E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.3 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
1st |
13 June 1947 |
Summary record of the 3rd meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Wednesday, 11 June 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee, 1st session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_3.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.4 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
1st |
13 June 1947 |
Summary record of the 4th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Thursday, 12 June 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee, 1st session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_4.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
1st |
13 June 1947 |
Summary record of the 2nd meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Wednesday, 11 June 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee, 1st session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_2.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.6 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
1st |
16 June 1947 |
Summary record of the 6th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Thursday, 16 June 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee, 1st session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_6.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.5 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
1st |
17 June 1947 |
Summary record of the 5th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Thursday, 12 June 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee, 1st session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_5.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.7 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
1st |
19 June 1947 |
Summary record of the 7th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Tuesday, 17 June 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee, 1st session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_7.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.8 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
1st |
20 June 1947 |
Summary record of the 8th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Tuesday, 17 June 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee, 1st session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_8.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.10 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
1st |
20 June 1947 |
Summary record of the 10th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Wednesday, 18 June 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee, 1st session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_10.pdf |
E/CN.4/21 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
1st |
01 July 1947 |
Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 1st session : report of the Drafting Committee to the Commission on Human Rights |
E-CN_4-21.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.14 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
1st |
03 July 1947 |
Summary record of the 14th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Monday, 23 June 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee, International Bill of Rights, 1st session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_14.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.15 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
1st |
03 July 1947 |
Summary record of the 15th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Monday, 23 June 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee, International Bill of Rights, 1st session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_15.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.16 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
1st |
03 July 1947 |
Summary record of the 16th meeting, held at Lake Success, 24 June 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee, International Bill of Rights, 1st session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_16.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.9 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
1st |
03 July 1947 |
Summary record of the 9th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Wednesday, 18 June 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee, International Bill of Rights, 1st session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_9.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.11 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
1st |
03 July 1947 |
Summary record of the 11th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Thursday, 19 June 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee, International Bill of Rights, 1st session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_11.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.12 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
1st |
03 July 1947 |
Summary record of the 12th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Friday, 20 June : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee, International Bill of Rights, 1st session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_12.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.13 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
1st |
08 July 1947 |
Summary record of the 13th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Friday, 20 June 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee, International Bill of Rights, 1st session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_13.pdf |
E/CN.4/56 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
11 December 1947 |
Report of the Working Party on an International Convention on Human Rights : Commission on Human Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-56.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.35 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
12 December 1947 |
Summary record of 35th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Friday, 12 December 1947 : Commission on Human Rights : 2nd session |
E-CN_4-SR_35.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.34 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
12 December 1947 |
Summary record of 34th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Friday, 12 December 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-SR_34.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.36 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
13 December 1947 |
Summary record of 36th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Friday [i.e. Saturday], 13 December 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-SR_36.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.37 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
13 December 1947 |
Summary record of 37th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Saturday, 13 December 1947 : Commission on Human Rights : 2nd session |
E-CN_4-SR_37.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.38 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
15 December 1947 |
Summary record of 38th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Monday, 15 December 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-SR_38.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.39 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
15 December 1947 |
Summary record of 39th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Monday, 15 December 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-SR_39.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.40 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
16 December 1947 |
Summary record of 40th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Tuesday, 16 December 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-SR_40.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.41 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
16 December 1947 |
Summary record of 41st meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Tuesday, 16 December 1947 : Commission on Human Rights : 2nd session |
E-CN_4-SR_41.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.42 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
16 December 1947 |
Summary record of 42nd meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Tuesday, 16 December 1947 : Commission on Human Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-SR_42.pdf |
E/600 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
17 December 1947 |
Commission on Human Rights : report to the Economic and Social Council on the 2nd session of the Commission, held at Geneva, from 2 to 17 December 1947. |
E-600.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.21 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
07 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 21st meeting, held at Lake Success, 4 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_21.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.23 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
10 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 23rd meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, Wednesday, 5 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_23.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.22 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
11 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 22nd meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, Wednesday, 5 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_22.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.24 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
14 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 24th meeting, Lake Success, New York, Thursday, 6 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee [on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_24.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.26 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
14 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 26th meeting, Lake Success, New York, Monday, 10 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_26.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.25 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
18 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 25th meeting, Lake Success, New York, Thursday, 6 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_25.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.27 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
18 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 27th meeting, Lake Success, New York, Tuesday, 11 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_27.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.28 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
18 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 28th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, Tuesday, 11 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee [on an International Bill of Rights], 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_28.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.29 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
20 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 29th meeting, Lake Success, New York, Wednesday, 12 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_29.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.30 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
20 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 30th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, Wednesday, 12 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_30.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.34 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
20 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 34th meeting, Lake Success, New York, Friday, 14 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_34.pdf |
E/CN.4/95 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
21 May 1948 |
Report of the Drafting Committee [on an International Bill of Rights] to the Commission on Human Rights |
E-CN_4-95.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.31 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
21 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 31st meeting, Lake Success, New York, Thursday, 13 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_31.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.33 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
21 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 33rd meeting, Lake Success, New York, Friday, 14 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_33.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.44 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
24 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 44th meeting, Lake Success, New York, Friday, 14 [i.e. 21] May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_44.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.32 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
26 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 32nd meeting, Lake Success, New York, Thursday, 13 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_32.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.38 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
26 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 38th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Tuesday, 18 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_38.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.42 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
