E/CN.4/1279 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
05 January 1978 |
Status of the International Covenants on Human Rights : note / by the Secretary-General |
E-CN_4-1279.pdf |
E/CN.4/1284 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
18 January 1978 |
Letter dated 78/01/17 from the Permanent Representative of Poland to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the Director of the Division of Human Rights |
E-CN_4-1284.pdf |
E/CN.4/NGO/212 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
20 January 1978 |
Written statement submitted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, a non-governmental ogranization in category I consultative status |
E-CN_4-NGO-212.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1366 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
07 February 1978 |
Poland: draft resolution |
E-CN_4-L_1366.pdf |
E/CN.4/1279/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
13 February 1978 |
Status of the International Covenants on Human Rights : note : corrigendum / by the Secretary-General |
E-CN_4-1279-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1366/ Rev.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
14 February 1978 |
Austria, Bulgaria, Colombia, Jordan, Poland, Senegal and Syrian Arab Republic: draft resolution |
E-CN_4-L_1366-Rev_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1383 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
20 February 1978 |
Bulgaria: draft resolution |
E-CN_4-L_1383.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1388 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
21 February 1978 |
Sweden: amendment to draft resolution E/CN.4/L.1383 |
E-CN_4-L_1388.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1394 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
22 February 1978 |
United Kingdom: amendment to draft resolution E/CN.4/L.1383 |
E-CN_4-L_1394.pdf |
E/CN.4/NGO/225 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
23 February 1978 |
Written statement submitted by International Council of Women, et al. |
E-CN_4-NGO-225.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1366/Rev.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
01 March 1978 |
Austria, Bulgaria, Colombia, Jordan, Peru, Poland, Senegal and Syrian Arab Republic: revised draft resolution |
E-CN_4-L_1366-Rev_2.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.1472 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
09 March 1978 |
Summary record of the 1472nd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_1472.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_1472.rtf |
E/CN.4/SR.1471 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
34th |
13 March 1978 |
Summary record of the 1471st meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_1471.pdf, E-CN_4-SR_1471.rtf |
E/1978/C.2/SR.10 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1978 |
20 April 1978 |
Summary record of the 10th meeting |
E-1978-C_2-SR_10.pdf, E-1978-C_2-SR_10.rtf |
E/1978/C.2/SR.12 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1978 |
25 April 1978 |
Summary record of the 12th meeting |
E-1978-C_2-SR_12.pdf |
E/1978/C.2/SR.13 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1978 |
25 April 1978 |
Summary record of the 13th meeting |
E-1978-C_2-SR_13.pdf |
E/1978/C.2/SR.14 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1978 |
26 April 1978 |
Summary record of the 14th meeting |
E-1978-C_2-SR_14.pdf |
E/1978/C.2/SR.15 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1978 |
27 April 1978 |
Summary record of the 15th meeting |
E-1978-C_2-SR_15.pdf |
E/1978/C.2/SR.16 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1978 |
27 April 1978 |
Summary record of the 16th meeting |
E-1978-C_2-SR_16.pdf |
E/1978/C.2/SR.19 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1978 |
01 May 1978 |
Summary record of the 19th meeting |
E-1978-C_2-SR_19.pdf, E-1978-C_2-SR_19.rtf |
E/1978/C.2/SR.20 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1978 |
02 May 1978 |
Summary record of the 20th meeting |
E-1978-C_2-SR_20.pdf, E-1978-C_2-SR_20.rtf |
E/1978/63 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1978 |
04 May 1978 |
Human rights questions : report of the 2nd (Social) Committee : Economic and Social Council, 1st regular session, 1978. |
E-1978-63.pdf |
E/1978/SR.15 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1978 |
05 May 1978 |
Summary record of the 15th meeting, held on Friday, 5 May 1978. |
E-1978-SR_15.pdf, E-1978-SR_15.rtf |
A/33/3 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
29 August 1978 |
Report of the Economic and Social Council, organizational session for 1978 and 1st and 2nd regular sessions, 1978 |
A-33-3.pdf |
A/C.3/33/SR.42 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
16 November 1978 |
Summary record of the 42nd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 10 November 1978, New York, General Assembly, 33rd session |
A-C_3-33-SR_42.pdf |
A/C.3/33/SR.73 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
12 December 1978 |
Summary record of the 73rd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 8 December 1978, New York, General Assembly, 33rd session |
A-C_3-33-SR_73.pdf |
A/33/509 |
General Assembly |
33rd |
16 December 1978 |
Report of the Economic and Social Council : report of the 3rd Committee : General Assembly, 33rd session |
A-33-509.pdf |
E/CN.4/1324 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
27 December 1978 |
Question of a convention on the rights of the child. : Report of the Secretary-General. |
E-CN_4-1324.pdf |
E/CN.4/NGO/234 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
11 January 1979 |
Written statement submitted by the International Union for Child Welfare, a non-governmental organization in category II consultative status |
E-CN_4-NGO-234.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1418 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
26 January 1979 |
Letter dated 23 January 1979 from the Permanent Representative of Poland to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the Director of the Division of Human Rights. |
E-CN_4-L_1418.pdf |
E/CN.4/1324/Add.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
01 February 1979 |
Report of the Secretary-General. |
E-CN_4-1324-Add_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/NGO/230 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
12 February 1979 |
Written statement submitted by the International Humanist and Ethical Union, a non-governmental organization in consultative status (roster) |
E-CN_4-NGO-230.pdf |
E/CN.4/1324/Add.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
14 February 1979 |
Report of the Secretary-General. Colombia. |
E-CN_4-1324-Add_2.pdf |
E/CN.4/NGO/244 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
19 February 1979 |
Written statement submitted by the Women's International Democratic Federation, a non-governmental organization in category I consultative status. |
E-CN_4-NGO-244.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1428 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
23 February 1979 |
Note / by the Secretary-General. |
E-CN_4-L_1428.pdf |
E/CN.4/1324/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
27 February 1979 |
Question of a Convention on the Rights of the Child : report of the Secretary-General : addendum : New Zealand |
E-CN_4-1324-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/1324/Add.3 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
28 February 1979 |
Report of the Secretary-General. Pakistan. |
E-CN_4-1324-Add_3.pdf |
E/CN.4/1324/Add.4 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
05 March 1979 |
Report of the Secretary-General. Malawi. |
E-CN_4-1324-Add_4.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1468 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
12 March 1979 |
Report of the Working Group. |
E-CN_4-L_1468.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1465 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
12 March 1979 |
Draft resolution / Poland. |
E-CN_4-L-1465.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1471 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
12 March 1979 |
Draft resolution / Poland. |
E-CN_4-L_1471.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1465/Rev.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
13 March 1979 |
Draft resolution / Poland. |
E-CN_4-L_1465-Rev_1.pdf, E-CN_4-L_1465-Rev_1.rtf |
E/CN.4/L.1471/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
13 March 1979 |
Draft resolution / Poland. |
E-CN_4-L_1471-Corr_1.pdf |
E/1979/36 |
E/CN.4/1347 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
16 March 1979 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 35th session, 12 February-16 March 1979. |
E-1979-36__E-CN_4-1347.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.1521 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
19 March 1979 |
Record of meeting held on 14 Mar. 1979. |
E-CN_4-SR_1521.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.1522 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
35th |
19 March 1979 |
Record of meeting held on 14 Mar. 1979. |
E-CN_4-SR_1522.pdf |
E/1979/C.2/SR.16 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1979 |
07 May 1979 |
Record of meeting held on 27 April 1979. |
E-1979-C_2-SR_16.pdf, E-1979-C_2-SR_16.rtf |
E/1979/C.2/SR.18 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1979 |
07 May 1979 |
Record of meeting held on 30 April 1979. |
E-1979-C_2-SR_18.pdf, E-1979-C_2-SR_18.rtf |
E/1979/57 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1979 |
08 May 1979 |
Human rights questions :Report of the 2nd (Social) Committee :Economic and Social Council, 1st regular session of 1979 |
E-1979-57.pdf, E-1979-57.rtf |
E/1979/C.2/SR.20 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1979 |
08 May 1979 |
Record of meeting held on 2 May 1979. |
E-1979-C_2-SR_20.pdf, E-1979-C_2-SR_20.rtf |
E/1979/C.2/SR.22 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1979 |
10 May 1979 |
Record of meeting held on 3 May 1979. |
E-1979-C_2-SR_22.pdf, E-1979-C_2-SR_22.rtf |
E/1979/SR.15 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1979 |
10 May 1979 |
Record of meeting held on 10 May 1979. |
E-1979-SR_15.pdf, E-1979-SR_15.rtf |
E/1979/C.2/SR.24 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1979 |
11 May 1979 |
Record of meeting held on 4 May 1979. |
E-1979-C_2-SR_24.pdf, E-1979-C_2-SR_24.rtf |
