1 The World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at its thirty-seventh session on 3 December 1982 by its resolution 37/52. See Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirty-seventh Session, Supplement No. 51 (A/37/51).
2 For a more detailed discussion of DISTAT, see United Nations Disability Statistics Data Base, 1975-1986: Technical Manual, Statistical papers, Series Y, No. 3 United Nations Publication, (Sales No. E.88.XVII.12).
3 World Health Organization, International Classification of lmpairments, Disabilities and Handicaps (Geneva, 1980), pp. 27-29.
(c) Handicap: a "disadvantage for a given individual, resulting from an impairment or disability, that limits or prevents the fulfilment of a role that is normal (depending on age, sex and social and cultural factors) for that individual"; the term is also a classification of "circumstances in which disabled people are likely to find themselves". Handicap describes the social and economic roles of impaired or disabled persons that place them at a disadvantage compared to other persons. These disadvantages are brought about through the interaction of the person with specific environments and cultures. Examples of handicaps that have been asked about in censuses, surveys and registries include: bedridden; confined to home; unable to use public transport; not working; underemployed; socially isolated.
People are identified in censuses, surveys and registration systems as "dis-abled" through screening of their impairments and/or disabilities. "Handicap", as described in the above definition of ICIDH, is not being utilized as a concept for identifying and screening disabled persons into censuses, surveys and registration systems; it is instead used as an analytical tool for assessing the social and economic situation of disabled persons identified through reporting of impairments or disabilities.
The World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons laid out some of the major concepts proposed for the study of the general situation of disabled persons and for monitoring programme action. The concepts include: prevention; rehabilitation; equalization of opportunities for education, employment and social role; disability and the new international economic order; and the consequences in economic and social development to disabled persons.
The World Programme of Action provides for monitoring the implementation of national action in order to:
(a) Increase participation of disabled persons in decision-making;
(b) Prevent impairment, disability and handicap;
(c) Develop rehabilitation programmes;
(d) Equalize opportunities of disabled persons with other population
(e) Increase community action and interaction with disabled persons;
(/) Improve staff training for special disability programmes;
(g) Provide information and public education.
Although there is room for improvement, censuses, surveys and registration systems are already addressing a number of these issues. Table I.1 shows the topics covered in 63 national censuses, surveys and registration systems of 55 countries that have collected data on topics pertinent to the monitoring of the World Programme of Action. In all, 17 major topics, including assessment of socio-economic opportunity and integration are presented in table I.1. The table demonstrates that statistical work has already been started by countries on the socio-economic opportunities and integration of disabled persons, as well as on their personal experiences with impairments and disabilities. Each country having data on any particular topic is marked with an X. The actual topics being covered can be compared with the illustrative classification of topics suggested by the Expert Group Meeting on Disability Statistics, discussed in section B below.
Table I.1. Topics covered in national publications and reports concerning disability by type of data collection programme
(a) Demographic, socio-economic, household and family formation
Demographic Socio-economic Household and family formation
Data Education Occupation, Household
Country collection Age industry and
or area programme/ group/ Urban/ attain- Economic and Marital Household Family personal
year sex Rural ment activity employment status characteristics information income
Total population
Bahrain 1981 X X X
Comoros 1980 X
Egypt 1976 X X X X
Hong Kong 1981 X X X X X X x
Indonesia 1980 X
Kuwait 1980 X X X X
Mali 1976 X X
Mexico 1980 X
Neth Antilles 1981 X
Pakistan 1981 X X
Panama 1980 X
Peru 1981 X X X
Poland 1978 X
Sri Lanka 1981 X X X X
Saint Helena 1976 X X
Tunisia 1984 X X X
Tunisia 1975 X X X X
Turkey 1975 X
United States 1980 X X
Subtotal 19 6 6 6 5 1 3 0 1
Belize 1980 X
Burma* 1983 X X
Cape Verde 1980 X
Central African Rep. 1975 X X
Cuba 1981 X
Guyana 1980 X
Ireland 1981 X
Kiribati 1978 X
Philippines 1980 X X
Spain 1981 X
Trinidad & Tobago 1980 X
Venezuela 1981 X X
Subtotal 12 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jordan 1983 X
Subtotal 1 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0
Canada 1983 X X X X X X X
Egypt 1979-81 X X X X X
Table I.1 (a) (continued)
Demographic Socio-economic Household and family formation
Data Education Occupation, Household
Country collection Age tional industry and
or area programme/ group/ Urban/ attain- Economic and Marital Household Family personal
year sex Rural ment activity employment status characteristics information income
United States 1982 X X X
Uruguay 1984 X
Living conditions
Denmark 1976 X X
Finland 1978 X X X X
New Zealand 1980-81 X
Norway 1983 X X X X X X
Sweden 1980-81 X X X X X X X
Thailand 1981 X X
Demographic and
Fiji 1982 X X
China 1983 X X
Ethiopia 1979-81 X
India 1981 X X
Swaziland 1983 X
Thailand 1983 X X
Zimbabwe 1981 X X X
Australia 1981 X X X X X X
Austria 1976 X X
Germany Fed Rep of 1983 X
Japan 1980 X X X X X
Nepal 1980 X X X X
Philippines 1980 X X X X X
Trinidad & Tobago 1982 X
Subtotal 24 10 7 12 7 5 4 2 4
Registration and
other types
Jamaica 1978 X X X
General non-
probability survey
Kenya 1981 X X X X
Ethiopia 1981 X X X
Jordan 1979 X
Lebanon 1981 X
UK(N. Ireland) 1978 X
Singapore 1985 X
Subtotal 7 1 3 0 1 0 0 2 0
Grand total 63 21 16 18 13 6 7 4 5
Table I.1 . (continued)
(b) Disability experience and other
Disability experience Other
Data Presence Severity of Aids used
collection of an Age Cause impairment/ for Services/ Special
Country programme/ additional of of Disability degree of reducing treatment disability
or area year impairment onset impairment status disability disability received issues
Total population
Bahrain 1981 X
Comoros 1980
Egypt 1976
Hong Kong 1981
Indonesia 1980
Kuwait 1980
Mali 1976
Mexico 1980
Neth Antilles 1981 X
Pakistan 1981 X
Panama 1980 X
Peru 1981
Poland 1978
Sri Lanka 1981 X X X
Saint Helena 1976
Tunisia 1984
Tunisia 1975
Turkey 1975 X
United States 1980
Subtotal 1 1 4 0 0 1 0 0
Belize 1980
Burma* 1983
Cape Verde 1980
Central African Rep. 1975
Cuba 1981
Guyana 1980
Ireland 1981
Kiribati 1978
Philippines 1980
Spain 1981
Trinidad & Tobago 1980
Venezuela 1981
Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jordan 1983
Subtotal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Canada 1983 X X X X x
Egypt 1979-81 X
* XT- *Now Myanmar
Table I.1 (b) (continued)
Disability experience Other
Data Presence Severity of Aids used
collection of an Age Cause impairment/ for Services/ Special
Country programme/ additional of of Disability degree of reducing treatment disability
or area year impairment onset impairment status disability disability received issues
United States 1982
Uruguay 1984 X
Living conditions
Denmark 1976 X X
Finland 1978 X
New Zealand 1980-81 X
Norway 1983 X
Sweden 1980-81 X
Thailand 1981
and socio-economic
Fiji 1982
China 1983
Ethiopia 1979-81
India 1981 X X X X
Swaziland 1983
Thailand 1983
Zimbabwe 1981 X X X X
Australia 1981 X X X X X
Austria 1976 X X X X X X
Germany Fed Rep of 1983 X X X X
Japan 1980 X X
Nepal 1980 X X
Philippines 1980 X X X X
Trinidad & Tobago 1982
Subtotal 2 4 9 4 5 3 6 11
and other types
Jamaica 1978 X
General non-
probability survey
Kenya 1981 X X X
Ethiopia 1981 X X X X
Jordan 1979
Lebanon 1981
UK(N. Ireland) 1978 X
Singapore 1985
Subtotal 0 2 2 0 2 0 1 2
Grand total 3 7 15 4 7 4 7 13
As already mentioned, the WHO/ICIDH classification conceptually outlines three major components of disablement and then provides a framework for their description and measurement. These three components of ICIDH are useful for designing assessment of the three major goals for policy formulation and programme planning expressed in the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons, namely, prevention, rehabilitation and equalization of opportunity.
In the World Programme of Action the three goals are described as follows:
(a) Prevention: measures aimed at preventing the onset of mental, physical and sensory impairments (primary prevention) or at preventing impairment when it has occurred, from having negative physical, psychological and social consequences;
(b) Rehabilitation: means a goal-oriented and time-limited process aimed at enabling an impaired person to reach an optimal mental, physical and/or social functional level, thus providing her or him with the tools to change her or his own life. It can involve measures to compensate for a loss of function or a functional limitation (for example by technical aids) and other measures intended to facilitate social adjustment or readjustment;
(c) Equalization of opportunities: the process through which the general system of society, such as the physical and cultural environment, housing and transportation, social and health services, educational and work opportunities, cultural and social life, including sports and recreational facilities are made accessible to all.
The text table below indicates how the three WHO/ICIDH components and the three United Nations goals complement each other. Shaded cells show the orientation of main activities of prevention, rehabilitation and equalization of opportunity programmes.
ICIDH Prevention Rehabilitation Equalization of opportunities
Impairments IP IR Ie
Disabilities DP Dr De
Handicaps HP Hr He
The table provides a simplified description of survey strategy for monitoring disability programmes. Essentially, disabled people are identified through description of impairments and disabilities. Programmes are planned and implemented which aim to reduce impairments through the prevention of disease and accidents and
through the general study of the cause of impairments, as well as through medical and health care for reduction in loss of function (cells Ip and Ir). An innoculation campaign for the prevention of infectious diseases, such as polio, which aims to inoculate total populations regardless of ability to pay, is an example of a prevention programme in cell Ie; in other words, it is an equal opportunity programme aiming to increase access to preventive services for reduction of impairments. Programmes are also planned and implemented which aim to reduce disabilities through early intervention and physical therapy, or which attempt to reduce barriers for disabled persons through the production and distribution of special aids to increase mobility, or vision, or the communication possibilities of disabled persons (cells Dr and De).
Prevention of handicaps, as shown in cell Hp, would work to reduce factors which isolate disabled persons (lack of services, negative community attitudes, prejudice towards disabled persons), whereas rehabilitation goals (cell Hr) might be to increase opportunities for independent living, community-based rehabilitation programmes, modified transport arrangements, public media programmes etc., to reduce the above mentioned negative influences. Equalization of opportunity programmes addressing handicaps (cell He) would concentrate on organizing opportunities for full participation and integration of disabled persons as national and international citizens.
B. General socio-economic and demographic framework
The general conceptual framework used by the Statistical Office for the development of social and economic statistics of special population groups, including disabled persons, is the United Nations framework for integration of social, demographic and related statistics.4 Statistical measures of social equality, economic opportunity, marginality and socio-economic status of special population groups are strongly interrelated in their methodological and conceptual development. The use of an integrated framework encourages the development of disability statistics, not to study solely the disabled, but also the comparative situation of women, men, children, youth, the elderly, displaced persons, new migrants, rural households and large metropolitan communities concerning disability.
The way the data are organized in DISTAT leads to the development of indicators measuring equalization of opportunity and social integration for various groups of disabled persons. Indicators of opportunity and integration will very often match indicators developed on these same topics for other population groups. It is imperative that these statistical indicators be similar, otherwise disabled persons will be mistakenly viewed in the analysis as so uniquely different that comparisons with other population groups cannot be made.
Disabled persons are unique with respect to how they are studied in national censuses, surveys and registration or administrative record systems primarily because their impairments or disabilities are identified and reported. In all other ways, the goals of surveys measuring the situation of disabled persons and that of other special population groups are similar; for example, assessing demographic characteristics, social and economic status, patterns of school attendance and occupational histories, migration patterns or current residence.
4 Toward a System of Social and Demographic Statistics, Statistical papers, Series F., No. 18 (United Nations Publication, Sales No. E.74.XVII.8).
Generally five subject areas have been developed for statistical coverage of disability issues in population censuses, surveys and registration systems. They are (a) presence of impairments; (b) presence of disabilities; (c) causes of impairment, (d) social, economic and environment characteristics; and (e) distribution and use of services and support. The full list of related topics is given below, compiled in accordance with the recommendations of the Expert Group on Development of Statistics on Disabled Persons, which met at Vienna from 2 to 6 April 1984.6
The Expert Group generally supported the concepts of impairments and disabilities set forth in the WHO/ICIDH classification and agreed that work was needed in order to make the concepts more operable for survey purposes. A recommendation of the Expert Group was to define handicaps in terms of social, economic and cultural loss attributable to the interaction between the disability characteristics of disabled persons and the characteristics of their environment. In other words, handicap is a measure of social and economic conditions of the disabled when compared with other population groups who are not disabled. The Group noted that the scope of topics in ICIDH required modification in order to take into account measurement of principal social, economic and environmental concepts and the goal of equalization of opportunity set out in the World Programme.
Drawing on ICIDH and other technical documentation, the Expert Group developed the list of areas given in the illustrative classification below, which it proposed as a basis for the study of disablement through the use of population censuses, surveys and registration systems.
5 "Report of the Expert Group on Development of Statistics on Disabled Persons" (ESA/STAT/AC.18/7).
Other physical
I. Presence of impairments
Auditory sensitivity Language functions and speech Visual acuity
Internal organs and impairments of other special functions such as sexual organs, mastication and swallowing
Head and trunk region, mechanical and motor impairments of limbs and deficiencies of limbs
Disfigurements of head and trunk regions and of limbs
Intellectual and Intelligence, memory, thinking, consciousness and
other psychological wakefulness, perception and attention, emotive and
volitional functions and behaviour patterns
Generalized sensory and others
II. Presence of disabilities
Locomotor Ambulation and confining disabilities
Communication Speaking, listening
Personal care Personal hygiene, dressing, feeding and
Body Domestic disabilities, such as preparing
disposition and serving food and care of dependants, and
disabilities of body movement, such as fingering,
gripping and holding
Dexterity Skill in bodily movements including
manipulative skills and the ability to regulate control mechanisms
Behaviour Awareness and disabilities in reactions
Situational Dependence and endurance and environmental
disabilities relating to tolerance of environmental
Disabilities of particular skills and other activity restrictions
III. Causes of impairment
Infectious and parasitic diseases
Congenital anomalies and perinatal conditions
Motor vehicle accidents
Other transport accidents
Accidental poisoning
Injury resulting from accidental falls, fire, and
operations of war Other external causes including natural and
environmental factors Other diseases and conditions
IV. Social, economic and environment characteristics
Sex, age
Marital status
Household and family characteristics, or institutional
characteristics Education and training Employment and occupation Income and consumption Health and nutrition characteristics, may include variables
such as height, weight and calorie intake Geographical distribution, residence Housing and environment Leisure and culture Social and political participation Transport Communication Attitudes and norms Legislation and civil rights
V. Distribution and use of services and support
Primary health care
Treatment of accident or trauma
Maternal and child health and family planning
General health services
Education (general, special, vocational)
Rehabilitation (including vocational)
Compensatory economic measures, social security and pensions
Counselling and public education and information (community and
family attitudes and behaviour) Legal protection or equal and non-segregated opportunities Provision of equal mobility opportunities Elimination of environmental barriers Provision of technical aids and equipment Provision of services for independent living
Areas I and II, or the concepts of impairment and disability, have been discussed extensively at national and international meetings, and they pose a special challenge in the development of statistics on disabled persons using population censuses, surveys and registration systems. This is because these two concepts provide the data collection and programme strategy for the definition and identi-fication of disabled persons. Area III, cause of disability, provides the needed health and medical explanation of disablement. Survey assessment of cause is particularly important for the study of disability prevention. Areas IV and V are analytically important to the study of handicap, because both social and economic characteristics of disabled persons and reports of services received are strong indicators of access to equal opportunity for medical care, educational training, public facilities etc.
C. International Disability Statistics Data Base (DISTAT)
Statistics for the description of disability are often overlooked, in part because knowledge about survey work in this area is lacking. The sources of published tabulations are not widely known or understood. Requests by ministries and disability programmes for a special survey on disability are often made in the absence of knowledge about existing recent censuses, surveys and registration systems in which disability data have been collected.
In order to increase the dissemination, evaluation and use of national statistics on disability, the Statistical Office of the United Nations Secretariat has developed a data base of national disability statistics. The goals of the data base are to:
(a) Inform policy-makers, programme planners, service providers and
researchers of existing statistics on disability;
(b) Provide a standardized system for retrieving and compiling statistics that describe the situations of disabled persons, and which can be used to monitor community programmes and policies;
(c) Encourage the development of disability statistics within the existing framework of demographic, social and health statistics programmes; and
(d) Review statistical methods and concepts currently utilized by survey
research work in this area so that new surveys build upon previous experience.
To date there is no intergovernmental data collection system that requests countries systematically to submit national disability statistics from censuses, surveys and registration systems, for international use. In the absence of such an international data collection system, the Statistical Office has initiated a world-wide review of published reports available in statistical libraries, as well as having communicated directly with national statistical offices and other government ministries in order to locate published national statistics.
Initial development of DISTAT was carried out by the Statistical Office in collaboration with the Research Institute of Gallaudet University, Washington D.C. In this work, 95 countries and areas are identified as having collected statistics on disabled persons in population censuses and surveys since 1975. Data from 55 of these countries and areas have now been systematically compiled in the micro-computer data base.
DISTAT provides a beginning for systematically documenting population census, household survey, and registration data on disability. Using modern data management and data base design technologies, national disability data have been consolidated, standardized and integrated from diverse sources, bringing together data from censuses, surveys and administrative reporting systems on selected issues of disablement. The tables presented in this publication, all of which are derived from DISTAT, are the first of their kind - internationally standardized tables of disability statistics based upon published national data sources.
The data base is organized into 22 sections; the first five describe the data sources and these, as well as the methods of collection used, are reviewed in chapter III, "Technical notes", of the present publication. The remaining sections present the statistics on impairment and disability conditions, social and economic char-acteristics of disabled persons and other related topics, such as special aids and services used. The content and organization of the data base are summarized below. A detailed explanation of the data base is available in the United Nations Disability Statistics Data Base, 1975-1976: Technical Manual.2
Other United Nations publications which review methodologies of disability statistics include the following:
Development of Statistics of Disabled Persons: Case Studies. Statistical papers, Series Y, No. 2. Sales No.86.XVII.17.
Development of Statistical Concepts and Methods on Disability for Household Surveys. Statistical papers, Series F, No. 38. Sales No. 88.XVII.4.
A. Data collection strategies
This Compendium assesses how disability concepts and definitions are used in countries to identify disabled persons and how this affects statistical findings. Statistics presented in the Compendium indicate that the percentage of disabled persons ranges from a low of 0.2 to a high of 20.9 per cent for the 63 surveys of the 55 countries, when including data from all types of definitions, age ranges and data collection systems and recognizing their lack of comparability. Because of the variability and lack of standards in presentation, table II.1 displays the percentage of disabled for each of the data sets of DISTAT, stratified by type of data collection procedure used, and documenting each of the age ranges and types of populations included in the data set.
The high degree of variability in disability rates is at least partly determined by the selection and use of impairment and disability definitions and codes. This study found, for example, that census, survey and registration estimates of the percentage of disabled are lower when impairment questions rather than disability questions are used to identify disabled persons. In addition, when impairment questions are used for screening purposes, the resultant disability rates for men are generally higher than those for women. In contrast, when disability screening questions are used, rates are similar for women and men, and in some cases disability rates for women are higher.
Another consequence of the different approaches to identification techniques is that there are notable regional differences in the percentage of disabled. The countries of Africa and Asia, which generally implement impairment screens in their censuses, surveys and registration systems in order to identify disabled persons, report lower rates than do the countries of Europe and North America, which generally use disability screens to identify disabled persons (with the exception of the Caribbean countries which, until now, are still using impairment screens). This suggests that regional comparisons of disability rates may be very misleading unless the methodological differences between data collection systems are clearly stated.
These findings emphasize the necessity for international guidelines and survey standards for data collection on disability, so that rates may be more comparable, and more meaningful, both within and across countries.
The Statistical Office has identified an aspect of survey-taking that is particularly problematic to the development of disability statistics. The problem is that there is no agreed strategy for identifying disabled persons in any data collection methods e.g., censuses, surveys, registration systems, in an acceptable and reasonably standardized fashion. The present section addresses the specific methodological problem of objectively identifying people who are disabled through the use of survey research methods. It offers suggestions for improved methods for screening of disabled persons into surveys through the use of standardized survey instruments.
Table II.1. Percentage disabled by sex, year and type of data collection programme
Year Age group Percentage disabled
Country or area/ Type of data
Both sexes Male Female Comments*
I. Population census Total population
Bahrain 1981 All ages 1.0 1.1 0.9
Comoros 1980 All ages 1.7 1.9 1.5
Egypt 1976 All ages 0.3 0.4 0.2
Hong Kong 1981 All ages 0.8 ..
Indonesia 1980 All ages 1.1 .. .. (a)
Kuwait 1980 All ages 0.4 0.5 0.4
Mali 1976 All ages 3.0 3.1 3.0
Neth. Antilles 1981 All ages 2.9 3.3 2.5
Pakistan 1981 All ages 0.5 0.4 0.5
Panama 1980 0-39 0.7 0.8 0.6
Peru 1981 All ages 0.2 .. ..
Poland 1978 All ages 7.1 ..
Sri Lanka 1981 All ages 0.4 0.6 0.4 (a)
Saint Helena 1976 All ages 1.6 1.5 1.7
Tunisia 1975 All ages 0.8 0.9 0.6
Tunisia 1984 All ages 0.9 1.1 0.7
Turkey 1975 All ages 1.5 1.7 1.2
United States 1980 16-64 8.5 9.0 8.0
II. Population census Population not economically active
Belize 1980 15 years and over 2.5 2.8 2.3 (b)
Burma* 1983 10 years and over 0.4 0.6 0.3 (c)
Cape Verde 1980 10 years and over 4.3 3.5 4.9 (d)
Central African Rep. 1975 10 years and over 1.1 1.2 2.0 (d)
Cuba 1981 15 years and over 1.7 3.7 0.8 (c)
Guyana 1980 15 years and over 2.3 2.3 2.2 (b)
Ireland 1981 15 years and over 3.5 4.3 2.6 (d)
Kiribati 1978 15 years and over 0.5 0.7 0.4 (d)
Mexico 1980 6-14 2.8 2.9 2.7 (e)
Philippines 1980 15 years and over 1.4 .. ¦ ¦ (c)
Spain 1981 All ages 5.1 6.3 4.8 (c)
Trinidad and Tobago 1980 15 years and over 1.1 1.3 0.9 (d)
Venezuela 1981 12 years and over 3.8 8.4 2.0 (c)
Table II.1 (continued)
Year Age group Percentage disabled
Country or area/ Type of data
sexes Male Female Comments*
III. Survey Health and medical
Canada 1983 All ages 11.2 10.6 11.8
Egypt 1979-81 All ages 1.5 1.8 1.2
United States 1982 All ages .. .. .. (g)
Uruguay 1984 45 years and over 11.3 11.2 11.4 (h)
IV. Survey Living conditions
Denmark 1976 20-69 .. .. (g)
Finland 1978 15 years and over - .. .. (g)
New Zealand 1980 15 years and over ... .. .. (g)
Norway 1983 16-79 15.0 20.0
Sweden 1980-81 16-84 .. .. (g)
Thailand 1981 All ages 0.8 0.9 0.7
V. Survey Demographic and socio-economic
China 1983 0-14 1.4 1.5 1.4
Ethiopia 1979-81 All ages 5.5 .. .. (k)
Fiji 1982 All ages 0.9 1.7 0.5 (c)
Swaziland 1983 All ages 2.5 .. .. (k)
Thailand 1983 6-24 2.2 2.3 2.2 (e)
VI. Survey Disability
Australia 1981 All ages 13.2 .. ,,
Austria 1976 All ages 20.9 19.9 21.8
Canada 1986 All ages 13.2 12.7 13.8
China 1987 All ages 4.9 ...
Germany, Fed. Rep. 1983 All ages .. 11.8 9.8
India 1981 All ages .. .. .. (g)
Japan 1980 18 years and over 2.4 (0
Kenya 1981 15 years and over .. .. (f)(j)
Nepal 1980 All ages 3.0 ..
Philippines 1980 All ages 4.4 5.1 3.7
Spain 1986 All ages 15.0 14.8 15.7
Trinidad & Tobago 1982 3-16 (J)
United Kingdom 1985-86 0-15 years 3.2 3.7 2.6
United Kingdom 1985-86 16 years and over 14.2 12.1 16.1
Zimbabwe 1981 All ages if)
Table II.1 {continued)
Percentage disabled
Country or area/ Type of data Year Age group Both sexes Male Female Comments*
VII. Registration Schools
Jamaica 1978 4-11 (f)
VIII. Registration Registration campaign
Ethiopia Jordan Lebanon
United Kingdom (N. Ireland) 1981 1979 1980 1978 0-14 All ages 3-60 All ages 0.2 (f) (f) (f)
IX. Registration Disability registration
Singapore 1985 AH ages .. .. (f)
X. Agricultural census
Jordan 1983 All ages ' (f)
Source. United Nations Disability Statistics Data Base (DISTAT, 1988).
.. Rates not available.
* The following survey results now available but not included in DISTAT. Canada, 1986. The Health and Activity Limitation Survey. China, 1987. The National Sampling Survey of Handicapped. Spain, 1986. Encuesta Sobre Discapacidades Deviciencias y Minusvalias. United Kingdom, 1985-86. OPCS Surveys of Disability in Great Britain.
(a) Based on number of disabilities, not on number of disabled persons: if a person has three different types of disabilities, the person is counted three times.
(b) Disabled persons not attending school and not economically active among total not economically active population.
(c) Disabled persons not economically active among total not economically active population.
'(d). Disabled persons not economically active among total population.
(e) Disabled children among children not attending school.
(f) Number of disabled persons given: however rates not computed because total population figures unavailable.
(g) Percentage disabled available by type of disabilities, but not for total population or for specific age groups.
(h) Montevideo only: disabled persons who are chronically ill among the total chronically ill population.
"(i) Disabled persons living at home. (j) A non-probability survey. (k) For rural areas only.
For all practical purposes, once disabled persons are identified, census, survey or registry interviews of people who are disabled are no different from survey interviews of any other population group. Questions of socio-economic status, school attendance, labour force participation, family and household status are the same for the disabled as they are for any other person being interviewed. The one major exception is that specific questions may be added when interviewing disabled persons and their families concerning questions about the cause of the disability, the age at onset of the impairment and special aids used to reduce disability, all of which are uniquely asked of disabled persons.
1. Three types of data collection programmes
The three major types of data collection systems used to collect disability data are: (a) population and housing census programmes; (b) household survey programmes; and (c) disability registration systems. Each of the three data collection systems is briefly described below.
(a) Population and housing censuses
Population and housing censuses have as their goal the coverage of entire populations of countries. When a question about disability is asked in a census programme, it is intended that every household in the country will be asked about the presence of persons with disability. This is a very large task, yet it has been done in 32 of 55 countries included in DISTAT. One way to ask about disability in a census is to record information on disability for each member of the household (e.g. Bahrain, 1981; Kuwait, 1980). An alternative way is to ask special questions about disability of a sample of households, e.g. every tenth or twentieth household, thereby reducing the amount of work required of enumerators during data collection.
In some cases, disability is asked only as part of a census question. For example, it may be offered as a reason for economic inactivity along with other possible reasons, such as being a homemaker, student or retired person (e.g. Burma, 1983; Central African Republic, 1975; Venezuela, 1981). Another possibility tried by some countries is to ask whether disability is a reason for not attending school among children and youth (e.g. Mexico, 1980; Belize, 1980 and Cuba, 1981).
(b) Sample surveys
Sample surveys, unlike censuses, are not intended to enumerate every household or individual in the country; however, they are designed to be representative of the total population. Using scientifically designed sample selection procedures, the response of selected households or individuals are intended to be statistically representative of the answers one would get from the total population, even though as few as one per 100 or even one per 1,000 of the population are actually contacted and interviewed during a survey. Surveys are often conducted annually, quarterly or even monthly by countries in order to take into account seasonal and other cyclical differences. They cover many different topics, such as health, welfare, labour force, agriculture, and other socio-economic issues.
Using the survey method to collect information on disability, questions of disability may be "piggy-backed", that is attached as a special module, on to sample surveys that are focused on some other specific topic, i.e., labour force, health and medical, living conditions surveys. In such cases, a national health, medical or
labour force survey, for example, is used as an avenue for screening for disability (e.g. Canada Labour Force Survey, 1981; Egypt Health and Medical Profile Survey, 1979-1981). Once screened in as being disabled, an in-depth survey of disability is conducted in that household, thereby reducing the amount of detailed questions on disability required in the larger national household survey programme. This design offers the opportunity to train certain members of the team to interview households having a disabled person and to concentrate usually limited resources on fewer households or individuals. In some surveys, the person selected for the special interview on disability is a lay interviewer or a paramedic or social-worker who receives special training on how to conduct the interview. In some cases, a medically trained individual such as a nurse or physician conducts the interview. When the second alternative is used, survey costs increase substantially because of the costs of utilizing highly trained professionals as interviewers.
Additional design considerations include such issues as to whether to stratify the selection of households before sample selection thereby ensuring sufficient selection of households with certain characteristics necessary for the analysis: for example, rural, urban, living in certain unique environments such as mountain areas or plateau, households with small children, households having an elderly person, and so on. Cluster techniques may also be used in the sample plan, grouping the sample selection of households so that interviewers have less distance to travel between interviews. Each of these decisions has statistical implications and the effects of the design on the statistical analysis are usually estimated by survey sampling techniques.
(c) Administrative reporting systems
Population registration systems, birth registration, social security systems, health reporting, industrial recording of occupational injuries and other registries do have potential for being utilized along with census and survey data for statistically assessing disablement. The development of a national disability registration system is another method whereby information on disablement may be collected.
In general, there are two major approaches to disability registration or administrative reporting. The first approach is to institute an ad hoc one-time national campaign where disabled persons and their families are registered and then interviewed for further information. For example, a door-to-door campaign and survey which canvassed houses in order to find disabled residents was conducted in the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) in 1978. Once identified, all disabled persons or members of their families were interviewed. In several national examples, families were asked to come to the centre and register disabled family members (e.g. Lebanon, 1980; Jordan, 1979). A survey questionnaire was then filled out which described the situation of the identified disabled person. In another case, community leaders were asked to identify disabled persons known to them in the community. Then both community leaders and parents or guardians of disabled persons were interviewed (e.g. Ethiopia, 1981).
In the case of a one-time registration campaign, no attempt is made to continue the registry beyond the time period of data collection.
The second approach is through sampling an on-going civil registration system (e.g. Austria, Federal Republic of Germany and Singapore). In this case, disabled persons who were registered in the national registration system as disabled are selected into the survey through sample selection of registered persons, and then the data of the registry are analysed.
Strengths and weaknesses of censuses, surveys and registration systems as sources of statistical information on disability are discussed in detail in the Case Studies.6
2. Identifying disabled persons: screening techniques
One important distinction in the way that data collection programmes differ is according to whether disabled people were screened into the study through the use of a disability or an impairment screening question. In order to more clearly see the distinction, two national examples are provided below.
(a) Example of a disability (D code) survey screen
The example is Canada. Canada combined census and survey activities in order to assess disability. It implemented in the 1986 population census a question about activity limitations. The census question, which was very broad, was broken into four major parts; each person in the household was asked the questions shown in the following boxes.
Are you limited in the kind or amount of activity that you can do because of a long-term physical condition, mental condition or health problem a
(a) At home? (No I am not limited. Yes I am limited);
(b) At school or at work?
(c) In other activities, e.g., transportation to or from work
work, leisure time activities? (No, I am not limited, Yes, I am limited);
(d) Do you have any long-term disabilities or handicaps?
(No, Yes)
a Statistics Canada, 1986 Census of Canada (Ottawa), form 2B, question 20.
The above question was used to develop a sampling frame for the Canadian Health and Activity Limitations Survey (HALS), which was fielded immediately following the 1986 Census of Population. HALS was a national multi-stage stratified sample of Canada, which used geographic and other demographic information from the 1986 Census questionnaires for planning the sample. Personal interviews were
completed with 120,000 persons who responded "Yes" to some part of the disability census question and with 80,000 persons who responded "No" to all parts of the census disability question.
This census question was followed up with detailed disability screening questions in HALS:
1 would like to ask you about your ability to do certain activities, even when using a special aid. Please report only those problems which you expect to last six months or more a
1. Do you have any trouble hearing what is said in a normal conversation with one other person? (At what age did you first have trouble doing this? Are you completely unable to do this? What is the main condition or health problem which causes you trouble hearing what is said in a normal conversation with one other person? Followed by a check-list of selections for best describing the condition, which lead to determining the underlying impairment associated with each disability reported.)
2. Do you have any trouble hearing what is said in, a group conversation with at least three other people? (All the screening questions were followed by a series of questions similar to the ones shown in parenthesis in item 1, yet were modified to take the specific disability into consideration.)
3. Do you have any trouble seeing clearly the print on this page?
4. Do you have any trouble seeing clearly the face of someone from 12 feet/4 metres (example: across a room), with glasses if normally worn?
5. Do you have any trouble speaking and being understood because of a condition or health problem ?
6. Do you have anytroublewalking400yards/400metreswithoutresting (about a quarter of a mile)?
7. Do you have trouble walking up and down a flight of stairs, that is about 12 steps?
8. Do you have any trouble carrying an object of 10 pounds for 30 feet/5 kg for 10 metres (example: carrying a 10-pound bag flour)?
9. Do you have am trouble moving from one mom to another or moving about in a room?
10. Do you have any trouble standing forlong periods of 'time, that is, more than 20minutes? Remember, J am asking about problems expected to last 6 months or more.
11. When standing do you have any trouble bending down and picking up an object from the floor (example: a shoe)?
12. Do you have any trouble dressing and undressing yourself?
13. Do you have any trouble getting in and out of bed?
14. Do you have any trouble cutting your own toenails or tying your own shoelaces?
15. Do you have any trouble using your fingers to grasp or handle, for example using scissors or pliers?
16. Do you have any trouble reaching in any direction (example: above your head)?
17. Do you have any trouble cutting your own food?
18. Because of a long-term physical condition or health problem, that is, one that is expected to last 6 months or more, are you limited in, the. kind or amount of activity you can do at home? scltool? work?...or supporting yourself by such activities as fishing, trapping or crafts? other activities such as travel, sports, or leisure? (Yes or No to each question).
19. Has a school, or health professional ever told you that you have a learning disability?
20. From time to time, everyone has trouble remembering the name of a familiar person, or learning something new, or they experience moments of confusion. However, do you have any ongoing problems with your ability to remember or learn?
21. Because of a long-term emotional, psychological, nervous, or mental health condition, are you limited in the kind or amount of activity you can do?
a Statistics Canada Disability Database Program. Data for Canada. Provinces and Territories, (1988).
The Health and Activity Limitation Survey: Selected
The percentage of disabled of HALS was 13.3 per cent. Children were asked somewhat different questions from adults. There was also a second part of HALS, that was a survey of disabled persons who resided in institutions, and this part was conducted in 1987.7
The 21 disability screening questions were grouped according to seven broad disability categories in the analysis of the data, as shown below.
1. Mobility
Limited in ability to walk, move from room to room, carry an object for 10 metres, or stand for long periods;
2. Agility
Limited in ability to bend, dress or undress oneself, get in and out of bed, cut toenails, tie shoes, use fingers to grasp or handle objects, reach or cut own food:
3. Seeing
Limited in ability to read ordinary newsprint or to see someone from 4 metres, even when wearing glasses;
4. Hearing
Limited in ability to hear what is being said in a conversation with one other person or two or more persons, even when wearing a hearing aid;
5. Speaking
Limited in ability to speak and be understood;
6. Other
Limited because of learning disability or emotional or psychiatric dis-ability, or because of developmental delay;
7. Unknown
Limited, but nature not specified.
Multiple disabilities were estimated by producing cross-tabulations, which grouped two through six types of disabilities into multiple disability categories.
(b) Example of an impairment screen
The second example is the Philippines. It is based upon the 1980 National Disability Survey of the Philippines conducted by the National Commission Concerning Disabled Persons in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.8 The survey covered 33,278 persons, or 0.8 per cent of the 1975 Philippine population. One respondent was interviewed in each selected household; all information about the household, including data on impairments, was obtained
7 Details of the data collection programme on disability in Canada may be acquired by contacting the Program Manager, Health and Activity Limitation Survey, 2D9, Jean Talon Building, Tunney's Pasture, Ottawa, I1A OT6.
8 National Commission Concerning Disabled Persons, Philippines, National Disability Survey, 1986.
from this respondent by public health nurses. Of the 33,278 persons covered in the survey, 1,470 were found to have impairments, or 4.4 per cent of the population.
In this survey persons were screened according to their impairments. A respondent from each sampled household was asked to enumerate all members of the household and then to identify among them which person had an impairment. It asked a general question about the presence of an impairment, and then coded into the survey all persons who reported having one. Essentially the question asked was: "Impaired?" Yes or No. Once identified as impaired, a special interview of impaired persons was conducted.
The survey instrument used to interview impaired persons then followed up the general impairment question by asking details about the type of impairment, as listed below.
Physical handicap/disability:
1. Missing limbs
2. Unequal length of limbs
3. Deformity of limbs
4. Deformity of spine
5. Joint/muscle pain
6. Weakness/paralysis of limbs
7. Impairment of sensation
8. Abnormality in limb tone
9. Abnormal movement of limb
10. Weakness/paralysis of face
11. Impairment of bowel/urinary control
12. Impotence
13. Hearing disorders
14. Speech disorders
15. Visual disorders
16. Disfigurement
17. Chronic respiratory disorders
18. Mental impairment (followed by a check-list of signs and
Additional sections of the questionnaire asked impaired persons about functional limitations of daily life activities, including feeding, dressing, bathing, toileting, sexual performance, household activities, communication, manual dex-terity, mobility and endurance. These functional limitations or disability questions were not used, however, as screening devices. They were asked only of impaired persons who were screened into the survey.
The examples of Canada and the Philippines give two different ways to collect disability information. When people are screened into a national disability census, survey or registry according to their impairments, as listed in the I codes of ICIDH, impaired persons are usually followed-up in interviews for descriptions of their disabilities as listed in the D codes (e.g. Philippines, 1980). Likewise, disability surveys that screen persons according to their disabilities usually follow-up with specific impairment questions in order to understand the underlying problems influencing the reported disability (e.g. Canada, 1983). In population censuses, questions are usually either solely impairment-oriented (see the following population censuses: Bahrain, 1981; Egypt, 1976; Hong Kong, 1981; Mali, 1976; Pakistan, 1981; and Peru, 1981) or are solely disability-oriented (see the following population censuses: Canada, 1986; Mexico, 1980; Poland, 1978 and the United States, 1980). This is because of both time and space limitations in the questions asked at the census level.
In either case, in this Compendium, both impairments and disabilities are quantified through the use of coding schemes that conceptually group disabled persons into I codes and D codes of the WHO/ICIDH classification scheme for further statistical analysis. DISTAT was used as the analytic tool for organizing and standardizing disparate census and survey I codes and D codes into their logical location in the WHO/ICIDH classification scheme.
3. Survey estimates of disability
Screening strategies in censuses and surveys appear to influence the results in a number of important ways. The examples below discuss how screening strategies affect the percentage of disabled for males, females and total population.
(a) Percentage of disabled
Probably the most frequently asked question about disability, is "What percentage of the population is disabled?" Table II. 1 and figure II. 1 show the percentage of disabled as calculated among the 63 published national reports of the 55 countries of DISTAT. Although presented in one table and one figure, for a number of reasons the data are not comparable; i.e., variation in definitions of disability, divergent screening procedures, different age ranges covered, modifi-cations in the types of persons covered (economically inactive population only, total population, population of children not attending school, chronically disabled population only). The percentage of the population that is disabled varies from 0.2 to 20.9 per cent of the surveyed populations included in DISTAT.9 This very wide
9 The percentage of the population that is disabled is not the same as the crude disability rate. The percentage of disabled is simply the number of persons found to be disabled over the number of persons interviewed, without any specification of population types. The crude disability rate is the prevalence rate of disability per total population, or the total number of disabled persons identified expressed as per 100, per 1,000 or per 100,000 total population in various reports.
Figure II.1 Percentage disabled, by country or area and year of data collection
1 Peru 1981 B Bahrain 1981 M Philippines(S) 1980
2 Ethiopia 1981 C Indonesia 1980 N China 1987
3 Egypt 1976 D Turkey 1975 O Ethiopia 1979-1981
4 Sri Lanka 1981 E Egypt 1979-1981 P Poland 1978
5 Kuwait 1980 F St. Helena 1976 Q United States 1980
6 Pakistan 1981 G Comoros 1980 R Canada 1983
7 Thailand 1981 H Japan 1980 S Australia 1981
8 Tunisia 1975 I Swaziland 1980 T Canada 1986
9 Hong Kong 1981 J Neth.Antilles 1981 U United Kingdom 1985/86
0 Tunisia 1984 K Nepal 1980 V Spain 1986
A Fiji 1982 L Mali 1976 W Austria 1976
Source: Table 1 (chap. IV).
range of disability rates reflects not only variations in the level of disability but also from a high degree of variability in the strategies for measurement of disability among countries.
Methods for calculating disability rates need greater standardization. In a number of cases, neither the rules for the numerator nor for the denominator of any disability rate are standardized. For example, the crude disability rate of impairment should by definition include all disabled persons for the total population in the numerator, and the denominator should include the number of the total population.
Age-specific disability rates need to maintain standard and comparable age ranges for their numerators and denominators.10 Disability rates for special pop-ulations of disabled persons such as the economically inactive disabled population or the population of disabled children not attending school, should be tabulated and presented in a standardized way, if presented at all. In some cases national data were tabulated comparing total populations and special populations. In other cases national tabulations were prepared so that comparisons were made between total populations having special economic or educational characteristics and disabled populations with these same characteristics. For example, a comparison of disabled and total populations that were not economically active; or a comparison of total populations of children who did not attend school with disabled children who did not attend school (see table II.1 for examples). In any case, these population-specific rates should not be calculated in isolation of information for total populations. This is to ensure that proper comparisons may be made, for example between economically active disabled adults and economically active total populations. Even the most basic of instructions on methodology in this field would greatly improve data presentation and comparability of results.
Within nations, and even when using similar methods for estimating disability prevalence, disability estimates are found to vary widely in magnitude, primarily because they are sensitive to specific survey conditions. Work disability prevalence estimates in the United States of America, for example, have been shown to vary between 8.5 and 17 per cent of the population, depending upon differences in survey methods and data collection techniques used.11 Surely, these widely varying conditions in survey applications could be reduced through international agreement on standards for the production and use of disability statistics in censuses, surveys and registration systems.
In addition to differences in methodology, it is also widely acknowledged that variations in the percentage of disabled are also partly attributable to such factors as differential chronic and infectious disease patterns; differential life expectancy; the age-structure of populations and population composition; dif-ferential nutritional status; differential rates of exposure to environmental, occu-pational and traffic hazards; and variations in public health practices.
10 For further discussion of this, see Y.C. Yu, "The demography of disability", paper presented at the United Nations International Workshop on Disability Statistics, 27 November - 6 December 1989, Malta.
11 Larry Haber, "Issues in the definition of disability and the use of disability survey data", paper presented at the Workshop on Disability Statistics of the Committee on National Statistics, National Research Council, 6-7 April 1989, Washington D.C. p.l.
(b) Choosing between I codes or D codes for identifying disabled persons
Disability questions using D codes for identifying disabled persons in surveys lead to higher rates of disability than do impairment questions using / codes (see figure II.2). This is because a single question assessing functional limitations, or disability, typically embraces behaviours associated with a broad range of impairment conditions. "Difficulty climbing stairs", for example, may be due to musculo-skeletal, visceral, disfigurement or other impairments. Impairment screening questions, in contrast, are more directly related to specific conditions. For example, "profound visual impairment of both eyes", or blindness, as well as "profound hearing loss in both ears", or deafness, are all highly specified descriptions of relatively unique impairment conditions. It appears to be easier for individuals to initially discuss whether they have difficulty climbing stairs, or hearing conversations across a dining table, than it is to describe specific impairment conditions. In addition, disability questions seem to throw out a wider net which captures more reports of mild and moderate disablement. In order to cover the same ground that one or two disability questions can cover during a survey interview, a number of more detailed impairment questions must be utilized.
Nevertheless, both impairment and disability questions are needed in order to fully understand the dynamics of disablement. It is insufficient, for example, to know only that a person has difficulty walking upstairs. It is also imperative to ascertain the underlying reason that the person cannot walk upstairs. Is it, for example, because the person has severely limited vision and cannot see where he or she is going, and has not been trained to be mobile with limited vision? Or is it that the person is paralysed in both lower limbs, does not climb stairs and uses a wheelchair in order to be mobile? Certainly, such distinctions are imperative for programme planning and also for comprehending the nature of the disability. What is suggested by these findings, is that when screening for disabled persons through census and survey questions, one would begin by identifying disabled persons by using a disability question, followed by specific details about the underlying reason for the disability through the use of carefully selected impairment questions.
(c) Consequences of screening techniques
The type of screening techniques used by countries appears to influence the findings in some unexpected ways. For example, because of the way in which survey screens have been implemented, disability rates are usually higher in European and North American countries (e.g. Australia, 1981; Austria, 1976; Canada, 1983; Poland, 1978; Spain, 1981; United Kingdom (Northern Ireland), 1985-1986; United States, 1980) than in African and Asian countries (e.g. China, 1987; Egypt, 1979; Ethiopia, 1979-1981; Japan, 1980; Philippines, 1980; Sri Lanka, 1981). The percentage of disabled ranges from 7.1 to 20.9 per cent for the European and North American countries mentioned above (see figure II.2).
Figure II.2. Percentage disabled by country or area, year of data collection and type of screen
Impairment screens Disability screens
1 Peru 1981 B Bahrain 1981 M Philippines(S) 1980
2 Ethiopia 1981 C Indonesia 1980 N China 1987
3 Egypt 1976 D Turkey 1975 O Ethiopia 1979-1981
4 Sri Lanka 1981 E Egypt 1979-1981 P Poland 1978
5 Kuwait 1980 F St. Helena 1976 Q United States 1980
6 Pakistan 1981 G Comoros 1980 R Canada 1983
7 Thailand 1981 H Japan 1980 S Australia 1981
8 Tunisia 1975 I Swaziland 1983 T Canada 1986
9 Hong Kong 1981 J Neth. Antilles 1981 U United Kingdom 1985/86
0 Tunisia 1984 K Nepal 1980 V Spain 1986
A Fiji 1982 L Mali 1976 W Austria 1976
Source: Table 1 (chap. IV).
The countries of Africa, Asia, and South America have more often identified disabled persons through the use of impairment screens (e.g. China, 1987; Egypt, 1976; Ethiopia, 1979-1981; Japan, 1980; Peru, 1981; Philippines, 1980; Sri Lanka, 1981). The percentage of disabled among the countries using impairment screens range from 0.3 to 5.5 per cent. One exception is Uruguay, 1984, which used an impairment screen and found that 11.3 per cent of their studied population was disabled. This higher percentage of disabled is reached primarily because this study used a sample of adults over the age of 45 who were chronically ill.
Another unexpected consequence of survey screens is that differences in the percentage of disabled for males and females is partly determined by whether impairment I codes or disability D codes are initially used in screening questions to identify disabled persons in data collection systems (see table II.1).
This is shown graphically in figure II.3 where the ratio of male percentage of disabled to female percentage of disabled is plotted. In general, when a disability question is asked, the male to female ratios of the percentage disabled, are either slightly below or are very close to 1.0. This would indicate that when D codes are used, in general, for every man identified as disabled, a woman is also identified. In contrast, when I codes are used, they often result in male/female ratios of percentage disabled greater than 1.0, indicating a predominance of disabled males having been identified in the survey. Given the nature of I code questions, i.e., blind, deaf, leg amputated, mentally retarded etc., it might be concluded that severe impairments are male-dominated, whereas mild to moderate impairments are not. It might also be the case that survey reporting of impairments of women requires additional survey probes than those required for men.
Disability rates from diverse national data collection sources are not yet comparable, especially given all the differences in survey design, definitions, concepts and methods. However, it is important to note that when comparing disability rates within national data sets, according to age, or residence, for example, the relationships found between disability and other demographic and socio-economic variables are reasonably consistent, even though the magnitude of the relationships may vary from one survey to another. For example, a large proportion of surveys indicate that disabled persons are on the average less educated, and have lower socio-economic status and reside in rural or poor areas than do able-bodied persons.12 In addition, it has been pointed out in several studies that survey data on disability is found to be reasonably internally consistent and reliable and competitive in quality with other types of survey data such as survey estimates of educational attainment data or marital status.13
12 United Nations,... Case Studies; also Haber, cp. of., p. 14.
13 Queen Alia Jordan Social Welfare Fund, Evaluation Studies of Handicapped persons in Jordan (Amman, 1983); United Nations,... Case Studies; Haber, op. cit., p. 14.
Figure II.3. Sex ratio of percentage disabled
Disability screens Impairment screens
1 Norway 1983 8 Thailand 1983
2 United Kingdom* 1985/86 9 China 1983
3 Canada 1983 0 Germany, Fed. Rep. 1983
4 Austria 1976 A Thailand 1981
5 Canada* 1986 6 Philippines 1980
6 Spain* 1986 C Egypt 1979-1981
7 Uruguay 1984
Source: Table 1 (chap. IV).
* Survey results available but not yet included in DISTAT.
B. Illustrative examples
In the following sections, selected examples are given of the types of presentations that may be tried as a way of highlighting the data available in statistical tables 1-12 of the present publication. Examples are supported by graphs, summary text and tables indicating the purpose of the presentation.
1. Demographic characteristics
Analysis of disability data through the use of traditional demographic techniques has been presented in the United Nations Case Studies.14 Presentation of numbers, percentages, rates and graphic production of age-sex pyramids of disablement, disability sex-ratios, and comparisons of disability rates according to age, sex, and geographic residence have elaborated clearly the national profile of disablement for countries included in the Case Studies. In this Compendium a similar presentation of basic statistical and demographic tables are given for 55 countries.
From these basic tables, the study of disablement among special population groups of disabled persons such as children, youth, women, men, adults and elderly may be initiated. It is possible to describe differences in urban and rural environents; to assess the potential for estimating disability-free life-expectancy, or to identify the proportion of the adult population that is disabled according to particular types of impairments and disabilities. In some respects, the results are crude. The age-groups are not always comparable. Under-enumeration of disabilities is a problem. Yet, with all their problems, the accumulation of information that can be acquired from these basic tables is remarkable. Selected examples are provided below.
(a) Population aging and disablement
As the proportion of the total population that is older gets larger, the influence of disablement is more visible (table II.2). Figures II.4(a) and (b) show graphically the proportion of the disabled population that is over age 60 and compare it to the proportion of the total population that is over age 60. The comparison suggests that the age-structure among disabled persons is predominantly elderly, while the total population age-structure is predominantly either youthful or middle-aged. This is further supported by the fact that rates of disablement are highest above the age of 50, world-wide. Graphic examples of the significant increase in prevalence rates of disability by age and sex for selected African countries are shown in figures 11.5(a) and (b).
Illustrative examples of the influence of age upon particular impairments are offered in figures II.6(a), (b) and (c). In these examples, crude disability rates for African countries, and also mental impairment and blindness rates for selected Asian countries are shown according to age group and sex. Figure 6(c) specifically shows the accumulative effect of disability according to type of impairment and
14 United Nations,... Case Studies, esp. pp. 20-87.
Table II.2. Population surveyed, and disabled persons by age group
(a) Censuses: Total population
Age group (percentage)
Country or area Census year Age range 0-14 15-24 25-59 60+ n.a.
Bahrain 1981 Total Population 32.9 21.9 41.4 3.7
Disabled 14.2 15.5 36.7 33.7
Comoros 1980 Total Population 47.2 16.9 28.7 6.8 0.4
Disabled 23.9 14.6 38.5 22.6 0.4
Egypt 1976 Total Population 39.9 19.3 34.5 6.2 0.0
Disabled 17.2 17.5 47.1 18.1 0.1
Kuwait 1980 Total Population 40.2 18.0 39.6 2.3
Disabled 34.2 25.3 26.4 14.1
Mali 1976 Total Population 44.0 17.6 32.1 6.2
Disabled 10.0 10.4 50.9 28.6
Neth. Antilles 1981 Total Population 28.9 21.4 40.3 9.4
Disabled 17.8 17.3 33.3 31.5
Pakistan 1981 Total Population 44.5 17.1 31.5 7.0
Disabled 19.8 12.8 32.7 34.7
Sri Lanka B 1981 Total Population 35.3 21.0 37.1 6.6
Disabled 23.4 19.1 (15-29) 37.1 (30-39) 16.6 3.8
Tunisia 1975 Total Population 43.7 25.6 24.7 5.8 0.1
Disabled 15.1 20.7 31.7 (15-59) 32.4 0.2
Tunisia 1984 Total Population Disabled 39.6 12.2 53.7 59.1 6.7 28.6
Turkey 1975 Total Population 40.5 19.3 32.7 7.3 0.2
Disabled 28.0 11.7 33.6 19.3 7.4
Table II.2 (continued)
(b) Not economically active
Age group (percentage)
Country or Census Age
area year range 0-14 15-24 25-59 60+ n.a.