27 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 42nd meeting, Lake Success, New York, Thursday, 20 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_42.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.37 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
28 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 37th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Tuesday, 18 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_37.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.35 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
29 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 35th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Monday, 17 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_35.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.36 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
29 May 1948 |
Summary record of the 36th meeting, Lake Success, New York, on Monday, 17 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_36.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.43 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
01 June 1948 |
Summary record of the 43rd meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, Friday, 21 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_43.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.39 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
01 June 1948 |
Summary record of the 39th meeting, Lake Success, New York, Wednesday, 19 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_39.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.40 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
11 June 1948 |
Summary record of the 40th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Wednesday, 19 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_40.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.79 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
3rd |
17 June 1948 |
Summary record of the 79th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Thursday, 17 June 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, 3rd session |
E-CN_4-SR_79.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.41 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
2nd |
24 June 1948 |
Summary record of the 41st meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Thursday, 20 May 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, Drafting Committee on an International Bill of Rights, 2nd session |
E-CN_4-AC_1-SR_41.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.78 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
3rd |
24 June 1948 |
Summary record of the 78th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Thursday, 17 June 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, 3rd session |
E-CN_4-SR_78.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.73 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
3rd |
24 June 1948 |
Summary record of the 73rd meeting, Lake Success, New York, on Tuesday, 15 June 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, 3rd session |
E-CN_4-SR_73.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.74 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
3rd |
28 June 1948 |
Summary record of the 74th meeting, Lake Success, New York, on Tuesday, 15 June 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, 3rd session |
E-CN_4-SR_74.pdf |
E/800 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
3rd |
28 June 1948 |
Report of the 3rd session of the Commission on Human Rights, Lake Success, 24 May to 18 June 1948 |
E-800.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.77 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
3rd |
28 June 1948 |
Summary record of the 77th meeting, Lake Success, New York, Thursday, 17 June 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, 3rd session |
E-CN_4-SR_77.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.80 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
3rd |
29 June 1948 |
Summary record of the 80th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Friday, 18 June 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, 3rd session |
E-CN_4-SR_80.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.75 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
3rd |
30 June 1948 |
Summary record of the 75th meeting, Lake Success, New York, on Wednesday, 16 June 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, 3rd session |
E-CN_4-SR_75.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.76 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
3rd |
01 July 1948 |
Summary record of the 76th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Wednesday, 16 June 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, 3rd session |
E-CN_4-SR_76.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.81 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
3rd |
01 July 1948 |
Summary record of the 80th meeting, held at Lake Success, New York, on Friday, 18 June 1948 : Commission on Human Rights, 3rd session |
E-CN_4-SR_81.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.92 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
20 May 1949 |
Summary record of the 92nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_92.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.90 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
20 May 1949 |
Summary record of the 90th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_90.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.94 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
23 May 1949 |
Summary record of the 94th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_94.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.89 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
27 May 1949 |
Summary record of the 89th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_89.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.93 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
27 May 1949 |
Summary record of the 93rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_93.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.104 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
31 May 1949 |
Summary record of the 104th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_104.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.95 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
31 May 1949 |
Summary record of the 95th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_95.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.91 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
31 May 1949 |
Summary record of the 91st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_91.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.96 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
01 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 96th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_96.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.105 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
02 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 105th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_105.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.98 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
02 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 98th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_98.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.107 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
02 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 107th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_107.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.97 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
03 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 97th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_97.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.99 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
03 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 99th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_99.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.100 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
03 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 100th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_100.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.110 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
06 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 110th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_110.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.103 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
07 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 103rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_103.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.112 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
07 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 112th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_112.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.108 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
07 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 108th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_108.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.101 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
07 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 101st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_101.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.102 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
07 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 102nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_102.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.106 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
08 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 106th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_106.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.109 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
08 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 109th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_109.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.91/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
09 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 91st meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_91-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.115 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
09 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 115th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_115.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.117 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
09 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 117th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_117.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.110/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
09 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 110th meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_110-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.111 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
10 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 111th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_111.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.119 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
13 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 119th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_119.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.123 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
14 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 123rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_123.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.124 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
14 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 124th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_124.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.121 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
14 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 121st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_121.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.102/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
15 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 102nd meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_102-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.106/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
15 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 106th meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_106-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.98/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
15 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 98th meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_98-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.101/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
15 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 101st meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_101-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.112/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
16 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 112th meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_112-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.104/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
16 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 104th meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_104-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.113 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