E/1979/C.2/SR.21 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1979 |
14 May 1979 |
Record of meeting held on 2 May 1979. |
E-1979-C_2-SR_21.pdf, E-1979-C_2-SR_21.rtf |
E/1979/C.2/SR.23 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1979 |
27 May 1979 |
Record of meeting held on 3 May 1979. |
E-1979-C_2-SR_23.pdf, E-1979-C_2-SR_23.rtf |
A/34/PV.4 |
General Assembly |
34th |
22 September 1979 |
Record of meeting held on 21 Sept. 1979. |
A-34-PV_4.pdf, A-34-PV_4a.pdf |
E/CN.4/1349 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
17 January 1980 |
Note verbale dated 5 October 1979 addressed to the Division of Human Rights by the Permanent Representation of the Polish People's Republic to the United Nations in Geneva. |
E-CN_4-1349.pdf |
E/CN.4/1324/Add.5 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
22 January 1980 |
Question of a Convention on the Rights of the Child : report of the Secretary-General : addendum : New Zealand |
E-CN_4-1324-Add_5.pdf |
E/CN.4/NGO/265 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
01 February 1980 |
Written statement / submitted by the Friends World Committee for Consultation |
E-CN_4-NGO-265.pdf |
A/34/3/Rev.1 |
General Assembly |
34th |
04 February 1980 |
Report of the Economic and Social Council for the year 1979 |
A-34-3-Rev_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/NGO/276 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
13 February 1980 |
Written statement / submitted by the Women's International Democratic Federation |
E-CN_4-NGO-276.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1513 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
28 February 1980 |
Draft resolution / Poland. |
E-CN_4-L_1513.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1513/Rev.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
07 March 1980 |
Revised draft resolution / Poland. |
E-CN_4-L_1513-Rev_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1537 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
10 March 1980 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document E/CN.4/L.1513/Rev.1 |
E-CN_4-L_1537.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1542 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
10 March 1980 |
Report of the Working Group. |
E-CN_4-L_1542.pdf |
E/1980/13 |
E/CN.4/1408 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
36th |
14 March 1980 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 36th session, 4 February-14 March 1980. |
E-1980-13__E-CN_4-1408.pdf, TXT.rtf |
E/1980/51 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1980 |
01 May 1980 |
Human rights questions :Report of the 2nd (Social) Committee :Economic and Social Council, 1st regular session of 1980 |
E-1980-51.pdf |
E/1980/C.2/SR.19 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1980 |
02 May 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 28 Apr. 1980. |
E-1980-C_2-SR_19.pdf |
E/1980/C.2/SR.15 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1980 |
05 May 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 24 Apr. 1980. |
E-1980-C_2-SR_15.pdf |
E/1980/C.2/SR.22 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1980 |
06 May 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 29 Apr. 1980. |
E-1980-C_2-SR_22.pdf |
E/1980/C.2/SR.20 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1980 |
07 May 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 28 Apr. 1980. |
E-1980-C_2-SR_20.pdf, E-1980-C_2-SR_20.rtf |
E/1980/SR.22 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1980 |
07 May 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 2 May 1980. |
E-1980-SR_22.pdf, E-1980-SR_22.rtf |
A/C.3/35/L.14 |
General Assembly |
35th |
17 October 1980 |
Draft resolution / Algeria, et al. |
A-C_3-35-L_14.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.35 |
General Assembly |
35th |
04 November 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 28 Oct. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_35.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.37 |
General Assembly |
35th |
06 November 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 30 Oct. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_37.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.40 |
General Assembly |
35th |
07 November 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 3 Nov. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_40.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.38 |
General Assembly |
35th |
10 November 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 31 Oct. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_38.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.43 |
General Assembly |
35th |
11 November 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 4 Nov. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_43.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.45 |
General Assembly |
35th |
11 November 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 5 Nov. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_45.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.36 |
General Assembly |
35th |
11 November 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 29 Oct. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_36.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.42 |
General Assembly |
35th |
12 November 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 3 Nov. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_42.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.49 |
General Assembly |
35th |
13 November 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 7 Nov. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_49.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.44 |
General Assembly |
35th |
13 November 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 4 Nov. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_44.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.39 |
General Assembly |
35th |
13 November 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 31 Oct. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_39.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.46 |
General Assembly |
35th |
14 November 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 5 Nov. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_46.pdf |
A/35/636 |
General Assembly |
35th |
20 November 1980 |
Question of a Convention on the Rights of the Child : report of the 3rd Committee : General Assembly, 35th session |
A-35-636.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.50 |
General Assembly |
35th |
24 November 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 7 Nov. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_50.pdf |
A/C.3/35/SR.41 |
General Assembly |
35th |
25 November 1980 |
Record of meeting held on 3 Nov. 1980. |
A-C_3-35-SR_41.pdf |
A/35/PV.92 |
General Assembly |
35th |
11 December 1980 |
General Assembly, 35th session : 92nd plenary meeting, Thursday, 11 December 1980, New York |
A-35-PV_92.pdf |
A/35/3/Rev.1 |
General Assembly |
35th |
27 January 1981 |
Report of the Economic and Social Council for the year 1980. |
A-35-3-Rev_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1575 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
37th |
17 February 1981 |
Report of the Working Group on a Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child. |
E-CN_4-L_1575.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.1583 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
37th |
19 February 1981 |
Summary record (partial) of the 1583rd meeting |
E-CN_4-SR_1583.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1573 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
37th |
02 March 1981 |
Poland: draft resolution |
E-CN_4-L_1573.pdf |
E/CN.4/L.1580 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
37th |
05 March 1981 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document E/CN.4/L.1573 |
E-CN_4-L_1580.pdf |
E/1981/25 |
E/CN.4/1475 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
37th |
13 March 1981 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 37th session, 2 February-13 March 1981. |
E-1981-25__E-CN_4-1475.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.1635 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
37th |
13 March 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 10 Mar. 1981. |
E-CN_4-SR_1635.pdf |
E/CN.4/SR.1636 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
37th |
16 March 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 10 Mar. 1981. |
E-CN_4-SR_1636.pdf |
E/1981/C.2/SR.15 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1981 |
01 May 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 1 May 1981. |
E-1981-C_2-SR_15.pdf |
E/1981/46 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1981 |
06 May 1981 |
Human rights questions :Report of the 2nd (Social) Committee :Economic and Social Council, 1st regular session of 1981 |
E-1981-46.pdf |
E/1981/46/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1981 |
08 May 1981 |
Report of the 2nd (Social) Committee. Corrigendum. |
E-1981-46-Corr_1.pdf |
A/C.3/36/6 |
General Assembly |
36th |
07 October 1981 |
Status of a draft Convention on the Rights of the Child : document / submitted by Poland. |
A-C_3-36-6.pdf |
E/1981/C.2/SR.9 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1981 |
02 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 27 Apr. 1981. |
E-1981-C_2-SR_9.pdf, E-1981-C_2-SR_9.rtf |
E/1981/C.2/SR.12 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1981 |
02 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 29 Apr. 1981. |
E-1981-C_2-SR_12.pdf, E-1981-C_2-SR_12.rtf |
A/C.3/36/SR.28 |
General Assembly |
36th |
04 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 23 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_28.pdf, A-C_3-36-SR_28.rtf |
A/C.3/36/SR.29 |
General Assembly |
36th |
04 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 26 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_29.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.31 |
General Assembly |
36th |
04 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 27 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_31.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.30 |
General Assembly |
36th |
05 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 27 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_30.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.33 |
General Assembly |
36th |