Belize 1980 15+ Population 34.8 51.9 12.6 0.7
Disabled (10-14) 8.9 22.5 68.3 0.3
Burma* 1983 10+ Population 29.2 27.4 34.0 9.3
Disabled 8.2 (10-14) 16.5 40.5 34.8
Cape Verde 1980 10+ Population 20.1 30.3 31.1 11.1 7.5
Disabled 2.0 4.7 11.8 64.7 16.8
Cuba 1981 15+ Population Disabled 38.2 26.5 35.3 45.8 26.5 ' 27.7
Guyana 1980 15+ Population 34.7 54.7 10.2 0.4
Disabled 9.3 30.1 60.3 0.2
Ireland 1981 15+ Population Disabled 25.1 6.1 53.7 51.7 21.2 42.2
Kiribati 1978 15+ Population Disabled 35.4
(<30) 54.7
(30-64) 9.9
Spain 1981 Total Population Disabled 22.2 19.5 49.2 66.2 28.6 14.3
Trinidad and 1980 15+ Population 35.0 52.9 12.1
Tobago Disabled (12-14) 17.7 53.5 28.8
Venezuela 1981 12+ Population 19.6 33.8 35.4 11.1
Disabled 2.8 11.3 27.4 58.5
Now Myanmar
Table II.2 (continued)
(c) Surveys
Age group (percentage)
Country or area Survey year Age range 0-14 15-24 25-59 60+ n.a.
(15-34) (35-54) (55+)
Canada 1983 Total Population 21.8 35.4 23.9 18.9
Disabled 11.0 (0-19) 14.4 (20-29) 21.1
(30-59) 53.5
Egypt 1979-1981 Total Population 54.9 12.4 24.8 7.3 0.6
Disabled 28.0 11.0 29.3 (45-64) 30.2 (65+) 1.4
Uruguay b 1984 45+ Population Disabled 66.7 54.5 33.3 45.5
Thailand c 1981 Total Population 40.2 21.0 33.8 5.0
Disabled 28.5 23.0 33.7 (25-64) 14.8 (65+)
Fiji c,d 1982 Total Population 57.9 15.7 23.8 2.8
Disabled 15.0 22.5 (15-29) 47.5 (30-59) 12.5
Austria 1976 Total Population 22.6 20.1 36.0 20.5
Disabled 3.5 6.2 37.3 53.1
Philippines 1980 Total Population 40.9 22.2 31.5 5.4
Disabled 22.0 13.4 43.1 23.5
Ethiopia 1979-1981 Total Population 47.6 14.6 31.4 6.3 0.1
Disabled 18.1 11.8 48.5 21.4 0.4
Source: Table 1.
a Disabilities, disabled persons not counted.
b Chronically ill population of Montevideo.
c Sum of age-specific numbers does not equal the total, as given by the country.
d Not economically active population.
E Rural.
Figure II.4. Percentage aged 60+ of total population and disabled population
(a) Censuses: total population
1 Kuwait 1980
2 Bahrain 1981
3 Tunisia 1975
4 Egypt 1976
5 Mali 1976
6 Sri Lanka 1981
7 Tunisia 1984
8 Comoros 1980
9 Pakistan 1981
0 Turkey 1975
A Netherlands Antilles 1981
Figure II.4 (continued)
B Fiji 1982
C Thailand 1981
D Philippines 1980
E Ethiopia 1979-1981
F Egypt 1979-1981
G Canada 1983
H Austria 1976
I Uruguay 1984
Source. Table II.2 and table 1 (chap. IV).
(b) Surveys
Figure II.5. Age specific prevalence rates of disability per 100,000 population
(a) Africa: males
A Comoros 1980
B Egypt 1979-1981
C Ethiopia 1979-1981*
D Mali 1976
E Tunisia 1975
* Rural population (both sexes)
Figure II.5 (continued)
(b) Africa: males and females
A Comoros Males 1980
B Comoros Females 1980
C Egypt Males 1979-1981
D Egypt Females 1979-1981
E Mali Males 1976
F Mali Females 1976
Source: Table 1 (chap IV).
Figure II.6. Illustrative prevalence rates per 100,000 population, by age and sex
(a) Blindness
A Pakistan Males 1981
B Pakistan Females 1981
C Sri Lanka Males 1981
D Sri Lanka Females 1981
E Turkey Males 1975
F Turkey Females 1975
Figure II.6. (continued)
(b) Mental disabilities
A Comoros Males 1980 Mentally handicapped
B Bahrain Males 1981 Mentally handicapped
C Mali Males 1976 Insanity
Figure II.6. (continued)
(c) Various disabilities (Comoros, 1980)
Source. Table 1 (chap. IV).age group for one country, indicating that virtually ll impairments and disabilities increase with age, although some appear to increase at faster rates according to age than do others. Regardless, the cumulative effect of disability and age is remarkable. Illustrative detailed statistics on populations, disabled persons, disabilities and prevalence rates of disability by age, sex and type of impairment or disability for 55 countries and areas, as available, are provided in detail in statistical tables 1-4 of this publication.
(b) Geographical area, residence and disability
In addition to analysis of disability data by age and sex, geographical dis-aggregation of disability data is also being utilized to analyse disability data sets for differences in ecological, residential, and geographical characteristics. A recent article on pesticides and physical disability in India, for example, utilized the Indian national survey of disability and agricultural data on pesticide consumption per hectare of cropped area and found a significant and positive correlation between intensity of pesticide use and prevalence rates of deformity of limbs, dysfunction of joints, amputations and visual disabilities.15 This type of areal analysis was possible because regional data were available from both the national survey of disability and from State-level data on pesticide use. Geographic disaggregation of disability data are available in a number of published tabulations of censuses and surveys (see table II.3 for geographical disaggregation available among the countries in DISTAT).
In addition to disaggregation by subnational areas, rural-urban residence is also distinguished (see table II.4). Higher disability rates are generally found among rural residents. A comparison of rates in table II.4, for example, indicates that in the Philippines in 1980, there are estimated to be 146 rural and 119 urban disabled people per 100,000 population. Likewise, in Venezuela, for every 478 rural disabled, there are 366 urban disabled persons per 100,000 economically inactive persons who are 12 years of age and older. This type of rural/urban ratio comparison per 100,000 population is summarized graphically in figure II.7. In figure II.7, a total of 10 national studies out of 13 had rural/urban ratios that were higher than 1.0, indicating a higher rate of disability among rural areas.
Detailed examination of table 6 in the statistical portion of this publication indicates that rates remain higher in rural areas even when controlling for age and sex of rural and urban populations. As was noted in the Case Studies, "The consistency with which rural/urban differences are reported leaves little doubt that impairment problems are more severe in rural areas, although rates in both areas are likely understated due to underenumeration of impairments in general".16
15 Dinesh Mohan, "Food vs. limbs: pesticides and physical disability in India", Economic and Political Weekly, vol. XXII, No. 13 (28 March 1987), pp. A23-A29.
16 United Nations... Case Studies, p. 68.
Table II.3. Geographical disaggregation available in censuses and surveys covering disabled persons, selected countries and areas
Country of data
or area collection First Second Third Fourth
Australia 1981 8 states
Austria 1976 9 regions
Burma* 1983 Rangoon City
Canada 1983 10 provinces 2 regions
China 1983 29 districts
Egypt 1976 4 regions 25 governorates
Ethiopia 1979-81 16 regions 3 eritrean Awraja
Ethiopia 1981 16 regions 3 eritrean Awraja
India 1981 27 states
Indonesia 1980 6 regions 27 provinces
Ireland 1981 9 regions 4 provinces 27 counties 5 boroughs
Jordan 1979 5 governorates
Jordan 1983 5 governorates
Kenya 1981 8 provinces 17 districts
Kiribati 1978 22 islands
Mali 1976 7 regions 46 cercles 12 communes 1 district with 6 communes
Mexico 1980 32 entities
Nepal 1980 2 regions
Neth. Antilles 1981 6 eilandgebieds
Pakistan 1981 4 provinces
Panama 1980 10 provinces
Peru 1981 25 departments
Philippines 1980 13 health regions
Swaziland 1983 4 districts 4 regions 3 Domains
Trinidad & Tobago 1980 8 counties
Trinidad & Tobago 1982 8 counties
Tunisia 1975 18 governorates
Tunisia 1984 4 regions 23 governorates
United Kingdom 1978 17 districts
(Northern Ireland)
United States 1980 4 regions 9 divisions 50 States 1 district
United States 1982 4 regions 3 places
Venezuela 1981 23 entities
Source: United Nations Disability Statistics Data Base (DISTAT, 1988). * Now Myanmar
Table II.4. Rural/Urban differences in disability prevalence rates
(Per 100,000)
Data collection
type: Country or area Year Age
surveyed Total
population Urban disabled Total
population Rural disabled Disability prevalence per 100 000 Urban Rural Ratio
Total population
Philippines 1980 15+ 5258318 62748 8302736 121622 1193 1463 12
Pakistan 1981 Total 23 841471 77675 58213626 293 745 32.6 503 13
Mali 1976 Total 1076 829 18671 5318089 174 536 173.4 3282 1-9
United States 1980 16-64 108005 590 8805829 36661042 3513722 8153 958.4 12
Tunisia 1984 Total 3685470 30930 3289980 29630 83.9 90.1 11
Tunisia 1975 Total 2779180 22960 2798070 20740 82.6 74.1 0.9
Census: Economically inactive
Burma* 1983 10+ 3588414 8872 9445540 41128 24.7 43.5 1.8
Central Afr Rep. a 1975 10+ 1240757 14810 168870 663 119.4 393 03
Venezuela b 1981 12+ 4285706 156961 796 801 38099 366.2 478.1 13
Thailand 1981 Total 8465120 57960 39156310 309560 683 79.1 12
Fiji 1982 Total 162500 1500 259400 2500 923 96.4 1.0
China 1983 0-14 32905 445 146118 2131 135.2 145.8 11
Thailand 1983 6-24 1131080 35600 9747700 203720 314.7 209.0 0.7
Source: United Nations Disability Statistics Data Base (DISTAT, 1988).
a Urban includes Banqui population. b Urban includes "intermediate" population. * Now Myanmar
Figure II.7. Ratio of rural/urban disability
- Mali
_ Burma
- Pakistan
- Philippines
United States Thailand, 1981
Tunisia, 1984D Fiji
- Tunisia, 1975D
- Thailand, 1983
Central African Republic
Source: Table 5 (chap. IV).
2. Socio-economic assessment of disablement
In many respects, the disability rate is a socio-economic indicator, a type of poverty index, or index of development. It is unique in that it estimates the quality of life of survivorship, or of persons who escape mortality and continue living with significant modifications of function. Lower socio-economic status and higher poverty levels are associated with higher disability rates, e.g., higher illiteracy rates, poor nutritional status, lower inoculation and immunization coverage of children, low birth weight of babies, higher unemployment rates, and lower occupational mobility.17 As a development indicator, the study of disablement provides a unique perspective on the long-term consequences to individuals and their families of functional loss from disease, accident, trauma and deprivation. The study of disablement, in this perspective, goes beyond medical description and diagnosis and addresses questions of quality of life and socio-economic conditions.
(a) Educational attainment and school attendance
Perhaps one of the more devastating handicapping effects of disablement among children is the loss in opportunity to attend school. For example, based upon the more detailed statistics available in statistical table 8 (chap. IV) it may be noted that for the population of Hong Kong, based upon 1981 census data, the educational experience of disabled persons is substantially different than the experience of the total population of Hong Kong (figure II.8). In this example, a comparison is made between the percentage of persons who have never attended school for both the total population of Hong Kong and for the total population of persons reported to have a disability according to their age group. The graph indicates that fewer than 4 per cent of the population of youth, ages 15-24, in Hong Kong report that they have never attended school, whereas over 25 per cent of the total population of youth who are disabled report that they have never attended. Without a doubt, this ultimately results in a significant differential in occupational structure and employment status among young disabled adults when compared to the total population, since the disabled have been largely excluded from the educational system.
(b) Labour force participation and employment opportunities
Another area of serious concern to policy makers and planners are the financial and social implications of unemployment rates among disabled persons and the differential policies of payment of disability pensions to unemployed disabled people.18 As an example of existing data available to study this issue, a comparison of employment status of Australians is presented in figure II.9. Comparisons are made for the total population of males and females, as well as for the population of disabled males and females, who are between the ages of 15 and 64. The
17 United Nations,... Case Studies; Haber, op. cit.
18 A recent article discussing the relationship between definitions of disability, retirement, and unemployment, and the subsequent economic costs to the government of social security and disability benefits, has brought needed attention to concerns of labour force participation of disabled persons. See Barry A. Mirkin, "Early retirement: an international overview." Monthly Labor Review, vol.110, No3 (March 1987), pp. 16-21.
Figure II.8. Persons having no schooling, by age group, total and disabled population: Hong Kong, 1981
D Total population Disabled
Source: Table 6 (chap. IV).
Figure II.9. Employment status: Australia, 1981
Percentage distribution
Source: Table 7 (chap. IV).
proportions of disabled males and females not in the labour force are substantially higher than are the proportions for the total population of Australian men and women. These low labour force participation rates of disabled persons are not unique to Australia. In general, statistics consistently show lower rates of labour force participation among disabled persons than among total populations (see detailed statistics in table 7, (chap. IV) for additional examples).
(c) Marital status and family formation; living arrangements
Family formation and living arrangements are particularly important for assessing equal opportunity and social integration.
(i) Marital status and family formation
In figure II.10(c), an example from Sweden highlights the rate of disability per 100 population by family cycle and marital status of persons who have limited hearing or eyesight. Figure II.10(6) shows the same relationship for persons who report having a work capacity limitation or a mobility limitation. In both cases, there are substantial differences in disability rates according to one's stage in the family cycle. For example, highest rates of hearing impairment were reported among pensioners aged 75-84 who were cohabitating, followed by single pensioners. Rates of visual disability were highest among single pensioners, followed by childless persons aged 45-64 who were single or cohabitating. Parents, ages 16-84, who had children 18 years of age or younger reported less disability, and single youth aged 16-24, reported the least.
Single persons in every stage of the family cycle indicated higher rates of mobility limitations than cohabitating persons. With the exception of pensioners aged 75-84, single persons also showed higher rates of work capacity limitation than did persons who were cohabitating.
(ii) Living arrangements
What is the role of institutions in providing living arrangements of disabled persons? Figure II. 11 shows the number of institutionalized persons by age group and type of institution for Australia, 1981. In this example, both the type of institution, and also the numbers of persons who are reported as institutionalized are largely determined by the age of the disabled persons involved. Children aged 5-34 who are disabled and institutionalized are reported most often as living in special homes or psychiatric hospitals. Among adults aged 35-64 who live in institutions, most are found in nursing homes and in psychiatric hospitals or special homes. The greatest number of adults who live in institutions are aged 75 and older and they largely reside in nursing homes and homes for the aged.
3. Disability description
This section describes disability specific experiences, such as reporting on the cause of the impairment, or on special aids used to reduce disability among persons reported as disabled. Unlike the previous socio-economic and family topics which were asked of total populations and of disabled persons, the questions asked below are only asked of persons who are reported to have disabilities.
Figure II.10. Rate of disability, by family cycle and marital status: Sweden, 1980
(a) Hearing and eyesight (Per 100 population)
Single Cohabitating
1 Total ages 16-84 3 Aged 16-24 10
2 Living at home 4 Parents (ages 16-84) with child < 7 years of age 11
5 Parents (ages 16-84) with child age 7-18 years 12
6 Childless (ages 25-44) 13
7 Childless (ages 45-64) 14
8 Pensioners aged 65-74 15
9 Pensioners aged 75-84 16
Figure II.10. (continued)
(b) Work capacity and mobility (Per 100 population)
Single Cohabitating
1 Total ages 16-84 3 Aged 16-24 10
2 Living at home 4 Parents (ages 16-84) with child < 7 years of age 11
5 Parents (ages 16-84) with child age 7-18 years 12
6 Childless (ages 25-44) 13
7 Childless (ages 45-64) 14
8 Pensioners aged 65-74 15
9 Pensioners aged 75-84 16
Figure II.11 Institutionalized disabled persons, by age group and type of institution: Australia, 1981
(In thousands)
Source: Table 10 (chap. IV).
Causes of impairment or reasons for disability
Figure II.12(a) displays stated reasons for limb deformity and paralysis among urban and rural disabled persons in India, 1981. Poliomyelitis, burns or injury, and other illnesses were reported by urban and rural areas as the major reason for limb deformity. However, polio was offered as the explanation in 43 per cent of the cases of limb deformity in urban areas and in only 29 per cent of rural cases. One possible explanation could be that the polio cases in rural areas were more likely to go undiagnosed and were therefore reported in the general category of "other" or "other illness" rather than with a specific diagnosis. In addition, another important distinction between urban and rural areas, is that leprosy was reported as the reason for limb deformity among 7.5 per cent of rural and 3.2 per cent of urban cases. This contributes substantially to the reported differences between the two geographical areas in the cause of limb deformity. Further comparisons of these groups might be improved were they to be presented according to type of cause per 100,000 population rather than as percentage distribution of causes among disabled persons. Then, the comparisons between reports of leprosy, polio and burns and injury could be more standardized.
Paralysis was also reported to be polio-related among 28 per cent of rural and 44 per cent of urban disabled. In this case, cerebral palsy was also noted among 10 per cent of paralysis. Again, the percentage of paralysis explained by the general categories of "other" and "other illness" is greater in rural than in urban areas.
Figure II.12(6) shows the reported cause of amputation and joint dysfunction for urban and rural India. The majority of amputations were reported as due to "other" or "other illness" for both rural and urban areas. Leprosy was reported as the reason in 12 per cent of rural and 8 per cent of urban areas. Burns and injury were also significant, with 22 per cent of rural and 28 per cent of reported amputations being due to them.
In contrast, joint dysfunction was largely reported as being due to burns and injuries for both rural and urban areas (42 per cent of all causes). Polio also remained an important cause, with 8 per cent of rural and 12 per cent of urban persons with joint dysfunction saying that it was due to polio.
(b) Special aids used
Although relatively infrequently reported by these 55 countries and areas, the topic of special aids for disabled persons was included because of its importance for programme planning. There is a significant increase in the demand for information by Governments and industry about the potential use of special aids by disabled persons, primarily because of recently improved technology and effectiveness of special aids available for disabled persons, as well as because of increased innovation in the computer industry and also in architectural design of homes and transport systems as well as public buildings.
Examples of available statistics for the study of special aids used by disabled persons are available in figures II.13(a),(6),(c) and (d). In these figures, a comparison is made of special aids used for reducing disabilities in households and in institutions among Australians who are disabled. In households, special aids are primarily used to reduce mobility disability and communication limitations. Mobility limitations are reduced through the use of sticks and crutches or "other" means. The diversity
Figure II.12. Causes of disability: India, urban and rural
(Percentage distribution)
Figure II.12 (continued)
Source: Table ll(chap. IV).
Figure II.13 Special aids used: Australia, 1981
(a) For reducing disabilities, by residence
(b) By type of aid and, by residence
igure II.13 (continued)
(c) For self care, by type of residence
(d) For mobility, by type of residence
Special aids * Including artificial limb/s, calipers, braces, special chair, special bed, cane, rails/bars and other.
Source: Table 12 (chap.IV).
of mobility aids is much greater in households than in institutions, with "other" mobility aids, including artificial limbs, calipers, braces, special chairs, special beds, canes, rails/bars and the like. Communication barriers are reduced in households through greater use of hearing aids than in institutions.
In contrast, in institutions, special aids are heavily used to reduce self-care disabilities and also mobility limitations. Communication aids are less utilized in institutions than in households. Among disabled persons who live in institutions, self-care aids are often used to reduce washing and eating limitations, with washing aids used by approximately 75 per cent of disabled persons residing in institutions. Mobility limitations are reduced through the use of sticks or crutches. Wheelchairs are used by a substantially larger proportion of institutionalized disabled persons than by disabled persons who live in households. "Other" more diversified types of mobility aids are used less often in institutions than in households.
C. Conclusion
This completes the presentation of illustrative ways in which the statistics provided in tables 1-12 (chap. IV) of the Compendium may be highlighted and discussed through the use of graphics and summary tables. Further use of these statistics for analysis and presentation will contribute to the overall development of this field of statistics. It is only through exploratory development and use of statistics on disability that further refinements may be accomplished.
There has been a steady increase in the statistical study of disability by Governments and other organizations in the region, and a substantial increase in the application of national disability statistics for policy formulation and programme planning. Because of this, international methodological studies and guidelines are clearly needed to assist disparate national strategies.
In order to further develop this statistical field, support of national, regional and international work is needed in the following areas:
(a) Implementation of training workshops and international conferences to promote the policy-oriented scientific study of disablement through exchange of technical materials and survey research experience;
(b) Regular updating of DISTAT. The co-operation of national statistical offices and other organizations is needed in this area so that disability statistics can be submitted at regular intervals by Governments to the Statistical Office of the United Nations Secretariat in a comparable format;
(c) Monitoring national use of ICIDH in various data collection activities;
(d) Promoting the inclusion of disability topics in national surveys and
national survey programmes;
(e) Achieving through systematic methodological monitoring and analysis
of survey results general agreement on the underlying principles of survey screens
used to identify persons with disabilities, ultimately resulting in methodological
guidelines on the identification and assessment of disablement in censuses and
(/) Expanding interregional technical advisory services to work with developing countries and other international and regional organizations in the production of disability statistics within the existing statistical systems and through appropriate Government offices and programmes, as requested in the World Pro-gramme of Action.
There are other activities that can be launched by various international and regional agencies, research institutes and interested organizations. For example, it would be very useful to generate a short list of impairments, disabilities and handicaps for more systematic and streamlined national and international application of ICIDH concepts and codes in survey work.
It is also important to ultimately design a university curriculum and training manuals for demographers, epidemiologists, statisticians and survey researchers interested in the study of disability, and a curriculum for training programmes to address the needs of professionals already working on national data collection, analysis and policy formulation in this area.
Finally, international and regional programmes should be encouraged to include at all times in training programmes and conferences on the development of disability statistics, opportunities for discussion and participation of disabled persons, their families, and programme staff concerned with disablement. This includes opportunities to observe the various dimensions of their environmental conditions so as to make survey methods more accommodating, appropriate and realistic to the needs of disabled persons and to the general description of disablement.
These technical notes are designed to give the reader information for interpreting the data available in the 12 detailed statistical tables of this publication. The following sections refer to specific tables and include a description of the variables included under each statistical topic. When appropriate, details on computation of rates, ratios or percentages are presented.
A. Arrangement of tables
The tables are grouped into two major types: (a) disability tables by demographic characteristics, such as age and sex and urban and rural residence, by type of selected disability (tables 1-5); and (b) special topic tables (tables 6-12). Special topics are broken down into socio-economic status (tables 6-10) and disability description (tables 11 and 12). Each statistical table is preceded by some textual explanation or technical notes specific to that table.
B. Source of data
The primary source of statistics presented in this Compendium are the published reports of national censuses, household surveys and administrative reg-istration systems, (see annex I), supplemented by information provided from cor-respondence with national statistical services. These national data sets were coded and placed in the United Nations International Disability Statistics Data Base (DISTAT, 1988). A full description of the international data base is provided in the United Nations 1988 publication, United Nations Disability Statistics Data Base, 1975-1986: Technical Manual.2
Age and sex-specific disability rates have been calculated by the Statistical Office of the United Nations Secretariat, using basic data from the national data sets, unless otherwise specified. There were some cases where countries published the rates without providing the figures used for their calculation. In these cases, the published rates were presented as given in the national reports. The methods used by the Statistical Office to calculate these rates and ratios are described in the technical notes for each table. The populations used for the computations are those described and published in the tables of the Compendium.
C. Geographical aspects
1. Coverage
Geographical coverage in the tables is as comprehensive as possible, given the exploratory nature of this first publication of a Compendium of disability statistics. Data are shown for as many individual countries or areas as could be identified during the Statistical Office search for national publications on disability statistics in selected libraries and official offices. Table 1 is the most comprehensive in national coverage, presenting data on numbers of disabled persons and age and sex-specific disability prevalence rates for every country or area included in DISTAT. Not all these countries or areas appear in subsequent tables. In many cases, the data required for a particular table are not available for a specific country. In general, the more detailed the data required for any table, the fewer the number
of countries or areas that can provide them. Table I.1 in the Introduction provides a listing of all countries in DISTAT according to whether they have data on any particular topic covered in the Compendium. This table may be referred to for ascertaining the availability of national data on any particular disability topic.
To the extent possible, all data are presented at the national level. No global or regional estimates are provided. In some cases, when national level data have not been available, subnational statistics, i.e. for particular age groups, residence status, or for persons having particular labour force or educational characteristics, have been shown and footnoted accordingly. Because of the exploratory nature of this first Compendium, and owing to the general lack of knowledge about the quality and availability of disability statistics, the data here presented in the statistical tables are displayed as received, so that future work may benefit from full knowledge of previous experience.
2. Territorial composition
In so far as possible, all data relate to the territory within 1988 boundaries. Exceptions to this are footnoted in individual tables.
3. Nomenclature
Because of space limitations, the country or area names listed in the tables are generally the commonly employed short titles in use in the United Nations,19 the full titles being used only when a short form is not available. Countries or areas are listed in English alphabetical order within the following continents: Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Oceania and the USSR.
The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication were adopted solely for the purpose of providing a convenient geo-graphical basis for the accompanying statistical series. The same qualification applies to all notes and explanations concerning the geographical units for which data are presented.
4. Total populations
Population statistics, that is, those pertaining to the size, geographical dis-tribution and demographic characteristics of the total population, are sometimes presented in a number of tables of the Compendium, especially when the source of disability data is a population and housing census. However, the primary purpose of the presentation of population statistics is for comparison of total population characteristics with disabled populations; it is not for the purpose of total population description. In some cases, the total number of persons surveyed nationally is significantly smaller than the total size of the population of a country, especially when sample surveys are utilized. For detailed population statistics describing the situation of total populations, see the United Nations series of Demographic Yearbooks. The primary purpose of presenting the total number of population surveyed in the present Compendium is so that prevalence rates of disability may
19 For a listing of the majority of these, see "Names of countries and adjectives of nationality" (United Nations document ST/CS/SER.F/317 and corrigenda).
be calculated, and also so that both numerators and denominators of derived disability rates are made available to the user thereby allowing other rates to be calculated as needed, e.g. percentage distributions of selected characteristics or other types of ratios.
5. Sources of variation in the data
The comparability of data is affected by several factors, including (a) definition of total population; (b) the definitions used to identify disabled persons; (c) definitions used to classify the population into its urban/rural components; (d) difficulties relating to age reporting; (e) extent of over-enumeration or under-enumeration in the most recent census or other source of bench-mark population statistics and of disabled persons; if) quality of population estimates; and (g) the quality of disability estimates. Other relevant problems are discussed in the specific technical notes to the individual statistical tables. Readers interested in more detail, relating in particular to the sources of variation in disability data should consult some of the United Nations publications on this topic.20
(a) Variations in disabled population
One important impediment to comparability of disability statistics is the variation in census and survey definitions of disability. Because of its importance, there is a special chapter of this Compendium devoted to the discussion of variations in disability prevalence according to national differences in the definition of dis-ability (see chapter II, section A.3 on Survey estimates of disability).
Confusion also occurs in the interpretation of data because some censuses and surveys count disabled people, others count numbers of disabilities found, and some count both. In the first case, the number of disabled people equals the total number of all disabled persons identified in the study. In the second case, for example,a disabled person may be counted once because of blindness, and then be counted again under hearing impairments. In the second case, the total number of disabilities counted is greater than the total number of disabled persons primarily because a certain proportion of the disabled population have multiple disabilities. Throughout the statistical tables, there are two columns available for presentation of total disability data in order to accommodate both types of national presentation:
(a) the total number of disabled persons and (b) the total number of disabilities
(b) Urban/rural classification
National classifications of urban/rural are presented according to the clas-sifications used by each country. These definitions are available in the Demographic Yearbook and are therefore not presented here. In general, however, within national data sets, comparisons between urban/rural residence of total populations and disabled populations are comparable.
20 For example, see United Nations... Case Studies, esp. pp. 24-65; alsosee Development of Statis-tical Concepts and Methods on Disability for Household Surveys (ST/ESA/STAT/Ser .F/38); and consult the Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Statistical papers, Series M, No.67 (United Nations Publication, Sales No. E.80.XVTI.8) for sources of variation in population data in general.
(c) Collection and compilation of age data
Age is the estimated or calculated interval of time between the date of birth and the date of the census or survey, expressed in completed solar years.21 There are two methods of collecting age data. The first is to obtain the date of birth for each member of the population in a census or survey and then to calculate the completed age of the individual by subtracting the date of birth from the date of enumeration.22 The second method is to record the individual's completed age at the time of the census or survey, that is to say, age at last birthday.
(d) Errors in age data
Errors in age data may be due to a variety of causes, including ignorance of correct age; reporting years of age in terms of a calendar concept other than completed solar years since birth; carelessness in reporting and recording age; a general tendency to state age in figures ending in certain digits (such as zero, two, five and eight); a tendency to exaggerate length of life at advanced ages; possibly subconscious aversion to a certain number, and wilful misrepresentations arising from motives of an economic, social, political or purely personal character. These reasons for errors in reported age data are common to most investigations of age and to most countries or areas, and they may impair comparability to a marked degree.
The classification of population by age is a core element of most analysis and estimation of disability statistics. Age data of disabled persons are, however, subject to a number of specific sources of error and non-comparability. It has been documented, for example, that in a number of cases, disabled children are seriously underenumerated, primarily because among pre-school children it is not yet known even to their parents that they have a disability, e.g. hearing impairment, difficulty seeing etc. Identifying pre-school-age children who are impaired or disabled is not an easy task, even when highly sophisticated equipment and medical techniques are used in the assessment. Although underenumeration of childhood disabilities is probably almost inevitable, that does not mean that survey reports of childhood disabilities cannot be improved through more explicit behavioural or functional questions on basic childhood developmental patterns.23 In addition, the single-year estimates of age of persons over age 60 are also subject to a number of sources of error and non-comparability, primarily due to lack of precision among reporting of older persons, a general upward bias in the estimates of age, as well as a tendency among the elderly to round off their approximate age to the nearest decade. Given the significantly higher proportions of disabled persons among elderly groups, the problem of age-reporting takes on special significance in the study of disability. In general, because of the likelihood that people with disabilities have low status,
21 Principles and Recommendations...,para. 2.88.
22 Alternatively if a population register is used, completed ages are calculated by subtracting the date of birth of individuals listed in the register from a reference data to which the age data pertain.
23 See a recent review of survey questions on childhood development by Lucille C. Atkin, "Analysis of instruments used in Latin America to measure psychosocial development in children from 0 to 6 years of age", (report of Instituto National de Perinatologia, Mexico); also Lilian Belmont, The International Pilot Study of Severe Childhood Disability: final report: Screening for severe mental retardation in developing countries (Netherlands, Cahiers Geestelijk Gehandicapten, 1984).
In general, because of the likelihood that people with disabilities have low status, there is a propensity in some studies to have substantial proportions of the disabled population in the "age-unknown" categories. The "age-unknown" category should be monitored carefully when comparing age distributions of disabled populations with total populations of countries.
6. Quality of published statistics
With specific reference to the quality of disability statistics coming from censuses, this Compendium provides notes indicating deviations from full national coverage. The degree of underenumeration or overenumeration of disability estimates from censuses and surveys are not yet known. In general, however, internal consistency of national disability statistics are quite reasonable. It has been noted, for example in one case, that with respect to the United States Census and the national Survey of Income and Expenditure (SIE), "the data in the major surveys appear to be internally consistent and as reliable as other commonly used survey measures, such as years of education and marital status... The distribution of disability rates by states was also highly consistent over time. The correlation coefficients for state disability rates for the 1970 and 1980 Censuses and the 1976 SIE ranged from .93 to .95 for the three periods".24 However, cross-national comparisons of statistics of disabled persons are currently a questionable activity, given the high diversity in data collection strategies and wide variations in definitions of disability utilized by countries resulting in a low level of comparability in the results. Because of the diversity, a special section has been prepared in this Compendium which reviews some of the problems confronted when making cross-national comparisons (see chapter II, section A.3). Further details of each of the census and survey designs are provided in the NOTES files of DISTAT, version l.25
7. Disability statistics
For purposes of the Compendium, disability statistics have been defined as statistics concerning disabled persons, through presentation of findings on impairments, disabilities and handicaps of disabled persons. For survey research purposes, people who are disabled are essentially viewed as a special population group of individuals who have in common the fact that they live with long-term functional loss. The term "disabled persons" is used to indicate that one is part of a special population group of persons broadly referred to in the United Nations World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons.1 This is the first time that the Statistical Office of the United Nations Secretariat has compiled national statistics in a systematic way on this topic.
(a) Statistical definitions of disability
The Compendium of Disability Statistics attempts to organize and group national disability statistics according to the standard definitions put forth in the World Health Organization's International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps. These are as follows:
24 Haber, op. cit., p.18.
25 See the Technical Manual of DISTAT for complete details of these notes. Additional information is available in Maiy Chamie, "Survey design strategies for the study of disability", World Health Statistics Quarterly, No. 3,1989.
(i) Definition of impairment. Impairment is any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological, or anatomical structure or function. The broad classification of impairments include the following nine coding categories available in the classification scheme at the one digit level: 1. Intellectual; 2. Other psychological; 3. Language; 4. Aural; 5. Ocular; 6. Visceral; 7. Skeletal; 8. Disfiguring; and 9. Generalized, sensory, and other impairments.
(ii) Definition of disability. Disability is any restriction or lack (resulting from an impairment) of ability to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being. The broad classification of disabilities include the following nine coding categories available in the classification scheme at the one-digit level: 1. Behaviour; 2. Communication; 3. Personal care; 4. Locomotor; 5. Body disposition; 6. Dexterity; 7. Situational; 8. Particular skills; 9. Other activity restrictions.
(iii) Definition of handicap. Handicap is a disadvantage for a given individual, resulting from an impairment or a disability, that limits or prevents the fulfilment of a role that is normal (depending on age, sex and social and cultural factors) for that individual.26 In every national data set, disabled persons were identified either through reporting of their impairments or their disabilities. Disabled persons were not identified as disabled through the reporting of their handicaps. The concept of handicap was utilized in a number of reports primarily as an avenue for describing situations of disabled persons after they had already been identified in the survey either as impaired or disabled.
The areas outlined in the general socio-economic and demographic framework shown in the Introduction, section B, are used for assessing the dimensions of handicap. "It is important to recognize that the handicap classification is neither a taxonomy of disadvantage nor a classification of individuals. Rather it is a classification of circumstances in which disabled people are likely to find themselves, circumstances that place such individuals at a disadvantage relative to their peers when viewed from the norms of society."27 Statistical tables 6-10 specifically present information that may be used to describe their circumstances.
(b) Disability: incidence versus prevalence
Thus far, national data set of censuses, surveys and registries have con-centrated on prevalence rather than incidence of disability. This means that reports are given of all people who are disabled in the community and not just newly disabled during any particular time period. There is some data available in selected countries on age-at-onset of disability, but these statistics are not presented in the Compendium. They are, however, available in DISTAT.
(c) Variations in the percentage of disabled
There are strong methodological implications to estimates of the percentage of disabled, depending upon whether impairment or disability questions are used to identify disabled persons. To summarize briefly, estimates of the percentage of
26 World Health Organization, International Classification..., p. 207 (Guidance on assessment).
27 Ibid., p. 183
persons who are disabled ranged from 0.2 to 20.9 per cent of the population for the 63 surveys of the 55 countries presented in this Compendium. The high degree of variability in disability rates are partly determined by what are perceived as impairment and disability and their degrees by various countries. It is also partly determined by whether impairments or disability definitions and codes are used to identify disabled persons.
Survey estimates of the percentage of disabled appear lower when impairment questions rather than disability questions are used to identify disabled persons. In addition, when impairment questions are used for screening purposes, the resultant disability rates of men are generally higher than those of women. In contrast, when disability screening questions are used, rates are similar for women and men, and in some cases disability rates for women are higher. This suggests that comparisons of disability rates may be very misleading unless the methodological differences between surveys are clearly stated.38
Variations in disability rates are also partly due to differences in age ranges and populations covered by surveys. Differences in population ages and special populations covered by the surveys presented in this Compendium are noted in the footnotes to the tables.
28 International development of disability statistics: accomplishments and goals", report presented to the Conference on Capabilities and Needs of Disabled Persons in the ESCWA Region, Amman, 20-28 November 1989.
Population, disabled persons, disabilities reported and prevalence
of disability, by age and sex 70
Disabled persons per 100,000 population, by age and sex and by
selected intellectual, other psychological, language and aural
impairments . 116
Disabled persons per 100,000 population, by age and sex and by
selected ocular, visceral and skeletal impairments. ,. 147
Disabled persons per 100,000 population, by age and sex and
selected disabilities.... 180
Population, disabled persons and disabilities by type of impairment
or disability, and prevalence rate by age, sex and urban/rural
residence 186
Educational characteristics of disbaled persons, by age, sex and
type of impairment or disability.... , 224
Employment characteristics of disabled persons, by age, sex and
type of impairment or disability 248
Marital status of disabled persons, by age, sex and type of
impairment or disability... 276
Family characteristics of disabled persons, by age, sex and type
of impairment or disability..... 283
Housing characteristics of disabled persons, by age, sex and type of
impairment or disability 288
Causes of impairments of disabled persons by age, sex and type of
impairment or disability . 308
Aids used for reducing disabilities of disabled persons, by age,
sex and type of impairment or disability.......... , 337
Table 1. Population, disabled persons, disabilities reported and prevalence of disability, by age and sex
Statistical table 1 presents the number of disabled persons, disabilities, and total persons by age group and sex, and the prevalence of disability per 100,000.
Description of variables
Estimates of the total number of population surveyed, disabled persons and disabilities are presented, as provided by each available data set from surveys, censuses or administrative registrations systems conducted between the years 1975 and 1986.
All age and sex-specific prevalence rates produced in the table were prepared by the Statistical Office except in the case of countries where no numbers were published. Under those conditions, prevalence rates were taken from the published reports of the censuses and surveys, as available. Disabled persons prevalence rates are defined as the number of persons identified as disabled in the total population surveyed, divided by the total population surveyed and multiplied by 100,000. Disabilities prevalence rates are defined as the number of disabilities in the total population surveyed, divided by the total population surveyed and multiplied by 100,000. The reader is reminded that a person may have multiple disabilities. In cases where the total number of disabilities found is reported rather than the number of disabled persons, the disabilities rate is then calculated and published in the appropriate column in table 1. In order to reduce confusion, these two types of disability data were distinguished by presenting the number of disabled persons and numbers of disabilities in separate columns. The data are organized so that national data are presented in English alphabetical order within regions.
Not all total populations in table 1 are conceptually the same. In some cases, for example, total populations presented in the table are comprised only of persons in specific-age ranges, e.g. ages 10+, 15+, 6-24, or 20-69. In other cases, the total population is comprised of the total population that is not economically active, or the total population of persons who are not attending school or, in one case, the total chronically ill population. Certain surveys presented statistics on the rate of disability among the economically active population, and others presented statistics on the rate of economically inactive disability among the total population. These distinctions are noted through the use of population labels in the national tables of table 1. Another distinction is that in some surveys they have sampled the total population of children, of elderly persons, of rural areas or of city populations. In addition, national registration systems often provide no estimate of the total population of the registered area because disabled persons only were surveyed by the registry. In any case, each of these differences in definition and presentation of total populations are specified in the table itself through footnotes and label descriptions.
Data quality in table 1 is highly variable. Explanations of variation in quality of demographic data from population and household censuses are reported as available in the Demographic Yearbook. Several studies have been conducted of the validity and reliability of disability data from population and housing censuses.3 There is a general understanding, however, based upon existing research, that census data underenumerates disability.1* In table 1, data from sample surveys are sometimes
presented along with estimates of their standard errors; however such presentations are still rare and are presented, when available, as footnotes of the table. Registration data presented in the table are complicated by the fact that in some cases, disabilities were registered by non-medical personnel and at other times by medical personnel, depending upon the type of registry. A major difficulty to be addressed is the design of suitable classification lists of impairments and disabilities for use in surveys, with due consideration for ICIDH and national differences in terminology, and considering also the training of persons collecting the data.c
a For example, see the following documents for examples of reports of validity and reliability checking that have been produced:
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, "Technical note on sampling variability", Handicapped Persons: Australia, 1981 (ABS Catalogue No. 4343.0), p. 185.
Statistics Canada, Health and Activity Limitation Survey, Comparison of the Results
from the 1986 Census and the Health and Activity Limitation Survey for Persons
with Disabilities Residing in Households, paper prepared by Adele Furrie, (3 October
Hong Kong,
Census and Statistics Department, "Assessment of quality of disablement data", Hong
Kong 1981 Census: Disablement Characteristics, pp. 7-19.
National Sample Survey Organization (1983), "Comparison of survey results with the census figures", Report on Survey of Disabled Persons, (Thirty-sixth round, No. 305, July-December 1981), pp. A5-A14.
Queen Alia Jordan Social Welfare Fund, Amman (1983), Evaluation Studies of Handicapped Persons in Jordan.
United States,
Lawrence D. Haber, "Identifying the disabled: concepts and methods in the mea-surement of disability" Social Security Bulletin, No. 30(1967) pp. 17-34; Barry Bye, and Evan Schecter, "Technical introduction" Survey of Disability and Work (Washington D.C., Social Security Administration).
Wendi Thelan, "Reinterview results for the 1978 disability survey" United States Bureau of the Census (unpublished report cited in Haber, L., "Issues in the definition of disability", April 1989.
b Hong Kong. op. cit.\ India, op. cit.
c A short-list of impairment and disability codes for surveys has been proposed by Mary Chamie, "Survey design strategies", World Health Statistics
Quarterly, No. 3.(1989), pp. 136-137.
Chapter II, section B.I. presents findings from statistical table 1 in a more graphic and analytic way, as illustrative examples of the kind of analysis that might be tried with these data sets.
United Nations Disability Statistics AFRICA
1. Population, disabled persons and disabilities reported and prevalence of disability by age and sex
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
CAPE VERDE, population census 1980
Males 92 757 3 210 3 460.7
10-14 20 864 92 441.0
15-19 18 779 104 553.8
20-24 10 853 103 949.0
25-29 5 393 60 .. 1 112.6
30-34 2 770 46 .. 1 660.6
35-39 2 693 57 .. 2 116.6
40-44 4 071 56 1 375.6
45-49 4 219 61 1 445.8
50-54 3 973 105 .. 2 642.8 ¦
55-59 2 538 100 3 940.1
60-64 2 669 178 6 669.2 *
65-69 2 787 362 12 988.9
70-74 2 518 626 ., 24 861.0
75+ 2 054 903 43 963.0
Unknown 6 576 357 5 428.8
Females 116 152 5 700 4 907.4
10-14 21 158 85 401.7
15-19 19 310 95 492.0
20-24 14 372 117 814.1
25-29 8 824 72 816.0
30-34 4 326 32 739.7
35-39 4 755 69 1 451.1
40-44 6 839 84 1 228.2
45-49 6 132 79 1 288.3
50-54 5 236 113 2 158.1
55-59 3 104 117 3 769.3
60-64 3 292 354 10 753.3
65-69 3 328 644 19 351.0
70-74 2 949 899 30 484.9
75+ 3 539 1 796 50 748.8 -
Unknown 8 988 1 144 12 728.1
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics AFRICA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, population census 1975
Males 10+ 675 010 8 332 1 234.4 ..
Females 10+ 734 617 7 141 972.1 '
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics AFRICA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
COMOROS, population census 1980
Males 167 089 3 247 1 943.3 -
0-4 28 034 178 634.9 ..
5-9 30 027 348 1 159.0 ..
10-14 23 041 312 1 354.1 ...
15-19 15 218 258 1 695.4 ..
20-24 11 484 219 1 907.0 ..
25-29 9 519 187 1 964.5 ..
30-34 8 848 202 2 283.0 ..
35-39 7 313 180 2 461.4 ..
40-44 7 969 234 2 936.4 ..
45-49 4 956 155 3 127.5 ..
50-54 5 526 165 2 985.9 ..
55-59 2 735 99 3 619.7 ..
60-64 4 305 181 4 204.4 ..
65-59 1 815 95 5 234.2 ..
70-74 2 672 157 5 875.7 ..
75-79 915 66 7 213.1 ..
80-84 1 143 98 8 573.9 ..
85+ 818 95 11 613.7
Not stated 751 18 2 396.8
Females 168 061 2 454 1 460.2 '
0-4 27 561 128 464.4
5-9 28 979 201 693.6 ..
10-14 20 484 197 961.7 ..
15-19 16 307 191 1 171.3 ..
20-24 13 620 162 1 189.4 ..
25-29 11 769 146 1 240.5 ..
30-34 9 817 161 1 640.0 ..
35-39 7 886 159 2 016.2
40-44 7 723 172 2 227.1 ..
45-49 4 286 97 2 263.2 ..
50-54 5 594 169 3 021.1 ..
55-59 2 336 69 2 953.8 ..
60-64 4 164 156 3 746.4 ..
65-59 1 499 60 a 4 002.7 ..
70-74 2 602 116 4 458.1 ..
75-79 764 50 6 544.5 ..
80-84 1 297 104 8 018.5 ..
85+ 939 110 11 714.6 ..
Not stated 434 6 1 382.5
United Nations Disability Statistics AFRICA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
EGYPT, population census 1976
Males 18 647 289 82 361 441.7
0-4 2 548 265 453 17.8
5-9 2 421 813 4 225 174.5
10-14 2 581 979 8 192 317.3
15-19 2 141 854 7 697 359.4
20-24 1 522 279 6 885 452.3 *
25-29 1 321 665 6 805 514.9 ¦
30-34 1 036 480 6 343 612.0 ..
35-39 1 024 782 6 673 651.2
40-44 935 787 6 556 700.6
45-49 789 521 5 758 729.3
50-54 719 185 5 844 812.6
55-59 481 997 4 358 904.2
60-64 479 943 4 690 977.2
65-69 268 777 2 772 1 031.3
70-74 202 422 2 479 1 224.7
75+ 167 962 2 570 1 530.1
Not stated 2 578 61 2 366.2
Females 17 978 915 28 257 157.2
0-4 2 493 905 285 11.4
5-9 2 259 889 2 442 108.1
10-14 2 323 544 3 442 148.1
15-19 1 849 952 2 730 ** 147.6
20-24 1 561 698 2 061 132.0
25-29 1 362 916 1 511 110.9
30-34 1 092 173 1 420 130.0
35-39 1 030 090 1 313 127.5
40-44 946 904 1 532 161.8
'45-49 738 203 1 174 159.0
50-54 741 914 1 693 228.2
55-59 412 093 1 090 264.5
60-64 490 379 2 054 418.9
65-69 242 404 1 305 .. 538.4
70-74 234 906 1 894 806.3
75+ 194 769 2 294 1 177.8
Not stated 3 176 17 535.3
United Nations Disability Statistics AFRICA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevakace rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
EGYPT, national survey 1979-1981 4/
Both sexes 1 116 .. ,,
Males 33 211 611 1 839.8 ;..
<10 12 284 72 586.1
10-19 8 423 129 1 531.5
20-29 3 263 65 1 992.0
30-39 2 504 44 1 757.2
40-49 2 031 48 2 363.4
50-59 1960 80 4 081.6
60+ 2 554 166 6 499.6
Unknown 192 7 3 645.8 .
Females 40 684 477 1 172.5 ..
<10 11014 41 372.3
10-19 20-29 8 882 5 870 63 55 709.3 937.0
30-39 40-49 4 848 3 797 36 48 ¦ . ¦ 742.6 1 264.2
50-59 3 170 63 1 987.4
60+ 2 819 163 5 782.2
Unknown 284 8 . 2 816.9
d/ These data were taken from a recent report published by A.R.E. Ministry of Health, dated February, 1987. Report of the Health Interview Survey: Fourth Cycle, part VI, Disability Survey, (publication) No. 35/6, tables 4 and 5, p.p. 12 and 13. These data will be entered into the data base during the next round of data entry.
United Nations Disabffity Statistics AFRICA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
ETHIOPIA, rural survey 1979-1981
Both sexes 26 595 685 1 459 683 5 488.4 ¦
0-4 4 808 568 68 400 1 422.5
5-9 4 853 664 104 109 2 145.0
10-14 3 003 087 91 031 3 031.2 ..
15-19 2 187 658 85 192 3 894.2 ..
20-24 1 690 180 86 341 5 108.4 ..
25-29 1 867 007 109 772 5 879.6 ..
30-34 1 632 064 112 831 6 913.4 ..
35-39 1 457 459 105 847 7 262.4 ..
40-44 1 220 943 121 209 9 927.5 ..
45-49 860 235 88 831 10 326.4 ..
50-54 847 653 107 050 12 629.0 ..
55-59 455 006 61 773 13 576.3 ..
60-64 609 257 91 404 15 002.5 ..
65+ 1 064 574 220 699 20 731.2 ..
Not stated 38 330 5 194 13 550.7
ETHIOPIA, survey of children 1981
Males 17 867
Not stated 1 925
6 399
9 178
Females .. 11 764 ¦
Not stated 1 469
4 461
5 651
183 ..
Both sexes 14 819 300 29 631 .. 199.9 ..
United Nations Disability Statistics AFRICA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
KENYA, national survey of disabled persons 1981
Males 15+ 1 163
Females 15+ ¦ 569
Sex not stated 15+ ¦ 22 ,
United Nations Disability Statistics AFRICA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
MALI, population census 1976
Males 3 123 733 96 318 3 083.4
0-4 587 015 1 181 201.2
5-9 492 272 5 545 1 126.4
10-14 342 807 4 534 1 322.6
15-19 308 607 4 492 1 455.6
20-24 218 391 4 784 2 190.6
25-29 200 095 5 083 2 540.3
30-34 185 729 6 540 3 521.3
35-39 161 383 6 957 4 310.9
40-44 139 426 7 528 5 399.3
45-49 111 330 7 151 6 423.2
50-54 104 619 7 973 7 621.0
55-59 77 578 6 950 8 958.7
60-64 76 620 8 453 11 032.4
65-69 40 279 5 270 13 083.7
70-74 31 890 5 065 15 882.7
75-79 17 149 3 194 18 625.0
80-84 14 091 2 615 18 557.9
85-89 4 493 941 20 943.7
90-94 4 326 898 20 758.2
95+ 5 236 1 149 21 944.2
Not stated 397 15 3 778.3
Females 3 271 185 96 889 2 961.9 '
0-4 589 394 1 110 188.3
5-9 482 851 3 315 686.5
10-14 321 959 3 586 1 113.8
15-19 333 508 5 142 1 541.8
20-24 265 842 5 742 2 159.9
25-29 267 018 7 155 2 679.6
30-34 225 950 8 006 3 543.3
. 35-39 165 949 6 929 4 175.4
40-44 147 829 7 912 5 352.1
45-49 98 453 6 319 6 418.3
50-54 103 607 8 174 7 889.4
55-59 62 917 5 717 9 086.6
60-64 81 466 8 963 11 002.1
65-69 36 832 4 753 12 904.5
70-74 37 747 5 487 14 536.3
75-79 16 730 2 725 16 288.1
80-84 17 831 3 039 17 043.4
85-89 4 376 828 18 921.4
90-94 4 915 852 17 334.7
95+ 5 637 1 119 19 851.0
Not stated 374 16 4 278.1
United Nations Disability Statistics AFRICA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
ST. HELENA, national survey 1976
Males 2 514 37 .. 1 471.8
Females 2 633 46 1 747.1
SWAZILAND, national survey 1983
Males .. 1 531
Unknown 64 322 351 251 234 273
Females .. .. 1234 .. ..
Unknown 60 266 263 165 155 286
39 -
Both sexes 101 246 2 544 2 512.7 ..
United Nations Disability Statistics AFRICA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
TUNISIA, population census 1975
Males 2 827 540 26 800 947.8
0-4 455 250 300 65.9
5-9 417 000 1 410 338.1
10-14 376 380 2 190 581.9
15-19 320 960 2 390 744.6
20-29 386 280 3 420 885.4
30-39 264 430 2 360 892.5
40-49 249 220 3 220 1 292.0
50-59 172 770 3 550 2 054.8
60+ 180 960 7 920 4 376.7
Not stated 4 290 40 932.4
Females 2 749 710 16 900 614.6
0-4 436 370 400 91.7
5-9 398 590 890 223.3
10-14 356 210 1 400 393.0
15-19 307 400 1 300 422.9
20-29 412 810 1 930 467.5
30-39 288 560 1 390 481.7
40-49 248 860 1 610 647.0
50-59 153 650 1 710 1 112.9
60+ 143 500 6 230 .. 4 341.5
Not stated 3 760 40 ,, 1 063.8
TUNISIA, population census 1984
Males 3 546 040 37 850 1 067.4
60+ 521 600
896 920
1 872 230
255 290 380
3 980
22 900
10 590 72.9
1 223.1
4 148.2
Females 3 429 410 22 710 662.2
60+ 493 730
853 280
1 871 710
210 690 390
2 660
12 910
6 750 * 79.0
3 203.8
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
Both sexes .' 276 300 -
0-4 15 000
5-15 ¦ 54 900 ..
