E/1371 |
E/CN.4/350 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
9th |
20 June 1949 |
Report of the 5th session of the Commission on Human Rights to the Economic and Social Council, Lake Success, New York, 9 May-20 June 1949 |
E-1371__E-CN_4-350.pdf |
E/1371 |
E/CN.4/350 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission for Social Development |
5th |
23 June 1949 |
Report of the 5th session of the Commission on Human Rights to the Economic and Social Council, Lake Success, New York, 9 May-20 June 1949 |
E-1371__E-CN_4-350.pdf |
E/CN.4/377 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
29 March 1950 |
Draft International Covenant on Human Rights : proposed draft preamble / Australia |
E-CN_4-377.pdf |
E/CN.4/378 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
29 March 1950 |
Draft International Covenant on Human Rights : amendment to article 5 / Chile |
E-CN_4-378.pdf |
E/CN.4/379 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
29 March 1950 |
Draft International Covenant on Human Rights : amendment to article 1 / Lebanon |
E-CN_4-379.pdf |
E/CN.4/377/Rev.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
15 May 1950 |
Draft International Covenant on Human Rights : revised proposal for a preamble / Australia |
E-CN_4-377-Rev_1.pdf |
E/1681 |
E/CN.4/507 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
29 May 1950 |
Commission on Human Rights : report of the 6th session, 27 March-19 May 1950 |
E-1681__E-CN_4-507.pdf |
E/1681 |
E/CN.4/507 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
29 May 1950 |
Commission on Human Rights : report of the 6th session, 27 March-19 May 1950 |
E-1681__E-CN_4-507.pdf, E-1681__E-CN_4-507.rtf |
E/RES/303(XI) |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
6th |
09 August 1950 |
Report of the Commission on Human Rights (sixth session). |
E-RES-303(XI).pdf |
A/C.3/SR.299 |
General Assembly |
5th |
31 October 1950 |
General Assembly, 5th session : 3rd Committee, 299th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_299.pdf, A-C_3-SR_299.rtf |
A/RES/421(V)[A] |
General Assembly |
5th |
15 December 1950 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights and measures of implementation : future work for the Commission on Human Rights |
A-RES-421(V)[A].pdf |
A/C.3/SR.387 |
General Assembly |
6th |
14 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 387th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_387.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.389 |
General Assembly |
6th |
15 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 389th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_389.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.391 |
General Assembly |
6th |
17 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 391st meeting |
A-C_3-SR_391.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.392 |
General Assembly |
6th |
18 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 392nd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_392.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.393 |
General Assembly |
6th |
18 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 393rd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_393.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.394 |
General Assembly |
6th |
19 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 394th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_394.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.395 |
General Assembly |
6th |
19 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 395th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_395.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.396 |
General Assembly |
6th |
21 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 396th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_396.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.397 |
General Assembly |
6th |
21 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 397th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_397.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.398 |
General Assembly |
6th |
22 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 398th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_398.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.399 |
General Assembly |
6th |
23 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 399th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_399.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.401 |
General Assembly |
6th |
24 January 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 401st meeting |
A-C_3-SR_401.pdf |
E/RES/349(XII) |
Economic and Social Council |
12th |
23 February 1951 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights and measures of implementation: future work of the Commission on Human Rights. |
E-RES-349(XII).pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.204 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
25 April 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 204th meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Tuesday, 17 April 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_204.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_204.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.204 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
25 April 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 204th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_204.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_204.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.205 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
27 April 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 205th meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Wednesday, 18 April 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_205.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_205.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.205 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
27 April 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 205th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_205.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_205.rtf |
E/CN.4/576 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
28 April 1951 |
Draft International Covenant on Human Rights and measures for implementation : proposals and suggestions for an article on the right to work |
E-CN_4-576.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.206 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
30 April 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 206th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_206.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_206.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.206 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
30 April 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 206th meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Wednesday, 18 April 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_206.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_206.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.207 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
02 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 207th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_207.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_207.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.207 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
02 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 207th meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, onThursday, 19 April 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_207.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_207.rtf |