06 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 28 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_33.pdf, A-C_3-36-SR_33.rtf |
A/C.3/36/SR.27 |
General Assembly |
36th |
09 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 22 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_27.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.32 |
General Assembly |
36th |
09 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 28 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_32.pdf, A-C_3-36-SR_32.rtf |
A/C.3/36/SR.35 |
General Assembly |
36th |
10 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 29 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_35.pdf, A-C_3-36-SR_35.rtf |
A/C.3/36/SR.36 |
General Assembly |
36th |
11 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 30 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_36.pdf, A-C_3-36-SR_36.rtf |
A/C.3/36/SR.34 |
General Assembly |
36th |
11 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 29 Oct. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_34.pdf, A-C_3-36-SR_34.rtf |
A/36/662 |
General Assembly |
36th |
16 November 1981 |
Report of the 3rd Committee. |
A-36-662.pdf |
A/C.3/36/SR.37 |
General Assembly |
36th |
18 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 2 Nov. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_37.pdf, A-C_3-36-SR_37.rtf |
A/C.3/36/SR.38 |
General Assembly |
36th |
19 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 3 Nov. 1981. |
A-C_3-36-SR_38.pdf, A-C_3-36-SR_38.rtf |
A/36/PV.73 |
General Assembly |
36th |
28 November 1981 |
Record of meeting held on 25 Nov. 1981. |
A-36-PV_73.pdf |
E/1981/C.2/SR.18 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1981 |
04 January 1982 |
Record of meeting held on 5 May 1981 : Economic and Social Council, 2nd (Social Committee). |
E-1981-C_2-SR_18.pdf |
E/1981/C.2/SR.13 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1981 |
04 January 1982 |
Record of meeting held on 30 Apr. 1981. |
E-1981-C_2-SR_13.pdf, E-1981-C_2-SR_13.rtf |
E/1981/C.2/SR.14 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1981 |
04 January 1982 |
Record of meeting held on 30 Apr. 1981. |
E-1981-C_2-SR_14.pdf |
E/1981/C.2/SR.16 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1981 |
04 January 1982 |
Record of meeting held on 4 May 1981. |
E-1981-C_2-SR_16.pdf |
E/1981/C.2/SR.17 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1981 |
05 January 1982 |
Record of meeting held on 4 May 1981. |
E-1981-C_2-SR_17.pdf, E-1981-C_2-SR_17.rtf |
E/1981/C.2/SR.19 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1981 |
05 January 1982 |
Record of meeting held on 5 May 1981. |
E-1981-C_2-SR_19.pdf, E-1981-C_2-SR_19.rtf |
E/1981/SR.18 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1981 |
06 January 1982 |
Record of meeting held on 8 May 1981. |
E-1981-SR_18.pdf |
E/CN.4/1982/L.35 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
38th |
26 February 1982 |
Draft resolution / Argentina, Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Canada, Costa Rica, France, India, Panama, Peru, Poland and Senegal. |
E-CN_4-1982-L_35.pdf |
E/CN.4/1982/L.47 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
38th |
05 March 1982 |
Administrative and financial implications of the draft resolution contained in document E/CN.4/1982/L.35 |
E-CN_4-1982-L_47.pdf |
E/1982/12 |
E/CN.4/1982/30 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
38th |
12 March 1982 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 38th session, 1 February-12 March 1982. |
E-1982-12__E-CN_4-1982-30.pdf |
E/1982/12/Add.1 |
E/CN.4/1982/30/Add.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
38th |
15 March 1982 |
Commission on Human Rights : report of the thirty-eighth session. |
E-1982-12-Add_1__E-CN_4-1982-30-Add_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/1982/SR.60 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
38th |
26 March 1982 |
Record of meeting held on 11 Mar. 1982. |
E-CN_4-1982-SR_60.pdf |
E/1982/12/Corr.1 |
E/CN.4/1982/30/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
38th |
23 April 1982 |
Commission on Human Rights : report of the 38th session : corrigendum. |
E-1982-12-Corr_1__E-CN_4-1982-30-Corr_1.pdf |
E/1982/59 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1982 |
04 May 1982 |
Report of the 2nd (Social) Committee. |
E-1982-59.pdf |
A/C.3/37/SR.53 |
General Assembly |
37th |
30 November 1982 |
Summary record of the 53rd meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 24 November 1982, New York. |
A-C_3-37-SR_53.pdf |
A/C.3/37/SR.52 |
General Assembly |
37th |
02 December 1982 |
Summary record of the 52nd meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 24 November 1982, New York. |
A-C_3-37-SR_52.pdf |
A/C.3/37/SR.56 |
General Assembly |
37th |
02 December 1982 |
Summary record of the 56th meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 26 November 1982, New York. |
A-C_3-37-SR_56.pdf |
A/C.3/37/SR.55 |
General Assembly |
37th |
09 December 1982 |
Summary record of the 55th meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 26 November 1982, New York. |
A-C_3-37-SR_55.pdf |
A/37/717 |
General Assembly |
37th |
10 December 1982 |
Question of a Convention on the Rights of the Child : report of the 3rd Committee : General Assembly, 37th session |
A-37-717.pdf |
A/C.3/37/SR.67 |
General Assembly |
37th |
18 December 1982 |
Summary record of the 67th meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 7 December 1982, New York. |
A-C_3-37-SR_67.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/32 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
21 December 1982 |
Protection of the rights of children and parents in cases of removal or retention of children : report of the Secretary-General. |
E-CN_4-1983-32.pdf, E-CN_4-1983-32.rtf |
A/37/PV.110 |
General Assembly |
37th |
08 January 1983 |
Provisional verbatim record of the 110th meeting, 37th session, General Assembly, held at Headquarters, New York, on Friday, 17 December |
A-37-PV_110.pdf |
A/37/PV.111 |
General Assembly |
37th |
08 January 1983 |
Provisional verbatim record of the 111th meeting, 37th session, General Assembly, held at Headquarters, New York, on Monday, 18 December 1982. |
A-37-PV_111.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/32/Add.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
12 January 1983 |
Protection of the rights of children and parents in cases of removal or retention of children : report / by the Secretary-General. |
E-CN_4-1983-32-Add_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/NGO/3 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
13 January 1983 |
Written statement / submitted by the Bahá'í International Community. |
E-CN_4-1983-NGO-3.pdf, E-CN_4-1983-NGO-3.rtf |
E/CN.4/1983/32/Add.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
21 January 1983 |
Protection of the rights of children and parents in cases of removal or retention of children : report / by the Secretary-General. |
E-CN_4-1983-32-Add_2.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/NGO/33 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
17 February 1983 |
Written statement / submitted by 2 non-governmental organizations in consultative status, the International Federation of Women in Legal Careers and the International Abolitionist Federation. |
E-CN_4-1983-NGO-33.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/32/Add.3 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
18 February 1983 |
Protection of the rights of children and parents in cases of removal or retention of children : report / by the Secretary-General. |
E-CN_4-1983-32-Add_3.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/NGO/40 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
23 February 1983 |
Written statement / submitted by the International Movement A.T.D. Fourth World. |
E-CN_4-1983-NGO-40.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/L.51 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
25 February 1983 |
Question of a convention on the rights of the child : draft resolution |
E-CN_4-1983-L_51.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/L.52 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
28 February 1983 |
Administrative and programme budget implications of the draft resolution contained in document E/CN.4/1983/L.51 |
E-CN_4-1983-L_52.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/32/Add.4 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
04 March 1983 |
Protection of the rights of children and parents in cases of removal or retention of children : report / by the Secretary-General. |
E-CN_4-1983-32-Add_4.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/NGO/53 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
04 March 1983 |
Written statement / submitted by the International Social Service and the International Federation of Women in Legal Careers. |
E-CN_4-1983-NGO-53.pdf |
E/1983/13 |
E/CN.4/1983/60 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
11 March 1983 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 39th session, 31 January-11 March 1983. |
E-1983-13__E-CN_4-1983-60.pdf, E-1983-13__E-CN_4-1983-60.rtf |
E/CN.4/1983/SR.56 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
16 March 1983 |
Summary record of the 56th meeting, Commission on Human Rights, 39th session, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 10 March 1983. |
E-CN_4-1983-SR_56.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/32/Add.5 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
17 March 1983 |
Protection of the rights of children and parents in cases of removal or retention of children : report / by the Secretary-General. |
E-CN_4-1983-32-Add_5.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/SR.58 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
21 March 1983 |
Summary record (partial) of the 58th meeting, Commission on Human Rights, 39th session, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Friday, 11 March 1983 |
E-CN_4-1983-SR_58.pdf |
E/CN.4/1983/62 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
25 March 1983 |
Report of the Working Group on a Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child. |
E-CN_4-1983-62.pdf |
A/37/3 |
General Assembly |
37th |
17 May 1983 |
Report of the Economic and Social Council for the year 1982 |
A-37-3.pdf |
E/1983/61 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1983 |
25 May 1983 |
Report of the 2nd (Social) Committee. |
E-1983-61.pdf, E-1983-61.rtf |
