A/39/PV.101 |
General Assembly |
39th |
27 December 1984 |
Provisional verbatim record of the 101st meeting, 39th session, General Assembly, held at Headquarters, New York, on Friday, 14 December 1984. |
A-39-PV_101.pdf |
A/RES/39/46 |
General Assembly |
39th |
17 December 1984 |
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly. |
A-RES-39-46.pdf |
A/C.3/39/SR.61 |
General Assembly |
39th |
13 December 1984 |
Summary record of the 61st meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 5 December 1985, New York, General Assembly, 39th session. |
A-C_3-39-SR_61.pdf |
A/C.3/39/SR.64 |
General Assembly |
39th |
11 December 1984 |
Summary record of the 64th meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 6 December 1984, New York, General Assembly, 39th session. |
A-C_3-39-SR_64.pdf |
A/39/700 |
General Assembly |
39th |
10 December 1984 |
Report of the 3rd Committee. |
A-39-700.pdf, A 39 700.rtf |
A/39/708 |
General Assembly |
39th |
07 December 1984 |
Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment : report of the 3rd Committee : General Assembly, 39th session |
A-39-708.pdf |
A/C.3/39/L.75 |
General Assembly |
39th |
04 December 1984 |
United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture : draft resolution / Australia, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Federal Republic of, Greece, Iceland, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and United States of America. |
A-C_3-39-L_75.pdf |
A/39/499/Add.2 |
General Assembly |
39th |
06 November 1984 |
Report of the Secretary-General. |
A-39-499-Add_2.pdf |
A/39/499/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
39th |
24 October 1984 |
Report of the Secretary-General. |
A-39-499-Add_1.pdf |
A/39/499 |
General Assembly |
39th |
02 October 1984 |
Report of the Secretary-General. |
A-39-499.pdf |
E/1984/14/Corr.1 |
E/CN.4/1984/77/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
27 June 1984 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 40th session, 6 February-16 March 1984 : corrigendum |
E-1984-14-Corr_1__E-CN_4-1984-77-Corr_1.pdf |
A/38/3 |
General Assembly |
38th |
June 1984 |
Report of the Economic and Social Council for the year 1983 |
A-38-3.pdf |
E/1984/14 |
E/CN.4/1984/77 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
16 March 1984 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 40th session, 6 February-16 March 1984. |
E-1984-14__E-CN_4-1984-77.pdf |
E/CN.4/1984/SR.42 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
14 March 1984 |
Summary record of the 42nd meeting, Commission on Human Rights, 40th session, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Tuesday, 6 March 1984. |
E-CN_4-1984-SR_42.pdf |
E/CN.4/1984/72 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
09 March 1984 |
Report of the Working Group on a Draft Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. |
E-CN_4-1984-72.pdf |
E/CN.4/1984/SR.32 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
06 March 1984 |
Summary record of the 32nd meeting, Commission on Human Rights, 40th session, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Tuesday, 28 February 1984. |
E-CN_4-1983-SR_32.pdf, E-CN_4-1983-SR_32.rtf |
E/CN.4/1984/L.69 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
06 March 1984 |
Amendments to draft resolution XIV recommended by the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (E/CN.4/1984/3) / Bulgaria. |
E-CN_4-1984-L_69.pdf |
E/CN.4/1984/SR.34 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
06 March 1984 |
Summary record of the 34th meeting, Commission on Human Rights, 40th session, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Wednesday, 29 February 1984. |
E-CN_4-1984-SR_34.pdf |
E/CN.4/1984/SR.33 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
05 March 1984 |
Summary record of the 33rd meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Wednesday, 29 February 1984 : Commission on Human Rights, 40th session. |
E-CN_4-1984-SR_33.pdf |
E/CN.4/1984/L.60 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
02 March 1984 |
Draft resolution / Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden |
E-CN_4-1984-L_60.pdf |
E/CN.4/1984/L.36 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
28 February 1984 |
Draft resolution / Argentina, Finland, India, Netherlands, Senegal and Yugoslavia. |
E-CN_4-1984-L_36.pdf, E-CN_4-1984-L_36.rtf |
E/CN.4/1984/19 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
13 February 1984 |
United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture : note / by the Secretary-General. |
E-CN_4-1984-19.pdf |
A/RES/38/119 |
General Assembly |
38th |
08 February 1984 |
Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. |
A-RES-38-119.pdf |
A/38/687 |
General Assembly |
38th |
10 December 1983 |
Report of the 3rd Committee. |
A-38-687.pdf, A-38-687.rtf |
A/C.3/38/L.32 |
General Assembly |
38th |
23 November 1983 |
Draft resolution / Austria, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden. |
A-C_3-38-L_32.pdf |
A/37/3 |
General Assembly |
37th |
17 May 1983 |
Report of the Economic and Social Council for the year 1982 |
A-37-3.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/63 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
25 March 1983 |
Report of the Working Group on a Draft Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. |