16 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 113th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_113.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.114 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
16 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 114th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_114.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.126 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
17 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 126th meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Monday, 14 June 1949 : Commission on Human Rights, 5th session |
E-CN_4-SR_126.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.127 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
17 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 127th meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Tuesday, 14 June 1949 : Commission on Human Rights, 5th session |
E-CN_4-SR_127.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.128 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
17 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 128th meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Wednesday, 15 June 1949 : Commission on Human Rights, 5th session |
E-CN_4-SR_128.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.116 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
17 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 116th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_116.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.122 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
17 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 122nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_122.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.112/Corr.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
20 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 112th meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_112-Corr_2.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.118 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
20 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 118th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_118.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.120 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
21 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 120th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_120.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.125 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
22 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 125th meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Monday, 13 June 1949 : Commission on Human Rights, 5th session |
E-CN_4-SR_125.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.130 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
22 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 130th meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Thursday, 16 June 1949 : Commission on Human Rights, 5th session |
E-CN_4-SR_130.pdf |
E/1371 |
E/CN.4/350 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission for Social Development |
5th |
23 June 1949 |
Report of the 5th session of the Commission on Human Rights to the Economic and Social Council, Lake Success, New York, 9 May-20 June 1949 |
E-1371__E-CN_4-350.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.126/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
27 June 1949 |
Corrigendum to the summary record of the 126th meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Tuesday, 14 June 1949 : Commission on Human Rights, 5th session |
E-CN_4-SR_126-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.129 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
27 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 129th meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Wednesday, 15 June 1949 : Commission on Human Rights, 5th session |
E-CN_4-SR_129.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.131 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
27 June 1949 |
Commission on Human Rights, 5th session : summary record of the 131st meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Thursday, 16 June 1949 |
E-CN_4-SR_131.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.132 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
27 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 132nd meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Friday, 17 June 1949 : Commission on Human Rights, 5th session |
E-CN_4-SR_132.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.111/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
28 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 111th meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_111-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.123/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
28 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 123rd meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_123-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.106/Corr.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
28 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 106th meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_106-Corr_2.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.98/Corr.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
28 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 98th meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_98-Corr_2.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.109/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
28 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 109th meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_109-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.100/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
28 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 100th meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_100-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.120/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
28 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 120th meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_120-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.133 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
28 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 133rd meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Friday, 17 June 1949 : Commission on Human Rights, 5th session |
E-CN_4-SR_133.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.110/Corr.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
28 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 110th meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_110-Corr_2.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.134 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
28 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 134th meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Monday, 20 June 1949 : Commission on Human Rights, 5th session |
E-CN_4-SR_134.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.135 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
29 June 1949 |
Summary record of the 135th meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Monday, 20 June 1949 : Commission on Human Rights, 5th session |
E-CN_4-SR_135.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.113/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
01 July 1949 |
Summary record of the 113th meeting: corrigendum |
E-CN_4-SR_113-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.135/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
11 July 1949 |
Summary record of the 135th meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Monday, 20 June 1949 : Commission on Human Rights, 5th session : [corrigendum] |
E-CN_4-SR_135-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.135/Corr.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
09 August 1949 |
Corrigendum to the summary record of the 135th meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Monday, 20 June 1949 : Commission on Human Rights, 5th session |
E-CN_4-SR_135-Corr_2.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.131/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
5th |
15 August 1949 |
Corrigendum to the summary record of the 131st meeting held at Lake Success, New York, on Thursday, 16 June 1949 : Commission on Human Rights, 5th session |
E-CN_4-SR_131-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/353/Add.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
04 January 1950 |
Comments of Governments on the draft International Covenant on Human Rights and measures of implementation |
E-CN_4-353-Add_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/365 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
22 March 1950 |
Compilation of the comments of Governments on the draft International Covenant on Human Rights and on the proposed additional articles : memorandum / by the Secretary-General |
E-CN_4-365.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.136 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
03 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 136th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_136.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.137 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
05 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 137th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_137.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.138 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
06 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 138th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_138.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.139 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
06 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 139th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_139.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.140 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
07 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 140th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_140.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.141 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
07 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 141st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_141.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.142 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
10 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 142nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_142.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.143 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
10 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 143rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_143.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.144 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
12 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 144th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_144.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.146 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
12 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 146th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_146.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.145 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
13 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 145th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_145.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.148 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
14 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 148th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_148.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.147 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
17 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 147th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_147.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.149 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
17 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 149th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_149.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.150 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
17 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 150th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_150.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.152 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
18 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 152nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_152.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.151 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
19 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 151st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_151.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.153 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
19 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 153rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_153.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.154 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
21 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 154th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_154.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.155(PartII) |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
24 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 155th meeting (Part 2) |
E-CN_4-SR_155(PartII).pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.156 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