E/1983/SR.15 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1983 |
06 June 1983 |
Provisional summary record of the 15th meeting, Economic and Social Council, 1st regular session of 1983, held at Headquarters, New York, on Friday, 27 May 1983. |
E-1983-SR_15.pdf |
A/38/3, I |
General Assembly |
38th |
08 August 1983 |
Part One of the Report of the Economic and Social Council for the year 1983 |
A-38-3_I.pdf |
E/1983/13/Corr.1 |
E/CN.4/1983/60/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
39th |
22 September 1983 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 39th session, 31 January-11 March 1983 : corrigendum |
E-1983-13-Corr_1__E-CN_4-1983-60-Corr_1.pdf |
A/C.3/38/SR.49 |
General Assembly |
38th |
25 November 1983 |
Summary record of the 49th meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 21 November to Monday, 28 November 1983, New York. |
A-C_3-38-SR_49.pdf |
A/C.3/38/SR.50 |
General Assembly |
38th |
30 November 1983 |
Summary record of the 50th meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 23 November 1983, New York. |
A-C_3-38-SR_50.pdf |
A/C.3/38/SR.52 |
General Assembly |
38th |
01 December 1983 |
Summary record of the 52nd meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 25 November 1983, New York. |
A-C_3-38-SR_52.pdf |
A/C.3/38/SR.53 |
General Assembly |
38th |
02 December 1983 |
Summary record of the 53rd meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 28 November 1983, New York. |
A-C_3-38-SR_53.pdf |
A/C.3/38/SR.51 |
General Assembly |
38th |
05 December 1983 |
Summary record of the 51st meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 25 November 1983, New York. |
A-C_3-38-SR_51.pdf |
A/38/685 |
General Assembly |
38th |
08 December 1983 |
Report of the 3rd Committee. |
A-38-685.pdf |
A/C.3/38/SR.57 |
General Assembly |
38th |
08 December 1983 |
Summary record of the 57th meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 30 November 1983, New York. |
A-C_3-38-SR_57.pdf, A-C_3-38-SR_57.rtf |
A/C.3/38/SR.59 |
General Assembly |
38th |
12 December 1983 |
Summary record of the 59th meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 1 December 1983, New York. |
A-C_3-38-SR_59.pdf |
A/38/PV.100 |
General Assembly |
38th |
26 December 1983 |
Provisional verbatim record of the 100th meeting, 38th session, General Assembly, held at Headquarters, New York, on Friday, 16 December |
A-38-PV_100.pdf |
E/CN.4/1984/NGO/2 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
31 January 1984 |
Question of a Convention on the Rights of the Child : written statement |
E-CN_4-1984-NGO-2.pdf, E-CN_4-1984-NGO-2.rtf |
E/CN.4/1984/71 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
23 February 1984 |
Report of the Working Group on a draft Convention on the Rights of the Child. |
E-CN_4-1984-71.pdf |
E/CN.4/1984/L.68 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
06 March 1984 |
Draft resolution / Afghanistan, et al. |
E-CN_4-1984-L_68.pdf |
E/CN.4/1984/L.75 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
07 March 1984 |
Administrative and programme budget implications of the draft resolution contained in document E/CN.4/1984/L.68 |
E-CN_4-1984-L_75.pdf |
E/1984/14 |
E/CN.4/1984/77 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
16 March 1984 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 40th session, 6 February-16 March 1984. |
E-1984-14__E-CN_4-1984-77.pdf |
E/CN.4/1984/SR.46 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
16 March 1984 |
Summary record of the 46th meeting, Commission on Human Rights, 40th session, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 8 March 1984. |
E-CN_4-1984-SR_46.pdf |
E/1984/91 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1984 |
21 May 1984 |
Report of the 2nd (Social) Committee. |
E-1984-91.pdf, E-1984_91.rtf |
E/1984/SR.20 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1984 |
24 May 1984 |
Provisional summary record of the 20th meeting, Economic and Social Council, 1st regular session of 1984, held at Headquarters, New York, on Thursday, 24 May 1984. |
E-1984-SR_20.pdf |
E/1984/14/Corr.1 |
E/CN.4/1984/77/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
40th |
27 June 1984 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 40th session, 6 February-16 March 1984 : corrigendum |
E-1984-14-Corr_1__E-CN_4-1984-77-Corr_1.pdf |
A/39/3, I |
General Assembly |
39th |
31 July 1984 |
Part One of the Report of the Economic and Social Council for the year 1984. |
A-39-3_I.pdf |
A/C.3/39/SR.47 |
General Assembly |
39th |
28 November 1984 |
Summary record of the 47th meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 21 November 1984, New York, General Assembly, 39th session. |
A-C_3-39-SR_47.pdf |
A/C.3/39/SR.46 |
General Assembly |
39th |
29 November 1984 |
Summary record of the 46th meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 21 November 1984, New York, General Assembly, 39th session. |
A-C_3-39-SR_46.pdf |
A/C.3/39/SR.50 |
General Assembly |
39th |
29 November 1984 |
Summary record of the 50th meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 26 November 1984, New York, General Assembly, 39th session. |
A-C_3-39-SR_50.pdf |
E/CN.4/1985/25 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
41st |
30 November 1984 |
The role of youth in the promotion and protection of human rights, including the question of conscientious objection to military service : report |
E-CN_4-1985-25.pdf |
A/C.3/39/SR.51 |
General Assembly |
39th |
30 November 1984 |
Summary record of the 51st meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 27 November 1984, New York, General Assembly, 39th session. |
A-C_3-39-SR_51.pdf, A-C_3-39-SR_51.rtf |
A/C.3/39/SR.53 |
General Assembly |
39th |
03 December 1984 |
Summary record of the 53rd meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 28 November 1984, New York, General Assembly, 39th session. |
A-C_3-39-SR_53.pdf |
A/C.3/39/SR.48 |
General Assembly |
39th |
04 December 1984 |
Summary record of the 48th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 23 November 1984, New York, General Assembly, 39th session. |
A-C_3-39-SR_48.pdf |
A/39/706 |
General Assembly |
39th |
05 December 1984 |
Report of the 3rd Committee. |
A-39-706.pdf |
A/C.3/39/SR.52 |
General Assembly |
39th |
06 December 1984 |
Summary record of the 52nd meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 28 November 1984, New York, General Assembly, 39th session. |
A-C_3-39-SR_52.pdf |
A/C.3/39/SR.63 |
General Assembly |
39th |
13 December 1984 |
Summary record of the 63rd meeting, 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 6 December 1984, New York, General Assembly, 39th session. |
A-C_3-39-SR_63.pdf |
A/39/PV.101 |
General Assembly |
39th |
27 December 1984 |
Provisional verbatim record of the 101st meeting, 39th session, General Assembly, held at Headquarters, New York, on Friday, 14 December 1984. |
A-39-PV_101.pdf |
E/CN.4/1985/NGO/24 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
41st |
20 February 1985 |
Written statement / submitted by the World Young Women's Christian Association. |
E-CN_4-1985-NGO-24.pdf |
E/CN.4/1985/NGO/41 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
41st |
25 February 1985 |
Written statement / submitted by the International Commission of Jurists, et al. |
E-CN_4-1985-NGO-41.pdf |
E/CN.4/1985/NGO/48 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
41st |
04 March 1985 |
Written statement / by the International Federation of Business and Professional Women. |
E-CN_4-1985-NGO-48.pdf |
E/CN.4/1985/L.74 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
41st |
07 March 1985 |
Draft resolution / Afghanistan, et al. |
E-CN_4-1985-L_74.pdf |
E/CN.4/1985/L.86 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
41st |
11 March 1985 |
Administrative and programme budget implications of the draft resolution contained in document E/CN.4/1985/L.74 |
E-CN_4-1985-L_86.pdf |
E/1985/22 |
E/CN.4/1985/66 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
41st |
15 March 1985 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 41st session, 4 February-15 March 1985. |
E-1985-22__E-CN_4-1985-66.pdf |
E/CN.4/1985/SR.53 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
41st |
18 March 1985 |
Summary record of the 53rd meeting (1st part), held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Tuesday, 12 March 1985 : Commission on Human Rights, 41st session. |
E-CN_4-1985-SR_53.pdf |
E/CN.4/1985/SR.54 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
41st |
21 March 1985 |
Summary record of the 54th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Wednesday, 13 March 1985 : Commission on Human Rights, 41st session. |
E-CN_4-1985-SR_54.pdf |
E/CN.4/1985/SR.57 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
41st |
21 March 1985 |
Summary record of the 57th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 14 March 1985 : Commission on Human Rights, 41st session. |
E-CN_4-1985-SR_57.pdf |
E/CN.4/1985/64 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
41st |
03 April 1985 |
Report of the Working Group on a Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child. |
E-CN_4-1985-64.pdf |
E/CN.4/1985/SR.53/Add.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
41st |
26 April 1985 |
Summary record of the 53rd meeting (2nd part), held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Tuesday, 12 March 1985 : Commission on Human Rights, 41st session. |
E-CN_4-1985-SR_53-Add_1.pdf |
E/1985/SR.8 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1985 |
16 May 1985 |
Provisional summary record of the 8th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Wednesday, 8 May 1985 : Economic and Social Council, 1st regular session of 1985. |
E-1985-SR_8.pdf |
E/1985/95 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1985 |
25 May 1985 |
Report of the 2nd (Social) Committee. |
E-1985-95.pdf |
E/1985/95/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1985 |
04 June 1985 |
Report of the 2nd (Social) Committee : corrigendum. |
E-1985-95-Corr_1.pdf |
E/1985/SR.25 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1985 |
05 June 1985 |
Provisional summary record of the 25th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Thursday, 3 May 1985 : Economic and Social Council, 1st regular session of 1985. |
E-1985-SR_25.pdf |
A/40/3 |
General Assembly |
40th |
30 August 1985 |
Report of the Economic and Social Council |
A-40-3a.pdf, A-40-3b.pdf, A-40-3c.pdf, A-40-3d.pdf |
A/C.3/40/SR.13 |
General Assembly |
38th |
25 October 1985 |