E-CN_4-1983-63.pdf |
A/RES/37/193 |
General Assembly |
37th |
24 March 1983 |
Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. |
A-RES-37-193.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/SR.54 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
15 March 1983 |
Summary record of the 54th meeting (1st part), Commission on Human Rights, 39th session, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Wednesday, 9 March 1983. |
E-CN_4-1983-SR_54.pdf |
E/1983/13 |
E/CN.4/1983/60 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
11 March 1983 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 39th session, 31 January-11 March 1983. |
E-1983-13__E-CN_4-1983-60.pdf, E-1983-13_E-CN_4-1983_60.rtf |
E/CN.4/1983/L.84 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
04 March 1983 |
Administrative and programme budget implications of the draft resolution contained in document E/CN.4/1983/L.62 |
E-CN_4-1983-L_84.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/L.62 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
03 March 1983 |
Draft resolution / Cuba, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, India, Netherlands, Norway, Senegal, Sweden. |
E-CN_4-1983-L_62.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/SR.32 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
28 February 1983 |
Summary record of the 32nd meeting, Commission on Human Rights, 39th session, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 22 February 1983. |
E-CN_4-1983-SR_32.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/SR.31 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
25 February 1983 |
Summary record of the 31st meeting, Commission on Human Rights, 39th session, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Tuesday 22 February 1983. |
E-CN_4-1983-SR_31.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/L.32 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
17 February 1983 |
The United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture : draft resolution / Denmark, Finland, Norway [and] Sweden. |
E-CN_4-1983-L_32.pdf, E-CN_4-1983-L_32.rtf |
A/37/727 |
General Assembly |
37th |
13 December 1982 |
Report of the 3rd Committee. |
A-37-727.pdf, A-37-727.rtf |
A/C.3/37/SR.51 |
General Assembly |
37th |
30 November 1982 |
Summary record of the 51st meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 23 November 1982, New York. |
A-C_3-37-SR_51.pdf |
A/C.3/37/L.49 |
General Assembly |
37th |
24 November 1982 |
Draft resolution / Australia, Austria, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Greece, Iceland, India, Italy, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Portugal, Senegal, Spain and Sweden. |
A-C_3-37-L_49.pdf, A-C_3-37-L_49.rtf |
A/37/618 |
General Assembly |
37th |
16 November 1982 |
United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture : report of the Secretary-General. |
A-37-618.pdf |
A/37/263 |
General Assembly |
37th |
15 November 1982 |
Report of the Secretary-General. |
A-37-263.pdf |
E/CN.4/1982/SR.60 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
38th |
26 March 1982 |
Record of meeting held on 11 Mar. 1982. |
E-CN_4-1982-SR_60.pdf |
A/36/3/Rev.1 |
General Assembly |
36th |
18 March 1982 |
Report of the Economic and Social Council for the year 1981. |
A-36-3-Rev_1.pdf |
E/1982/12 |
E/CN.4/1982/30 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
38th |
12 March 1982 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 38th session, 1 February-12 March 1982. |
E-1982-12__E-CN_4-1982-30.pdf |
E/CN.4/1982/L.63 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
38th |
09 March 1982 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document E/CN.4/1982/L.52 |
E-CN_4-1982-L_63.pdf |
E/CN.4/1982/L.52 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
38th |
08 March 1982 |
Draft resolution / Cuba, Denmark, France, Greece, India, Netherlands, Norway, Senegal and Sweden. |
E-CN_4-1982-L_52.pdf |
E/CN.4/1982/L.40 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
38th |
05 March 1982 |
Report of the Working Group on a Draft Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. |
E-CN_4-1982-L_40.pdf |
E/CN.4/1982/L.29 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
38th |
24 February 1982 |
The United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture : draft resolution / Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. |
E-CN_4-1982-L_29.pdf |
A/RES/36/60 |
General Assembly |
36th |
19 January 1982 |
Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. |
A-RES-36-60.pdf |
E/CN.4/1493 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
38th |
31 December 1981 |
Letter dated 22 December 1981 from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden addressed to the Director of the Division of Human Rights. |
E-CN_4-1493.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.38 |
General Assembly |
36th |
19 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 3 Nov. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_38.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.37 |
General Assembly |
36th |
18 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 2 Nov. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_37.pdf |
A/36/685 |
General Assembly |
36th |
16 November 1981 |
Report of the 3rd Committee. |
A-36-685.pdf, A-36-685.rtf |