25 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 156th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_156.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.157 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
26 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 157th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_157.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.158 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
26 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 158th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_158.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.159 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
27 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 159th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_159.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.160 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
27 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 160th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_160.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.161 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
28 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 161st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_161.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.162 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
28 April 1950 |
Summary record of the 162nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_162.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.164 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
01 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 164th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_164.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.166 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
01 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 166th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_166.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.163 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
02 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 163rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_163.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.165 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
02 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 165th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_165.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.172 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
04 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 172nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_172.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.168 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
04 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 168th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_168.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.167 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
05 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 167th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_167.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.169 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
05 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 169th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_169.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.170 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
05 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 170th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_170.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.174 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
08 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 174th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_174.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.171 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
08 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 171st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_171.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.173 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
09 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 173rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_173.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.175 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
10 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 175th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_175.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.176 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
10 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 176th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_176.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.177 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
12 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 177th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_177.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.178 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
12 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 178th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_178.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.180 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
12 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 180th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_180.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.179 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
16 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 179th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_179.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.181 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
16 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 181st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_181.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.182 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
17 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 182nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_182.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.183 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
17 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 183rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_183.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.184 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
19 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 184th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_184.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.186 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
19 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 186th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_186.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.188 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
22 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 188th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_188.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.189 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
22 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 189th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_189.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.185 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
22 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 185th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_185.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.187 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
22 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 187th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_187.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.191 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
24 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 191st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_191.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.192 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
24 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 192nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_192.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.190 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
25 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 190th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_190.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.194 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
25 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 194th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_194.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.193 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
26 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 193rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_193.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.196 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
26 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 196th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_196.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.195 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
29 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 195th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_195.pdf |
E/1681 |
E/CN.4/507 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
29 May 1950 |
Commission on Human Rights : report of the 6th session, 27 March-19 May 1950 |
E-1681__E-CN_4-507.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.197 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
29 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 197th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_197.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.198 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
31 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 198th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_198.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.199 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
31 May 1950 |
Summary record of the 199th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_199.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.200 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
05 June 1950 |
Summary record of the 200th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_200.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.201 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
05 June 1950 |
Summary record of the 201st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_201.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.287 |
General Assembly |
5th |
18 October 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 287th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_287.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.288 |
General Assembly |
5th |
18 October 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 288th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_288.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.289 |
General Assembly |
5th |
19 October 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 289th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_289.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.290 |
General Assembly |
5th |
20 October 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 290th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_290.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.291 |
General Assembly |
5th |
20 October 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 291st meeting |
A-C_3-SR_291.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.292 |
General Assembly |
5th |
25 October 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 292nd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_292.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.293 |
General Assembly |
5th |
26 October 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 293rd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_293.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.294 |
General Assembly |
5th |
26 October 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 294th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_294.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.295 |
General Assembly |
5th |
27 October 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 295th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_295.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.296 |
General Assembly |
5th |
27 October 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 296th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_296.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.297 |
General Assembly |
5th |
30 October 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 297th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_297.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.298 |
General Assembly |
5th |
30 October 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 298th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_298.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.299 |
General Assembly |
5th |
31 October 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 299th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_299.pdf, A-C_3-SR_299.rtf |
A/C.3/SR.300 |
General Assembly |
5th |
01 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 300th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_300.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.301 |
General Assembly |
5th |
01 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 301st meeting |
A-C_3-SR_301.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.302 |
General Assembly |