16-59 139 800
60+ 66 600
United Nations Disability Statistics AFRICA
Table 1 (continued)
ZIMBABWE, national survey 1981
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA,'NORTH
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
BELIZE, population census 1980 (not economically active population and not attending school)
Males 36 595 1 019 2 784.5
15-19 6 438 164 994.1
20-24 6 308 45 .. 713.4 ..
25-29 4 446 46 1 034.6
30-34 3 378 36 1 065.7 ..
35-39 2 617 31 1 184.6 ..
40-44 2 562 35 .. 1 366.1 ..
45-49 2 307 39 1 690.5 ..
50-54 2 209 49 2 218.2 ..
55-59 1 601 40 2 498.4 ..
60-64 1 343 58 4 318.7 ..
65+ 3 086 573 18 567.7
Unknown 300 3 1 000.0
Females 35 770 812 2 270.1
15-19 6 260 36 575.1
20-24 6 156 18 292.4 ..
25-29 4 458 16 358.9 ..
30-34 3 258 14 .. 429.7 ..
35-39 2 550 11 431.4 ..
40-44 2 426 8 329.8 ..
45-49 2 250 17 755.6 ..
50-54 1 992 21 1 054.2 ..
55-59 1 515 49 3 234.3 ..
60-64 1 309 54 4 125.3 ..
65+ 3 357 566 16 860.3 ..
Unknown 239 2 836.8
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA, NORTH
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
CANADA, health and disability survey 1983/1984
Males 12 088 000 1 283 000 10 613.8
0-4 916 000 44 000 4 803.5
5-9 893 000 63 000 7 054.9
10-14 923 000 68 000 7 367.3
15-34 4 336 000 186 000 4 289.7
35-54 2 917 000 269 000 9 221.8
55-64 1 086 000 268 000 24 677.7
65+ 1 017 000 385 000 ¦ 37 856.4 . . '
Females 12 372 000 1 466 000 .. 11 849.3
0-4 870 000 34 000 3 908.0
5-9 848 000 40 000 4 717.0
10-14 876 000 53 000 6 050.2
15-34 4 334 000 209 000 4 822.3
35-54 2 922 000 312 000 10 677.6
55-64 1 183 000 293 000 24 767.5
65+ 1 339 000 525 000 39 208.4
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICAN NORTHprevalence
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
CUBA, census of population and housing, 1981 (not economically active population)
Males 970 312 35 517 3 660.4
15-19 421 110 5 472 1 299.4
20-24 86 356 4 450 5 153.1 ..
25-29 21 452 3 391 15 807.4 ..
30-34 11 674 2 927 25 072.8 ..
35-39 9 630 2 359 24 496.4 ..
40-44 9 974 2 187 21 927.0 ..
45-49 10 747 1 936 18 014.3 ..
50-54 15 789 2 009 .. 12 724.0 ..
55-59 24 161 1 967 8 141.2 ..
60-64 62 070 1 842 2 967.6 ..
65-69 89 095 1 767 1 983.3 ..
70+ 208 254 5 210 * 2 501.8
Females 2 264 331 17 999 794.9
15-19 499 116 2 367 474.2
20-24 228 077 1 913 ¦ 838.8 ..
25-29 177 882 1 336 751.1 ..
30-34 165 805 1 263 761.7 ..
35-39 150 635 1 238 821.9 ..
40-44 137 160 1 102 803.4 ..
45-49 131 427 996 757.8 ..
50-54 135 476 969 715.3 ..
55-59 140 314 834 594.4 ..
60-64 142 186 791 556.3 ..
65-69 128 162 821 .. 640.6 ..
70+ 228 091 4 369 1 915.5
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA, NORTH
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
JAMAICA, survey of handicapped children in schools 1978
Males 4-11 439 .... ...:
Females 4-11 28S
Sex not stated 4-11 1
MEXICO, general census of population and housing 1980 (children not attending school)
Males 2 314 005 66 025 2 853.3
6-8 9-11 12-14 698 191
267 633
1 348 181 32 855 16 645 16 525 4 705.7 6 219.3 1 225.7
Females 2 386 598 63 288 .. 2 651.8 ..
6-8 9-11 12-14 680 081
272 758
1 433 759 30 497 15 265 17 526 4 484.3
5 596.5
1 222.4
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA, NORTH
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
NETHERLANDS ANTILLES, general census of population and housing 1981
Males 112 148 3 657 3 260.9
0-4 10 575 74 699.8
5-9 11 494 221 .. 1 922.7 ..
10-14 12 019 388 3 228.2
15-19 13 501 399 ... 2 955.3 ¦ ...
20-24 11 449 327 2 856.1 .. ¦¦
25-29 9 436 235 2 490.5 ..
30-34 8 626 211 2 446.1
35-39 6 969 161 .. 2 310.2 ..
40-44 5 928 184 3 103.9
45-49 5 124 165 .. 3 220.1 ..
50-54 4 244 165 .. 3 887.8 ..
55-59 3 445 175 5 079.8 ..
60-64 2 876 192 6 675.9 ..
65-69 2 256 152 ,. 6 737.6
70-74 2 098 228 10 867.5 ..
75-79 1 262 182 14 421.6 ..
80-84 563 115 .. 20 426.3 ..
85+ 283 83 29 328.6
Females 119 784 2 984 2 491.2 ..
0-4 10 131 93 918.0
5-9 11 103 156 1 405.0
10-14 11 745 252 2 145.6
15-19 13 180 235 1 783.0
20-24 11 484 191 1 663.2
25-29 10 745 184 1 712.4
30-34 9 610 130 1 352.8
35-39 8 076 145 1 795.4
40-44 6 979 105 1 504.5
45-49 5 757 123 2 136.5
50-54 4 712 116 2 461.8
55-59 3 836 113 2 945.8
60-64 3 463 176 5 082.3
65-69 2 778 138 4 967.6
70-74 2 569 207 8 057.6
75-79 1 664 212 12 740.4
80-84 1125 198 17 600.0
85+ 827 210 25 393.0
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA, NORTH
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
PANAMA, general census of population and housing 1980
Males 0-39 734 693 5 514 .. 750.5 ¦
Females 0-39 720 030 4 256 591.1
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, population and housing census 1980
Males 339 942 4 447 1 308.2 .. .
15-19 65 399 412 630.0
20-24 54 885 397 723.3
25-29 42 914 346 806.3 ..
30-34 35 189 355 1 008.8
35-39 27 398 290 1 058.5
40-44 23 117 295 1 276.1
45-49 18 871 324 1 716.9
50-54 17 497 408 2 331.8
55-59 15 750 502 3 187.3 ..
60-64 13 365 609 4 556.7 ..
65+ 25 557 509 1 991.6 .
Females 346 694 3 193 921.0
15-19 65 275 293 448.9
20-24 54 681 253 462.7
25-29 43 216 188 435.0
30-34 34 769 175 503.3
35-39 27 838 162 581.9
40-44 23 504 175 744.6
45-49 19 950 187 937.3
50-54 18 140 313 1 725.5
55-59 15 084 365 .. 2 419.8 .,
60-64 12 713 464 3 649.8 ..
65+ 31 524 618 1 960.4
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, Survey of children 1982
Both sexes 3-16 603 ¦ ..
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA, NORTH
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
UNITED STATES, census of population 1980
Work disabled
16-64 70 680 243 6 379 603 9 026.0
16-64 73 986 389 5 939 948
Public transport disabled 8 028.4
Both sexes
16+ 168 824 776 6 186 167 3 664.3
16-64 65+ 144 666 632 24 158 144 2 597 631
3 588 536 " 1 795.6 14 854.4 ..
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA/NORTH
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities*
UNITED STATES, national health interview survey, 1982 (civilian and non-institutionalized population)
Males 109 535 000 40 387 000 36 871.3
Under 45 45-64 65-74
65+ 78 223 000 20 941 000
10 371 000 18 033 000
12 135 000
6 175 000
4 044 000 23 053.3 57 948.5
Females 117 578 000 " 34 538 000 29 374.5
Under 45 45-64 65-74
65+ 79 323 000 23 235 000
15 020 000 12 573 000 8 755 000 6 703 000 6 507 000 15 850.4 37 6802
Both sexes 227 113 000 74 925 000 32 990.2
Under 45
75+ 157 546 000
44 176 000
15 832 000
9 559 000 30 606 000 20 890 000 12 878 000 10 551 000 19 426.7
47 288.1
81 341.6
110 377.7
Disability was based on a selection of impairments that were listed under chronic conditions in the survey and were aggregated for this presentation. Impairments included were speech, hearing, tinnitus, visual, cataracts, color blindness, glaucoma, back, upper extremities, lower extremities, paralysis of extremities, absence of extremities and epilepsy.
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA, SOUTH
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
GUYANA, population census 1980 (population not economically active and not attending school)
Males 206 189 4 783 2 319.7 ..
15-19 34 178 310 907.0
20-24 37 030 249 672.4 ..
25-29 28 356 187 .. 659.5 ..
30-34 21 514 195 .. 906.4
35-39 16 333 190 1 163.3 ..
40-44 13 876 203 .. 1 463.0 ..
45-49 12 637 271 .. . 2 144.5
50-54 11 461 388 3 385.4
55-59 9 247 439 4 747.5
60-64 6 712 437 .. 6 510.7 ¦
65+ 13 837 1 905 13 767.4
Not stated 1 008 9 " 892.9
Females 214 573 4 779 .. 2 227.2
15-19 35 372 200 565.4
20-24 39 410 134 340.0
25-29 28 986 105 362.2
30-34 22 458 79 351.8
35-39 17 203 93 540.6
40-44 14 350 85 . 592.3
45-49 13 117 129 .. 983.5
50-54 11 458 229 .. 1 998.6
55-59 8 951 288 3 217.5
60-64 6 747 442 6 551.1
65+ 15 778 2 981 18 893.4
Not stated 743 14 1 884.3
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA, SOUTH
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
PERU, national census of population and housing 1981
Both sexes 17 005 210 26 560 156.2
URUGUAY. 1984 survey of the chronically ill
Males 376 42 .. 11 170.2 ..
65+ 99 145 132 10 16 16 10 101.0
11 034.5
12 121.2
Females 594 68 .. 11447.8 ..
65+ 190 213 191 12
22 34 6 315.8 10 328.6 17 801.0
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA, SOUTH
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
VENEZUELA, census of population and housing 1981 (not economically active population)
Males 1 465 125 123 661 8 440.3
12-14 486 283 3 428 704.9
15-19 437 526 7 874 1 799.7
20-24 142 743 6 593 4 618.8
25-29 57 439 5 202 9 056.6
30-34 31 107 4 229 13 595.0
35-39 21 837 3 571 16 353.0
40-44 21 371 4 026 18 838.6
45-49 22 661 4 631 20 436.0
50-54 28 881 7 034 24 355.1
55-59 33 850 8 557 25 279.2
60-64 40 615 11 908 29 319.2
65+ 140 812 56 608 40 201.1
Females 3 617 382 71 399 .. 1 973.8
12-14 511 325 2 103 411.3
15-19 670 054 4 149 619.2
20-24 468 089 3 509 749.6
25-29 376 098 2 456 653.0
30-34 296 069 2 033 686.7
35-39 223 612 1 746 780.8
40-44 193 369 1 895 980.0
45-49 181 550 2 077 1 144.0
50-54 170 178 2 847 1 673.0
55-59 141 869 3 052 2 151.3
60-64 118 854 4 786 4 026.8
65+ 266 315 40 746 15 299.9
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
BAHRAIN, population census 1981
Males 204 793 2 205 1 076.7
0-4 22 174 43 193.9 ..
5-9 18 899 118 ,. 624.4 ..
10-14 17206 135 .. 784.6 ..
15-19 17 768 194 .. 1 091.9 ..
20-24 24 838 160 .. 644.2 ..
25-29 30 492 116 .. 380.4 ..
30-34 22 098 . 101 457.1
35-39 14 114 80 .. 566.8 ..
40-44 11 425 116 .. 1015.3 ..
45-49 8 225 137 .. 1 665.7 ..
50-54 6 368 171 .. 2 685.3 ..
55-59 4 092 155 .. 3 787.9 ..
60-64 3 029 214 .. 7 065.0 ..
65-69 1 589 139 .. 8 747.6 ..
70+ 2 476 326 .. 13 166.4
Females 146 005 1 273 " 871.9
0-4 21 588 25 115.8
5-9 18 588 69 ,. 371.2
10-14 17 007 104 .. 611.5 ..
15-19 17 642 112 .. 634.8 ..
20-24 16 705 72 .. 431.0
25-29 13 676 37 .. 270.5 ..
30-34 9 088 39 .. 429.1 ..
35-39 7 157 44 .. 614.8 ..
40-44 6 417 45 .. 701.3
45-49 5 175 50 .. 966.2 ..
50-54 4 255 108 .. 2 538.2 ..
55-59 2 701 76 .. 2 813.8 ..
60-64 2 307 113 .. 4 898.1 ..
65-69 1 278 74 .. 5 790.3 ..
70+ 2 421 305 * 12 598.1 "
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
BURMA*, population census 1983 (not economically active population)
Males 4 650 757 26 694 574.0 ..
10-14 1 955 687 2 344 119.9
15-19 953 153 2 751 288.6
20-24 403 026 2 419 600.2
25-29 229 373 1 759 766.9
30-34 154 187 1 706 1 106.4
35-39 121 508 1 534 1 262.5
40-44 108 260 1 511 1 395.7
45-49 113 053 1 731 1 531.1
50-54 114 929 1 668 1451.3
55-59 98 361 1 607 1 633.8
60-64 116 632 1 841 1 578.5
65+ 282 588 5 823 2 060.6
Females 8 383 197 23 306 .. 278.0 ..
10-14 1 850 072 1 767 95.5
15-19 1 214 317 1 659 136.6
20-24 1 004 394 1 408 140.2
25-29 830 996 1 175 141.4
30-34 641 663 1 063 165.7
35-39 486 428 967 198.8
40-44 440 762 1 153 261.6
45-49 413 945 1 107 267.4
50-54 384 976 1 682 436.9
55-59 299 342 1 570 524.5
60-64 273 290 2 435 891.0
65+ 543 012 7 320 1 348.0
* Now Myanmar
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
CHINA, annual population survey 1983 (special children's question on disability)
Males 92 694 1 410 1 521.1
<1 5 155 26 504.4
1 5 837 68 1 165.0 ..
2 5 579 70 1 254.7 ..
3 4 856 69 ¦ a 1 420.9 ..
4 5 540 93 1 678.7 ..
5 5 340 80 1 498.1 ..
6 5 268 84 1 594.5 ..
7 5 532 85 1 536.5 ..
8 5 822 96 1 648.9 ..
9 6 431 113 1 757.1 ..
10 6 767 110 1 625.5 ..
11 7 310 111 1 518.5 ..
12 7 729 119 1 539.7 ..
13 7 890 152 1 926.5 ..
14 7 638 134 .. 1 754.4 ..
Females 86 329 1 166 1 350.6 ¦
<1 4 939 42 850.4
1 5 353 64 1195.6
2 5 129 52 1 013.8
3 4 521 73 1 614.7
4 5 177 76 1 468.0
5 4 863 52 1 069.3
6 4 826 73 1 512.6
7 5 209 72 1 382.2
8 5 442 72 1 323.0
9 5 995 84 1 401.2
10 6 476 97 1 497.8
11 6 645 94 1 414.6
12 7 136 101 1 415.4
13 7 480 110 1 470.6
14 7 138 104 1 457.0
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
HONG KONG, population census 1981
Both sexes 41 738 837.0
0-14 4875
15-19 3504
20-24 4211
25-29 3122
30-34 2480
35-39 1267
40-44 1575
45-49 1766
50+ 18938
INDONESIA, population census 1980
Both sexes 146 776 473 1 673 182 e/ . .. 1 140.0
0-14 15+ 59 893 050 86 883 423 254 134 e/ 1 419 048 e/ 424.3 1 633.3
JAPAN, national survey of handicapped adults 1980
Both sexes 2 030 000 '
18-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ 11 000 86 000 135 000 260 000 417 000 508 000 558 000 351.0
1 603.0
3 369.0
12 457.0
8 754.0 ...
Total at home 1 977 000 .. 2 379.0
In institution 53 000
e/ Sum of each impairment presented. It is uncertain whether these are the number of disabled people or the number of impairments reported by disabled people.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
JORDAN, national registration campaign 1979
Both sexes '' " 18 829
JORDAN, agricultural census 1983
Males 7 140
0-4 '479
5-9 1 080 ¦
10-14 1 167 ..
15-19 1 023
20-24 600
25-29 353
30-34 244
35-39 .. 272 ¦
40-44 248
45-49 189 .
50-54 236
55-59 157
60-64 242
65+ 850 ¦
Females .. 4 256 .
0-4 346
5-9 - 692 ¦
10-14 775 ..
15-19 613
20-24 332
25-29 189
30-34 117
35-39 131 ..
40-44 116
45-49 101
50-54 128
55-59 71
60-64 114 ¦
65+ "" 531 "
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
KUWAIT, population census 1980
Males 776 639 3 913 503.8 .
0-4 108 242 76 70.2
5-9 92 906 437 470.4
10-14 76 225 697 914.4
15-19 64 258 668 1 039.6
20-24 72 495 317 437.3
25-29 85 696 209 243.9
30-34 76 196 173 227.0
35-39 62 842 169 268.9
40-44 52 257 165 315.7
45-49 34 282 138 402.5
50-54 23 066 143 620.0
55-59 11 962 156 1 304.1
60-64 7 255 135 1 860.8
65-69 3 788 137 3 616.7
70-74 2 524 116 4 595.9
75-79 1 226 75 6 117.5
80-84 877 63 7 183.6
85+ 542 39 7 195.6
Females 581 313 2 052 .. 353.0 ..
0-4 104 670 79 75.5
5-9 89 874 341 379.4
10-14 73 806 410 555.5
15-19 55 545 351 631.9
20-24 51 845 173 333.7
25-29 52 790 93 176.2
30-34 44 500 66 148.3
35-39 33 717 55 163.1
40-44 25 106 67 266.9
45-49 16 366 45 275.0
50-54 11 409 54 473.3
55-59 7 139 40 560.3
60-64 5 703 54 946.9
65-69 3 271 48 1 467.4
70-74 2 678 61 2 277.8
75-79 1 343 41 3 052.9
80-84 961 37 3 850.2
85+ 590 37 6 271.2
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons
LEBANON, national survey of handicapped 1981
Both sexes
3-60 . 18 321
NEPAL, national survey 1980
Males 853 982 ;
<5 22
5-14 .. 213 ..
15-24 .. 167 ¦ .,
25-39 183
40-59 253
60-74 96
75+ 48
Females .. 509 582 ..
<5 19
5-14 .. 135
15-24 95
25-39 110
40-59 123
60-74 72
75+ 28
Both sexes 45 348 1 362 1 564 3 003.4 3 448.3
<5 41 592.0
5-14 .. 348 3 141.0
15-24 262 2 940.0
25-39 293 3 403.0
40-59 ... 376 5 151.0
60-74 168 7 992.0
75+ 76 17 967.0
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
1 Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
PAKISTAN, population census 1981
Males 43 089 811 165 407 383.9
0-4 6 200 434 6 982 112.6
5-9 6 811 487 19 339 283.9
10-14 5 856 744 16 827 287.3
15-19 4 192 513 10 727 255.9
20-24 3 269 776 8 523 260.7
25-29 2 891 427 6 904 238.8
30-34 2 388 124 6 489 271.7
35-39 2 120 580 5 719 269.7
40-44 1 937 256 6 055 312.6
45-49 1 610 303 4 860 301.8
50-54 1 637 892 7 528 459.6
55-59 859 488 5 636 655.7
60+ 3 313 787 59 818 1 805.1
Females 38 965 286 206 013 .. 528.7
0-4 6 373 470 5 581 87.6
5-9 6 330 850 11 316 178.7
10-14 4 946 304 13 373 270.4
15-19 3 570 574 13 807 386.7
20-24 2 957 980 14 647 495.2
25-29 2 587 731 16 422 634.6
30-34 2 229 204 14 710 659.9
35-39 2 076 657 11 653 561.1
40-44 1 927 768 10 361 537.5
45-49 1 465 779 8 225 561.1
50-54 1 327 725 10 342 778.9
55-59 751 369 6 643 884.1
60+ 2 419 875 68 933 2 848.6
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
PHILIPPINES, census 1980 (not economically active population)
Males 15+ 2 756 622 100 249 .. 3 636.7
Females 15+ 10 804 432 84 121 778.6 ¦
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980
Males 16 487 841 f/ 5 101.0
Under 1 26 0 0.0
1-4 2 213 37 1 671.9
5-9 2 351 64 2 722.2
10-14 2 265 80 3 532.0
15-19 1 976 55 2 783.4
20-24 1 640 60 3 658.5
25-29 1 156 53 4 584.8
30-34 995 44 4 422.1
35-39 735 37 5 034.0
40-44 733 84 11 459.8
45-49 544 49 9 007.4
50-54 537 53 9 869.6
55-59 393 60 15 267.2
60-64 341 59 17 302.1
65-69 246 49 19 918.7
70-74 165 44 26 666.7
75+ 171 43 25 146.2
Females 16 791 629 3 746.1
Under 1 25 0 0.0
1-4 2 055 21 1 021.9
5-9 2 314 54 2 333.6
10-14 2 351 68 2 892.4
15-19 2 114 39 1 844.8
20-24 1 665 43 2 582.6
25-29 1 232 29 2 353.9
30-34 1 007 33 3 277.1
35-39 813 30 3 690.0
40-44 721 38 5 270.5
45-49 630 42 6 666.7 1
50-54 565 45 7 964.6
55-59 409 36 8 802.0
60-64 327 40 12 232.4
65-69 247 27 10 931.2
70-74 159 33 20 754.7
75+ 157 51 32 484.1
f/ Sum of age specific data does not equal total for males.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
SINGAPORE, continuous registration system of disabled persons 1985
Both sexes 9 952 ..
0-4 71
5-13 1 365
14-19 1 488
20-29 3 174
30-39 1 743
40-49 731
50-59 529
60-69 377
70-79 329
80+ 145
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
SRI LANKA, population census 1981
Males 7 568 092 ... 43 869 579.7
<1 207 323 42 20.3
1-4 741 807 1 791 241.4
5-9 857 907 3 513 409.5
10-14 863 911 4 337 502.0
15-19 815 199 4 444 545.1
20-24 753 338 3 795 503.8
25-29 637 547 3 191 500.5
30-34 569 523 2 894 508.1
35-39 423 003 2 315 547.3
40-44 360 922 2 067 572.7
45-49 309 159 2 022 654.0
50-54 284 167 2 227 > 783.7
55-59 221 528 2 053 926.7
60-64 183 903 2 131 1 158.8
65-69 133 823 1 761 1 315.9
70-74 97 564 1 491 1 528.2
75+ 107 473 2 117 ¦ 1969.8
Not stated 1 678 ..
Females 7 280 269 29 244 ... 401.7
<1 198 727 43 21.6
1-4 709 407 1 373 .. 193.5
5-9 831 549 2 834 340.8
10-14 826 344 3 179 384.7
15-19 792 336 3 101 .. 391.4
20-24 756 461 2 624 346.9
25-29 635 830 2 222 ., 349.5
30-34 553 334 2 002 361.8
35-39 415 722 1 510 .. 363.2
40-44 337 577 1 193 .. 353.4
45-49 300 991 1 181 392.4
50-54 258 390 1 200 464.4
55-59 200 682 1 037 516.7
60-64 157 822 1 142 .. 723.6
65-69 121 759 1 001 ¦ .. 822.1
70-74 83 047 926 1 115.0
75+ 100 301 1 593 .. 1 588.2
Not stated 1 083 ¦
Both sexes 14 848 364 61 824 73 113 416.4 492.4
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
THAILAND, national survey 1981
Males 23 934 660 211 540 883.8
0-6 4 226 930 15 640 370.0
7-10 2 971 450 19 440 654.2
11-14 2 564 860 21 120 .. 823.4
15-19 2 758 720 24 070 .. 872.5
20-24 2 315 130 24 000 1 036.7
25-29 1986 540 13 020 655.4
30-34 1 681 480 13 450 799.9 .
35-39 1 254 680 12 910 .. 1 028.9
40-49 1 806 230 22 720 1 257.9
50-59 1 290 980 19 510 1511.3
60+ 1 077 660 25 660 2 381.1
Females 23 686 770 155 990 658.6
0-6 4 171 920 21 240 509.1
7-10 2 742 800 11 990 437.1
11-14 2 467 830 15 410 624.4
15-19 2 686 990 21 890 814.7
20-24 2 247 330 14 720 655.0
25-29 1 934 790 4 850 250.7
30-34 1 622 290 9 010 .. 555.4
35-39 1 233 790 6 110 495.2
40-49 1 902 170 7 770 408.5
50-59 1 390 210 14 380 1 034.4
60+ 1 286 640 28 620 2 224.4
THAILAND, national survey of children and young adults (not in school) 1983
Males 5 354 190 120 520 ¦ .. 2 250.9
6-11 469 960 22 820 4 855.7
12-14 482 160 13 610 2 822.7
15-19 2 144 650 44 580 2 078.7
20-24 2 257 410 39 510 1 750.2
Females 5 524 590 118 800 2 150.4
6-11 449 440 16 990 3 780.3
12-14 595 360 17 470 2 934.4
15-19 2 242 740 30 830 1 374.7
20-24 2 237 040 53 510 2 392.0
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
TURKEY, population census 1975
Males 20 744 730 355 557 1 714.0 "
0-4 2 917 451 17 843 611.6
5-9 2 759 820 20 724 750.9
10-14 2 800 002 29 842 1 065.8
15-19 2 232 561 21 657 970.1
20-24 1 857 634 22 230 1 196.7
25-29 1 486 652 18 523 1 246.0
30-34 1 178 669 25 273 2 144.2
35-39 1 040 829 19 488 1 872.4
40-44 1091915 22 498 2 060.4
45-49 881 215 20 078 2 278.4
50-54 676 681 17 856 2 638.8
55-59 382 853 12 946 3 381.5
60-64 535 532 20 916 3 905.6
65+ 850 652 46 000 5 407.6
Unknown 52 264 39 683 75 928.0
Females 19 602 989 232 710 .. 1 187.1
0-4 2 783 798 57 822 2 077.1
5-9 2 620 295 16 597 633.4
10-14 2 448 837 21 818 891.0
15-19 2 031 938 13 871 682.6
20-24 1 674 510 11 294 674.5
25-29 1 346 030 8 886 660.2
30-34 1 116 102 8 934 800.5
35-39 1 098 730 9 438 859.0
40-44 1 054 284 9 976 946.2
45-49 802 470** 664 996** 8 136 1 013.9
8 980 1 350.4
55-59 384 295 6 538 1 701.3
60-64 548 341 11 838 2 158.9
65+ 1 002 599 34 681 3 459.1
Unknown 25 764 3 901 15 141.3
United Nations Disability Statistics EUROPE
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
AUSTRIA, sample survey on physical disabilities 1976
Both sexes 7 424 000 1 550 200 20 880.9 ¦
0-5 515 800 8 300 1 609.2
6-9 481 800 16 300 .. 3 383.1
10-14 679 200 29 600 4 358.1
15-19 607 900 31 000 5 099.5
20-29 884 900 64 500 7 289.0
30-39 919 900 117 600 12 784.0
40-49 881 500 165 100 18 729.4
50-59 868 200 294 900 33 966.8
60-69 782 100 354 600 .. 45 339.5
70-79 580 100 347 800 .. 59 955.2
80+ 162 600 120 500 74 108.2
Males total 3 489 300 693 900 19 886.5
Females total 3 934 700 856 300 21 762.8
United Nations Disability Statistics EUROPE
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, biannual survey of 1983 (sample survey of State registration system of disabled persons)
Males 3 472 731 .. 11 800.0
<4 6 593 500.0
4-5 .. 6 427 1 100.0
6-14 49 484 1 600.0
15-17 28 904 1 800.0
18-24 96 300 2 600.0
25-34 155 136 3 400.0
35-44 293 683 6 800.0
45-54 662 304 16 000.0
55-59 593 892 36 700.0
60-61 274 081 .. 50 500.0
62-64 318 363 41 500.0
65+ 987 564 .. .._ 31 700.0
Females .. 3 135 558 .. 9 800.0
<4 5 557 500.0
4-5 5 059 900.0
6-14 36 545 1 200.0
15-17 21 461 1 400.0
18-24 66 642 ...',' 1 900.0
25-34 110 136 2 600.0
35-44 225 313 .. 5 500.0
45-54 479 491 11 900.0
55-59 404 892 20 900.0
60-61 186 487 23 100.0
62-64 226 236 18 900.0
65+ 1 367 739 23 300.0
United Nations Disability Statistics EUROPE
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
IRELAND, population census 1981
Males 1 193 945 50 931 4 265.8
15-19 166 677 1 121 672.6
20-24 140 446 1 733 1 233.9 ,.
25-29 124 378 2 068 1 662.7 ..
30-34 118 287 2 585 2 185.4
35-39 99 286 2 762 2 781.9 ..
40-44 85 320 3 455 4 049.5 ..
45-49 77 781 4 221 5 426.8 ..
50-54 75 320 5 882 7 809.3 ..
55-59 73 289 7 950 10 847.5 ..
60-64 67 978 9 348 13 751.5 ..
65+ 165 183 9 806 5 936.4
Females 1 205 731 31 951 .. 2 649.9
15-19 159 752 820 513.3
20-24 135 681 1 404 1 034.8 ..
25-29 121 675 1 420 1 167.0 ..
30-34 113 671 1 493 1 313.4 ..
35-39 94 543 1 379 .. 1 458.6
40-44 80 604 1 595 1 978.8 ..
45-49 74 069 1 927 2 601.6 ..
50-54 74 360 2 616 3 518.0 ..
55-59 76 317 3 465 4 540.3 ..
60-64 71 288 3 780 5 302.4 ..
65+ 203 771 12 052 5 914.5
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics EUROPE
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
NORWAY, level of living survey 1983
Males 1 966 ... 15 000.0 .
16-24 25-44 45-66 67-79 385 752 603 226 .. 6 000.0
5 000.0
23 000.0
44 000.0
Females 1 963 .. .. 20 000.0
16-24 25-44 45-66 67-79 346 755 595 267 6 000.0
9 000.0
29 000.0
53 000.0
POLAND, population census 1978
Both sexes 2 485 001 7 100.0
United Nations Disability Statistics EUROPE
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and sex Population surveyed , Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
SPAIN, population census 1981 (not economically active population)
Males 3 274 352 207 342 ¦ 6 332.3 ...
<30 30-44 45-64
65+ 844 331
117 340
684 729
1 627 952 39 870
38 482
108 076
20 914 4 722.1 32 795.3 15 783.8
1 284.7 ..
Females 11 046 119 525 340 .. 4 755.9 ..
<30 30-44 45-64
65+ 2 336 604
2 657 715
3 582 487
2 469 313 103 199
146 866
191 360
83 915 - *# 4 416.6
5 526.0
5 341.5
3 398.3
SWEDEN, living conditions survey 1980/1981
Males 3 187 000
16-44 45-64 65-74 75-84 * 1 701 000
919 000 382 000 184 000
Females .. 3 277 000 ..
16-44 45-64 65-74 75-84 1 623 000 940 000 446 000 268 000
United Nations Disability Statistics EUROPE
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age Population Disabled Disabled
and sex surveyed persons Disabilities persons Disabilities
UNITED KINGDOM (NORTHERN IRELAND), survey of handicapped persons 1978
Both sexes 41 212 ..
0-4 396
5-14 2 402 ..
15-24 2 158 ..
25-34 2 126 ..
35-44 2 538 ..
45-54 4 207 ..
55-64 7 865
65-74 10 688 ..
75+ 8 832
United Nations Disability Statistics OCEANIA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and Sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
AUSTRALIA, national survey of handicapped persons 1981
Both sexes 1 942 200 13 240.0
0-4 39 500 3 500.0
5-14 156 700 6 100.0
15-24 145 500 5 770.0
25-34 188 800 7 980.0
35-44 195 400 10 820.0
45-54 255 100 16 870.0
55-64 367 100 27 450.0
65-74 324 800 35 460.0
75+ 269 300 53 140.0
FIJI, employment/unemployment survey 1982 (not economically active population)
Males 153 500 2 600 1693.8
0-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 65+ 127 000
16 000
1 300
4 100
5 200 300 700 400 800 300 236.2
4 375.0
30 769.2
19 512.2
5 769.2
Females 268 300 1 400 .. 521.8
0-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 65+ 117 100
50 100
66 400
28 400
6 400 300 200 300 400 200 256.2
1 408.5
3 125.0
United Nations Disability Statistics OCEANIA
Table 1 (continued)
Prevalence rate per 100,000 population
Age and Sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Disabilities Disabled persons Disabilities
KIRIBATI, census of population and housing 1978
Males 15 776 108 684.6
15-19 3 336 11 329.7
20-24 2 312 10 432.5
25-29 1 955 12 613.8
30-34 1 593 5 313.9
35-39 1 421 6 ... 422.2
40-44 1 037 9 867.9
45-49 1 180 18 -.. . 1 525.4
50-54 852 7 821.6
55-59 683 6 878.5
60-64 545 9 1 651.4
65-69 390 10 2 564.1
70+ 472 5 1 059.3
Females 17082 67 .. 392.2 ¦ ¦....
15-19 3 396 9 265.0
20-24 2 597 8 308.0 ..
25-29 2 147 5 232.9 ..
30-34 1 594 3 188.2 ..
35-39 1 489 0 0.0
40-44 1 172 3 256.0
45-49 1 123 7 623.3
50-54 977 4 409.4
55-59 741 6 809.7
60-64 682 8 .. 1 173.0
65-69 485 6 .. 1 237.1
70+ 679 8 I 178.2
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
Table 2. Disabled persons per 100,000 population by age and sex and by selected intellectual, other psychological, language and aural impairments
This table provides the number of disabled persons per 100,000 population according to age group and sex for mental; intellectual; other psychological; language; severe communication; aural; and speech and hearing impairments.
Description of variables
The type of impairments reported are based upon the codes of ICIDH codes 1-4. In each case, the impairment reported by the national report was coded into ICIDH by the Statistical Office, so that reasonably comparable data would be located in the same column. Only selected impairments reported by countries are presented here. A complete list of impairments that were reported on, among the 63 surveys recorded in DISTAT, is provided below according to the number of surveys of DISTAT that utilized the code. It may be noted that the shaded codes are the ones selected for presentation in table 2. In addition to the above-mentioned ICIDH codes, the original descriptions of an impairment utilized by the country, or their translation into English, are also provided in the body of the table. This is done so that the reader may evaluate to a certain extent, the appropriateness of the placement by the Statistical Office of the impairment into the ICIDH coding scheme. This is the first trial by the Statistical Office to utilize ICIDH as a coding scheme for organizing national impairment data into reasonably comparable and meaningful groups.
Statistical definition
To the extent possible, the Compendium attempts to collect data on impairments using the standard definitions set forth in pages 53-78 of the WHO/ICIDH. These are shown below.
Mental impairments (M1.1). This code was devised by the Statistical Office for placing impairments described as either intellectual or psychological impairment, without distinction between the two categories. No such combination code was provided in ICIDH.
Intellectual (1). Intellectual impairments include those of intelligence, memory and thought. (Impairments of language and learning [30-34] are excluded).
Number of surveys
ICIDH coded into this
Impairment description code category
Mental handicap 1.1* 17
Intellectual 1 12
Intelligence: Profound mental retardation 10 1
Intelligence: severe mental retardation 11 2
Intelligence: moderate mental retardation 12 3
Intelligence: global dementia 14.0 1
Other intellectual 19 2
Other psychological 2 14
Retardation and other psychological 2.1* 1 .'.
Intermittent impairment of consciousness 21 1
Drives: sexual performance 25.4 1
Drives: drug dependence 25.6 1
Emotion, affect and mood 26 2
Other emotion, affect and mood 26.88 2
Behaviour pattern 29 1
Unspecified: behaviour pattern 29.9 4
Language 3 9
Severe communication 30 13
Unspecified severe communication 30.9 1
Voice production 35 1
Voice quality 36.6 1
Speech fluency 37.0 1
Aural 4 18
Total or profound hearing loss 40 18
Speech and hearing 40.1* 17
Deaf and/or mute 40.2* 2
Deaf and blind 40.3* 2
Multiple: deaf and mute and blind 40.4* 3
Total hearing loss in one ear, mild
loss in other 44.1 2
Moderately severe hearing loss, one
ear other not known 45.3 2
Moderately bilateral hearing 45.4 3
Mild bilateral hearing 45.7 1
Tinnitus 47.2 2
Vestibular and balance function 48 1
*Not an ICIDH code, but devised to accommodate items not readily coded within ICIDH categories.
Other psychological (2). Psychological impairments have been interpreted so as to include interference with the basic functions constituting mental life. For the purposes of this scheme, the functions listed as being impaired are those that normally indicate the presence of basic neurophysiological and psychological mechanisms. The level of organization of these functions is usually recorded in a clinical examination of the central nervous system and in the examination of "mental status". In addition, some more complex psychological functions to do with drives, emotional control and reality testing have also been included.
Language (3). Language impairments relate to the comprehension and use of language and its associated functions, including learning.
Severe impairment of communication (30). Severe impairments of communciation include mutism, autism, severe dysphasia, and other severe interference with communication.
Aural (4). Aural impairments relate not only to the ear, but also to its associated structures and functions. The most important subclass of aural impairment is made up of impairments relating to the function of hearing.
Total or profound hearing (40). An individual who has lost or never had the ability to hear and understand speech, even when amplified.
Speech and hearing (M40.1). According to ICIDH, deaf mutism should be coded as 40 above. However, because the two categories in the surveys did not distinguish between total or profound hearing according to the age at which the hearing was lost, the speech and hearing category was formed by the Statistical Office to cover the reporting of "deaf mutism" by censuses and surveys, as separate from people who were reported as "deaf. It is possible that in the future, in non-medical descriptions of hearing loss, it may be useful to consider three groups of persons with hearing impairments: persons who have difficulty hearing, persons who cannot hear at all or who are profoundly hard of hearing and who can communicate with speech, and persons who cannot hear at all or who are profoundly hard of hearing and who cannot communicate with speech. The use of sign language as a form of communication would have to be considered separately, under the Disability and Handicap descriptions.
Being derived in part from subsets of numbers presented in table 1, the estimated prevalence rates are subject to all the basic limitations set forth in table 1. Table 2 has the additional problem of differential variation in the ability of households to identify specific impairments through household survey lay reporting. In cases of impairments reported, however, i.e. blindness, deafness, deaf mutism etc., the impairments, typically, are severe and highly noticeable.
United Nations Disability Statistics' AFRICA
2. Disabled persons per 100,000 population by age and sex and by selected intellectual, other psychological, language and aural impairments
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH M1.1 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
COMOROS, population census 1980
Mental handicap Mute Deaf
Males 266.3 43.7 J .. 158.0
0-4 25.0 7.1 57.1
5-9 73.3 .. 40.0 146.5
10-14 160.6 69.4 151.9
15-19 256.3 72.3 85.4
20-24 426.7 .. 87.1 156.7
25-29 451.7 .. 63.0 147.1
30-34 531.2 .. 22.6 169.5
35-39 396.6 41.0 136.7
40-44 489.4 .. 25.1 125.5
45-49 383.4 20.2 141.2
50-54 542,9 .. 0.0 181.0
55-59 475.3 0.0 182.8
60-64 603.9 69.7 325.2
65-59 495.9 .. 55.1 606.1
70-74 486.5 .. 0.0 524.0
75-79 655.7 0.0 983.6
80-84 962.4 175.0 437.4
85+ 611.2 122.2 1 711.5
Not stated 133.2 133.2 0.0
Females 235.6 34.5 .. 147.0
0-4 14.5 0.0 25.4
5-9 55.2 .. 27.6 31.1
10-14 102.5 68.3 107.4
15-19 239.2 .. 42.9 110.4
20-24 249.6 51.4 73.4
25-29 237.9 59.5 119.0
30-34 417.6 .. 40.7 213.9
35-39 405.8 .. 25.4 190.2
40-44 517.9 .. 38.8 142.4
45-49 606.6 .. 46.7 280.0
50-54 607.8 0.0 214.5
55-59 428.1 0.0 214.0
60-64 696.4 24.0 408.3
65-59 467.0 0.0 467.0
70-74 538.0 0.0 345.9
75-79 654.5 0.0 916.2
80-84 539.7 .. 154.2 2 081.7
85+ 958.5 .. 106.5 2 555.9
Not stated 0.0 0.0 0.0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics AFRICA
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
I ICIDH M1.1 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
EGYPT, population census 1976
Mentally Deaf and
disabled . Mute Deaf mute
Males 30.8 .. 13.1 .. 20.1 46.0
0-4 2.2 0.8 0.8 6.6
5-9 17.5 .. 10.6 .. 6.2 32.5
10-14 35.4 16.6 .. 12.0 41.3
15-19 34.7 .. 19.8 .. 11.5 46.5
20-24 41.4 18.9 .. 20.6 50.8
25-29 47.2 17.4 ,. 22.8 54.5
30-34 48.3 16.3 32.3 75.8
35-39 51.5 13.0 32.0 77.0
40-44 43.3 15.7 34.3 . 71.1
45-49 39.5 .. 14.2 37.0 66.0
50-54 31.8 .. 9.5 .. 39.8 63.7
55-59 24.9 10.0 .. 44.8 66.8
60-64 20.4 .. 9.8 .. 47.3 50.4
65-69 23.4 8.9 .. 55.8 41.7
70-74 30.1 .. 11.4 58.3 46.4
75+ 23.8 9.5 .. 82.8 51.2
Not stated 116.4 0.0 0.0 0.0
Females 9.8 .. 4.8 .. 7.3 20.4
0-4 0.5 0.7 0.5 5.3
5-9 7.7 5.2 6.9 20.2
10-14 13.8 .. 6.5 9.2 29.2
15-19 14.3 .. 7.5 .. 7.2 29.6
20-24 13.0 5.9 .. 3.8 23.4
25-29 10.1 .. 6.8 .. 4.0 19.7
30-34 11.6 5.4 4.5 21.7
35-39 8.4 5.8 5.0 20.7
40-44 11.9 .. 4.0 .. 6.9 17.7
45-49 10.0 1.9 7.9 16.8
50-54 11.5 2.6 .. 9.8 15.9
55-59 10.7 1.9 .. 12.4 19.2
60-64 8.4 4.5 16.9 17.1
65-69 11.1 .. 3.7 22.7 31.4
70-74 11.9 5.1 37.5 23.0
75+ 16.4 7.7 ... 57.0 28.8
Not stated 0.0 0.0 31.5 0.0
ETHIOPIA, survey of children 1981
Mentally ill Mute Hearing (deaf) Deaf and mute
Both sexes 0-14 11.0 8.0 ' 17.9 28.0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics AFRICA
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical <
Language Severe
cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH M1.1 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
MALI, population census 1976 Insanity
Males 212.8
0-4 5.3
5-9 72.3
10-14 90.4
15-19 117.3
20-24 441.0 ...
25-29 303.9 ..
30-34 421.0 ..
35-39 446.8 ..
40-44 474.8
45-49 397.9
50-54 447.3
55-59 317.1 ..
60-64 360.2 ..
65-69 347.6
70-74 404.5 ..
75-79 268.2
80-84 333.5
85-89 155.8 ..
90-94 670.4
95+ 305.6 ..
Not stated 1 511.3 ..
Females .. 168.3
0-4 3.7
5-9 33.1
10-14 70.8 ..
15-19 97.7
20-24 140.3 ..
25-29 165.5
30-34 243.9
35-39 283.8
40-44 409.3
45-49 450.0
50-54 508.7
55-59 537.2
60-64 526.6
65-69 529.4
70-74 543.1
75-79 352.7
80-84 398.2
85-89 342.8
90-94 305.2
95+ 479.0
Not stated 534.8
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics AFRICA
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other
psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
ICIDH M1.1 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
ST. HELENA, national survey 1976
Mentally infirm Deaf and mute
Males 318.2 159.1
Females 607.7 303.8
SWAZILAND, national survey 1983
Mentally retarded Deaf
Both sexes 324.0 378.3
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
ICIDH codes 1 - 4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH M1.1 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
TUNISIA, population census 1975
Mental handicap Deaf and mute
Males 157.4 .. .. .. .. 102.6
0-4 0.0 11.0
5-9 48.0 .. 107.9
10-14 124.9 140.8
15-19 218.1 112.2
20-29 245.9 108.7
30-39 215.6 87.0
40-49 288.9 88.3
50-59 248.9 ,. 98.4
60+ 221.0 .. .. 259.7
Not stated 233.1 .. .. 0.0
Females 92.7 .. .. 73.8
0-4 2.3 4.6
5-9 22.6 .. 62.7
10-14 75.8 117.9
15-19 94.3 78.1
20-29 150.2 63.0
30-39 135.2 34.7
40-49 124.6 64.3
50-59 162.7 65.1
60+ 223.0 327.5
Not stated 0.0 .. 266.0
TUNISIA, population census 1984
Males 257.2 138.2
<5 11.5 30.7
5-14 140.5 .. 134.9
15-59 363.7 .. 141.5
60+ 387.8 344.7
Females 144.3 .. .. .. 108.8
<5 6.1 24.3
5-14 86.7 .* . 85.6
15-59 179.5 '¦¦' .. 113.3
60+ 389.2 .. 360.7
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA, NORTH
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other Severe
psycho- communi-
logical Language cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH M1.1 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
CANADA, health and disability survey 1983/84
Mental Speaking Hearing
Males 15+ 534.4 705.4 3 644.3
65+ 553.5 514.2
688.3 530.4
2 064.9 714.9
2 159.8
7 274.4
16 519.2
Females 15+ 337.5 - 511.3 2 996.2
65+ 392.2
a/ a/ a/ . 438.4 308.0
a/ 1 269.6 830.6
1 676.9
4 564.7
11501.1 ...
Both sexes 15+ 433.7 606.2 3 313.1 ..
65+ 472.9 325.3 396.5 594.2 484.4
1 570.5 772.8
1 917.8
5 859.0
13 667.2
JAMAICA, survey of handicapped children (aged 4-11) in schools 1978 b/
Mental Emotional Speech Auditory
Males 4-11 172 44 27 59
Females 4-11 84 52 14 43
a/ Quantity estimated has a coefficent of variation greater than 25 per cent and is therefore not reported. by Figures for this country show actual number of disabled persons by age and sex and by selected intellectual, other psychological, language and aural impairments.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA, NORTH
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Severe
Language cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH M1.1 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
NETHERLANDS ANTILLES, general census of population and housing 1981
Mental Deaf
Males 1 182.4 .. 272.9
0-4 179.7 94.6 ..
5-9 661.2 .. 321.9
10-14 1 930.3 ¦ .. 183.0
15-19 1 540.6 .. 192.6
20-24 1 458.6 .. 87.3
25-29 1 282.3 .. .. 148.4
30-34 1 263.6 ¦ .. 127.5
35-39 1 018.8 .. .. 143.5
40-44 1 248.3 185.6
45-49 819.7 .. 312.3
50-54 1 154.6 ' 117.8
55-59 1 074.0 .. 348.3 ..
60-64 1 112.7 .. 486.8
65-69 975.2 .. ,. 620.6 ..
70-74 1 382.3 .. 1 668.3 ..
75-79 1 347.1 . 2 535.7 '...
80-84 2 131.4 ... .. ¦ 2 486.7
85+ 3 180.2 ¦¦ .. 4 593.6
Females 789.8 .. 278.0 . .:
0-4 118.4 177.7
5-9 378.3 ,. 351.3 ..
10-14 1 081.3 .. 187.3 ..
15-19 880.1 .. 182.1 ..
20-24 940.4 .. 87.1
25-29 763.1 .. 121.0
30-34 582.7 .. 41.6 ..
35-39 619.1 .. 309.6
40-44 630.5 .. 114.6
45-49 642.7 .. 139.0 ..
50-54 806.5 382.0 ..
55-59 938.5 .. .. 260.7
60-64 1 068.4 .. .. 635.3
65-69 971.9 ,, .. . 791.9
70-74 1 518.1 .. ,. 817.4 ..
75-79 2 403.8 .. .. 1 141.8 ..
80-84 2 755.6 .. 1 777.8
85+ 2 902.1 3 627.6
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA, NORTH
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH M1.1 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
PANAMA, general census of population and housing 1980
Mentally retarded Deaf/ mute
Males 0-39 393.2 124.8
Females 0-39 307.5 . 120.6
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, survey of children 1982 c/
language Hearing
Both sexes 3-16 139 104
UNITED STATES, national health interview survey 1982 (Survey of civilian and non-institutionalized population.)
Speech Hearing
<45 45-64 65-74
75+ * 1 590.0
*1 680.0 4 620.0 19 570.0 32 040.0 41 520.0
<45 45-64 65-74
75+ ¦ ¦ 970.0 *30.0 *880.0 *380.0 2 840.0
9 490.0
21 730.0
33 150.0
c Figures for this country show actual number of disabled children ages 3-16 in population surveyed by selected intellectual, other psychological, language and aural impairments. Non-response rates were significant (each about 50 per cent) at the two stages of screening and examination of the children.
* Refers to an estimate for which numerator has a relative standard error greater than 30 per cent.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA, SOUTH.
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes'! - 4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other
psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
ICIDH M1.1 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
PERU, national census of population and housing 1981
Mute Deaf Deaf and mute
Both sexes .. 23.0 28.7 7.9
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Prevalence by type of impairment
ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other Severe
psycho- communi-
logical Language cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH M1.1 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
BAHRAIN, population census 1981
handi-capped Deaf Deaf and mute
Males 191.4 ' .. .. 70.3 73.2
10-14 27.1 164.0 296.4 ' 9.0 42.3 29.1 54.1 116.4 122.1
15-19 20-24 427.7 249.6 ¦ ¦ 28.1 40.3 152.0 64.4
25-29 88.5 .. 26.2 23.0
30-34 108.6 * 4.5 40.7
35-39 113.4 42.5 28.3
40-44 148.8 .. 70.0 52.5
45-49 194.5 .. 133.7 60.8
50-54 361.2 172.7 15.7
55-59 293.3 415.4 73.3
60-64 65-69 297.1 251.7 .. 462.2 566.4 165.1 314.7
70+ 727.0 ... - .. 1 171.2 282.7
Females 135.6 ¦ .. .. .. 58.2 54.8
0-4 23.2 0.0 13.9
5-9 75.3 26.9 69.9
10-14 241.1 11.8 58.8
15-19 215.4 .. 45.3 90.7
20-24 137.7 18.0 53.9
25-29 65.8 29.2 29.2
30-34 143.0 0.0 44.0
35-39 111.8 41.9 55.9
40-44 93.5 .. 46.8 15.6
45-49 173.9 .. 58.0 0.0
50-54 235.0 .. 141.0 94.0
55-59 185.1 111.1 0.0
60-64 130.0 476.8 43.3
65-69 78.2 .* . .. 469.5 156.5
70+ 537.0 .. .. 1 156.5 371.7
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH Ml.l 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
CHINA, annual population survey 1983 (special children's question on disability)
Males 0-14 .. .. .. 146.7
0 .. .. .. .. .. 0.0
1 .. 51.4
2 71.7
3 103.0
4 .. 180.5
5 187.3
6 94.9
7 198.8
8 .. 188.9
9 .. 217.7
10 .. 162.6
11 .. 164.2
12 .. 142.3
13 .. 202.8
14 170.2
Females 0-14 .. .... 142.5
0 .. .. .. .. 20.2
1 18.7
2 58.5
3 .. - 110.6
4 .. 38.6
5 .. 20.6
6 165.8
7 .. 134.4
8 ., 183.8
9 .. 116.8
10 247.1
11 285.9
12 182.2
13 240.6
14 .. .. .. 168.1
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH Ml.l 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
HONG KONG, population census 1981
Mentally Mentally Severely
retarded ill deaf
Both sexes 1 850.0 127.0 ',.¦... 127.0
0-4 104.0 31.0
5-9 .. 336.0 39.0
10-14 409.0 .. 53.0
0-14 5.0
15-19 355.0 43.0 72.0
20-24 298.0 122.0 81.0
25-29 182.0 162.0 79.0
30-34 131.0 193.0 92.0
35-39 52.0 229.0 69.0
40-44 48.0 257.0 81.0 ¦¦-.
45-49 33.0 231.0 91.0
50+ 17.0
50-54 .. 216.0 113.0
55-59 193.0 164.0
60-64 196.0 219.0
65+ 209.0 789.0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA.
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH Ml.l 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
INDIA, national survey of handicapped 1981
Speech Hearing
Urban males
.. .. 342.0 386.0
60+ .. .. 506.0 304.0 203.0 360.0 ¦ 266.6
2 432.0 ¦
Urban females.. .. 207.0 ... 395.0
60+ 345.0 159.0 122.0 209.0 220.6
2 305.0 -
Rural males
.. .. .. 379.0 595.0
60+ .. 486.0 359.0 262.0 345.0 343.0
2 660.0
Rural females.. 228.0 510.0
60+ 324.6 189.0 175.0 225.0 283.0
2 597.0 ¦
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH Ml.l 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
INDONESIA, population census 1980
Mental handicap
Both sexes 115.4 .. .. ... .. ..