E/CN.4/595 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
03 May 1951 |
Draft International Covenant on Human Rights and measures of implementation : revised proposal on trade union rights / Egypt |
E-CN_4-595.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.208 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
03 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 208th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_208.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_208.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.208 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
03 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 208th meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 19 April 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_208.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_208.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.216 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
21 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 216th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_216.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_216.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.216 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
21 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 216th meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Friday, 27 April 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_216.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_216.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.218 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
22 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 218th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_218.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.218 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
22 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 218th meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Saturday, 28 April 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_218.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_218.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.217 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
23 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 217th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_217.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_217.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.217 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
23 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 217th meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Saturday, 28 April 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_217.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_217.rtf |
E/1992 |
E/CN.4/640 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
24 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights : report to the Economic and Social Council on the 7th session of the Commission, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 16 April to 19 May 1951 |
E-1992__E-CN_4-640.pdf |
E/1992 |
E/CN.4/640 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
24 May 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights : report to the Economic and Social Council on the 7th session of the Commission, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 16 April to 19 May 1951 |
E-1992__E-CN_4-640.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.219 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
04 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 219th meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Monday, 30 April 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_219.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_219.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.219 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
04 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 219th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_219.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.220 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
05 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 220th meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Monday, 30 April 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_220.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_220.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.220 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
05 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 220th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_220.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.221 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
07 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 221st meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Tuesday, 1 May 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_221.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_221.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.221 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
07 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 221st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_221.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_221.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.222 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
08 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 222nd meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Wednesday, 2 May 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_222.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_222.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.222 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
08 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 222nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_222.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.223 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
13 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 223rd meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Wednesday, 2 May 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_223.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_223.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.223 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
13 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 223rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_223.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.224 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
14 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 224th meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 3 May 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_224.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_224.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.224 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
14 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 224th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_224.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.225 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
21 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 225th meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 3 May 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_225.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_225.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.225 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