A/C.3/36/SR.34 |
General Assembly |
36th |
11 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 29 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_34.pdf, A C3 36 SR 340.rtf |
A/C.3/36/SR.36 |
General Assembly |
36th |
11 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 30 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_36.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.35 |
General Assembly |
36th |
10 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 29 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_35.pdf, A C3 36 SR 35 0.rtf |
A/C.3/36/SR.27 |
General Assembly |
36th |
09 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 22 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_27.pdf, A C3 36 SR 270.rtf |
A/C.3/36/SR.32 |
General Assembly |
36th |
09 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 28 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_32.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.33 |
General Assembly |
36th |
06 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 28 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_33.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.28 |
General Assembly |
36th |
04 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 23 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_28.pdf, A-C_3-36-SR_28_0.rtf |
A/C.3/36/L.34 |
General Assembly |
36th |
28 October 1981 |
Draft resolution / Austria, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Jamaica, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. |
A-C_3-36-L_34.pdf |
A/36/426/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
36th |
16 October 1981 |
Report of the Secretary-General. |
A-36-426-Add_1.pdf |
A/36/426 |
General Assembly |
36th |
18 September 1981 |
Report of the Secretary-General. |
A-36-426.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.1636 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
37th |
16 March 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 10 Mar. 1981. |
E-CN_4-SR_1636.pdf |
E/1981/25 |
E/CN.4/1475 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
37th |
13 March 1981 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 37th session, 2 February-13 March 1981. |
E-1981-25__E-CN_4-1475.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1590 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
37th |
09 March 1981 |
Cuba, Denmark, Greece, Norway, Senegal and Sweden: draft resolution |
E-CN_4-L_1590.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1604 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
37th |
09 March 1981 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document E/CN.4/L.1590 |
E-CN_4-L_1604.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1576 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
37th |
06 March 1981 |
Report of the Working Group on a Draft Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. |
E-CN_4-L_1576.pdf, E-CN_4-L_1576.rtf |
E/CN.4/NGO/325 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
37th |
06 March 1981 |
Written statement submitted by the World Federation of United Nations Associations, a non-governmental organization in category 1 consultative status |
E-CN_4-NGO-325.pdf |
A/RES/35/178 |
General Assembly |
35th |
02 February 1981 |
Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. |
A-RES-35-178.pdf |
A/35/3/Rev.1 |
General Assembly |
35th |
27 January 1981 |
Report of the Economic and Social Council for the year 1980. |
A-35-3-Rev_1.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.84 |
General Assembly |
35th |
17 December 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 5 Dec. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_84.pdf, A-C_3-35-SR_84.rtf |
A/35/PV.96 |
General Assembly |
35th |
15 December 1980 |
General Assembly, 35th session : 96th plenary meeting, Monday, 15 December 1980, New York |
A-35-PV_96.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.77 |
General Assembly |
35th |
11 December 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 2 Dec. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_77.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.75 |
General Assembly |
35th |
10 December 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 1 Dec. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_75.pdf, A-C_3-35-SR_75.rtf |
A/C.3/35/SR.76 |
General Assembly |
35th |
08 December 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 2 Dec. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_76.pdf, A C 3 35 SR 76.rtf |
E/CN.4/1427 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
37th |
02 December 1980 |
Question of the human rights of all persons subjected to any form of detention or imprisonment, in particular torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. |
E-CN_4-1427.pdf |
A/35/369/Add.2 |
General Assembly |
35th |
24 November 1980 |
Questionnaire on the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment : report of the Secretary-General. |
A-35-369-Add_2.pdf, a-35-369-Add_2.rtf |
A/35/370/Rev.1/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
35th |
21 November 1980 |
Unilateral declaration by Member States against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment : report of the Secretary-General. |
A-35-370-Rev_1-Add_1.pdf |
A/C.3/35/L.82 |
General Assembly |
35th |
21 November 1980 |