Summary record of the 13th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 16 October 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session. |
A-C_3-40-SR_13.pdf |
A/C.3/40/SR.17 |
General Assembly |
40th |
25 October 1985 |
Summary record of the 17th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 21 October 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session |
A-C_3-40-SR_17.pdf |
A/C.3/40/SR.18 |
General Assembly |
40th |
25 October 1985 |
Summary record of the 18th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 22 October 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session. |
A-C_3-40-SR_18.pdf |
A/C.3/40/SR.14 |
General Assembly |
40th |
28 October 1985 |
Summary record of the 14th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 17 October 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session. |
A-C_3-40-SR_14.pdf |
A/C.3/40/SR.16 |
General Assembly |
40th |
29 October 1985 |
Summary record of the 16th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 18 October 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session |
A-C_3-40-SR_16.pdf |
A/C.3/40/SR.24 |
General Assembly |
40th |
31 October 1985 |
Summary record of the 24th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on 28 October 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session. |
A-C_3-40-SR_24.pdf |
A/C.3/40/SR.22 |
General Assembly |
40th |
05 November 1985 |
Summary record of the 22nd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 24 October 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session. |
A-C_3-40-SR_22.pdf |
A/C.3/40/SR.23 |
General Assembly |
40th |
05 November 1985 |
Summary record of the 23rd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 28 October 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session |
A-C_3-40-SR_23.pdf, A-C_3-40-SR_23.rtf |
A/C.3/40/SR.28 |
General Assembly |
40th |
06 November 1985 |
Summary record of the 28th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 1 November 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session. |
A-C_3-40-SR_28.pdf |
A/C.3/40/SR.29 |
General Assembly |
40th |
07 November 1985 |
Summary record of the 29th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 4 November 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session. |
A-C_3-40-SR_29.pdf |
A/C.3/40/SR.25 |
General Assembly |
40th |
08 November 1985 |
Summary record of the 25th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 30 October 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session. |
A-C_3-40-SR_25.pdf |
A/C.3/40/SR.26 |
General Assembly |
40th |
08 November 1985 |
Summary record of the 26th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 31 October 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session. |
A-C_3-40-SR_26.pdf |
A/C.3/40/SR.27 |
General Assembly |
40th |
11 November 1985 |
Summary record of the 27th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 1 November 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session. |
A-C_3-40-SR_27.pdf |
A/C.3/40/SR.30 |
General Assembly |
40th |
14 November 1985 |
Summary record of the 30th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 4 November 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session |
A-C_3-40-SR_30.pdf, A-C_3-40-SR_30.rtf |
A/C.3/40/SR.32 |
General Assembly |
40th |
18 November 1985 |
Summary record of the 32nd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 6 November 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session. |
A-C_3-40-SR_32.pdf |
A/C.3/40/SR.51 |
General Assembly |
40th |
27 November 1985 |
Summary record of the 51st meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 22 November 1985, New York, General Assembly, 40th session. |
A-C_3-40-SR_51.pdf |
A/40/971 |
General Assembly |
40th |
05 December 1985 |
Report of the 3rd Committee |
A-40-971.pdf |
A/40/PV.116 |
General Assembly |
40th |
17 December 1985 |
Provisional verbatim record of the 116th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Friday, 13 December 1985 : General Assembly, 40th session. |
A-40-PV_116.pdf |
E/CN.4/1986/NGO/1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
42nd |
05 February 1986 |
Written statement / submitted by the Four Directions Council |
E-CN_4-1986-NGO-1.pdf |
E/CN.4/1986/L.90 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
42nd |
10 March 1986 |
Administrative and programme budget implications of the draft resolution contained in document E/CN.4/1986/L.70 : statement |
E-CN_4-1986-L_90.pdf |
E/CN.4/1986/L.70 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
42nd |
10 March 1986 |
Draft resolution / Afghanistan, et al. |
E-CN_4-1986-L_70.pdf |
E/CN.4/1986/39 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
42nd |
13 March 1986 |
Report of the Working Group on a Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child. |
E-CN_4-1986-39.pdf |
E/1986/22 |
E/CN.4/1986/65 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
42nd |
14 March 1986 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 42nd session, 3 February-14 March 1986. |
E-1986-22__E-CN_4-1986-65.pdf |
E/CN.4/1986/SR.56/Add.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
42nd |
24 March 1986 |
Summary record of the 2nd part (public) of the 56th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Thursday, 13 March 1986 : Commission on Human Rights, 42nd session. |
E-CN_4-1986-SR_56-Add_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/1986/SR.56/Add.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
42nd |
14 April 1986 |
Summary record of the 2nd part (public) of the 56th meeting (continued), held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 13 March 1986 : Commission on Human Rights, 42nd session. |
E-CN_4-1986-SR_56-Add_2.pdf |
E/1986/95 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1986 |
22 May 1986 |
Report of the 2nd (Social) Committee. |
E-1986-95.pdf, E-1986-95.rtf |
E/1986/SR.19/Add.1 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1986 |
28 May 1986 |
Provisional summary record of the 19th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Friday, 23 May 1986 : Economic and Social Council, 1st regular session of 1986. |
E-1986-SR_19-Add_1.pdf |
E/1986/SR.19 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1986 |
29 May 1986 |
Provisional summary record of the 19th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Friday, 23 May 1986 : Economic and Social Council, 1st regular session of 1986. |
E-1986-SR_19.pdf |
A/41/3 |
General Assembly |
41st |
September 1986 |
Report of the Economic and Social Council for the year 1986. |
A-41-3.pdf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
12 November 1986 |
Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child : text of the draft Convention / as adopted by the Working Group, 1st to 8th sessions, 1979-1986. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_1.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_1.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
12 November 1986 |
Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child : a compilation of proposed articles and amendments, and related provisions in international instruments. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_2.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_2.rtf |
A/C.3/41/SR.44 |
General Assembly |
41st |
17 November 1986 |
Summary record of the 44th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 13 November 1986, New York, General Assembly, 41st session. |
A-C_3-41-SR_44.pdf |
A/C.3/41/SR.48 |
General Assembly |
41st |
19 November 1986 |
Summary record of the 48th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 17 November 1986, New York, General Assembly, 41st session. |
A-C_3-41-SR_48.pdf |
A/C.3/41/SR.51 |
General Assembly |
41st |
20 November 1986 |
Summary record of the 51st meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 20 November 1986, New York, General Assembly, 41st session. |
A-C_3-41-SR_51.pdf |
A/C.3/41/SR.43 |
General Assembly |
41st |
21 November 1986 |
Summary record of the 43rd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 12 November 1986, New York, General Assembly, 41st session. |
A-C_3-41-SR_43.pdf |
A/C.3/41/SR.45 |
General Assembly |
41st |
25 November 1986 |
Summary record of the 45th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 13 November 1986, New York, General Assembly, 41st session. |
A-C_3-41-SR_45.pdf |
A/41/877 |
General Assembly |
41st |
26 November 1986 |
Question of a Convention on the Rights of the Child : report of the 3rd Committee : General Assembly, 41st session |
A-41-877.pdf |
A/C.3/41/SR.46 |
General Assembly |
41st |
26 November 1986 |
Summary record of the 46th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 14 November 1986, New York, General Assembly, 41st session. |
A-C_3-41-SR_46.pdf |
A/C.3/41/SR.47 |
General Assembly |
41st |
28 November 1986 |
Summary record of the 47th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 17 November 1986, New York, General Assembly, 41st session. |
A-C_3-41-SR_47.pdf |
A/C.3/41/SR.50 |
General Assembly |
41st |
02 December 1986 |
Summary record of the 50th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 19 November 1986, New York, General Assembly, 41st session. |
A-C_3-41-SR_50.pdf |
A/41/PV.97 |
General Assembly |
41st |
11 December 1986 |
Provisional verbatim record of the 97th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Thursday, 4 December 1986 : General Assembly, 41st session |
A-41-PV_97.pdf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.3 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
05 January 1987 |
Statement on the draft Convention on the Rights of the Child : protection in armed conflicts (article 20) : written statement / submitted by Rädda Barnen on behalf of itself and four national organizations of Sweden. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_3.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_3.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/NGO/10 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
15 January 1987 |
Written statement / submitted by the Women's International Democratic Federation. |
E-CN_4-1987-NGO-10.pdf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.4 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
22 January 1987 |