0-14 15+ 67.5 148.4 * *
JAPAN, national survey of handicapped adults 1980 by
Auditory disability
Both sexes .. 317 000
JORDAN, national registration campaign 1979 b
Emotional disturbance Deaf and mute
Both sexes 457 3 193
b/ Figures for this country show actual number of disabled persons, by age and sex and by selected intellectual, other psychological, language and aural impairments.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical ¦ Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH Ml.l 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
JORDAN, agricultural census 1983 b/
Deaf and
Mental mute
Males 1 473 .. .. 1334
0-4 59 .... 111
5-9 207 .. 300
10-14 280 .. .. 275
15-19 309 .. .. 211
20-24 174 .. .. ' 116
25-29 110 .. 53
30-34 77 .. 33
35-39 76 ,. 46
40-44 67 .. 26
45-49 37 .. 26
50-54 27 .. 24
55-59 16 9
60-64 11 .. 36
65+ 23 . '. ' 68
Females 791 .. .. 982
0-4 40 83
5-9 113 ,. -.. 222
10-14 196 ... 198
15-19 150 .. 157
20-24 96 79
25-29 47 ., - 47
30-34 33 .. 40
35-39 21 35
40-44 28 .. 18
45-49 15 23
50-54 19 21
55-59 9 .. .. 5
60-64 8 .. 11
65+ 16 43
b/ Figures for this country show actual number of disabled persons, by age and sex and by selected intellectual, other psychological, language and aural impairments.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH Ml.l 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
KUWAIT, population census 1980
Mental Deaf and
retardation Mute Deaf mute
Males 142.4 29.1 16.6 23.6
0-4 18.5 4.6 2.8 3.7
5-9 150.7 58.1 .. 14.0 46.3
10-14 385.7 87.9 .. 18.4 90.5
15-19 488.7 70.0 .. 21.8 52.9
20-24 190.4 22.1 19.3 15.2
25-29 78.2 10.5 5.8 11.7
30-34 52.5 5.2 6.6 3.9
35-39 47.7 .. 11.1 9.5 4.8
40-44 34.4 11.5 13.4 0.0
45-49 32.1 8.8 .. 17.5 5.8
50-54 39.0 4.3 .. 21.7 8.7
55-59 25.1 8.4 .. 41.8 8.4
60-64 68.9 27.6 96.5 0.0
65-69 26.4 .. 52.8 237.6 26.4
70-74 317.0 39.6 .. 158.5 0.0
75-79 326.3 .. 0.0 407.8 0.0
80-84 228.1 228.1 342.1 0.0
85+ 369.0 . 184.5 738.0- 0.0
Females 115.3 17.0 11.4 16.3
0-4 22.9 2.9 2.9 1.0
5-9 131.3 31.2 11.1 25.6
10-14 247.9 40.6 16.3 33.9
15-19 286.3 41.4 14.4 43.2
20-24 146.6 .. .. 9.6 17.4 15.4
25-29 85.2 .. 3.8 3.8 9.5
30-34 47.2 9.0 4.5 11.2
35-39 29.7 3.0 0.0 0.0
40-44 19.9 4.0 11.9 11.9
45-49 36.7 .. 6.1 0.0 0.0
50-54 61.4 0.0 8.8 0.0
55-59 70.0 .. .. 0.0 56.0 0.0
60-64 17.5 .. .. 0.0 35.1 0.0
65-69 122.3 .. 30.6 61.1 0.0
70-74 .. 0.0 0.0 149.4 37.3
75-79 74.5 ¦ 0.0 297.8 0.0
80-84 104.1 .. .. 0.0 0.0 0.0
85+ 678.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH Ml.l 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
LEBANON, national survey of handicapped 1981 b/
Mentally disabled Mongoloid Mute Deaf Deaf and mute
Both sexes disabled 5 940 1 281 4 434 2 720 2 208
NEPAL, national survey 1980
Deaf or hearing
Mental Total handi- Deaf-
retardation auditory capped mute
Both sexes .. 223.0 1 150.0 754.0 196.0
<5 14.0 115.0 72.0 43.0
5-14 244.0 1 548.0 867.0 731.0
15-24 348.0 ., 1 201.0 707.0 494.0
25-39 267.0 929.0 592.0 377.0
40-59 219.0 .. 1 206.0 973.0 233.0
60-74 143.0 1 903.0 1 665.0 238.0
75+ 0.0 5 101.0 4 965.0 236.0
b/ Figures for this country show actual number of disabled persons, by age and sex and by selected intellectual, other psychological, language and aural impairments.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH M1.1 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
PAKISTAN, population census 1981
Mentally Deaf and
retarded Insane mute
Males 47.4 30.5 .. 43.3
0-4 5.8 5.1 21.4
5-9 .. 33.5 16.9 82.8
10-14 .. 56.8 28.9 68.7
15-19 52.1 36.1 40.8
20-24 63.1 29.8 32.4
25-29 .. 61.4 35.5 14.8
30-34 .. 59.6 43.3 15.6
35-39 .. 55.2 31.7 20.3
40-44 64.2 56.3 20.1
45-49 .. 53.8 41.0 11.9
50-54 .. 60.0 51.5 19.7
55-59 ¦ a 45.7 39.7 39.7
60+ 71.5 55.6 73.0
Females 45.2 27 3 75.9
0-4 4.7 4.9 17.7
5-9 .. 19.0 8.0 57.7
10-14 .. 40.7 24.7 70.9
15-19 56.7 36.4 77.7
20-24 45.8 24.4 67.0
25-29 .. 54.0 31.1 102.3
30-34 .. 57.9 43.9 100.2
35-39 73.2 31.0 78.9
40-44 .. 69.1 39.2 98.9
45-49 55.7 51.0 93.4
50-54 ,. 60.3 65.2 112.3
55-59 .. 52.8 39.0 95.3
60+ 130.5 62.1 187.9
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH Ml.l 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980
Mental impairment
Males 412.4 '
< 1 0.0
1-4 135.6 .. ..
5-9 382.8 a, .. ..
10-14 264.9 a
15-19 607.3 a. ,, ..
20-24 487.8 ..
25-29 778.5 ..
30-34 603.0 .. .. ..
35-39 680.3 .. .. .. ..
40-44 4 502.0 .. a. .. ..
45-49 183.8 a. ,, ..
50-54 0.0 .. a,
55-59 763.4 * ..
60-64 293.3 .,
65-69 0.0 .. ,a a. a. ..
70-74 606.1 ..
75+ 584.8
Females 387.1
< 1 0.0
1-4 0.0 ,. .. ..
5-9 172.9 .. ,. ..
10-14 382.8 ,, .. ..
15-19 520.3 .. a. .. ..
20-24 480.5 ..
25-29 487.0 ..
30-34 397.2 .. .. ..
35-39 615.0 .. ., ..
40-44 554.8 . .. ..
45-49 1 111.1 .. a, .. .. ..
50-54 354.0 ., .. ..
55-59 489.0 .. .. ..
60-64 917.4 .. ..
65-69 0.0 a, -« a, .. ..
70-74 0.0 ., .. a. .. ..
75+ 0.0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical
2 Language 3 Severe communi-cation
30 Aural 4 Total or
40 Speech
and hearing
ICIDH Ml.l 1
M40.1 1
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980 (cont'd)
Communi-cation Aural
Males 78.9 242.6 .. ..
< 15
65+ 72.9
171.8 160.5 265.2 859.1 ..
Females 77.4 190.6 .. ..
< 15
65+ Aphasia 74.1
Mutism 118.6
1 598.6 Total
Males 54.6 206.2 .. 121.3 ..
< 15
65+ 43.8
687.3 291.8 132.6 343.6 131.3
Females 59.6 154.8 137.0
< 15
65+ 44.5
355.2 133.4
0.0 89.0 137.1 710.5
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH Ml.l 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
SINGAPORE, continuous registration system of disabled persons 1985 b/
Intellec-tual Psychi-atric Hearing
Both sexes 3 472 286 .. 2 875
0-4 36 0 32
5-13 .. 802 0 322 ...
14-19 834 0 384
20-29 ., 1 403 40 869
30-39 346 95 460 '¦¦ '.
40-49 38 91 . 209
50-59 ., 9 59 181 .. ..
60-69 .. 3 0 .. 166 i. ¦'
70-79 .. 0 1 ¦ .. 179
80+ 1 0 " " 73 "*
b/Figures for this country show actual number of disabled persons by age and sex and by selected intellectual, other psychological, language and aural impairments.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA.
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
| ICIDH M1.1 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
SRI LANKA, population census 1981
Mute Deaf Deaf and mute
Males 89.2 24.7 69.1
< 1 2.4 0.5 1.0
1-4 .. 53.0 .. 3.4 36.7
5-9 .. 111.3 .. 10.7 70.8
10-14 .. 125.5 20.3 92.9
15-19 .. 132.0 21.1 104.4
20-24 .. 100.4 15.8 69.8
25-29 .. 85.0 15.7 66.2
30-34 .. 66.4 12.6 65.8
35-39 .. 79.7 20.8 67.6
40-44 .. 58.5 23.8 57.6
45-49 .. 56.9 21.7 56.0
50-54 .. 60.9 36.6 53.5
55-59 .. 57.8 51.0 52.8
60-64 .. 54.9 72.3 54.4
65-69 68.0 85.9 45.6
70-74 .. 54.3 .. 110.7 50.2
75+ 40.0 187.0 40.9
Females 70.0 21.8 56.5
< 1 1.5 0.0 1.0
1-4 .. .. 45.5 .. 4.1 29.0
5-9 .. .. 89.8 10.1 57.1
10-14 .. .. 98.4 .. 17.3 77.4
15-19 .. .. 104.1 15.4 82.8
20-24 .. .. 73.0 11.2 57.8
25-29 .. .. 68.9 14.0 54.3
30-34 .. .. 51.5 15.0 49.5
35-39 .. .. 59.4 15.6 53.6
40-44 .. .. .. 47.7 28.4 45.9
45-49 .. .. 46.2 38.2 51.2
50-54 . .. 46.8 .. 37.5 52.2
55-59 > .. 45.8 47.3 49.8
60-64 .. .. .. 36.1 58.9 31.7
65-69 .. .. 32.0 64.9 38.6
70-74 ,. 31.3 .. 103.6 31.3
75+ * 29.9 151.5 42.9
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA.
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other
psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH Ml.l 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
TURKEY, population census 1975
Deaf Deaf and mute
Males 139.6 125.5
0-4 193.5 65.2
5-9 39.8 107.9
10-14 .. .. 134.0 145.4
15-19 * 53.5 106.5
20-24 .. ..- 89.4 125.5
25-29 .. ... .. 60.0 97.9
30-34 .. .. 472.1 187.0
35-39 .. 81.9 132.3
40-44 .. .. 95.5 133.3
45-49 .. ¦ 115.1 112.8
50-54 .. 144.1 142.6
55-59 184.1 172.4 .
60-64 .. * 239.0 192.7
65+ .. 385.4 257.1
Unknown 28.7 82.3
Females .. ¦ * 225.9 106.6
0-4 1 182.8 209.5
5-9 .. .. 31.4 82.5
10-14 .. 80.9 105.8
15-19 .. .. 35.7 80.2
20-24 .. 47.1 80.0
25-29 .. ... 34.2 67.1
30-34 .. 55.3 77.4
35-39 .. .. 43.4 75.0
40-44 .. - 57.1 76.2
45-49 .. .. 54.0 78.9
50-54 .. ¦ 95.8 88.0
55-59 .. 94.2 97.3
60-64 .. 140.2 120.9
65+ .. ... 264.3 165.7
Unknown ¦ ¦ 97.0 89.3
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics EUROPE
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH Ml.l 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
AUSTRIA, sample survey on physical disabilities 1976
Speech disturbance Deaf in
Mute Hearing both ears
Both sexes .. 335.4 32.6 4 569.5 77.7
0-5 19.4 0.0 19.4 0.0
6-9 166.0 62.3 352.8 0.0
10-14 206.1 14.7 412.2 13.2
15-19 .. 296.1 49.4 411.3 86.4
20-29 169.5 22.6 644.1 63.8
30-39 .. 217.4 10.9 1 380.6 48.3
40-49 226.9 45.4 2 144.1 66.5
50-59 483.8 11.5 4 998.8 75.0
60-69 .. 626.5 51.1 10 139.4 131.8
70-79 706.8 34.5 19 634.5 255.2
80+ ¦ 1 168.5 184.5 34 132.8 204.8
Males .. 427.0 25.8 4 829.0 82.1
Females 249.1 3.8 4 269.7 68.3
DENMARK, living conditions survey 1976
Hearing problems
Males 20-69 .. 13 000.0 ..
20-29 30-44 45-59 60-69 .. 4 000.0 .. 8 000.0 ..18 000.0 .. 28 000.0 *
Females 20-69 20-29 30-44 45-59 60-69 .. 7 000.0
.. 2 000.0 .. 4 000.0 .. 10 000.0 .. 14 000.0 ..
Both sexes 20-69 .. 10 000.0 ..
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics EUROPE
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH M1.1 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
FINLAND, survey on living conditions 1978
Males 15+ .. ¦¦¦ 9 000.0
65+ .. 2 000.0
4 000.0
14 000.0
32 000.0
15+ 11 000.0
65+ 1 000.0
3 000.0
16 000.0
37 000.0 ..
FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, national sample survey 1983 (Compilation of state registration system of disabled persons) by
Mental development disturbances Brain-organic attacks, no neuro-logical symptoms Speech Hearing;
deafness Hearing & balance
Both .. 154 789 70 276 9 266 151 394 19 053
<4 2 352 378 47 314 106
4-5 2 433 383 110 416 118
6-14 20 314 3 485 1 004 3 391 1 091
15-17 12 530 2 502 292 .. 1 673 486
18-24 34 290 7 857 667 .. 4 091 1 277
25-34 29 576 9 059 665 .. 5 203 1 766
35-44 18 663 9 767 778 9 938 2 130
45-54 15 307 11 906 1 404 21 161 2 334
55-59 5 687 7 131 1 047 21 861 1 672
60-61 2 128 2 902 439 10 531 776
62-64 2 306 3 099 577 .. 11 587 917
65+ 9 203 11 807 2 236 61 228 6 380
b_/ Figures for this country show actual number of disabled persons by age and sex and by selected intellectual, other psychological, language and aural impairments.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics EUROPE
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH Ml.l 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
NORWAY, level of living survey 1983
Nervous condition Reduced hearing
Males 3 000.0 .. .. 4 000.0 .. ..
16-24 25-44 45-66 67-79 1 000.0 1 000.0
5 000.0
6 000.0 2 000.0
2 000.0
6 000.0
15 000.0
Females .. 4 000.0 .. .. 3 000.0 ..
16-24 25-44 45-66 67-79 1 000.0
2 000.0
5 000.0
8 000.0 1 000.0
1 000.0
4 000.0
10 000.0 :
SWEDEN, living conditions survey 1980/81
Males ... .. 9 000.0 .. ..
16-44 45-64 65-74 75-84 .. 2 900.0 12 500.0 19 000.0 27 400.0 ¦
Females .. .. .. 5 200.0 .. ..
16-44 45-64 65-74 75-84 .. 1 600.0
4 600.0
10 700.0
20 500.0 ..
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology,
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
1 ICIDH Ml.l 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
UNITED KINGDOM (NORTHERN IRELAND), household survey of handicapped persons 1978 d/
Psychiatric of
disorders communication
Both sexes .. 100.0 100.0 .. .. ..
0-4 0.1 0.6 ..
5-14 ¦: ".. 0.8 6.4
15-24 ... 0.8 5.4
25-34 .. 2.3 3.6
35-44 5.6 4.7 ..
45-54 10.6 6.4 ¦
55-64 23.1 13.0 :
65-74 32.6 24.5
75+ 24.3 35.6
Both sexes
per 100 000 8 400.0 13 300.0
d/ Percentage distribution of disabled persons by age and prevalence of disability for selected intellectual other psychological, language and aural impairments.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics OCEANIA
Prevalence by type of impairment ICIDH codes 1-4
Table 2 (continued)
Age and sex Mental Intellec-tual Other psycho-logical Language Severe communi-cation Aural Total or
hearing Speech
and hearing
ICIDH Ml.l 1 2 3 30 4 40 M40.1
AUSTRALIA, national survey of handicapped persons 1981
Total Mental Mental Hearing
mental retar- disorders loss
disorders dation
Both sexes 2 74S.2 758.3 2 088.8 . 3 629.3
0-4 575.7 389.7 *
5-14 1 841.2 1 385.8 545.0 .. 1 378.0
15-24 1 594.0 995.2 701.8 -...-¦. 939.7
25-34 1 969.6 562.1 1 500.4 . 1 559.6
35-44 2 613.5 404.2 2 286.8 2 530.5 .
45-54 3 439.2 304.2 3 227.5 4 047.6 .
55-64 5 018.7 336.6 4 779.4 .. . . 7 741.2
65-74 4 628.8 545.9 4 192.1 .. . 11 091.7 ... . .
75+ 10 591.7 2 248.5 8 796.8 . 23 116.4 ..
AUSTRALIA, national survey of handicapped persons 1981
Mild mental retardation e/ Other psychoses e/
Both sexes
< 15 389.4 *
15-24 503.6 * .. .. .. .. ..
25-34 371.9 * .. ,.
35-44 249.2 * ..
45-54 264.6
55-64 239.3 .. .. ..
65-74 327.5 .. ..
75+ *
Males 346.4 162.9 .. .. .. .. ..
Females 305.7 99.2 .. .. .. .. ..
Both sexes 326.0 130.9
g/ Numerator excludes mild cases that: (i) do not reduce ability to perform activities;
(ii) do not require an aid. * Estimate not published because its relative standard error was too large: its standard error was greater than 25 per cent of the estimate.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
Table 3. Disabled persons per 100,000 population by age and sex and by selected ocular, visceral, and skeletal impairments
This table provides the number of disabled persons per 100,000 population according to age group and sex for: ocular; total visual impairment: both eyes; profound visual impairment one eye; unspecified other paralysis of limb; unspecified other motor impairment of limb; transverse deficiency of upper arm; transverse deficiency of lower leg; and unspecified transverse deficiency of proximal limb parts. The rates presented were calculated by the Statistical Office based upon numbers or rates provided in the published reports.
Description of variables
The type of impairments reported are based upon codes 5-7 of the ICIDH impairment code. Reasonably comparable national data were placed in the same ICIDH column. Only selected impairments that countries reported are presented in table 3. A complete list of impairments reported by the 63 surveys of the 55 countries in DISTAT is provided below according to the number of national surveys utilizing the 5-7 codes. Codes for 8 (Disfiguring impairments) and 9 (Generalized impairments) that were used by the 55 countries are not shown in table 3 of the Compendium. Statistics for disfigurement and generalized impairments are, however, available in DISTAT and are also utilized as columns in tables 6 through 12 of the Compendium.
Impairment description ICIDH
code Number of surveys coded into this category
Ocular 5.0 20
Total visual loss, both eyes 51.0 29
Near-total visual loss: both eyes 51.3 5
Moderate visual loss: both eyes 53 1
Unspecified moderate visual loss:
both eyes 53.9 1
Profound visual impairment one eye 54.0 7
Near-total visual loss: one eye,
other not stated 54.5 1
Other visual impairment 57 3
Other visual, colour vision 57.5 2
Other vision 57.8 4
Visceral 6 5
Cardio-respiratory function 61 7
Shortness of breath 61.0 3
Other breathing disturbances 61.1 2
Other respiratory disturbance 61.11* 1
Other respiratory disturbances 61.12* 1
Other cardio-respiratory function 61.8 5
Gastro-intestinal function 62 3
Unspecified gastro-intestinal
function 62.9 1
Urinary function 63 1
Other urinary function 63.8 1
Reproductive function 64 1
Other reproductive function 64.9 1
Internal organ deficiency 65 1
Other internal organ deficiency 65.9 1
Other internal organ 66 2
Other internal organs 66.8 3
Mastication and swallowing 68 1
Olfaction and other special
functions 69 2
Impairment description ICIDH code Number of surveys coded into this category
Skeletal 7 4
Skeletal and/or motor 7.1* 7
Mechanical and motor of face 70.2 1
Posture 70.5 8
Unspecified posture 70.59 2
Dwarfism 70.6 1
Mechanical of limb 71 1
Mixed and other upper limb:
mechanical 71.8 6
Mixed and other mechanical of limb 71.9 7
Bilateral complete paralysis of
lower limb: paraplegia 72.3 7
Unspecified spastic paralysis
of more than one limb 72.9 3
Bilateral paralysis of upper limbs 73.0 2
Paralysis of dominant upper limb 73.1 2
Other paralysis of lower limb 73.4 2
Paralysis of upper and lower limbs ...
on same side 73.5 3
Paralysis of all four limbs 73.7 2
Other flaccid paralysis of limb 73.85 2
Unspecified other paralysis of
limb 73.9 12
Other motor of limb 74 3
Other bilateral motor of upper
limbs 74.0 3
Other motor of dominant upper
limb 74.1 1
Other bilateral motor of
lower limbs 74.3 2
Other motor of lower limb 74.4 2
Other motor impairment of limb:
other 74.8 5
Unspecified other motor of limb 74.9 20
Unspecified other motor of
limb: tremor NOS 74.92 1
Unspecified other motor of limb:
limping NOS 74.97 1
Impairment description ICIDH
code Number of surveys coded into this category
CODE 7 (continued)
Transverse deficiency of upper arm 75.1 9
Transverse deficiency of upper arms 75.11* 2
Transverse deficiency of carpus 75.3 3
Transverse deficiency of carpi 75.31 1
Transverse deficiency of thigh 75.5 1
Transverse deficiency of lower leg 75.6 10
Transverse deficiency of lower legs 75.61 4
Transverse deficiency of tarsus 75.7 1
Transverse deficiency of tarsi 75.71 1
Transverse deficiencies, more than
one site-proximal limb parts 75.8 3
Transverse deficiency unspecified
of proximal limb parts 75.9 7
Other transverse deficiency of
phalanges of fingers 76.3 2
Transverse deficiency of phalanges
of fingers-first ray, complete 76.31 1
NOS: Not otherwise specified
*Not an ICIDH code, but devised to accommodate items not readily coded with ICIDH categories
Statistical definitions
The definitions of each of the impairment codes in table 3 of the Compendium are taken from WHO/ICIDH. They are as shown below.
Ocular impairments (5). Ocular impairments relate not only to the eye, but also to its associated structures and functions, including the eyelids. The most important subclass of ocular impairment is made up of impairments relating to the function of vision (WHO/ICIDH. Manual, p.78).
Total visual: both eyes (51.0). This category is defined in the WHO/ICIDH Manual as an impairment of visual acuity. This indicates that there is a total impairment of both eyes.
Profound visual: one eye (54). Profound visual impairment of one eye.
Unspecified other: Paralysis of limb (73.9). Other paralysis of limb with the nature of the paralysis unspecified.
Unspecified other: Motor, of limb (74.9). Other motor impairment of limb, with the nature of the impairment unspecified.
Transverse deficiency (75). Transverse deficiencies present, essentially as an amputation-like stump; they may arise as a failure of formation of the parts, or as the result of surgical intervention. A deficiency is customarily identified by the level at which the limb terminates (the most proximal part that is missing), it being understood that all elements distal to the level named are absent. The International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) has developed a preferred nomenclature and has recommended abbreviations for describing the appropriate levels, and these have been incorporated in the classification (WHO/ICIDH Manual, p. 100-101).
(75.1) indicates a transverse deficiency of upper arm (Ar) and includes shoulder disarticulation.
(75.6) indicates a transverse deficiency of lower leg.
(75.9) indicates an unspecified transverse deficiency of proximal limb parts and includes upper limb (UL) transverse deficiency, lower limb (LL) transverse deficiency, and deficiency of hand or foot not otherwise specified.
Codes 8 and 9 are not utilized in table 3. They are, however, shown below for information since these codes are used in tables 6-12.
Impairment description ICIDH code Number of surveys coded into this category
Deficiency in head region 75.6 10
Cleft palate 75.61 4
Other dentofacial deficiency 80.5 1
Other disfigurement of trunk 83 2
Congenital deformity 84 2
Congenital deformity:
disfigurement of metacarpus
and hand 84.03 1
Congenital deformity:
disfigurement of knee and leg 84.06 1
Congenital deformity:
disfigurement of ankle, foot
and toe 84.07 1
Other disfigurement 87 6
Other and unspecified
disfigurement 87.9 10
Generalized, sensory and other 9 3
Multiple, of all classes 90.0 10
Other sensory: pain 98.3 2
Other 99 26
Unspecified other 99.9 8
Impairment status not
ascertained 0 5
United Nations Disability Statistics AFRICA
ICIDH codes 5-7
3. Disabled persons per 100,000 population by age and sex and by selected ocular, visceral, and skeletal impairments
Total Profound Unspecified other Transverse deficiency deficiency
Age visual visual Paralysis Motor: Upper Lower of proximal
and sex Ocular both eyes one eye of limb of limb arm leg limb parts
ICIDH 5 51.0 54 73.9 74.9 75.1 75.6 75.9
COMOROS, population census 1980
Loss of
Blind Motor limb
Males .. 201,7 664.9 ... 82.0
0-4 14.3 167.7 28.5
5-9 50.0 396.3 33.3
10-14 52.1 386.3 69.4
15-19 85.4 617.7 ¦ 46.0
20-24 95.8 478.9 78.4
25-29 115.6 504.3 ¦ 115.6
30-34 146.9 802.4 ,. 22.6
35-39 246.1 902.5 ... 191.4
40-44 213.3 1 242.3 112.9
45-49 282.5 1 311.5 282.5
50-54 452.4 1 085.8 162.9
55-59 548.4 .. 1 608.8 ... 219.4
60-64 603.9 1 718.9 .. 162.6
65-59 1 046.8 ., 2 203.9 275.5
70-74 1 347.3 .. 2 170.7 .. 112.3
75-79 1 748.6 .. 2 404.4 218.6
80-84 2 799.7 .. 2 624.7 262.5
85+ 4 645.5 2 445.0 244.5
Not stated 266.3 .. 1 331.6 . 0.0
Females 185.6 384.4 50.6
0-4 14.5 119.7 10.9
5-9 34.5 ., 179.4 44.9
10-14 48.8 195.3 43.9
15-19 30.7 226.9 42.9
20-24 58.7 264.3 14.7
25-29 17.0 348.4 68.0
30-34 142.6 .. 387.1 .. - 50.9
35-39 177.5 646.7 '.. 63.4
40-44 220.1 712.2 .. - 129.5
45-49 210.0 700.0 .. 70.0
50-54 357.5 .. 1 144.1 .. 107.3
55-59 470.9 .. 1 198.6 .. 42.8
60-64 864.6 .. 1 008.6 .. 120.1
65-59 800.5 .. 1 200.8 133.4
70-74 1 306.7 .. ". 1306.7 115.3
75-79 2 356.0 .. 1 701.6 .. 0.0
80-84 .. 2 698.5 1 233.6 231.3
85+ 5 537.8 .. .. 1 597.4 .. 0.0
Not stated 230.4 691.2 0.0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
both eyes
one eye
Unspecified other Paralysis Motor: of limb of limb
Transverse deficiency
Upper Lower
arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
EGYPT, population census 1976
Sight Loss of Loss of
loss in upper lower
Blind one eye limbs limbs
Males 105.9 77.6 33.3 27.2
0-4 2.6 0.6 0.5 0.6
5-9 - .. 79.5 8.6 2.8 3.5
10-14 104.5 20.6 7.5 10.8
15-19 69.7 47.8 .. 12.0 23.0
20-24 .. 60.2 81.5 28.1 34.7
25-29 50.1 93.7 49.0 44.1
30-34 67.7 121.7 63.2 46.7
35-39 83.2 149.8 70.6 40.1
40-44 114.0 163.1 78.7 46.4
45-49 123.0 172.9 .. 83.1 50.3
50-54 174.6 195.8 81.3 59.4
55-59 .. 236.9 213.7 .. 86.3 60.6
60-64 * 344.6 198.4 .. 89.2 60.2
65-69 478.8 187.5 ¦'..¦ 72.2 58.4
70-74 680.8 165.5 60.8 59.8
75+ 988.3 167.3 ... 48.2 49.4
Not stated 387.9 232.7 116.4 77.6
Females 69.5 23.3 .. 2.9 3.3
0-4 1.8 0.9 0.1 0.3
5-9 52.2 5.1 .. 2.0 1.9
10-14 .. 57.0 9.6 .. 2.7 2.8
15-19 46.1 18.2 .. 2.9 3.3
20-24 .. 35.3 24.2 3.0 3.3
25-29 21.4 23.0 .. 2.1 2.9
30-34 35.4 26.6 2.9 2.7
35-39 34.9 30.0 .. 3.7 3.5
40-44 .. 58.0 37.8 3.9 4.3
45-49 59.3 38.9 4.6 3.5
50-54 110.0 48.9 .. 4.3 5.9
55-59 ... 128.6 58.7 5.3 6.8
60-64 253.3 69.9 7.3 9.0
65-69 .. 346.1 84.2 5.8 7.0
70-74 572.1 92.0 .. 7 7 13.2
75+ .. 893.9 91.4 .. 6.7 14.4
Not stated ' 188.9 125.9 ¦' 0.0 0.0
ETHIOPIA, survey of children 1981
Visual (blind) Paralysis Arm Leg amputation amputation
Both sexes 0-14 27.3 68.7 3.4 2.2
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
Total Profound Unspecified other Transverse deficiency
visual visual Paralysis Motor: Upper Lower
both eyes one eye of limb of limb arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
MALI, population census 1976
Males .. 760.8 **
0-4 45.0 ..
5-9 119.9 ,.
10-14 127.2 ,.
15-19 176.0 ¦
20-24 267.9 > ..
25-29 424.8
30-34 666.6 .,
35-39 852.6 ¦
40-44 1 185.6
45-49 1 539.6 ¦ ' . ..
50-54 2 043.6
55-59 2 473.6
60-64 3 621.8 ..
65-69 4 374.5 ' ' ' .. ..
70-74 6 302.9 ¦
75-79 7 796.4 .
80-84 8 104.5
85-89 9 659.5
90-94 9 847.4 .. ..
95+ 10 924.4 .. ..
Not stated 503.8 .'".
Females 772.7
0-4 43.8
5-9 85.7 *
10-14 121.1 ..
15-19 331.6
20-24 515.0 ..
25-29 585.4 ». ..
30-34 744.9 ,.
35-39 855.1 .. ..
40-44 1 116.2 ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦
45-49 1 389.5
50-54 1 903.3 ¦
55-59 2 290.3
60-64 3 343.7
65-69 4 547.7
70-74 5 846.8
75-79 7 304.2 ¦ ¦
80-84 7 963.7 ¦ ..
85-89 9 026.5 > ..
90-94 8 870.8 * ..
95+ 9 934.4
Not stated 802.1
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 ( continued)
Age and sex Ocular Total
both eyes Profound
one eye Unsnecified other Paralysis Motor of limb of limb Transverse deficiencv Upper Lower arm leg Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
ICIDH 5 51.0 54 73.9 74.9 75.1 75.6 75.9
ST. HELENA, national survey 1976
Males 198.9
Females 151.9 ..
SWAZILAND, national survey 1983
Blind Physically disabled
Both sexes 352.6 .. 1 327.5
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
both eyes
one eye
Unspecified other Paralysis Motor: of limb of limb
Transverse deficiency
Upper Lower
arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
TUNISIA, population census 1975
Blind Motor impairment
Males 241.9 293.2
0-4 6.6 24.2 .. ..
5-9 36.0 93.5 .. ..
10-14 45.2 .. 151.4
15-19 74.8 239.9 ,. ..
20-29 111.3 284.8 .. ..
30-39 166.4 279.8 .. ¦ ..
40-49 284.9 429.3 ..
50-59 636.7 740.9 .. ..
60+ 1 961.8 1 243.4 .. ..
Not stated 466.2 233.1 -
Females 202.2 .. 148.0
0-4 6.9 22.9
5-9 17.6 .. 77.8
10-14 36.5 103.9 ,. ..
15-19 32.5 146.4 ,. ..
20-29 77.5 113.9 .. .. ..
30-39 124.8 128.2 ..
40-49 221.0 148.7 .,
50-59 494.6 208.3 ¦
60+ 2 250.9 905.9 ..
Not stated 266.0 .. 266.0 ¦ "
TUNISIA, population census 1984
Blind Motor impairment
Males .. 204.5 393.7 .'.. -
60+ 17.3
1 437.6 11.5
1703.9 ..
Females .. 141.7 231.2
60+ .. 22.3
1 153.4 22.3
.. 1 129.6 ¦
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
both eyes
one eye
Unspecified other Paralysis Motor: of limb of limb
Transverse deficiency
Upper Lower
arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
CANADA, health and disability survey 1983-84 a/
Seeing Mobility
Males 1 432.1 .. .. 6 903.9 .. .. ,.
65+ 415.1
1 841.6
6 883.0 1 775.8
4 936.6
16 114.2
24 483.8
Females 2 014.5 ¦ ¦ .. 9 745.4 .. .. ..
65+ 461.5
2 282.3
9 186.0 2 584.2
7 084.2
18 596.8
30 843.9
Both sexes 1 729.7 .. .. 8 350.8 .. .. ..
65+ 426.8
2 114.5
8 191.9 2 179.9
6 027.4
17 444.9
28 098.5 ..
JAMAICA, survey of handicapped children in schools 1978 b/
Visual Physical
Males 4-11 48 .. 8 .. ..
Females 4-11 47 4
a/ Since these national labels were coded into DISTAT, it was concluded that the Canadian definitions were actually disabilities and not impairments. ICIDH disability codes for seeing(5), and mobility(4) should have been used, rather than the above mentioned impairment codes.
b/ Figures for this country show actual number of disabled persons by age and sex and by selected ocular, visceral and skeletal impairments.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
ICIDH codes 1 - 4
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
both eyes
one eye
Unspecified other Paralysis Motor: of limb of limb
Transverse deficiency
'.. Upper Lower
arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
NETHERLANDS ANTILLES, general census of population and housing 1981.
Blind Physical
Males .. 240.8 .. 1 154.7
0-4 28.4 293.1 ..
5-9 26.1 530.7 .. ..
10-14 49.9 499.2 ..
15-19 22.2 718.5 .. ..
20-24 52.4 873.4 .. ..
25-29 63.6 667.7 ..
30-34 46.4 730.4 .. ..
35-39 200.9 731.8 ..
40-44 168.7 1 298.9 .. .. "
45-49 214.7 .. 1639.3 .. ..
50-54 306.3 1 955.7 .. ..
55-59 493.5 2 699.6 .. ..
60-64 765.0 .. 3 685.7 .. ..
65-69 487.6 .. 3 856.4 .. . ... '
70-74 1 954.2 .. 4 957.1 ..
75-79 3 724.2 .. 5 388.3 .. ..
80-84 4 795.7 .. 7 815.3 .. '..
85+ 9 187.3 8 127.2
Females 270.5 821.5
0-4 69.1 365.2 ,.
5-9 45.0 306.2 .. ..
10-14 59.6 485.3 .. .. ..
15-19 30.3 356.6 .. .. .. .¦
20-24 61.0 357.0 .. ..
25-29 37.2 549.1 .. ..
30-34 52.0 437.0 .. ..
35-39 24.8 .. 582.0 .. .. ..
40-44 57.3 530.2 .. .. ..
45-49 191.1 972.7 .. .. ..
50-54 106.1 955.0 .. .. ..
55-59 260.7 - ¦ 1 251.3 .. ..
60-64 577.5 2 252.4 .. .. ..
65-69 647.9 ... .. 2 123.8 .. ..
70-74 1 634.9 3 425.5 .. .. ..
75-79 2 463.9 5 288.5 .. .. ..
80-84 6 222.2 4 711.1 .. .. ..
85+ .. 7 497.0 8 222.5
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
both eyes
one eye
arm 75.1
Unspecified other Transverse deficiency
Paralysis Motor: Upper Lower
of limb of limb arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
PANAMA, general census of population and housing 1980
Males 0-39 32.4 ...
Females 0-39 24.4 .. . - ¦
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, survey of children 1982 b/ c/
Visual Physical
Both sexes 3-16 317 43 ..
UNITED STATES, national health interview survey, 1982 (Survey of civilian and non-institutionalized population)
Visual paralysis of extremities
<45 45-64 65-74
75+ 3 240.0
7 120.0
10 190.0
15 700.0 ' 290.0 *1 020.0 *2 590.0 1 970.0 ¦
< 45 45-64 65-74
75+ 1 560.0
3 730.0
6 440.0
12 210.0 .. *270.0
1 590.0
*2 060.0 ¦¦_ .. ..
b/ Figures for this country show actual number of disabled persons by age and sex and by selected ocular, visceral and skeletal impairments.
C/ Non-response rates were significant (each about 50 per cent) at the two stages of screening and examination of the children in this survey.
? Refers to an estimate for which numerator has a relative standard error greater than 30 per cent. Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
ICIDH codes 5-7
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
both eyes
one eye
Unspecified other Paralysis Motor: of limb of limb
Transverse deficiency
Upper Lower
arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
PERU, national census of population and housing 1981
Both sexes 19.2
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
ICIDH codes 5-7
Table 3 (continued)
Total Profound Unspecified other Transverse deficiency deficiency
Age visual visual Paralysis Motor: Upper Lower of proximal
and sex Ocular both eyes one eye of limb of limb arm leg limb parts
ICIPH 5 51.0 54 73.9 74.9 75.1 75.6 75.9
BAHRAIN, population census 1981
Blind Paralysed Amputee
Males 343.8 159.7 .. 115.7
0-4 9.0 72.2 13.5
5-9 58.2 153.4 21.2
10-14 75.6 174.4 11.6
15-19 118.2 230.8 61.9
20-24 140.9 72.5 48.3
25-29 95.1 55.8 36.1
30-34 131.2 49.8 54.3
35-39 155.9 70.9 120.4
40-44 271.3 78.8 157.5
45-49 620.1 97.3 316.1
50-54 957.9 345.5 455.4
55-59 1 661.8 391.0 537.6
60-64 3 004.3 1 089.5 858.4
65-69 3 838.9 1 132.8 1 321.6
70+ 7 229.4 1 979.0 928.9
Females .. 333.6 166.4 .. » 49.3
0-4 23.2 32.4 4.6
5-9 10.8 134.5 16.1
10-14 47.0 117.6 17.6
15-19 56.7 136.0 22.7
20-24 65.8 119.7 12.0
25-29 21.9 65.8 21.9
30-34 121.0 110.0 0.0
35-39 293.4 69.9 14.0
40-44 342.8 62.3 77.9
45-49 386.5 96.6 173.9
50-54 1 363.1 376.0 188.0
55-59 1 851.2 370.2 222.1
60-64 2 644.1 693.5 390.1
65-69 3 755.9 626.0 391.2
70+ 6 484.9 .. 2 643.5 ' 537.0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
both eyes
Profound Unspecified other Transverse deficiency
visual Paralysis Motor: Upper Lower
one eye of limb of limb arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
CHINA, annual population survey 1983 (special children's question on disability)
Males 25.9 , , ". - .
0 0.0 .. ..
1 17.1 .. ..
2 53.8 .. ..
3 0.0 ¦ .. .. .'¦'
4 18.1 ¦ ¦ .. .. ..
5 37.5 ¦ .. ..
6 0.0 ... ..
7 36.2 .. ..
8 34.4 ... - .. ..
9 31.1 .. ..'
10 44.3 **
11 13.7 .. ..
12 38.8 ..
13 38.0 ..
14 13.1 . "
Females .. 13.9 .. V ¦ .
0 0.0 ..
1 18.7 .. .. ..
2 ..' 19.5 .. .. ..
3 .. 0.0 ..
4 .. 0.0 .. ..
5 .. 0.0 .. .. ..
6 . 41.4 .. .. ..
7 19.2 ..
8 0.0 ,. .. .. .. ..
9 50.0 ,. .. ..
10 15.4 .. .. .. ..
11 15.0 ¦ .. .. '
12 0.0 .. '
13 13.4 .. .. ..
14 ... 14.0 ""
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
Total Profound Unspecified other Transverse deficiency
visual visual Paralysis Motor: Upper Lower
both eyes one eye of limb of limb arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
HONG, KONG population census 1981
Blind disabled
Both sexes 88.0 ... 309.0
0-4 5.0 28.0
5-9 10.0 39.0
10-14 4.0 86.0
15-19 8.0 144.6
20-24 14.0 206.0
25-29 28.0 195.0
30-34 29.0 176.0
35-39 52.0 142.0
40-44 60.0 183.0
45-49 89.0 234.0
50+ ¦
50-54 113.0 303.6
55-59 134.0 465.0
60-64 216.0 914.0
65+ 759.0 1 930.0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
ICIDH codes 5-7
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
Total Profound Unspecified other Transverse deficiency
visual visual Paralysis Motor: Upper Lower
both eyes one eye of limb of limb arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
INDIA, national survey of handicapped 1981
Visual Locomotor
Males 294.0 800.0 - ¦
0-4 5-14 15-39 40-59
60+ 29.0
3 291.0 . . 628.0 859.0 601.0 873.0 2 444.0 ..
Females 425.0 544.0
0-4 5-14 15-39 40-59
60+ 21.0
4 968.0 . .. 448.0 562.0 346.0 560.0 2 060.0
Males 444.0 1 047.0 '
60+ 41.0
4 573.0 .. - .. 522.0
1 458.0
3 079.0 . ¦ ¦ ¦ -
Females 670.0 597.0 ..
0-4 5-14 15-39 40-59
60+ 37.0
7 155.0 342.0 515.0 402.0 744.0 2 154.0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
Total Profound Unspecified other Transverse deficiency
visual visual Paralysis Motor: Upper Lower
both eyes one eye of limb of limb arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
INDONESIA, population census 1980
Blind Physical handicap
Both sexes 126.4 182.4 .. .. ..
0-14 15+ 68.6 166.2 160.1 197.8
JAPAN, national survey of handicapped adults 1980 b/
Visual Physical
Both sexes 336 000 1 127 000
JORDAN, national registration campaign 1979 b/
Blind Partially paralysed Amputation
Arm Leg
Total 2 088 4 857 78 352
b/ Figures for this country show actual number of disabled persons by age and sex and by selected ocular, visceral and skeletal impairments.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
ICIDH codes 5-7
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
Total Profound Unspecified other Transverse deficiency
visual visual Paralysis Motor: Upper Lower
both eyes one eye of limb of limb arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
JORDAN, agricultural census 1983 b/
Visual Physical
Males 740 2490
0-4 22 181 ..
5-9 37 ¦ 332 .. .. .. '
10-14 41 377 .. .. ..
15-19 40 301 ..
20-24 32 .. 179
25-29 35 96 ..
30-34 26 .. 77 .. ..
35-39 41 86 ..
40-44 32 .. 99 ..
45-49 35 81 .. ..
50-54 53 105 ..
55-59 37 85 ..
60-64 60 114 ..
65+ 249 . 377 ""
Females 496 .. .. 1 338
0-4 16 120 '..
5-9 27 211 .. ..
10-14 34 222 .. ..
15-19 36 180 ..
20-24 19 ¦ 96 ..
25-29 12 69 ..
30-34 14 .. 21 ..
35-39 29 .. .. 31
40-44 20 ., 39
45-49 23 33 ..
50-54 34 41 ..
55-59 23 .. 26 ..
60-64 33 51 .. ..
65+ 176 "" 198
b/ Figures for this country show actual number of disabled persons by age and sex and by selected ocular, visceral and skeletal impairments.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex.
both eyes
one eye
Unspecified other Paralysis Motor: of limb of limb
Transverse deficiency
Upper Lower
arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
KUWAIT, population census 1980
Blind Sight in one eye Paralysis Loss of arm Loss of leg
Males 60.8 61.8 101.8 > 5.0 9.1
0-4 4.6 1.8 19.4 0.9 0.0
5-9 8.6 2.2 134.5 .. 3.2 3.2
10-14 15.7 13.1 220.4 3.9 14.4
15-19 21.8 24.9 247.4 6.2 12.4
20-24 9.7 42.8 85.5 8.3 2.8
25-29 19.8 46.7 26.8 .. 1.2 5.8
30-34 24.9 51.2 34.1 5.2 6.6
35-39 * 36.6 84.3 22.3 4.8 8.0
40-44 * 47.8 124.4 28.7 ,. 3.8 11.5
45-49 70.0 131.3 58.3 .. 14.6 20.4
50-54 138.7 199.4 95.4 8.7 34.7
55-59 392.9 334.4 259.2 .. 25.1 41.8
60-64 634.0 358.4 358.4 27.6 0.0
65-69 1 425.6 660.0 739.2 0.0 79.2
70-74 1 981.0 911.3 832.0 .. 0.0 79.2
75-79 2 773.2 571.0 1 141.9 0.0 81.6
80-84 4 218.9 798.2 1 254.3 0.0 0.0
85+ 3 321.0 553.5 922.5 0.0 0.0
Females 40.9 22.4 92.0 0.9 4.0
0-4 2.9 1.0 22.9 1.0 2.9
5-9 12.2 6.7 123.5 0.0 1.1
10-14 13.5 5.4 143.6 1.4 4.1
15-19 10.8 10.8 171.0 0.0 1.8
20-24 13.5 13.5 92.6 0.0 1.9
25-29 9.5 11.4 30.3 0.0 1.9
30-34 13.5 20.2 29.2 2.2 4.5
35-39 47.5 41.5 14.8 3.0 3.0
40-44 83.6 51.8 39.8 0.0 11.9
45-49 67.2 85.5 67.2 0.0 0.0
50-54 175.3 96.4 113.9 0,0 8.8
55-59 140.1 70.0 140.1 14.0 0.0
60-64 368.2 140.3 263.0 0.0 17.5
65-69 550.3 214.0 336.3 0.0 0.0
70-74 746.8 485.4 522.8 0.0 37.3
75-79 1 489.2 74.5 968.0 0.0 74.5
80-84 2 081.2 416.2 936.5 0.0 104.1
85+ 2 203.4 169.5 1 864.4 0.0 339.0
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
ICIDH codes 5-7
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
both eyes
one eye
Unspecified other Paralysis Motor: of limb of limb
Transverse deficiency
Upper Lower
arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
LEBANON, national survey of handicapped 1981 by
Blind only Paralysis only Other
only Loss of limb only
Both sexes
Total disabled 1 266 4 962 542 .. 979
Total disabilities 1 576 6 852 1 353 1 051
NEPAL, national survey 1980
Total visual Bilateral
sight loss/
blind Loss of sight in one eye
Both sexes 886.0 485.0 401.0
<5 116.0 116.0 0.0
5-14 216.0 90.0 126.0
15-24 415.0 224.0 191.0
25-39 860.0 488.0 372.0 ..
40-59 2 096.0 1 000.0 1 096.0 ¦
60-74 3 662.0 2 426.0 1 236.0 ..
75+ 6 856.0 3 783.0 3 073.0 " ""
b/ Figures for this country show actual number of disabled persons by age and sex and by selected ocular, visceral and skeletal impairments.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
both eyes
one eye
Unspecified other Transverse deficiency
Paralysis Moton Upper Lower
of limb of limb arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
PAKISTAN, population census 1981
Males 84.5 .. .. ..
0-4 26.7
5-9 17.6
10-14 17.7
15-19 .. 21.2
20-24 .. 36.7
25-29 34.6
30-34 .. 42.0
35-39 .. 50.5
40-44 .. 43.0
45-49 62.5
50-54 .. 138.3
55-59 .. 180.3
60+ 655.2 '.'
Females .. 186.8 .. ..
0-4 22.1
5-9 13.4
10-14 25.2
15-19 .. 95.3
20-24 - 242.7
25-29 304.7
30-34 284.3
35-39 224.8 ¦
40-44 .. 191.3
45-49 195.5
50-54 .. 260.1
55-59 337.3
60+ 1 127.6 " ¦..
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
ICIDH codes 5-7
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
Total Profound Unspecified other Transverse deficiency
visual visual Paralysis Motor: Upper Lower of limb of limb arm leg
both eyes one eye
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980
Males 479.2
< 15
65+ 218.8
2 233.7 .¦'. ' ¦ -
Females 428.8 ..
< 15
65+ 266.9
2 131.4 ... ..
Blind both eyes Blind one eye 1-limb paralysis Polio Right and Right and
left left
upper lower More than
Males 175.9 363.9 454.9 266.9 103.1 91.0 18.2
< 15
65+ - 43.8
1 718.2 131.3
1 890.0 233.4
2 061.9 262.6 276.2 171.8 14.6 143.6 515.5 14.6 143.6 171.8 14.6
Females 202.5 315.6 232.3 226.3 6.0 11.9 6.0
< 15
15-64 65+ 29.7
2 841.9 103.8
2 486.7 252.0
1 243.3 281.7
0.0 0.0
0.0 14.8
0.0 14.8 0.0 0.0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
both eyes
" 51.0
one eye
Unspecified other Paralysis Motor: of limb of limb
Transverse deficiency
Upper Lower
arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
SINGAPORE, continuous registration system of disabld persons 1985 b/
Visual muscular
Both sexes 1 061 784
0-4 1 2
5-13 50 .. 180 ..
14-19 83 .. 163
20-29 161 .. 257
30-39 . 151 .. .. 146 ..
40-49 129 24
50-59 135 9
60-69 156 2
70-79 136 0 ..
80+ 59 " 1 *
b/ Figures for this country show actual number of disabled persons by age and sex and by selected ocular, visceral and skeletal impairments.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
both eyes
one eye
Unspecified other Paralysis Motor: of limb of limb
Transverse deficiency
Upper Lower
arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
SRI LANKA, population census 1981
Loss of
Blind one leg
Males 67.1 .. ¦'¦. - 30.3 -
< 1 3.9 1.4
1-4 14.7 .. 3.1
5-9 25.2 4.7
10-14 31.7 6.0
15-19 37.4 .. ., 9.4 > '
20-24 40.4 ¦ ¦ 17.8
25-29 49.4 20.7
30-34 51.8 31.3 ..
35-39 67.6 ¦¦ 43.0
40-44 74.8 53.5
45-49 86.7 65.0
50-54 106.3 83.0
55-59 137,2 102.0
60-64 212.1 100.1 >
65-69 272.7 107.6 .
70-74 331.1 * 98.4
75+ 511.8 100.5 " **
Females .. 58.4 .. 7.4
< 1 7.5 1.0
1-4 15.1 1.6 '¦¦""
5-9 24.5 2.6 ¦¦
10-14 27.7 3.5
15-19 29.4 4.4
20-24 31.1 6.1
25-29 38.5 a 5.3
30-34 42.7 9.0
35-39 59.7 7.7
40-44 57.8 8.9
45-49 74.4 11.0
50-54 102.9 .. 13.9
55-59 127.1 17.9
60-64 219.9 .. 21.5
65-69 250.5 17.2
70-74 346.8 31.3
75+ 494.5 37.9
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
both eyes
one eye
Unspecified other Paralysis Motor: of limb of limb
Transverse deficiency
Upper Lower
arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
TURKEY, population census 1975
Loss of sight in
Blind one eye Paralysed Lame
Males 139.6 250.0 52.0 493.3
0-4 75.6 47.1 18.9 106.1
5-9 43.3 70.8 41.5 272.6 ¦ ¦
10-14 69.2 169.1 38.6 303.1
15-19 56.0 118.8 43.8 333.3
20-24 78.3 181.1 40.6 366.9
25-29 93.1 197.4 40.6 419.9 ..
30-34 154.4 313.7 36.8 550.6
35-39 152.7 321.9 38.7 670.5 ,.
40-44 170.6 358.0 45.4 784.0
45-49 190.3 407.1 55.9 879.2
50-54 244.1 474.7 76.6 1 013.3
55-59 332.5 667.9 105.0 1 261.1 *
60-64 432.3 822.5 163.4 1 377.5
65+ 858.3 1 184.5 240.2 1 621.3 .. ... ..
Unknown 89.9 118.6 19.1 181.8
Females 114.7 153.3 38.2 345.0 ..
0-4 163.6 130.4 17.7 169.2
5-9 39.2 55.7 30.0 265.4 .. .. ..
10-14 73.6 131.4 29.6 313.6 ..
15-19 37.3 66.1 22.9 290.4
20-24 46.7 84.0 24.5 247.5 .. ..
25-29 43.4 88.1 24.0 262.6
30-34 66.4 114.1 22.6 309.0 ¦ *
35-39 75.0 125.0 22.8 351.9
40-44 86.0 145.5 27.2 383.9 ... ..
45-49 92.8 163.6 33.9 418.1
50-54 145.7 231.3 47.7 512.5
55-59 184.0 309.9 69.5 662.0 .. .. ..
60-64 289.4 412.7 105.2 760.5 ..
65+ 642.0 724.6 205.6 973.9
Unknown 248.4 194.1 34.9 388.1
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
ICIDH codes 5 - 7
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
both eyes
" 51.0
one eye
Unspecified other Paralysis Motor: of limb of limb
Transverse deficiency
Upper Lower
arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
AUSTRIA, sample survey on physical disabilities 1976
Visual Lower
impair- Blind in Blind in Feet Foot Arm leg
ments both eyes one eye paralysed other missing missing
Both sexes
8 392.2 67.1 520.3 .. ..
0-5 639.8 5.8 37.7 .. ..
6-9 1 868.0 0.0 100.9 .. .. ..
10-14 2 473.5 0.0 56.9 .. .. ..
15-19 2 335.9 0.0 121.5 .. ..
20-29 3 141.6 37.7 267.0 .. .. ..
30-39 4 011.3 0.0 268.8 .. .? .. ..
40-49 5 139.0 15.4 231.3 .. .. .. ..
50-59 12 819.6 153.8 564.1 .. .. ..