Draft resolution / Australia, Austria, Costa Rica, Greece, Netherlands, Panama, Sweden and United States of America. |
A-C_3-35-L_82.pdf, A-C_3-35-L_82.rtf |
A/35/370/Rev.1 |
General Assembly |
35th |
07 November 1980 |
Unilateral declaration by Member States against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment : report of the Secretary-General |
A-35-370-Rev_1.pdf |
A/C.3/34/L.24 |
General Assembly |
35th |
30 October 1980 |
Draft resolution / Greece, India, Netherlands and Sweden. |
A-C_3-34-L_24.pdf |
A/35/369/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
35th |
01 October 1980 |
Report / by the Secretary-General. |
A-35-369-Add_1.pdf, A 35 369 Add 1.rtf |
A/35/369 |
General Assembly |
35th |
05 September 1980 |
Questionnaire on the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment : report of the Secretary-General. |
A-35-369.pdf, A 35 369.rtf |
A/35/370 |
General Assembly |
35th |
28 August 1980 |
Unilateral declaration by Member States against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment : report of the Secretary-General. |
A-35-370.pdf, A-35-370.rtf |
E/1980/13/Corr.1 |
E/CN.4/1408/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
23 April 1980 |
Commission on Human Rights. Report of the 36th session, 4 February - 14 March 1980. Corrigendum. |
E-1980-13-Corr_1__E-CN_4-1408-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/1409 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
37th |
10 April 1980 |
Note [transmitting draft Optional Protocol to the draft Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment] |
E-CN_4-1409.pdf |
E/1980/13 |
E/CN.4/1408 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
14 March 1980 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 36th session, 4 February-14 March 1980. |
E-1980-13__E-CN_4-1408.pdf |
E/1980/13/Add.1 |
E/CN.4/1408/Add.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
14 March 1980 |
Commission on Human Rights. Addendum to the report on the 36th session, 4 February - 14 March 1980. |
E-1980-13-Add_1__E-CN_4-1408-Add_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1544 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
11 March 1980 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document E/CN.4/L.1529 |
E-CN_4-L_1544.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1529 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
06 March 1980 |
Draft resolution / Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, Greece, Netherlands, Norway, Senegal, Sweden. |
E-CN_4-L_1529.pdf |
E/CN.4/1367 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
05 March 1980 |
Report of the Working Group on a Draft Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. |
E-CN_4-1367.pdf |
E/CN.4/1386 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
06 February 1980 |
Note dated 80/02/06 from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Cuba to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the Division of Human Rights. |
E-CN_4-1386.pdf |
A/34/3/Rev.1 |
General Assembly |
34th |
04 February 1980 |
Report of the Economic and Social Council for the year 1979 |
A-34-3-Rev_1.pdf |
A/RES/34/167 |
General Assembly |
34th |
30 January 1980 |
Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. |
A-RES-34-167.pdf |
E/CN.4/1314/Add.4 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
18 December 1979 |
Draft convention on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment : summary / prepared by the Secretary-General in accordance with resolution 18 (XXXIV) of the Commission on Human Rights. |
E-CN_4-1314-Add_4.pdf |
A/34/145/Add.3 |
General Assembly |
34th |
08 November 1979 |
Report of the Secretary-General. |
A-34-145-Add_3.pdf |
A/34/145/Add.2 |
General Assembly |
34th |
30 October 1979 |
Report of the Secretary-General. |
A-34-145-Add_2.pdf |
A/34/145/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
34th |
28 September 1979 |
Report of the Secretary-General. |
A-34-145-Add_1.pdf |
A/34/144 |
General Assembly |
34th |
21 September 1979 |
Questionnaire on the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment : report of the Secretary-General : addendum |
A-34-144.pdf |
A/34/389/Corr.1 |
General Assembly |
34th |
18 September 1979 |
Letter dated 27 July 1979 from the Charge d'affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Morocco to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General. |
A-34-389-Corr_1.pdf |
A/34/145 |
General Assembly |
34th |
15 August 1979 |
Unilateral declaration by Member States against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment : Report of the Secretary-General. |
A-34-145.pdf, A-34-145.rtf |
A/34/389 |
General Assembly |
34th |
09 August 1979 |
Letter dated 27 July 1979 from the Charge d'affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Morocco to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General. |
A-34-389a.pdf, A-34-389b.pdf, A 34 389b.rtf, A-34-389a.rtf |
A/RES/33/178 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
20 March 1979 |
Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. |
A-RES-33-178.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.1521 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
19 March 1979 |
Record of meeting held on 14 Mar. 1979. |
E-CN_4-SR_1521.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.1522 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
