Missing persons in Cyprus.
UN Document Symbol | A/RES/3450(XXX) |
Convention | International Convention on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance |
Document Type | Resolution |
Session | 30th |
Type | Document |
Description |
1 p. |
Subjects | Disappearance of Persons |
Extracted Text
90 General AssemblyThirtieth Session (g) The right to intellectual freedoms, as provided for in article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, shall be guaranteed; 3. Deplores the refusal of the Chilean authorities to allow the Ad Hoc Working Group to visit the country, notwithstanding previous solemn assurances given by the authorities in this regard, and urges them to honour these assurances; 4. Invites the Commission on Human Rights to extend the mandate of the Ad Hoc Working Group, as presently constituted, to enable it to report to the General Assembly at its thirty-first session and to the Commission on Human Rights at its thirty-third session on the situation of human rights in Chile and, in particular, on any developments which occur to re-establish respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; 5. Requests the President of the thirtieth session of the General Assembly and the Secretary-General to assist in any way they may deem appropriate in the re-establishment of basic human rights and fundamental freedoms in Chile. 2433rd plenary meeting 9 December 1975 3449 (XXX). Measures to ensure the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers The General Assembly, Considering the Convention on Diplomatic Relations24 and the Convention on Consular Relations,28 Considering also its resolution 2920 (XXVII) of 15 November 1972 on the exploitation of labour through illicit and clandestine trafficking, Recalling its resolution 3224 (XXIX) of 6 November 1974 on measures to improve the situation of migrant workers, Recalling also Economic and Social Council resolution 1749 (LIV) of 16 May 1973, in which the Council affirmed the need for the United Nations to continue examining the situation of migrant workers, taking into account economic, political, social and cultural factors with respect to human rights and dignity, Noting with satisfaction the awareness of the international community of this problem and the necessity to protect the human rights of migrant workers, Noting with satisfaction the work being undertaken by the specialized agencies in the field of migrant workers, Taking into consideration the urgent need carefully to examine the problem of migrant workers who surreptitiously enter another country to obtain work, 1. Calls upon the United Nations organs active in the field of human rights to continue devoting their attention to this question; 2. Requests the United Nations organs and the specialized agencies concerned to utilize in all official documents the term "non-documented or irregular migrant workers" to define those workers that illegally and/or surreptitiously enter another country to obtain work; 24 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 500, No. 7310, p. 95. 25 Ibid., vol. 596, No. 8638, p. 261. 3. Appeals to the Governments of Member States to remind their competent administrative authorities of their obligation to respect the human rights of all migrant workers, including those that are non-documented or irregular; 4. Urges the Governments of Member States to grant all facilities and help to diplomatic and consular agents accredited in their countries so that they can fulfil their functions in relation to the protection and defence of the human rights of migrant workers, including those that are non-documented or irregular. 2433rd plenary meeting 9 December 1975 3450 (XXX). Missing persons in Cyprus The General Assembly, Recalling its resolution 3212 (XXIX) of 1 November 1974, Noting resolution 4 (XXXI) adopted by the Commission on Human Rights on 13 February 1975,26 Gravely concerned about the fate of a considerable number of Cypriots who are missing as a result of armed conflict in Cyprus, Appreciating the work of the International Committee of the Red Cross in this field, Reaffirming the basic human need of families in Cyprus to be informed about missing relatives, 1. Requests the Secretary-General to exert every effort, in close co-operation with the International Committee of the Red Cross, to assist in tracing and accounting for persons missing as a result of armed conflict in Cyprus; 2. Requests the Secretary-General to provide the Commission on Human Rights at its thirty-second session with information relevant to the implementation of the present resolution. 2433rd plenary meeting 9 December 1975 3451 (XXX). Alternative approaches and ways and means within the United Nations system for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 3136 (XXVIII) of 14 December 1973 and 3221 (XXIX) of 6 November 1974, Considering that the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights27 and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Optional Protocol thereto27 will soon enter into force, 1. Expresses its appreciation to the Secretary-General for his report on alternative approaches and ways and means within the United Nations system for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms;2* 2. Urges Member States that have not already done so to submit their views to the Secretary-General in accordance with paragraph 1 of General Assembly resolution 3221 (XXIX); 28 See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Fifty-eighth Session, Supplement No. 4 (E/5635), chap. XXIII. 27 Resolution 2200 A (XXI), annex. 28 A/10235.