E/CN.6/NGO/57 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
12th |
21 March 1958 |
Statement submitted by the International Catholic Child Bureau, a non-governmental organization in category B consultative status |
E-CN_6-NGO-57.pdf, E-CN_6-NGO-57.rtf |
E/CN.6/NGO/59 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
13th |
17 February 1959 |
Statement submitted by the International Council of Social Democratic Women, a non-governmental organization on the Register of the Secretary-General |
E-CN_6-NGO-59.pdf, E-CN_6-NGO-59.rtf |
E/CN.6/552 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
24th |
21 January 1972 |
International Instruments and National Standards Relating to the Status of Women: Study of provisions in existing conventions that relate to the status of women |
E-CN_6-552.pdf, E-CN_6-552.rtf |
E/CN.6/552/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
24th |
17 October 1972 |
International Instruments and National Standards Relating to the Status of Women: Study of provisions in existing conventions that relate to the status of women |
E-CN_6-552-Corr_1.pdf, E-CN_6-552-Corr_1.rtf |
E/CN.6/573 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
25th |
06 November 1973 |
Consideration of Proposals Concerning a New Instrument or Instruments of International Law to Eliminate Discrimination Against Women: Working Paper by the Secretary-General |
E-CN_6-573.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
08 November 1973 |
Provisional agenda of the Working Group on a New Draft Instrument or Instruments of International Law to Eliminate Discrimination Against Women |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_1.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
07 January 1974 |
Consideration of Proposals Concerning a New Instrument or Instruments of International Law to Eliminate Discrimination Against Women: Working Paper Submitted by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_2.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.3 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
08 January 1974 |
United Kingdom: amendment to the Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women proposed by the Philippines |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_3.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.4 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
08 January 1974 |
Working Group of a New Instrument or Instruments of International Law to Eliminate Discrimination Against Women: Working Paper Submitted by the Philippines and USSR |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_4.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.4/Add.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
09 January 1974 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women: Working paper submited by the Philippines and USSR |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_4-Add_2.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.4/Add.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
09 January 1974 |
Working paper submitted by the Philippines and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_4-Add_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/AC.1/L.5 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
09 January 1974 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women: Egypt, Nigeria, Zaire: Draft Proposals concerning the measures of implementation of the draft convention |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_5.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.6 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
09 January 1974 |
Articles Considered by the Working Group at its fourth meeting on 8 January 1974: Working Paper by the Secretariat |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_6.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.4/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
10 January 1974 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: Working paper submissed by the Philippines and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_4-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.4/Add.1/Rev.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
10 January 1974 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women: Working paper submitted by the Philippines and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_4-Add_1-Rev_1.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.4/Add.3 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
10 January 1974 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: Working paper submitted by the Philippines and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_4-Add_3.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.7 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
10 January 1974 |
United Kingdom Amendments to the Working Paper Submitted by the Philippines and USSR (E/CN.6/AC.1/L.4/Add.2) |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_7.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.6/Add.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
10 January 1974 |
Articles considered by the Working Group at its fifth meeting on 9 January 1974: Working Paper by the Secretariat |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_6-Add_1.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.8 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
10 January 1974 |
International Labour Office: suggested new article 16 of the draft convention on the elimination of discrimination against women |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_8.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.9 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
10 January 1974 |
United Kingdom Amendment to Articles 12, 13, 14 and 15 of the Working Papers of the Philippines and USSR (E/CN.6/AC.1/L.4/Add.2) |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_9.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.10 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
10 January 1974 |
United States of America: amendments to articles 13 and 14 of the Working Paper of the Philippines and the USSR (E/CN.6/AC.1/L.4/Add.2) |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_10.pdf |
E/CN.6/NGO/254 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
25th |
11 January 1974 |
Consideration of Proposals Concerning a New Instrument or Instruments of International Law to Eliminate Discrimination Against Women: Statement submitted by the Women's International Democratic Federation |
E-CN_6-NGO-254.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.4/Add.4 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
11 January 1974 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women: Working paper submitted by the Philippines and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_4-Add_4.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.11 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
11 January 1974 |
Egypt and Finland: Amendments to articles 16 and 17 of the Working Paper submitted by the Philippines and the USSR (E/CN.6/AC.1/L.4/Add.3) |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_11.pdf |