60-69 17 568.1 17.6 1 018.9
70-79 26 650.6 186.6 1 998.8 ..
80+ 37 761.4 1 095.1 3 247.5 '
Males 7 136.1 71.4 620.8 43.0 891.3 154.8 100.3
Females 9 378.1 65.6 422.0 35.6 655.7 50.8 22.9
DENMARK, living conditions survey 1976
Vision problems
Males 20+ 8 000.0
20-29 30-44 45-59 60-69 5 000.0
6 000.0
11 000.0
12 000.0 .
Females 20+ 20-29 30-44 45-59 60-69 11 000.0
8 000.0
7 000.0
15 000.0
18 000.0 ..
Both sexes 20+ 9 000.0 ..
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
both eyes
one eye
Unspecified other
Paralysis Motor: of limb of limb
Transverse deficiency
Upper Lower
arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
FINLAND, survey on living conditions 1978
to see
Males 15+ 3 000.0 - ..
65+ 0.0 1 000.0 8 000.0 7 000.0 *
Females 15+ 6 000.0 ..
65+ 1 000.0
2 000.0
8 000.0
19 000.0 . '**. *'
FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, national sample survey 1983 b/ d/
One upper
Blindness/ and one Amputee Amputee
eye loss/ lower limb one one Amputee of
difficulty function upper lower three or
seeing Blindness reduced limb limb four limbs
Both sexes 271 134 52 783 67 352 37 532 87 830 1 728
<4 556 240 134 82 25 12
4-5 478 203 153 65 27 7
6-14 4 288 1 151 .. 1 135 375 243 19
15-17 2 666 550 632 272 260 14
18-24 8 759 1 488 2 222 864 1 338 91
25-34 13 346 2 361 3 367 1 454 2 312 112
35-44 19 579 3 361 5 067 2 382 4 193 135
45-54 31 981 4 838 .. 9 358 4 510 8 660 246
55-59 26 515 4 006 9 327 6 974 16 307 . 275
60-61 13 096 2 026 4 866 3 720 8 661 157
62-64 15 678 2 589 5917 4 319 10 222 170
65+ 134 192 29 970 25 174 12 515 35 582 490
by Figures for this country show actual numbers of disabled persons by age and sex and by selected ocular, visceral and skeletal impairments.
d/ These numbers exclude Bavaria, which did not specify these disability groups. The denominator is therefore smaller than that of the previous pages.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
both eyes
Profound Unspecified other Transverse deficiency deficiency
visual Paralysis Motor: Upper Lower of proximal
one eye of limb of limb arm leg limb parts
54 73.9 74.9 75.1 75.6 75.9
FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, national sample survey 1983 b/ d/
in all All
combina- combinations
tions limb loss/
limb partial
function loss
Both sexes 946 323 .. 143 868
< 4 1 520 141
4-5 .. 1 467 115
6-14 .. .. 10 708 752
15-17 6 658 628
18-24 .. 26 879 2 750
25-34 .. .. 4 457 4 422
35-44 .. 76 286 7 704
45-54 144 616 15 350
55-59 .. 136 170 - ¦ 26 439
60-61 68 402 14 112
62-64 ... .. .. 82 002 16 556
65+ 346 858 54 899
NORWAY, level of living survey 1983
Reduced eye sight
Males 2 000.0
16-24 25-44 45-66 67-79 1 000.0
1 000.0
2 000.0
5 000.0 . ..
Females 2 000.0 .. .. .. ¦ .
16-24 25-44 45-66 67-79 1 000.0
1 000.0
2 000.0
8 000.0 ..
b/ Figures for this country show actual numbers of disabled persons by age and sex and by selected ocular, visceral and . skeletal impairments.
d/ These numbers exclude Bavaria, which did not specify these disability groups. The denominator is therefore smaller than that of the previous pages.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
ICIDH codes 5-7
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex
Total Profound Unspecified other Transverse deficiency
visual visual Paralysis Motor: Upper Lower
both eyes one eye of limb of limb arm leg
Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
SWEDEN, living conditions survey 1980/81
Reduced eye sight
Males 1 100.0 .. .. .. .. .. ..
16-44 45-64 65-74 75-84 200.0 1 000.0 1 500.0 9 200.0 . . . ..
Females 1 900.0 .. ..
16-44 45-64 65-74 75-84 200.0
1 100.0
3 200.0
12 600.0 ¦ ..
UNITED KINGDOM (NORTHERN IRELAND), household survey of handicapped persons 1978 e/
Disorders of vision Polio, polyneuritis, muscular dystrophy
Both sexes 100.0 100.0 .. ....
0-4 5-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+ 0.5
34.1 0.9
Both sexes
Total prevalence 12 200.0 .. .. 1 800.0
e/ Percentage distribution of disabled persons by age, and prevalence of disability, according to selected ocular, visceral and skeletal impairments.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Prevalence by type of impairment
Table 3 (continued)
Age and sex Ocular Total
both eyes Profound
one eye Unspecified other Paralysis Motor: of limb of limb Transverse deficiency Upper Lower arm leg Unspecified transverse deficiency
of proximal limb parts
ICIDH 5 51.0 54 73.9 74.9 75.1 75.6 75.9
AUSTRALIA, national survey of handicapped persons 1981
Sight physical
loss condition
Both sexes 1 331.8 .. 2 954.2
0-4 * .. .. 1 240.0 ....
5-14 471.0 * .. 1 253.4
15-24 467.9 .. .. 1 145.9
25-34 494.5 .. 1580.7
35-44 636.8 .. 2 037.7
45-54 1 005.3 .. .. 3 928.6
55-64 1 787.6 5 961.1
65-74 3 559.0 .. 7 838.4
75+ 14 497.0 .. 14 378.7
AUSTRALIA, national survey of handicapped persons 1981
Paralysis f/
Both sexes
< 15 132.5
15-24 ,. 134.8
25-34 .. 181.7
35-44 ,. *
45-54 ,. 238.1
55-64 448.8 .. ...
65-74 884.3 .. ..
75+ 1 380.7
Males .- .. .. 299.9 .. .. ..
Females .. .. 244.5 .. .. .. ..
Both sexes .. 272.1 «
f/ Numerator excludes mild cases that: (i) do not reduce ability to perform activities;
(ii) do not require an aid.
* Denotes an estimate not published because its relative standard error was too large: its standard error was greater than 25 per cent of the estimate.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
Table 4. Disabled persons per 100,000 population by age and sex and selected disabilities
This table provides the number of disabled persons per 100,000 population by age group and sex, according to type of disability. The rates presented were calculated by the Statistical Office, based upon numbers or rates provided in the published reports.
Description of variables
The type of disabilities reported are based upon codes 1-9 of the ICIDH disability codes. Reasonably comparable national data were placed in the same ICIDH column. All types of disabilities reported by countries are presented. A complete list Of disabilities reported by the 63 surveys of the 55 countries in DISTAT is provided below according to the number of national surveys utilizing the disability codes. Note that single-digit numbers for disability codes are broader categories than the double-digit codes; double-digit codes are subheadings of the single digit codes. For example, all disability codes starting with the digit 1, i.e., 1, 10, 18, are behavioural disabilities. Codes beginning with the digit 2, i.e., 25, 28 etc., are specific communication disabilities.
In some cases, it was difficult to distinguish between impairment and dis-ability codes. For example, it was not always clear in the national reports whether a country was referring to an "ocular" impairment (impairment code 5) or a "seeing" disability (disability codes 25-27), especially when a general reference to vision problem was stated. In similar cases, the coders for DISTAT decided, through judgement, whether it was an impairment or a disability code. This decision was usually based upon what other groups of categories of disablement were used in the survey and upon the intention stated in the census or survey reports.
Disability description ICIDH
code Number of surveys coded into this category
CODE 1: BEHAVIOUR Occupational role 18 3
CODE 2: COMMUNICATION Listening to speech Detailed visual tasks 23 26 1 1
Making food ready
Other feeding: chewing 35
38.2 1 ¦ ¦ 1
Climbing stairs
Standing transfer
Other transfer
Other locomotor 4 40 42 46.2 46.8 48 49 3 2 2
.. 1 1 2 1
CODE 5: BODY DISPOSITION Retrieval 52 :¦. ..1
CODE 7: SITUATIONAL Other situational 78 2
Other activity restrictions
Other activity restrictions: certified disabled
Other activity restrictions: partial
Other activity restrictions: self-reported 9
9.1* 9.2* 9.9* 3
1 1
*Not an ICIDH code, but devised to accommodate items not readily coded
with ICIDH categories
Statistical definitions
The definitions of each of the disability codes in table 4 of the Compendium are taken from WHO/ICIDH. They are as shown below:
Behaviour (1). In the ICIDH definition, the reference is to an individual's awareness and ability to conduct self, in everyday activities and towards others, including the ability to learn (self-awareness, appearance, location in time and space, identification of objects and persons, avoidance of self-injury, potentially dangerous conduct, wandering).
Occupational role (18). Disturbance in the ability to organize and participate in routine activities connected with the occupation of time: not merely confined to a person's performance of work, but involves motivation, co-operation, conformity to work routine, organization of activities in temporal sequence, decision-making ability, response to emergencies, quick decisions and action.
Communication (2). Refers to an individual's ability to generate and emit messages, and to receive and understand messages (speaking, listening, seeing, other com-munication disabilities such as writing, nonverbal expression, and the like).
Listening to speech (23). Loss or reduction of the ability to receive verbal messages.
Detailed visual tasks (26). Loss or reduction of the ability to execute tasks requiring adequate visual acuity, such as reading, recognition of faces, writing, and visual manipulation.
Personal care (3). Refers to an individual's ability to look after self in regard to basic physiological activities, such as excretion and feeding (preparing food, serving food, eating, drinking, chewing, swallowing), hygiene (bathing of body, dental care, hands and fingernails), dressing, sleeping (difficulty getting up, unable to decide to go to bed, changing into pajamas).
Clothing (35). Includes underclothes, skirts and trousers, jackets and shirts, coats, doing buttons, hooks, zippers, and the like.
Making food ready (37.3). Includes all aspects of cutting meat, buttering bread and the like.
Other feeding: chewing (38.2). Includes mastication.
Locomotor (mobility) (4). Refers to an individual's ability to execute distinctive activities associated with moving self, and objects, from place to place (walking, climbing, running, getting in and out of transport vehicles, lifting and carrying).
Walking (40). Includes ambulation on flat terrain.
Climbing stairs (42). Includes negotiation of flight of stairs and similar man-made obstacles such as ladders.
Standing transfer (46.2). Difficulty in standing transfer to or from bed associated with manipulative problems.
Other transfer (46.8).
Lifting (48). Includes carrying of items.
Other locomotor (49). All locomotor disabilities not included in the other sub-headings of code 4.
Body disposition (5). Refers to an individual's ability to execute distinctive activities associated with the disposition of body parts, e.g., reaching, kneeling, crouching, maintaining posture.
Retrieval (52). Picking up objects from floor and bending.
Dexterity (6). Refers to adroitness and skill in bodily movements, including manipulative skills and the ability to regulate control mechanisms, e.g., fingering, gripping, holding, foot movements.
Situational (7). An attempted description of disturbances of activity performances that are situation-specific, i.e., dependence upon life-sustaining equipment and special procedures or care, such as special diet; environmentally induced such as tolerance to heat or cold, sunlight, barometric pressure, noise, illumination, dust, other allergens, chemical agents.
Other situational (78). All situational disabilities not included in the other sub-headings of code 7.
Other activity restrictions (9). As yet, not specified in ICIDH beyond a general statement that this code provides a way of meeting needs not satisfied in other parts of the classification.
United Nations Disability Statistics Disabilities
4. Disabled persons per 100,000 population by. age, sex and selected type of disabilities
Age and sex Walking disability Climbing
ICIDH 40 42
DENMARK, living conditions survey, 1976
Difficulty in walking IS minutes Difficulty
in climbing
Males 20-69 10 000.0 8 000.0
20-29 30-44 45-59 60-69 3 000.0
5 000.0
13 000.0
27 000.0 4 000.0
5 000.0
10 000.0
18 000.0
Females 20-69 11 000.0 9 000.0
20-29 30-44 45-59 60-69 3 000.0
5 000.0
15 000.0
28 000.0 3 000.0
4 000.0
13 000.0
23 000.0
Both sexes 20-69 10 000.0 9 000.0
Age and sex Locomotor disability
FINLAND, survey on living conditions, 1978
Diminished moving ability
Males, 15+ 21 000.0
65+ 1 000.0
5 000.0
40 000.0
75 000.0
Females, 15+ 29 000.0
65+ 2 000.0 10 000.0 47 000.0 83 000.0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Disabilities
Table 4 (continued)
Disabilities per 100,000 population
Age and sex Disability in
to speech Disability in
tasks Clothing disability Making food Other
chewing Walking disability
ICIDH 23 26 35 37.3 38.2 40
NEW ZEALAND, social indicators survey, 1980
Hearing conversa-tions Reading news-paper print Dressing
undressing Cutting own food Biting and
hard foods Walking 400 metres
Both sexes, 15+ 3 000 1 000 1 000 1 000 4 000 4 000
65+ 1 000
4 000
10 000 2 000 6 000 1 000 4 000 1 000
2 000 2 000
6 000
11 000 1 000
6 000
19 000
disability Standing
disability Other
disability Lifting disability Retrieval disability Other
42 46.2 6.8 48 52 78
stairs Getting in/out of bed Moving
rooms Carrying
a 5-kg
10 metres Bending
to pick
up shoe One or more
Both sexes, 15+ 6 000 1 000 1 000 4 000 2 000 13 000
65+ 2 000 10 000 25 000 1 000 4 000 1 000 3 000 1 000
6 000
18 000 1 000
3 000
11 000 6 000 21 000 44 000
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
Table 5. Population, disabled persons and disabilities by type of impairment or disability, and prevalence rate by age, sex and urban/rural residence
Table 5 presents for each available source the number of disabled persons, disabilities, and total persons and type of impairment or disability, age group and sex for urban and rural residence. The prevalence of disability per 100,000 population, by age-group and sex for urban and rural areas, has also been calculated by the Statistical Office and presented in the table. All references to ICIDH codes prefaced with an M (for example, M1.1), indicate that the codes are not ICIDH codes, but are devised to accommodate items not readily coded within ICIDH categories.
Description of variables
Not all rural and urban populations in table 5 are similar in concept and description. The classifications of residence used by the countries in their national publications were maintained. Footnotes are added to the country data of table 5, as needed, in order to clarify their national classification of residence.
Table 5 has all the limitations in the estimated prevalence rates that were described in detail in the notes for table 1. Table 5 has the additional problem of differential variation in countries in their descriptions and classifications of urban and rural residence.
United Nations Disability Statistics
5. Population, disabled persons and disabilities by type of impairment or disability, and prevalence rate by age, sex and urban/rural residence
Residence, Impairment
age Population status not Prevalence rate
and sex surveyed Disabilities ascertained per 100,000 population
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, population census 1975
Infirm population Undetermined Infirm population Undetermined
Males 10+ Females 10+ 202 310 215 541 1 923 1 455 7 397 1 790 950.5 675.0 3 656.3 830.5
Males 10+ Females 10+ 388 835 434 071 5 986 5 446 48 786 6 852 1 539.5 1254.6 12 546.7 1 578.5
Males 10+ Females 10+ 83 865 85 005 423 240 2 291 690 504.4 282.3 2 731.8 811.7
persons Disabilities
EGYPT, national survey 1979-1981 a/
Both sexes 456 694
Under 15 79 137
15-24 78 141
25-34 44 66
35-44 46 54
45-54 56 75
55-64 72 104
65+ 81 117
Both sexes 652 905
Under 15 .. 175
15-24 87
25-34 90
35-44 95
45-54 107
55-64 120
65+ 231
a/ Number of disabled persons and disabilities reported by age, sex and urban/rural residence. Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Table 5 (continued)
and sex
Mental M1.1
Severe communi-cation;
Aural Ocular
Other and Mixed
cardio- other and
respiratory upper other
function Posture limb limb
EGYPT, national survey 1979-1981 (cont'd)
Upper limb Lower
Mental Mutism Hearing Vision Debility Spine
Both sexes 64 59 51 158 17 13 101 231
Under 15 17 18 7 8 3 1 16 67
15-24 23 20 14 11 5 3 24 41
25-34 9 7 3 14 1 1 11 20
35-44 4 5 6 19 0 1 6 13
45-54 2 3 4 29 2 1 12 22
55-64 3 2 6 34 2 2 17 38
65+ 6 4 11 43 4 4 15 30
Both sexes 46 76 108 289 22 15 120 229
Under 15 15 30 20 16 2 3 22 67
15-24 6 14 10 19 4 3 13 18
25-34 7 12 12 25 0 1 13 20
35-44 9 8 11 42 3 0 12 10
45-54 3 5 14 37 1 1 18 28
55-64 2 1 15 50 1 3 19 29
65+ 4 6 26 100 11 4 23 57
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Table 5 (continued)
Population surveyed Prevalence per 100,000 population
and sex
Disabled persons Other Total visual
Disabled psychological impairment
persons impairments of both eyes
ICIDH 2 51.0
MALI, population census 1976
Insanity Blindness
Males 529 215 10 356 1 956.9 210.7 558.0
0-4 100 416 129 128.5 0.0 45.8
5-9 80 816 704 871.1 143.5 136.1
10-14 60 647 527 869.0 75.8 95.6
15-19 58 662 491 837.0 88.6 78.4
20-24 46 239 573 1 239.2 233.6 183.8
25-29 36 390 663 1 821.9 302.3 409.5
30-34 30 895 761 2 463.2 417.5 605.3
35-39 27 926 942 3 373.2 530.0 895.2
40-44 22 479 944 4 199.5 551.6 1 116.6
45-49 17 864 822 4 601.4 492.6 1 332.3
50-54 14 692 838 5 703.8 442.4 1 865.0
55-59 10 659 726 6 811.1 431.6 2 242.2
60-64 8 630 765 8 864.4 486.7 3 719.6
65-69 5 043 454 9 002.6 238.0 3 390.8
70-74 3 460 412 11 907.5 549.1 5 606.9
75-79 2 084 268 12 859.9 191.9 6 525.9
80-84 1 086 160 14 733.0 368.3 8 195.2
85-89 423 62 14 657.2 0.0 8 747.0
90-94 274 41 14 963.5 729.9 9 489.1
95+ 405 70 17 284.0 0.0 11 358.0
Not stated 125 4 3 200.0 0.0 0.0
Females 547 614 8 315 1518.4 136.8 437.0
0-4 99 453 105 105.6 0.0 45.2
5-9 82 665 324 391.9 16.9 89.5
10-14 65 075 444 682.3 49.2 66.1
15-19 60 765 541 890.3 67.5 241.9
20-24 47 487 582 1 225.6 92.7 433.8
25-29 43 143 739 1 712.9 143.7 498.3
30-34 35 504 716 2 016.7 214.1 538.0
35-39 28 505 689 2 417.1 259.6 652.5
40-44 22 007 677 3 076.3 404.4 727.0
45-49 15 445 531 3 438.0 414.4 912.9
50-54 13 238 539 4 071.6 483.5 944.3
55-59 8 928 451 5 051.5 604.8 1 332.9
60-64 9 337 584 6 254.7 524.8 1 852.8
65-69 5 032 351 6 975.4 635.9 2 504.0
70-74 4 610 380 8 243.0 520.6 3 080.3
75-79 2 650 265 10 000.0 377.4 4 452.8
80-84 1 789 168 9 390.7 559.0 4 192.3
85-89 679 76 11 192.9 589.1 4 418.3
90-94 548 60 10 948.9 547.4 6 386.9
95+ 661 90 13 615.7 453.9 6 202.7
Not stated 93 3 3 225.8 0.0 1 075.3
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Table 5 (continued)
Prevalence per 100,000 population
and sex
Population surveyed
Disabled persons
Disabled persons
Total visual
of both eyes
MALI, population census 1976 (cont'd)
Insanity Blindness
Males 2 594 518 85 962 3 313.2 213.3 802.2
0-4 486 599 1 052 216.2 6.4 44.8
5-9 411 456 4 841 1 176.6 58.3 116.7
10-14 282 160 4 007 1 420.1 93.6 134.0
15-19 249 945 4 001 1 600.8 124.0 198.8
20-24 172 152 4211 2 446.1 496.7 290.4
25-29 163 705 4 420 2 700.0 304.2 428.2
30-34 154 834 5 779 3 732.4 421.7 678.8
35-39 133 457 6 015 4 507.1 429.4 843.7
40-44 116 947 6 584 5 629.9 460.0 1 198.8
45-49 93 466 6 329 6 771.4 379.8 1 579.2
50-54 89 927 7 135 7 934.2 448.1 2 072.8
55-59 66 919 6 224 9 300.8 298.9 2 510.5
60-64 67 990 7 688 11 307.5 344.2 3 609.4
65-69 35 236 4 816 13 667.8 363.3 4 515.3
70-74 28 430 4 653 16 366.5 386.9 6 387.6
75-79 15 065 2 926 19 422.5 278.8 7 972.1
80-84 13 005 2 455 18 877.4 330.6 8 096.9
85-89 4 070 879 21 597.1 172.0 9 754.3
90-94 4 052 857 21 150.0 666.3 9 871.7
95+ 4 831 1 079 22 334.9 331.2 10 888.0
Not stated 272 11 4 044.1 2 205.9 735.3
Females 2 723 571 88 574 3 252.1 174.6 840.1
0-4 489 941 1 005 205.1 4.5 43.5
5-9 400 186 2 991 747.4 36.5 85.0
10-14 256 884 3 142 1 223.1 76.3 135.1
15-19 272 743 4 601 1 686.9 104.5 351.6
20-24 218 355 5 160 2 363.1 150.7 532.6
25-29 223 875 6 416 2 865.9 169.7 602.1
30-34 190 446 7 290 3 827.9 249.4 783.4
35-39 137 444 6 240 4 540.0 288.8 897.1
40-44 125 822 7 235 5 750.2 410.1 1 184.2
45-49 83 008 5 788 6 972.8 456.6 1 478.2
50-54 90 369 7 635 8 448.7 512.3 2 043.8
55-59 53 989 5 266 9 753.8 526.0 2 448.6
60-64 72 129 8 379 11 616.7 526.8 3 536.7
65-69 31 800 4 402 13 842.8 512.6 4 871.1
70-74 33 137 5 107 15 411.8 546.2 6 231.7
75-79 14 080 2 460 17 471.6 348.0 7 840.9
80-84 16 042 2 871 17 896.8 380.3 8 384.2
85-89 3 697 752 20 340.8 297.5 9 872.9
90-94 4 367 792 18 136.0 274.8 9 182.5
95+ 4 976 1 029 20 679.3 482.3 10 430.1
Not stated 281 13 4 626.3 711.7 711.7
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Table 5 (continued)
Prevalence per 100,000 population
Impairment Other
Residence, Other of cardio- impairments
age impairment respiratory of internal
and sex of vision function organs
Other disfigurement
Other impairment
MALI, population census 1976 (cont'd)
Oncho- Tuber- Sleeping
cerciasis culosis sickness Leprosy Other
Males 111.3 65.6 14.9 245.5 750.9
0-4 2.0 4.0 0.0 1.0 75.7
5-9 22.3 121.3 13.6 79.2 355.1
10-14 24.7 9.9 3.3 47.8 611.7
15-19 20.5 0.0 5.1 68.2 576.2
20-24 62.7 41.1 6.5 95.2 616.4
25-29 96.2 35.7 11.0 241.8 725.5
30-34 129.5 74.4 6.5 346.3 883.6
35-39 182.6 75.2 21.5 594.4 1 074.3
40-44 289.2 93.4 8.9 836.3 1 303.4
45-49 352.7 167.9 78.4 811.7 1 365.9
50-54 442.4 231.4 54.5 959.7 1 708.4
55-59 525.4 234.5 112.6 956.9 2 307.9
60-64 602.5 266.5 81.1 1 019.7 2 688.3
65-69 713.9 238.0 79.3 813.0 3 529.6
70-74 520.2 231.2 0.0 896.0 4 104.0
75-79 1 151.6 191.9 48.0 527.8 4 222.6
80-84 184.2 92.1 0.0 1 012.9 4 880.3
85-89 236.4 236.4 0.0 236.4 5 200.9
90-94 1 094.9 1 094.9 0.0 365.0 2 189.8
95+ 493.8 246.9 0.0 0.0 5 185.2
Not stated 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 200.0
Females 113.9 22.6 10.4 181.7 615.9
0-4 2.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 52.3
5-9 14.5 8.5 4.8 31.5 226.2
10-14 13.8 9.2 7.7 29.2 507.1
15-19 18.1 6.6 4.9 49.4 501.9
20-24 59.0 16.8 4.2 115.8 503.3
25-29 71.9 34.8 11.6 299.0 653.6
30-34 104.2 31.0 25.3 385.9 718.2
35-39 161.4 38.6 28.1 463.1 813.9
40-44 254.5 45.4 18.2 554.4 1 072.4 .
45-49 330.2 64.7 45.3 518.0 1 152.5
50-54 415.5 52.9 22.7 551.4 1 601.5
55-59 593.6 78.4 22.4 683.2 1 736.1
60-64 942.5 139.2 10.7 664.0 2 120.6
65-69 874.4 79.5 19.9 417.3 2 444.4
70-74 802.6 65.1 43.4 477.2 3 253.8
75-79 1 132.1 0.0 37.7 339.6 3 660.4
80-84 838.5 223.6 0.0 335.4 3 242.0
85-89 1 325.5 147.3 0.0 441.8 4 271.0
90-94 912.4 0.0 0.0 365.0 2 737.2
95+ 756.4 0.0 0.0 453.9 5 748.9
Not stated 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 150.5
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Table 5 (continued)
Prevalence per 100,000 population
and sex Other
of vision Impairment of cardio-respiratory function Other impairments of internal Other dis-organs figurement Other impairment
ICIDH 57.8 61 66.8 87 99
MALI, population census 1976 (cont'd)
Oncho- Tuber- Sleeping
cerciasis culosis sickness Leprosy Other
Males 339.1 116.9 11.4 287.4 1 543.0
0-4 5.5 3.1 0.4 2.1 153.9
5-9 25.5 246.0 4.9 34.8 690.5
10-14 59.5 22.3 3.2 60.6 1 046.9
15-19 90.0 26.0 6.4 106.0 1 049.4
20-24 129.0 79.6 8.7 176.0 1 265.7
25-29 250.5 70.2 10.4 268.2 1 368.3
30-34 403.7 82.0 15.5 409.5 1 721.2
35-39 571.7 112.4 22.5 592.0 1 935.5
40-44 799.5 136.0 23.1 761.9 2 250.6
45-49 1 012.1 193.7 34.2 833.5 2 739.0
50-54 1 103.1 223.5 32.2 869.6 3 184.8
55-59 1 285.1 263.0 35.9 1 029.6 3 877.8
60-64 1 289.9 301.5 25.0 923.7 4 813.9
65-69 1 600.6 380.3 34.1 919.5 5 854.8
70-74 1 466.8 457.3 49.2 865.3 6 753.4
75-79 1 705.9 404.9 33.2 962.5 8 065.1
80-84 1 522.5 415.2 15.4 907.3 7 589.4
85-89 1 572.5 319.4 24.6 737.1 9 017.2
90-94 1 604.1 444.2 0.0 937.8 7 625.9
95+ 1 593.9 372.6 0.0 641.7 8 507.6
Not stated 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 102.9
Females 306.3 62.8 10.1 315.1 1 543.1
0-4 4.3 4.5 1.0 4.1 143.3
5-9 22.0 36.7 2.5 26.7 538.0
10-14 41.7 24.5 2.7 74.4 868.5
15-19 71.9 29.0 4.4 125.4 1 000.2
20-24 118.6 33.0 6.0 235.9 1 286.4
25-29 200.1 41.5 11.6 372.5 1 468.2
30-34 346.0 70.4 16.8 539.3 1 822.6
35-39 456.9 74.2 23.3 667.9 2 131.8
40-44 714.5 126.4 22.3 814.6 2 478.1
45-49 850.5 157.8 24.1 921.6 3 084.0
50-54 1 029.1 200.3 31.0 940.6 3 691.5
55-59 1 296.6 190.8 35.2 963.2 4 293.5
60-64 1 418.3 219.1 16.6 899.8 4 999.4
65-69 1 594.3 264.2 31.4 874.2 5 695.0
70-74 1 542.1 274.6 30.2 799.7 5 987.3
75-79 1 647.7 248.6 7.1 894.9 6 484.4
80-84 1 583.3 180.8 43.6 473.8 6 850.8
85-89 1 622.9 135.2 0.0 622.1 7 790.1
90-94 1 305.2 229.0 22.9 480.9 6 640.7
95+ 1 145.5 261.3 20.1 562.7 7 777.3
Not stated 355.9 0.0 0.0 355.9 2 491.1
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Table 5 (continued)
Prevalence per 100,000 population
M1/1 M40.1
age Population Disabled Disabled Mental and sex surveyed persons persons handicap
Speech Total
and visual:
hearing both eyes
Unspecified other motor:
limb Other
TUNISIA, population census 1975
Disabled Mental Deaf and Motor
population handicap mute Blind impairment Other
Males 1 401 510 14 310 1 021.0 190.5 112.7 239.0 338.2 140.6
0-4 199 540 170 85.2 0.0 10.0 10.0 35.1 30.1
5-9 200 670 770 383.7 64.8 129.6 24.9 114.6 49.8
10-14 196 900 1 450 736.4 177.8 162.5 66.0 213.3 116.8
15-19 163 910 1 350 823.6 256.2 140.3 54.9 268.4 103.7
20-29 202 220 1 910 944.5 316.5 108.8 84.1 311.5 123.6
30-39 137 730 1 250 907.6 225.1 123.4 145.2 297.7 116.2
40-49 127 540 1 680 1 317.2 305.8 78.4 345.0 431.2 156.8
50-59 85 930 1 780 2 071.5 290.9 81.5 535.3 872.8 314.2
60+ 84 780 3 920 4 623.7 224.1 224.1 2 099.6 1 450.8 625.1
Not stated 2 280 30 1 315.8 438.6 0.0 438.6 438.6 0.0
Females 1 377 670 8 650 627.9 104.5 87.1 186.5 152.4 97.3
0-4 189 510 250 131.9 5.3 10.6 10.6 15.8 89.7
5-9 191730 510 266.0 41.7 73.0 15.6 78.2 57.4
10-14 190 000 830 436.8 94.7 147.4 36.8 105.3 52.6
15-19 162 270 820 505.3 129.4 104.8 18.5 166.4 86.3
20-29 216 190 1 070 494.9 148.0 92.5 87.9 120.3 46.3
30-39 149 990 740 493.4 126.7 33.3 106.7 140.0 86.7
40-49 124 440 750 602.7 144.6 56.3 176.8 160.7 64.3
50-59 77 090 770 998.8 155,7 51.9 402.1 207.5 181.6
60+ 74 580 2 910 3 901.9 201.1 308.4 2 064.9 831.3 496.1
Not stated 1 870 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Table 5 (continued)
Prevalence per 100,000 population
age Population and sex surveyed
Speech Total Unspecified
Disabled Disabled Mental and visual: other motor.
persons persons handicap hearing both eyes limb Other
TUNISIA, population census 1975 (cont'd)
Disabled Mental Deaf and Motor
population handicap mute Blind impairment Other
Males 1 426 030 12 490 875.9 124.8 92.6 244.7 248.9 164.8
0-4 255 710 130 50.8 0.0 11.7 3.9 15.6 19.6
5-9 216 330 640 295.8 32.4 87.8 46.2 74.0 55.5
10-14 179 480 740 412.3 66.9 117.0 22.3 83.6 122.6
15-19 157 050 1 040 662.2 178.3 82.8 95.5 210.1 95.5
20-29 184 060 1 510 820.4 168.4 108.7 141.3 255.4 146.7
30-39 126 700 1 110 876.1 205.2 47.4 189.4 260.5 173.6
40-49 121 680 1 540 1 265.6 271.2 98.6 221.9 427.4 246.5
50-59 86 840 1 770 2 038.2 230.3 115.2 737.0 610.3 345.5
60+ 96 170 4 000 4 159.3 218.4 291.2 1 840.5 1 060.6 748.7
Not stated 2 010 10 497.5 0.0 0.0 497.5 0.0 0.0
Females 1 372 040 8 250 601.3 80.9 60.5 217.9 143.6 98.4
0-4 246 860 150 60.8 0.0 0.0 4.1 28.4 28.4
5-9 206 860 380 183.7 4.8 53.2 19.3 77.3 29.0
10-14 166 210 570 342.9 54.1 84.2 36.1 102.3 66.2
15-19 145 130 480 330.7 55.1 48.2 48.2 124.0 55.1
20-29 196 620 860 437.4 152.6 30.5 66.1 106.8 81.4
30-39 138 570 650 469.1 144.3 36.1 144.3 115.5 28.9
40-49 124 420 860 691.2 104.5 72.3 265.2 136.6 112.5
50-59 76 560 940 1 227.8 169.8 78.4 587.8 209.0 182.9
60+ 68 920 3 320 4 817.2 246.7 348.2 2 452.1 986.7 783.5
Not stated 1 890 40 2 116.4 0.0 529.1 529.1 529.1 529.1
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Table 5 (continued)
Population surveyed Prevalence per 100,000 population
and sex
Disabled persons Mental handicap Speech Total Unspecified
and visual: other motor:
hearing both eyes limb Other
ICIDH M1.1 M40.1 51.0 74.9 991
TUNISIA, population census 1984 b/
Mental handicap Deaf and mute Blind Motor impairment Other
Males 1 869 010 1 016.0 276.1 122.0 199.6 351.0 67.4
Females 1 816 460 657.3 165.2 112.9 129.9 209.2 40.2
Males 1 677 030 1 124.6 236.1 156.2 209.9 441.3 81.1
Females 1 612 950 667.7 120.9 104.2 155.0 256.1 31.6
b/ Figures for population surveyed taken from Demographic Yearbook 1986.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA, NORTH
Table 5 (continued)
Numbers of impairments
Other Unspecified
Residence, Disabled psycho- impairment
age and school Mental logical of behaviour
sex population handicap impairments pattern
ICIDH M1.1 2 29.9
JAMAICA, survey of handicapped children in schools 1978 c/
Mental Emotional Learning
Both sexes 4-11 144 11 29 32
Both sexes 4-11 523 104 65 190
Deep rural *
Both sexes 4-11 53 10 2 32
Numbers of impairments
Language impairments Aural impairments Ocular impairments Unspecified
other motor
of limb
3 4 5 74.9
Speech Auditory Visual Physical
Both sexes 4-11 17 46 7 2
Both sexes 4-11 23 54 79 8
Deep rural *
Both sexes 4-11 1 2 4 2
c/ Number of disabled school children and disabilities reported, by age, sex and type of impairment. * "Deep rural" was not defined in the published report. Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA, NORTH
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
Prevalence per 100,000
population .
Residence, Population Disabled Disabled situational
age and sex surveyed persons persons disability
UNITED STATES, census of population 1980
population Work
population Prevented
from work
Males (Ages 16-64)
Inside urbanized areas:
Central cities
Urban fringe Outside urbanized areas:
10,000 or more population
2,500-10,000 population 52 367 038 44 069 230 20 845 439 23 223 791
4 115 069 4 182 739 4 443 601 3 646 194 1 925 017 1 721 177
376 944 420 463 8 485.5
8 273.8
9 234.7
7 411.3
9 160.1 10 052.3 3 633.2
3 514.2
4 217.8
2 882.5
3 872.1
4 652.5
Females (Ages 16-64)
Inside urbanized areas:
Central cities
Urban fringe Outside urbanized areas:
10,000 or more population
2,500-10,000 population 55 638 552 46 795 506 22 551 079 24 244 427
4 373 948 4 469 098 4 362 228 3 585 718 1 980 195 1 605 523
368 648 407 862 7 840.3
7 662.5
8 780.9
6 622.2
8 428.3
9 126.3 4 548.1
4 423.5
5 276.8
3 629.8
4 864.1
5 543.1
Males (Ages 16-64)
1,000-1,500 population 18 313 205 2 020 690 1 936 002 216 786 10 571.6 10 728.3 4 918.4
5 043.5
Females (Ages 16-64) 1,000-1,500 population 18 347 837 2 146 044 1 577 720 197 213
population 8 598.9
9 189.6 5 312.0 5 660.6
Both sexes (Age 65+) 17 906 942 2 697 643 15 064.8
Inside urbanized areas:
Central cities
Urban fringe Outside urbanized areas:
10,000 or more population
2,500-10,000 population 14 376 445 7 584 064 6 792 381
1 595 563 1 934 934 2 216 629
1 243 598
973 031
215 074 265 940 15 418.5
16 397.5
14 325.3
13 479.5 13 744.1
Both sexes (Age 65+) 6 251 202 890 893 14 251.5 ¦¦"
1,000-1,500 population 1 005 490 137 970 13 721.7
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Table 5 (continued)
age and
Inter-mittent impairment of conscious-ness
Aural Tinnitus
4 47.2
Other visual
UNITED STATES, national health interview survey, 1982 a/ (survey of civilian and non-institutionalized population)
Epilepsy Speech impairment Hearing impair-ment Tinnitus Visual impair-ment Cataracts
Both sexes 49 372 000 757 000 1 624 000 12 689 000 3 292 000 5 770 000 3 424 000
Central city Not central city 19 613 000 29 759 000 370 000 387 000 637 000 987 000 5 064 000 7 625 000 1 213 000
2 079 000 2 342 000
3 428 000 1 625 000 1 799 000
Both sexes Not SMSA 74 925 000 25 553 000 1 186 000 429 000 2 362 000 738 000 19 775 000 7 086 000 5 130 000 1 838 000 8 700 000 2 930 000 5 124 000 1 700 000
Other visual impair-ment, colour vision Other impair-ment of vision Impair-ment of posture Mixed
& other
impairment Mixed
& other
of limb Un-specified other paralysis of limb Other transverse deficiency of phalanges of fingers
57.5 57.8 70.5 71.8 71.9 73.9 76.3
Color blindness Glaucoma Back Upper extremities Lower extremities Paralysis
extremities Absence
Both sexes 1 930 000 1 163 000 8 900 000 2 150 000 5 695 000 895 000 1 083 000
SMSA: * Central city Not central city 577 000 1 353 000 468 000 695 000 3 453 000 5 447 000 752 000 1 398 000 2 335 000
3 360 000 373 000 522 000 404 000 679 000
Both sexes 2 774 000 1 712 000 13 284 000 3 096 000 8 531 000 1 312 000 1 939 000
Not SMSA 844 000 549 000 4 384 000 946 000 2 836 000 417 000 856 000
a/ Number of disabled persons and impairments reported by sex and residence.