5th |
02 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 302nd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_302.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.303 |
General Assembly |
5th |
03 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 303rd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_303.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.304 |
General Assembly |
5th |
06 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 304th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_304.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.305 |
General Assembly |
5th |
06 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 305th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_305.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.306 |
General Assembly |
5th |
07 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 306th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_306.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.307 |
General Assembly |
5th |
08 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 307th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_307.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.308 |
General Assembly |
5th |
08 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 308th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_308.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.309 |
General Assembly |
5th |
09 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 309th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_309.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.310 |
General Assembly |
5th |
10 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 310th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_310.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.311 |
General Assembly |
5th |
10 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 311th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_311.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.312 |
General Assembly |
5th |
13 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 312th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_312.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.313 |
General Assembly |
5th |
14 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 313th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_313.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.314 |
General Assembly |
5th |
15 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 314th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_314.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.315 |
General Assembly |
5th |
16 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 315th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_315.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.316 |
General Assembly |
5th |
16 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 316th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_316.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.318 |
General Assembly |
5th |
17 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 318th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_318.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.317 |
General Assembly |
5th |
17 November 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 317th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_317.pdf |
A/1559 |
General Assembly |
5th |
29 November 1950 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights. Report of the Third Committee |
A-1559.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.373 |
General Assembly |
6th |
02 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 373rd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_373.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.374 |
General Assembly |
6th |
02 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 374th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_374.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.375 |
General Assembly |
6th |
03 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 375th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_375.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.376 |
General Assembly |
6th |
04 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 376th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_376.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.377 |
General Assembly |
6th |
04 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 377th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_377.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.378 |
General Assembly |
6th |
07 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 378th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_378.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.379 |
General Assembly |
6th |
08 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 379th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_379.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.380 |
General Assembly |
6th |
09 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 380th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_380.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.381 |
General Assembly |
6th |
09 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 381st meeting |
A-C_3-SR_381.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.382 |
General Assembly |
6th |
10 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 382nd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_382.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.383 |
General Assembly |
6th |
10 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 383rd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_383.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.384 |
General Assembly |
6th |
11 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 384th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_384.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.385 |
General Assembly |
6th |
12 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 385th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_385.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.386 |
General Assembly |
6th |
14 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 386th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_386.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.387 |
General Assembly |
6th |
14 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 387th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_387.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.388 |
General Assembly |
6th |
15 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 388th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_388.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.389 |
General Assembly |
6th |
15 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 389th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_389.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.390 |
General Assembly |
6th |
16 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 390th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_390.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.391 |
General Assembly |
6th |
17 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 391st meeting |
A-C_3-SR_391.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.392 |
General Assembly |
6th |
18 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 392nd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_392.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.393 |
General Assembly |
6th |
18 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 393rd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_393.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.394 |
General Assembly |
6th |
19 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 394th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_394.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.395 |
General Assembly |
6th |
19 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 395th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_395.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.396 |
General Assembly |
6th |
21 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 396th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_396.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.397 |
General Assembly |
6th |
21 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 397th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_397.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.398 |
General Assembly |
6th |
22 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 398th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_398.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.399 |
General Assembly |
6th |
23 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 399th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_399.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.400 |
General Assembly |
6th |
23 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 400th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_400.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.402 |
General Assembly |
6th |
24 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 402nd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_402.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.401 |
General Assembly |
6th |
24 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 401st meeting |
A-C_3-SR_401.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.403 |
General Assembly |
6th |
25 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 403rd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_403.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.404 |
General Assembly |
6th |
25 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 404th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_404.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.405 |
General Assembly |
6th |
26 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 405th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_405.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.406 |
General Assembly |
6th |
28 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 406th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_406.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.407 |
General Assembly |
6th |
28 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 407th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_407.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.408 |
General Assembly |
6th |
29 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 408th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_408.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.409 |
General Assembly |
6th |
29 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 409th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_409.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.410 |
General Assembly |
6th |
29 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 410th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_410.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.203 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
24 April 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 203rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_203.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.202 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
24 April 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 202nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_202.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.204 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
25 April 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 204th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_204.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_204.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.205 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
27 April 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 205th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_205.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_205.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.206 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
30 April 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 206th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_206.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_206.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.207 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
02 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 207th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_207.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_207.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.208 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
03 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 208th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_208.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_208.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.209 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
03 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 209th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_209.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.210 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
04 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 210th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_210.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.211 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