E/CN.6/AC.1/L.12 |
Economic and Social Council - Ad Hoc Committee |
Non-Applicable |
14 January 1974 |
Draft Report of the Working Group to the Commission on the Status of Women |
E-CN_6-AC_1-L_12.pdf |
E/CN.6/574 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
25th |
18 January 1974 |
Consideration of Proposals Concerning a New Instrument or Instruments of International Law to Eliminate Discrimination Against Women: Report of the Working Group to the Commission on the Status of Women |
E-CN_6-574.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.550/Add.1-15 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
25th |
22 January 1974 |
Draft Report of the Commission on the Status of Women on its Twenty-fifth Session |
E-CN_6-L_660-Add_1-15.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.667 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
25th |
24 January 1974 |
Consideration of Proposals Concerning a New Instrument or Instruments of International Law to Eliminate Discrimination Against Women: Belgium, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, France: draft resolution |
E-CN_6-L_667.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.660 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
25th |
24 January 1974 |
Draft Report of the Commission on the Status of Women on its Twenty-fifth Session |
E-CN_6-L_660.pdf |
E/CN.6/591 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
21 June 1976 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: Working Paper Prepared by the Secretary-General |
E-CN_6-591.pdf, E-CN_6-591.rtf |
E/CN.6/NGO/259 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
26 August 1976 |
Statement submitted by International Alliance of Women, et al. |
E-CN_6-NGO-259.pdf |
E/CN.6/591/Add.1/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
14 September 1976 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: Working Paper Prepared by the Secretary-General |
E-CN_6-591-Add_1-Corr_1.pdf, E-CN_6-591-Add_1-Corr_1.rtf |
E/CN.6/SR.632 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
15 September 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, 26th session : summary record (partial) of the 632nd meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Tuesday, 14 September 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_632.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.676 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
16 September 1976 |
Cuba: Amendment to the Draft Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination Against Women (E/CN.6/591 and Add.1) |
E-CN_6-L_676.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.677 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
16 September 1976 |
Belgium and France: Amendment to the draft convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (E/CN.6/591 and Add.1) |
E-CN_6-L_677.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.678 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
16 September 1976 |
United States of America: Amendment to the Draft Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (E/CN.6/591 and Add.1) |
E-CN_6-L_678.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.634 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
16 September 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, 26th session : summary record of the 634th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Wednesday, 15 September 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_634.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.636 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
17 September 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, 26th session : summary record of the 636th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 16 September 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_636.pdf |
E/CN.6/605 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
20 September 1976 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
E-CN_6-605.pdf, E-CN_6-605.rtf |
E/CN.6/SR.638 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
20 September 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, 26th session : summary record of the 638th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Friday, 17 September 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_638.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.640 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
21 September 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, 26th session : summary record of the 640th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Monday, 20 September 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_640.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.679 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
21 September 1976 |
Belgium and France: Amendment to the draft convention on the elimination of discrimination against women (E/CN.6/591 and Add.1) |
E-CN_6-L_679.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.680 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
21 September 1976 |
United States of America: Amendment to the Draft Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (E/CN.6/591 and Add.1) |
E-CN_6-L_680.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.642 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
23 September 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, 26th session : summary record of the 642nd meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Tuesday, 21 September 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_642.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.644 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
23 September 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, 26th session : summary record of the 644th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Wednesday, 22 September 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_644.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.681 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
23 September 1976 |
Adoption of the Report of the Commission on its Twenty-sixth Session |
E-CN_6-L_681.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.646 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
24 September 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, 26th session : summary record of the 646th meeting |
E-CN_6-SR_646.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.647 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
24 September 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, 26th session : summary record of the 647th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 23 September 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_647.pdf, E-CN_6-SR_647_0.rtf |
E/CN.6/L.683 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
24 September 1976 |
Text of Articles adopted by the Commission at its twenty-sixth session under the section on Social and Economic Rights |