Statement on the draft Convention on the Rights of the Child : protection in armed conflicts (article 20) : written statement / submitted by the International Committee of the Red Cross. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_4.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_4.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.5 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
23 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by the International Movement ATD Fourth World. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_5.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_5.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.6 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
23 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Sweden. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_6.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_6.docx |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.7 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
23 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Sweden. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_7.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_7.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.8 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
23 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Sweden. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_8.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_8.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.9 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
26 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by the United States of America. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_9.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_9.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.10 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
26 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by the United States of America. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_10.pdf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.11 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
26 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Norway. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_11.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_11.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.12 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
26 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Poland. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_12.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_12.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.13 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
26 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Canada. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_13.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_13.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.14 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
26 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Canada and Sweden. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_14.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_14.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.15 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
26 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by the Four Directions Council. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_15.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_15.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.16 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
26 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Canada and United States of America. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_16.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_16.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.17 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
27 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by United States of America and Australia. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_17.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_17.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.18 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
27 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Venezuela. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_18.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_18.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.19 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
27 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Norway and Four Directions Council. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_19.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_19.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.25 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
28 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by the Netherlands. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_25.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_25.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.26 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
28 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by the Netherlands and Austria. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_26.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_26.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.27 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
28 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Austria. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_27.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_27.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.28 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
28 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by the USSR. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_28.pdf, -CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_28.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.20 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
28 January 1987 |
Amended proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Senegal. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_20.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_20.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.21 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
28 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Finland. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_21.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_21.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.22 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
28 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Algeria. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_22.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_22.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.23 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
28 January 1987 |
Draft articles on the prevention of exploitation and sale or traffic of children / submitted by a Working Party composed of France, the Netherlands, United States of America and Venezuela. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_23.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_23.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.24 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
28 January 1987 |
Amended proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_24.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_24.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/WG.1/WP.29 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
29 January 1987 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Canada. |
E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_29.pdf, E-CN_4-1987-WG_1-WP_29.rtf |
E/CN.4/1987/NGO/27 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
02 February 1987 |
Written statement / submitted by the World Young Women's Christian Association. |
E-CN_4-1987-NGO-27.pdf |
E/CN.4/1987/NGO/39 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
09 February 1987 |
Written statement / submitted by Defense for Children. |
E-CN_4-1987-NGO-39.pdf |
E/CN.4/1987/NGO/65 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
04 March 1987 |
Written statement / submitted by the International Federation of Human Rights. |
E-CN_4-1987-NGO-65.pdf |
E/CN.4/1987/L.57 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
05 March 1987 |
Draft resolution / Afghanistan, et al. |
E-CN_4-1987-L_57.pdf |
E/CN.4/1987/L.82 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
06 March 1987 |
Administrative and programme budget implications of the draft resolution contained in document E/CN.4/1987/L.57 |
E-CN_4-1987-L_82.pdf |
E/CN.4/1987/25 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
09 March 1987 |
Report of the Working Group on a Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child. |
E-CN_4-1987-25.pdf |
E/1987/18 |
E/CN.4/1987/60 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
13 March 1987 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 43rd session, 2 February-13 March 1987. |
E-1987-18__E-CN_4-1987-60.pdf |
E/CN.4/1987/SR.55 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
16 March 1987 |
Summary record of the 55th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Wednesday, 11 March 1987 : Commission on Human Rights, 43rd session. |
E-CN_4-1987-SR_55.pdf |
E/1987/18/Corr.1 |
E/CN.4/1987/60/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
20 May 1987 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 43rd session, 2 February-13 March 1987 : corrigendum. |
E-1987-18-Corr_1__E-CN_4-1987-60-Corr_1.pdf |
E/1987/97 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1987 |
27 May 1987 |
Report of the 2nd (Social) Committee. |
E-1987-97.pdf |
E/1987/SR.18 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1987 |
10 June 1987 |
Provisional summary record of the 18th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Friday, 29 May 1987 : Economic and Social Council, 1st regular session of 1987. |
E-1987-SR_18.pdf, E-1987-SR_18.rtf |
E/CN.4/Sub.2/1987/NGO/5 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights, Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities |
39th |
12 August 1987 |
Written statement / submitted by the Four Directions Council. |
E-CN_4-Sub_2-1987-NGO-5.pdf |
A/42/3 |
General Assembly |
42nd |
21 August 1987 |
Report of the Economic and Social Council. |
A-42-3.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
16 October 1987 |
Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child : text of the draft Convention / as adopted by the Working Group, 1st to 9th sessions, 1979-1987. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_1.pdf, E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_1.rtf |