19 March 1979 |
Record of meeting held on 14 Mar. 1979. |
E-CN_4-SR_1522.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.1520 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
16 March 1979 |
Record of meeting held on 14 Mar. 1979. |
E-CN_4-SR_1520.pdf |
E/1979/36 |
E/CN.4/1347 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
16 March 1979 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 35th session, 12 February-16 March 1979. |
E-1979-36__E-CN_4-1347.pdf |
E/CN.4/1344 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
15 March 1979 |
Question of the human rights of all persons subjected to any form of detention or imprisonment : Letter dated 14 March 1979 addressed to the Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights at its 35th session by the Permanent Representative of Ethiopia |
E-CN_4-1344.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1466 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
12 March 1979 |
Question of the human rights of all persons subjected to any form of detention or imprisonment : draft resolution / Egypt, Germany, Federal Republic of, Panama and Portugal. |
E-CN_4-L_1466.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1469 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
12 March 1979 |
Question of the human rights of all persons subjected to any form of detention or imprisonment : draft resolution / Sweden. |
E-CN_4-L_1469.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1472 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
12 March 1979 |
Question of the human rights of all persons subjected to any form of detention or imprisonment : Algeria, Argentina, Iraq, Panama, Syrian Arab Republic and Yugoslavia: amendment to draft resolution E/CN.4/L.1460. |
E-CN_4-L_1472.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1470 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
12 March 1979 |
Report of the Working Group on a Draft Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. |
E-CN_4-L_1470.pdf |
E/CN.4/1314/Add.3 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
27 February 1979 |
Summary prepared by the Secretary-General in accordance with resolution 18 (XXXIV) of the Commission on Human Rights. |
E-CN_4-1314-Add_3.pdf |
E/CN.4/1314/Add.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
31 January 1979 |
Summary prepared by the Secretary-General in accordance with resolution 18 (XXXIV) of the Commission on Human Rights. |
E-CN_4-1314-Add_2.pdf |
E/CN.4/1314/Add.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
18 January 1979 |
Summary prepared by the Secretary-General in accordance with resolution 18 (XXXIV) of the Commission on Human Rights. |
E-CN_4-1314-Add_1.pdf |
A/33/196/Add.3 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
21 December 1978 |
Questionnaire on the Declaration on the Protection of all Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment : report of the Secretary-General : addendum |
A-33-196-Add_3.pdf |
E/CN.4/1314 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
19 December 1978 |
Question of the human rights of all persons subjected to any form of detention or imprisonment, in particular: torture and other cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment |
E-CN_4-1314.pdf |
A/C.3/33/L.52 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
27 November 1978 |
Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment : draft resolution / India, Netherlands, Sweden |
A-C_3-33-L_52.pdf |
A/33/196/Add.2 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
27 November 1978 |
Questionnaire on the Declaration on the Protection of all Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment : report of the Secretary-General : addendum |
A-33-196-Add_2.pdf |
A/33/196/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
13 November 1978 |
Questionnaire on the Declaration on the Protection of all Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment : report of the Secretary-General : addendum |
A-33-196-Add_1.pdf |
A/33/196 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
18 October 1978 |
Questionnaire on the Declaration on the Protection of all Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment : report of the Secretary-General |
A-33-196.pdf |
A/33/197 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
11 October 1978 |
Unilateral declarations against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment : report of the Secretary-General |
A-33-197.pdf |
A/33/3 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
29 August 1978 |
Report of the Economic and Social Council, organizational session for 1978 and 1st and 2nd regular sessions, 1978 |
A-33-3.pdf |
A/33/151 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
21 July 1978 |
Letter dated 78/06/14 from the Permanent Representative of Senegal to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General |
A-33-151.pdf, A-33-151.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.1468 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
13 March 1978 |
Summary record of the 1468th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_1468.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_1468.rtf |
E/1978/34 |
E/CN.4/1292 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
10 March 1978 |