21 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 225th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_225.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.226 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
27 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 226th meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Friday, 4 May 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_226.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_226_0.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.226 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
27 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 226th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_226.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.229 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
28 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 229th meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Monday, 7 May 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_229.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_229_0.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.229 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
28 June 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 229th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_229.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.236 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
02 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 236th meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 10 May 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_236.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_236.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.236 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
02 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 236th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_236.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_236.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.238 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
04 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 238th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_238.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_238.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.238 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
04 July 1951 |
Commission on Human Rights, 7th session : summary record of the 238th meeting held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Friday, 11 May 1951 |
E-CN_4-SR_238.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_238.rtf |
E/RES/384(XIII) |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
7th |
29 August 1951 |
Report of the Commission on Human Rights (seventh session). |
E-RES-384(XIII).pdf |
E/2152 |
Economic and Social Council |
13th |
10 October 1951 |
Resolutions : Economic and Social Council official records, 6th year, 13th session, 30 July-21 September 1951 |
E-2152.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.358 |
General Assembly |
6th |
30 November 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 358th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_358.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.359 |
General Assembly |
6th |
04 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 359th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_359.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.360 |
General Assembly |
6th |
05 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 360th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_360.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.361 |
General Assembly |
6th |
07 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 361st meeting |
A-C_3-SR_361.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.361 |
General Assembly |
6th |
07 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 361st meeting, Friday, 7 December 1951, Palais de Chaillot, Paris |
A-C_3-SR_361.pdf, A-C_3-SR_361.rtf |
A/C.3/SR.362 |
General Assembly |
6th |
08 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 362nd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_362.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.362 |
General Assembly |
6th |
08 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 362nd meeting, Saturday, 8 December 1951, Palais de Chaillot, Paris |
A-C_3-SR_362.pdf, A-C_3-SR_362 .rtf |
A/C.3/SR.363 |
General Assembly |
6th |
10 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 363rd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_363.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.363 |
General Assembly |
6th |
10 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 363rd meeting, Monday, 10 December 1951, Palais de Chaillot, Paris |
A-C_3-SR_363.pdf, A-C_3-SR_363.rtf |
A/C.3/SR.364 |
General Assembly |
6th |
10 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 364th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_364.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.364 |
General Assembly |
6th |
10 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 364th meeting, Monday, 10 December 1951, Palais de Chaillot, Paris |
A-C_3-SR_364.pdf, A-C_3-SR_364.rtf |
A/C.3/SR.365 |
General Assembly |
6th |
11 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 365th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_365.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.365 |
General Assembly |
6th |
11 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 365th meeting, Tuesday, 11 December 1951, Palais de Chaillot, Paris |
A-C_3-SR_365.pdf, A-C_3-SR_365.rtf |
A/C.3/SR.366 |
General Assembly |
6th |
12 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 366th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_366.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.366 |
General Assembly |
6th |
12 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 366th meeting, Wednesday, 12 December 1951, Palais de Chaillot, Paris |
A-C_3-SR_366.pdf, A-C_3-SR_366.rtf |
A/C.3/SR.367 |
General Assembly |
6th |
12 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 367th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_367.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.367 |
General Assembly |
6th |
12 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 367th meeting, Wednesday, 12 December 1951, Palais de Chaillot, Paris |
A-C_3-SR_367.pdf, A-C_3-SR_367.rtf |
A/C.3/SR.368 |
General Assembly |
6th |
13 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 368th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_368.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.369 |
General Assembly |
6th |
13 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 369th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_369.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.368 |
General Assembly |
6th |
13 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 368th meeting, Thursday, 13 December 1951, Palais de Chaillot, Paris |
A-C_3-SR_368.pdf, A-C_3-SR_368.rtf |
A/C.3/SR.369 |
General Assembly |
6th |
18 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 369th meeting, Tuesday, 18 December 1951, Palais de Chaillot, Paris |
A-C_3-SR_369.pdf, A-C_3-SR_369.rtf |
A/C.3/SR.370 |
General Assembly |
6th |
19 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 370th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_370.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.370 |
General Assembly |
6th |
19 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 370th meeting, Wednesday, 19 December 1951, Palais de Chaillot, Paris |
A-C_3-SR_370.pdf, A-C_3-SR_370.rtf |