E/1987/18/Corr.2 |
E/CN.4/1987/60/Corr.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
43rd |
20 October 1987 |
Commission on Human Rights : report of the 43rd session, 2 February-13 March 1987 : corrigendum. |
E-1987-18-Corr_2__E-CN_4-1987-60-Corr_2.pdf |
A/C.3/42/SR.39 |
General Assembly |
42nd |
11 November 1987 |
Summary record of the 39th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 9 November 1987, New York, General Assembly, 42nd session. |
A-C_3-42-SR_39.pdf |
A/C.3/42/SR.40 |
General Assembly |
42nd |
12 November 1987 |
Summary record of the 40th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 10 November 1987, New York, General Assembly, 42nd session. |
A-C_3-42-SR_40.pdf |
A/C.3/42/SR.41 |
General Assembly |
42nd |
13 November 1987 |
Summary record of the 41st meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 11 November 1987, New York, General Assembly, 42nd session. |
A-C_3-42-SR_41.pdf |
A/C.3/42/SR.43 |
General Assembly |
42nd |
16 November 1987 |
Summary record of the 43rd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 12 November 1987, New York, General Assembly, 42nd session. |
A-C_3-42-SR_43.pdf |
A/C.3/42/SR.44 |
General Assembly |
42nd |
24 November 1987 |
Summary record of the 44th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 12 November 1987, New York, General Assembly, 42nd session. |
A-C_3-42-SR_44.pdf |
A/C.3/42/SR.52 |
General Assembly |
42nd |
24 November 1987 |
Summary record of the 52nd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 19 November 1987, New York, General Assembly, 42nd session. |
A-C_3-42-SR_52.pdf |
A/C.3/42/SR.46 |
General Assembly |
42nd |
25 November 1987 |
Summary record of the 46th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 13 November 1987, New York, General Assembly, 42nd session. |
A-C_3-42-SR_46.pdf |
A/42/805 |
General Assembly |
42nd |
27 November 1987 |
Question of a Convention on the Rights of the Child : report of the 3rd Committee : General Assembly, 42nd session |
A-42-805.pdf |
A/C.3/42/SR.53 |
General Assembly |
42nd |
01 December 1987 |
Summary record of the 53rd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 20 November 1987, New York, General Assembly, 42nd session. |
A-C_3-42-SR_53.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.2 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
07 December 1987 |
Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child : a compilation of proposed articles and amendments, and related provisions in international instruments. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_2.pdf, E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_2.rtf |
A/42/PV.93 |
General Assembly |
42nd |
10 December 1987 |
Provisional verbatim record of the 93rd meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Monday, 7 December 1987 : General Assembly, 42nd session. |
A-42-PV_93.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.3 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
25 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by the Federal Republic of Germany. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_3.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.4 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
26 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / by Four Directions Council and South American Indian Council. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_4.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.5 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
26 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Yemen Arab Republic. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_5.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.6 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
26 January 1988 |
Revised proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / by Finland. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_6.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.12 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
27 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by the ILO. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_12.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.7 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
27 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Venezuela. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_7.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.8 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
27 January 1988 |
Proposal of the delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child]. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_8.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.9 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
27 January 1988 |
Proposal of the Italian delegation : [draft Convention on the Right of the Child]. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_9.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.10 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
27 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / by Finland. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_10.pdf, E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_10_0.rtf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.11 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
27 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Canada. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_11.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.27 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
27 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by the World Federation of Methodist Women. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_27.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.13 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
28 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by India. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_13.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.14 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
28 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by India. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_14.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.15 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
28 January 1988 |
Consolidated proposal of the Ad Hoc Working Party : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child]. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_15.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.16 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
28 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Poland, Senegal & the U.K. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_16.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.28 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
29 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Finland. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_28.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.17 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
29 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by the United States of America. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_17.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.18 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
29 January 1988 |
Proposal of the United States on civil and political rights of the child. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_18.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.19 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
29 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Sweden. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_19.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.20 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
29 January 1988 |
Terms of reference for a technical review of the draft : [Convention on the Rights of the Child] : proposal / submitted by Australia. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_20.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.21 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
29 January 1988 |
Proposal for new para. 5 in article 23 : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by Australia. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_21.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.22 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
29 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by the Netherlands, United States of America, Austria, Australia. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_22.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.23 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
29 January 1988 |
Consolidated proposal of Venezuela, Portugal, Senegal and Canada : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child]. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_23.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.24 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
29 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by the Italian delegation. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_24.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.25 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
29 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by the International Council of Jewish Women and International Catholic Child Bureau. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_25.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/WG.1/WP.26 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
29 January 1988 |
Proposal : [draft Convention on the Rights of the Child] / submitted by the Netherlands. |
E-CN_4-1988-WG_1-WP_26.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/NGO/31 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
10 February 1988 |
Written statement / submitted by the Women's International Democratic Federation. |
E-CN_4-1988-NGO-31.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/NGO/52 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
10 February 1988 |
Written statement / by the International Federation of Human Rights. |
E-CN_4-1988-NGO-52.pdf |
E/CN.4/1989/29 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
45th |
16 February 1988 |
Convention on the Rights of the Child : text of the draft Convention / as adopted by the Working Group at 2nd reading. |