E-CN_6-L_683.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.648 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
27 September 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, 26th session : summary record of the 648th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Friday, 24 September 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_648.pdf, E-CN_6-SR_648_0.rtf |
E/CN.6/SR.649 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
27 September 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, 26th session : summary record of the 649th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Friday, 24 September 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_649.pdf, E-CN_6-SR_649_0.rtf |
E/CN.6/NGO/272 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
27 September 1976 |
Statement submitted by the International Alliance of Women, et al. |
E-CN_6-NGO-272.pdf |
E/CN.6/NGO/273 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
27 September 1976 |
Statement submitted by the International Alliance of Women, et al. |
E-CN_6-NGO-273.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.681/Add.1-5 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
27 September 1976 |
Adoption of the Report of the Commission on its Twenty-sixth Session |
E-CN_6-L_681-Add_1-5.pdf, E-CN_6-L_681-Add_1-5.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.688 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
28 September 1976 |
United States of America: Amenment to the Draft Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (E/CN.6/591 and Add.1) |
E-CN_6-L_688.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.689 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
28 September 1976 |
United States of America: Amendment to the Draft Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (E/CN.6/591 and Add.1) |
E-CN_6-L_689.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.683/Add.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
28 September 1976 |
Text of Articles adopted by the Commission at its twenty-sixth session |
E-CN_6-L_683-Add_1.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.683/Add.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
28 September 1976 |
Text of Articles adopted by the Commission at its twenty-sixth session |
E-CN_6-L_683-Add_2.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.687 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
28 September 1976 |
Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, Thailand and United States of America: Amendment to the draft Convention (E/CN.6/591 and Add.1) |
E-CN_6-L_687.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.650 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
29 September 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, 26th session : summary record of the 650th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Monday, 27 September 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_650.pdf, E-CN_6-SR_650.rtf |
E/CN.6/SR.651 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
29 September 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, 26th session : summary record of the 651st meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Monday, 27 September 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_651.pdf, E-CN_6-SR_651.rtf |
E/CN.6/SR.652 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
30 September 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, 26th session : summary record of the 652nd meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Tuesday, 28 September 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_652.pdf, E-CN_6-SR_652.rtf |
E/CN.6/SR.658 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th |
11 October 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, 26th session : summary record of the 658th meeting |
E-CN_6-SR_658.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.699 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
29 November 1976 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women |
E-CN_6-L_699.pdf |
E/CN.6/NGO/272/Add.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
03 December 1976 |
Statement submitted by the International Alliance of Women, the World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations, the All India Women's Conference, the International Federation of Women in Legal Careers, and the International Federation of Women Lawyers |
E-CN_6-NGO-272-Add_1.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.700 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
06 December 1976 |
Belgium: amendment to the draft Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (E/CN.6/591 and Add.1) |
E-CN_6-L_700.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.701 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
07 December 1976 |
Denmark: proposal for an additional article on reservations |
E-CN_6-L_701.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.702 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
07 December 1976 |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: amendment to the draft Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (E/CN.6/591 and Add.1) |
E-CN_6-L_702.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.703 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
07 December 1976 |
German Democratic Republic: amendment to the draft Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (E/CN.6/591 and Add.1) |
E-CN_6-L_703.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.660 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
07 December 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, resumed 26th session : summary record of the 660th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Monday, 6 December 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_660.pdf, E-CN_6-SR_660.rtf |
E/CN.6/L.704 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
08 December 1976 |
Text approved by the Working Group on 8 December 1976 |
E-CN_6-L_704.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.661 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
08 December 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, resumed 26th session : summary record of the 661st meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Monday, 6 December 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_661.pdf, E-CN_6-SR_66.rtf |
E/CN.6/SR.662 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
08 December 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, resumed 26th session : summary record of the 662nd meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Tuesday, 7 December 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_662.pdf, E-CN_6-SR_662 .rtf |
E/CN.6/L.705 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
09 December 1976 |
India: amendment to the draft Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (E/CN.6/591 and Add.1) |
E-CN_6-L_705.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.706 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
09 December 1976 |