* Standard metropolitan statistical areas. Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics AMERICA, SOUTH
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
age and
sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Prevalence
per 100,000
VENEZUELA, census of population and housing 1981 (not economically active population)
Males 1 182 876 90 551 7 655.2
12-14 383 333 2 329 607.6
15-19 363 448 5 706 1 570.0
20-24 124 549 4 943 3 968.7
25-29 48 486 4 091 8 437.5
30-34 24 543 3 229 13 156.5
35-39 16 278 2 680 16 463.9
40-44 15 582 2 965 19 028.4
45-49 16 891 3 539 20 952.0
50-54 22 178 5 274 23 780.3
55-59 26 671 6 672 25 015.9
60-64 32 103 8 951 27 882.1
65+ 108 814 40 172 36 918.0
Females 2 885 639 55 202 1 913.0
12-14 404 759 1 521 375.8
15-19 540 853 3 121 577.1
20-24 377 454 2 753 729.4
25-29 304 473 2 027 665.7
30-34 237 780 1 641 690.1
35-39 175 494 1 424 811.4
40-44 149 931 1 492 995.1
45-49 141 271 1 672 1 183.5
50-54 133 524 2 284 1 710.6
55-59 113 159 2 421 2 139.5
60-64 93 713 3 595 3 836.2
65+ 213 228 31 251 14 656.1
United Nations Disability Statistics
Table 5 (continued)
age and
Population surveyed
Disabled persons
per 100,000
VENEZUELA, census of population and housing 1981 (cont'd) (not economically active population)
Males 65 441 7 407 11 318.6
12-14 22 596 210 929.4
15-19 18 554 472 2 543.9
20-24 4 736 404 8 530.4
25-29 2 084 249 11 948.2
30-34 1 414 236 16 690.2
35-39 1 141 244 21 384.8
40-44 1 216 259 21 299.3
45-49 1 225 265 21 632.7
50-54 1 435 401 27 944.3
55-59 1 626 406 24 969.2
60-64 2 013 615 30 551.4
65+ 7 401 3 646 49 263.6
Females 151 750 3 801 2 504.8
12-14 23 006 117 508.6
15-19 28 443 236 829.7
20-24 18 926 168 887.7
25-29 14 706 84 571.2
30-34 11 659 101 866.3
35-39 9 172 73 795.9
40-44 8 141 98 1 203.8
45-49 7 641 108 1 413.4
50-54 7 181 154 2 144.5
55-59 5 802 143 2 464.7
60-64 5 089 253 4 971.5
65+ 11 984 2 266 18 908.5
* Semi-urban
United Nations Disability Statistics
Table 5 (continued)
Residence, Prevalence
age and Population Disabled per 100,000
sex surveyed persons population
VENEZUELA, census of population and housing 1981 (cont'd) (not economically active population)
Males 216 808 25 703 11 855.2
12-14 80 354 889 1 106.4
15-19 55 524 1 696 3 054.5
20-24 13 458 1 246 9 258.4
25-29 6 869 862 12 549.1
30-34 5 150 764 14 835.0
35-39 4 418 647 14 644.6
40-44 4 573 802 17 537.7
45-49 4 545 827 18 195.8
50-54 5 268 1 359 25 797.3
55-59 5 553 1 479 26 634.3
60-64 6 499 2 342 36 036.3
65+ 24 597 12 790 51 998.2
Females 579 993 12 396 2 137.3
12-14 83 560 465 556.5
15-19 100 758 792 786.0
20-24 71 709 588 820.0
25-29 56 919 345 606.1
30-34 46 630 291 624.1
35-39 38 946 249 639.3
40-44 35 297 305 864.1
45-49 32 638 297 910.0
50-54 29 473 409 1 387.7
55-59 22 908 488 2 130.3
60-64 20 052 938 4 677.8
65+ 41 103 7 229 17 587.5
United Nations Disability Statistics
Table 5 (continued)
age and
Population surveyed
Disabled persons
per 100,000
BURMA*, population census 1983 (not economically active population)
Males 1 271 784 5 062 398.0
10-14 527 702 476 90.2
15-19 336 688 608 180.6
20-24 122 839 515 419.2
25-29 43 236 398 920.5
30-34 22 070 325 1 472.6
35-39 17 116 356 2 079.9
40-44 17 805 319 1 791.6
45-49 20 111 311 1 546.4
50-54 22 514 282 1 252.6
55-59 22 599 237 1 048.7
60-64 37 744 263 696.8
65+ 81 360 972 1 194.7
Females 2 316 630 3 810 164.5
10-14 496 935 446 89.8
15-19 393 930 452 114.7
20-24 302 512 320 105.8
25-29 222 028 266 119.8
30-34 165 718 178 107.4
35-39 123 554 159 128.7
40-44 109 531 162 147.9
45-49 102 909 181 175.9
50-54 95 069 237 249.3
55-59 77 706 201 258.7
60-64 73 322 277 377.8
65+ 153 416 931 606.8
* Now Myanmar
United Nations Disability Statistics
Table 5 (continued)
age and
Population surveyed
Disabled persons
per 100,000
BURMA, population census 1983 (cont'd) (not economically active population)
Males 3 378 973 21632 640.2
10-14 1 427 985 1 868 130.8
15-19 616 465 2 143 347.6
20-24 280 187 1 904 679.5
25-29 186 137 1 361 731.2
30-34 132 117 1 381 1 045.3
35-39 104 392 1 178 1 128.4
40-44 90 455 1 192 1 317.8
45-49 92 942 1420 1 527.8
50-54 92 415 1 386 1 499.8
55-59 75 762 1 370 1 808.3
60-64 78 888 1 578 2 000.3
65+ 201 228 4 851 2 410.7
Females 6 066 567 19 496 321.4
10-14 1 353 137 1 321 97.6
15-19 820 387 1 207 147.1
20-24 701 882 1 088 155.0
25-29 608 968 909 149.3
30-34 475 945 885 185.9
35-39 362 874 808 222.7
40-44 331 231 991 299.2
45-49 311036 926 297.7
50-54 289 907 1 445 498.4
55-59 221 636 1 369 617.7
60-64 199 968 2 158 1 079.2
65+ 389 596 6 389 1 639.9
United Nations Disability Statistics
Table 5 (continued)
Residence, Prevalence
age and Population Disabled per 100,000
sex surveyed persons population
CHINA, annual population survey 1983 (special children's question on disability)
Both sexes
0-14 32 905 445 1 352.4
0 2 075 12 578.3
1 2 384 27 1 132.6
2 2 064 10 484.5
3 1 613 25 1 549.9
4 1 881 27 1 435.4
5 1 763 24 1 361.3
6 1 787 35 1 958.6
7 1 833 28 1 527.6
8 1 998 34 1 701.7
9 1 979 27 1 364.3
10 2 342 43 1 836.0
11 2 542 33 1 298.2
12 2 740 37 1 350.4
13 2 953 44 1 490.0
14 2 951 39 1 321.6
Both sexes
0-14 146 118 2 131 1 458.4
0 8 019 56 698.3
1 8 806 105 1 192.4
2 8 644 112 1 295.7
3 7 764 117 1 507.0
4 8 836 142 1 607.1
5 8 440 108 1 279.6
6 8 307 122 1 468.6
7 8 908 129 1 448.1
8 9 266 134 1 446.1
9 10 447 170 1 627.3
10 10 901 164 1 504.4
11 11 413 172 1 507.1
12 12 125 183 1 509.3
13 12 417 218 1 755.7
14 11 825 199 1 682.9
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
Prevalence per 100,000 population
age and
sex Disabled persons Speech and hearing Total visual
of both eyes Congenital deformity Other Unspecified other
ICIDH M40.1 51.0 84.0 99 99.9
CHINA, annual population survey 1983 (cont'd) (special children's question on disability)
Deaf and mute Blind Congenitally abnormal Other Disabled afterbirth
Both sexes
0-14 1 352.4 76.0 6.1 413.3 580.5 276.6
0 578.3 0.0 0.0 144.6 433.7 0.0
1 1 132.6 41.9 0.0 419.5 629.2 41.9
2 484.5 0.0 0.0 193.8 242.2 48.4
3 1 549.9 62.0 0.0 744.0 620.0 124.0
4 1 435.4 53.2 0.0 478.5 744.3 159.5
5 1 361.3 0.0 0.0 453.8 737.4 170.2
6 1 958.6 56.0 0.0 615.6 895.4 391.7
7 1 527.6 109.1 54.6 545.6 491.0 327.3
8 1 701.7 350.4 0.0 500.5 650.7 200.2
9 1 364.3 50.5 50.5 202.1 555.8 505.3
10 1 836.0 42.7 0.0 555.1 811.3 427.0
11 1 298.2 157.4 0.0 314.7 550.7 275.4
12 1 350.4 109.5 0.0 401.5 474.5 365.0
13 1 490.0 67.7 0.0 508.0 643.4 270.9
14 1 321.6 33.9 0.0 271.1 372.8 643.8
Both sexes
0-14 1 458.4 160.1 23.3 389.4 485.9 399.7
0 698.3 12.5 0.0 361.6 286.8 37.4
1 1 192.4 34.1 22.7 420.2 590.5 124.9
2 1 295.7 81.0 46.3 474.3 485.9 208.2
3 1 507.0 115.9 0.0 463.7 566.7 360.6
4 1 607.1 124.5 11.3 475.3 577.2 418.7
5 1 279.6 130.3 23.7 379.1 414.7 331.8
6 1 468.6 144.5 24.1 373.2 553.7 373.2
7 1 448.1 179.6 22.5 370.5 471.5 404.1
8 1 446.1 151.1 21.6 399.3 485.6 388.5
9 1 627.3 191.4 38.3 335.0 526.5 536.0
10 1 504.4 238.5 36.7 486.2 403.6 339.4
11 1 507.1 236.6 17.5 394.3 543.2 315.4
12 1 509.3 173.2 24.7 313.4 395.9 602.1
13 1 755.7 257.7 32.2 346.3 515.4 604.0
14 1 682.9 203.0 16.9 312.9 482.0 668.1
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
Prevalence per 100,000 population
age and
sex Language Aural Ocular Unspecified
other motor
of limb
ICIDH 3 4 5 74.9
INDIA, national survey of the handicapped 1981
Speech Hearing Visual Locomotor
Males 342 386 294 800
0-4 5-14 15-39 40-59
60+ 506 304 203 360 266
2 432 29
3 291 628 859 601 873 2 444
Females 207 395 425 544
60+ 345 159 122 209 220
2 305 21
4 968 448 562 346 560 2 060
Males 379 595 444 1 047
60+ 486 359 262 345 343
2 660 41
4 573 522
1 458
3 079
Females 228 510 670 597
60+ 324 189 175 225 283
2 597 37
7 155 342 515 402 744 2 154
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Table 5 (continued)
age and
Population surveyed
Disabled persons
NEPAL, national survey 1980 d/
Males 471 534
<5 17
5-14 98
15-24 89
25-39 94
40-59 139
60-74 60
75+ 37
Females 296 323
<5 14
5-14 57
15-24 49
25-39 58
40-59 77
60-74 44
75+ 24
Both sexes 23 077 767 857
Terai region
Males 382 448
<5 5
5-14 115
15-24 78
25-39 89
40-59 114
60-74 36
75+ 11
Females 213 259
<5 5
5-14 78
15-24 46
25-39 52
40-59 46
60-74 28
75+ 4
Both sexes 22 271 595 707
d/ Number of population, disabled persons and disabilities, by age, sex, urban/rural residence
and type of impairment or disability.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
age and
sex Intellectual Impairments Total or
of hearing Speech and hearing Total visual
of both eyes
ICIDH 1 40 M40.1 51.0
NEPAL, national survey 1980 (cont'd)
Mental retardation Deaf/hearing handicapped Deaf-mute Bilateral sight loss/blind
Males 37 116 62 48
<5 0 2 0 4-
5-14 7 17 26 4
15-24 10 14 17 5
25-39 11 16 13 6
40-59 8 36 5 12
60-74 1 20 0 9
75+ 0 11 1 8
Females 24 84 29 44
<5 1 1 2 1
5-14 3 16 12 3
15-24 7 16 8 2
25-39 7 15 5 7
40-59 4 19 2 13
60-74 2 9 0 14
75+ 0 8 0 4
Terai region
Males 20 94 48 81
<5 0 1 1 2
5-14 7 40 21 3
15-24 7 23 8 8
25-39 4 13 7 19
40-59 2 12 7 33
60-74 0 4 4 13
75+ 0 1 0 3
Females 20 48 41 47
<5 0 1 0 1
5-14 10 23 22 0
15-24 7 10 11 5
25-39 1 7 4 10
40-59 2 4 3 15
60-74 0 2 1 15
75+ 0 1 0 1
Both sexes 40 142 89 128
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
age and
sex Profound
of one eye Skeletal impairments Mixed & other upper limb mechanical impairment Mixed & other
of limb
ICIDH 54 7 71.8 71.9
NEPAL, national survey 1980 (cont'd)
Loss of
sight in Head, neck Upper Lower
one eye and spine limb limb
Males 57 27 77 110
<5 0 2 4 5
5-14 5 3 12 24
15-24 7 4 13 19
25-39 7 4 18 19
40-59 22 9 21 26
60-74 8 1 8 13
75+ 8 4 1 4
Females 40 14 40 48
<5 0 0 3 6
5-14 4 3 8 8
15-24 2 1 5 8
25-39 4 1 8 11
40-59 18 4 8 9
60-74 8 3 4 4
75+ 4 2 4 2
Both sexes 97 41 117 158
Terai region
Males 58 18 47 82
<5 0 0 0 1
5-14 3 0 15 26
15-24 7 2 9 14
25-39 15 4 10 17
40-59 27 9 9 15
60-74 5 3 2 5
75+ 1 0 2 4
Females 27 8 23 45
<5 0 1 1 1
5-14 2 2 5 14
15-24 1 1 5 6
25-39 6 2 8 14
40-59 13 2 3 4
60-74 5 0 1 4
75+ 0 0 0 2
Both sexes 85 26 70 127
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
age and
sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Prevalence
per 100,000
PAKISTAN, population census 1981
Males 12 767 061 38 130 298.7
0-4 1 813 400 1 427 78.7
5-9 1 838 576 3 564 193.8
10-14 1 652 953 4 122 249.4
15-19 1 364 875 3 308 242.4
20-24 1 158 623 2 419 208.8
25-29 943 733 1 794 190.1
30-34 756 849 1 452 191.8
35-39 668 089 1 462 218.8
40-44 605 619 1 785 294.7
45-49 489 784 1 340 273.6
50-54 459 260 2 217 482.7
55-59 241 930 1396 577.0
60+ 773 370 11844 1531.5
Females 11074 410 39 545 357.1
0-4 1 765 789 1 215 68.8
5-9 1 712 959 2 266 132.3
10-14 1 466 505 3 533 240.9
15-19 1 175 344 3 363 286.1
20-24 949 670 3 715 391.2
25-29 775 592 3 685 475.1
30-34 634 286 3 113 490.8
35-39 607 538 2 432 400.3
40-44 526 031 2 357 448.1
45-49 391 915 1 705 435.0
50-54 336 609 2 021 600.4
55-59 182 411 1 213 665.0
60+ 549 761 8 927 1 623.8
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
age and
sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Prevalence
per 100,000
PAKISTAN, population census 1981 (cont'd)
Males 30 322 750 127 277 419.7
0-4 4 387 034 5 555 126.6
5-9 4 972 911 15 775 317.2
10-14 4 203 791 12 705 302.2
15-19 2 827 638 7 419 262.4
20-24 2 111 153 6 104 289.1
25-29 1947 694 5 110 262.4
30-34 1 631 275 5 037 308.8
35-39 1 452 491 4 257 293.1
40-44 1 331 637 4 270 320.7
45-49 1 120 519 3 520 314.1
50-54 1 178 632 5 311 450.6
55-59 617 558 4 240 686.6
60+ 2 540 417 47 974 1 888.4
Females 27 890 876 166 468 596.9
0-4 4 607 681 4 366 94.8
5-9 4 617 891 9 050 196.0
10-14 3 479 799 9 840 282.8
15-19 2 395 230 10 444 436.0
20-24 2 008 310 10 932 544.3
25-29 1 812 139 12 737 702.9
30-34 1594 918 11 597 727.1
35-39 1 469 119 9 221 627.7
40-44 1 401 737 8 004 571.0
45-49 1 073 864 6 520 607.2
50-54 991 116 8 321 839.6
55-59 568 958 5 430 954.4
60+ 1 870 114 60 006 3 208.7
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
age and
sex Intellectual Psychological Speech and hearing Of
both eyes Unspecified disfigurement Other
ICIDH 1 2 M40.1 51.0 87.9 99
PAKISTAN, population census 1981 (cont'd)
Mentally Deaf and Other
retarded Insane mute Blind Crippled disabled
Males 55.9 26.7 30.7 56.9 59.2 69.3
0-4 4.4 1.4 14.2 21.0 30.4 7.2
5-9 29.0 11.7 50.6 17.8 59.9 24.7
10-14 65.1 20.0 47.9 23.6 58.9 34.0
15-19 64.2 24.1 37.9 19.9 62.6 33.8
20-24 57.0 28.5 23.4 24.3 48.0 27.6
25-29 68.0 35.8 14.2 24.7 24.2 23.2
30-34 76.2 26.4 9.6 28.8 31.8 18.9
35-39 74.8 34.3 12.6 27.1 51.9 18.1
40-44 85.4 49.4 12.4 44.7 38.5 64.4
45-49 74.1 46.8 12.7 52.5 51.5 36.1
50-54 81.2 78.4 18.5 105.0 66.6 133.0
55-59 65.3 33.1 23.6 190.6 90.9 173.6
60+ 100.3 57.9 74.5 453.9 219.7 625.2
Females 42.6 21.4 55.8 124.8 55.7 56.8
0-4 4.5 2.8 6.7 24.6 22.0 8.2
5-9 17.8 8.0 38.5 10.0 46.4 11.6
10-14 52.7 25.6 61.6 17.0 51.9 32.1
15-19 62.8 22.7 64.7 57.9 53.7 24.4
20-24 48.3 17.8 58.5 200.8 36.6 29.1
25-29 52.2 19.0 66.0 236.9 68.3 32.7
30-34 40.5 26.2 79.3 226.4 71.6 46.8
35-39 45.9 27.3 54.0 187.6 51.5 33.9
40-44 62.4 36.3 82.1 159.9 49.8 57.6
45-49 62.5 43.4 72.5 130.1 54.6 72.0
50-54 47.5 60.6 73.4 198.2 84.4 136.4
55-59 82.2 44.4 91.0 218.2 77.3 151.9
60+ 97.5 45.7 129.3 645.7 190.4 515.1
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
age and
sex Intellectual Psychological Speech and hearing Total
both eyes Unspecified disfigurement Other
ICIDH 1 2 M40.1 51.0 87.9 99
PAKISTAN, population census 1981 (cont'd)
Mentally Deaf and Other
retarded Insane mute Blind Crippled disabled
Males 43.9 32.1 48.6 96.2 85.7 113.2
0-4 6.4 6.6 24.4 29.1 32.5 27.6
5-9 35.2 18.9 94.7 17.5 84.0 67.0
10-14 53.5 32.4 76.8 15.4 76.3 47.8
15-19 46.2 41.9 42.3 21.8 69.7 40.4
20-24 66.5 30.6 37.3 43.5 69.2 42.1
25-29 58.2 35.3 15.1 39.4 83.0 31.3
30-34 51.9 51.1 18.4 48.1 73.2 66.1
35-39 46.2 30.5 23.9 61.3 82.9 48.3
40-44 54.6 59.4 23.6 42.2 85.4 55.5
45-49 45.0 38.5 11.6 66.9 80.1 72.0
50-54 51.8 41.1 20.2 151.3 81.1 105.2
55-59 38.1 42.3 46.0 176.3 169.2 214.7
60+ 62.7 54.8 72.5 716.5 224.7 757.1
Females 46.2 29.7 84.0 211.5 92.0 133.5
0-4 4.7 5.7 21.9 21.1 24.5 16.8
5-9 19.5 8.0 64.9 14.6 58.1 30.9
10-14 35.6 24.3 74.9 28.7 79.3 40.0
15-19 53.7 43.1 84.1 113.6 91.3 50.1
20-24 44.7 27.5 71.0 262.5 81.1 57.6
25-29 54.8 36.3 117.8 333.8 100.5 59.7
30-34 64.8 50.9 108.5 307.4 121.4 74.0
35-39 84.5 32.5 89.2 240.1 100.8 80.5
40-44 71.6 40.2 105.2 203.1 89.6 61.3
45-49 53.3 53.8 101.0 219.4 87.0 92.7
50-54 64.7 66.8 125.5 281.1 131.7 169.8
55-59 43.4 37.3 96.7 375.4 161.2 240.4
60+ 140.3 66.9 205.1 1 269.3 301.1 1 226.0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
age and
sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Prevalence
per 100 000
PHILIPPINES, census 1980
Males 15+ 1 365 135 35 630 2 610.0
Females 15+ 3 893 183 27 118 696.6
Males 15+ 1 391 487 64 619 4 643.9
Females 15+ 6 911249 57 003 824.8
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
Prevalence per 100,000 population
Bilateral paralysis
age and
sex Population surveyed Severe communi-cation Total/
loss Speech
hearing Total visual: both eyes Lower
paraplegia Upper limbs
ICIDH 30 40 M40.1 51.0 72.3 73.0
SRI LANKA, population census 1981
Deaf and Paralysis of Paralysis of
Mute Deaf mute Blind both legs both hands
Males 1 665 539 69.5 11.9 52.7 50.1 63.3 23.9
<1 35 506 8.4 0.0 0.0 2.8 2.8 2.8
1-4 129 741 33.9 1.5 17.7 4.6 42.4 10.0
5-9 163 229 90.1 4.3 71.1 21.4 72.3 25.1
10-14 179 901 105.1 5.0 111.2 36.1 76.2 36.7
15-19 190 670 91.8 11.5 76.6 36.7 52.4 24.1
20-24 188 268 69.1 6.9 31.9 31.3 65.3 22.3
25-29 157 344 61.6 5.7 41.9 35.6 53.4 21.6
30-34 138 540 56.3 3.6 50.5 36.1 52.0 18.0
35-39 101 872 56.9 12.8 41.2 3913 40.2 5.9
40-44 85 000 55.3 10.6 24.7 65.9 42.4 9.4
45-49 71 160 42.2 11.2 28.1 63.2 50.6 14.1
50-54 65 599 41.2 12.2 44.2 67.1 35.1 16.8
55-59 49 624 48.4 16.1 34.3 70.5 48.4 16.1
60-64 40 110 49.9 32.4 29.9 142.1 104.7 39.9
65-69 28 051 57.0 60.6 28.5 171.1 128.3 60.6
70-74 20 158 49.6 64.5 39.7 262.9 119.1 34.7
75+ 20 770 48.1 120.4 28.9 380.4 313.0 139.6
Females 1 528 937 52.4 16.5 52.6 43.6 53.6 18.0
<1 34 320 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1-4 125 135 18.4 4.8 16.8 4.8 32.8 10.4
5-9 159 746 72.0 11.3 61.3 24.4 58.2 25.0
10-14 172 157 76.1 17.4 94.7 26.7 45.9 21.5
15-19 175 161 67.4 10.3 91.3 35.4 38.8 14.8
20-24 165 288 57.5 7.9 52.0 26.6 53.8 17.5
25-29 138 538 46.9 7.9 37.5 28.9 40.4 13.0
30-34 121 241 44.5 8.2 34.6 32.2 49.5 15.7
35-39 90 461 48.6 8.8 34.3 42.0 32.1 12.2
40-44 72 620 34.4 13.8 38.6 31.7 45.4 11.0
45-49 63 275 42.7 26.9 33.2 37.9 -30.0 7.9
50-54 57 502 38.3 19.1 20.9 76.5 41.7 10.4
55-59 45 106 35.5 17.7 46.6 66.5 64.3 6.7
60-64 36 135 24.9 41.5 33.2 88.6 83.0 33.2
65-69 28 678 24.4 45.3 27.9 167.4 132.5 27.9
70-74 19 543 10.2 81.9 35.8 276.3 184.2 56.3
75+ 24 039 41.6 120.6 33.3 328.6 303.7 70.7
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
Prevalence per 100,000 population
age and
sex Population surveyed Severe communi-cation Total/
loss Speech
hearing Total visual: both eyes Bilateral paralvsis
limbs: Upper paraplegia limbs
ICIDH 30 40 M40.1 51.0 72.3 73.0
SRI LANKA, population census 1981 (cont'd)
Deaf and Paralysis of Paralysis of
Mute Deaf mute Blind both legs both hands
Males 5 902 553 90.9 26.5 70.6 67.9 86.5 32.0
<1 171 817 1.2 0.6 1.2 4.1 4.1 2.3
1-4 612 066 54.4 2.9 37.9 16.3 70.6 24.2
5-9 694 678 112.6 11.8 67.5 24.0 84.9 30.1
10-14 684 010 124.9 23.1 85.2 28.8 78.1 34.9
15-19 624 529 139.1 22.9 107.8 35.1 78.5 37.1
20-24 565 070 106.0 17.5 79.1 40.7 73.8 29.2
25-29 480 203 89.3 17.5 71.4 51.2 79.5 27.1
30-34 430 983 66.8 13.7 67.5 52.4 82.6 26.9
35-39 321 131 84.1 21.5 70.7 72.6 78.2 21.2
40-44 275 922 56.9 24.6 63.4 73.2 76.1 22.5
45-49 237 999 58.0 21.4 63.4 87.4 76.5 26.9
50-54 218 568 63.1 41.2 54.4 112.6 86.0 24.7
55-59 171 904 59.3 56.4 55.8 150.1 109.9 45.4
60-64 143 793 52.9 79.3 59.8 215.6 112.0 43.8
65-69 105 772 67.1 86.0 49.2 286.5 144.7 65.2
70-74 77 406 55.6 118.9 53.0 328.1 188.6 62.0
75+ 86 703 38.1 199.5 41.5 525.9 267.6 87.7
Females 5 751 332 71.2 22.3 55.3 57.4 62.5 23.3
<1 164 407 1.8 0.0 1.2 8.5 3.6 2.4
1-4 584 272 49.3 3.8 30.8 16.1 56.7 19.0
5-9 671 803 91.4 9.2 53.9 20.8 73.8 28.0
10-14 654 187 97.7 17.1 70.3 25.7 56.7 24.2
15-19 617 175 109.0 16.2 76.6 25.9 54.4 20.7
20-24 591 173 72.6 11.0 56.8 30.3 51.3 21.1
25-29 497 292 71.4 15.1 56.5 38.6 49.7 17.3
30-34 432 093 51.4 16.9 50.9 42.1 62.3 22.0
35-39 325 261 59.3 16.6 57.2 60.0 48.9 18.4
40-44 264 957 49.8 31.3 46.4 58.9 47.9 18.1
45-49 237 716 46.3 38.3 53.8 77.0 51.7 18.5
50-54 200 888 46.3 39.3 59.2 104.0 64.7 18.9
55-59 155 576 46.3 52.1 48.2 133.1 56.6 17.4
60-64 121 687 38.6 60.8 30.4 227.6 84.6 34.5
65-69 93 081 33.3 68.8 41.9 250.3 106.4 34.4
70-74 63 504 37.8 110.2 29.9 335.4 159.0 70.9
75+ 76 262 26.2 160.0 44.6 527.1 236.0 91.8
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
Prevalence per 100,000 population
Paralysis of: Transverse deficiency of:
age and
sex Population surveyed Upper limb Lower limb Carpus Carpi Lower leg Lower legs
ICIDH 73.1 73.4 75.3 75.31 75.6 75.61
SRI LANKA, population census 1981 (cont'd)
Loss of
Paralysis of Paralysis of Loss of both Loss of Loss of
one hand one leg one hand hands one leg both legs
Males 1 665 539 48.9 67.5 12.7 1.6 25.0 7.0
<1 35 506 0.0 2.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1-4 129 741 6.9 17.7 4.6 0.0 2.3 2.3
5-9 163 229 15.9 27.6 1.8 0.6 3.7 1.8
10-14 179 901 24.5 42.8 3.3 1.1 6.1 4.4
15-19 190 670 34.6 55.1 6.3 1.0 6.8 5.2
20-24 188 268 36.6 62.1 8.5 1.6 10.6 3.7
25-29 157 344 28.0 59.7 14.6 1.3 14.6 3.2
30-34 138 540 41.1 58.5 17.3 2.2 22.4 8.7
35-39 101 872 33.4 42.2 17.7 2.9 29.4 7.9
40-44 85 000 43.5 55.3 17.6 2.4 34.1 11.8
45-49 71 160 59.0 59.0 16.9 0.0 46.4 11.2
50-54 65 599 79.3 91.5 24.4 1.5 65.5 21.3
55-59 49 624 114.9 114.9 26.2 4.0 92.7 14.1
60-64 40 110 167.0 192.0 22.4 2.5 82.3 7.5
65-69 28 051 171.1 192.5 39.2 7.1 99.8 10.7
70-74 20 158 297.6 347.3 19.8 5.0 114.1 14.9
75+ 20 770 288.9 351.5 38.5 4.8 120.4 24.1
Females 1 528 937 25.9 45.1 4.1 1.2 _ 8.8 2.4
<1 34 320 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1-4 125 135 6.4 8.8 0.8 0.0 1.6 1.6
5-9 159 746 13.8 26.9 2.5 1.9 2.5 2.5
10-14 172 157 16.3 41.2 2.3 0.0 2.3 2.9
15-19 175 161 16.0 33.7 2.3 1.1 5.7 0.6
20-24 165 288 25.4 44.2 0.6 1.8 5.4 3.0
25-29 138 538 14.4 35.4 5.1 0.0 5.1 2.9
30-34 121 241 16.5 42.9 2.5 0.0 9.1 1.6
35-39 90 461 15.5 31.0 3.3 1.1 9.9 1.1
40-44 72 620 20.7 45.4 4.1 1.4 4.1 1.4
45-49 63 275 23.7 28.4 6.3 1.6 7.9 1.6
50-54 57 502 33.0 59.1 5.2 0.0 15.7 0.0
55-59 45 106 57.6 73.2 8.9 0.0 20.0 0.0
60-64 36 135 77.5 85.8 11.1 2.8 33.2 0.0
65-69 28 678 122.0 132.5 10.5 7.0 17.4 3.5
70-74 19 543 87.0 143.3 20.5 5.1 56.3 10.2
75+ 24 039 166.4 249.6 29.1 12.5 70.7 16.6
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
Prevalence per 100,000 population
Paralysis of:
Transverse deficiency of:
age and
sex Population surveyed Upper limb Lower limb Carpus Carpi Lower leg Lower legs
ICIDH 73.1 73.4 75.3 75.31 75.6 75.61
SRI LANKA, population census 1981 (cont'd)
Loss of
Paralysis of Paralysis of Loss of both Loss of Loss of
one hand one leg one hand hands one leg both legs
Males 5 902 553 66.2 93.6 18.1 1.8 30.2 5.9
<1 171 817 0.6 3.5 0.6 0.0 1.2 0.0
1-4 612 066 10.6 16.8 3.4 0.8 3.1 2.6
5-9 694 678 27.2 34.7 3.2 0.7 4.8 3.6
10-14 684 010 43.7 53.1 6.4 1.8 5.1 3.9
15-19 624 529 49.8 67.4 9.6 1.8 9.6 3.2
20-24 565 070 54.0 86.0 15.4 1.4 18.6 3.7
25-29 480 203 55.2 88.9 16.5 1.2 22.3 5.0
30-34 430 983 53.8 100.7 22.0 1.6 32.5 6.0
35-39 321 131 53.9 96.2 28.0 3.1 43.0 6.5
40-44 275 922 75.4 111.6 28.3 1.8 57.3 8.7
45-49 237 999 97.5 141.2 37.0 3.4 64.7 12.6
50-54 218 568 112.1 180.7 46.7 1.4 83.3 13.7
55-59 171 904 151.2 188.5 43.6 1.7 101.2 8.7
60-64 143 793 207.9 240.6 36.2 7.6 100.8 18.1
65-69 105 772 221.2 253.4 45.4 4.7 104.0 12.3
70-74 77 406 253.2 310.1 58.1 2.6 93.0 7.8
75+ 86 703 289.5 348.3 45.0 2.3 92.3 11.5
Females 5 751 332 37.3 56.1 4.7 0.7 6.6 2.1
<1 164 407 0.6 3.6 0.0 0.6 1.2 0.6
1-4 584 272 10.1 13.0 1.4 0.5 1.4 1.7
5-9 671 803 20.4 25.8 3.3 0.6 2.7 1.5
10-14 654 187 29.0 41.9 4.0 0.6 3.5 2.0
15-19 617 175 33.2 46.7 2.8 1.0 3.7 1.9
20-24 591 173 31.5 53.5 3.7 1.0 6.1 2.0
25-29 497 292 33.4 62.7 4.8 0.4 4.6 1.8
30-34 432 093 31.9 75.0 4.4 0.9 8.6 2.5
35-39 325 261 33.2 60.6 5.2 0.0 7.1 2.8
40-44 264 957 32.1 55.9 4.9 0.8 9.4 0.8
45-49 237 716 44.2 55.9 4.2 0.8 10.9 2.1
50-54 200 888 52.8 69.2 10.0 0.5 13.4 1.5
55-59 155 576 56.6 79.7 9.6 0.0 14.8 3.9
60-64 121 687 109.3 119.2 12.3 1.6 17.3 0.8
65-69 93 081 113.9 132.1 9.7 1.1 17.2 5.4
70-74 63 504 149.6 165.3 20.5 0.0 23.6 4.7
75+ 76 262 195.4 279.3 11.8 0.0 26.2 7.9
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
age and
sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Prevalence
per 100,000
THAILAND, national survey 1981
Males 4 210 860 35 530 843.8
0-6 738 100 3 040 411.9
7-10 468 650 2 150 458.8
11-14 369 220 2 750 744.8
15-19 451 410 3 320 735.5
20-24 429 940 4 030 937.3
25-29 424 020 2 650 625.0
30-34 371 840 4 280 1 151.0
35-39 246 260 1 590 645.7
40-49 319 690 4 650 1 454.5
50-59 211 160 2 240 1 060.8
60+ 180 560 4 830 2 675.0
Females 4 254 260 22 430 527.2
0-6 719 060 1 740 242.0
7-10 439 190 2 190 498.6
11-14 357 850 2 810 785.2
15-19 454 290 2 210 486.5
20-24 436 710 1 470 336.6
25-29 428 360 1 950 455.2
30-34 366 080 2010 549.1
35-39 248 360 1 460 587.9
40-49 343 220 880 256.4
50-59 233 310 2 300 985.8
60+ 227 820 3 400 1 492.4
Males 19 723 800 176 000 892.3
0-6 3 488 830 12 600 361.2
7-10 2 502 800 17 290 690.8
11-14 2 195 640 18 370 836.7
15-19 2 307 310 20 760 899.7
20-24 1 885 200 19 970 1 059.3
25-29 1 562 520 10 380 664.3
30-34 1 309 630 9 170 700.2
35-39 1 008 410 11 320 1 122.6
40-49 1 486 540 18 060 1 214.9
50-59 1 079 820 17 270 1 599.3
60+ 897 100 20 830 2 321.9
Females 19 432 510 133 560 687.3
0-6 3 452 850 19 500 564.8
7-10 2 303 610 9 810 425.9
11-14 2 109 970 12 620 598.1
15-19 2 232 710 19 690 881.9
20-24 1 810 620 13 230 730.7
25-29 1 506 430 2 900 192.5
30-34 1 256 220 6 990 556.4
35-39 985 430 4 660 472.9
40-49 1 558 940 6 890 442.0
50-59 1 156 900 12 080 1 044.2
60+ 1 058 820 25 230 2 382.8
United Nations Disability Statistics ASIA
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
age and
sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Prevalence
per 100,000
THAILAND, national survey of children and young adults (not in school) 1983
Not in school population Not in school
Males 507 800 14 620 2 879.1
6-11 12-14 15-19 20-24 27 650
23 950
153 020
303 170 2 120
1 270
3 980
7 230 7 667.3 5 302.7 2 601.0 2 384.8
Females 623 280 20 980 3 366.1
6-11 12-14 15-19 20-24 34 610
38 740
198 510
351 410 2 510
4 360
13 130 7 252.2 2 478.1
2 196.4
3 736.4
Males 4 846 390 105 900 2 185.1
6-11 12-14 15-19 20-24 442 310
458 200
1 991 630
1 954 230 20 690 12 340 40 590 32 270 4 677.7 2 693.1 2 038.0 1 651.3
Females 4 901 310 97 820 1 995.8
6-11 12-14 15-19 20-24 414 830
556 620
2 044 230
1 885 620 14 470 16 500 26 460 40 370 3 488.2 2 964.3
1 294.4
2 140.9
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics EUROPE
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
Prevalence per 100,000 population
Population surveyed Impairments Disabilities
Residence, age and sex
Aural Mastication & Ocular swallowing Locomotor
ICIDH 4 5 68 4
FINLAND, survey on living conditions 1978
ability Diminished
ability Diminished ability to masticate Diminished
Both sexes (Age 15+)
Large cities/surroundings Other densely populated areas 950 000 1 802 000 7 000 9000 4 000 4 000 12 000 15 000 19 000 24 000
Both sexes (Age 15+)
Sparsely populated areas 975 000 14 000 7 000 27 000 33 000
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics EUROPE
Urban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
age and
sex Population surveyed Prevalence
per 100,000
NORWAY, level of living survey 1983
Disabled persons
Both sexes (Ages 16-79) 3 898 ..
> 100,000 inhabitants 20,000-99,000 inhabitants <20,000 inhabitants Sparsely populated 725
1 586
1 142 18 000
18 000
17 000
19 000
Prevalence per 100,000 population
Other psychological Aural Ocular Occupational role Locomotor Lifting
2 4 5 18 4 48
Nervous condition Reduced hearing Reduced eye sight Strongly reduced working
capacity Reduced mobility Reduced capacity to carry
Both sexes (Ages 16-79) ..
>100,000 inhabitants 20,000-99,000 inhabitants <20,000 inhabitants Sparsely populated 4 000
2 000
3 000
3 000 4 000 3 000
3 000
4 000 3 000
1 000
2 000
2 000 9 000 12 000 10 000 12 000 12 000 9 000
10 000
11 000 6 000
5 000
5 000
7 000
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics OCEANIA
Uiban/Rural residence
Table 5 (continued)
age and
sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Prevalence
per 100,000
FIJI, employment/unemployment survey 1982 (not economically active population)
Males 61 100 1 000 1 636.7
0-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 65+ 48 700
8 200
1 900
1 700 200 300 200 200 100 410.7
3 658.5
33 333.3
10 526.3
5 882.4
Females 101 400 500 493.1
0-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 65+ 44 100 19 100 26 000 10 300 2 000 100 100 100 100 100 226.8 523.6 384.6 970.9 5 000.0
Males 92 400 1 600 1 731.6
0-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 65+ 78 300
7 800
2 200
3 500 200 400 200 500 200 255.4
5 128.2
28 571.4
22 727.3
5 714.3
Females 167 000 900 538.9
0-14 15-24 25-44 45-64 65+ 73 000 31 000 40 400 18 100 4 400 200 100 200 300 100 274.0 322.6 495.0
1 657.5
2 272.7
Table 6. Educational characteristics of disabled persons, by age, sex and type of impairment or disability
Table 6 provides the number of disabled persons, by age, sex and type of impairment or disability, according to their educational characteristics. No rates were produced for this table by the Statistical Office: numbers are presented whenever possible. Where rates are given in the table, it is because the national publication did not present numbers, but rates instead. These rates are explained for each country, as needed. No adjustments to the national presentations were done by the Statistical Office, beyond standardizing the types of impairments and disabilities through use of the ICIDH classification scheme, as needed. All references to ICIDH codes prefaced with an M (for example, M1.1), indicate that the codes are not ICIDH codes, but are devised to accommodate items not readily coded within ICIDH categories.
Classifications used, tabulations produced, and types of impairments or disabilities presented are according to national description and specification. It was decided to do it this way so that researchers and interested government officials may review national work and consider the needs for standardization. It also allows each country description to be presented independently, so that ideas may be exchanged about ways to assess educational characteristics of disabled persons in the future. Country-specific footnotes are included when explanation is needed to understand findings in table 6.
Topics covered under educational characteristics vary greatly from country to country, and are probably partly influenced by educational systems available in the country and also by national educational policy. For example, some countries distinguish between educational attainment of disabled persons according to whether they attended regular or ordinary school systems; whether they attended special classes in these school systems; or whether they attended special schools (Australia, 1981; Ethiopia, 1981). Some questions concerned current school attendance (Philippines, 1980) or reason for not attending school (Kenya, 1981).
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
6. Educational characteristics of disabled persons by age, sex and type of impairment or disability
Educational characteristics, age and sex Intellectual impairments Other psychological impairments Aural impairments Ocular impairments
ICIDH 1 2 4 5
AUSTRALIA, national survey of handicapped persons 1981
Disabled population Mental retardation Mental disorders Hearing loss Sight loss
Educational attainment
Both sexes ages 15-64
Living in a household 651 700 29 500 116 200 114 300 38 100
Never attended school Still attending school Left school under 15 yrs. Left school 15 yrs. and over Post-school qualifications Don't know 9 100
10 700
211 900
236 300
183 800
4 800 3 300
4 900
8 400
11 300
* *
¦ * ' '
46 200 42 700
25 300
* * *
37 000 37 100
37 300
* * *
13 100 13 700
9 500
Both sexes ages 15-64
Living in institution 25 600 14 500 11 200 2 300 2 700
Never attended school Still attending school Left school under 15 yrs. Left school 15 yrs. and over Post-school qualifications Don't know 5 300 1 300
4 600
5 300
1 900
7 200 5 100 1 200
1 800
2 700
3 500 1 600
2 500
2 000
800 4 100 500
* 600
School attendance
Both sexes ages 5-20
Type of school/class 102 600 33 100 8 700 22 400 8 000
Ordinary school-ordinary class Ordinary school-special class Special school 60 900 23 600 18 100 10 000 12 600 10 500 5 200
* 14 700 4 200 3 500 4 900
* Subject to sampling variability too high for practical purposes. Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex Shortness of breath Other
organs Other
organs Other
of limb:
other Unspecified
of limb
ICIDH 61.0 66 66.8 74.8 74.9
AUSTRALIA, national survey of handicapped persons, 1981 (cont'd)
Respira-tory disease Circula-tory disease Nervous system disease Musculo-skeletal disease Other
Educational attainment
Both sexes ages 15-64
Living in a household 61 500 130 900 61 100 278 200 156 900
Never attended school Still attending school Left school under 15 yrs. Left school 15 yrs. and over Post-school qualifications Don't know * *
22 400 20 900
16 800
* *
55 700 40 600
33 400
* * *
19 600 26 300
17 500
* * *
92 100 98 200 84 800 *
51 700 54 000
46 600
Both sexes ages 15-64
Living in institution 700 2 400 9 600 4 500 6 000
Never attended school Still attending school Left school under 15 yrs. Left school 15 yrs. and over Post-school qualifications Don't know * * * * * * * *
800 2 400 500
1 500
2 500 1 100
1 000
1 000 1 100
1 100
1 200
1 800
School attendance
Both sexes ages 5-20
Type of school/class 15 100 * 14 100 8 600 21 700
Ordinary school-ordinary class Ordinary school-special class Special school 12 500
* * * 7 500
4 100 7 000
* 11 400 6 300 4 100
* Subject to sampling variability too high for practical purposes. Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued) -
Educational characteristics, age and sex Mental handicap Total or
of hearing Speech
llCIDH M1.1 40 M40.1
BAHRAIN, population census 1981
Total Disabled Mentally Deaf and
population population handicapped Deaf mute
Educational attainment
Males, ages 10+ 163 720 2 044 355 134 116
Illiterate 34 867 1 462 259 86 76
Read and write 46 073 329 47 31 20
Primary 26 270 127 23 9 13
Intermediate 18 414 55 14 4 5
Secondary 23 103 45 10 2 2
Diploma 7 400 16 2 2
B.A. or B.Sc. 6 466 7 .. .. ..
Master's degree 908 1 .. .. ..
Ph.D. or equivalent 189 ..
Not stated 30 2
Females, ages 10+ 105 829 1 179 179 80 64
Illiterate 38 450 1 025 153 71 54
Read and write 24 681 91 19 4 5
Primary 13 461 28 2 2 2
Intermediate 8 947 18 3 2 3
Secondary 12 839 11 .. ..
Diploma 4 215 4 2 1 ..
B.A. or B.Sc. 2 898 2 .. ..
Master's degree 247 .. .. ..
Ph.D. or equivalent 39 .. .. ..
Not stated 52 .. ,
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex Total
both eyes Unspecified
of limb Transverse deficiency
of proximal
limb parts Other
impairment Unspecified
ICIDH 51.0 73.9 75.9 99 99.9
BAHRAIN, population census 1981 (continued)
Blind Paralysed Amputee Other stated
Educational attainment
Males, ages 10+ 691 282 230 236 ..
Illiterate 562 178 155 146
Read and write 81 59 42 49
Primary 31 24 9 18
Intermediate 6 10 9 7
Secondary 4 9 8 10
Diploma 3 1 5 3
B.A. or B.Sc. 2 1 2 2
Master's degree 1 ., ..
Ph.D. or equivalent
Not stated 1 1 ..
Females, ages 10+ 480 211 68 97
Illiterate 445 170 58 74
Read and write 22 22 3 16
Primary 11 5 2 4
Intermediate 1 7 1 1
Secondary 1 5 3 2
Diploma .. 1
B.A. or B.Sc. 1 1
Master's degree ¦
Ph.D. or equivalent
Not stated
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons
CANADA, health and disability survey 1983-84
Educational attainment
Both sexes, aged 15-24 4 335 000 165 000
0-8 years
High school
Some post-secondary education
Post-secondary certificate/diploma
University degree 281 000 2 863 000 644 000 395 000 153 000 28 000
110 000
16 000
9 000
Both sexes, aged 25-34 4 335 000 230 000
0-8 years
High school
Some post-secondary education
Post-secondary certificate/diploma
University degree 280 000 2 200 000 442 000 727 000 687 000 41 000 122 000 19 000 30 000 18 000
Both sexes, aged 35-54 5 840 000 581 000
0-8 years
High school
Some post-secondary education
Post-secondary certificate/diploma
University degree 1 283 000
2 702 000
358 000
735 000
762 000 202 000
262 000
30 000
53 000
33 000
Both sexes, aged 55-64 2 270 000 561 000
0-8 years
High school
Some post-secondary education
Post-secondary certificate/diploma
University degree 889 000 968 000 102 000 165 000 145 000 274 000
221 000
19 000
29 000
18 000
Both sexes, aged 65+ 2 356 000 910 000
0-8 years
High school
Some post-secondary education
Post-secondary certificate/diploma
University degree 1200 000
828 000
77 000
141 000
111000 521 000
291 000
27 000
47 000
25 000
Both sexes, 15+ 19 136 000 2 448 000
0-8 years
High school
Some post-secondary education
Post-secondary certificate/diploma
University degree 3 934 000 9 559 000
1 622 000
2 162 000
1 858 000 1 066 000
1 007 000
111 000
168 000
95 000
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex Disabled persons Mental handicap Severe impairment of communi-cation Total or
of hearing Speech
ICIDH M1.1 30 40 M40.1
EGYPT, population census 1976
Mentally disabled Mute Deaf Deaf and mute
Educational attainment
Males, aged 10+ 77 683 5 271 2 158 3 581 7 631
Illiterate 40 348 4 214 1 542 2 021 3 683
Read and write 16 519 257 296 920 1 575
Primary certificate 5 217 76 96 230 765
Certificate < intermediate 3 074 40 89 74 322
Intermediate 4 490 67 63 185 596
Diploma < university 176 4 5 4 31
University 2 827 11 36 112 545
Postgraduate diploma 64 0 0 1 8
Master's 44 0 0 0 9
Doctorate 47 0 0 4 12
Not available 4 869 602 31 30 85
Females, aged 10+ 25 530 1 585 731 1.147 3 069
Illiterate 18 388 1 415 546 802 1 741
Read and write 2 326 40 56 185 450
Primary certificate 1 380 11 27 61 386
Certificate < intermediate 991 10 30 26 157
Intermediate 1 396 7 43 49 204
Diploma < university 91 1 6 1 13
University 404 2 15 17 78
Postgraduate diploma 3 0 0 0 2
Master's 5 0 1 0 1
Doctorate 2 0 0 0 0
Not available 544 99 7 6 37
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex Total
of both
eyes Profound
of one eye Transverse
upper arm Transverse
lower leg Other
ICIDH 51.0 54 75.1 75.6 99
EGYPT, population census 1976 (cont'd)
Blind Loss of sight in one eye Loss of upper limbs Loss of lower limbs Other infirmities
Educational attainment
Males, aged 10+ 17 751 14 240 6 127 4 980 15 944
Illiterate 7 800 7 416 2 854 2 403 8 423
Read and write 2 523 3 816 1 679 1 519 3 932
Primary certificate 1 534 792 414 372 938
Certificate < intermediate 870 586 176 267 650
Intermediate 790 989 477 281 1 050
Diploma < university 22 34 14 15 44
University 379 490 483 87 684
Postgraduate diploma 26 11 1 4 13
Master's 10 12 1 1 11
Doctorate 13 4 8 0 6
Not available 3 784 90 20 31 193
Females, aged 10+ 11270 4 047 468 543 2 672
Illiterate 8 610 2 968 271 439 1 598
Read and write 977 230 53 38 297
Primary certificate 566 140 37 29 123
Certificate < intermediate 407 191 28 14 128
Intermediate 473 343 39 14 224
Diploma < university 23 25 6 0 16
University 46 116 30 3 97
Postgraduate diploma 0 0 0 0 1
Master's 0 1 0 0 2
Doctorate 0 1 1 0 0
Not available 168 32 3 6 186
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex Mental handicap Severe impairment of communi-cation Aural impairments Ocular impairments Other impairment of cardio-respiratory function
ICIDH M1.1 30 4 5 61.8
EGYPT, national survey 1979-1981
Mental Mutism Hearing Vision Debility
Educational attainment
Both sexes 64 59 51 158 17
Illiterate Read and write Primary Secondary University Not ascertained 44 11 2 1 0 2 37 12 3 4 0 3 32 10 3 3 2 1 118 21 2 8 5 4 16 1 0 0 0 0
Impairment of posture Mixed and
other upper
impairment Mixed and
of limb
70.5 71.8 71.9
Spine Upper limb Lower limb
Educational attainment
Both sexes 13 101 231
Illiterate Read and write Primary Secondary University Not ascertained 11 1 0 1 0 0 60 18 9 3 5 6 120 38 20 18 6 29
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex Disabled persons
ETHIOPIA, survey of children 1981
School attendance
Both sexes, aged 0-14 29 631
Attend formal education Attend special education Attend religious education Do not go to school No response 2 375
19 032
7 483
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons
HONG KONG, population census 1981 *
Educational attainment (%)
Both sexes
Aged 15-24 100.0 100.0
No school/kindergarten Primary Secondary Matriculated or higher 1.6
21.7 64.6 12.1 25.2
Aged 25-34 100.0 100.0
No school/kindergarten Primary Secondary Matriculated or higher 4.1 36.9 45.6 13.3 26.3
Aged 35-44 100.0 100.0
No school/kindergarten Primary Secondary Matriculated or higher 11.9
41.4 33.2 13.5 24.9
Aged 45-54 100.0 100.0
No school/kindergarten Primary Secondary Matriculated or higher 29.4
6.5 37.6
Aged 55+ 100.0 100.0
No school/kindergarten Primary Secondary Matriculated or higher 47.4
4.2 56.4
* Percentage distribution of total and disabled population according to educational characteristics for selected age groups.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex Intellectual impairments Other psychological impairments Total or
of hearing Visual
of both
eyes Impairment
ICIDH 1 2 40 51.0 70.5
HONG KONG, population census 1981 * (cont'd)
Mentally retarded Mentally ill Severely deaf Blind spine curvature
Educational attainment (%)
Both sexes
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
No school/kindergarten Primary Secondary Matriculated or higher 45.2
0.8 29.0
3.6 39.8
2.4 56.6
2.1 52.2
paralysis of
lower limbs
paraplegia Spastic
paralysis of
more than
one limb Of upper and lower
limbs on same side Deficiency unspecified of proximal
limb parts
72.3 72.9 73.5 75.9
lower body
paralysed Spastic One side
of body
paralysed Loss of limb
Both sexes
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
No school/kindergarten Primary Secondary Matriculated or higher 32.8
7.2 42.7
3.5 45.4
5.1 38.7
* Percentage distribution of disabled population according to educational characteristics for selected impairments.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex Mental handicap Other psycho-logical impairment Unspecified
ICIDH M1.1 2 29.9
JAMAICA, survey of handicapped children in schools 1978
population Mental Emotional Learning
School setting
Both sexes, aged 4-11 654 241 87 115
Regular class, no special instruction
Regular class, special instruction
Resource room
Unit class
Special school, non-residential
Special school, residential 135 125 172 207 13 2 14
0 13 18 18
34 2 2 3 5 19 82 6 0
Language impairments Aural impairments Ocular impairments Unspecified
other motor
of limb
3 4 5 74.9
Speech Auditory Visual Physical
School setting
Both sexes, aged 4-11 32 88 81 10
Regular class, no special instruction
Regular class, special instruction
Resource room
Unit class
Special school, non-residential
Special school, residential 9 18 2 2 1 0 34
0 55 8
12 6 0 0 7 1 1 1 0 0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Disabled persons
KENYA, national survey of persons 1981
Persons who were eligible and did not seek to enrol at regular schools or training institutions, by reason for not enrolling
Total , both sexes, aged 15+ 981
Parents unwilling
Educational costs
Lack of information
Missing information 200 186 141 123 150 181
Persons eligible and who did not seek to enrol in special education
Total , both sexes, aged 15+ 1 106
Lack of information
Educational/training costs
Parents/guardians unwilling
Due to disability
Missing information 264 180 165 81 184 232
Persons who tried to enrol in regular school
Total , both sexes, aged 15+ 702
Admitted and still enrolled Admitted and completed Left due to educational costs Left due to disability/illness Not admitted due to disability Missing information 119 180 150 150 91 12
Persons who tried to enrol in special education
Total , both sexes, aged 15+ 474
Admitted and completed Admitted and still enrolled Sent away for various reasons Missing information 216 93 99 66
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex Disabled persons Intellectual Severe: commun-ication Total or
hearing Speech
hearing Total
both eyes
ICIDH 1 30 40 M40.1 51.0
KUWAIT, population census 1980
Mental retardation Mute Deaf Blind
Educational attainment
Males, aged 10+ 3 400 946 167 113 136 459
Read and write
Post-secondary college attended
University and above 1 930
29 648
4 101
1 62 20 21 4 5 1 0 34 29 50 16 7 362 35 16 14 16 8 8
Females, aged 10+ 1 632 528 68 53 71 224
Read and write
Post-secondary college attended
University and above 1 153
3 428
3 43 9
11 4 1 33 5 8 3 2 2 0 28
4 202 8 4 2 7
School attendance
Males, aged 4+ 865 224 60 36 113 21
Between secondary & university
Other 10
1 3
1 34
1 1 15 17
3 3 49 49 11
1 5 9 5 0 2
Females, aged 4+ 446 104 28 19 54 8
Between secondary & university
Other 10
5 6 52 36 8 1 1 18 8 2 8 8 3 29
1 4 2 2
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
one eye Unspecified
of limb Transverse deficiency
Educational characteristics, age and sex
Upper Upper Lower arm arms leg Lower legs Other
ICIDH 54 73.9 75.1 M75.ll 75.6 75.61 99
KUWAIT, population census 1980 (cont'd)
Sight in one eye Paralysis Loss of arm Loss of arms Loss of leg Loss of legs Other
Educational attainment
Males, aged 10+ 476 645 35 1 68 10 344
Read and write
Post-secondary college attended
University and above 246
6 310
2 9 5 9
7 2
3 1 24
1 6 1 2 1 127 81 65 33 24 5 9
Females, aged 10+ 123 400 4 .. 19 7 135
Read and write
Post-secondary college attended
University and above 97 4
13 2 6
1 230
5 2
2 .. 11
i 5
1 1 74
School attendance
Males, aged 4+ 22 286 7 .. 16 1 79
Between secondary & university
Other 4
1 1
3 1 3 3 5 9 2 1 2 40 25 8 1 3
Females, aged 4+ 14 180 1 .. 3 2 33
Between secondary & university
Other 1
4 7 1
1 2
2 1 2 1 1 1 1 8
15 8 1
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex Occupational
disability Locomotor disability
ICIDH 18 4
NORWAY, level of living survey 1983
Strongly reduced working capacity Reduced mobility
Educational attainment
Both sexes, aged 16-79 405 406
Above primary school level (%) 27 25
University level (%) 2 4
In vocational training in 1982 (%) 10 12
Total number, economically active in 1982 115 115
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex Disabled persons Severe impairment of commun-ication Total or
of hearing Speech
ICIDH 30 40 M40.I
PERU, national census of population and housing 1981
Deaf and
Mute Deaf mute
Educational attainment
Total 26 560 3 909 4 886 1 346
No education 9 310 1 989 1 936 643
Initial or pre-school 604 93 104 26
Primary, completed 3819 362 689 146
Primary, not completed 6 928 905 1 292 252
Primary, not specified 515 63 80 22
Secondary, completed 1 400 96 197 59
Secondary, not completed 1 968 138 273 69
Secondary, not specified 184 12 32 10
Superior, not university, completed 195 11 35 9
Superior, not university, not completed 141 9 24 6
Superior, university, completed 350 14 56 15
Superior, university, not completed 233 12 36 10
Not specified 604 142 103 51
Less than 5 years old 309 63 29 28
impairment of
both eyes Multiple
of all
classes Other impairment
51.0 90.0 99
Other Other
Blind multiple impairments
Educational attainment
Total 3 258 611 12 550
No education 1 181 285 3 276
Initial or pre-school 61 10 310
Primary, completed 486 72 2 064
Primary, not completed 823 133 3 523
Primary, not specified 75 15 260
Secondary, completed 158 22 868
Secondary, not completed 230 38 1 220
Secondary, not specified 24 - 106
Superior, not university, completed 26 4 110
Superior, not university, not completed 20 1 81
Superior, university, completed 49 5 211
Superior, university, not completed 30 4 141
Not specified 75 11 222
Less than 5 years old 20 11 158
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex Population surveyed Mental handicap Multiple
of all
ICIDH M1.1 90.0
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980
Mental Mixed
impairment impairments
Educational attainment
Both sexes, total 19 678 102 27
None 1 106 30 14
Some years in primary 2 108 20 3
Finished primary
Some years in elementary 1 352 4 2
2 039 6 1
Finished elementary 3 987 10 2
Some years in secondary 3 454 13 4
Finished secondary 2 267 10 0
Some years in college 1 757 7 1
College graduate 1 501 2 0
Unknown 107 0 0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characterise
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex Mental handicap Severe: communi-cation Aural Ocular Visceral
ICIDH M1.1 30 4 5 6
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980 (cont'd)
Mental impairment Communi-cation Aural Ocular Visceral
School attendance
Males, aged 0-14 18 5 11 15 24
Attend school independently 0 Attend school with assistance 2 Attend special class 0 Stopped school due to disability 3 Not applicable 13 0 1 2 0 2 4 0 0 1 6 8 0 0 1 6 4 1 0 0 19
Females, aged 0-14 13 5 8 18 12
Attend school independently 2 Attend school with assistance 2 Attend special class 1 Stopped school due to disability 2 Not applicable 6 0 1 0 0 4 4 0 0 2 2 9 3 1 0 5 5 0 0 1 6
Males, aged 15-64 45 7 24 51 82
Attend school independently 1 Attend school with assistance 0 Attend special class 0 Stopped school due to disability 18 Not applicable 26 0 0 0 2 5 4 1 0 6 13 6 3 2 3 37 4 0 0 4 74
Females, aged 15-64 55 7 15 42 66
Attend school independently 4 Attend school with assistance 1 Attend special class 1 Stopped school due to disability 19 Not applicable 30 0 0 0 0 7 3 0 0 2 10 3 1 0 8 30 3 0 0 0 63
Males, aged 65+ 2 1 5 13 19
Attend school independently 0 Attend school with assistance 0 Attend special class 0 Stopped school due to disability 0 Not applicable 2 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0
Females, aged 65+ 0 1 9 12 11
Attend school independently 0 Attend school with assistance 0 Attend special class 0 Stopped school due to disability 0 Not applicable 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 11
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
6. Educational characteristics of disabled persons by age, sex and type of impairment or disability
Educational characteristics, age and sex Skeletal Other and unspecified disfigure-ment Generalized,
and other
|ICIDH 7 87.9 9
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980 (cont'd)
Skeletal Disfiguring Two-category combinations
School attendance
Males, aged 0-14 41 10 57
Attend school independently Attend school with assistance Attend special class Stopped school due to disability Not applicable 14 2 0 4
21 4 1 0 0 5 12
Females, aged 0-14 43 10 34
Attend school independently Attend school with assistance Attend special class Stopped school due to disability Not applicable 17 4 0 3
19 5 0 0 1 4 8 4 3 0 19
Males, aged 15-64 146 14 152
Attend school independently Attend school with assistance Attend special class Stopped school due to disability Not applicable 17
111 1 0 0 3 10 10 4 2
18 118
Females, aged 15-64 67 8 118
Attend school independently Attend school with assistance Attend special class Stopped school due to disability Not applicable 4 2 1 7 53 0 0 0 3 5 5
Males, aged 65+ 26 1 69
Attend school independently Attend school with assistance Attend special class Stopped school due to disability Not applicable 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 69
Females, aged 65+ 23 0 55
Attend school independently Attend school with assistance Attend special class Stopped school due to disability Not applicable 0 0 0 0
23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 55
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Population surveyed Impairments Aural Ocular Disabilities
] Educational characteristics, age and sex
Occupational role Locomotor Other Locomotor
ICIDH 4 5 18 4 49
SWEDEN, living conditions survey 1980/81 *
Reduced hearing Reduced
sight Reduced
capacity Mobility Serious
Educational attainment
Both sexes, aged 16-84
Pre-secondary education Secondary education Post-secondary education 2 812 000
2 195 000
994 000 7.8 5.1 2.4 1.2 0.5 0.1 13.8 8.0 3.1 9.3 4.1 2.0 3.7 1.7 0.8
* Percentage of total population that is disabled at each level of educational attainment according to type of impairment or disability.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex Mental handicap Speech
hearing Total visual
of both eyes Unspecified
other motor
of limb Other impairment
ICIDH M1.1 M40.1 51.0 74.9 99
TUNISIA, population census 1975
Disabled Mental Deaf and Motor
population handicap mute Blind impairment Other
Educational attainment
Males, aged 10+ 25 090 4 250 2 400 6 660 7 790 3 990
Illiterate 20 180 3 270 2 220 5 780 5 910 3 000
Read and write 840 90 40 250 260 200
Primary education 2 850 660 100 340 1 220 530
Secondary/professional 100 20 0 20 20 40
Secondary/long 710 150 20 210 210 120
College 80 20 0 30 20 10
Specialist 50 0 0 10 0 40
Not available 280 40 20 20 150 50
Females, aged 10+ 15 610 2 450 1 760 5 460 3 660 2 280
Illiterate 14 470 2 290 1 690 5 260 3 230 2 000
Read and write 20 0 0 20 0 0
Primary education 900 100 70 150 380 200
Secondary/professional 20 10 0 0 0 10
Secondary/long 100 20 0 20 40 20
College 20 0 0 0 10 10
Specialist 30 0 0 0 0 30
Not available 50 30 0 10 0 10
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Educational characteristics
Table 6 (continued)
Educational characteristics, age and sex
Total disabilities
ZIMBABWE, national survey 1981 a/
Educational attainment
Both sexes
No education 104 200
0-4 5-15 16-59 60+ 9 600 15 500 45 600 33 400
1-2 years primary 32 800
0-4 5-15 16-59 60+ 0
13 400
12 600
6 700
3 years plus primary 56 100
0-4 5-15 16-59 60+ 0
10 200
39 300
6 500
1-2 years secondary 4 300
0-4 5-15 16-59 60+ 0
3 700
2 years plus secondary 1 300
0-4 5-15 16-59 60+ 0
1 300
Post secondary 100
0-4 5-15 16-59 60+ 0
Total 198 900
Current school attendance
Attend Attend Not attend Not attend School attendance before disablement
Attended Not attended Attended Not attended 65 000
7 400 25 800
2 600 29 200
a/ Sum of age groups does not necessarily equal total.
Table 7. Employment characteristics of disabled persons, by age, sex and type of impairment or disability
Description of variables
Table 7 provides the number of disabled persons according to their employment characteristics, age, sex and type of impairment or disability. The types of employment characteristics presented in table 7 include economic activity; work status; labour force participation; ability to participate in work before and after a disability. Employment tables included in table 7 use the standard classifications of economic activity regularly employed in population censuses. Employment characteristics of disabled persons according to type of impairment or disability were classified into the ICIDH framework. When numbers of persons were not provided in the published national reports, rates were shown instead, as available. Exceptions to the rule are footnoted at the country level of table 7. All references to ICIDH codes prefaced with an M (for example, M1.1), indicate that the codes are not ICIDH codes, but are devised to accommodate items not readily coded within ICIDH categories.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
7. Employment characteristics of disabled persons by age, sex and type of impairment or disability
Employment characteristics, age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons
AUSTRALIA, national survey of handicapped persons 1981
Economic activity
Both sexes, aged 15-64 651 700
Not in the labor force 226 200
31 500
394 000
Males, aged 15-64 4 829 900 347 700
Not in the labor force 4 005 000 201 800 623 000 153 500
17 800
176 400
Females, aged 15-64 4 738 300 304 100
Not in the labor force 2 292 600
206 200
2 239 500 72 800
13 700
217 600
United Nations Disability Statistics Economic Activity
Table 7 (continued)
Economic Activity According to Sex Ocular Impairments Total
Both Eyes Near-Total
Both Eyes Moderate
Both Eyes Unspecified
Both Eyes
ICIDH 5 51.0 51.3 53 53.9
AUSTRIA, sample survey on physical disabilities 1976*
Farsighted Nearsighted
Visual Blind in Partial Uncorrect- Uncorrect-
Impairments Both Eyes Sight able able
Males, Total 249 000 2 400 3 800 102 200 74 400
Total percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Employed: Own account or family help 9.0 12.3 10.0 9.9 10.1
Employed: Employee 17.6 16.9 14.2 26.5
Employed: Worker 14.0 12.0 9.9 17.4
Unemployed 0.9 0.4 1.2
Income recipient 49.9 70.8 72.1 63.1 30.7
Student 7.7 5.9 2.2 13.4
Nursing school and kindergarten 0.5 .. 0.3 0.3
Other dependants 0.4 0.4
Females, Total 369 000 2 500 4 700 167 400 112 500
Total percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Employed: Own account or family help 4.8 4.5 7.8
Employed: Employee 6.4 10.4 1.0 4.2 11.2
Employed: Worker 5.3 5.6 3.8 8.5
Unemployed 0.2 0.1 0.6
Income recipient 53.2 60.4 78.1 60.4 34.3
Student 4.8 0.6 1.3 10.2
Nursing school and kindergarten 0.6 1.2 0.4 0.3
Home-maker 24.0 28.0 14.7 24.9 26.5
Other dependants 0.7 .. 0.4 0.6
* Percentage distribution of disabled persons according to economic activity by age, sex and type of impairment or disability.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Employment characteristics, age and sex Profound
one eye Other visual Other
visual: colour vision Other: vision
ICIDH 54 57 57.5 57.8
AUSTRIA, sample survey on physical disabilities 1976 * (cont'd)
Blind in one eye Cataracts
glaucoma Colour-blind Other visual
Economic activity
Males, total number 21 700 21 100 4 400 37 700
Total percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Employed: own account or family help 5.8 2.7 9.5 6.5
Employed: employee 11.2 3.5 29.3 18.0
Employed: worker 16.9 3.5 24.4 19.7
Unemployed 2.3 0.2 0.7
Income recipient 56.3 87.3 28.5 38.7
Student 6.0 1.8 4.4 14.0
Nursing school and kindergarten 0.6 0.2 2.0
Other dependants 0.9 0.8 3.9 0.4
Females, total number 16 800 55 300 1 700 38 300
Total percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Employed: own account or family help 0.2 0.3 5.8
Employed: employee 3.2 2.0 .. 8.2
Employed: worker 10.5 0.4 13.5 5.0
Unemployed .. 0.1
Income recipient 60.8 81.5 70.3 43.0
Student 0.7 1.0 1.6 9.4
Nursing school and kindergarten 0.4 0.1 ,. 2.9
Home-maker 20.9 13.7 14.6 25.1
Other dependants 3.3 1.0 0.5
* Percentage distribution of disabled persons according to economic activity by age, sex and type of impairment or disability.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Employment characteristics, age and sex Mental handicap Total or
40 Speech
BAHRAIN, population census 1981
Total Disabled handi- Deaf and
population population capped Deaf mute
Males, aged 15+ 146 514 1 909 304 129 95
Unemployed: looking for work 123 221 502 20 70 44
2 958 34 13 2 4
Unemployed: not looking for 629 58 31 2 5
Inactive: income recipient 711 36 1 1
Inactive: homemaker
Inactive: student 14 760 88 19 3 15
Inactive: unable to work 3 527 1 012 210 46 23
Activity not stated 708 179 11 5 3
Females, aged 15+ 88 822 1 075 138 78 54
Working 14 671 13 2 1 1
Unemployed: looking for work 1 534 2 1
Unemployed: not looking for
work Inactive: income recipient 3 120 36 10 4 7
160 5 1
Inactive: homemaker 52 691 302 40 33 23
Inactive: student 12 740 29 3 3 3
Inactive: unable to work 3 644 613 78 36 19
Activity not stated 262 75 4 1
both eyes Unspecified
of limb Transverse
of proximal
limb parts Other impairment
51.0 73.9 75.9 99
Blind Paralysed Amputee Other
Males, aged 15+
Unemployed: looking for work
Unemployed: not looking for 678
7 252
3 228
145 4 2 223
Inactive: income recipient Inactive: homemaker Inactive: student Inactive: unable to work Activity not stated Females, aged 15+ Working
Unemployed: looking for work Unemployed: not looking for 20
4 6
26 152
5 1
6 4
5 68
65 2 4
6 67 63 77
Inactive: income recipient Inactive: homemaker Inactive: student Inactive: unable to work Activity not stated 1 135
12 3 29
28 32 4
26 1 10
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Employment characteristics, Disabled
age and sex persons
CANADA, health and disability survey 1983/84
Economic activity and degree of disability
Both sexes, aged 15-64
Employed: degree of disability 637 000
Some Moderate Major Unknown 424 000
104 000
24 000
86 000
Both sexes, aged 15-64
Unemployed: degree of disability 98 000
Some Moderate Major Unknown 57 000 21 000
17 000
Both sexes, aged 15-64
Not in labour force: degree of disability 802 000
Some Moderate Major Unknown 405 000
190 000
119 000
87 000
Both sexes, aged 15-64
Total economically active 1 537 000
Some Moderate Major Unknown 886 000 316 000 145 000 190 000
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Employment characteristics, Population Disabled
age and sex surveyed persons
CANADA, health and disability survey 1983/84 (cont.)