07 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 211th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_211.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.212 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
14 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 212th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_212.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.213 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
15 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 213th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_213.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.214 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
15 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 214th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_214.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.215 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
16 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 215th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_215.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.216 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
21 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 216th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_216.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_216.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.218 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
22 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 218th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_218.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.217 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
23 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 217th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_217.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_217.rtf |
E/1992 |
E/CN.4/640 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
24 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights : report to the Economic and Social Council on the 7th session of the Commission, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 16 April to 19 May 1951 |
E-1992__E-CN_4-640.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.219 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
04 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 219th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_219.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.220 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
05 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 220th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_220.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.221 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
07 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 221st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_221.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_221.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.222 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
08 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 222nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_222.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.223 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
13 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 223rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_223.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.224 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
14 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 224th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_224.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.225 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
21 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 225th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_225.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.226 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
27 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 226th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_226.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.227 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
27 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 227th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_227.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.228 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
28 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 228th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_228.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.229 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
28 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 229th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_229.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.230 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
29 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 230th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_230.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.234 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
02 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 234th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_234.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.235 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
02 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 235th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_235.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.236 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
02 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 236th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_236.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_236.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.231 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
02 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 231st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_231.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.232 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
02 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 232nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_232.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.233 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
02 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 233rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_233.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.237 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
03 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 237th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_237.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.238 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
04 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 238th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_238.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_238.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.239 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
04 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 239th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_239.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.240 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
04 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 240th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_240.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.241 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
06 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 241st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_241.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.242 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
06 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 242nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_242.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.243 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
09 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 243rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_243.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.245 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
09 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 245th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_245.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.246 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
09 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 246th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_246.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.247 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
10 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 247th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_247.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.248 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
10 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 248th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_248.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.251 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
11 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 251st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_251.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.249 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
11 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 249th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_249.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.250 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
11 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 250th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_250.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.354 |
General Assembly |
6th |
26 November 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 354th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_354.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.355 |
General Assembly |
6th |
27 November 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 355th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_355.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.356 |
General Assembly |
6th |
28 November 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 356th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_356.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.357 |
General Assembly |
6th |
29 November 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 357th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_357.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.358 |
General Assembly |
6th |
30 November 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 358th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_358.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.359 |
General Assembly |
6th |
04 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 359th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_359.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.360 |
General Assembly |
6th |
05 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 360th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_360.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.361 |
General Assembly |
6th |
07 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 361st meeting |
A-C_3-SR_361.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.362 |
General Assembly |
6th |
08 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 362nd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_362.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.363 |
General Assembly |
6th |
10 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 363rd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_363.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.364 |
General Assembly |
6th |
10 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 364th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_364.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.365 |
General Assembly |
6th |
11 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 365th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_365.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.366 |
General Assembly |
6th |
12 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 366th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_366.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.367 |
General Assembly |
6th |
12 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 367th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_367.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.368 |
General Assembly |
6th |
13 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 368th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_368.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.369 |
General Assembly |
6th |
13 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 369th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_369.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.370 |
General Assembly |
6th |
19 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 370th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_370.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.371 |
General Assembly |
6th |
20 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 371st meeting |
A-C_3-SR_371.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.372 |
General Assembly |
6th |
21 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 372nd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_372.pdf |
A/2112 |
General Assembly |
6th |
03 February 1952 |
Draft International Covenant on Human Rights and Measures of Implementation. Report of the Third Committee |