Iran: Proposal for Article 21 (E/CN.6/591) |
E-CN_6-L_706.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.707 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
09 December 1976 |
India: Amendment to Article 21 of the Convention (E/CN.6/591) |
E-CN_6-L_707.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.708 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
09 December 1976 |
Egypt: Amendment to Article 21 of the Convention (E/CN.6/591) |
E-CN_6-L_708.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.663 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
09 December 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, resumed 26th session : summary record of the 663rd meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Tuesday, 7 December 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_663.pdf, E-CN_6-SR_663.rtf |
E/CN.6/SR.665 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
10 December 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, resumed 26th session : summary record of the 665th meeting |
E-CN_6-SR_665.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.709 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
10 December 1976 |
Text of articles adopted by the Commission from 6 to 9 December |
E-CN_6-L_709.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.710 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
10 December 1976 |
Denmark: Proposal for article 21 (E/CN.6/591) |
E-CN_6-L_710.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.712 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
10 December 1976 |
India and Thailand: Draft Resolution |
E-CN_6-L_712.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.666 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
13 December 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, resumed 26th session : summary record of the 666th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 9 December 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_666.pdf, E-CN_6-SR_666.rtf |
E/CN.6/L.715 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
13 December 1976 |
Suggested New Version of Article 21 |
E-CN_6-L_715.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.667 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
13 December 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, resumed 26th session : summary record of the 667th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 9 December 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_667.pdf, E-CN_6-SR_667.rtf |
E/CN.6/L.716 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
13 December 1976 |
Draft report of the Commission on its resumed twenty-sixth session |
E-CN_6-L_716.pdf |
E/CN.6/606 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
13 December 1976 |
Communication, dated 13 December 1976, addressed to the Secretary of the Commission on the Status of Women, by the Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United Nations Office at Geneva |
E-CN_6-606.pdf, E-CN_6-606.rtf |
E/CN.6/L.718 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
14 December 1976 |
Belgium: Draft article to be inserted after article 21 |
E-CN_6-L_718.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.672 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
15 December 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, resumed 26th session : summary record of the 672nd meeting |
E-CN_6-SR_672.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.712/Rev.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
15 December 1976 |
India and Thailand: Revised Draft Resolution |
E-CN_6-L_712-Rev_1.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.673 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
16 December 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, resumed 26th session : summary record of the 673rd meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Tuesday, 14 December 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_673.pdf, E-CN_6-SR_673.rtf |
E/CN.6/L.716/Add.1-5 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
16 December 1976 |
Draft report of the Commission on its resumed twenty-sixth session |
E-CN_6-L_716-Add_1-5.pdf, E-CN_6-L_716-Add_1-5.rtf |
E/CN.6/SR.674 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
16 December 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, resumed 26th session : summary record of the 674th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Wednesday, 15 December 1976 |
E-CN_6-SR_674.pdf, E-CN_6-SR_674.rtf |
E/CN.6/L.716/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
16 December 1976 |
Draft report of the Commission on its resumed twenty-sixth session |
E-CN_6-L_716-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.725 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
16 December 1976 |
Text of articles adopted by the Commission from 6 to 15 December |
E-CN_6-L_725.pdf |
E/5909 |
E/CN.6/608 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
26th & Resumed 26th |
17 December 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women : report on the 26th and resumed 26th sessions (13 September - 1 October and 6-17 December 1976) |
E-5909__E-CN_6-608.pdf |
E/CN.6/L.726 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
17 December 1976 |
Report of the Style Committee |
E-CN_6-L_726.pdf |
E/CN.6/NGO/275 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
17 December 1976 |
Statement submitted by the International Council of Women |
E-CN_6-NGO-275.pdf |
E/CN.6/SR.679 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on the Status of Women |
Resumed 26th |
22 December 1976 |
Commission on the Status of Women, resumed 26th session : summary record (partial) of the 679th meeting |
E-CN_6-SR_679.pdf |
A/32/218 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
21 September 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : report of the Secretary-General |
A-32-218.pdf |
A/32/218/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
12 October 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : report of the Secretary-General : addendum |
A-32-218-Add_1.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.1 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
24 October 1977 |
List of amendments and new versions proposed with respect to the preamble and articles of the Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, contained in the Secratary-General's report A/32/218 and Add.1 |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_1.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.2 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
24 October 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendments |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_2.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.3 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
24 October 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendments |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_3.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.4 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