Economic activity
Males, employed 6 502 000 400 000
15-24 25-34 35-54 55-64 65+ 1 210 000
1 830 000
2 589 000
738 000
135 000 29 000
70 000
169 000
103 000
29 000
Females, employed 4 593 000 275 000
15-24 25-34 35-54 55-64 65+ 1 114 000
1 338 000
1 725 000
373 000
43 000 36 000
56 000
123 000
50 000
9 000
Males, unemployed 688 000 57 000
15-24 25-34 35-54 55-64 65+ 275 000
196 000
165 000
51 000 15 000 13 000 19 000 10 000
Females, unemployed 545 000 41 000
15-24 25-34 35-54 55-64 65+ 216 000
149 000
150 000
29 000 9 000
7 000
19 000
7 000
Males, not in labour force 2 167 000 651 000
15-24 25-34 35-54 55-64 65+ 705 000 120 000 164 000 297 000 881 000 34 000
26 000
80 000
154 000
357 000
Females, not in labour force 4 641 000 1 024 000
15-24 25-34 35-54 55-64 65+ 815 000 702 000
1 048 000 781 000
1 295 000 43 000
59 000
171 000
236 000
516 000
Males, total 9 357 000 1 108 000
15-24 25-34 35-54 55-64 65+ 2 190 000 2 146 000 2 917 000 1 086 000 1 017 000 78 000 108 000 269 000 268 000 385 000
Females, total 9 779 000 1 339 000
15-24 25-34 35-54 55-64 65+ 2 145 000 2 189 000 2 922 000 1 183 000 1 339 000 87 000 122 000 312 000 293 000 525 000
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics-
Table 7 (continued) __________
Prevalence per 100 population
Employment characteristics, age and sex Population surveyed Generalized,
and other
9 Locomotor disability
DENMARK, living conditions survey 1976
Problems with Mobility
vision or hearing problems
Economic activity
Males, aged 20-44 11 5
Total employed 10 5
Self-employed 10 4
Salaried 9 4
Manual worker 12 5
Skilled 11 5
Unskilled 13 6
Without a job 14 12
Unemployed 14 10
Homemaker ..
Other-without job 11 5
Females, aged 20-44 10 5
Total employed 9 4
Self-employed 4 6
Salaried 8 3
Manual worker 13 4
Skilled ..
Unskilled 14 4
Without a job 11 8
Unemployed 13 4
Pensioner ..
Homemaker 10 9
Other-without job 12 5
Males, aged 45-69 28 20
Total employed 25 14
Self-employed 23 15
Salaried 17 8
Manual worker 33 17
Skilled 36 17
Unskilled 32 17
Without a job 39 45
Unemployed 45 24
Pensioner 39 50
Homemaker ..
Other-without job
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Prevalence per 100 population
Employment characteristics, age and sex Population surveyed Generalized,
and other
impairments Locomotor disability
DENMARK living conditions survey 1976 (cont'd)
Problems with vision or hearing Mobility problems
Economic avtivity
Females, aged 45-69 24 23
Total employed 20 11
Self-employed 16 15
Salaried 17 5
Manual worker 24 13
Unskilled 24 13
Without a job 27 33
Pensioner 32 47
Homemaker 23 20
Other-without job
Both sexes, aged 20-69 5 166 17 12
Total employed 3 624 15 7
Self-employed 672 15 10
Salaried 1 588 11 5
Manual worker 1 362 19 9
Skilled 352 16 7
Unskilled 1 010 20 9
Without a job 1 542 22 24
Unemployed 180 19 12
Pensioner 525 34 47
Homemaker 618 17 15
Other-without job 219 12 5
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Employment characteristics, age and sex Mental handicap Severe impairment of commun-ication Total or
of hearing Speech
ICIDH M1.1 30 40 M40.1
EGYPT, population census 1976
¦ Disabled population Mentally disabled Mute Deaf Deaf and mute
Economic activity
Males, aged 5+ 81 696 5 679 2 389 3 725 8 334
Self employed 10 319 0 270 604 909
Employers 4 017 0 85 243 299
Paid employees 29 525 12 939 1 757 3 835
Unpaid family workers 1 427 31 145 79 296
Other unpaid workers 13 0 1 0 2
Unemployed (previously 830 0 25 18 89
New unemployed 1 312 31 121 51 209
Students 10 524 113 323 309 1 215
Housewives 0 0 0 0 0
Retired 0 0 0 0 0
Unwilling to work 0 0 0 0 0
Aged persons 5 790 164 38 239 179
Unable to work 16 541 5 308 427 297 941
Not stated 1 398 20 15 128 360
Females, aged 5+ 27 827 1 747 837 1 299 3 464
Self employed 319 0 5 14 21
Employers 61 0 4 6 5
Paid employees 2 324 1 99 95 459
Unpaid family workers 64 3 4 0 4
Other unpaid workers 4 0 0 0 0
Unemployed (previously 51 0 2 1 30
New unemployed 327 11 12 12 54
Students 5 241 48 111 343 774
Housewives 0 0 0 0 0
Retired 0 0 0 0 0
Unwilling to work 0 0 0 0 0
Aged persons 5 435 87 36 251 171
Unable to work 13 757 1 597 561 572 1 817
Not stated 244 0 3 5 129
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Employment characteristics, age and sex Total
¦ impairment
both eyes Profound
of one eye Transverse
upper arm Transverse
lower leg
75.6 Other impairment
ICIDH 51.0 54 75.1
EGYPT, population census 1976
Loss of Loss of
Sight loss upper lower Other
Blind in one eye limbs limbs infirmities
Economic activity
Males, aged 5+ 19 656 14 435 6 190 5 057 16 231
Self employed 1 734 3 194 1 209 833 1 566
Employers 645 1 312 729 232 472
Paid employees 2 124 7 112 2 784 1 916 9 046
Unpaid family workers 156 125 30 23 542
Other unpaid workers 1 5 0 0 4
Unemployed (previously
New unemployed 206 56 33 68 335
329 80 65 120 306
Students 5 422 1 258 258 369 1 257
Housewives 0 0 0 0 0
Retired 0 0 0 0 0
Unwilling to work 0 0 0 0 0
Aged persons 3 855 529 184 253 349
Unable to work 5 147 578 667 1 211 1 965
Not stated 37 186 231 32 389
Females, aged 5+ 12 422 4 156 512 581 2 809
Self employed 26 87 15 20 131
Employers 14 15 7 0 10
Paid employees 139 593 88 28 822
Unpaid family workers 12 4 2 2 33
Other unpaid workers 2 1 0 0 1
Unemployed (previously 7 6 0 0 5
New unemployed 182 25 3 3 25
Students 2 918 503 128 63 353
Housewives 0 0 0 0 0
Retired 0 0 0 0 0
Unwilling to work 0 0 0 0 0
Aged persons 3 920 583 44 76 267
Unable to work 5 200 2 288 215 388 1 119
Not stated 2 51 10 1 43
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
Employment characteristics, age and sex Disabilities Mental handicap Severe impairment of commun-ication Aural impairments Ocular impairments
ICIDH M1.1 30 4 5
EGYPT, national survey 1979-81
Mental Mutism Hearing Vision
Working status according * to the presence of a health centre
Both sexes, not working 426 54 36 24 86
Both sexes, not working
(With health centre) 337 21 30 26 97
Both sexes, not working (Without health centre) 175 10 10 11 56
Both sexes,
Status not mentioned 84
Both sexes,
Status not mentioned
(With health centre) 72
Both Sexes,
Status not mentioned
(Without health centre) 53
Other impairment of cardio-respiratory function Impairment of posture Mixed and other
upper limb mechanical impairment Mixed and
of limb
61.8 70.5 71.8 71.9
Debility Spine Upper limb Lower limb
Working status according
to the presence of a health centre *
Both sexes, not working 12 12 60 142
Both sexes, not working
(With health centre) 13 0 47 103
Both sexes, not working
(Without health centre) 3 4 26 55
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristic
Table 7 (continued)
Prevalence per 100 population
Employment characteristics, age and sex Population Aural surveyed impairments Impairment of
Ocular mastication
impairments and swallowing Locomotor disability
ICIDH 4 5 68 4
FINLAND, survey on living conditions 1978
ability Diminished
ability Diminished ability to masticate Diminished
Economic status
Both sexes, aged 15+
Employed Unemployed Student Disabled Household duties 2 268 000 153 000 400 000 113 000 190 000 6
11 2
4 11 11 0 36 18 13
84 26
Both sexes, aged 15-64
Retired 139 000 22 18 35 83
Both sexes, aged 65+
Retired 432 000 35 15 59 81
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Employment characteristics, age and sex Disabled persons Intellectual impairments Other psychological impairments Total or
of hearing Total
impairment of
both eyes
ICIDH 1 2 40 51.01
HONG KONG, population census 1981
Mentally retarded Mentally ill Severely deaf Blind
Labour force participation rate per 100
Males 42.9 43.3 35.6 51.6 37.1
15-24 25-34 35-54 55+ 47.8 63.2 60.0 21.8 37.4 52.7 69.1 40.0 44.1 36.0 36.7 23.6 66.5 93.4 86.7 24.9 53.8 79.3 65.3 18.7
Females 22.1 29.6 25.4 25.3 9.8
15-24 25-34 35-54 55+ 40.5
7.4 30.4
7.2 38.5
7.8 56.8
8.7 39.2
Unemployment rate per 100
Both sexes
15-34 35-44 45-64 15-64 32.9 32.6 45.5 36.7 41.7 42.0 24.4 41.0 58.6 56.7 62.1 59.3 13.7
13.5 20.8 18.1 43.7 32.9
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Bilateral Unspecified
complete spastic Paralysis Transverse
paralysis paralysis of upper deficiency
Employment of lower of and lower unspecified
characteristics, Impairment limbs: more than limbs on of proximal
age and sex of posture paraplegia one limb same side limb parts
ICIDH 70.5 72.3 72.9 73.5 75.9
HONG KONG, population census 1981 (cont'd)
curvature Polio or
lower body
paralysed Spastic One side
of body
paralysed Loss of limb
Labour force participation rate per 100
Males 60.7 47.7 54.9 25.1 54.7
15-24 25-34 35-54 55+ 44.4 95.7 95.2 23.7 61.5 82.0 63.2 16.5 61.6 69.8 60.8 27.1 73.7 68.1 54.9 18.0 54.7 90.4 81.5 29.6
Females 22.1 26.8 34.8 12.2 21.0
15-24 25-34 35-54 55+ 100.0 72.6 53.5 10.1 55.6
5.2 35.2 65.6 29.1 16.7 57.9
7.6 61.8 50.0 34.0 12.2
Unemployment rate per 100
Both sexes
15-34 35-44 45-64 15-64 11.0 23.1 32.3 19.5 23.3 38.4 65.3 30.8 47.0 34.1 45.6 45.5 43.0 38.7 70.8 63.1 16.5 17.3 39.3 29.1
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Employment characteristics, Disabled
age and sex __ persons
JAPAN, national survey of handicapped adults 1980
Both sexes, aged 18+ 1 977 000
Employed Unemployed Employment rate 638 000
1 320 000
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Employment characteristics, age and sex Disabled persons Intellectual Severe: commun-ication Total or
hearing Speech
hearing Total
both eyes
|ICIDH 1 30 40 M40.1 51.0
KUWAIT, population census 1980
Mental retardation Mute . Deaf Blind
Economic activity
Economically active males, aged 15+ 789 21 49 31 23 60
Employed Working student Unemployed-worked before New unemployed/first time unemployed 699 5
27 58 1
20 38
1 10 26 1 2 2 20 3 57 1
Economically active females, aged 15+ 57 1 2 5 2 5
Employed Working student Unemployed-worked before New unemployed/first time unemployed 53
3 1 2 5 2 4 1
Economically inactive males, aged 15+ 1914 631 51 68 44 387
Recipient of outside income
Unable to work 370
375 1 169 126
40 465 15
*7 29 13
26 29 34
1 9 12
132 243
Economically inactive females, aged 15+ 1 165 344 36 36 44 209
Recipient of outside income
Unable to work 166
628 36
237 6
6 8 13
1 14 20 15
9 4
Males, total 2 703 652 100 99 67 447
Females, total 1 222 345 38 41 46 214
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
one eye Unspecified
of limb Transverse deficiency
Employment characteristics, age and sex
Upper Upper Lower arm arms leg Lower legs Other
ICIDH 54 73.9 75.1 M75.ll 75.6 75.61 99
KUWAIT, population census 1980 (cont'd)
Sight, in one eye Paralysis Loss of arm Loss of arms Loss of leg Loss of legs Other
Economic activity
Economically active males, aged 15+ 362 39 23 . 33 1 147
Employed Working student Unemployed-worked before New unemployed/first time unemployed 350 2 7 3 22
9 8 22 1 29
2 2 1 134 1 3 9
Economically active females, aged 15+ 25 2 1 .. 4 10
Employed Working student Unemployed-worked before New unemployed/first time unemployed 25 2 1 4 8 2
Economically inactive males, aged 15+ 104 438 9 1 24 8 149
Recipient of outside income
Unable to work 10
53 41 122
65 251 4
2 3 1 4
9 11 1
2 5 29
38 82
Economically inactive females, aged 15+ 94 292 2 12 6 90
Recipient of outside income
Unable to work 6 60
8 20 67
163 2 "" 6 1 5 2 1 1 2 17
Males, total 466 477 32 1 57 9 296
Females, total 119 294 3 .. 16 6 100
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Employment characteristics, Disabled
age and sex persons
NEPAL, national survey 1980 *
Economic activity
Males, total 100.00
Agriculture 39.51
Household work 10.67
Service 3.63
Schooling 1.64
Trading 0.59
Other activities 1.17
Non-active 42.79
Females, total 100.00
Agriculture 31.24
Household work 16.89
Service 0.00
Schooling 0.39
Trading 0.20
Other activities 0.59
Non-active 50.69
Percentage distribution of disabled persons according to economic activity and sex.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Other psycho-logical Disabilities
Employment characteristics, age and sex
Aural Ocular Occupa-tional role Loco-motor Lifting
ICIDH 2 4 5 18 4 48
NORWAY, level of living survey 1983
Economically active in 1982 rate per 100
Strongly reduced working
capacity Reduced mobility
Both sexes, aged 16-79 405 406
Total number economically active in 1982 115 115
Economically active in 1982 (%) >1300 hours of employment (%) Unemployed (%) Long-time unemployed (%) 29
7 29
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
' Employment characteristics age and sex Disabled persons Severe impairment of communica-tion Aural Impairments Ocular impairments
ICIDH 30 4 5
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980
Communica-tion Aural Ocular
Participation in economic activity
Males, aged 0-14 163 5 11 15
Able to work independently Able to work but requires assistance Unable to work Not stated 18
135 1 1 0 3 2 2 0 7 4
Females, aged 0-14 130 5 8 18
Able to work independently Able to work but requires assistance Unable to work Not stated 12
108 0 1 0
4 2
4 3
Males, aged 15-64 476 7 24 51
Able to work independently Able to work but requires assistance Unable to work Not stated 263 80 28
105 3 2 0 2 18 1 1 4 35 8 0 8
Females, aged 15-64 323 7 15 42
Able to work independently Able to work but requires assistance Unable to work Not stated 151 49 18
105 5 1 0 1 12 0 0 3 25 6 1
Males, aged 65+ 134 1 5 13
Able to work independently Able to work but requires assistance Unable to work Not stated 44 24 26 40 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 2 6 1
2 4
Females, aged 65+ 111 1 9 12
Able to work independently Able to work but requires assistance Unable to work Not stated 25 14 24
48 0 0 0 1 5 0
2 2 0 3 0 9
Males, total 773 13 40 79
Able to work independently Able to work but requires assistance Unable to work Not stated 325
280 4 4 0 5 21 5 1
13 45
Females, total 564 13 32 72
Able to work independently Able to work but requires assistance Unable to work Not stated 188 72 43
261 5 2 0 6 19 2 2 9 28
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Employment characteristics, age and sex Visceral impairments Skeletal impairments Other and unspecified disfig-urement : And other impairments
ICIDH 6 7 87.9 9
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980 (continued)
Two-category combinations
Visceral Skeletal Disfiguring
Participation in economic activity
Males, aged 0-14 24 41 10 57
Able to work independently Able to work but requires assistance Unable to work Not stated 2 1
20 4
37 1 1 0 8 4
Females, aged 0-14 12 43 10 34
Able to work independently Able to work but requires assistance Unable to work Not stated 0
12 6
2 1 34 0
0 9 1
0 32
Males, aged 15-64 82 146 14 152
Able to work independently Able to work but requires assistance Unable to work Not stated 46
22 87
26 9 2 1 2 65 29 17 41
Females, aged 15-64 66 67 8 118
Able to work independently Able to work but requires assistance Unable to work Not stated 30 5 7
24 33
22 5 1 0 2 41 24 10 43
Males, aged 65+ 19 26 1 69
Able to work independently Able to work but requires assistance Unable to work Not stated 5
4 2 8 9 9
4 4 1 0 0 0 22
Females, aged 65+ 11 23 0 55
Able to work independently Able to work but requires assistance Unable to work Not stated 2 3 3 3 8 4 3 8 0 0 0 0 10
Males, total 125 213 25 278
Able to work independently Able to work but requires assistance Unable to work Not stated 53
50 100 34 12 67 11 3 1
10 91
Females, total 89 133 18 207
Able to work independently Able to work but requires assistance Unable to work Not stated 32 8
10 39 47
64 5
11 v, 52
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Employment characteristics, age and sex Disabled persons Severe
impairment of
Mental communi-
handicap cation Aural impairments Ocular impairments
ICIDH M1.1 30 4 5
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980 (cont'd)
Mental impair-ment Commun-ication Aural Ocular
Ability to work after disability
Males, aged 0-14 163 18 5 11 15
Continued in same occupation Changed occupation Stopped working Not stated 11
151 1
17 0 0 0 5 1
10 3
Females, aged 0-14 130 13 5 8 18
Continued in same occupation Changed occupation Stopped working Not stated 4
123 1
12 0 0 0 5 1 0 1 6 0
Males, aged 15-64 476 45 7 24 51
Continued in same occupation Changed occupation Stopped working Not stated 210 32 95
139 8
22 3 0 1 3 14 0 0
10 27 2 8
Females, aged 15-64 323 55 7 15 42
Continued in same occupation Changed occupation Stopped working Not stated 107
165 7
33 2 0 0 5 7 0 0 8 18 0 3
Males, aged 65+ 134 2 1 5 13
Continued in same occupation Changed occupation Stopped working Not stated 38
58 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1
3 5 1
3 4
Females, aged 65+ 111 0 1 9 12
Continued in same occupation Changed occupation Stopped working Not stated 12
77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 1 0 2 9
Males, total 773 65 13 40 79
Continued in same occupation Changed occupation Stopped working Not stated 259
348 9
39 3 0 1 9 16 0 1
23 35
Females, total 564 68 13 32 72
Continued in same occupation Changed occupation Stopped working Not stated 123
365 8
45 2
11 8
23 19 0 5
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Employment characteristics, age and sex Visceral impairments Skeletal impairments Other and unspecified disfig-urement And other impairments
ICIDH 6 7 87.9 9
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980 (cont'd)
Visceral Skeletal Disfiguring Two-category combinations
Ability to work after disability
Males, aged 0-14 24 41 10 57
Continued in same occupation Changed occupation Stopped working Not stated 1
22 3
38 1 0 0 9 2
Females, aged 0-14 12 43 10 34
Continued in same occupation Changed occupation Stopped working Not stated 0
12 1 1 1
40 0
10 2
Males, aged 15-64 82 146 14 152
Continued in same occupation Changed occupation Stopped working Not stated 35
24 65 16 24 41 7 0 2 5 59 9
42 42
Females, aged 15-64 66 67 8 118
Continued in same occupation Changed occupation Stopped working Not stated 19
29 24
29 3 1 0 4 34
Males, aged 65+ 19 26 1 69
Continued in same occupation Changed occupation Stopped working Not stated 4
12 7
14 1 0 0
0 20
Females, aged 65+ 11 23 0 55
Continued in same occupation Changed occupation Stopped working Not stated 2 0 2
7 4
15 0 0 0 0 5
Males, total 125 213 25 278
Continued in same occupation Changed occupation Stopped working Not stated 40
58 75 19 26 93 9
14 81
Females, total 89 133 18 207
Continued in same occupation Changed occupation Stopped working Not stated 21
48 29
84 3
14 41
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Prevalence per 100 population
Employment characteristics, age and sex Population surveyed Aural Ocular Occupational
disability Locomotor disability Other
ICIDH 4 5 18 4 49
SWEDEN, living conditions survey 1980-81
Reduced hearing Reduced eye sight Reduced
capacity Mobility Serious
Economic activity according to socio-economic group
Workers aged 16-84 1 969 000 5.8 0.3 5.3 1.9 0.4
Unskilled and semi-skilled Skilled workers 1 328 000 641 000 5.3 6.8 0.4 0.2 5.7 4.5 2.1 1.5 0.3 0.5
Employees aged 16-84 1 687 000 3.2 0.2 3.1 1.7 0.7
Junior salaried employees Intermediate salaried
employees Senior salaried employees 666 000
597 000 424 000 3.1
3.8 2.5 0.2
0.2 0.1 4.2
1.4 2.6
1.3 0.9 1.0
0.5 0-6
Independent aged 16-84
Farmers Entrepreneurs 165 000 293 000 14.2 6.1 0.6 0.4 9.6 6.1 6.3 2.0 2.1 0.9
Economically inactive aged 16-84
Old-age pensioners
Old pensioners ex-workers
Old pensioners ex-salaried
Old pensioners ex-farmers
Old pensioners
ex-entrepreneurs Early retirement pensions 454 000 366 000 1 215 000 644 000 239 000 244 000
65 000 210 000 1.6 3.5 17.3 18.8 13.4 17.9
15.3 8.2 0.0 1.0 5.8 5.6 4.9 7.2
4.0 5.3 2.5 9.1 26.6 26.4 17.9 32.5
33.5 83.2 0.4 4.1 29.9 30.2 20.8 37.6
28.9 49.1 0.1 0.8 17.5 16.6 11.6 24.6
17.7 21.7
Unemployed aged 16-84
Unemployed for a long time 27 000 3.6 1.7 10.1 5.1 1.7
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Employment characteris-tics, age and sex Disabled persons Mental handicap Speech
hearing Total
both eyes Unspecified
other motor
of limb Other impairment
ICIDH M1.1 M40.1 51.0 74.9 991
TUNISIA, population census 1975
Mental handicap Deaf and mute Blind Motor impairment Other
Economic activity
Males aged 15+ 22 900 3 780 1 870 6 490 7 220 3 540
Occupied Without work Without work-first time Inactive/not available 2 480
19 360 180
3 340 560
1 210 660
5 660 840
6 040 240
3 110
Females aged 15+ 14 210 2 180 1 340 5 330 3 290 2 070
Occupied Without work Without work-first time Inactive/not available 360
13 680 10
2 130 100
1 200 90
5 220 140
3 110 20
2 020
TUNISIA, population census 1984
Mental handicap Deaf and mute Blind Motor impairment Other
Economic activity
Both sexes, aged 15+ 53 150 11 980 6 410 11 340 19 790 3630
Economically active-occupied Economically active-without
work Unpaid agriculture Inactive 2 910
1 220
3 450
45 570 230 200
460 11 090 980 330
290 4 810 730 290
820 9 500 890 340
1 630 16 930 80 60
250 3 240
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Employment characteristics,
age and sex
ZIMBABWE, national survey 1981
Economic activity now, by economic activity
before disablement (both sexes)
Currently unemployed, seeking job: was
Unemployed-seeking job 2 900
Unemployed-not seeking job 500
Full-time home work 900
Part-time home work 200
Skilled work 1 100
Unskilled work 1300
Other 100
Currently unemployed, not seeking job: was
Unemployed-seeking job 600
Unemployed-not seeking job 32 800
Full-time home work 12 000
Part-time home work 3 100
Skilled work 12 800
Unskilled work 5 800
Other 4 700
Currently full time home work: was
Unemployed-seeking job 300
Unemployed-not seeking job 400
Full-time home work 8 400
Part-time home work 0
Skilled work 1 100
Unskilled work 500
Other 700
Currently part time home work: was
Unemployed-seeking job 100
Unemployed-not seeking job 300
Full-time home work 7 100
Part-time home work 4 500
Skilled work 1 900
Unskilled work 900
Other 1 000
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Employment characteristics
Table 7 (continued)
Employment characteristics,
age and sex Disabilities __
ZIMBABWE, national survey 1981 (cont.)
Economic activity now, by economic activity before disablement (both sexes)
Currently skilled work: was
Unemployed-seeking job Unemployed-not seeking job Full-time home work Part-time home work Skilled work Unskilled work Other 0 100 100
0 800
0 100
Currently unskilled work: was
Unemployed-seeking job Unemployed-not seeking job Full-time home work Part-time home work Skilled work Unskilled work Other 0 200 100
1 100
Currently other: was
Unemployed-seeking job Unemployed-not seeking job Full-time home work Part-time home work Skilled work Unskilled work Other 0
2 500
1 000
2 400
Total 116 400 a/
a/ Sum of causes does not equal total.
Table 8. Marital status of disabled persons, by age, sex and type of impairment or disability
This table provides the numbers of disabled persons according to their marital status, age and sex and type of impairment or disability. If numbers were not available in the published national reports rates were provided e.g., percentage distributions, as available. All references to ICIDH codes prefaced with an M (for example, M1.1), indicate that the codes are not ICIDH codes, .but are devised to accommodate items not readily coded within ICIDH categories.
Description of variables
National classifications of marital status usually included distinctions between married or single, widowed, separated or divorced. Sometimes the distinction is between single and cohabitating, or between single and married, or other. Although substantially fewer countries cross-tabulated their results concerning disabled people according to marital status, this table was included because of its importance to policy makers and planners who are concerned with the overall economic and social situation of disabled persons. Irregularities in the data sets are provided in footnotes at the country level, as needed.
United Nations Disability Statistics Marital Status
8. Marital status of disabled persons, by age, sex and type of impairment or disability
Marital status, age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons
CANADA, health and disability survey 1983/84
Male, age 15+ 6 065 000 786 000
15-34 1 825 000 78000
35-54 2 521 000 207 000
55-64 937 000 216 000
65+ 781 000 285 000
Female, age 15+ 6 022 000 698 000
15-34 2 224 000 97 000
35-54 2 371000 219 000
55-64 848 000 185 000
65+ 579 000 197 000
Single (never married)
Male, age 15+ 2 788 000 194 000
15-34 2 426 000 102 000
35-54 219 000 34 000
55-64 67 000 26 000
65+ 76 000 31 000
Female, age 15+ 2 247 000 169 000
15-34 1 908 000 94 000
35-54 175 000 24 000
55-64 65 000 19 000
65+ 98 000 33 000
Male, age 15+ 184 000 71 000
35-54 21 000
55-64 37 000 12 000
65+ 122 000 56 000
Female, age 15+ 923 000 350 000
15-34 17 000
35-54 103 000 18 000
55-64 197 000 61 000
65+ 607 000 271 000
Separated or divorced
Male, 15+ 321 000 58 000
15-34 81 000 ..
35-54 157 000 25 000
55-64 44 000 14 000
65+ 38 000 13 000
Female, 15+ 587 000 122 000
15-34 185 000 18 000
35-54 274 000 51 000
55-64 73 000 28 000
65+ 55 000 25 000
United Nations Disability Statistics Marital status
Table 8 (continued)
Marital status, age and sex Disabled persons Intellectual impairments Other
impairments Total or
of hearing Total visual
of both eyes
ICIDH 1 2 40 51.0
HONG KONG, population census 1981 *
Mentally retarded Mentally ill Severely deaf Blind
Both sexes, age 15+ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Never married Married Widowed Divorced/separated 41.3
1-5 93.6 5.2 1.1 0.1 56.4
2.6 25.3
2.1 14.0
Impairment of posture Bilateral
paralysis of
lower limbs:
paraplegia Unspecified
paralysis of
more than
one limb Paralysis
of upper and
lower limbs
on same side Transverse
of proximal
limb parts
70.5 72.3 72.9 73.5 75.9
curvature Polio or
lower body
paralysed Spastic One side
of body
paralysed Loss of limb
Both sexes, age 15+ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Never married Married Widowed Divorced/separated 29.8
1.0 43.8
0.8 63.2
1.7 10.2
1.3 24.4
* Percentage distribution of disabled persons, by marital status, age, sex and type of impairment or disability.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Marital status
Table 8 (continued)
Marital status, age and sex Disabled persons Aural Ocular Visceral Unspecified
other motor
of limb Multiple
all classes
ICIDH 4 5 6 74.9 90.01
JAPAN, national survey of handicapped adults 1980 *
Auditory Visual Internal Physical Multiple
Both sexes, age 18+ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Other 11.6 65.8 22.6 12.2 63.1 24.7 8.8 58.3 32.9 9.4 58.6 21.7 12.4 69.1 18.5 12.4 58.6 29.0
* Percentage distribution of disabled persons by marital status according to age, sex and type of impairment or disability.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Marital status
Table 8 (continued)
Marital status, age and sex Impairments Disabilities
Other psycho-logical Aural Ocular Occupa-tional role Loco-motor Lifting
ICIDH 2 4 5 18 4 48
NORWAY, level of living survey 1983 *
Household status Total number Disabled Nervous condition Reduced hearing Reduced
sight Strongly reduced working capacity Reduced mobility Reduced capacity to carry
16-79 3 929 18 3 A 2 11 10 6
16-24 Living with parents 393 6 1 1 1 2 2 2
16-24 Other living arrangement 139 6 2 1 1 3 2 2
25-44 176 8 3 1 2 7 3 2
45-66 218 39 7 6 3 27 20 13
67-79 203 53 8 13 10 24 40 23
16-79 With dependants 95 17 4 2 1 12 12 3
16-44 With no children 273 7 2 1 0 3 3 1
16-79 With youngest child 0-6 713 6 1 1 1 4 2 1
16-79 With youngest child 7-19 829 11 2 3 1 7 5 3
45-66 With no children 603 27 6 4 1 18 16 8
67-79 With no children 287 46 6 12 4 26 32 19
* Percentage of total population that is disabled, according to marital status, type of family situation, age, sex and type of impairment or disability.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Marital status
Table 8 (continued)
Marital status, age and sex Population surveyed Mental handicap Skeletal
and/or motor
impairments Multiple
impairment of
all classes
ICIDH Ml.l M7.1 90.0
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980
Mental impairment Physical impairments Mixed impairments
Both sexes 19 678 102 1 017 27
Single Married
Widow/widower Separated Not stated 7 761
10 849
63 84
0 243
2 24 3 0 0 0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Marital status
Table 8 (continued)
Population surveyed Impairments Disabilities
Marital status, age and sex
Aural Ocular Occu-pational role Loco-motor Other loco-motor
ICIDH 4 5 18 4 49 ,
SWEDEN, living conditions survey 1980 *
Reduced hearing Reduced eye sight Reduced
capacity Mobility disability Serious
Aged 16-84 6 464 000 7.1 1.5 11.6 8.9 4.5
Living with parents
Aged 16-24 556 000 1.2 0.1 2.1 0.6 0.2
Aged 16-24
Childless aged 25-44
Childless aged 45-64
Pensioners aged 65-74
Pensioners aged 75-84
Parents aged 16-84 with child <7
Parents aged 16-84 with child 7-18 201 000 399 000 381 000 310 000 275 000 59 000 130 000 1.3 2.2 7.3 13.7 20.9 1.6 3.0 0.0 0.7 2.2 3.3 12.1 0.0 0.3 1.9
8.6 0.2
4.0 0.2 1.3 5.2 12.1 33.7 0.0 1.5
Aged 16-24 Childless aged 25-44 Childless aged 45-64 Pensioners aged 65-74 Pensioners aged 75-84 Parents aged 16-84 with child <7 Parents aged 16-84 with child 7-18 158 000 320 000 977 000 514 000 176 000 918 000
1 090 000 0.3 2.0 9.2 15.0 27.1 2.7
5.7 0.0 0.1 1.0 1.9 9.8 0.1
0.3 2.3
5.6 1.2 2.0 8.9 18.2 39.7 0.6
2.8 0.3 0.9 3.0 7.4 26.2 0.2
* Percentage of total population that is disabled, according to marital status, type of family situation, age, sex and type of impairment or disability.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
Table 9. Family characteristics of disabled persons, by age, sex and type of impairment or disability
Table 9 provides the numbers of disabled persons, by age and sex and type of impairment or disability, according to their family characteristics. Numbers are provided unless not available. In this circumstance, rates are presented instead, as available. Exceptional cases are footnoted in table 9 at the country level.
Description of variables
Family characteristics provided by national data include such diverse topics as parental status, indicating whether parents are still alive; whether a disabled person has disabled relatives; and with whom the disabled person lives. The classifications used by countries to describe family characteristics in table 9 are self-explanatory. If required, unusual categories are described in footnotes at the country level.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Family characteristics
9. Family characteristics of disabled impairment or disability persons by age, sex and type of
Family characteristics, age and sex Disabled Population
ETHIOPIA, survey of children 1981
Parental status
Total ages 0-14 29 631
Both are alive 20 036
Both are dead 1 002
One is alive 3 980
Separated 902
Divorced 970
No response 2 741
With whom children live
Total ages 0-14 29 631
Parents 15 119
Father 2 275
Mother 3 479
Relatives 1 412
Institution 42
Others 6 205
Not stated 1 099
United Nations Disability Statistics Family characteristics
Table 9 (continued)
Family : characteristics, age and sex
Disabled persons Total
Severe: visual:
commun- both
Intellectual ication eyes Other and unspecified disfigure-ment Multiple:
classes Other
ICIDH 1 30 51.0 87.9 90.0 99
KENYA, national survey of persons 1981
Disabled relatives (of disabled persons, aged 15+)
Total 1 774
Uncle/cousin/neph 716
Father/mother Son/daughter Husband/wife Other
Missing informa-tion 39 30 15 54 685
Type of impairment of relative (of disabled persons, aged 15+) a/
retarded Mute Blind Crippled,
lame or
deformed Multiple disability Other
Total percent Mentally retarded (1) Mute (30) Blind (51.0) Crippled, lame or deformed (87.9) Multiple disability
(90.0) Other (99) * . 8 '-31 73
13 13 100.0 100.0 100.0
62.5 9.7 5.5
25.0 71.0 6.8
0.0 3.2 50.7
12.5 12.9 27.4
0.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 3.2 8.2 100.0
7.2 100.0 7.7 0.0 0.0
69.2 15.4 100.0
0.0 61.5
Relationship to disabled relative (of disabled persons, aged 15+) a/
Total number 368 9 33 59 241 13 13
Total percent Brother/sister Uncle/cousin/nephew Father/mother Son/daughter Husband/wife Other 100.0
' 19.8
12.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 44.4 63.6 33.9
0.0 6.1 23.7 11.1 9.1 16.9 33.3 9.1 8.5 11.1 0.0 6.8
0.0 9.1 10.2 100.0
17.4 100.0 38.5 23.1 23.1 15.4 0.0 0.0 100.0 38.5 0.0 7.7 23.1 15.3 15.4
a/ Percentage distribution of disabled persons by family characteristics, age, sex and type of impairment or disability. * Numbers in parenthesis indicate the approximate ICIDH codes of impairments of relatives. Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Family characteristics
Table 9 (continued)
Family characteristics, age and sex Disabled persons
NEPAL, national survey 1980 * Families
Both sexes 100.0
Above 10 1.7 13.5 28.1 27.7 15.0
3.6 10.4
* Percentage distribution of families with disabled persons according to family size. Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Family characteristics
Table 9 (continued)
Impairments Disabilities
Occu- Other
Family characteristics, Population pational Loco- loco-
age and sex surveyed Aural Ocular role motor motoi
ICIDH 4 5 18 4 49
SWEDEN, living conditions survey 1980 *
Reduced Serious
Reduced Reduced work mobility
hearing eye sight capacity Mobility disability
Family conditions (disabled persons
not living in an institution)
Total number, ages 16-64 5 185 000 235 000 25 000 415 000 205 000 75 000
Total percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Live with parents 12.7 4.8 4.9 6.3 3.2 3.8
Live with brothers and sisters 0.5 0.6 2.4 1.2 0.8 0.7
Cohabitants with no children 23.9 32.8 34.8 36.0 40.4 37.1
Cohabitants with children 42.8 45.4 19.3 27.2 24.1 24.7
Single persons with children 4.4 2.5 3.1 5.5 5.6 4.0
Living alone 14.8 13.0 35.6 22.8 25.3 29.2
Total number, ages 65-84 1 280 000 225 000 70 000 335 370 000 215 000
Total percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Live with parents 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Live with brothers and sisters 2.7 2.6 2.1 2.0 1.9 2.3
Cohabitants with no children 50.3 51.1 37.1 43.8 40.9 36.9
Cohabitants with children 4.0 4.7 1.2 3.6 3.3 2.6
Single persons with children 2.5 2.1 3.0 2.7 3.6 3.9
Living alone 39.5 38.9 55.6 46.9 48.9 53.5
* Percentage distribution of total population and disabled population according to family situation.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
Table 10.- Housing characteristics of disabled persons, by age, sex and type of impairment or disability
Description of variables
Housing characteristics, or living arrangements of disabled persons, include descriptions of living quarters of disabled persons; type of occupancy (rental versus ownership of home); institutional care by type of institution; length of residence. To a great extent, the classifications used by countries are self-explanatory. If required, unusual categories are described in footnotes at the country level. All references to ICIDH codes prefaced with an M (for example, MM), indicate that the codes are not ICIDH codes, but are devised to accommodate items not readily coded within ICIDH categories.
United Nations Disability Statistics Housing characteristics
10. Housing characteristics of disabled persons, by age, sex and type of impairment or disability
[lousing Disabled characteristics persons Intellectual impairments Other
impairments Aural impairments
ICIDH 1 2 4
AUSTRALIA, national survey of handicapped persons 1981
Mental retardation Mental disorders Hearing loss
Areas of handicap, by type of residence
Self care 544 200 54 900 104 600 116 300
Household 448 300 Institution 95 900 29 100 25 800 62 000 42 600 91 100 25 200
Mobility 921 600 66 700 155 600 19 400
Household 812 800 Institution 108 800 37 900 28 800 109 000 46 600 164 900 29 100
Communication 260 400 48 900 47 100 160 300
Household 204 900 Institution 55 500 27 400 21 500 18 900 28 300 142 000 18 300
Schooling 95 700 37 500 9 100 19 300
Household 90 700 Institution 5 000 33 300 4 200 8 300 800 18 500 800
Household 498 300 21 500 101 400 69 600
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
Housing characteristics Ocular impairments Shortness of breath Other
organs Other
of internal
organs Other
of limb:
other Unspecified
other motor
of limb
ICIDH 5 61.0 66 66.8 74.8 74.9
AUSTRALIA, national survey of handicapped persons 1981 (cont'd)
Sight loss Respir-atory disease Circul-atory disease Nervous system disease Musculo-skeletal disease Other
Areas, of handicap by type of residence
Self care 78 000 48 600 136 500 82 500 272 100 158 200
Household Institution 52 200 25 800 44 500 4 100 104 300 32 100 59 100 23 400 237 500 34 600 121 500 36 700
Mobility 124 900 90 400 256 200 108 200 420 900 241 300
Household Institution 96 100 28 800 85 300 5 100 220 700 35 500 83 300 25 000 382 800 38 100 201 900 39 400
Communication 48 800 10 300 47 000 34 500 57 000 59 000
Household Institution 33 900 14 900 8 200 2 100 30 000 16 900 19 200 15 300 41 000 16 000 37 900 21 100
Schooling 7 400 13 500 15 400 7 100 20 600
Household Institution 6 600 800 13 400 13 100 2 300 6 600 19 900 700
Household 27 800 48 500 113 400 54 800 217 400 129 700
Note, Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
Population Disabled
Housing characteristics surveyed persons
AUSTRALIA, national survey of handicapped persons 1981 (cont'd)
Nature of housing occupancy
Total 12 685 800 1 129 300
Owner/outright 3 640 900 612 300
Owner/purchasing 5 337 200 243 500
Renter/commission 732 800 85 700
Renter/private 2 293 900 142 900
Other 681 100 44 900
Institutionalized persons,
size of institution
Total in institutions 111 100
1-20 - 700
21-40 18 300
41-60 17 000
61-80 11 100
81-100 9 600
101-150 12 400
151-200 5 900
201-300 8 100
301-400 4 700
401-500 2 900
500+ 14 000
United Nations Disability Statistics Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
Disabled population
Housing characteristics Ages 0-4 Ages 5-14 Ages 15-24 Ages 25-34 Ages 35-44
AUSTRALIA, national survey of handicapped persons 1981 (cont'd)
Type of institution according to age of occupants
Total 3 600 5 700 4 200 3 200
General hospital Nursing homes Aged homes Psychiatric hospital Special homes 700 2 800 1 900 3 200 2 000 2 000 1 500 1 200
Ages 45-54 Ages 55-64 Ages 65-74 Ages 75+ All ages
Total 4 700 7 800 17 800 63 700 111 100
General hospital Nursing homes Aged homes Psychiatric hospital Special homes 500 1 200
1 300 1 400 600 2 900
1 100
2 200
900 1 600
8 000
5 100
2 000
1 000 5 500
34 600
20 100
2 000
1 500 8 800 47 700 26 700
13 600
14 300
United Nations Disability Statistics
Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
Disabled population, time in institution
Housing Less than 6-12 1-3 3-5
characteristics 6 months months years years
AUSTRALIA, national survey of handicapped persons 1981 (cont'd)
Length of time in institution,
by type of institution
Total 22 700 10 300 30 600 17 800
General hospital 4 600 1 000 2 000 700
Nursing home 10 400 4 600 14 700 8 600
Aged persons homes 3 600 2 300 8 500 5 000
Psychiatric hospital 1 700 900 2 400 1 600
Special homes/hostels 2 500 1500 3 000 1 900
5-10 10 years
years or more Total
United Nations Disability Statistics Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
Housing characteristics Disabled persons
AUSTRALIA, national survey of handicapped persons 1981 (cont'd)
Institutionalization status according to age
Ages 0-4 ..
Permanently Not permanently
Ages 5-14 3 600
Permanently Not permanently 2 800 800
Ages 15-24 5 700
Permanently Not permanently 3 700 1 900
Ages 25-34 4 200
Permanently Not permanently 3 000 1 200
Ages 35-44 3 200
Permanently Not permanently 2 400 800
Ages 45-54 4 700
Permanently Not permanently 3 300 1 400
Ages 55-64 7 800
Permanently Not permanently 5 200 2 600
Ages 65-74 17 800
Permanently Not permanently 11 700 6 200
Ages 75+ 63 700
Permanently Not permanently 47 100 16 600
Total 111 100
Permanently Not permanently 79 500 31 700
United Nations Disability Statistics Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
Housing characteristics Population surveyed Disabled persons
CANADA, health and disability survey 1983-84
Type of dwelling, within age group
Ages 15-34 8 670 000 395 000
Single detached 5 118 000 205 000
Double 452 000 22 000
Row or terrace 458 000 30 000
Duplex 331 000 17 000
Apartment/flat 2 031 000 107 000
Mobile home 240 000 13 000
Other 41 000
Not stated ¦
Ages 35-54 5 840 000 581 000
Single detached 4 077 000 363 000
Double 277 000 24 000
Row or terrace 250 000 27 000
Duplex 148 000 17 000
Apartment/flat 933 000 126 000
Mobile home 115 000 17 000
Other 38 000 7 000
Not stated
Ages 55-64 2 270 000 561 000
Single detached 1 561 000 363 000
Double 74 000 16 000
Row or terrace 56 000 14 000
Duplex 77 000 20 000
Apartment/flat 443 000 125 000
Mobile home 38 000 14 000
Other 20 000 7 000
Not stated ..
Ages 65+ 2 356 000 910 000
Single detached 1 406 000 533 000
Double 66 000 23 000
Row or terrace 44 000 16 000
Duplex 74 000 30 000
Apartment/flat 681 000 269 000
Mobile home 42 000 17 000
Other 43 000 23 000
Not stated : ..
Total, all ages 19 136 000 2 448 000
Single detached 12 162 000 1 463 000
Double 870 000 85 000
Row or terrace 809 000 86 000
Duplex 630 000 84 000
Apartment/flat 4 089 000 627 000
Mobile home 435 000 62 000
Other 142 000 40 000
Not stated
United Nations Disability Statistics Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
Housing Population characteristics surveyed Disabled persons Intellectual Other psycho-logical Total or
hearing Total
eyes Unspecified
ICIDH 1 2 40 51.0 74.9
HONG KONG, population census 1981 *
Mentally retarded Mentally ill Severely deaf Blind Physically disabled
Housing type
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Public/aided housing Private housing Institutions Temporary housing 44.2
6.7 46.9
5.4 28.7
6.0 46.3
8.0 49.5
8.1 46.6
Total (number) 41 463 9 140 6 323 6 316 4 360 15 324
households Domestic
Domestic household size
Total 100.0 33 200
6 and over 15.2 30.8 31.5 22.5 3 457
8 122
9 413
12 208
Average household size 3.9 4.7
* Percentage distribution of disabled persons according to housing status and type of impairment.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
Housing characteristics cupational
disability Locomotor disability
ICIDH 18 4
NORWAY, level of living survey 1983
Strongly reduced working capacity Reduced mobility
Housing condition: type of building and tenure status
(Ages 16-79): Total surveyed 405 406
Live in one-dwelling building. 77 76
Own their dwelling 71 71
Tenants without deposit/share or with special leases 17 17
Live without bath or w.c* 11 11
Live in damp dwelling 7 8
Live in cold dwelling 9 8
Live with bath and w.c* and without cold/damp room 78 78
Live in crowded dwelling 10 10
Live in spacious dwelling 40 43
Live in old/crowded dwelling 28 29
Noise from road traffic 20 17
Noise from dwelling 30 26
Traffic/industry pollution 29 27
Noise or pollution 40 38
* water closet/toilet Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
Severe Total Bilateral complete
impairment Total or visual paralysis Bilateral
of profound Speech impairment of lower paralysis
Housing commun- impairment of hearing and of limbs: of upper
characteristics ication
hearing both eyes paraplegia limbs
ICIDH 30 40 M40.1 51.0 72.3 73.0
SRI LANKA, population census 1981
Means of livelihood for disabled persons
according to sex and residence
Deaf and Paralysis of Paralysis of
Mute Deaf mute Blind both legs both hands
Living in an institution
Males 251 221 602 413 332 104
Employment 39 26 52 34 17 2
Supported by family or
relatives 55 16 29 21 41 17
Supported by institution or
organization 150 177 510 346 258 80
Begging 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 7 2 11 12 16 5
Females 163 188 474 341 268 86
Employment 13 6 16 13 1 0
Supported by family or
relatives 42 14 33 29 35 19
Supported by institution or
organization 104 168 417 284 222 65
Begging 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 4 0 8 15 10 2
Males 133 18 304 182 187 75
Employment 10 1 19 12 5 0
Supported by family or
relatives 15 5 5 2 8 5
Supported by institution or
organization 106 11 279 167 172 69
Begging 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 2 1 1 1 2 1
Females 78 65 273 184 178 58
Employment 0 0 1 6 0 0
Supported by family or
relatives 7 7 8 3 9 3
Supported by institution or
organization 69 58 260 168 165 54
Begging 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 2 0 4 7 4 1
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
< [lousing characteristics Paralysis
limb Other
limb Transverse
of carpus Transverse
of carpi Transverse
lower leg Transverse
lower legs
ICIDH 73.1 73.4 75.3 75.31 75.6 75.61
SRI LANKA, population census 1981 (cont'd)
Means of livelihood for disabled persons
according to sex and residence
Paralysis Paralysis
of of Loss of Loss of Loss of Loss of
one hand one leg one hand both hands one leg both legs
Living in an institution
Males 163 239 55 9 103 32
Employment 26 56 13 0 23 8
Supported by family or
relatives 35 33 18 4 28 6
Supported by institution
or organization 94 141 22 5 48 17
Begging 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 8 9 2 0 4 1
Females 88 133 9 3 37 6
Employment 4 17 1 0 0 0
Supported by family or
relatives 16 23 0 1 9 0
Supported by institution
or organization 63 88 6 2 25 6
Begging 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 5 5 2 0 3 0
Males 54 92 18 3 42 10
Employment 6 14 1 0 4 1
Supported by family or
relatives 6 4 8 2 11 0
Supported by institution
or organization 39 71 9 1 24 8
Begging 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 3 3 0 0 3 1
Females 36 58 2 3 26 3
Employment 0 4 0 0 0 0
Supported by family or
relatives 5 7 0 1 4 0
Supported by institution
or organization 30 43 1 2 19 3
Begging 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 1 4 1 0 3 0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
Housing commun-
characteristics ication Total or
of hearing Speech
hearing Total
both eyes Bilateral complete paralysis of lower limbs: paraplegia Bilateral
of upper
ICIDH 30 40 M40.1 51.0 72.3 73.0
SRI LANKA, population census 1981 (cont.)