A-2112.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.263 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
22 April 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 263rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_263.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.252 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
30 April 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 252nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_252.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.253 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
30 April 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 253rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_253.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.254 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
30 April 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 254th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_254.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.276 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 276th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_276.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.280 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 280th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_280.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.269 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 269th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_269.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.256 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
01 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 256th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_256.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.260 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
06 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 260th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_260.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.257 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
06 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 257th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_257.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.262 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
07 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 262nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_262.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.283 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
07 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 283rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_283.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.261 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
08 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 261st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_261.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.264 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
08 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 264th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_264.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.255 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
09 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 255th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_255.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.258 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
09 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 258th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_258.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.259 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
09 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 259th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_259.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.266 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
13 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 266th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_266.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.272 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
13 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 272nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_272.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.270 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
14 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 270th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_270.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.271 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
14 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 271st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_271.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.273 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
14 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 273rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_273.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.277 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
16 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 277th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_277.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.268 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
16 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 268th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_268.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.265 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
19 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 265th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_265.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.284 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
19 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 284th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_284.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.286 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
19 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 286th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_286.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.275 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
19 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 275th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_275.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.279 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
20 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 279th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_279.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.281 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
20 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 281st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_281.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.282 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
20 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 282nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_282.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.274 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
21 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 274th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_274.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.267 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
23 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 267th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_267.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.285 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
23 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 285th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_285.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.287 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
23 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 287th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_287.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.278 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
26 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 278th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_278.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.289 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
26 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 289th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_289.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.292 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
27 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 292nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_292.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.293 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
27 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 293rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_293.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.294 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
27 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 294th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_294.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.296 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
27 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 296th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_296.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.298 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
27 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 298th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_298.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.288 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
27 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 288th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_288.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.290 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
27 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 290th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_290.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.291 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
27 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 291st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_291.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.332 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 332nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_332.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.307 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 307th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_307.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.295 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
02 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 295th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_295.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.297 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
02 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 297th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_297.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.299 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
02 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 299th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_299.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.300 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
03 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 300th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_300.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.301 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
03 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 301st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_301.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.302 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
03 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 302nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_302.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.303 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
04 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 303rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_303.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.305 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
05 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 305th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_305.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.308 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
06 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 308th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_308.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.306 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
06 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 306th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_306.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.304 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
09 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 304th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_304.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.309 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
10 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 309th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_309.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.313 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
10 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 313th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_313.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.310 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