26 October 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendments |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_4.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.5 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
26 October 1977 |
Texts adopted by the Working Group on the Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its 2nd meeting held on 25 October 1977 |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_5.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.3/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
26 October 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : confirmations |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_3-Add_1.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.3/Add.2 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
27 October 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : confirmations |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_3-Add_2.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.5/Corr.1 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
27 October 1977 |
Texts adopted by the Working Group on the Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its 2nd meeting held on 25 October 1977 : corrigendum |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_5-Corr_1.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.6 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
27 October 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_6.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.7 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
27 October 1977 |
Texts adopted by the Working Group on the Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its 3rd meeting held on 27 October 1977 |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.3/Add.3 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
28 October 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : confirmations |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_3-Add_3.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.6/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
28 October 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women / : amendments |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_6-Add_1.pdf |
A/32/218/Add.2 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
28 October 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : report of the Secretary-General : addendum |
A-32-218-Add_2.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.7/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
28 October 1977 |
Texts adopted by the Working Group on the Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its 4th meeting held on 28 October 1977 |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_1.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.8/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
01 November 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : articles 2, 3 and 4 |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_8-Add_1.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.7/Add.2 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
03 November 1977 |
Texts adopted by the Working Group on the Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its 5th meeting held on 3 November 1977 |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_2.pdf, A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_2.rtf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.3/Add.4 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
03 November 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : USSR: confirmation |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_3-Add_4.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.6/Add.2 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
03 November 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women / : amendments |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_6-Add_2.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.7/Add.3 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
04 November 1977 |
Texts adopted by the Working Group on the Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its 5th meeting held on 4 November 1977 |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_3.pdf, A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_3.rtf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.6/Add.3 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
04 November 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women / : amendments |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_6-Add_3.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.8/Add.3 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
04 November 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : article 10 |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_8-Add_3.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.8/Add.4 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
07 November 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_8-Add_4.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.6/Add.4 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
10 November 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women / : amendments |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_6-Add_4.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.7/Add.4 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
11 November 1977 |
Texts adopted by the Working Group on the Draft Convention on the Elimination against Women at its 7th meeting held on 11 November 1977 |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_4.pdf, A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_4.rtf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.7/Add.2/Corr.1 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
14 November 1977 |
Texts adopted by the Working Group on the Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its 5th meeting held on 3 November 1977 : corrigendum |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_2-Corr_1.pdf, A_C.3_32_WG.1_CRP.7_Add.2_Corr.1.rtf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.6/Add.5 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
14 November 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women / : amendments |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_6-Add_5.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.7/Add.5 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
15 November 1977 |
Texts adopted by the Working Group on the Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its 8th meeting held on 15 November 1977 |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_5.pdf, A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_5.rtf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.7/Add.2/Corr.2 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
17 November 1977 |
Texts adopted by the Working Group on the Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its 5th meeting held on 3 November 1977 : corrigendum |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_2-Corr_2.pdf, A_C.3_32_WG.1_CRP.7_Add.2_Corr.2.rtf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.7/Add.4/Corr.1 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