Commission on Human Rights : report of the 34th session, 6 February-10 March 1978. |
E-1978-34__E-CN_4-1292.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.1470 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
10 March 1978 |
Summary record of the 1470th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_1470.pdf, E CN 4 SR 1470.rtf |
E/CN.4/L.1408 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
06 March 1978 |
Australia, et al.: draft resolution |
E-CN_4-L_1408.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1416 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
05 March 1978 |
Administrative and financial implication of draft resolution E/CN.4/L.1400: statement submitted by the Secretary-General in accordance with rule 28 of the rules of procedure of the function commissions of the Economic and Social Council |
E-CN_4-L_1416.pdf |
A/33/3/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
22 February 1978 |
Addendum to the report of the Economic and Social Council, resumed 2nd regular session, 1978 |
A-33-3-Add_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.1435 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
13 February 1978 |
Summary record of the 1435th meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_1435.pdf, E CN 4 SR 1435.rtf |
A/32/3/Add.1 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
23 January 1978 |
Addendum to the report of the Economic and Social Council : resumed 63rd session |
A-32-3-Add_1.pdf |
A/RES/32/62 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
08 December 1977 |
Draft Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. |
A-RES-32-62.pdf |
A/C.3/32/SR.41 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
14 November 1977 |
Summary record of the 41st meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 9 November 1977, New York, General Assembly, 32nd session |
A-C_3-32-SR_41.pdf, A-C_3-32-SR_41.rtf |
A/C.3/32/SR.42 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
11 November 1977 |
Summary record of the 42nd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 9 November 1977, New York, General Assembly, 32nd session |
A-C_3-32-SR_42.pdf, A-C_3-32-SR_42.rtf |
A/C.3/32/SR.38 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
10 November 1977 |
Summary record of the 38th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 3 November 1977, New York, General Assembly, 32nd session |
A-C_3-32-SR_38.pdf, A-C_3-32-SR_38.rtf |
A/C.3/32/SR.39 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
10 November 1977 |
Summary record of the 39th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 7 November 1977, New York, General Assembly, 32nd session |
A-C_3-32-SR_39.pdf, A-C_3-32-SR_39.rtf |
A/C.3/32/SR.36 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
07 November 1977 |
Summary record of the 36th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 1 November 1977, New York, General Assembly, 32nd session |
A-C_3-32-SR_36.pdf, AC 3 32 SR 36.rtf |
A/C.3/32/SR.37 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
04 November 1977 |
Summary record of the 37th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 2 November 1977, New York, General Assembly, 32nd session |
A-C_3-32-SR_37.pdf, A-C_3-32-SR_37.rtf |
A/C.3/32/SR.35 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
03 November 1977 |
Summary record of the 35th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 1 November 1977, New York, General Assembly, 32nd session |
A-C_3-32-SR_35.pdf, A-C_3-32-SR_35.rtf |
A/C.3/32/SR.34 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
31 October 1977 |
Summary record of the 34th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 31 October 1977, New York, General Assembly, 32nd session |
A-C_3-32-SR_34.pdf, A-c_3-32-SR_34.rtf |
A/32/222 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
30 September 1977 |
Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment : note / by the Secretary-General |
A-32-222.pdf, A-32-222.rtf |
A/32/225 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
20 September 1977 |
Note verbale dated 77/09/19 from the Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General |
A-32-225.pdf |
A/32/180 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
07 September 1977 |
Draft code on medical ethics : note / by the Secretary-General |
A-32-180.pdf, A-32-180.rtf |
A/32/3 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
29 August 1977 |
Report of the Economic and Social Council on the work of its organizational session for 1977, of its 3rd special session and of its 62nd and 63rd sessions |
A-32-3.pdf |
A/32/138 |
General Assembly |
32nd |
26 July 1977 |
Draft code of conduct for law enforcement officials : note / by the Secretary-General |
A-32-138.pdf, A-32-138.rtf |
E/CN.4/1285 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
25 January 1976 |
Letter dated 78/01/18 from the Permanent Representative of Sweden to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the Division of Human Rights |
E-CN_4-1285.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1480 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
14 March 1975 |
Question of the human rights of all persons subjected to any form of detention or imprisonment. Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document E/CN.4/L.1466 |
E-CN_4-L_1480.pdf |