Means of livelihood for disabled persons according to sex and residence
Mute Deaf Deaf and mute Blind Paralysis
both legs Paralysis
both hands
Living in an institution
Males 100 194 283 212 127 23
Employment Supported by family or
relatives Supported by institution or
organization Begging Other 21
43 0 4 19
166 0 0 21
231 0 9 17
10 9
14 1
11 0 4
Females 70 118 191 140 78 23
Employment Supported by family or
relatives Supported by institution or
organization Begging Other 3
35 0 2 3
110 0 0 7
157 0
4 3
115 0
7 1
55 0 5 0
10 0 1
Estate sector
Males 18 ? 15 19 18 6
Employment Supported by family or
relatives Supported by institution or
organization Begging Other 8
1 0 1 6
0 0 1 12
0 0 1 5
7 0 1 3
4 0 0 1
0 0 0
Females 15 5 10 17 12 5
Employment Supported by family or
relatives Supported by institution or
organization Begging Other 10
0 0 0 3
0 0 0 8
0 0 0 4
1 0 1 0
2 0 1 0
1 0 0
United Nations Disability Statistics " Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
1 [lousing characteristics Paralysis
limb Other
limb Transverse
of carpus Transverse
of carpi Transverse
lower leg Transverse
lower legs
ICIDH 73.1 73.4 75.3 75.31 75.6 75.61
SRI LANKA, population census 1981 (cont'd)
Means of livelihood for disabled persons
according to sex and residence
Paralysis Paralysis
of of Loss of Loss of Loss of Loss of
one hand one leg one hand both hands one leg both legs
Living in an institution
Rural ' , * ¦
Males 81 112 28 5 49 .22
Employment 10 25 9 0 14 7
Supported by family or
relatives 17 21 6 1 13 6
Supported by institution
or organization 49 61 11 4 21 9
Begging 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 5 5 2 0 1 0
Females 45 62 6 0 9 3
Employment 2 6 0 0 0 0
Supported by family or
relatives 6 10 0 0 3 0
Supported by institution
or organization 33 45 5 0 6 3
Begging 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 4 1 1 0 0 0
Estate sector
Males 28 35 9 1 12 0
Employment 10 17 3 0 5 - 0
Supported by family or
relatives 12 8 4 1 4 0
Supported by institution
or organization 6 9 2 0 3. 0
Begging 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 0 1 0 0 0 0
Females 7 13 1 o 2 0
Employment 2 7 1 0 0 0
Supported by family or
relatives 5 6 0 0 2 0
Supported by institution
or organization 0 0 0 0 0 0
Begging 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0 0 0 C )
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
] im
[lousing c characteristics Severe
ication Total or
of hearing Speech
hearing Total
both eyes Bilateral complete paralysis of lower limbs: paraplegia Bilateral
of upper
ICIDH 30 40 M40.1 51.0 72.3 73.0
SRI LANKA, population census 1981 (cont.)
Means of livelihood for disabled persons
according to sex and residence
Deaf and Paralysis of Paralysis of
Mute Deaf mute Blind both legs both hands
Not living in an institution
Males 6 497 1 648 A 629 4 663 6 118 2 286
Employment 793 503 939 394 302 44
Supported by family or
relatives 5 113 931 3 287 3 455 5 239 2 055
Supported by institution or
organization 25 16 26 86 78 22
Begging 28 17 19 167 76 26
Other 538 181 358 561 423 139
Females 4 934 1 402 3 636 3 914 4 315 1 605
Employment 168 102 177 102 34 7
Supported by family or
relatives 4 323 1 130 3 124 3 271 3 989 1 476
Supported by institution or
organization 13 17 23 95 44 23
Begging 10 17 10 50 21 12
Other 420 136 302 396 227 87
Males 1 025 180 573 653 867 323
Employment 137 43 120 118 58 5
Supported by family or
relatives 784 102 389 393 717 292
Supported by institution or
organization 6 9 6 21 9 1
Begging 4 3 3 34 13 9
Other 94 23 55 87 70 16
Females 723 188 531 483 642 217
Employment 14 15 28 29 6 1
Supported by family or
relatives 628 146 441 359 579 197
Supported by institution or
organization 2 3 9 25 5 1
Begging 2 5 1 7 3 4
l Other 77 19 52 63 49 14
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
Housing characteristics Paralysis
limb Other
limb Transverse
of carpus Transverse
of carpi Transverse
lower leg Transverse
lower legs
ICIDH 73.1 73.4 75.3 75.31 75.6 75.61
SRI LANKA, population census 198J (cont'd)
Means of livelihood for disabled persons according to sex and residence
Paralysis of
one hand Paralysis one leg Loss of one hand Loss of both hands Less of
*** leg Loss of both legs
Not living in an institution
Males 4 740 6 700 1 291 132 2 192 449
Supported by family or
Supported by institution
or organization
Other 393
3 789
428 986
4 951
592 286
143 6
12 439
1 400
226 36
11 26 56
Females 2 580 3 990 353 60 500 159
Supported by family or
Supported by institution
or organization
Other 36
2 312
195 145
3 474
307 22
29 0
1 1 9 15
5 3
44 4. 142
Males 761 1 032 194 24 374 107
Supported by family or
Supported by institution
or organization
Other 53
10 19 89 137
100 45
25 1
0 0 3 74
9 19 50 19
2 10 12
Females 360 632 60 15 108 33
Supported by family or
Supported by institution
or organization
Other 6
28 26
67 2
1 3 5 0
1 0
2 3
15 1
0 0 2
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disabilitry Statistics Housing characteristics
Table 10 (contimed)
Housing characteristics Severe airment
ication Total or
or hearing Speech
hearing Total
both eyes Bilateral complete paralysis of lower limbs: paraplegia Bilateral
of upper
ICIDH 30 40 M40.1 51.0 72.3 73.7
SRI LANKA, population census 1981 (cont.)
Means of livelihood for disabled persons
according to sex and residence
Deaf and Paralysis of Paralysis of
Mute Deaf mute Blind both legs both hands
Not living in an institution
Males 5 266 1 369 3 884 3 798 4 976 1 867
Employment 613 424 764 250 229 33
Supported by family or
relatives 4 197 779 2 796 2 921 4 286 1 684
Supported by institution or
organization 19 7 19 63 68 20
Begging 23 13 16 116 57 14
Other 414 146 289 448 336 116
Females 4 024 1 164 2 987 3 164 3 515 1 319
Employment 123 72 118 65 23 3
Supported by family or
relatives 3 559 952 2 612 2 695 3 269 1 220
Supported by institution or
organization 11 14 14 68 37 21
Begging 5 12 7 40 18 8
Other 326 114 236 296 168 67
Estate sector
Males 206 99 172 212 275 96
Employment 43 36 55 26 15 6
Supported by family or
relatives 132 50 102 141 236 79
Supported by institution or
organization 0 0 1 2 1 1
Begging 1 1 0 17 6 3
Other 30 12 14 26 17 7
Females 187 50 118 267 158 69
Employment 31 15 31 8 5 3
Supported by family or
relatives 136 32 71 217 141 59
Supported by institution or
organization 0 0 0 2 2 1
Begging 3 0 2 3 0 0
Other 17 3 14 37 10 6
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
( Housing characteristics Paralysis
limb Other
limb Transverse
of carpus Transverse
of carpi Transverse
lower leg Transverse
lower legs
ICIDH 73.1 73.4 75.3 75.31 75.6 75.61
SRI LANKA, population census 1981 (cont'd)
Means of livelihood for disabled persons
according to sex and residence
Paralysis Paralysis
of of Loss of Loss of Loss of Loss of
one hand one leg one hand both hands one leg both legs
Not living in an institution
Males 3 827 5 412 1 038 101 1 731 324
Employment 320 781 221 5 347 14
Supported by family or
relatives 3 082 4 025 654 82 1 119 244
Supported by institution
or organization 42 61 18 3 32 9
Begging 58 66 31 2 60 15
Other 325 479 114 9 173 42
Females 2 101 3 164 264 42 371 120
Employment 18 76 11 0 10 2
Supported by family or
relatives 1 894 2 810 227 34 329 108
Supported by institution
or organization 18 24 1 0 3 0
Begging 12 26 3 1 3 1
Other 159 228 22 7 26 9
Estate sector
Males 152 256 59 7 87 18
Employment 20 68 20 0 18 3
Supported by family or
relatives 117 170 32 7 59 12
Supported by institution
or organization 0 2 1 0 0 0
Begging 1 3 2 0 7 1
Other 14 13 4 0 3 2
Females 119 194 29 3 21 6
Employment 12 43 9 0 2 1
Supported by family or
relatives 96 137 18 3 16 4
Supported by institution
or organization 1 0 0 0 0 0
Begging 2 2 0 0 0 0
C Other 8 12 2 0 3 1
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
Housing characteristics Mental Intermittent: handicap consciousness Speech
hearing Total
eyes Cardio-respiratory function Other and un-specified disfig-urement Other
ICIDH M1.1 21 M40.1 51.0 61 87.9 99
St. Helena, national survey 1976
Disabled Mentally persons infirm Epileptic Deaf
mute Blind Cardiac disablement Crippled Bed-ridden
Type of residence according to sex
Home Institution 31 4 1 6 4 0 4 0 5 0 1 0 14 0 2 2
Home Institution 31 6 0 15 10 0 8 0 3 1 0 0 14 0 0
Whether infirmity prevents earnings
Home Institution 11
Home Institution 16 5
Whether infirmity does not prevent earnings
Home Institution 20
Home Institution 15 10
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Housing characteristics
Table 10 (continued)
Housing characteristics Population surveyed Aural Ocular Occupational
disability Locomotor disability Other locomotor disability
ICIDH 4 5 18 4 49
SWEDEN, living conditions survey 1980/81 *
Reduced hearing Reduced eye sight Reduced
capacity Mobility Serious
Type of residence according to age
Ages 16-64 5 185 000 235 000 25 000 415 000 205 000 75 000
One family house
Apartment house
Institution 100.0
0.2 100.0
0.6 100.0
2.0 100.0
2.5 100.0
1.8 100.0
Ages 65-84 1 280 000 225 000 70 000 335 000 370 000 215 000
One family house
Apartment house
Institution 100.0
4.6 100.0
3.1 100.0
7.6 100.0 38.3 49.6 12.1 100.0 36.8 51.5 11.7 100.0 34.9 48.0 17.1
Housing characteristics of disabled persons not living in an institution
Ages 16-64 (percentage)
No lift-not on ground floor Wheelchair-inaccessible to home 23.8 85.7 24.8 92.4 24.2 86.4 26.4 84.8 24.5 80.0 20.7 68.5
Ages 65-84 (percentage)
No lift not on ground floor Wheelchair, inaccessible to home 25.1 87.7 23.1 89.5 24.2 83.5 25.1 86.1 25.5 85.6 25.1 83.7
* Percentage distribution of disabled persons by type of residence, and percentage of non-institutionalized persons according to whether there is a lift on ground floor and according to whether wheelchair is inaccessible to home.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
Table 11. Causes of impairments of disabled persons, by age, sex and type of impairment or disability
Table 11 presents the reported causes of impairments of disabled persons, by age, sex and type of impairment or disability. When available, numbers of persons are presented. When not available, priority is given to the presentation of rates, as available, by country.
Description of variables
Data on cause are not standardized. The variation in presentations of causes of impairments is great. National classifications are left intact and presented as given in the published reports of population censuses, national surveys and registration systems. Typical causes reported include accidents (by type of accident), war, injury, abnormal pregnancies, congenital factors or birth defects, and illness (either infectious or chronic). In some cases, different causes were allowed depending upon the specific impairment (e.g., India, 1981). Population censuses generally reported the numbers of disabled persons or numbers of disabilities by cause, whereas surveys generally reported the percentage distribution of causes by type of impairment or disability.
All references to ICIDH codes prefaced with an M (for example, M1.1), indicate that the codes are not ICIDH codes, but are devised to accommodate items not readily coded within ICIDH categories.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
11. Causes of impairments of disabled persons by age, sex and type of impairment or disability
Cause of visual impairment To Disabilities of Otal visual npairment both eyes Near-
impaii of both -total
eyes Moderate
of both eyes Unspecified
of both eyes
ICIDH 51.0 51.3 53 53.9
AUSTRIA, sample survey on physical disabilities 1976 *
Total visual impairments Blind in both eyes Partial sight Farsighted uncorrectable Nearsighted uncorrectable
Total number 570 600 4 900 7 000 240 800 162 600
Total percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Result of war 5.1 16.8 6.9 ...
Work accident
or work related 9.2 4.8 5.1 9.6 8.3
Traffic accident 1.2 . ¦ ..
Congenital 6.2 28.6 4.6 2.3 8:1
Illness 42.7 39.0 56.4 45.0 36.9
Other accidents 5.3 3.1 8.5 ..
Unknown 30.3 7.7 18.3 33.7 39.8
of one eye Other visual impairment Other visual
colour vision Other
of vision
54 57 57.5 57.8
Blind in one eye Cataracts or glaucoma Colour blind Other visual
Total number 28 400 58 000 3 400 65 500
Total percent 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Result of war 14.1 .. 7.3
Work accident
or work related 17.9 10.3
Traffic accident 4.7 .. ..
Congenital 9.0 3.6 39.5 14.3
Illness 27.9 61.2 11.4 38.7
Other accidents 13.9 .. .. 9.3
Unknown 12.5 16.7 16.1 17.1
* Percentage distribution of disabled persons according to cause of disability and type of impairment or disability.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
1 i Cause of mpairment, age and sex Disabled persons Mental handicap Total or
hearing Speech
hearing Total
eyes Unspecified
of limb Transverse
of proximal
limb parts Other
ICIDH M1.1 40 M40.1 51.0 73.9 75.9 99
BAHRAIN, population census 1981
Mentally handi-capped Deaf Deaf
mute Blind Paralysed Amputee Other
Males 2 205 392 144 150 704 327 237 251
Infant birth
trauma 571 175 46 106 88 80 28 48
Injury 362 50 11 8 111 47 95 40
Disease 1 192 155 71 28 471 200 110 157
Congenital 77 12 16 8 32 0 4 5
Not stated 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 1
Females 1 273 198 85 80 487 243 72 108
Infant birth
trauma 301 79 20 54 55 45 14 34
Injury 123 22 3 3 36 25 24 10
Disease 812 85 60 20 382 170 33 62
Congenital 37 12 2 3 14 3 1 2
Not stated 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Natrons Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of disability, age and sex Disabled persons
CANADA, health and disability survey 1983-84
Both sexes, aged 15+ 3 867 000
Disease/illness/treatment after-effect
Don't know 208 000 662 000 305 000 575 000 623 000 268 000 1 226 000
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Deaf and/ or mute Impairment of posture Impairment of limb
Cause of disability
Ocular Visceral
ICIDH M40.2 5 6 70.5 74.9
FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, biannual survey of 1983
(compilation of state registration system of disabled persons)
Speech/ Blindness/
hearing/ difficulty
balance seeing Inner organs Reduced
function Reduction
in limb
Total 201 616 269 074 2 338 143 a/ 1 012 334 937 415
Congenital 25 180 15 095 15 746 10 967 43 389
Work accident/related 1 835 5 447 ! 55 598 6 505 53 260
Traffic accident 409 2 591 1 058 3 196 24 211
Home accident 162 1 856 371 1 294 8 330
Other/not specified accident 478 5 488 737 2 961 23 573
Acknowledged war injuries 5 679 17 695 t 49 425 12 574 133 297
Other including vaccination
reaction 158 232 206 704 2 145 770 904 949 594 093
Other/additional 9 641 14 198 116 438 69 888 57 262
of proximal
limb parts Other and
Other impairment Unspecified
75.9 87.9 99 99.9
Limb loss/ partial loss Dwarfism/ disfigurement Paraplegia/ mental/addict
Total 142 151 ] 121 009 630 119 842 078
Congenital 3 404 2 221 121 603 11 904
Work accident/related 16 309 181 7 409 11 932
Traffic accident 5 774 144 9 500 2 978
Home accident 1 089 73 1 108 689
Other/not specified accident 4 690 123 4 650 1 774
Acknowledged war injuries 75 848 1 218 25 477 67 854
Other: including vaccination
reaction 31 471 ] 111 805 411 296 631 966
Other/additional 3 566 5 244 49 076 112 981
a/ Sum of causes does not equal total for inner organs. Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of impairment, Language age and sex impairments Aural impairments
INDIA, national survey of handicapped 1981 *
Speech Hearing
Both sexes, aged 5+
Urban 100.0
Voice disorder 3.8 Cleft palate 1.9 Illness 17.0 Injury 1.8 Medical and surgical intervention .8 Others, and not known 74.7
Rural 100.0
Voice disorder 3.1 Cleft palate 1.2 Illness 11.0 Injury .8 Medical and surgical intervention .4 Others, and not known 83.5
Urban 100.0
German measles
Noise induced hearing loss
Ear discharge
Following illness
Following injury
Following medical and surgical intervention
Others, and not known 1.0
Rural 100.0
German measles
Noise induced hearing loss
Ear discharge
Following illness
Following injury
Following medical and surgical intervention
Others, and not known .6
* Percentage distribution of disabled persons according to cause of impairment, age and residence. Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
of both eyes
Total, visual
of both eyes
Cause of impairment,
age and sex
ICIDH 51.0 51.3
INDIA, national survey of handicapped 1981 (cont'd) *
No light perception Having light perception
Both sexes, total
Urban 100.0 100.0
Cataract 15.6 28.5
Glaucoma 6.4 5.9
Corneal opacity 24.6 4.0
Injuries 5.3 3.0
Eye haemorrhage other than injury .8 .3
Myopia 00 .2
Others, and not known 0.0 ..
Not recorded 473 58.1
Rural 100.0 ,100.0
Cataract 19.8 24.3
Glaucoma 7.8 4.6
Corneal opacity 15.2 4.6
Injuries 2.8 2.1
Eye haemorrhage other than injury .8 A
Myopia 0.0 .1
Others, and not known 0.0 ..
Not recorded 53.6 63.9
* Percentage distribution of disabled persons according to cause of impairment, age and residence. Note. Column headings in italics show the .national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
of limb Other motor
of limb -Transverse deficiency
of proximal
limb parts Other and
Cause of impairment,
age and sex
ICIDH 73.9 74 75.9 87.9
INDIA, national survey of handicapped 1981 (cont'd)*
Dysfunction of joints Deformity of limb
Both sexes (total)
Urban 100.0 100,0 100.0 100.0
Cerebral palsy 9.9 3.2
Burns and injury 2,0 41.6 27.9 22.3
Medical/surgical intervention 1.0 2.9 2.3 1.9
Polio 43.6 12.0 43.4
Leprosy .3 112 7.7 3.2
Stroke 11.2 2.4 1.2
Other illness 16.1 20.2 ,40,8 13.0
Other cause 15.9 18.7 21.2 11.8
Rural 100.0 100,0 100,0 100.0
Cerebral palsy 15,2 2.6
Burns and injury Medical/surgical intervention 2.1 42.3 21.9 26.7
,5 2.0 3.0 1.7
Polio 27.7 8.0 29.1
Leprosy .2 1.2 12.4 7.5
Stroke 12.4 2.0 .. 1.5
Other illness 19.1 23.6 27.8 15.9
Other cause 22.8 20.9 34.9 15.0
* Percentage distribution of disabled persons according to cause of impairment, age and residence. Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of impairment, age and sex Disabled persons
JAPAN, national survey of handicapped adults 1980
Both sexes, aged 18+ 1 977 000
Traffic accident 92 000
Work accident 177 000
Other accident 119 000
War injury 97 000
Infectious disease 91 000
Toxic disease 8 000
Other disease 841 000
Impairment at birth 70 000
Other (including congenital abnormality) 252 000
Unknown 230 000
Disabling diseases
Both sexes, aged 18+ 1 977 000
Cerebral palsy 59 000
Poliomyelitis 53 000
Spinal cord injury 66 000
Progressive muscular dystrophy 5 000
Cerebro-vascular accident 227 000
Inflammatory joint defect 184 000
Rheumatoid 92 000
Middle ear infection 72 000
Inner ear infection 82 000
Disease of the cornea 74 000
Disease of the lens 65 000
Retino-choroidal and optic nerve disease 118 000
Other disease 880 000
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairment!
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of impairment, age and sex Disabled persons
KENYA, national survey of persons 1981
Both sexes, aged 1S+ 1774
Poliomyelitis 499
Unspecified diseases 402
Specified diseases 84
Occupational accidents 110
Road accidents 61
Unspecified accidents 22
Congenital defects 110
Medical negligence 54
Measles 53
"Bewitched" 33
Other 14
Don't know 275
Missing information 57
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of impairment, age and sex Disabled persons
NEPAL, national survey 1980 *
Males 100.00
Birth defects
Accidents 29.07 50.88 20.05
Females 100.00
Birth defects
Accidents 28.49 58.15 13.36
Both sexes 100.00
Birth defects
Accidents 28.85 53.60 17.55
Both sexes
Hills 100.00
Birth defects
Accidents 29.72 47.46 22.82
Terai region 100.00
Birth defects
Accidents 27.73 61.51 10.76
Percentage distribution of disabled persons by causes of impairments, sex and residence.
United Nations Disability Statistics
Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of impairment, age and sex Disabled persons
NEPAL, national survey 1980 (cont'd)*
Hills 100.00
Birth defects
Accidents 31.42 42.04 26.54
Terai region 100.00
Birth defects
Accidents 26.18 61.78 12.04
Total 100.00
Birth defects
Accidents 29.07 50.88 20.05
Hills 100.00
Birth defects
Accidents 27.03 56.08 16.89
Terai region 100.00
Birth defects
Accidents 30.52
Total 100.00
Birth defects
Accidents 28.49 58.15 13.36
Percentage distribution of disabled persons by causes of impairments, sex and residence.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of impairment, age and sex Intellectual impairments Speech and hearing Total visual
of both eyes Other impairment
ICIDH 1 M40.1 51.0 99
PANAMA, general census of population and housing 1980
Mentally retarded Deaf/Mute Blind Invalid
Ages 0-39
Males Females 2 449 1 906 782 741 111
86 939 721
Acquired (other cause)
Males Females 440 308 135 127 127 90 531
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Disabled persons Severe:
Language cation Voice production
Voice quality Speech fluency
Cause of impairment
|ICIDH 3 30 35 36.6 37.0 4.
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980
Nasal twang
Aphasia Mutism Dysarthria
Total 19 60 49 40 45
Congenital 5 44 11 38 26
Infectious 5 3 I 0 3
Trauma 1 0 1 0 0
New growth 0 0 0 0 0
Vascular 8 0 30 0 1
Degenerative 0 0 0 0 0
Metabolic endocrine 0 0 0 0 0
Not stated 0 2 6 2 15
Communication Aural
Total 1 292 26 72
Congenital 332 14 4
Infectious 120 0 20
Trauma 87 0 11
New growth 12 0 1 1
Vascular 8 2 0 14
Degenerative 46 0
Metabolic endocrine 3 0 0
Combination of causes 471 0 V
Not stated 213 10 19
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairment!
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of impairment Total or
hearing Moderate
hearing Mild
hearing Ocular Total
both eyes Near-total
both eyes Profound
one eye
|ICIDH 40 45.4 45.7 5 51.0 51.3 54
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980 (cont'd)
loss Hearing
severe Hearing
mild Ocular Blind both eyes Partial both eyes Blind one eye
Total 43 57 184 151 63 37 113
Congenital 30 15 24 35 5 0 7
Infectious 4 10 41 28 11 3 27
Trauma 4 6 18 21 4 1 27
New growth 0 1 0 2 2 0 0
Vascular 2 0 1 2 1 0 3 28
Degenerative 2 18 63 24 25 24
Metabolic endocrine 0 0 0 2 1 1 0
Combination of causes 3
Not stated 1 7 37 34 14 8 21
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of impairment Near-total
one eye,
other eye
not stated Other visual Visceral Skeletal Mechanical
and motor:
face Posture Un-specified: posture
ICIDH 54.5 57 6 7 70.2 70.5 70.59
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980 (cont'd)
Partial one eye Strabismus Kyphosis Weakness
or face
paralysis Scoliosis Others,
Total 11 61 33 23 13 6
Congenital 1 42 4 0 7 0
Infectious 1 5 6 0 4 1
Trauma 1 4 4 10 0 2
New growth 0 0 0 0 0 0
Vascular 0 0 0 2 1 0
Degenerative 5 0 3 0 0 0
Metabolic endocrine 0 0 0 0 0 0
Not stated 3 10 Visceral 16
Skeletal 11 1 3
Total 214 346
Congenital 137 31
Infectious 50 14
Trauma 15 29
New growth 4 0
Vascular 0 4
Degenerative 0 3
Metabolic endocrine 0 1
Combination of causes 8 144
Not stated 0 120
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of impairment Mixed
and other
of limb Bilateral
paralysis of
lower limbs:
paraplegia Unspecified
paralysis of
more than
one limb Paralysis of
upper and
lower limbs
on same
side Paralysis
of all
four limbs Other
of limb
ICIDH 71.9 72.3 72.9 73.5 73.7 73.85
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980 (cont'd)
Fracture Paraplegia Spastic Hemiplegia Quadriptegia Flaccid
Total 43 28 30 62 17 74
Congenital 0 9 0 7 5 0
Infectious 0 5 0 11 5 0
Trauma 43 7 0 2 4 0
New growth 0 0 0 1 0 0
Vascular 0 4 0 40 1 0
Degenerative 0 0 0 0 0 0
Metabolic endocrine 0 0 0 0 0 0
Not stated 0 3 30 1 2 74
Un-specified other paralysis of limb Other
limb Other
limbs Other
of limb:
other Unspecified other motor impairment of limb
Impairment of limb Tremor nos* Limping nos
73.9 74 74.0 74.8 74.9 74.92 74.97
I-limb paralysis Limb
or other Unequal
or other
Rigid Athetosis
Polio Tremors
Total 114 50 14 6 82 58 29
Congenital 10 0 8 0 0 17 0
Infectious 37 0 2 1 82 17 0
Trauma 40 0 0 3 0 12 0
New growth 0 0 0 2 0 1 0
Vascular 15 0 2 0 0 12 0
Degenerative 5 0 1 0 0 6 0
Metabolic endocrine 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Not stated 7 50 1 0 0 3 29
* Not otherwise specified Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of impairment Transverse
of upper
arm Transverse
of lower
leg Transverse
limb parts Deficiency
in head
region Other
of trunk Congenita]
of metacarpus
and hand
ICIDH 75.1 75.6 75.9 80 83 84.03
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980 (cont'd)
Right and left upper Right and left lower Less than
extremity Face and head Trunk/Body Claw-hand
Total 18 17 4 80 15 26
Congenital Infectious Trauma New growth Vascular Degenerative Metabolic endocrine Not stated 1 1
15 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 9 0 1 0 1 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 6 8 4 0 0 3 5 5 0 4 3 0 0 0 3 10 6 9 0 1 0 0 0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Disfigurement of
limb: congenital
and other
leg Of ¦ ankle, foot and
Other and
Cause of impairment
Other disfigurement
ICIDH 84.06 84.07 87 87.9 9 98.3
PHILIPPINES, national survey 1980 (cont'd)
Genu recurvation
Sensory impairment Joint/Muscle pain present
Club foot
Total 42 14 84 43 82 440
Congenital 12 9 9 16 0 0
Infectious 22 5 29 5 0 0
Trauma 5 0 36 8 0 0
New growth 0 0 0 10 0 0
Vascular 0 0 3 0 0 0
Degenerative 0 0 2 0 0 0
Metabolic endocrine 0 0 0 0 0 0
Not stated 3 0 5 4 82 440
Disfiguring Two-category combinations
Congenital 16 95
Infectious 6 2
Trauma 8 3
New growth 6 0
Vascular 0 0
Degenerative 0 5
Metabolic endocrine 0 0
Combination of causes 5 307
Not stated 2 28
43 440
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of impairment, age and sex Severe: communica-tion Total or
hearing Speech and hearing Total
of both
eyes Bilateral
paralysis of
lower limbs:
paraplegia Bilateral paralysis of upper limbs
ICIDH 30 40 M40.1 51.0 72.3 73.0
SRI LANKA, population census 1981
Mute Deaf Deaf and mute Blind Paralysis of both legs Paralysis of both hands
Males 6 748 1 869 5 231 5 076 6 450 2 390
Since birth Due to illness Due to accident Due to violence Unspecified 5 876
357 818 393 213 10 435 4 800
183 1 638
1 587
1 150 3 172 1 642
694 26
916 1 208
Females 5 097 1 590 4 110 4 255 4 583 1 691
Since birth Due to illness Due to accident Due to violence Unspecified 4 596
245 737 348 116 6 383 3 831
135 1 438
1 485
1 046 2 428 1 244
210 8
693 925
Males 1 158 198 877 835 1054 398
Since birth Due to illness Due to accident Due to violence Unspecified 964
86 72 44 20 1 61 785 33 19
40 261 243 131 14 186 491 276 127 5 155 195
Females 801 253 804 667 820 275
Since birth Due to illness Due to accident Due to violence Unspecified 709
47 133 41 19
60 751
32 231
173 362
144 145
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
of lower
leg Transverse
of lower
Cause of impairment, age and sex Paralysis of
upper limb Other
paralysis of
lower limb Transverse
of carpus Transverse
of carpi
ICIDH 73.1 73.4 75.3 75.31 75.6 75.61
SRI LANKA, population census 1981 (cont'd)
Paralysis of one hand Paralysis of one leg Loss of one hand Loss of both hands Loss of one teg Loss of both legs
Males 4 903 6 939 1 346 141 2 295 481
Since birth 1227 1905 205 54 172 142
Due to illness 1 767 2 480 114 23 641 143
Due to accident 803 1 269 743 29 1 101 111
Due to violence 81 63 74 5 46 4
Unspecified 1 025 1222 210 30 335 81
Females 2 668 4 123 362 63 537 165
Since birth 805 1 463 133 34 110 83
Due to illness 978 1 530 60 12 195 48
Due to accident 299 463 88 1 134 8
Due to violence 11 12 11 0 4 0
Unspecified 575 655 70 16 94 26
Males 815 1 124 212 27 416 117
Since birth 175 279 29 6 27 26
Due to illness 308 424 29 4 152 30
Due to accident 113 180 87 7 158 35
Due to violence 10 3 8 3 8 1
Unspecified 209 238 59 7 71 25
Females 396 690 62 18 134 36
Since birth 98 188 10 7 18 18
Due to illness 129 269 18 4 66 13
Due to accident 41 96 18 1 27 2
Due to violence 0 1 0 0 1 0
Unspecified 128 136 16 6 22 3
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of impairment, age and sex Severe: communica-tion Total or
hearing Speech and hearing Total
of both
eyes Bilateral
paralysis of
lower limbs:
paraplegia Bilateral paralysis of upper limbs
ICIDH 30 40 M40.1 51.0 72.3 73.0
SRI LANKA, population census 1981 (cont'd)
Mute Deaf Deaf and mute Blind Paralysis of both legs Paralysis of both hands
Males 5 366 1 563 4 167 4 010 5 103 1 890
Since birth Due to illness Due to accident Due to violence Unspecified 4 723
249 696 334 185 9 339 3 841
136 1 307 1 308
469 53
873 2 491 1 323
549 21
719 958 473 110 16 333
Females 4 094 1 282 3 178 3 304 3 593 1 342
Since birth Due to illness Due to accident Due to violence Unspecified 3 717
175 578
302 2 961
97 1 139
1 217
727 1 970
517 749
Estate sector
Males 224 108 187 231 293 102
Since birth Due to illness Due to accident Due to violence Unspecified 189
. 22 50
35 174 3 3
7 70 36 33 1 91 190
42 55 16
Females 202 55 128 284 170 74
Since birth Due to illness Due to accident Due to violence Unspecified 170 9
23 26 5 2 1
21 119 3
6 68 51 19
146 96 30 11 1 32 31 8 5 0
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
of lower
leg Transverse
of lower
Cause of impairment, age and sex Paralysis of
upper limb Other
paralysis of
lower limb Transverse
of carpus Transverse
of carpi
ICIDH 73.1 73.4 75.3 75.31 75.6 75.61
SRI LANKA, population census 1981 (cont'd)
Paralysis of one hand Paralysis of one leg Loss of one hand Loss of both hands Loss of one leg Loss of both legs
Males 3 908 5 524 1066 106 1 780 346
Since birth 991 1 504 163 43 133 108
Due to illness 1 424 1 994 83 19 476 113
Due to accident 671 1 054 616 20 899 72
Due to violence 70 59 66 2 37 3
Unspecified 752 913 138 22 235 50
Females 2 146 3 226 270 42 380 123
Since birth 660 1 158 111 25 85 63
Due to illness 815 1 222 39 8 125 35
Due to accident 243 353 64 0 101 6
Due to violence 11 11 11 0 3 0
Unspecified 417 482 45 9 66 19
Estate sector
Males 180 291 68 8 99 18
Since birth 61 122 13 5 12 8
Due to illness 35 62 2 0 13 0
Due to accident 19 35 40 2 44 4
Due to violence 1 1 0 0 1 0
Unspecified 64 71 13 1 29 6
Females 126 207 30 3 23 6
Since birth 47 117 12 2 7 2
Due to illness 34 39 3 0 4 0
Due to accident 15 14 6 0 6 0
Due to violence 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 Unspecified 30 37 9 1 6 4
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of impairment, age and sex Population surveyed Disabled persons Total or
of hearing Speech
hearing Total visual
of both eyes Profound
of one eye
ICIDH 40 M40.1 51.0 54
TURKEY, population census 1975
Deaf Deaf and mute Blind Sight loss in one eye
Males 20 744 730 355 557 28 968 26 034 28 963 51 867
From birth
Traffic accident
Unknown 82 647 22 913 40 960 85 821 55 458 67 758 6 466 693 1 680 9 196 6 850 4 083 13 873 748 1 092 5 464 3 419 1 438 6 632
1 758
2 960
10 393
4 743 2477 10 072
2 689
9 326
15 837
11 044
2 899
Females 19 602 989 232 710 44 274 20 890 22 489 30 044
From birth
Traffic accident
Unknown 64 981 9 101 10 621 71 470 41 439 35 098 4 192
17 172
11 214
10 711 10 060
5 139
2 552
2 247 4 357
1 637
9 467 3 825
2 328 5 771
1 233
2 236
10 794
7 039 2 971
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of impairment, age and sex Impairment of posture Unspecified
of limb Unspecified
other motor
of limb Other and
disfigurement Other impairment Unspecified
ICIDH 70.5 73.9 74.9 87.9 99 99.9
TURKEY, population census 1975 (cont'd)
Hunchback Paralysed Lame Crippled Other Unknown
Males 2 533 10 789 102 329 19 582 35 183 49 309
From birth
Traffic accident
Unknown 785 129 275 644 562 138 2 552
4 905
1 802
570 28 326 12 481 15 884 27 611 14 662 3 365 4 196
2 024
5 047
2 469
4 355
1 491 9 745 1 997 4 130 9 302 8 021 1 988 49 309
Females 1 779 7 498 67 626 10 194 17 888 10 028
From birth
Traffic accident
Unknown 520 60 99 502 477 121 1 689
3 908
1 187
409 30 470 3 765 4811
17 156 9 087 2 337 2 312 735 848
1 561
1 976
2 762 5 610 498 743 5 771 4 082 1 184 10 028
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of disability, age and sex Chronically
URUGUAY, survey of the chronically ill 1984
Males, aged 45-54 10
Cardiovascular 4
Cerebrovascular 1
Diabetes 2
Pulmonary 1
Rheumatism ..
Other 2
Females, aged 45-54 12
Cardiovascular 6
Pulmonary 2
Rheumatism 1
Neoplasms 1
Other 2
Males, aged 55-64 16
Cardiovascular 7
Pulmonary 3
Rheumatism 1
Neoplasms 2
Psychiatric 1
Other 2
Females, aged 55-64 22
Cardiovascular 13
Diabetes 2
Rheumatism 3
Neoplasms 2
Other 2
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of disability, age and sex Chronically
URUGUAY, survey of the chronically ill 1984 (cont'd)
Males, aged 65+ 16
Cardiovascular 11
Cerebrovascular 1
Diabetes ..
Pulmonary 1
Rheumatism 2
Neoplasms ..
Psychiatric ..
Other 1
Females, aged 65+ 34
Cardiovascular 23
Cerebrovascular ..
Diabetes 4
Pulmonary ..
Rheumatism 5
Other 2
Males, aged 45+ 42
Cardiovascular 22
Cerebrovascular 2
Diabetes 2
Pulmonary 5
Rheumatism 3
Neoplasms 2
Psychiatric 1
Other 5
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
Cause of impairment, age and sex Disabled persons Disabilities Mental handicap Ocular Mixed and
upper limb
mechanical Mixed and
of limb
ICIDH M1.1 5 71,8 71.9
ZIMBABWE, national survey 1981
Mental handicap Visual Upper limb Lower limb
Disease 40 000
0-4 5-15 16-59 60+ 3 200 10 700 19 000
7 200
Accident 26 800
0-4 5-15 16-59 60+ 500
4 100
16 300
5 800
War 10 500
0-4 5-15 16-59 60+ 100
8 100
1 300 ¦
Abnormal pregnancy/birth 4 100
0-4 5-15 16-59 60+ 800 1 300 1 900
Malnutrition 1 300
0-4 5-15 16-59 60+ 500 300 400 100
Hereditary 1 300
0-4 5-15 16-59 60+ 100 500 600 100
War 84 000 2 000
1 200
400 12 400 5 500 1 300 5 400 9 600 3 600 17 300
12 200
6 000
Total 3 600 19 200 18 600 35 500
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Cause of impairments
Table 11 (continued)
1 Causes of impairment, age and sex Total visual
of both eyes Near-total
of both eyes Profound
of one eye
54 Bilateral
paralysis of
lower limbs:
ICIDH 51.0 51.3
ZIMBABWE national survey 1981 (cont'd) a/
Partial Sight loss Loss of use
Blind blindness in one eye of legs
Disease 3 400 5 000 3 900 16 000
Measles 2 100 1 900 2 500
Polio 13 400
Leprosy ¦ a 100
Other 1 300 3 100 1 400 2 600
Accident 700 1 400 3 300 7 800
Traffic 100 200 100 2 000
Domestic 300 600 2 200 3 500
Sport 0 0 0 400
Industry 100 0 100 300
Mining 0 0 100 100
Agriculture 0 300 300 500
Assault 100 100 400 500
Other 0 100 0 500
War 200 600 500 4 400
Military 0 100 100 1 000
Civilian 200 500 400 3 400
Bilateral paralysis of upper limbs Transverse
of upper arm Transverse
of lower leg
Other disfigurement
73.0 75.1 75.6 87
Loss of use Loss of Loss of
of arms arm(s) leg(s) Albinism
Disease 4 400 900 1 000 0
Measles 0
Polio 4 000 0 0
Leprosy 900 600 800
Other 500 300 200 0
Accident 4 500 5 200 4 400 0
Traffic 400 900 1 100 0
Domestic 2 500 2 500 1 800 0
Sport 0 0 0 0
Industry 500 500 400 0
Mining 300 100 200 0
Agriculture 300 300 200 0
Assault 600 300 0 0
Other 0 300 300 0
War 2 100 1 500 1 600
Military 300 100 300
( Civilian 1 800 1 400 1 400 ..
a/ Sum of causes does not necessarily equal total. Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
Table 12. Aids used for reducing disabilities of disabled persons, by age, sex and type of impairment or disability
Table 12 presents the special aids used by persons with disabilities or impairments to reduce disablement, by age and sex and type of impairment or disability. Only three countries have asked this question at the present. It is anticipated, however, that this will be a more common survey question in the future.
Special aids were typically classified according to the type of disability or impairment being reduced. In some cases, comparisons were also made between special aids used in households versus special aids used in institutions. Special aids most often mentioned included hearing aids, glasses or contact lenses, braces, sticks and crutches, wheelchairs, rails and bars. There are, as yet, no standards for survey questions on the use of special aids, nor is there any general classification scheme into which they may be coded. Some questions were asked about the availability of aids and also reasons for not using one when needed.
United Nations Disability Statistics Special aids used
12. Aids used for reducing disabilities of disabled persons, by age, sex and type of impairment or disability
Total disabilities
Special aids used age and sex
Household Institution Total
AUSTRALIA, national survey of handicapped persons 1981
Total disabled persons 405 700 78 300 484 100
Self care disabilities 113 100 67 600 181 100
Eating: special crockery or cutlery 12 200 4 400 16 600
Dressing: zip puller, button-hook 8 200 1 500 9 800
Washing: bath seat, special shower fittings 69 000 58 700 127 700
Conventional toilet use: commode, toilet frames 10 900 2 200 13 100
or chairs
Housekeeping: special iron/cutting/cooking/opening 5 400 5 700
Other 7 400 800 8 200
Support/mobility disabilities 283 400 70 100 353 700
Artificial leg, foot, hip 7 200 7 500
Calipers, splints 9 100 1 700 10 800
Braces, belts, corsets 30 300 500 30 800
Sticks, portable frames, crutches for support 157 400 35 200 192 600
Foot or leg support built-up shoe, ankle strap 15 400 1 300 16 700
Wheelchair manual or powered 19 000 26 000 45 000
Special chair ejector chair, hard-back chair 6 100 700 6 800
Special bed or bedding 5 900 500 6 400
Cane, white cane 3 900 800 4 700
Rails, bars, straps, hooks attached to dwelling 10 100 1 400 11500
Other aids for support and mobility 19 000 2 000 20 900
Communication disabilities 164 200 14 300 178 500
Hearing aids 129 000 10 100 139 000
Telephone attachment or adaptation 3 300 3 400
Glasses, spectacles, contact lenses, magnifying glass Other aids for communication 24 100 3 200 27 300
7 800 1 000 8 800
Medical care disabilities 18 200 .. 18 600
Artificial heart stimulus: pacemaker 3 100 3 300
Other aids for medical care 15 100 15 300
Other 7 200 .. 7 500
United Nations Disability Statistics Special aids used
Table 12 (continued)
Special aids used, age and sex Disabled persons Disabilities
CANADA, health and disability survey 1983/84
Disabling conditions
Total aids used ages 15+ 681000
Back or leg brace
Orthopaedic footwear
Foot Or leg prosthesis
Other (unspecified) 274 000 97 000 85 000 75 000 47 000 43 000 18 000 42 000
Total persons using one or more mobility aid 467 000
Total aids needed ages 15+ 72 000
Back or leg brace
Orthopaedic footwear
Foot or leg prosthesis
Other (unspecified) 10 000
13 000
16 000
11 000
0 0 0
14 000
Total persons using one or more mobility aid . 68 000
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Special aids used
Table 12 (continued)
Special aids used, age and sex Disabled persons Aural Ocular
CANADA, health and disability survey 1983/84 (cottt.)
Special features of aids used for getting around residence
Both sexes, ages 15+ 2 448 000
Special features used No special features used Use not stated 186 000
2 187 000
75 000
Both sexes, ages 15+ 1 609 000
Special features used No special features used Use not stated 129 000
1 427 000
53 000
Both sexes, ages 15+ 839 000
Special features used No special features used Use not stated 57 000
760 000
21 000
Hearing Seeing
Aids used
Both sexes, ages 15+ 634 000 331 000
Aids used No aids used Use not stated 179 000
405 000
51 000 251 000 55 000 25 000
Both sexes, ages 15+ 394 000 216 000
Aids used No aids used Use not stated 120 000
244 000
30 000 165 000 34 000 17 000
Both sexes, ages 15+ 240 000 115 000
Aids used No aids used Use not stated 58 000
161 000
21 000 86 000
21 000
8 000
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Special aids used
Table 12 (continued)
Special aids used, age and sex Aural
INDIA, national survey of handicapped 1981*
Reason for not acquiring hearing aid (age 5+)
Both sexes aged 5+ 100.0
Aid not available
Aid too expensive
Not deemed necessary for economic independence
Not deemed necessary for personal independence
Other 1.5 56.0
7.9 14.3 20.3
Percentage of treated persons aged 5+ advised to use hearing aid 10
Both sexes aged 5+ 100.0
Aid not available
Aid too expensive
Not deemed necessary for economic independence
Not deemed necessary for personal independence
Other 1.3 51.8 10.7 12.6 23.6
Percentage of treated persons aged 5+ advised to use hearing aid 13
* Percentage distribution of hearing impaired population aged 5+ according to reason for not acquiring a hearing aid and residence.
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
United Nations Disability Statistics Special aids used
Table 12 (continued)
Special aids
age and sex
Total or
hearing Unspecified
other motor:
limb Multiple:
classes Other
ICIDH 40 74.9 90.0 99
NETHERLANDS ANTILLES, general census of population and housing 1981
Deaf Physical Multiple handicap Unknown
Hearing aid use
Yes 104 325 64 10
0-14 15-24 25-59 60+ 38 17 24 25 27
145 19
22 3 1 4 2
No 202 970 258 128
0-14 15-24 25-59 60+ 31 19 55 97 125 161
397 287 59 58 72 69 42 36 40 10
Yes 124 289 86 5
0-14 15-24 25-59 60+ 52 20 24 28 34
166 21 13 18
3 2
No 209 695 187 119
0-14 15-24 25-59 60+ 27
106 94
268 41 35 50 61 32 21 41 25
Note. Column headings in italics show the national terminology.
Annex I
Central Statistical Office. report. 1984.
Cape Verde
African Republic
Ethiopia Kenya
St. Helena Swaziland Tunisia
Secretaria de estado de cooperacao e planeamento. Recensea-mento geral da populagao e habitagao - 1980. vol. III, Populacao activa.
Bureau central du recensement. Recensement gineral de la population de decembre, 1975. vol. I, Risultats globaux. 1980.
Direction de la statistique. Recensement gineral de la population et de Vhabitat, 15 septembre 1980. vol. I, CaracUristiques demographiques et mouvements de la population, vol. II, Tableaux statistiques du recensement de la population. 1984.
Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics. Pop-ulation and housing census, 1976. vol. I, Total Republic (No. 93-15111, Arabic and English).
Ministry of Health. Health interview survey: results of the first cycle; health profile of Egypt. Publication No. 16. Cairo, 1982.
Nation Children's Commission. Report of the survey of disabled children in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, March 1983.
Ministry of Culture and Social Services. The condition of disabled persons in Kenya: results of a national survey. By John A. Nkinyangi and Joseph Mbindyo. Institute for Development Studies, consultancy report No. 5. University of Nairobi, 1982.
Direction nationale de la statistique et de l'informatique. Recensement general de la population, decembre 1976: resultats definitifs. vol. I, Serie population et socio-demographique.
Information Office. St. Helena and Ascension Islands, census: 31 October 1976.
Survey of the handicapped: 1983
Institut national de la statistique. Recensement general de la population et des logements, 8 mai 1975. vol. III, Caracteristiques demographiques, tableaux et analyses des resultats du sondage au l/10eme.
Recensement general de la population et de Vhdbitat, 30 mars 1984, vol. IV, Caracteristiques dtmographiques.
Ministry of Labour and Social Services and United Nations Children's Fund. Report on the National Disability Survey, 1981. 1982.
Bahrain Burma* China Hong Kong India
Directorate of Statistics. Census of population and housing, 1981.
Immigration and Manpower Department. 1983 Population census. 1986.
Bureau of Statistics. The growing Chinese children: sample survey on children, 1983.
Census and Statistics Department. 1981 census: disablement characteristics.
National Sample Survey Organization. Report on survey of disabled persons. Thirty-sixth round, No. 305, July-December 1981. New Delhi, 1983.
Central Bureau of Statistics. Population of Indonesia by province: results of the complete count, 1980 population census. Series L, No. 3. 1981.
Disabled persons in Indonesia: results of the 1980 population census.
Japan Jordan
Statistical profile of children and mothers in Indonesia, 1982. 1982.
Society for Rehabilitation of the Disabled. Rehabilitation services for disabled persons in Japan. 1983.
Queen Alia Social Welfare Fund. National Survey of the Handicapped in Jordan, September 1979.
Department of Statistics. Statistics of the disabled in Jordan, 1983.
Department of Social Affairs. Population census of Kuwait.1980.l9B2.
Now Myanmar
Nepal Pakistan
Office of Social Development. Survey for the enumeration and classification of the handicapped in Lebanon, 1980-81: final report. (Arabic only.)
1981 International Year of Disabled Persons Committee. Report of the sample survey of disabled persons in Nepal. 1982.
Population Census Organization. 1981 census report of Pakistan: total population. Census report No. 69. Islamabad, 1984.
1981 census report of Baluchistan Province. Census report No. 66. Islamabad, 1984.
1981 census report of Northwest Frontier Province. Census report No. 65. Islamabad, 1984.
1981 census report of Punjab. Census report No. 67. Islamabad, 1984.
Sri Lanka Thailand
1981 census report of Sind. Census report No. 68. Islamabad, 1984.
National Census and Statistics Office. 1980 census of population and housing: Philippines, vol. 2, National summary. Manila, 1983.
National Commission concerning Disabled Persons. National disability survey. 1983.
Ministry of Community Development, Disabled People Section. Central registry of disabled people. In Quarterly Newsletter. vol.1, No. 4. (December 1985).
Department of Census and Statistics. Census of population and housing, 1981: statistics on physically disabled persons. 1981.
National Statistical Office. Statistical tables of the 1981 health and welfare survey. 1986.
The children and youth survey, 1983. 1985.
State Institute of Statistics. 1975 census of population: social and economic characteristics of population. 1982.
Europe Statistische Nachrichten 32: Jahrgang 1977 (neue Folge).
Federal Republic of Germany.
Norway Northern Ireland
Danmarks Statistik, Socialforskningsinstitutet, (Institute for Social Research). Living conditions, Denmark: Compendium of statistics 1984. Henning Hansen, ed. 1984.
Central Statistical Office of Finland. Survey on living conditions in Finland. Studies, No. 51. 1979.
Statistisches Bundesamt. Sozialleistungen, Behinderte 1983. Fachserie 13, Reihe 5.1. Wiesbaden, 1985.
Central Statistics Office. Census of Population Ireland, 1981. vol.4, Principal economic status and industries. 1985.
Central Bureau of Statistics, Survey of living standard, 1983 (ISBN 82-537-2144-7). 1985.
Alan Whitehead, Stephen Beyer, Karen Buck. OUTSET action on handicap survey in Northern Ireland: final report. 1983. (30 Craven Street, London WC2 5BR.)
Central Statistical Office, Disabled persons in Poland. Janusz Bejnarowicz. Soc. Sci. Med., vol. 19, No. 11, pp. 1141-1149. Warsaw, 1984. (Printed in Great Britain.)
Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Censo de poblacion 1981: Caracteristicas de la Poblacion: Avance de resultados. Madrid, 1984.
Statistics Sweden. Living conditions: Disabled persons. Report No. 41. S-11581 Stockholm, 1984.
Republica de Cuba
North America
Caricom Council of Ministers, Regional Census Co-ordinating Committee. 1980-1981 population census of the Caribbean Commonwealth: Belize, vol. 1.
Statistics Canada, Health Division and Department of the Secretary of State. Social trends analysis directorate, 1986. Report of the Canadian health and disability survey 1983-1984.
Comite Estatel de Estadisticas, Oficina Nacional del Censo. Censo de poblacidn y viviendas, 1981. vol. 16.
Ministry of Education. The Jamaica survey of handicapped children (age 4-11) in schools. Prepared by Keith Lowe, Frank Ragbir, Research Section. 1983.
Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Geografia y Informatica, 1984. X censo general de poblacion y vivienda, 1980. Resumen general abreviado. 1984.
Netherlands Antilles
Trinidad and Tobago
United States of America
Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek. Tweede algemene yolks: en woningtelling nederlandse antillen, toestand per 1 February 1981. Series B, No. 1 Geselecteerde tabellen. Curacao, 1983.
Controleria General de la Republica, Direccidn de Estadistica y Censo. Censos nacionnales de 1980. vol. II, Caracteristicas generates.
Central Statistical Office, Ministry of Finance. Population and housing census 1980. vol. II, Age structure, religion, ethnic group, education administrative areas.
Organization of American States, National Project in Special Education and Rehabilitation of the Handicapped. Report of the national survey of the handicapped children and youth in Trinidad and Tobago. Prepared by Michael Marge. 1984.
Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1980 census of population, vol. I, United States summary: Characteristics of the population: General social and economic characteristics. Suitland, Maryland, 1983.
Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Center for Health Statistics, Hyattsville, Maryland. Current estimates from the national health interview survey: Data from the national health survey series 10. No. 150. 1985.
Australia Australian Bureau of Statistics. Handicapped persons: Aus-
tralia, 1981. Prepared by R.J. Cameron, (ABS Catalogue No.4343.0). Canberra, 1984.
Fiji Bureau of Statistics. Fiji employment/unemployment survey
1982. Suva, 1985.
Kiribati Ministry of Home Affairs, Bairiki. Report on the 1978 census
of population and housing, vol.1, Basic information and'tables. Bairiki, 1980.
New Zealand Department of Statistics. Report on the social indicators survey
1980-81 (Cat. No. 04.311). Wellington. December 1984.
South America
Caricom Council of Ministers, Regional Census Coordinating Committee. 1980-1981 population census of the Caribbean Commonwealth: Guyana, vol. I.
Peru Instituto Nacional de Estadistica. Certsos nacionales: VIII de
poblacidn III de vivienda. 12 de Julio de 1981. vol. A, Nivel nacional: Resultados definitivos. Julio 1984.
Uruguay Republica Oriental del Uruguay, Ministerio de Salud Publica,
Organizatidn Mundial de la Salud del Uruguay. Proyecto amro 1700. 1985
Venezuela Presidencia de la Republica, Oficina Central de Estadistica e
Informatica. XI censo general de poblacion y vivienda, 20 de Octubre de 1981: Total nacional.
Annex II
The United Nations Disability Statistics Data Base consists of 34 micro-computer spreadsheet files ranging in size from about 7kb to 314 kb and totalling about 3.3mb. The complete data base may be ordered from the Statistical Office on microcomputer diskettes, using the forms provided below. Version 1 of the data base (as of 31 December 1987) contains (a) information on sources and availability of statistics on disability for 95 countries or areas for various years between 1960 and 1986, and (b) detailed statistics on disabled persons from national censuses, surveys and other data sources from 55 of those countries or areas for the period 1975-1986.
The United Nations Disability Statistics Data Base is fully documented in the United Nations Disability Statistics Data Base, 1975-1986: Technical Manual, (ST/ESA/STAT/SER.Y/3), Sales No. E.88.XVII.12. Copies of the manual may be obtained from bookstores and distributors handling United Nations publications throughout the world or through the United Nations Sales Section, New York or Geneva.
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