17 November 1977 |
Texts adopted by the Working Group on the Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its 7th meeting held on 11 November 1977 |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_4-Corr_1.pdf, A_C.3_32_WG.1_CRP.7_Add.4_Corr.1.rtf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.7/Add.6 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
17 November 1977 |
Texts adopted by the Working Group on the Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its 9th meeting held on 17 November 1977 |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_6.pdf, A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_6.rtf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.6/Add.6 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
18 November 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women / : amendments |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_6-Add_6.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.9 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
28 November 1977 |
Decisions taken by the Working Group on the Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women up to and including its 10th meeting (21 October-18 November 1977) |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_9.pdf, A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_9.rtf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.7/Add.7 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
30 November 1977 |
Texts adopted by the Working Group on the Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its 11th meeting held on 30 November 1977 |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_7.pdf, A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_7.rtf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.6/Add.7 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
01 December 1977 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women / : amendments |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_6-Add_7.pdf |
A/C.3/32/WG.1/CRP.7/Add.8 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
05 December 1977 |
Texts adopted by the Working Group on the Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women at its 12th meeting held on 30 November 1977 |
A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_8.pdf, A-C_3-32-WG_1-CRP_7-Add_8.rtf |
A/C.3/32/L.59 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
06 December 1977 |
Report of the Working Group of the Whole on the Drafting of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women |
A-C_3-32-L_59.pdf, A-C_3-32-L_59.rtf |
A/32/440 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
14 December 1977 |
United Nations Decade for Women : Equality, Development and Peace : report of the 3rd Committee : General Assembly, 32nd session |
A-32-440.pdf, A-32-440_0.rtf |
A/32/440 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
14 December 1977 |
United Nations Decade for Women : Equality, Development and Peace : report of the 3rd Committee : General Assembly, 32nd session |
A-32-440.pdf, A-32-440_0.rtf, A-32-440.rtf |
A/32/PV.105 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
16 December 1977 |
General Assembly, 32nd session : 105th plenary meeting, Friday, 16 December 1977, New York |
A-32-PV_105.pdf, A-32-PV_105.rtf |
A/C.3/33/SR.5 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
28 September 1978 |
Summary record of the 5th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 28 September 1978, New York, General Assembly, 33rd session |
A-C_3-33-SR_5.pdf, A-C_3-33-SR_5.rtf |
A/C.3/33/SR.6 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
29 September 1978 |
Summary record of the 6th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 29 September 1978, New York, General Assembly, 33rd session |
A-C_3-33-SR_6.pdf, A-C_3-33-SR_6.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.1/Add.2 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
02 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women / working paper prepared by the Secretary General |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_1-Add_2.pdf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.1 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
02 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women / working paper prepared by the Secretary General |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_1.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_1.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.1/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
03 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women / working paper prepared by the Secretary General |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_1-Add_1.pdf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.2 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
10 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment to article 10 / Iran |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_2.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_2.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.3 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
10 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / United States of America |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_3.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_3.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.4 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
11 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / Iran |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_4.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_4.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.5 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
11 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / Cuba |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.5/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
13 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / Sweden |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_1.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_1.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.5/Add.2 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
16 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / United Kingdom |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_2.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_2.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.5/Add.4 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
16 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / Guyana |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_4.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_4.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.5/Add.3 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