A/C.3/SR.371 |
General Assembly |
6th |
20 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 371st meeting |
A-C_3-SR_371.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.371 |
General Assembly |
6th |
20 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 371st meeting, Thursday, 20 December 1951, Palais de Chaillot, Paris |
A-C_3-SR_371.pdf, A-C_3-SR_371.rtf |
A/C.3/SR.372 |
General Assembly |
6th |
21 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 372nd meeting, Friday, 21 December 1951, Palais de Chaillot, Paris |
A-C_3-SR_372.pdf, A-C_3-SR_372.rtf |
A/C.3/SR.372 |
General Assembly |
6th |
21 December 1951 |
General Assembly, 6th session : 3rd Committee, 372nd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_372.pdf |
A/RES/543(VI) |
General Assembly |
6th |
05 February 1952 |
Preparation of two Draft International Covenants on Human Rights. |
A-RES-543(VI).pdf |
A/RES/544(VI) |
General Assembly |
6th |
05 February 1952 |
Preparation of articles on economic, social and cultural rights. |
A-RES-544(VI).pdf |
E/CN.4/L.46 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
25 April 1952 |
Draft International Covenant on Human Rights and measures of implementation : draft amendments to Article 21 / Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
E-CN_4-L_46.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.48 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
25 April 1952 |
Draft International Covenant on Human Rights and measures of implementation : draft amendment to Article 23 / Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
E-CN_4-L_48.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.57 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
28 April 1952 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights and measures of implementation : draft amendment to Article 23 / China |
E-CN_4-L_57.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.95 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
07 May 1952 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights and measures of implementation : amendment to article 28 / Belgium |
E-CN_4-L_95.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.294 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
27 May 1952 |
Summary record of the 294th meeting held at Headquarters, New York, on Wednesday, 14 May 1952 : Commission on Human Rights, 8th session |
E-CN_4-SR_294.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_294_0.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.294 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
27 May 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights, 8th session : summary record of the 294th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_294.pdf |
E/2256 |
E/CN.4/669 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
14 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights : report of the 8th session, 14 April-14 June 1952. |
E-2256__E-CN_4-669.pdf |
E/2256 |
E/CN.4/669 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
8th |
14 June 1952 |
Commission on Human Rights : report of the 8th session, 14 April-14 June 1952. |
E-2556__E-CN_4-669.pdf |
E/2447 |
E/CN.4/689 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
9th |
30 May 1953 |
Commission on Human Rights : report of the 9th session, 7 April-30 May 1953. |
E-2447__E-CN_4-689.pdf |
E/2447 |
E/CN.4/689 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
9th |
06 June 1953 |
Commission on Human Rights : report of the 9th session, 7 April-30 May 1953. |
E-2447__E-CN_4-689.pdf |
E/2573 |
E/CN.4/705 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
10th |
16 April 1954 |
Commission on Human Rights : report of the 10th session, 23 February-16 April 1954. |
E-2573__E-CN_4-705.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.566 |
General Assembly |
9th |
28 October 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 566th meeting, Thursday, 28 October 1954, New York |
A-C_3-SR_566.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.566 |
General Assembly |
9th |
28 October 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 566th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_566.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.569 |
General Assembly |
9th |
01 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 569th meeting, Monday, 1 November 1954, New York |
A-C_3-SR_569.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.569 |
General Assembly |
9th |
01 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 569th meeting |
A-C_3-SR_569.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.573 |
General Assembly |
9th |
03 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 573rd meeting, Wednesday, 3 November 1954, New York |
A-C_3-SR_573.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.573 |
General Assembly |
9th |
03 November 1954 |
General Assembly, 9th session : 3rd Committee, 573rd meeting |
A-C_3-SR_573.pdf |
A/2808 |
General Assembly |
9th |
29 November 1954 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights : report of the 3rd Committee |
A-2808.pdf, A-2808.rtf |
A/2808/Corr.1 |
General Assembly |
9th |
29 November 1954 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights : report of the 3rd Committee : corrigendum |
A-2808-Corr_1.pdf |
A/RES/833(IX) |
General Assembly |
9th |
04 December 1954 |
Draft international covenants on human rights. |
A-RES-833(IX).pdf |
A/2929 |
General Assembly |
10th |
01 July 1955 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights : annotation / prepared by the Secretary-General |
A-2929.pdf, A-2929_0.rtf |
A/3077 |
General Assembly |
10th |
08 December 1955 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights : report of the 3rd Committee / Rapporteur: Hermod Lannung (Denmark) |
A-3077.pdf |
A/3764 |
General Assembly |
12th |
05 December 1957 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights : report of the 3rd Committee : Rapporteur: Mr. Carlos Manuel Cox (Peru) |
A-3764.pdf |
A/4045 |
General Assembly |
13th |
09 December 1958 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights : report of the 3rd Committee / Rapporteur: Florence Addison (Ghana) |
A-4045.pdf |
A/5000 |
General Assembly |
15th |
05 December 1961 |
Draft international convenants on human rights : report of the 3rd committee |
A-5000.pdf, A-5000.rtf |
A/5000 |
General Assembly |
16th |
05 December 1961 |
Draft international convenants on human rights : report of the 3rd committee |
A-5000.pdf |
A/C.3/SR.1259 |
General Assembly |
18th |
11 November 1963 |
General Assembly, 18th session, 3rd Committee : 1259th meeting, Monday, 11 November 1963, New York |
A-C_3-SR_1259.pdf |
A/5655 |
General Assembly |
17th |
10 December 1963 |
Draft International Covenants on Human Rights : report of the 3rd committee |
A-5655.pdf |
E/2573 |
E/CN.4/705 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
10th |
16 April 1964 |
Commission on Human Rights : report of the 10th session, 23 February-16 April 1954. |
E-2573__E-CN_4-705.pdf |
A/RES/2106(XX)[A] |
General Assembly |
20th |
22 December 1965 |
International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination |
A-RES-2106(XX)[A].pdf |
A/RES/2200(XXI)[A] |
General Assembly |
21st |
20 December 1966 |
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights |
A-RES-2200(XXI)[A].pdf |
E/1989/22 |
E/C.12/1989/5 |
Economic and Social Council - Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights |
3rd |
24 February 1989 |
Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights : report on the 3rd session, 6-24 February 1989 |
E-1989-22.pdf |