11 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 310th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_310.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.314 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
11 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 314th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_314.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.311 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
12 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 311th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_311.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.312 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
12 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 312th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_312.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.318 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
13 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 318th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_318.pdf |
E/2256 |
E/CN.4/669 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
14 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights : report of the 8th session, 14 April-14 June 1952. |
E-2556__E-CN_4-669.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.315 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
17 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 315th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_315.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.316 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
17 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 316th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_316.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.317 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
17 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 317th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_317.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.319 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
17 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 319th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_319.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.321 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
17 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 321st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_321.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.322 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
17 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 322nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_322.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.320 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
18 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 320th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_320.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.323 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
19 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 323rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_323.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.325 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
20 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 325th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_325.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.326 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
23 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 326th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_326.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.328 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
24 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 328th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_328.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.331 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
25 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 331st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_331.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.324 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
27 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 324th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_324.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.327 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
27 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 327th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_327.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.329 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
27 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 329th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_329.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.330 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
01 July 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 330th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_330.pdf |
E/2447 |
E/CN.4/689 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
9th |
06 June 1953 |
Commission on Human Rights : report of the 9th session, 7 April-30 May 1953. |
E-2447__E-CN_4-689.pdf |
E/2573 |
E/CN.4/705 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
10th |
16 April 1954 |
Commission on Human Rights : report of the 10th session, 23 February-16 April 1954. |
E-2573__E-CN_4-705.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.557 |
General Assembly |
9th |
18 October 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 557th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_557.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.558 |
General Assembly |
9th |
19 October 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 558th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_558.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.559 |
General Assembly |
9th |
20 October 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 559th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_559.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.560 |
General Assembly |
9th |
20 October 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 560th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_560.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.561 |
General Assembly |
9th |
21 October 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 561st meeting |
A-C_3-SR_561.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.562 |
General Assembly |
9th |
22 October 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 562nd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_562.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.563 |
General Assembly |
9th |
25 October 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 563rd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_563.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.565 |
General Assembly |
9th |
27 October 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 565th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_565.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.564 |
General Assembly |
9th |
27 October 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 564th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_564.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.566 |
General Assembly |
9th |
28 October 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 566th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_566.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.567 |
General Assembly |
9th |
29 October 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 567th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_567.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.568 |
General Assembly |
9th |
01 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 568th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_568.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.569 |
General Assembly |
9th |
01 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 569th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_569.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.570 |
General Assembly |
9th |
02 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 570th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_570.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.571 |
General Assembly |
9th |
02 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 571st meeting |
A-C_3-SR_571.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.572 |
General Assembly |
9th |
03 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 572nd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_572.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.573 |
General Assembly |
9th |
03 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 573rd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_573.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.574 |
General Assembly |
9th |
04 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 574th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_574.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.575 |
General Assembly |
9th |
05 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 575th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_575.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.576 |
General Assembly |
9th |
08 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 576th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_576.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.577 |
General Assembly |
9th |
08 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 577th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_577.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.578 |
General Assembly |
9th |
09 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 578th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_578.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.579 |
General Assembly |
9th |
10 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 579th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_579.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.580 |
General Assembly |
9th |
10 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 580th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_580.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.581 |
General Assembly |
9th |
11 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 581st meeting |
A-C_3-SR_581.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.582 |
General Assembly |
9th |
12 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 582nd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_582.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.583 |
General Assembly |
9th |
15 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 583rd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_583.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.584 |
General Assembly |
9th |
16 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 584th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_584.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.585 |
General Assembly |
9th |
16 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 585th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_585.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.586 |
General Assembly |
9th |
17 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 586th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_586.pdf |
A/2808 |
General Assembly |
9th |
29 November 1954 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights : report of the 3rd Committee |
A-2808.pdf |
A/2929 |
General Assembly |
10th |
01 July 1955 |
Annotations on the text of the draft International Covenants on Human Rights / prepared by the Secretary-General |
A-2929.pdf |
A/3077 |
General Assembly |
10th |
08 December 1955 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights : report of the 3rd Committee / Rapporteur: Hermod Lannung (Denmark) |
A-3077.pdf |
A/3525 |
General Assembly |
11th |
09 February 1957 |
Report of the Third Committee |
A-3525.pdf |
A/3764 |
General Assembly |
12th |
05 December 1957 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights : report of the 3rd Committee : Rapporteur: Mr. Carlos Manuel Cox (Peru) |
A-3764.pdf |
A/3764/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
12th |
10 December 1957 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights : report of the 3rd Committee : Rapporteur: Mr. Carlos Manuel Cox (Peru) : addendum : future work on the draft Covenants on Human Rights |
A-3764-Add_1.pdf |
A/3764/Corr.1 |
General Assembly |
12th |
10 December 1957 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights : report of the 3rd Committee : corrigendum |
A-3764-Corr_1.pdf |
A/4045 |
General Assembly |
13th |
09 December 1958 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights : report of the 3rd Committee / Rapporteur: Florence Addison (Ghana) |
A-4045.pdf |
A/4299 |
General Assembly |
14th |
03 December 1959 |
Dreaft International Covenant on Human Rights Report of the Third Committee |
A-4299.pdf |
A/4625 |
General Assembly |
15th |
08 December 1960 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights. Report of the Third Committee |
A-4625.pdf |
A/5000 |
General Assembly |
16th |
05 December 1961 |
Draft international convenants on human rights : report of the 3rd committee |
A-5000.pdf |
A/5365 |
General Assembly |
17th |
17 December 1962 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights. Report of the Third Committee |
A-5365.pdf |
A/5655 |
General Assembly |
17th |
10 December 1963 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights : report of the 3rd committee |
A-5655.pdf |
A/6546 |
General Assembly |
21st |
13 December 1966 |
Report of the Third Committee |
A-6546.pdf |