17 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / Morocco |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_3.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_3.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.5/Add.5 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
17 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / Guyana |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_5.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_5.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.6 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
18 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_6.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_6.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.5/Add.6 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
19 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / India |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_6.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_6.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.5/Add.7 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
19 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / Japan |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_7.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_7.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.5/Add.8 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
19 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / Cuba |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_8.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_8.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.5/Add.9 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
24 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment to article 12 / United Kingdom |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_9.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_9.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.5/Add.10 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
25 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / Austria |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_10.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_10.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.5/Add.11 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
27 October 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / Guyana |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_11.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_5-Add_11.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.8 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
08 November 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / Denmark |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_8.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_8.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.7 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
09 November 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_7.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_7.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.9 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
09 November 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / Sweden |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_9.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_9.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.10 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
09 November 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_10.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_10.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.10/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
10 November 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / Ecuador |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_10-Add_1.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_10-Add_1.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.10/Add.2 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
13 November 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / New Zealand |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_10-Add_2.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_10-Add_2.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.10/Add.3 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
16 November 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_10-Add_3.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_10-Add_3.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.10/Add.4 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
24 November 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / France |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_10-Add_4.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_10-Add_4.rtf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.10/Add.5 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
24 November 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / Morocco |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_10-Add_5.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_10-Add_5.rtf |
A/C.3/33/L.47 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
28 November 1978 |
Report of the Working Group of the Whole on the Drafting of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-33-L_47.pdf |
A/C.3/33/WG.1/CRP.10/Add.6 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
28 November 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendment / chairman in consultation with Argentina |
A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_10-Add_6.pdf, A-C_3-33-WG_1-CRP_10-Add_6.rtf |
A/C.3/33/L.47/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
01 December 1978 |
Report of the Working Group of the Whole on the Drafting of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : addendum |
A-C_3-33-L_47-Add_1.pdf, A-C_3-33-L_47-Add_1.rtf |
A/C.3/33/L.47/Add.1/Corr.1 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
01 December 1978 |
Report of the Working Group of the Whole on the Drafting of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : corrigendum |
A-C_3-33-L_47-Add_1-Corr_1.pdf, A-C_3-33-L_47-Add_1-Corr_1.rtf |
A/C.3/33/L.47/Corr.1 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
04 December 1978 |
Report of the Working Group of the Whole on the Drafting of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : corrigendum |
A-C_3-33-L_47-Corr_1.pdf |
A/C.3/33/L.47/Corr.2 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
07 December 1978 |
Report of the Working Group of the Whole on the Drafting of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : corrigendum |
A-C_3-33-L_47-Corr_2.pdf |
A/C.3/33/SR.73 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
12 December 1978 |
Summary record of the 73rd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 8 December 1978, New York, General Assembly, 33rd session |
A-C_3-33-SR_73.pdf |
A/33/468 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
12 December 1978 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : report of the 3rd Committee : General Assembly, 33rd session |
A-33-468.pdf, A-33-468.rtf |
A/33/PV.90 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
20 December 1978 |