E-CN_4-1989-29.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/NGO/54 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
24 February 1988 |
Written statement / submitted by the World Young Women's Christian Association. |
E-CN_4-1988-NGO-54.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/L.86 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
03 March 1988 |
Draft resolution / Afghanistan, et al. |
E-CN_4-1988-L_86.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/L.91 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
07 March 1988 |
Administrative and programme budget implications of the draft resolution contained in document E/CN.4/1988/L.86 |
E-CN_4-1988-L_91.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/NGO/64 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
08 March 1988 |
Written statement / submitted by the International Movement ATD Fourth World. |
E-CN_4-1988-NGO-64.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/NGO/69 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
11 March 1988 |
Written statement / submitted by Jaycees International. |
E-CN_4-1988-NGO-69.pdf |
E/1988/12 |
E/CN.4/1988/88 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
11 March 1988 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 44th session, 1 February-11 March 1988. |
E-1988-12__E-CN_4-1988-88.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/28 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
06 April 1988 |
Report of the Working Group on a Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child. |
E-CN_4-1988-28.pdf |
E/CN.4/1988/SR.56 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
44th |
11 April 1988 |
Summary record of the 1st part of the 56th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Thursday, 10 March 1988 : Commission on Human Rights, 44th session. |
E-CN_4-1988-SR_56.pdf |
E/1988/89/Add.1 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1988 |
25 May 1988 |
Report of the 2nd (Social) Committee, pt. 2. |
E-1988-89-Add_1.pdf |
E/1988/SR.16 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1988 |
03 June 1988 |
Provisional summary record of the 16th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Friday, 27 May 1988 : Economic and Social Council, 1st regular session of 1988. |
E-1988-SR_16.pdf, E-1988-SR_16.rtf |
A/C.3/43/SR.42 |
General Assembly |
43rd |
18 November 1988 |
Summary record of the 42nd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 15 November 1988, New York, General Assembly, 43rd session. |
A-C_3-43-SR_42.pdf |
A/C.3/43/SR.39 |
General Assembly |
43rd |
22 November 1988 |
Summary record of the 39th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 10 November 1988, New York, General Assembly, 43rd session. |
A-C_3-43-SR_39.pdf |
A/C.3/43/SR.41 |
General Assembly |
43rd |
22 November 1988 |
Summary record of the 41st meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 14 November 1988, New York, General Assembly, 43rd session. |
A-C_3-43-SR_41.pdf |
A/C.3/43/SR.40 |
General Assembly |
43rd |
23 November 1988 |
Summary record of the 40th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 11 November 1988, New York, General Assembly, 43rd session. |
A-C_3-43-SR_40.pdf |
A/C.3/43/SR.43 |
General Assembly |
43rd |
25 November 1988 |
Summary record of the 43rd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 15 November 1988, New York, General Assembly, 43rd session. |
A-C_3-43-SR_43.pdf |
A/C.3/43/SR.46 |
General Assembly |
43rd |
28 November 1988 |
Summary record of the 46th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 17 November 1988, New York, General Assembly, 43rd session. |
A-C_3-43-SR_46.pdf |
A/C.3/43/SR.51 |
General Assembly |
43rd |
29 November 1988 |
Summary record of the 51st meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 23 November 1988, New York, General Assembly, 43rd session. |
A-C_3-43-SR_51.pdf |
A/43/871 |
General Assembly |
43rd |
30 November 1988 |
Question of a Convention on the Rights of the Child : report of the 3rd Committee : General Assembly, 43rd session |
A-43-871.pdf |
A/C.3/43/SR.55 |
General Assembly |
43rd |
01 December 1988 |
Summary record of the 55th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 28 November 1988, New York, General Assembly, 43rd session. |
A-C_3-43-SR_55.pdf |
A/43/PV.75 |
General Assembly |
43rd |
23 December 1988 |
Provisional verbatim record of the 75th meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Thursday, 8 December 1988 : General Assembly, 43rd session. |
A-43-PV_75.pdf |
E/CN.4/1989/54 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
45th |
19 January 1989 |
Note / by the Secretariat. |
E-CN_4-1989-54.pdf |
E/CN.4/1989/NGO/15 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
45th |
27 January 1989 |
Written statement / by the World Association of Children's Friends. |
E-CN_4-1989-NGO-15.pdf |
E/CN.4/1989/NGO/55 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
45th |
14 February 1989 |
Written statement / submitted by the International Right to Life Federation. |
E-CN_4-1989-NGO-55.pdf |
E/CN.4/1989/NGO/21 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
45th |
14 February 1989 |
Written statement / submitted by the Four Directions Council. |
E-CN_4-1989-NGO-21.pdf |
E/CN.4/1989/66 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
45th |
17 February 1989 |
Note verbale dated 88/12/09 from the Permanent Mission of Argentina to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the Centre of Human Rights. |
E-CN_4-1989-66.pdf |
E/CN.4/1989/48 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
45th |
02 March 1989 |
Report of the Working Group on a Draft Convention on the Rights of the Child. |
E-CN_4-1989-48.pdf |
E/CN.4/1989/29/Corr.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
45th |
03 March 1989 |
Convention on the Rights of the Child : text of the draft Convention : corrigendum / as adopted by the Working Group at 2nd reading. |
E-CN_4-1989-29-Corr_1.pdf |
E/CN.4/1989/L.88 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
45th |
03 March 1989 |
Draft resolution / Afghanistan, et al. |
E-CN_4-1989-L_88.pdf |
E/CN.4/1989/L.102 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
45th |
08 March 1989 |
Administrative and programme budget implications of the draft resolution contained in document E/CN.4/1989/L.88 |
E-CN_4-1989-L_102.pdf |
E/1989/20 |
E/CN.4/1989/86 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
45th |
19 March 1989 |
Commission on Human Rights : report on the 45th session, 30 January-10 March 1989. |
E-1989-20__E-CN_4-1989-86.pdf |
E/CN.4/1989/SR.55 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
45th |
20 March 1989 |
Summary record of the 1st part of the 55th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Wednesday, 8 March 1989 : Commission on Human Rights, 45th session. |
E-CN_4-1989-SR_55.pdf |
E/CN.4/1989/NGO/77 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
45th |
23 March 1989 |
Written statement / submitted by the International Council of Jewish Women. |
E-CN_4-1989-NGO-77.pdf |
E/1989/88 |
Economic and Social Council |
1st Regular of 1989 |
22 May 1989 |
Report of the 2nd (Social) Committee. |
E-1989-88.pdf |
E/CN.4/1989/SR.54 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
45th |
15 June 1989 |
Summary record of the 54th meeting, held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, on Wednesday, 8 March 1989 : Commission on Human Rights, 45th session. |
E-CN_4-1989-SR_54.pdf |
E/CN.4/1989/29/Rev.1 |
Economic and Social Council - Commission on Human Rights |
45th |
26 July 1989 |
Convention on the Rights of the Child : text of the draft Convention / as adopted by the Working Group at 2nd reading. |
E-CN_4-1989-29-Rev_1.pdf |
A/44/3 |
General Assembly |
44th |
21 September 1989 |
Report of the Economic and Social Council for the year 1989 |
A-44-3a.pdf, A-44-3b.pdf, A-44-3c.pdf |
A/C.3/44/SR.37 |
General Assembly |
44th |
15 November 1989 |
Summary record of the 37th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 9 October 1989, New York, General Assembly, 44th session. |
A-C_3-44-SR_37.pdf |
A/44/736 |
General Assembly |
44th |
17 November 1989 |
Adoption of a Convention on the Rights of the Child : report of the 3rd Committee : General Assembly, 44th session |
A-44-736.pdf |
A/C.3/44/SR.38 |
General Assembly |
44th |
20 November 1989 |
Summary record of the, 38th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Friday, 10 November 1989, New York, General Assembly, 44th session. |
A-C_3-44-SR_38.pdf |
A/C.3/44/SR.39 |
General Assembly |
44th |
20 November 1989 |
Summary record of the 39th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 13 November 1989, New York, General Assembly, 44th session. |
A-C_3-44-SR_39.pdf |
A/C.3/44/SR.41 |
General Assembly |
44th |
20 November 1989 |
Summary record of the 41st meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 14 November 1989, New York, General Assembly, 44th session. |
A-C_3-44-SR_41.pdf |
A/C.3/44/SR.43 |
General Assembly |
44th |
20 November 1989 |
Summary record of the 43rd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 15 November 1989, New York, General Assembly, 44th session. |
A-C_3-44-SR_43.pdf |
A/44/736/Corr.1 |
General Assembly |
44th |
20 November 1989 |
Adoption of a Convention on the Rights of the Child : report of the 3rd Committee : General Assembly, 44th session : corrigendum |
A-44-736-Corr_1.pdf |
A/C.3/44/SR.40 |
General Assembly |
44th |
27 November 1989 |
Summary record of the 40th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Monday, 13 November 1989, New York, General Assembly, 44th session. |
A-C_3-44-SR_40.pdf |
A/C.3/44/SR.42 |
General Assembly |
44th |
27 November 1989 |
Summary record of the 42nd meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Tuesday, 14 November 1989, New York, General Assembly, 44th session. |
A-C_3-44-SR_42.pdf |
A/44/PV.61 |
General Assembly |
44th |
28 November 1989 |
Provisional verbatim record of the 61st meeting, held at Headquarters, New York, on Monday, 20 November 1989 : General Assembly, 44th session. |
A-44-PV_61.pdf |
A/C.3/44/SR.45 |
General Assembly |
44th |
01 December 1989 |
Summary record of the 45th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Thursday, 16 November 1989, New York, General Assembly, 44th session. |
A-C_3-44-SR_45.pdf |
A/C.3/44/SR.44 |
General Assembly |
44th |
04 December 1989 |
Summary record of the 44th meeting : 3rd Committee, held on Wednesday, 15 November 1989, New York, General Assembly, 44th session. |
A-C_3-44-SR_44.pdf |