General Assembly official records, 33rd session : 90th plenary meeting, Wednesday, 20 December 1978, New York |
A-33-PV_90.pdf, A-33-PV_90.rtf |
A/C.3/33/SR.72 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
05 January 1979 |
Summary record of the 72nd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 8 December 1978, New York, General Assembly, 33rd session |
A-C_3-33-SR_72.pdf, A-C_3-33-SR_72.rtf |
A/34/60 |
General Assembly |
34th |
02 March 1979 |
Report of the Working Group of the Whole on the Drafting of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, 1978 : note / by the Secretary-General |
A-34-60.pdf, A-34-60.rtf |
A/34/60/Corr.1 |
General Assembly |
34th |
11 April 1979 |
Report of the Working Group of the Whole on the Drafting of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-34-60-Corr_1.pdf, A-34-60-Corr_1.rtf |
A/34/60/Corr.2 |
General Assembly |
34th |
16 August 1979 |
Report of the Working Group of the Whole on the Drafting of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-34-60-Corr_2.pdf, A-34-60-Corr_2.rtf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.1 |
General Assembly |
34th |
25 September 1979 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : working paper prepared by the Secretary General |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_1.pdf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.1/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
34th |
02 October 1979 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : working paper prepared by the Secretary General |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_1-Add_1.pdf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.1/Add.2 |
General Assembly |
34th |
08 October 1979 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : working paper prepared by the Secretary General |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_1-Add_2.pdf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.2 |
General Assembly |
34th |
08 October 1979 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_2.pdf, A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_2.rtf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.2/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
34th |
12 October 1979 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_2-Add_1.pdf, A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_2-Add_1.rtf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.2/Add.2 |
General Assembly |
34th |
22 October 1979 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_2-Add_2.pdf, A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_2-Add_2.rtf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.2/Add.3 |
General Assembly |
34th |
02 November 1979 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_2-Add_3.pdf, A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_2-Add_3.rtf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.2/Add.4 |
General Assembly |
34th |
02 November 1979 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : addendum |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_2-Add_4.pdf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.2/Add.5 |
General Assembly |
34th |
06 November 1979 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : amendments / Ecuador |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_2-Add_5.pdf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.3 |
General Assembly |
34th |
12 November 1979 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_3.pdf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.4 |
General Assembly |
34th |
12 November 1979 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_4.pdf, A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_4.rtf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.3/Corr.1 |
General Assembly |
34th |
14 November 1979 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : corrigendum |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_3-Corr_1.pdf, A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_3-Corr_1.rtf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.4/Corr.1 |
General Assembly |
34th |
14 November 1979 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women : corrigendum |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_4-Corr_1.pdf, A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_4-Corr_1.rtf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.5 |
General Assembly |
34th |
19 November 1979 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_5.pdf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.6 |
General Assembly |
34th |
23 November 1979 |
Draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_6.pdf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.6/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
34th |
23 November 1979 |
Draft Report of the Working Group of the whole drafting of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_6-Add_1.pdf, A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_6-Add_1.rtf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.6/Add.2 |
General Assembly |
34th |
26 November 1979 |
Draft Report of the Working Group of the whole drafting of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_6-Add_2.pdf, A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_6-Add_2.rtf |
A/C.3/34/WG.1/CRP.6/Add.3 |
General Assembly |
34th |
26 November 1979 |
Draft Report of the Working Group of the whole drafting of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-34-WG_1-CRP_6-Add_3.pdf |
A/C.3/34/L.73 |
General Assembly |
34th |
30 November 1979 |
Draft amendments to the draft Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, contained in document A/C.3/34/14 / Morocco. |
A-C_3-34-L_73.pdf, A-C_3-34-L_73.rtf |
A/C.3/34/14 |
General Assembly |
34th |
30 November 1979 |
Report of the Working Group on the Whole on the Drafting of the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women |
A-C_3-34-14.pdf |
A/C.3/34/L.76 |
General Assembly |
34th |
04 December 1979 |
Amendment to the draft convention contained in annex I of document A/C.3/34/14 / France and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. |
A-C_3-34-L_76.pdf, A-C_3-34-L_76.rtf |
A/C.3/34/L.77 |
General Assembly |
34th |
05 December 1979 |
Amendment to the Draft Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women contained in annex I of document A/C.3/34/14 / China. |
A-C_3-34-L_77.pdf, A-C_3-34-L_77.rtf |
A/34/830 |
General Assembly |
34th |
14 December 1979 |
Report of the 3rd Committee. |
A-34-830.pdf, A-34-830.rtf |
A/34/PV.107 |
General Assembly |
34th |
29 December 1979 |
Record of meeting held on 18 Dec. 1979. |
A-34-PV_107.pdf, A_34_PV.107 .rtf |
A/42/38 |
General Assembly |
42nd |
15 May 1987 |
Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, 6th session. |
A-42-38.pdf |
A/47/38 |
General Assembly |
47th |
24 June 1992 |
Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, 11th session |
A-47-38.pdf |
A/53/38/Rev.1 |
General Assembly |
53rd |
14 May 1998 |
Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, 18th and 19th sessions |
A-53-38-Rev_1.pdf |